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2215 E. ALDER ST., SEATTLE WA 98122 | (808)220-1366 | EHSL_5393@HOTMAIL.COM

Student Development Administration, M.Ed. Expected June 2017
Seattle University Seattle, WA

Politics, B.S. Minor, Public Service and Community Engagement May 2015
University of San Francisco San Francisco, CA

Individual counseling through a multicultural lens of identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudice, and
processes of intentional an unintentional oppression and discrimination to meet their various needs.
Native speaker in Cantonese-Chinese.

Program Coordinator Aug. 2015 - Present
Seattle University, Office of Multicultural Affairs Seattle, WA
Advise and serve as a resource for students representing a variety of identities, cultures, backgrounds, and
ideologies on identity exploration, academic planning, degree attainment and post-graduation planning.
Provide guidance and mentorship for 15+ cultural and identity based organizations whose main purpose is
coalition building, cross-cultural programming, raising solidarity and strengthening leadership skills.
Collaborate across departmental student support services to promote collaborative educational and
professional development opportunities for students.
Recruit, hire and train a group of 8 peer mentors, responsible for programming, leadership building and
mentorship for a group of 46 incoming first year and transfer students of color.
Using a social justice framework that promotes the leadership formation, wellness and success of students of
color, queer and transgender students.
Reenvision the Connections Leadership Program, a 3 day immersion that engages first year and transfer
students of color through an awareness of self, group and the community to be empowered leaders to effect
sustainable change.
Organize and facilitate a yearlong mentorship program for 46 first year and transfer students of color.
Engage students and campus communities on difficult conversations around structural racism, systems of
oppression and injustice in the world to advance equity and inclusion in higher education.
Supervise the student Design and Marketing Coordinator that maintains departmental strategic communication
that includes website content, social media outlets, newsletter publications, and graphic design.
Design and manage all print, web and digital platforms for the purpose of resource sharing through social
media, TerminalFour, Canvas and Microsoft Office.

Instructional Designer Dec. 2016 - Present

Seattle University, iLead Committee Seattle, WA
Design and construct online curriculum via Canvas to foster learning and understanding around inclusion and
equity, bias response, responsibility and reporting protocol for 100 participating student leaders on campus.
Collaborate with the Office of Institutional Inclusion, Public Safety, the Dean of Students Office, Office of
Multicultural Affairs and Wellness and Health Promotions to articulate proper protocols in identifying and
reporting bias on campus.

Graduate Intern Jan. 2017 March 2017

South Seattle College, 13th Year Promise Scholarship Seattle, WA
Provide individual counseling and referral services to a cohort of 125 first year students that includes, but not
limited to personal matters, financial literary or barriers, and career or academic exploration.
Assess the Summer Bridge Program to make sure that it aligns with its outcomes through building skills in
self-advocacy and financial literacy, a sense of belonging on campus through student engagement, and
developing clear academic and career goals.


2215 E. ALDER ST., SEATTLE WA 98122 | (808)220-1366 | EHSL_5393@HOTMAIL.COM

Research best practices in creating and maintaining a sustainable college access program to better support low-
income, first-generation college students from diverse backgrounds.

ACUHO-I Summer Intern July 2016 - Aug. 2016

Office of Residence Life, Pacific University Forest Grove, OR
Developed a LGBTQ resource webpage that connects Pacific University students to resources and support on
campus and in the greater Portland community.
Provided professional development opportunities for staff members on how to facilitate conversations and
training around social justice, diversity and inclusion.
Designed and coordinated a comprehensive social justice and diversity curriculum for RA training that
explores conversations of complex identities, privilege, race and socioeconomic class.
Assisted in the development and design of a 2-week Resident Assistant training for 32 students.

Intern Aug. 2013 Dec. 2013

Holy Family Day Home San Francisco, CA
Compiled and synthesized academic literature to understand the impact on the poverty cycle for low-income
families to provide more holistic support for students based on health, educational and mental needs.
Reviewed and accessed current programs and learning outcomes, to enhance grant funding opportunities for
extended educational services to low-income and homeless youth.

Communities of Practice: Influences on Our Attitudes of Others First Year Student Retreat, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, October 2016

Cycle of Socialization and Complex Identities, Resident Assistant Training, Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR,
August 2016

If These Halls Could Talk: Examination of Race, Stereotypes and Socio-economic Class on a College Campus,
Resident Assistant Training, Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR, August 2016

Leadership and Empowerment Award May 2015
University of San Francisco
An individual who stands up for ideals and the ideals of the community, strikes out injustice, bestows unconditional
respect upon all beings, empowers groups and individuals to flourish, and recognizes the significance of smalls acts in
the effort to attain a greater vision.

Archbishop Oscar Romero Award April 2015

University of San Francisco, Student Leadership & Engagement
Recognized for ones ability to become a voice for the voiceless as the Archbishop of San Salvador, the Archbishop
Oscar Romero Award is presented to an individual who strives to alleviate poverty and oppression.

Asian Pacific Islander Changemaker April 2013

Gender and Sexuality Center and Intercultural Center, University of San Francisco
Identified as a changemaker who balances academic and professional success while contributing to the overall
improvement of the equality for the Asian Pacific Islander community.


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