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This thesis i copyright. It hs been photographed with the author's

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the consent of the author and Of the University of London.
Francesca Fremantle

V T H Parry
Director of Central Library Services
and Goldsmiths' Librarian

1 October 1983



The main part of this work is an Relish translation,

for the first time in its entirety, of the Guhyasamija

Tantra, and a new critical lition of its Sanskrit text.

The Guhyasamija is one of the oldest and most

important of Buddhist Tantras, a class of literature which

deals with the practice of yoga, ritual and meditation;

containing large numbers of mantras and detailed descriptions
visualisation ef
for the construction of malgalas and the

deities. It takes the form of an exposition by Vajradhara,

the supreme personification of the state of enlightenment,
who have
to a great assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
emanated from him: he speaks of the nature of phenomenal

existence and of enlightenment in terms of the doctrine of

the Void, and presents the method of release peculiar to

the Tantras, also introducing new and unmetbodox concepts

and practices expressed in symbolic language.

This edition of the Sanskrit text is based on a

previous published edition and original manuscripts, with

the help of the only surviving Sanskrit Commentary, and
which exists in
a comparison with the Tibetan translation,
two versions: one of these versions is presented in full
alongside the 6anskrit, and notes on the other are given in

an Appendix. The English translation is preceded by an

introduction in which the nature of the text is discussed,

and accompanied by notes elucidating it on the basis of

the Commentary.


Manuscripts & Blockpriats employed 7

Books & Articles Cited 8


Glossary 21

Chart of the Five Buddhas 24,5


Notes on Translation 141


Notes on the Sanskrit Text 411

Notes on the Tibetan Text 442

Appendix 446


Sanskrit Manuscripts:

MS in %,he British Museum (Sanskrit 539).

MS in the.Bibliotheque Nationale (Sanscrit 134),

supplied on microfilm.

CI MB in Cambridge University Library (Add. 901);

C2 deiciibed as another copy from the same manuscript

(Add. 1329); both supplied on microfilm. These two

are almost identical, and are simply referred to

as C except where differences occur.

Tibetan Blockprints:
sNar-thafi edition in the India Office Library.

P*1( Peking edition in the School of Oriental and African

Scudies Library.

Lhasa edition in Cambridge University Library.

sDe-dge edition in Cambridge University Library.

Pr MS of PradipodyotananimaVikg by Candrakirti, in the
K.P.Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna. Supplied on

Tibetan translation, sGron ma gsal bar byed pa, by
araddhikaravarman, Rin chen bzah po, L'rijamikara and
Lhas btsas; Vol.60, No.26501 in the Tokyo-Kyoto
photographic reprint of the Faking edition Tibetan

Guhyasamija Tantra, ed. Bhattacbaryya; G.O.8.L111,1931.

ed. Bacchi; Darbbanga, 1965. This edition of the Sanskrj.t text, referred to as S, is

JA;nasiddhi by Indrabbitil ed.Bhattacharyya: Two Vajra- based on four manuscripts and on the edition by
three are in India,
yelna Works; G.O.S.KLIV, 1929. Of the manuscripts used by Bbattacharyya,
PK Padcakrama by Nagirjuna, la Vallee Poussain; and the fourth is described as belonging to Cambridge Univer-
Louvain, 1896. sity Library, presumably one of those ahich I also nave
entirelj incorl-
Sek SekoddeeaVrki by Na4api4a, el Carelli; G.O.S.XC,1941. howevea, the variant readings noted by him are
correspond to a
Sidb Salhanamili, ed. Bhattacharyya; G.O.S.XXVI & XII,1925-8. sistent with these two MSS, Which do in fact

large extent, although not absolutely, to his notes

HV Snellgrove, The Hevajra Tantra; Loadon,1959.
Society of Bengal.
IT Pucci, Indo-Tibetica (Vol.III); Rome. to a manuscript belonging to the Asiatic
Glosses on the Gubyasamija; Melanges Chinois Although Bhattacharyya mentions the
Tibetan translation of the
et Bouddhiques,III; Brussels. Tantra, be did not make use of it, and many of the
readings he
IBI Bhattacharyya, Introduction to Buddhist Iconography; has chosen are at variance with it. In addition he
has made

Calcutta, 1968. certain alterations according to his own views, the major ex-
Roerich, The Blue Annals of Ohon-nu-dpal; Calcutta. ample being the insertion of a fifth Goddess, Trayarati, in

Naudou, Is Bouddhistes Kaimlriens au Moyen Age; the maa4ala (see Chapter One, note IC)). The edition by S.

Passist1968 Bagcbi is based on Bhattacharyya's, it contains a few minor

Das, Tibetan-English Dictionary; Calcutta 1902. emendations which I nave noted under his name, otherwise the

Caos-kyi-grags-pa, Tibetan-Chinese Dictionary;Peking. reference G covers both these editions.

Wayman, Early Literary History of the Buddhist Pantras; The only commentary known to have survived in 6anskrit

Annals of the Bbandarkar Oriental is the Pradipodyotana, the MS of which belongs to the K. P.
Research Institute,Vol.e9;Poona,I968. Jayaeafia Research Institute, where work on its publication is
believed to be in progress; as it is still unpublished, refe,-

rences are given only to the Tibetan version.

Returning to the Tantra itself, for the Tibetan trans-

lation, referred to as T, I have used the editions of Peking,

sNar-thah and Lhasa; these give the translation by graddh;-

kai-earman and Rin-chen-bzah-PO, revised by 4Gos Lbas-btsas,

and show only very few differences. Unfortunately it was only

at a late stage that I discovered a copy of the sDe-dge cially frequent in prose passages, and in such eases I have

edition, which is the same translation but revised by Chos- tended to paraphrase slightly in the translation.

rje-dpal instead of Lhas-btsas; this differs considerably The Sanskrit of the-Tantras cannot be judged by classical

from the other version, and is very often closer to the San- standards. Rules of grammar and syntax are frequently ignored,

skrit as well as being clearer grammatically, so that in often resulting in confusion and-ambiguity. Of course ambi-

many ways it would seem to be a preferable choice, although guity may sometimes be intended -- this is legitimate in the

it is much less widely known. best Sanskrit style -- but unfortunately it cannot usually

The Sanskrit manuscripts themselves show many differences, be reproduced either in Tibetan or in English.

generally between B on the one band amiPand C on the other; A few grammatical peculiarities occur consistently enough

each of the two Tibetan versions agree sometimes with one, throughout the text to be regarded as features of this type

sometimes with the other, while the commentary may support of Sanskrit:
any one of them or even have a quite different reading; in itmanepada and parasmaipada terminations are used indis-
no there is
other words, there is,(consistent correspondence between any criminately for both active and passive verbs, and

of these various texts. To make things even more confusing, frequent disregard of distinction between sing. and pl. in

the Tibetan translatioe of the commentary always quotes from verbal constructions.

the Lhas-btsas version of the Tantra, although the inter- The peculiar termination -an/at', which sometimes looks

pretation which follows may be in accordance with the alter- like a regular pres. part. active, and sometimes like a con-

native translation or even with an entirely different San- fused imperfect, is obviously intended as a past tense and

skrit version, and we thus have a situation where an expla- appears for both silage and pl.; the variant '-et' also occurs,

nation may seem to bear no relevance to the passage it is prabably because this optative termination is so frequent. To

supposed to clarify. Since a decision had to made where there avoid confusion I have chosen the most frequent variant, '-an',

is a choice of readings, I have edited the Sanskrit primarily for all such cases.

in accordance with the Lhas btsas version of the Tibetan, and Occasbusitarthe past Part. passive appears to have an

have added an Appendix giving notes on the sDe-dge edition active meaning; the termination of the gerund, '-ya', is often

Where this version is preferable; there are also many cases used in place of

where, if this version were to be used instead of the other, The termination '-ina4' is frequently found for nom. sing.

alternative Sanskrit readings would have to be adopted and '-1'; among other occurances of irregular nominal forms are:

the English translation changed. In cases where the MSS are '-'raja' at the end of a compound, '-itmi' as both sing. and

agreed on a pl. nom., 'yoeiti/i4/7amt, 'yivantya4' for 'yivatya41, '-inim'

reading but the Tibetan differs, 8 has only been
for 1-1nams gen. pl., 'stSram/im ace. sing. Their occur-
emended if such an emendation is supported by Pr. Differences

between S and Ty not greatly affecting the meaning, are espe- ance seems to depend largely on the demands of metre, and the
biliti. It is therefore, extremely difficult to produce -
correct forms also appear when the metre allows them.
able translation., and the translator's only excuse must be
Pr usually glosses with the correct form, but' sometimes Sanskrit and of the
that this is, equally true of the original
gives a sing. verb with pl.:. subject. technical de -
Tibetan. In spite of this difficult, and the
'bodhi' is uSnally treated as fem., 'siddhis sdharma,
the poetic
fects of its language, the Tantra is pervaded,by
and 'samaya' sometimes as n., and kule0 sometimes as Masc. and I have!
qualities of the deep insight which it: expresses
Other irregularities of gender, occur here and there, esPec-
tried to retain some of this quality, especially
in the
ially when a word is closelYaSaocisted with anther of'
Passages which describe visualisations
and in the short Songs
different gender. with.this intention, and, I believe,
of ,praise: Again,
P and C contain numerous orthograPhical mistakes and have avoided the
cordance.with the.stYle of the originallI
peculiarities; anusvira is frequently omitted or added um-
use of teChnical or artificial-sounding terms. I have also
necessarily, visarga less frequently, or elseboth may be
wroided-devices such, as bracketed, inSertions in the text of
written together.
the tranalation; wherever small additions have been neceSaary
Vowel sandhi is always ignored between Padas and sbme-
they are drawn from the commentary.
times.consonant sandhi also; in prose it often ignored at the
end of clauses where a pause might be made in recitation, sad ins
the scribe of B has frequently laserted a dan4a. in order to made in the understanding of the
Great progress has been
regularise this. Occasionally sandhi is disregarded Oven with- and to
Tantras since they were first introduced to the West,
in a compound and a few instances of doUble sandhi occur: worst openly,preju-
much of the East, by scholars who were at
As a general rule I have not corrodtd any error on
diced against their subject-matter and at best over-apologetic;
which the manuscripts are in agreement.Amissions and obvious necessary to discuss here their historical
it is therefore not
scribal mistakes are not noted, nor-are variants In the long
development and basic principles.
mantras. earliest, and cer-
The Gulayasamaj-a is probably one of the
Throughout the Sanskrit text instructions are given in Tradi-
tainly among the most important, of Buddhist Tantras.
the 3rd. person sing. opt., which I have generally transferred
tion holds it to have been revealed .by the sUpreme Buddha,
in English to the more usual 2nd. person in order to avoid
through the 2,odhisattva Vajradharma, to King Indrabhati of
ambiguity and. awkwardness. Following the Tibetan example, spread by
U44iYana (VrgYan) and since then its practice has
mantras are not tranlated, and those of more than a few
interpration, that of the Siddha
means of two main sdmola of
words Ware not quoted in full in the translation. Buddhairi
Nagiriuna, known as the Arya school, and that of
With a text of this sort, where almest every word may
Jake or aAinapida. An enormous amount of explanatory and
be given a special significance in the commentaries, it is
other related literature is devoted to this Tantra but the
essential to translate as literally as possible, withbUt the
paraphrasing which is often necessary for better intelligi-

only commentary now extant in Sanskrit tie the Pradipodyotana single originalranthor, but it is possible if the,
final 'bring-
by Candrakirti, a disciple of Nigirjuna; from the evidence ing to light' ,after a long Period of secret transmissiOnois
of the Blue Annals, this commentary was by far the most auth- meant.
oritative, and I have therefore used it as the basis' of my An eighteenth ehaPter was added to the Tantra at some
interpretation. later date, and is not always found_ in the Tibetan trans-

The date of the Guhyasamaja is still an unsolved prob. lation- It contains answers to questions about th meamtagu'
lem to which I do4propose to add more 'speculation. The of many terms oecuning in the main text, and is frequently

opinions of earlier scholars varied from Bhattacharyya's quoted in the commentaries being referred to as the

3rd. Century to Winternitz's 8th. -I0th. Century. Contemporary Uttara-tantra.

Japanese scholars place it in the late 8th. Century. At pre- 0
Subi act-matter
sent, investigation into the date of the Tantras is being
done by Alex Wyman who, in evidence which be has not Yet The fundamental concept of the Tantras is unity: the,in-

Published in details arrives at the conclusion that the tegrating of the conflicting elements in the nature of living

Guhyasamija's earliest vyikhyitantra was composed in the 50th; beings, the oneness of all forms of existence, and the identity

Century, and that the malatantra must have preceded this by of salitaire with nirviaa. All these aspects are imPlied in the

at least one century (Wayman, 'Early Literary Histery'). He title of this Tantra, which may be Simply translated as 'The

also puts forward arguments based on the differences between Secret Union' but:uhich in its full form is 'The Union (or

the two commenterial traditions, which he believes must have Assembly) of the Secret Body, Speech and Mind of all Tatha-
taken several centuries to develop; however, his statement gates' BodYe speech and mind together comprise the total
that 'scholars are fairly well agreed about the dating-Of aetivity and experience at a living being; or body alone may

the named commentators on 'the GuhYasamiJa and the Tantra be interpreted as the material' form (nirmaankaya), while

Siddhee generally' seems rather optimistic. )

speech and mind represent the spiritual and absolute natures
There appear to have been several Indrabhutis, none of (satebhoga- and dharmakiYa); then ,Body, Speech 'and Mind are

whose dates are definitely ascertained who may all have been Vairecana, Amitibha and Akeobnya, who symbolithe three as-

followers of the Tantra. Tibetan historians do net distinguish pects of the basic differentiation of reality, and these
between them, but it seems likely that the Siddha Indrabbiti, three embodying the ?amilies to which all living beings be-
author of several works connected with the GuhyasaMiJa, whose long, themselves comprise the' assembly of all Buddhas and
sister Leakellkari was also an auther and teacher in this Bodhisattvas, and the whole of existence. They are called
tradition, is the same as Indrabhati the adeptiveCIather of secret not because they are withheld from the world, but be-
Padmasambhava, who must have lived in the first half of the
cause understanding of them can only attained by the praetice
8th: Century., This date is obviously tee late for the origi- of the Tantra; in reference to various Passages, 'the commen-
nal authorship of the Tantra, if indeed there ever was a

in whicle the yogin bopomes.conslibstantisited'

tary'explains that this teaching is secret because it is not
nah gi,bdag Aid),
transCended. Chanter Two is an
with the deity and duality.
understood by the followers of Hinayana, because it can only
exposition of this stage and the commentary explains that it
be found at the feet of a teacher, and- because it leads to two truths: creation i,n
means realisation of the unite,' of the
attainment of the Buddha-nature. just as in tle
the internal sphexe of meditation,
The term 'secret' also indicates the interior nature of -le Void. Through-
world of Phenomena has no reality apart fro*
the practice, the sphere of all Anuttara Tantras, (among which \,1
out the commentary distinction is made between these two
the Guhyasamija is (classified. Much of the text is conCerned assigned to one or th
most Passages in the text being
with ritual and-magic, and muc_17.e_With the experience of the stages
applying to both.
other although some may be interpreted as
senses, bit is continually made clear in many' Paseagee and
All the multitude of divine beingus thus visualised,
emphasised by the commentators that these practices are not
male and female, Peaceful and wrathful, are aspects of the
taught far the sake of the outward actionebut in order to
One Supreme Buddha, Who is called The Blessed One (bhagavin),
realise the unity of the apparent and the real. Another ex- in this Tantra
Vajradhara or Mahavajradharal Aksobhya -- since
pression of this is the concept of the two 'truths, the rela- maq4ala and is its
Aksobhya is placed at the centre of the
tive (savvetijkun rdzob) and the absolute (paramirtha/don' ee
Yajrapi4i, Samantabhadra, and a number of other names
dam pa) a concept ,whose implications cause consteAation different subjects of his dis-
and epithets appropriate to the
even to the Bodhisattvas. of the
course. In terms of Yoga, these deities are aspects
On the leiel of relative truthlotbeegreater part of this
yogin himself, and their appearance in the
Tattra consists of instructions tor meditation upon 'a large 0
the ma44ala indicates that the forces they represent are
number of deities, with descriptiOn Of their vianalisations of ordinary life
petienced not in 'the uncontrolled condition
and quotation of their mantras. In this context, many 'Words realisation of the Vajra nature.
but in a way which leadsebo
meaning 'meditate', 'visualise', 'imagine', 'create' and so series of rituals
Another main theme of the Taatra is the
on are used synonymously, although they may have quite dis- of the Four Vajra
which collectively come under the heading
tinct technical connotations in other types of Buddhist fierce Acts s Whose
Acts: Peace, Prosperity, subjugation and the
literature.) This meditation is twofold: the ptage of crea- increase the qua4ties helpful to -
purpose is to attract and
tion (utpattikraia/bskyed rim) and the stage of- realisation tendencies. These
wardie enlightenment and to destroy evil
(nisPanna- or sawannakrama/rdzoga rim). The first involves other fourfold classifications,
four are connected with vailtOus
the perception Of duality in' order to penetrate its illueory cor-
particularly ,with the San4alas of the four elements. The
nature, the yogin visualising the deities and' Worshipping
called respondencies of these sets of four are not always consistente
them as 'the other'; this stage is sometimesAthe 'mantra
according to the commentary the relationshipsof
the ActsIthe
path', although mantra is used in both, while the second
elemente maigalaseetheir shapes add colours, are as follows:
stage is called the yoga of the innermost self (edhyitmika/
Ar.TMT1=',14;--reTAV70Wri75,,,,,,,,7.1,ir<km.,041,4, f.ozTem z vprr

marked that the symbolic language of the Tantra operates on
Peace prosperity subjugation fierce Acts
several levels: sometimes quite ordinary language is inter-
water .earth fire air
explicitly sexual terns are given a
round square trianglesemicircle Preted as sexual,while
spirituel or meditational interpretation; most of the terns
white Yellow red black
involved refer to orthodox yoga, which
seems to disprove the
In the Tantra itself, however, the fierce -Acts are always was invented to disguise
common suspicon that this language
described as being performed in the triangle, while subju-
unconventional' practices.
gation takes place in the air-maigala. The Goddess yeeani, the Tantra,
As for the other controversial elements in
who is normally associated lith earth, is mentioned in con-
such aS commands to 'kill, steal, lie, commit adultery and
nection with the peaceful Acts, whose element is water; the rules of
incest, eat excrement and so on, and dify:All the
othe three Goddesses are not mentioned in this context but
caste which were so ;Powerful in the society where it origin-
Batnaketu is associated with prosperity, Amitabha with sub- symbolic
ated, all these may certainly be interpreted as
jugation, and Aksobhya with the fierce Acts. Other conflict-
(see the notes On these terms as they occur). But there was/
ing indications, regarding the bodily centras (oakra), the
surely a deeper intent behind such revolutionary teaching
four directions and so on, are given in different parts of )
of all/Las -
than mere symbolism. The principle of making use
the commentary and in other works (see also HV Vol.I, pp 38
pects of experience applies not only to pleasure, but ilso to
and 88).
the emotions of averSiionand disgust. The Sanskrit word
Very many of these rituals are mentioned in the text,
'somata' often appears (T alas pa Aid): in context it is best
but only partial instructions ,,,re given; the commentary Pro-
full, translated 'sameness', referring to the unity and uniformity
vides detailed explanations too long to be reProdamDd in
but brief quotations are included in the notes where tha,terit
of all existence in thultimate Void-nature, but ibIpractical
expression is the alternative translation,. 'equanimity'. This
would otherwise be incomprehensible.
consideration indicates one Aspect of the teaching which is
The correct performance of ritual and visualisation:
opposed to the world'; another is well expressed by J.Naudou
produces siddhiei many of which are described. '24e7_,, inner'
powers and qualities, when he says: 'he scandale et le paradoxe ont fite de tout
meanihkk is the attainent of spiritual
temps dans l'Inde un mode,d'expression de la transcendance_.
and the fact that they may have magical correspondeadies in
La realite complexe depasse nos catitgories mentales et ver-
the phenomenal world is but another expression of that action
bales; mettre lea mots en contradiction avec eux-mgmes
in the relative sphere which is described as a PLAY.
Another aspect is the frequent reference to sexual unio
vient d'une certaine maniere it exprimer l'indicible.'
('.Bouddhistes Kaimiriens' p.II7). And not only 'lea mots'....
and the enjoyment of all the senses, for it is a feature of
'2,--ifor if paradox in words can produce such an effect, how much
the Tantras that everything in sa%sira must be used- and trais, -
more powerful should tie the experience of Paradox in actions.
formed into enlightenment. In this connection, it may be ye-

The whole TantpR, teaches methods of ritual and visualisation, LOSSART

yet it says 'do not perform rituals' for 'there is no medi-

tation and no enitenment it declares that the greatest This'ial a short list of Words which are kept in their_
sinners are the best fitted to attain perfection, and it uses SansVrit form in ths translation. Only the meaningswth
language which one cannot always be certain whether to take which they occur irk thie Tantra are given.
literally or figuratively: So it is not surprising te find
of a deity, or of some
that there is indeed. one sin which prevents success: 'guru- gAnigg(gl1se0). The .expression
nindana -- blaming one's teacher, that is to say, not having particular action or qualitY,' in sound. Often refers to the
the faith which alone can make possible the abandonment of deities themselves and to the practiser.
self and the leap past paradox to realisation of the unity'
of the two truths. Lit. circle'; the ordered arrange -
------- (dkyil )khor).
'around a centre. It is
ment in which the deities are placed
defined as 'that which grasps the, easenCes. The maq4ala of
a particular Buddha may be a small circle containing
symbol, Or the assembly of all the detties of his Family. It
can alao4a ritual ditagram of other shapes.

mudra (phyai rgya). Sometimes translated as 'symbol', when
it means the vajra etc., the symbols of the Tatha7gatasj. Un-
translated., it means a gesture of the hands accompanYing
mantra, or the yogin s feminine- partner.

z.o5A (sbyor be, rnal 4byor). k term covering /he tots].

-pmveass of meditation in which the 'activities of bodY
speech and mind are all controlled and purified
so that they
may become the means of 'identification with the deity. Unless
it indicates some special practice, as :4`,n the case of 'subtle
Yoga', it generally implies thfr si*, 1::tages (Qa4aaga),of which

the last is Szaidhi, and refers part!Zcularly to that state of

union with the object of meditation?.


transgressed'. In this sense I have translated it

yogin (rnal 4byor pa). Practiser of Yoga; Pr distinguishes
law. It also means the actual
practice of this law, 'medi-
two types of yogin, according to whether they are engaged in
the stage of creation or the stage of realisation. tation upon the stage of creation', and the SamaYa-being
(samayasattva) is the visualised form of the deity while the
meditator is still in the dualistic phase. Finally Semaya,,
vedra (rdo rje). .Lit. 'thunderbolt' or 'diamond both these
left untranslated, is the personification of the sacred lam
translations are too limited, however, to convey the impli-
and the sacred action, the deities themselves. Vajradhara is
cations of this most important concept. It implies not only
the supreme Samaya, but the-'term is applied to all classes
the power end irresistibility of the thunderbolt and the
of divine beings, and can also refer to the yogin and to the
purity and indestructibility of the diamond, but also the The Sanskrit word
qualities of the Void (tianyati) for which it is a synonym, object (ellidhYa) of his ritual Practice.
particularly, according to Pt, the condition of non-duality. carries implications of union and absorption, similar to yoga,
which dc not apply in Tibetan, but which are frequently
It is also special ritual implement, and may be combined
specialised meaning in connece
noted in Pt. It'ocOurs with a
with other implements and emblems such as the dagger or lotus. Anogbasiddhi, for iribtance in
tion with the Samgya Family of
The vajra is the symbol of Ak,Sobilya, a)Ifid as such has a spec-
the name of his Consort Samaya-Tara, where it does not bear
ialised meaning referring to his Family. It may also be aP-
any More general connotation.
plied to all the dieties, to the yogin, and to any aspect of
the practice. In symbolic language it means the male organ. samidhi (tia he 4dzin). The final stage of yoga, a state of
meditation, by
complete identification with the object of
vidyi (rig pa, rig ma). Lit. 'wisdom' or 'insight': a god- means of which Vajradbara creates the deities of the maigala
dess or her mantra, sometimes in union with a male deityoeMe and reveals his various teachings.
is then called vidyapuruga. Pr also interprets vidy; as the
worldly siddhis. aidhaka ( grub pa po). Practiser of sidhana.

vidyiidhara (rig 4dzin). Vidy; -holder , a class of doity. sadhana (sgrub pa). Method of visualisation, culminating

corresponding to the attainment of the worldly siddhis. in consecration (abhigeka) and attainment
of siddhi.

of two kinds: adinagy

samaya (dam tshig). The special meaning of samaya is the aiddhi (dhos grub). Iit.'attainment
powers, and
context of the Tantra is well expressed by its Tibetan formi or worldly, which comprises all supernatural
which means sacred word, with the implications of vow, law highest which is enlightenment. The siddhi of a deity means
and command. It is defined as 'the way which cannot be trans- the state of identification with the principle he represents.
gressed' and 'the word of Vaj adharal taken to mind no to
Chart showing the relationship Of the
'five Buddhas to other sets of five.

Ratnasaillbhava Amitabha Amoghasiddhi

Buddha Akqobhya Vairocana
Ratnekatu Amitayus
Other names Vajra Mind Vajra Body "Ratnatiri Vajra Speech
Vajra Dharma
(Vajtadhitvigvari) Locana Mamaki PiOaravisini Tara

Family name Hatred (dvella) Delusion (moha) Wishing-gem Passion (raga) Samaya
(kula) Samaya-attracting

Symbol vajra wheal jewel lotus double-vajra

(mudri) sword

Colour dark blue white yellow green

Element space water earth fire air

Sphere of sense touch for sound smell taste

Skandha consciousnese form feelings perception intal impulses
(vijAina) (rape) (vedani) (salpjfia) (savskira)
hatred delusion pride (mina) passion envy (14Ya)

Wisdom Dharte.-talm mirror-like equanimity ,same- discriminating active

(jdana) (dharmadhatu) '(idarga) nese (somata) (pratyave4a4a) (kriyinus-phana)

Centre heart head navel throat genitals



gomaga to vajrasattval

Thus have I heard: once the Blessed One was dwelling

in the vagina of the Vajra Consort of the Essence of the
Body,SpeeCh and Mind ,of all the TathigOas. With him were
Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas as many as the specks of dust in
the Sumern Mountains of Buddha-lands entirely beyond ex-
pression =- the Bodhi8att4a-Mahi8attva8 Vajra Samaya, Vajra
Body, Vajra Speech, Vajra Vajra Samadhi, Vajra Viory,

Vajra Barth, Veirs water, Vejra 'I" Taira-.r Vajra Space,

Vajra Form, Vajra Sound, Vajra Smell, Vajra,Taste, Vajra
Touch, Vajra Thought and so an, as many as the specks of dust
in the Sumeru Mountains of Buddha-lands entirely beyond exT
pression; and Tathagatas pervading the realm
of space -- the
Tathigatal Vajra Akgobnya, Vajra Vairocana, VaJra Ratnakstu,
Vajra Amitibha, Vajra Amoghasiddhi am& so on, pervading the
whole realm of space, all together, so that the whole realm
of space completely filled with Tathigatas appeared like a
Then the Blessed Tathigata Mahimdrocana entered the

samidhi called Tathigatas"

"The way of great passion of all

and male that host of all the Tathagatas enter into his own
vajra body, speech and mind. Then all those Tathigates, to
please the Blessed Lord of the Bod44 Speech and Mind of all
the Tathigatas, transformed themselvesinte the appearance
women and cane out from the body of Blessed Mahimairocena.
Some3 appiared there as Buddha-Locani, some as Mimeki, some

as Pinclaravisini, some as Samaya-Tiri; some appeared embody-

ing the essence of Form, some of Sound, some of Smell, some
of Taste and some of Touch. 0 wonder! the Mind of Enlightenment of all Buddhas
Then the Tathigata Akeobhyal in the vagina of the Vajra goes forth!
Consort of the Essence of the Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathigatast
Homeless, undefinable; the secret of all
Tathggatas, consecrated the immaculate four-sided man4ala of
Mahgsamaya: Then all the Blessed Tathigatae gathered together
crystal-clear, of his own nature, and worshipped Blessed Bodhicittavajra
with clouds of the

all-pervaded by varied forms, worship of all the

precious Samaya truth spreading wide the
spread with clouds of Buddhas, Tathigatas, and bowing before him said:
filled with fiery sparks, 3 Prodlaim, 0 Blessed One, the reality,

with the man4alas of the moon and so on, the collection of Vajra essenees,

the city of all Tathigates. the secret of all Tathigatas,

the union, born of VA secret.
Then the Blessed Lord. of the Body, Speech and Mind of
all Tathigatas took his place at the centre of the great to all
Then the Blessed Tathigata Bodhicittavajra said
mal4ala of all the Tath" etas, and. the Tathigatas Aksobbya,
the TathiAgatas: Good, good, 0 Blessed Tathigatas! Yet this
Ratnaketu, Amitgems, Aeoghasiddhi and Vairocana dwelt it the the others,
confuses even the Tathigatee, so how much more
heart of the Tathigata Bodhicittavajra.
the Bodhisattvas!
Then the Blessed Tathagata Bodhicittavajra entered the
Then all the Blessed Tathigatas, struck with wonder
samgdhi called "Vajra overpowering of all the Tathigatas", Tathagatas,
amazement, entreated the Blessed Master of the
and immediately the whole realm of space' was transformed into that
who removes all their doubts: May the Blessed One reveal
the vajra nature of the Tathigatas, and all sentient beings
secret of the Body, Speech and Mind of the Tathigatas which
throughout the whole realm of space experienced the bliss and
he cannot show even to a gathering of all the Tatnigatas with
delight of all the Tatkagatas through the blessing of Vajra-
such qualities, after blessing them with the words which pro-
duce the Vajra Simayas of all the Tathigatase so that they
Then the Blessed Tathigata Bodhicittavajra entered the
may experience the bliss and delight and attain the wisdoms
samidbi called "Vajra birth of the Samaya of the Vajra Body, 6
and divine perceptions of all the Tathggatas.
Speech and Mind of all Tathagatas", and consecrated this per-
Then the Blessed Tathigats; Vajra Body, Speech and Mind
sonification of the great vidya-5with the blessing of the maa-
of all Tathigatas, entered the samidhi called "Vajra lamp of
teas of all the Tathigatas, and at once the Blessed Tathigata
wisdom" and brought forth from his vajra body, speech and
Bodhicittavajra himself was seen threefaced by all the Tathi-
mind this mantra, the supreme innermost essence of the Family
gatas. Then all the Tathigates led by Akeolehya came out from it was said, the Blessed
of Hatred: VA4BADH1g0 As soon as
the heart of Blessed Mahivairocana, aad sang this song ofpraiso:
Lokegvara,8 Lord of the Great Vidyi, with a red, black awl
One himself, Personification of the Vidyi of the Body, Speech
and Mind of all Tathigatas, in the supreme state of union Ian
white form, sat down to the west of the Vajra Body, Speech
the Great Sydool (mahimudri) of Akoobhya, with a black, white and Mind of all Tethigatas-
Then the Blessed One entered the samidhi called "Vaira
and red form, sat in the place of the Vajra Body, Speech and
birth of the unfailing Sauey." and brought forth from his
Mind of all Tathigatas.
Then the Blessed One entered the samidhi called "Vejra vajra body, speech and mind thts mantra, the supreme inner-
most essence Family: FRAJNIDlig. Am
birth of the Samaya of all the Tathagatas" and brought forth of the Bamaya-capturing

soon as it was said, the Blessed One himself, Personification

from his vajra body, speech and mind this mantra, the supreme
Of all Tathigatas,
innermost essence of the Family of Delusion: J1N,A.TIK. As soon of the Vid4& of the Body, Speech and Mini

as it was said, the Blessed One himself, Personification of in the supreme state of union with the Great Symbol of
the Vidyi of the Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathigatas, in Amoghasiddhi, with a green, black and white form, sat down
the supreme state of union with the Great Symbol of Vairocans, to the north of the Vajra Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathi-
with a white, black and red form, sat down to the east of the gates.
Hatred, Delusion ax4 Passion, Wishing-gem and SamiYa,
Vejra Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathagates.
Then thts. Blessed One entered the samidhi called "Vajra
these are the Five Families, accomplishing desire
and liberation.
splendour of the jewel-birth of all the Tathigatas" and brou4at
forth from his vajra body, speech and mind this mantra, the -
Then the Blessed One entered the samadhi called "The
supreme innermost essence of the Family of the Wishing-gem:
RATNADAM: As soon as it was said, the Blessed One himself,
Samaya who is loved by the Vajra-holder of all the Tathi-
Personification of the Vidyi of the Body, Speech and Mind of gatas" and 'brought forth from his vajra 1)00, speech and
all Tathigataso in the supreme celestial state of union with mind this great Consort of the Vajra-holder: DVE#ARATI. As
the Great Symbol of Ratnaketu, with a yellow, black and white
form,7 sat down to the south of the Vajra Body, Speech and
soon as it was said

tion of the Vidyi of the Body, Speech and Mintli/Tathi-

the Blessed One himself,(Fersonifia-,

Mind of all Tathigatas; gates, took the form of a woman and sat in the eastern corner.
Then the Blessed One entered the samidhi called wVajra
/ Then the Blessed One entered the samidhi called "The
birth of the great passion of all the Tathagatas" and brought Vajra who is loved by, be Tathagata" and brought forth from

his vajra body, epeedh and mind this great Consort of the
forth from his vajra body, speech and mind this mantra, the
Tathigata: MOHARATI. As soon as it was said, the Blessed. One
supreme innermost essence of the Family of Passion: IROLIK.
As soon as irt was said, the Blessed One himself, Peraionifi- himself, Personiftication of the Vidyi of the Body, Speech and
Mind of laa Tathigatas, took the form of a woman and sat in
cation of the Vidyi of the Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathii-
the southern corner.
satas, in the supreme state of union with the Great Symbol of
3?- 33

Then the Blessed One entered the amiahl called The Then the Blessed One entered the samidhi called "Mine

Vajra who is loved by the Passionate One of all the.Tathi- of the Marna jewels of all the Tathgatas" and brought
gatas" and brought forth from his vgjra body, speech and forth from hisvajra body, speech and mind this great Wrath-
mind this great Consort of the Passionate One of the Tathirk- ful One who blesses the man4ala of the Passionate One of all
Batas: RIGARATI. As soon as it was said, the Blessed One the Tataigatas: PADMINTAK4T. As soon as it was said, the
himself, Personification of the Vidyi of the Body, Speech and, Blessed Ons himself, Personification of the Vidyi of the
Mind of all Tathigatas, took the fora of a woman and sat in Body, Speech and Mind of all Tath;gatas, sat at the western
the western corner. gate in the form of the Speech of all the Tathiigatae.
Then the Blessed One entered the samidhi called PITno Than, the Blessed One entered the san'idbi called "Vajra
Vajra who deceives the Body, Speech and Mind of all the Tathit- Body Speech and. Mind of all Tathegatas"oand brought forth
gates" and brought forth from his vajra hodY, speech and mind from his vajra body, speech and mind this at Wrathful One
this great Consort of the Wise One of all the Tethiigates; who blesses the manciala of the Body, Speech and Mind of all
VAJRARATI. As soon as it was said, the Blessed One himself, Tat4igatas: VIGENINTAKVT. As soon as it was said, the Blessei
Personification of the Vidyirof the Body, Speech and Mind of One himself, Personification of the Vidyi of the Body, Speech
all Tathigatas, took the form of a woman and sat in the north- and Mind of all Tathigatas, sat at the northern gate in the
ern corner. These are the Consorts of the Tathigatas. form of the Body, Speech and Mind of all the Tathiigatas.
These are the gamma-beings of the mantlala, delighting
Thenthe Blessed_One entered the samidhi called "Vajra the Body, Speech and Mind of all the Tathikgatas.

Vairocana" and brought forth from his vajra body, speech and
mind this great Wrathful One who blesses the mag4ala of all
the Tathigatas: YAMINTAK4T. As soon as it was sOld, the Bles-
sed One himself, Personification of the Vidyi of the Body,
Speech and Mind of all Tathgatas sat at the eastern gate in
a form which terrifies the Tathigatas.
Then the Blessed ppe entered the aamidhi called "Vajra
of clear and complete enlightenment" and brought forth from

his vajra body, speech and mind this great Wrathful One who
blesses the maq4ala of all the Tathigatas: RRAAINTAKIP. As
soon as it was said, the Blessed One himself, Personification,
of the Vidyi of the Body, Speech end Mind of all Tsthigatam,

sat at the southern gate in a form which terrifies the Vajra



1, 1

and explsined the enlightened state of' mind like this:

B By nature luminous are the dharpas,
from the beginning pure, like space,
Then all the Blessed Sathigataa worshipped the Blessed
there is neither enlightenment nor insight,
Lord of the Body, Speech and Nand Of all Tathigatas, and bar-
this is the sure way of enlightenment.
ins down before him said:
So said the Blessed Tathigita 'Taira Amoghsoiddhi.
I Proclaim, 0 Blessed One, the essenoot
Then the great Bodhisattvas, MaitreYa and so on, hearing
supremo Body, Speech and Mind,
the syllables which are the essence of the d!f/iarmas of the
the .secret of all Tathigatas,
secret body, speech and mind3 of all the Tathigatas, were
the matchless Mind of BAlighteneent.
struck with wonder and amazement, and sang this song of praise.
Then the Blessed Lord of the Body, Speech and Mind of a].].
9 Wonderful Is the Buddha, wonderful is the Dharma,
Tathigatas understanding the Tathigatase request and knowing
wonderful is the teaching of the Dharma!
the Modhisettves' speculation., said to those Bodhisattvam: 4
pure ip essence, purified.,
Create mind in the fora of body, body in the fora of mind,
Mind of Enlightenment, hail to thee!
and mind as the utterance of speech. Then all those great
IO Born of the &harms, without self,
Bodhisattvas uaified the body, speech And Mind of all the
fulfilling Buddha-enlightenment,
TathegAtas in the form of space, and sang this song at praise:
free from thought and. object of thought,
2 0 wonder! As no arising this arising is proclaimed,
Mind of Iblightenment, hail to thee!
of Samantebhadre, of Vajra Body, Speech end Mint!

Then the Blessed Tathigata, the Vajra Body, Speech and

II Samentabhadra, good of all,
arousing the Mind of Bnlightennent,
Mind of all Tathigatas, entered the samidhi called "Tajra way
enlightened action, supreme Vejra,
of the clear and complete enlightenment of all Tathigatas",
Mind of Enlightenment, hail to thee!
and explained the enlightened state of mind like this:
12 Pure Mind of the Tathigatas,
3 Since there is no phenomenal substance there can be no
Possessor of Vajra Body, Speech and Mind,
meditation, mediation indeed is not meditation,
Guide toBuddha-enlightenment,
thus substance being insubstantial,
meditation is inconceivable.
Mind of Bnlightenment hail to thee!

So said the Blessed Tathigata, the Vajra Body, Speech

and kind of all Tathigatas.

Then the Blessed Tathigata Vairocana entered the samedia

called "Vajra clear insight of all Tathigatas", and explained

the enlightened state of mind like this

skandhis, the
4 Devoid of all substance, free from the
senses and their spheres, subject and object,
Then the Blessed Tathigata, Vali= Body, speech and Mind
my Mind, being one with the non-selfhood,ef
of the Void. of all Tathigataa, entered the samidhi called "Vajra array
is forever unarisen and has the nature
of the clouds of emanations of all the Tathigates", and pro-
So said the Blessed Tathiigata Vajra Vairocana.
claimed this chapter on the samidhi called "Vajra array";
entered the
Then the Blessed Tathigata Vajra Akembhya
Tathigatass, and
samidhi called "Imperishable Vajra of all
2 of Buddhas,
explained the enlightened state of mind like I-II At the centre of space visualise the ita444a
colour of the light
5 Unarisen are these substances, 0 great mass of clouds of lighterays the
there are no dharmas and no Dharms-nature, of the Buddhas, perfectly round, pervaded by the five rays,
without self, like space, filled wtth the five sense-desires, adorned with the five
this is the sure way of enlightenment. offerings. After visualising this,3 merge it all togetheriand
image at
So said, the Blessed Tathitgata Vajra Akvobbya. by non-dual unification with the whole visualise an

Then the Blessed, Tathigata Vajre. Ratnaketu

entered. the the centre; visualise the Great Symbol of Vairocana with the
samadhi called "Vajra selflessness of al the Tathigatss" nature of Body, Speech and Mind, then visualise the Great
like this: Symbol of Vajra Bodr, speech and Mind as the Supremo Symbol
and explained the enlightened state of mind
Insubstantial are all dharmas, of Akcobhya, and as the Great Symbol of Light
6 tble marqala of
devoid of intrinsic qualities, of Amitiyus, andthe Great Symbol of AmoghaSiddnieeVistalise

born from the non-selfhood of dharmas, the Possessor of Vajra BodY, SImmen and Mind. sapphire-

this is the sure way of enlightenment. coloured., fiercely blazing, distorted an& terrifying, avajra

So said the Blessed TathigataVajra Ratnaketu. in his hand; the colour of the moon and crystal, with piled-
the up hair and a. crown, brightly blazing, holding a wheel in his
Then the Blessed Tathigata Vajra Amitiyus entered
samidhi called "Vajea lamp of the light of wisdom", and ex- hand, adorned with many adornments; golden as the Rose-apple

plained the enlightened state of mind like this: River, enveloped by clouds of Buddhas, in his hand imagine a
Since the dharmas are unsrisen there is no substance great nine-pointed vajra; emerald-hued, adorned with vajra-
and no meditation, flames, imagine a jewel in his hand and clouds of light all
through union with the state of space around; visualise the ruby-coloured Vajra Passion, Lord of

thus it is called "substance'. burning desire, brightly blazing, a lotus in his hand; vis-

So said the Blessed Tathigata Vajra Amitiyus. ualise the form of Amoghavajra, shining with the five rays,

Then the Blessed Tathigata Vajra Amoshasiddhi entered gentle, holding a sword in his hand, in the =gala of the

the sw,idhi called "Vajra overpowering of all Tatbilgatas", Buddhas.

Than the Blessed Tathigata, Vajra Body, Speech and Mind
of all Tathigatas, entered the sami.dhi called "Vajra
mantre, Then all the Blessed Tathigatas gathered together again
of the Dharma-realm (dharmadniitu)", and pronounced this
and entreated the Blessed Lord of
the Body, Speech and Mind
the blessing of Body, Speech and Mind:
of all-'2ethigatas with this royal song of praise:
I Reveal the holy man4ala, peaceful, of all Tathigatas,

the dwelling of all Tathigatas, the

12-17 By means of yoga. continually visualise with attentive- selflessness of all

ness a precious jewel of the five colours, the sise of a dharmas.

mustard-seed, at the tip of the nose; when it is steady make 2 ' Reveal the holylmaWala, complete with every quality,

the jewel expand, but if it is unsteady do not make it expami. free from every fault, Samantabhadra's perfect Body.
Master of emanation, make it spread forth with ,clouds of 3 Reveal the holy malgala, born of the dharmas at peace,
splendour, the colour of the light of the Buddhas, with greet purifying practice of wisdom, Samantabhadra's perfect
clouds of Bodhisattvas bearing their emblems of wheel, vajra, Speech.
jewel, lotus and sword. At the centre of epee*, draw a ZOOM 4 Reveal the as44ala, 0 Charioteer, the transcendent mina
manclala, and in the middle of the bright man4ala visualise** of all being,
manclala of the wheel; with lotus meditation:visualise the
by nature pure and faultless, Samantabhadra's perfect
maJgala of the lotus; intent on the jewel, visualise the Mind.
malgala of the jewel; and, draw in space him who is betn.of
Then Vajradhra the Teacher, the three worlds, the
the man4alaz these are the supreme Buddhas, mai/galas
Teacher of
three realms, Supremo Vajra of the three worlds,
born of the Vajra through meditation on Body, Speech and
the three worlds, spoke of the delightful ma44ala, the
Mind, achieving omniscience.
ling of all Tatigatas, the manclala of the Mind of all Tathi-
gates in the form of a maigala:

7-10 New I shall proclaim the supreme Mind man4ala which


is like the Vajra of Mind, the ma44ala of Bodi, Speech and

Mind. Meditating on body, speech and mind, the wise man should

lay it out with a fair new thread, well twisted and of the

right length; twelve cubits he should fashion the holy roswiala

of Mind, four-sided, four-cornered, with four gates; within

it he should draw a circlet Perfectly round, then place the

symbols In it with the prescribed ritual action.

IL-17 in the centre he should draw a five pointed vajra,

sapphire-coloured, brightly burning, fearful to fear itself;

I Then Vajradhara the King, the Body, Speech and Mind of
in the east a great wheel, adorned with veire-flames; in the World, spoke about
all Tathigatas, All-Highest, Lord of the
south a precious jewel, enveloped in rays of light; in the
the nature of the practice and the true meaning of the Dherital
west a great ruby-coloured lotus; and in the north a great
the best of all practices:
word, dense with fiery rays. In the eastern corner he should
2-8 The Families of Passion, Hatred and Delusion, in the

draw an eye the colour of a cloud's centre; in the south a

state of freedom from dualistic thought, attain ultimate
vajra of the Family of Mimaki; iu the west he should draw an
siddhi, the matchless supreme Way. Those who are of low
open lotus with its stem; and in the north a beautiful night-
birth or who do despised work, and those whose minds are
lotus, like a dark-blue cloud. In the eastern gate he should
bent on killing, succeed in this supreme Way, the matchless
dram a hammer shining with flamee; lee the soutL he should have committed
Mahayana, even great evil-doers, beings who
draw a staff, bright with flames like vajras and so on; in
irrevocable sins,, succeed in this Way of the Buddhas, this
the west he should draw a lotus, radiating flames sharp as
great ocean of Mahiyina; those who blase their Teacher never
seords; and in the north he should draw the vajra of Vajra-
2 succeed in sidhana, but those who destroy life and delight
in lying, those who covet the wealth of others and are attach-
18-21 Having Oefearly understood this hole' AsOala of Mind,
eat excrement and urine, all
ed to sensual desires, those who
he should offer worship intently with body, speech and mind.
these are worthy of the practice. The sadhakayho desires his
Taking a sixteen-year-old girl of radiant beauty, he should
mother, sister and daughter, attains entire siddhi, the
decorate the maselala with perfumes 'and flowers, and in the
Dharma-nature of the supreme Mahiyina; enjoying the Mother of
centre love her; when the wise one has consecrated her as
the Lord Buddha, he is not defiled, but that wise one, free
Mimaki girdled with virtues, he should emit the peaceful
from dualistic thought, attains the Buddha-nature.
Buddha-dwelling adorned with the realm of space; he should
At this the great Bodhisattvas, Sarvanivarasaviskambhin
offer to the deities excrement and urine, semen and blood,
and so forth, were filled with wonder and amazement: Why does
for in this way the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of great renown
the Blessed Master of all Tathigatas speak such words which
are plemsed.
should not be spoken in the midst of the assembly of all the

Then all the Tathagatas, heaping the words of the great

Bedhisattvas led by Sarvanivarasaviskambhin, said to those

Bodhisattvas: Do not say this, 0 Family Sons!


Buddhas who embodr CHAFER SEE

9 This is the pure Dharma-nature of the
the essence of wisdom,
the samidhi
at the ' Then the Vajra Tathigata AkyobUya entered
born from the Dharmar-essence, this is the state
Mind of all
t Practice of enlightenment. cs3led "Taft& secret of the Body, Speech and
Tathigatas", and pronounced this mantra, the blessing of
the specks of dust
At this the Bodhisattvas, as many as
entirely beyond:ex-
Then all the
pression, were -74rrified and fainted with fear.
entered the
in a sweent_piad Then the Blessed Vajra Tathagata Vairocana
Blessed Tathigaten, seing the Bodhisattva's
samadhi called "Vajra immaculite state", and
Speech and 'Mind of all Tathagetaa:
to the Lord of the Body,
these great Bedhisattvas! Then the
15/ea- this mantra, the blessing of Body: 2
Oalessed Cue, arouse
aed Tathagatst Vajra Body, Speech mad Mind of all Tathigatas
undivided sameness with
entertd the eamidhi called, "ITajra of Then the Blessed Vajra Tathigata Amitiyus entered the
space, and as soon as he ba4 entered it the great BodhisabWres samidhi called "Vajra undivided sameness", and Pronounce&
Speech and
were touched by the radiance of the Vajra Body, this mantra, the blessing of Speech:
to their Places.
Mind of all Tathagatas, and returned at once 0111 SARVATATHIGATWOVAJBASVABSIVITMAKO'HAMP
wonder and awe and
Then all those Tathigatas, filled with 4
I Create the dwelling, the Three Vairas, the meditation
overwhelmed with joy, sang this Dharma song:

Wonderful is tho Dharma, wonderful is the Dherma, on the dwelling, the secret of the Tathigetse, narked
with the signs of these supreme el!,intres.
wonderful the birth of the Dharmais meaning'

Pure meaning of Dharma, selflessness* Then the Blessed Tathagata Ratnaketu entered the semi-
homage to the Vajra:Kinosi dhi celled "Vaina lamp of wisdom", and pronounced
this man-
of sameness with spice,
II Pure Body, Speech and Mind, abode tr.::
immutable, unmanifest, homage to the Vajra Body!
three times'
' HAM5

12 Supreme Mind of Tathigatas, arising in the

Then the Blessed Tathsgata Vajra Amogbasiddhi entered

realm of vast apace, homage to the path

of space! the samidhi called "Unfailing Vajra", and pronounced this
Bern from the Body of space, dwelling
in the Path of mantra: 6-
foundation of the
Mind of space, supreme Dharma
practice, homage to thee!

Funm. .1*Calm.1011....11Y
,7.777... -.7717-7^r^.

2 Always worship the Buddhaswith the five sense-desires, alise the primary Yoga. At the centre of space imagine the

with these five offerings the Buddha-nature is soon *Wala of light, and emit the peaceful Buddha-dwelling.

attained. Visualise each with their particular retinue. At the tip of

the nose attentively visualise a five-pointed vajra, the

So said the Blessed One, Vajradhara, Lord of the Body, Speech
colour of a blue lotus petal the size of a barley-corn.
and Mind of all Tathigatas.
Striving for enlightenment, imagine at the tip of the nose

Then Blessed Vajradhara, Lord of the Body, Speech and an auspicious eight-petalled lotus, with its stamens, the

Mind of all Tathigals, proclained this mantra-secret of all size of a chick-pea. Visualise there the wheel and the other
the Tathagatas: special symbols, and attain the delightfil state of enlight-

3-6 Aroused by body, speech and mind directs towards the enment where the qualities of all aiddhis,dwell. Melt there
mantras? attain ultimate siddhi, the delight and contentment in unison the Buddhas who abide in enlightenment, and send

of the heart; meditate on mind, speech and body as selfless, out the Dharma-dwelling whose nature is Body, Speech end Mind.

and accomplish the unity of three, the state of sameness with

18 Than glorious Vajradhara, Teacher of all truth, spoke
space; no substance can be perceived in reflecting QM body,
of the supreme secret, the best and purest of all practices:
speech and mind, there is no meditation and no enlightenment
19-25 The wise one should meditate with form, sound and
through the method of the embodiment of Mantras. Having under,
taste for six months, fully offering the supreme worship of
stood this quality of body, speech and mind,in unison, medi-
the secret essence; he wilo desires the fruit of siddhi should
tate on union with enlightenment, manta-conceived. samidhi.
make excrement and urine his food, and he will attain the
7 The& glorious Vajradhara, wershipPed by all the Uteri-
highest truth, faultless Buddha-enlightenment; he should eat
gates, omniscient', foremost among all Buddhas, spoke of the 13
meat imagining it as

human flesh, and he will attain all the

supreze meditation:
siddhis of secret body, speech and mind; he should eat the
8-17 Visualise a moon msugala at the centre of space, and
IO /flesh of elephants, horses, dogs and cows as his food, but he
visualising the forms of the Buddhas begin the subtle yoga.
should eat no other food, and he will be dear to the Buddhas
Imagine a mustard-seed at the tip of the nose, and in the
and the wise Bodhisattvas; by this practice he will quickly
mustard-seed the universe of moving and unmoving beings, the
attain the Buddha-nature, in this world he will become a lord
dwelling of wisdom, delightful, secret, created by wisdom. At t 14
of the realm of desire and perform work of high rank, he will
the centre of space imagine the sun ma0ala, and place the
become splendid, powerful, exalted, radiant, delightful to
word Ham above it, the dwelling of the Buddha's form. At the tI5
behold; without rituals of arousing, by look alone he subdues
centre of space imagine the moon maet4ala, and visualise the
this whole world. This is ultimate enlightenment, the secret
vajra and loeus in the practice of Locani. At the centre of
of all the Buddhas, this is the true secret of mantra, trans-
space imagine the jewel maq4alal and upon it attentively visue.
cending body, speech and mind.
that itself is the Blessed One, the All, the Buddha, Anogha
who holds the vajra; knowing touch as threefold, offer it to
Your own B's.aily: that itself is the Blessed One, the Vajra-
Then the .Blessed. One, Lord of the Body, Speech and
Posseteor appearing in the nature of Aksobhya. Always direct
Mind of all Tathigatas, proclaimed this ehapter on perfect
the mind towards form and the other sense-objects, for they
enlighteament through the excellent mantra-practice, the
are the secret essences of all the Buddhas gathered together.
essence of the Great Samaya:
With form, soued and so on the mantra-practiser should always
I-? Giving yourself up to the enjoyment of all desires
visualise the deities,3or he should visualise there with the
at pleasure, by this practice you will soon attain the
meditations of the different Families.
Buddha-nature; giving yourself up to the enjoyment of all
15-20 Absorption in the recollection of the Buddha, medi-
desires at pleasure, united, with your awn it worship tee
tation on recollection of the Dharma, meditation on recol-
self me others. Success Is not gained by following ascetic
lection of the Vajra, -- these are meditation on body, speech
vows and extreme ,practices, but by the enjoyment of all de-
and mind; absorption la recollection on the Family, medita-
sires it is soon attained. Do not speak to beg food or be
tion on recollection of the Wrathful One, absorption in
attached to begging, but instead recite mantra complete in 4
recollection of the SamaYa, -- meditating thus one attains
every part and enjoy all your desires. Having attained well-
enlightenlint. Taking a beautiful sixteen-year-old girl, in.
being in body, speech and mind, you will reach enlightenment, 5
solitude begin worship with the three foundations of blessing;
otherwise you will certainly suffer in hell after an untimely
meditate on locani and so forth, the supreme Consort of the
death. Buddhas and. Bodhisattvas, following the excellent
Tathigatas, then by the union of the two organs attain
nantra-practice, have attained the highest unchanging Dharma
Buddha-siddhi; visualise the syllables HUM, Wat .4 and PEAT,
through the enjoyment of all desires, The Passionate one who
end imagine the vaJra and lotus filled with the five rays of
seeks wisdo should always enjoy the five sense-desires,
light; imagine her shining like moonlight enchanting the
pleasing the Bodhisattvas and delighting the Suns of Enlight-
heart; longing for enlightenment, meditate on the recollec-
fele 2
Knowing form as threefold, mittoombliximackkmximicktmmx
tions of the Buddha and so on.

What is meditation on recollection of the Buddha?

worship, composed of worship: that itself is the Blessed One, 6,
21 Putting the liaga ia the bhaga the wise one should
the All, the Buddha, Vairocana, the Source; knowing sound as
visualise the Buddha's form, and send out clouds of Buddhas
threefold, offer it to the deities: that itself is the Mes-
from his pores.
sed One, the All, the Buddha, Eatnikara, the Lord; knowing
What is meditation on recollection of the Dharma?
smell as threefold, offer it to the Buddhas: that itself is
22 Putting the linga in the bhaga the wise one should
the Blessed One, the All, Bearer of the Dharma of Passion,
visualise Vejradharma, and send out clouds of Dharmas from
the Lord; knowing taste as threefold offer it to the deltas;
his pores.

What is meditation on recollection of the Vajra? 31 That Mind of all sentient being, en the form of body,

Putting the linga in the bhaga the wise one should slesech and mind may my mind too become such, identical

visualise Vajr sattva, and send out clouds of Vajras from with spacel

his pores. Whet is medi*Mtion on recollection-or the Body,

What is meditation on recollection of the PamilY? Speech end Midi of the EMbodiment of all Mantras?

24 Putting the lifiga in the bhaga the wise one should 32t That Body of the Vajra Mantra, visualisation of body

with speech, -- mayemine too always be such like the Mantra-

visualise the Buddha's form, and send out clouds of his

Family from his pores. Holdeel

What is meditation on recoflsCtioiof the Wrathful 'hat is meditation on recollection, of the Samaya?

53 He Who desires the result should.' drink semen produced

25 Putting the lin& in the 'Waaga the wise ode should from the sacred nna.on and slay the host of Tathigatas, and.

visualise the Wrathful Lord, and send out clotde of Wrathful he will attain ultimate siddhi.

Ones from his pores. Vast is meditation on recollection of the Samaya of

What is meditation on recollection of the Si!imayae Transcendent Wisdom?

26 Uniting the two organe, with his vajra joined to the 34 All things are naturally luminous, unarisen and free

lotus-7 , he should worship the Buddhae and. VajrasiettVae with from sorrow, there is neither'enlightenmenttnor insight,

drops of his seed. neither basis nem birth.

What is meditation on recollection of the Ma94ala? What is meditation on recollection of Non-arising?

27 Uniting the two organs, the skillful yogin'ahould 35 All is naturally luminous, eignlees and unchanging,
always emit hie seed, the maeciala in the foga of a mae4eala. neither duality nor nonedualitY,Peaceful and pure like space.
What is meditation on recollection of the Worship
What is meditation on, recollection of Body?

That Body of all the Buddhas, filled with the five of the Familiegrof Hatred and so on?
36 Taking a twelve-Year-olds girl whose mind-is composed,
skandhas, may MitA too bobcat, such through the nature of

the Buddha-Bodyl distinguishing the practice of' his Pamily, he should worship

Wh t .6t meditation on recollection of Speech? With his seed.

29 That Speech of Vajradharma, sure sad perfect, 37-38 By this means the Body of the Tathigata, the Mind of

my speech too became such, like the DbarmaHolderl the Vajta-Aolder and the Speech of the name-Holder are

What is meditation on recollection of Mind? attained in this very life; by the chanting of mantras aad

Th t Mind of SAmantabhadra, the wise Lord of the meditation on the indestructible Three Vajras, siddhi of
Secret, -- may my mind to bed e subh, likeAVejra -Holder! 43471 Speech and Mind and all the other lesser siddhis are

That is meditation on recollection of Beings? accomplished.


CHAPTER BIGHT himself at the centre of the moon; he should visualise a

shrine made of the four jewels, garlanded with rays of light,
Then the Blessed Tathigata Rantaketu entregted Blen- as the dwelling of the Oceans of Wisdom of the three times;
d MAhivajradbara, Lord of the Body, Speech and Mind of all he should send out clouds of worship from his pores, and, if
TathLeatas, Supreme Ruler, with this royal song of praise: he wishes, gather them together into his heart.
Yajrasattva, Mahiyina, purifying practice of space 13-14 Understanding the five kinds7 of day-lotus (padma)
3..1 the aye* kinds oC )aso.arie
highest practice of Samantabbadral and night-lotus (utpala* the Wailful one should offer thou
reveal the worship, 0 Supreme Jinal to the gods; imagining the karsikira flower, the malliki and

Teacher of the 9st Way, Passion, Hatred amillolusien, Yfithiki jasmines, and the oleander, he should offer worship.
supreme in liken,s to space, 15-23 Visualising a wheel masetala which extends for hund-

reveal the worship, 0 Source of Jinas1 reds of miles, the skillful one should place the Families in
Guide on the path of liberation, abiding in the three- it; in the same way the wise one should visualise theme:gala

fold WAY, Pure with the blessedness of the Buddhist of the padma, the vajra, the sword and the utpala, extending

reveal the worship, 0 Supreme MWeel for milltons of miles, four-sided, very beautiful; the wise
4 Mind ot Rellghtehment, oreieerod, turning the Wheel one should visualise a shrine made of the four jewels, clear

of Dharma, pure in Body, Speech and Mind,, and faultless in it. nature, as the dwelling of the Families,
homage to thee, 0 /'ajrayinal for their worship. He should begin the ocean of worship with
the five senseedssires,longing for enlightenment he should

5-6 Then Yajradbara the sing, infinite unchanging space, continually offer jewels, cloth and so on, and always please

universal consecration, aim of all, Ruler of all, Holder of the deities by this great worship with the five offerings. To
Vajra and Jewel, spoke of the supreme worship of the Tathi- achieve ultimate siddhi he should offer to all the Buddhas a
gates, based on the indestructible Three Vajras, blessedness girl like a mine of jewels, adorned with many jewels; filling
of Body, Speech and Mind, the birthplace of the Sines: the malgala with the seven jewels, he who is skillful and
7-9 Taking a twiny-five-year-old girl, wide-eyerl,adersid wise, desiring the siddhi of generosity, should offer them

with youth and beauty, also visualise the amim4s.3 In a clean each day. United with the Symbol (mudri) of the Lord at the
and deserted place, a peaceful shrine, the Son of the Jinss centre of the Buddha-mas4ala, he should offer the union of

should always prepare the ointment of excrement, urine, water touch to the Buddhas whose mind is desire. At the centre of

and so on for the worship of the Jinas; knowing the ritual, space. he should visualise the malgala array, his own body
he should place the Five Families, the Sons of the alma, on composed of the Tath.igataa, and worship the Teacher with
the forehead, the throat, the heart, the navel and the geniteeli. excrement and urine. Taking a girl of good fortune, fair-
10-12 The wise one 6 possessor of vajra peace, should visua- faced and
6 very beautiful, meditating on the foundation of
lise the Ocean of Wisdom at the centre of Space, and imagine blessing he should offer the worship of essence, and taking

semen be should eat, open-eivd, with composed mind; this is
the 4Orship of the Body, Speech and Mind of all Mantras it
1-2 Then Vajradhara
t the King, infinite unchanging space,
is called the accomplisher of mantra-siddhi, the secret of
universal consecration, highest practice, supreme Ruler, al*
thosi who *possess vajra wi mime
of all, spoke of the malgala of the indestructible Three
Vairas, the Body at Bliss (s*Ohoga) of Body, Speech and
Iliad, the supreme delightful secret of those who poscess


3-6 at the centre of space visualise the ma0ala of

Buddhas, and transform it into Vsjra AksolohYst; imagine

his hand a vajral 'biasing with fiery sparks and filled with

the five rays of light. Visualising the Buddhas nf the three

times, crush them with the vajral and contemplate the Body
of Bliss of Body, Speech enditind destroyed and crushed by
the vajra, this supreme metLitation which, achieves the siddhi
of Mind. With this secret vajra destroy all beings, and they
will be born as Sons of the Jina in the Buddha-land of
Akfoblva. This should be known fa the true sacred lair of

the Family of Matred in the ocean of all the Families.

7 Then Vajradhara the King, who brings about liberation

through ignorance, birnatUre pure and undefiled, Teacher of
the practice of enlightenment, spoke of the true sacred law
which leads to Buddha-enlightenments
8-10 At the centre of space visualise the Wheel manciala
and transform it into Vairocana, then visualise all the vaire
forms of the Buddhas by mean i of the five jewels; imagine
that you steal all these treasures and draw them iata -60
/ 2and they will bedtime like the Wishing-gam,
threefold vajra)
fil>lid with an ocean of treasure, they will become great
Sages, Sons of all the Buddhas. This should be known as the

true sacred law of the Family of Delusion in the ocean of all


. ..44 n.44,44, us.44,44 , s4

So said the Blessed One, he Array of all Tathigatas.
11 Then Vajradhara the King, who brings about liberation Then all the great BodhisattVas, headed by Vajraketu,
through desire, hiddene -Sure*, beyond thought spoke of the the Samaya of all Tathigatas, were filled with wonder and

maeleala: amazement, aad sati these vajra words: Why has the Blessed
a t
12-14 At the centre of space visUalise the Lotus maaeala, Master of all the Tathaeatas spoken such extraordinary,erajra
and transform it into Amitiyue; fill it all with Buddhas, speech, exceeding the three realms and all the worlds in
3 -

and by the practice of the four yogas visualise them all the assembly of all the Tathagatas and Bodhisattvase
there in union with the forms of women, this igethe supreme Then the Blessed Tathigatas said to those great
vijra way; uniting the two organs enjoy them all, this is Bodhisattvas as many as the specks of dust in the Sumeru ee

meditation on the indestructible Three Bodies of all the Mountains of Buddha-lands entirely beyond expression, led by
Buddhas* The mantraepractiser should meditate on this true Vajraketu the Samaya of all Tathigataa: 0 Family Sons ,do

sacred law of the Family of Passion. . not call it low veil:despicable, for this practice of mantra

is the highest practice, 'it is the practice of Bodhisittvas.

15 Then Vajradhara tee King, who accomplishes the aim of
Just as space is all-pervading, all the dharras pervade
vajra mantras, who is selflessness, born of wisdom, spoke
Apace, dwelling not in the realm of desire nor in the realm
these words:
of form nor in the formleis realm nor in the four great ele-
16-18 At the centre of space visualise the maeeala of
ments; set Family Sonseeete dharmss should be understood.
Buddhas' and transform it into Vajra Asogha; visualise the
Understanding in that wayltheeTathagatas explain Dharma,
forms of all the Buddhas as the vajra dwelling of false
knowing the mind of beings. 0 Family Sons, these sacred laws
speech, and deceive all the Jinas and all the dwellings of
4 of the Tathagetas should be understood In the same way as
the Jinas; this is the pure sky-like Speech of all the
space. Family Sons, just as amok* appears ant causes fire
Budahas, it is called the accomplisher of mantra-siddhi, the
from two pieces of wood rubbed together and from the work of
secret ef those whose mind is wisdom. Thie is the true
a ma's hands, but the fire does not dwell in the wood that
sacred law of the Samaya-attraction Family, and should be
rubs, nor in the wood that is rubbed, nor in the work of the
performed according to one's ale.
man's hands, so, Family Sons, the vajra laws of all the Tathi-

19 Than Vajradhara the Meg, the indestructible Three gates should be understood, just as a coming and goring.

Vajras, Source of the Jiaas Teacher of vajra siddhi, spoke Then all the Bodhisattvas were filled with wonder- Sad

these words: amazement, and with their eyes wide open in awe spoke these

20 At the centre of space visualise the maseala of the words,:

Samayas, and transforming it into Ratnaketu fill it with the 21 Among the dharmas most wonderful, like space,
forms of all the Buddha-.; indulging in words of abuse and se pure, beyond thought, the relative truth isPreelaimedl .

on, you will ottain wisdowe illIMITO*11* nommongommano....


CHA.PTER TEN of all Vejra-Holders and the SanaYa of the Body, Speech and

Mind of all Dharma-Holders, this collection of mantras:

Then all the Blessed Tathigatas, gathered together 0* Ili MeV.

again, made salutation to the Blessed One, the Tathigata, 4 As soon as this was said, all the Buddhas together

Secret Body, Speech and Mind, Clear and Complete Enlighten- with their Sons trembled and fainted, recollecting Vajrasattwa.
ment in the Truth of the Great Vajra Samaya, and said: Then Vajrapiqi, Lord of all Tathigatas proclaimed
Explain , 0 Blessed_ One, the real, the collection of this sacred law:
mantra-essences, called Secret B0471 Speech and Mind, 5-9 At the centre of space visualide the maigala array,
the highest way of supreme siddhi. and at the centre of that visualise the syllable At within
2-3 Then Vajradhara the Keng, Lord of the Ocean of all your oln image, imagine it sending out brilliant vajra rays

Defilements, wide-eyed and fiercely burning, spoke these and seizing the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddhas. At

words: Meditate on body, speech aad mind as Vajra B047, that very moment you will become Vajrasattva, the Great King,
Speech and. Mind, undiferentiated, unsupported, saseneas, hi:ghest among all, Supreme Lord, possessor of vajra body,

abiding nowhere. spike% and mind; you will attain the ritual of creating your
own map4ala with your own vajra; this is the collection of
Then the Blessed. One, the Tethigata, the SelfePurittedi
2 the vajra essences of all the Buddhas. Having visualised the
entered the samidhi called "Vajra way of Pirealti and Mantra"
personification of your mantra, visualise the Images in the
sond said to all the Tathigatas: 0 Bleseed. Tathigatas, all the
four directions in their three-headed aspect In the three
Tathigatas led by Akeobhya, together with thousands upon
thousands of Vidyis, reveal the play which acts out the ail
So said. the Blessed One, Vajrasamaya.
of all beings, playing and delighting and fully enjoying the
Hare is the supreme vajra secret:
five sense-desires in the boundless world-realms of the ten
10-16 Visu4ise.the malgalas very small in the centre of
directions, but they do not turn their eyes towards him who 4
the heart, a4 at the centre of that visualise the supreme
strives in the practice of mantra, thinking that such a man _ .
syllable. Always-attee;tevely visualise a large five-pointed
is accomplished in the way of the mantra-practice of the
vajra, then visualise three vajras with the practice of the
Tathilgatas. \
vajra hook, and arouse the deety by striking his heart with
So, to make them look towaeds those holy men, he
it; this accomplishes the BeAdha-enlightenneet of all Vajras.
proclaimed with words fro a his vajra body, speech and mind
This meditation on the vajra hook by the Vajra, Lotus and
this supreme secret of the Body, Speech and Mind of all the
other Families is called the arousing in the heart, it is
Tatleigatas, called "Arousing the essence of all mantras", 5
like the production of a play. If you practice this supreme
whose meaning is the pamaya of the Body, Speech and Mind of
vajra way for seven days you will attain the secret body,
all Tathigatas and the Samaya of the Body, Speech and Mind speech and mied of those who possess vajra wisdom. The


Buddhas and Bodhisattva s who follow the supreme mantra-

practice, bestowers of gifts, look down in awe, their minds

full of fear, and grant the whole extent of siddhi, the

Then the Blessed Tathigata, Vejra Body, Speech and

heart's desire and contentment; but if the deluded one does Mind, entered the samidhi called. "Supreme personificaticin
6 of the vaira mantras of all the Tathagatas", and proclaimed
=tang, his life ends at that moment.
this chapter on the personification of the vajra vidyas,
17 Then Vajradhara the King, supreme Teacher of the
the mantras of all the Tathigatas.
three worlds, supreme Vajra of the three worlds, spoke these
1-3 The vajra wisdom should meditate on the great symbol,
which leads to all enlightenment, with the supreme mantras,
18-19 As many as are the personifications at mantras, fele
filled in the wisdom of the Three Vejras, vieualise all
the syllables of the Three Vajras. OV is the essence of
wisdom which leads to Vajra Body, AV is the selflessness

these beings with the union of the two organs; this is midi-

tation on the sacred laws of the mantras of all the Buddhas,

of enlightenment which leads to Vajra Speech HO V is body,

speech and mind which lead* to the indestructible Three

entering the Vidya Queen, meditate on the vajra union, and
gaze on her impassioned with impassioned look: this is the Vaires.
So said the Blessed One Personification of the
Samaya magefiala.
Mantras of the Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathigatas.
20-21 Then Vajradhara the King, Son of all the Tethigatem,
3 At the centre of space visualise a mageala composed
universal consecration, fememest of Buddhas, spoke these words: of all the Vajras2, and in it imagine the syllable BHRUV
As many as are the women ia all the world-realms, -- with the sending out clouds of Vajras.
practic,, ef the Great Symbol enjoy ell these, and emit there Here is the essence of VairaWiSdom: BMW.
the Buddha-dwelling of countless millions of Taira-Possessors.
4-5 visualise Hav at the centre of a Vajra. maeeala, OV
So said the Blessed 0ne5 Bodhisemaya.
at the centre of a bright mmOala, and A at the centre of a
22 Vajras,
By this you will gain enlightenment, the Three
Dharma mae4ila, and imagine the syllable BHRUV as the source
resembling space, and become a Bodhisattva, Ocean of'Jinas, from which these three Vajras arise.
with the long life of Vajrasattva. So said the Blessed One, the Secret Sanwa.
6#8 The essence of the Buddhas of three times,

delighting body, speech and mind: wit is the transcendent

Buddha Body, Ai is the Speech of the Buddhas, HOV is Mind,
flood of wisdom, -- this is the supreme way of enlightenment,

it is this which accomplishes the enlightenment of all the

S Buddhas, manifested by vajra wisdom, the cause whose fruit is


10-18 At the centre of space visualise the holy Vajra man-
the Buddhas; for these indeed are the Buddhas personified,
4a1a, and having created the personification of your mantra,
known as mantra-vidyi, attained by meditation on the indes-
tructible Three Vajras, with the sacred laws of creation and place the syllable HO* in. his heart; the vajra wisdom should

visualise this great Sameya essence in the five colours, as

so on.
the dwelling of the Jina of all Vajras;7 he will become like
The samidhi called "Cause of the blessing of Vajra
Vajra Mind, the Teacher, ocean of the qualities of wisdom
Wisdom, the Samaya essence of the Body, Speech and Mind of all
and remain for, three vajra kelpas serving the possessors of
the Tathigatas".
Practise this yoga in a lonely and pleasant placeland the Five Wisdoms.
So said the Blessed One, Secret Vajra Mine.. The
within a fortnight Body, Speech and Miad will be attained,
samidhi called "Valra Samaya of the Body, Speech and Mind of
there is no doubt. At the centre of space visualise the hay

bright man4ala, and havin8 created the samaya-being4 of your all Tathigatas".
19-20 Visualise a great vajra in the centre of the.man4ala
mantra, place the syllable 0# in his heart; MoWtating on
Valeocana, visualise great clouds of the five rays of light; of wisdom, and visualise the syllable 104 on every form, and

by this, within a fortnight, you will attain the Buddha Body, you, will become like Vajra Wisdom which is Space. Honoured
Bailin and again by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, remain for three
the ocean. of Vajra Vairocana, the colour of the Buddha 'Body,
and remain for three vajra kalpas5 serving the possessors of kalPas, unseen even by the Buddhas.
So said the Blessed One, the Samgye of Vajra Space.
the Five Wisdoms.
So said, the Blessed One, Secret Vajra Body. The semi-' The sang-Lehi called eGarland of manifestations ariaing from

dhi called "Mass of light-rays from the Vajra Body of all the the invisibility of Body, Speech and Mind".
21-22 Having visualised the personification of your mantra
At the centre of space visualise the holy Dharma man- at the centre of the Vajra malgala, place the vajra syllable
13-15 9
HA # in his heart and visualise rays of light; you will .become
dale, and having created the personification of your mantra,
a Bodhisattva established in the ten stages, possessing vajra
place the syllable At in his throat; meditating on Lokeivara,
visualise a great vajra in the five colours; after creating body, speech and mind, the Body:of Bliss (sambhoga) of

the sameete4peing and wisdasbeing, visualise the Samaya of Maajuirie

Speech and the five great ones; dwelling in his throat, you The samidhi called WVajra moon of the.Samaya-Wisdom

will become like Vajra Dharma, and remain for three vajra of the Bodhisattva'.

23 At the centre of space visualise the syllable THLI#

kalpas serving the possessors of the Five WisUoms.
blazing with light, and with your body, the supreme vajra
So said the Blessed One, Secret Vajra Speech. The
samadhi called "Birth of the Vajra Speech Samaya of all the weapon, become like Vajra Body.

Tathagatas". The samidhi called "Dwelling of the array of the

Samayas of Vajra Space".

31 At the centre of sPece visualise the holy ma414ela of
24-25 With the supreme sacred laws of the Buddha-PeroePtime,
become like Vajradhara, this is the supreme sadhana of the the Buddhas, and imagining ,a vajra night-lotus visualise the
IO Samaya (14 by meditation on the Three Ve.jra SamiYas heooms
Buddha-perceptions among all siddhis. At, the centre of space
visualise the holy manlela of the Buddhas, and imagining like Amogha, the Three Vajras.
Vajrasattva visualise the Wisdom Oy; by meditation on the So said the Blessed One, Vajra Amogha.

With vajra body, speech and mind, appearing like

Three Vajra Samayas become like Akaohyal the Three Vajras. 32 0

So said the Blessed One, Vajra Akaobhya. Yairs Amogha, you will become a glorious ocean of wisdom to

Possessing the transcendent body, speech and mind of bring about the.. aim of all beings.
The samidhi called "Birth of supreme wisdom, the
Akobhya you will be worshipped in all the world by those of
ray of light from Amogha Sawa".
Aksobhya's Family.
The samidhi called "Vajra which produdes,a body like 33 At the centre of space visualise the holy man4ala of

the Buddhas, and imagining Vajra Vairocana visualise the OM

27 At the centre of apMee visup.lise the holy ma448laef of the Three Bodies; by meditation on the Three Tajra Samayas

the Buddhas, and imagining Velra Space visualise the Jewel OV; become like Vairocana.
So said the.Blessed One, Vajra Vairocana.
by meditation on the Three Vajra SamaYas becoilike Ratnaketul

34 With vajra body, speech and mind, appearing like

the Three Vajras.
So said the Blessed On, Ratnaketu. Vairocana, you will attain the indestructible three bodies

28 With vajra body, Speech and mind, appearing like and perfect enlightenment of wisdom.
Ratnaketu, you will.abide in the secret wisdom , the self- The samidhi Oalled "Vajta of perfect enlightenment

lessness of enlightenment.
through contemplation of body, speech and mind".

The samidhi called "Vajra Body of Bliss of the Jewel 35-36 This group of meditations should be practised on

lonely mountains and by flowing rivers and in such places as

burning.-grounds. Visualise the Vajra Wisdom and
29 At the centre of space visualise the holy mancisla of

the Buddhas, and imagining Lokeivara visualise the Dharma OV; so on at the centre of vajra space, and with the practice of
the five divine perceptions meditate on the supreme Buddhas
by meditation on the Three Vajra Sam-ayes become like Anita,
in their places.
the Three Vajras.
So said the Blessed One the Great Samaya, Vajra
So said the Blessed One Vajra Anita.

With vajra body, speech and mind, appearing like Perception.

Amitabhal you will become a source of the Mahiyaha Path for 37-44 By joining the great five-pointed vajra, adorned with
all beings.
five flames, to the five places, you will attain vajra per-
The samiidhi called "Glorious light of the qualities ception. Visualise your mantra as a wheel densely filled with
of Anita". sparks of fire and joining it to the five vajras you will

attain vajra perception. Visualise a wheel shining with the CHAPTER TWELVE

flames of the Buddhas at the centre of vajra space, and with

the entrance of the Buddhas become their dwelling. Place Then Vajradhara, Teacher and Creator, who accomplishes

Vairocana in your body at the centre of the man4ala of Buddhas, supreme wisdom, Proclaimed with vajra speech the essence of

and visualising OM in nis heart meditate on your consciousness the Three Vail's":
in the mantra; when your mind enters the vajra state of suPPzes- 2-5 Among dharmas whose easential nature is pure and free
sion you will become the glorious Wishing-gem which contains from dualistic thought, equal like space, this play is created

all the great Buddhas. Visualise Vajra Akembhya at the centre in meditation. In a great wilderness adorned with fruit and

of the man4ala of Buddhas, and visualising HOM in his heart fliers, or on a lonely mountain, all siddhis will be attained.

place your mind there in the form of a drop; visualise Amiti- KA* -- meditate on,Madjuvajra in vajra body, speech and mind,
yus at the centre of the manelala of Buddhas, and visualising and sending out emanations into body, speech and mind, you his heart place the vajra there in the form of a drop. will become like MailJuvaira; with Pnrified nature2you will

This is the very highest sacred law, meditation on the indes- shine with a brilliant light for hundreds of miles, adorned

tructible Three Vajras, it is the wisdom of the sacred law of with all adornments and can never be seen. by Brahma, Rudra

suppression,, which achieves Buddha-siddhi. and the other gods.

At the centre of space visualise the bright man4ala, The samidhi called "Making invisible the supreme
and meditating on oy in body, speech and mind, remain for a Samaya of Maljuvajra".

'calla; at the centre of space visualise the Dharma man4ala, 6-7 Put into your mouth the three metals combined with

and meditating on 4 in body, speech and mind, remain for a the five sacred substanpaproduced from the indestructible

kalpa; at the.centre of space visualise the Vajra man4ala, Three Vajras, and in it visualise the indestructible mind of

and meditating on HUM in body, speech and mind remain for a all Buddhas; at that very moment you will attain the splea-

xalpa. dour of Manjuvajra.

So said the Blessed One, Samaya of the Three Ysirs 8-9 With your mantra visualise a wheel, brilliant with

15 sparks of light, and imagine it as the dwelling of all the

From the time when you begin this yoga of Vajra Body, Buddha Family, and you will become like the Buddha; as many
Speech and Land, reading it or meditating upon it, you will servants as the grains of dust in thirty-six Sumerus shall be

become like Vajradhara. yours, all like Vajradhara.

The samidhi called "Wheel SanaYs".

10-II With your mantra visualise a great vajra at the centre

of the man4ala, imagining it as the dwelling of all the Vajra

Family, and you will become like the Vajra; as many women 'as

the grains of dust in thirty-six Sumerum shall be yours all the splendour of the VaJra Bodylebright as the rising sun,
full of virtues, and you will become the Great Vajra of the golden as the Rose-apple River.
three worlds, paid homage by Rudra. 24-33 Visualise Vairocaaa at the centre of the bright
The samidhi called "Vaira sameness"- maa4ala in space, and visualising a wheel in your hand become
12-13 With your mantra visualise a large eight-petalled
a Vidyidhara of the Wheel; visualising the great Wheel Family,
lotus, and imagining it as the dwelling of all the Dharma
unified with the body of the Buddha, the vajra wisdom should
Family you will become like the Dbarma; as many puke ones5as
perform this sidhana of the supreme Wisdom. At the centre of
the grains of dust in thirty-six Sumeres will coaeecrate you the Vaira nalgela in space, visualise the_Oisdom-form of
In the maeaala of supreme worship of the Buddhas. Akfobhya, and visualising a vajra in your hand become a Vidyi-
The samidbi called "Lotus sameness".
dhara of the Vajra; visualising the great Vaira Family, uni-
14-17 You will remain for three kalpas serving the posses-
fied with the body of the Vajra, the vajra wisdom sheuld
sors of the Five Wisdoms, worshipping the threefold secret of perform this sidhana of the supreme VaJra. Visualise Ratna-
all the Buddhas of the ten directions. With your mantra vajra at the centre of the Jewel maa4ala in space, and visu-
visualise a sword the colours of the five rays, then grasping alising a jewel in your hand become a VidYidhara of the Jewel;
it in your hand, with wide-open eyes, you will become a Vidyi- visualising the great Jewel Family, unified with the body of
dhara of the Three Vajras; you will become a great holder of the Jewel, the vajra wisdom should perform this sidhana of tile
the secret, only hero of the three thousand worldel worshipped supremo Jewel. Visualise Amitiyus at the centre of the Dharma
mougala in space, and visualising a lotus in your hand become
by all in the three realms, paid homage by gods and demons;
possessing vajra body, speech and mind, he grants whatever a Vidyidhara of the Lotus; visualising the great Lotus Family,
siddhi the heart desires, produced from -the vajra,mind. unified with the body of the pharmal the vajra wisdom should
The samidhi called "Best of all swords".
perform this sidhana of the supreme Lotus. Visualise the
18-23 Visualise OV as a pill the size of a chick-pea, with wisdom-form of Amogha at the centre of the Sameya maa4a1Z in
the form of your Deity at the centre, and imagine it in your space, and visualising a sword in your hand, become a Vidyi-
mouth; at that very moment you will attain theespleadour of dhara of the Sword; visualising the great Sawa Family,
, - Ross- unified with the body of the Sawa, the vajra wisdom should
the Bodhisattva, bright as the rising sun, golden a
apple River. Visualise ig as a pill the size of a chick-pea, perform this sidhana of the supreme Samgya.
with the form of your Deity at the centre, and imagine it in 34 The trident, tbe hook of wisdom and so on are to be
your mouth; at that very moment you will attain the splendour accomplished, distinguishing between the Vajras, in medeltation
of the Enlightenment Wisdom, bright as the rising sun, golden with the sidhanas of Body, Speech and Mind.
as the Rose-apple River. Visualise Htlit as a pill the size of So said the Blessed One, Vajra Siddhi of the Great
a chick-pea, with the form of your Deity at the centre and Samaya.
imagine it in your mouth; at that very moment you will attain

35-3? By a crossroads or a single tree, or in a shrine con- poseessing all the divine forms, in his heart e'e wisdom-
taming e single image, the sadhaka should always practise the being and samaya=being, and on his crown the Holder of the
capture of the Vajras. Visualise the personification of the Supreme Vaira; the sidhaka should practise this highest Way
unified triple mantra, the Three Vajeas united in one, the.. of he sacred law, which pleases all the Buddhas and accom-
hook of body, speech aed mind of the Buddhas whose mind is plishes all aiddhis.
wisdom; the sacred capture of the Buddhas takes placle In the The samidhi called "The food of the vajra wisdom of
maeSala of air, -- having captured with the vajra the Goddes- all Samayas .
ses of the ten directions, born of the sacred law, enjoy them. 49-50 Visualise on your tongue the
syllable Ha* which be-
The capture of the Samayai8of the realm of space. longs to the great Vajra Samaya, then eating the five nectars
38 The sacred capture of the Samayas is performed by you will attain the nature of the Three Vajras; do the same
visualising the wheel of Vairocana, the vajra, the,lotue with the syllables IV and 014 this is the highest vajra way,
so on, as a hook, the dwelling of the Jim's. by this yoga you will become like Vajrasattva.
The capture of the Samayas of the three realms. The samidhi called "Garland of nectar, Vajra Samaya".
39-42 Visualise the Buddha Body possessing all the divine In the supreme siddhi of the Three Vajra Samayas you
forms, and imagine in your hand the hook of bodY, speech and
will become 'a possessor of the three vaira bodies, an ocean
mind and the other weapons; by this yoga Yell will perform the
of wishing-gems for all beings in the ten directions, mei with
actions of his state. Visualise the 4ajra Body possessing all
ve4rs nature shills everywhere throughout 'the universe; in the
the divine forms, and by the yoga of the vajra tongue you vall
supreme siddhi of the Wheel'Samaya you will become like the
become like Vajra Speech. Visualise the Buddha Bodevossessing
Buddha Body, and accomplished in all siddhis wander everywhere
all the divine forms, and vi ualising In your hand the object through worlds infinite as the sands Of the Ganges; in thee,,\_-
to be accomplished, you will become like the Vajra. Offering meditating on the Vajra
supreme siddhi of all Etimayas ,
the supreme worship of the three secret Samples attain sUccess, -
you will become a Vidyadhara lord among the great Samayas; in
this is the collection of the secret essence of all Budehas. invisibility and so on you alone will illumine the thousand
So said the Blessed One, the Great Secret Sama/a.
worlds, you will steal from all the Buddhas and enjoy the
43-48 With the great sacred law of human flesh attain the women of the gods. With vajra eye you see the Buddhas dwelling

supreme Three Vajras, with excrement and urine become a Vidyi- in the Three Vajrad, infinite as the sands of the Ganges, as

dhara lord, with elephant-flesh attain the five divine percep- though they were a fit held in your hand; with the power of

tions, with horse-flesh become a master of invisibility, with divine perception you hear whatever sounds are uttered in
dog's flesh attain all siddhis, and with cow's flesh capture lands infinite as the sands of the Ganges as though they were

the Vajras. If all these kinds of meat cannot be found they at your ear; you kaow the thoughts of arl beings in lands
should be imagined; with this vajra yoga all the Buddhas grant infinite as the sands of the Ganges, arising like the play of
their blessing. Visualise the Vajra of Body, Speech and Mind,


body, speech and:mind; as though it were but the passing of the Vajra Samayaiior a week, a fortnight, or a month and a
three days, you remember your past lives =curing in saltssara half, si0.4hi is soon attained. I have explained the arousing
through ages infinite as the sands of the Ganges; possessing in detail with the different numbers of days, those who are

great vajra miraculous powers, you fill ageS infinite as the born of the supreme secret gay that aiddhi is attained within

sands of the Ganges with emanations in the form of clouds of a fortnight.

Buddhas, infinite as the sands of the Ganges. 71-72 The vow of upasidhanit
So said the Blessed One, Samgya of Divine leerception. May the glorious Bearer of the Buddha Body, whose
These are the five divine perceptions: vajra eye, nature is the indestructible Three Vajras, Vajra 500, grant
vajra ear, vajra mind, vajra dwelling and vajra miracle. me today his blessing; may the Buddhas who dwell in the ten
60 In the siddhi of the five dilate perceptions of the directions, whose nature is the indestructible Three Vajras,
Buddhas, you will bedome like the Buddha Body, surrounded by the Vajras of Body, grant me today their blessing.
servants infinite as the sands of the GssaLgeS, and with vajra 73-74 The yew of graham':
body, speech and mind wander everywhere in the universe. May the glorious Dharma 'Speech, whose nature "Isthe

indestructible Three Vajrat, Vgj'ra Speech, grant me todayhis,

61-66 Absorption in the sacred law of seva, the arising of
blessing; may the Buddhas wbo dwell in the ten,directions
uPasadhaaa the sacred law whose object is sidhana, and mahi-
Three Vajras, the Vajras
whose nature is the indestructible
sadhana the fourth, _... having understood their distinctions,
of Speech, grant me today their blessng.
then perform the Acts. Absorption in the samadhi of sevi is to
75-76 The vow of mehisidhana:
meditate oh. ultimate enlightenment, in the great siddhi of May the glorious Bearer of Vajra Mind, "pm' nature.
upasidhaaa examine the vajra senses, in sadhana visualise the
is the indestructible ThreeVajras, Vajra/mind,'
ant me today
Mantra Lord -- this is called arousing, and at the time of
his blessing; may the Buddhas who dwell in the, ten direction's,

mahasadhana the vajra wisdom will svsceed by visualising the -

whose nature is the indestructible Three Vajras, the Vajras

image of the Vajra of his mantra with the Lord in his crown.
of Mind, grant me today their blessing.
Always and. everywhere perform seva with the nectar of wisdoms
for this accomplishes the true meaning of all mantras; in a 77 Buddha or Dharma or Varasattvai
, f the ileluded one
great deserted wildernsss, on forested mountain-sides and does wrong he will split into pieces, there is no doubt.
river-banks, siddhi will always be attained.
So said the Blessed Ons, Vajra Mahasidhssna.
67-70 Or those firm in their vows may Perform seva with the
four vajras, meditating in unity with the three Vajra Bodies
you will attain siddhi. With the practice of the four time

at the five places l the wise one, vajra wisdom, should visu-
alise the syllable OV and proclaim the vow (salsvara); creating
mind of the Buddhas, the vaJra wisdom4should offer in thought

the supreme worship, and become like the Mind of the Three

Vsiras. Raving meditated on the body, speech and mind of the

1-2 Then all the Blessed Tathigatee who Possess supreme Buddhas, the vajra wisdom should offer in thought the supreme
vajra wisdom, and the wise Bodhisattvas who exist for the

worship, this achieves enlightenment. Or else perform the

sake of all beings, bowing down before the great Teacher, emanation in three separate parts, with understanding manifest
the Sage, the Vajra-bolder, aim of all, worshipped him wise of body, speech and mind. Reciting, send
the selflessness
in the Samaya truth and sang this vajra song: forth the Vajrss, and in completion withdraw them: this opens
8 0 divine way of Buddhas! 0 highest way of enlighten- the eye of wisdom of all the Buddhas.
ment! 0 peaceful way of Dharma! 0 certain way of Mantra! enlightenment of Vajra Body, examination of
16-25 Oomi)let 0
When the dharmas are unarisen, transcendent in their nature, substance and non-substenCe, is called the Buddha Body, it is
entirely free 'from discursive thought, the arising of wisdom
called the chanting 0,-,t Body; complete enlightenment of Samaya
is procliamed. Teach 0 Blessed. One, the man4ala of the Speech examinationNtsound and non-sound, is called VaJra
indestructible Three Bodies, theevajra chant, great wisdom, Speech, it is called the chanting of Speech; complete enlight-
the delightful gathering of all mantras; with meditation cmt enment of.SamaYa.Mind, examination of the steady Vajra, is
the indestructible Three Vajras the Buddha-wisdoms are at-
called Vajra 'Mind, it is called the chanting of Mind; examina-
tained, with the practice of the vajra chant all the Buddhas tion of the Buddhas of the three times, with the corresponding
grant their blessing. Explain now how to chant the secret mantra-chant, delightful, without substantiality,- this is
mantras of all the Families, characterised by todY, Speech
called the chanting of the Jewel; that whose meaning is
and Mind, -- may the Oceans of Wisdom hear! The Buddhas born 'coming and going', the emanation of clouds of forms every-
In the three times, possessing vajra body, speech and mind where in the Buddha-lands, - - this is called the Unobstructed
meditating on the vajra mantras have attained unequalled (Amcigha) chanting; with the wisdom of the Wrathful Samaya he
Wisdom! hears the"mantra syllable; his ma44ala proclaimed, by his
Then Vajradhama the Teacher, born from the wisdom of iS
9 vajra, - this is called the chanting of the Wrathful One;
Vajra Space, maker, creator, highest of the high, "spoke of wishing the salvation and good of all, placing sentient beings
the vajra chant: who have become bewildered by sensuality in the dwelling of
the meaning of 3
The chanting of4all mantras is characterised by the
Delusion, - - this is called the chanting of Delusion; the word
in d
indestructible Three Vajras; this mantra-placing'within the arising from Vajra Pasdion; dwellingXbodY, speech and mind,
three Vajra divisions is called the Three Vajras. In the placing sentient beings in the ocean of Passion, - - this 4.s
basis of b\cdy, speech and mind, perform theEthreefold emana- called the chanting of Passion; the thought-arising from
tion, by this vajra chant you will become like the Mind of
Vora Hatred, dwelling in body,,speech and 'Mind placing
the Three Vajras. Having meditated on the body, speech and
" -7/ --,,,,...3WWW11

approach the mancialas, then send them out by means of the

sentient beings in the abode of Hatred, - - this is called the
five rays, and enlightenment will be attained; the emanation
chanting of Hatred; the essence of the Three Vajra SamaYas, 10
ot all the mantras is twofold, emanation and withdrawal
the central one among Vajra Samayas - this is called the
7 should. be done distinguishing between the three Vajra Bodies:
Neuter chanting of the Vajra Samayas. II
worshipping your body through the essence of Body, your mind
26-29 All the Vajra Lords, contemplating the true meaning
8 thrOugh the essence of Mind, and your speech through the
Passion, bring about enlightenment through passion for the
essence of Speech, You will attain the state of worship.
good of all beings; the great Vidyis Locani and so on,alwaYs
Visualise the Five Vajras with the circle of the great man4ala,
immersed in the true meaning of sensual desire, succeed by
enjoying at will the pleasures of the senses; the VaJrac-
and in the centre visualise the LOrd as your own form posses-
sing the three Vaira Bodies, then having imagined the form of
Vidyirijas, arising from the Samaya of Delusion,
attained in the neuter state, bestow the highest siddhi; the your lajra mantra in the four man4alas with the four colours,
meditate on the meaning of the mantras in the heart; vajra
Wrathful Ones born in the abode of Hatred., always intent on
meditation perform the four vajra Acts, for this is the ever=
killing, are attained through the true meaning of killing by
lasting secret of all mantras: for peace, Locana, for presPer=
the sidhaka of supremo Dharma.
Sc said the Blessed One, Mahipurufa-Samaya.
ity, the Vajra Lotus-bearer, for subjugation, Vairocana, and

for the fierce Acts the Vajra WrathfulA)ne; this is the secret
30-42. At the centre of the hear visualise the wheel of of all 'Vairas, arising from the Three Bodies manifested as
those who possess the Wheel wisdom9
and meditate on the mean- the play of action of all Mantras.
ing of the Wheel at the centre, in the middle of the bright
43 This arousing should be performed against those who
man4a1a; at the centre of the heart visualise the vaira of
'have no devotion, those who blame the Vajra Teacher, and other'
those who possess the Vajra wisdom, and meditate on the mean-
evil-doers. So said the Blessed One, Vajra of the Great'
ing of the Vajra mantra in the middle of the Vajra manlela;
Wisdom. Circle.
at the centre of the heart visualise the jewel of those who
-44-50 /Visualise the beings of the three realms in the Buddha
possess the jewel wisdom, and meditate on the meaning of the 13
Body, and having imagined 'them slain by the enemy, perform the
Jewel mantra in the middle of the Jewel man4a1a; at the

centre of the heart visualise the lotus of those who possess

,Acts: at the centre of space imagine a vajral five-pointed,

four-faced, Vajrasattva possessing all the divine aspects; on

the Lotus wisdom and meditate on the meaning of the lotus
the right-hand side visualide the circle of Buddhas arising
mantra in the middle of the Lotus men4ala; at the centre of
from the Sarney& of the Three Times, this Buddha-circle of
the heart visualise the sword of those who possess the Sword
great Power; distinguishing between the forms of the Buddhas,
wisdom, and Meditate on the meaning of-he Sword mantra in
draw together the beings from the ten direction into a ball,
the middle of the Samaya manciala. Make the Five Buddhas
and make them enter your body; then send out again the Buddha
of Command of the Vejras.
of the circle of wdsdoll wrathful, enraged with anger, ugly
The samidhi called rVajra wisdom of the Three B
and terrifying, bearing various weapons, their thoughts
of /amintaka born of all the SamaYas".
tent on killing, - - they destroy great evilTidoers, even lajra- 0

sattva himself. The Buddha who bestows the gift of the Three The circle of command can be used wi-tal Vajra, Body
Bodies, the maq4ala-dwelling of the Three VaJras, will grant Speech and Mind, through the qualities of their mantras or
siddhi if this is done for seven days, but if the deluded one with the UgiiganSamayas; the Possessor of supreme vajra wisdom
does not grant it be will die, there is no doubt. should do it for the; of all mantras; this is called

The samidhi called "The circle of command of the the'gVarding of enlightenment of all Vajrae. so aeici the

wisdom of the Vajra Samaya". Bleszed One, the Mind of Enlightenment.

At the centre of space visualise a wheel adorned with At the centre of apace visualise the Dharma Body, the
SemeYa of the Three Bodies appearing from the transcendent
vaira flames, Vairocana PoSiessing all the divine aspects,
form of Vairocana, and then think of it as a seat;-., imagine
and ima& Vajrasattva of great fame appearing from the
ham! Apace filled with all the Buddhas, and visualise the Wisdom-
Samaya of the Three Times, bolding in hisxa vajra which emits ,

being the dwelling of your mantra-syllable in the form of

sparks of fire; distinguishing between the Vajra forms, draw-7
Mind; then 9.raw together the BuddhaS5, meditating on them si40].br
together the beings from the ten directions on rays of light
as Mind, and when You have transformed them into Vajra Lind
and make them enter Your body; then the friend of supreme
make them enter the Three Bodies.
wisdom should send out all the Vajras: May all the Buddhas,
15 The samadhi called "Illuminator of the Vajra mantra -
Yoging of Body, Speech and Mind, hear me! I am glorious
Vajradhara, who orders the circle of command, latb,the blaz-
ing vajra I shatter the emanations of the Three Bodies aud- 64 Visualise Vajrasattva possessing all the divine aspedx,
it' any disobeys the sacred law he will perish, there is no then after placing the Buddhas in order tread on the water, %2
doubt! and imagine treading on the enemy's head with both feet to -
The samiidhi called "Vajra wisdom of the Wheel Samaya". gether. So said the Blessed One, Pure in Nature.
The samidhi called "Treading on the Vajra Ocean".
56-58 At the centre of space visualise the Vajra-possessing

manclala of Buddhas, then imagine yourself in your Vajra 65 Visualise the..ma44ala of earth and place the Wrathful
nature as Yamantaka with a great retinue; visualise the One in it, and imagine treading on the enew's head with your
Buddhas and BOdhisattvas of the three times, entered into the foot marked with a double -vajra.
manciala of the Three Bodies, then send-them out again resem- The samadhi called "Crushing the false arguments of
bling Yamantaka, and wrathfully iwagine the evil-minded ene- heretics".
mies beings of the three times slain:this is the ma44ala
66 Visualise the three supreme Vajras in their wrathful daggir, and stab it blazing with sparks of fire into the circle
aspect, all as huge as the King of Mountains, the colour of of the ten directions.
yellow pollen, and imagine them on the eneillt7'5 head; if this The samadhi called "Vajra which rules and pacifies

crushes even the host of Buddhas, there iS no doubt that it the world".

will crush a human lord. So said the Blessed One, Born of visualise the holy Ma44ala of
76-78 At the centre of space
the Body, Speech and Mind of all the Tathagatas. 1
peac9e, and visualising the form of Vairocana place the sup-
The samidhi called "Crushing all armies". pliant in his heart; imagine the realm of space filled with

67-68 Visualise this meditation, the sacred law to terrifY Iocanas, then draw them together into a bell of light and

he enemy, and if even a BUddha disobeys he will burst into make it fall down into the patient; the Praotiser of this vow

pieces, there is no doubt. So said the Blessed One, Samaya of should send out clouds of Buddhas from his pores, and at the

the Three Vajras. same time the clouds of Buddhas will bestow consecration on

Visualise a five-pointed vaira dagger appearing from the Patient, and by this means he will become glorious at

the syllable ide*, and imagine it in the enemy's heart; even that very moment.
The samadhi called "Array of clouds of Buddha Samaya0'.
the wrathful host of Buddhas will perish, there is no
The samidhi called "Confusing the.enemY". centre of space Visualise the holy ma44ala of
79-82 At the

69-73 Practise this on a town, a village or a Province, and arti? and visualising the form of Dharmadhara place the sup-

it will always bring peace, free from every ill. Visualise a pliant in his heart; fill the delightful dwelling of space
- together into a ball of light
five-pointed vajra'in the sky, blazing like the fire which with Paris, then draw them

consumes the ages, nd draw all beings into it; then send then the colour of the Jewel and the Wishing -jem and make it fall

out again as shiningJewels and Wishing -jems, and visualising down into the suppliant's body, speech and mind; the prac6tiser
clouds of Dharmas perform the consecration. By this meditation of this vow should send out clouds of Jewels from his pores,

even the insatiable is filled, he becomes the glorious Wisbing- and visualising clouds of Dharmas perform the consecration.

jem, meditating on vajra generosity. Send out there clouds of 13.Y this meditation even the insatiable is filled, he becomes
Buddhas, Mahadharmas and Vajrasattvas and that Place will be the glorious Wishing-jam, accomplishing vajrs generosity'

blessed by all the Buddhas for three immeasurable ages. The samidhi called "Samaya array of clouds of Dharmas".
The samadhi called "Birth of the Vajra which removes At the centre of space visualise a vajra half-moon
all ills". 21
man4ala, and visualising the form of Aksobhya and Amogha-

74-75 wherever you practise this vow in meditation, dwelliag siddhi Place the suppliant in his heart; imagine the sphere

there, by this yoga of meditation, you will be blessed by all of space completely filled with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and

the Buddhas. Visualise the great King, Vajra-Amrta the vajra make their splendour fall onto him with the five rays of light;
Queen Panclara, three -headed,,r d black and white, beautiful
at that very moment he will know the thoughts of all the
in colour; imaginli,, Tara hold,..k.ft a vajra night-lotus three -
Buddhas, and with the appearance of Maffjuiri perform the
headed, shining ra4,ntlY, Yellow, black and white, and You
actions of his state; with joyful hearts they will bestow
will attain wisdom.
the consecration which brings great joy, and raised up
22 99-110 Imagine the great Wrathful One Yamantaka three-headed,
look alone he will Subdue the whole world.
violent and shining, black in colour, harsh, fearful to fear
The sam'adhi called "Array of clouds of Jewel SamaYa
itself; imagine the great Wrathful One Aparijita, loudly
87-90 Imagine Yaira space filled with rikqasas, violent, laughing, three-headed, blazing and emitting sparks of fire;
burning in fierce' wrath, and with various jackals, crows, the yogin should always imagine the great Wrathful One Tiaya-
vultures and wild dogs; alWays visualise

the enemy3 in the grIva, blazing like the fire which consumes the ages, three
maigala of fire, harming all the Buddhas, and then perform headed, stamping out evil-doers; the great Wrathful One TaiT.'er
all overpower him, bearing many AmTta, agitated and emitting sparks of fire,
like a hlaziu5
the yoga: imagine that they

kinds of weapons, and tear out his entrails, marrow, blood vajra, violent, fearful to fear itself; imagine the great
and so on, and the enemy will die. Even if the Buddha or Wrathful One Takkirija, the wisdom of desire, three-headed,

Vajradhara is visualised in this way he will die wi, ,\\ p. a causing threefold fear, four-armed, extremely terrifying;

- %.7

fortnight, there is no doubt. always imagine the great Vajra Mahabala dispelling the igno-
The samadhi called "Samaya array of clouds of Vajras" rance of the three worlds, destroying all evildoer, three -
headed; imagine the great Wrathful One Niladaq4a,causing fear
Imagine Vairocana, the colour of autumn clouds,
to the three worlds, three-headed, born of the Three Vajras,
three-headed, white, black and deep red, adorned with piled-
fiercely blazing; the practiser of the vow should imagine the
up hair and a crown; imagine the Vajra Lord, three-headed,
great Wrathful One Vajra-Acala, Vajra -born, squint-eyed, gentle,
his faces black, red and white blazing, wearing piled-up
holding a sword and. noose, three-headed; imagine the great
hair and a crown, agitating the world-realms; imagine the
u4nlaa Ekiksara, sending out sparks of fire in all directions,
Passionate One, three-headed, as faces red, black and white, b
three. -head7d, blazing holding a wheel, the manciala of medi -
delighting in piled-up hair and a crown, and You will surely
tatiOn; itine Sumbhal possessor of supreme wisdom, violent,
sucteed; imagine in their right hands the w*el, vajra and ..., __-_-,
cresting an ociAn of fear, three-beaded, is form radiant with
lotus; imagine their Vajra forms with six arms, beautiful',
flames, the ma44ala of meditation; Tejoriii, Jayoniqa, and
bearing various weapons.
any others of the mantra-circle, imagined each in
95-98 Imagine Locana, desiring the good of all beings,
turn with their Samaya Bodies of Bliss. Boundless are the
threz-headed, white, black and deep red, lovely in form;
) '
_ 24 samadhis of mantras that are taught; one by one the Wrathful
imagine always the great Queen Mamakl, three headed, black,
Ones are raised above the heavens.
white and red, lovely in fc-Im; imagine always the great
At the centre of space imagine the holy moon mareeala,
111-113 At the centre of space imag ne the holy bright ma-
and havingevisualised'the form of the Buddha, ansform it

4a1a, and having visualised the form of the Buddha, traneform
it into Vairocana; visualising him Pea4efult translacent, into Locail;) fair-faced, wide-eyed, adorned with various
jewels, coseplete with every attribute, supreme in Woman's
like the moon, the colour of the five 3.aYs of light* appear-
enchantment; imagine in her hand a wheel which subdues the
ing like a mirror, the maveala of the three worlds, edorned
three worlds, wisdom that attains all siddhie, bestower of
with all adornments, you will see enlihtenmeht. By this
c-J the Wishing-jam.
means, visualising in vajra meditation the greatness of the
1 The samadhi celled "Possessing the sign of Locana
Buddha which overcomes all worlds is attained in this very
The samadhi called "The beautiiful VaJra the birth of 1237125e At the centre of space imagine the holy \Taira mare4a-
Vairocana SamaYa"- la and having visualied the fore' of the BUddha, transform
it into Xhavajri, fair-faced, wide-eyd, JAM* colour .of a blue
114-116 A the centre of space imagine the holy Vajra mweea-
night-lotus, complete with every attribute, the, consort of
la, and h ing visualised the form of the Buddha, transform
c'eee' Space; in her baled a red and blue night-lotus worshipped b
it into Vajrasattva; visualising him:wrathful, asethough with
the three worlds, divine, causing Buddha-enlightenment the
translucent form the colour of the five flames, possessing
secret of the vajta eiddhas.
all the divine aspeetsl'aderned with all adornments, the
The samadhi called "The Mother of Space, who gives
peaceful abode of wisdom, You will quickly attain the VaJra 26
joy to the Vajra Cloud. of Jewel-rays".
nature. By this means, aroused in vajra meditation, the
greatness of the Vajra which overcomes all beings is attained 126-128 At the centre of space imagine the holy Dharma ma/ga-
in this very life. la, and having visualised the form of the Beeoleaf transform
The samidhi called "The beautiful Vajra the birth of it into Dharmavajr1, fair-faced, wide-eyed, ruby -coloured., ap-
the Samaya of all Vajras". pearing from supreme illusion, beloved of the Lord. Of Passion,
complete with every attribute, adorned' with all adornments;
117-L19 At the centre of seace imagine the holy Dbarma mae-q,
in her band a red night-lotus, meditated upon by all the Buddhas,
4a1a, and having visualised the form of the Buddha, transform
divine the source of Dharma wisdom, the secret \f those who
it into eharmasattva; imagine him peaceful, hisobody trans-
possess the vajra SamaYa.
lucent, adorned with all adornments, a great wheel emitting
The samadhi called "Vajra who teaches the clear and
cloude, of light-rays. By this means the greatness of the
comp ete enlightenment the essence)Of the Dharma Same/a'
Dharea, born from the indestructible Three Bodies, adorned ((e

by the ocean of wisdom, is attained in this very life.


The samadhi called -"The beautiful Vajra, the birth of

DharMasattva Samaya".

129-131 At tht centre of space
imagine the holy *Ida&
ssmidhi the bir
4ala, and naving visualised the form of the Buddha,
it into Tiril; imagine her fair-faced, *ids-eyed
various jewels, yellow in colour* drunk with the wine of holy sun
woman's enchantment; in her head a clear yellow nignt-lotus,
transform it
produced from vajra meditation, wl.!rshipped by all beings. *sing, emitting sparks of fire,
he samidhi called "Possessing great,84maya-Tirsit". surrounded by wmithiU1 and enraged black, with
sharp teeth. Imagining obhya on his crown* Wrathful
132-134 At the centre of space
imagine the holy sun magala,
One will rejoice, for th the unbreakable red law of
and Laving visualised the form of the Buddha, transform
emitting sparks of firs, all Wrathful Ones.
iato Iamintaka; imagine him blazing, rajra hi
enraged, the man4ala of fear, with reddened eyes and bared
teeth, a sword in his hand. Imagining Veiroolma on his crown, At space imagine the
the Vajra-poscessor will rejoice, for this is the seers& law and having visualised the fora
of all Wrathful Ones, Possessors of "laJra wisdom. into Takkirias; imagine his angry,
The samidhi called "The aPPoltrano Of the emanation fearful to fear itself, complete with every adornment, the
trkca". colour of the Vajra. Imagining AkSobhya on his c , joy Will
increase for this is the unbreakable sacred law of all Wrath-
135-137 At the centre of space imagine the holy sun 'algal**
ful Ones.
and hawing visualised the form of the Buddha, transform it The samidhi called "Joy of.enlightenmen in Vaj a
emitting sparks of fire,
into APAmi4i4a4 imagine him blazing, medi ion".
6iri1ed with serpents, his mouth open wide, terrifying, white
in colour. Ioagining A400bnya on his crown, the Velst.posses- 147-149. Az the centre fie space imagine the holy sun man4ala,
sors will rejoice, for this is the sacred law f i.l Wrathful and having visualised the form of the Buddha, transfor& it
Claes; possessorb of Vajra wisdom. into Mahibala; imagine him blazing* emitting sparks of fire,
The saiiii eled "The appearance of Vajra Apar itte. the 2444ale.dwelling of the Three Vajras, violone2and angry,
holding a noose, possessor of vajra strength. Imagining
I 8 -14(,, kt the centre of space imak,lne the holy swi man4ala
Aksobuya on his crown, Joy will increase, for this is the
aal hpviag visual-zed. toe form of the B4dha, transform it unbreakable sacred law of all Wrathful Ones.
ino y ajra; imagine him wrathful, sparics of
he samidhi celled "Vajra Tribale/..
re in directions, stamping out ovi red in colour.
Amir,abha on hts own, the Vajr pose ssors will
rej,...,ice, for t is is the sacred lee of allWratnful One
1990161 At be centre of epees ine the holy sun map4a1a,
150-152 41t the centre of space imagine the holy sun
and hawing visOalised the form of the Buddha, transform it
and navin6 visualised the form of the Buddha, transform it
into Vajra Sumha; imagining his body blazing with fierce
into N11a-Vajrai imaine him angry,29 with terrifying appear.. rig, 4 ',Sirs. in
flames, omitting wajra clouds, brightly .
awe, fearful to fear itself, black-bodied, fierce, cresting
his band, you will1 attain siddhio Imagining Aksobhya on. his
a blacic ocean, blazing and emitting sparks of fire. Nisrin$
crown, joy will increase, for this is the unbreakable sacred
a vajra staff. Imagining Aksobeya on his crown, joy will Imo-
crease, for this is the unbreakable Ommirsi 42, of all Wrath- le, of all Wrathful Ones.
The samidhi called. ',The birth Of Vajra Sam4Y4 Sunbher,
ful Cues.
The samidhi called "2osses8ing the great Vajradarista sUpPrse%iai by the circle of Wrathful Ones,

Samaya". depending uPca the eirele of Buddhas, the Vajra sanidhi

magala, wisdoms are attained from.the Yajra
153-155 At the centre of space imagine the holy sun
and having visualised the form of the Buddha, transform it
into great Acala; imagine him enraged and dr*adful, *Quint-,
eyed, agitated, holding a noose and sword., biasing and silt' eorweS111111MINIMIOWM14.1.1.11.....001,01111nraliiipill1101411111d0.110111110.1...q11111111INOMOMMIIM

ting sparks of fire, possessor of 'sire stability. Imagining

Aksobhya on his crown, joy will increale, for this is the un-
breakable sacred law f all Wrathful Ones.
The samidhi called "Treading underfoot the SEW& of
the Realm of Vajra Space".

156-158 At the centre of apace imagine the holy sun Langlala,

snd having visualised the form of the Buddha, transform it
into Vidyicakr!? imagine him complete with every attribute,
encircled by a wheel of flames, emitting sparks of firs, the
Samuya of the Lspisa circle. Imagining Akeobeya on hie crown*
joy will increase, for this is the unbreakable sacred law of
all iirathful Ones.
The Barnacle ameya, the Qirois of the
dower of the Vidyiz".


CHAPTER FOURNEW Then the SlaSeed One entered. the sesidhi called "Birth
of the Universal SaSeya" and brought forth from his vaira botry
Then the Blessed One, Mahavajradhara, Lord of the *Pooch and mind this great Qneen, of the Bans:a-beings: 0* etc.
Samayas of all the Tathigatas, entered the samidhi called 7.8 As soon as this was shii, *11,the Buddhas born of the
"Supreme Samaya of peace" and brought forth from his vajra Great Ono, rejoicing, attained wisdom, and contemplated Vaire
body, speech and mind this great Queen of all Tathigatas: Body. Instantly she snbjugstea the greet host of Buddhas and
Oki etc. lejras and the whole realm Of sentient beings, making them
1-2 As soon as this was said, those who delight in all all enslaved and motionless.
perfection were filled with joy and gladness and contemplated So said the Blessed One.
the Vajra Buddha. She is called the Mother of Peace of the -
Then the Blessed One, the Tathagatel veira Body, Speech
Buddhas, she accomplishes all actions, restores the dead to
and Mind, of all Tathagatam, entered the samidhi called wVajra
life and arouses the Vajra Samayas.
cloud of immaculate rmys" and brought forth from his Vajra
Then the Blessed One, Vajra Wrath, Samaya of the Three body, speech and mind this great Wrathful One, Vaira Twin:take:
Bodies, entered the samidhi called "Vajra Samaya of substance NAMMI etc.
and non-substance" and brought forth from his vajra,body, 9-IX As soon as this was said, all the famous Buddhas,
speech and mind this great qaeen of all Vajra-holders: terrified and afraid in their hearts, contemplated Vajra Mind.
Oki etc. Taking an unbroken skull, well-shaped and pleasing, tread it
3-4 As soon as this was said, the possessors of the indes- underfoot and contemplate this mantra; if it is chanted three
tructible Three Vajras openedeyes wide with joy and
their times, Iocani and also Namect of the great Vajra Family will
contemplated Vajra Mind. She always accomplishes the actions certainly at once be captured.
of vajra protection and gives strength to those who are So said the Blessed One, Vajra Mind.
afflicted by the great vajra fear.
Then the Blessed Tathi6ata Vairocana entered the
Then the Blessed One entered the samidhi called samidhi called "Greatest among the mass of Samara rays" aad
"Vision of the Samaya of great Passion" and brought forth brought forth from his vajra body, speech and mind this Vajra
from his vaj-a body, speech and mind this great 4ueen of the Wrathful One, AllaTta Samaya: 141.114 etc.
Dharma-Body: Ohl etc. 12-13 As soon as this was said, all the famous Buddhae,
5-6 As soon as this was said, those who uphold the supreme fainting and full of fear, contemplated Vajra Body. In acts
Vajra Jharma, rejoicing, became absorbed in meditation, and of vajra expulsion, with the use of all mantras, even the host
contemplated Vajra Dharma. Eternal store of treasure, she of the Buddhas themselves will be driven out according to the
always creates the power to prosper Dharma by the mere chant- rite.
ing of the mantra, according to the word of Vajra Speech.
Then the Blessed Tethigata Ratnaketu entered the 20-21 As soon as this was asiA, all the powerful serpents,
samidhi called "Vajra rays of the Buddha" and brought Forth terrified and afraid. in their hearts, conteml,Lated the Three
from his vejra body, speech and mind this groat Wrathful 00m4 Yajra Bodies. Sinply by means of chanting the mantra, accom-
Vajra Aparijita: NANAV etc,' plish all actions, and. make rain fall 14 time of drought.
14-:5 As soon as this was said, all the Buddhas born of
Then the seed One entered the samadhi called "Vajra
the Great One, terrified and afraid in their hearts, contem-
of universal destruction" and. brought forth from his Vajra
plated the Mind of Enlightenment. When acme* and cruel
boy speseb and mind this great Wrathful One of all Tathi-
rikaasas appear with great terror and confusion, he Performs
a: 141141 etc.
actions according to the rite..
As soem as this was aaid4 the Buddhas born of the
Then the Blessed Tathigata Amitiyus entered the Great One, terrified tnck: refuge in the Samsya and contem-
samahi called "Vajra born of Anita" and brought forth from plated the Three lejra Bodies. 'Treading on the image with the
his vajra body, speech and mind this groat ledre Wrethful right too in meditation on VOrasattire., wit1 the mantras of
One Padmasalfthava: NAKAV etc. the Tiaras Vsjras the capture of all mantras takes place.
16-17 As soon as this was said, the first-born sons of the
n the BleSseds One entered the samidhi called "IraJr
Dharna Vajra, terrified and tainting, contemplated. the Wing
water of the garland of wisdom" and brought forth from his
of Wisdom. Arousing the Wrathful Kings he purifies the whole
vajra body, speech and mind fierce BISsa7a, Acala""Vaira:
realm of space filled with poison, the colour of the Vafte
- 3 BAMAV etc.
24-25 As soon as this was said, all the gods together with
Then the Blessed Tathigata Amoghasiddhi entered the their retinues, fainting end afraid in their hearts, contema.
samiidhi called "Vajra clory born of Amogha Samaye and brought Plated Vajra BOdY. BY this mantra of the Wrathful One, Mahi-
f:1-th from his vajra body, speech and mind this Wrathful Xing, delve and the other gods terrified, possessing great magic
Naadalga: NANAV etc. powers are captured in the joined yantra4s.
18-19 As soon as this wes said, all the sons of the great
Them the Blessed One entered the eamidhi called Ihgtra
Evil One, terrified and afraid in their hearts, contemplatmi
eiganetion of the samaYan and bronght forth from his Nlijra
Vajrasattva. Aroased according to the ritual with a, hundred
body, speech and mind this great Wrathful Ono SuMbhai the
and eight recitations, this famous Wrathful King destroys all
BamaYa of all Vajra-holders: OV etc.
,26-27 AS soon as this was said, all the maidens with great
Then the Blessed Tathigata Aksobhya entered the magic powers, Asked, their hair flowing loose, contemplated
samidhi called "Glory of clouds in a ilrections" and brought
s Vairasatt;ve,. Binding with the vajra hook and noose the Lord
l!orth from his vajra body, speech and mind this VatJra Mahi- of all lethigatae, trod underfoot by Vajrasattv all the
bala: NAM AV etc.

great Wrathful One remintaka, the vsjra hook, then, visualising

maidens are captured.
the greet circle of fire which consumes the ages enjoy a
Then the Blessed One entered the samiihi Yak,* Maiden* So he said.
"Vajra arising of the truth of the great Sauey*" and brought 39-40 The method of capturing has been explained with the
forth from his vajra body, speech and mind this dwelling of different audris and mantras for thea all, and if it is done
the truth of Samaya Speech, the secret of the Three Vajrast otherwise it will fail. ifejrasettva the great King should be
the great Samaya: aroused again and again, for he is the supreme eternal Xing
28-38 Meditate on Vajrasattva in the three bodies of the of all mantras.
Vajra Buddha, then the Buddha will be captured by the beamm*
Then the. Blessed One entered the samidhi called "Vajra
of the noose aad vajra hook. By means of the great *algal*,
-wiedmm emanating throughout space" and brought forth from his
uniting the body and speech of the Buddha, Vajrasattve tin
vejra body, speech and mind this Lady of the great Samaya Ong
great King is certainly always.captured. By the Wheel, the 6
yAira SpeeCh, who is called l'aJra Ofil etc.
Lotus and the great Vajrg, meditating on the indestructible
41-42 AA soon as this WAX said, the serpent maidens with
Three Vajras, all mantras will be captured with the vwjra
groat magic powers naked and aflame, contemplated, Buddha-
hook and the other different hooks. Having visualised the
"alighteaMent. 27 tie mantra-vidyi all serpents will be cap-
personification of your mantra, peaceful, with the nature of
tured.; 4.--*'.;:lring efw,4010-eyed serpent maiden, enjoy her.
all the Vajras, capture the best of human maidens by a vajra
hook in her heart; she will certainly always be captured by Then the Blessed One entered the samildhi called "Vajra

means of the maigala of air. Visualise the great form of born of the Sky Samaya" and brought forth from his vajra body,
Vairocana in a moon mag4a1a and imagine laci standing there; speech and mina this great Dharma Samaya Vajra Bhrkuti:
by the action of Vajra-Amrta, if you recite his mantra fifty 4 etc.
timesl she will certainly always be captured. Visualise the 43-45 AS soon as this was said, all the daughters of the
great form of the vajra hook, in the vajra malgala, the col- vidyidheras, trembling and full of fear, contemplated Vajra
our of fierce vajia flames, and a sky-maiden will be captured. Wisdom. With this mantra-vidyi and the sacred law,capture a
vidyadhara maiden with her swaying gold earrings; those who
Visualise the Wrathful Vajra Samaya who dwells in the Vajra
underworld, and a demon maiden will be captured with the are born of the Three Vajra Wisdoms are immediately captured
spear, vajra hook and noose. Putting chalk or red earth in everywhere by the Vajra King of Suppression, supremely perfect
your mouth when the moon is in eclipse, attain success by and beautiful.
means of the vajra hook. Whatever name of the gods you write, 46-47 Turther in high and lonely places, it is taught that
Brahma, Rudra and so out they will approach overcome with x,ractisers of mantra accomplish all actions with a hundred
fear, according to the word of Vajra Speech. Visualize NOAlium* thousand recitations of the Wrathful Ones. Those who blame
vajra, possessing all the divine aspects, and imagine the the Teacher and speak ill of the Mehiyine must diligently
be destroyed or cast out; by this means one attains the siddbi house or at his door, and he will shrivel up and die.
of mantras and ultimate enlightenment. So said the Blessed One, Glorious Vajra Mehisamaya.
So said the Blessed One, Mahivajradhara.
Then the Blessed One entered the samidhi called "Vajra
48-53 Visualise ac:--ording to theritual evil-minded enemies binding of the Body, Speech and Mind of all the Tathigatas"
destroying the body, speech and mind of all the sentient and brought forth from his vajra body, speech and mind this
beings of the ten directions, then wearing clothes made wet mantra for transfixing the body, speech and mind of all the
with blood, water or urine, tread on the image and invoke the three realms: OV etc.
Wrathful King with a full hundred and eieht reeitations, and 59-65 As soon as this was said, all the Buddhas with great
even the Buddha will certainly be destroyea; banes wet your magic powers, fainting and full of fear, contemplated Space,
clothes with water, when the Wrathful One has bound ilia tread. the Vejra Mind. A dagger made of human bone, acacia wood or
on the image with the left foot, and even the Buddha will iron will destroy the Three Vajra Bodies. Absorbed in Vajra-
certainly be destroyed; wearing clothes made wet with urine, sattva, radiant and filled with sparks of light, visualise
disgusting and foul-smelling, recite the mantra, and he will the form which contains the Three Vajra Bodies and perform
immediately shrivel up and die; wearing clothes wet with asies the rite; visualising the Great Symbol of Vairocana or of
and water, wrathfully recite the mantra a hundred and eight Vajra Permian, imagine the Great Symbol of YaMintaka and stab
times, and even Vajrasattva will be destroyed; Zearing clothes the Three Vajras; by means of Vajra Antakunfitali cut off the
wet with water, with an any mind, naked and with hair flow- wicked and cruel, even the noble Buddha himself, with vajra
ing loose, frightening and wild, tread the imageunderfoot yoga. This is the visualisation of the dagger: imagine the
and destroy even the realm of space itself. upper part as that Samaya himself and from the heart to the
54-58 Perform the fierce Acts in a shrine of the Mothers, feet as a vajra dagger. By mane of vajra meditation even a
in a cemetery, in an empty house, at a crossroads, or near Buddha will certainly be stabbed, when Vajrasattva the great
a single image or a single tree. Chant the mantra a hundred King strikes with the dagger he will quickly die.
and eight times and hede a dagger made of human bone, eight
Then the Blessed One Mahivairocana entered the samidhi
fingers long, by the enemy's door: within a fortnight the
called "Vajra emanation of Body" and brought forth from his
Buddha, bestower of the three bodies, free from knowledge
vajra body, speech and mind this mantra of the vajra dagger
and ignorance, will disappear or die; or else the wise man 9
which strikes the Samaya Body: OV etc.
should take a complete skull of the right kind and write the
66-67 Join the basea of the thumbs in the form of mutual
mantra on it, chanting, with vajra language, then hide it by
embrace, and strike the vajre dagger into the dwelling of
the enemy's door or in his village, and he will certainly be 1
Vairocan0a; ad soon as he is struck, the great Being born of
driven out; or else write the mantra of the eithful One on
he Three Ve Mess will depart or be destroyed by the
a pin-leaf or some other material and nide it near the *newt *eared law.

Then the Blessed One Lokeivara entered the eaMidhi
called "Vajra emanation of Speech" and brought forth from his
ben Vajradhera the he Wee'
vajra body, speech and mind this mantra of the vajra dagger
which strikes the Samaya Speech: OV etc. universal consecration, knower of all, spoke waSra speech:
68-69 Insert the vajra finger into the open lotus of w ado*, In a deserted pliteir,' the sidbaka should always perform
and strike the vajra dagger into the dwelling of Vajra the special prietite with a twelveyear-old categla girl of
as soon as he is struck, the great Vajra born of the Immo Clete noble mind; he should mak* a four-sided maramla there,accer-
Three Bodies will depart or be destroyed. dimg to the rite ,with excrement and urine and the other sacred
substances, medita on the Veira laatk ; seating her on
Then the Blessed One MahiVajradhera entered the oil his lap -- fair-faced *Oa very beautifUl, purified with e..eri
idhi called "Vajra animation of Mind" and brought forth freak quality l complete wi1 every adornment; be should visualise
his vajra body, speech and mind this mantra of the USW the forma of the Buddhas with tbB cit1e of the five men4alae,
which strikes the Samaya Mind: OV etc. the delightful place of worship, the secret of those wto
70-72 Binding the five-pointed. "Ora visualise it fillefi prtatiSe mantra; by the method of *antra and meditation on
with sparks of light, and strike the vajra dagger into the the great form of Vairoca-m, possessing vajrasbodr, speech
dwelling of Vajra Mini; as soon as he is struck, the greet :and he 'Till become like the Buddha. By the method. of
Vajre born of the immasulete Three Vajras will depart or be Ve4rasattvas he should always perforn the practice with a
destroyed. If the rite is correctly perforxted with the yoga girl Of the wellborn/We caste, noble-minded, whose colour is
of Body, IR/A*0h and Mind, you can transfix the whole **teat the petal of a blue night-lotus, and having performed
of the vajra realm of zpace, there is no doubt the ritual of union with her he should begin the Acts, for
So said the glossed One, the great VW* egger this is the unbreakable law of all mantras: at that very
73 the ri the Buldhas of the great Three Bodies, doi wewant he will become like Taaraeattva, like the King of all
Lood to tLTa realise of sentient beings, rejoicing, filled Dharmas who accomplishes desire and liberation. With the

ith 1 dness, sang this song: meditation of Vatire Ohareas the sdiaka should always perform
C. best abode of secrets! 0 gath of essence! the practice with a dancing-girl, bea fair-faced an
peaceful dwelling of Dharmal a vanquishingi do and he wiU become the very self of VeJra Bharet,
the transfixing of all the ilud as and CallOui Bodhlo- 11414 in the t so a sing, possessor of Samaya
ettves, the trans /sing o VW. Body, Speech and ape. , oUjereAke Lord over
Al Asi b..0 taught; this is the transfixiag of ta-za I4enttfie ,itgVa3rs aharas, he ehould perform.
all mantras b rn of truth beetceing $0ou eob practice girl from the brahma4a
thh .040043 tie eeifret.
and Mind manor .ng of he trut4 of Mantras. diadre caste le bs ahould begin the


has set, and when dawn aepears ne will attain success through
according to the rite you will always become a bestower of
the supreme sadhanas. Visualising the Consort of Vajrasateval
sifts. In meditation make an image of any enemy, and xaowing
complete with every adornment, arrayed with perfumes and
the mantra draw a line theough it, and he will die, there is
flowers, he will quickly gain siddhi; he will become the
no doubt e strike his with a hammer in meditation, end he will
bestower of the Three Bodies, marked with the signs of a certainly be felled, or imagine a blazing vajra with flames
in the form of the letter , it destroys alleWlekersand is
Buddha, radiating light for hundreds of miles. He should

begin all yogas with the union of the two organs, for this
of the Family of Vajrapi0...Having drawn a man or a woman with
is the unbreakable sacred law of all siddhis; he should eat
chalk, charcoal and so on, visualise an axe in your head aad
sacred excremeet and urine if he desires the siddhi of the
then imagine his neck severed; by this means the Buddha,
Vpjra-Holder, for this is the unbreakable sacred law of all
foremost of the Three Precious Bodies, desiring the good el
siddhis: with excrement, urine and the other sacred substances,
all beings, will be Struck down or killed, there is no doubt.
theeueh eke =Lion of the two organs, ultimate reality is
28-31 For the stopping of rain, imagine a vajra in the

attaeneA the peaceful state of Buddha-enlightenment.

centre of a brightly blazing double-vajra filled with a mass
taire the Blessed One, the Vajra Samaya of Desire
of fiery sparks. If storms and so on arise while a manelala is
being drawn, make the 'fang' mud/4 and bring to mind the
and Liberation.
Enemy of'Evil; as soon as they see it, whatever emanations
TheA the Blessed One entered the samidhi called Tajra the Buddhea or Bodhisattvas have created will disappear or
Wrathful One of the great Sameya", and beouent forth from his else be destroyed; the Buddhas, Bodhisettvas and any other
vajta body, speech and mind this Wrathful One who terrifies wicked beings will die, there is no doubt.
all the Vajra Tathagataa: OV etc..
The angry one should burn salt and the oil of black
Here i e essence of the secret mantras of all the

mustard-seeds mixed with Dotson and blood, together with the Tathieatas: P.
32-33 With the practice of the Wis om-being visualise the
woman's name, in a fire of thorn-wood; this is always aus-

eioioue at midday or midnight, -- the wise one should make

image n the centre; wise in mantra, put a woman complete with
every adornment and characterised by every qualitylin the four
burnt o ferinee ia the trianele with a thousand and eight
4 visualise thia mantra:
recitations eccordine to the rite; this should be done for pieces wad having opened the lotus,
three days ween women are the object, by it suppression is
acted foe three i.measurable ages; Buddha, Dharma-Bolder 34-35 Visualise the Lord of Vajra Yoga, blazing, the colour
or VajrasatLva, if tne deluded one transgresses his life well the five rays, make him descend into your vajra body,
speech and mind, and you will reach enlightenment; at that
end there.
very moment you will beeome like Vairocana, Vajrasattva, the
23-27 Taking charcoal from a burning-ground on the eighth
Great Alug, the Buddha, Possessor of the Three Vajra Bodies.
or Xourteenth ni,ht of tne moon, if you cant the mantra
The samidhi called "Vajra birth of all beings".




36-38 Having found a woman according to the 49-51-Havineconsecratedth4Great0Ymbolef;any V
faced, deairing good, begin worship in o lonely p you will beeolde like him, glorious, with greastrength and

take aad eet the secret; at that very moment you will bowie courage, you will become radiant like the rtuddhal the glori,ous
equal in splendour toMaajuiril master of inviability, one, whose scope extends for millions of miles, wandering in

glorious, the colour of the golden JaMbu river. at food, the three thousand worlds; with the great strength of Maha-

excrement or meat, chanting mantras according to the rite, bale you may love a maiden from the realm of desire, who

and the Buddha's will not see you.. knows the delights of the gods and keeps the Family vow, or

,S0 said the Blessed One Mehavajra a. from the realm of form.

39-40 excrement according to the rite, put it irea 8o said tbt Baessed One, the great Vajra of Samaya
covered skull-bowll chanting the mantra a hundred and eight Invisibility.

times the sun-like Buddhas will not pee you; taking, tne flesh Then tiu wise Buddhas full of joy, their minds be-
of dogs or horses or human Tlesh aecor to the rite, eat- wildered, their eyes open wide witn wonder, sang this song:
ing it from the skull with the ritual of union, they will not Most wonderful is this: 0 changeless abode of secrete!
see you; a pill, mixed with excrement wrapped,in the throe 0 self-purified! 0 most faultless Dharmal
metals: with the union of the two organs all the Buddhas will
not see you; a pill mixed with dogs' flesh wrapped'in the 54 Then Vajradhara the Teacher, the Creator, Accomplisher,
three metals: with the of the two organs all the Buddbas great and. changeless, Buddha, Vajra, great Dharma spoke vajra
will not see you; a pill mi.4ed with human flesh wrapped in speech:

the three metals: with the union of the two organs all the 55-59 By the practice of the Vajra of Being, bliss arises

Buddhas will not see you; a pill mixed with cows' flesh for the Vajra-holders; by distinguishing the Enlightenment of

rapped in the three metals: with the union of the two organs the Buddha, bliss ariseu for those of the Vajra Buddha; it is
all the Buddhae will not see you; keeping the vow, wake a taught that the Ugeigas attain joy through the forms of Vajra
pill of the creatures born in ,excrement: with the union of Locani and the others, and meditation on the Vajra Buddha is
the two organs all the 'Buddhas will not see you; a pill mixed best for the Wrathful Ones; meditation. on Ratnaketu for those
wrapped in the three metals
with ceiphor and sandal-woole with the union of the two who follow the Marina of the Vidya King, and on Amitiyus in
organ a all the Buddhas will not see you; a pill mixed with the practice of the Vidya Queen; medkation on the Wisdom of

gall-stone aad aloe-wood wrapped in the three metals: with Amogha for the mantras which perform all Acts, and indeed for
the union of the two organs you will become Vajra Mah bale; all mantras meditation on Vajrasattva. So he said. In the
a pill mixed with camphor and saffron wrapped in the three tantras of the mantras of yakeinis, Yamintaka should be visu-
metals: with the union of the two organs all the Buddhas will alised, and for all mantras of yoga it is auspicious to arouse

not see you. So he said. him on one's head.

So said the Blessed One, Mahisamaya.



60 With these vajr mecUtatins the man4ala of mantra - 72 Then vajradnara the Zing, Lord of au I Tai;aigatas, pure
bliss, the sidbana of the Great Samaya, is taught or the dwelling of the three Bodies, spoke these words:
73-83 This destruction of all evil-doers can be done even
good of skhakas.
Alen Vajradhara the Teacher, the rod, the kaster of by those who are not solely engaged in it, keeping the vow,
all Dh ma, Pure in body, speech and mind, spoke vajra but it can be done by no other yoga: making an image of

62-67 On pleasant mountain-tops and in lonely forests enemy with chaff and coal from a buraing-ground, naked and
practise vajra meditation by the method of chanting mantras; with your hair flowing loose, destroy even the three worlds;
Vajrasattva and all the others, aroused by- mantra and medi- making an image of the enemy with ashes from a burning-ground,
tation, wrill perform the various actions according to the with one thousand,one hundred ani eight recitations he will
word of the or of tipeech. Visualise the great,form of Vajr die, there is no doubt; making it with various kinds of meat,
Dharmal ruby-coloured, and visualise the Families in the the flesh of cows, horses and dogs, in a three-cornered ma4-
tree centres of his vajra body, speech and mind. 2erforming 4ala, even the Vajra with certainly perish; with human flesh,
the whole ritual of descent,9 you will certainly aucceed: the 1Tajra-produced destruction of all is taught, for this is

the irresistible destroyer of all enemies; making an image of

arousing fixation, great divinity, aaci the noble stage --the
fourth, should be performed with vajra siddhi, thus success the enemy with the excrement and, urine of those who follow

is always won. Teking a twelve-year-old girl or boy, complete the great Dharma, wrathfully burn it in a tire of thorn-wood,
with every quality, visualise the descent; when you have pe and oven the Buddha will ce%tainly perish. So he said. Making
formed all the rituals the Acts will be successful, but othe0.- an imago of the enemy with earth from both banks of a river,

wise the creatures of he three realms will lough at yot fill all its limbs, the size of a sesamum-eeed, with poisonous
thorns with the words of arousing on them, and even the Buddha
Here are the syllables of the e will certainly perish. 8o he said. Black mustard-seeds, salt,
IILt LTJ (THAI. oil, poison and thorn-apple, these are taught as the stareme
68-71 3ven the realm of space, lifeless and. devoid of all destroyers 1 the Bud4has. Xearing clothes wet with char-
thought, even Vajrasattva himself, is made to descend by the wrathful mind, treading the image underfoot, he
tual. HfiiJ is Vajrasattva himself, IA O is Vajra Body, itt is will v be stoned by rikosas; making an image with
the King, the Jbarma-Holder, these are the secret words; powdered bones, poison and blood, even the fierce Vajrasattva
,MAI4 is called the arouser -- this moans moving and shaktag will quickly be siezed; treading underfoot an image filled
for this is proclaimed as the secret of all arousing. Aroused with excrement and urine mixed with mustard-seeds, he will be
by Vajrasdttva they will rise up to the height of a hand, or struck by a raging fever. So be said.
of two, five or eight hands, overcome with fear; as with the Hero ia the essence of the great Wrathful Vajra Samaya
first, so it is with them all: this accomplishes the secret. of all sthigatast NAMA1.1 etc.
84-85 Destrut of bod.y,, :Pees and d which you slay; thus andlie othe:4wise do they rejoice.
burx offeringa or in meditation, emit be done with undis. 4142 Buddha, the Teather, Vajradbara, Vajra Dharma and the
tracted thought, this is the supreme slaying. Visualise Vajmeposseseor will die by ths yoga of /meditation, according
,Vejrasattval the great Wrathful 'One, ug4 and terrifying to the word of "Ora Mind.
holding an ,axe and a hammer in hi,s hands, then perform the So said the BlesSed One, the great Samaya Vajra
meditation. O.
Hera is the sacred law Of the e King all Space, great Sage, ual
98 Then Vajradh
ism censecration, arfectly en igbtened, spoke vajra wisdom:
86-97 Visualise the realm 'of space completely f led with self- ur fled, unsurpassed Vaj/rayaaal
99 Wonderful is
all the Buddhas, then imagine it destroYed by that evil onto
Altbough dharmas are unarieen the Jinat teach arising!
and he will die at that very moment; visualise it filled with
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, destroyed by the evil being, tad Here is the Va4ra secret of the minor Act:
even Vajradhara himself will die; the ntrc.practieer should Aram a make with chalk oi charcoal, ugly and fear-
first visualise -the enemy harming the Bdddhas, then inspiring, black enveloped in flames, with a forked
him terrified and overcome with fear, and be will die, tongue and a row of fangs.
is no doubt; imagine him terrified bykvarions'kinds or Here is the assent whieb arouses the angry snake:KHAPA
sas, fierce, raging, irresistibly wrathful, and even, Vejra- Imagine poison like halahala,in its mouth, visualise
dhara himself will die; imagine him devoured by owls, c it blazing, the colOur of fire, and it will certainly move.
vultures, jackals and long-beased birds and even tae Buddha Here is the essence which attracts all poison: HR.
will certainly perish; imagine a black snake, very angry, 10Z-40a Imagine that it siezes all the poison produced from
fearful to fear itself, with deadly poisen,in its foreaead, various sourctis in the three realma, and visualise it falling
aai imat,ine aim bitten by this particular snake, -- even the down: at that very moment you will become all ocean of deadly
Buddha will certainly perish. his is the supreme arousi poison which deitroys all creatures as soon as it touches them.
the great fear, which brings down ,plagde and disaster on the Frogs, scorPiens and so on, and all lands of snakes, should
beings of the ten directions: be who Aeips this vow should be created by this ritual, with the tharacteristics of arising
strike tbo eaemy's breast with a powerful hammerIand his life 5'00.
will end, accordin6 to the word of VOradhara; imagine split Here is the essence which removes all poison: OV.
tins and cho pint, with the vajra axe and other weepons, tad v5 Visualise poison from the eye and so on, and any other
even fierce Vajrasattval bestower of the A'bree Bodias, will deadly poison, attract it by vajra wisdom and send it into the
die. stab the mantras of riikaasas, gods and so on for this man4ala of vajra space.
is tho supreme slaying he unbreakable sacred law. Think of So said the Blessed One, the great Vajra Samaya Poison.
all the beings dwellin in tre aa$ala as your own vejra

olute truldh result of aatC AC se

'vajra e Of,-the sacred law' of ourin
e destroyed withinia weei b 1bisYO 'a of meditatio the
method' of a hun eight recitations; else the rit
106-107 VisUa a essence, white in colour,
his ,great
of vajra aediaUon is done by me41s of your liantra tine: this

a cloud of lie/ t, brightly shiningf ceol as the rays of the

moon, draw i 121 and at once it will rise through the s the unbreakable maored law of all aicknese.
four visualising this two or three Imes, imag Then liajadhara the Zing, the ,Hoek of Wisdom, bri ht4
it/out and the poison-filled realm of apace will
centrevomiting otee,great Vajta of sire and-:iiberation spo beim

become freef from poison at thatvery =meat. e said. ,

Hel els the esbencewhich attracts a 11 s co4try ugh the 4harmas are like a dre
poisons: woe al nature,,self-pur tied reality, yet vajta
ulcers, pox, and any other knOwalliSe e illusion is taught eidhakes, intent on medidation and mantra,
vanish t by this meditation, according' to 'the, word. of Buddhas Bodhisattvas always dream dreams in two di
VSjrapi;ovisualise it at the centre of a great 'eight
. 11

w s.
petalled lotus, pure as the moon, pveloped in the five /*ye era is he graft sacred law of dreams:
of light; for drawing in, the liamays,,isiplaCk,-and for 122 132 Soon you dream of yourself as, hav4ng attained. the,
aro'using it is white: this is the eoct abode of midi Supreme, wiedom of enlightenment the adiancThf the:
secret faultless wisdal. Buddha, or as the Buddha's Body lies; you 4r41A that you
are worahipped by the great Beings the three realms, you
Here are the manta syllables the vajra esaen
which cure sickness from within and without:
-12 am of your image tbe olour of Great Iisdoi, worshi-oped
cf,INAJIK ki016111` VAATRLD
as and Bodhlsittves and. the ive sense desires; in
III 14 With the vajra arousing of sickness, visualise "the
Gel see your image,as the ;;Tansoendent form of Vajra-
throush sat a, 7ajra Dharma of at fame, or the rehe*aed e)ecret
form of whichever word. yea choose, which attains virtue
Vajra; the great Buddhas and lajra-dosessift6 3a1 as
dOotion; visualise the Zameya in the form of a monkey or a
bOr down., you dream dreams such as thial c:,rantinz iddhi of
dog, coming out from your body, speech and mind centres; re-
maining in the Vajra state, visualise ,a vajra or a Wheel, end body, speech and mind. If you dream of a charmilw maiden
imagine the,Samaya of body, speech and, mind pulveris0;by it: the Ode, complete with all adornments, or of youabo1a and.
Kirlsvrtyou will attain siddili;, you Jream clearly of all the
at that moment the famous Bodhisattves, perfectly enlightened,
will bestow with joyful looks'the holy state of blessing. Buddhas of the ten directions in their own lands, and with
115-118 And he said: visualise clouds of Buddhas, a great Inds full' of joy they bestow the lighttul treasury of
cloud of the Vajra King, in your Vajra body, speech and mind, berme; establishe n vajra meditation, with the sacred law
for freedom from sickness; visualiae the Wrathful Buddhas and or yoga you ,see your body in. the Wheel of Dharma, surrounded
Bodhisattvas of the teh directions: their slaying is the by all the Buddhas; with the sacred law of meditation,

ins of body, speech and mind and all d4rrnas is all-

blessed by all the Buddhas, you ee many pleasure- es and
ading and of one nature, whic4 e nature of Nand,
gardens, adorned by maidens of the geds; you d.rea that you
so he ,realm of body, speech and mind and the realm of space
are cdnsecrated by the Budlhas and Bodhisattvas, you' *ream
ere net twOrold and do not cause duality. 0 Blessed Tathi-
that you are worshipped by the great Vldyidhara Kings And
gates, just as all beings exist in spaee, but space does not
he said: if yo e dream these kinds of pure Vajra-born eams
exiat in the realm of desire, nor in the realm of form, nor
you will attain the highest, born of Vajra',BodY. 40414t ana
in the formless realm, and a dharma which does not exist in
Mind; with Vajra thought, if you dream of calgilaa, +ills and
the'three realms hes no arising, and,that which has. no arising
SO on, you will attain the mind-dwelling of wise VajrasattVa. cannot be produced by any dharma, so therefore, Blessed
4ere is the essence of the sacred law of the examine
Tathigates, all the dharmas are unsubstantial.
tion Of dreams: 0 Bleseed Tatnagatas, just as the mind of enlighten-
133 In the contemplation of mind, all dharmaa are /,/ dwelling
sates the vajra4whieh gives birth to the wisdom of all
to exist in one's awn mind, and this mind dwells in vajra
14 Tathagatas, but that mind of enlightenment does not exist
space: there are no dharmas and no Dharma-nature. does
in body, nor in speech, not in mind; and a dharma which

Tpen all $be Bleissed Tauh'e.gatits, overcome with wonder not exist in the three no arising, so is this vaJra

and amazement, aq*ed Vijraeattva who removes the doubts of tbe dwelling which gives birth to the- wisdom of all the Tathigatas.

Samayas of the Body, Speech and Mind of all the Tathitgatas: 0 Blessed Tathigatas, a dream dotot not 4now itself

0 Blessed One, what is this? -- to be a dream among the three realms, nor does wman who

13e although unsUbstantial, the reality dreams know himself to be dreaming, and action in the three

of dharmas is tau;ghtt realms is like a dream the image of a dream, the product of
onderful is medit on on space within space! dream: in the same way, Blessed Tatnigatas, all the
and Bodhisattvas sad all the sentient beings in the world-
the Blessed One, the Tathigata, Vajrapini of the
realms of the tea directions should be understood as without
Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathigatas, said to all the
self like a dream.
Tatt&gatas: 0 Blessed Tathigatas, space is not connected with
0 BlesJed Tathagatas, just as the wishing-jem is lord
an dharmas, nor is it, apart from them, nor does it know
of all jewels endowed with every virtue, and whatever sentient
itself to pervade everything and see eVerywhere; in the seine
beings ask for -- gold or jewels or silver -- it makes them
Blessed. Tathigatas, dreams and the products of dreams
all apjpear as soon as they are thought of, but those jewels
should be understood. 0 Blessed Tathagatas, just as space is
and so on do not exist in the mind or in the wishing-jem, in
unimaginable, imperceptible and unobstructed, in the same
the same way, Blessed Tathisatas, all dharmas and Buddha-
way, keesed Tathatas, all the dharmas should be understood.
dharmas should be understood.
0 Blespd Tathigatas, just as the Samaya which is the vajra

Then all the Blessed Tat agatas, their *Yee open
wide with at joy, said to the rathigata, the Body, Sp*
and Mind of all Tathigatas: it is wonderful, 0 Bleesed One, en all the Blessed Tathisataa gathered togetner an,
that the Buddha-dharmas as well as all the dharmae pervade and addressing the Blessed Tathigata, the Vajra 3ody, Sp 6'
the realm of space! and Mind of all Tathagate% with words from the vajra body,
Then all the Buddhae and Bodhisattvas bowed down at speech and mind of all the Tathagatas, worshipred him with
the feet of the Blessed Tathigata Vajrapini and said: the many, offerings of thet vajra jewels of all the Tauhagatas.
Blessed One has taught the collection of all mantra-siddhie; Then the Blessed Tathigata Vajrapani ehtered the samii-
lhi called "Samaya King, the lion-like mal4ala of all Vajras",
where do all these vajra mantra-siddhis exist?
Then Vajrapikni praised the Tathigatas renid Bodhisattmas and brought forth from his vE6ra body, speech and rind this
Man4ala of the Vajra,Bbdy of all Buddhas:
and said to all the Tathigatae: 0 BleasoikVat1;4gatas, the
mantra-siddhis do not exist in the body, speeeh and mind of 1.6 Now I will proclaim the supreme man4ala of Body, which
15 resembles the nan4ala of Mind, supreme among all maq4alas.
all the mantras, because the mantra-siddhis aad body, speech
and mind have no arising-in absolute truth; and yet, Blessed MelAre a square of sixteen cubits, very beautiful, the maigala
Tathigatas, all the mantra-siddhis and all the Buddha-dharmas of all the Buddhas, ruled by Vajra Body; within it draw a
do exist in your awn vajra body, speech and mind, but that circle according to the vajra rite, making it the place of
vajra body, speech and mind doee not exist in the realm of the vajra mudril supreme and secret among all mantras; draw
desire, nor' in the realm of form, nor in the formless realm. Vairocana's place in the centre, then Akeobhya and the others,
Rind does not exist in body; body does not exist in mind; and put the Goddesses of Vajra Body, Speech and Mind at the
speech does not exist in mind, mind deem not exist in speech; corners and the Wrathful Ones of invincible strength at the
and why is that? -- because they are self-purified like space. doors. The knower of mantra should offer worship in secret
Then all the Tath&gatas said to the Tathagata, Vajra vaira meditation, for this is the unbreakable sacred law of
Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathagatas: 0 Blessed One, where all mantrasi certainly he should make the special offerings
do the dharmas of all the Tathigatas exist and where do they of the five, nectars, for this is the sacred law of all mantras
come from? Vajrasattva said they exist in your body, speech of VaJra
The ma44aIa of the Body of all Tathieeeas.
snd mind, and they ceme from your body, speech and mind. The
Blessed Tathagatas said: where does mind exiiet? He answered: Then the Blessed Tathigata Vajrapagi entered the sama-
it exists in space. They asked: where does spaee exist? ae called "Array of clouds of all the Vajra Speech Samayas",
answered: nowhere. Then all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were and brought forth from his vajra body, speech and mind this
fiUed with wonder and amazement, and entering into the Manua- ma44ala of VajraSpeech:
nature of their minds remained contemplating in silence. 7-12 Now I will proclaim the supreme manclala.of Speech,

resembling the man ala of Mind, supreme among all man4alas. he place of coaeCration should imagine the maviis a. Make

Make a squaTS of twenty cubits according to the rite, and in the great in Vairocana and Iocani descend: the delightful

vajra meditation mark out four corners and four doora; in the malgals dwelling of Body-, which, brings about the qUaiitiea of

middle draw a large round circle, and intent 4t) the ritual Vajra Body; make the great Xing Vajra,Dharka and his Dharma

draw all the symbols together: put the Great Symbol of Amiti- Consort descend: this is th4eerlaating secret of all mantrso

yus in the centre, and place them all in that delightful make the great King Vejrasattva, and ilemakI descend: this is
vaira dwelling. Having made the supreme4very clearly acCor-, the most wonderful serret of all mantras. If this is done,

ding to the rite, then perform secret worship: thus the they come with blessing and power, and joyfully reveal the

Vajra-possessors will rejoice; making offerings with the suprems-secreJ

sacred five nectars, siddhi will be attained for s is the 20,.?, And he Mad: the mantrabeing ahould perforM the moat

unbreakable sacred law of all Buddhas. wontierfml-vajra *sere having captured all the Buddhas by

The manciala of the Speech of all Tathiigatas. the Wrathful Kinl, he should worship them: at sunrise, noon

and sunset, ,with the yoga of the Three Vajras, he should per-
Then the Blessed Tathrigata Vajrapilai entered the
form the SOMA worship of the faultless Three Vajras, whioh
samadhi called "Array of clouds in all directions", and the
achieves mantra siddhi. And he said: offer to all mantras
brought forth from his vajra body, speecn'and mind this most
wondrous offerings, -- excrement and urine, neat and' oil, and
hidden secret of the man4ala: 6
sandal-wood, the fifth, born of the mind, -7 semen gives joy
13 Whichever image, such as Vajradhara. you draw at the
to all mantra*, it is taught; this is the supreme Sacred law,
centre, you will become his manciala dwelling, born of secret
fulfilling Buddha-enlightenment.
body, speech and mind.
24-35 By yourself?perform this laying of thread; having
This is the most hidden secret knowledge of the dwel-
visualised Vairocana imagine the diaciple aa Vajrasattva or
ling of the Vajra Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathagatas.
tenon* Amttavajra, brilliant with vajra light, and visualise

Then the Blessed Tathigata Vajrapini entered the the place of ritual, attended by all the Buddhas; lay down
samadni called "Production of all manclala circles", and the Five Buddhas, the great Kings, in the vajra threads, for
brought forth from his vajra body, speech and mind this this is the most wonderful secret of all Buddhas. Lay out
secret vajra body, speech and mind of all maigalas: here are also the powdered colours, in twenty-five sections, for this
the essences, the mantras of the vajra magalas' the,sylleiWWIs is highest enlightenment, the secret of all Vajras. or all
for laying the threads: 010 I Ha*. the mantras, visualise vajra gdt, divine Body, Speech and
14-19 Laying the vajra threads and distributing the powder - Mind, in the five places; if this done, the Sons of the Indes-
ed colours should not be done by the mantra-being or enlight- tructible Three ftjras, overcome with fear, will bestow their
enment is hard to attain; therefore, he who knows the Samaya blessing On the wise Vajrasattva.9 With undistracted mind,
method, having made the mantra deities descend, visualising abiding in the eamidhi of Vajrasattva, visualise placing the

vajra jars, taught by the masters of mantratantras. The 400- I bestow the great Vajra,consicration of all Buddbas,
knower of mantra, desiring the fruit of all siddhist should born of the Three ,Secret Vajras,`.Worshipped by the three
offer fire-oblations of excrement, urine, meat, oil and se , realms.
0n; he should offer the complete vajra oblation to the indee- Bare is the secret rite by which all disciples request
tructible Three Vajras by putting it in the mouth of his eat Vajra:
visualised in the centre; uniting Ai the Vajra of 34ightennent bestowed the supreme
deity whose image he has
should make the offering a hun- worship on the B as, beetaw -it now me, 0 Vejra Space,
the two organs, the wise one

&zed and eight times, for this is the unbreakable sacred Law for my salvation.
should, visualise 42-441 Then he should bestow consecration upaa With ,4
of all Buddhas. By the yoga of Vairocana be
the disciple as produced from the Three Vajras, the,s7Uable JoYfulatad; he Should 'place the Lord,in
his heart through
Ai in his body, speech and mind, and the Vajra will possess union with the deityla el and reveal the ma/gala to the
him; Vajrasattva the great King and renowned Tairocana will 'die disciple, and tell .him the secret law proclaimed by all

the Buddhas: kill living beings, speak false words, take what
bestow blessing on body, speech and mind.
ii not given, and. frequent women. BA should exhort all beings
Here are the vajra words for entering the great
with 'this vajra Way, for this is the everlasting sacred law
man4ala: Kahl VtRA H. This is the vajra mantra of all Buddhae. And he said: then he should give him the
essence of he body, speech and mind of all Samayas.
mantra, explaining the'arousinfg with mantras, and having

Here is the hidden knowledge of the secret of given' the samafii of the Mantra King he should begin the
iecret: chanting Mantras according to the rite with vajra
great Vajra consecration:
With clouds of music and fragrance, be who hold it the he should make him eat semen or excrement, thus siddhi
Vajra lineage should visualise space completely filled with is not harrd to attain. That are the four great secr,ets, the

all the Buddhas. Aad he said: with the.maatras of the Three ascrii of all Vajra-posseasors, they dwell in the mantra circle

Vajra Bodies, he who keeps the vow should strike them with in the form, of women to act for the good of all beings.

mustard-seeds, then they themselves will bestow consecration Heresisthe secret which gives joy to all the mantras
on him; or, with the samidhi of Vajrasattva, the wise one
of the vajra ma44ala:
Should visualise the Buddhas, and imagine the jars held by
12 49-50 He should offer all the mantras the flesh of eleph
the great samayas, then the knower of mantra should viOualies
and hotoes, aa4 trauma flesh,' to eat, thus the protecting
the disciple, whose mind is ever undistracted, as Vajra
deities ire. pleased. Every, day the wise one ehaUld show the
speech and
Vairocana, and place the jars on his vajra body,
ma4Gala to the vajra disciple, with the rituals of the five
nectars and the five meats and the secret vajra word; visua-
Here is the secret of all consecrations, spoken with
lising the syllable Of of all mantras, it immediately blazes
vajra speech by all masters:
o said the Blessed One, the great Mantravi apuruva. no d.oubt, one will
51-53 Attentively strive for the attainment of all siddhis, laarl7 es the trains thirtirsix uterus he will
the siidhana of the great Samaya and Buddha-enlightenment the lands of Bu of the ten, dire ions
itself. Invisibility, strength, energy, and the sUpreme vajra will hoer the Prot sob 'the stagevi
capturing, -- with the 1a44.ala they are all attained, accore.' Buddhambaturei
dlng to the word of lejra Body. Make equal parts ot the five 3
So siid t Blessfad One Oamayklough
nectars and the five meats and keep them in a covered boe Kers 1,e tu1 secret v ra; the seCret Of 'ail measengats:
and you will dwell among the Buddhas. $o he said. Always arouse the Measengere, by,,plaCing the ,mntrais -
of liajrasattva great Wiadoia,, the, Itolde' r of 1Vatira. tp\-fieCh
nere is the excellent word for sidhana of all t$ and Vajra Bo
secret a messengers:
54 At the t e of sp visualise the syllableAdv, Here is the ourtoWsa red larct the
bright with flames, and imagine the realm of space completely Wisdom Circle: Sal.31i arousing S a' se
filled with the "Ruldhas; make the dwellings of their 1=0 # binding
pecn mind fall down there Into the mantra. may pure, empty realm of space into

Here is the esiience of blessing, the vajra mantras of with

body, eh and ndnd: AV XHAVDI Boa t 'V robot
55 ii sualisit the great form of Tajrapi4i, the great of all be
light of Paimapini, and the great form of Aparijita, and sot
63-7I It you wish to oveicoae a Buddha or 'Vajia attva,
dotal the dwelling of the see, ones.
tOis Most secretipso Bearer of the'Vbree V 0o:
ere is the dwelling of the Vajr secret ones; warajra of great power,
at the centre Of space 0. ualtio
56 Visual se Akqobuya at the centre of the sun,
and'aaXe the tip of his crown shoot forth five arrows, the
and 'the great circle of Amitayus and Vajra Vairocana in the
*Amor of mantra chould, make them fall on the five,centres
same way, by Intense sufferings arouse all the brightly ine him
1 by peens of the Orathful Yejva, .should
shining ones in their heart? a

terrified, by*.the famous Jarrow's his mind fixed on faintand

Here, is the arousing of the essence ,of all the Vajras: 19
Youthful 040, This moditatiOn should be practised for a fort-
night, *reusing the !arot ones: it is palled the secret of
5 ,ith great spears, great vajras, hooks, and other ex- all mantras by him who understands the vajra meaning. At the
cellent weapons, arouse the Vajra according co the rite, and centre,of spate imagine the holy Buddha 00.44ala, and visa
We enlightenment will be attained. Vaiirss and the others with the vajra mantras
0 And us said: on pleasant mountains and many kinde
SO ualtsing WAD. his rasp show him this accordi o'
islands, within, a fortnight the T5Udiha state.,Will be attained
20 samidhi called "Vajra enjoyment of all hopes", and brought
the ritual, and he will see the form of all the mantraw,who
forth from his Vajra body, speech and mind this way of the
possess the three vajra bodies. Practise this yoga in great
cirOle of samadhis: JAV
afflictions such as hunger and thirst, and all sufferings
799 At centre of space visualise the holy Buddha
be destroyed, according to the word of Vajra Mind; Visualise
ma44Als, and by,the,ritual make all the IhAdbes descend, with
the great form of Vairocena, the fulfillment of all desires,
this is Itajra meditation. Visualise the great yaksa Jambhala, the
and imagine iAV in his .situth and. 011 OA his tongue;
the source of all nouiisbment, adorned with the wishing-gem
bringer of wealth, psateful, in yaksa form,, with piled-up
hiatr and a vajra crown; acoording to the ritual visualise the
peace which removes all sufferings, created by vajra wisdom.
Five ,Buddhas in the five'cantres;,abiding in meditation, .offer\
So sail the Blessed One, Vajra Wisbing-gta.
his the water of vajra nectar; according-to the ritual visu-
Then tbe Blessed Tathigata Vajrapapi, the gret 1ero, alise Vajrasattva on hii;---7,roli,"in this way Japbhala, t4e
Vajra atgata, brought forth from vajra speech the great brightly !Alining Lord of Yaklas, is pleased.
vajra meditation word VI4. The seMidhi Called '"Uorious banner which pleases he
73 At the centre of space v sue ise the seining Buddha bringing Vajta aaaaya
aOsla, and having created it, with the yoga of the Three
Then the, Blessed. Tath4gata Vajrap4i'entered tsog-,
Vajra Bodies, visualise this mantra; visualising the emana-
oenei'lGPorz of On4ogrieent ofbe Vaira- 001284811
tion of the Yellow Vajra, complete with every sdornmenti
brought ,forth groa bis vaJa losiy, Speech and mid. this vajra
peaceful, with piled-up hair and a crown, begin all the Acts.
The samadbi called "Garland of worse of the Vaire,Nerol word the laW of 14 7e1;00#1 140g.
80-82 At the centre of spate Wisualise a square, beautiful,
when the d the sasidhi coMposecl enOrely of the four jewels, filledicith,flowers and
called "Vajra of unive al sound owtht forth from his perfumes; Imagine epics completely filled with all the yakei-
vajra body, cb and mind this word, ;is, and make them descend by the yoga of the Three Vajras,
Cu,. visualising them as 4 single form; meditate upon this with the
e holy sun man4ala, 21
tre of avec* Work of the throe vajra bodies; abiding in meditation on
tual, of uddhas, the ot re- blefijoiri visualise the Wrathful one on her crown and the
three Vajras; ake t into body, speech mantro word in her heart and begin vajra yoga.
"ad, visualise Cun av colour, complete The samidhi called "Vajra meditation on the state of
with every adornment; visu ttva the great King, identity with all iske
Lhe mantra word.
Blessed Tath" a i entered the sama-
The samadhi the
4hi cal emanation of the all vajra man
Blessed Tath ttae; add' brous forth from 3.13 vajra speech' and and

this lower siddhi: keipetbia great atform airrat worship a' theor

Those who are at the stage of the lower siddhis are times; taking stems, roots an& fruit as food and drink;
accomplisheu in body, speech and mind, possess a shining this way be will. soon become the Buddha, the lord, the vast
Buddha-body, and are golden cs the Jimbu river; in the aid- Ocean of Madam; in six,months he will attain all this, there
dhis of invisibility and so an, you become the Lord-Vjra., is no doubt. Always steallitg,othere' goods, killing, decep-
lhara; in the siddhis of the Yaksa Xing, you become a Lord tion, enjoying, vajra passion: this is, the WOW which binds him.
of Vidsadharas.
or Vajra Speech and the Suppems,ktindi it is correct to visu-
Here are the secret mantra-sidd.hi8, the forms of al alise'the IadyWith the Beek Of VaJra PasSion and lamaki
vajra siddhis:
girdled with VirtumWor else he should visualise his own
85-86 All the beautiful forms attained through mantra..
mUdra, the meditation of the Vajras of the three syllables;'
siddhi give joy to all the world-realms by the sight of them thus the all-knowing.tuddhau3 will rejoice,, there is no-ioubt.'
alone; among them he who attains the Usolga siddhl becomes With undistracted thought the;sidhaka should always beg alms
Lord of the wishing-gem, meditated upon by the Vajra Buddha-6,, tin the forest, overcome, with feat they will ofklr:him'heavenky
creator of Buddha-enlightenment.
food; he himself i.e the Three Vajras, be transcends, death and
So said -Wow Blessed One, Vajra who Fulfills all Hopas. becomes immortal, the vajra syllai4P,Taking a woman of the
gods or servonts, 7akeas-or donzOns, or e, human woman, practise
Then the Blessed Tathigata Vajrapiai Lord of all the
the Vidyi vow kept by. tberwisdom of the Tree Vajras; this is
boto., speech ind
Tathigatas, brought forth from his 'irajra
the grist, the asporet reality, of all mantras., born of' the
mind this practice of taking the Vidyi vow of the VajraBody, wisdom of the Three VajraS, entrance to Buddha-enlightenment.
Speech anti Mind of all Tathagatas:
So said the BleOsedOen, Vajra Samaya Truth of the
Meditate on body, speech and mind as Vojta Body,
8? W of all Istlagatas.
Speech and Mind; this should be done with their own forsm.
and thus siddhi will be attained.

ere is the Vidyi vow of Body, Speech and



38-9 Make according to the rite a large image,

coloured, withpiled-up hair and a crown, bound by the
mantra vow, aad tsking a sixteen-year-old 041, fair-faced,
wide-eyed, adorned with every adornment, practise the Vidle,

vow; azine her with the vajra signs of the Body of Bliss,

of Locanii, knowing the rituals of mudri Ar4 mantra, well

Instructed in the man =trials; make her the Consort

the Tathigata established in Buddha-enlightenment; he who,


Then Tajrapini, Lord of all Tathigatas, brought forth

from his vajra body, speech and mind this sacred law of the

Vajra Body of all the BUddhas:

Then all the Blessed Tathigatas gathered together Buddhas, shining Oceans of Wisdom, should keep the
again and supplicated the Blessed One, the Tothigata, Vajra
four sacred laws, they should always eat human flesh: this
Body Speech and Mind of all Tathigatas:
is the supreme law.
1-5 Akcobhya Vajra, supreme wisdom, vajra-realm,
Then Vajrabini, Lord of all Tathigatas, brought forth
great sage,
from his vajra body, speech and mind this sacred law of the
threefold ma94ala, supreme Three Vajrae-, Vajra Speech of all the Buddhas:
secret speech, hail to thee!
10 The great syllables of Vajra\Speech should keep the
Vairocana, supremely pure, vajra poace,great j07. four seared laws, they should always eat excrement and urine:
naturally luminous, greatest of the great,
this is the most wonderful secret.
vajra Teacher, hail to thee! Then Vajrapi4i, Lord of all Tathagatas, brought forth
Ratnarija, profound depth, vajra space without fault, from his vajra body, speech and mind this sacred law
of the
by nature pure and undefiled, Vajra Body, Vajra Mind of all Vajradharas:
_hail to thee! 11-13 Vajra-beings with great magic powers should keep the

Vajra Amite great King, without thought,

four sacred laws, firs in their vows they should
always eat
bearer of vajra space,
blood mixed with semen: this most wonderful law of Vajra Body,
accomplished in transcendent passion, Vajra Speech, should be
Speech and Mind belongs forever to all Buddhas and
hail to thee! this sacred
kept by the followers of Vajradhara. Whoever keeps
Amogha Vajra, perfect Buddha, fulfiller of all hopes,
law, Vajrasattva of great splendour, attains insight into
born of intrinsic purity, Vajrasattva, hail to thee! .body, speech and mind, and becomes a Buddha at that moment.

peaceful Then Vajrapieg Lord of all Tathigatae, brought forth

6 Praise the Vajra Bodies of Bliss with these
words of praise, uttered by all the Buddhas, and you will from his vajra body, speech and mind this law of the

become like the Buddhas. dent (pratyeka). Buddhas:

Then Vajradhara the Teacher, compassionate to all the 1a Theirs is the teaching concerning body, founded on the
Buddhas, proclaimed vajra speech, the pure word of the vajra vajra body, conduct which causes incarnation as a sentient

being, the everlasting sacred law.

Wonderful is the supreme syllable, the Dharma-realm Then Vajrapi4i, Lord of all Tatbigatas, brought forth
of all the Buddhas, from his vajra boy,
speech and mind this law of the listening

by nature luminous and pure, faultless as the realm disciples (irivaka):

os space!

15 They practise the ten virtues, the path of e.ctions, !ith times macre lawn attaifl the,tiCV0tSd to
but they are without wisdom: this is the :wonderful sacred law plsuura'exd per4samo, lsnderSra, suciers of milk;, otheririOt
of all who have faith in the lower stages. one is certainly defiled.
Then Vajrapii.v.i, Lord of all Tathigatas, bz)oght forth Then Vaj,rspi, Lord ifall Tathigatas4 'brough, t, forth
frOsihi. 7ajr* boa* *004142 ,anct this,ls.w of a!ure. maidens,
from his vajra body, speech and. sand this la* of Brahsui
16 Whatever action he performs through the path of ,22 They are fists., oir,erdoil with pride, fond;,, of scants
sion, fearful ,,and terrible, becomes a guide to Buddha" IS flowers.' the** 10 in the "Ora un4ez4torld,,is terrif
enlightenment, the state of vajsa body. .Mbar* to mester.;
a'V' Lord Tothagialui, brcAlght forth
Then Vajrapkti, Lord. of all Tathelgotas, brought forth
$a h mit mind law 'of riagesa women:
from his vajra body, speech and mind this law of Moira:
ir* them great
17 With various forms be should love all the wise,* she
jer this Ai, OVA,' eie et all n* parifi* and b out
dwell in the three worlds, .born of the Three Tali**St this it
the most wonderful sacred law. the groat aim.
Peen_ Vaar of all ,TathitiateS, b !estioth
Then VairaP41. Lord of all Tathigatao, brought forth
tr, his tajra b04,47, .,ep end- milid this la* of ram
from his vajra body, speech and mind this law aZ
With vajra meditation he should kill all that are
born of sentient beings, dwelling in the indestructible Three 2str25' Bat szc*aslt, urine 4ial.r.eed4 ;(o.rd *et
Bodies, and even the vajra realm of space itSOlf kali., by the yoga of the !Itilira 014idev:1,1M1:.020
their atOset ar.totn,.trell, Put, 4I.t!" 010* in the "re*
Then Vajrapioi, Lord of all. Tatlagotos., brought tOrth
PraOtiss the :whole *Oared 10Z. sa ths5Qod at all
from his vajra body, speech and mind this law of the Three rO,

Vajras: blinSi
19 Vs.jra Body becomes Brahai Vo sPoo0O is 11441@ara, The aemadhi called niellowing the vajra laws of
and Mind, Vajradhara the King, is the ,great magician TiOVA rtho three re
Then vajrapii# , Lord of all Tathiigatas,, brought forth Thsh Vat,traphi. Lord of al1.2,4ithigatas. brought forth
from his vajra bodr- speech and mini.this law of all yakaMas: from his vs4ra body, spsch andloin' this law or, the siddhi' Of
With these great ve.jra laws, difficult tO observe, Body
26 Petters all the a astions-lf body2,as -vajra4Orsk:
give joy to the yaksisl Women who eat fle0b 04 blood sod Oro
always intent on sensual desires. this creates the 'Buddha-body, altar" and everywhere in t.12.;"
Then Vajrapikti, Load ef. cal Tothigatas, brought forth reAtlit ,sigt-tintt b I.
Than Valiziapkti, Lord of all'Tithitgat4us, brought forth
from his vs.jra body, speech and mind, this law of all the
queens of the serpent from his welly* body, speesh anii mind,,-this law' of the siddhi
of Speeoh:
Perform the entire action of speech a* the 5a44i3e of CO completely filled with v
to the Buddhas of the thre
the three worlds without feat: this is the unbreakable sacred
law, the delightful siddhi of speech. red
Then Vejrapini, Lord of all Tathigatem, brought forth lathigatae, brought forth
freis hiS vojra, law of Tatra inviel-
from his vajra body, speech and mind this law of the sided
of Mind: bility:
4 at the four s mak* love to the Vajra
28 With thought firstly fixed on the Vojta, meditate es 33
all that has the nature of mini! for this -is taught as the G s as& a). sys steal wealth: this is the
sacred law of those who possess the indestructible Three Tajres. vajra-fulfillimg sacred law..
, So said the Blessed One, demen*esuuders, VoirOoottwo, Then Irajrs.pi, Lord of all Tathigates, brought forth
Then Vajrapitoi, Lord of all Tathigstoo* brought fOrth from his Irajra body, speech and stall this law of the vid..ya-
from his vajra body, speech and mind this low of the vejta dharas of space:
essence of all mantras: Visualise Vsjra Body Speech and Mind in the crownt
29 If you worship the Buddhas and Vodhieatteas pratyeks. est the angry Smaos of the Three iejras will not be able to
Buddhas and disciples, with body, speech end mind ***bias*, overcome you.
you will fail. Then Vajraphi, Lord of all Tathigatas, brought forth
Then Vajrapiniv Lord of all Tathigatas, brought forth from his vairii, body, speetth and mind this law of all mantra-
from his vajra body, speech and mind this law of meditation practisers engsg,ed.' in t 'he first actioa:
on the Vajra Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathigates: 35 When you eat, always perform: the consecration at Vasira
30 EVerywhere, with the yoga of the Three Vajras, tLe pear, and as Vairadhara in other external actions and as
practicer of mantra should meditate on the suugala of .body, Vajra-Dharma when you recite scriptures.
speech and mind as that of Vajrasattva. So said the Blessed ens, the Self-purified Vajra.
Thou Vajrapini, Lord of all Tathigatas, brought forth Then Vajrapioi, Lord of all Tathigatas thinking of
from his vajra body, speech and mind this law and vow of the the saneness of the (0011141030 of the vajra body, speech and. aind
cidhana of all mantras: of all Vajra-holders was silent
31 With vajra meditation arouse the realm of sentient Then the BodhisatttaMshisattvas, as an as.the
beings all as one: this is the highest praise of the Three specks of dust in the Sumeru Mountains of Buddhsrleads entirely
Vajras, the vajra-born sacred law. beyond expression, bowed down before all the Tathigates and
Then Vajrapi4i, Lord of all .Tathigatas, brought forth said: Why does Blessed Vajradhara, Lord of all Tathigatas,
from his vajra body, speech and mind this vow of sevi, keep silent in the midst of this assembly of all the Buddhas
sidlans, ulnaidhana and mahisidhana: Then the Blessed To.thigatas.said. co th
and, Bodhisattva*?

Bodhisattvas: 0 Family Sons, the Lord Of the Vajra Bocinsivech
hmeleas IMuirma-reals, self-purified
and Mind of all Tathigatas, having examined the Changeless
speech and 0031111SOtssa
state, inconceivable in its nature, of vajra body,
Imagination, ,ajrabornv is both proclaimed
mdmd, which is a changeless state of non4ubstantislity, keeps
imMloirt pros
silent. 0 Family Sons, this is what the Lord of all Teti:thetas
was thintriog: -- aten all the Blessed Tathigatas bowed down before the
36 liody, unborn, undying, Speech and Iliad without quali,- Blessed, Ono, great Vajrapagi, *Liter of all the Tathigatas,
lees, arise fron imagination in Imps apse* and are
*Ai said: 0 blessed One, from where do these vajra siddhis of
falsely comprehended. the Body, Speech and Mind if all Tathigatas appear, end where
Then the Bodhisattvw-Sahisattvai led by Matijuiri said
a. they 0410 irairikotta, lavok if all Tathiglitas, answered;
and all
to all theTathigatas: 0 Blessed TathigataS, do not consider 0 ,Illiteed 'path tas, all sidthis and all vagrs wisdoms,
tholt,istvia Wee three realms &tell in the vajra 'continuity of
the words of vajra speech as the cause of falsity, for the
your am body, spoesh. an& All the Tatagatm said: '0
Lord of all Tathigatas follows the practice whose,nature is
Biesaid Ome, 'tore di the sidthis et the Body/ Speech at Mind
the vajra-realm of all the Tathigatas; for the great BOdhi...
sattvas Brahmi and so on, who have attained the divine per-
of all Tathigatas, sad all the.,,thrm realms dwell? 'The. Lord. if
the Vajra,1110desc of all 'Tathiigatas motored:. 0 Blessed Tat/11-
ceptions and wisdoms .but do not know the real nature of the

qualities of all Ohara's, think thus: does this great vajra-

gal*. , the sitilhitu a the led,/ Speesh and Mind of all .Tatha-
Woo and all the three miasma dwell in the realm of space.,
natured one8teach the secret syllable without having under-

stood the vajra reality of the dharmas of all the Tethigatast The'lhthigotito sold: Where tees Spa*. &silt Talradhara odd:
Then the Blessed Tathigatas said to the Bodhisattva': not only 161dilire Then all the Tathigatas , and Bodhisattva., overcome
by wonder and ammement, sang this song:
you, great Bedmianttvas, but we also, who have attained, the
38 - Wonterful is, the Tsars and the Tadra teaChingl
immortal secret of the Vajra Body, Speech and Mind of all
Where there is no body, speech and mind, there
Tathigatas, do not understand the enlightenment of SO4, %With
form is created in meditation!
and Mind, for unarisen, perfect, vajra enlightenment is born
from the changeless and non-substantial; yet, Family Sons, all
39 Then Vajradhara the Teacher, honoured by all Buddhas,
sentient beings that exist are Vajra Buddhas established in en- supreme among the great Three Tears", supreme Lord of the
lightenment, for these beings have indeed attained the wisdom Three Vajras, spoke of the vidyipurula meditation' of all siddhia:
of Vajra Body, Speech and Mind, through the Dharmamnature of 40-42 At tho ,centre 43: vajra space imagine the Buddha
the Three Vajra Bodies. ant4ala, and having itimalisei Vajra Body imagine a vajra
Then Vajrapi9i Lord of the Vajra Body, Speech and his head; visualise him three-headed, ' born of the Three Bodies,
Mind, of all Tathigatas, said to all the Tathigstas and Bodhi- sending out emanations, holding the liajra 'wheel, and you will

attain enlightenment. Distinguishing between the Families, ream stotiordist$0 rituals with Tildra ch, end do net
visualise this secret of them all, otherwise their Meditation tell amps*
will not produce ultimate siddhi. So said the Blessed One, Iss lithigatas brought/ forth
the Vidyipuruga Vajra Secret. a peech and siad Ibis sacred
43-44 Visualise the Great Queen, born of the three realms,
giver of joy; thus the bores, who have the nature of he Thrill, 40 With the laja]*wi7$ie joy te ell:the'SaMayar
Vajra Bodies, rejoice. Whoever meditates on thle, a Bodhisattva she drill ill the 'Tajrait SSW., int do not tioliptso 41jra
of great fame, brightly shining, Will attain siddhi of the sin**
Three Bodies in seven days. at tail brought forth
Is 46,13,a bi4, spoolh mindeajra secret
Than the Blessed One, Vsjrapiiii, Lord Of all Tathigetse,
brought forth once *Bain from his vajratbody, spssohAnitilind The PivlBraghas, art, aref/Proelsived as the five
this secret of the gathering of Vajra Body, Speech and Mint; late gre siSala is the vajra
a5 Meditate on the Great Symbol, the Sawa of Bodily,
Speech and Mind, visualise then all according to the rite and Tsj it of all`Tibbigatast brought forth
at once you will attain the Buddha-nature. tram bis, siso Oh and stud thil carol*
Then Vajrap4i, Lord of all Tathigatast brought forth /1121014
once again from his vajra body., speech and mind this secret of 51 lecani is called miter, Paiv4erii giro and
the body, speech and mind of all sidhskas: Tiri air, and the sows og the Taira realm of space is Vajras.
46 If you desire supreme enlightenment do not Parra= dhara himself.
audrie with the hands; even the Anse cannot disobey this Ism So said the Blessed. One', Nabivajrasaitva, World-Ruler
of all mantras. it all the Tathigatas. Then the Blessed Tathigata, the Vajra
Then Vajrapini lord of all Tathigatas, brought forth Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathigatas, entered the samidhi
once again from his vajra body, speech and mind this stared called "Aladin' lathe dwelling of the sameness of all the
law of all Buddhas: Tathigatasw, and when be had entered it he looked at the
47 Do not feel disgust towards excrement and urine, semen magGala of the assembly at all the Tathigatas and was silent.
and blood, but always eat them according to the rite: this
secret is born of the Three Vsjras. !Unitas Bodhisattvomilishiuttva ,Kattre/a bowed down
Then vainly Al Lord of all Tathigatas,*brought forth baste ika the eathillataelmeiloaW How should all the Tath&-
once again from his vajra body, speech and mind this sacred gates sled Bodhisattva' regar the Blessed One, the Taira
law of Vajra Speech: 24'4"settenlieomMad lath* Guayasissitja of the Vojta Body,
48 Love all women in the delightful, the three Speech and Mind of all Tothigatast TM. Tothigatas 0
Tsars, Tu61U, wits is'
Pokily Son, all the Tathigatas and Bodhisattva* shguld
BodiesTih pest
him as the Vajra Mind of Snlightennent, for the ,,Mind at
lightennent and the Teacher are one and.indiVisible Let us Os* *If vadra of its osees*1404
explain briefly, 0 Pently Son: all the Buddhee and Bodkisatinas
the isattvU, ese,-,by wiMr at
who dwell and live and sustain in the werldu.realals of the 11021
directions, appearing in the three tine*, haVing Wershipped aisasesinSt, ressinled
the Teacher with the werehip if all th* Tatakigatalit 40.. tor* Theis the A/eased Tethigat& r'Vajrtpi
arose fr
again to their own Buddha-lands and proclaim: words of vain samlidhi ,a the Seerft tajia and ssi to all, the jai/agates
speech like this: the lather of us, 44 the Tathigstast the stIYaS: May ail the Blessed lath as and BedhisittVas
Mother of us, all the TA:taiga:test the Teacher if us, all this **Sala if Sasdbi 0 d
Tathigatasl Indeed, 0 ranily Son, the writ of One peril ef,N .of 41 Tati4gatsSii.
the Teacher is greater than the *40 110.4) of Wit arising Then' ';13.1the'fitiliti:111 lad ttvas joined: \...; t iv
from the vejra body, nPlinch and ind:ad of all 041 altellia in roves:nel; at to the Blessed One, Vajtadhara. -

Buddhas who dwell in the ten directions, for the Mind.ef Soy the Blessed One tat xlmiel the great k144aill
lightennent is the essence and the sour,* at the Buddha- $5 Tasegins it at the centre of sp-iiite, few-aided, vim",
wisdoms and the origin of onniscient wisden bOlutOulv by 'means at the ,B a arouse the V
Then the Bodhitsattva4shisattva UM* a*tsrrUi tation* and by meditation on the Vaira aa,j4ala
place all
his mind full of fees, was aunt. his circle ,there; the wile' one should always perform worship
with thil's'ri ' Vieualisisgthe Teseher in your ,heart,,,begin,-
Then the Tathgata Akeobkra, the tathiliate Rattniketn,
the iionSetra Lois inigine eifie tospl;taly tilled With all the
the Tathigata Amitibhes the Tathigata alefthesiddhi SSA the
Tathigata Vairocana entered the sanidhi called sOontioSplation B es, at :00446diag to the rite ask. this all distend into
the gees. owf,consesration; by ithi-a; mans yauwjfl attain
of the sacred laws of the siddhis of ail Vajraitelderes, and
said to all the Bodhisattva's: May all the laciased Bodhisattva,
tenient:fertlie good 4..11 beings, and all the 'wondOr-
heart -- all the Blessed Buddhas of the ten directions, born fuiilddbia of iody, speech and mind*
from the vajra wisdom of the three tines, having coma before ne44ale of the saadhi tailed "Belay& circle of
the Teacher of the Guhyssanija, worship and honour hi*, for he Su as azi'd Bodhisatt;ras'ii:
is the Teacher of all Bodbisattvas and athagatoits he indeed Than Voir* forth
* Lord of all Tathigistas, bro
is the Blessed One, lishivajradhera, lord of all liuddha-windenn V*igain 4.111 Lbady, speech at mind this seoretsof
Then the great Bodhisattva* said to the 2ethigsta12 0 'Ora body, speeeli and *tad d,"Vajara yega of all %ath
Blessed One, where do the siddhis of the Body, hipeech, and
of all Tata:agates exist? The Tathigatas said: They exist in At the. centre of spate imagine the *of bone,
flesh and so on, and visualiso Vejraeattva, the tbref014 ess- OP* *k and mind. this sefte
ence of bodY,.01mlecb and mind; visualise him according to the
rite, fierce, ugly, enraged,,the 001oUr of ,46 blue lotus, too- 141. i k lei
armed, with a skull in hia.hand. The prectism of this Tim' is sesvs*s.
should imagine his tongue shining with the five rays of light,
and by the method of vajra Meditatien blood is drawn Mt.
wejra yoga, strike *youth', body of the Buddha with the three- 40411,' itsjra.
pointed Tore and.the terrible dagger.
MAW" we it
Then Vajrapioi, Lord of all Tathiga as, brought 'forth 6 *ilea* distaiCs of a span OW,*
once again from his vajra body speech andmiliathis A:acre& centre the 'ZI is
law concerning vajra food: rou
60 The practiser of the vow should imeginowhatovor food of heft-,
or drink he eats as movement', urine an ,d meat, in accordane
with the ritual. brought forth
Then Vajrapini, Lord of all Tathigatas, brought forth iree,ret
once again from his vajra body, *pooch and mindahic cup even

worship of the Vajra BCdy, Speech and Mind at all Tothigatass Ines, do not recite sot
Perforik the supreme worship with the five ottani/lest not worship' the supremo
for thin is the unbreakable sacred law of all Vajras.
Then Vajrapioi Lord of all Tethigatastbrought forth of ell tnunisatair, brought t
once again from his TON" body-, speech and mind this *emit fres itie spew* and and this swivel; of ten
worship of the Body, Speech and Mind of all Tathigatass eurristetninis it poison.:
62 With the union of the two organs, taking your own
semen worship them all according to the rite, and you will 68 at the gouty* of a wesl, s
at tain Buddha enlightenment. whit* rays *Oh *es* viintaliss 1t ,pollevi
Then Tajrapi, Lard of all TathigatiS, brouSht forth selont, asset is born
once again from his vajra body, *pooch and *indoor of the et the thliAlgteld is b7 *His if the a MS of the
Body Speech and Mind of all Tathigatast e itsjran
63 with the threw* vajra laws **joy the Mother of the The*, IN& otishi forth
boundless realm of beings, the Samaysp.Bearort this is the frow kia"Ong stelae with 410
wonderful vow. IOU vx,k

Then Veirapini Lord of all Tathgatas, brought forth

'00.1 diiniale- as the :SperCks Of dnat in the
69--10 On a place of blrob-bark 4rWe
vajra, and putting the syllable Ha in the cost 040,1** bigond expression,
WOW inside it; alweys VisualiMe it complete O'stlied with trosi100 0t17 nliSilti!neikft s!igetta
the mantra syllables, reV this, is' the gather 4,34. IOW *Akar* Ago the Zil1.Y;etaishtedel1 sreat s4ts
the dwelling of the three so:Mete. it 'Met taaghtt -Imecaries at that ,tiae end that', seaent, 0
Then Taj,,sepat(i, Lord of ntase 40. *Of natlyit hi were not destined, for the' mean-
at ;sieve, t. this 1s:GuhyaseniOa, 0 Blessed
fros his vajra body, speech and sand Ole vaive "1,10

71 At a crossroads, by a singlm tr., in till, they littain Butdha-onli,slatensent * an inetent;

Mothers or a peaceful places alesri rot ct;ba vejnie whieh Bodhisattva; se stri
as aw wt. tIst 'foal es could
there in a skull.
night 44 new Moen en.siwalg 040410 41044 .703t7 sattim
At midnight OA _0110041)*

res Am% the Gulgras end be oolated, as 'a Buddha

make a wick of human telt blood, oxfoosinit
earka stalks, and sake tbo`yojra eiretmeret 'dr p down; '**
chanting the !antra over it a hundred ead eight times he will lgoorlai those
apposite wept, ossid Um Se as laid to the Bodhl
attain threefold siddlit.
So said the Blessed Ono, Samesitabbadra. nt ***P 0 la as, tte 'not arouse 'threefold:
!Booasi a1tvasoOla to,Ht#e 20444atae0,B1441
Then all the Blessed Tathigatas, said to Vejrapinis, seri Tat tu, 'how.*** we net weep and arouile threideld
Lord of all Tetthigatas: 0 Blessid One;*with how many secret ,roitt time we are sat 41est*e41 ,e/re* to beer the nate of the
syllables will these Bodhisattva-Mabisattves have faith is sma three' aiO,jt .UOls$t the said: Do 'not stlia/t..
meditate upon this vajra practise, this *secret law of all the 0 Past yen.110*,ust kilCAM or :heard the ordinary
Tothigattui? Then "Oral:4i, lord of all Tathlgatee, said to sillealit '$o a:'fl tue Tathigatsui and all the Bod14-
the Tariligatas: 0 Blessed Tathigatas, those eittvast have not. tta1ns4 or 'understood these ,seeret
will have faith in and ieditate upon the vajra
,and lrby? beeasse of the potty. le the lute loorst
practice of enlightenment of all the Tathigates with three .thqx.04.,tP0,4044404440:r0i4Aod 434,04 and. all the
secret syllables. The Tathrtgatas said,: With what three? ,13,4fIsect TathAiatas dareAt in the vagina -of the ,commiwt
Vajradhare. said., With these three: the Vajra Body of all the,Body,'Spaoeb, and A14 all104;gataa
Tathigatas, the Vajra. Speech of all Tathigatas, and the Vajra
Mind of all Tathigatas. Then all the Tathisatai bowed down Then the' Consort e body, Speech and Mind of all
at the feet of Blisaed Vajrapini and remained silent. Tethligatas Jo/fully praise avajradhara, -Lord of ell
Then Vajrapikti, Lord of all Tathigatas, said to all Tata/Agates:13

the Ta lig:etas and Bodhisattvast lorsterly, 0 Blessed %Obi-

or <WU.* 4101 *111* sig4,
72 0 thou, Vajra Minds Lord at
44111 404 aikl
save motwith dosiro for tho great els of jaortdoligh
love sel 0 lather and grettest,friend of heiaSet Irt:471. aUt. th4t

if you wish as to live, 0 Loral of epee. ittessita fd lied

V et 41
Then Mimaki, the Consort of the o43, Opeoch *ma Mind a Otiori' lad 41 theen-
of all Tathigatas, praised the BUM& One r thitHTtrit BodiOs
Lord of all Tathigatas, with these Iterde of laProme worship, the *ears glory
the joy of vajra desire: 'Buddhas,10# tho wie
73 0 thou, Vajra Body, door to all beings, lament ell sentont.:1Mwini
siva* tools:OM ' rt.
the "Nits. 8
Teacher of the sot, the ails of
d t all the
With passion love so, the en, t
7e, undersIsnd inenoss
if you wish as to live, 0 WM/ tag said to Tajr
Then Ifejranetri, the Body, Opoech VAL 11.034 of lAD,Blessod One, Q tal
Iokeivara, praised the BlessolOne, Mahivajradhargm lost of wit4a,-bh Samosess Of
all Tatatgatas with the sacred lots of the Oljortent of
desire: tag cam, rth,from the
74 0 thou, 74ra Speech, aerciful, pod at all wegims if the Comm and said to the Viewed
always intent on the work of the world's *is all Tithilgatimi3O Blessed,'On,
love me, 0 Basantabhadr*, practice of plessurili it Is that Baddharionlightenment is
if you wish me to lit., 0 Lord.* word* Of passion* ThenVS4rspi4i, Lord of
said to *11 the Tathigatss: Do not speak Wm,. 4

Then, the Consort of the Vajra 8s0ays of the Body,

0B tits for all &uses aro'like the Oamaya Of
Speech and Mind of all %Angst** praiotd the 'looted Osat
no skosaha* of form*, teeling,'porcopt
Mahivajradhsra, Lord of all Tathigetse, with this joy of the
essi'there are no sonsos and,sphorts of
bliss and delight of all the Tathigatss:
twit hotrod and delusion, there is no
75 0 thou, Vaira Desire, supreme Sammy* ate of groat geod.
Dharma and nott-4hetas. ,Then all the Tathilgatas were silent.
ornament of the line of Baddhas,f impartially *Or4
love me, who as a jewel-mino of virtues, Then the Bloomed Tathigata Vajrapikii said to all the
it you wish no to live, 0 Lord* Tathigatas and Bodhisattva* : 0 Blessed Tathigetats, reveal

secret of the Vejra Body, ibleeSh and Hind. of all /Obligates

to all the world-realms, for those BodhisattVes dwe1l4ng in
the ten directions are destined for this teaehixa of Aare*.
to VajradherMal I 'Be is tlessed because he possesses all goOd. fortune
Then Vajrapiql, Lord of all Tathigatas, Said
(bhagyasalopannatvid) and because be overcomes allooposition
0 family San, take this essence of the SaMaYa of all tAlt
ea); the Tathigatas are those who have
Tathigatas, for you are consecrated by all the TaVkagetie as
Then the BodhiOattve-Vehiest*va
resolved the tathsti, and the Basence of their Body, Speeth
the Vajra Lord of Dharma.
Vajradharaa said: Mo be it; and he was silent.
and Iliad is Mihiwajradhara; his Consort is Wisdom (prajdi),
who 16 the vagina (Maga) because of the Overcoming of defile-
Then all the Tathigatas made their body, speech and ments (cielabbajanie): (I0b) This is Pr's basic interpretet
mind enter the three syllables of Vajrasettia; then the Tathi- ioa of the opening seatemee, with which it deals at great
gata Vairocana dwelt in the vajra body of the three reslme, including the quotation of *Cries on the symbolic
and meditating upon sameness with the Body of all Ta7chigatem at the firOY gitmehrit syllables c
sing it. 'Go
was silent, and the Tathigata Vajra Speech dwelt in the vajra *runs' means the six or eight'quilities of lordship' etc
speech of the three realms, and meditating upon, someness with the 'Tathigetas reOreeent the Vire Skandhas; the vagina is the
the lipeech of all Tathigatas was Silent, and the Tathigate altiMate truth (peramirthasatya), the Void.
The leho3 meaning
Vajrapiqi dwelt in the vajra mind of the three realms, end of all 'Tantrai is said tote contained' in this sentence, even
meditating upon sameness with the Mind of all Tathigatas was in the single peeing word WAX
silent. 2 Pt identifies themes follows: Sarvanivarawiskambhia
So he said. (310 4 solos refers to Akgobhitos Family, to which he belongs),
igarbba, Lokeivara, Vajrapiqiiikiiagarbha, Maitreya,
LoCana,Miiak, Prugarivisint, Sersiya-Pr, Meifijutiri, Ripa-
vieaya, ltbdawilaya, Gandhavieaya, ResaVilaya, Spariavigaya,

and Semantabhadra.

3 The four Goddesses are interpreted as Barth, Water, Fire

and Air, and the five spheres of sense as Vairocana Ratnop.

sailhhelVa, Amiabha, Amoghsuniddhi and Akeobhia.

'The forks of the deities look as though enclosed in

crystal'; the avgala is filled with all the emanations of

the Dive Tathigatas, 'fiery sparks' are the wrathful deities;
'the moon and so on means the maq4alas which are imagined as
seats in the visualisation of the Buddhas (literally 'the WOW IX The Wrathful Ones, whoa function is to 'guard the
identified as Temintaka
maigala and SO on', see mai note 3.) (nob-WO. ***tal in the four directions, are
5 Vidyi, although normally the mantra mf a feminine dotty slisnating fres Viiirbeens, Apaiijita alanating from Ratna-
flayagriva asnating from anti Aartakuntjali
(see Glossary), is interpreted bare, as in Chat, as the Ware
of Body, Speech and Mind: 011 .141 allf; the ten* vidgriTurliOa emanating from 'Amoghasiddhi. (20-26b)
explained both in Pt and in the VIttaratentra as the union mf
ultimate truth ('vidyi parivairthasatyam") and relative truth
This is perhaps the *oat aignifiaarit' and best=pknown
(1 puruSa4 saivrtisatyam9, which suggests that the deity is to X

be visualised in union with his feminine aspect, although Pt are* in the whole Tantra. In quotation the first pia& appears
does not actually say 20 in this case and although, later th plight variations ES and Sok read iabhivabhivanii.
this chapter, the Goddesses are manifested separately. (ub) 't is quoted in this form by Snellvrove (ar Part It 1):77);
For the wisdoms of the Tathigatas see Chart for the
Orlosses, sands it to reed. 'abhivena bhavanibhaVo'
divine parceptions see Ch.I2 verses 55-60. cOrrelponds to tit. 2 instiulk.intal 'pas', but D has 'le''
7 Here and in the two following Passage* a se* T Wime the instead-of 'pal' and the meaning is not really affected
colours in different order, but the correctness of T ia nag the Jaanusaiite th nly variaat is sabhavi, in 0 and 139
substitution of 'V 'tor 'to' "which occurs several 'a
firmed by PE and Tucci's "Cycle of the Guhyasamije,
8 loksivara or AvaloMiteivarat the Bodhieettlre .*&natiOfl gi.Ves the are 'correctly, but- they translation of it (Intro-
dilation, palm) is rather strange; T 'began par bya be' trans-
of Amitibha, here stands fer Anitibha himself.
9 'The Families have the nature of the five skandhas lates tbhairya" not thhiivenii, and appears to have been taken
from the Ooaaantary, D has lbsgon pa begot pa ma yin Aid'.
'liberation* is 'great bliss' (mahiisukha) and 'desire'
'the wish for ..liberation'. (23a) effect Of the Sanskrit Cannot be exactly conveyed in tram-
10 The Four Goddesses are now manifested: ilimaid the Consort laticin, either In Tibetan or Itinglish, since it depends on the
clolell related meanings of sbhva'-- subettines or material
of Alwobhya, Loma the Consort of Vairocair, pin4aravimi the
oxisteitice and ibkivanat. meditation or creation, a rela-
Consort of Amitiabha, and Tara the Consort of Anoshaeiddhi;
his edition, Bhattecharyya inserts an extra Passage to provide tionship wbieb-lies at the very heart of Tantric philosophy
a fifth Goddess (G P.8), placing Minakit (Deeferati) in the end ,practidei Pi gives four explanations of , the verse
centre and. thus. being obliged to alter the tareetiens of the of which the following is a summary: '''Since there is no
others as well; Tucci, in 'Glosses on the Guhyasamija',Ipotnta substance' mans that Au moving geld unmoving things have no
reel phenomena' 1 'intiptinee, it Mans the
n.on.-substentiality of
out that this is unneccesary as the central ,Buddha is rarely it is the state
shown with a partner; in an case, the Goddeeeee hers 40 not the skendhae and the voidness of the dharmati,
ihere is no
appear in sexual union but singly, placed at the four corners of ultinate truth; there is no meditation because
of the maigala.

the mind nous), which correspond' to a sears original Sesarit

object of meditation when all things are seen to be

itself; meditation which is a process of cause and effect

ver1icit(see,6nOtea), but *hi" dfts not appear in Pr (nor
is it trenetatsd, in De 444 inendix); Er interpret* ssasphires
i.e. practice and its reault) is not real since there is no

such duality of cause and effect, and meditation on the illu- as Ifejrethera* (3Ib).
sory form of a deity, which belongs to the relative truth, is 4 "s4rOdnera is stateliest in the form at the Five
not real because it is purified by the clear light, the state
ga thole ere, according to their colours, although the
in which the two truths are Inseparable; thus the substance
sribois oar bola are not entirely consistent with the usual
issnalPseVni, alnlot1h7*9 Strocenat LeinaSeOhavat *esshasiddhi,
of the relative truth is not substance since it has no indel7
Amitibbe* sa Amagbas for the second time -- here appear-
pendent existence, and so meditation upon t is impossible
for him who has entered the path of non-duality.
ing with ell the five colours Intl* capacity to fulfil the
Pr interprets this as an answer to the objection that if
ate* of of, 'bolo irozb onla 'sea all being tO perfection4324).
is the Dhernmereele*
there is neither substance nor meditation there can be no yoga
6 'Sy meals of yo with the particular yoga of
of the deity ('devatiyogal); 'substance' ar the form of Mahip-

vajradhara comes about throug;, the union of the two truths:

yo Fanil7, and SOW t emblem, shish is

'space' is the absolute truth and 'state' ('padd, T'tahul' but

called a jewel because it is very precious. (33b). This is the
D 'gnass) is the relative truth. (29b)
'subtle yoga' (a0100000) which is treated more fully is Ch.6
'The intellectual body' Onanosayadeha09.
(i.e Ch.6 note I0), taugOt 'it Aar to still the mind'; Pt

'pure in essence' means the Light (prabhisvar.a) and interprets the passage et length in terms of priqiyima,
'purified' means the body which is purified by it. (30a)
alisation and sexual Tog* (30.30);
7 Et interprets the Vsesnaigals as the double-vajra
mers4ela of Atoshasidei ('yogamauSalauvitivavajrans). who is

'Of my own nature is the Vajra Wisdom of the Void.'

like space, thus maring a set of four: Vairocana, Amitibha,
'at the centre of space' occurs throughout
Batnesegbhava and Amogbeeiddhi, corresponding to the sour
2 The phrase
element woggles which are closely connected with sikvmayoga.
the Tantra when visualisations are described, it indicates
that all forms arise from and return to the Void; Pr glosses
Two interpretations of the noel verse are given: the ordinary
'In the heart', 'in the Light', 'in the 801=0 meaning (neyirtha) is that the previously visualiseiBuddhas
it r.;riously as

of Dharmas (dharmodaye)', etc.

are transformed into Akfobbya, the Vajra; and the real meaning
(nItartha) is that the four malgalas are the four elements,
3 Pr: when the whole circle of deities has been visualised,
Lord, and then visu- hich arise from the Vajra or Light (prabhisvara). (30-35b).
visualise yourself in the centre as the

alise the Five Tathigatas as transformations at Vajradhara, Who

is Body, 4eech and Mind. T contains an extra half-line (see fr

of the Buddhas,
the wealth of others means obtaining the wisdom
continual absorption in
'The twenty rituals for purifying the site etc.';'the attachment to sensual desires means
of one nature with it, eat-
symbols' are emblems of the Families, vajra, wheel, lotusletc. that which is (tathati), becoming
calming the objects and organs
ing excrement and urine means
and daughter' are the Goddesses
Arartakus4st1i (bdud rtsi #khyil pa), his vajra is the of sense; the 'mother, sister
of the Buddha' is Praja-
louble-vajra of the Samaya Family. This whole passage is a of the Families, and the 'Mother
of Hindu trad-
here Vt quotes a oloka reminiscent
repetition of tie maaSala in the first Chapter, except that piramitil
ition : 'hydayasthi mabidev!
Yogino yogadhirisl / janani serve-
the positions of Mramaki (the vajra) and Locani (the eye) are //' 'the great Goddess dwel-
reversed so that they are situated next to their usual part- buddhinin vajradhitvliVari amrti

ners (Minsk! with Ratnasa*bhava since Akaobhya is in the

ling in the heart, sustainer of the yogin's practice, the
Lady of the Vajra Realm.'
Mother of all Buddhas, she is called.
centre). (37b-38a). the Tantra, 'wisdom' and its
'The Buddhas are the skandhas , form etc., and the Bodhi- Here, and frequently throughout
mufti, so that 'the wise One'
synonyms are interpreted as the
sattvas are the iyatanas (the senses and their spheres of (4ft-42a).
means the yogi n who has a partner..
action), the eye etc.' According to the ordinary meaning, the

girl is a girl of the yogin's Family, but the res1 meaning is

that she is the Dhermadhitui the real meaning of the five gam_p_m
Mind of all Tathigatas.'
I soll my own nature is the Vajra
nectars (paficimrta) is: excrement is meditation on the. objects
Body of all Tathigatas.'
of sense (vieaya), urine is the wisdom-form of the organs of 2 'Alm own nature is the Vejra

'OV my own nature is the Vajra Speech of all Tathigatas.'

sense cjainendriya), semen is the pure Dharma-nature (viluddbl- 3
The 'dwelling' is the body, which contains the Three
dharmati), and blood is all-knowing wisdom; whatever things are
and has the nature of the
Vajras of Body, Speech and Mind,
meditated upon are the deitiee, and the offering is the reali-
it is not understood by
Three Tathigatas; it is secret because
sation of their unsubstantiality. (3841-39b).
bless it with these
oriwakas and so on; one should create or
and heart. According to the
three mantras in the head, throat
is the absolute truth.
Pr describes this speech as 'teaching in words which are real meaning (nItirtha) the 'dwelling'

opposed to the world' ClokaviruNtilipene): cas4ila (the most (46b-aa).

Passion of all fathagatas.'
despised caste, originating from a icadra father and brihmasa 5 'co, my own nature is the Vajra
Worship of all Tathigatas:
6 own nature is the Vajra
mother) is given as an example of those who are scorned because
speech and mind, he
Pt: 'after blessing himself in body,
of their birth, and vesukira (a flute-player?) as represen#Oden 7
Familiand embraces her, saying the 'eau-
of those who are despised because of their occupation; destroy- takes the girl of his
he performs the worship
rigging.' mantra, and elPer union with her
ing life means realising the unsubstantielity of the dharmas, supreme worship and
of the Tathigatas.' This is also called
lying means the doctrine of dependence and arising, coveting
so it seems reasonable to emend 'cakra' in the to Pr's
secret worship, and is described as the purification of the
Icandral see S notes.), 'jewel' is the earth man4sla of
senses by experiencing their non-substantiality. (OW.
Batnasambhava, and the'maWela of light' is the black air
8 Hera G, C and P have an extra mantra (see B notes):
maociale. Between ilokas 12 and 139 the MOM have an extra
'041 my own nature is the Vajra BMW, Speech and Mind of all
eloka (see S notes): 'At the centre of space imagIne the
lotus men4a1a, and visualise the Lord of Vajra Passion, the
9 Neither Tibetan version agrees grammatically with the
colour of the nibs.' This gives the set of five instead of
Sanskrit, and Pr gives an interpretation which cannot suit the
four, taking the sun and moon as the mao4alas of Aksobhya and
Tibetan: the subject of 'coditale is to be understood as
Vairocana, which is quite acceptable. (51a-b).
Vajrasattva, and 'visa' is taken as instrumental although in
12 'Primary yoga is the three syllables, consisting of
the next eloka it is regarded as a no 4. stem; 'manasi' is
emanation, gathering together and remaining still.' (51b).
interpreted as 'in the heart' ('hrdil), which in the light of
13 eating these different kinds of meat is interpreted as
D (see Appendix) might be a tter translation. In any case
offering them to the Wrathful Deities of the different Families,
the general meaning is clear: by means of mantra the min
human flesh is for the Vajra Veiny but tne others are not
arouses Vajrasattva, that ia to say, he himself is aroused in
specified (52b).
his own Vajra nature. (48a).
1e 'The work of one who does not return, the ripening and
10 The 'subtle yoga', already mentioned in Chapter Three,
releasing of beings.' (53b).
is 'concerned with knowledge of the vital breath (viral; it
15 A difficult phrase, which occurs again in Oh 43 eloka86
is also called 'the essence of priniyima and the essence of
with a different explanation and Tibetan translation. Here Pt
mantra'; it is through this yoga that the 'internal wisdom and
explains 'coditale as 'aroused by external diagrams (yantra)
means' adhyitmikaprajilopiyal) are fused 'in the fire of great
and gestures (mudri)', -- these rituals are treated in great
passion'Omahiiriginale9, and from this union is produced the
detail later in the Tantra; the passive participle appears to
drop (bindu) of bodhicitta, which, for the yogins of the ut-
be taken as having an active meaning, which occurs fairly
pattikrama, contains all the moving and unmoving beings of the
frequently, foL. sample in the commentary to eloka 3 of this
three worlds and for those of the nigpannakrama consists of
chapter, which may be accounted for by the identification of
trio Five Buddhas; this yoga combines meditation on the malga-
the yogin and the deity which makes distinction between subject
las of the Five Buddhas, who are the five skandhas, with those
and object irrelevant; from the Sanskrit only, it would seem
of the Four Goddesses, who are the four elements. It As dealt
better to read Idarianena ova' rather than 'dardane ma eve',
with in the Uttaratantra and in several places in Pr.
but this conflicts with both T and Pr. (53b).
II Pr: 'for teaching how to produce the four men4alas.'
They are identified as follows: "sun' is the red fire man.alal
'moon' is the water manclala whose nature is bright (T reads
'goal dkyil 4khor', which always means the moon ma44ala,
lUte truth, and its result is the form of Vajrasattva purified
of by the light; the Tathigatas are the skendhas, their slaying
'the enjoyment of all desireS' means the experiencing

the sense-objects such as form etc.1 uniting

the object and is their non-substantiality, taking Place in prinayima. (64a).
organ of sense so that there is no duality (55a).
2 'threefold' is interpreted as 'lowest, medium and high-' IMESEL-6541
This Chapter is concerned with the secret consecration
eat', and there a verse in the Uttaratantra which &Weibel the
(guhyibbileka) which is the result of the secret or supreme
sense-desires as consisting of pleasure, pain and a combination
worship; Bataaketu's-name is accordingly interpreted astratna'
of both Criipagabdidaya4 kimi0 sukhadu4khebhayitmaki09. 'Thee
sound and meaning bodhicitta plus eketue meaning vajra, and he is called
itself' is first interpreted as the threefold form,
(57b-59a). 'bhagsVine because he is resting in the bhega through desire
so on, and secondly as the yogin himself.
'the deities' are interpreted firstly as the PrejaS for the consecration of bodhicitta (67a). (See next note.)

Locani and so on, and secondly as the triad of knowledge 2 Rt2 "WOO is the absolute and 'Jewel' the relative
truth (681).
(vijninatrayam) .

Here Samaya is the mahimudri form of the Deity; the 1141.. 5 The meaning of this line is obscure Pt interprets

quence of these six 'recollections' leads up to the yogia's 'twenty-five as consisting of the twenty-five deities, --
complete identification with the Deity, after which he perform
the word 'year' does not anew in the Sanskrit although it
the ritual of union accompanied by the mantras. (606-6Ib). does in.theTibletan; for 'animals' ,Pr says the word is used
Pr: the sense-objects in their three aspects as pleasant,
because it maw 'sideways' or 'on the side' CiehdaOya piriva-
and mixed are the 'foundations', because they give vicitvit9 'tic' meaning 'horizontal' or 'crooked' also
&Lenin** ionillis and that one should understand (60) all
rise to the 'blessing' which is the triad of'Passion, Hatred
the other deities in the magoiala as litahivajradhara sine* they
and Delusion (60b).

6 Pr: 'The 'bhaga' is the absolute truth, and the 'UM& are transformations of his (69a); the probable meaning of the
is that which is absorbed within it ('liyate1), the relative
whole line is that the min should visualise his Partner as
truth.' (61b). Here I follow the Tibetan translators in keep- containing within her the entire malgela.
4 PrOthe santrampractise4 but T not very satisfactory.
ing the 6anskrit words in order to emphasise their symbolic 9 This is the usual order of the five centres, correspond-
ing to the syllables 0,I SU Hi; the text gives synonyms
Here ivajra' is interpreted as the.tongue, and 'lotus' in a different order, which Pr interprets in what appears to
be an ccesarily complicated way, but with the same final
as the palate; these are pressed together in the practice of
pri4iyarnal and the 'seed!, which is nectar (amyta),flows down
result. (69b).
from the top of the brain at the moment of consecration.(62b). 6 .In translating these three ilokas I have followed the
ssarnagas is here interpreted as the union of wisdom and
order of Pr's explanation rather than that of the text (70a).
meawN to drink semen moans to place the skandhas in the abso-

b0479 aea 'veiral as one's own mind (8410.
the ten kinds
Pr: the five padmas and five utpalas mean
the essences of
4 Pr interprets: visualise first the deities of the nm440da,
of vital breath (viyu), the three jasmines are
the.samaya..beinge, then in their hearts the very small wisdom.
flowers are the Pour God-
the Three Vajras, and the four other -
the yogin offers
beings (jflinesettva), then in the 'heart-moon' of each wisdom
desses with their meogalas of the elements;
being the word, EMI, which is the sanidhi-beisg. Elsewhere
them by 'placing them In the state of non-substantiality"(70a).
interpreted as the
however this viSealisation is described as being in the heart
8 Here the 'foundation of blessing' is
of the yogin, who is identified with the samayabeiag,
and this
of Vairocana and so on;
mantras ag etc., which are the bases
rendering agreee better with, the Tibetan (but see Appendix for
the yogin visualises the body of the mudri as this foundation.
the 21 version which fi rees with Pr). These three are the three
v4Jr40 which are Nan im0840bd 40 a hook to arouse whichever
dlitV'ie the ehalect,of the practice (sidhyadevati). (85a-b).
5 2r; 'Jut as eater in a,plaY is imagined to be Indra
The manclalas are all visualised as the mahinuari form of
and so on bY means Of ,bisi POSte$0, so here the one mind, is
Vajradhara, and are then transformed into the Vive'Buddhas.
imagined to be the prectiser, the practice and the object of
2 'the threefold vajra' is body, speech and mind; the yoga
the practice. (86a).
steals the jewels, which are the essence of the Buddhas, by
OW. 6 .41 phrase which ucturs several times in slightly differting
drawing them towards his tongue on the five rays of light
forme, and with two distinct iziterpretat&onsti here Pr says it
Pr: 'the creation of the Deity's form' (75b); this is the
3 ia given as an answer to the question 'what happens to the
fourfold process also called the four vajras, described in the sidlak4 if he fails?', and his delusion is the thought 'these
Uttaratantra: 'first the realisation of the Void, second the self'; that is to say, if the
are Tathigat3s, I as the not
concentration of the seed, third the creation of the imege,and sidhaka feels a sense of clue., his purpose will not be
fourth the placing of the syllable.'
accomplished. (88b).
'the dwellings of the Jinas' are all sentient beinge;the
7 'uniting the two truths'; 'all beings' are the sidhaka,
meaning of this meditation is to understand that all the
sidhya and so on, or else the worldly and transcendent siddhis.
dharmas are false because they are like an illusion (76a).
6 The Sanskrit, two Tibetan versions, and Pr are at variance
over this line, hence the ambiguity of the' translation. The
Pr: 'without the distinction 'this is bodyithis is from the three
meanies of 'imimilimaentmV is 'not bolus 40tahed
;thought by
speech','this is mind', and without mutual support, having
realms', and 'impassioned look' means 'Arousing theA all beings
the same flavour ... (82a). that these
in the three realmsAare our parents' (87b). The Vid$i.qpeen is
2 'Plramiti' is Locana and so on, 'Mantra' is Vairocana
PraidiParamiti. 6 a is Mehivajradhara.
and so on (82a).
3 'man4aia' is interpreted as the man4ala of one's own
CHALPTICH ELEVEN 7 Here'Vajras' refers to the Family of Akyobilya, who is

'vajra wisdom' is the sidhaka, sometimes this term is their Jima; his 'dwelling' is the mahimudra form (92a).

used particularly of the yogin of Akeobhya, the Vajra, but it 8 -

'wisdom' is interpreted as 'the movizo and unmoving',

is also interpreted as 'the siidhaka established in the samidbi and its m844ala is the three worlds; the yogin 'makes all

of the process of realisation (nispannakrama)', i.e. identified beings unsubstantial' by placingIUMW, the mantra of space,

with the Wisdom-being. on their bodies; he becomes invisible to the Buddhas because

2 'Vajras' the first time is interpreted as the our God,. he is identical with them- (92b-93a).

desses, and the second time as Tathigatas (89a). 9 Froi T, but all Et read Ref and Pr has HAf ; it is called

3 The'Vajra ma94alas is the sun, the 'bright mao4alas is 'a section of prilAyimal and means 'inexpressible' (93b).
the moon, and the 'Dharma ma44alal is the lotus (89b). IO The Buddha-perceptions are'the divine eye and so on',

4 Pr elaborates this procees: for the yogin of Vairocana,-- see Chapter 12, 61okas 55-59; these do not in fact correspond

first visualsie the sun, moon and lotus ma44alas, which merge to the five senses, but they are interpreted as such in the

together 4.nto the bright (moon) maJgala; on top of this place following verses (elokas 25-34): 'Wisdom cop is the seed-

he three syllables which are then transformed into a w syllable which produces Vajrapippl, symbolising the sense of

and this in turn is transformed into the samaya-being, Vairo- hearing; 'Jewel Of' is Akigagarbha, the sense of smell; 'Dharma

cane; in his heart vlsualise the wisdom-being, and in ma Of' is Lokeevara, the gime of taste; 18amaya Of' is Sarvani-

heart the syllable 0,, the samidni-being (9Ia). vareoviskambhin, the sense of touch; and'Of of the Three

5 The expression 'three vajra kalpas' occurs frequently, Bodies' is Vairocana (here the Buddha is named instead of the

sometimes interpreted simply as a period of time during which Bodhisattva), the sense of sight. (90-97a).
the effect of the practice will endure, and sometimes person- II Here T has 'dpag med' (Amite) instead of Iketu'll this

if as Vajradhara, so that the meaning becomes 'remain as appears to have been taken from the commentary, which speaks

Vajradharal; sometimes the wording is ,1trikalpasamayame, where of him as 'existing in many world-re elm' -- the Sanskrit

again the double interpretation is possible, 'samaya' meaning 'snake' ('many') is translated into Tibetan as 'dpag tu med pa'

either 'time' or 'Memaya' as a deity. The plural verb is inter- ('limitless'), then explained in the Tibetan version as meanin&

preued as singular (1tioVheyu4 tigiVhet'). Ratnaketu; D however has 'rdo rje gsum gyi tog'. In all these

,Vne Samaya of speech (Amitibha) is :Jae samidiai-beingt Pr verses the maws of the Buddhas are interpreted as Mahivajra-

has 'padcakam' for 'prapancakam', and says that that the three dhara, and 'the Three Vajra Samayas' as the appropriate sense-

'beings' are to be combined into one and by this metbod the object in its threefold aspect (see Ch.?), experienced in a

Five Tathigatas are piled together; T is closer to Pr, but divine or transcendent form. (95a-b).

mchog' Larobably corresponds to the Sanskrit 'Ora-', which is 12 'five-pointed vajra' means the five sense-organs, and

found in all the MSS, although the word 'prapaloficakam' has a 'five places' the sense-objects (98a).
quite different meaning ('manifestation', 'development' ,etc.).
(O. -qh)
.mssees of 'manttas' and 'mudris' consecrate the sidhaka with
13 Here the mantra is toe wisdom-being, and consciousness
the nature of his awn Lord Cavidhipatitvena sidhakam abhi-
(vijaina), or mind (citta, vajra), is the samidhi-being,
(98b). gificantiti9. (102a).
a drop' and 'having the nature of the three worlds'
6 Vairocana.
14 'suppression' is equivalent to dharang, the fourth stags
The double-ovajra ma94ala.
of the six stages of yoga, in which certain signs (nimitta)
8 The Goddesses, and in the next verse, the Tikilas.
appear (these are described in the Uttaratantra), aSsociated
9 'Mahavajradhara, who gives birth to the forms of Vairocama
with the Light (prabhisvara). (99a); occurs frequent-
and so on; the expression 'earvikgravaropetame
Mahivajradhara, who 'thinks of ('kalpayatil, 'rtog pa')
15 is conceived as
41 and indicates that the deity in question
or creates the aim of the world with his body, speech and mind' of
the totality of the five aspectsOuddhabood.
10 These t:-ms are elaborated in the Uttaratantra, and are
dealt with at great length in Pt; they the means
(upgyel to enlightenment. Semi (meaning 'service',
Pr: 'visualise MaAjuvajra not only in your awn body,
is of two kinds: ordinary (simigya) and supreme (uttama);
speech and mind, but also with emanations into the body,speech
ordinary nevi is the visualisation process known as the 'four
and mind of the three worlis' (I00b). (eglahga),
vajraml, and supreme sevi is the yoga of six stages
2 Here the MSS read ssiddhitmg. ('perfected.'); Pt has
sevi as
which is also .called 'nectar of wisdom'; Pr describes
'euddhitmg' -- 'because of the body being like an illusion'
'the purified form of the deity', 'contemplation of the Void'
('mayopamadehatvit'); the 'brilliant Light' comes from the
and 'contemplation of the enlightenment-mind'. Upasidhana ia
wisdom-body, and the 'adornments' are the thirty-two narks
a continuation of this process, the visualisation of the deity
of a 'Great Man' or Buddha. (I0Ia). aad
in the yogin's heart, described in the previous Chapter,
3 The 'three metals' are gold, silver and copper, inter-
its worship; sidhana is the.creation of the wisdom and samidhi-
preted as the 'three lights (ibhisatraya); the 'five sacred
beings, it is performed with the enjoyment of all the senses,
aubstanc.J-1 ('viimitra-') are the live objects and organs of
with the practice of hathayoga, with the four Acts and all the
sense; the 'Three Vajras' means the mind, and 'mouth' is the in the
other rituals described ia the Tantra, and it results
Light (I0Ia)..
mahisgdhana is
attaiument of the Vajra Body, Speech and Mind;
-4 From the Sanskrit; here the Tibetan has no equivalent to
the final consecration, peace, the accomplishment of the
'tasya', and would mean 'so many women will become full of
of others. (I08b-II3a).
11 Following Pr, which has 'sevg' as subject and reads
5 Pr interprets '-itmi' as plural, and has Isthipayantie
ikartavyi', although T translates as though sevi is part of a
esamsthipayati': the 'pure ones' are the Buddhas or the
compound (D is like Pr, see Appendix); there is little differ-
Lotus Family in the form of means (upgya), and 'supreme wor-
ence in the sense.
ship'is the Goddesses in the form of wisdom (prija), --

/i f
The sidhaka 'established in the samidhi of the stage
12 Here 'the four times' is interpreted as the Four Goddes-

ses, and their 'practice' is 'delighting them with embraces

of realisations; 'supreme worship' is 'the worship of the
Body, Speech and Mind of all the Buddhas in
the three worlds'.
and so on'; 'in the five places' means 'combined. with the
sense-objects of form and so on' (II3b).
5 'the steady Vajras is interpreted as the Vajra essence
13 Vajra Samaya is Mah,para. These three different periods
into the real nature of
of Oeobh7a, the yogin should 'search
of time are for yogis of strong, medium and weak powers (II).
mind' (IISa-b).
14 The MSS show considerable confusion in the following
and evajra' his
6 Here smandalas means the yogin's body
verses; some older versions must have contained a aloka giving
tongue (UM)). (See Appendix for D which is better.)
the result of the vows ('... they grant him their blessing.'),
7 'Neuter' is explained as
'non-substantial', it is in
and this is translated in the Tibetan, however the reading I
heart of the Tathigatas
the centre because it the essence or
have adopted is according to Prmsnd also D (see Appendix), amd
(Ms); it should be noted that just as delusion. (moha) is
it is the version which emerges most clearly from the mans-
attraction, so the con-
defined as a mixture of aversion and
scripts available to me. (II4a-b).
both male and female,
cept of neuter embraces the qualities of
15 Here the interpret&tion is: ifothrough not obtaining in-
not the absence of both but their union. half-
struction, the yogtn of Vairocana, Amitibha or 41ksobkya thinks
8 'passion' is qualified by the quotation of aAverse
of these blessings of Body, Speech and Mind as separate, he
which appears in the Hevajra Tantra (HW I,viii,35): 'neither
will become far from the process of realisation. (II5a).
middle state' Om
passion nor the absence of passion nor a
its 'meaning'
rig navirigati ea madhyami nopalabhyate9; and
is interpreted as 'understanding it as it
Cjainavajram advayajninam'). Several
Again the procees of visuating the three sattvas: in
'non-dual wisdom'
expressions in the following verses are interpreted as meaning
of the sidbaka identified with the Samaya-being is
the heart
the non-duality of the two truths.
Tibetan transfers its the Wisdom-being, and in his heart the appropriate symbol
2 Following the Sansigrit order; the
the centre of
(wheel etc.) resting on its ,LaSala, then at
translation of 'bhisasva bhagavan', which appears to refer are
that is the mantra or Samidhi-beingi these visualisations
only to gloka 5, to the end of Sloka 8, thus displacing a hale- the 'meaning'
preparator7 to performing various rituals, and
line in each verse.
of the mantras refers to the actions they each accomplish.
3 'all' are 'the serpents and so on', and their
meaning' is 'the three syllables': the sense seems .to be that
10 'twofold' refers to the two stages, that of creation
mit lig aft;
all mantras are in essence the Three Vajras the
and that of realisation;lemation and withdrawal' belong to
'mantra-placing' (n7isa) is the visualisation of these mantras
stage of creation. (12Ia-b).
in body, speech and mind, which are the 'thre'J divisions'Iall

contained in Vajradnara. (II7a).



11 Following S and Pr, although T reverses the objective way ('snd out emanatioli ) tor which the Tibetan would
and instrumental, but D confirms this interpretation (see 'spro ba', but as 106r4lkeromis ('pulverise'). (124b).

Appendix). 16 in
Pt: 'the wrathful deities the upper region'; this

12 The mantra is the Samidhi-being, their meanings are is the ninth of the ten dtrections, containing eight Ugelea
the Acts which follow: here the deities and not ditties cerresponding to the eight directions on the horizon-
conform to the usual scheme in the case of prosperity ad tal plain. See glokas 156-158. These deities are described
subjugation; for prosperity, Pr reads ivairocanapadame in in IBI pp.299-302.
place of 'padmavajri4a41 and interprets it as meaning Batna- 17 'Mama Body' is here interpreted as the yogin's awn
ketu, xhile for subjugation it has spadmavajrilmile which is purified, form, which is the unity of the Three Bodies, and
normal. (I22a). this is then visualised as the
basis for the following medi-
13 Following T. The Sanskrit isampuVa' is problematic; it tation in which the mind ('the Wisdem-be3.ng9, body ('the
occurs several times in descriptions of rituals in the Comer. dwelling') and speech Ctir mantra-syllable') are seen to be
tary and in the text itself, and seems to represent the object sikply appearances of Wind, like an illusion. (126a).

(saihya), possibly in the form of two diagrams or images 16 In all these rituals the yogin must identify himself

(yantra) joined together, or else as a covered vissel; here With Vajratattva, who is then transformed into the particular
it clearly stands for the 'enemy'. Unfortunately the photo- deity to be invoked for the action. Pt interprets 'the EIWAlas
6raphed it is almost illegible here, and the Tibetan version as the five elements, from amongst which the mmgala of water
does not exactly follow it, but there appear to be two sepa- is to be used in this case; 'with both feet together' means
rate stages: firstly visualising the enemy killing other realising the unity of the two truths; 'on the enemy's head'
in, ,

sentient being e who are to be regarded as potential Buddhas literally 'on his head': here andAthe following passages 'he'
(it has iripu4i1 or possibly 1rip41, which may be meant as refers to the object of the ritual (sidhya), whether he is to

a variant to esa4puVa1), and then destroying the enemy by the be killed, attracted, cured etc. (126a-b).

ritual of separating (T: kha elver dbye ba).

the sa4paVa 19 The mae4ala of water, for the peaceful Acts.
(122b) Also see note 23, and Ch.I4 iloka 25. 20 Pr: 'This combines the two meditations of Ratnasa4bhava
14 Following T, but see Appendix for D which is closer to and Amitibha.' Bantasa*bhava has the earth maigala, and his
S. The Commentary is again almost illegible, but seems to Consort Wimakl is the colour of the yellow jewel; Amitilbha's
give a combination of both versions; as it stands, S does not fire maq4ala should also be visualised, and his Consort
make much sense. (123b-I24a). Pie4ari is the colour of the red Wishing-jem (although the
15 Following T, which suggests a Sanskrit reading gikeyrantu Wishing-jem often in fact refers to Ratnasalphava). ((129b).
sarvabuddni m(e)'..., Pr however has'-itmi' which is inter- 21 The ma:gala of air, marked with a vajra Cvajralakeita0
preted as plural; ssphirayemi' is interpreted not in the usual In it one places Khavajra,who is Akcobhya, and he who is pre-
ceded by Dharma, or Amita7bha,-- i.e. Amoghasiddhi (130a-b).

22 This line is similar to Ch. 6 eloka 24, but here Pt 29 This line does not occur in S.
interprets 'codita4' as 'ea udita0'; it ip not clear which 30 Here the Ussiga deities are personified in one collec-
verb sdarianenaiva' qualifies. (I30b), tive deity, called 'Circle of Vidyis's which Pt explains as
23 Pr has 'ripuw' for iripava01; the nominative may per- comprising all the worldly siddhis; this deity appears in
haps be explained by the demand of the metre and by its proz- verse 107 as Ekiksara or Mahi-Usslea. (I35a).
imity to the nominative in the next line ('apakiri!), which 31 'suppression': see Chapter II note 14; here however
is interpreted as 'thinking "he is a killer of all the Bu44ho4 it is interpreted as the rituals of killing and so on, by

means of which the condition of suppression is brought about,

all beings"' ('sarvabuddhini* sarvasattvini* so'pakirLti
dhyitvi'). Pr says the enemy is to be visualised 'udghitita- through the samidhis of the wrathful deities; the true meaning

(nitertha) is that the skandhas (the Buddhas) are immersed in

sampuVam' (T: 'dgra bo4i kha sbyar phye bar bagom no'), see
note 13. (131a). the absolute truth. (135b-I36a).
24 Mimakl is called 'It,. of Vajra Space' in 8, but 'Space-

born Bye' in T, while Pio.ari is called 'Rye of Vajra Speech' EIMELMRIME 0

in 8 and 'later-born Bye' inol (which suggests readings of Pr: 'The Goddesses'. First is Loom; of the Tathigata
Family; the 'Vsjra Buddha' (verse I) is Vairocana.
Second. is
'khaja-' and 'abja-'); Space in either case is Akobhya, and
Mimski of the Vajra Family, who isalso to be considered as
'water-born' can mean lotus, which, like speech, represents

Amitibna. S gives the colours of their faces in the wrong

the Goddess of the Jewel Family. Third is Pieplaravisini of
order. Tiri is here called Vidyli; I have given allfour their the Lotus Family; 'Mama Body' here refers to Amitibha. Fourth
most usual names because of the confusion between S and T. is Tiri of the Samaya Family, 'Samaya-beings' also used in an
(verse 7)
unusual way; "Vajra Body'As interpreted here as Amoghasiddhl.
25 Pr: 'the Buddha' is kahivajradhara, and the mawcIalas (137a-1390.
in these visualisations are interpreted as the 'three lights' 2 Pr: HayagrIva, because he is born from Amitiibha, the
(iibrifisatrayam), the 'three knowledges', the 'three voids', Lotus (I43e).
the basis of the stage of realisation. 3 The origin of all poison, which was produced from the
26 This refers to Mimakl (Khavajri) in her double function
churning of the ocean by the gods and demons and was then
as Consort of Akitobhya (Space) and of Ratnasawbhava (Jewel). swallowed by fikva; its colour is blue.
(I3b). 4 Here Pr explains sseippuVakiiyena saippt4ayantre9a
27 Pr: 'the ma74a1a of the attainment of wisdom and means% and describes the ritual as follows: draw the image of the
sidhys with yellow pigment on a leaf, write his name on it,
28 The sZtdhaka; in this and tho following passages the
then cover it with another 'yantra' and tread on it with your
Sanskrit MSS show no consistency in their singular and plural
foot marked with a vajra hook, reciting the mantra. (I48b).
terminations, so I have followed the Tibetan (even Fr disre-
gards such distinctions, and has, for instance 'sidhaka0
Also see Chapter 13 eloka 44, note 13.

1 "le.
22 This line it simllar to Ch. 6 eloka 24, but here Pt 29 This line does not occur in S.

Here the Ufflea deities are personified in one collec-

interprets scodita41 as 'ea udita4'; it is not clear which 30

verb 'darianenaivas qualifies. (130b). tive deity, called 'Circle of Vidyise, which Pt e*Plains as

tripav41; the nominative may per- comprising all the worldly siddhis; this deity appears in
23 Pr has sripu$' for

haps be explained by the demand of the metre and by its prox- verse 'I07 as lkikeera or Wahi-49Lea. (I35a).

31 seuppressions: see Chapter II note 14; here however

imity to the nominative in the next line ('apakiril), which
is interpreted as 'thinking "he is a killer of all the Buddhas, it is interpreted as the rituals of killing and so on, by

sarvasattvinaq so'pakiriti means of which the condition of suppression is brought about,

all beings"' ('sarvabuddhanaw
dhyitvi'). Pt says the enemy is to be visualised sudghatita- through the samidhis of the wrathful deities; the true meaning

salppuvaT' (T: 'dgra botti kha sbyar phye bar bosom no'), see (altirthe) is that the skandhas (the Buddhas) are immersed in

note 13. (I3Ia). thri absolute truth. (135b-I36a).

24 Mimakl is called '110. of Vajra Space' in 8, but 'Space-

born Bye' in T, while Pilgari is called 'We of Vajra Speech' clussLiewm

Pt: 'The Goddesses'. First is Locani of the Tathagata
in S and 'Water-born Bye' in T (which suggests readings of
Family; the 'Vajra Buddha' (verse 1) is Vairocana. Second is
'khaja-' and 'abja-'); Space in either case is Akeohhya, and

water-born' can mean lotus, which, like speech, represents

Himski of the Taira Pamliy, who is also to be considered as

the Goddess of the Jewel Family. Third is Pitgaravisini of

Amitibha. S gives the colours of their facee in the wrong
Amitabha. Fourth
the Lotus Family; 'Dherma Body' here refers to
order. here called Vidya; I have given all four their
is Tr i of the Sawa Family, 'Samaya-beings' also used in an
most usual names because of the confusion between S and T. (verse 7)
unusual way; 'Vajra Body'Ais interpreted here as Amoghasiddhi.

25 Pt: 'the Buddha' is Mahavajradhara, and the mandalas (137a-I39a).

in these visualisations are interpreted as the 'three lights' 2' Pr: HayagrIva, because he is born from Amitabha, the
(bnasatrayam), the 'three knowledges', the 'three voids', Lotus (I43a).
3 The origin of all poison, which was produced from the
the basis of the stage of realisation.
churning of the ocean by the gods and demons and was then
26 This refers to Mimaki (Khavajri) in her double function
swallowed by hva; its colour is blue.
as Consort of Akeobhya (Space) and of Ratnasalphava (Jewel).

(I33b). 4 Here Pr explains lealipuVakayena eauuVayantrecia

Pt: 'the margala of the attainment of wisdom and means'.
and describes the ritual as follows: draw the image of the
The siahaka; in this and the following passages the
sidbya with yellow pigment on a leaf, write his name on it,
then cover it with another 'yantra' and tread on it with your
Sanskrit MSS show no consistency in their singular and plural
terminations, so I have followed the Tibetan (even Pr disre-
foot marked with a vajra hook, reciting the mantra. (1461)).

gards such distinctions, and has, for instance 'sidhaka4 .

Also see Chapter 13 eloka 44, note 13.

IO .According to Pr; in the familiar expression.' -pada-
5 According to Pr's interpretation, although the compound
krintem't Pada' is hers taken to mean 'place' or 'dwelling
1-pa1ikrrintam' usually has the object rather than the aubjeet
i.e. the sidbya's body, speech and Blind centres in verses 66,

'Vajrasattva' is the yogin's wisdom-

68 and 70 respectively. The first lines of these three verses
as its first member:
being, his feet are the rays of light which stream out and
are interPrated as the ritual of sexual union, in which the
encircle the wisdom-being of the object (sidhya), the 'lard
Whole action takes place, but they could also be understood
of all Tathagatas', who is then drawn in with the hook and
as gestures or positions of the hands in which the dagger is
bound with the noose. The ritual of capturing as described a
held. (1551! -157a).
little later in the Commentary, as with most of the other

rituals in this Chapter, involvestreading on the image of

the sTahya, which is generally drawn on a skull; presumably
Here I have translated sidhaYet" as Perform the
the above interpretation is the symbolic meaning of the
Practice', as such a generalised exPreaeion may include the
action rather than of the actual words. (I49a).
inPlication of a successful result, its usual meshing, al -
Both EkajaV; and BhrkuVi are generally regarded as
thongh RI: interprets it more narrowly as 'instruct' the mudri;

so described in SM and IBI,

emanations of Amitiibha, and are
'special' translates evieecat4', which generally in this
but here Pi interprets 'Speech' as Amoghasiddhi; I have gone
text refers to the distinction,between the Practices of the
against the majority of the texts and followed B and D (See
different Families. I have simplified the epithets of the
Appendix) in omitting the name of Aparijit , since there
mudri, - in verses 2 and 7 'mahitman4' appears to refer to
seems to be no reason whatever for connecting him with the
her father rather than to her, it is interpreted as 'having
goddess BkajaVi. (I5Ia).
the virtues of faith etc.'; 'every quality' means auspicious
This line does not appear in either Tibetan version.
physical qualities, and 'every adornment' means the skills of
8 'the Mothers' are named as the Goddesses Brihmani
love. (I58a-b).
Vaia4avi, Rudrig, Indrinl, Kauberi, Virahl and Cimung. This passage refers to the stage of realisation, whi/a
Tibetan 'tsham ham' is an unusual word, and in the
the previous instructions were for the stage of creation;
Peking blockprint looks like 'tsham dam'; approximations to 'Dharma' is interpreted as the yoga of realisation ('nicpanna-
both appear in the dictionaries, with various and sometimes
yoga') and 'Vajra' indicates its indestructibility; Pr explains
contradictory meanings', the most likely are Das: 'tshom
the ritual as the union of Wisdom and Means, the disappearance
/lams' -- 'wrathful attitude'land the Tibetan/Chinese Dict- of ignorance, and the realisation of the four Voids, symbolisai
ionary: 'tsham rhams -- wigs stahs Wigs par byed p4i gii'; by the four castes; 'the secret' is Mahivajradhara. (160a).
the corresponding Sanskrit sikeepa' has a wide range of mean-
'storms', consisting of 'wind, thunder and lightning,
ings; Pr interprets it in the three relevant passages as
hailittonee and so on', caused by the serpents and other obstruct-
'cutting off', 'suppressing' and 'removing'. ing deities; the gesture of the 'fang' is directed particularly

'apounding the truth of 'ranscendenz an so on'. t hive
against serpents; 'the Enenmy of Evil' is
translated 'noble stage' trom th 8 'iryabbaumai, although
an Bodhisattvas' are the yogin's mantras and other psogf's 14Pha80 lam',
thaw 'Whage lase,,ata Pr
mantras, which have caused the obstructions, (I0b).
D:howevor hawi4pham"pa0i Oa'. (I68b).
4 'the four plaees of Locan; and so on'; the yogin him- sa,, probably haying read
IO *JeaVes out the 'h
self is in the centre i.e Mahavajralhara; 'the Lotus is the
'Jape.' for ,4ata', but it is ritained. in E*, and D.
lotus of his heart. This whole practice belongs to the stage
11. OcOrding'to Pr, the ,Mantra rontaihing the poison-021
of realisation. (164s).
siwup fro*betWashths teat where it was deposited in the
5 The siddhi of invisibility, which has been mantionsd
previous' action, enter the body- and iitsoe4a -tbrouo the tour
before and is treated more fully here, is interpreted as
lower ,oentree (padaa) tO the 'throat, fro* where it irontite:d.
abandoning the natural selts; the Bodhisattva Malliniri it
(I754)-(8.41 APpon4ix goi DI :which is closer
particularly associated with this siddhi. ((1640.
12 Sicsi caused. b3fgaulis (,dotta),o_br magic acts.
From Pr ( asairipuVe kapilasaopups ); in aloka 40
The 'two ways,'Sre with:signs (niMitta) and. vithout
however, Isarlipu.Va' is translated by Tibetan 'sbyor ball bore
sigma; 'Buddhali'are .iMtirpreted as tbicidhalma-who praCtiSe
meaning sexual union, and I hawie translated with a combinatioa
mantra, and:!Bodhisattvasi as those who are ''intent, On ilk
of both, in accordance with Pr's explan4tion; only fragrants
innermost ('a4h7itaapar48444). (177b),
of the ritual are given in each verse of the test: in each
14 In this ildka the Tibetan and Sanskrit she* slight
case the pill should be mixed with the file nectars,kmvt in adis fly D), but,the,,,meaniag is-hot
differences (a100 see
the skull, and put into the yogi's mouth after untOn -With
much aftedted; Pr has a combinatioi of both. identempletions
the mudrs, (I65a-b).
('Sdhyapti) is'eXplained as examining and understanding,he
'Vajra of Bei gs' is interpreted as Akcobb and
nature of mind, at the tlme ,oedreaming, ahT1 -Wins attaining'
,'Eniightenment of the uddha' as Vairocana; this passage
the realisation that the dharmaa' do not exiat outside the miati
refers to tne moment of consecration when the sadhaka
pervaded with bliss. (I67a).
15 This sentence is omitted in .T. There are several other
the dork of Speech' is1.-.11itabha (I68a).
minox,omissions,anl.differencei in the proae pasEage, meat of
nis is the process by which a deity enters into the
which are cloder t6 the Sanskrit in D,
ye wno is describes as the !vessel" according to Pr, it
IS preceded by meditatiol to purify the vessel, then farouste
is described as 'filing up, trembling and moving' ; 'fixation'
S reads 'tdo rje0 ('vajra') for 1173a44 la,in verses I
is fil.ed state, like a post, with steady nature, after
and 7. In these two ma44alas, of Body and of Speech, the place
havin6 abandoned the natural self'; 'great .divinity when
at the centre is occupied by the teacher with his mudra,
tile deity Las entered the vessel, and 'the noble stage' is
2 'mantra-being' is interpreted as 'one who is intent a 00) inter132 h 6 as' instead of
will not 0001.0 Mar
on mantra', and the Sanskrit Rr adds,'wlv is attached to ti40 is done
dualistic knowledge', but this is omitted is the libetaa to Vajrasattvas, a tve being the yogin and the
version; presumably this refers to yogins practising the theirril fo$ces reierred to in the,previous.sentence;

atae of creation, for whom, the Commentary goes on to ea, the Tibetan Pr fellows the Sanskrit exactly, distegarding the

the following instructions are intended. 'Sanaa' here is Tibetga text (ide ltar oy p ni Se bar mi 4gyut te ...0)

the mudrii, and imakirg the deities descend' moans that the (I b).

yogia places his madra in front of his and consecrates her TO Interpreted. .i follows:' excrement is rice (annamjias),

as the Goddess of his Family. The method of 'descent' Was urine is spice* (vIaj td. ma), meat is ordinary food
described in the previous Chapter. (186a). (bhakag*/bSe0 ba), and oil isvine (suri/ehah). (189a).

3 Here, and also in verse 29, T has II EV the 'oi8 that thejwacher should strike

'blessing' for 8 ssivnidhyame 'presence'; see Appe Ts-41340AM with the bodhicittapated resulting from his union
for DI which is closer to the Sanskrit. Pt interpretS 'they' with his /134dri 1,1* Tiler to.Ake them bestow consecration on
as the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, amd 'the secret' as the the diaciple
mawlala. Ma) 1870. 12 (1904.
4 This is Nisumb4a. 13 re yoga' and 'yaps master
5 'Samaya' is interpreted as the vajra or purified ( 'vajridhipo vairicary 9, (19th).
aspect of the spheres of sense, by moans of which the yogis 14 'the .four elements, earth and so on' (19Th).
worships the 'Three Taira, the Buddhas of past, preasnt and 15 This time interpreted as la lotus plate' C'Pedm4"-
future. (187a). bh$4.00); lviomitrams stands for the five nectars and 'ash.
Combining both S and T (neither appears in POlithey map38m' .for the five meats, these are 'made into pills and
are interpreted as the five objects of the kept in the plate or bowl, to be eaten one by one each day.
7 Pr: 'without the mudri'. 60.0 also Chapter 15, iloka 39, note 6. (192b-.193a).
8 Pt explains that this is in o der to protect the 16 YV explains these 'messengers' as the equivalents of
mantras, which are the deities in the ala, from evil* yakeas gnod sbyin)' the. aspoots o1 the Wrathful Deities
arising from the five elements; S **anal's', T 'dam tshige, which carry out the yogines, commands. In' the verses which
seems to stand for icittati"thuges: see notes an the $ tollow (55-56) the visualisations refer to these aspects, i.e.:
variants, the version chosen is that of Pt and is cord Akiobhya and Vajrapiuli (his wrathful aspect) mean NiSuml)ha (his
by T, but the Tibetan Pr and D have both 'thugs' and 'dam Messenger aspect), Amitibha and Padmapagi mean Hayagriva, and
tshig'. (186a-b). Vairocana and Aparijita mean. Yamintaka. (193a-b)
9 Following T (see also note 3 to verse 19); Pt gives 17 Pr interprets 'suffering's' as theY three Tathightas,
Pt: 'not only with m*4i.taticn, bat wit cost
'because the/ are afflicted. by the eufferings of delivering spepathyal) also' (2004.
the world', and the.tshining ones''are the messengere, their 24 . According to Pr this means isdOm
own wrathful aspects, who must be aroused to grant eid4bi't0 who ill YoJr,
tvi in the yogin's heart
the yogin. The S alternative '-dukkkha-' seeme closer to the 25 Pt explains 110 aneoends' as 'be overcomes the human
Tibetan however, and may be preferable. (193b,-194a). condition', and than has pasysti' -- 'be dies -- for
PrO111 8; of the Tibetan N has qvg and the otbere but this does not appear in ay; saimparas is interpreted,
as 'immortal' although T has 'yt go' -7 sayllable.:.the trans
19 From Pr; confused in the Sanskrit manuscripts, even lation is a compromiee attempting to resolve these differo OW,
in he Commentary the distinction, between the sabaka, his (Pr; tn; 70$1 atikramet minuorab4vam abhibhavati /
object and the deity is unclear; 'bile' is interpreted as usiy prikvta# ilerire, at parinttya / vajravad
'young', an epithet of ueri, but tbie variant thilabuddftiO'
abbe bhavati (') (201ar.b).
could apply to the victim in the sense of 'ignoranti an1
would fit the Tibetan equally well. (195h-1964).
20 Pr: this is a ritual for teaching vinaya by !the SS is the tow s
the Buddha manclala to the sinner who is to be converted; Pr_ lyam444 aqg of killing (2020
also .interprets the Three Vajras as the s re OsidUya-
2 Those Jag living beings, taking what is not
bha dmeVin ) (196a-b). givens and go*ng with the wives of others' (205).
21 Combining S and T in accordance with Pr, which ex- This is 'lying, harsh and. rough _speech' ; ad
plains the 'work' as the consecration of body, speech and 1 Vhet' to completio, he seeming of the first the
mind. (199a). lasigala Of the three worlds' is Mahivajra a s mawiala,
22 from 8; T has 'like the light of MaNuirls (see the light or t eh void. (2.051)).
Appendix for D which agrees with S); Mare, according to Pt, This is 'the work of sjott' Coittalcriyi9; greed. or
Vajradhara does not mean the supreme Buddha, but one who has long, wishing harm, and wrong thokght0; as in the two
Power over the vajra-4Iatin12; two types of siddhl are
previous: verses, it is purified by id'sntifieation with the
guished: 'invisibility', or the realisation of non..-substan. void. Pr reads '-dh for '-dh,P0, bO in any case 'vajra'
tiality, is defined as the vajra-4akin3.s, also connected with is sometiMes interpreted as 'mind' (204.
the siddhis of body, speech and mind in the previous verse, 5 'combined!: Pr explains 'ono ehol94 not worship with
and the 'Yaksa King' is defined as the wpaly (lakinis, or the body and so on United into one; worship wi41 body, speech, or
worldly or lower siddhis which is also a definition of body and speech ivorreet, but if one worShips with h047 or
'vidyi', therefore one who has power over them is a 1vidYa- speech together with mind the desired siddhi will be lost.'
dharas. (199b). All MS have 'no' at the beginning of the iloka which Pr also

quotes but follows with an optative ens. pranamet9;

the correct meaning seems to be conveyed by the Tibetan.
This refers to the flow of nectar (amrta) which
minates sadhanal and is to be performed 'for the well-being

of the sidhaka's body, speech and mind'; hare 'Sways.' is

interpreted as 'the ills that accompany Csamiyeti the SANSKRIT AU TIBITAN TUTS
iariram9'. (207b). ..11.101.11
body from birth Ctrivajrag
'consecration' is added in Pr ('adhigVhinam ... kir-
all one's
yam'); the purpose of this 'first action' is to see
activities of body, speech and mind as sacred.
8 Pr: the Teacher (1mahivajritmi delaka19
9 'the three vajra samayas' are interpreted as

actions of body, speech and mind, while 'all the Samar's'

Vairocana and so on. (21aa)
are the women with the nature of

10 The maigala is the sidhaka's own body; the 'threefold

essence' means the three mantras just given . In this ritual,
to fall onto the
according to Pt, the rays of light are made

victim's heart aad draw out his blood. (2I9a-b).

II From Pt, which interprets 'na' as iyadyeva, na kur-
yit' -- 'if he should not act thus'. See Appendix fot1).


12 This 'ointment' (Iaajane) is he black substance

'which forms when a wick is burnt in oil; Pt says it is so
called 'because it is reliable in subjugation and so ori'. (2230
13 In the passages introducing the first two songs, the

Sanskrit gives Mimaki as the first of the Four Goddesses and

Locini as the second, while the Tibetan gives no name in

first case and Mimakl in the second, and Pr has first Locani

then Mimaki; I could not feel justified in changing the Sans-

krit to such a great extent, as all the MSS are in agreement,

but for the translation have followed the commentary. The

third and fourth songs are those of Pi44ari aM Samaya-Tara.

CHUM On glatilLAM

rgya gar skid du/irl guhra aamidsa nahi tantra ridst 416a/
bad atad 41W4Pal Oakbs44ss Pa ie. Ora ba Nand Uyi rgyal
Ps chen pe/

O nana0 grivajraaattviya/ dpal Mo Nis sena dPak is Aral btmhal lo/

,vamayi irutan ekasmin samaye bhagavin sarvatathigatar. #di akai lode' 010 this Pa dam Pig aa/bsoa ldan #das de Whin
kiyavikcittahydayavajramidbhageguvijahira / emobbi_ 6440 pa thane cal kri aka dal ssn dai.thugs pe rdo
lipyiutabhilipyabudahateetwasuaeruPeraajOurki4saiSr rje Maui me#i bhaga is biuga so/brjod kyis mi lai ba#i yai
bodhisattvair mahisattvair tadysthi / samayavajmos-ca brjod is at isi bat Saila rgraa Art Iii Si rdal Phra rah
bodhisattvena mahisattvena / layavajrekui ca bodhisattvema sled Ari brai chub sena dPak ems dPab *has Po la/4di its orts/
nahisattvona / vigvajrima ca bodhisattvena nahisattvaaa / byai chub sena dps s dps# chin po dan tahig rdo rje dai/
cittavajreip ca bodhisattvena mahisattvsaa / samidhivaj- byai chub woo 4Pab sans dps# skim pe sku rdo rls dai/hyai chub
reoa ca bodhisattvena mahiaattvena / Jaravajra4a ca sone dpa# sem 4poll *hem pa gm*MO rje daiihrai chub SOUS
bodhisattvana midaiisatt-vna / POW.Idvairaaa ea hodhi- ohm Ps
dpa# semi daabAPhalla rda Xis dai/hrai chub sena dpa# aens dpa#
sattvena mahisattvena / abvajrima ea bodhisattveaa mahi- chin pa ti i ie #dsin rdo rj4) dai0byai chub sena dpa# sena dpa#
sattvona / tejovajre#a ca bodhisattvona nahisattvona / then po rgyal ha rde rje dai/brai chub eons dpa# seas 4p4 chin
viyuvajrAwa ca bodhisattvena nab:Batty*** / PO is rdo rji dai/byai chub soma dim* sops dpaO chin pa chu
ea bodhisattvena mahisattviona / ripavajreip ea bodhi- rdo rje dai/byai chub sena dpa# seas dpa# chin pa as rdo rje
sattvena nahisattvena / iabdavajre4a ea bodhiaattvena dai/brai chub sena dpa# sena dpa0 chin pp rlui rdo rje dai/byah
mahisattvena / gandhavajreita ca bodhisattvna mahi- chub sons dpa# seas dpa# chin pa nan nkha# rdo rje dai/byai
sattvena / rasavajreua ca bodhiattvena mahisattvena / chub semi dp4 sena dpa# chin po gsugs rdo rue dai/byai chub
spragVavyavajre#a ca bodhisattvena nahasattvena / gems dpa# sons dpa# chin pa agra rdo rJe dai/byai chub seas
dharmadhituvajro4a ca bodhisattvna mahisattvena / ova, dpa# sena dpa# chin po dri rdo rje dah/byah climb sons dpa# seas
pramukhair anabbilipyinabhilipyair buddhakeetrasumeru- dpa# chin pa no rdo rje dai/byai chub seas dpa# semi dpa# chin
parami4urajalpanair bodhisattvair nahisattvair ikiia- pa reg bya rdo rje dai/byai chub seas dpa# seas dpa# chin po chos
kri dbyiis kyi io bo Aid rdo rje dah/de dag la soga payaa
01 byah
chub sena dpa# aims dpa# chin po brjod kris mi lei ba0iAbrjod

kyis ni lah bati sans rgyas kyi iih gi rdul phra rab sued
rnams dah/de biin ggegs pa nam mkhsti dbyihs dah mAam pa la
tdi lta ate/de ban siege pa rdo rje i bskyod pa dah/de bin
dhitusanikhiitaii ca tathigatai0./tadyathi / ak,obhya- giegs pa rdo rje rnam par snah md. 04 dah/de bin ggegs pa rdo
vajrov.a ca2 tathatttena
/ vairocanavairo4a es tathi- rje rin chen dpal dah/de ban ggegs pa rdo rje tod dpag tu
gatena / ratnaketuvairsoa ca tathigatena / anitighs- mod pa dah/de bin giegs pa rdo rje gdon mi za ba dah/de uag
vajrena ca tathagatena / snoshavajrcpa Ca tethigettena / la cogs pa nam mkhati dbyihs thams cad dah saw; pati'de bin
ova, pranukhai4 sarvikiisdhitusanikhyitaii ca tathi- giegs pa rnsms dah/th'abs gcig tu bug's pa ni tdi lta ste/dper
gatals tadyathipi nine tilabinban iva paripir44 na til gyi gah bu bin du/de' biin ggegs pa thams cad kyis nam

mkhati dbyiika thams cad gin tu gah bar inah bar gyur to/
sarvikiladhatu4 salpdviyate ana /
de nos boom ldan tdas de biin giegs pa rdo rje rnam par 'snah
atha bhagavin nahivairocanavajraa tathigata4 aarwatathi- mdsad chen po/de bin giege pa thams cad kyi 4dod chags

gatamahiriganalsup nima aanidhif sanipallna4 / tap carve- poi tabu" lea bye batitih he la gnome par iugs nas/
tathigstavyiha, avskiyavikcittavajregu pravoiayin sea / de biin giega pati bkod pa de dag thans cad Aid xyi sku la
atha to earvatathigati bhagawata# earvatathigataki7avik- iugs par mdsad do/de nas de biin giegs pa de dag thams cad kyis/
cittavajridhipate4 paritolamitirtha, awabinbini bcom ldan %ides debiin saes* pa thams cad kyi sku dah gsuit dah
biabiny abhinirniya bhagaveso- nahavairocananya
6 - -7.
thugs kyi bdag pa yohs au mAes par bya batt phyir/Aid kyi sku
abhinIgkrinti abhavan / tatra ke cit buddhalocanikirs4a /
bud med kyi gzugs su miton par sprul nas/bcom4dan_ndas rnam par
ke cit minakyikirnla / ko cit p,aravisinyikirea / ke snah mdzad chen poi aka las miton par byuh bar gyur to/Oe la
cit saagyatirikira4a sapsthiti abhivan / tetra ke cit
la la ni sails rgyas spyaa lta bu/la la ni aimaki lta bala la
ripasvabhivro4a / ke cit iabdasvabhivikire4s / ke cit n*os dkar no lta bu/la la ni dam tshig sgrol ma lta bulla la
gandhasvabhivikire4a /8ke cit rasaavabhivikire4a / ke cit ni gzugs kyi AD bo lta bu/la la ni sgrati hp bo lta buila la ni
spariaavabhivikire4a siimathiti abhilvan / atha.khals driti ho bo lta bu/la la ni roti ho bo lta bu/la la ni reg gi
aksobhyas tathigata4 sarvatathigatakiyavikcittahrdaya- ho bo lta bu/der yah dag par gnas pap gyur to/de nas do biin
vajramadbhagesu virajaskapp caturasra, nahisanaya- ggegs pa ni bskyod pas/de bgin ggegs pa thams cad kyi sku dal
maigalas adhisivpipayin iea / gsuh daft thugs tyi spih po rdo rje. btsun moti bhaga "a dam tshig

chen ,okyiLtkhor rdul med pa gru biir byin gyis brlabs panii

gsaI ba de yi ho bo Bid / sna tshogs gzugs kyi Iv= tu ryas /

sells rgyas sprin gyis kun tu khyab/40d zer 4phro baman po 4khrug/
goal ba la sogs dkyil .4khor ldan/de biin giegs pa kun gyi gnas/
svaccha# tatsvabhiva# ninirapa# somantata# /
buddhas4hasasikirip# sphulingagahanalam / thans cad kyi sku dah
de -Atte boom ldan 4das de bin giegs pa
svacchadima#4a1air lukta# sarvat4thigata# pars* //
gsuh dah thugs rdo rSe4i bdag po do/do bzin giegs pa thams cad
kyi dkyiI 4khor chen po4i dbus au bag par gyur to/de nas ae
atha bhagavin aarvatathigatakiyavikattevajridhipati#
bin giegs pa mi bskyod pa dah/de bin giegs pa rin chen dpal
sarvatathigatam2hissigalanadhye prativVhipayis ise / dah/de bin giegs pa tshe dpag tu mad pa dah/le bin giegs pa
atha khalu ikgmbhyas tathigata# / ratnakstus tathigat4/
gdon mi za bar grub pa daik/de bah rnam par snah mdzad
amiti7us tathigata# / asoghasiddhis tathigata# / vai-
rnams/de bin giegs pa,byah chub kyi sems rdo rje4i thugs la
rocanas tathigata# / bodhicittavajrasya tathigatasya
iugs solde nas bcom ldan 4das de bin giegs pa byah chub 4i
hvdaye vijahira /
aess rdo rje/de bin giegs pa thams cad zil gyis anon pa rdo
atha bhagavin bodhicittavajras tathigats# sarvatathi-
rje ies by4 ba*]pi tin he 4dzin la sAoms par iugs so/bcom ldan
gatibbibhavanavajra# nista sasidhi# sanipanna# / wan.:
7 4das de biLd giege pa thai4s cad kyi bdag po,sAoms par iugs ma
antarasasipannasya ea bhagavata# sarvatathigatidhipate#/ thag tu/de nas nem mkha4i thams cad de biin giegs pa
athi;Ta# sarvikiiadhitu# sarvatathigatavaJramaYa# sap- thams cad kyi rdo rja4i ho bor gnas par gyur to/de aas nam m1tha4i
lto'bhat / atha yivanta# sarvikiiadhitusepathitiO dbyins thams cad ma gnas pa4i sems can ji shed pa de dag thams
sarvasattvi# sarva8te vajrasattvidhi#Vhinona sarvatathi- cad rdo rje4i sems dpatti byin gyis brlabs kyis/de bin giegs pa
gatasukhaaausanasyalibhino'bhivan / thama cad kyi Me ba deli yid Me ba thob par'gyur to/de nas bcom
atha bhagavin bodhicittavajras tathigata# sarvatathi- ldan 4das de biin giegs pa byah chub kyi sems rdo rje/ae
gatakiyavikcittavajrasasayodbhavavajrav nisa damidhl#
ggegs pa thams cad kyi sku dah gsuh dah thugs rdo rje dam tshig
sanipadyesi, sahividyipuruyasirti# sarvatathigatase2tri- 4byuh ba rdo rje iea bya ba4i tih he 1;idzin la sAoms par iugs nas/
dhirpinam adhilVhipayis isa / sasa4aataridhi#Vhitasitre rig pa ehen poi skyes bu4i gzugs 4di/de biin giegs pa thams cad
aa eva bhagavin bodhicittavajras tathigataa trimukhi- kyi shags Ii byin gyis brlabs kyis byin gyis brlabs so/byin gyis
kire#a sarvatathigatai# sawdviyato ass / athanksobhya- brlabs ma thag tu/beom ldan 4das byah chub kyi sems rdo rje de
pramukhi# sarvatathigati bhagavato iiirocanasya hpiayid biin giegs pa de Aid Aal gsum pa lta bi/bzin ggegs pa thams
abhini@krasya ides udinaa udiaayis isu# / cad xyis gzigs par gyur to/de nas de bin g-sags pa mi bskyod pa
la sogs pa/bcom ldan 4das rnam par snah mdzad kyi thugs kha nas
byuii ste/chod du brjod pa ipai ched du brjod do/
makito sans ryas thams cad kyi/byah chub ,sews ni rab byun ba/
de ban ggegs pa kun igsan / rab tu mi rtog gnas med. palp / 2

aho hi sarvabuddhinig bodhicittapravartanam /

I _
de nag boom ldan 4das de bin ggegs pa thams cad yan gcig tu
sarvatithigatag guhyam apratarkyam analWas //
'Aug nas/bcom ldan 4das de bin gges pa byah chub xyi sews rdo
atha bhagavanta4 sarvatathagati4 puna4 samijam igagya rje la/de bin ggegs pa 'Wilms cad kyi tchod pa spros pa de kho
bhagaoanta, bodhicittavajrag sarvatatbagatapajispharaga- na Aid kyi dam tshig rin pa chet4i sprin gyia yah dag par mchod
saggyatattvaratnagoghai4 sagpijya pragipatyaivs.t;hu4 / de/phyag 4tshal nas 4di skad ces gaol to/

bhagawva bhagavan tattvac Vajrasirasamuccayam /

Ous pa gsah ba las byuh ba / de Wan giegs pa kun gYi gsail /
sarvatithigatag guhyag sag;jag guhyasagbhavaa // rdo rje gAin po 4dus pa yi / de Aid boom ldan bad du gaol / 3

atha bhagavin bodhicittavajras tathigatas tin sarva- de nas bcom ldan bidas de biin ggegs pa byah' chub kyi sews rdo
tathigatia *VAR iha / gidhu sidhu bhagevanta# sarva- rjos/de bin ggegs pa thaws cad la 01 skad ces bk4 stsal to/
tathigatib / kig tu sarvatathigatinig api sagiayakaro' boom ldan 4das de bin giegs pa thaws cad legs so legs so/oh
Yalg kutolnyosig bodhisattvinim iti / Oha bliagavanta0 kya di ni de bin giegs pa thaws cad kyah the tshom skye bar

sarvatathagati ;igaryapripti adbhutapriptib sarva-

byed pa yin na/byan chub seas dpa4 gien mains lta ci smos/de
tathagataManmayachittirag bhagavontag sarvatathigata-
nas boom ldaa 4das de biin ggegs pa thaws cad no mtshar au gyur/
sviminag pepracchu0 / yad bhagavin ova, guiXaviiieVe mad du gyur te/the tshom thaws cad gcod par mdzad pa/bcom ldan
pi sarvatathigataparsadi sarvatathigatIkiyavikcitj-
4das de bin ggegs pa thaws cad kyt bdag po la 4di skad ces gaol
gnhyag nirdoirOuw notsahtta / tad bhagavin sarvatathi- boom ldan 4das 01 lta butti yon tag, khyad par can du gyur
dhigVhinag kTtvi sarvatathigatavaj:rasagayasa,bhava-
pa yah de bin giegs pa thaws cad.kyi 41chor du/de biin ggegs pa
Pmdaitt sukbasaumanasyinubhavanirthog yivat sarvatathi-
thaws cad kyi sku dan gsuh dah thugs kyi gsah ba stoa pa' mi spro
gatajAinibhijAi!phaliviptihota0' sagprakilayatv iti / ba de/bcom ldan 4das de bin ggegs pa thaws cad la byin gyis

brlabs pa mdzad do/de bin ggegs pa thaws cad kyi rdo rje dam
tshig 4byun ba4i tshig gis/de bin ggegs pa thaws cad 4yi Me ha
dah yid bdo ba myoit ba bgyi ba nas/de bin ggegs pa thaws cad
kyi ye ges dah/mhon par gas pa4i 4'bras bu thob par bgyi ba4i bar

gyi phyir yaw dag par bstan du gaol/

de nag boom ldan #das de Wan OW Pa thans cad kyi aka dah
gauh d thuga rdo rje de biin gisgs pa/de biin giegs pa thane
cad kyis gsol be ttsb pa de skhyen nas/ro ies kyi sgron na via
atha bhagavin sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavajras rje ies bYa bakpi tikhe 4dain la "dons par lugs to/is Elsa gi
gatatt sarvatathigatidhyesaqin viditvi jfiinapradipa-
I rigs kyi shag* =hog gi With po4i 'Bin po 4di Aid kyi sku dah
vajran nima samidhi, sanipadyedan dvsgWelanantraparana- gauh clan thugs rdo rjs las phyuh ha/ 3ADZRADEM / de nes 4di
sirahydayan avakayavikcittavajrebhys niicirayin isa / phyuh na thag tu/bcoa ldan 4das di buin gisgs pa thans cad kyi

VAJRADHWE / athismin bhicitamitre sa eve bhagavin
sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavidyipurugu4 / akvolohya-
nahamudrisagrogaparanapadena kmasitaraktikare4a
sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavajre nifidAYisies /
eku dah gauh dah thugs kyi rig pa#i*skyes bu de Bid/Jai bskyst
pa4i phyag rgya cba por sbyor balpi kyis/nag po dkar po
doter pebi tshul dU/da bum giegs pa thous cad kyi sku dah gauh
clan thugs rdo rje la biug0 so/
atha bhagavin aarvatathigatasanayasmpbbevevsjran nista de nss boon ldan Oss de bin geogis Pa thins cad kyi dam tshig
samidhi* samipadyedan mobakulaparanasirahTdayan Eva-
4byuh ba rdo rje gs bra b4.1. tin la #dzia la eons par iugs
tiyavikcittavajrebhyo niicreia isa / JINalL / te/gti nug gt rigs kyi aches Oflin po 4di/id. !cyi
sku clan gala dish, thugs rda rje las phyuh DZINApIlL / di nag
athismin bhisitamitre sa eva bhagavim sarvatathigata-
kiyavikcittavidyipurusa4 / vairocananahinudrisanyoga-
4di pbyuh ma tbag tu/bcoa ldan 4das do biin gliags pa thans cad
paramapadena sitakmaraktiireua aarvatathigatakiya- kyi aka dah gauh dah thugs kyi rig, palppi skyes bu/rnaa par
vikcittavajrasya purato nieldayin isa / =eh ndiad kyi,phyag rgya chin por sbyor ba#i thabs kyisidkar
po nag po dm= poi tabu' du/de bin gags pa thus cack)Lyi situ
atha bhagavin sarvatathigataratnaanthavavajrairiya, clan gaun dah thugs rdo rjeIji spyan slur biugs so/
nima samid1-4 samipadyedaf cintima4ikulaparanasira- is nas boon ldan 4das di biin giegs pa thane cad kylL rin po che
hTdayalp svakiyavikeittavajrebhyo niicirayin isa / 4byui b4i rdo rje dpal as bya babi tih fie 4dzin la sflons par
RATNADEFIK / &thiamin bhisitamitre sa ova bhagavin iugs to/yid biin gYi nor bukpi rigs kyi nchig gi BAIA poi saih
sarvatathigatakiyavikeittavidyipurufa4 / ratnaketu- po )di/Aid kyi sku deli gsui dah thugs rdo rjo lea phyuh ho/
mahimudrisa*yogagaganaparamapadena pitasitakmikire4a RATNADHRIDE / de nag 4di phyuh aa thag tu/bcon ldan tidal de ban
sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavajrasya dakai4e nifidayin giegs pa thans cad kyi skin dan gauh dah thugskyi rig pa4i
isa / skyes bu/rin chin dpal kyi phyag rgya then por sbyor btu nan
nkhetii gnas kyia/ser po nag po dkar po4i tshul.du/d! biin giegs
pa thus cad kyi sku deli man deli thugs rdo rje4i lho phyogs
su biugs so/

kyi 4dod chags

de ass boom ldan bdas de biin giogS Pa thesis cad
tin fie tidzin la
chan polg. rgyun 4ibYuh ba rdo rJe iss bya ba4i
idioms par Zug, nasAdod chags kyi rigs kyi mchog gi
slii poi
atha bhagavin sarvatathigatamahirigasambhavavajram 5i/Aid kit sku dah admit daii thugs rim rle las phyui
- io/ IMO= /do nos 5i phyuh ma thag tu/bcom ldan 4das de
ra*a salatidhimi samipadysolam
gases Pa than. cat kit sku dah gsuit dah thugs rig Pa4i
swakiyavikcittavajrabhyo niicirayisi isa / IROL11 /
gi rig pa4i bdsg.po4i
&thiamin bhisitamitre sa eva bhagavin sarvatathigata- Skyes bu de Aid/Wig rtam dbah phyug
rgya chen por sbyor thabs lwis/dasr po nag po dksr
kiyavikeittavidyipuruma4 / lokeivaramahividyidhipati- Pluag
du/do ban giegs pa thus cad kyi aku dah gsuh deli
mahimudrisamyogaparamapadena raktasitakmikirona poi tshul
sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavajr &Ilya prOhato nigdayim thugli rdo rje#i rgyab tu biugs so/
grub pa
isa / de nes boom ldan %dam de biin giegs pa thams cad kyi
gdon mi sa ba4i mchog dam tshig byui batti rdo rje ios bys
atha bhagavin sarvatathigatimoghasamityasambhavavajrag tili he tasin la "Moms par lugs te/dam tshig tigugs pitt4i rigs
nima samidhim kyi mchog gi BAJA poi sAin po 5i/id kit sku doli gsuh

hydayam svakiyavikoittavajrabhyo niacirayia i$a / thug* rdo rje las Phyuh ho/ RRADAIDHREL / de nos d.i phyuh ma
FRAJUD4A / &thiamin bhimitamitre as ITS bhagavin
thaw tu/bcom ldan 5as de biin gins pa thus cad kit akm dah
sarvatathigatakiyavikeittkvidyipurusatt / alsoghaTairi- gdon mi za ba4i
gam data thugs kit rig pa4i sky's bu/grub pa
mahisaudriskupyogaparouaapadonataritasitalcremikirema phyag rya chan por sbyor ba#i thsbs kyis/ljah ku dah nag po
earvatathigatakiyavikcittavajrasya uttaro nisidayit dah dkar poi tshul du/ds bit& giegS Pa thanes cad kyi sku dah
isa / gala dah thugs rdo rjeigi byah phyogs su biugs so/
4dvesamohas tathi rigai cintipamisamayas tathi /
Le sdah gti mug 5od chags dah/ yid biin nor bu dam tshig ste/
kuli hy ete tu vai pale& kimamoksaprasidhaki4 //
riga lhar gtogs pa )di mama kyisAidod dah thar parab sgrub pa4o/a
atha bhagavin sarvatathigatavajradharinurigamasamayaa de use yan *boom ldan tides de biin
giegs pa thams cad kyi rdo rje
nista samidhim samipadyemim sarvavajradharigramahigim 5zin rjes su mAss par byed patii dam tshig ces bya ba4i tin he
svakiyavikcittavajrebhyo nitioirayis isa / MAOARATI / tidzin is ems par iugs nas/rdo rje 5zin thams cad kyi btsun
athisyist vini4ertamitriyim sa eva-bhagavin sarvatathi- motti mchog ttdi/ffid kyi slat doh gsui dai thugs Ho rje las phyuh
gatakiyavikcittavid1ipu3uma4 strirUpadharo DVB*ARATI / de nas 5i phyuh ma thag tu/bcom ldan 5as de
purvakne nisidayis isa / biin giegs pa thaw cad kyi sku dah gsuh dah thugs kyi rig p&i
skyes bu de Aid/bud mad kyi gzugs ttdzin par gyur te/igar phyugs

kyi grwar binge so/


cad miles par bye&

de nas boom ldan 4das de biin ggegs pa thane

psi rdo rje ges bya balpi tifi hs 4dzin la alms par guga nas/
4di/Aid kyi aku
atha bhagavin sarvatathigatinurigalitavaAram nina samidhin da bun gimp pa tholes cad kyi btsunms#i =hog
/de nas 4di
dah gsuh dal thugs rdo rje lea phyuh no/ MOHARATI
aanipadyenam sarvatathigatalgramahifif svakiyavikcitta-
i;hans cad kyi
vajrebhyo nigeirayin int / MOHARATI / itybniayi, vini4grea- phyuh ma thag tulbcom ldin 4das de biin giegs
Bid/bud med kyi
mitri7i, sa eva bhagavin sarvatathigatakiMikoittavidyi- sku dah galn dah thugs kyi rig pa4i siyes bu di
- I
purusa4 strcripadharo bhitva da1r4i4ako4s nisidayim / gauge #dzin par gyur te/lho phyogs kyi grwar biugs so/
44od chags
do nas boon ldan 4das 'do ban gimp pa thetas cad kV.
atha bhagaviin s8rvatathigatara8adharinuriga4avalram nana Win pa rjes'su chaga par byed pa4i rdo rje ges bya bakpi tin
samidhiip samapadyeni* sarvatithit`gatariladharigrauzahielip is #dzin la gams par iugs t./di ban giegs pa thins cad kyi
ttdod chags }Asia paigi btsuaaw4i mchog 4di/Bi4 kyi Stu dah
svakimikcittavajrebhyo nigeirayin iaa RIGARATI / gauit

athisyiq vin4artamitriyim sa eva bhagavin sarvatathi-

dah thugs rdo rje las Phyah ho/ RIOARATI /de nAla 4di. PhYah ma
gataleityavikcittividyipuruilatt strirapadbaro bhitvi
thag tu/bcam lian 44as de biin gAegs pa thus cad: kyi aku
paiciAako4e nigidayim isa / gsui dah thugs. kyi rig pa4i skys bu de Bid/bud mod kyi gzugs
atha bhagavin sarvatathigatakiyavak-cittasearridanavajrast
4dsia par gyur to/nub PhYogi kyi grwar biugs so/
de nas boom ldan 4das de biin giegs pa thaw-cad Jai sku del
nima eamidhiT samaPadYanim sarvatath;Sat.aPrailidharigra-
gauh dah thugs slu ba rdo rje ios bya ba4i tin, he 4d1in la sBoms
mahi4i4 svak4yavikcittevajrabhy0 pliciray&a isa /
VAIRABATI / athisyim vini4srtanitriyim sa eva bhagsvin par gugs nes/de bin giegs pa thams cad kyi gee nab 4chah beipi
sarvatathigatakiyavikoittavidyipurufa4 strirfipaparo btsun no4i =hog ]di/Aid kyi sku dal giuh del thugs rdo rje las
i phyuh ho/ BADZRARATI /de*nas 4di phyuh ma thag'iu/bcom'idan
bhatvi uttarako4e nislidaygm /Sapvatathigatigra:-
4 aa

4das de ban giegs pa thane cad kyi sku del gauh dah thugs Jul
mahigisacpat /
rig kyi skyes bu de Bid/bud mod kyi gzugs 4dzin par gyUr te/
atha bhagavin5vairoc8navajr8m llama samidhim samipadyemtm byah phyogs kyi grwar bugs so/de bin gigs pa thus cad kyi
sarvatathiigatama44alid11igVh8nami11amahikrodhaq sva- btsun mo4i mehog dam tahig phun sun tahogs piaito/
kiyavikeittavajrebhyo niicarayim isa / TAALNTAK4T /
de TIALS boom ldan 4dae'rnai Par'snah mdzad rdo rje %licher lo gee
athismin vinilortamitre sa eVa thagavin sarvatathagata-
kiyavikcittaTidyipurugo vajrasamayasamtrisanikire4a bye. ba4i tin. he 4dzin la atoms par iugs nas/de ban giegs pa
thus cad kyi 4khor byin gyis zlob pa gea bya ba4i khro bo
chen po 4di/Aid kyi'sku dan.gsuh del thugs rdo rje las phyuh ho/
YAMINTAKRIT /de nas id.i phyuh ma thag tu/bcom ldan letdas de ban
giega pa thus cad kyi sku del gauh dah thugs kyi rig pa4i skyes
bu do Aid/de biin giegs pa thane cad battens par byed pa41 tshul
du :sr phyogs Icy/ sgor biugs so/
gins pa thans cad kyi ninon par
de nas bcon ldan #das de bit
pirvaavira nisid*Yin isa / dsin is sAoms par lugs
byai chub pa rdo rje ies bya ba#1 tin no
'atha bhagavin sarvatathigatibhisacbodhivajran bina nag/de blin giegs pa thans cad kyi akyil
4khor byin gyis nob

sasidhlas sastipadyena4 sarvatathigatananGalidhisVhina, Patti khro bo chen pa 4di/Ati kyi sku deli gsuh elan thugs rdo rje
2 _
nista nahikrodhalit svakayavaimittavajrebhyo lea phyuh no/ PRADZIUNTAKELIT /de nag #di phyun ma thag tu/bcom
isa / PRAAINTAW / *thiamin viniOrtanitre as ova ldan 4des de bit giegs pa than. cad VA sku deli gsun deli thugs

bhagivinsarvatathigatakiyavikcittavidyipuruso vajra- tyi rig psi skyes bu de Aid/rdo rje4i dam tshig bonen* pa4i
saiayasa*trisanikire#a aaksi4advire nisidayin isa / tshul du/lho phyogs kyi sgor biugs so/
de nas bcon ldan 4das de bit giegs pa thane cad kyi chos rin pa
atha bhagavin salvatathigatadharmaritnikaran nima
- 5 she 4byun gnas rdo rje ies bye WA tin no 4dzin tams par
samidhin,sanipadysnan sarvatathigataragadharansugali- 4chai ba4i
iugs nas/de biin gigs pa thans cad 4.4 #dod chags
dhisPina, nina nahikrodhaMl svakaiavikcittavajrebhyo
khro bo chen po 4di/
dkyil 4khor byin gyis nob pa ies bya ba#i
mlicirayin iaa /-PADMINTAge / &thiamin vini#srtanitre
Aid kyi sku dah gaun deli thugs rdo rje las phyui no/ POKINTA-
sa eva bhagavin sarvatathigatakiyavikeittavidyipurusa#
KRIT /de nas 44.i phyui ma thag tu/bcom ldan 4dss ae biin
sarvatathigatavigikirea paicimadvirs nisidayin isa /
kyi rig pat& skyas bu
Pa thams cat. 10i ski dan gsun dan thugs
atha bhakavia sarv.atathigatakiyavikcittavajran nina de Aid/de ban giega pa than& cid kyi
geld' gi tshul du/nub phyogs
aanidhlw samipadyenas sarvatathigatakiyavikcitta- kyi sgor 20/
ma44alidhigiVhinaq nina nebikrodhast svakayavikcitta- de nes bom lden 4das as biin siege pa thus cad kyi sku

vajrebhyo nlicirayim isa / VIGHNINTAKP / &thiamin gsun dai rjs Zee bya b4i tih he 4ftin is 81102111 par
vini4artanitre sa eva bhag&vin sarvatathigatakiya- iug* nas/de ban giegs pa thans cad kyi sku deli gsuiL dan thugs

vikcittavidyipurUsa4 sarvatathigatakiyavikcittikire4a kyi dkyil 4khor by/a swim nob pa ties bye bai khro bo then po
uttaradviir nisidayin isa / 4di/id kyi sku deli gsuh elan thugs rdo rje las phyun no/
6 BIGHNINTAIRIT /de nap 4di phyla ma thag tu/bcom ldan 4das de bit
giegs pa thus cad kyi sku del gsuh dah thugs kyi rig pa41 skyes
bu de Aid/de bit giegs pa thus cad kyi sku dal gsui dan thugs
sarvitathigatasamidhimaigalidhisthinapaVala4 prathama# /
kyi tshul du/byan ph7ogs kyi sgor biugs so/
de biin siege pa thams cad kyi sku deli gsuh dan thugs mAes par
byed pa dan/dkyil 41-1.or gyi dam tshig sens dpa# mans so/
de biin giegs,pa thaws cad kli ti h hoidziu
gyi dkyil 4khor byin
gyis rlob pa lea bya ba4i le#u at

pa thins cad lc:A sku dah

de USA bcom ldan 4das de biin giegs
atha bhagavanta4 sarvatathiga104 bhagavati4 sarvatathi- gsuh dah thugs la/ bcom ldan 44as de biin giegs pa
kyi bdag po

gatakiyav8keittadhipate4 piTjim krtvi

pramipatyaivan thus cad kyis szhod pa byas te/phyag Oshal.nas 4di skad ces
;butt / gaol to/
bhiaasva bhsc4van sirs, kiyavikcittan uttanaa / sku dah gsui dah thugs kyi nehog/de biin giegs pa kun g7i gsah/
sarvatithigataa gubYeat bodhicittaa anuttaran // bit na ad pa#i byah chub sens/bcoa ldan afiih po biad du gaol/ I
atha bhagavin sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavajras
de nas bcos ldan 4das de ban giega pa thorns cad kyi sku
gate]; sarvatathigatinia adhyesamim viditvi sarvabodhi- gsuh dah thugs rdo rje4i bdag pos/de blin giegs pa thams cad
sattviniy cetasaiva cett4parivitarkai ljniya tin k:is gaol ba btab pa nkhyin cii/byaa chub seas dpa0 thus cad
bodhisattvin evam iha / litpidayantu bhavanta4 cittalp kyi sons kyi yam su.rtog pa y thugs kyis nkkyan nas/byah
kiyikirona kiyam Cittikirena citta, vikpravyihireipti/ chub sons dpa0 de dog skad cos bka# steal yo/khyed kyis
atha to nahibodhi8ittvi4 sarvatathigatakiyavikcittily sena lus lta bu dah/lus seas lta bu dan/ssms tshig tu brjod pa
ikiiikirama samyojya idam udinan udinayin isu4 / lta bur skyed cig/de nas byah chub seas dpa4 seas dpa4 chen po
de dog is/de bin giega pa thorns cad. kyi sku daa gsuh dah
oho hisamantabhadrasYa kiyavikcittavajrima4 /
2 thugs WA akha#.ita'bu sbyar nas/ched du brjod pa 4di chel du
anutpidaprayogema utpidolyaaLpregYate 11
brjod do/

e ma4o kun tu bsah po yi / sku daa gsuh thugs rdo rje can /
atha bhagavin sarvatathisatakiyavikcittalWras 2
sky* ba ned pa4i tshul gyis su/skye ba 4di ni rab tu bsgrags/
sata4 sarvatathigatibhisambodhingyavajram nima samidhia
sanipadyedam bodhicittam udijaihirs / de nas boon ldan 4das de biin siege pa thorns cad kyi aku dai
gsui ash thugs rdo rje de biin gifts pa/de biin giegs pa thus
abhive bhivanibhivo bhivani naiva bhivani /
cad kyi ahon par rdsogs par byah chub palg tshul rdo rja ies
iti bhivo na bhva syid bhivani nopalabhyste // 3
byalakti, tia ho 4dsin la tams par iugs te/byah chub kyi sems
4di puha so/
dhos po ned pas egos pa med / bsgon par bya ba sgom pa min /
de 1 ar dhos pc, dhos *zed pas / &worn pa dmigs su med p&p /
iec boom ldan kids* de bin giegs pa thams cad kyi sku dah gsuh
dah thugs rdo rje de bin giegs pas gsuhs so/
ity iha bhagavin sarvatathigata4yavikcittavajras
de nas boom ldan pdas de bin giegs pa rnam par snai mdzad de
tathagata4 /
biin giegs pa thamm cad kyi mhon par rtogs pa rdo rje ies bya
atha bhagavin vairocanas tathigataP sarvatathigatir.
b4i.tifi is Pdzin la dims par iugs te/byah chub kyi seas pdi
bhisamayavajrap nima somidhim samipadydam bodhi-
gsuhs so/
cittam udijahira
dios po thams rd'ad dah bral ba/phui po khans dait skye ached dah/
sarvabhivavigatam skendhadhitv-
gauh dah Pdzin. pa mem spais pa/chos bdag met pa mama did pas/
rah seas gdod pas pa skyea pa / atom pa Aid kyi rah ban. no /
dharmanairitmyasamatayi svacittaa
idyanutpannip iin7atis9bhi7sm // as boom ldan Pdas de biin gins pa rnam par anah mdzad kYis

vairocanavajras tathigata4 / gsuhs so/

ity iha bhagaTin
de nas boom ldan Pdais di bin giegs pa mi bskyod pa de bin
atha bhagavan akpobhyavajras tathagats4 sarvstatha-
gases pa thus cad tyi mi zad pabi rdo rje ion bya bakii tin
gatikaayavajrap ni:ma samidhim ssmiPadrodam bodhl-
ie pdzin la sAoms par lugs te/byah chub kyi seas pdi gauhs so/
cittam udijahira /

dios po di rnams ma skyes pa / otos dah chos Aid sod pa ste /

anutpanni ime bhivi na dharmi na ca dharmati /
bodhinayap dr4ham // 5 nam lti bur b4ag meld pa/byah chub tshul )di brtan papo/
akiiam iva nairitayam ic1a

ios boom ldan *las de ban giiegs pa mi bskyod pas gsuhs so/
ityiha bhagavin akaobhyavajras tathigatap /
de nas beam ldan *las de biin gifts pa rim chen dpal de ban
atha bhagavin ratnaketuvajras tathigatap sarvatathi-
ciegs pa thaws cad kyi bdag aid pa rdo rje lea bya bapi tih
gatanairituyavajrap nix& samidhip samipadyedap bodhi-
is Pdzin la idioms par lugs to/byah chub*kyi seas pdi gsuAs so/
l)ittam udijahira /
/ chos mums thane cad &hos mod cii/chos kyi mtshaa Aid
abhivip sarvgdharmi dharmalakpapavarjitip rnam par apahs /
dharmanairitvasapbhati idap bodhinayap dr4ham // 6 bdag aid chos las kun tu byui/byah chub tahul pdi brtan papo/
ity iha bhagavin ratnaketuvajras tathagatsp / sea boom ldan Odes de biin giegs pa rin chin dp61 gyis gsuhs so/
amitayurvajraa tathigatap
atha bhagavin de nas bcom ldam Oda& is biin ggegs pa tshe dpag tu mel p& pod
pradlpavajrap pima sasiahip samipadymodap bodhioittam sir Oar be rdo rje sgron ma isle by& baPi tih he Odzin la affoma
udijahira / par iugs te/byah chub kyi gems 4di gauha so/
Mt' paiikah med. /
ma skyes pa yi chos mama is / a() be mad de sgom
aautpaanesu dharmesu na bhivo na ea bhiivani / ham mkha4i tshul du sbyor ba yis/dhos pc) dag tu rab tu bsgrags/
ikigapadayogena iti bhava4 praglyate //
Les bcom idan Was de bin giegs pa tshe dpag tu med pas gsuhs so/
ity iha bhagavin amitiyurvajras tathigatatt / de nas bcom ldan Oat de biin ggegs pa grub pa gdon mi za ba
atha bhagavin amoghasiddhivajras tathigata0 sarva- de biin giegs pa thams cad zil is gam po rdo rje ges bya ba4i
tathigatibhibhavaaavajra* /lima samidhils samipadyedaw tih he kidzin is sfions par Lugs te/byah chub kyi sems 4di &Alas so/

bodhicittam udijahira /
chos mama rah bin 4od gsal ba/gdod nas dag pa nom mIcha4 bin/
prak4tiprabdisvari dharmi idiguddhi nabha#sami4 / byah chub med cin ahon rtoga ami/byah chub tahul 4di brtan pa0o/ 8
na bodhir nibhisamayam ida, bodhinaya, drdham // 8
gas bcom ldan #das de biin giegs pa grub pa gdon mi za
ity iha bhagavim amoghasiddhivajras tathigata4 / pulls so/
atha khalu maitreyapramukhi mabibod1iisattvi4 sarva- de nas byams pa la sogs pa byah chub seas dpes SOMA dpa4 chen po
tathigatakiiyavikeittaguhyadharmatattviksara, orutvi mama/dc biln giegi pa thams cad. lcyi sku dah gauh dah thugs kyi
iicaryapripti adbhutapripti idam udinam udinayia isn4/ gsai balpi chos kyi de kho na fiid kyi i ge thos nas ho mtshar
2 ,-3, du gyur/rmad du gyur te/ched du brjod pa 4di ched du brjod do/
aho buddha aho dharma aho dharmasya des en /
guddhatattvirtha iuddhirtha bodhicittc namo'stu te//9
e malpe sans rgYas e ma4o chos / chos biad pa ni ho mtshar che /
dharmanairitmyasastbhita buddhabodhiprapiraka / yah dag don ni dag pa4i don / byah chub seas is phyag 4tshal lo/ 9
airvikalpa nirilamba bodhicitta namo'stu te // 10
bdag med pa yi chos Lis byuh/sans rgyas byah chub rdzogs mdzad pa/
samaatabhadra sarvartha bodhicittapr*vartaka / rnam par mi rtog dmigs su med/byah chub seas la phyag 4tsha1 lo/ 10
bodhicarya mahavajra5bodhicitta namolstm te //
kun tu bzah po lams cad don / byah chub seas ni rab bskor ba /
tithigatalp iuddha; kiyavikeittavajJ:alhvk / byah chub spyod pa rdo rje che/byah chub seas la ohyag lAshal lo/II
buddhabodhipras.eta ca bodhicitta namo'stu te // 12 dog pa do ban giegs palg thugs/akm dah gsui thugs rdo rje "adzin/
safia rgyas byah chub rab ston pa/byai chub sons is
phyag 4tahal lo/ 12

bodhicittapaValo dvitiya4 /

byah chub sems kyi letiu ate gi3ia p&p/



I - de nas boom ldan Viaa de biin giegs pa thams cad kyi situ dah
sarvatathagatakayavakcittavajras tathi-
atha bhagavin
gsui dah thugs rdo rile de ban giegs pa/de ban giegs pa thams
gata4 sarvatathagataspharanameghavajrivyilham nima
cad kyi pIio ba4i sprin bkod pa rdo rjs lea bya ba)g tih he
samidhim samipadyadam vajravyaham nima samidhipatalam lee bya ba4i tih
4dsin la salons par lugs te/rdo rje bkod pa
udiijahira /
no 4dzin gyi 1e4u 4di gsufialso/
par/sais ryas dkyil 411hor
nam akhalg dbyins kyi dbus gnas
ikigadhatumadhyastham bhivaysd. buddhamam4alam / sgom pa ni /
4bar beig 4od deli NUB/ I
raimimeghamahivyaham buddhajvilisamaprabham // zer sprin gyi bkod pa che/sahs rgyas
yois su slum po ate /
paficaraimisamikirnam samantit parimeigalam / 4od zer sna awl kun tu khyab/ kun nas
2 4dod 24i yon tan lila yis khyab/nohod pa rnam pa lhas bran pa/ 2
paficakinagmqikir4am Palcopaharamam4itam //
bhivayitva samisena bimbam madhys vibhivayst / adOr na di ltar bsgoms nas su/ gsugs ni dbus su bsgom par

kiyavakoittalakaitim // 3 rnas par auah mdsad phyag rgya ohe/sku gsui thugs kyis
mtahan palpo / 3
kiyavikcittavajrauya mudrim a;itha vibhivayet /
sku gsun thugs ni rdo rje yi/ phyag rgya chen po bagom par bya/
mudrim samharadvayayogata4 // 4
tu sbyor ba yis/mi bskyod pa yi rgya mchog d./
2bedus dah gag
ratnaketumahimudrim amitiyu4prabhikarim / dkon mohog dpal gyi rgya chen digit/tabs dpag mod paMi
Ood byed dah/
amoghasiddhimahimudram bhivayed budd1ama94a1s // 5
thogs mad grub paig rgya chin mans/sans rasa dkyil 4khor
indranilaprabhikaram kalyavikcittavajrimam / bsgom par bya / 5

vajrahastam mahijvaam vikaVotkaVabhijamam // 6 sku gauh thugs kyi rdo rje can / indranilalg kha dog 4dra /
sphaVikenduprabhikiram jaVimukuVamam4itam / rab Oar phyag na Ho rje banams/rnsm par gtsiis la
Wigs Wigs lta/ 6
cakrahastam mahijvilam ninilamkirabhiaitam //
gel dah zla baig Ood Mdma ba/thor, tahugs cod pan g'is brgyan Pa/
jimbanadaprabhikaram buddhameghasamikulam /
rab Oar phyag na Okhor lo bsnams/ana tahogs rgyan gyis
- 5 adzes par brgyan/
navasulam mahivajram panau tasya vibhivayet // 8

marakaVaplabhikaram vajrajvilivibhafitam / 4dzambu chu bolg gaer 4od 4dra/mahs rgyas sprin gyis
kun tu 4khrigs/
haste 4..atnam vibhivitvi jvilimegham samantata4 // 9
de yi phyag na rdo rje ch. / rtse mo dgu ba rnam par
bsgom / 8

margata yi 4od Ora be / Ho re Obar bas rnam par brgyan /

kun tu Oar ba4i sprin gyis khyab/phyag na rin chsn
bsnams par bsgom/ 9

I. 1admariiga4i mdog "vdra be / stso bo 4do1 cnags 4bar ba mAa4 /

padmariigaprabhikara, diptar.lgadhara* prabhum /
rab 4bar phyag na padma bsramsAdod chags rdo re can bsgom bya/I0
padmahastav mahijvila* bhivayed rigavajrinan // 10
amoghavajrioam /
4od zer sna lAa0i ttod 4dra41_ sku/gdon mi za ba rdo rje can/
palearaisiprabhikiraill bimbam
bud4hama44a1e// 11
zi be, phyag na ral gri bsnams'aaAs rgyas dkyil 4khor
khOgabastadhara, sauwalp bhivayed bsgom :Jar bya/ II
de nas bcom ldan 4das de biin 'Liege pa theme cad kyi sku daA
atha bhagavinkiyavikcittavajrao tathigata0 dharmaclhitu-
gsuA, dah thugs rdo rje de bin. Wiegs pa chos kyi dbyiAs
svabhivavajrav niaa samidhi, sasipadyeda, kiYavikcitti-
bo i.i rdo rje ea bya ba4i tin. is 4dzin la sfloms par gulp te/
dhiOhinaaantraa udijahira /
aka dah gsuh dah thugs byin airs nob p4i as 4di gsuhs so/

rin chen chen pc kha clog lAa/yulis ken gyi ni 4bru tshad tsami
paacavrnaill mahiratna. sarfapastklatitrakao / sna yi rtae mor nan tan du/rnal 4byor gyis ni rtag tu bsgom/ 12
nisikigre prayatnena bhivayed.yogatah alai 7/ 12
rin chen brtan par gYur naa sPro/brtan par ma gyur yod mi spro/
athimp tu sphirayed ratnam aothire4t naiva
phirayot / sahs mos Oar ba hdra bahi hod/mchog nab sprin mama
6 spro bar bya/ 13
sphirayst provarairtmeshair buddhajvili-
oamaprabhaih//I3 4kbor lo rd6 re na chen (IAA/ Dada ral gri mtshon chen 4dzin/
cakravajramahirLnai4 padmakga4gadglariYvidhoi0 / byah chub stems d.pi sprin chen rnams/spro bahi bdag aid
can gyis spro/ 14
bodhisattvasahimegbal# ophirayet spharaktitnaka4 // 1a
nam mkhahi dbyihs kyi dbus gnas par/.zla bahi dkTil hkhor
iiiadhitumadhyaotha, cigdrame44alam aIikkt / bri bar bya/
svacchamawtalamadhyaotham bhivayet cakrama44a1am 1/15 oal bahi dkyil hkhor clb s gnas par/hkhor lohi dkyil hkhor
bsgom par big/ 15
padaaataigalasa,kiialp bhivayet paimabh&vanat# / padmahi dkyil hkhor Ora bar ni/padma sgom pas bsgom par bya/
ratnamanGa1aiialp bhivayet ratnatatparah // 16
rin chen dkyil hkhor hdra bar ni/rin chen brtson pas
yogaman4a1asaybhata, likhed ikiiasamnidhau / bsgom par bya/
ete vai pravari buddhith kiyavikeittabhavanai4 / sbyor bahi dkyil hkhor lab byuh ba/nam mkha4 4dra bar bri bar bya/
-13 2
ma44a1a vajrasa,bhitiO sarvajAikiralibhina4 // heti dag aahs ryas nab ki mchog/sku gsuh thugs ni bsgoms )a yis/
dkyil hkhor rdo rle" las byuh ba/thams cad mkhyen pahi tshul
hthob paho /
14 -
vajravyuho nama samidhipaValas tOiyah /
rdo rje bkod pa ges bya ba)i ti h he dz&n yi lehu ste !sum paho/

clakeasR ic,UR

do nag bcom ldan 4tdaa de biin giegs pa theme cad yah Ous nas/
atha bhagavanta4 sarvatathigatii4 punay samijam igamya
bcom ldan #das de bein giega pa thaws cad kyi sku dah gsun dah
bhagavanta* sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavajrkhipatim
thugs kyi Wag po la/batod pabi rgyal po Odie gaol ba btab bo/
anena stotranijenidhyelqitavanta0 /
de bin giegs pa kun i ba / de bin geese pa kun gyi gnas /
sarvatithigata* antaip sarvatilthigatilayam /
Chas kun bdag med pa yi mchog/dkyil 4khor dam pa bead du gsol/
sarvadharmigranairitmyav deia may4alam uttamam //
2 mtshan mama thams cad yan dag rdzogs/mtshan min thams cad
sarvalakyaaasawiryam sarvilakyayavarjitam yan dag spans/
samantabhadrakiyitgray bhitaa may4alam uttamam // 2 kun tu bzah po sku yi mchog/dkyil Okhor dam pa bead du gsol/
iintadharmigrasaybhataq jainacaryiviiodhakam / ba4i chos ni mchog las byui/ye gee spyod pa rnam sbyon oa/
samantabhadravicagray bhiaa ma44a1am uttamem // IC= tu bsah po gsuh gi mchog/dkyil 4khor dam pa bead 1.0 gsol/ 3
sarvgsattvamahicittap auddhay prakrtinirmalam / seas crt kun gyi sems chen po / rah biin dag cia dri ma med /
aamantabhadracittigram bhaya malgala, sirathe.// 4 kun bsah thugs Limbos kha lo sgyur/dkyil 4khor dam pa bead du g5o3/4
atha vajradharay east& trilokas tu tridhituka# / de nas ston pa rdo rje %Asia/jig rten gsum pa khama gsum pa/
trilokavaravajra7tgraa trilokigrinueisak4 // 5 ji rten gsum mchog Ho rje gtso/4jig rten gsum mchog ston pa p0/5
bhiiyate malgalay railway sarvatithigatilayam / de beim giegs pa kun gyi gnas/de beim giegs pa kun gyi thugs/
sarvatithigatay citta* maylalsy maWalikrtim // dkyil 4khor dkyil .0khor nab ydra ba/dkyil 4khor nab tu
ath;tay saypravakayami cittamao4alam uttemam Aams dgatt bead/ 6
cittavajrapratikiiay kiyavikcittamay4alam // da nes thugs kyi dkyil Okhor =hog/thugs kyi Ho rje rab 'Ara ba/
5 6 sku dah gaun dail thugs mama kyi/dkyil ykhor nab tu bead par bya/7
navena suniyuktena supramiaenaciruoi /
Barna satrayet prijfiay xiyavikcittahhivans4 // 8
lua hag sena ni begoms pa yis/ies nab can is this gdab pa/
ivildaiahastala praxurvita cittamay4alam uttamam / this akud ear pa legs bkal ba/tshad ma nab tu mdzes pa yis/
caturasrag caturdvaray catuykolaay prakalpayet // thugs kyi dkyil ykhor dam pa sts/khru ni locu gais tshad du bya/
tasy;bhyantarati cakram Ztlithet parima44a1am / hoe bgi dah ni grva biir ldan / ago bii par ni nab tu brtag / 9

mudriny;say tata4 kuryitd vidnidveVena karmayi // 10

de yi dbus au ykhor lo gi / nab tu zlum po bri bar bye. /
tasya madhye ligned vajram indrardiasamaprabham / de zas lea kyi cho ga ni / mthon bas phyag rgya agod par b,ya / IC

padcaialaig manEtjviday bhayasyritpi bhayaykaram // II deyi dbus rdo rje bri na ni / indramIla4 kha dog 4dra /
Oar ba c en po rtse th5 ba/yjigs pa dog kyan rab Wigs byed/ II
tikhor lo chen po gar phyogs au/rdo rje 4bar bas rnam par brgyan/
piirve4a ca mahacakra* vajrajvaivibhasitam rin chen chen pa lho phyogs suAlod zer man pos rab tu okuris/ 12
0. 2
sphulingagahanakulam // 12
daksinena mahiiratna* padma chen pc, nub pnyogs su / padmarig4i kha dog 4dra /
pageimena mahiipadma* padmarilgasamaprabham / ral pi then po byah phyogs su/4od zer mah pots rab tu 4khrigs/ 13
- 3
uttarema mahakhaUa* ragmijvilakulam likhet // dbus na sprin ars. ba4i 4o4./soyan ni gar gyi grva du bri/
purvakos,e likhen netram meghamadhyasamaprabham / zimaki yi rigs 4by1h ba41. / Ho rje de bin lho pnyogs su / 14
daksinena tato vajram mimakikulasambhavan // padma kha bye sdoi bur boas / nub phyogs su ni bri bar bya /
pagcimena likhet padma* sakandam vikacinanam /
utpal mdzes pa byan phyogs su/mthih )the, sprin dait 4dra bar bri/ 15
tho ba 4bar ba 4od gal ba / gar phyogs sgor ni bri bar bya /
uttarevotpalam kuryin nilibhram iva gobhanam // 15

ilikhet plirvadviire tu mudgaram jvilasuprabham /

rdo rje 4bar soge Ood /nada ba/be con lho, yi phyogs su bri / 16
da*4ast vajrajvilidisuprabhan // 16
dakapisanilikhed padma Oar ba 40d byed pa / nub kyi phyogs su bri bar bya /
pagcimeailikhet padma* khactgajvoriliprabhikaram / Ho rje 4khyi1 ba rjet can/byah gi phyoga su Ho rje bri/
uttarena liki,e.vajram vajrakuOalivajri*am // 17
thugs kyi dkyil 4khor dam pa de/yois su gsal bar gas byas nas/
parisphuVatil tu vijfiaya ma*Galam cittam uttamam I% lus dual flag some =hod pa yie/nan tan du ni mchod par bya / 18
.0744 kurvIta yatnena krayavikcittaitijanai4 // 18
bud mod rab tu *dais bsah ba/lo grahs belt drug ion pa ni/
sodagibdikii pripya yo9it4- Sntisuprabhim / dri cloth me tog #plwal brgyan to/Yon tan ska rags mimakir/ 19
gandhapuspikulikrtvi tasya madhye tu 1c7Stmayet // 6es rib can gyis byin brlabs la/de yi dbus su miles par bya/
7 8
samadhisVhya ca tim pri31414 manakin gumanekhalim/ oohs rgyas i baig gnas spros pas/nas mkhOi dbyihs ni
svjed buddhapada* saumyam ikiiadhitvalamkTtam 7/ 20 rab tu brgyan/ 20
irJapiitraiukraraictidin devatinim nivelayet bloat:A gci khu ba khrag is sogs/lha mama la ni dbul bar bya/ -
.9 de ltar byas nas sahs rgyas dah/byan chub soma dna); brags
evam tusyanti sawbuddhit bodnisattvi mahayaia* // 21
chen mfles / 21

sarvatathagatacittamaWalapaValai caturtha* /
de bin geegs pa thams cad kyi thugs i dkyil knor gyi
leOu ate bii patto/


de nas de bin ggegs pa ni / icun g,i sku dah thugs ityi /

atha aarvatathigatakiyavik-
eittavajradharo riji sarvigryo t-"ITanesivara0 / i.vdo rje faclah ba4i tbyal yo ni/gnas kyi dbah pnyug "tun mchog gis/
sarvaearyigradharairthab hhibat earyalakganan // spyod pa kun mchog chos kyi don/spyod ya4i mtsnan fiji. okaa
stsal to /
nirvikalpirthasa.hhit! rigadvevanghakuli0 / mi rtog don las byuhitAdod caa s ie slah gti mug ribs/
rnam AAr
sidhay4ti pravarin aiddhin agrayinZa anuttarin // 2
thee pa mchog ni bla med pa4i/dhos grub rab mchog sgrub ;er byed/2
ea44i1avebuki2'id7i nilabirthirthaeintakib / han smig ma mkhan la sogs/gsod don don ear sees pa rnams/
sidUkyanty agrayinesanin nabiyins hy anuttare //
IO -II thee chen bla na med pa yi/theg mchog./Ai la1;1:grub part7,:yur/
inantaryaprabhrtayab sattva nahapapakrta apt / gems can mtahamt mod la ewes pabi/sdig pa chen po byed pa
sidbyanti buddhayins'anin nabi7- au //
r,0 a a

rdo rje theg pa rgya mtaho che/theg pa mchog ni 4di la i;,,rub/ 4

isixyanindanapari naiwa sidhyantl aidhans / sfth nas slob dpon smod pa dagibewrube 4Ysil 4grub par yod miyur/
pribitipitinab sattvi appividaratii ea ye // 5
srog good pa yi same can gah/brdzun du smra la dga4 ba
13 kinaratie ea ye /
paradravyarati nityup gian gyi nor la chabs pa dah/rtab tu 4dod pa spyod bah aah /
vibnittribirakrtyiithi bhavyis te khalu sidhane // oiin gci zas su za ba ste / de dag sbrub pan.Qi snod du lik;yur /
nitrhheginiputrini ea kinayed yas tu sidbaka0 / ma dah srin Mg bu mo la / sgrub pa Poe ni mfles byas na /
saaiddbilivipuliigaeehednahiyinigradhernatin// theg chen mchog gi chos fad kyl/dhos grub rgya che des 4'thob bo/ 7
mitai2b buddhaaya vihheb kinayan na ea lipyato / saha rgyas gtso boOi yum dag la/main par ml rtog blo can t,: is/
sidbyate tasya buddhatvan Airvikalpasya dhinate4 // 8 2
&Les par byas kyai ml bseos te/de ni sahs rgya8 4grub par 4gyur/

atha khalu sarvanivarabaviskenbhiprahhrtayo nabibodhisattvi de nas sgrib pa thams cad rnam par sel ba la sobs pa byah chub
iiearyapripti adbhutapriptib / kin vv bhogavin sarvatathi- sems dpa4 sems dpa0 chen po mains /do mtohar du gyur rmad du gyur
gataavini sarvatathigataparbannabitalanadbye durbhabitavaean- te/bcom ldan as do bin giegs pa thams cad kyi bdas po
odihirab bhivate / atha te sarvatathigatib sarvanivarabavi- slad du de bin giess pa thams cad kyi 4khor gyi nah du tAi lta
skaabhiprabhrtinib aigibodhisattviaiglacanan upairutya tin bu4 tshig ;Ian pa gouh ies gaol to/de nas de bin gas s pa thams
bodhisattvin evan ;hub / alai! kulaputri nii2van vocata / cad kyis/sgrib pa theme cad rnam par sel ba la sogs paii byah
chub some dpalp sems dpa4 chen po mama xyi tshig bsan nas/byah
chub some dpa4 de dab la vdi skad ces bkaI; stal(1 to/ribs kyi bu
mains thoh de eked, ma zer cig/

iya, si dharmati Ouddhi buddhinif airajninink / sfiuii pa ye ies can mama kyi / saias ryas chos id dag pa hdi/
siradharmirthasalphita efa bodhiearipadam // 9 sffiA po chos kyi don las byuAlbyah chub spyod paoi gnas hdi yin/ 9

de nas yal brjod zyia mi lah ba4i yah brjod kyis ml lah bahi
sahs rgyas kyi iit rl rab la sogs pahi rdul phra rab aged kyi
atha khalv
bodhisattva bbltah samtrasti mirechiti abbivab /
byah chub BOMA dpa# mama Wigs skrag nas brgyal bar gyur to/
atht bhagavanta# sarvatathigatis tin sarvabodhisattvin eves
de nas boom ldan hiss de bgin gesgs pa thams cad Kyis/byaA cnub
ihuh / utthipayatu bhagavann .tai mahibodhisattvin / atha
semi &pal; de dag brgyal bar gyur pa gzigs nas/bcom ldan hdas de
bhagavin sarvatathigatakiyavikeittaTajrss tathigata ikiia-
bin giegs pa thaws cad kyi sku dah gsuh dah thugs syl bdag po
samatidvayavajraf nima samidhif samipannah / samanantara-
skad ces gaol to/bcom ldan hdas byai chub sems dpah
samipaaaasya ea bhagavata# sarvatathigataki7avikeittavajri-
5 gems dpah chen po Odi dag Waal bar gaol/de nas bcom ldan hdas
dhipateh prabhayi sprOamitri# / atha to mahabodhisattvih
6 de ban &legs pa theme cad kyi sku dah gsuh dah thugs rdo rje
svefu avefv isanasthinefu stbiti abbfivan / atba to mama-
de ban giegs pa/aim Withal* dais mAam pa gilis su med pahi rdo rje
tathigati iecaryapripti adbhutapriptih prityodvelapripti
ies bya bahi tiA Ae hdzin is tacos par iugs so/sgoms par iugs
evalp7dharmagheyas akirfu# /
ma thag tu bcom ldan hdas aku dah gsuE dah thugs rdo rjehi bdag
pobi hod kyis reg pa team gyis/de nets byah chub sems dpah sems
dpah chen pa de dag ran ran i stan la gnas par gyur to/de naz
aho dharma aho dharma
dharmaiuddhirtha nairitmyavajrarija nano usils4 0/ 10
de bijaa giega pa thams cad ho mtshar du gyur/rmad du gyur/dgyes
kiyavikeittasafluddha ikiiasamatiloya /
II pas khyab par gyur nas/choa kyi dbyans hdi skad ces gsuAs so/
nirvikira niribhisa vajrakiya namah //
citta tithigata eregVha tryadhvapathavartins / s maho chos e maho chos / e maho chos kyi don hbyuh ba /
IQ II nastah // 12 chos don dag pa bdag med pa / rdo rje rgyal po phyag htshal hdud/I0
ihitubhita mahikiia akiiapatha namo

ikiiakiyasafbhita ikiiaiithavartaka / sku dan gsuh thugs rab tu dag/nam mkhah dan ni maam,Aid Gnas/
ikiiacitta dbarmigma caryipada namo'stu to // 13 rnam par ml haur snah ba med/rdo rjehi sku la phyag htshal hdud/I1
thugs ni de bin vies' pahi gtsc/dus gsum dag gi lam du byun/
aim mkhah chen po dbyihs gyur pa/11am mkh4i lam la phyag
htshal hdud/ 12
palcamsh /
nam mkhahi sku las yah lag byuh/nam mkhahilam la onas pa po/

nam mkhahi thugs to chos kyi mchog/spyod pahi gnas la phyag

htshal hdud/

kun tu spyod pa mchog gi lehu ate lila paho/

0 8'


atha khalu akqobhyavajras tathagata4 sarvatathagatakaya- de nes de biin ggegs pa rdo rje mi bskyod pa/de bin ggegs

vakcittasuhyavajram /lama samadhi, samapadyeda% cittadhi- pa thams cad kyi sku dan gsuii dah thugs kyi gaah ba Ho rje
avhinamantram udijahira/ ies bya bakii tin no 4dzin la lams par gugs te/thugs byin

gyis nob pa4i sfigget 4di gauns 2o/

0111 sarvatathisatacittavajrasvabhavatmako'ham //
OV sarbatathigatatsittabadzrasvabhibitmakoham/

atha bhagavin vairotanavajras tathigato virajapadavajraT de nes boom ldan #dss de ban ggegs pa rdo rje maul par snah
nima samadhiT samipadyedam kiiyadhicrOinamantramud;jah;ra/ mdsad/rdul dais bra) batii gnas rdo rje ies b*ya ba01. tiA Ae
'Alain la acme par iugs te/sku byin gyis nob pai shags cidi

atha bhasavan amitayus

samadhiq samapadyedaq
- 34

tathagats4 samstadvayavajralp alms

vagadhigVhanamantram udijahara/
(wins so/
OV sarbatathigatakayabadzrasvablabitmakoham/
de nas boom ldan tidas de biin ggegs pa tshe dpag tu med. pa/
Edam pa Aid mi gdis pa4i Ho rje ties bya ba4i, tin he 4dzin la
sarvatathagatavagvajrasvabhavitmako'hsm // slims par iugs te/gsun byin gyis nob p&p. snags 4di gsuis so/
trivajraT tathigata* guhya* pada* padavibhavanam/ OV marbatathigatabigbadzrasvabhibitmakoham/
nitispidayed ebhitt pravarair mantralakewitalakvitam// Ho rje gsum po de biin ggegs pa4i ssah/
gnas ni gnas kyi rnam par bsgom par bya/
atha bhagavan ratnaketus tathagata4 jfianapradipavajra%
7 shags kyi mtshan gyis in tu mtshan byas la/
nima samadhi* samipadyeda* mantram udijahara/
mchog rab 4di yis bsgrub pa fiid du bya/
041 sarvatathagatanuzag" aqavajraavabhivatmako 'ham /1 de nas bcom ldan Odas de bin ggegs pa dkon mchog dpal/Ye ges
sgron ma rdo rje iea bya baipi tin he 4dzin la sfioms par Zugs
atha bhasavan amoghasiddhivajras tathigata4 amoghavajra*
8 te/snags 4di gsuns so/
nama samadhiT samapadyeda* mantram udijahara/
OV sarbatathigatanurigaqabadzrasvabhibitmakoham/

OV sarvatathigatapajavajrasvabhavatmako'ham // de ass bcom ldan 4das de biin gsega pa grub pa Ho rje gdou mi
9 io za ba/rdo rje gdon'Mi za ba ries bya ba4i tin ne 4dzin la sfioms
paacakimaguqair buddhin phjayed vidhivat sada/
par gugs te/ahags 4d1 gsuns so/
PaacoPsharsPiljabhir laghu buddhatvam apnuyit// 2
OV sarbatathggataAlzibadzrasvabhilbitmakoham/
ityaha bhagavin sarvatathigatakiyavakcittavajPidhipatir stag tu 4dod pa4i yon tan lnas/sans ryas tshul biin mchod par bya/
vajradhara4/atha bha avan aaivatath&atakyavikcit Lavjr- mchod pa rnam pa lha mains kyis/Myur du sans rgyas Rid thob 4gyur/2
ies bcom ldan 4das de biin ggegs pa tams cad kyi sku clan gsun dan
thugs kyi bdag po rdo rje tichan ban gsuhs 8o/de nas bcom ldan
dhioatir vajradhara idam sarvatathilgatamantrarahasyam 4das de biin gins pa thams cad kyi sku dah gsuh dah thuge kyi
udiijahira/ bdag pc) rdo rje 4dzin kyis/de ban vises pa thams cad kyi shags
kyi gsah ba 4di gsufis so/
mantranidhyaptikayena manasi coditat / shags la digs pa4i lus dah ni/nag dah yid kyis bskul ass su/
sidhayet pravaram sithihi4manaloamtotaqapriyam // 3 yid at dga iii mgu ba yi / dhos grub nab mchog bsgrub par bya/
cittanidhyaptinairitmyam vicikayavibhavanam / sens la dmigs pa bdag med ps/itag dah lus kyah ram par bsgcm/
nispidayet trisamyogam ikitiasamatilayam // 4 nam akha bin du mm pa#i gaas/sbyor ba rnam gsum bsgrub par by8(4

layavikcittanidhyapte4 svabhe7ivo nopalabhyate / lus dah nag den semi imige naino bp Aid at dmigs su med/
mantramartiprayoge4a na bodhir na ca bhivani // shags kyi lus su sbyor ba la/byan chub mod- din ngom pa4alh med/
vicaryedam samasena layavakcitta1aksa4am / sku gsuh thugs kyi mtshan Aid niAdi at mdor ma rnam dpyad nas/
bhivayed bodhisampwayl samidhim mantrakalpitam // 6 shags kyis brtags pat tin fie 4dzin/byah chub sbyor ba bsgom par
athavajradhara4 erimin sarvatathagatarcita# de nas dpal ldan rdo rje 4dzin/de biin gaiegs pa kun gyis mchod/
sarvabuddhagrasarvajAo bhigate bhtivanottamam // oaths rgyas kun mchog kim mkhyan gyis/sgom pai =hog nitka#IMmiLt001
zlkitiadhitumadhyastham bhivayec candramaq4a1am / nan mkha41 dbyins 1171 dbus gnas par/nla bediti dkyil 4kilor bsgombya/
buddhabimbem prabhivitv; mikgmayogam samirabhet // Blahs rgyas gzugs at rib bosoms nas/phra mo sbyor ba kun tutelbsio0
nisigre sarsapal cintet sarsape.sacaricaram sna yi rtse mor yuhs ken bsam/Ogro dealt at gro yuis ken le/
bhivayej jAinapadaT ramyam rahasyam Pinakalpitsm// 9 ye us gnas at Rams dga4 ba/gsah ba4i ye ies kyis brtags bsgom/
ikNadhitumadhyastham bhavayet siryamaq4a1am/ non mkhati dbyifis k7i dbus gnas par/Ai ma#1. dkyil 4khor bsgombyal
tuddhabimbam vibhilvitv; padam tasyopari nyaset // 10 sake rgyas sku yi gins begone te/de yi steh du gnas gag go/ 10
BOV Hikt
akileadhitumadhyastham bhimayec candramanclalam / nam mkhatiidbyihs kyi dbus gnas par/gsal ba4i dkyil #khor bsgom par
12 bya/
locaniklirasamyogam vajrapadme vibhivayet // spyan gyi tshul du sbyor be la/rdp rje pad so raam par bsgam/ II
gkiiadhitumadhyastham bhivayedratnama406m / mum mkha4i dbyihs kyi dbus gnas par/nn chen dkyil phor bsgom par
ridiyogam prayatnena tasyopari vibhivayet // 12 mchog gi sbyor be nan tan gyis/de yi sten du yons su bsgom/ 12
akieadhitumadhyastham bhivayed raemima0a1am / nam mkha4i dbyins kyi dbus gnas par/4od kyi dkyil 4khor bsgom par
srjed buddhapadam saumyam pariviram viiegata4 // 13 sails rgyas tshul at i be spro/4khor yan khyad par dag tu spro/ 13
nilotpaladal;kiram paficatialaT vigesata4 / ud pal mthin ka4i mdog 4dra ba/rtse so lha be khyad par du/
yavamaram prayatnena nisikigre vicintayet // 14 nas kyi 4bru team man tan gyis/sna yi rtse mor rnam par bsam/ 14

canakisthipramagag tu agVa..patrag sakeiaram / tea us ka yi gbru team la/dab ma brgyad pa ge ear bcas/
nasikigra ida astag bhivayed bodhiparayagag // 15
ens yi rtse mor gdi gie te/begoms pas byah chub giol bar ggyur/ 15
cakradinag vigesena bhivanig tatra kalpnyet / gkhor lo is sogs khyad par du/sgom pa der ni brtag par bya/
3 4 dhos grub thane cad :you, tan gaas/fiams dgag byah chub gaas
ll da ramyag earvasiddhigugaeyam // 16
bodhipap ggrub ggyur/ 16
srjet ttra samisena buddhin bodhipratigVhitaa / sahs rgyas byah chub gnas mama nude mu mdor na spro bar bya/
nigcirayed dharmapadag kayavakcittalakgitam sku gsuh thugs kyis mtshan pa yi/chos i tshig raams
atha vajradharag Masan sarvatattvarthadeiakag / rab tu brjod/ 17
6 de nes dpal ldan rdo rja #dzin/de Bid don kua ston pa pos/
sarvacaryigrasagguddhap bhagate'sphyam uttamam // 18
spyod pa kun mchog legs ;lag pa/gsah,ba0i dam pa bka# steal to/ 18
sagmasan bhavayet prajno rapaiabdaraiiinvitag /
guhyatattvamahapajag sagpajya ca vibbivayet // 19
ousts dai mgra dah mom ldam Ps/ges rab can gyis zla drug begom/
vignatri_aharakrtTarthag kuryit siddhiphalirthinag/ pat baliti de ad mchod chen gyls/legs par mchod naa bag= parbya/I9
sildhyatenuttarag tattvag buddhabodhim anivilam // 20 dhos grub pram bu #dod pa yis/sas an biah gel zos na nil
magsaharakrtyirthag mahamigaag prakalpayet / sahs rgyae byah chub ekyon med pa/yah dag bla med grub par ggyur/20
sidhyate kayavakcittag rahasyag aarvasiddhigu // 21 sae au ga mans as ha dah / ga chen dagni rab brtags us /
hastimigsag hayanigsag ivinamigsag tathottamam sku dah gauh thugs gosh be yi/dhos grub thams cad ggrub per tigyur/2I
8 glah pogi a deli rta yi a / d.e bin dam pa khyi yi ea /
bhakged ahirakrtyirtham anyad anaap tu na Ca bhakg4Yeki
- .9
priyo bhavati buddhanig bodhisattvanag dhimatim A1 22 sae kyt phyir ni bsag bar bya/zae gian dag ni ma zas sa/
aaena khalu yogena laghu buddhatvam ipnuyit / byah chub sons dpag bio can dah/sahs rgyae'rnams xii afiesparinyuz/22
10 di its bu yi sbyor ba yis / strur du saha tgyaa Bid thob ggyurK
kimadhitvisivaro.loke as bhavet padakarmakrt AI 2.3
tejasvi balavan gregtgag kantimin priyadarganag gdod khams dbah phyug #jig rten na/go gphah lea nibyetpar gg41 ,/23
II gteo bo gzi can etobe deli ldan/mdaha bsan mthoh na yid au goh/
vaiam inayed imag lokag dariane naiva coditag 24
idag tat sarvabuddhanig rehasyag bodhim uttaman / mthoh ha team gyie bekul med par/#04 rtan gdi dag dbah du ggyur/24
I2 gdi ni eahs rgyas theme .cad kyi/gsah ha byah chub dim pa ate/
mantraguhyam idag tattvag kayavikcittalanghitam // 25
yah tag shags kyi gsah ha Odi / lus hag seine las gdag bago /

kiya-vikcittidhisipinapatalag agOag /
eku dah gsuh deli thugs byin gyis nob pagi legu ate drug pago/


de na0 boom ldan 4das de biin giegs pa theme cad kyi situ de&
atha bbagavin sarvatathiigatakayavikcittadhipatir gsuh dais thugs kyi bdag poi/dam tshig ellen potti de kho na
samayalettvamartracaryagrasaybodhipaValam Udijahirs/ shags kyi spyod paJi mcbog gam par rdzP, pa4i byah chub patti
lebu Odi geuhs so/
sarVakimopabbogaii ca sevyamanair yathecchata0 / 4dod pa0i lohs spyod Um, cad le/ji ltar 4docl pap baton na
anena khalu yogena lagbu buddhatvam apnuyit // Odi its bu yi sbyor ha yis/saas rgyas myur du thob per kogyur/
sarvakimopabhogais tu sevyaminair yathecchata0 / tidod pa0i lohs spyod thams cad ni/ji ltar 4dg7pas beton. bya st,/
svidhidaivatayogena avast parima ca plijayet // 2
rah gi lha yi sbyor ba yisibdag dah gian 14 Reba par bYs/ 2
duakarair niyamais tivrai4 sevyaminair na sidbyati/ dkm4 thub sdom pa mi bzad pas/esten kyj4grub par mi 4gyur gyi/
sarvakimopabhogais tu selayasti caiu sidbyati // 3
Odod pabi lohs spyod theme cad le/batennangurdn4grub perUyur/ 3
bbiksiiini na japtavyam us ca bhaikorarato bbsvat/ slam mo za iih aa bsla ate/aloha moan dgab bar mi byabo/
japan mantras' abbinnihga, sarvakimopabbookrt // 4 %dot pa kun la lohs spyod cifi/shags*kyi yan lag ma Rams bzlas/
kiyavakcittasaustbityam pripya bodhim sasainuts/ lus dah hag dah sass mama ni/bde bar gnas ma bye& chub 4thob/
anyathi4ilamaraqa* pacyate narak, dhruvas // 5
glen du due mi 4chi bi dsh/dmyal bar hes par sreg par 4gyur/
buddhii ca bodbisattvii ca mantracaryigracirisa0/
5 oohs rgyas byah chub sems dpatt dah/iaags kyi sivod pa mchog
pripti thi armiic ara 1re1u4 arvakimopasevanai0// 6 apyod rbams/
sevayet kimaguipan pace, jAinirthi ragisa4 sadi / Oboe mchog mi gyo briles pa yah/Ooli Pa thaw cad bsten pas so/ 6
tosayed bodhisattvilsi ca rigayed bodhisaurinin // chags can ye lea bdod pa yis/itag tu Odod you lha mama bsten/
rapac vijAiya trividha* pajayet piijanitmaka4 / byah chub sems dpaO mAes per bya/byah chub Ai ma chase par bya/ 7
9 10 11
sa eva bhabavin vlivo budubo vairocanilaya# // gongs is rnas gsum ies byas nas/mobod par byed pas mchod par bYs/
iabda* trividna* vijAiiya devatana* nivedayet / do Aid boas idan ana tahogs pa/salts rgyaernamparsiai mdzad gii/ 8
ria eva bnatsavin vievo buddharatbikara* prabbuOU 9 sgra is rnam gsus ies byas nas/lha mama is ni dbul bar bys/
.14 15
6andna* vijaaya trividha* builbidinas nivadayet/ de Aid boom Idan ens tsbogs pa/sans rgyas rin chen4byun vies gcV9
sa eva bhatavan vIevo rigsdharmadhars* prabhu4// 10 in la rnam gsum ges byas nasAaha rgyas sogs is dbul bar bYs/
rasa* jat'itvi tu trIvidhaa devatani* nivedayet/ di Aid boom ldan sue tshogs pa/4dod chaps chos 1714b3ruh gnasgtaoia0
as eva bnaw,evin vivo buldho ya smo6havsjravin// II ro Is imam gsum a.. byas nas/lba rnams is ni dbul bar bya/
sparia* jitv tu triviiaa* evskulasys nivedsyet/ de Aid sails rg'skasna tehogs pa/sans rgyes tbogs aed rdo rje 4dWWVII
a eva bnagavZin va.jrr sicaobhyixiralibbins4 // reg is rnam gsum ietyas nas/bdag 0 rigs is dbul bar bya/
de Aid boom ldan rdo rj e can/mi bakyod pa yi tsbul-brfies pa4o/
gzugs Silva ro is Ssgs pa ia/rtag tu sass ni sbyar bar bya/
rapaiabdarasidinip sad; cittap aiyojayet / di ni flaw ryas thams cad kyligsail ba4i saifi pc, btus pa40/ 13
idap tat sarvabuldh;nip guhyac sirasamuccayama 13 gauge sgra dri sogs slags Pa yie/lba Bid du ni rtag tu bsgsm/
rapaiabdiclibhir mantrl devatip bhivayet sada/ yah na de la egos pa ni/rigs kyi tshul du rnam par began/ 14
athav; bhivayet tatra gulabhedavibh;vanaiti // 14 Bah' rgyas rice su dran par sbyor/chos ft rjes su dran ?gm pa/
3 4
buddainusmrtisapyobad dharaanusurtibhitani/ rdo rje rjes su dran egos pa/sku dcii gsuh dah thugs mass ,sgam/I5
bh;ven; kiyavakcitta, vajrinusnrtibhivan; // 15 rigs ni rjes su dran par sbyor/khro bo *as su dran ago pa/
kulinusirtisapyogit krodhanuanrtibhivana / lba al rjes dran par sbyor/bagoms aa byail chub thob par iyur/I6
devat;nutuartitapyo6d bhivekyan bodhim apnuyit// 16 bud med gzags ldarl *dicks bsai bailo*grafie bou drug ion pa Is/
#odziabdikszp, pripya yoliti, rapasuprabhia/ byin is brig)* )rii snits gaua als/dbea par =hod pa rab .tu
8 9 brtaam/ 17

pracchanne prirabhet piji adhiethinapadais
tathgatamahiibhiryi, locanata vibhivayet /
de Willi elate pabi btsun molp, mchog/apyan la sogsparbasompar bya/
dbah po els at ma= sbyar bat/Sails rgYaa dace grub thob partliazair/18
dvayeadriyasamipatyi buddhasiddhim avipauyit// 18 yl go 84 daig 44144 44/ rk$ den PRAT kyah rab brtag bYa/
BraWira, alitkarav ca krs PHA T vikalpayet/ 404 aar rum Ifiaa kborai pa yi/gad ma rdo rje bsgom par bya/ 19
patIcaraimisamikiroan padmavajrag ca bhivayet// 19 par boas zla ktod, bit* dU dkar/yid du 4oii ba begtim bar bya/
candrapium iva sajvila, bhavayet ti, manoramim/ asha rgyas rjes dr/an sbyor is Soga/byaii ohub 4dod pas bsgom par
bya/ 20
buadhiauamrtiyogidLtabhivayodbodh/kakaiaaW/ 20

tatta-katha* buddhiausmrtibhavani /
de la ansryas rjes plik4i itaraOm ties na/
15 bha ga la ni lifi gat bias / 4.14 rgyas gzugs ai bagom par bya /
bhage lihgan pratiVph;pya buddhabimbap vibhilivayet/
ba spa Imams kyl bu ga nazis/40as pas sais ryas sprin rnams spro/21
romakapagravivare buddhameghin spnared budha0// 21
de As chips rjea sv thn pa ji its; 8602 ies as,/
tetra kathap dharm;nuamrtibhivan; /
bhage lihgap pratinhapya vajradharma, vibh;vayet/ bha ga la al liii ga bias / rdo rje oboa ni bs0m Par bYa /
ba spU Mons kyi ba ga aas/akhas pas chokekyi sprin mama spro/ 22
romakapigravivare dharstaneghin spbared budha0// 22

tatra kathap vajatnusmrtibh;van; / de la rdo rje rjes au dran pa ji ltar about le nal
bhage liagap pratigpapya vaj asattvap vibhivayst/ bha ga la at ].ii ga biag / rdo rje sem* dpalit raam, par bsgom/
romaki0;gravivare vajrameghin spharid budha4//
ba apu rnans kyi bu ga aas/rdo rje span mama spro bar bya/ 23
23 4,
do is rigs rjes au dran pa ji ltar Eight/ les na/
uktra kathap kulinusmrtibhivana / bha ga la ni lih ga bag / saAs rgyas gzugs ni rab tu bsgom/
bhage lihgap pratigthipya buddhabimbap vibhivayst/ boa spu raana yi bu ba nas/mkhas pas ribs kyi sprin mama spro/
romakap;gravivare kulameghin aphared bu4.ba4// 24

tatra katham krodhinushTtibhivan; /

de la khro bo rjes su dran pa ji ltar sgom ies na/
bhage lihgam prati;Vhapya krodheivasah vibhivayet/
bha ga la ni ]th ga bag / khro boOi dbah po rab tu bsgam /
romakap;gravivare krodhamegain sphared b4h4// 25
ba spu rams kyi bu ga nas/hkhas pas kbro boOi aprin rams spro/25

de la dam *Wallis rjes su dran pa ji ltar sgom ies na/

tatra katham samayinusmrtibhivani /
bdag gi rdo rje pad mar ldan/dbah po gdis ni mffam sbyar te/
svavajrah padmasamyuktam dvayendriyaprayogata0/
avaretobhindubhir buddhin vajrasattvimi ca pajayet//26 rah W. khu baOi thigs pa yis/safis rgyas rdo rje sems,dpaO mchod/26

de la dkyil Okhor ries su dram pa ji ltar sgom ies na/

tetra kathah maugalinusmrtibhivani /
dbah no gas ni mdam bag ste/mkhas pas rah gi khu ba (lag!
dva/endriyasam;paty; svaretas tu vicakrati/
nitic;rayet sad; yogi maigalin mag4a1ikirin// 27
rnsl Obyor pas ni rtag tu dbyufi/dkyil phor dkyil Okhordutshul
bya / 27
tatra 1,rietham kayanuammtibhivan; / de la sku rjes au dram pa ji ltar sgom ies na/
yat k;yah servabuddhinim padcaskandhapraparitam/ sans rgyas kun gyi sku gavyin/phun pc, iha*yis rab tu rgyas/
buddhak;yasvabhivena mmmipi t;dmiam bhavet// 20 sails rgyas sku yi rah bran gyis/bdag kyah de'dah 4drar gyur cig/28

tatra katham viganuammtibhhan; / de la goal ries andram pa ji ltar sgom ies na/
yed eva vajradharmasya v;0; niruktisampadi/ rdo rje shoe kyl gala (pa yin/gsufi de flee tahig phun.sum tshogs/
mam;pi tdute;c; bhaved dharmsdharopami// 29 bdag gi tshig Xyait do Odra ste/chos Odzin pa dah Odrar gyur cig/29

tatrakathamcittinuentibhivani/ de is thugs ries au dram pa ji ltar sgom iea na/

yac cittah eamantabhadrasya guhyakondrasya dhimata4/ alai: b444,1,4014 po blo ldan pa/loin tu bzah poOi thugs gah yin/
mamipi tidriam cittam bhaved vajradharopamam// 30 rdo rje Odzin pa its bur ni/bdag gi some kyah de Odrar gyur/ 30

tatta katham slattvinnsmmtibavani / de la some can rjes su dran pa ji ltar agom ies na/
yac cittah servasattv;n4 kikyavikcittalakmitam/ some can kun gyi some gait yin/sku don gala dah thugs xyi mtshani
mam;pi tidriam cittam Zdaiasemasirimam// 31 46 at *mhs rgyaa theme cad 1yi/mkha d.ail mtshuns pax spyod gyur
cig / 31

tatra kathah sarvemantremiirtikiyavikcittinuantibh;vani/ de is silage thams cad kyi gzugs dah sku dah gsuln dah thugs
yat kiyam mantravajrasys v;ci k;yavibh;vanam/ ries su dram pa ji ltar sgom ies na/
mamipi tidriam nitya, bhaven mantradharopamam// 32 snags 4yi rdo rje sku gah yin/0mA gis sku yait rnam sgom pa/
bdag Xyah rtag tu de Odra bar/ shags. 4dzin pa deli mfiam gyur cig/ 32
de la dam tshig rjes su Oran pa ji ltar sgom iea na/
tatra katham samayinusmytibavani / dam tshig khu phyuh cho ga biin/tibras bu tIod pas btuh bar bya/
samayit kcal4 retalll vidhiza pibet phalakifikfaYi/ de bin giegs p&p_ tshogs bead na/dnos grub A'ab tu 4thob par
4-syur/ 33
milrayet tithasatam vyilham sutar4 siddhis ;pnuyit//33
- de la lies rab kyi pha rol tu phyin patli dam tshig vjes su
tatra katham prajapiramitisamayinuamrtibhivani/
a 3 , dran pa ji ltar nom Zee na/
prakrtiprabhisvarii4 serve anutpanni airairave0/ rah bin gyis ni 4od seal ba/thams cad ma skyes zag pa med/
aa bodhir n;bhisamayo na dhatur na ea sambhava0// 34 byah chub med cih mhon rtogs med/khams kyah med ciA 4b4ruh
bakian med.! 34

tatra katham anutpidinusmvtibhivani /

de la ma skyes pa rjes su dran pa ji ltar sgom ice na/
prakrtiprabhisvaram sarvam nir9imittam niriktuaram/
thams cad rah ban ttod seal be/mtshan med. mi Ogyur nam mkha4 biin/
aa dvayam nidvayam einta* khasadviam sunirmalam//
gdis med. Otis au med min ii/iint dri med newt mitaaki ban/ 35
tatra katham dvegalculadippjanuamrtibhivs4/ de la ism's& gi rigs la sogr patti mchod pa rjes su dran pa
dvkagiibdikam sthiraceta4m/ ji ltar es= ges na/
kulayogaprabhedena svagukreoa prapijayet//
tiithigatam kayam cittam vajradharssya ea/
bud med sems ni rab brtan pa/lo grahs bcu gis ion rfied pa/
8 9 rigs kyi sbyor bas rab bagoms te/bdag gi khu bas mchod par bys/ 36
vEtci%: dharmadharigrasya prapyatehaiva janmani// 37
- I0 4dis ni de bii0 ggegs patii sku/ido rje tazin pa4i thugs den ni/
kayavakoittasamsiddhir ye calve hinaji4 smItly
II chos ;Asia mchog gi gsuh dag kyah/tshe ]di Bid la thob par 1itgyur/37
sidhyanti tasya jipena trivajrilbhedyabhivanai4// 38
sku dah ssull d thugs kyah tigrub/gah giaa phra mar bad pa mama/
rdo rje mi payed gsum bsgoms te/bzlas pa team gyis de 4grubinyur/38

13 _14
mantracaryagrapaVala4 saptams0 /

shags kyi spyod pa mchog gi ieu ste bdun pa4o/.


le nas bcom ldankflas de bgin geegs pa rdo rje dkon mchog

atha bhaiavin ratnaketus tathigato bhagavantaw sarva- dpal gyislbcom ldan 4das de biin geegs pa thams cad Kyi
tathigatakiyavakcittidhipatiw parameivaraw mahivajra- bdag pcIpah phyug dam pa Ho rje 4dzin pa chen po la/bstod
dharam anena stotrarajenidhyesayam isa / pa0i rgyal pc 4dis gaol ba btab be/
vajrasattva mahayina ikatiacaryavitiodhaka / Ho rje sems dpa# theg pa che/nam mkha0i spyod pa rnam sbyon ba/
3 kun tu been poi spyod pa mchog/rgyal mchog mchod pa bliad du gso4eI
samantabhadracaryagra deria pijaw jinottama //
4_ 5 #dod chags is sdah gti mug che/rdo rje theg pa rab ston pa/
rigadvesamahamoha vajrayinapradeaaka / 2
ikaiadhatukalpagra ghotoa pujaw jinalaya // 2 nam m1cha4i dbyins dah mtahuhs p&i mchog/rgyal gii mchod pa
6 biad du gsol/ 2
mokwamargapragetira triyinapathavartaka / thar betii lam ni rab.ston pa/theg pa gsum gyi lam la gnas/
7- - -
buldhasaubhigyaiuddhatma Vltava pujaw narottama// 3
Gahm ryas skal mchog lag pakti bdag/mi mcnog mchodpa biad du gaol/3
bodhicittaviiilikwa dharmacakrapravartaka /
byah chub sems ni rgyaS pa4i spyan/chos kyi 4khor lo rab bskor ba/
kiyavakcittasawauddha vajrayina namo'stu to // 4
sku dah glue thugs gin tu dag/phyag 4tsha1 rdo rje theg pa 1a4o/
atha vajradharo raja sarvikieamahikaara4 / de nas rgyal po rdo rje 4dzin/thams cad nam mkhatl mi 4gyur che/
sarvabhigiekasarvirtha4 sarvetio sarvaratnadhrk// 5 theme cad dbah bakur kun gYi don/kun dbah rdo rje rin chen 4dain/5
tathagatiw firegVhaw trivajrabhedyasawathitam/ de bin giegs pa0i mchod pakti mchog/rdo rje mi phyed gsum gnas pa/
kiyavikcittasaubhigyaw bhisate jinasawbhalrim // 6 sku dah goal del thugs skal mchog/rgyalbalabyuh bar 4E:Jur be biad/6
pripya Kanyiw vitialZkwiw riipayauvanamaw4itam / na chuh gion nu mig yahs pa / gzugs gzah gion pas brgyan pa ni/
8 9
paRcavilitiatikiw grhya tiryagbhyo'pi prakalpayet// lo grans Ai iu lha ion riled / byol so i las kwah rab tu brtag /
gucau viviKte prthivipradeie sa phyogs gtsah fah rnam par dben pa0m/
jinatmajai3ntaeivilaye ca / rgyal Aid skyes Ii i balai gnas rnams su/
vi4matratoyidivilepanaw vi bgah gci chu is sogs pas byug patkam/
xurvita iativaj jinapajaheto4 // 8 rgyal ba mchoci. phyir rtag par rab tu bya/ 8

stanintaraw yivac chirchintamadhye nu ma0i dbus par spyi gtsug mthaO yi bar/
cara4ahtare capi nyased vidhijfia4 / cho ga ies pas yah na rkah pa4i bar/
nibblicaViguhye jinitmajaniw lte be rked pa gsan bar raal ba4i sras/
nyilsa* i:raKuryat kulapaAcakinam // 9 rigs lha mans ai dgod pa' rab tu bya/ 9
nam zikh41.dbyihs kyi dbus gnu par/yeities rya mtsho beg= par bya/
akigadhitumadhyastham bhivayed janasiligaram / bdag Aid zla babi dbus gnas par/mkhas pas BAJA khat bsgom par bya/I0
itminam candramadhyastham bhivayed hrdaye budha4// IO a ba rdo rjo #dzin #dod ns/ bsdu ba deg kyai rab tu bya /
sayhiram ca prakurvIta yadlcchec chintaVajradhrk/ rin chen ins bii#1 =hod rten'la/Od sir #phrei bats
cataratnamayam stapam ragmimilivibhavitam 1/ II . man per bran/ II
janodadhim tripathebhy.a ;lava* tu vicintayet/ ye ies rgya mtsho ins gem gyi/gnas do yin par rnam par beam/
Wag gi ba spubi bu ga nas/mkhas pas mchod pa#i sprin mass spro/I2
svaromakapavivare pmeghan sphared budh4 //
4 mkhas pas utpala dog kyah / padma rues pa liar ties bya /
padmam palicavidham jatvi utpalam ca vicakmama0/
_ 5 6 dsiti zonam glum ies byes ass /.1ha pesos is ni dbul bar bya / 13
jatim ca trividham jatvi devatinim nivedayet // 13
Es tog kanikira dal / malliki dah yithiki /
karmikirasya kusumam mallikayathikim tathi /
karavIrasya kusumam dhyi,tva pajim prakalpayet /1
as tog karsbira beam / mchod pa thams cad nab tu brtag / 14
dpag tailed brgya yi khyon toss du/Okhor lo#1. dkyil #khor
yojanatiatavistiram bhivayee cakrasam4alam / bosom byes la/
ku1Eln4 tat prakurvIta sada nyasam vicakoaM4 / rnam par mkhas pas rtsg par ni/rigs rnsms :cab tu dgod par bya/
padmam vajram tathi kha4gam Utpalam bhivayed budhaW/I5 di ban padmo rdo rjo ash / ral gri utpal =has pas beige / 15
yoj anakoVivistirs, caturasram. suilobheuxam / ipag tshad bye bobi khyon team du/gru ba lin tu miss* pa yii
cataratnamayam caityam sv ac ate* prakrtinirmalam/ =hod rten rin chin ins bii pa / gsal iih rel ban in ma med /
bhivayed'alayam prijna4 ku1n pajahetuni // 16 rigs rums them cad =hod p4i phyir/ies nab can gyis
19 gnas au bosom/ 16
paficakiimagumaitt paja*yidaslm ca samarabhet /
#dod ps#i you ten lia rnsms kyis/de is mchod pa rgya mtsho brtsam/
ratnavastridibhir nityam pajayed bodhikinkmay4/
pancopobEtraplijigrair devatim tomayet sadi // 17
rin then na bs4 is Bogs pas/byah chub #dvi pas rtag tu mchod/
=hod pa rams lna mchog rnams kyis/rtsg tta lha mass Ades par bya/I7
kanyim ratnikarIm gretiqhim nZniratnidyalamkrt;m/
13 rin ahem Ora gnas na chuh 'whoa/rim chen ma tehogs
dadytid vai sarvabuddhin4 siddhayestIvasidhanei/ 18 mchog gis brgyan/
saptaratnair idam krtva pariparmam vicakma4a4/ sgrub tabs nab tu #grub pa0i phyir/stis rgyas kun is dbul bar bya/I6
15 16
dadyit pratidinam prig() dinirtham siddhikihkmayii/ 19
ith #di rin chin ana bdun gyis/mkhas pa dag gis yois bkah la/
buddhamam4alamadhyat4/ dhos grub #dod pas sbyin pa#i phyir/Ain re lea rab can gyis dbul/I9

dadyit spargasamiyogam buddhinim rigabuddhinam // 20 bdsg poi phyag rgyar mAas bug la/sahs rgyars dkyil #khor
20 21 dbus dag tu/
iikiadhitumadhyastham bhivayed vyilhamam4a1am /
#dod chess blo can satin rgyes la/reg p4i sbyor ba dbul bar bya/ 20
svabimbam tathigatamayam vimmatrai4 pajayed gurum// 21
ass skba#i dbyifis i dbus gnaa par/dkyil #khor bkod pa
bsgom par bya/
do biin siege pa bdag gi lus/bla as biai dah gel bas mchod/ 21

yogita* pripya subbagi* cirmaktri* suiobbaaim / bin bzah an tu mdzed pa yi/ha chuh, skal ba mchog ldan Pa/
adbieVhinapadap dbyitvitat apiji Prakalpayst / by/a gyis brlabs kyi gnas beams te/sahs rgyas mchod pa
3 rab tu brtag/
iUkra* viiilikqe bbaklayed dr4babudftliaius // 22
mig bzah brtati pi blo ldaa pas/khu ba blahs nas bzati bar bya/ 22
ids. tat sarvamantri*i* kiyavikcittapitass / at shagsynams theme cad *yi/sku gsuA thugs kyi mchod pa ste/
mantrasiddbikars* prokta* rabasya* jainavajriois // 23
ye lies rdo rje can gyi gsahishags raams dhos grub byed par gsub4423

vivantrasamayapaVales*Vaas* /

biah 0101 dam tehig gi lebu et: brgyad patio/



de nas rgyal po rdo rje %Asia/thani cad nam might* mi #gyur che/
atha vajradharo raja sarvikaiamahaksar4 / thams cad dbah bskur spyod pa#i mchog/dbah phyug dam pa
sarvabhifekacariagra# sarvirtho paransivar4 // kUn don gyis/ I
2 sku gait thugs is lohs spyod pa/rdo rje.mi phyed gaum dkyil #khor/
kiyavakcittasafbhogaf trivajrabhedyamaf4alam /
2 sahs rgyas ye ies can gyi gsai/lams.dga# =hog ni rab tu bOadi 2
shotilate paramaf ramyaf rahasyaf buddhajOaninsle//
nam mkha11. dbyika kyi dbus gnu par/sails rgyas dkyil #khor
akihadhatumadhyastbaf bhivayed buddhamag4alan / bsgom par bya/
aksobhyavajraf prabhivitvi pigau vajraf vibhaveyvt//3 rdo rje mi bakyod rab bsgoms nas/lag tu rdo rje bagom par bya/
sphulihgagahanidiptap paficaraimiprapiritam / #od #phro mah p.0 par ba daft/0d ser.sna lhas rab tu gah/
buddhafs tryadhvapathin dhyatvi tatra vajrefa ins gsum pa yi sahs rgyas rnansibsgoms use rdo rjes phye mar brlag64
cfiroayet //
6 7
kiyavakcittasalphogaf nagVag vajrsga ofirgitam / eku gotta thugs kyi ldia spyod ni/rdo rjes phyer bans med gyur pa/
bean gtan nchog do begone na ni/thugs kyi dhoti grub thob parltgyur/5
bhavayet paramaf dhyina, cittasiddhisamavahan // 5
8 9 rd410 rje gsah ba idi lta bus/ some can thane cad bead na mil
anena guhyavajmefa sarvasattvin vighitayet /
IC be*yod sails rgyas eiik dog tu/rgyal babi eras su skye bar ggyud6
jayanteksobhyavajrasya buddhaksetre jinsurasigl/ 6
dvegakulatattvasamayo'yaq jfieya# sarvaku1irgava4 /
#di ni ge sdah gi rigs tyi dam tahig gi de kho na ate/rigs thams
cad kyi rgya mtsho yin par Co. par by40/
atha vajradhsaro rijajanamoksapras;daka# / de nas rgyal po rdo rjeirisin/mi ies thar pa rab sgrub Pa/
svabhivaiuddhanirlepo bodhicarvapradesaka# / ho 1)0 Bid dog gos pa mad / byah chub spyod pa rab ston pas/
bhafate samayaf tatty., buddhabodhiprasidhakam// sails rgyas byah chub agrub pa ni/yah dag dam tshig bka# steal t4f7
ikaiadhitumadhyasthaf bhivapc cakranag4a1an / nam skha#i dbyihs kyi dbus gags par4khor lo0i dkyil #khor
vairocanaf vibhivitvi sarvabuddhan vibhavayet // 8 bosom par bya/
16 ram par anal mdsad rab bosoms te/saha rgyas thane cad
sarvaratnaprayogefa vajrabimban prakalpayet / rnam par bsgom/ 8
haralpf sarvadravyifif trivajr.0a vibhivayot // 9 rin chen kun gyi byor ba yis/rdo rje0i gauge ni rab tu brtag/
bhavanti cintamafisami dravyodadhiprapfirita# / nor roams thaws cad phrogs nes su/rdo rje gsum du rnam bsgoms na/9
aurasi# sarvabuddhinif bhavanti munipuhgava# // 10 nor gyi rgya mtshos gal ba yi/yid than nor bu #dra bar #gyur/
mohatm1atattvasamayo'yaf jeya# sarvakularfave / sans rgyas kun gyi eras mama lah/thub pa#i ekyes bumchog tutlgyur/ID
Odi ni rigs kyi rgya mtsho thaws cad las/gti mug gi rigs kyi
dam tshig yin dag pa did du 6es par bys00/
de nas rgyal po rdo rje #dzin/Odod chagn thar pa rab sgrub pa/
atha vajradharo rj rigamokaaprasiidhaka# / gsah ba dag pa dmigs mod pas/dkyil #khor rab tu bka0 steal to/ II
guhyaeuddhanirilamba udghogayati malgalam // nam mkha#i dbyihs kyi dbus gnas par/pad makii dkyil gkhor
bsgom par bya/

ikailadhaumadhyast)-Aag batvayet pa..: ag4alam/
2 dpag ass& tahe ni rab bosoms te/saha rgyas mama kyia
amitayum prabhi,fitvii buddhai4 foam* prapfirayet// 12 theme cad dgah/ 12
yogidikirasagyog:ag sarvoitig tetra bhivayet / bud med lta bur sbyar ba ni/ dam tahig bii sbyor ba yis /
catugsamayayogena ida vajranayottamas // 13 theme cad de mu bsgom par bya4di at rdo rjetti tshul mchog go/ 13
dvayendriyaprayogega sarvigs tan upabhufijayet / dbah po gas ni Whim sbyor 1ms/de dag theme cad Re bar spyad/
idag tat sarvavajragag trikayabhedyabhivanam // #di at rdo rje theme cad kyi/mi phyed sku gsum sgom pa0o/ 14
ragekulatattvasamayoiyag bhivanlyas tu mantriga / 4di ni 4dod Wangs kri, rigs kyi yah dag p&p dam tshig ate/
shags ',amuse kyis bsgom par bya#0/
atha vajradharo r;j; vajramantrirthasidhaka4 /
le nom rgyal po Ho rje idzin/rdo rje shags kyi daa agrub pa/
jfiinasagbhatanairitmya idag vacanam abravIt // 15
bdag med ye see lea byuh lila/01A a 4di skad bka4 steal to/ 15
akiiadhitumadhyasthag bhivayed buddhamag4alam /
nen mkbali dbyihs kyi dbus gnas par/sahs rgyas dlqilgkhor
vajramoghag prabhivitvi sarvabuddhigs tu'bhivayet0/16 bsgom par bya/
mTgividag vajral.padam sarvabisbin vibhivayet / Ho rje thogs mod rab bsgoms te/sahs rgyas thews cad
visagvidayej jinin sarvigs tathil sarvajinilayiin // I? bagom par bya/ 16
thams cad gzugs su rnam bosoms nas/rdo rje tshig gi rdzun smra bas/
idag tat sarvabuddhinitm vigakitiag sunirmalam /
rgyal ba loan gyi gnats mama dah/rgyal be theme cad bslu bar bya/I7
mantrasiddhikarag proktag rahasyag janabuddhinia//I8
6 Odi at sans ryas thaw cad kyi/nam mkhagi gsa ate dri med pa/
samayiikargagakulatattvasasayo'yag preraglyo yathirthata0/
ye lies blo can loan gyi gsah/sKags kyi dhos grub thob par bead/ 18
7 . Odi ni dam tshig Ogugs patii rigs kyi dam tahig gi de kho ma aid
atha vajradharo raja trivajrilbhedyajinalaya# /
a de/don ji its ba bin dU Wpro harbyago/
siddhivajrapragetitra idag vacanam abravit //
Takiiadhitumadhyaathag bhivayet samayamaotalam / de nas rgyal pc) rda.rja gdzin/rdo rje ml phyed gsum rgyal Elias/
ratnaketug prabhlivitvi sarvabimbair idag spharet/ Ho rja dhoe grub rab atom pal/glum ni gdi skad bka# steal to/ 19
p;rugyavacanidyais tu sevayaff jAinam ipnuyit // 20 nam mkhagi dbylis kyi dbus gnas par/dam tshig dkyil gkhor
ityiha bhagavin sarvatathigatavajravyiha# / bosom par bya/
dkon mchog dpal ni rab begonia te/gzuga mama loin gyis cii dag dgah/
rtaub pallid hag is sogs pa ni/bsten na ye iea thob par tigyur/ 20
boom ldan #des de bin giegs pa theme cad kyi Ho rje bkod pas
de skad can bkati stsia to/
de nas yah de bin giegs pa thams cad kyi dam tshig gi Ho rje
dpal la Bogs p&i byah chub sems dpa# semi dpa# chen po raams/
atha khalu sarvatathigatasamayavajraketupramukhlis teI ha mtlihar du gyur cih rmad du gyur nas Ho rje#i tsnig #di skad
mahilbedhisattvi iticaryaprliptii adbhutapripti idalp vag-
ces emras sc/bcom ldan Oss de ban giegs pa thams cad kyi bdag
vajraghogan akirou# / kim aya! bhagavran sarvatathaT
po/khams gsum las #das kia1jig rten thams cad las #das pas/
gatidhipati# traidhatukavyatinttan sarvalokadhitu- de bin gee pa thama cad dah/byah chub sems dpa# thams cad
vyativrttalp sarvatathigatasarvabodhisattvaparcanmadhye
3. kyi #khor gyi neii du/441i its buii y dag pa ma yin patii tshig
abhutavtikpathavajrapada# bhicate ama /
gi lam/Ho rjeig tshig #di ciOi slad du gsuhs/
atha bhagavanta# sarvatathigatis tzl anabhilipyanabhi- de nos bcom ldan Odes de ban geegs pa thams cad kyis/brjod kyis

4. 5
14yabuddhaktotrasumeruparamiqurajaipamin aarvatahi-
gatasamayavajraketupranukain mahibodhiaattvia gym

ihu# / mi kulaputr; imiq hinasacjan jugupsitasaVgap

cotpidayaths/ tat kasmid dheto# / agracaryi kulaputri

tad. yathipi pima kulaputra

yaduta bodhisattvacarya kulaputri yaduta mantracaryi /
Tak7atia0 sarvatrinugatam /
mi lah baig yah brjod kyis mi lali b4 sahs rgyas kyi iihr4
ri rab 1cyi rdUl phra no sited kyi/de bin geegs pa thams cad kyi
dam tahig gi Ho rje dpal is sogs past byah chub sems dpa# sems
dpa# chen po de dag la/di zkad ces bka# steal to/rigs kyi bu
dmsa p41. 4du ges dah/smad patti 44u ges de lta bu yah ma skyed
ci#i phyir ie na/rigs kyi bu #di Its ste/shags kyi spyod
akaanugatafli sarvadharmini tini ma kinadhitusthitini pa ni spyod p41. =hog go/di lta ste/shags kyi spyod pa ni de
na rApadhituathitini nirapyadhitusthitini na caturmahi- ban eiege pa#i spyod p40/rigs kyi bu #di its ste/dper ma man
bhatasthitini / evam eva kulaputrEl sarvadharmi man- mkha# ni thane cad kyi rdes su soh ba ste/chos thams cad kyai
gantavy4 Adaip arthavaaJ Vij8Ta tathigati# sattvinim nam mich4i khons su gtogs pa#o/chos de dag thams cad kyah #dod
ayaii vijfaya tato dharma* deeayanti / evam eva kula- p41. Mama na mi gnas/gzugs kyi khams ma mi gnas/gzugs med paigi
putri akapadaniruktyi te tathagatasamay; anugantavy4/ khams na mi gnas/Obyun ha chen pet bii is yam mi gnas so/rigs kyi
tad yathilpi n7ama ku1aputr4 ki0a# ea mathanlyan ea bu aloe thams cad kyah de ltar rje4 au rig par by4o/de bin
puruiphastavyiyimac ea pratItya dama# pridur bhavati / giegs pa rnams ni don gyi dbah de its bu mkhyen cih/sems can
agnim abhivartayati Lea aignir ;a kiO4asthito ma rnams kyi. beam pa mkhyen nas chos #chad par mdzad do/rigs kyi bu
mathaniyasthito na puru#044avyiqimasthita# / evam ova de ltar nam mkhaig tshig hes par brjod pas/de ban giiegs patti
kulaputr;# sarvatathigatavajrasamayi anugantavy4 dam tshig de dag rjes su rig par by4o/rigs kyi bu 4di lta ste/
gamanragamanidyair iti / dper no. gtsub 4in dah gtsub stan dah mii lag pa bskyod pa#i
rkyen gyis du ba #byuh iih me #byuit bar #gyur mod kyi/me de yah
stsub iih is yah mi gmas/stsub stan is yala mi gnas/mi#i lag pa
bskyod pa is yah mi gnas so/rigs kyi bu de bin du de bin gliegs
pa thams cad kyl rd. rje4 dam tshig 4gro ba dah ba
la Soge pa rjes su rig par bya40/
atha to sarvabodhisatv; aecaryapr'ipti adbhatapripti
de nas byah chub some dpa0, de dag A* mtahar da gyar/rmad
vismayotp:aallalocana iday ghogam akrUk /
2. du gyur nasAlaw iih mig gdahs to tshig 4di skad ces smos so/
mahidbhatega dharmega akieasadyeeguCal
rmad byah chen po4i.chos mama ni/*am mkha41 dah ni
nirvikelpega eaddhega sayntie tu pragiyate // 21 mtehuhs pa dal/
raam par mi rtog dag pa laS/kan rdzob tu yall bead pa mtshar/ 21

paramirt4eaddhatattvartha8amayo lama navamatt paVa14 / don dam pa0i dag pa de kho na Bid Icyi don gyi dam tshig
1e4u ate dgu pakpo/


I de nes bcom ldan 4das de bin giegs pa thams cad yah taus te/
atha boaavantati sarvatath;gati4 puna4 sam;jam agamya bcom ldan 4das dam tshig chen poi rdo rje de kho na ftid aeon
bhagavantalit mah;samayavajratattv;bhisacbodhikiyav;k-
par razogs par byah chub pa situ cloth esuh dah thugs gsah ba
citta,suhyaT tathigatarit aamasyaivam ihu.4 /
-3 de biln vie& pa la phyag Otshal te/4di skad ces gsol to/
bn;sasva bhaEs.avalps tattvalp mantrasarasamuccayam/
de Aid shags Bah kun bsdus pa/sku dah gsuh thugs gsah bar bsgrags/
ciyav;kcittagunyikhya* mah;siddhinayottamam//iti/ I dhos grub chen poi tshul gyi mchog/yah dag bcom biaddugsa1/1
atha vajradharo raja sarvax1eiar4avaprabhu4 /
7 6 de nas rgyal po rid rje 4dzin/lon molls kun gyi rgya mtsho tso/
diptacao vii;11ksa ida* vacanam abravit // 2
#bar ba drag po spyan yeas pas/gsuh nitoji skad bka4 steal te/ 2
k;yivikcittavajri44 kiyivikcittabhivanam / luS dah hag dah sems mama ni/rnam par mu rtog mu dmigs pa/
nirvikalpa,nirilamba* samat; na cvacit sthitam// 3
gai nalph mi inall.mdam pa aid/situ gsuh thugs kyi rdo rjer sgam/ 3
atha bha6a'van svabh;vaiuddhas tathirta4 p;ramitamantra- de nes bcom ldan ;des de ban giese pa ran but4 WILO das pa
nayavajraw n;ma samidhilp saxnpanne talp ca sarvatathi-
pha rol tu phyin pa aims kyi tehu/ rdo re iee bya ba#i tih he
gat;n evam ;ha / asti bhagavanta4 sarvatath;gat; Odsin la Biome par ilage nas/de ban geegs de dag thams cad la
aksobhyapramukhel4 sarvatathigati anekavidyixoViniyuta-
7 8 4di skad ces bk4 steal to/bcom,ldan 4das de biim gelegs pa thams
gatasahasrai4 sarvasattvirtha4riyinelVakalp pradariayanti/ cad/Mi bskyod pa la sogs pa de bait geese pa thams cad rig pa
dagadiblokadh;tuparyavasinesu padcakimagu4a4 kricianti bye be' khrag khrig brgya stai du ma dah thabs gcig tu/sems can
ramante pravic;rayanti/ na ca te mantracary;bhiyuktam thorns cad kyi don bya ba la rol ba ston par bcu4i
avalokayanti / tat sasmid dheto4 / npanno bat;ya* 4jig rten gyi khams mthas klas par 4dod pa4i yon tan ilia rnams
tathggatamantracaryinayadharme / tat teca* mah;8at- Avis rol cili dgyes par yona su spyod pa yod kyah/de lag snags
purus;q4 vyavalotan;rtham ida* sarvatath;6atakiyavi1-
13 14 spyod pa la mhon par brtson pa mans la/kye ma 4di dag ni de biin
cittavajrarabasymi sarvamantrahTdayasa*codanav n;ma gliegs pa thams cad kyi shags kyi spyod pa4i tshul gyi/chos rdzogs
15 -
parama-unyalp sarvatath;gatakayavakcittasamayavalambanav par gyur to seam nas spyan ras kyis mu 4tsho ste/de. bas na skyes
sarvavajradharakiyavaktittasamayivalambana* sarvadnarma-
- bu dam pa de dag la spyan ras btsa# ba4i phyir/da biin giegs
dharaxayavakcittasamay;valambanaT svakayav;kcitta-
- 16 pa thams cad kyi situ dah gsuii dah thugs rdo rje4i gsah ba/shags
vajrebhyo vakpathanirukty; idac mantrasamuccayam ud;-
I? thorns cad kyi sein po kun tu bskul bar byed pa ies bya ba/rab tu
janra/Ol1 AR ERN/ gsah ba de bin giegs pa thams cad kyi situ dah gsuh dah thugs kyi
dam tshig is dmigs pa/Ho rje 4dzin thams cad kyi sku dah gsuli dan
thugs kyi dam tshig la dmigs pa/chos tazin pa theme cad kyi
situ dg gsuh dah thugs kyi.dam tshig la dmigs pa 4di/Bid kyi
athiismin bh4itamitre sarvabuddhi# sa-auras;# /
situ dah gsuhdah thugs Ho rje la4shig gi lam hes par brjod
kampiti mircchim ;pada vajrasattvam anusmaran .// 4 pas shags 4411dns pa 10.1.1ta bu geuhs so/ Of IS Hatt /

atha vajrap4i#
sarvatata.gatgdhi2atir imam samayam de nes Odi ni geniis team gyis/sahs rgyas eras dah boas pa kun/
ud;jah;ra /
rab tu #dar iih brgyal bar gyur/rdo rje seine dpa0 rjes suLdran/
ikagadhatumadhyastham balvayed vyuhameigalam /
de nms phyag na Ho rje de bin g#egs pa thane cad kyi bdag pos/
Hkrai tatra madhyastham svabimbena prakalpayet// 5 dam tshig #di gsufis so/
vajraragmimah;diptam visphurantaw vicintayet / nam mkha0i dbylls kyi dbus gnas par/bk9d pa41. dkyil 41chor
buddh;nim kiyavakCittam hrtam tena vibhivayet // bsgom par bya/
sa bhavet tat ksawad eva k;yav;kcittavajradhrk / de yi dbus gnas yi ge fithi / rah gi'gzugs an rab tu briag /
- 7 8
vajrasattvo maharaja sarvagra# parameivara# // 7
Ho rje#i 4od zer char 4bar ba/rnam pak phro b4sam par bya/
svomavOelaq svavajrema nispidanavidhir bhavet /
ado rgyas kyi ni'sku gala thugs/dkahs par 65 yis rnim bsgoms na/ 6
idam tat sarvabuddainim silraw vajrasamuccayam // 8 de ma thag tu der #gyur ba/sku gala thugs kyi rdo rje #dzin/
svamantrapurugam dhyavii catu#statnegu rapata# /
Ho rje sews dpa# rgyal po che/kun gyi gtso bo dtiah phyug mchog/ 7
trimukhikirayogena trivamana vibhivayet.// 9 rah gi dityil khor*rah rdo'rjes/skyed par byed pai tshul du #gyur/
it;ha bhaeav;n vajrasamaya# / #di ni saw rgyas thams cad kyi/sflih po Ho rje bsdus pa yin/ 8
rah sitags skyes bur bsgoms flee ni/gaas bii mama sit gzugs kyitshul/
tatredam paramavajrarahasyam /
sal gsum lta bu#i sbyor ba.yia/kha dog gsum du nab tu bsgom/ 9
hTdayamadhyagatam sawmam malgal;nam vibharanam /
bcom ldan #das Ho rje dam tshig gie de eked ces bka# steal to/
tasya madhyagatam cinted aksaram paramais padam // 10
de la #di ni Ho rje mchog gi gsah b4o/
paficaialam maavajraw bhivayed yogata# sad; /
aiiu kha#i dbus sit phra mo yi/dkyil Okhor rams ni beam par bya/
cintayet tri#1 vajr4i vajrakuiaprayogst4 // II
yi go mchog tu gyur palpi tshiG/de yi dbus sit bsam par bye! 10
hvdayam tickayet tena devatam vi pracodayet / Ho rje chea po rtse lila pa / rtag tu sbyor bas bseom par bya/
idaw tat sarvavajr4im buddhabodhiprasidhanam // 12 Ho rje kyo ba#i sbyor be yis/rdo rje gsum mama bsgom par bya/ II
17 18
vajrapadmakulidyais tu vajrakugavibhavanam / de yis sfiiiL khar brdab byes te/lha mama ji sfied bskul bar bye!
codanam h;daye proktam ider -iVakasambhavam // 13 Odi ni Ho rje thesis cad kyi/sails rgyas byan chub nab bsgrub patio112
Ho rje pad mo#i rigs la sogs/rdo rje kyo ba Imam bsgom
sfiiit kha mu ni bskul bar bad/di ni rol mo0i #byui be ste/ 13

saptiham yr.:mat kurvita ideust vajranayottamam / rdo rje yi ni tshul mchog 4di / gag bdun bar du byas na ni /
sidhyate k,iyavkcittam rahasyalp janavajrioan // 14 ye gea rdo rje can eyi gsah/sku dah gauh thugs 4grub par 4gyur/14
vyavalokayanti varad; bhitiO samtrastamina34 / mohog stool ba deg raam par gzigs/yid ni Wigs diii skrag gyur nas/
dadanti vipu1 siddhim manaOsalytosaqapriyim // Yid la sigu gih dga4 Ogyur ba4i/dhos grub rya chen ster bar tour/L5
buddhie ca bodhisattviica mantracaryigrasadhak4/
sahs rgYas byah chub sems sip*); rnams/shags kyi spyod paigi
mchog sgrub pas/
atikramed yadi moheltmi tad antam tasya jivitam // 16
=ohs pas 04 bar byas na ni / de yi srog ni der zad 4gyur / 16
atha vajradharo rja trilokigrinueisaka4 /
de ass rgyal Po rd0 rje kolsin/rdo rje gsua gyi ston pa =hog/
tri,okavaravajr;gra idaw ghOoam akirolt // jig rtan gsum =hog rdo rj gts0S/gauh ni skad bka4 stsaltoa?
yivanto mantrapurugis trivajraginapiritalit / shags kyi skyes bu ji oiled. pa / rdo rje gsum gyi ye des rdzogs /
dvayendriyaprayoge4a sarvabhivavikalpanam // dbah po gals kyi sbyor ba yis/dhos po theme cad brtag par bya /
idam tat sarvabuddhllnim mantrasamayabhavanam // 18
4di at safis rgyas thaw cad lcylisfiaga Uyi dam tshig "egos pa40/ 18
4 5 na
vidyeivaripravi*Vocu vajrasavyogabh;vani rig, ma#i dbah phyug iugs pa la/rdo rjs#i sbyor baAbagom
rakt4 raktek9a9im vikqed idalp samayamac4a1ama 19
chags la chags pea bite bar bya/Odi at dam tshig dkyil phor ro/19
atha vajradharo rj sarvatathigatitmaj4 / de nas rgyal po rdo r$ litdain/da ban gAega pa kun gyi aras/
sarviibhisekabuddhegra idam vacanam abravit// 20
thaw cad dbai bskur sahs rgyaa gtaosigsuini 4di skad
lokadhitusu sarveou yivatyo yogita0 smrtiO / bka0 steal to/ 20
9- - jig rten khams ni thaw cad na/bud med ji sifted yod pa kun/
maheImudridiyogena sarvas ta upabhufijayet /
sphared buddhapadaa tatra asamkhyakolivajrioam// .21 phyaga rgya che cogs sbyor be yis/de dag thaw cad de bar spyad/
ityiha bnagavin bodhisamaya4 / bye be grafia med rdo rje 4dzin/safis rgyas gnas ni der spro bya/ 21
boom ldan 4das bysh chub kyi dam.tshig gyis de skad ces bka4
anena pripnuyid bodhl, trivajriikiessamnibhim / steal 9o/
sa bhaved vajrasattvayur bodhisattvo jinodadhi4// 22
rdo rje gsum po mkhatt Ora ba4i/byah chub di yis thob par Ogyur/
bysh chub semis dpa# rgyal rgya mtsho/rdo rje seas dpa0i
tshe des tithob/ 22

sarvatathigata41ayasaacodano imam de4ama4 pata1a0 /

de biin giegs pa theme cad kyi WW1 po bskul ba gee bya bald
le4u ate bet" p&p/
Cuero. B1.3V101
do use boom ldan /ASS Eau dah gsuh dah thugs rd. rje de bin
1 2
atha bhagavin 474v8ikcittava3ra0 tathigata# sarvatathigata- Villas Pa do 144m gAegs Pa theta cad. kyi. rdo 114041. 'dugs kYi
vajramantrapurusottamam aka esmidhim sasipadyedam sarvaT Oyes tusohog ceS *bra bat tth hs #dsin la *Boss pat iuge
tathigatwaantravajra!SidyapuruqapaValas udijahira / to/a9 biin siege pa, thorns cad kyi shags kyi rdo rje rig patil
skyes bu#i 14* 44.i gOuhe so/
trivajriksaramantrigrair mahisudrivibhivanqa /
rdo rje gsum yig snags kyi mchog/Phyag rgya chin po rnam sgom pa/
kartavyam jnavajrama sarvabodhisamivaham //
Mpah chub thaws cad thob byabi phyir/rx fieS.rdo rje dag gis bya/
Opiram janhvdayam kiyavajrasamivaham / ,ni thOb byed
6 OV ni ye ises'efith'po ate / rdo rle
Ilikaram bodhinairitmyam vigvajrassmivaham /,
7 4 ni hyah chub, bdag med. pa / rdo rje gsufini thob byed p40 /
HO#kiram krayavikcittam trivajribhedyasamivaham /4/ 2
8- sku gsui thugs Aid de/ido rje mi PhYed gsuM thob patio /
ityiha bhagavin sarvatathigatakiyavikoittkmestrePuru0s4/
boom ldan 4das de biln giege pa theme cad kyi skU dah gsuh dah
khavajramadhyagatdm cintet mamoialam sarvavajrajam/ thugs k7i shags kyi skyes bus de skad cos bka# stsal, to/
BHRU#16ira111 bhivayet tatra vajrameghaspharivaham // 3 nam mIgha# rdo rj41 dbus gaas paridkyll 4kiaor rdo rje
skyes beam/
tatredam jianavajrahrlayam / BHkUkt / *

12 rdo rje#i sprin Al tiphro bakyed pa/de ru yi ge Balm beam mo/

vajramaigalamadhyastham Eftkiram tu prabhivayet /
de la tidi ni ye ess rdo rje4i fifth po00/ BV.v,-141 /
8vacchamas4a1amadhya8tha11 Ottkiram tu vicintayet // 4 i.e. bya `ta rab ta bsgom/
13 rdo rje0i dkyil phor dbus gnat par
dharmamalgalamadhyastham liftirasya prabhivanaM /
gsal batti dkyil #khor dbuS gnas par/Yi ge Of ni ram par -bsam/ 4
BHHUilkiram ilayam dhyitvi trivajrotpattibhivani // 5
oboe kyi dkyil #khor dbus gnas par/A ge ig ni rab tu begom/
ityiha bhagavin guhyasamaya# /
yi ge BHRUf gyis gnae bosoms te/ido rje geum oyuh bsgom par bya/5
hrdayam tryadhvabuddhebhya# kiyavikcittarafijanam/ sfiih po due gsum eahs rase kYi/tku geuh thugs ni mAlts byed pa/
Ohlkiram buddhakiyigryam / 01 / Of ni sahs rgyas sku yi mchog/004tni saha rgYas,gau4 gi lam/4/
Ifkiralp buddhavikpatham / 1 / Hof ni ye eles thugs kyi Win/H0#/byah chub tshul mchog yia ta/6
HOPiram cittajflinaugham / / ni sane rgyas theme cad Xyi/sahe raas byah chub rab sgrub pa/
idam bodhinayottamam // 6
idam tat sarvabuddhinim buddhabodhiprasidhakam / ye ies rdo rjas sprui be ate/ eahe rgyas rgyu dah,tibras bu #byuh/7
nirmitam jftanavajrema buddhahetuphalodayam // #di dag eahs rgyas skyes bu ate/shags xyi rig pa gee kyah bsgrags/
ate vai bAdha?uruci mantravidyetLkirtiti# / rdo rje mi phyed gsum begonia patii/dam tshig dag gis rdzogs
nispidanidisamayai$ trivajr;bhedyabhivanalti // 8 Par tigYur /
16 de biin giegs pa theme cad kyi sku dah saula dah thugs kyi dam
tehig de kho na id kyi ye ges rdo rje byin gyis nob pa#i dpal

gea bya ba01 tiA Ae 9dzin to/

hetur dama samildhitt /
dben ii rab tu Hams bar/sbyor ba 9di ni kun brtsams na/
vivikteyu ca ramyesu iday yogam samArabhet / rdo rje sku dah gauh dah thugs/zla ba phyed kyis Assvar ygrub/ 9
sidbyate kiyalAkcitta9 pakyaikena na samiaya9 // gsal b41 di1 khor dam pa ni/nam mkh4 rdo rje9i dbus beam ste/
khavajtamadhyagata9 cintet svatchama94alam uttamam/ rah gi shags kyi dam tshig bskyed/Yi ge olrni sfilh kbar giag/ 10
niflAdya svamantrasamayam 0411kiralp hvdaye nyaset // 13 4od aer liLa yt aprin okeo Poirnesivar snah mdzad mchog tu bsgom/
paffcaraimimahameghin vairocanigrabbevana14 / Odi yis sahs rgyas mums kY1'sku/rdo rje rnam snah rgya
anena kiyay buddhasya vajravairocanodadhi9 // 11 mtahor ygyur / II
ye lies lha ldan beton its ni/sahs rgyas aku ni Ora ba9i mdog/
sidhyate pakyamitre9a buddhalayasamaprabha# / Ho rje Oka pa gsum du gnas/zla ba Ph7ed kyis 9grub par ygyur/ 12
trivajrakalpay tiOheyu9 sevayan paftcajaininim 12
beam ldam9das situ Ho rja 044 bus de sicad ces bkatt steal to/
ityiha bbagavin kiyavajragubya9 / sarvatathigataki7a- de biin golegs pa thams cad kyi sku rdo rje yod zer bkod pa
vajtarsimivyiho aZima samildbiy /
iea bya ba91 1011111 to/

khavajramadhyagatay tinted dharmamay4a1am uttimam/ chaS ky1 d1711 Okhor dam pa 211/nals iskhatt Ho dbus su beam/
aispildya evamantrapuruyam ikra vikpathe nyaset// 13 rah 81 shags s*yea bi laskyed/4 ni hag gi lam gag ste/ 13

paacavarya9 mahiVajra9 1o1ceivaragrabhivanai9 Wu, dog ilia 71 padma che / Wig rtej dbah mchog bsgoms pa yis/
nisiidya 8amayaglana9 viksamayaprapaficakam // 14 dam tshig ye as rdiogs byas te/tshig gi dam tshig liLa yi mchog/14
4 ehos kyi tshig gi lam snits psirdo rje chodi dah mtshuhs par 9gyur/
dharmavakpathasamira4ho dharmavajrasamo bhsvet
.5 ye ies lha ldan baton na ni/rdo rje.skal pa gsum du gnas / 15
trivajrakalpay titypayuy sevayan paficajdaninam // 15
6 beam ldan ydas rdo rjetti gauh gat& bas de skad tee bka9 steal to/
itylba bbagaviin vigvajraguhyay / sarvatathigatavigvajra-
samayasaybhavo nima samidhiy / de ban geese pa thamn cad kyi gaun Ho rjeC41 dam tshig ybyuh
ha iss bya b*91 tilt fie ydzin to/
khavajramadhyagata9 tinted vajramaigalam uttamam/ Ho rje9i ykhor dam pa ni/nam mkha9 Ho rje9i dbus su bsam/
niypikya svamantrapurugay Halitkir89 cittasaysthitamaI6 rah shags (*yes bu rdzogs by-as la/some la yi ge HI gnas pa/ 16
mahasamayatattvaZm vai pelicavaroay vibbivayet / dam tehig chen po ydi Aid ni/kha dog rnam liLa bsgom par bya/
kartavyay jflinavajreya sarvavajrajinilayeuri/ 17
Ho rje kun deli rgyal b41 gnas/ye tiSs Ho rje dag gis bya / I7
8 -9
vajracittasaaa0 sgsti bnavej jlanaguytdadbitt / ston pa Ho 4041 thugs Ora ba/ye ies you tart rgya mtshor ygyur/
trivajrakalpay tiytheyuy sevayan padcajaninim // 18
ye ees lha ldan baton na ni/rdo rje skal pa gsum du gnas / 18
ityiha bhagavTan vajracittagubya9 / sarvatathigatakaya- boom ldan ydas Ho rjeyi thugs gsah bas de skad ces bk4 steal to/
vikcittasamayavajro nima samidhiy / de biin giegs pa theme cad kyi sku daft gouh dah thugs kyi dam
tsbig Ho rje ies bya bayi tih As 9dzin to/
ye vies dkyil Okhor dbus su ni/rdo rje oheu po bsgom par bya/
mah&vajrav samidhitya janamalgalamadhyata4 / lua mama kun la IMAV dmigs na/ido rje yea m1tha4 milam 4gyur/ 19
KHAVkire* sarvakiyeau khavajrajninasamo bbevet // 19
/ KHAV / sane rgyas byah chub sems dpa0 yis/yah dah yah du mchod pa dah/
buddhaie ca bodhisattvaii ca pajyamino muhur nu12u4/ skal pa gsum du dam tshig gmas/sahs zgyas kyis kyah gzigs
mi tigyur/ 20
titythet trikalpasamaymp buddhair api na daeyste// 20 boom ldan *las nem mkh4 Ho rje dam tshig gis de skad ces bka4
ityiha bhagavin khavajrasamaya0 / kayavikcittintardhana- steal to/sku dah gsuh dah thugs mi snah ba 4byuh, ba bkod patti
sayphavavyihamili nama samidhi4 / Withreh ha gee bya ba4i till he /Asia to/
dhyitvi evamantrapuruaala vajrana04alanadhyata4 / Ho rje41 dkyil 4kbor dbus su:ni/rah shags skyes bu rab bsama nas/
hrdaye HiN1c7aravajrikhya, krtvi rainivlbhivanam // 21 Bah khar Ho rje. HAV iea Pe/bias ate 4od zer rnam par bsgom/ 21
/ /114//
manjuirisamayasalphoga, liyaviikcittavajri9a4 / }jam dpal dam tshig lohS spyod la/Sku gsuh thugs kyi Ho rje can/
sa bhaved bodhisattvitmi daiabhimipratigthita4 // 22 as bcu dag is gnas pa yi / byah chub same dpa4 de 4gyur ro / 22
bodhisattvajanasamayacandravajro nika eaaidh40 / byah chub same dp4i ye ies)gyi dam tshig Ho rje zla ba ies bya
bai tih he 4dzin to/
khadhitumadhyagatam dhyiitvi THLUkiram jva71a-
suprabham / 4od zer 4bar ba4l yt ge THIA/nam mkba4i dbyihs kyi dbus su bsaM/
paramistravajrakikyena vajrakiyasamo bhavet // 23 mtshon mcbog Ho rje01 lus dag gi8/Ho rjekti situ dah 4dra
bar tigyur/ 23
/ THLIV / / TUN /
khavajrasamayavyaalayo nima samidhi4 /
imam mkhg4 Ho rje4i dam tehig gi bkod pa4i gnas ies bya
buddhibhijagrasamayai4 vajradharasamo bhavet / tih he 4dzin to/
idalp. tat sarvasiddhinic buddhibhijaigrasildhanan// 24 sans rgyas mhon ges dam tshig mchog/rdo rje 4ch.ah dah 4dra
"44 10 bar kigyur/
khadhatumadhyagalW einted buddhamawialam uttamam/
II 4di ni dhoe grub theme cad kyi/sahs rgyas mhon ties mchog
vajrasattvarp prabhivitvii jitanWkiralp prabhivayet // sgrub pa0/24
/01/ nam mkhakli dbyihs kyi dbus.gnas par/sahs rgyas dkyil 4khor
dam pa bsam/
trivajrasamayadhy.inena trivajrikiobbyasamo bhavet// 25
12 Ho rje sems dpa4 rab bsgoms la/ye ties OV ni bsgom par bya/
ityiha bhagavin akaobhyavajra0 / by,
Ho rje dam tshig gsum bsgoms pas/mi.bskyod Ho rje gsun
lArar 4gyur/25
boom ldan 4das Ho rje mi bekyod par de skad cos bkati steal to/
mi bskyod1 pa yi sku ttdra dah/gata d.ait thugs mottos 4d.ra ba
akeobhyassmakiyena vi1ccittigradhiri4a0 / ttjig rten. khams =tams thams cad du/m.I..bskyod. rdo rjes mchod
Par tigY,ur / 26
- 3 26
lokadhitutiu sarveau pujyate'keobhyavajricta // boom ldr,O. 4dars mi bakyod patti elm .d.ah Wiwi par mhon par 4byuh
5 __
akeobhyasamakayabhisaybhavavajro nima samidhi4 /
batti dam tshig rdo rje Zee bya batti tiL iie Ygdzin to/
khadhitumaihyagataiit cinted buddhamalgalam uttamam/ nem mkhAti dbylias kyi dbus SU ni/sans r.gyas dkyil tikhor dim pa beam/
6 Wien ni beam par bys./
liktiaavajra* mebhivitva ratnOVkiraf. prabhivayet / nem mkhatti rd.o rje rab btagomd
/ 0* / / f

trivajrasamayadhyinena trivajraketusamo bhavet 1/ 27 rdo vie dam 'balite gam begonia pas/r& o rje gsum dials med.
4drar 4gYur /
ityabe bhagaviin ratnaketuvajr4 / lus deb. ;lag some rdo rje yls/dkon mchog dPal gYi tiod. daii. %viral
kiyav;kcittavajreqe r truocetusamaprabh4 do ni bdag med byait chub 0.141/7e gas gealL ba 4dir fnete 28
sa bhaved bodhinairiitmyajanagu17a88mi18Ya4 // 28
9 boom ldim %Was de ,bgiu 6080 Pa, rdo ria clic= meho8 dPal Inds
ratnasamayasa*thogavajro mama smaidhi4 /
de eked ces bke4 steal to/ria Po oba0i dam tabig lofia agirod Pa
khadhitumadhyagate, einted budiihematgalam uttamam/ .rdo r344i tabu' gas bYa be%ti tiiL ixe tasin
I0 d3yil khor darn pa bsam/
lokeivara* prabhivitvii dharaOlikerThaip prabhivayet / non sik114i dbYtila k7i dims ,au allsaba rgYas
/01 4jig rten Phyng rab begonia la/Chos kyi bsgom par bya/
trivajrasamayadhyinena trivajrimitasamo bhavet // 29
ityflha bhagavin amitavajratt / rdo rje dam tshig gsum bsgoms pas/rdo rje gsum dPag mad
II ttdrar 4gyur / 29
kiyavikeittavajreqa amitibhasamaprabha4 / .
nag Gems rdo re yis/Ird dpag med. dab. 'Ara bar 467= /
sa bhavet sarvasattvranktmahiyinapathodayett 30
12 13 do ni some can theme cad kyi/tbes,,chen.lem ni ttbyuji Var 47ur/ 30
amitaguoavajraprabhilsairir mama samadh4 / boom ldan 4cles rdo rje tee ding tu med pas de skad ces bk.s.0
k.hadhittumadhyagataf elated buddhamap$alam uttainam/ steal to/yon tan. dpag tu med pa rdo rje 4od. kyi dpal sies bya
vajrotpalem prabhivitvi. samayaiskirar. prabhavayet bad;ti tih e4clain to/
1241.111 mkha4 dbstits kyi dbus six ni/sahs rata dkyil tailor d.:LtM

trivajrasamayadhyinerta trivajri6og1asamo bbavet // 31 rd.o rje padma la begonia la/dam tshig 0111 Ui rab tu bsgom /
ityaha bhagaviin amoghavajra4 / /0/
kiiyavikcittavajre4a vajrimc.shasaunapre.bha4 / rdo rje dam tshig &sum bosoms pas/r410 rje gdon mi z-a bar 4gyur/ 31
sa bhavej Jfinod.adhi rixnn sarvasattvartha- bus ciah Aag some rdo rje yis/rdo rje thogs med da ba4i tiod/
satilbhavatt // 32 de ni dpal ldan ye ties mtsho/sems can kun don tibyult bar 4gyur/ 32
amogbasamayaragmijfiinagrasacbhavo nima samidhi4 / boom bdas rdo rje gdon rai za bas de ekedces bkali steal to/
gdon mi za baOi dam tshig Ood zer gyi ye ges 4yi mehog 4byuh ba
khadhitumadhyagata* cinted buddhamao4alam uttamam/ ies by ba4i tih he 4clzin to/
nam mkha4i dbyins kyi dbus su IA/sans rgyas dkyi3 41thor dam pa beam
vairocanavajra* prabhivitvitn yOka prabaivayet/
/ rdo rje snah mdzad nab bsgoms la/sku gsum OV ni nab tu bsgom/
/O 0,
trivajrasamayadbyinana vairocanavajrasamo bhavet // 33 / OV /
ityiha bhagavin vairocanavajr4t / Ho rje dam tshig gsum bsgoms pas/raam par anah mdzad mffam
par Ogyur / 33
4yavikcittavajreoa vairocanasamaprabhatt / luG dah hag yid Ho rje yis/raam par saah mdzad Odra ba4i oc
sa bhavej jAinasacbadhia trikayabhedyasidhaka4 // 54 le ni ye ges rdzogs byah chub/sku gsum mi phyed sgrub byedOsjur/34
kityav;kcittilambanasambodhivajro nama samidhiO / boom ldan Odas Ho rje rnam par snail mdzad kyis de skad ces
bka0 steal to/lus dab. hag dah yid dmigs pa mhon par byah chub
parvatefu viviktefu nadlprmouvalmsu ea / pa Ho tje ies bya bakpi tih he 4dzin to/
kiryam idaq dhyinasamuceayam // 35 rnam par dben palai ri bo dah/kluh dah 4bab ehu mama dah ni/
akfobbyajanavajridin dhyitvi khavajramadbyata4/ dur gyi khrod la sogs par yah/bsam gtaa bsdus pa 4di dag bissom/ 35
paficiibhjaprayogeoa stha7ne buddhragrabhivana // mi bskyod ye gas dag la sogs/rdo rje nam mkha41 dkyil du beam/
ityiha bhagavin maavajrasamayavajribhijflaO / rah= ges lha poi sbyor ba yis/sahs rgyas mchog gi gnas subsgom/36
paficaftam mahivajraip paidicajvilivibhLfitam / bcom ldan 4das dam tshig chen poi rdo rje mhoa par mkhyen pas
5 de skad ces bkaO stsal to/
paficasthanaprayogeoa vajribhijasamo bhavet // 37
svamantrao bhivayec cakra* spbulihgagahanikulam/ rdo rje chen po rtse liza po/Obar ba lha yis rnam par brgyan /
6 gnas lha dag tu sbyor ba yis/rdo rje mhon ges Odra bar.Ogyur/ 37
paflcavajraprayogeoa vajribhijflisamo bhavet // 38
ghavajramadhyagataT cakraT buddhajviliisamaprabham/ me stag man po Okhrug pa yi/ran shags Okhor lo bsgom par bya/
dnyitvi buddhapraveiena buddhigrayasamo bhavet // Ho rje lAa yi sbyor ba yis/rdo rje mhon ;5es odra bar obyur/ 38
8 rdo rje nam mkhaOi dkyil ilid. du/Olrhor lo sans royas mbar ood Odra/
buddhamaq4alamadhyastham svakaye vairocanaw ayaset/
hrdayadhyavi mantravijflanabhiivani // sans ryas ojug par nab begonia na/sans rbyas gnas dah Odra
40 bar Ogyur / 39
nirodhavajragataT cittalt yadi tasya prajiyate / sans rgyas dkyll okhor dbus gnas par/bdag gi lus la snah
II mdzad gag /
sa bhavec cintiimapiO grimin 2arvabud1h;gradhira1ca1//4I
budinamaoclalamadbyastharit vajr;kfobhyaT prabhivayet/
sfiih khar yi ge OV basins la/shags la rnam par ges pa bsgom / 40

dellikaraT hrdaye divatvi cittabindugatao nyaset // 42

Ogog pa1i Ho rje some Aid du/zan tshe de la skye Obyur na/
sahs rgyas kun gyi mchog Odzin pa/yid biin dpal ldan lta burOgyor/4I
sahs rgyas dkyil Okhor dbus gnas par/rdo rje mi bskyod
rab tu bsgoms/
sfiin knar yi se HOV bssoms nas/sems ni this ler syur bar gag/ 42

buddhama44alamadhyastha* amitiyu* prabhivayet/

T sans ryas dkyil 4khior dbus galas par/tehe dpag med pa rab tubsgom/
sfiih khar yi ge I brume te/ rdo rje thig ler gyur bar giag/ 43
hrdAye dhyitvi vajrabindugata* nyaset // 43 ni dam tshig =hog gi me,b0S/rdo rje mi phyed gsum Wm pa/
ida* tat sameyagrigra* trivajribhedyabhivanam / 4gog paliti dam tshig ye gea te/sahs rgyas dhos grub thob litgyurbe/44
nirodhasamayajana* buddhasiddhisamivaham // 44 rdo rje nam mkha# dbyihs gnas par/gsal ba4i dlcyii4tkhor
bsgom par bya/
khavajradhitumadhyastha* bhivayet Evacamamaoalam/ lus hag sems is yi go OV / beams net de ni skal par snag / 45
Amara* kiyavikcitte dhyitvi kalpa* as titnhati // 45 rdo rje man mkha0i dbyiiie gum Par/Mhos kyl dkyil 4khor
khavajradhitumadhyastha* bhivayet dharmameigalam/ bsgom par bya/
A4kiiraq kityavikcitte dhyitvi kalpa* set titnhati // 46 lme hag sems is Yi go Ai / beams ma de ni skal par gnas / 46

khavajradhitumadhyastha* bhivayed vajrama0alam/ rdo rje nam mkhe4i dbyihs gnas par/rdovje41 dkyil 4khor
. begom par bya/
aVkiraq kayavakcitte dhyitvi kalpa* as tiOhati//
47 lus hag sems is yi go HaV / beams ma de ni skal par guas / 47
ityiha bhagaviin trivajraka1pasamaya4 / bcom ldan 4das rdo rje geum gyi rtog Pakti dam tshig gis de skad
5 6 ties bkalit stsal to/
yata4 prabhrtir imaq yoga* kayavakcittavaZri4a4 /
paVhed vi cintayed vipi so'pi vajradharo bilavet // 48
sku dah gsuh thugs rdo rje yi/mual 4byor 4dir gYur phyla chad nil
klog gam yah ma some kyan run/de yah rdo rje ttdzin War 4gyur/48


paVala ekidatigt /
de bin gasp; pa thams cad kyi snags kyi'dtam tshig de kho na Aid
rdo rjetti rig pakli skyes bu.mchog gi le4u ate bbu /Lois p40/


de nas ston pa rdo rje #dsiniskyed pa ye ies mchog igrub pa/

atha vajradhaxa Eta arafVi jAinigrasidhaa# / daa tshig de Aid Tdo rje gsun/rdo rje gsufi gis bka# stsal pa/ I
trivajrasanayatattvaf vigvajran udiharat //
nkha# dah mtsbuin. par Adam gyur pa/rnas par ni rtog ho bo Aid/
2 3
khatulyasanabhiteau,nirvikalparvabhiviqu /
chos rnans rah biin dag pa las/ #di dag rab tu bsgon / 2

svabhivaiuddhadharnefu niVako'yaf prabhivyate // dgon pa chin p04i se phyoga au/no togs #brae bu sogs kyis bran/
nahitavipradeSeau phalapufpidyalaykrte / ri bo dban pa#i se phyogs su/dhos grub thans cad badud pa bsgrub/3
parvate vijane sidilyaf sarvasiddhisanuccayan //
/ /
/ Nag lus dah hag sons rdo rje la / rdo rje Wax pa rab tu boson /
kiyavikcittavajrefu nadjuvajraPribbivani / lua dah hag seas la apron pas/ rdo rje Wan pa #dra bar #gyur / 4
spharanaf kiyavihnitte nadjuvajrasano bhavt // 4 dpag tshad brgya yi khyon taan du/rdo rje #bar ba#i #od rsb gig/
yojanaiatavistiraf prabhayi diptavajraYi / rgyan mans kun gyis brgyan pa yi/dag pa#i Wag Aid snah bar #gyur/
ithisayati suddhauna sarvilafkirabhifita# / tahahs pa drag po la sogs lhas/ nans .kzah nthon bar ni nus so / 5
brahnarudridayo devi na paiyanti kadi cana // 5
rdo rje Wan pa nchog gi dan tshig ni snah be gee bya ba#i
nadjuvajrigrasanayintardhinakari nista sanidhi# /
tih is 4dzin to/
vipaitrapadeasamayais trivajribhedyasafbhavai# /
rdo rje ni phyed oun las byuh / biah gci dais tshig ).ha mans ni /
trilohasafhitif mukhe prakaipya bilivayrt //
leags gaun lea byuh ldan byes te/khar bcug nas ni bag= par bya/ 6
abhedyan arvabuddhanaf eittaf tatra prabhimayet / sails rgyas kun gyi mi phyed pa0i/ thugs ni de mu rab bsgoms na /
sa bhavet tatkfawid ova nafijuvajrasanaprabha# // 7
rdo rje Wan pa#i #od Ora bar / de ma thag tu de #gyur ro / 7
svamintrena prabhivitvi eakraf sphulihgasuprabhala / Okhor lo #0d Ohre, Idaho mchog can/rah gi shags kyis rab bsgons nits/
Lays* sarvabuddhinif dhyitvi buddhasano bhavet // 8 sans rgyas thane cad bugs pa#i gnas/bagons na sahs rgyas
faVri4iat8umer4if yjianta# paraninava# / #dra bar #gyur/ 8
bhavanti tasyinucarik# serve vajradharopani# // 9 ri rab sum cu rtss drug gi / rdul phran Ji aged yod pa yi /

7 rdo re #dzin dah.Ora be kun / de yi rjes su #braii bar #gyur / 9

eakraaanayo nina samadhi# /
#khor lo#i dam tshig ees bye ba#i tin he %Asia to/
svamantrefs mahivajraf dhyitvi na#4alanadhyata# /
8 rdo rje ehen po rail,siags kyisidkyil #khor dbus su rab bsgons nas/
ilmyaa sarvavajrifi* eintya vajrasano bhavet // 10
rdo rje kua gyi gnas yin par / bsams na rdo rje /Ara bar imp= / 10
faVtri4iat8uneri#4 yivanta# paraniviva# /
yofitis tasya tivantyo bhavifyanti gu4ilayi1t / ri rib sum cu rtsa drug gi / rdul phran ji sled yod pa yi /
de sded kyi ni bud mod mama / you tan4gyi gnas su #gyur /
traidhitukamahivajro bhaved rudrananaskrta# //
drag po dag gig phyag byes pa /khans gam rdo rje chen por #gyur/II
(---vajrassmatii n;na samidhi# /
Ho rje dam tshig cei bye ba#i tih he 4dzin to/


padma.chen po Odab bgrgad ls / rah shags Ho rje bsams nas su /

padmaot svamantravajreoa dhyitvi aqVadalam mahat / chos rasms kun gyi glue yin par/beams ma chos dah Odra bar Ogyur/I2
ilayam sarvadharmioim cintya dharmasamo bhavt // 12
ri rab sum Cu rtsa drug gi / mdul phran ji seed yod pa yi /
saVtrimeatsumeriloim yivantatO paramioavaO / Baas rgyas mchod mdhog dkyil 41chor du/dsg pa#i bdag Aid
}jog par byed / 1.3
samsthipayati euddhitai buddhapiramaigale // 13
padmo mflam pa Aid cea bya babi tih as Odzin to/
padmasamati nima samidhiO /
ye ies his ldam rab beton as / bakal pa mum du yuu du guas /
tisthet trika1pasamayam2sevayan psficajlininim /
14 phyogs bcuOi Seas ryas thus cad kyi/gsah ba gsum is
daiadikaarvabuddhinim triguhyam paryupisatr // batten bkur byed/ 14

svamantram bhivayet kha4garpacaraimisamaprabham /

Ood zer laa yi "dog Odra#i od/rah gi shags kyis.ral gri bassos/
pioau grhya -Thinks*); trivajraviolyidharo bhavet // 15
mig yans lag na thogs ma ni / Ho rje gsum
rig Odzin par Ogyur / 15
traidhitukamahipijyo daityabrahmendranamaskrts4 / pa/
khans gsum kum gyis rab mehod cia/tahafis dbica, lha min phyag byas
trisihasratkamahiiiro bhavd gahyadharottama# // 16
stoh gsus as ni gag
bu mi mchog gsaa ha Odzin par Ogyur / 16
ba /
yadabhilasati cittanakiyavikcittavajrio4/ gah rums Sod d beam pa dag/ sku gauh thugs kyi Ho rje Odzin/
daditi tai4 siddhim cittavajraprahhivitim // I?
rdo rje thugs las nab, tu bra / de lta bu yi dhos grub stem / 17

sarvakha4gottamo mina aaaidhil; / ma] gri thus cad Jai du pa ies bya baOi ti ii. /Amin to/

Ofkiraotgu1ika dhyitvi camakisthigruaioat4 / OV ni nil bu tsan!kka#i / OhrU tahad team du beams nas
ni /

madhye aveitlevatibimbam mukhe cintya vibhiTayst // 18 dbus su rah gi ihs yi gzugs/bsams te khar boug rnaa bsgoms us / 18

sa bhavet tatklaoid eva bodhisittvasamaprabhaO /

de ni de as thag tu yanibyah chub sem dpaOi Ood Odrar
Ogyur /

uditidityasackiio jimbinadasamaprabhat // Ai ma ear baOi tiod Odra iih / dzimbu chu boli gser gyi mdog
/ 19

A4kirao gulikiot dhyitvi canakiathipramioata0 / ig ni ril bu tsanakaOi / Obru tshad team du beams has ni /
madhye avadevatibiabam mukho ciutya vibhivayet // 20
dbus su rah gi lha yi gzugs/bsams te khar boug rnam-bagoms na /

sa bhavet tatksaoid eva bodhijiinasamaprabha4 / di ni de ma thag tu yah / byah chub ye ties Ood Odrar Ogyur

uditidityasamkiio jimbiaadasamaprabha0 // 21 / 21
Ai ma Car balli Ood Odra iih / dzinbu chu boOi goer gyi mdog
BOVkirao gulikio dhyitvi caaakisthipramioata0 / ril bu tsanakaOi /.0bru tshad team du beams nas ni

madhye svadevatibiabao mukhe cintya vibbivayet // 22 gi lha yi gmugs/bsams te khar boug Tnam begoma na / 22
dbus su rah
sa bhavet tatkoaoid ova vajrakiyasaMorabhaO / de ni di ma thag tu yaii /.rdo rjeOi aku dah Ood Odrar Ogyur /
udityidityasamkiio jtibUnadasamaprabhaO l/ 23
fil ma ear b4i Ood Odra gill / dzimbu chu boOi gser gyi mdog 23

khadhitusvacchamadhyasthalo vairocausto pi,\)hivayet mkhal; dbyins gsal baOi dbus gaas par/ram par snah mdzad
haste cakra* prabhivitvi cakravidyidharo bhavet // 24 rab tu bsgom /
Ogyur/ 24
8 lag tu Okhor lo nab bosoms na/Okhor 141. rig pa Odzin par
mahicakrakulam dhyitvi ids* jAinigrasidhanam /
Okhor lo chen poOi rigs bsgoms te/sahs rgyas akur ui nab sbyor
ye sea #di ni rab sgrub pa / ye ies Ho rje dag a bye / 25
kartavyaq j5inavajre4a bu1dhakiyigrayogata4 // mkha# dbyins rdo rje Thus gnas par/ye ies Si bskyod rab bsgoms te/
khadhatuvajramadhyastham janiklobhyam prabhivayet /
lag tu rio rjs rab balsams na/rdo rje#i rig Pa 'Asia par #gyur/ 26
haste vajran prabhavitvi vajravidyidharo bhavet // 26 Ho rje chin poi rigs Wilsons ti/Ho rjelpi skur ni rab sbyor lin/
mahivajrakuligt dhyitvi id am vajrigrasidhanam / 27
rdo rje mchog #di egrub pa Si / ye ies Ho rje dag gis bya /
kartavYae JAinavajrema vajrakiyigrayogata# // 27
mkha# dbyifis rin-chen dbus gnas par/nn chin Ho rjs rep tu bsgom/
khadhaturatnamadhyastham ratnavajram prabhavayet /
lag tu rin chin nab begoms na /rin awn rig pa dsin par #gyur/ 28
haste ratnam prabhivitvi ratnavidyidharo bhavet // 28 rin po che yi rigs bsgams nas/rin chin skur ni nab sbyor iih/
mahiratuakulam dhyitvi id am ratnigrasidhantm /
rin chin =hog #di *grub pa ni / rdo rje yak :es dag gis bya / 29
kartavyam jfiinavajrsipa ratuaki7igrayogata4 // 29
mkha# dbyiis chos kyi dbus pas par/tike dpag mod pa nab tu bsgoa/
khadhatudhirmanadhyastham amitjuM prabhivayst /
lag tu padmo rib bosoms na / Psdaa#i rig pa Jiasin par #gyur / 30
haste padmam prabhivitvi padmavidyidharo bhavst //
padm04 rigs chen bsgoms nal su/chos kyi skur ni nab sbyor iih/
mahapadmakulam dhyitvi ids* padmigrasidhanesi / 31
padma#1. mchog #di sgrub pa ai / ye :es Ho rje dag gis bya /
kartavyam jainavajrema dharmakiyigrayogatab // 31
mkba# dbyins dam tshig dbus glass par/gdonmi sa ba#i ye ties bsgom/
khadhatusamayamadhyastham amoghigra, prabhivayet /
lag tu ral gri nab booms na/ral grilpi rig pa dsin par %tour / 32
haste kha4gam prahhiivitvi khailgavidyidharo bhavet /132
dam tshig chen poi rigs bosoms nms/thogs mod dam tshig nab
mahisamayakulam dhyatvi id am aanayigrasidhanam / sbyor iih /
kartavyam jAinavajrems. ki7asamaya7ogat4 // 33' dam tshig mchog tudi sgrub pa ni / ye :es rdo-rje deg gis bya / 33

trlajlaininkuiidaya#siabyivajraprabhedata#/ rtse gsum ye lea bags kyu sogs/rdo rje khyad par gyia bsgrubs nal
sidhyanti tasym dhyinana kiyavikcittasadhahai# 4/1 34 aku gsuh thto kyi sgrub pLyis/bsaa gtan des ni Jpgrub par Ingur/34
it iha bhagavaa mahasamayasiddhivaJra4 / bcom ldan #das dam tshig chin poi dhos grub Ho rjea de skad
ces bka# stalkl to/
catuspathaikankse vi ekalihge iivilaye /
sadhayet sidhako nityam vajrikargiup viliesata0 // 35 lam gyi bii mdo0an lii geig drui/mtshan ma gcig dah ii gnas su/
triyogamantvapurusam dhyitvi triyogavajrimam. / Ho rje dgug palpi khyad par gyis/sgrub pa pos ni dag tu bsgrub/ 35

ahkuia* kiyavakcittam buddhinim jfiihabuddhinim // 38 sbyor gsum Ho rje can rasa* Ilyi/sbyor gsua shags kyi skyes bu bass/

viyavyaman4aligrastham buddhikarlamam uttamam / sahs rgyas ye :es blo ldan gyi / sku gaui thugs kyi kyo ba btan/36

daiadiksamayasambhuta vajremikppyopabhuljayet // 37 rluh gi dkyil #khor mehog pas pa/sais rgyas dgug pa dam pa yin/
khadhatusamayavarikarsamaa / dam tshig las byun phyogs bcu pa/Ho rjes bkug nas de bar spyt4/37
nan mkha11. dbyihs kyi Ho rjs dam tshig dgug pa#i cho galpo/
vairocanalSahicakram dbyatvifikuiam jihilayam / a

vadrapadmadibhi# kiryam samayikarsalpam uttLam // 38 rnam par mai mdzad #khor lo che/rdo rje padmo la sogs pas /
rgyal guts lcags kyu beams nas ni/dam tshig dgug mchog kyobas by/38
khans gsum gyi dam tshig dgug p&p/
traidhitukasamayakargaqaa /
ram palg mchog miaow kun ldan palg/sahs ryas sku ni
rnam bsgoas la /
sarvravaropetala Vuddhabiabag vibhivayet /
lag tu aku di gsui thugi ky// Icy ba la cogs rab tu bsgom /
4d1 dig Its bubli sbyor ba yis/de ni gnas las byed par #gyur /
pinau kayavakcittam animas.= vibhavayet*/ 39
enema khalu yogena sa bhavet pa4dakaraakrt // 39
6 rnam pa41 mch'og rains kun ldan palg/rdo rjelg sku ni
sarviiicirav2ropettup kiyavajralit vitthavagyt / rnam begoms la /
ja.hvivajraprayogena dhyatva vagvajrasam bhavet // 40 Ho rje41 sbyor bats lee booms na/rdo 401 path dah
9 4dra bar 4gyur / 40
sarv;kiravaropeta, buddhakiya* vibhivayet /
rain paig mehog mans kun ldan pa41/saha rgyas sku ni
hastasthasidhymp japyam ca dhyitvi vajradamo bhavet//4.1 rnaa bsgoas la /
tejuhyasamayapfijigrialppiij pijya prdhaiet / lag tu bsgrub bya bsams nag nlierdo rje dah n1 Ora bar Irilgyur/ 41

idoup tat sarvabHdhini, siram guhyasamuccayam // 42 pan gsum an tshig mchod pa#1 mdlogiaabod pas ached nas
rib tu bagrub /
ity iha bhagavin aahguhyasamaya4 /
4di ni sale rgyis theme cad kyi/ssai bai sAii po bsdus pa yin/ 42
bcoa ldan #das gash ba chin poi den tshig gis de skad see
mahii1isea8amayitgre4a sidhayett trivajram uttamam /
vinafitrasamay;grena bhaved vidyidhara4 prabhu0 //
gsuis so/
hastisamayamiivena paftc;bhijdatvaa ipnuSit / ea akin dam tshig mchs$ gig 121 / Ho rje.gsumaahog bsgrub par bya/
aivasamayaaivsena antardhinidhipatir bhavet // 44 bash gei din tshig mahog gig ni/rig pa #dsin pa41 gtso bor 4gyur/43
avirmasamayamisp'sena sarvasiddhipraaidhanaa / glah poi a yt daa tahig gis/ anon lee lha dig thob par 4gyur /
gonkimaasamayligrena vajrikarrianaa uttaaga // at& a dig gi daa tshig gis 1 mi snail ba yi bdag Por 4gyar / 44
alibhe sarvamicsinim dhyitvi Aiwa* vikalpayet / kby1 1st dig. $1 flax tshig gis/dhos grub thams cat %iamb par 4gyur/
anena vajrayogena sarvabuddhair adhilthyate // 46 ba lah is y1 dam tshig gia /rdo rje dgug pa41 =hog tuipaur / 45
sarvikiravaropeta% kiyaviikcittavajrinam / is rnams thams cad med. na yai/thaas cad beaks pas =am par brtag/
1-aye jlinasamaya, mukuVe vajr.igradhirlitaa // 47 rdo rje abyor ba Odi byas na/sais rgyas thams cad byin cis rlob/46
pri4ana* sarvabuddhinia /dal; samayanayottiasa / rain paig =hog ruins kun idan pa/sku gauh thugs ni rdo rje can/
kartavyw; samayigre4a sarvasiddhikarap param 10 sail khar ye ies daa tshig dah/dbu rgyan Ho rje achog %dein pa/47
sarvasamayajainavajrairo nima samidhi4 / sans rgyas thane cad vides 4gyur ba/dam tshig =hog gis bya ba ni/
dioS grub thaw cad 4grub paig achog/dam tshig mchog gis rib tuhya/
jihvasamayavajrigre dhyitvi HiVkiiravajriom / dam tahig thins cad ye lea Ho rjer gyur pa lea bya balg
paticiimrtaprayogev.a. bhaksayams trivajratvam apnuyit//49 4dzin to/
lee yi dam tahig Ho rje =hog / rdo rje can gyis Hatt bagoms to,/
bdud rtsi lha yi sbyor ba yis / cos na Ho rje gsta thob 4gyur /49


141 444 af gyi dam tshig kyaa/t4i ni rdo rje#i tshul mchog mite/
AlkirOkarasamayam idea vajranayottanan / }di Sta. bu yi sbyor ba yis / rdo rje mi phyed #dra bar #gyur/ 50

anena khalu yoft,-ena vajrasattvasamo bhavet // rdo rje#i dam tshik-bdud rtsi phron bia gig hya ba#i
samayavajriimrtaailini nima samiabi4 / ti i he *Ian to/
rib o rje dam tshig geam grub mchog/sku gsum rdo rje can do 4gyur/
trivejrasamayasMOragre bhavet trikt4avairi4A4 / phyogs bou#1 seas can than,' cad VA/nor bu yid ban
dagadikservaii&tvini* bhavet cintilmavodadhi4 / rgya mtabor 4gTur/
avabhiaayati Tajritai lokadbitum samantat4 // 51 Wig rtion khans ni thaas cad du/rdo rje#i bdag ffid sash bar byed/51
buddhasaYaliao bhavet / tikhor lo4i dam tshig grub pa4i mchog/sahs rgyas sku.dah
#Ara bar #gyur /
vicaret samantata4 siddho gangeivilukasarvat4 // 52
infigiOi bye stied thus cad du/ grub pa kun tu =as par .spyod/ 52
sarveau samayigrolu vidyidharaprabhur bhavet / dam tshig dam pa thane cad Jai/rig pa dsin pa#i gtso bor 4g1ur/
sarvasamayasiddhyagre kiyavajraprabbivata4 // 53
rdo rje4i sku ni rab begone pas/thams cad dam tshig mchog
antardhiineau sarvalu sihasralkivabhisaka4 / tu #grub / 53
4 _
ai snail gyur pa thaws cad-la/stoil khans deg ni snail bar byed/
harate sarvabuddhana* bbahkt kanyi* suriigrajim // 54
gai6vi1ukasamin buddhi* trivajrilayasaipsthit'in / sans rgyas kun lam #phrog pa dai/lha yi bu mo =hog la spyod/ 54
paiyate cakaurvajre*asvahastaika* yathimalam // 55 gahgatli bye egad saits rgyas rasms/rdo rje gsua gyi gnas bugs pa/
gai1givi1ukasamai4 ksetrai*-ye iabd;* sa* prakirtit4/ rah lag skyu ru ra biag blin/rdo rje mig gis nthoh bar 4gyur / 55
abhijAirthita* grotrasthan iva sarvat4 // 56 gafiga#i bye stied ilirnams ne/ sgra bsgrags pa ni ji stied pa/
gahgivalukasanai4 killetrai* 16yavikcitta1akaa*am / anon ass ma bass thos pa ni / ma baii druh na 4kho4d. pa bgin / 56
so vetti ,iervasattvini* cittikbywaniVakodbhovam // 57 gahga0i bye abed ill dig ii/ssas can kun gji Bens nuns ni /
galigivi1uka8ama14 kalpai4 saapsirasthitismabbovaa / sku 'pun thugs kyle mtahan pa yi/rol no las With seas rig ur/57
piirvanivasasamaya* dinatrayan iva amaret // 58 Waal pa gahgalpi bye sided du / 4khor ba dag na gnas pa yi /
.6 sham gyi spas kyi gtan tshigo mama/in gaum ion pa ban du dran/58
gahgivilukosamai0 kayai* buddhamegbidyala*krtaiti /

gahgivilukasanin kalpin spbared rddjagravajr4a4 /159 gafig41. bye ma Egged k7i lug/Baia zgyas sprin la sogs brgyan pa/
ity iha bhagavin samayibbijfis4 / bakal pa gahga4i bye died du/rdo rje rdzu 4phrul mchog gis Sgens/59
8 boom ldan *des dam tshig mhon par nkhyen pas de soli cos
vajracaksur vaj*airotra* vajracitta* vajranivass* bka# steal to/
vajraTddhig ceti / de la anon par gas pa Ilia ni/rdo rje#i spyan dah/rdo rje*i &Ilan
buddhibhijfiAMIkkasamsiddhau buddhaki7asaao bhavet /
dah/rdo rje*1 thugs dan/rdo rje4i gnas dah/rdo rje4i rdzu4pbrullo/
gahgivilukasa*khyaig ea parivina34 parive4a4 /
sans rgyas mhon lea lha don 4grub/sans rgyas sku dah 4dra bor4gyur/
vicaret kiyavikcittavajro lokadhitu* samantata4 // 60
gahsa4i bye said grails ned pa4i/4khor gyis yois su bskor nas au/
rdo rje4i sku dah gsuh thugs kyis/4jig rten khans kun
brgod par ur/60

bafien pa4i dam tahig sbyor ba dah/fle bar sgrub pa 4byuh ba dah/
sevisamayasalpyogam upesidhanasambhavas / egrub pa4i dam gyi dam tshig dah/sgrub pa chen po dag dah bii/ 61
sidhanarthasamayam ca mahisidhanacaturthakam // 61 rdo rjekti bye brag ies byes la/de nss las Fliers bsgrub par bya/
vijaya vajrabhedena tilts); sidhayst / beldam pa4i tin 4dzin rab sbyor ba/byah chub =nog nj
bsgom par bye! 62
By bar sgrub pa grub mchog la/rdo rje sky* mched rnam par dpyad/
sevasamadhisavyogat bhivayed bodhim uttamam //

upasidhanasiddhyagre vajrayatanavicara4am / shags kyi bdag Po bosoms pa yis/sgrub pa41' tshe na

sadhane codanaT proktalp mantr&dhipatibhivanas*// 63 bskul bar gsuns/ 63
iidhanakilecu bimbalp sli amantravajri4a4 /
mahs sgrub pa chen po byed pai taho/rah slags rdo rje can gyi gzugs/
muk4e'dhipatim dhyitvi sidhyate jffinavejri4a4 // 64 dbu rgYan la ni bdag Po beam/ye lee Ho rje 4grub par 4gyur/ 64

sevijAinimrtenaiva kartavya* sarvata4 sadi / bakenpa4i ye eels bdud rtsi dmg/thams cad du ni rtag Par bya/
sip hi sarvamantrinis malitratattvirthasidhaka4 // 65 ni snags mama thaws cad kyi/shags kyi de fiid don sgrubpallo/65
mahiVavIpradeiesu vijanegu mihatsu ea / dgon pa chen poi sa phyogs dick/ rab tu rnam par dben pa del /
girigahvatakategu 'sad& siddhir awipyate // ri bo nags 4dab chu loge su / rtag tu dhos grub thob par Wur/ 66
ity &ha bhagavin mahisidhanavadra4 / beam ldan rdo rje sgrub pa chen pool de eked ces bk4 steal to/

atht vajracatuilke4a sew& karyi drclhavratai4 / yah na Ho rje bii dag icks/brtul iugs brtan pas bonen par bya/
_ 6
trivajrakayasametena bhivayan siddhi gnute // '67 sku omm edam pa fiid gyur pa/bsgoms na aloe grub thob par 4gyur/ 67
eatu4smidhyiprayoge4a palleasthinefu buddhimin / due bii dag tu rab sbyor bas / ble dah ldan pas gnas lhar ni /
Clikaratii7janavajre4a dhyitvi sawaram iaiget // '68 ye ges Ho rje yi gs OV / begonia na adorn pa yin par bead / 68

dinini sapta paksalp ea masa"' 9adhyardham eva ca / lag bdun del ni zla phyed danizla gag zla ba phyed &DA gas/
u tpidya vajrIlmaya* laghu siddhir awipyate // 69 Ho rje dam tshig bsgrubs na ut/dhos grub myur du thibb par 4gyur/69
vistareva may prokta* dinabhedii pracodanam / lag grahe bye brag rab bskul yis rgyas par rab tu bstan/
paksibhyantarata4 siddhir.ukti guhyigrasalphavai4// 70 gsah ba mhos las bytth be la/zla ba Payed kyis %%rub par gsuhs/ 70
tatredam upasidhanasawaravioayam / de la 4di ni BA bar zgrub pa4i adorn pali yul lo/
12buddhakiyadhara0 grimin trivajribhedyabh;vita4 / sans rgyas sku 4dzin dpal del ldan/rdo rje ml phyed gsum 4byed pa/
adhiOhinapadam me 'dye karotu kiiavajrina4"// 71 byin gyis brlabs kyi gnas byes te/rdo rje sku del ldan par bya/ 71
dagadiksacsthiti buddhis trivajribhedyabhivita74 / mi phyed Ho rje gsurt bsgoms pas/phyogs bcur biugs pa0i
_ 13. oaths rgyas rnams/
adhivpinapadam me'dya kurvantu kayavaarina4 // 72
de la sku yis mtshan pa yi/byin gyis brlabs kyisgnas mdzad do/ 72
tatreda% sidhanasavaravigayam / de la 4di ni sgrub pa4i adorn pakli yul lo/
dharmo vai v&kpatha4 irimin trivajribhedyabhiVita4 / chos kyi gsuh lam dpal dah ldan/rdo rje mi phyed gsum Ovid pa/
adhiWinapadam me'dya karotu vagvajrina0 // 73
byin gyis brlabs kyi gnas byes te/rdo rje gsuh del ldan par bya/73

daaksarpthiti buddhia trivajribhedyabhiviti4 ,/ rdo rje mi phyed gsum bsgoms pas/phyogs bcu na bugs
sans rgyas mama/
adhiqlphiinapadaq me'dya kurvantu vagvajr19a4 74 ba yi/byin gyis brlabs kyis gnas mdzad do/ 74
de la gsmh las byuh
tatreda* mahisidhanasa*varavisiayam / de la 4di ni sgrub pa chen po4i adorn pa4i yul lo/
cittavajrad1ara rimin trivajribhed7abhivit4
rdo rje41. thugs %whin dpal dah ldan/rdo rje mi phyed.gsum 4byed pa/
adhitepanapadac medya kargtu cittavajri4a4 // 75
byin gyis brlabs kyi plait byas te/rdo rje thugs
dah ldan par bya/75
dagadiksavsthiti buddhis trivajr;bhed7abha7vit4 / Ho rje mi phyed gsum bsgoms pas/phyogs bcu. na bugs
adhilVhinapada* medya kurvantu cittavajrtgla4 // 76 sahs rgyas rnams/
mdzad do/ 76
buddho vi vajradharmo v vajrasattvo'pi v; yadi / is la thugs las byuh ba yi/byin gyie brlabs kyis gnas
sais rgyas Ho rJa sems dpa4 410/yah na chos kji sems cipa4all ruh/
atikramed yadi mohitmi sphuVeyur nitra sapiaia4 1/ 77
rmois pas kida4 bar byad na ni/tshal bar 4gas par gdon mi za/ 77

dvaia4 / de bin giegs pa thaws cad kyi Ho rj ei sbyor balpti dam tshig

sgrub pa4i mchog bstan palpi 1e4u ate beu saris p&p/


atha 4* nsa bcca 1dm bds kw/y. ass rio z3e aihog dsin pa /
bhagavanta aarvatathata jnavarg2?8der14lI4/
use can kun don ysi Isg 4byui/byai chub sass dp* blo idea gyte/I
aarvaaattvrthasabhUta bodhiaattV ca .hLuat4 // I
thub pa don kun rio rj can / ston pa cia is phyag tehal nan /
praipatya IxkakaaBtri4 mufll4 strvarthalairi4ea /
da* tahig di flid ayin pa hushed di rio rjsi dbysfiis di geui./2
pijya samayatattvajaa vajragbtam ulra7an // 2

bodhinayottaa / amo .aiis rgyss t*hUI ri bull, am bysi chub tehul i acbog/
akio bi4dkzanayaii divyam aho
II aao chus i tsb*1 ri 11/. a4o shag. i tahul. re brtan / 3
aho dharmanaya ntam aho itantranayal d'4hai 3
sa vskyea pa yt chos many at / 10 be id kyLe Ithyad par can /
anutpanneu dbareu avabhavattaayeu ca /
rum par si rtog yal 4mg rig,' ye lea Wul ba rib tu bud / 4
nirvika1peQ1 bte9u jnotpad4 pragLyate 1/ 4

bh&asva bhagavan rarnya aarvamz1traBaa.iCCLYaII /

jid oi aug. r" kun badus ps/ rio rji bshaa pa ye lee che /
sku gsua ii phyd dkyU khor 4,/as1s i.r.s ye l. thob g7ur ba/5
vajiajapa mahjfla trikiyibhed78X1Ia4a19 /1 5
rio rjs ai pby*d gaus bigoas ps)i/r4o zj bsl$i pai sbor ba yia/
prpyante bu ajfinent trivaj r&bhed.yabh&Vaflai / sane ru kun uris byin i. rhob/ligs 4.1 gsaii snags
japvaj?apr8y0e4a aarvabuddIiaiZ adhibyate II 6 thins cad kyi / 6
aararnantraa kyavkittetakQSaJ'1 / sku &.1 gaul 4*1 thug. kyt at.bsn/gial saga ales pa di mu gauizs/
mantraj&pa pragho&a ;vantu /1 7 ye 15 rgya ataho gasa pa 4.1/sku giul thugs kyt rio ne can / 7
'udil&B tryhvaaazjLbhiit kiyavkcittaVaiZ!4.4 / aSs r.s dna gins lan byni rains/rio rja snags at rib bagoas pail
aaxipr&pt& jfi,im atuia vajra,naiitraprabhavanair//iti/8 1.5 afi ad thob gyar ba/bean idea dsa kyis blad du gaol,' 8
tha vajradhara at& khavajrajfiana8a1pbhaVa / 4. ama ston pa Ho rj. .InU akbs* Ho rjs ye I.e byuW
kart ara var rryo vajraj&pain udiharat II 9 bynd skynd din pa achog gi tsoa/rdo rjs bale, pa di genii, ee/ 9
.14 - trivajrabhedya1akqaS* /
- sbags kyi don kun bales pa ni/rio rje ii pbyd gins yia mtahan/
tribhevajraparyafltO ny&aolya3 trivajram '.icyate /1 10 Ho rje dbye ba gaus i athsn/od pa r4t rje gins isa bye / 10

ity ahaca/
trividiai sphuraazp k&ryaip kiyavakeittaa8Jflid.k1aU / sku gaul thugs kyi gnu rnsa su/spro ba rams pa gana dig bya#'
anena j&pavajre;a ivajracitta8amO bhavst // II rdo rje balsa pa 4i yis na/rio rjs ua i thugs drar 'nn/ II
uidhanaip yavakcitta41 dhy&tv& pijraka1pflRm / isis ry rains kyt sku gaul thugs/bagosa ama ached pa1i
achog brtag pal
kartavyaip jinavajre;a trivajracittasaiflO bhavet // 12
18 y lea Ho rjss bysa as nt/rdo rje gua gyt thugs drar gyur/ 12
buddhanaiji kayavakcittaW dhyatv pjgraka1panam /
'9- sail. rgyu r kyt sku gaul thugs/buss ama achod pai
kartavyaip janavajrei.a ida1L1 bod.bisamavaham // '3 schog brtag pal
abkv spnuraa1p kirya tribbed.ena prati prati / le las Ho rj. rab tu bya / di at byaii chub achog thob pso / 13
1iyavkcittanairatThYa1p jaanacittena aaipspharet II 14 7an as dbys be rain gsus gyis / .0 so dig tu epro bar bye /
sku diii gsnn thugs bdag sad ps/y. lii eisa kyis yen 4mg epro / 14

uccirayan sphered vajran eaniptau eaphiram acaret/ brjod nas rdo rae spro be ni/rdsogs nos rib tu badu bar bye /
ida* tat sarlabuddhin4 jninonmilita,cakqu'im // 15 #di at ye i.e epyan phye babi/eahis rgyas mass at kun gyi yin/ 15
kiyavajribbisaOodhir bhivibhivavicirapam / sku yi rdo rje rdsoge byah chub/dhos dah dhos aid rnan dpyad pa/
buddhakiya iti proktap kiyajipaP ea uoyat /1 16 sahs rgyas sku iss bya bar bead/do ni aka yi bolas per biad / 16
viAnayabhisapbodhip iabdiiabdevicirapan / gaul gi don tibia rdoogi byah ahub/sgca dal sgra min man dpyad pa/
levyate // gosh gi rdo rje leo bead de / do souk st bales par biad / 17
vigvajra iti prokto vigjipap
cittasamayasapbodhip ethitavajra.-..joirepam / thugs tyi d tehig :doge bygh chub/gnu pa#L cdo
man dpyad pa/
vajracittam iti proktmp cittajipap ea uoyate // thugs kyi rdo rje sea bye st/do at thugs kyl bolas par bead / 18
6 -
arthanugamajipema nipevabhivena cirupi /
don kyi rjes #gro bolas pa / ho bo &id nod bosh po yie /
vicarapap tryZdhvabuddhebhyo ratnajapaP sa usyste// 19 due gam sahs rasa rnam dpyait paid* ni yin chen boles par biad/19
sphurapap 4yameghena buddhakeetrit eanantata0 / oohs rgyao iii =ono those Cad dUleku yi sprin mans spro ba dal/
gamenitgamanavajmilhan anoghajipWea uoyate // 20
biud oil byon pa rdo rje#i don/ do at thogs nod bolas par biad/ 20
tiros:Ai maotrikparapa4is0 svavajoldghugVaalgalan / khro bo#1 das teas yo ess kyis/rah gi rdo rje#1 dkyil #khor grage/
krodhasanayajanena krodbajipap ea uoyate // *hap kyi yi obi tahig that pa/do at khro bobi bolas par bead/ 21
kinirthav vihvalibhfitin earvatripahitaipipa# / #dod papi don gyie moo gyur pa/kun tu skyob oil phen par dgap/
sattvin nohapade sthipya nohajipa iti
anrtab // 22
ems can gti tug sass la Wog/ do at gti mug bolas par bead / 22
rigavajrodbhavap vacs, kayavikcittaeapethitim / #dod ohags rdo rje lea byuh tabig/lus dal hag seas it gnas pa#i/
sattvin ragIliadhipade ethipya rigaaipa iti 85rt4// 2.3
seas can Sod chase mtobor gaas beag/do ii#dod cage bolas
dvegavajrodbhavap cittap kiiyavikcitiasapothitan / par bead / 23
sattvin dvegilaye sthipya dvegajipa# ea ucyate // 24 is odah rdo rje lea bynh somotlus dal het sans la gnas pa4i /
trivajtasanayatattvap madhymp eamayavajripin /
SodS can is edah gmae la bin/ de ni as sdah bglae par biad / 24
tad eva
samayavajripip jipo napupeaka uoyate // 25 dam tights de did rdo rjo ganui / dbu as dam tshig rdo rje can /
vajridhipatayap sarve rigatattvirthabilvaki0 /
de Aid daa tahig rdo rjo yi./ bales pa as nil les bye 40 / 25

kurvanti r;gajip bodhip sarvasattvahitaigipin // 26 001 chage de lid don begot pa / yds ro bdag po theme cad at /
locanidyi mahividyi nityap kinirthatatpari# / emu can kun it phonpAot papi/pdod chase Wei chub
rdeogo par mdead/26
sidhysnti kimabhogais tu sevyaninair yaihecchatap// 27 rig pa hen no spyan is sogertag tu pdod papi don brtsou pa/
mohasamayasapbhfiti vidyirijino vajripaP / pdod pat 'ohs sod deg gis ni/ji item #dod pa baton na #grub/ 27
napupeskapade siddhi daienti siddhia uttamim // gti mug dam Wag lea byuh ba/ rig psi rgyal po mdi rje can /
krodhi dvepilaye jiti nityap nima4atatpari0 / as nil deg gi some grub pa / dhoe grub dam pa nab tu stem / 26
sidhyanti mara#Lxtho#aillidhakasyigradharniva# // 29
khmo bo is edah gnae las ekyee/geod is rtag tu brteon pa dig /
egrub pa nohog gi choe can la/geod papi don gyie #grub per #gyug/29
boom Ulan #das skyas bu chin po#1 daa tohig gis de skad ces
ity iha bhagavin mahipur4asama7a0 /
bka# steal to/
hrd/ madhyagatap cakrap bhavayej jAinacakripim /
2 ye us 4kbor lo can =awl kyi/bkhor lo BAIA kha#1 dbus su tisgoa/
avacchamap4alamadhyasthap madhye cakrirthabhivani// 30
seal ba01 dkyll 4kbor dbus suss par/dbus an Ober 101
hrd/ madhyagatap vajrap bhivayej janavajripil / don bigot to /
vajramap4a1amadhya8thap vajramantrirthabhivani // 31 ye ies rdo rj can rnaam kyl/rdo re kha#1 dbus in begot/
hrdi madhyagatap vitals* bhivayed ratnajanindi / rdo rja#1 dAyil /Ahoy dbus gams par/rdo rja41 snags don
bosom par bye /
ratnamap4a1amadhyasthap ratnamantrarlabhivamit // 32
;in ohm ye oes can mums kyi/rin chin adifi kbabl dbus su bosom/
hrdi madhyagatap pads's, bhivayet padnajaininil / shags don
rin chin 4411 #khor dims gnu par/rin Chen
dharmamap4a1amadhyasthap padmamantrirthabhivani // 33 begot par bya / 32
hrdl madhyagatap khaftap bhivapot kha4gajan44 / pada ye lea can rums kyl/padao math kba0i dbus au begot /
samayamapGalamadhyasthap khafgamantrirthabhivani // 34 oboe kyi dkyil tikkor dbus suss par/padaobi shags don
5 beg= par bya / 33
sarvamaptialapirevegu paticabuddhin nivelayat /
ral grl ye ties can rnaas gri slil kba#i dims su bagoa/
pancaraimiprabhedena aphirayan bodhisavtipyat // 35
daa tshig dkyil Whor dbus gnu par/nil gri#1 shags don
sphurapap sarvamantripip dvidhibhedena kirtitam / begot par bye / 34
trikiyavajrabhedena saphiresphurapap bhavet // dkyil #khor loan g7i hos rams au/sahm rgyam hasrnaas dgod par bye!
Kayap evabhavakiyena cittap cittakvabhivatab / #od sir his yi bye brag gis/spro na byah chub thob par #gyur /

vice vicasvabhivena pijya pig's avepnwit // 37 shags rums thus cad spro ba ni/bye brag rasa pa els an bsgrags/
mahamap4a1acakrepa pagicavijravibhivani / sku gam rdo rje bye brag gis / spro ba dal ni bsdu ba bya / 36

madhye tv adhipatip dhyitvi avabimbap trikityavajr1pam038 hue kyis sku yi ho bo Aid / seas kyle thugs kyi ho be Aid /
bimbap svamantnmmdramya map4a1" catugVay2m / hag gis gsuh gi ho be did/mahod nas achod patti goes su #gyur/ 37
caturvarpsna sapkalpya hrdi mantrirthabhivani // 39 dkyil #khor chin poi tokhor lo yis/rdo rje lha rasa* begot par bya/

vajracatualayaq karma karot1 dhyinavajr14a4 / dbus an bdag pc) bum Ems ni / sku gosh rdo rje rah gi gauge / 38

ego hi sarvamantrp rahasyap paramaiiivatam // 40 rah shags rdo rjelg gauge deg gis/dkyll #kbor rnaa pa bil dog tu/

eintike locanakiriV pau,Vike padmavajriA / kba dog rnaa War loan brtags kbar shags kqi don bigots na/39
vaiye vairocanapadap vajrakrodho'bhicirake // 41 rdo rj rasa pa bii yi las / beam stan rdo rje can dig byed /

idap tat sarvavttiripip guhyap trikiyasapbhavam / #di at shags r thaw cad kyi/gaah ba nab tu bash po yin/ 40
nirmitap sarvamantripip kriyiniVakalakgitam // 42 It ba la at spyan gyi tshul/ ryas la rdo rje pads* can e
dbah is rnam par mdsad gnas/rdo rje khro bo mhon spyod la/ 41
Odi at rdo rje thus cad kyi / gsab ba aku gsum las byuh ba /

shags mats kun at sprul pa ste/bya ba#1 rol toe atahan patto/
an dad aara begi Bess can dah/ rdo rje slob dpon mod pa dal /
abhaktividina4 sattvi nindakiciryavajri#I# /
// 43
gdug pagi seas cgs gian rums lalitah/rab tu bskul ba }di byago/ 43
anyesin api dugVinan idau kirya* pracodanam
boos ldan gdas ye ies chin poi #khor lo rdo rjes de skad
ity iha bhagavan mahijanacakravajra# /
eft Atatt stsal to/
_ 2
traidhatukasthitan sattvin buddhakiye vibhitayet/ khans gem pas psi. Bess can rnams/sahe rgyas skur nirabbagoas Lae
sa*p4odgh4itin krtvi tata# karnaprasidhansm // 44 dam boa bead par beans nas su/ds nes las rams brteas par bya/ 44
khadhatunadhyagata, vajralit palicaifilsa caturmukhas/ aaslakhagi dbyiha kyi dbus gnas par/rdo rje rtee lha kha bii pa/
sarvikaravaropeta, vajrasattvalp vahivayet // 45 rasa rept sablog mass kun del idan/rdo rje seam dpar
vahivayet / rnas par began/ 45
tryadhvasamayasacbhatagi buddhacakra,
due gem darn table las byui ba/eans rgyas bkhor 10 rams begots la/
dakeigapinav ida, karya, buddhacakrasi nab:bales //
oohs repo* gkhar lo stobs po chs/ lag pa gyas pas #di byakto / 446
sattvin daladiksagbhitin buddhakiyaprabhedotab /
phyogs bon nas bruit sem can rnsms/sahs rgyas sku yi bye brag gis/
saahrtya pigSayogena evakiyo tin praveiayet // 47
bides togoii bui tshul gyis su/rah gi lus la de dag giug / 47
sphuragag tu punag kiryag buddhinig jainactkrigis/
sahs rgyas ye les #khor lo can/ slar yen spro ba rib tu b7a /
kruddhin krodhikulin dhyitvi vikaVotkaVabbLfanin// 48
kbro ban hruse pagi khro bo rnams/ni edug Wigs an
ninipraharagahastigrin miragirthiithacintakin / ruh ba4l gzuge/ 48
ghitayanto mandugVin vajrasattvas api avayas // 49 etsbon obis ens tahoge mhos dsin pa/good pai don gyla don seas pa/
buddhts trikiyavaradlie trivajr4layamag414 / rdo rje seam dpsg rah Sid dim/ gdug pa slum po good par Dyed /
daditi siddhig mohitai mriyate nitra eagiaya0 / Mayas aku gem nehog stool baboAdo rje gam gyi dky114khaigiesi
dinini sapteda, kiryest buddhasyipi na sidhyati // 503 di as bdun du di byes as / eani rgyas dhos grub ster ba #gyur /
8- - - reels pas grub pa at stir an / Ohl bar WI ni gdon nit za / 50
vajrasamayagianajdacatro nima sandhi)) /
rdo rjOi darn tablg ya CciIcy/ bkatti Okhor 10 gee by's ba
khavajramadhyagatarp cakrag vajrajvilivibhicitas/ tifi ha dsin to/
sarvikiravaropetan vairocaaa, prabhivayet // 51
nas akhagi dbyilas kyi dbus su ni/gkhor lo rdo rje }bar bas brgyan/
tryaahvasamayasagbhitig vajrasattvig mahiyaiii /
rnan pa#1. =hog at kan dal idea/main par anah mdmad rub tu begon/5I
vajra, sphuliigagahanalp pi4au tamya vibhivayet // 52
due gins dam tshig las byun ba/rdo rje sons dpa# grags chin at /
sattvin daiadiksa*bhitin vajrakiyaprabhedata# /
rdo rje as stag #phro ba can/de yi phyag an bename par began / 52
salithrtya raimiyogena svalaye tn praveiayet /
phyogs bcu nine byuit sons can rnans/rdo rje sku yi khyad par gyis/
sphuraqa* sarvavajraniu kiryaw janigragndhun'it // 53
#od aer tshul gyts beaus ass ni / de dag bdag gi lus la gzud /
ernvantu sarvabuddhitmi k4yavikcittayoglna# /
ijdicakraprayojaka# // 54
spro ba rdo rje thane cad kyi / ye ties nchog gi gdan gyis bya / 53
ails* va.jradhara r1mxL
sku gemh thugs kyi sbyor ba can/sale rgyas thams cad bdag la geon/
bdag ni dpal ldan rdo rje #dzin/bka4 yi tabor 10 rab sbyor ba / 54

gal No dam tahig las pdam na Ado .Tje rab tu.pbar ba yis /
vajre4id1ptavapusi sphirayimi trikiyajin / sku gsum lam byufi ages par bgyi/iig,par #gyur bar gdonmi#Ishal/55
lafighayed yadi samayap vigryate riitr sapiaya0// 55
pkhor loPi dam tshig ye see rdo rjt lea bye bapi ti fie pdsin to/
cakrasamayajftanavajro nima satidhi# /
Bah' ryas dkyil pkhor rdo rje can/nam mkhap rdo rjaPi dbus subsea/
khavajramadhyagatap anted buddhamap4a1ava1ripas/
giin rje glad kyi #khor lo che/ mei gi rlo rje yin par brtag / 56

yamintakap mahicakrap Siavajrikhysp prakalpayet// 56

dms gsum sans rgyas gams dpati rnams/sku gsum dkyil #khor
buddhipe ca tryadhvasapbhitin prsvieVips trikiya- biass pa dig /
aplala / gita rj glad kyi mdeg ye/ sans rgyas spre bar bya/57
punas tu sphirayed buddhin yamintakikirasapnibhii// 5? ins gams Is bangs moms can dahigdUg soma can syi dgra bo rnams/
sattvigs tryadhvasapbhiitin ripipip dupVacetasim / khros pas thaw cad good par bsgom/pdi ni rdo rjs Wrap/
ghititin bhivayet kruddha Limp vajrijilimatvialam // 58 dkyil pkhor / 58

sarvasamayasapbhavayamintakArikiyagiaavajro nima dam tshig thus cad las b7ui ha giin rje giedkyi sku gsum gyi

samidhi# / ye ass As Xje ies bya bstd. till he pdain to/

kiyavikcittavajrais tu avamantrirthagugena / sku gala thugs kyi rdo rja 4as/ rah shags don gyi you tan use /

6 yafi na gtsug tarda tshig gin/ bk..); yi #khor lo shyer bar bya / 59
athavosipaasamayaip ijdicakrapregojadam // 59
rikpirthap sarvamantripip kiryem jilinigravajrimil/ shags in basun phyir ye see mehogirdo rjo can gyis bye ha ste/
bya/ 60
idap tat sarvavljripip bodhirakpirtham yoyst // 60 Odi ni rd.. 4 thus cad kyi/byal chub barui ba#i don chen

ity iha bhagavin bodhicittap / boom ldan #das rdo rise do skid ces bka# steal to/

khavajramadhyagatap dharmap vairocanigrasaphhavss/ nam mkha# rdo rje#i dbus gnas par/oboe ket mai mds,ad sku mchog las/

dhyitvi trikiyantmayam iaanap tu przkalpayat // 61 byufi bapi sku gam dam tahig dajbsams use gdan du de rab brtag/6I

khadhatup sarvabuddhais tu paripurpap vibhivayet4 mkhap dbyifis sans rgys. thus cad Uyie/Yofis su sah
II rnam par bsgom /
svamantriksarapadaw jAinap cittikirap prakalpayet// 62
mit silage yi git#i gmas ye lea/thugs kyi rnam par began par bya /62
punas tu sared buddhin cittamiilaprabhivitin / eels rgyas rnams ni SOMA team du/bsgoms nas caar y rab tu bsdu/
cittavajram iti kitvi trikiye tin pravoiayt // 63
thugs kyi rdo rjer byes paPi phyir/Sku ((mum la ni de dag gzud/ 63
ity iha bhagavin khavajraeamay4 / vajramantraratna- rdo rcistioi sfiagaNrin po che rab tu anti bar byed pa lea bya bapi
pratrotakaro nima samidhi# /
tifi as pdain to/
aarvikiravaropetap vajrasattvap prabhivayet / rnam papi mchog rums kin ldan papi/rdo rje sems dpa# rab tu
slain rgyas rim biin bkod nes ni/chu yi stalk du bcag per bya /
buddhips tu kramaiap sthipya jalasyopari capkramet/
15 ._
samapadaprayogepa mirdhni pidavibhivanam // 64
rkafi paimam bias sbyor ba yia/spyi bopi stefi du rkafi pa bsgam/ 64
ity iha bhagavin svabhivaiuddhap / vajrodadhipadikrinto boom Man Odes fio be flid deg pas de skad ces bka4 steal to/
nima samidhi# / .qdo rje rgya mtaho rkafi pas gnon pa lea bya balg till he pdzin to/

dbah chen dkyil #kbor begome nae ni/dbue au khro bo ruse bag la/
minendraman41ap dhyitvi madhye krodhakulap nyaset/ las kyi rdo rje rkah pa yis / de yi apyi bor gum par began / 65

'ezerwavajrapadikrinta, mirdhni tasya prabhivayet // 65

mu stage can deli phae kyi rgol ba ihams cad kyi #kbrul #khor
ity iha ca sarvatiethyaparapraviidistambhahavajr0.
gnon pa lee bya ba4i tih he 4dzin to/
diem samidhi# /
rdo rje geum =hog khro bo#i tehul/ geear ser poi Lams #dra ba /
krodhikirap trivajrigrin pitakidjalkasapnibliin / theme cad ri yi rgyal po ltar /beams nes epyi bor rab tu began /
giririja iva samin dhjitvi mardhni prabhivayet / yah gnon byed na/mi dbah la ni dogs pa med / 66
maim ryas dpuh
stambhen arpater nitra sapiaya#// 66
buddhasainyam boom ldan Odas de biin giegs pa theme cad kyi sku dan gauh dali

ity iha bhagavin sarvatathitgatakiyavikcittasapbbava# / thugs lee byuil bas de akad ces bk..* steal to/dpui theme cad
sarvasainyastambhano nima samidbi# / gnon pa lee bya ba4i tih he %Asia to/

ripusaptrisanasamayis idap cibyana prakalpayet / dgra bo okras Ra4i dam tabig gi/baam gtan rab tu brtag pa 4di /
atikramed yadi buddht vi sphuIate nitra eapeaya# // 67 sahs rgyas dag gig 4das na. yaii/ Was par 4gyur ba gdon mi za / 67
ity aria bhagavin trivajraaamayah / beam ldan tiMPrdo rje gsum gyi dam tshig gis de skad cam gsuhs so/
HOWirakilakap dbyitvi paAcaialaprami#ata# / Ha* lam phur bu beam pa ni / rtse ilia pa yi tahad du ate /
vajrakilap krtap tea hrdayeap prabhivayet / rdo rje phur bu de yie ni / ail khar de ni rab begoms na /
buddhasainyam api kruddhap niiap gacchen na salphay*A8 khros pas oohs rgyan dpuh dag kyah/Ojig par #gyur be &on mi za/68
- -
ripumvhi-pakaro nima samidhih / par byed pa lee bya b4i tih he dsin to/
dgra c

nagare vithavi grime vioaye vi prayojayet / grai ham yah na groh kbyer ram / ljohs dag tu ni rab sbyor ba /
anena nityap bhavec chiatih sarvarogavivarjiti /I 69
mad kun spoil balg Ii be yen / #dis ni rtag tu sbyar bar bya / 69
antarikwgetap vajrap paficaialap prabhivayet
rdo rje rtee me lha pa ni / bar anal dag is nab tu Wigan /
kalpoddiham iva dbyitv'i punah saphiram idieet // 70
sreg pa4i bskal pa ltar beams na/slar yai nab tu bedu bar bya / 70
spnurahap ca punah kiryap ratnacintima#iprabhaih / spro ba dag kyah de nas bye / rin chen yid ban nor buig #od /
bh;vayed dharmameghin vai abhimekap samidiiet // chos kyl sprxm ni begoms nee kyah/dbai bekur ba ni yai dag bya/ 71
anena Ihyinavajrepa du#pilro'pi prapiryate / rdo rje#i beam gtan Odi yis ni/dgah dka# be yai nab tu 4gels /
sa bnavec cin,,buah.4 erimin dLavajraprabhavakah// 72
sbyin pa#i Ho rje nab tu begom/yid ban nor bu dpal ldan 9gyur/72
buldhameghair mahidharmair vajrasattvaie ca tat sale rgyas sprin dah choe chen dah/rdo rje sews dpa# der spro bya/
spharet /
trikalpisapkhyeyasthinap sarvabuddhair adniinhyatel bets1 pa geum gyi yua visa ryas theza cad byia gyisrlobi
iaap tat saIvabuddhinip kiyaguhyam anivilam // 73
hdi ni 'paha rgyas thaws cad kyi/gaai ba#i sku ate skyon med pah1/73
sarv,rogapanayanavajrasapbhavo nima samidhih / mad Vaasa cad mad par Dyed pa rdo rje hbyun ba lea bya balg
tih he ?Asia to/
24 beam gtan las byuh dam boas pas/ gnas gel du nit yah dag spyod /
dhyinajina samidanap yatra sthine samicaret / beam gtan sbyor ba #di yis ni/8nas na sahs rgyas byin Byte rlob/74

anena dhyinayogens#iapan buddhair adhiaVbyato // 74

rdo rje bdud rtsi rgyal po che/ rdo rje phur bu rab tu began /
4rimrtamahargjap vajrakIlap prabhivayet / me stag #bar ba #dra ba; s/Phyogs bcui dkyil #khor gdab per bye/75
nikhaned dafiadikcakrap sphulingajvalaSapaibham // 75
Pgro ba #dil ba it ba rdhi rje Zee bya ba#1 tih he #dzin to/
ity aba ea / jagadvinayasantivajro nima samidhip /
it balpi dkyil pkbor dam pa ni/nam michabi dbyins kyt dbus su beam/
khadhatumadhyagatap cintet ilintimap4a1am uttamam /
rnam par anal mdzad glige beams nas/rah gi thugs khar
bimbap vairocanap dbyatvi ivahrdaye'rthinap nyaset//78 laded pa biag / 76
spyan is sogs pa 'epilog rname kyie/mkha# dbyihe.yohs an
khadhitup locanigrais tu paripirpap vibhivayet /
gal bar beg= /
saphrtya raimipipoilena irambhasya nipita;ot // 77 badus nas #od kyi goi bu yis/ nad pa is nit dbab par byo / 77
romakapigravivarair buddhamogbin sphered vrati / ba spuOi bu go nas sane rgyas/sprin rnamm brtul lugs can gyis spro/
abhiaekap tadi tasya buddhameghi dadanti hi /
sans rgyas sprin mama de yi tahe/de is dbah bskur rab tu itsol/
anena vajrasamaya# orimin bhavati tatkipapit // 78 nad pa rdo rje dam tshig gig / eked cig gis at dpal ldan #gyur /78
biddhasamayemegbavyiiho aim emiglhi4 / oohs rgyas kYi day tahig bkod pabi sprin lee bya bat tih he
cintot mihendraaappalap Aubhwa/ #din to/
6 7
bimbap dharmadharap dhyitvi hrdayogrthinap 4Yeeet// 79 zla ba#i dkyll #khor dbus an ni/dbah chin dkyil phor dam pa beam/
libadhitubhavana* ramyap PipOrikbyal# praparayet / chos #dain pa yi slugs beams nas/adik khar #dod pa giag par bya/79
saphared ratimipiOefla ratnacintiaapipragLan / mkha# dbyins goes ni lam dga# bar/dkar so lee byes rab tu dgai/
kikyavikcivtanilaye arthinedap nipitayst // 80
Ood kyi gel bur bedum nits nit / yid ban nor bu rin chin #od /
romakapigrevivarair ratnamoghin spharod vrati / lus dai nag dah sews 4.1, Is / #dod pa is de dbab par bya / 80
bbavayed dharmameghin vai abhigekap saaidisiot // ba spui bu go nas rin chen/sprin mama brtul lugs can gyis spro/
anena dhyinavajrefp duppiaro.pi praphryato / chos *yi win mama bagoms nas au/dbah bskur ba ni yah dag bya/8I
sa bhavee cintima#ip iriaia dinavajraiiasadbakaW 82 rdo rjo beam gtan yis ni / dgai dka# ba yah rab tu pgehs /
dharmameghasamayavyabo ;lima samidhip / abyin papi rdo rjo sgrub pa do/yid biln nor bu dpal ldan pgyur/ 82
zhadhitumadhyagatap cinted vajracandrardnamapitalam/ oboe kyi sprit% gyi dam Wag bkod pa iota bya bapi tin he pdzin to/
bimbap knavajradbarmigraa artbinap brdayo ayagot // 83 naa althapi dbytha kyi dim au niirdo rje4 zla gam dkyil #khor bean/
budJaaii ca bodhisattvaii ca pari.pargav khamap4alam/ rdo rjo naa Wasp ciao& mdun gzugs/0dJd pa sail khar gag par bya/83
paficaraimiprayogeoa Was tatra aipitayt // 84 eahs rgyaa byah chub aims dpap yia/naa mkhapi dkyil pkhor
yofis au gan /
pod oar Lis yi abyor ba yin / do a/ gzi brjid dbab par bya / 84

ds ni ds ma thag tu yen / oohs rgyas kun gyi thugs an byon /
sa bhavet tatkoa#ad eva sarvabuddhamanojaaka# /
#jas Apal gyi ni maJidah #dra/gnas lea byed par de %gyms ro/ 85
mafijuaritulyasawkala# sa bhavet paiakarmakrt // 85
dbah bskur ba ni dga# ston chs/dgyss p41. bdag Rid de stool bas/
2 - -
dadanti ea prahrtnatm3a abhioekalp mahottavas / bites team skysd pa Aid kyle kyaVOgro
ba thams cad
5 5 5 86 86
vaimminayati jagat sarvam darianenaiva codita# // dbah du #gyur /

ratnasamayamaghavyfiho nima samadhi# / rin po che#1. dam tshig gi sprin bkod pa lea bya balg tkh he

#dzin to/
khavajralp rikcasai# kriirai# toracaq4a1# krodhadirunaih/

argalair vividhai# kikair grdhrai# tivinai# prabhavayat687 nam mkha# rdo rje aria po ni / drag eth khro la rab gtum dah /

igneyama#4,a1asthaw tu bhivayed ripava# sada / wa dah bya rog ins tshogs dah/bya rgod khyt yie gait bar bsgom/ 87

apakari sarvabuddhani, dhyitva yoga, prayojsyot// 88 me yi dkyil /Ahoy dbus gaas par/dgra be rnams at okras par bsgom/
7 sahs bra pa/bsams nes rnal #byor shyer barbye/88
antramajja.rudhiradvmp sarvair akrgVelp prabhivayet/ rgyas kun la gnod
bhivayed mriyats ripu# i/ 89 mtshon ohs ins tshogs those pas mnan/rgyu as khrag den rkah, is soge/
thams cad. drain par rnam bsgoms to/bosoms as Agra rnams
buddho vajradharo yip/ yady anena prabhavyate /
.#411i bar #gyur / 89
pakcabhyantarapircana mriyats nitra salphaya# // 90
gal te do ltar rab bosoms na/sahs rgyas rdo rje #dzin pa yah /
vajrameghasamayavyiho nima'samidhi# / els ba phyed at tshun chad kyie/44h/ bar 'my= her gdon ml. as / 90
trimukhaw vairocaaam cintat earatki94ssamaprabham/ rdo rje dam tshig gi sprin bkod pa ies bya b4i tih #dzin to/

sitakragamaharakta, jaVimukuVamaiglitam // 91
rnam par sash Mind ial gsum pa/ston ka4i sprin ggyi mdog #dra bsam/
trimukhav vajri0a, cintet kmaraktasitinanam / 3
dkar po nag po rab tu dmar/thor tshugs dbu roan dag &to brgyan/9I
jaVimukuVadharalp drpta, lokadhatusamikulam // 92
rdo rje can atial gem basm / nag po dkar po doer pots/ ial /
trImukha* rigiqa* cinted raktakroasitinanam / #bar babi thor tshugs dbu rgyan can/Wig rten khans mama
jaVimukuVasalphogae bhivayan sidhyate dhruvam // 93 #khrug bysd p&p/ 92
cakrae vajralp mahipadmae aikei4api#au vibhivayet /
#dod chags can ni ial gem beam/doer po nag po dkar pc*/ ial /

9a4bhujin bhivayed vaj ran ninapraharavidharen thor tshugs dbu rgyan lois spyod can/bsgoms as has par
aubhan // 94 grub par #gyur / 93

locanip trimukhim cintet sarvasattvahitaisign/ phor lo rdo rje,padmo chs/gyas pa#i phyag tu banana par bsgom/
si:mkranamaharaktie caruripa* prabhivayst // 95 rdo rjs phyag drug mtshon ohs ni/bzah po ens tshogs
bona= par bosom/ 94
khavajranetriw maharaja, trimukhalp bhavayet sada/ moms can kun la phan bled ma / spyan ni ial gam dag tu beam /
krimaraktasitakari* curiipi vibhabhavayet // 96
dkar po nag po rab dmar ba/mdses pa#i gauge an rab tu bsgom / 95
mkha# akyes spyan ni rual mo chs/gal gsum du ni rtag par begom/
gnag dah dkar doh dmar b41. tshul/mdzas p4i gauge an
rnam par bsgom / 96

vagvajrinetrip maharaja; trimukhip bhivayet sadi/ ohm akyes spy= ni rgyal mu che/eal gmum du ni rum par boom/
dmar dah gnag dafi dkar ba ate/kha dog adzes par rums par Woo/ 97
raktasitakrgnagrap caruvarhipyibhavayet // rig as rdio rje udpal banana / gal gent rab tu goal bahi mdshs /
vajrotpaladharap vidyip trimukhip kantisuprabhim/
fur dah gaag dal dkar bahi gal/bagoms ma ye lea thob par Ogyur/ 98
pitakrimasitakarap bhivayad gauss ipnuyit // 98
khro bo ahem po toran rj* glad/ rial gam drag poi hod bzah ba /
yamintakap mahakrodhap trimukhap kraasuprabhan/
mon po Wigs pahah hjige par byed/kha dog nag po rab tu bsgom/ 99
bhayasyipi bhayap tikghap kohavarhap vibhavayet// 99
glen gyis mi thub khro bo che/drag tu bled pahi sgra byin pa/
aparajitap mahakrodham aVVirOahasanadinam /
gal pus hod ger nah po dag /rab tu Ophro ba rnam par beam / 100
trimukhap sphulifigagabanap visphurantap vicintayet400
khro be chan po rta mgrin ni/ bekal pahi me ban rab tu hbar/
hayagrivap mahakrodhap kalpoddaham iva4pre:them /
gal gem gdug pa labs kyle mnan/ebyor ba can gyis rtag tu begom/10I
trimukhap dugVapadikrintap bhaveved yogatah madi //I0I
rdo rje mi hchi khro bo che / hod zer hphro ba rab tu Okhrug /
vajramrtap mahakrodhap sphulifigikulacetsamm /
drag po or lo hbar ba hdra/hJige pa deg *yak Wigs par byed/IO2
cliptsvajranibbap kritrap bhmyasyipi bhayapradam // 102
Odod pabi ye lee khro bo che / gal glum pa ni Wigs par byed /
Vakkijianap mabakrodhap trimukhap tribhayapradam/
pbysg bit wigs par byod pahi mchog/Vakki rgyal po rab tu bsgom/I03
caturbhujap bhayasyagrap tekkizijawriabhivayst // 103
J6 -
mahabalap mahavajrap trailokyarthantahariham /
stobs po che ni rdo rje che / hjg rten gsum gyi mum eel ba /

gdug pa thaws cad hjoma par byed/ial gum par ni rtag par bsgom/104
nigakap sarvadugViihap trimukhap bhavayet sada // 104
khro bo chen pp dbyig eon can/khame gem dag at Wigs par byed/
ni1adah4ap mahakrodhap trallokyasya bhayapradam /
gal gsua rdo rje our las byuh/hbar ba rnon po can du began / 105
trimukhap trivajrasapbbatap tikghajvilap prabbsirsye1a05
rdo rje mi gyo khro bo ohs / rdo rje las byuh mig yo ba /
vajricalsp mahakrodhap kekarap vsjrasapbhavam /
Ii ba ml gri lags pa banama/brtul lug' can gyis gal gent begom/I06
khailgapaeadharap saumyap trimukhap bhavayed vrati//106
gtsug tor then po yi go pig / hod zer dag at kun tu hphro /
ekaktisarap mahogolgap visphurantap samantatah /
8 gal geum Oar ba hkhor lo can/beam gtan dkyil hkhor begat par bye=
trimukhap cakrihap diptap bhavayed dbyanamah4alam//I07
gnod mdzse ye gee mahog hdain pa/hjigs pahi rya mtsbo yah dag byed/

tejoriaijayoghiga ye
sumbhap jffinagradharap krirap bhayodadhisamaprabham/

canye mantracakrihah /
- 9
trimukhap jvalireivapugap bhavayed dhyanamah4a1am//I08

samayasapbhogair bhavanlyah prati prati // 109

gal gsum Oar ba hod hphro can/beam gtan dkyil hkhorbsgom par byletC8
get brjid phuh po gtsug tor rgyal/gah glen shags kyi hkhor lo can/
dam tshig lois spyod hdi mama kyie/so so dag tu beg= par bya/ 109
tii as %to:lain ni dpag mod pa / shags rusts kyi at biad pa yin /
amitani samidhini mantraaap samniihTtih /
- khro bo dag ni re re yah / net mkhahi steit du gin tu phags / 110
ekaikasya tu krodhasya 1thi3iixdhvap vigigyate // 110
nam mkhahi dbyiha kyi dbus gnas par/gssl bahi dkyil tabor dam pa bean!
khadhatumadhyagatap cintet avacchamah4lam uttamam/
sans ryas gzugs ni rab begonia la/mast par snai mdzad
buddhabimbap prabhavitva trairocanap prabhavayet // III rnam par beam / III

goal ith i ba *1* ba biln / #0d afor ma tshogs Ora b4i %led /
avaccham candranibhaq einta, ainiraimisamaprabhaM/
as ion ita 'filly Tait dag byuit / khams gam deg g/ dkyil 4khor du /
idargam iva sambhita* traidhitukasya ma0alaM /

aneaa buddhamihatmye*
eal4viilamkararacita* dhyitvi bodhi* es paiyati //
sarvalokavasa*karam /
rasa rums kum gyie brgyan pa dag/bsams ma de Tic
Weil chub mthOh / 112
beam sten rdo rjo rab bsgom pa/di yis sails rgyas che ba#1 bdag/
pripyate janmanihaiva dhyinavajraprabhivanai4// 113
Wig rtem theme cad dbah bra pa/tshe #41 Bid kyis
4th0b par Ogyur / 113
vairocanasamayasambhavaciruvajro alma samidhi4 /
par snail mdsadig71 duo 'Wag 4bYuil ba admits pi rdc vie
g* bya babl tin as #dsim tO/
khadhitumadhyagata* elute& vajramaigalam uttamam/
buddhabimbam prabhivitvii vajraaattva* vibhivayet// 114 rdo rjebi dkyil 4khor dam pa ni/naa sikhatti dbylis ky1 dbus au bum/
. 2 sans Mal pugs ni rab bsgoms laird xi. 201111 dP4
svacchakayanibham kruddham ninijvalasamaprabham/
rnam par beam / 114
sarvikiravaropete* sarvile*kirabhigitam / *
Wire* P* goal ba41 ins daji 4dra/Par ba ins tshogs alas P41 40d/
dhyiltvi janapada* iintamlaghUvajraJam apnuyit// 115 ram pii4 adios raw kup dah ldam/rgyan rums kuu gyie
mana vajramithitmya* sarvasattvavaia*karam / , par brgYoo /
pripyate janmanlhatVa i.hyinaltajrapractdita4
116 itba#1 cs lee gmaa bosoms na/M*Ur du rft rie Bid thcb #aur / 115
beam fstam rdo rio rab btkul boAdis mi rdo rjs41 114416 Aid oho/
earvavajrasamayasambhavaciruVajro mita samadhi4 /
ems can thane cad dbai byad pa/take *10di aid is thob par #gyur/ 116
khavajramadhyagatam cinted dharmamaigalam uttsmami dam tebig theme cad 4bri1 ba *dims pa01 rdo rjs is* bya batti
buddhabimbam prabhivitvi dharmasattva* vicintayst//
1I7 tih am Wain to/
svacchakijyadhara* saumya* sarvilamkirabhavitam / obis Ayi dkyil #khor dam pa iti/naa sdchatii rdo rjo#i dbue mu beam/
raiimimeghamahietkram viephuranatam vibhivcrilt /1 118
eansirgyas gauge ni rab bottoms la/oboe kyi oomo climb
anena dharmamihitmyam trikiyibhedyaseqbhavaM / rum par begom / II?
119 goal baloi ins dsin ii ba ntirgyan rnams kun gyis rum par brgyan/
pripyate janmanthalva jginodadhivibhi*Z*am //
dharmasattvasamayaaambhavaciruvajro'nima samidhi4 / #od sow eprin gyi Okhor lo ohe/rnam par #pbro ba rab tu beg. / 116
Odi yis oboe kyl bdag Bid oh*/ aku geum m1POYed lam byuh ba /
cintec candramavislam uttamam/
pins rat' **taboo ' par bmaa/tabe 4di Bid la thob par #gyur/II9
chos kyi gems dpa#1 dam tshig 4byufi ba0i rdo rje lee bya ba0i
buddhabimbam prabhivitvi locanagri* vibhivayet 120

ciruvaktrim viea1k1ip niinibhara*abhucitim / tin fie dsin to/

sarvalakge4asamptir4iup irtrimilyigradhiri4im // 121
zla bai OVA }Aber dam pa ni/nom mkhe#i rdo rje0i dbus mu beam/
sails rgyas gauge ni rab bsgoms la/spyan gyi mchog ni rnam par
begot / 120
ial bzah apyan ni rab tu yahs/sna tshogs rgyan gyis imam par brgyan/
mtahan mane thus cad rab tu rdsogs/bud mod sgyu Matii =hog ldau PO(
khans gem dag ni dbah byed pa/ ye ass than* cad grub par byed/
pimau prabhgvayec cakram traidhitukavaiamkaram/ 4kbor lo yid biln nor bu sttr/PAYag tu 4khor lo bosom par bye./ 122

sarvasiddhikaram jainam cakram cintimamipraiam// 122 spyan gyi dam tsbig pbyag gi mcbog dah ldan pa iea bya
locanisamayahastigravati ngma samidbitt / tih fie 4dsin to/
3 rdo rjetti dkyil Okbor ttod mchog caniakhatpi dbyils rds
khavajramadhyagatam ciatec candramamilalam uttamam/ dbus su bean /
buddhabimbam prabhivitvg khavajrigrim prabbivayet// 123 cabs rgyas gauge ni rob Wagons nas/mem mkhalg rdo rje rab
mchog begon / 123
ciruvaktrim viiglikmim nilotpalasamaprabhia /
ial bsahs spyan ni rob tu yam/ udpal nthih kaki mdog #dra ba /
sarvalakvamasamparmim khamgyggri, prabhgvayet//
ntehan mans thane cad, rab tu rdsoge/nan nkhatsi Ho rje mchJg
pimau nilotpalaM rtktam traidbitukanammakrtam / rab bsgom / 124
buddhabodhikaram divyam rahasyam siddhivajrimga // 125 khans geun.dag gis phyag byas pa/sahs rgyas byah chub byed patiimaglof
khamitrrataaraimimegbavajriklidanavati nima 8aagdhi4 / dhoti grub Ho rjo can gyi gsah/tdpel sho die= phyag na banana/ 125
namnkhab yun gyi rin po che Ood 01. sprin Ho rje Ulan par
khavajraitadhyagatam ciated dharmamamilalam uttamam/ byed pa lea bya babi tih he tuisin to/
budAbabinbac prabhivitv; dharmavajrim prabhavayet// 126
chos kyi dkyil 4khor dm pa ni/nam nkholpi Ho rjelg dbus su bsam/
cgruvaktrgm viiglikmim padmaragendrasamaibbim /
anis rgyaa gauge ni nab begons laird rje chos ma nab tu begom/ 126
mgyilLsigrasambhatim rigaraktadgarapriyim /
sarvalakaamasamparMim sarvilamkgrabbacitim // 127
ial baah man ni nab tu yahs/ padnarigabi mdog Ora ba /
gyu ass mtshan palg nahog las byuhi4dod chage chags pa 4dzin
pinau raktotpalam divyam sarvabuddhaprabhgvitam/
sdug Pa /
lharmajainakaram divyam guttywm samayavajrimia // 128 tshan did theme cad yobs rdsoge iih/rgyan rnama kun gyis
dharmasamayatattvibhisambodbidareaaavajro ngma samidbi4 / brgyan pa yi/ 127
sahe rgyas theme cad nab bagons pa/chos kyi ye ise 4byuh gnesimhog/
dam tehig Ho rje can gyi gosh/ udpal dmar po phyag ma banana/ 128
khavajramadhyagatam cintet siddhimaigalam uttamam./
choe kyi dam tool:dads kho as Aid ninon par byafi chub pa kun tu
buddhabimbam prabhavitvg tirigrim tu prabhivayet// 129
ston pa Ho rjo las bya ba4i tifi fie 4dain to/
ciruvaktrim viaglikcim niaibharamabhumitim /

pitavarmanibhim dhyitvg striiiVhyamaaadotsukim// 130 dhoe grub dkyil 4khor dam pa mi/nam akhatti Ho rjetti dbus su bsaa/
p7a4au prabhgvayed vyaktam utpalam pitasamnibham/ oaths rgyas gauge ni nab bsgoms la/sgrol ma4i mchog at bsgom
I0 It)
sarvasattvanamaskrtam // 131 par bya / 129
ial battit ePYan at nab tu yehs/sna tabogs rgyan gyis ram par brgyan/ )

samayatirigravati lama samidbi4 /

dog ljah ear Ora batti Oo4/bud mod sgyu ma nab tu myos /
kba 130

Ho rje tii no 4dain lam byui/ sems can kun gyis phyag byas pa /

udpal car potti mdog 4dra ba4i/gsai be phyag ma beams par bscom/I3I
dam tahig agrol ma achog dean ldan pa use bya b4i tii be 4dzia to/
Ai LW. #khor des pa ni/nau inkheig rdo rjoixt dbus su bows/
khavajramadhyagatam cintet saryamegalam uttamam/
sale Waist gauge ni rob begone la/gOin rJ gied mehog
buddhabimbam grabhivitva jamiintakigram vibhiveyet// 132 raam par began/ 132
'sghulihga....gahanam diptam samkruddham bhayamagilalas/ Oar babi #0d sr salt Po Ophre/#jigs psOi dkyil /Ahoy rab tu khroa/
raktakgam damOrEivikaVam khaftapigim vibhivayet// 133 man dam ache ba ruspI istaigaiphiag na ral gri tansies
2 par bison / 133
.zukuVe vairocanapadam dhyitvi tugyati vairigag /
anail adesd dbu rgrad ram bsgons na/rdo rje can at dyes par #g7nr/
ego hi earvakrodhinim samayg jAinavajrigim // 134

yamintakasphuragivabhisatryiho llama samiidhig /

#di ni ye lea rdo rjo can / khro-bo kun gyi dsu tshig yin / 134
giin sjo glad kyi spro ba#i mash ba bkod pa begon pa ies bya
khavajramadayagatam cintet siiryamegstalam uttamaR/
ba#1 tifi ha Wain to/..
buddhabimbam grabhivitvi agarijitikhyam prabhivayet/435 Di dabi dkyii Okhor dad pa ni/runi mdchabi rdo rje#t dbus su bead/
sghulingagahanam dIgtop strpanag4itanekhalan / *she roam asuge di rob bosons la/gian gyis at thub rab begs* pa/135
vikarilam vikaVavajrag sitavargam grabhivayst // 136
Oar ba#i d ear niiii. po can/lbrni gyim brgYad ith'eka rags can/
mukuVeskaobhyasamayam dhyatv; tugyanti vajrigag/ rdo rjs dgYea pa WW1 Wigs lta/kha dog dkar po rab tu begot / 136
ego hi sarvakrodhinam samayo jAinAvajrigies 1/1 137 at bakyod dam Unit' dbu rgyen la/bsans ma rds rje can dag mama/
aparijitavajravyiho niisa sasidhi# / #di ni Ye gas blo can gYi / khro bo kun gyi dam tebig go / 137
gian wig al thub gabi rdo rJe Used pa lee bya bagi tifi iiegdzin to/
khavajramadbyagatam cintet eiryamaglislam uttasami
buddhabimbam prabhivitva hayavajram grabhivayet // 138
gi mabi dkyll 4kbOr dad pa ni/na* lekhagi rdc rjegi dbus eu beam/
Einfiz rgyns gnuss at tab Ingo= lairdo re vta ni rab tu bsgom / 143
sphulifigagahanwp kjiddham visphurantam sasantatag/
// bo#i god zer mu po dag / thane cad du at pnam par #phro /
sarvadugVagadikrintam raktavtrgam vic?ntayet 139
muklrgemiltasambuddham dbyitvi tu7aati vajrigag / elug pa thane cad labs *yim an 'Ala dog dmar po.rnam par beam/ 139
rdzoge sahs dpag *ed dbuygyan segcme na rdo rje can (tag mAes/
ego ni sarvakrodhini'm samayolanavajrigin // 140
hayagrivotpiitisambhavavyiho ama samidhig / g4i at rio rje ye lee can / khre bb kun gyi. des tshig yin / 140
rta ekyed pa gbyuit be man par bkod pa lea bye bagi tin ie gdzin to/
khavajramadhyagatam cintet sUryama441am uttamam/ Ai nagi gkhor dam pa ni/nan nkhaig rdo rje#i dbue su beam/
buddhabimbam grabh;vitvi vajrimrtam prabhivayet // 141 sake rgyas gauge at rarbagoas la/rdo rje at gchi rab tu begoR/ 141
sphuliagagahav4 cagtam vajrameghasamikulam / gber ba#i god zer mah pc, Ohro/rdo rje#i epria mama kun tu #kbrug/
kruddham earogagam krggag tikagadamOram prabhavayet/442 khroe iih khro bees gnag pa dah/mche be rnon go tab tu Wigan / 142
mukuVe'kilobhyasamayag dhyitvi tugyiii 'Kroft dhrk at betyod dam tehig dbu rgyan la/begonia na khro bo }din milestagyum/
ego hi sarvakrodhanim samayo duratiktat4 // 143 #di at khro ho thane cad kyi / gda# bar dkag ba#i dam tehig (30/ 143
amvtasamayasambhavavajro samidhig / at gchi bagi dam tehi Obyui ha rdo rje lea bye bagi tia
gdsin to/

di ma0i dkyil #kbor dam pa ni/nam mkhalpi rdo rje#i dbus au beam/
khavajramadhyagatam cintet saryamaq4alam uttamam/
sahs ryas gzugs ni rab bsgoms la/Vakki rgyal po rab tu bsgom/ 144
buddhabimbam prabh'ivitvil takkisattvaf prabhivayst// 144
khro bo Wigs pa0i cha lugs gtum/Wigs pa dag kyah #jigs
par byed/

kraraf vikrtadLigram bhayasyipi bhayaikaram /

rgyan rnamm thams cad yois au rdzogs/rdo rje #od bzai
sarvilamkarasampurnam bhivayed vajrasuprabham // 145 bsgom par bya/ 145
mi bskyod dam tshig Ibu rgyan la/bsgoms na rab tu mdes par Ogyur/
YaukuVe'kgobhyasamayam dhyitvi
#di ni khro bo thams cad kyi / #da# bar dka# ba#i dam tshig go/ 146
woo ni sarvakrodhingm samayo duratikrama# // 146

dhyinavajrasambodhiratir rams samildhi# / beam gtan rdo rje rdzogs par byah chub pa dga# ba ies bya ba#i

tii he /din to/

.dlavajramadhyagatam cintet saryamaf4a1am uttamam/ mabi dkyil #khor dam pa ni/nam mkhaial rdo rje41 dbus su beam/
ubbaip prabhivitvii mahilbalam prabhimayet // 147
sais yas gzugs ni rab begoma la/stobs pa che ni rab tu bsgom/ 147
sphulihgagahanam trivajralayameugalam /
#bar ba#i #od zer mah po #phro/rdo rje gsum gyi gnas dkyil #khor/

kruddham bhivayed balavajriipm// 148

kriram piiiadharam
kbros sin khros pa iags pa #dzin/rdo rje stobs chenbsgom par bga/148
mi beLyod dam tshig dbu rgyon la/bsgoms na rab tu mdes par #gyur/
mukuVeik@obhyasamaam dhyiltvi twnipravardhanam/

est hi sarvakrodhlinim samayo duratikrama# // 149

#di ni khro bo thaw cad kyi / #da# bar dka# ba#i dam tshig go/ 149
tribalavajro nima samidhi# /
rdo rje gsum gyi stoba ies bya halal tih he #dzin to/

di makli dkyil #khor dam pa ni/nam mkhalpi rdo rje#i dbus su bsam/
khavajramadhyagatam Untet siryamam4a1am uttamam/
buddhabimbam prabhivitvi nilavajrEup prabhivayet // 150 sans ryas gzugs ni rab bsgoms la/rdo rje ehon po main par bsgom/150
kmaripaaharam tikimaf kmodadhipravardhanam / khro bo Wigs pa0i cha lugs can/Wigs pa dag kyah Wigs par byed/

sphulihgagahanam diptam bhivayed dalgavajrigsm // 151 gzugs ni rab tu snag la rno/ rgya mtsho nag po skyed par byed /
mukute'kcobhyasam4yaf dbyatvi tuinipravardhanam/ #bar ba#i #od zer mai po #phro/rdo rje dbyug thogs begom par bye/15I

eglo hi sarvakroaninikm samayo duratikrama# // 152 mi bskyod dam tshig dbu rgyan la/bsgoms na rab tu mfies par Ogyur/
vajradeugasamayigravati niima samidhi# / Odi ni khro bo thaws cad kyi / #da# bar dka# bal4i dam tshig go/ 152

rdo rje dbyug paig dam tshig mchog dan lien pa ies bya beOt
khavajramadhyagatam cintet siryaman4alam uttamam/ tii is #dzin to/
buddhabimbaf prabhivitv; acaligram vibhavayet // 153
di m41 dkyil Okhor dam pa ni/nam mkha#i rdo rje#i dbus su bsam/
kekaram vikvtam kruddham pieakha4gadheriku1ar / sans rgyas gauge ni rab bosoms la/mi gyo mchog at rnam par bsgam/153
sphuliigagabinam diptam bbivayed acalavajriom // 154
khros eta Wigs palpi zur gyis lta/#khrugs pa ral gri gags pa bsaass/
mukuVe'kqobhyasamayam dhyitvi turnipravardhanam/ Oar ba4.1 Ood zer ash po #phro/ at gyo rdo rje can du bsgom / 154
ego hi sarvakrodhinim samayo duratikrama# // 155
at bskyod dam tshig dbu rgyan la/begonia na rab tu mass par #gyur/
#di ni khro bo thaws cad kyi / Odak? bar dka# baigli dam tshig go/ 155
rdo rj nu mkba# dbyihs *yi dam tsbig iabs Acyiti :Gaon pa is'
ichavajradhiLlsamayapadikrinto ngima samadhi# /
bye beig tin he Odsin to/

khavajramadhyagatam cintet siiryama04a1am uttamam/ flu ma0i dkyil #khor dam pa ni/nam rnkhti rdo rje#1 dbus au beam/
buddhabimbam prabhivitvil vidyicakram vibhivayet// 156 sans rgyas gsugs ni rib Wagons la/rig paigi Okhor lo rib tu bagom/156
sarvalak@anasamparmam cakrajviliparivrtam / mtsban =ems them cad yohs an rdzoga/bkhor lo Oar bas
yohs an bskor/
unitoacakrasamayam viapburantam prabhivayet // 157
gtoug tor Okbor lo sour dam t.Noig/rnam par Ohre be rib tu
mukuVe'kgobbyasamayamdkiytv tuOipravardhanam/ bsgom / 157
(asp hi sarvakrodhiln;11 samayo duratikrama# // mi bskyod dam tshig dbu rgyan la/bsgoms na rib tu miles par #gyur/
, I -2 Odi ni khro bo thams cad Uyi / #da# bar dka# bakoi dam tahig go/ 158
ulnigiasamayavidyabalacakro nima samidhi4 /
gteug tor gyi dam tsbig rig paig stobs #khor lo lea bye bail&
khavajramadhyagatam cintet saryamaq.alam uttamam/ tih he #dmin to/
buddhabimbam prabhivitvi vajrasumbham prabbivayet// 159
di Arabi dkyil Okhor dam pa ni/nam akbabi rdo rje#i dbus au beam/
tikoajviilircivapugam sphurantam meghav:jri#am / saris ram gauss ni rib bosoms le/rdo rja sumbha rab tu bsgom/ 159
vajrahastam mahijvilam bhivayan siddhim ipnuyit // 160
as ice rnon pe Oar bakoi sku/ rda rjsi sprit' at rib tu #phro/
mukuVeikvobhyasamayam dhyitvi tu#Vipravardhanam/
phyag as rdo re rah Obar WI/Wigan* as dhoo grub thob par Ogyur/160
wilco hi sarvakrodhinim samayo duratikrama# //
mi bskyod dam tehig dbu ran La/bsgoms zuit rub tu mass par #gyur/
vajrasamayasumbhavajro nima samidhi# /
#di ni khro bo thus cad kyi / #da# bar dka# ba#1 dam tahig go/ 161
rdo rje#4 dam tshig eumbha rib tu Obyuh be ies bye balpi tin he
nirodhakrodhacakrelp buddhacakranigevi#i /
#dain to/
samidhivajrajftinini sidhyante vajrama#4alit // 162
#gog pa kbro bo#1 Obor lo ni/ sahs ryas Okhor lo beton pa yis/
tifi #dain rdo rje ye ias rnams/rdo 404 dkyil #khor #grub
par Ogyur / 162


trayodaila# /
rdo rje dam tshig bkod pa de kW) as Aid 4yi don begom pa mion
par byah chub pa ass by. Wag le#u eta beta gsum p40/

atha bhagavin sarvatathigatas idhipatir mahivajra4hara0 ds no boom ldan #das de bli/e.z giegs pa theists cad kyi dam tig

eintilsamayigra* n;ima samidhi* samipadyemi* sarvatathi- gi !Wag po/rdo rje Odzin chen pa t ba0i dam tahig gi mcnog ces
_ I
gatlbhirya* svasayavikcittacajrebhyo niicaraym2n / bye b4i tiiie dsin la ems per iugs rias/de bin geegs Da
mo0i mchog 0di/did sku dah gsuh dah

8ADHANI aka / thugs rdo rje las phymh sio/


athisiim gitamitriyii* sarvasampanmanisi0a0 /
tucoVi baron ipeds buddhavajram anusmaran // STIRL /
buddhini* aintijanani sarvakarmaprasidhanl / de ass 44i puha team gyis/Pyor pa kun la dyes pa rnams/

artasa*jivani prokti vajrasamayacodani // 2 mAss rab tu dgyes gyur nae/aahs ryas Ho rje rjee su dran/ I
ity iha ea / ahs ryas camas tyi it #byta ba/las /mama thaws cad rab sgrub
Ho rje01 dam tshig skul Lisa& ma/i be sos par byed par geuEs/ 2
atha bhagavive trikiyasama7a1rodhavajra0 bilivibhivassmayar. de ass boom ldan 04as sku gam gyi dam tshig Ho rje khro bo/
vajra* nima samidhi* samipadysmi* sarvavajradharigra- dhos pop dmi dhos pa med pa0i dam tshig Ho rja ies bye ba0i tih
mahisl* svak4yavikeittavairehhyo nisioir47411 /
he %Khan la idioms per lugs nms/rdo rje Osin theme cad 4yi btsun
mo0i mchog 041/Aid kyi sku doh gsuh de h thugs Ho rje lee phyuh10/
athiisyi* gitamitriyi* trivajrabhed7svajr440 /
Gown svial
utphullacirunayani vajracittam anus/saran // 3
de mks 0di at gsuhs team gyis/sku gsum dbyer med rdo rje can/
rakcivajraprayogssu nitya* karmaprasidhani /
Idea paig spy= at gdmis ass au/Ho rje0i thugs at rjes su dran/ 3
mahivajrabhayirtini* nitya* balakarl smrti // 4
Ho rje erui ba4i sbyor be la/las mama rtag tu rab sgrub pa/
Ho rjs chen pa 0jigs an la/rtag tu atobs ni byed par bead/ 4
atha bhagavin mahir;gas ayivalotana* nips samidhi* do nail 'mom ldan 0das Odod chags chen pout dam tahig la gzigs
samipadyemi* dharmakiyilgabbir74 svakiyavikcittsvajre-
pa lea bye ba01 tih he Osin la Moms pax gugs naa/chss kyi
bhyo niicarayan /
OkuOi btsun mo0/ mehog Odi Aid iqt sku dah gsuh dah thugs Ho
_ 3. rjo lea phyuh ho/
atkasyi* gltamitriyi* vajradharmagradhari0a0 /
twit; dhyinam ipsde vajradharmam anusmaran // 5
is ass 04i ni gsuhs tom ais/rdo rje chos =hog 0dsin pa rnams/
dharmapustibala* nitya* nahikoiavati sadi /
alas ass bsam gten thob gyur nas/rdo rje0i chos a/ rjes au &ran/ 5
karoti jipamitre0a vigvajravlitco pith; // rtag tu chos rgyaa stabs mdzad pa/rtag tu mdzod po che iai ldan/
rdo rje sawn gi bica4 biia du/bzlas pa team gyis bed dar 4by12r/
atha bhagavan samantasamayasaOhavavajral nima samidhlip de has boom ldan #das dam tshig kun aas #byuh ba lea bya ba#.t
samipadyemi# samayaiattvigrabbiryi# avakiyavikcitta- tli he }Acta la aflame par :lugs nas/ dam tshig some dpa#i btsun
vajrebhyo nlicirayan / mo#1 mchog 04/ftid kyi situ dah geuh dah thugs rdo rje las phyua
at1iisyi0 gitamitriyi# sarvabuddhi mahitmsji# / ov TIRE TUTTIO TURD Wadi /

hargiti janam ;Aped* vajrakiyas *hussars's // 7 de nas 4di ni paw team gyis/sais rgyas kua Wag che las skyes/
buddhavajramabisainya# sattvadhitu# 8amacesitft4 / maws lih ye lea thob gyur nas/ido rje#i ku ni rjes su dram/ 7

karoti asavat swimip nii*S#Va# vagaltrt 14a4it // 8 alas rgyas rdo rje sde chen dah/sems can khans ni ma lus pa/
lty a7tha ca / mad cig gis ni bran biln du/ theme cad gyo med dbah du byed/ 8
ceps boom lien Ons Igyis gsuis so/
atha bhagavin earvatathigatakiyavikcittavajras tathigabm# de nas boom Ulan #das de biin glea pa thaw cad kyi situ dal
vimalaraimimegattrajra# Irina samidhip samipadyaml# vajra- pen dela thugs Ho rje de biin giegs pa/dri ma med p&p. #od zer
yosintakamshivajrskrodhaS svakiyavikoittavajrabhyo nil- gyi aprin Ho rje lea bya balpi WI fie }Asia is effoms par iugs
eiman / naa/rdo rje man rje#i vied po chen po Ho rje khro bo #di/ffid
NANA* aminatialgoingualam / (*KEA NEL KHAKI gam
kyi sku dish gsui dah thugs Ho rje las phyui ho/
4114fAaklAN1xualindWummAnnummuu um DBE EARVAp
MAMA, SARVADUalifi paathin parniAzA MLPAIMADED/ TAI-
athiaaln bbi#itamitra sari buddhi sahiyaii0 /
to nas Odi ai gauhs team gyis/sahs rgyas grags pa chen po kun/
bat sastrastamanaso vajracittaa anuasaren // 9
Wigs iia kun tu sicrag Gyur aas/rdo rje sems dpa# rjea au dran/
kapilalp nirvraoas pripya oiruripamsdlioap / 2
tbod pa as chag ma gas paissugs mdzea yid #oh rued pa is /
pidakrintagata# krtva. mantras etas anuaaarat // 10 rkaa pas mhan 94/ tahul byes nas/saags #11 rjes su dran par bye! 10

lc canim misuildm cipi mehivajralculocoayim / Milakihan spyan yaii ruh / Ho rjelg rigs chen las byuh ba /
trim varin samuccarya dheuvam ikveyste koaoit II II lan gm= &Situ brjod us ni/de ma thag tu hes par 4gusS /
- boom ldmn 4des thugs rdci rjen de eked ces purls so/
ivy iha bhagaven2cittavejra4 /
de has bcon 14sn 4dss to biin ggegs pa rnan par mai mdzad/
atha bhagavin vairocanavajras tathigat4 samayaragmi- dam tshig gi 4o1 ser stug po41 mchog ces bya b4i WI he Odzia
gahanAgram llama semi:4114 samipadyeman envtesemayavajra- la sfloms per iu*M nse/khro bo mi 4chi b4i dam tshlg #diAid
krodham Wfmki3prikeittavajrebhyo niieirayan sku dah gsuh dah thugs Ho rje Las phyuikol -
de ass 4di ni gsuis team gyis/sahs rgyes zrage pa cher' go kun/
athismin bhigitataitre sarve buddhi mahiyaii# / brgyal ith rab tu 4Jigs tour nas/rdo r3e4i situ ni rjes au dran/ 12
mfircohiti bhayam ipede vajrakiyan ennsmaran // 12
shags roans kun gyi ebyor ba dAh/rdo rje bskrad pai Las mama la/
sarvemantraprayomu vatiroceicanakaratug / saie was Aid kyi dpuh dag kyah/tahul biin byas ma skrod palmvu4/13
ucoiVayeti vidbini buddhaseinyam spi swan // 15
de nes boon ldan 4das de biin miege pa rin chen toesahe rude
atha bhagsvin ratuskstus tathigsto buddlursimlivsjram kyi 4od ser Ho rje lee bye bs4i tth he dsin la atoms par iugs
nama samidhim samapadyamemvajriparijitanahikrodham swat- nas/rdo rje khro bo gian gyis mi thub pa 4d1/ftid kyi situ dah gsuh
kayavikcittavajrabhyo nieciraysn / Ilan thugs Ho rje lee phyui ho/
Half Ha* PHAT PHAT SVIld / SO* PHAT 2114 aka /
3, .
athiamin gitamstre tu sarve buddhi mahataaji0 /
.4 de nas 4di ni gsuhi team gyie/seAs ram' bdag did cite skyes kun/
WatiO samtrastamsnsso bodhicittam anusmaran // Is Ws* iih kun tu akrag gyur te/byah chub some Ai rjes su Iran/ 14
ril9asavyi4skriresu mahibbsysssnikul / erin po ma ruis gtum po clan / Wise pa chea go 4khrugs pa daa /
karoti vidhivat karma
vOrscittapreyulljanit // 15 Ho rje some kyis rab sbyar na/las mama cho ga biln du byed / 15
de nee boom idea 4das de biin giege pa tabs dpag tu med pa/dPag
atha bhagavin amitiyus tathigsto'nitassmbhavavaltram nina tu lewd pa Ho rje Obyuh ba iea bya ba41 tifi he lidzin la slims par
samildhim semipadyemen p sambhavamahivajrskrodhsc ova- iugs nes/padmo Obyufi be Ho rje khro bo chen po 4di/did icyi aku
kiyavekcittevejrebbyo nisicirayan / dah gsuh dah thugs rdo rje las phyuh ho/


P114' ausau Puaml BADmelvaLta P114' BAJARANinkri.
de nas 4di ni geisha team gyis/chos, kyi rdo rje che mchog kyes/
lift Pita Ma Pal sviul /
Wigs ii r b tu brual bar Ogyur/ye dee rgyal po rjes su dran/ 16
athissin iiiciritasitrs dharsavajrissbigraja# /
skhats dbyths dug gis yaw ga4ba/rdo rje halahalatti tiod./
essmirechas ipeds jainarijam anusmaran // 16
khro bokil xgyal po bskul be yis/dug rnams'thans cad mad par byed/I7
khadhitus visasaippiross vajrahalihalapambham /
de naa bcom ldan %Kiss de bin gdege pa gdon ml za bar grub pa
karoti nirvise* sarvss srodharijapracodanai4 // I?
gdon mi za ba4i dam tshig #byun be dpal rdo rje ies bye batti
ity iha ea /
till he %Klan is siloms par ius nas/rdo rje be con anon po khro
atka bhagavin asoghasiddhis tathigata0 asoshasamsyssas-
bo#i rgyal po 4di/Aid kyi sku dal goat dah thugs rde rje Las
bhavagetuvajras nima samidhim sasipadyess, nIlavajra-
phyuit fio/
daOskrodharijas svakiyavikcittavajrabhyo niecirayan /
3 5.*





VAJRADA#MIA SVIEL / de nas 1i ni sauhs tsam Kyis/gdug pakii =hog las byua ba kun/
attlemin bhioitamitre sarvadueVistasa,bhavitt yid ai Wigs iia rib skrag awl/sass dpatti rdo rje rjes au dran/ 18
bhiti4 sastrastamanaso iajrasatteam anulasaran /1 18 ichro bobt rgyal po grags chen 4di/brgya rtsa btgyad du bzlas pa daft/
japlatiOalateniyam krodharijo aahtlysiat) 0110 Otti tshul bad bakul ba Yis/du g pa thaw cad gEod par4our/I9
gbitoka0 sarvadurnp vidhicakraproyojanaiti // 19 de nes boos ldan %%Mks de biin giega pa Ai Vskyod pas/kun nas
ity itha ca sprin dpal gen bya ba4i ti. he 4dzia la sAams par iugs 'nas/rdo

rje stabs pa cbs bdi Bid kyi sku dah gsuh dah thugs rd. rje las
atha bhagovin akfobbyes tathigatab mastantamsOmari
phyua ho/
nina emmidhi*samikad7mma*lashabalavejraSsVakitY'sviike- ABADZIRLOM / 0I 1141 Ha* Hz* PEAT PRAT
cittavajrebhyo niiciratTan / 110* Al PRAT kiikT PRAT Att DZIOTISMAD. A
de nas d.i ni goals ma thagistobs pa che yi klu rnams kun /
yid ni Wigs ith rib okras ms/sku gaum rdo rje rje'Opu dran/ 20
bzlos pa tsam gyi sbyor ba yis/las rnams thams cad sgrub par byed/
athisain bhifitamitre giro. nigh mahigali4 / than pa byula beta dus na yaa/Chuyi dkyil 4khor 4bebs par byed/ 21
b1iti4 samtrastamanasa0 takiyavajram anusSaraa // 20
do nos boom ldan das kun tu Wow pa rdo rje ies bya ba4i tih
iiPamitraPreyogeria aarvakaraigi sidhayet /
As 4dzin la sAoms par iuga nas/de bitn giegs pa thams cad ,kyi
anivroVisamaye PitaYed virimaOsiam // 21
kyi sku daa gsuh daa
akiirgyal po khro bo chen pa
atha bnagavan eamantanirshitaVajra, samidhiS ISOM-
thugs Ho rje Las phYUil ao/
padyemam sarvatathigataVakkiriJaS mahikrodham svaki7m-
vikcittavajrebhyo niicirayan /
de- nos 4di ni gsuAs team gyia/sahs raaa bdag Aid chen po kun/
dam tshig ldaa.gyur nas/rdo rje sku gaUm rjes au dran/22
athis in bhifitasatre sarvabuddhi mahitmaji0 /
rdo rje some dpa4i abyor ba yis/lihga rkaa pa gyas pas mnan/
bhiti4 samayam iPode trivajrakiYam anuOmaran 1/ 22
rdo rje esum gyi shags dag ia/shags moms thams cad 4uge
linga dakaioapidena vajrassttvaprayogatab / Pa41 WA08/ 23
trivajramantracakre4a Sarvamantrikarita4a* bhavet/ 23


ma40 gaaa ba4i 'nes kyi mchog / e malp sAia po kun bsdus pa /
atha bhagavin jainamilimbuvajra* nima samidh4 samipad- de nas bcoa idan das ye iee Xyi Ohrsh batti chuta rdo rje ies
yemam acalavajracaWssamaya* svakiyavikcittavajrebhyo by& boot WI its *Walt snow' par us* nas/mt gyo ba0i rdo rj*
niecirayan / SUM p4i dim tabig dah gsuit &a thugs rdo rje
las phymin hoi
NAMA sAlanatagaratattalaaaelta / ATMS
MAMA 114TA WY* *DM itir4 4414 Unk TAV4
aria / de ns0 4di ai geufis teas wis/lha rnams 4khor dii bean pa kun/
1_ ._
athismin bhailitamatre sarve avi sakiakarikt
brgyal all yid at rib skrag naa/rdo rje4i sku ni rjes su dran/ 24
marcchitis trastamanaso vajrakayam anusmaran // 24 khro bo hen poi shag/ ohenIdag la eoge paig lha/
anima krodhamantrewt mahidevidaya0 surraV / athu anon dag klah skrag gyur nae/kha sbyar lus an ;mugs partwum25
bh1ti4 saTpuVakiyena iikrgyanti maharddhi1ci4 // le nes beam ldan Odia'dam tshig rnam Par 4Pbrul ba rdo rje Les
atha bhagavin samayavijymbhitavajraq nima samidhic sami- bye babi tifi is dsin la sffons par guss nas/rdo rje tazin thams
padyemam sarvavajradharasamaralp samayasumbhamahikrodhalp cad kyi dam tshig Uhro bo chen p0 nod. adzes 4di/Hid kyi sku dal
svak4yavikcittavajrebhyo niecirayan / geufi dah thugs rdo rje lea phyla Ao/


ataxmin bhisitamitre sarvakanyi maharddhika0 / de use O$i ni goals team aie/bu o athu chart thams cad ni/
muktakeei vivas4it1fli vajrasattvam aausmaran // 2 skra Wag gos d.a bral gyur nas/rds rje some dpa0 rjes su dran/ 26,
vajrasattvapadikrintag sarvatathigatidhipam / Ho rje seas dpatd iabs kyle mnam/de ban giegs Pa kun bdag poi/
vajrakuiapieena sarvakanyakarsaqa* param // 27 Ho rje lcags kyu iags pa yis/bu so rnams ni 4gugs pakti mchogi 27
de ass boom idea 4dam dam tshig chea poi de kho na Aid 4bYun
atha bhagavin mahisamayatattvotpattivajram nima samidhim ba rdo rje ieS bya ba4iti no- Odzic la sAoms Par augs nas/daa
samipadyedaa ma4isamayatrivajraguhyaviksamayatattvapadaa tshig ben po4do rje gaum gyi gsah ba goal gi dam tshig gi
svakiyavikcittavajrebhyo nitioirayam / de kho neilid kyi gnap 4di/Aid kyi sku deli path lah thugs rdo
buddhavajratrikiyeau vajrasattvavibbivan; / re las phyubLie/
pigavajrinkueadharair buddhikarsaaam uttaaam // Bah' rgyes rdo rje sku gsum la/rdo rje WOMB dpaO raam par bsgem/
buddhavikkiyayogena nahictkraprayogatala / gags-pa rdo rje kyo be tidsinisaha rgyas dug pa dam pa40/ 28
vajrasattvo mahiriji dhruvam ikrayate sadi // 29 sails ryas aku goat sbyer ba 71/4khor lo cheu poi sbyor ba yis/
cakrapadmamahivajrais trivajribheayabhivaaai0 rde rje some dpa4 rgyal po che/rtag tu lies par khugs par i)gyur/ 29
vadrinkuiaprabhedena sarvamantrikaraaaaa paran // 30 mi Awed rdo rje gsum boons pas/4khor lo padmo rdo rje che/
svamantrapuruaam dhyitvi sarvavajramayam Aiwa / rdo rje kyo b4i khYad par yis/shags mama theme cad
kanyim tu minutia* tireaVhim hrdvajrifikulayogatalit // 31 dgug palid mchog/30
ikrayate Bad / thane cad rdo rje0i dhos i 1)a/rah snags akye bu bsgoms nas ni/
vitamaa4a1ayogena dhruvam
mi yi bu 80 mchog rnams kyi/sfiln khar rdo rje kyo be sbyor/ 31
vairocanamahibimbam bhivayec candramaa4a1am //
rlun gi dkyil #khor sbyor ba yis/fies par rtag tu litgugs par 4gyur/
gala* tatra sthitia anted vajriartaorayogata4 /
zla bai dkyil 4khor dag la ni/rnam par snah mdzad gauge
pailciaavirin uccirya dhruvam ikrayate sad; // 33
Wien bsgom/ 32
vajrinkuiamahibimbam tikaaajvilisaaaprabham / de na eatsi gam' par beam / rdo rje mi chii sbyor ba yis/
vajramalgalikam dhyitvi khakanyikarsaaaa uttamam// 34 laa grans lha ben brjod aa ni/fies par rtag tu 4ougs par lagyur/ 33
svakrodhavajrasamayam vajrapitilavisinaa / rdo rje kyo ba gsugs chen po/4bar ba rdo rje '4dra ba#i 404/
iilavajrifikutiapasair daityakanyikartmam pa6 ram // 35 rd. rJe dkyil4khor begonia na ni/nam mkha4i bu mo agugs palittaplaSAa
gairikaw khaVikim vipi vajrinkuhaprayogata4 / khro bo Ho rje dam tshig ni/rdo rje as klog gaas pa dag /
candroparigasamaye mukhe prakaipya sidhayet // iala Ho rje kyo ba4i gnas / lha min bu mo Image pa'ai gnas / 35
brahmadirudradevanam nama yasya likhet svayam / btsag gam =to rgyas dag Xyan run/rdo rje kyo bakti sbyor ba yis/
igacchanti bhayatrasti vigvajravaco yathi // 37 sla ba gzas ni sin a41 tahe/kbar boug naa ni bsgrub par bya/ 36
sarvikiravaropetam mafijuvajram vibhgvayet / tshans pa drag po is sogs lhairan gi min =lams bris nas nil
yamintakam mahikrodham vajrinkuham vicintayet Ho rje gala gi bkakt biia du/4jigs ith skrag nas liton bar 46Yur/ 37
kalpoddihamahicakram dhyitvi yakaims tu bhadjayet//38 raam p41. mchog rnams kua laan aa/rdo rje 4Jam pa rab tu bsgom/
ity .hi ca / khro bo chen po giin rje gied/rdo rje kyo ba raam par beam /
bakal p4i ores palai 4khor lo che/bagoas nas gnod sbyin
mo dag spyad/ 38
.rdo vie bza# biin 4u/b la* pa team yia byed par 14tzur/

zun gyi phyag rgya#i khyad par dah/shags kyi khyal par thams cad du/
mudribhedena sarVecim mantrabhedena sarvathii /
dgug Par (lag ni thabe au gsuha/gian du bYas aa laiig Par #gyar/ 39
ikarsanapadam proktam na con niliam avapagyat // 39
rdo rje semS' dP4 rg7al Po chs/yai dohyai du bakul bar bya/
vajrasattvo mah;ralji codanlyo mUltenmuhub /
da.Aid shags ramie thama cad Icii/rEgal po mohog tu rtag p40/ 40
sa eva sarvamantrii4im riji paramiiiivata# // 40
de nas boom ldan Odas nammkha# kun du rnam par #phrul ba#i ye ties
atha baagavin samantavijrmbhitajanavajram Rama samidhim rdo vie icon b$s ba#i tin iie#dsia la enoms par iugs aaa/rdo rje
samipadyemim vajraikajaVim nima mahasasaYar;javigvajrigir, thor tahugs pig ma dam tehig chen po gian Gyis ni thub p4i gauh
evakayavakcittavajrebhyo niticiraYaa / rdo rje4t mohog kYi elm dah gsuh dah thugs rdo rje las
OV &MINI SVAHL / Pbyufi 60/
athisyim bhisitamitray4 nigakaayi maharddhiki# / gOLlml sTiui /
dahyamrsaii vivastktmi buddhabodhim anusmaran // 41 de ass #di ni gsuhs team, gyisjklu yi bu so mthu chen rams /
anayi mantravidyayi sarve ikrqyanti pannagi# / tabiS Par gra' cih gos d braVeafia rgyas bYt4 chub rjes su dralyria
nigakany4vi1akizi samayakrgyopabhufijayet // 42 shags kyi rig pa kd.i yis at Ala rnams thams cad #guga par #gyur/
klu yi bu so mug bzah dog / bkug nas Bs bar spyad par bya / 42
atha bhagavin gaganasamayasambhsvavajram Tama samidhim
de nae boom ldan #das nam mkh41 dam tshig #byuh ba rdo rje ies
samiipadyemim mahidhart_ mmayavajrabhrkuVim evakayavik-
bya balpi tifi fie 441a:ta la sgoms par glass nas/chos then poOi dam
cittavajrebhyo nieclarayan /
tahig rdo rje Uhro glier ma #di/Aid kyi aku dah geuh dah thugs
rdo rje las phyuh ho/
athisyam g1tamitriy4 sarvavidyidharitmaji# /
kampiti bhayam ;aped. lidinavtjran anusmaran // BATBATI OBRA MITA DzATINI 8111,1a /
de um Odi ai geuhs team glia/ rig Pa #dain p41. bu mo kua /
vidyidharamahakanyam calatkanakakum4alim
nab tu Oar bar gyur nas kyah/ ye Us rdo rje rjes su draa / 43
ikrqya samayadyena aaayi mantravidyay; //
rig pa #dzin POOL bu mo mchog/gser gyi ma oba gyo ba rums/
nirodhavajrarajena niapannenigraciruOi /
shags kyi rig pa #di iah ni / dam tehig is sogs pa yis deug,/ 44
trivajrajanasambhiti# kvanid ikruanti sarvata#// 45
4gog paii rdo rja rgyal po ni/yohs su rdzogs pa mdzes mchog gis/
athav; sarvakrodhinim lakoajipena mantrina# /
pi ism rdo rjo geum las byuh/ kun nae de ma time tu kigugs / 45
sarvakarmakari# prokti vijanesu mahatma -Ca //
yah na khro bo them cad ni / dben patei gnas at chen po mu /
iciryanindanapari maalyinigranindaki# /
shags pas #bum du bele* byes rnams thaws cad byed par besdA6
maran1yi4 prayatnena athavi sthinacilanam
rje slob dpon mod pa dah / thee pa chen po mod pa dag /
anaaa bodhim paranim mantrasiddhim ca prapauyit // 47
nan tan du ni tisad par bya / yah na gl Is ass spo bar bya
yis byan chub mchog deli ni/shage kyi dhos grub thob par Ogymv47
gee beom Ulan ktdas rad rje ttchah chen pos gsuns so/yah gsuhs pa/
ity iha ca /
phydgs beutti sems can thane dad kyi/lus dah hag sems goad par nil
dagadiksarvasItt-vanam kiyavakcittaghitanam /
&dug gems ldan pa01 dgra rums la/eho ga ban du bsgom par bya/ 48
bhavanlyam vidhanena ripamh duaVacetasim // 48
khrag dah chu yiS gear Patten / biah gels gear bar byas pa41 goal
rudhirirdram salilardram vimmitritrdram va koirayet/
bsos nes liaga rkait pas anan / khro botli rgyal po sbyar bar bya/
pravrtya lifigam ikramya krodharEtjam prayojayet /
gatiaVapariparipna dhruvam buddho'pi elryate //
bra rtsa broad a 706 belaa 0m/Sahs egyas tyaa ni has Partd1W49
pith Saila Pa/
ity iha ea / /
ehu iie gds n1 gier bar bras / khro bo mehoe els bcihs pa yis
salilardragatam ?astral, krtv; krodh;grabandhaatt /
2. lila ellen rkah gyon gyis enen na/safis reYas dag kyaii hes par 4jig/50
Unsay vamapadenikramya dhruvam buddho'pi naiyati//50
bee& gets gier bar byas patti goS/ heal pa rul ha dri mnan pa /
vimmatrardragatay at:tetra, patigandhajuguPsitam /
bgos te shags 01 bzlas byas na/skati eig gis skams ttchi bar ttgyur/5I
privrtya mantram avartee ehuOyato mriyate kelamit// 51
thal ba0t akyo mas gear P4i 1300/bgos na khro bas Okhrugs bin du/
bhasmodakirdragatam vastram pravrtya krodhasamidamm/
brgya rtsa brgyad du bzlas nag ni/ido rje sons dpattah
tiatimVavilrin ucatrya vajrasattvo'pi taryate 1/ 52 4jig par 4gyur/ 5
ity iha ca / yah gsuis Ps/
salilardragatay vastram privrtya kruddhacetam; / gear bur phud de akra bias la/WiBa P4i tabu' 4,1 gta4a eilOPSY11/1
maw muktailikho bhatv; viketotkaVasambhramati / rkah Pao 1.1316a =an na ni/nan nkna0i ibyina kVah 4Jig Par 4g7mr/ 53
lifigam pidana cikramya khadhittum api nileyet // 53 ma mobi Snags sam dmr khrdd dam/khah stah data bii mdo dah /
ity iha da / mtshan goig la a eih gag druh/mhon par apyod pa brtaam par
matruhe imagne v; ianyavtimani catuspathe / mi rus las byas phur bu n1 / sor brgYad Se Yi tahad dag la /
ekalifigaikavvkae v; abhic;ram samirethet // brgya rtsa brgyed du belaa byas te/agra botki ago khar sbas na ni/55
minuaitathimayam kilos amtagulapramimatatt / sails rgyas sku gaum mehog abyi pa/Elea dah mi ries raam spaias pa/
iatastavaran abblmantrya arldversou gopayt // 55 sla b phyad ni tshun dhad %yis/bskams sam yan na ttehi bar 4gYur/56
buddhas trikicyavarado jaajninavivarjitatt / yah ne thad pa 06 ha dag /dad. par du n1 mkhas pas btsal /
pakaibhyantaraparmana hhraiyate mriyate'pl v; // der ni shags kyi tshig brie te/rdo rjet4i table eis bzlas par bya/57
kapilay paripirmam v; prepy* vtjAo vigllata4 / Agra yi sg04am grofi dag tu / abas na hes par skrod par 4gYUr /
likhan mantrapadrm tatra j;pay; vajrabh;say; // 57 ta1a4 lo mattaa gian 1aeh ruh/khro boOi snag' a kun brii la/
aridvire'thav; grime gopya ueditiVflyal dhruvam / dgra yi groh ham ago dag tu/sbas na 4ehllitam bskama par kigyur/
t;lapatrethavinyatra krodhamantram samilikhot / boom 14an Odas dam table ehen potti a al rdo rjes de akad cos
arigrhethav; dvirs gopya naiyath Ougyati // 58 bkaV tP,mal to/
ity iha bha6aviin mahisamvakfetuvajra4 /

de pas boom Man 4das de bits siege) pa thams cad. kyi sku de/
atha bhagavin sarvatathiwatak;yavikcittanibandhanavajras
suit dah thugs has par 44chih ba Ho rje ies bya
ia sam;dhimsamiipadyemam sarvatraidhatukakayavikcitta-
4dzin la sAtom.s par lugs se,s/rd.o rje khazis gown pa thaws cad
kaanamantram n;ma svakiiyaviikcittavajrebhyo niticiirayas /
kyi aim don gsul dal *thugs anon pa as bya batti slags kidil
aid kyi sku dal seuh dal thugs rdo rje late Await lo/
P1I44 P1i744 4t1' ZA,DRRARISATLA,
athismin bhiqitamitre sarve bfiddhi maharddhiki0 / ICIIIYA
miircchit; bhayam apanne74 khavajracittam anussaram//59
mkugiisthimayam kilas athav; khadirigrajsm /
de nut 4di ni souls ma thag / sale rgyas rdzu tphru1 ches P0 kiln,/
ayomayakrtam kilam trivajrak4yaviaianam // 60
bAtyal ih rat tu 4jigs gjrur nes/nes zikhai? Ho rje thugs
vajrasattvam samidh4ya sphulifigikulasuprabhas / dran. 41Cror / 59
trivajrakayaparyantas bimbas dhyitv; prayojayet // 61 Ai /ILO les bras phur- butt** na seit ld.e rtiset las skyes/
vairocanamaha7mudr.iim athavii ri7savajriss4 / leags las byas paii phur- bu dagirdo rje skti gam 4jig 40x, byed/ 60
yamintakamahisudr4 dhyiitv; trivajrakilanas // 62 40dL 4000 lAtbraS Cti). sadikiis bitait te,ttilrdo rje aetite dpar arm biag
kus4a1imrtavajrema dugVakriranikvntanas / =to rje on a gam gyi tather/ssugs. btaAgitt 'baud* nas abyar bar bye/61
kartavyas vajrayogena buddhaayipi sehitsanaS // 63 =am par snail mdzad, rya elm* nsa/yeit a%idol ebage raw rje can/
hrdayam yivat p&dintas vajrakilavibhivanas / siLA rje pied k:yi rezira cites (tag/basins fla Ho rje gam yal gnon/ 62
iirddhvam tad eva eamayas idam kl/avijrsbhitam // 64 Ho rje bdud, rtsi khyi1 ba yis/dug thro ba tshar bcad la/
dhyinavajraprayogema dhruvas buddholpi kilysts / sails raiws bcLa id ohen o yal/rdo r3et4i o'bior bas bya yin/ 6
vajrasattvo sahiriji kilayan sriyate laghu // 65 slik, *ha .11401 ni rksi patti athar/rd.o rje phur bi ram par bosom/
gat Mattel dam tshig do Rid bye/di ni ptiur bu4i rnamliphrul yin,' 64
atha bha6avin mahivairocanaStiyavijrmbhitavajrasnisa
beam Stan rtio rjetti sbyor ba yislaals ryas dag kyah lea par tidebs/
samipadyemas kiyasamayiksepavajrakflanamantras svakikya-
Ho rje seas dpatt rgyal po otts/phur btte btab na myur th chi/ 65
vikeittavajrebhyo niecirayan /
Se nes boom Lisa 44iszt Mita par anal *dead tiles po/sku matt per
4phrul ba i.e bya batji tifi itsotisin is eons par augs nasiskutti
Haki PHAT / 2,
data tthig tahaa DAUB evict &non p. as bya bal;ii slags 4ailu4 kyi
aim dois geta dal thugs Ho rje las phyuit ha/
Oil Walk TS UNA& teetaNDA, HANA RANA DAlik DAILL1 DX kailialatiaaiLERA

Pbah tsbun dUrt ba4i tabul du bya/Mthe be gil ni rab tu bsdam/
anyonyavezVanikiram ahguinhapadamtlanam / man_ Par Smsiadzad tshul gnas te/rde rJe PhOr bus les Per gdab/66
vairecanapadikrintam vajrakIlanipatanan // 66
btab a thg tu Senn dPa4 cbe / ra re eku gsum las bydo. ba
hatamitre nahisattve trikiyavajrasambhava4 / darn tahig mabog Sia Idait bar irtiuri7ehus Obi ba4i gaas stalx,grn'A7
uttiOhet samayrigreaa na cen nalapadam bhavnt // 67
diS has bcom ldan 44sa }jig rteh dbah PhYug gsuh raam par 4phrul
atha bhagnvin lokeivaro vigvijrnbhitavajra, nima sanidhi,
ba rdo vie Les bia 'beta tth he 44min la same par iugs nas/gsuh
sanipadyemem viksamayakSepakilanamantram svakiyavakcitta- gi dam tshig tsham ham gaaa pa rdo rje4i shags 4di/Aidizyi sku
vajrebhyo hisicrayan / dah gsuh idah thugs rde rje las phyuh ho/
vikasitajanapadnina vajrihtuliniveganam / ye ies padme Uha PbYs ba / rde rje sor meg) hes par giag /
ragavajrapadikriintam vajrakIlanipitansm //
4dod chags rde rje4i tshul gnas te/rdo rje4i phur bu ties
par litdebs / 68
hatanitre mahivajre trilayia4asambhava4 / btab ma thag t rdo rje the /liku gem dri med. las byuh ba /
uttionhat hatamatreoa na can niiapadam bhavet // 69
btab pa tom gyis ldah bar 4gyuriyah na 4chi be4i gnas su 4gyur/69
atha bhagavin nahivajradharas cittasinnbhitasaJrsoli nina de naa bcom ldan 44as ride rje 4dzin chen pa/thugs rnam par 4phrul
sanidhim sanipadyenam cittasamaYikSlepakilaaanantram ova- be rde rje Les bya ba4i tih he 4dzin is sfiams par iugs nas/thuga
4yavikcittavajrebhyo nieciraran / kyi dam tshig tafiam ham gyis ghon pa4i shags 4di/11id kyi sku dah
0* VAJBARIJA / gauh dah thugs rde rje las phyuh AD/

pabicaiillanigandheha sphulifigikulabgivanaft waugibilik I1O /

cittavajrapadikrintam vajrakilanipitanam // 70 rtse mo his par bcihs has ni/4ed 4phre mah po 4khrigs par bsgom/
hatamitre nahivajre trivajriia1asa*bhsvs4 / rico rje thugs 1171 tahul gnas te/rde rje phur bus use par, gdab/ 70
uttiapet6 hatamatrevana can niiapadao bhavet // 71 btab pa team gyis rdo rje the / rdo rje dri med gaum las byuh. /
aanyagvidhinanirgeoa kayavikcittayegata4 / btab ma thag tu ldah bar ligyur/yai ha 4chi ba4i gaas su 4gyur/ 71
kbadheltuvaAraparyantam alarm nitra sawiaya4 // 72 aim gsufi thugs kyi sbyor ba yis/cho ga legs par byas has nil
ity iha bhagavin nahivajraki1a4 / mItha4 dbyifia rdo ria mthas kiss par/phur bus 4debs par gdonmize/72
boas ldan 4das rdo rje phur bu chen pos de skad ces bka4 steal to/
atha buddhas trikiyigr4 8attvadhituhitait#144,
tutiVi4 primodyasampripti idam ghogan akir2yan// 73 de has sehs rgyas sku gsum mohog/sems can khams la phan mdzad pa/
alas Liut rab tu dgyes gyur nas/gsuh ni di skad bka4 stal to/ 73

malgo Essah gnale kyi mehog / e mato BAIA po kua badua pa /

aho vajrapada respas abo s;r amuccay4, /

ma40 Obos kyi nas i ba / e ma4o rdo rje raam par 4joms / 74
aho dharmapadac gkintam abo vajravidira4am // 74
pbur 4debs sake rgyas thaws cad dailibyaa chub SeMB dpa4
ktlana* sarvabuddh;ni, bodbisattvg mal;;yaiii / gras chen te /
kiepav;kcittavajr4;* kilana, samudahrtam // 75 sku gsuh thugs kyi Ho rie raamaipbur bus gdab pa yah dag beiad/ 75
ids* tat sarvamantra4;41 kilwaa* tattvasallbhavam 141 ni shags Vnams theme cad kyi/phur gdab de flid las byuh ba/
kiyav;kcittavaradav mantratattvasamuccayat // iti /76 sku esuh thugs ni mehog sbyin paliii/shags kyi de Ai& don
bsduA p&p / 76

kiyavakcittidbhutamaatrikarowevljvmbhitar o am*
sku dah gsuh dait tua mat du byulli balpti shags kYis 4Igugs
samidhipaValai caturdai4 /
rnom par tipbrul ba4i rgYal po ies hin*bs4i le4u ate bou bii pai9o/

de nre rgyal pc) rdo rje adzin/thaMs cad new mkhaa mi agyur che/
atha vajradharo riji sarvikaio mahakaara4 / thaws cad dbah bskur kun mtkhyen pas/rdo rje4i gsuhni bke4stsal pill
sarvabhisekasarvajfio vagvajram udirgyan //

sms ea can gyi bdag Mid che / bu mo lo grails bou gdis pa /

dvadaeabdikia kanyaa2caq4alasya mahatmana4 / dben paai gaas an khytkoil par du/sgrub pa pos ni rtag tu bsgrub/
sadhayet sadhakZ nityaa vijanegu viliesataa // biah gel dam tshig la sogs pa / de ru cho ga bin du ni /
viamatrasamnyadyena caturasraa vidhinata4 /
dkyil akhor gru bit lham par bya/rdo rjeai dkyil akhor sgom payi05
maacilalaa karayet tatra vajramaa4alabgivanaia // 3
mtshan Bid thaw cad yois an dag/rab tu Inc& la bin yah mdzes/
sarvalaksaaasameuddhia caruvaktraa sueobhanim /
rgyan mama thaws cad yofis rdzogs pa/pea par biag aas
sarvilaakarasampiiraam ahke sthipya vibhavayet // 4 rnam par bsgom/ 4
padcamaigalacakreaa buddhabimbavibhivanam / dkyil akhor lie yi akhor lo yis/sahs rgyes rnams su rnam par b%aca/
4 5
bhivayet pijipadaq ramyaa rahasyaa mantracakriaim// 5 silaSA kyi akhor lo can gYi gsah/ =hod ile4i Saes ni nams
dgaa bsgom / 5
vairocanamahibimbaa kayavakcittavajriaam /
sku gsui thugs ni rdo rje cshirnsm par snah adze sku 'hen po/
dhyanamantraprayogeaa bhaved buddhasamaprabhaa // 6
beam gtan shags kyi sbyor ba yis/sahs ryas kyi ni 401 tarartlgyunoS
nilotpaladalikaraw raj akasya mahatmanaa / Ho rje sons dpattli sbyorba yis/btso blag nkhan ni blag did che/
kanyam tu sadhayen nityam vajrasattvaprayogataa // 7
bu mo udpal mthiA khaai mdog/adra be *dag ni rtag tu bSgrub /
tad eva vidhisamyogaa kTtvi karma samarabhet /
sbyor baai cho ga de Aid ni/byas nas las maims brtsam par bya/
ego hi sarvamantraaaa samayo duratikramaa // adi ni ehags mama thaws cad tyiidam tshig gin tu 4daa dkaa baaa8
sa bhavet tatk4a4id eva vajrasattvasamaprabhaa /
de ni de ma thag tu yah / Ho rje seas dpaai aod adrur agyur /
sarvadharmasamo raja kamamokgaprasadhakaa // 9
rgyal po chos mama kun dah mtsnuhs/adod dah pa rabbsgrub pae)
ciruvaktram viialaksia naVakanyia sueobhanam / Ho rje choe ni rnam begonia pas/ gar mkhan bu mo rab mazes tiih/
sadhayet sadhako nityam vajradharmavibhavanaia // 10
biin bzah nig ni dkyus rih ba/sgrub pa pos ni rab tu bsgrub / 10
sa bhaved vajralharmitma daeabhilmipratisVhitaa / de ni Ho rje chos kyi bdag / sa I= la ni gaas par agyur /
viksamayadharo riji sarvigraa parameavaraa //
rgyal po gsuh gi dam tshig 4dzia/mhal; bdag dam pa kua eyi mchog/ 11
brahmakgatriyavaigyanaa kanyam eadrakulodbhavam /
bran ze rgyal rigs rjeau yi rigs/dmahs rigs las byuh bu mo ni/
sidhayed vajradharmatma idam guhyasamivaham // 12
Ho rje chos bdag bsgrub par bya/Odi ni gsah be thob byed paao/ 12
astam its tu vajrarke sadhanam tu samirabhet / Ho rje di ma nub nas ni / sgrub pa kun tu brtsam jar bye /
aruaodgamavelayam sidhyate sadhanottamaia // I3
skya rata achar baai due an ni/agom paai mchog gis 4grub per 4,gyur43
ram mama thane cad yens su rdzogs/spos &age tog
sarvilamkgrasamparsim gandhapuspavibhilsitgm / mama kyia brgyan/
dhygtvg tu vajrasattvigrim laghu siddhis avipnuygt//I4 rdo rje semi dpa4 mhos bsgems ha/grub pa myur du 4thob par 4gyur/14
sa bhavet trikgyavarado buddha1aksama1akcita4 / 4di ni sku pus schog sbyin fm/safis rgyas mtshan gyie
stehan per 4gyur/
yojanaiataviatiram avabhiaam karoty asau // 15
dpag tshad brfon 7i khyou tsam du/do yl. 4ed Vyah anah bar byed/ 15
dvayendriyaprayoge4a sarvayoggn samgrabhet / dbah pc) gain ni shyer ba yia/sbyor ba thans cad hrtsam par bya/
eso hi sarvasiddhInim samayo duratikrame4 // 441 ni dhos grub thane cad kii/dwa 'batiks am n tu 44:124 dka4 ba4e/ 16
viiptatrasamayam bhakcet yadiechet siddhim liajri4e4/ rdo rje can gyi grub 4dod neibish sci41 dam tshig bsa4 bar bya/
eso hi sarvasiddhingm samayo duratikrama4 // 17
4di ni dhos gra titans cad. kyvdeja tahig iin tu 4da4 dka4 ba4e/ I7
vismitrasamaygdyena dvayendriyaprayogata4 / biah goi4i dastshig la sogs paa/dbah pc iaJai shyer ha yis/
sidhyate'nuttaram tattvam buddhabodhipadam Ms= // 18
oohs rgyas byehs chub as it bald* fad bls na med pa ttgrub / 18
ity iha bhagavgn kgmamoksasamayavajra4 / bean ldan 4das .4doct pa dah thar pa4i dam tsaigrdo rjes de skad
atha bhagavin mahgsamayavajrakrodham ngma samidhim sami- cos bka4 steal. to/
padyemam sarvatathigatavajrasamtrisanakrodham svakiya- do nas boom 'dam 4das dam tahig chenpotti rdo rje khro be iea
4-vgkcittavajrebhyo niecirayan /
bya batti tih ieWats is *Some par lugs aas/de. ban. (Oleo pa
QV HRI# STRI* VIWINANA BARVASATRON NASAYA STAMBELYA thane ealkyt rdo rjekn tu okras Par byed pa41 rde Tie khro be
al3kt HOV PEAT PHA 8VIHL / Odi/tid kyi aka dah gsuhdah thugs rd. r3. las PhYuili10/
iffla TIMM inn aliAglaaati NAA STAXESIWA
visarudhirasamyuktam lavanam rgjikin tathi / HCV PRAT PHLT StiAL /
kanVakignau juhet kruddha4 kanyingmapadai4 Baba // 19 dug ni khrag delkun tu sbyar / lan tshwt ake tahe yuha mar te /
madhyghne'rdhargtre vg idam imuati sarvatal / khro liii tither sa4i me la baregibusatti mth dah tahig tu bcas/ 19
trikone tu juhet prijito'hasahaaram vidhinata4 // 20
fli ma gal ilea nal' OVA nadi4di ni yoi ye, rab tu eta /
dinatrayam idam kgryam kanyingm phalabetuai / ies rab can gyis gru Out, du/stoirtsa brgyadni tshul bitabsreg/20
stambhanam bhavate tena trikalpisamkhyas apt sadi// 21 bu mo dag gi don gyi phyir / 4di ni i ma gaum du bya /
buddbo dharmadharo vgpi vajrasattvo'pi vi yadi / bekal pa grahs med. gawp du yah/de yis rtgg tu gnon par 4gyur/ 21
atikramed yadi mohitat tad antam tasya jivitam // 22 Baia rgyas sea ni Cho* ;Amin pa4as/yai na rde rje sema dp4ah ruh/
eaturdaiyim tathisVabhygm gvhyithgiram imaignata4 / gal te =ohs pas 4das as at / de yi tahikni der zad 4gyur / 22
abhimantrya vidhinena dayaka4 sa bhavet sada // 23 bou bii4as yai na tshes brgyad la/dur khrod sol ba blahs nas nil
che ga biin du shags btab na / de ni rtag tu ater bar 4gyur / 23

rekhamI dadyit tu dhyinena mantrago yasya kasya cit /

shags us payis gah rah. batgi/dsra yi gzuga brash bYaa bee au/
beam gtan deg gig brie na ni/44121, bar tigyur bar gdon mi za/ 24
iatro4 pratikTtim krtvi mriyate aitra sameayaM // 24
/ tho ha boas gtan sbyor ha yia/phab na hes par ltuh bar 4 'Our/
mudgaram dhyinayogena pitayan patati dhruvam
HOW ni rab t Mbar dah beasirado rje 4bar rab tu bagom /
Alkirajvilasamyuktam dlptavajram prabhivayet /
phyag na rd rje4i rigs 4ren te/iging pa teas cad 4jig par byed/25
naiaka0 sarvadumVinim vajrapi4iku1a0 sm4ta4 //
rdo rgyus sol ba la cogs paa/skyes paOala bud med gzugs brie la/
khaVikihgiridibhir lekhya purumam vithavi striyas/
lag par eta re beano ass cu/mid. pa boaha par par begom / 26
kuMairam pimau bhavitvi grivim chinnim vibhivayet //26
sobs rgyas sku gamma rin chen mohogiaeas can kun la Phan 4dod pa/
buddhls trikgaratnigra4 sarvasattvahitaimima4 /
anena haayate vipi mriyate nitre. samiays4 // 2? .
4di yis and per 40ur batten / i bar Mgyur bar gdon mi za / 2?

karmavajramahitdiptam sphultfigagahanikulam /
las kyi rdo rje, rab Oar ba 1' as stag mah po 4kbriga pa can /
madhye vajram vibbivitvi virtstambhanam uttamam // 28
dbus au rdo ije bawls na zkilahn 4-VB mama pa4i mchog yin no/ 28
mam4a1e likhyamine tu vitidyam yadi jiyate / .
dk7i1 4.khor deg hi 4dri ha nalilufi in sogs pa byuh, fla ni /
damOrimudrim tato baddhvi dumVaiatrum anusmaret 29
ache ba0i PhYag rgYa boths nas au/0411p4i dgra ni dran par byel29
buddhaii ca bodhisattvaii ca nirmttam vipi yad bhavet/
sails rgyas byah chub seas dpa# yts/gui jig sprui per gyur pa yah/
ilryate drOamitrena na con niiam samipmuyit // 50
*that ha tags Viz 48aS 4gyur te/gilin du byas na Wig par Mgyur/30
buddhii ca bodhtsattvii ca ye oil** dumVajantavak*/ sans rgYaa bra chub 80110 dpaM dah/akye bo gdug Pa (Sian dag kYahi
trisitis tena mantrema mrtyante nitra samiayab // 31
shags %die skrag per bYas nan1/4chi bar Mgyur bar gdon mi za/ 31

tatreda, sarvatathigatamantrarahasyahrdayaa / de is Mdi ni shage theme cad kYi gsah ba4i afth po4o/
/ PHA / /PUT /
jftinasattvaprayogema madhye bimbam prabhivayet / ye ies some dpabi abyor ha yta/dbus su gzugs ni begom par bya/
catubsthanegu mantrajito yomitim sthipayet sad // 32
*hags cies pa yin gnas bit ru / bud mod rtag tu gag par bya / 32
sarvilamkirasampirmim sarvalakfamalakmitim / rgyan mama thaws cad. :ohs au rdzogsAmtehan mums theme, cad
kyie mtahan cih/
padmam prasiritam krtvi tdam mantra, vibhivayet // 33 padmo rab tu rgyaa bias nag/shags 4di rnam par bsgom par bya/ 33
/ HO, / /aft/
paficaraim/prabham diptam bhivayed Agavajrinem / Mod zer LiLa nt rab Mbar baMi Adz rje can gyt sbyor ba bsgom /
7 -
svakayavakcittavajreau pitayan bodhim ipnuyit // 34 nth lue hag gems rdo rje la/phab na bye# chub tbob Par 41gYur / 34
sa bhavet tatkgamid evolivairocanasamaprabhab / de ni de ma this tu yeii / rasa Par anab. faclaad 401 4dra gjj1 /
vajrasattvo aahirija buddhas trikiyavajradhrk // 35 rdo rje soma dpa0 re:011 Po oble/aaha rgYaa sku gsum rdo rje 1?dziW35
10 - II aiima samidhiM /
sarvasattvotpadaaavajro soma dpa0 thaws cad skyed Pa rdo rje 4s bye, baMi till b.e Mdzia to/

pripya vidhini ciruvkiktri* hitaig**Im / bita bzah phan par tido& pa Ytil Dud med. &Letitia oho ga ban /
pracchanne prirabhet Pkii* gunA* &Viva vibbakst3ystM6 dban par mho& pa brbeam par bYa/gSah ba blahs nas bzal?. bar bya(36
sa bhavet tatk@aqid ova mafijuiritulyatejase/ de ni de ma *hag tu bJam dpal cid ni soi brjid mama /
antardh;nadhip14 erimin jimbunadasamaprabbab // 3? anah bdag Po dPaldah ldaniamilOgsmor gyi mdahs 4drar 4gyur/ 37
bhakeya* v athavi Tit:Vas miupsa* vipi pravehayst biota bibam yah na.briati ba4am / a (Jag kyait xiigiug Per Iva /
abhimantrya vidhinena bhakcya buddbair na driyate// 38 ebe ga biin dU bOitags nas ni/sos na Baba rgYam kyis mi mthofi/ 58

ity iha ea Ashivairadharab / isa bona Ulan =Oa' rde rje ttchait ahem pos de ,skad nes bk4s1malto/

'vica 5Va*
grhya vidhanena -
saravasaippuVe nyaset / beah ba oho ga hitt. blahs -mast/khan Phor ab7ar mar SzaS Par WA/
eatieVavirin supcodya buddhasaiyair na driyate // 39 brgya rbea brgyst du bskul na ni/sahs rgyas a mats lel mthei its/ 59
Eivanamiipsas hayauultipsa* mahimissam vidhanatab / Ickii`31 a dait rta a dal /a *hen daS ni Ono ga ban /
abyor babi thabs kyle ski/zos na de yi8 mi mthoh he/ 40
grhya sawptiVayosena bbakilaymps tair na driyate // 40 blahs.
vicVena saha smityukt;* guliki* triloaveleVitla / blab, dai lhan (Its thyar'barl/ril bu lasso gams gyis dkris pa/
dvayendriyapraYoma sarvabuddbair na driyats // dbah po gain kyi Chyor ba yis/sahs rgyas kun gyis mi mthoh ho/ 41
sahimicsena salpyukti*guaki* trilohavelVitim / kbyi yi a dahnhyar ha yi bu leas* gem &Via dkris pa /
dvayendriyaprayomatsarvabuddhair net &rents // dba4p. anis kyi elver ba rgyas kun gyis mi mthoh ho/ 42
iviinamimsena sasyukti; guliki* trilohaveccitim / ia anon doh ni alvar ha ril bu lease sous gyis dkris pa /
dvayendriyapraYoma sarvabuddhair na driyats // dbah Po Sale kyi sbyor ha yis/sahs rgYaa kun SPIII mi mthoh ho/ 43
gomipmena sawukti* guliki* trilohavs*Viti*/ ba Lai a dah sbyar ha rib bu lease gsus gyis dkris pa /
dvayendriyaprayoma sarvabuddhair na 44404 4bsi pa gain *71 shyor ha yis/Sahs rgYas kun syis mi mthon no/ 44
prinakair vioVasaipbbatair guliki* kirayed vratl/ biai ha las byui mrog chase las/brtul iugs can gyis rib bu bya/
dvayendriyaprayogena sarvabuddhair as driyats // dbah po gftte kyi sbyor ha yis/sahs rgyas kun gYis mi mthoh ho/ 45
karptiraenndanair yukti* guliki* trilohave*Vitia/ ga pur tom dah shyer ha yi / ril bu lcass gsum gyis dkris pa/
dvayendriyaprLyogeqa aarvabuddhair na driyate // dbah pc) gas kyi sbyor ba yisisahs rgyas kun gyis mi mthoh 46

rocanigarusauukti* guliki* trilohaveipVitim / gi *** *Baru sbYar babi / rib bu Lease ssum gyis dkris pa /
dvayendriyaprayogeva bhaved v54r5mahibala# // 47 4b6L po gfLia Uyi sbyor ha yis/ido rje stobs po char 4SYur ro/ 47
karpurakuipkumair yukti* guliki* trilohave*Vitim/ go, pur guhkum sbyar ba / rll bu lcass ssum Kyle dkris pa /
dvayendriyaprayoselp aarvabuddhair na driyate // dbah po etis kyi abler ba yis/sahs rgYas kuu gyis mi mthoh ho/ 48
ity iha ca / rdo r4* 4dain pa gait yah ruh/phyag rgya chen por byin brlab8 nas/
6 de ni de bdratii dpal ldan b4i/stobs chen, pha rob gnon par Ogymc/0
adhisthiye mahimudri* yasya kaaya cid vajr4a# /
sa bhavet irfaut mahiba1aparixrama0 //
dpag tahad bye ba rdzoge pok /atei du Ho rje ttgro bar 0Slur/
yojanakoVisampfirmam firdhvam vajragatir bhavet /
// 50
atoi gsuR,'bz4 pa01:4pa1 idea Pa/Naha rgyas ttod dah
trisihearagati4 erimai bhaved buddhas9.maprabh84 litdra bar VgYur/ 50
kimadhatusthitim kanyam surabhogim kulaviatim / 440d khame gnu paig bu mo dah/lha yi loAm aPY0d rigs brtul iuss/
ripadhitusthitim vipi kamayeta mahata1a4 // rana gstigs khasis gnus pt.,1a/stobs chen gyis ni tidod pa spya4/ 51
ity iha bhagavin samayantardhanamahavajr4 / beam ldan 44as dam tehig xi snail battlrdo rje chen poe de skad
041S bka0 steal to/
atha buddhay prahWitmebbrantacitta manUima0 /
. I
de nal 84118 rWas rah dgYea bdaS/0ems 0khru1 yid is =Ian ba rnam/
vismayotphullanayani idam ghogam udirayan // ito mtahar syvx ciii soyan sdaas sas/gauh, ni )?di skad bkattstaaltW52
aho suvismayam
idam aho guhyapadakyaram / m40,4di" rab Ao atehar the / 0 ma40 gash SAa0 mi WWI= ba /
aho svabhavasamiuddham aho dharmam eunirmalamaiti/ 53 m40 Ito bo Bid. kyie dike /40 m000 gin tu.dri mei shos / 53
atha vajradhara4 at aragta karti mahikyara0 / de ass atoll Pardo rje 0d0in akYsd Pa; brad Pa Si 4gYar the /
4 5
buddho vajro mahidharmo vajraghoyam aiarayat paha rgyas Ho rja chos then pos/rdo rJei Puii du bkatt atm]. Pa/54
Attvavajraprayogeya toyamam Zajradharbitim / Sena dP00 rdm r1001 abYor ha 7i0/rdO rje 0dein mums Noss Par 401.1r/
buddhabodhiprabhedena toyamam guddhavajrimis // 55 sale rase bYak *hub rMb dbye ba/lais rgYs0 rdo ris can
vajralocanibimbadyair uoiyaradhanam eartam / *Ass Uri= / 55
rdo rje swan gyi gauge la aoss/staug tor tij og par byed par bad/
krodhanim api tac chreyVham buddhavajraprabhavanam//56
khro b001 asA na de achog ste/saha rase Ho rje rob sgoa pa40/56
vidyirijagradharmiyam ratnaketuvibhavanam / 2
rig patti rgyal 1)0 oho* mchog .rnataa/dkon mchog dpal
vidyarajaprayogeyu amitiymrvibhivanam // 57
MO par *bagom
sarvakarmikamantrimam amoshajtinabhivanam / rig patti rata ao sbyor ba 10/tahe dpag med pa rib tu bagom / 57
aarvegam eva mantramim vajrasattvavibhivanam // thee* cad la* byed shags rnatut la/gdon ci za batti ye gas bagom/
ity iha ca / silage mama thins cad. Bid la ni/rdo rje seas d.p4 rnam par bagca/58
yakyimimantratantramim yamintakaayaiva kalpanam / ass seats so/
sarvecim yogamantrinam9ia6tam mfirdhni pracodanam // 59 Shod ab2rinato yi ehage rgyud rJe Sew" iii brtag Par hY-a/
ity aha bnagavin mahi samaya4 / afiage mums thaw cad Sid is Tai/OPY1 bo *as ni, bskul ba gas/ 59
boos ldon 4das dam tebig ben Poe do skad coo bka4 steal to/
anena dhyanavajreya mantriradhanasam4a1as /
saihakinim nitam proktam mahisamayasidhanam // 60 toaft glen Okhor lo de yie ai/sAaSa mAas Pa Yi dyfl0khor dsg/
atha vajradharaY ii$ti earvadharmeivaray prabhuy / dam tibia chin pc, agrub byed. pa/agrUb pa po is Phan -Par gaufi/
40 nag atoa pa rao ria 4dsis/gtso bo hos =awls kua dbah PhYug/

xiyavakcittasamiuddho jainavajram udirayan a 61

aku clait gsuh thugs ?ohs (lag pas/ye ies Ho rje bkati stsal to / 61.
parvatigreau ramyeau vijaneau vano0A ca / ri rtee Rams ui dgatt ba d,ah / nag 'baba]. ,rab tu dben Par 'Ai /
Altionavajram prakurvIta jipamantrapray9gata4 // baam gtan rdo rje retb bya ba/bzlas dah shags kyi sbyor bas so/ 62
vajrasattvidaya4 sarve mantradhy;napracodit4 / Ho rje sems dpa4 la sogs kg/A/Silage A7i ba4A gtan Egie bskul bas/
.1 r
kurvanti citrakarmiai vakkarmavaco yatha of, gama gi ito kat bkA4 bsin, du/laa mama ama tAhogs bYedParlitgrilr/63
vajradharmamahibimbam padmarigasamaprabhas / Ado rie oboe kii gauge then Po /Padmarig40i tioct ttdra ba /
kiyavikcittevajreau thathins kulakalpanan // 6a sku gala thugs kyi Ho re la / gaol gm= du Jai rigs brtag go / 64
iveeanavidhim sarvam kirayan sidhyate dhruvam / &bob peliti oho a thong ead ni bias .u.s. ,gdort. mi za ,bar 4grub /
4 -
stobhastambhamahidivyam aryabhaumacaturthakam / bekul deli reha deli lha sheik po/ lisphago las bi po dag kyan La/
kartavyam siddhivajrema evam sidhyati eievatam // Ho rje grab pa dag gia bya de itar byas ua rt.* par tigrub / 65
dvaaiabdikam kanyam'pammam vi dvidalibdikam / bu mo le graha bcu gdis mattai khye#u 30 Fails bcU els pa /
sarve*IskOMasamparmam grhyiveeam prakalpayet // stab= fad thorns cad. 7013* rdsogs pa/biuit nas dbab pa rob tu brteg/ 66
vidhiaini tu sarvici krtvi karmaprasilhanam / cho ga the= cad byes aas lso =was rab tu bagrub par bya
anyath; hitsyam apnoti traidhitukelu jantuau // 6? mum pa gem da byes na allthams gsum skye boa dpias par 4gyur/ 67

tatremini brdayamantrekaarapadini / poi ofiago kryi yi soa,i *lug Si 'roams so/

/ fraV akki AAA! / Tat ild# An. Dati4I41,
khadhatum api niticesnam sarvakalpavivarjitam / nam akhatii khams ni sems mad cihirtos pa thams cad rnam spafis dah/
ivegayati vidhini vajrasattvam api svayam /0 144 4 acme 4P40 4111 id kyalt. / oho ga bin du bias na 4bab / 68
Hibilkart vajrasattvitm; HAgkirt k;yavajrima0 / Alf ni Ho rje seine dP*0i bdag HA Ai 'sku yi rd o rSe can /
I4karg dharmadharo rij; idam guilyapadam dr4ham //. 69 at oboe 4daiA rgYal Po eta / ith. Ai gsah tShig bataA Patio / 69
LItlearam etobhanam proktam bhrimanam kampanam sattam/ Dzaiagni bekul bar byed Par bead / tigul bei dah at gyo ba yin /
ego hi sarvastobhiniip rahasyo'yam pragyate // 70 Odi ni bakul ba theme tad kyl / gsah ba yin per 4di rab bead / 70
ity iha ca / khru gah team item khrm dc4am / khru brgyad taam mam ilia tsam
hastamitram dvihastam vi yivad dhastiatapaficakam / rdo rje some dP4 rab bskul naAjigs eifi bskrag nas 4phar bar gyur/
uttiinhanti bhayatrast; vajrarijaPraooditiO / sha ma ban du theme cad. 4gyur / 4di at gaah ba thob p&p / 71
tathaiva sarvam yath; parvaa idam guhyasamivaham1iti/7 de nas rgyal po Ho rje 4dzin / de bin gilegs pa kun gym. bdag /
atha vajradharo rij; sarvatathigatadhipa4 / situ gsum gnas ni yohs dag pas/ gsuh ti 44i s:kad bkalp steal to / 72
trikiyapadasamsuddha idam ghogam udIrgyan // 72 rtse gcig ma gyur pa yis kyah/brtul eugs brtan pas 4di dag bYa/
anekigragaten;pi idam kiryam dr4havratai4 / sbyor ba an min pas bya ba/gdug pa thams cad rnam giig P40/ 73
kartavyam nanya.vogena sarvaduaVavid;ramam // 73 dam khrod sol deli thub sOgs las/dgra yi gzugs brflan byas nas ni/
eatro0 pratikrtim krtv; cit;hg;ratuakibhi4 / okra beig per bur byUii nas ni/khaMs gsum dag kyah 4jig par byed4a
nagno muktaiikho bhatv; trailokyam api auflayot //
dur khrod ro barns thal ba yis/dgra, yi gzugs brimnbyas nes ni/
eatro4 pratikrtim krtvi emanacitibhasmani /
sahasr4Vaiaten'ipi mriyate niitra samiayakt // 75 - etch rtsa brad du bolas pas kyah/4chi:Gb;r 4gyu2 bar gdon.miza/75
d!ilJ:khor,gru plum byas ba 144 tialitam rta zrl ea /
gomimsahayamamsena evinami*sena citrini /
76 khyt yi ed4aM sna,tshogs kyle trdo rjetah gdon mi za bar Wig/ 76
trikomamanciale kirya* dhruva* vajrc'pi naoyati //
lia,chsn'gyie ni thams cad kyi./ rdo rje Lao ,hyuh, Wig par bead/
mahamamsena sarvegim nielana* vajrajam emrtan

daruq4 smrta0 //, 77 di ni dgra rnamm thems cad ityi,I 1jijpa Alin tu ni bead yin / 77
eao hi saritssru*.a* nasako
.dE ytgauge betas b3iss na ni/biah gei,dag gi chos Mchog
eatro4 pratikrtam krt."; vi*matrepigradharmigiml(
naiyat1f76 Waco makti me la Mimi, lacts barege/sSike reisa dag Wait hes par liij1g/78
ka*Vakignau Juliet kruddho dhruva* buddhe'pi
thu bolg. 4gram'AFais ea .yisloyehidgra i zuge pilau byas nas
ity iha ca /, c,-
til br1 tame tgis yen leo kun/dug las bra be4i -tsher ma yis/
eatro4 pratikrtim Iretvi nadisrotabgarr api /
beta betti tahIg clait boas pas rgyas ,dag kyaist,
tilamitram api sarvihga* kaqtakair vicasalphaVai4/
piirayec codanapadair dhruvap buddho'pi naiyati // 79 eke lan te wa 4bru mar dah/'dng da'dadura
h ni'/'1"r Wig/ 79
ity iha ca / sails rgYas there cad bad pa la/di dag mchog.tu .gyur or,baad/ 80
rijika* 1ava0am taila* via ip dhattaraka* tathi / sol khUs gier'batti gos dag:ni / gyonte.sems-ni khros nas su /
maraw sarvabuddhanim idam ireOhialtama* amt.= // eo rk(4xtpat.lifigs linen nes nl,/_eriftpoe 4k40V bar gdon mi za / 81
aheara7rdragata* vastra* privrtya krodhacetast4 / 'sus phye kilrag dah dug rnmms ko.e/gaugs brlan rab tu byas na ni/
lihgam pidenixramya.rik*asair grhYlite,dhruvam // 81 rdo rje sem#-dpatt drag po yan/myur ba dag tu4khyer bar tigYur/ 82
prakrtim asthicamena vive*a rudhire*a ca / ske'tehe blah get sbyar be yis/.iihga yois su.gah bar ni /
krtvii tu grhyate eighra* vajrasattvo'pi diruq4 // 82 blugO La rkah pas, rab mnan naitsba ba Chen Poe btab par 4gyar/ 83
lihga* rijikasawukta* vi0matreglipi pfiritam /
pidikrintagata* krtvi maaidihena grhyate // _ 83 do is )di ni do bein glees pa the.= csekYi dsm.tshig;chen po4i
ity iha ca / tatredam sarvatathigatsvajramahikrodha- rdo rJo khro botti.sfiii polo/




sbyin ereg yah ns bsam gtan dag / lus deii hag some 4jig pa ate /
home...* v;athavi dhya7na* kiyavikcittabhindalum / ma yehs pa yi some kyis bye / 4di ni gaod p4i mchog yin no / 84
kartavyam ninyacittena ida* meraqam uttamam // rd0 rje seMs dpatt khro bo che/rnam par bgrad Ps Wigs Wigs its./
vajrasattva* mahikraram vikaVotka0bhieanam / eta re tho be PhYsg so bsssms/bsams nastsam gtan rab tu bya/ 85
kuVhiramudgarahasta* dhyitvi dhyinam prakalpayet // 85
de la 4di ni drag po chem po41 khro bo4i dam tshig go/
tatredam mahikrarakrodhasamaYam /
mkha0 dbyihs thams cad oaks rgyas kyis/yoha su gah bar rab tu bagoal
khadtitum paripurnam tu sarvabu1dhai4 prabhivayet /
ghititam tena dusVena dhyiltvi mriyate tatksanit // 86
gdug pa di yis bead per ni / beams na de ma thag tu4cht / 86

pariptirsam vibhivayet /
seas ryas byah chub seas dpa4 yin/poi:IA su gan bar bsgoms nas nil
buddhaii ca bodhisattvais ca
gdug paig some pas bead na ni / rdo rje tazin pa Aid kyah litchi/ 87
ghititam dusVasattvena mriyate vajradhara4 svayam //87
cintayet purato mantrl ripum buddhipaki.7,inam / sails ryas gnod byed dgra rnams la/skrag ea -Wigs Pas
dkrugs par nil
bhita4 bhayikulam cinten mriyate nitra samhaya4 // 88 shags mkhan gyis ni mdun beams na/4chi bar tigyur bar gdonmi sa/88
riksasair vividhai4 kriraU pracan4ai4 krodhadaru4ai0/ srin po Almallm)...Sima.tabags pa/ thus iih khro bo mi bzad pas /
trisitam bhivayet tena mriyate vatradhara4 svayam //89 der ni skrag par byas bases na I' rdo rje 4dzin pa Aid xyah tichi/89
uiukaiJ kikagrdhraie ca eiTg&lair dirghatun4akai4 / Oug pa khwa dah bya rgod dah /maim rth ba dah wa rnams to /
2 0
bhaksbaup bhivayet tais tu dhruvam buddhospi naiyatt00 de yis zoo par beams ma ni / sans rgyas dag kysh hes par Wig/ 90
kvsnasarpam mahikriiram bhayasyipi bhayapradam / sbrul gnag nab tu khro be ni/4jigs pa dag kyah Wigs par byed/
dhyitvii visigrasamayam laliVedam vieicyate / dug gi mchog gi dam tshig ni/dpril bar bawls na khyad phags p&p./
bhaksitam tena sarpesa dhruvam buddho'pi naiyati // 91 sbrut des zoo par bsaas na nt/sahs rgyas dag kyah hoc par Wig/ 91
dagadiksarvasattvinicm heti copadravasya "gra / phyogs boulg sems can thorns cad la/yams sam gnod par byed pa rnamS/
lhayam nipitanam gresVham idam codanam uttamam /I 92
Wigs pa hes par 4bebs pa0i achogAdi ni bskul ba4t*mohog yin n462
mulgarena pracan4ena urasi ticiayed vrati / tho be rob tu drag po yis / brtut lugs can gyis BAJA khar brdeg/
%hraiyate jivitic chatrur vajradhjavaco*yathi // 93 rio rje 4dzin paOt bkaO ban du/dgra bo4i arog ni med par tigyur/ 93
sphilanam kuVVanam cintet kuVharidyidivatrinaib / rdo ries eta re is sogs pas / slag oth gtub par beams na ni /
mriyate trikiyavarado vajlasattvoipidiru44 // situ gsum gyi ni mchog sbyin pa/ rdo rje some dpatt drag pottah4ohi/9a
riksasidyini mantrini devatini ca kllayet / bsruh ba is sogs shags rnams dah/lha moms kyah ni phur bus gdab/
eso hi m&rinigritgrati aamayo duratikram4 // 95 Odi ni good per byed pabi mehog/dam tshig am tu da dkalit ba4o/ 95
skandhavajrena yivanta4 sattvis tiOhanti mas4a1a/ rdo rje4i phuh pos jt team du / soma can dkyil 'Ahoy 4,dnas pa is /
ghitanitmagatin cinted evam tusyanti ninyatha // 96 bead bdag Aid gtogs beams us ni/miles par 4gyur te giant du min/ 96
budaho vajradharalia gs'al vajradharmo'pi 4ajrina4
/ ston pa sails rgyas rdo rje 4dzin/rdo rte chos dah rdo rje can/
mriyate dhyanayo6ena cittavajravaco yathi // 97 rdo rje thugs kyi bk4 biin du/bsam gtan sbyor bas chi bar 4gyur/97
ity iha bhagavin mahikrarasamayavajrakrodha4 / boom ldan 4das khro bo chen p4i dam tshig khro boa de skad ces
bka4 steal to/


atha vajradharo raja sarvikaio mahamuni4 / de nas rgyai po rdo rje 4dsin/thams cad nam nacho thub chen po/
sarvabhitilekasambuddho jfianavajram udIrgyan // 98 theme cad bskur rdssogs salts rgyas/ye gas rdo rjes
bkakt steal pa/ 9
aho svabhavasamiuddham vajrayanam anuttaram / ma4o ito bo flid. kyis rdo rje thes pa Ibis *na med
anutpannecu dharmeou utpatti4 kathiti jinai // 99 ma skyes pa yi oboe mass la/rigal ba rums kris skye bar bstan/99
tatredam kliudravajrakarmarahasyam /
khaVikahsireia likhet sarpaip vikvtam A bhayapradam/
de la 1;di ni las phran tshegs kyi rdo rje fssaft ba4o/
sbrul at at sdug 4jigs byed pa/nag po Oar boa thrug ci 'Ebro/
kmam jvilikulam kruddham dvijihvam damOramainana00
lee gills ache b4i tohren can ni/rdo rgyus dag gam sol bas bri/ 100
tatredam kraranagacodanahrdsyam /
da la /di ni kin Wino bo baba bskOi Rah, po4o/
/ Kaki /
vsktramadhyagatam cinted viva* halahalapribham /
rdo rje4i dbus na 41ciug par ba dug ni halaktala steams /
dahantam agnivaripm ca bhavayami calate dhruvam // 101
Brig pabi me i iia dog Mhz% / bsgoas na tigul bar gdon miii za IOI
tatredam sarvavioakargagahvdaiam /
/ do la .4di at dug theme cad byin 134i Mill potto/
traidhatukasthitam sarvalp viva* vividhasambhavam /
102 pa sue tatioss lam byuit dug/khans gaol net at pas pa kun/
hTtam tu bhivayet tena patamanelik vicintayet
de yis khyer bar :flagons nits ni/4bab par gyur par rnam par beam/ 102
sa bhavet tatkqa4ad eva vigodadhisudan14a4 /
spv0amitre jagat sarvalp naiayen nitra samhaya43// 103 de at de Ma twig tu yeit mi bzact dug gi rgya mtshor tigyur
reg ma thag tu sky. bo in %di la the tehom med. 103
maigakavricikadini sarpa# vividhani ca./
sdig pa rue able la sogs dailabrul rnams sna tehogs pa flag kyai2/
kartavyani vidhinena yogotpattikalakfa01.4 // 104
sbyor ba litbyait ba0.1. mtaben Aid. kyie/cho get ban du Dab tu bya/ 104
tatredam sarvaviqamahasamkrama4tahrdayam /
de la 4di ni dug theme cad ;oho ba#i Baia p040/
/ 0# /
4 Ofit
drOivajravicadini ye ciaye Viparu441 /
akTgya 6
5 jAinavajre4a prerawam khavajramaq4a1e // 105 lta ha rdo rjetti dna la Bogs glen yetis miii bzad pa yi dug /
nut 464 rtto rje4i dicyil4khor du/beams ma ye lies rdo rjes 4dre4405
ity .ha bhagavin mahavigasamayavajra4 /
boom ldan dug gi dam tehig chen po rdo rjes de skad ces
7 8
'tatredam vitimsamayacikitsanavajrahrdayam hka0 steal to/
/ Hov /
hvdayam idam mahivajram sitavar4am vicIntayet /
de la 4di at dug goo ba0i dam tshig rdo rje4i sftiit poJito/
II / /
aamimegham mahadiptam candrimeum iva gtalam // 106
rdo rje chen potd. Gab. po 4)di kha dog dkar por rnam par beam /
Isiod kyi eprin at iin tu bbar zla ba4.1. 4od zer biin du bail / IO$
catulpthinaprayoge*a salpharanniuttiOhati kgwitit gems bii dag tu ebyor baYie/ de ma thag tu likbyuil bar 4gYur/
dvitrin varran prabhivitv; chaidayanta* vicintayet/ lam gSuM legs par ogee De ui/ skYuge pa deg tu =am baama na/
khadhitu*3vi*s88111pi1*a* nirviqa* kurute kvat // 107 /lam inkhaV, idioms kun 6 ba lah/40 me tbag tu mad 4gYuT/ 107
ity ;ha ca / lea de skad bke0 steal to/
4 -
tetrads* sarvopavicsakarcaohrdayam de let 4di eti fl.e ba0i dug thesis cad dralpaig saih polio/
/i's, J41 /
gaOspiVakelatail ea ye c;ays vyid1aySO'smrt4 / 4bras deli phol Joie 4tbrwit bu dahigah glen nad du bead pa ruama/
naiyanti dhyinamitre*a vajrapinivaco yathit // 108 pbyag na leo rjejai bkaO bita du/belie pa team gYie med. Par litgYsW108
aqVapatra* mahipadms* eardikam iva nirmalam / Pedme chen p0 4deb ma brgyad / sla ba balm du dri ma med. /
tatra madhyagataq cintet paficaraimiprspiritam // 109 de yi dbus na 4dng beam pa / 4od zer liia ni rdzoge patto / 109
savatie kmasamsys* ccdane sitssavnibham edud Pa na ni dam tebig gnag / bakul ba na- ni dkar ps 4dra /
ida* dhyinapada* guhyasp rahasya* ginanirmalam Yi: II0 bees gban via* na gsah ba 4di / ye lea dri med gsah ellen Yin / 110

tat remini bihydyamikavyidhicikitsivajrahvdayamantri7- de is 101 ni phyi nah ni nad mama goo batti rdo *rje efiih po4i
kgarapad;ni / shags kyi yi ge4i tehig rnims so/
yad evikcarapadam iroVa; Waved bhaktigu*;vaham / nad kyi rdo Tje bekul ba yie /yi gebi tshig ni gah.4dod pa /
batvayettidpia*bimbaltvyidhivejrapracodanai4// III dad pas yon ten thob 4gynr ba/de bdrabi gzuge ni begom par bya/ III
vinsrikirasamayam athav; ivinasalphavam / dam tshig sPre4Udih. /Ara b4am/yall na khyi las blOri baOah rnhi
svakiyav;kcittapadZ niiicarantw;1 viciatayet // 112 ran gyi us hag semi gnas las /byuh bet dag tu rnam par beam / 112
cakra* v; athavi vajrsit dhyitvi vajrapade sthita0 / 4kbor loam ni rots 404sh rub/begone net rdo rjetti go'onah gnae/
kelyavikcittasemaya* ctingita* tena bhivayet // 113 ins deli :hag semis dam table rnams/des ni phye mar brlag par bagolD/113
tata.4 prabhTti sa*buddh; bodhisattv; mahiyail0 / de nes brtsams te rdsoge sahs egYae/byah chub some dp4 grags
adhiaVhinapada* ramya .adanti hrOacakqu*a4 // 114 chen reams /
byin rlabs go tiphaii, dam pa dagidass P4i slVan ale rablmAso3/1I4

ity aria ca /
svakiyavikcittavejrasu buddhameghin vicintayet /
vajrarajamahimagha* bhavayan vyadhimokmam
- 11
//iti/ 115
bodhisattvapi ca dhlmatim /
tt skad cos isztaix bk4 steal to/
rsh us iag elms TO ria 1a / eats rgyas eprin dag Imam Par beam/
rde rie raid pb eprim ehen po/nad las them par =Lam par begom/ 115
13 _ X, phyoge bc4i eahs rgyae thaw cad dah/blo ldan byah chub
kruddhan Onavayet tasya mirawt* pirameirthikam // 116
same dp4 dag/
de is Waco par beams as ni / 4chi bar byed pa dam pa yin / 116
beam sten favor ha di deg gia/las Skyes ei yait gah grass pa/
anena dhyinayogena karmaja* vpi yat savtam /
brgya rtsa brgyad bzlaS sbyor ha ma bdun
tiatisVaji.payogena dinai saptair vinaiyati "7 Wig Par 4gYur/II7
athava svamantrarijena vajradhyinavidhi4 smrta4 yai na bd.e.g gi a4ags rgyal gyisirdo rjetti bsam gtan oho ga bees/
eso hi sarvavyidhlni* samayo duratikrama4 // 118 mid mama theme cad. kyi/dam tshig em tu Irld4 dk4 batio/17.8
atha vajradharo riji janihkuiamahadyuti4 / do has rgra Po rao rJo 4dalo,/ ysieSs kyo ha 40d PO oho /
lamamoksamahivajra idarp vacanam abravit // 119 4dod .h thar pe. 144 rje obss/ gah ni 4d1 skad bkalistsal to/ 119
svapnopamesu dharmesu anutpidasvabhavigu / ehos rnaMS rmi lam lta bu fits/ ho bo Aid kyis ma okYoo gin /
svabhivatiuddhatattvegu Warantivajra4 pragiyate // 120 rail ban deg pa de Bid
2 la /4khrul pa01 rdo rds rab to gauh / 120
pagyanti sEldhaki nitya*japadhyinirthatatPari4 beam Oen bzias pa don brtson ps44/sgrub pa pos ni rtag tu mthoh/
buddhas ca bodhisattvas ca dvidhibhedena dariianam//I2I sate rgyas byah chub seme, dpatt rnems/dbye ha Timm pa 'gas
su mtholi 121
tatreda* mahrisvapnasamayapadem /
de la %di ni rat lam shwa poi dam tahig gi gnas te/
bodhijffinigrasaippriptem pagyiti Addhasuprabham
bysi chub rto etas ache% thob pas/GaAs rgyas Ood ni bash por mthoii/
buddhasavbhosakityaqt vitmnwp laghu paiiyati // 122
eats Agyas rdsogs bus spiod pa yi/skur yaie bdag
traidhitukamahisattvaiti piijyamina* sa patiyati / myur du mthon/ 122
buddhaig ca bodhisattvaie ca paticakimagwoir diruvam/ seas can (then po khans gsua pas/ashod pa byed par des mthoh.
pasiyate bimboast mahijilinasamaprabhas // 123 ye its chart poi tiod .drag gsugs/saiis rgyas byen chub
ssms dpakt yis/
vajrasattvamataibimbam vajradharmamandagam
$dod. pai yon loan Via =tans Iryie/rtag tu mehod pa byed par mthaVI23
svabimbaig patiyate svapneguhyavajramah. // 124
rdo rje, semi dpatti gauge *hen dah/grags pa ohm po rdo rje chos/
pranamanti mahibuddhil bodhisattviii ea vstjri4a41 /
-9 -9 gsaii ba, rd0 rje grass pa cher/rmi lam dag ma ran' gsugs mthoii/ 124
drakqyate idrian svapuan kiyavikcittasiddhidan // 125
byaii chub some 03.P4 11.0 rje 4821/11d18 raw chen po phyag Ionia batti/
sarvalamkirasamparnim 8wake/23am manoramal /
rsi lam di4dre inthoi 4.1gyur ba/Sku gsuit` thugs kyi dhos grub s1er/125
darakin 1iriki4 paoyan aa siddhim adhigacchati /1 126
11 risraut rnams theme cad yofis /AZOV pa4i/The, yi bu mo yid, kid),
daiadikearvabuddhinam kmetraethin paiyate dhruvam/
khysOu deli bu mo clas rntholi 118110 a dhoti) grub tithob par 4gyur/ 126
dadanti hrinacittitmi dharmagejam manoramos // 127
phyogs bou4i sails rezias thaw cad. lqyaik/iiii ma bsugs par
dharmacakragatam kiyam earvabuddhai4 parivrtam / Iles par mthoiti
paiyate yogasamaye dhyinavajrapratignhita4 // 128 thugs a dors par mit= nes kcitaitichos mdzod yid du lilo ba stso1/127
ariimodyinemividhin surakanyidyalaMkrtii / oboe lcyi bkhor lo sgyur bat lus/Saas rgyas kun gyis yoiis bskor ba/
paiyate dhyinasomaye earvabuddhair adhimPitii // 129 beam Owl rde rje la gnaw PoWidem tabig sbyor bas mthoit bar Usym/128
kun dga4 ra ha skyed mos tehal/lha yi bu mo sogs pas ratan/
sails rasa kun gyis byin brlabs pas/beam gtan dam tshig can
gyca mthoit / 129
sails rgyaS 'OA chub sems dva# y1s/de ni mit= par dbah bskur mth0ii/
buddhaii ea bodhicattvaii ca abhiffktaf sa paiyati /
rig #deta:rgyal vo then po yie/mChod pa byed par dee mtbab. ho/ 130
vidyadharamahirajai4 ptijyaminaft ca paiyati // 130
yaitseuila pa/
ity iha ea / rdo rje lap bYUh ena tehogs valli/rmi lam dri ma med mthoh na/
vividh vajrasafbatin svapnin patiyati nirmalin / eku gsUA thugs kyi rd0 rJe laS/ekYee Pa bla med }grub par #gYur/I3I
sidhyateinuttaraf tasya kiyavikcittavajrajam // I? -
gdel pa khyl Yi ebY0r la eogsi' gal te rdo rje blos mthoh. ma /
cafdalaivinayogidin paiyati yadi vajradhl# /
3, blo Man rdo rje some dPa4 71/ssms kYi gnu, mi 4Srub Par IiigYar/ 12
sidhyate cittaailayaf vajrasattvasya dhimata# // 132
de la 4di iii rmi lam rnam Par dIntad pa#i dam tehig-z.i eirdh Poo/
tatredaf evapnaviciratamayahrdayam / rah SOMB imams ni dolga Pa la/ches mama theme cad ,kb tu gnas/
svacittaf cittaaidhyaptau sarve dharmg# pratifVhita0/ 133
am altha4 rdc rJei ghaa some #di/ebee Ined. chos Bid med. patio/
khavajrasth; hy am' dharmilla dharmi ma ea dharmati/433
do nao boom ldOm tideo de bin gee& Pa theists cad ho mtshar du
atha bhagavanta4 sarvatathigati itioaryapripti adbhuta- gum =ad du our natoids- ban siege pa thaw cad .11yi sku, dah
pript4 sarvatathigatakayavikcittastmaYasaillia7aBbettira* vat dafi ttaiga dam tshig gi the tehom good pa rdo rje some
vajrasattvaf papracchu4 / kim idaq bhagavir.\ dp4 la ins pa/boom ldan *dais Idi oi eato lags/
ni4svabhiveou dharmeau dharmatattvam udihvtam / oboe mina "no bo mad pa la '/ ()hoe Icri de ad. kun bead pa /
aho vismayasafbhatam ;kiga ikiiabbilvanam // iti / 134 Imo ao &boar las trait bainas micha4 la ni main michaiii agora/ 134
5- is nas bccm 'den tidas de ban giegs pa thams cad kyi situ deli
atha bhagavin kayavakcittavajrapafis tathigata# sarvp:-
tathigatin evam iha / bhagavanta# sarvatathigatiO / ggiuh deli thugs phyag na rde ria de bark (Siege Pau/de bin siege
ai ma kena cid dharmeqa sagruktaignapy asafyuktafi ma pa theme cad la #di skid coo gouhs so/boom idau tides de bin giegs
cikigasyaivalp bhavati / sarvagatoitaf sarvatranadarei ca/ Pa thaw co4inam zokh4,ai oboe gait dait yah mi ldan te/Mi ldan pa
evam eva bhagavanta# sarvatathagat8b,sarvadharn4 slitsPni# Yail ma Yin no/mom mkhab de ha ni oboe theme cad du gtogs la/thams
svaphasamayasafbhatai catuagantavyitt / taayathipi nima cad kyi rjee en blta40 edam du Yah mi some so/de bin du boom ldan
bhagavanta4 sarvatatatgati4 / ikaiam aniripyam aaidarianam 4dae dB biin gieg* Pa theme cad rmi lam lta bu defilimi lam gYi
apratigham / evam eva bhagavant4 sarvatathagata# sarva- dam tshig las bYuit bar rJes su rtcoge Par bYa00/bcom ldan 4das de
dharmi anugahtavyi4 / tadyath;pi alma bhagavanta4 8arva- ban gieSa Pa thane cad/di lta ste/dper ma main mkha0 brtag tu
tath;gati4 sarvadharmaxiyaviacittavajrapadasamayaf sarva- med. ott bltar mi auah ba thoge pa med pa de ban du/boom ldaa .4da8
de bian siege pa them dad chos theme cad kysil rjes su rtogs par
bya#o/boom ldan Odas de ban gilege'pa thams cadAdi lta ste/dper
ma lus daa tag daa seine dot chos theme cad rdo rje#i gnas 4i dam
3 ea'
tshig nittilama cad kyi rjes au soh. ba iio bo iid. pig pe.4 phyir
triaugatam ekasvabb;vam yaduta cittasvabhivam yati ea te I4i lta ate seas kyt o bo Ztid do/lus deli itag dah seine kyi
kliyavakcittodhitur akiliadhitug ckvayam etad advaidhl- khams gait yin pa dailinam alitha4i WILMS de dag is su med. eifi
karam / tadyathapi n;ma bhagovanta4 sarvatath;gati4 / Otis su byar med. do/bcon ldan Odaa d.c ban gags pa theme cad!
akigadh;tuethit4 sarvasattvikt sa c;kieadbitur a4 kima- Jitdi lta vite/dper ma sems can thams cad main mkhgti khans gnas
lhittusthito na rapadhatusthito n;rapadh;tusthito ca te/nas mkbatti Vim" de yah ildod palt khams ma gnas pa yaii ma yin/
dharmas traidhituke na sthitas tasyotpado nasti yasyot- gauge kyi Ichtorts ma gam; pa yah, ma An/swigs med patti khams ma
pido n;sti nisau kena cid dharme4o saltbhilvyate / tasmit gnas pa ma yin telabos gah khans sawn ma ml gns.s pa de ni skye ba
tarhi bhasavanta4 sarvatathigati ni1lsvahh;v4 sarVa-* sod,Ungaii la aim, based. pa liteu i chos gah gis k7ah.brtag par
dharmi iti / si nue so/de be* ma boom idea 4das de bin giegs pa thams cad/
shoe than* cad. ho bo Aid rued. PS.00/
tadyath;pi niMa bhagavanta4 sarvatathigati bodhicittaip kye boos bita %%dee de bin sings pa thews ca1/4di lta ste/dPer ma
sarvatathigatajanotp;danavajrapadakaram tac ca bodhi- byah chub k;Pi. Bess al de biota Siege pa thams cad kyi ye gee 4bytxh
citta, na kiyasthitem na viksthita* na cittasthitam / be rdo rjetti Via* bYed Pa ste/brah chub kri sems de yaii. lus la
yai ca dharmas traidaltuks ma sthitas tasyotpido TABU / al gns* hog Iasi gnas fleas la ml galls so/oboe gah khams gam us
idam sarvatathagatajft;notpioisnavajrapadam/ ml gums pa de la sky be led. do/Odi ni ye ties 4bYuh ba rdo
gams yin. Da/
no ca bhagavaatgt sarvatath;gat4 svapnasyaivagt bhavati k7e bcom ldan 4das de blia SiisSa Pa theme cad/rmi lam de nilbdas
shall traidhatuke svapnapaday dastiayeyam / 'na ca puruaas- Si* "chalk* gamin du rmi lam mtboh bar byalito sfiat du mi sena so/
yaivam bhavati she.* evapnalp paeyeyam iti ca trai- mlyaht bdag gis rni lam mthoh ho snap, du mi sem ao/Ichama gaum
dhatukaicriy; svapnopasi svapnasadver svapnAswpbhat; / gyi bya ba de muss Urahirsi lam lta bu/rsi lam dah 4dra ba/rmi
event eva bhasaventg sarvatath;gat; yivanto daiiadiksarva- lam lea brah bap/de biin du boom ldan 4das de ban gauss pa
lokadh;tuau buddhiti ca bodhisattvie yivantatt sarva- thass ced/PhYogs bantli 4iig rten gyi khams kyi Bah's, rgyas dah/
sattvai) serve te svapnanairitmyapadenaugantavy4 byah chub seas dpa 31 sited Pa rnams dah/sems ji sfied pa
tadyathapi ulna bhagavantg sarvatathigatikt / cin.tamatti- theme cad kYah/rmi lam la bdag med patii saas au rjes su rtogs
rotnom satwaratnaprodhEtnam sarvagwopetam / ygo ca aattv4 par by44o/bcom ldan 4das de biin geegs pa theme cad/Odi lta stet
priirthayenti suvarnalit vi ratnaqi Va.raupyalp v; tat same* dpor ma yid ban gyi nor bg rim po che ni/rin po che theme cad
kyi stso bo yon tan thaws cad dah ldan pa ste/rin po che theme
cad kyi gtso bo you tan thaws cad dah ldan pa gah yin pa de la/
seine can gah dag gis gser ran rin po chgtam dhul yah run ste/gah
kuparamudgarahas am dhyatva dhyanam prakaipayst //

ba beleSs pa de dag theme cad beams pa tsam gyie tibyor ba byed

cintitamitre4aiva sampidayati / tac ca ratnidyaM as de/rin pc, che is soge pa ae daSkyafi sems la yith id glia0/y14
sthitam na cintima4isthitam / evam ava talaSaVantaki sarve?"
btn gyi nor bU is Yafi gnas pa as yin no/do biin du ibcom ldark
tathigati4 sarvadharma buddhadharmi anugantav7i4 / Odas de bin seep Pa theme cad chos thEose cact dah/sahs ryas
kyi chos theas cad 44. rjeS ,su rtogs par by4o/
atha te bhagavanta4 sarvatathigati4 praharaotphullalocani0
de ass bco %OAS de b$3.4n gloss pa de dag tehois cad rab
sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavajram tathigatam eve* ihub /
aicarya* bhagavan yatra hi nima ikiliadhitusamavasaramegu die** 40etssi6daha nels/4i b4W6ies8 pathams cad ,kyi sku-
4 '
sarvadharmesu gacchanti / atha
buddhadharmi4 samtrva0ara481p
doll 4300;1 dah tiaufse rdo rje do 14\atilegti pa la 4di Skad ces gaol

to sarvabuddhabodhisattvi bhagavato vajrapines tathigatagra to/be= 1dan.4.dall saii nem mkbatti. khans ky* rjes su A 'rai ba4i
pidayo4 praqipatyaivam ihuVyad bhagavati earvaMantra- chos theme cad le.s4,0 rgyas-kyi shoe rnams rjes au Obran ba
vajrasiddhisamuccayam bhiaitam tini ca sarvamamtravaira- dc o mtahar to/de nas Baba rasa dah byes chub sems dpati

samuccayasiddhini kutra sthitini5 / Visas cad kyisibeoni ldan 4das playas na rttu rjcade ban gliegs
paig. 'jabs gfiis la phyag Vtabal ram kat skad ces 43E1161 to/gah
atha vajrapiqis tecim tathigatinim bodhisattvinim Ca beogi ldan 4das khle). 448 #itss Vaasa cad ko rd.o rje4i d.hos
grub *dor'Leduc te awaits
:lags thorns cad kyi rje mdor
sixwakiram dattvi tin sarvatatbagatin evam iha / na bhaga.
vanta4 sarvatathigati4 sarvamantrasiddhIni sarvamantra- bsdus pat& dhas grub de deg .140)}. is gaits/
kiyavikcittasthitiai / tat kasya heto4 / paramirthata# de nag phyag aa rd . rjeada biiin glega pa theme cad dah/byah chub
kiyavikcittamantrasiddhinim asambhavit / kimtu bbagavantati seas dpab de deg theme cad. la/legs so ties bya ba byin nas/de
' 0.

sarvatathigatiO sarvamantrasiddhini servabuddhadharmimi gliegS pa thane cad is }di skad ces gamins so/bcoa ldan. 4das
svakiyavikcittavajrasthitini / tax: ea kiyavikcittavajrem dc in giegs pa theme cad shags kyi dos grub theses cad n.i./sku
kimad.hitustaitam na rapadhatusthitem nirtipadhitusthittup/ d.ah stub dah thugs la mi. gaas so/de pitit Vhyir ie Ina/
as cittam kiyasthitam /La kiyam cittasthitam na vik aitta- 40akyaii boom idea litdas de ban giegs pa thorns cad. shags kyi
sthiti na cittam viksthitam / tat kasya hetor ikieavat ditos b themS cad dailiseAs rgyas kyi oboe thams cad ni bdag si
svabhivaiuddhatvit / lull ciai ag dah seas rdo rje la ni so/lus dah hag dah seas
rdo rje de deg lqah/4d.od pakti khamS na mi gnas gzugs kyi khams
na mi g,nas gzugs med. pa0i khams na ml. vas/Seas Vieth lus is mi.
gnarl 1us kyah seas is mi gnasiiiag kysi seas is mi. gnas seas kyah
hag la mi gnas so/ de ei4i phyir e na/nam mitha4 ltar ito bo
dag pa4i phyir ro/
de ass de bin giegb pa this cad kyi sku dah gsun dah thugs
atha te sarvatatni6at;# sarvatathigatakiyavikcittavajram rdo rje is #di akad ces gsol to/bcom ldaa #das le biin giets pa
evam ;hu# / sarvatathigatadharm; bhagavan kutra sthit;# thaw cad kyi chos gah na gnats gah aas byuh/dpal rdo rje seine
kva v; salphtiti# / vajrasattva iha / svakiyavikcitta- dpas tomb steal pa/rah gi lus dah hag dah seine las byuh ho/bcom
saTsthit;# svaA;yavikcittasaliabhat;# / bhagavanta# sarva- Ilan Odas Ue bin gsegs pa theme cad kyis sol pa/sems gah as
tataiileAtt7A ihu4 / citta* kutra sthitam / akasthitam / gnae bka# steal pa /nam mlahnO is 6nas so vol pa/nam lalhaO 6ai
ikaiaT kutra sthitam as kvacit / atha te sarvabuddha- as gnas/bka0 steal pa/gai as yah mi gnas so/de ass sahs rgyas
boothisattvi iicaryapripti adbhutapript;# svacittadharmat;- da..h byah chub some dpaO de dag ito mtshar du gyur rmad du gyur
- 3 nas/rah gi soma kyi otos aid is gnas ass seine sin cal mi smra
vinaralp dhyayaatas tticam sthit; abhavan /
bar Okhod par cur to/

sarvacittasamayasiravajraseqbatir aims paVala# paftcadatia4/

some can theme cad kyl dam ts.hig gi sgli poi rdo rje by ba
ties bya baOi leOu ate boo lia p&p/

atha bhagavanta4 sarvatathgata4 puna4 samajam igamya
de nas boom ldaa 4das de ban giegs Pa thaws, cad yait 4dus par
bhagavantam sarvatathagatakayavikcittavajram tathagatap
gyur nas/bcon ideal litdas de biin giegs pa thaw cad kyi sku dah
sarvatathigatakayavikcittavajrapadair adhyecya sarva-
gsUh dah thugs rdo rle de bill/ gissa pa 1a/de ban siege pa
tathagataratnavajrapijavyilhaitt pajayim a8U /
thams cad kyi sku dai&sub, data thug's- k71 rdo ris41 dast tshig
gis 001 ba btab nas/de bila gliegs pa them* cad kyi rdo rje
atha bhagavin vajrapanis tathagata4 sarvavajramalgala-
simhasamayarijavyiham mama samidhim aamapadyedam vajra- rin ohm gyl *Chad, ;m4l tahogs*YU =hod Pa bYa 04)/
kayamagalam sarvabuddhanam svakayavikcittavajrebhya
de mas boos ldan Idas phys,g na rdo rje de bita giegs pa/rdo rje
3 -
thrum emit,/ euryil 4kbor 2.4 644 dam tshig gi rgyal po
bya batd, tiiihe dsin la snorts Par siuga nas/rdo
4khor 4di sans rails thams cad kyl Sku dah gsuh dah thugs
athata4 sampravakqyami kayamagalam uttamam /
cittavajrapratikagam sarvamagalam uttamam // vie rje lea playui an/
roo4aiahastam prakurvita caturasram suiobhanam /
de Juts aku yi 4441 1;k1ior schog/thugs kyi dkY11 4khor rab ]Ara be/
dUyil 4.khor =Jos ni kun gY1 sohog/legs par rab tu bead par bye/ I
man4alam sarvabuddhanim kayavajrapratigVhitam 7/ 2
tasyabhyantarag cakram ilikhed vidhivajrayi /
khru ni bau drug tahaa du bye / gru bii lhas pa rab tu mdaes /
mudrivajrapadam kuryan mantranim guhyam uttamam // 3
ash* rgYss kun gyi dkY11 4khor te/sku yi rdo rje rab tu gaas/
madhye vairocanapadam akeobhyadite calikhet /
de 71 nab.' du 4khor lo ni rdo ri4041 0120 gas bri bar bye /
k;;avakcittavajrigrin sarvakona niveeayat / ahags rams kuugY1 gsah ba atchog/phyag rgya rdo rje4i snag subya/3
-6, - dbus au, rams par snail adaad, gnas/mi bskyod pa la sogs paiitah bri/
krodhaips calikhed dviri mahabalaparikraman // 4
aku dah gouh thugs rdo rje schog/grra mama kun tu dgod par bya/
pj kurvita mantrajao guhyavajraprabhavitam /
7 stobs Oben Phaor01 gnon pa yi / khro bo rums Irjah egor brikto / 4
eo hi sarvamantranam samayo duratikrama4 // 5

avaiyam eva ditavyam vinmatridyam vitiegata4 /

rdo rjs gsah 14a rob bsgoms pas/ schod pa shags es .Pa yis bye /
elp hi sarvamlitrinim samaya4 kayavajrinim // ni shag* mane thews cad kW1/das tante; elm tu 4dalgt dkalit ba40/5
sarvatathigatakayamalgalam /
biai goi ba la Bogs pa /bye brag tuai hes Par dbul /
#di ni ahags mama thorns cad kyi/sku yi rdo rje lea dam tshig/
atha bhagavan vajrapanis tathigata0 sarvavigvajrasamaya-
de biin gisgs pa thams cad kyi ekui dkyil ktkhor ro/
meghavyiham nama samadhim samipadyedam vigvajrameugalam
de nss boom Odas PhYag na Ho re dok)lin gees pas gfuh Ho
svakiyavikcittavajrebhya udijahara /
rje thaws cad kyi dam tshig sprin bkod pa ies bye ba41 tifi he
Odsin la atoms par iuge nas/oSuh Ho rje4i dkyil 4khor U. Rid
kyi eku dah genii deli thugs rdo rte las phyuh hoi-
3 C3
athita9 sampravaksyami vahmaigalam uttamam / do use genii gt dkyil 1kbor 'whoa/thugs kyi dkyil 4khoT Tab 9dra ba/
cittavajrapratikigam sarvama94alam uttamam // dkyil Okhor tnana ni ken gyt nehog/lega pat rab tu biad, par bya/ 7
vimiatihastam prakurvita caturasram vidhinata9 / khru ui ni iu0i tab.& du bye gru bet lhas pa cho ga bila /
catu9ko9am caturdviram strayed vajrabhivanai9 // 8 gr's baa. Pa la Ss bii Par / rao rife bosons pas tbig gdab be / 8
2tasya madhye mahicakram alikhet parimeugalam / do dbUs 9khOr 10 0:hou Po st / alua pa kua tu bri bar bya /
sarvamudrii samisena ilikhed vidhitatpara9 // ado ra PbYag 1"$,Ya than') Oad ni/cho ga bgia dU br1 bar bYa /
amitimmahimudram tasya madhye nivetiayet / tabs dP48 mod. kY1 *Wag rgYa*che/da Yi dbus au agaa Par bYai
tad ova vajrapadam ramyam sarve9am parikalPaYet // 10 rdo rJ e anal' nchog e Aid 4tu / thane cad yohs au dgod par bya/ IO
parisphutam vadhinenct krtvi ma94a1am uttamam / yohs 811 goal bat oho ga biin #khor des pa byaa ass ai/
guhyapijim tat4 kuryi'd evam tulyanti v3jri9a9 // II de nas gagabai nishod pa bysAton tah rao rje can dag etas / II
vimmatraiukrasamayai# pajya siddhir avelivate / basil get khu bat dam tisbig islalachod na dhoti grub thob par 46.Yur/
e90 hi sarvabuddhinim samayo duratikrana4 // Odi mi sails tgVas thaws cad kYi/4am tabig iim ta da dIce0, he40/12
sarvatathigatavamamtlalam de ban gelags pa thaws cad kyi geUh gi dkyil 4klasr r6/
de aas boom ldam "bolas PhIaa na rdo mje de ban geese pa/kun nas
atha bhagai7an vajrapiage tathigata9 samantameghavyaham
epria gyi tehogs rdo rje ea bya ba0i tifi he 'Alin la snows par
Lama samidhim samipadyeaam paramaguhyama94a1arahasyai
5 , ivae nao/tab tu gash ba9i dkyil 9khor gsah ba 9di/aid icyi sku
Oki Saufi dah tbUS0 rdo ria lee P4Yuh h0/
yasya vajradharigrasya madhye iimbam samilithet /
6 rdo rje diri mchog gait yin pa4i/gzugs ni dbus su lags brie pa/
bhaven maigalapadam tasya kayavikcittaguhyijam // 13
de yi dkyil bkhor alias eu 4aZuriskil genii thugs kYi ssah las bYui1/13
Odi ni de biin piegs pa theme cad kyi sku ash gsuh dah thugs rdo
paramaguhya9 /
rdebi snag ye lies gash ba yin to rab tu gsait ba9o/
atha vajrapimis tathigata9 earvamaSalacakra- de use phyag na rdo rje de ban giega pa diwil tikhor thams cad
sambhavam nima adhiz1. samipadyedam'sarvamalpialakiy&- kyi 9khor lo tliquh ba gee bya ba#i tiii he #dzin la sfioms Far iugs
vikcittaguhy4ram evakayavikcittavajrebbya udijahira / naa/akyi 1 #khor thou cad kyi sku dah geUh dah thugs rdo rjekti
tato mawia1amantra9 / mantrik9arahrdvasatrikmarapadini / gsah ba bdi/hid kyi eku dah gailh dah thugs rdo rje las phyuh be/
L O/ de la )?di pi rdo rje9i dkyil Okhor gyi shags kyi sflih pO4i thig
pitanam vajrasatrasya rajasyipi nipatanam / Edab Pa9i yi - ge9i gnes mains s o/
na kiryam mantrasattvena kitrayan bodhir durlabha // 14 / att la HO, /
rdo rje9i thig ni gdab pa dah / tshon rtei dag ni diicY0 ba dag
shags Icyi some dpas mi bya ste/byas na byah chub red par dka9/ 14

tasmit samayavidhimajno'vaiiiiryamintradevatfin/ de bee dam tsbig tsbul ties pasiehage kyi lha mama pbab naa au/
adhiaVhinapadap dhyiitvi meagalinip vikalpanau // 15 byiu gYia brlabe kYi gnae bageum.le/dkYil 4kber mama ni
rnam'Parbrtag/ 15
vairocanamabarajap locanip civatiarayet /
rgYa1 eben rnem Par snah mdmad dahiyahna spyan ni dbab Par bYa/
kay8map4a1apadap ramyam kiyavajragupivabam // 16
sku yi dkYil 4kber gnats Yid 40a/rde rim mku Yi Yen ten littbeb/ 16
vajradharmamaharajap evaunarmayivatiraYet /
4 rdo r3e chess nt -regal po ohs / rah gi chos mem dbab par bya /
idap tat sarvamantrapap rahaeyam paramaiiivatau // 17 4di hi shags =lama thane ead rab tu rtag Pe. Yin /
vajrasattvamabirijap mislaid" civatirayet /
rdo rje same dpa4 royal Pe eba / eimakl Ymidbab Par bYa /
IAA* tat sarvamantrm rabasyam paramidbbutam // 18
4di ni shags =sue thane cad kari/gmail ba rmad du byuh balao / 18
evap krtana sapnidbyam svayam ova me 9194a0 /
de item byaa na byin rleb cih / yid la dbah ba iid.seess te /
igatya guhyaparamai likhanti baiainvitiO // 19 2
rab tu dgyam par gyur nem ni / gsaaba dag i sohog 170. mtmel/ 19
ity iba ca /
6 4di eked kYah gauhe ao/
kartavyap mantrasiddhena varagub7e0 mabedbnutem / zdo rie godi ba mad Po chill /,
snags Uyi soma dpas bya ba
akraya krodharijena FlorvabuddhS tu pfijayat // 20
tbro be0i rgral pos bkug as ni/saha ryas theme cad. mahod partml2.0
trixalap ?samayapiji trivajrimalavajripe0 / rdo via dri re4, $mum dag gi / dam tebig mohod Pa due geum Pa /
kartavyap trivajrayogeua mantrasiddhipravartaaem // 21
rdo rje genm gyi ebYer bas bya/shaish kyi aloe grub thob par byed/2I
ity iha ca /
Odi eked kYah Seuhs Se/
sarvecilm eva mantrp balip dadyin mahidbbutam /
shags mama than* cad Aid la Yehirmad du bYuil be4i gtr ma dbul/
viamitramipsatailap ea padcamap cittaeallIbbavem // 22
8 bedi gei ea dah Pbru mar dal'', sous las byuh baPi tsandan dah / 22
iukreaa sarvamantrp pripanaa eanudihrtam /
kbu ba dag gis shaga rnaMs kualtabiu I** 48Yer bar kin tu bead:
eao hi samayap iregOo buddbabodhiprapfirakaP // 23
pdi ni dam tabig mebeg Yin ts/safia rgyhh via chub rdzcgs
sitrasya pitanam idap svayam ava samicarot / bYed Patio / 23
vairocanap prabhivitvi vajrasattvap vibhivayst // 24 this gdab pa yi cho ga Pdi / biag Aid gah tabe spyod pa /la /
athavimrtavajrikhyap eiqyap vairamabiOutim / rnam par snail mdead bagoms nes su/rdo rje sems dpap rab tubsgom/24
vibaivayet karmapadap sarvabuddhanigovitau // yah na rdo rje mi Ochir grags / slob ma'rdo rja Pod po che /
padcabuddhamahirijap sitrap vajragatap nyaeet / aaha ryas kin gyis bat en pa yi/las kyl go Pphab:bsgom par bya/ 25
eao hi sarvabuddhinip rabasyap paramidbhutam // 26 saAs rgyas rcial chen lha =ems ni/ido rjaPi thig skuddag la dgod/
paficavipiatibhadena rajaayapi nipitanam / pdi ni edit rwias theme cad kyi/geah ba rab tu rmad byu4 bapo/ 26
idap tat sarvavajriaip rabasyaq bodhim uttamam // rham pc di in rtha ifiar,hi tabor), rtei dag lonh rnam Par bmgau/
sarvegim ova mantraaip vajradftkirabhivani / Pdi ni sails ryas theme cad kgilgsah ba byah chub dam pa yin / 27
kiyavi2samayap divyap padvasthineau bbivayst // 28 shags mama thams cad did la Yah/rdo rje Ham ni bsgom par bya/
ski den geuh dah dam tshig mehogignas lha dag tu beigom par bya/ 28
evam kitena simnidhyam trivajribhedysvajraji# / de ltsr rtsg tn byas M4141 /vas rje mi phyed gsum las skyea /
kurvanti bhayasamtrasti# vadrasattvaeya dh1mat4 // 29 rdo rje sems blo ldda paAjigs i skrag nee b7inriabindeecte2
nyisam kalailavajr;mic mantratantriihipai# Marten / rdo vie hum Pa gin PM Di / Silage rg1ud bdag Poe lies bYa ate /
2 2 _T_
vajrasattvasamidhietha# kalPaYed dOhahuddhimsa // 30 rdo rje seas dpaig WI *bin gnas/brtan P4i blOs ni
homam kurvIta mantragia# earvasidd14Pha1rthime4 / bytes par bya
dims grub kun gi 'Aram #doci pa#L/shage ie pasta. ebYin sreg bys/

vimmitramimeatailkyair ihutiqi pratipidayst // 31

.3 beak goi Ohru mar is la 0064 / ebyin 'rag tu ni dbul bar bya / 31
prip vajr;hutim dadyit trivajrahhedYscakrivim / ,
msdhye svadevatabim_ &watts vaktre nipitalet // 32
rd rls si Pr" gm* US la /rdo rjs110mr ba#i abyin areg dbul/
dbu.auxagi Ike 71, gauge / baaMe ts gal dbab par by& / 32
ity aha ca /
6 4di Skad kyail giguis so/
dvayendriyaprayogsma juhuyas aillasateif budh4 /
hi dbah po gate kyi dam tshig gis/sbyin ereg brgya ryes hrgyad du hYs/
eso/sarvabuddh;34 sassy duratikram4 // 33
#di ni **he rgyam theme cad kyi/das tahltg iin tu #44 dka# ba40/33
vairocanaprayogema gaffe, trivajraesfhbOam / Taam snail *dead kji ebyor bayte/slob ma rdo rJe gaust las bran/
I4kiram kiyavikcitte dhyitvi vajroms ablate // 34
4 ti lus 4Wkikag sem* is bsgoms nas rdo rjes gsa has by* / 34
vajrasattvaaahiriji vairocano.mahiYagib /
kiyavikcittasamayam adhiwthins, daanti hi // 35 raal chart rdrjeBea* dPa0 dahlfrags then ruam par mdmvidag/
eku ssufi thugs- kryi dam tehig tu/byin gyiz. brlabs ni rab tu gso1/35
tatreddm mahimamGalapraveianavajraPadam / is is 4di xii dkyi.llitichor chez .por tijug patd rd.o rje4tshig go/
/ 4 KW VW /14 KU* BUJ* IL*
sarvasamayak4yavakcittahrdaysmantravajr0Yam / di ni dais tahig theme cad kyi lus dait itag da sees. rde
stall PO40/
tatredam mahivajribhimekaguhyajfiinarahasyam /
.3.0 is 441. ni rcIo rje chart po4 dbah biker bakii gada balg ye gee
khadhitum sarvabuddhais tu paripirmsmvibhiveyet /
9 gash balp/
8v;dyagandhamahimeghair bhivayed vajragotradhl4 // 36
sails rens kun Kyle mail skhatki hhamo/Yoha mu gah bar rab tu beiges/
ity Elha ca-/
trivajrakayamantrais tu sarcapais tiOyed vratI / rdo rje#i rigs ni 'Asia pa yle/Sil sitan dri yi sprin =sum bsgom/36
abhi#ekac tad; tasya svayam eva dadanti hi // #di eked kYah gstimi so/
athav; bhivayed buddhin vajrasattvasamidhini / rdo rje eku eau* shags kyis^ni/As kar deg gis brdeg par bya
kalaign samayigrais tu datrifin bhivayed budha# // 38 de la de 'bah* / Wag Aid dbah bekur rab tu stool / 37

vajravairocanam cintec chigyam 44hamatim sad; / rdo rje some dpa#1 tth dsin gyis/yah na sibs rgyas beg= par bya/
burn pa dam tshig mchog mama hYis/henh bar mkhas pa dag gis began/38
nyisam kurvIta maatrajfis# kiyavikcittavajriOa4 // 59
rdo rje rnam pat snail mdmad bsam/ slob ma rtag tu blo brtan la /
lus dah hag some rdo rje can / shass ees pas ni dgod par bya / 39
3 re
de la ttdt ni dbafi bskur theme cad kyi gaaii ba slob dpon thesis

tatredaw sarvabhigekarabasyaw sarviciryavigvajrodtrawne / cad kit rdo rje4i tshig tu amra bar byatio/

abhigekaw mahivajraw traidbitukanamaskrtaM / sa96 Mast rnama ni the= cad U7l/rde rift (Pah ba gsum las byuh/

dadimi sarvabuddhin4 triguhyavajrasawbhavam // 40 khaMs Soma dag gispuzya byas pa/rdo rje dbafi bskur chen p0sbyin/40

de la d.3. a slob swk thaw eadAYie rdo Ale chen po4i gsol ba
tatredaw sarvaidiyanahavajrapriirthanividbirabasyam /
bodbivajrega buddhinin yath; datto mehimahO /
bya babi oho ga gsah Wile/

by.4.11 chub rda rjeS sake ryas la/mphod chen ji ltar steal ba ban/
mazapi trewanirthiya khavalr;(61 dadibi me // 4I
bdag kqail rab tu bagraX ba4i PhAr/liala mkhai rdo rje
abhigekaw tad; tasya dadyit prahratacetaaa4 / deli bdag stsol /
devatibimbeyogena hvdayeldhipatiw nyaset // de tette de la dbafi bskur ba/rab tu dues use stool bar mdzad/
4dareayen mag4alaw tasya vajrailayasya damatab / lha yignUge ebYer ba As/aitifi khaz bdag po gag par bya / 42
samayan irivayed guhyan sarvabuddhair udihrban // rdo rjs slob ma blo ldan/fIl&kril 4kbor deg ni bstan pat bya /
prittinati ca tvayi ghetyi vektavya, ea a4livacati / Bah* ryas kon gYis wile pa yi/aam tahig gsah ba bsgrag par bye! 43
adattalp ea tvayi grihia, savalsit Yogitia Spl // khyod kyis srog chage gaol par bya/brdsnn gyi tshIg kyaii
anena vajramirgewa strvasittvin pracodayet / smra bar bya /
ma byln Per Yoh kbYod 4.4.9 10h/bud mod dag kYafi inter', Par bya/ 44
ego hi sarvabuddhiniw samaya0 paramaiiivete# //
rdo rje41 lam ni $idag gia/aema can theme cad bskul bar bya/3
ity iha ca
_a 4" Ai sahe via" theme cad t/i/dam tahig mchog tu rtag patio/
mantra, dadyit tadi tasya mantracodanabbasitai0 /
4di,Skad Uyah gsufiste/
samidhiw mantrarijasya dattv; guhyan eamirabbet // 46
shags kyis bskul ba smras pa yia/de la shags kyah sbyin par bya/
eukraw vipy athavi vigVam abbimantrya vidb;nata4 /
shags tyi rgyai poi till jAzin dah/gsah ba sbyin pa brbimim per 14m146
bhakgayed vajrayogena eve, siddbir na durlabhi //* 47
9 - IO IO khu baOsi yah na beta ba4ah ruh/Cho ga ban du bshags nas ni/
catvary ate mahiguhyi rabasyab sarvavalriwim /
role r3a4l blcs ni baa0 bar bya/ on tali dhos grub rfied mi dka4 / 47
strirapaaantracakrewa stbiti# sattvirthacaryayi // 48
rnan pa 4di bii gash ahem ti / rdo rje can ni kun gyi gsafi /
tatredew sarvavajramaigalamantriradhanarabasyam / shags kyi 4kbor lo bud mod gaugs/sems can don apyod pbyir glass pa0o/a8
- II . -
hastimiwsan hayamamsaw mahanansaw ca bhaklayst / do la #di ni rdo rje4i d.kyil 4khor thews cad Uyi shags 4i
dadygld vai sarvamantrilvim ova* tucyanti niyaki0 // 49 ass Par bYa ba gsah batto/
pratyahaw vajraiigyasya dareayen ma/gala% budhs# glah po4i ia dafi rta yi ea ia chen dag kyah baati bya gifi /
vigmatramiwsakTtyena vajraguhyapadena ca / shags mama kun la dbul bar bya/de ltar byas na mgon po =les / 49
Okraii sarvamantrawaw dbyitv; jvalati tatkmit // 50 Ain re rdo rje slob ma la/mkbas pas dkyil lAhor bstan par bya /
biah gel a yi bya ba doh / rdo rja gsah ba4i tehig dag gis /
shags mama kun gyi yi ge OV/bsgoms na de ma thag tu ]bar / 50
I \.
boom ldan 4das shags kyi rig-paW. skyes bu chen pos de akad ces
ity iha cat bhagavan mahamantraitidyapurusai / bkatt staid to/ - \
sidhanam sarvasiddhinim mahisamayasidhanam / dhot grub thazis cad /iamb pa den/ tehig po sgrub pa, clan/
sidhanlyam prayatnena buddhabodhim api svayam // sane rgyas big cub id dag kiaii/nan tan du ni baginb par byat
antapdhanam balam viryamivajrikargamam uttamam / mi snah stoba dah brtson 4grus dah/rdo rje'dolg pi0i'ihhog dag 1vyah4
2 52
sidhyate mam4a1e sarvam kayavejravaco Yatbi /1 rdo rje sku 14in du/dkyil 41thor dag gis thama cad 4grubi 92
vigmitram ca mahimamsam samabhigamtu kiraYat / beah get 4th ni. ia cbmn mama / cha ni maw! par byas. nas su /
iarivasampuVe. athipya bud4hal4 saha3samwaset // 53 kb** phor sbyar Oar bias na,n1/4sha rgyas kun dahlkaneig tikhod/ 5
ity iha ca / 4di skid cos kyth gauha te/.
4* 1* )di ni gosh ba the** cad kyi rdo re mitag giug pa rab tu
tatredam sarvaguhyavajrakimktramabisidhanapadam Was if
khavajramadhyagatam cintet ailkirala ftilasuPrabbsu/
sgrdb tahig gi =bog so/
khadhitum earvabuddhais ta part vibhavayet /
I ft Oar baii 4o4 bzah po/nam mkbabi rdo rjelg dbus su beam/
sias rgye* kua jie nal Mbhtbi khams/yoha su gth :bar rnam par bsgom/
kayavakcittapadam tegam tatrit mantra nipitaYat //
de'yi iku gsui thugs kyi gnas/ der ni shag* kyle dbab par bya / 54
tatredemkayavitkcittamantravajridhigthelnaPadem/ de la %di ni sk4 clai pul dal, thugs kyi shagi kyi rdo rje byin
/ 1g KBA* gyis rlob pabi ail po40/
vajrapagimahabimbam padmapimimahidyutim / / latei
aparajitamahabimbam dhyatvii guhyapadam nyaset // 55 phyag na rde rja0i gzUgs-chen dah/phyag na Ptdmo Jilod chen lah/
tatredam vajraguhyapadam / glen gyis mi thub gzugs clan dth/bsgoms nas goat ba01 gnas viagg(V55
earyamaa4a1amadhyastham akgobhyam v.; piakalpayet / de la 4di at rdo rje gaah b4i gnas
amitiyurmahaakram vajravairocantm tathi / Ai makki dkyil 4kbor dbus gnats par/mi bskyod pa ui rab tu brtag/
? mahadyutIn //
codayed hrdaye sarvin tivradu#khair
tabs dpaS msd patti 4kbor lo ohil/rdo rje snaiL mdZad de ban te /
4od chedsdug bshal clan po yis/thans cad sfah pos bskul bar bya/56
tatredam sarvavajrahrdayasamoodanam / de la 4di at rde rje4i fifth *pc thami at bskul b40/
/ Att
mahieilair mahivajrair ahkuiairvividhair9 varalf
4 mduh rtse ohs dahrdo rje che/icags kyu sna tshOgs mchog mama kyla/
codayed vidhivad vajram buddhabodh14 prasidhyati 1157 rdo rje cho ga bin btkul na/sofis rsyas byah chub rab tit 4grub/
ity iha ca / tAdi'skad ces kyifi sauha so/
parvategu ca ramyegu dvipegu vividhogu ca / flame dgab ba yi ri daS del / chu g1111 rnam pa silt tahogi su /
pakaahhyantaraparmena dhruvamiguddhatvam ipnuyit // 58 zla ba phyed at tabun cbad kyla/sahs ryas thob pa gdon mi za /
ri rab sioa Cu rtsa drug gi / rdul phran ji said yod pa yi /
9avtrimiatsumeraqam yivanta# paraminava# / de yi #khor tshogs lban cig tuAkhor lo can gyi byah chub #grub/
pariviraganis tasya sidnyanti bodhivajr4a# // phyogs boubl stens rgyas thaw cad kyi/sahs ryas jk du
#gro bar 4gyur/
daiadiksarvabuddhingm buddhaksetrgoi kkmayet /
zab mo#i chos kyah thos #gyur iin/saha rgyas sa yait
dhircham ioati gimbhiryam buddhabhimlm ca pritpnuYi1if60 4tbob par #gyur/ 60
_ 2.. boom ldan 4das dam tehig rdo rje biad pas de skad sea b1a4 steal to/
ity iha ca bhagavan :aahasamayavajrahisa# /
is la 4di ni mhag giug pa theme cad kyi gicah ba4i rdo rje gsait batio/
tatredam sarvakimkaraguhyavajrarahasyam /
-3 rdo rje ems dpa4 ye des che / de bin gsufi gi rdo rje #dzin /
vajrasattvamahijffinam vagvajraiharam tathi
rdo rje aku yi dgod pa ches / mhag gag pa dag rtag tu bskul / 61
kiyavajramahgnygsai# kim/cararc colayet sadi // 61
de la 4di ni rdo rje ye Ass #khor lo shags kyi dam tahig gi gnas
tatredam vajrajffinactkrama.atracatu#samayapadam / samaya- so/dam tshig bakul be dah/das tehig gtofi be dab/dam tsaig bod pa
codanam samaya.preraqam samayamantrajam samayabandhanam dah/das tahig both ba4o/
ceti / mkba4 dbyths rgya sham dag pa al4-boa mama Maws covi rnaus par sPais
sofi butli tshul gyis.byed pa ni/rdo rje mad bymi, gzuga can no / 62
khadhitum viiulam iuddham sarvadharmavivarjitam /
62 boom ldan 4da8 ahs rgyas thamp cad ti bu gcig pa rdo rje sems
kurvanti pin4arlape#avajridbhutaripiJAZ //
ipa4 cben pos de skad cos bka4 steal to/
ity iha bnagavgn sarvabuddhaikaputro trlajramah;sattva# /
sails ryas rd.() rje gems ctpaivait ruhigal be dbah du bya #dod aa /
buddham vg vajrasattvam vi yadlcched vaiaminitum /
rdo rje mchog gam 4dzin pa che / gash be chen po 4di beam mo /
cintayed idam mahiguhyam trivajrggradharam mahat // 63
khavajramadhyagatam cintet maftjuvajram mahgbalam /
rdo rje 4jam pa stobs po che / nam mkba4 rdo rje41 dbus su beam /
paffcabanarayoge#a mukuVagram ea samspharet // 64 atd.a1uii sbyor ba dag gis ni/dbu rgyaartse ma ysn dab spro / 641
paflcasthgnetpu mantrajfta# krTavajreqa pgtayet / gnas lha dag tu shags acts pas / rdo rje khro boa reb tu dbab /
IC - 10 II ,I2 shahs iin brgyal bar bagom pa ni/byis pai blo ni grags chen gyis/65
marcenitam bhavayet trastam balabuddhir mahayasal#//02
beam gtan 4di ni zla phyed du/gaai bakli bskul ba dag gis bsgom /
paksam skarn id.a dhygnam dil4itavyam guhyacodanai# /
shags mama kun ale rab gsah ba/rdo rje#i don gyi blo yis gsuns/66
rahasyam sarvamarri#im itam vajrgrthabuddhing // 66
knavajramadhyaatam cinted buddhama#4alam uttamam /
sans rgyas thcyilOkhor mchog dag ni/nam mkha# rdo rje#1. dbus Imam At
11104kgravajramantridyai5 trivajrgan prabh;vayet // 67 shags Ayi rdo rje Hall la sogs / rdo rje gsum la stags par bsgom / 6?
14 0* ni mig gi dbus beams ngs / 4di dag cho ga Wan du be tan /
Oliikireap caksurgatam dhigtvg dariayed idam vidhinata#/
trikgyavajr4im // 68 shags =lams bin gyi gzugs dag ni/sku gsum rdo rje can du mthon/ 68
pagyate sarvamantrgqim bimbam
vouttogdyair mahiklegair idam yogam vicintayet / bkres skom la sogs Aon mobs che/sbyor ba 4di ni rnam beams net /
16 rdo rje thugs kyi bka# bin du/edug bshal thams cad byait bar 4gy=1509
btragyante sarvaduklichiai cittavajraviZo yathg // 69
rnam par anah mdzad gzugs chen pc/beams na don rnams theme cad #byor/
vairocanamahibimben dhyitvi sarvirthasampadam / BA# ni kha yi nah du bsgom / 0# ni ice' la dug par bsam / 70
VAVkiram vaktragatam dhy;tvi 0kra jihvagatam bza# bar bya ba kun yignas / yid bgin nor bus brgyan pa ate /
nyaset // 70 Ii ba sdug bshal thaw cad sel / ye gee rdo rje las byuh balp /
;lays* sarvabhaka;44 cintina4ivibhiicitam /
boom ldan Odas yid ban gyi nor bus de skad ces bka# stsal to/
sarvadu4kbaharam 6/mita* jfanavajraprabhavitam //
de nas boom ldan #das phyag ma rdo rje de bgin gone pa dpa4 bo
ity ;ha bhagav;m6 cintima4ivajra# /
chen po rdo rje de bin ggiege pas/rdo rje bsgom pa#i tshig gi
atha.bhagavin vajrapicas tath;gata# mahivIravajratath;- mchog rdo rje#i gsui lee phyuh ho/
gate.); vajrabhavanapadagram vigvajrebhyo niscarayan /
3 ,
/ Itfti / *mho rgyas dkyil #khor #od bzah po/nam akha# rdo rje0i dbus su beam/
xhavajramadhyagata* cinted buddhamaigalasuprabham / rdo rje sku gsum sbyor ba yis/bskyed de #di ni rnam par beam / 72

ti.vajrakiyayogena ni4p;dyedam vicintayet // 72 rgyan rnams theme cad yollis rdzogs pa/cuh sad ear po rdo rje %yin/
sarv;1ack;rasa111pdr48* pita* vajraviUmbhitam / Li ha thor tshugs dbu rgyan can/beams nas theme cad brtsampar bye/73
jaVimukuVadharaw eintam dhy;tv; sarvaw samirabhet// 73 rdo rje dpa# bo rlabs kyi phren ba Les bya ba#i tin fie #dzin to/
viravajrormimili alma samidhi4 / de nes boom ldan #das kun nas dbyans rdo rje Les bya ba#i tin he
/Asia la silo= per iugovnas/rdo rje chen po bsgom pa4i tshig 4di/
atha bhagav;.n vajralhara4 samantanirgho4avajram lama Sarni-
Aid kyi sku deli toms% dah thugs rdo rje Las phyuh ho/
ahiT sam;padyedam maamajrabhivanipadam svak;yavikcitta-
vajrebhyo niicirayan
/ CU* / Ai ma#i dkyil #kbor dam pa ni/nam mkha# rdo rje#i dbus su balm/

sahs rgyas sprin gyi cho ga yis/ rdo rje gsum gyi grags chen ni/ 74
khavajramadhyagataq cintet suryamaigalam uttamap /
lus dein hag deli some la dbab / bskyl byed rdo rje ma bsgom mo /
buddhameghin viah;nena trivajrit sumahiya6;n // 74
rgyan mama theme cad yohe rdzogs pa/kha dog dkar mom rab tu bsgom/
p;tana* kiyavi1ccitt2 AndavajrIT vibhivayet /
rdo rje sems dpa# rgyal po che/bsams la snags xxi tAig dgod do/ 75
sarviilamk;rasallipar4im sitavar4im prabhivayet /
rdo rje4i dam tshig ye ties kyi 4od zer ies bya ba4i tih lie 4dzin to/
vajrasattvaman;r;jam dhyitv; mantrapadam nyaset // 75
de nas boom ldan 4das phyag na rdo rje le biin geegs pa/bsam pa
vajrasamayajfillaraimig n;ma samidhi4 /
thams cad rdo rje'ione spyod pa ies bya ba4i till he 0dzin la sAoms
atha bhagavin vajrapickis tathigata4 sarvieivajrasambhogam par iugs nas/tia he 4dzin gyi knor lo4i tshul #di/Rid kyi sku
nama samidhim samipadyedam sam;dhictkranayam evakiyavik- gsua dila thugs rdo rje las phyua ao/
cittavajrebby niecirayan / / DZAV /
JA# / sahs rgyas dkyil 4ishor dam pa daginammkhatti dbyins kyi dbus su bsay/
xhavajvamadhyagatam cinted buddhamaigalam uttamam / sahs ryas kun gyi cho ga yis / rdo rje bsgom pas dbab par bya / 716
sarvPtudlha vidhinena paLayed vajrabhivanai4 /1 76
366 nor agrub pa / gnod abyin chen po bskyed par bya /

niopidayed mahiyakoao jambhalao dravyasidhaiam / it ba gnod Obyin gauge bdzin pa/thor tebuge dbu rgyan rdo rje can/fl
yakoariipadharao tiantao jOamukuVegajrioam // sails rgyas lha yi oho. ga yie / gnus ].ha dog tu bosom par bya /

paficabuddhin vidhinena paficasthaneou bhavayet / rdo rje bduazits101 cbm de yis/bsam gtan gnus la /Aug la dbul/ 78
vajrimrtodakao tasya dadyid dhyinapade ethita# // rdo rje gems dpaOi cho ga yie / dbu rgyan de la rnam par beam /

vajrasattvao vidhanena muk0e taeya 4icintayet / de ltar byes na gnod ebytn dbaia/gnod gnus dbah po Ood cbem ass/ 79
tuoytti yakoendro jambhaleddro mahadyutiO // 79 rdo rje dam tehig gi rgya Asap, grub pali tog gi dpal
vajrasamayamadradravyaradhanaketuirir nama samidhiO / gee bya ba01 WA he Odein to/
de nae boom ldan 4das phyag ma rdo rje de ban geeess pa/rdo rje
atha bhagavin vajrapaois tathigato vajrakimopabhogagriyao
Odod pa de bar lois epyod pa0i dpal gee bya ba#i tih he ledzin la
nisi eamidhio samipadyedao sarvayakoicLeamayavajrapadao
Moms par siuge nas/gnod ebyin mo#i rdo 441 dam tehig gi tshig
svakayavakcittavajrebhyo niecirayan /
kyi situ dah gauh dah thugs rdo rje las phyuh ho/
/ KOIM /
khavajradhatumadhyasthao caturasram sueobbanam
mkba# dbythe rdo 4641
dbus gnus par/grubii lham pa nab tu bzah/
caturatnamayaw sarvao pucpagandhaeamikulam //
theme cad rin clan bit lam byte/me tog epos kyie kun tu 4kbrige/ 80
khadhituo sarvayakoioyaiO paripfiroao vicintayet /
gnod ebyin mo al thane cad byte/ham mkballi dbytie at gah bar bean/
- trivajrayogena ekaw vicintayet // ex
rdo rje geum gyi sbyor bas dbab/gzuge at gcig tu beam par bya / sI
trikarmavajrayogena dbianao taeya vicintayet /
lus gaum rdo rje,bye brag gie / de yi beam gtan begom par bya /
mafijuvajrasamidhistho mukute krodhao prabhivayet /
8 82
rdo rje #jam p4i tih Odzin gnus / dbu rgyan la at khro bo bsgom /
hTdaye mantrapadao dhyitvi vajrayogao samarabhet //,
oath khar shags kyi tehig begoms la/rdo rje#i sbyor ba
sarvayakoiolsamativihirabhavanavajro nama samadhiO /
brtsam par bya/ 82
gnod ebyin mo times cad deli mil= pa rid du gnas pa bsgom paigi
atha bhagavin vajrapaois tathigataO sarvavtramantra-
rdo rje ies bya bakti tih he Odein to/
siddhivijrmbhitavajrao nama samadhio samapadyemio hina-
de ass bcom ldan Odas phyag Its rio rje de biin geegs pa/rdo rjeOi
siddhio svakayavakcittavajrebhyo niticarayan /
IO- _ II - shags theme cad Igyi dhos grub kyi rnam par Ophrul pa rdo rje gas
kayavakcittasaosiddha buddharapadharaprabhiO /
83 by baOi tii he Odzin la snow par iugs nas/dhos grub phra mo Odi/
jimbanadaprabhikara hInasiddhisamahritiO //
Aid 4yi situ dah gsuh deli thugs rdo rje las phyta ao/
antarlhanadisaosiddhau bhaved vajradharaO prabhuO /
situ lah geuh thugs yail deg Ogrub/sahs rgyas gauge Odzin Ood bzah po/
yakoarajadisaosiddhau bhaved vidyadharaO prabhu# // 84
dzambu chu boOi gear Ood Odra / lhos grub phra no dag la gnas / 83

at &man is sop) yen dag grub / Ojam paOi Ood dah Odra bar Ogyur /

gnod sbyin rgyal po grub pa che/rig Odzin dag gi dbah por Ogyur/ 84
de la #di ni rd0 rjetti dhOs grub theme cad '1:y i gauge gath balg
tatremani sarvavajrasiddhirapaguhyamantrasiddhini / dhos grub slams so/
sarvini carurapikti mantrasiddhimanicitai# / WiAdhos grub thOb pa Itinisee pat& gsugs rnams theme cad ni/
prinayanti dardanenaiva lokadhatuw samantata# // 4, 0345 rtsn khans nithessicad du/OthOh be flid klin dgaO bar 4gyur/8$
110444 sarvasiddhIni* bhavec cintimaoiprabhu4 / 7048 tor thou cad pub ps, bitio nor 104i bdag por Ogyur/
buddhabodhikara* areinhalp buddflavajraprabhavitam // 86 sahs rgya0 byai chUb byed pabi mehog/sahs rgyas rdo rje
rab egos palpo/86
ity iha bhasavin sarvidiapariparakavajra# /
be,' ldan 41104 beam pa thus cad yons an rdsogs par byed pabi
atha bhagavin vajrapi4i# sarvatathigatadhipati# serva- rdo ries de skad ces bkap steel to/
tathigatakayavakcittavajravidyivratasamidinacarya* ova- de PhYag na rdo 40 de ban goiegs pa di bAin glees pa theme cad
kiyavikcittavajrebhyo /Atka:ray= / kyi Wag pos/ds Waging', pa than cod kyi aim dah gauh dal' thugs
kayavikcittavajrani* kiyavakcittabhivanam / kytrig pa0i brtul iugs yah dag par len paOL apyod pa #di/id kyi
svarilpenaiva tat karyam ova* siddhir avapyate // 67 siku doh g.SUh dah thug* rdo rje lee
sku geuli thug.. Wi rdo Pis rnams/lus dah hag ENIMB sgom pa 121/
tatredaq svakayavakcittavidyivratam /
rah tshul id WA de byes to/de ltar dhos grub thob par #gyur/
jaVimukuVadharaw bimbaq sitavaroanibhaq mahat /
di la #di ni sku deli gsun dal thugs rda rjekli rig pakii brtul
karayed vidhivat serval; mantrasawarasavvtam //
iugs so/
fociagabdikaw gvhya sarvilarpkirabhasitim /
thor tshug,a dbu rgyan can gyi gauge/chin po kha dog dkar po #dra/
caruvaktraw vi iaicLp pripya vidyivratalp caret // 89
2 3 /
shags kyi edam pas kun tu bsdams/cho ga biin du theme cad bya / 88
locanipadasalphosair vajracihnais tU bhimayet
lo grahs beu drug inn pa ni / rgyan roams kun gyis rnam par klubs/
mudrimantravidhanajlim mantratantrasueikcitim //
ban .dug mig gi dkyus ra ba/rited nas rig pakiii brtul iugs spyad/89
kirayet tithigati* bharyaw buddhabodhivratiObitam/
spyan gyi go 4phah lohs spyod cih/rdo 404 mtshan mas begomparbya/
guhyaptiji* prakurvita catu#sawdhyaw mahavrati // 91
pixy's rgya shags kyi oho ga ime/shags kyi rgyud mama
1candama1apha1ai4 sarvaim bhojyaq bhakqyaw samacaret/ legs par bslabs/90
buddho bhavec chighralp mahajdanodadhi# prabhu#/ dio biin gisgs pa4i btsun mom bya/asha rgyas byah chub la nab gnas/
tilanmasenaiva tat sarvaT pripnuyin natra salpiaya# /1 92 brtul Lugs chen pcOus biir ni gag baig mchod pa nab tu bya / 91
parasvaharanalp nityarp ghatana* ca mahadbhutam / adoi bu rtsa be #bras bu yi / bsa# den bca ha spyad par bya /
rigavajrapada* bhuktaT ids* sawarasavytem // 95 4en toh myur du sahs rgyas Ogyur/bdag po ye (me rgya mtsho che /
ala ha drus gis de dag kun / gdon mi sa bar thob par litgyur / 92
rtag tu gam gyi nor rku Lh / bead palpah rmad du byuh ba dah /
#dod chags rdo rje#i gnas spyad pa/adorn pa #dis ni kun tu bsdama/41
Op& hags rdo rj lees* kyu mo On tan lug rgyud mimski /
rigavajrakusii* bhiry4mniaidi guctomekhalim gsuil gi rdo rje thugs =hog la /#di ni rnom pa kun tu rigs / 94
vigvajrigracittebhya idaw ylijyati earvathi // 91Ir
boas gtan yis gaum rdo.rje osa/rahgyt PhYag ram some is bsam/
svamudrew vithavi cinted dhyinaw tryakwaravajr14im/ de ltar sells rgyas kun paiMfles par bour ba gdaa Jai sal 95
evaw buddh; api earvajaitt prifiante nitra sawiayat. 1/95 agrub pa pa ni blo brtan pas / nags tabal dag.tu bead some Wash/
vane bhikqiw bhramert nityaw eadhako dOhaniicayatt / kha sae heal pa batar ha dais / de dig akrag nas star bar #gyur /
dadanti bhayasawtrasti bhojanaw divyama#4itam / rdo rjetti r3e4i yi go #jig par ttgyur/ 96
bdsg flid gsum #dair nas/ido
atikramet trivajritm; amitmit vejrik9ara1P bhavet // 96
ihs no klu no gnod sbyin so / lha ma yin nen mi mosit ruh /
suap nig.* mabilyakogm asur4 menuem api / riled nas rig pa0i brtul Lugs bya/rdo rje gsum gyi ye e baton/ 97
pripya vidyivrataw kiryaw trivajrajakasevitam // 9, tuti ni snags mama thams cad Wi/do flid gash ba4i tehW. atom yin/
idaw tat sarvamantriwic guhyatattvamohinayam / rtio,riq gsum gyi ye ke 4byuh/sahs rgyas byah chub rab %%jug pa0098
trivajrajlinasawbbitaw buddhabodhipravegokam // boom ldan #das do bits giega pa thou cad kyi rig psi brtul iugs
ity ;ha bhagaviin earvatathrigatavidyivratasamayatattos- Uyi dam tahig gi de kho na Aid Uyi rdo rjs de skad cos bka#
vajra# / stool to/

dhos grub theme cad kyi dkyil,#khor rdo'rje mion per byai chub
earvasiddhimatgalavajribbieswbodhir pima polala#
pa ties bya babi lebiu ate beta drug patio/

atha bhagavantab sarvatathigOtib pOo44 *Onijook 402741 de nas boom ldan #das de bgin giegs pa thama cad yah ithas aas/
bhagalrantogt oarvatathigatakikyavikoittavajroig tatbigatas boom ldan #das de ban giegs pa thaws cad kyi sku dah gsuh dah
adhyogitavantab / thugs rdo rje do ban wiege pa la gaol ba btab Pa/
2 mi bskyod rdo rje ye Lea che / rd. rje dbyihs ni mkhas pa che /
triaagiala trivajrigra ghogagghyo oamo'stu to // rdo rje gum mchog dkyil #khor gsuM/gsail ba#i dbyaha la
pbyag #tshal lo/ I
vairooinamahitiuddhavoiroitaintsmobaratt/ rnam par anaii mdzad dag pa, che./ rdo rje Li ba dga# ba che /
- -
prakttiprabhasvara.5gragra dodavajra 2
Soto to //
rah biin #od geal mohog gi mohog/ston pa. rdo rje,phyag Oshal 1.0/2
ratnarija ougiabarga khavijrifillanirmala
rin ehen rgyal po rab tu zab / rdo rje nam mkha# dri ma med. /
ovabhiwaiuddha arlpa kiiyavajra"naliosatu to //
rah ban dag pa gos pa med / rdo re sku la phyag Oimd. lo / 3
vajrimitaasharijanirvikalpakhatajradhgk/ rdo rje 4pag mad rgyal.po ehe/ml rtog nam mkhakrdo rje #dzin /
rigaparamitipripta bbilavajra namosatu to // 4
#dod chags pha rol phyin pa briles/rdo rje gsuh la phyag #tsha110/4
amoshavajra oagbuddha sarviiiparipiraka don yod rdo rje rdzogn sans rgyas/bsam pfx this cad rdzogs mdzad pa/
iuddhasvabhivasagbhita vajrasattva samosatu ts // 5 dag pa ho bo did las byui rdo rje aems dpa# phyag ahal lo / 5
ebhib stotrapadaib dintaib sartabuddhapraooditatb/
sahs rgyas kun gyis bakul ba yi/bstod tsbig Li be 0ti mama kyis/
saittayid vajrasagbhogil sispi btddhasaao bhavat// 6 rdo rje lohs apyod bstod na ni/de yah sahs rgyas #dra bar #gyur/ 6
atha vajradharabat sarvabuddhinukaapakab / de as ston pa rdo rje #dzin / sahs rgyas kun la rjes.brtse ba /
vajraguhyapada, ludas" viigvajraa9udiroyan //
rdo rje wan be gauh dag pa / rdo rje#i gauh ni bka# stsal to / 7
aho hi sarvabuddh" " dharaadhitunahiagarao /
e maio sans rgyas thorns cad kyi / chos kyi dbyiha ni yi ge che /
prakftiprabbiovarag iuddhag khadhitua iva niraalao/ a rah biln litod goal yons su dag/nam mkha#i dbyihs bgin dri ma mod./ 8
atha vajrapigib
sarvatathigatidhipatir idag aarvabuddha-
de nas phyag na rdo rje de bgin giegs pa thams cad kyi bdag dos/
- IO
kiyavairasamayag ovakiyavikoittavajrobby0 otiooraoo /
sahs rgyas thams cad kyi sku rdo rjetli dam tshig #di/Aid kyi sku
amayacatugVayag rakaag buddhair jamodadhiprabhaib/ deli gsuh dah tnugs rdo rje las phyuh ho/
nahiaigsag sad; bhakgyao ids g amass uttanaa // 9 sale rgyas ye Les rgya mtsho yi/dam tshig bii ni bsruh bar bya /
atha vajrapigib sarvatathigatidhipatir idag sarvabuddha- La chen rtag tu bza# bar bya / #di ni dam tshig mchog yin no / 9
vigvajrasamayag ovakayavikeittavajrobhyo niioirayoo / de naa phyag na rdo rje de biin dogs pa thane cad kyi bdag pos/
saw rgyas thams cad kyi gsun rdo rje#i lam tshig #di/Aid 4yi sku
clan gsuh dah tnugs LA rje las dhyuh ho/
saagyacatugVayag rakgyag vagvajramahikgaraig / aam tshig bii p0.baru4 bar bya / gsah gi rdo rje yi ge ches /
vigmMaag sad; bhakeyaa idag guhyag mah;dbhutam // 10 bgah gci dag ni rtag tu bzag / gdi ni gsah be rmad byuh bago / IC
de .as phyag nardo rje de ban ggegs pa thams cad kyi bdag pos/

'that vajrapigig sarvatathigatiaipatir ids" flaringvajra- rdo rje gdzin thams cad kyi dam tshig Oa/Hid kyi sku dah gsuh
dharacittavajrasamayag avakiyavikcittsvajrebhyo miecirlyan/ dah thugs rdo rje las phyui ho/
samayacatugVayag rakgyag vajrasattvamaharddhika4/ rdo rje some dpag rdzu gphrul ebes/dam tahig ,bii po beruh bar bys/
rudhirag iukrasagyuktag sadi bhakgyag dr4havrataig//II khrag dah khu be sbyar ba dag/brtul iugs brtan pas rtag tu bzag/II
kiyavAkcittavajrigig amayu'yag mahidbhuts4 / sku gsuh thugs kyi rdo rje yi / dam tshig gdi ni rmad po che /
iiivatag sarvabuddhinig sagrakgye vajradhirighig // 12 sails rgyas kun gyi brtag pa gdi/rdo_rje gdzin gyis bsruh bar by/I2
via cola, saws* raked vajraeattwo mabidyuti4 / gah gig dam tatig gdi snah be / rdo rje sems dpag god po ehe /
kimikcittagatag tasya buddho bhavati tatkesgit // 13 de yi ska gsui thugs rtogs pago/de ma thag tu saht rgyas ggyur/ 13
de nap phyag na rdo rje de bin ggega pa thams cad kyi bdag pos/
ai,La vajrapigig sarvstathigatidhipatig pratyeksbuddha- rah Blahs rgyas kyi don gyi, dam tahi Ipii/flid xyi sku dah gsuh dah
samayavajrag avakiyavilkcittavajrabhye nimicirarin / thugs rdo rje, las phyuh Ao/
deiani kiyikt tegig kiyavajrapratigtdati / de yi lus kyis ston pa at rdo rjegi sku la rab tu gnas /
sittvivateragsalasamayag paramaiiivata0 // some can gzuh bagi haiktahul te/daa tshig mchog.tu rtag pago / 14
de nas phyag na Ho rje de bin siege pa thams cad kyi bdag pus/
atha vajrapigig sarvatathigatidhlpati# an thos kyi be Lab pagi dam tshis gdi/id kyi sku dah gsuh dah
sanayag avakiyavikcittavajrebhyo niseirayas / thugs rdo rje lea phyuh ao/
daiskuialin karaspathin kurvanti jdinavarjitig / dge be bcu yi las kyi lam / byed pa ye gas spahs pa rnams /
hInidhimuktikis serve samays'yeg mahidbhutsb // 15 Iman.par moo pa thams cad kyi / dam tshig gdi.n1 rmad po che / 15
de nas phyag na rdo rje de ban getags pa theme cad kyi bdag pos/
atha vajrapg sarvatathigatidhipatig brahmasamayag tshahe pagi dam tahig gdi/Oid kyi sku dah gsuh da;411 thugs rdo rje
svaxiyav;kcittavajtebhyo niicirsysh / las phyuh ho/
mohamargaga yet karma karoti bhayabhairavsm / gti mug las kyi lam gah mama / byed pa gjigs iil mi sdug pa /
buddhabodhipragetirag bhavate kiyar4jrati // 16 sails rgyas byai chub ston pa ste / sku yi rdo rje Aid du ggyur/ 16
de nes phyag na Ho rje de bit. ggegs pa theme cad kyi bdag pos/
atha vajrapigig earvatathigatidhipati rudraasmayag drag poi dam tshig 0i/hid kyi sku dah gsuh dah thugs rdo rje
svakiyavikaittavajrebhyo niecirayan / lea p4un ao,
traidhitukasthitig Garvin ahganig7ialvajrasagbhavim/ ,khams 3sum dag na gnas pa yl / bud med rdo rje las byuh mama /
kimayed tividhair bhivaig asmayag paramidbhutag // I? ena tshogs duos pos spyad pa ni/dam tshig mchog tu rmad byunbalp47

at4a vajrapimi4 sarvatathigatidhipatir Viaousam*Ylop

44 nas p as as rdo rjo de biin groge pa tajs ca.d ii bdag pea/
svakayavikeittavajrebbyo niticirVan / khyab 4jug ex dam tht. 4di/Ald kyl an gauh ah thuga rdo
yavant4 sattvasambhatis triabhedyasamathitibie rto las phriA Ao/
marayed dhyinavajrema kiavalradhatum ai $V* l// 18 ems can las byah j,fio4 p* / dbyer med sku Seum &lag pa /
rdo rja mkhati dbYihs bdag Aid kyah/bsam Stan rdo r3 sad par bys/V3

atha vajrapaqi0 sarvatathigavidhipatia trivajrasamaya, de nas phyag na rdo .rJs de biln gimp pa thams cad kyi bdag pos/
svakayavakcittavajrebhyo alieirayan au gi dam tshlg gi rdo rje 441/11id j. 8411 dah gsuii dah thugs
kayavajro bhaved brahma vigvajras tu mahaivaratt / rde rje Ias phyun
cittavairsdharo raja salva viaOur mahar4dhik4 // 19 sku the rje vshahs par /eUilgi rdo rjv dbah
thugs ri yal pe rate rja iitdoin/de i4 yalyab iji4 ridzu 4phru1
atha vajrapiMi4 sarvatathigatidhipatit sarAyaklia- de nas pkq a rdo rjo de bila giaga p4 thamt cad icy.. bdag posit
smmmult svakiyavakcittavajrebhyo niieirayan / ebed sbyin me thalami cad kyl dam table 4dl/Ald kyi a4U dah dsuil
asrkpliiitiihara nitya, kimaparakt stria 4 / don thugs rdo rje las phi= ho/
aradhayen mahavajrasamayair ebhir durisadai4 1/ 20 khrag diha ni ca ba dah / rtae t. Ian gyi bud mad spyol /
dam table dka4 ba 44i rnams kYis / tdo rJO c2en p0 lanes par bya/ 20
atna v1.1roPi4i4 marvaTaithigatiedhipati4 sarvabhujasendra. de nas phyagnarde rje de in orielse pa turns cad kyl bdag pos/
riddIsamaya* avakayavakeittavajrathyo niieirvam / klu4i rgyal po thesis cad kyi dam tshig 4dl/Aid, ky sku Wi6suh
paliunyakairaharati kimaeandhaparii ea tit' ua 1W40 rde rje las phyuh AO/
sadhayet samayalr ebhir anyathi klieyste dhruvam// 21 4e ms 4thuh ba Ora ma can / de da. 14od dandri La 4bad /
dam table ',Adis ni tagrub ,par bya/giab du he* par obs 4o
atha vaj api4i4 sarvatathigatid4lPotir osurmkaVissamirmili
de aaa ua rdo re de biln siege pa thaw!, tad xyl bdag pes/
svakayavakcittavajrabhyo nieearayan / lha ma yin gyl bu mot dam table 4di/Al4 kyl
krara ninabherakrinta gandh*Puf9oPOID4oSsii4 / -thugs rde rje las pL1i1 ho/
samayo vairapitilt Aurdint; vajrabbalravi6 /1 22 4nro iih ha rya aod pa m non/epos too spyed la titiy

rde rja ea 4og da tsiig ate / 4-jigs oyed patio

atba v4rapi4i4 aarvathaeatadhipati rikaasasrisamaYmO, de uaa hyag ua rde rje do blau, eg8 pa thamo caa xy baag pes,
svakayavikcittavajrebhyo ulacir*Yaa / srlb rnams kyl dam tshlg 4di/ald kyl S4U 4ah euh dah tau
kapilisthldhilpatallevcsaYi, PriMan m at / rde rje Iaa phyuit ho/
samay4 sarvabhitanam pavitreiyam mahir,,akrt // 23 thed rus bdug paloi 4bru mar doh / c tu dt.;a4 bar ;v:iur,0'
Obyuh pe ku, . yj lam tshie ste/ANI byed ion otea t.;yed /
'bi14 iegpa thsu bdEig, pos/,
atha vajrap- servststhigatidhipsti# stErvsvsjri4ik4nt.
itcl.o r40 o cia,kyi 'dam ig #di sink dah
sanasp ovaki7avikcittaVajrobbY0 hiliciraYan /'
gUL 4tba rdo Phydi h.0/.
vigsfitrarudhirso Makfed.oadyidip: ea past sods /
,h444:gqi 44,ai, ors:4as p**4 i'ohfi lo -sop pal* tu'btUh/
voiroaki,AYogonomarkrotpadalskespsi#// isbsad
svabhivonaiva sapbhuti vicaranti tridhituks / rdo V4* okhaOgpro0i
ba'yis/gaiksliii stshairgid

ho bo Aid Wis kUn ObYta b "cos gaps dag ns rnamHpar spyod /

&caret saws, 4tsnal# oarvasattvahitai, 25
seas can kua is phsa psOi/dta tshig mS ius spyaa par-bys/ 25
sarystraidbitoksviirasssayaosnsvasarap nips sonidhi#/
Woks pus pa thaiiM'ead kyi rdo rje#1 dam tshis si rjos '0u4bran
atha vajrapi#4 8arvotatb5Sotidhipati# ki7asiddhisan47 , I

vajrsp svskiyavikcittavoirebb$0 nisiciraYan /

NE hi bys bs#i tih he idsin to/
ki7ika0 trividha# saliva* kirsyed vajrasaphsvan / de nos ,physis its ,rdo 4* do WW1 gee 4) tplas 0/
buddhakOakarap nitymp sattosdhito# samsntsta# // 26 ii 'id grub /sari Aix tabig Pax
thugs rdo rje 1st
atha voijraP414 sorvatathigatidhipatir iksiddhissasys. lus kyi ram laint d par bya r/
vajra# ovskiyavikoittovOrobbYo nifiloirVan / Imps ca a khan* al those cad d sr safis rs sku. byod pao/26
5. _
bdag pos/
vakkarsoPadoP kOsnap trailOtrisaionsigalan / -944911-43440 rjs as b pa, thins cad
vilsiddhipadarsnYo'Ys, samMo'dweatikrens# // tshig 'sku thin thugs
o rJ.140-
aths vajrapi#1# sarvatothiSstadhi atii oittsvojra1id4ht tobigtlow khaps gsum dri, med. 4kyii or to
samayap wyski7svikcittsvairobh70 alioiraysa / iha lgii/dam tshig :in tu #4a# dka# ba#0/ 27
manovajroosTs# osrvap bhivsyed dV4havojroliatk do as phyag na bgia gins pataams cad kyi bdsg pool
,0 hi sasaya# proktas trivairibhodyavojr sass rdo Or4i tshiggi awe grub #di/Aid xri situ dait gsuh
ity iha bhsgovin sanaatclundsro vilijrasott-vs# / 140.1 thuga r4o r4e 1,144h7un hoi
Yid 44 r40 44,4 rahbhinkun 4rd0 rj br 4dsin pas bsgom/
rdo rjo mi 0114 ssus laaa 6:4/40s Wag gliad pa #di yin no / 28
&that vajrapi#1.0 sarvotot atidhipati# sorvoson boom Lloa #das kua tu sidsee 404 rdo rje sems 4as de skad ces
oarooasaiss ovakiKyovakcittsvajrobbyv niicirsystk bx*# sts*1 to/
azag a* rdo r4o de biia cad kyi bdas
saw cad i do.1,3(00i &Ain p #1i/iiid kyi
jit las Phillh
ca bodhisattviii ca pretyekajinahriVakip
Baba rgyas bra chub aems dpa4 dah/ra4 rgyal,fiaa thos de biln te/
tathi aft oak thugs au abyor ba hi/1*V%* 4teba1 ne Al Ma ruh tiMai 29
to mae 9674$ as rdo b14.n wises pa hans.oad,kgi bsg Pos/
kiyavikcittasacyogair vandgyan alias ipnuyst //

de ban SdoSs pa them ,oad kyi sku dah gauhda Ulnas rdo
atha vajrapini# sarvatathigatidhipati4 sarvatathisatam. beam gtan gyi dam taixia 4difflid,kryi au darkouip, dat tbuo rdo
kayavikcittavajradhyienasamsym, avakiraVikcittavijrebhyo rje las phyukho/
nigiclirgyar / kun tu rdo rje same dpaO yi / skit gauh thugs 1i dkyil 4khor la/
vajrasattvasya sarvatra kiyiviktittima#011 / Ws= sten rdo rje gsumsbror baS/Ohasa zlos pas ni beam Stan bra/30
trivajrayogena dhyitavyaip mantrajipixii // 30 bdas 904/
de maa APIS" to bite Siegel pa them cad
snags sgrub pa4i dam tahig din adorn, pa 04./8i4 kyi au 0.01 gsuh
atha vajrapeni4 earvatatagat;dhipati4 sarvamontramaara. dah thug # rdo rje las Pbruli
aidhanasamayasaivara, svakiyavikoittavapebhyo nigeirlYan/ *dor xa seMS,ean kbaMI rape faltmem gtan rdo rjes balm' bar bra/
sattvadhatuip saasena dhyinavajragaLoodayet / rdo rje ssun SA *wag OtShal mthog/dam tshig rdo rje las tcouitbatut3I
trivajravandanigrkryt, samayo vajrassibblV*0 // 31 de nab Pbrag nardo rje to bin siege Pa thens cad kyi hdas Pos/
b$Sen, Pa dah/sgrub pa dah/Se bar snub pa dah/ then Pe4i
atha vajrf.ini4 sarvatathiSetidhipatiO sevialdhSampam
Eldon Wirm.dah gauh dah thugs rdo rje lat'phyuh ho/
namahisidivinasamayasavvara* 8vakimikaittavajr0bUY0 rdo rJe biah Scif nam mkha01 dbathe/ruhs eu gait bar rnazepar beam/
cirayan /
due essum rd rJe daS la dbul daM '0034 rab,turtaS Pa49 /
khadhituipviiimultravajrntapariparlmflitclutmrat/ de nap phyas as rd0 re de biin Siege Pa teams cad kWi bdaS'Pae/
dadyit trAdhvabuddhebhya4 samara%) Peramaiiivat4//52 rdo rje mi mush ba thins cad *A dam tahi Uyi skit dah
gsuh dah thugs rdo*rJe las PAYuh fid/
atha vajrapi4i# sarvatathigatidhipatiO sarwavajrintar- duo biir ji ltar mchog biin du / rdo ije no at in re spyad /
dhinasamayalp svalayavikaittavajrebnyo niicirayan / yah as rdzas kyah rtag tu dbroS/da*Obis rdo rje rdzogs byed p4o133
kimayet pratidinao vajr4 catuloandhya, yathottamaM/ de nas phyag as rio rje de bin geegs pa thins cad kyi bdag pos/
dravya% vipi harem nityalp samaye'vajrapiraka# // 33 nam mkhatd rig tazin gyi dam tahig $i/id kyi skit dait gsu;2 dah
thugs rdo'rje las'phyuh no/
atha vajrapini4 sarvatathigatidhipati4 khavidyidhara- skit gsuh thugs kyi rdo'rje at / dbu rgyan dag is beam gtan beam/
samaya* avakijavikcittavajrebhyo niicirayan / rdo rje gsum gyi dam'tehig ste/khros pa rnams Uyie mi thub po / 34 1

kijavikcittavajra44 mukuVe dbyina* viciatepot / de nas phTag na'rdo rje de ban gees pa theme cad kyi bdag pos/
trivajrasamaysi4 servai0 kruddhair jetup as eakyatio//34 shags 4chah lgts dah po pa titans cad kyi dam tshig kyi skit
dah seta dah thugs rdo rjn las phyuh ho/
ath* vajrapi#4 8arv9tathigatidhipati4 sarvamantradhari-
dikarmikaeamayaa svakiyavikcittwvajrabhyo nilicirSYsn / rdo rjo kba *as / Plat rel rdo rjo #4siu pa doh /
bhojane kiyavajrasya bahir vajradharasya oa / ado $10o ebo gap. Ora ba la / rt40 Por rde m40 oboe go b7o / 35
vajradharmi sadi kixy trodghiVanavidhikriyi // 35
dag pa rdo rjes do skad ces bka# steal to/
boom ldao 4doo lobo
ity iha bhagavin svabhivatiuddhavajra# /
40 000 9405 no v40 40 de bill' gioga R* tbsma cad 40. bdag pee/
atha vajrapixtitt sarvatathigatidhipatiO
rdo rje Osiu pa them cad ky1 alcm dah gpui dah thugs kyi rdo rje
svaki,yavikcittahrlayavajrasamatiiivicintya throLmahhat/ pa Bid Per dguhs use cal at gsuit bar gyur to/

atha khalv anabhilipyinabhilipyabuddhakqetrasumsruparap. de nas yal brjod du sod pa#1 yaki brjod du mid pabi sahs rgyas kyi
miourajattsami bodhisattvi mAhisattvi# sarvatathigatin ith rl rah Wi,rdul rib tu phra ba doh mirtem psi byah chub seas
praoipatyaivam ihu# / 4P4 oolio dPoO'obon pa roam klits/de biin giegs pa theme cad Is
kim vac bhagavin sarvatathigatldhipatir vajradbaratt phyab#1104 nas #41 skid cos gsol to/
sarvatathigatabodhisattvapargawmaigelazadhrotiatlip. beds ldai Sas de ban gitigs pa thong cad byt bdag po Oi.ciOi
bhivenidhivisayati / sled dU/de bun ggego pa they. cad Wit' chub seas doubt #kbor
atha4bhagavanta# sarvatathigatis tin sarvabodhisattvin gy1 ash dm cal at gauh bar biugs so/
evam ihu# / de ass boom ldan Oas do bits gifts pa thus cad Wis/breh chub
kiyavikcittavajrinupalabdhisvabhiviklarapadalp kulaputri seas dpa# da dig than. cad is 01 skid sea bko# stital to/
ayda sarvatathigatikiyavikoittavapidhipati# gi#svabbiP. rigs k/.1 bu de biin gongs pa tams cad *yi skuOmil gstih dah thugs
viklarapada* vieirya tg4bblivena .vyavasthita# / aoYa Wag P0 #di/eku dah gisui dal amp rdu rje#i he be Aid dmiss
ca kulaputri# sarvatathigatidhipatei cintayi etad abhit/ su med pabi yi g#i tshig la/ho bo did med pa0i yi getti tshig
brjod use/cab, at gsuh bar bugs 80/rigs t bu de bin ggegs pa
kiyikvaram anutpannatit vikcittal alakaagam / thaw cad kyi bdag pc #di ni #di *gam du aor to/
khavajrakalpaniblihm, mithyisacgrahasaggraham Anti/ 36 ski at mi #aur as skyes pa / gatth dah ikugs Apth stab= ma med /
nam akba# rdo rje rtog ige byuh/lOg per gmuh bas min pa yin / 36
atha maAjuiripramukhi ahibodhisattvis tin sarvatathi-

gatin evam ihu# / its nas ttjam dpal la byah chub seas dpit# sems dpatt chen
mi bhagavanta# sarvatathigati vigvajrapadaat mithyisam- po rams lyis/de biin wiegs pa di deg ]a/di skid oes gaol te/
udwma kalpgyatha / tat kasmid dheto# / sarvatathigata- boom idea #das de bin giegs pa theme cad/gsuh rdo rje#i tshig la
vajradhituLabhivacaritagatinugatiko'ya, sarvatathigata- phyla oi log kun #byuh bar ml brtag tu gsol/da cii slid du ie na/ I

kiyavikcittavapidhipatitt / tat katmid dheso# / santi de bin piega pa thus cad kyi Wag po #di ni/de biin pins pa
brahmidyi mahibodhisattvi mahib lijAinassippriptiO thus cad Igyi rdo re dbyihs kyi ho ho Aid spyod par #gyur ha
griaga pa dah byon pa0i rjes an #gro#o/de ci#i sled du :Se na/
tmhafis pa la sogs pa byah chub sems dpet# seine dpat ahem Do/mhon
par :es pac,chen po#S. ye lea thob pa rnans chos thans cad kyi

sarvadharmalaklataasvabhivam ajinaita eve* vikalpayanti / mtshan Aid kyi ho ho Sid at 40. was oi edam (IA rnam par rtog
ste/ci rd0 rJ041 bawd aid #di de ban giegs pa theme cad kyi
kim Ayala sarvatathigatamahivajritmi sarvatathigatadharma-
2 hos thus cad kyi rd0 rje#1 de kho ma did yoke au ma ties aas/
vajratattvam anabhildiya guhyikqara, nirdioadti /
dash bat yi ge rnams Oohed dam edam du sems pa yah mchis so/
atha bhagavanta# sarvatathigatis tin bodhisattvin eves
de nas boom ldan #das de biiq'giegs pa thaw cad kyiebyah chub
soma dpa# de dag la Odi skad ces bka# steal to/
tiathantu tivad bhavanto mahibodhisattvi vayam api sarVa-

tathigatakiyavikcittavajraguhyikaaram pripya kiyavikcittai. byah chub sans dpa# khyed rums lta ci amos te/hed de bin gene
pa thus ca a kyiesku dmh oath dish thugs rdo rjelpi gaah ba mi
bodhia na jinimahe / tat kaamid dheto4 / nibsvabhiyikvara-
- 3
sambhuto'nutpaaavajribhisambodhi# / yivanta# kulaputri#
#gyur ha Mid pa0ah sku dah gauh dal thugs kyi byan chub mi Les
so/ds ie na/skye ba mod paig Ho rje mhon par byah
sattvi# sattvasamgrahow saagghitiO serve te4bodhiprati-
hirkVilmittap- chub pa ni/ho bo did mad pa at #gyur ba las byuh balm/rigs kyi bu
Ohiti# bud4havajri0 / tat Mislaid dhitt04 /
-5, 6 seas an hen poi khofis su gtogs palg seine can ji stied yod pa
vajrajanapripti batami sattvis trikiyavajradharmatim
de lag theme cad byah chub la snow- pa sails rgyas Ho rje#o/de
upidiya /
ci#i phyir ie as/kr) a4 some can de'dag ni situ gsum Ho rje#i
atha vajrapiai# sarvatathigaaciyavikeittavajrabiPatis
chola Bid kyi hyirlaku dan gauh dia thugs Ho rje#i ye ies thobpatio/
tin servatathigatin bodhisattviali caivam ilia /
de nas phra 4o rje de biin geese pa thams cad kyi elm dal
avabhivaiwidhanairgtme dharmadhitunirilaye / gala da tht. rje#i bdag pOs/de biin giegs pa thams cad dah/
kalpani vajrasaabhfiti glyate aa ea glyats // 37 byah chub seine dpa# de dag la #di skad ces Esuhs so/
rah biin dag cih bdag mod pa / chos kyi dbyihs i gnas med pa /
atha bhagavanta# sarvatathigati bhagavanta* aahivajra- rtog pa Ho rje las byuh ba smra bar byed pa smra ma yin / 37
piaia sarvatathigatasvimina, namaskrtyaivam ihu4 /
de nas bcom ldan #das de biin siege pa thana cad kyis/bcom ldan
Anita imini bhagavan sarvatothigstakayaviketttavajra-
siddhini samavasaranti kva vi pratiolpitini / #das de biin giegs pd phyag ma Ho rje chen po la diaya6 Oshal nas
sarvatathigatidhipatir vajradhara# priha /
akad cos gaol te/bcom ldan #das de bin gtiega pa thams cad kyi
situ iait gsuh dah thugs rdo rje0i dhos grub ji ltar yah dag par
bhagavanta# sarvatathigati# sarvasiddhlai sarvavajra-
4jug /gal na gnap/de biin giegs pa thaw cad kyi bdag po rdo rje
jAinini sarveip yivat traidhitukam iti / Odzia pas gsuhs pa/bcom ldan #das de bain giegs pa thams cad kyi
sarvatathigati# procu# / sarvatathigatakiyavikcitta-
lhos grub thane cad dai/thama cad mkhyen ps4. dah khans Esum ji seed
pa laarsh gi sku dai auui lah thugs kyi rgyud it rdo rje Ia nas
so/de biin Ege6s pa thams cal kyis alar 684 pa/bcom iJan das
de ban giegs pa thaw cad kyi eku ash gaua dah thugs rdo rje0i
dhos grub dah/khams gsum thaw. cad gah na gnas/de bein geegs pa
vajrasiddbini sarvatraidhitukag ca bhagavan kutra titbit's/
theme cad kyi bdag po ye lea Ho rjetti bdag pos, gsuhs pa/bcom ldan
sarvatathigateOrmidhipatig iha / ikieadbitupratiObiteni
4das de bein giegs pa them cad kyi sku dab. gauh dah thugs kyi
bhagavantab earvatathigatiti sarvatathigatakiyavikoitta-
dhos grub dah/khams gsum pa them cad at nam mkha4 la gnas so/
IILIdani sarvatraidhitukag ea /
de bib/ giegs pa theme cad kyle geol pa/nam mkbatt gen na gaas/
sarvatathigatig procug / akieWkutra ethitan /
vajradharag priha / na kvaeit /
de beta geogn pa thaw cad Ai bdag.pos geuhs pa/gas na yaa ma
atha te sarvatathigati bodhiaattvii oiicaryapripti
yin no/
de nas bYah chub same dps4 de dag ho mtshar du gyur rmad du gyur
adbhutapriipti imag3shogan akirfs0 /
aho vajra aho vajra aho vajvaaya datiani / e mabo Ho rje Ho ;le/ e motto Ho rje yi bead pa /
yatra na kiyavikcittag tatra rips, vibbivyato // 38 gaa du lust doh hag semp mad / de ru gsugs at =Lam par basom / 38
atha vajradharag east sarvabuddhanamaskrtab / de nas aton pa Ho rja dsin / seas rgyas kun gyis phyag byas nas/
trivajrigramahigrigraa trivajraparameivarag / Ho rja gaum mfhog.mchpg chenaohog/rdo rje gsum gyi dbahphyugrapy
bhigate sarvasiddhinig vidyipurugabhivanin // 39 rig pagi styes bu aeon pa yi / dhos grub kun at bead par mdzad / 39
khavajradhitumadhyasthag bhivayed i.middhanagfalWA/ mkh4 dbyiis Ho rje4i dbus gnaa par/sahs rgyae dkyil 4khor
kiyavajrag prabhivitvi vajrag mfirdhni prabhivayet// 40 bag= par bya /
Ho rje4i sku at nab bsgoms aaa/spyi bor Ho rje nab tu bsgom / 40
trimukhag trikayastobhatag visphurantag vicintayet/
ial gsum aim gsum lis byua ba / rnam par 4phro ba bsam par bya /
vajracakradharag dhyitve ilghrag bodhim avipmuyit 1/41
Ho rje 41chor. lo gdzin beam na/byan chub myur du thob par abyur/ 41
kulabhedena sarvegim idag guhyag vicintayt /
anyathi bhivani tegig siddhir bhavati nottami // 42
theme cad rigs kyi bye brag gia / goat ba gdi at rnam par bsam /
glen du rnam par begoms na ni/ de dag lhos grub mchog mi ggyur / 42
ity iha bhagavin vidyipurugavajragubyag /
bcom ldan galas rig pagi slryee bu rdo rje gssil bas de skad ces
tridhitubhatig maharaja, prigayantig vicintarit / bicag steal 'to/
eve.; tugyanti te vrgabbi vajrakiyatrilakgitig // hams gsum las byun rgyal mo che/miles par byed ma rnam bsams 'las/
yai coda, bhivayt kai cid bodhisattvo nahayagig rdo rje sku gsum gyis mtshan pa/ichyu mchog des ai miles par tigyur/43
trilayasiddhim ipnoti saptihena mahidyutig // 44 gah iig 4di dag sgom pa yi / byall chub sems dpag grass Chen rnams/
lag bdun gyis at gzi che ba4i!sku gsum dhos grub thob par ggyur/ 44
atha bhagavin vejrapiolg earvatathigatidhipatig puns:
api kiyavikcittavajrasamucca/aguhyurahasyag evakiyavik- de nas aii bon Lion glas icyis sku dah. satin dah thugs rdo rje
cittavajriibbyo niicirayan / badus pagi sa di/id kyl scu iah gauh dah thugs rdo rje las
ehyuil ho/
sku gsuh thug, kyi dam tshig ni/pbyag rya chan poi dOn rtogs pa/
kiyamikeittasamaye, mahemudrirtbakalpana t
aVvam ipn4yit//45 the fa biin du km began na/akad Ci ia at aahs r&-iss thob/ 45
bhimayed vidhivat servin kaayid b
de nas phyag na Ho cjes snub pa po them cal tfi lus dah hag
atha vajrapi914 sarvatathigatidhipati4 Pun= apt *lova- kli aku dah gwah dah thugs rdo rje las
dah etas gsah ba
sidhakakiyavikcittarahmaysip avakirmikcittavajre
phyuh ho/
niAcirayan /
2 gal to byah chub maws 4tod na/lag pa4i phyag rya mi both ho/
hastanudri, na badhnlyid yadischad bodhimiuttmaiM /
shags mama kun gyi dam teal #di/rgyal ba rnams kyah mi 44,a4o/ 46
saws)) earvanamtri*i atiknamy* jinalr api A/ 46
de nas yah ph/14 na Ho rjes sahs ryas thams cad kyi dam tshig
atha vajrap4i0 servatathigatidhipatiO punar api Urea-
4di/id kyi skU &SA gsuh dai thuga Ho rje Las phyuh ho/
buddhasanam svakiyavikaittavajrabhyo nigisirayan /
Nish goi Uhu be khrar zuams ni / said pa dag au yoh mi bya /
vignitralukraraktina, jugups4 naiva kimrayet /
obo ga ban du rtag tu bza4 gsah 4di Ho rje gsum byuh yin /
bhakfared vidhini nityan ids* guimitftalva#1414. // 4?
de nas yah boomldan 4das phyag na Ho rjes gsuh Ho rje4i dam
atha va3rapi4i4 saryatathigatidhipatila punaP apt AP'
to' lg 441./fii4 kyi sku dah gsUh dah thugs,rdo rje las phyuh ho/
vajrasamaya, svakiyavikkeittawajrabh70 / khans gsum dag gi'lam mchng ma / bud mod ji i'aed yod pa mans /
traidhiltukapatho rams yivantyo yollit4 until) /
them cad Cho ga ban du spyaii / gsull gi rdo rj mi smad do / 48
kinayed vidhivat sarvi vigvajrair na jugupslyet // ail
de nes yah phyag ma Ho rjes*thugs kvi dam tshig 4di/Aid Ii sku
atha vajrapimi4 sarvatathigatidhipatib punar api sitta-
dah gsuh dam thugs Ho rje las phyuh ho/
vajrasemayaf svakiyavikcittavajrobhyo niioiroyan /
Ho rje sku gsum la gnas pa / dam tshig ji sae& yod pa kUM /
yivanta4 sarvasamayila trivajrativasafathitib / Ho rje geum gyi dam tshig gis / mgu ii tshim pa rab tu bya,
priaayit trivajtassnayaii cittavajra, na jugups1&7et//49
thugs kyi Ho rje ni smad do/ 4
ity iha bhagavilps trivajrasanayati /
boom ldan 4das dam tshig chen po gsum gyi dam tshig gis de skad
atha vajrapini4 sarvatathigatidhipatiO punar api sarva-
cos bka4 Steal to/
tathigataguhysvajra, svakiyavikcittavajrabhyo niicirayan/
de ass yah phyag ma Ho rje de biin giegs pa thans cad kyi bdag
paficaskandh4 samisens padcabu44bi4 praartitiO /
pos/de biin giegs pa thane cad 141 gsah bali Ho rje 4di/fli4 kyi
vajriyataniny ova bodhisettvigranan4alan // iti / 50
ski dah gsuh &alba thugs Ho rje Las piiyla ho/
stha v14repi4l0 servatathigatadhipati# punar spi trai-
dor ns pnuh po as mans ni / oaths ryas lhar ai rab ti bsgrags /
AbitukAakre, svakiyaviecittavsjrbnyo niicirayas /
o rje0i sky. inched did dag kyah/byah chub.sems dpaig
prthivi loots; ehplit; sh4situr anti / dkyil 41chor mchog/50
?tejel tu pliia4ar; vilyus tir; prskirttti / de nas Ayag as Ho rj a khaas &sum gyi okhor lo 4di/di4 qi sku
esavejradaltussmaya4 salve vejradhara4 merta0 // ish gs dsh thugs Aix) rje les phyun ho/
as ii simen os by. ba yin / c u yi khans al mamati
usr4sh sroi AA ies bye be me dal riuit du rub tu begrags /
dbylAs Ho rj. den tshtg aiirdo rje 04 in pa 440 aid yin / 51
Ijr. -

sku,gsuh thugs kyi dam tshig ni/phyag rgya chen poi don rtogs pa/
" avikcittassmiglupsahimudrivthakalpsal/
cho'ga bin 4U kun bsgoins na/skad oig 6is ni sahs ryas 4thot/ 45
bhimed vidhivat sarvin kg " bm44hatvam iiinuy4t//45
de tato phyag na rib o rues ogrub pa o thams cad kyi lus dah hag
Ohm vsjraping4 sarvatathigatidhipatilit punar apl.,sarva. xyi sku dat gsla cls; thugs ribo rje las
+Ian sems gsah ba
sidhakakiyavikc4tsrabaan, sql " avikcittavsjr0b40'
pi:qua of
2 gal te byah chUb mcog dod na/lsg pa4i phyag rgya mi bcih ho/
hastamudgii* na, badhnlyik yadicc bodh uttamis /
nags mama kun gyi, tsbig 4di/rgyal ba rams t7a2i ma. 4da4o/ 46
na*ayala sarviusaltriviip natikt jinair apt //
de nas yafi phyag na rdo rjes sahs ryas thams cad kyi, dam tshig
athm vajrapi*14 sarvatathigatidhipati* punar api
4 /aid kyi Situ dbh gsuh dah thugs rdo rje las yah ao/
bud4baSamayat av avikcittaValrebyo niesitaan
biah get khu 'ba khrag ixiama ni / smad pa dee du yoh lax bya
Vivmfitraiukrarektini* jugupsiv maiVa kirayet /
a* trivejrajast / 47
co ga bin du rtag ti bza4 / gaah 4di rdo rje geum byah
bhaksayed.vidhini ni ;Atoll
an bcourldan 4das phyag na rdo rSes gsua,wdo rjeJai dam
atbst vajrap" eavat6higatdiiipatiJ pun= apt
tshi 4di/Bi4 ki sku dah gsuA dal thugs rdo rje las phyuh ho/
vajraLstmaya, sv " avikcittavajrabhyo niicirayan /
khams gsum dag gi'lam mchog aal bud mei ji Sae& yod pa tnami
traidhitukapathe r Aunty yefit4 saoi4 /
ksmgyed vidhtvat sarvi vigvajrair na jUgUps 48
thams cad cho ga bin 4u spyadl siuA, gi rdo rje mi smad do /
de, nas y phyag ma rdo r";les'thugs 4am tshig 4di/Aid Xyi
,athaL vajrapi*J4 sarvatothigati4hipati* planar ai eitta.
clan gaddi dah thugs rdo ries las Aquil 120/
vatirepammyk* Svakiyavikeittavajrabhyo nieciraysn I, 4a gas pa / dam tshig ji sued )rcd pa
Ho rje sku gams
yiVenta4 sarvasamsyis trivajratyasaysthiti4 /
Ho rje gsum gyi dam tshig gis 11;6-31 il tsbim pa rab tu by /
trivajrasamayaii cittavajra* na jusups470//49
thugs kyi rd o rje mi'smad do / 49
ity ha bhagaviii trivajtisameyab /
boom idat taus dam tshig chet pc) gsum gyi tshig is de skad'
stha vajraph44 sarvatath;gatidhipati4 punar api &larva-
cos bkala steal to/
tathigataguhyavajra* svakiyavakcittavajrabhyo niticirayan/
de nas yahphyag aa rdo rje de bi egs pa tbazns cad i bdag
padcaskendbiti ssmisena pancabuddhi* PrakIrtitiO /
Pos/delbLn giegs pa thaw cad kji gsaii. ba4i rdo rje 4di/Aid kyi
vajriyatanany eva bodhisattvigrema44alam // iti /
sku ask gsuit, daii thugs rdo rje las pilyun
atha vajrap41.4 sarvatathigatidhipati4 punar api trai-
mdor ta phuh po lna rnams ni / sans as ihar ni rab tu bsgr s/
dhituk4akrup avakeiyavakcittavajrabhyo niticirayan /
rje4i skye hod ad dag kyall/byall 610, sets dpaIA
prthivi lostna khyiti abdhitur rimald anti / dkyil lakhor mchog/5
-tejas tu- pii44br4kbyit; viiyus tar i pralartiti / e nes phyag na jes khams gsum yi44ho r lo 44/514 kyi sku
kbey re4hitusamaya* sail?* va1radhars4 saTta0 // 51 dah auli dai2 thugs do rje las ,oayuh ho/
sa ui spyaa gee bya ha yin / chu yi khams ni nmaid /
dkar dah sgrol ma ies bya ha / me aah riuh du rab tu bogr
o4 dbgihs rdo rje dam tbig ni/rdo rje 41zia pa
* 39/
39c) tarns cad 471 ga Kji
boo* 1434 4d de bsin 0.44
pbyug rito r0 **WS 48,9 east pox ue vica4 ces b44 sts1 to/
ity iba bhagavin sarvatathig abhuvanisvaro asbivajrasat de nas b4014 an 94as de biin g4egs pa thams calkyi sku
atba bbagemiia sarvatathmigatak;mikeittavajras tertbiiiPte4 gauh dah thugs rdo r4e*de biin gAegs /de bin 64egs d
sarvatathigatasanativiaralp mina saitidb sasitpannott ea m pa Aid la 45inaa pa 4)0 bya ba4i tIn e 4dain I
saaipadya ea sarvatatbigotsPargonamtal ava).okya t saosa 110 80/00ms par iugs naa'Ayala de biin i,Lebs
*bait / ead kyi Or iixji1'vAtnor gzigs nas can 41 bsun

byah chub:seas 4pa4'sess dpa4czmn pc) byams pas/de bLn

atilt( kbalu aaitroyo bodhisattvo mabisattva4sarvatstb..
61 lo phyag 4tsba1 Imo 44i,skd ces S01 o/bcon
satin praqipatylivas iba / sarvatathigat avikeitta-
14an odes do'biin gloss pa tbaas'er 4y1 aim dah ssun da4
vajritVabasysisuhiasaaitiibhigati bbmgatin
0 r4.411 sea bet gsah ba.4dut par.sion par dbah bizur bai lob
servatataigati4 aarvabodhiaattvaii cs
dpon La/44 ban gitigs pa thou* ead dah/brih,eaub sems.dpa4 thams
aarvatatbigatitt prihu4 bodhicittavajra iva lculapu
tad ky.ia ji Atar.b ta bar bsylirigs kyi bu do biir; -pegs pa thams
iarvatathigataga awraLbodhisettiraii ca drs4tair7a4
ca4 4ahib7a1i Chub aems lpo4 kyis byah chub kyl :L'oms rdo rje
kamaid, dbeto0 / bodhicittai eieiryai oidvayaa *tad steal
biim 44 bits bar b1a00/4* t14i phyir i* ns/Slob dpen ti byan chub
Malarial / yivat kulaputra
',1c7i. *OM; dah *Sas iih roma par ells sa dbyar Ael4o/rigs Xyi bu
yivantO daladiglokadhitusiu buddbii ea bodbisattvii ea
md tan na/phyogs beu4i 4 is rten $y ;atoms na sails rgyaa dan
tionbanti dbriyante yipayanti ea sarVs t. triekila*
.2 hyah club sems 4p4 j'eked 44nod ein ono'ba skyoh ba de lag
agatiya tan ;cirri* marvatathigataPi4ibb14 lisoNi470 eV'
thams ,;aid dui g$um u byon nab/slob dpcn de la le bin biegs p
buddbaksetra, prskrisouti / OW. Ca villiva4likfarliPadelli
thams mcho pas ya.h lab .,ar !L31 nasiaahs rgyas
nieeirayanti / pitisaika, sarvatietbigatini; matins timp
doir :fah ;aro ith nag rdo r4e41 7i ge yah 441 akad du 4be n to/
sarvatathiigatiri,,yivac chilatisaikaf poreatitassts thams cal
bdals cag de ban gies pA4kyi natio/bdec eels de tiin siege pa
tadyatbipi nix* kulaputra yivanto buddhi bbogovmto \
tbas cad Icyt mallo/ies b7a ba naS/b Ca g e bid.a pa thums
daiasu dik,u viharanti / tofi, ea b444bini, bbasavata,
cal $7i aton.pak4o/ies b7a,batti bar-du4o4di its ete/dper na rIga'
yivat kiyavikcittavajra4 puwaskandba# /5ioirraoyaik*-
roaakipigravivare vtiliqyato / tot keLid dbeto0 / bodbi- kyi bu ouhu xgys beom ldan 4daS phyop bou na i sAed biugs pa
dah/s*ho rgYss bemldan 4d5* de rnams 471 sicu dah gellh dan ':;huga
att.* kulaputra gaxvabU ajfiniva1. sirabbitaa utpatid.
yivat sarvajfisjanikaran iti / rdo r4a laa bluh;11444. blood namo uyi phuh po/ji sted pa de bas kyan
slob dpon gyi ba spu4i bu,ga gi bsol AUMS xnyad part _du 4pha6s.
so/de 441 pnyir ue na/rigs kyi buiblan chub Ryi cams ti .$6a10
.rya* itzi yes Xyi diii por g7ur pa4O/skye bat gnas su gyur
nas/thama cad mkhyea pa41 ye igs xyiowuh gaas yin, pat bar du40/
chub seas dpa# byes p* 7144aiSs i skrag uste
cal si eira bar to/
atha khalu aaitroyo bodh.sattvo nahisittvo di flail de bin 0.1* bodryod pa 04-' bill) siege pa dkon =hog
trastamanasas t abhiit /
dpal de in I.II pa Ood dpaetw- pa dah/ds bin giegs pa
gamut s& bar pa do ban giOgspa rnsi'Par aaah mdzad
stha ,khal* ekaobhyas tathigato va!nakotus tathigato' rhanS/rdo rj 'Asia thans cadkyi dhos grak-Vi, dam tshig
mitabhas tathkatoimoghssiddhis tathigato vairocano dnig, pa, rdo rlo us bya ba4i tilt he dsin la eons par lugs nas/
2 aims
tathagata# sarvavajredherasiddhisanayilanbanavajras :OS chub MO dp*# do. thin, cad la bkai steal pa/byah chub
saaidhi, eanipadysitin saryabodhisattvin inantrayato sna/ son dpslit =WI thus cad flon 'ya4 *wogs' :bcubi sails
h4vantubhagavanta# sarvobodhigattvi yolpi to daimon root bOom 34.nOdati dus ,gium rdo 'rjetti. ye is* 'las byuii ba
dilksu buddhi bhagevantas tryadhvO4re1aism ilia to' ba /Ana patift slob doom', dais phrad na mohod pa bywi'
9i3 guhyssanaasoaryan igatys.114jayanti namasturvanti as / dii Physigtsha1, to/de oithi phyir is ,naidir 8i4. ton .pa yin .bcon
tat Upload dhto# sarJhodhisit*visio sarvatathilii. so pa SOLO Vaal thins cad kyi ye ges
Otani, ca as ova bhagavin lashivsjradhart# orvab
jcsipatirlitii do nas bi ahU isis dp4 chen pods deg' thus o ban
atathigatin ram
atha to mar,* mishibodhisattVis tin s 0 pa %ban* sad is#di tkad coo ssol to/boon 14an #das do biLn
ibu# / sarvatathigatakiymvikcitt Waal bhogawanta# ip pa thaw c kyi sku dah gmur doh thugs kyi /hoe grub rOans
kUtra mthitini6/ sarvatathigatiO prihu# / trikiyaguhya
ci is vasids biin gisgs pa than* cal Uyio ka# stsal pa/aka gm&
kiyavikcittavajrioiragya hiyavihcittasthitini gsah baOlsku'dah gs dah thugs ni/rdo rjo Slob dpoh gyi lug diul
bodhisattvi# prihu# / kiyaviheittalubravajtais kutra iag OA sons lido rjo is is MO Yoh Chub Bug'4p.4 ohOn Po 111.211
sthitan in* kvacit / kris viol pa/luS,dah hag dah emis rdo rje gah is gnu/g11 is yah
atha to nabibodhisattvi iiiicaryapr adbhutnpr gnus so/do nal, byah chub sons drib do deg Le *Oho du gror
tit/ hiti abhavau / du gyur nas Oah at aura bar khod do/

atha bhagarin vajrapa0is tatha$1b*4 gubYavairsalusidher dr* nsa beca idun44a Ph7seus rdo rJs/do biin gins RAti gosh
vyutthaya earvatathigatin sarvabodhisattvisi einantray
b*i 4o rjoi tih h* #datu las bias nal/do Nita gifts pa thaw
saa / imentu bhagaironta# sarwatathigati# sarvabodbi
cad dah/byah chub sonsdps# rums is born to liks# stool pa/do biin
BUIS pa thaw cad doh bysth Chub dpa# Wayed thane cad/do biln
melsi slogs pa thus cod yi byah chub kyi sails kun Orin ba um' bYa
AmaSalan /
Ohs khalu sarvet ata- bodhisattvii ea kTtiAjalipu#i bat tii he Osin gyi dkril /Ahoy on cig/
bhagaventalp vajra oval' ihu# / do nas yah do bin giOgs pa dah/byah chub sons dpa# do lag than*
Cad via thal se shy-sr easibcam Itan #das is #di skad cos gaol to/
boon ldan bdea J. or chin po biad ,d1,1 gaol/bda bar giaga
deitiyatu bilasavin cleiakyatu ausato nth- alAUK iti /
bilad du ,sso;./
kba4hituaadhyasatis ointae e turaare, uiobhanaa / 4.*Pi nkhai idbytua su d.bua'bras paigrubit ].ha* pa rab tu adsaa/
sails rasa dkyil kakhor abyor ba yielbeas stan rdo rje
buddhasaugalayosana dbyinavajralp precodayst 1/ rab Waal bya/ 52
vaiVaaa0a1adhyinana inane" aarvaoakrisin / rdo rja dkyil blgbov bean 0431 EriltrOdkOr 10 OSA klan biuga per bya/
tanaiva vidhini kurvita *attain sad* 53
aohod pii CQ64. do. 144 kils/blo 44 Man, pas rtag tU. bya / 53
iieiryoup hrdaya dhv4vi abbiSekeS wirabbst / slob dpon MIA ltbar Trab balsas nes/dbei bakur ha ni brtaaa par by*/
khadhitu, aarvabuddhaia tu partputualk viaintayet / sehi rama an syli na akhelpi au gait bar rnaa begone la/
plitayed vidhivat aarvin abbitakoadais tribhqk clbaii, balm ba y4.0 pun aria/tbaaa cad eho ga bin du &bat / 54
tow bodhimi apnott aervallattveditt,4041a sou can ,X:ua 11 I -plata litdoil palid/byaii Chub bdi yia bbab bsyur gen/
aidbyata kimikeittas aarvasiddhtaahadbhutaa 1/ 55 o atebeir chin pobi. dims oriab kongsku omit thugs, ni be-rub
arvabuddhabodhiadtvaaaalyaeakras nix' a dbyiaaaawitalaa Par,twar / 55
ado was daft bran chub saes dpab )zyi dam tahig tbkbor lo lea
bya ba/baaa ictall (1k74.1 4kkor roi
atha khalu vajrapinib sarva thigatadhipa
earvatathigatavajrayogas nista kiLyavikaittavairejukT, de nu yen phyag not rfte 4* do' bith saw pa thaw cad kyi rdo rje
avakiyavikoittava,lrabhy ntioarayan Om be. us bya bahk4 dais' ,ga Wage rdo rjei ssaii be. 4d.t/
Mit 1114 614 i adpsdeligiu* elai thugs rdo rjo phyuit
kbadhitusadhyassita, ointed, astbinifilledisaWlaa / / AO KRAI
trik7aviiIccittahrda74 vajrasatt4 vtbhivayet as rua le 0$e. 4411 WM Walt* wow dbytAs kyt dbUs au bean/
'mart" vikrta* asiallicuddha, atlotpalsawprabbaa Oku dot sul thugs 81014iijh Poirdo rje SW dpab boson par bya/ 56
oaturbhuja. vidhinana ailahasta, vlbhivaylt // drag po at *hag Woe pa at / utpat slon pobt.kba dos b+ira /
panoariuraiprabhodyoti, svajihvis bhivarod vratf yirg bit pa yi oho se yia / phyag na thod pa banana par boson / 57
dbyinavajrapra.yogaue rudh:rikaripausa uttartan 1/ ser lila =WM si dig byuis/raii Ica brtul iuga can syia boson/
trials" vajrasanaya, kilakaip dirgtottautaa 1 an vie 4e savor ba yislidarag dral ba iii. aches yin no /
p 4ayact vajra,yogana buddhakity' as apt swoon // itt / 59 all& rdsD 40 411 .tabig cLaW phur bu drag po aobog dal; gig/
alas 4id isku, tag kyaii/rdo riebi obyor bas sdab par bya/59
athat vajra SUM& a sti puflar apt vairibi de nas ,ya4 phys4 rdo rise rde rjebi ktia sac i daa tabis si
- vajrabhyo niloirayan
rumma9ZakOyertbalp svakiyavikei bya be. Oditatd kyi okra alai wait Aga thugs rdo Ala Las pbyuit lo/
awe, vithavi pins* yat ktie bhakeayed 'rad_ / best baba* btu n ba gal eta ead/brtul iuga can wig sail bast; ba /
vivaitraallisayosena vidhivet perikalpayat If ei ia yi shyer ha. / oho ge biin du yofia su brtab / 60
3 94
do pas yaeu,phyag xis rdo rjsi de ban Epilogs pa thus cad iclji oku
otho v9iro1444 eseiatOilisa dhipat4 uner apt 'daitkiputi 4/1tbus,r416 r$ *chid, petli =hog ktaiitlid i aku- daix
tethigataki7avikcittavsjrapil1704 a, avakcitta-
Aga daii 'thugs iJdo rjo las phyuli
vajrebhyo agar/yen 1

&shod pat yo-byad achog ifia ni/achod as do dag "mind par bya
paitcopahirepijigrail) Aiwa" Ca prikalpiyot beep / 61
I 44i, at rdo rjo 'thaw _cad kyi / dos tshis iin tu 4.114
ego hi aervavejrage* quay. duratikr 6
do nu 7101 PhYag;" Mt rjo do- ban gists pa tliiuiacsdkyi alry. daia
atha vajrapivilit servatathigatidbipatib punar api a `J
aku dpun den
ga*il (1/14 WV kilt *Shod pa gash, ba
tethigatikiyavikcittapQ ire/lady**, Ire vikcitta
thugs rdo rjo, les phyut. itof
vaptebhyo niecirayan / 2 /
/ Keg si klitt ba a sogs pa
WO )sIfi Obyor ba
dvayendrireprooseoe availlukridiporigrabaq / oho ga ban, du lean ached na / athig CM!, Wailchub thob 'par 1,Eiyurial2
piayod vidhiTat gamin buddhabodhla avipnuyit /1 62 do nits yin phyog tak rdo rjo do ban pa thane cad kyi spyod
atha vejr*Pktil, servatathigatidhipati4 planar opt servo- PaXtUll d442 ii. doh seas kyi gam pa 14111id lqt sku da inult dait
tathigatakiyavikcittasaymemp Iry ' avikcittavairobbyo
thug* rdoPbloit 1.1*/
sus can kW stems atph4 yea kyi/diaa tshi 4zin palg aa raw la/
sattvadhitor auentasya it tiaanyadhiri4tit '
daa tabipg Goon g7i,rdo rjos sp ado* pa todi ni raid Po che / 63
aawayot -priVajrasonsy seivarolyiup aahadbhuta4 /163
do nas yeb, physig Xi* rdorjeS *grub pa po thins cad kyi adorn palg
atha ,yojrapicti4n,aarvatath atadhipati# punar apt soma- rdo rjo kyi Iku dith, g dah=tinags rdo rjo iss phyui
seidbeknoacfaravajraigt av Attiorejrobby nieciray gig ba pus' pies ;do rje sk;fes/
lus daft nag 0.11* ions s
kiyevikcittasagibbogicii,tr ilayevajrajaa / bsaii polities gis bsgrub par bya4dir iii yon sLi;tjig par 1:4gYur / 64
sidhaity, ahac bbl4rait nos n nitra sarvathi 1/ rjos *grub pa po' thins cad i rdo rje
di, not 70i Phalli nit
atha Tsjtap sarvatathagatidhipati4 punar api aerva- d kyi Wax dan gau den thug*, rdo rje las
sons 4p4i ado/ pa I)
oidhakavejraa 'Aware* svakiyarvikcittaivajtoihyo *quit fio/
/ atho gait tau gyis dpsgs par ni/spyi b r dkyil 4khOr brteg par bye/
vitastin'traa itikranya oardhni na44alakalpsoul Of ni dbus giu snag beams `naa / bdud rtsi ins po dbab per bya / 65
Qiikarap isodhyagatea dhyitvi pefiainttanipitansa // 65
rjo4i *War Asa ttdi yia n / skid cig detigis gsi can tigyur
anona Tajrayogona tojeavi Okamoto kgayit 34o deli hag seas Mar Iwo pa / Oa= bar 4di ni dogs pa med / 66
kiYavikcittasaiusthityaLbhevato nitro. sinp.414 // 66 do ass yeit phyag n ido rjos dap dsth pa thefts cad Iryi lua
otha vajrep4i1; oarvatattbigatid.hipati4t Panay *pi wows,- holt da am kyi gsaii ba 4di/fLid, kyi situ dah (pun' deli thugs rdo rj
aantradharakiyavikcittaguhyag svskiyavikoittavajrobhyo
1as p 4o
niAciraysui achod rton dais gi ad bya glass baa kies pabaii at bya
caityakeraa, na kurvita ni cat p vie dkyil 4ikhor deg kyaii yoix at Weirdo rj, gam Ocbca ,017416 at bya10/67
414110 MILT& kurvita na trivajragravand
de 'nu pbyag na e Sin siege pa thus cad'kyi bdag pos/

atha vajrap" eartatathigatodhipat10 serve's gipabarii-

4V,4 *Om 'Oed gnon pa da4 4dran'patti gaah ba 4dt/fiid
Otalibbanikaremoagubytipia4akiyaliikcittavajrobbyo ,s1c4 dah rdo, rje las playuii iao/

01 1 OodSordkar pe thor 164 Out su chud pat bag/

eakramadhyigatam ipita st1iuj1 Inas / 4ad Isar for Po 100. s p.a ni / servo its Out Ono per bya /
pitieiurisigabanip bbivaist Rites" Mom / Aps/SabOn,goah goumIasbyUfi ba0o/ 68
viler gins 0od sor
411ftirraisisamayaii trigubYamt4Oheva0 de nom yai phyag nit rje de bits gieia pa tbass eta 1,gyi blag
atha vojrapi*40 earvatathigaat10 " evikattarakia T
,9011/luallei i1 aah as sruh'be0i 0kbor lo0i shags rdo rja dah
calms* santrevejrasemuktme live* vikvittevsjrobbi. ldas p 414044 kri aka ash gsmh dah thugs rdO ras lawphy,44'ho/

taw AVM Etho War 10 si /las ird0 pj. ia,lata par /

bbirjstatridisu ciLicraip karagavaj apra 'Vats= / elliiat 40 aa. / Ih ni dims au bri bsw'bra / 69
salk adbyagats, nim**mgdhyo seimillidmit// 69 sea tilhigirrigawItrisibrpran ta'rtag tu giag par ,bya/
'mak =Oita* stbipairot tads / 041'124 smego,rnime' *bast de4,740/gsah'ba.goOk-gytgnts badus pa00/7.0
8 tr 4a.ya$09bha14 /1 tense phiag:n* tido rje:da bits giegi pa thasi cad kyi bias
etba vajrap aarvetatbigatadh4Dattr v114 Pao/rdo'rje andsend4i dos tsbig sku dah'gsuh dah thugs
ala,yavitoittavaarabbyo asearayall rdo'x44 its posh bo/
catuspatbaikan co mitts:thine / lam gyi bit Isd0 iih dim& / mo4i-gnis sea ii gnu su
Tajrifijanspa kapile pi t sada // di tu 4O rte andsena / tb4per rt,ag'tu dbab par bya
aaktitaila*, rudbir 'stets* padmeautrirkailana verti, Mobil, hen po dah kbrag dah .ii bs dah pad*O0i Si!ud pa dah
kOvi 4114sksturdaiyis ardharitrau IVAN 'god arkAOL skud pas selsar gyl si4hr byes la/tsbeis i iu dgu4i.
budba0/tatratrielsittibbLmentritseekrtva aaa pb3ednaird0 rjo andstaa #blit' per by.0/de Aid la shags brgya
siddbir bbavatity ibs bbagsvin eamantabhadre0 rte.* brawl btab)pe/dhOs grtib',,--pti gem du 0gyur Wise 'bcoa
ldan.bdas lun tu bun, po$ gouh so/
bbeg t ariv* etbagati vajrapi0.4 sarvatatbi-.

dhipatim avail :44 fkatibbir bbagaven gubyiksata10 de sae boos 14aa 1;glis do bun filiesti pa thaas cet4 lgria/playes, na
sasinvigatis to bodnitattvi sabisattvi ya idam serve- ido rjo do bums ,gioss pa theas. tiad kyi bdag po la 0dl skad cos
tst1i8atoc0474,11#1* Oarvetethigatagubyassava, iraddha- gaol to/bcos ldsn, !daS gsahba0i yi go du dai ldan na byah chub
ayanti bhivoieyantl ca /
SIRS dpa0 moms 4p4 ohm po is dig/do biin giogs pa thams cad kyi
gash ba0l dam tabig gi Spyod rdo rjs 0di la dad cih nos par
/do beta giogs pa thaws Cad kyi bdag po Ikhyag na rdo rjes
stba vajraptio4 earvatathatiata4hipati4 tn.sarvatathi- do /!bin seogspa ds,:dsig la iAt skad solbcom,uto,,J;tdas
gatin SWIM Etba / triguhyikearair bhagavantatt sarvatatbi- 44' Oin, Sins pa VAlkai cad ir.sait yt, ge gsua 4$ ldan, na,,thyait
gat-4 asminv;tgatis to bodbisattvi mahisattvii ya ids* (Ow siolsa dP-Orido wisp! pa th.ams 'cad kyi apyod pai rdo rje
sarvatathigatabodhicsryivajra* iraddhisyanti bhivarly nit* 01,i1 yin 911 d* 'is dad OA astea par 4151ni; ro/de,:b4a geega pa thane
ca cad kris ,titol pa/sum po,,ai; its lagairdo, rjo )1dSin pas NW; steal
sarvatathiga prihu4 Utmosts Pa/da beta gaols pa' thus cad kit ku rdo: rje, dah/de ,bitzt golego pa
vajradhare4p4ha sarvatatkaigatakayavajriom cam- theme- cod kyi gsuii rdo rjo do bims. giegs pa thorns, cad kyi
tatbigatavivairo4aI sOvatathigatactttavajro9a obkdo tbniArio-_,rie its *sum ma pas do biingsge pa de dag thus cad-
tribh4 kyisAlom ;Atm 4dos Sysg us. ;do rje l.a pilyag4tshal pas caitmi
atha to sarvatatbigati bbasommto v*jrapi$ 4o visit :imp to/
nipaty* athitrt abhavan do nes ptiyas na,r4O rjo di ban giogs pm thus cad ,Ifyi bdag :p0a/
atha Taira/414 sarvatathiga` hipatgs tan sarvatathigatia dibin seili pm thus cad diit/bYsii chuboisi 004 de dig is bkatt
bodhisatttrilui cimantrayato sat I bhitapirva* Waage:Y/04# sisal $14t/bcola lets* litdiss do beta gins pa,.thams 'cad/nikOn byuit
sarvatathigati, anabhilipiiMabhiliPlabuddhakes,rusualorsm brjod kits a ia bs4i ysi bricit kris mt Lai bal;i/saiut rgyas kyi
poramiWarajaboami4 ka1pi4kIzi yived bhaggvato .rab tv phraba,dail mass petti bskal,pa yagn 4das nan/gah
rasya tathigatasyirhata# sog3akso0 ssyitikrintisya bow* Usk di 1)`1at siktesspa dgra boa pa yali dag, par rdzogs
kasyapasyipt mahliatutor abhissOuddhasii aa bhilitam / tat sais tries mar it odiad /ALI pa, atta thUb pa chen po 4od sruii
kasmad dhoto# / abhavyi bballavanta4 sattvi *Oa nabillubil- *on par stilt rgYas ", bar' Kits kyaii at vitas ,so/de cii phyir
padirtbaxya tons kilos.* tens oamayona marl na bhisttan / as na/bcost Idea Odaik ba chin petit gnas kii'don bead pa de/
api tu bhagsvantatt aarvotatbigata swain guityasamijo 4o4 Oho do0i.dus na ow can vials is Simi ba'med palti phyir ro/
buddhabodhig kmalavointhartonaivautepidaMti / 'ad %ton, WEI but lair* do ,bin aegis pa, thous cad kyi gaait ba
anoksir gafiginadivalukisamai4 kalpair 6bstaisato vyap- 44ult pa 44i la/sket al. Muth cig yud teem gyis aahs rgyaa kyi
yacchanto bodkiiaattvi bodhio as pripnuvaatt / tad ihsiva bysi chub rditois par bied do/safigato. kluitg bye as du ma piled
Jannani gunYaaamijibhirgsto bodhisattva* sarvatathign On* kit bikel par byti, chub sons dpatt round ,kyis 4bad. 014 btaai kyaii
buddha itt sask*ilt gacchati / biota chub thob par mi war hi deigstul 'ba Ous Pa -la mhon par dga4
atha to2 bodhlsattvi i4j vigvajrikoara olaw irutva pra baJA byait chub sus dpati tabs 44:11, /id is 'de bin geega pa mums
rodayin Lisa); / atha to sariatathisatis tin 'bodhisattvia kyissits Tries Los bya'bAti grail's' au 1,grol;to/
Erma ihu4 do nal byaul chub soma dps4 de dig gis genii rdo rjekti yi geIi tahig
)itdi tilos ass rab tu iiUa so/do ass is beim gesso pa de deg thama cad
kyle byali chub aims dpa0 do mama la 4cli akad, cos bka4 steal to/

byai *hub seas dp0.4 kbyed snow as iiu iig/adug bawl gotta la ma
ages ittg/d* nag die ban giegs pa thus cad 1aibyal2 chub seas dP84
mi bhagavants# mahibodhisattvitt prarodayatha mi tridt#kham
k/is 411.1. skad elm gaol to/bsoa idea Was do biles slags pa
lutpidayatha / atha te mshibodhisattvis tin earvatathigatin
cadiji ltar as im barbgyi/ji ltar taus bahal pun mi egos
evam. ihu# /Uthaebhagavanta# sarvatathigatit na praved;.
tar bsylid* citti phyir is naigsaib4i yi getii sax tau* thos Data
mahe / katha,3tridu#khaa notpidaulimee / tat kaamid
ekal ba ma =his so/do bin gisp pa thaw cad Wis bka4 stsal
este)) / abhavyi bhagavants# triguhyikaaram /
4. pm/de 0104 as stet oigki go ni than *on sts/rigs kyi bu khYed
bhagavanta tei nitiatiravanentipi /
MIMI Joie ji Item ni ties pa daii as thos pa (/* bun dm/hed do b:
sarvatathigati pribu# / siatinyikaarapadlap kulaputri lath;
gimp pa thsas cad d byait chub sena dpa4 thaws cad kyis kyabi
bhavmdbhir us jfiita0 nn irutam /tathialibbir mpi maim-
rigs kyi ba gsait g* JAI dog as thas 01k melon par oaths ma
tathigataitt earvaodhisattvaie ea kulaputrie-te gulNyikgari
rajas so/do sit& pbyir j naigsaii btti yige apar deg pa1i
na es9priptenibhisa#buddhia ea / tat kaiak dhete# / tri.
hyir reidt) nas byai chub sus dpatt de dag them cad mi am* bat
guhyikaaravitiuddhatvit /
par gyur toAte nas boom lien %Ilia* do blaze gins pa thus cad/
atha te aarvabodhisattvis tilt#4 wavasthiti Mbhavan
de biin .giegs pa thefts cad k3i ska dai gala daft thugs rdo
atha bhagavantatt sarvatathigatitt sarvatathiotakiYavikm,
btaan notti bhaga la biugs so/
de Das do bilin giegs pa thaws cad k$i sku din' gsuiL daiL this kyi
atha si earvatathigatmeittadayitimimakf bhagavanta,
btatri nos/boom lden 4das do bun gins pa thaw cad lit:fi bdag po
sarvatathigatidhipatio mahivajradharam obbir vajrad
rdo rje ttdsin clan pa la dg att bas bated pa/
kimaratiprikgsrapadaitt pritya staugyim isa /
seas can Idioms na phyug kbyoti nI. rdo rje thugs/
tva% vajraeitta bhlAvansivama eattvadhito
d.gatt bs, yid Oat don chat ,ttded pas bdag Is bsk$ab tu gaol/
triyihi str4 ratimanoifienahirthakimaL4 / mgon po gat to d* rii bdagi a goon .par Ischia bied na/
kimihi ma janaka.sattvamahigrandho
seas can yob clan glen mchog bdag la "dgyes par adzad d,u gaol/
yadlechase jivitu mahya.nitha // 72
de ilaa de bun glaze pa tbessi* Cad .kyi sku daa goal dain thug0 kyi
athn s buddhalseani sarvatathigatakiyadayiti bhagavanta*
btaurk so niseakla/bcom Idan tolu de ban glass pa thane cad kyi
sarvatathigatidhipati* mshivajradbaram abhir9 vajrakims,' po rdo rj 4dzin, pa abea p., le/rto rje iriod patti dgatt batti
ratipijigriklitarapsdaitt sukhasaumanaeYePrItYi stanuria is*/
;0 ached patti aches yi getti tahig. 4dis rah dag par bstod do/
tvao vajrakiya oahusattvapriyajdazatra
rdo rjei aku kayod IA* yi ttkhor lo gems can kw. la Phut/
buddhirthabodhiparsmirthabitinudarei /
I2 saim rotas den du byait chub don darn Aloe an plum ston pa/
rtigasamayam mama kimayaeva
loon po gal to de via, bdgg ni gson par *obis bied nai
yadleehase avitu mahya nitha // 73
bdod o data tshig chase pas bd.* la dgyes pas mcisail du gaol/ 73

:IFFINIIIIIIIIMINIMEM11111111111.11Ommimmummwmare 7

do ass boom 34011, %du de bgin gliegs pa Wass cad kyl bdag.ipo la/
athe si loketivaradvitit keirr/ikoittavaJranata bbagoventalP 0314 rton gyi dben pious 0 out dia. goal dth ths41:00 xj!#i
sarvatathigatikhipatia nalliva3radhara2kizeparwilasa04714 *Oat, "gyisird40:-ztor pachen, riorZa lidad`.pa ii It bar 3O3
stanuyik ass. / sprOd'pa#2. dint *Shit gill yaftdag par 'hated' Pal
tva vajravica sairadama hitinukaapi khyod' tit rdo *Ad gash ate Ia phan gilt thug* trta bol
lokartiaakirsakarave sada ,saypravrttatt jig rteri deg gt dgos psi dou'etdiait pa la rtag tu batileni
khL sic suratacarza a tsbhadrt *got po"gol teAs-rei- ni loon par schlitAAedn*/
yadicchaso jivitu atahya lathe // rab dge41. SpY011, pa kun tu bawl Wig Is does par KU*" du clift
atha sa aarvatathigatakiyavikelttessaaiavatir de. nO di St& girelis pa thaaaii cad 101 sku dth ml del thugs Jai
bhagavantali sarvatathigatiidhipa'i, sabivslr tjebi,btsiali tosibseat 'Man Pa
sarvatathigatasukhassusonasyspritzfi stony* a i. bass po rdo rim4,01,4 chen4o:Ii/de ,bila'siegs pa
08311cid i qbliaiba diii.yidlaite ba dg4 ba-kttlibstod do/"
tvast vajeakosa SfAltiarteMit nabbitisizika

sagibuddhavispiati1aka4 stsatinukalopt Ithiatt 14 140. seii Woe. pa das titbit Niches gi pima don chot
art, bahura atit digrioga OA 'Vbit achag Pa ad gap pal
yadicchase jivitu aohya nitha // po gal to de riit Meg at gm par chis bead lit/
yen tan' tin chat petit' star * par adaa4 du, gs
atha bbagavin vajrapinis tathigatatt sarvakisopabhoga-
do nix boo* ldan /Ida playas na rdo via de ):4 in, geese pa tided chap
vorailrlya* alma saskthilp soap 144 sarratathigats-
thaw, awl Ma bar lobs mod patti rdo 444i dpal gas bya batii tin
&with sasayacakrena kisaya*s tandli Obit athitya,
tidsin la slims par 4up nasido ban glees, pa these cad tgi
sarvikadhatu# sanratathigata*aviikcittavajrasastara-
btsun so de dog is dos tshig gi %Caw los 4.d.od pa mod Gil cat
gukrena paripir4o vajrodokaparipiroaisugtha twa Saysthito'
sit gsuii,bar gyur to/de nolo ass akhAti dbytits litdi deg thus cad la
bhat / athesmin vatirikigadhitau e sattvis trikkyasasaya-
- to6 vajratiriyii siopsprstik narye to tathigati Is bits giogs pa thaws cad kV. sku &tit gait dab thugs rdo rjekii
dam tshig gi khu bee 7045 au gen' ate/bum pa rdo rje chug gah ba
arhantaiii sowakaasbuddhas trivairagintn0b4san / tata?
ltar glass par ono to/d nas rat) rje nem mkhatti dbyihs I;tdi us gal
prabhrti sarvasattve4 assantabhadrac samantabhadra iti
seas can Alba gout gi 4aa,tialg lasiyah dag par byuit ha dernens
sarvatathigatakiyavikcittsvajrovibhioikti abhivan /
rdo rjef.ti dpal gyis rag nasithass call de Olin gaiegs pa dgra,bsom
pa yet% dog per rdsogs patti sails rgras rdo ale gam Es ye lea can
du four to/do DUI bytes= to seas can thaw sad kun tu boali po/
kun tu bola po ti.s/de bid= siege pa thass cad kyi sku del &mix
deli thugs vita 4os dbait bekur bar giur to/

d$ fl do biin pogo a ran rjes 4. bzin gill Po do dog
thus 014 Odi 41m/boon idsn 4dao do bi$In
atba vajrapkis iathigatas tin sarvatotbleltill eve* ills pa Aid' sat ch,' do nal
Gina pa thus cad alma AV, .

ditta bhagaventolit earvatothigatio sarvaU:idatadbarassanatill

atha te earvatathigat4 vajrapi*4 sarvatathigatidhipatin derig
b-in .11..00 pa thou; cad kyisiphyog na rdo rj. do bgin, gins pa
Old: kV. * oknst rip gisor peitpc9i Lisp ii;vass
evam iha0 / droVi bbagavan dv*ci augatAarwatathigat*.
b4tn sog* pa cad i rde vie ye. See MR704 pa lathoi
lags so so/
atha bhagaventa)) sarvatathigatik stmts. aptarsid- pa At PA-
de nas b Pikth sci4/de. biiu Esioga Ps.
bhagegv abhini9kran7a bbsgavanta*nabiivairapipit sLarva- 4),:oo

MAU per, WI* AO Om lden

tatfiigatidhipati* tathigata* ova* atm* / ;isms* bhaga-
do *S. rdo; chOn po 1$1, 4 otos
vim iiicaz7aupeuata ystra hi alma arapadair blade
bodhir anugantavyeti / g'"4:1
chub,,rjOsi bar
atha vatjrapkti# sarvatathigatidhipatis tan ssrvatatbi-
figsa ho inionbar to/ do Pa
gatin even iha / a bhasavants# sorvatathigilti owe*
Wu 044 Jai bits gasp pa do deg cad is
vadatha / tat tumid dhoto# / SeeseserstmlYeteit
no irodkanulhO 000 Oahe 0/bad OW do Wan gaga pa than* cal do
sarvadharsti*in na raps
sapjaiskandho na socakirastandho na Tiginaokandho na WW1 ma Oer "410 cdui
dhitur niyatantep na rigo na dvolo na mho na dharno rdo rjt1i do i t shuns alg rigsuall
tabor Witt *Om via/0u is. kri Oath Po .du byed
nidha a iti / atha to oarvatathagatos tiLa abbiven
Phea Po aa Arxe or Aso phuii po as yizt/kbons na
MOO =hod ma yin/do biin du i;doit chaps as is oda& at yin/.
atha bhagavin vatirapiois tin sarvatathigatin bodbi-
aattvilpi cinantrayato ana / ilocayantu bbagsvanta4 saws- sti *Us as oboe as yin oho* as yin pa you!) at yin no/de nag do
tathigatiti earvalokadhituov ids* sarvatathigataiciyavilo. Ow Pa do dog them cad col) at emit bar gyur to/
cittavajragubyan / tat Unload dbotott hboarya bats= do nius boom ldon lads' tia bola glass pa phyag no rdo rjes/de ban
dasiadikempsthiti bodhisattvi nobasattvi gioss pa thesis cod dithAysii chub mons dpati do la bka4 stoat
paryiyaoya atha vajraptg# sarmtathigatidhipatir pa/khred mos is bjig rton gyi khans thans cad du do biin gloss
vatiradhirnan inantroyate / udahna6kUlaputra ids* pa Oa= cad uyi sku ds4 gliaq 444 thugs rdo rde 4di begs bar,gyis

servatathigataaanayatattva* tva*hi sarvatatbigatair de aLtsi phyir is nelphyogs tau as gnaw pe4i byait chub seal
dharneivaregajra ity abhioiktatt / dps4 do rnexus *hos kri rnio grails bdi is aka' ba ycd pa0i phyir re/
de ee* Pbysig na 4o rja de ban siege pa thane oad Uri Wog poll
rdo rjo chop is bin* stoal pa/rigs t bile ban, siege pa thane
Gad Jai dos trbiS ei do tho as itid di suit Oisiiitbrod kYsii do /Ain

tugs. pa OW o obo vie jos dbaii
bailor Dolda b soap 4p4 eia 44 obbn go' rdo rje
atha vajraithazao bodhivattvezabilaattvae *WAIST Mt tot
boa Vie do bias du b /jos 'Gaol n oa4 al gat* bar
Icravi tatiolat abhiit /
di as, de ball& siege pa thlis cola rdo vie two 4x" 7ige Pius
SIGhate2sarvatathisatia trivajralattvilicgarega kiyavik- la rail 'skit 01114 4111;1. "git jugs per to/as 321to do buiu
oittaap praveivia ist20 / atha vairoaanias tathigatab giegs pa sku pdo pap, . idsad/kbaSUI pus Shams cad kyl
sarvatraidhitultakirtkajraga iur.ori do Nan gimigs pa tbs* oid ;O. Olt lass pa,
adhigilambya t5a &hit atha vigitaaras
servekyaaankata ilid "a0 4'1a, 'pat tar to/do nes do bitn gases pa
tathhata4 aaziratraidhitakavigirajrareirihazan saru. Ate lao, I hag rdti rjo la PAW'
tathigatavatssuatia adhyilembya tiR ebhit / gbh* de bilu OUP .pa VA la a teas call'

vajrapasia tathegatab sarvairaMblitakaaitt rsuVia1121112/ ' , !`,bace' 0 I*

idea avocat9 //

aaptadatia0 / do bLin pa b 03 g ado* pa =V rjolg
brla ts lul1eb$ j1ny*/ pa jos bya bait 1o4u Ste bOu,bdutt p40/

G. 4440

e SPiria
cr: Oa

a Oa
GB mit RIO

Welts tills clause

GP wiv, 0
P '1.sukt.*
,aaltis Lehi-
7 G omits
8 G earn oa
9 G -SattPS;6
IO B kbalv-
II GB bodttleittavajrasya
I all sativilalit emended from and
B aab
adds gabu sadhu vajrapio4 albs alias itteVak a0
OP -abbisskaltiya
-ate OP -ita
7 GOP -iftiviptiptialitletoti
GB salt &antra
2 P -sasaxdra-
GOP -alb

4 GOP add sarvatathigatelayavikcittav twit illsaltabedhir vajracitta
5 CP add -mantra- and in following passages OP .vajr#14
6 B -cittasya
C -aamaya -
2 all vajra- ern.Pr T
sarvatathiga a-
3 C -an lama
all MS8 corrupt in this 410
tathilgata for tatbi
$ GB s
CP -sambhavavajrw!
0 navaratnai
C dharmarati
rattAshasta* C adds stab
CP dakgina- G miry at athigatakeyav ikcitta-
vairs SOO Translation not* 10.
GB japisukuVam**41
GOP pfirva
CP nisIdi
2 GB omit -tat agata-
all add -vajra- ea T also and Sadb.
3 C
P -statala-
4 G oaits
5 all ash& em. Pr T
PO -im and in following passages
7 Bouts "
GOP -vara
IO *11 vajsa OZ.
I OP -maTavatira*
2 CP -vajram
II Op jays".
B omits sarvata bigata
1.2 0*
4 4 -vaiankaria
OP add sarv a tasamant aoivabbisa-
5 C -am dharma-
G -sambhi4a0a- 15-147Sesalltofe0a-

9.1031i T/0
C -cittadharas / (iloka 1)
2 G citta- P ceitakam C cotakarmi-
3 GB -cittiki1i-
CI, -ibha-
2 GOP add sarvata higst
I G suvieu- GB tu
2 GO sahighssya 2 P -jval**
3 C dariani 3 GB '14J'alaa /
Gattvartha 4 O tathi
5 0 vijam
6 G -141
7 G adhivetCya B adJcVhia
8 G prajdic B prajla int
C2 mahamjasitt citte.aantraa
9 G
10 0 adds guhyakayavik- P adds -kiYalirikm. GCP aj
G and omits sarvatathisatt- 4 GB, add aarvatath wagata-

I GCP add bhagavia 8 ,GOP p
2 all dharns- eniPr T -441v and omit buddhin
3 C omits nir- Ti
4 G -tin
5 BOP -mohikuli0 G -nahikulia Gob* e the mantra: sarvatathigata -
G -yet ittavajr quit
7 G -e hyanu- CP -am P
8 CP G. - anti sat-
9 B nac4ali- 4 0 bodhicitte co bhivani
I0 GB omit bodhir ova vibhivan; reconstructed from T
II G -kvto,pi ca 0 bodhleattvavibhivanl
12 CP to pi sarvata sldhyanti mahaYalas "? na vibhiVana
13 G ye paradravyabhirati OP damson&
14 G -krtyi ye. GOP*
15 B Rata, ? all ta em. Pr T
16 C omits dur- 8 GOP, vi
17 PC omit nahis 9 G
18 GCP add iicarya- 10 B omits .
I9 C min evam etad avocat xi ail cativo.- mar
p.206 B -pad:amp OP vajranye th
I BP ea C (mac Pr confirms G eca 114p, 0 and 1168 have an dtra verso which is
2 G C bodhisattvacarl in ?r or Tz
3 GB? omit -sumeru- akiiadhitumadhyaatha* bhavayet padmamactl alam/
4 P adds mahisattvi (Wpadmikirasus]progam bhillayed rigaVajrilikaa //
5 G omits mahi (012)padmarigaprahhikiralp
B omits Ealia
7 B adds dharmicic GB spelt** Op astraw em.T
8 B dharmasya dharnati OP -pariya9,3a\G bodhitatpara4
9 P dharmaraja C dharsavaj -ante GB -414
10 cp mahicitta manta-
II GB akrtha CP akii(?p)atha ezn.Pr T 5 G buddhabodhipiatirChitam )
Ia C -oakra- 6 BOP -buddho G T
12 21 bod4himdri7a-
7 all bodhicittam em.Pr T I3 all 3vm*Ici-racit ca vikalPsiat
8 G na cinyat tu vibhakcayet em.Pr V 14 vairi-
B na cinnam vi- OP na cinnan tu vi- 15 G [dvayendriyasemipat,ii and in Alokas 22-25
9 CPG ca o.218
10 GB pa- I Gni4811-
II G samminayed imam lake OP ime loke
em.Pr , 2 GBP -karia
B dareaniyo bhavel loke attons
12 B adds'sva- 3 G vac with corresponding masc.te
4 0 tatl,ved,
I3 G -lakaitam 5 GOP eittelp
CHAPTER SEVEN 6 0 111044Mantra-
G mahas amucc ayamant ra- Gmeins7i.olcfar+713adravidliinfiviclhiNatphalakihkvioati
G paragaig os Pra- 2 GOP lei3itayet
all sevyamino em.PV T 3 GOP -iraYikt (Begohi -iravi4)
G japamantrair abhinnifialit 4 G vimtm* BO oimta*
G -isanam B -ottara 5 GB omit -idi
6 G -gin 6 B ten,'
7 BC.? -Yavikoi-
7 G -igamina4
emar T 8 EC vioa- GI) vicalp
8 G -19i BP -gaurimi C -eiri44
G evam and in following verses 9 G
IC G vijfio G -au
11 GB -canal; prabhu4 CI) -canaprabhu4 T II OP tasya siddhyanti
12 B -datalit 12 BOP "Pair iti
13 BG buddho Pvibuddho 13 PC add mahisemeY
14 G viingYa trividha* gandham 14 G omits -igra-
Bagehi: gandham jfiatva tu trividha, CRAPTZR EIGBT
15 G -idau tu 2.ugga
16 G buddho C adds guhia-
17 G bimbo buddho yoquoghavajrimin 2 C -raja P -rijasattva
p.2I6 3 all -puja- em.Pr T
all citte eat T 4 G -camohavajra oP omit -mahi-
2 all sparga- u
5 B mahi-
3 G eaficodya 6 G -ta ea
4 G upasthinasmTti- 7 B deia
5 GP -yogena g all gahye em.Pr T
6 ail samayi- em. Pr T 9 G
7 G ti ti tacchaktikim 10 G -jag' B
8 GOP -nam
11 GoP vigiuddhm-
C -padasmvti4 Gr valgantare 0 sPareintare
10 G -bhisim BO -1415.01% 13 B prakurvan
II G -nim vi B -nibodhibhivani em.Pr T
cP -- Vet
G pang B -eou ca 9 B niPitarit
2 all -jvila- es.Pr T 10 G yelpveeya tasYa vaJraeYe
3 B trivajrebhya G striyag stheMa II G dvegakulasamiyogalp In this and the corresponding
Bagchi " prasthipya lines after 611.10,14,18, all 1188 omit one or more
4 B vajra syllables in attempts to adapt te the metre.
5 GOP jitikip 12 G -lennatam
6 GOP krtvi 13 G -Ji
7 GP -ibhyisa- C Bagchi ahyina- alleVeavartakati em.PrT
8 CP gaadhanais ca B bhivayec cakramag4alan 15 0 vajra-
9 G -ec cgmara, B cinalag OP l' T I6 G
I0 G svacchilp B svacchac OP ? em. Pr T 17 G etolialcameemiejt tattvs* Jfie7a, earvakulodbhavaitt
11. GB yidavic 11

12 B pijayet GB -Reba-
13 G tIvrasidhakig B strivavasi pert 1 IR
Go -it'll**
14 ClOya P krtan 3 GOP -buddllizie, B bhitin em. T (Pr abluultri414)
15 GBP -ibdhi- C -idi- em.Pr T 4 G rigakulasamiY08a, hhivaniyag OS.
16 B sarva- BCP
17 GB arci- 6 G prersoiyaig
18 G -diya 7 G -avemajrigan
19 GB -ini 8 G -ti ea
20 P sicayed 9 C saggha-
21 GC buddha- 24.41g
22 GB omit sva I BP vikpathavajra- 0 bcdhisatteakathavaira-
23 G vidhibhig pijayenti ye 2 GO -riktin B -riklig P
17.226 3 GOP gdbhutavikyarth*-
Giiimgam sanpripya M88 corrupt, em. Pr T 4 B C
2 P airukim B cirukigti 5 BG riga-
3 all guhya em.Et T 6 BG Agra-
4 B -vajrakan 7 G adds sarVa-
5 BCP -parag 8 GOP add serve-
CBAITER NINE 0 -gugegu
n228 2 P -samaYefu C -snrtegu
all sarvavit em.Pr T
2 GBP -yogag C -samiyoga em.Pt T CHAPTER TEN
3 GP omit pra-
4 G -ikirgag I G -tya
5 G Vuddhasya prabhutig dhyitvi. 2 G adds sarvatathagatidhipatig

B 2 prabhavitva *Mar T 3 0 -bhalva-

6 G -yogag 4 G -intakrt pra- P -antara-
GB -agVa- C ugra-
OP -vargc


GB omit -sattva- OP -sattvimi* ati kri- 12 alI -igre Pr.T

7 all -citta
8 G omits pra-
9 GCP add sarvalokmdhitucu
0 GB parivEtrayanti zga
II C kasya hetor P adds
12 GB -dharmatattve C-dharmmis 0 P
13 GB -mantra- OP -mantravaira" omits sarvatath ta-
14 OP add -guhya- GB omit -auxtra INF eld-widyi-
I5 GOP add mahi- 4 CP -ems*
I6 P vikYuPada- 5 B Quits -purufa- G purr', and 0 -vidya-
17 all Half 01# Ig SVIBI em.Pr vikya-
n.232. -yam in-
C -e4a s OP -add
2 G sahau 9 G -ga, and in 13,16,23,25,39
3 B ideal IC G -gam
4 GC buddhar II P Walt El 02 ? triht 0 omits
5 c buddhabiM0a 12 all hems the mantras in this and the following
6 CP hvda, lines in the order C .14 HaAt Pr
7 G 13 GB vibhavani
8 C -irtha4 z4 CP sem-
9 all sVamautre4s es. Pr T 15 G vikPatba* tatbi mad omits repeat of mantras
0 B -mantri4i4 16 all omit -kiyavik- G also omits -citta- em6Pie T
II GB add kha-
I2 CP guhya- ..vativa.-
I3 Gyogavit 2 3 -144
14 all -bhedatati es. Pr T -a-
15 G .-dye p B -idyiu OC svikyasani-
16 G -bisha- -a4
17 all cakra- em.Pr T omits vig
I8 G -karebhyi! B -kulidyiu CP add iovajra-
p.240 adds sa
I G mohit OP dervaldigu-
2 G -am CP add -sagbhava-
3 G -aidh
4 G viive - CP vajra-
5 C -dipte GC B -tip)
6 Of 8? -yet GB -cittavajr'
7 C bodhita0 -Vila- BP -dvira C dhyins-
8 GOP -driprayo
9 B sattvim4 -isro 0 peraiis
10 GB OP add kba-
II CP pabsibhigasamo es. Pr T
9 G -buddhiniup
ID GB vajra - GOP udijP &hair&
12 OP -rija4 OP -samavyasatrimpu-
13 OP -he OP nua B omits
14 B -vajra. 5 all siddhif
p.248 6 CP Ewa-
I C -sama7a- CP -kiyavik- ? 0 vajras,
2 GB -dhrk sada
8 all cittso 9 OP brabma
3 P pujeta C Puisamt 41426
4 all -a4 am. Ft T OP .vajri-
5 GOP -saaayakiyibhisaifoodhivajto 2 OP gubiapij7an upissqlst
6 G trimikiras B ratnyikira, CI rata-' 02 rid- 30 omits tri-
7 Gtrip 4 G omits -sae-
8 G -vajrasamivaba4 5 all brahma
9 GOP add -kata- 6 P -cittam.
IC G - 7 GC -cittams
II GBP -44 8 GB cakri-
12 G omits -gulp - wm
13 GOP GOP cakra
OP add -safbhava- 2 G -padna
sge 3 G0P
I C vigiuddhs- 4 B bhema-
G B trays,- 0 ikoirealkirA 5 OP -siddhisensors.-
3 B adds trivaira G
4 OP -vajrajdina paran
5 CP pafica-
6 0 pafici-
7 G cintet
8 G omits orw-
9 c? earva-
I0 G citte
II G -sadhaka0 OP pra
D.252 tri4ubtaki-
G -ibba, B aitavejra -tvifikusiavaj
2 GB citta this ileta'is ozaitted in G
3 B ha,- fron Pr and T
4 G -jAina GOP -bare
5 CP 1st 0 yah rab a* all -siddhrni, es.Pr T
6 OP ids* -po
7 P -dharcpamo C -4haredb sa,b *vet 13 matte,*

14 CP -agrasamaYs-
I5 P 041- G
16 Gvajrasattvatvam 2 dbrasnta4 OP viziata4
p.262 -tire*
G -arthgo sattvi-
2 all -buddhinio GO piWito
3 G -ante
6 B -ssttvam
4 GOP -siddhlnig
G -jflivaiataO
8 Q dharas
G kirYelti
9 03 japan
7 544.bigra- IA 0 adds tan.
8 G -viol CP -vinisa
9 B is tu II 4 vatirajipas
12 3 adds mew.
10 G -viSva4r0 13 11,-sztimr!
OP omit sea -
Z4 P-montravajra
0 sarvanantr 15 G-ds
2 OP tantra- 16 G omits tut-
3 B sarassu 17 G omit* whole ilok*
4 G -kuleou OP -MUAjeou
0 Rah; siddhio ca pripyate 10 ,G 4-Pir&
G -santreo* 19 B AP*
0 -a- OP -kiravajreoa 21222
GS -441
GB? iviiet C sasidhiviiet 2 001' :Whet
9 GB sffebdiutf 0 kiisrikoittsw D*a* ibhavaii Yte'
OP add -satva- 3
and emits next two linos
II GB -dapracodita0
12 411 MSS corrupt in thesethrse pasmagos,
note 14. Reconstructed frost Pt and PK G atha
13 G -lakipitam
I. G vikya- 8 OP iisro
.2p6 G -sir eau.
X0 -ay
GB kurvantu II rhatmde
12 GOP carve
cittssaohhaviO OP tripathodbhaves
13 GOP -ointski0
ending the second tins: cittaampha B omits
14 5 ssirsirsAstair yathecohatal,
osits sem -
-tat aoltsvaj a- 22s2g
" -706
II G -vajricAus OP -Intj44
GC o
2 GB cakeamantrirtha-
3 GOP -al;
4 G -40

5 all sarva-
6 G -im ipnute
7 G kayasvabhivalp
8 all -raimi- era.
9 BP -0
II all -mantri4a* ea. Pr T
12 all jffinavajr.4a "
PG -e C-am
2 GBP Barran 6 GB par*,
3 0 -ika, P -ita* 7 G -a 140thalrinyasat B -0PY
4 GOP -vajri4im 8 BaP
5 G -rya- 9 tacca nivedvet
6 GB -is I0
7 G-e Bagebi.
8 GB omit 12
9 B -arthn-
10 GOP -in
G -buddhini
PAga GP inal;
GB -mayijitivajro -sukih
2 GB kha- G
3 G ea,- csavlat# krodhasudiruttsitt Blight differ
4 GB add -sasanya- in all MSS
5 GB -kiyiliflivajrn sarvikpalit >

6 G athavi pau4yasamaye 8 G -dharair ikrinto art-

9 G -vartanam 9 GB 'Ma-
8 GBP -is ga%
9 all -budibina* en. T G 4.1* ea B mala-
10 GB -vajrigram 2 G -ikiri,
11 G omits sva- 3 0 Xruddha-
12 GB -spharet OP ? es. Pr T 4 GB twodbhavam OP'? .Pr
13 all -vajra- 5 GB -ride,
14 B jAitvi 6 G -irthirthadhiriqam OP -yadhitUhir
15 G samayodakmPrs 7 GOP Vajri4a,
P.278 8 G -a
G stabbhe B trasTen 9 all -suprabham am. Pr T
2 G mriyate 10 GBP -aip
3 G -e 11 GP -vajri-
4 G -al? and omits va I2 B samudirayaa 13 G bahutve tu vi-
2frig- 7-)

o.286 B ..akrai.i G molts -s

CI) -sattva- 2 G CD -4hara-
2 G And M88 -bhayapradas (Bagshi as essadod) CP -4144u.
3 OP -sattvam
4 G -Yogat4 5
5 C vajra- 6 B adds G omits vajra
CP vajraw
B -itam P -ana
8 OP -vsdra-
9 OP -dhatn-
I0 G cakra- and throughout 0hap#0,
II G trikeyigra- end Px have anfoitt
I C -bham
2 GB add -inina-
3 B buddha- egt.
GCP cakram
GC khabhanur. 3
6 G 4
7 G 5
8 B -Jalininam 6
9 OP rakta 24/92.
10 BCP -im OOP 4Ifirttrta
2.290 2 GOP ad4 botthl,
I G bhava- 3 0 bbilita-
2 G -anti 4 G .7444
3 OP -oktam -as OP -prav
4 BOP lailrYa-
GCP -vaktram
6 GC? -grivam 2
7 OP diptam
8 OP -binibum
9 GOP -bbivayet 2

10 B vajradhiriolA
II CP P8ans-
12 OP -Anti 2 a *

p.292 visual 0, nalta4 a. OP have just

I GB -kali Attavajrhis /
2 B -Pradam
3 r -am uttsmam GB V
4 OP trivajramatabalo
G omits tri-
2 C -vikyaprayogew gWEL
3 GB dbruvem at32e,..222M
4 BOP -ii- GB -saillyoge I G aamudiiayat
5 0? -padair odds ti,
6 GB uttamam -sidh- OP vatjrakulavibhii-

gau- 4 B cint7s,
8 GB -endra- 5 GBP -ma...Sri -
, 9 GB yasya nima samaikhet 6 OCE1 -dharo

2012 - - EILAgg
I GP C? -sarpaparajitavig- I B itman4 G -dhivar.
2 B viaissrta- 2 OP atha
3 G -jag; 3 G
4 all -rajas em. Pr T 4
OE' iija-

5 CP -jipena all diem", em. Pt T

all -buddana, en pr T I GB dadati dhyabvi. tu
2 G -its,
2 GB p;dena eikremYs
3 G ueatya 3 G-as
4 B vidhijAo 4 all -majrara em. Et T
5 G -ayate CP -aaa, G
6 B -hetu- 6 OP vajraYoginam
p.3I4 7 G omits svet"
GB -vajrav aad omit nima 8 C13 mmAjuirltulyatejami
2 all vajr; em. Pt T 9 G -4 sm*buddhakiya-
3 P -eakra- IC CP vaj ra-
4 G adds sva- II G -intro
p.316 242ak
G bhajet I G uhyguhyaii Ti-
2 G -e 2 G -414
3 CP ea 3 B -Asti);
4 G vakya- P C? vg- 4 all omit, em. Pt T
5 G -;laya- 5 G ss1118VhYs vidhini
6 OP -ate 6 G -yipi
G -velena 21.1g
8 G -sidh- I OP -putrim
9 BCP akiircutt 2 G -ilbhra-
Pala 3 all em.Pr T
GB -; 4 GB guddha-
2 GB 44 5 B &airlift
6 GB sarva-
/ all buddhavajri4im em.Pr
emErT I0 OP -bhiv.
8 Gvajracaritlem BCP vajradhir4im
G sastambha* vipra-
II GOP amass
I0 GOP -vajra0 240
I G tivphate
p.330 B chand- G ched- CP 'I am. Pt T
G vikyavajra- 3 CP add spi
2 GB -mahavajraiii
4 G sarvaviga-
3 G tat
4 G -bimbam $ 40x4"
6 G vyalhiv viisvavajr
5 G -gavarcilok OP Te earanti
6 OP
8 GB omit =vik.
7 G ai4- 9
8 G -ghooam
10 G -7ed
9 G vi- II GBP vajra- C cakra- em. Pt T
o.332 12 OP G -asudhi-
I C buddho
I3 G -o
2 GBJscari4ilp 14 G -atas
4 I G saptadinair
5 GB mahimeghena GB 44i
6 G
In the tollOwing44okaSi -ati,
SOP -ante
o.334 -ate, -anti, -.ante all Occur
G sarvadunena GOP Jana-
2 G -ayavs tena 5 G api
3 nipitanalp ripave gregVham MSS have .both
ugya* and ripave 6 G -ease
7 all 4.yaii#
4 G nagyati jivitit gakrati 8 B cakri;a0
5 all -dharma- em. Pr T
6 GOP dyota-
10 G dirakail dirikia
7 GB eakri;ta1s1 OP v yadt
8 G vykla-
12 G -in
9 qp -dharo kaa,
alAk OP -.aka*
B sarva- 2 OP -dh;k
2 OP eakra- 3 CI' vimatIO
3 G adds ityiha ea 4 GB omit -samaya-
4 G ducVa- 5 OP -vajras
5 B -yanti 6 G
6 GB -cakreqa 7 G apratipidyam
G omits -samaya-
8 OP -si nima I all -dharmi0 am. Pr T
9 GB -0 tail], 2 G dharmadhitus
3 Gye
6 G oa
G -anti 7 GB ikilasaaVs
2 G omits buddhadharmi 8 ail grip:- ea. PrT
3 G -saregu 9 all add -oitts-
4 B buddha- It) GB oat
5 CP add kra ri sagblifiti gala
D.3 I GB 11.invit
CP -dhara0 priha 2 G isay
2 G svaki7avikei1tavaj1alit 3 GB 440 aamacarft CP 7 Pr T
G -age 4 'hers la continUS with the paesaga- equivalent,
to il.s? (iukra, ...) -,60 (J.. *imayat),
CHAPTBR SIXTEIN whieh I have re-arzbanged, aceordingto Pr and T.
2.0.22 3 has it in both places, and vaiiants are
G -siddhi - =It'd, as BI and, 32.
2 CP -emu% 5 B vajza OP ? G,vajrcga pa. em.Pr
3 G nitioirarim isa 6 GB tea 2

4 G -in sami- 7 G dadati

5 CP -egu 8 OP vidragenithildieamswair
6 G -in semi-
? G -krodhia4 BCP cakri01, es. Pr T 9 G irotra-
8 CP -dh DO B -kivavajra-
kalg II G saw t.aatis tad
I P rikya- 0.3
2 all have an extra eloka between 8 and 9: I G :Rya
svarama14alapadag vigvajrasugivahaa. / 2 G 4bbigska-
vajradharaaaabirija,vidTagoaavaliirent // 3 all -as ea. T
G rikyarajra- ridvegas 4 all have an adUtional line beta
B srakiIa- mantraklarapadas dattvi samAgall ca vidhigata0/
3 G -Ag 5 B-ayed
4 B -ems 6 GCE' vajr*-
5 G niioirayis Asa OP niic1a3an 7 B -1saatria
6 BCP bhara- 8 B -favaiki
7 all omit -pada- em. Pr T 9 G 4tvi vajr a
8 GB? -suhysJoult I0 Gr B1 .4
9 all BaV OV AV II all add ivinashis
IC G-4
I ell ed4 -vajra-
2 B samay&- 2 B
3 G sadharmag eiva - G attde
4 B -buddhanlag 4 B
G barigi- B harifi- 5 all Vi#
6 GOP 131 -bishop 8 GP ,.oa-
7 GOP BI -kba- 9 GOP 0.buildbil
8 BCP IO P sviov
9 G BI
IC 132 sidclhim avip-
p 362
I G kirayet
2 B vajra
3 G vikya-
B GOP -eakraip catulp.
5 all vimals*. em. Pr ill-
6 GCP add tri-
7 GBP -10
8 GOP mahavajradharatt
9 GB ta swpsmaret
10 B -ii*
II B -1 CI P -i 02 G ea.Pr
12 G P
13 GP kartavyaip
14 G -eta Ti..
15 G -eta GOP *NIP*
16 G nalyanti OP bhasyante GOP -ta
17 B -varo GB..
.364 6 sidAbivivilsasimbbava
2 G adds -vajra- a ,G01) ;vajra
3 G nitioirayim smi-
4 GB
10 nisioirsaris ins and. taxoug1aout,
5 B
6 P cisuldra- v
7 OP -ratimimiti 2 GCPoaita
8 GOP -vajra- -ra40.0
9 B
4 b cedtp
.366 5 B aarva-
I OP -nam
G .sitriga
2 B -maigi.tan 7 GOP suntavihvalan
3 G omits vi- 8 73 W.-
4 B tugyacti yakgendri
5 GBP 02 omit -mudri- smudravyi- u221
G -v
6 OP candra- 2 GOP omit kha-
7 GCP omit three lines, hut G gives the verse with GBP auvoyakfaakfi9Ii.
a few difference/ in a note.
4 G
5 G CP eiti 88
6 G 7Bs o'
gala 2 GO
I GP .siddhi
2 GB -i B
3 G omits
. -vajra- 0.teitt vaira-
G -karya-
5 G viikyakareakrtow
6 /C
7 GB -bbadro
8 B bodhi-
24 2
1 /CP add
2 GOP omit -jina
3 CP -4/11
4 G -a4
t maatri GOP vajr alitT

F bhaj-
-ail; OP -a B dharmav jra
G and Xs*
-' CP .a0
bhagavin sarvatathigatidbipatis tin
saight var
OP omit niki-
CP omit mahi-
8 G -tuovavacarita-
2 OP prip-
-semayavajra* GOP oait -vajma.
avigiya 5 G
-ta an- 6 -soya
bodi pranicitaL budibateJa4 OP karat.-
8 all -.mantras-
B -alum
idhipatis kaya 9 -a* ova-
B -mantriltim
/ OCF add vajra 2 G kirs
2 GB add bhagavan 3 G saiplay
3 GB dharma.
4 GOP -mao4ala-
GB bhruT CP ? en.
2 G omits tri
it clot i Mix" po. y
3 B adds sva-
B dhyitva (osot .3:1)
5 GB -talons Sok Ohs
6 B -saptar. 2 N' oho.
p.400 E...24i 1401c N lyir
GOP add yaduta
2 GOP add atelti- Iktk rig

G samut -
4do,c1 Pa
2 G adds te clATAS vs
3 GB net du4kham ut-
4 G -antointaio nima WS corrupt, conjectural
5 GOP add -buddha-
6 B adds bhavanti
7 B omits ebhir ;.. -pa4tai0
G ealpstayis and in following cases; elle aprod pa
from Et and majority of S. 2 bit
9 GOP add sarve
B vatira- Eat/
Ood buck
II GCP -aka--
12 4 -wit 02
D.404 rah
GOP kiyivasthitanetri
2 B adds serve-
3 G -kiya This line is
4 B sugata-
5 GOP -tam
6 GOP tri-
7 G -a
24,496 N I. tlitos grub
1 B sarvatathigat&dhipatis 2 Pek ablor
2 G omits sarvatathagata- 3 P.kLdi
3 C kaaya heto4 4 Pek 1;tkhor ha
4 B-erne
B -Pi4im
Wolk have an extra half line:
6 B adds tve* mkbab db7ine rdo rjehl bus outs par/
7 B -raja GCP -vajragaja
(not rft
I Op add evam astu
2 GB add bhasavanta0
3 GBP -tattva-
B adds -vaTkcitta-
5 B vijahiran and
6 GP -vigvajra -
7 P adds -kayavik-
8 B -dayitam
9 GB add bhagavin
IO B adds -vaira-

Pek si 4wam
e* po N 94 ( D:
ais nded from

NLPek have an extra half line, not in D: I PekN Tin
mi bzad par ni tigyur bai dug/ Pet 'Whose

I Pek sP7an
all have extra half line:
tissues jr.ii sprig d,ag rnam beau
NL gstun 2a121
E'ek N gsult
2 Pek dran
D,347 2.141E
Pek las NLIi
emended from gsuil D: spum
I N L la
I Pek gssa Pak omits from miOn to

emctaded from gru (D: grva) I Pok ;FL

2 WI las (D: Pas) emended from pa (Pr: p
3 Pek Aid
2.412 emended from rdo riS (Pr and D rdo ries)
Xelsnded from kyis (Pr: kyi)
2 gis
I Palc gnee
Pek N gyis

4it emended from geah (Pr: gah)

3 11
rdo rje (Pt: rdo rjes)
dam tshig (Pt: tshig)
5 Pek fivas N fiva

NLPek have extra haltiline, also in D but not Pr:
snags kyi yi gekli tshig byin la/
2 Pek N tshog
3 bdi skad kyah gsuas te appears here instead
of after next line, (correct in D)

I emended from rigs Pr and D: rig)

2 W1_kyi; CD: (a)

AMINE= .../bsAu.bas, der 4 Oro bar bya/i

gnas ni rab tu dby*
71 22 .../gian zas bzaO bar yan mi bya/
Giving notes of the main instances wbere the sne-dge edition
is closer to the Sanskrit than the text presented sbovetand
where the translation into English follows it. 70 differ* v.8 .../mohod p4i bdag Aid can EAchod bye/
ences are not noted, nor are those which correspond to Other ,
v.16 dam tiNig for ].ha ni
variants in the Sanskrit manuscripts. v.19 kph. =al par brtagrar'bya/
v.31 'dims gi gems ityaii de 4dra iiii/Mkba4 dah...
CHAFTER ONE v.36 rigs kyi'iliyor ba41, rob db
p.I83,line 9 ...sbyor ba mchog gi gnas kyis/
and similarly in the follolting passages.
v.22 d
P 167 line 25 omits 4khor lo
pfik423, rigs kyi rays mtsho las Le sda4...
verse 7 nam mkha4i gaas ni dhos por.../ lho nar ies par bya40/
p.I9311ine 25-6 Ye fies litod zer sgron ma rdo rje Ass... va7 rdo rjei gnai/thams cad...
verses 9-12 khyod for la
CRAMER THREE dkyil 4khor =slut kyi thugs ka yi/dbus chud
verse 3 bsgom par byas nas bsdus pa Yis/... phramo man bsgom by*/
V.4 bsdus pa gAis med. sbyor ba bdus an chud par ni/yi ge =hog gi
tshig bsam mo/
v.14 . . .rin chen ches/...mtshon ohs... v.I2 ..011/14 Yell Tab tu bsku14.0.
OBAYTER FOUR v.19 chess iih chags pai its bas
v.17 padma ral gri ktbar 4odbyed/. .
v.19-20 dri dah me tog brgyan byas te/da dbus su after v.5 boom Itan litdao dam tshig-gsum gyi gsah bag'
4dod Pa bYa/ 440.kskad ce:s bk4 stool to/
yon tan ske rags mamaki/lies rab can gyis de
byin be label vo9 bskyed pa la sogs dam tshig dagAdo rje gawk
ba spro bya saws rgyas gnas/. mi phyed bsgoms pas/
after "roe 0.. byin gyis nob pakii rgyu ies...
v44 kha dog lfia pa rdo rje oho/
v.3 saags dmigs pa yi lus kyis ni/hag dah yid la
belul bYas Pao/ after v.26 ...mi bskyod palgi d'aiitshig awn par...
v.12 da p.4 sbyor ba... v.27 .../rdo rje gsum gyi tog...
v.15 .../biah chub giol bas bsgom par bya/ In these passages boom ldan 4das... corresponds

in position to 8 by be
v.29 rclo rj e udpal. .
v.41 detli sems 4gog8 pa4i rdo rjer chlidigah tsh;
skye bar #gyur bads/
after v.11 rdo rje edam pa Aid ces...
....rtag par bagels/
v-33 .../dam tshig skur ni-rab abyoryes/
v.40 ice yi rdo rje4i sbyor bas bsgom/...
after v.48 ...rdo rje4i was ials.,..
v.49 lee ni .414 yig rdo rje can bagoms
v.50 .../rde rje Dams 44 4dra.... ate/
phyogs kyi nah*las dies grub gsdiWifitah ha* ill a
mehog 1as byuh rams kyis/ -
0 ab t Jtphel/
v.65 bonen pa ye ges bdud rtsis byair...
-v.71-2 sans Tgya0 skn. )dzin dpal dah ldanAdo rje*
pus dahmi phyed dhos/ rje gnu* 32i Mi phyed
bdag la byin wig triab gnu dehilku yi yds v.23 par byed/
ries m4sad du gaol/ bar ba rnon po...
phyogs beur bugs pa4i sahs rgyas rnams/
rdo rje gsuadalCmi phyed *a/ v.34 ...1gY0 pas/m46u6s P402i mehog/
bdag la bYill gYis brlab gnas dei/ak0 Yi rdo p.314,1ine 7 omits gian ais mi thub pa41
rjas mdzad du gsol/ ...kyi lug dah hag dah yid phur bus gdab pa4i
The two following passages follow the same pattern. shag* rdo 4di/
" " 27 ...tsham ham gyi rdo rje41 phur buOi shags WV
YON.. and p.317,1ine 7
v.21 ...ies pa yia/rafi gi rdo ries begrags 07241 v.66 ...gnas mn imilar4 in V.66,70
v.67, /. 'Bass pa4i gnas su m.1*4gyur na4O/
v.37 lus ni.../sems ni.../ laxly in T.69,7I
hag ni gala gi rah ban yis/...
v.50 dhos grub star 4gyur rmohs bdag Ai4/di la'
the tehom mi bya4o/ v40 blsima nas kha sbyar sbyor ba yis/...
4di ni in iag bdun bya ste/bbfis ryas k/is v.56 .../gtsug tor mAs par...
441;2 Mi 4grub bo/
v.59' thus cad sbyor ba4i shags mama la/spyi bo
v.60 ...aon Lea b/a/ du ni bskul baWs/
after v.63 boom Lim 4as.s nam mkhatoli rdo ries de eked v.65 ...Aphags pabi sa ni bii pa dag/
ces bka4 steal to/
v.71 rdo rje rgyal po ra 0 gtso bo
v.:75 etch brgya rtsa brgyad bales pas kith/. P36991int2 11 040
v.78 . choa aohog can gyi biah gOi,las/dera vi v.85 .pub 71.13,

v.101 kha yi nah du do beam rdo rje4i gem bdag naAtjls sift rdo 404
yi ger 457ur/
v.10$ ../ye iea rdo rjes bkug nsa4jug/
v.107 lan gfiis lan gsum rob bsgoms nas/...
v.I28 ...4khor lor gnas pakti lus/... rgyas ye ;lea stab 1od
v.I33 rah seas sons ni p.375 4 cad WI thugs rdo rjeloi dam tshig...,
P.345 line 16 .../4di ni de ban gie w.16 gti mug las gyie los gan rams/.
Obyuh bar b1.61 pa rdo.
p.$77, in. 7 .../rdo rjo ovum gyi daft tphig..
P.349,1ine I, dm nos de blin'tiogs pa de dag gis
w.20 ag tU bud sad 4dod *clog giol/
0 .../ bus daft hag dai imam la pail so/ ...?kluOi dbait po4i Dual no theme cad ...
v.25 phan par 4ded Pam 'MA par bye/s..
v.26 .../rdo rje yah deg 4byuh bar bya/
extra verse between verses 8 mil 9: p.383 ,line 17-19 ...Aka dal Saul daft thugs rdo rjelpi dmigs
fiid kyi aku yi dkyil Wchor gnie/ido rjetti si you tan an mod pa#1 ho bo &Uzi. 4gyur ba4i gnas la gah it()
bo flid La si Jaw= bakti gags rnam par dpyad nag
rual po chen po rdo rje chos/rig pekii dban po tatjug par by*/a
cah ni gauh bar bugs so/
rab p.387,1ine 7 rdo rje 4dain pas bka0 steal pal...
de ltar byas pas myur du rah/rab dell yid db
byon nio/ " 10 ...nms/dbyahs 4di deg brjod do/
reb tu dgyes par gyur pa rnans/gaah ha **bog ni 4dri bar 11 29 ...boom ldan 4das phyag na rdo rje de bin
Olga pa these cad kyi bdag pos skit...
v.20 shags grub pa
/ p.389, 3 rdo rje de bin gigs pa theme cad kyi
v.22 . ./1fia paAlas byuh ba.dah/ bdag pos
v.27 flu u rtsa 2144 bye brag gis/rnan Similarly in all the following passages up to v.67.
v.28 mchog gi skit gsuh thugs dam tshig/... e 13 .bgyi/de biin giegs pathan's cad bka0
v.33 dbah pc+ gdis ni rab ebyor bas/... stool pa/
V.40 .../...rdo rje dmin pat byed/ P 93,line 12 de Aid de bgin gags pa theme cad dah/byan
v.36 . ./Yuhs kar brtul iugs can gyis b chub seas dpa0 theme cad kyiston pa...
v.54 . ./der ni shags is v.58 lha yi Ood stir rab goal babi/rah
v.59 4kiaor gyi tshogs minas de dig ni/byah chub .64 ...bye/Min na them cad Wig par 4gyur/
rdo rjo can grub 4,gyur/ p.403,1ine 23 ..thams cad kyi thugs kyi btsun no =kakis..

P.407 line 6 ...thams oad Igri ye ties

rdo rje
26* ...rdo rjelpilba
p.e0911ine 6 omits ...sku rdo ris,..

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