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MRESA Internship Gifted Endorsement Internship Log Twenty field experience and clinical practice hours must be completed by the end of the gifted endorsement program. Have your mentor or sponsor of activity sign in box provided below when complete. Please share ‘this with your administration so that they are aware of the kinds of activities vou will be doing and can help you with arrangements as needed, Initial/Date | Activity Documentation Dec 2.2015 | 1. Observe veteran Gifted Endorsed Teacher Journal/blog entry (review & — instructing gifted students Required@Gkeaie® | reflect) Le | QD | ws. 2. Observe testing OR Assist with testing Tournal/blog entry (review & students for gifted services and scoring OR Meet | reflect) with gifted lead teacher and discuss the al 1 ification and placement process spl Tp _ | 5. Observe Eligibility Team meeting or Serve on | Joural/blog entry (review & a local school Eligibility TeamgRgG(@iiRe=2@ | reflect) QD credit hrs. | $201? — |. Assist with teacher training on characteristics | Journal/blog entry-and presentation Bao. of gifted sens ity lan Grew. reflest refioe) 5, Present on a gifted to nt journal/blog entry and presentation group/faculty meeting (opportunities will be | plan (review, reflect & refine) given during the courses to develop this) — 1 credit hr. e 6. Attend informational meeting for parents 1 | Journal/blog entry credit hr. (review & reflect) 7, tend oui ure activi | Youra/blog entry 19/7 _| for gifted students (review & reflect) 8. Attend or assist in gifted program event such as the local chapter of GAGC, the state GAGC meeting or an NAGC meeting 1 credit hr. 9. Teach 3 original differentiated lessons (begi B in course 2 and finish by end of course 3) a ]1H17 | Requires SRE 10, Complete an interview/case study Qp \1 Ssignment. ale (Due at the end of course 4) pesercaithirs. (review, reflect & refine) ‘The following signatures indicate that Anni ic OLMmol has completed the required 20 hours of Gifted Endorsement Internship Act ities and has completed all documentation, Revised 7/2/13,

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