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Tom Leatherwood, Shelby County Register of Deeds: Instr. # 15053055 Shelby County Register / Archives As evidenced by the instrument number shown below, this document has been recorded as a permanent record in the archives of the Office of the Shelby County Register. A rosea 0 eee ATHERYOOD 1075 Mullins Station, Suite W165 ~ Memphis, Tennessee 38134 (901) 222-8100 Website: http:/ Email. Join us on Facebook Tom Leatherwood, Shelby County Register of Deeds: Instr. # 15053055 ‘This Instrument Prepared By & Return To: HAGLER BRUCE & TURNER, PLLC 2650 Thousand Oaks Bivd, Ste. 2140 Memphis, TN 38118 File No,: 150037-766 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED fM, ‘THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this 8 “day of April, 2015, by and between American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities, (ALSAC), party ofthe frst par, and MLB-UPTOWN, LLC, a Tennessee non-profit limited liability company, party ofthe second part. WITNESS: That for and in consideration of ten and no/100 Dollars ($10.00) cash in hand paid, and other ‘g00d and valuable consideration, the receipt ofall of which is hereby acknowledged, sad party ofthe first part has bargained and sold and does hereby bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto said party ofthe second part the following described real estat, situated and being in the County of Shelby, State of Tennessee, to wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being all or part ofthe same property conveyed to Grantor by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed dated May 2, 2002, at Instrument No, 02092696 inthe Registers Office of Shelby County, Tennessee. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid re hereditaments thereunto belor successors, and assigns in fee The said party ofthe first part does hereby covenant withthe said party ofthe second part that itis lawfully seized in fee of the aforedescribed real estate; that it has a good right to sell and convey the same; that same is unencumbered, except as stated hereinabove and that title and quiet possession thereto it will warrant and forever defend against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through, or under Grantor, but not further or otherwise. ‘The word “party” as used herein shall mean “partis” if it refers to more than one person or entity, and pronouns shall be construed according to their proper gender and number according to the context hereof. WITNESS the signature of the party of the first part the day and year first above written, AMERICAN LEBANESE SYRIAN ASSOCIATED CHARITIES Sara L. Hall tine; Chief Legal Officer Tom Leatherwood, Shelby County Register of Deeds: Instr. # 15053055 STATE OF TENNESSEE, ‘COUNTY OF SHELBY Before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared SWra_L" Halt, with whom I am personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), and who acknowledged hinvherself to be the Celtel Oho American Lebanese Syrian ‘Associnted Charities, (ALSAC), the within named bargainor, & and that s/he as such Gael Lesa alkece ‘executed the foregoing insttumen} for fhe purposes therein contained, by signing the nitne of tt << Ce such Chief bee o! iad oan Moe! s Sof, i eicebgta ce tis 28 Hf efialaeat a 6 TEER z WETNESS my band§ i My Commission Expires: cee w Ue PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME AND ADDRESS: MLB-UPTOWN, LLC PO Box 3187 ‘Memphis, TN 38173 ‘TAX PARCEL #001107-00001 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 544 Jackson Avenue Memphis, TN MAIL TAX BILLS TO: MLB-UPTOWN, LLC P.O. BOX 3187 ‘Memphis, TN 38173 ‘STATE OF TENNESSEE, COUNTY OF SHELBY 1, or we, hereby swear or affirm that to the best of Afflant's knowledge, information and belief the actual consideration for this transfer of value of the property transferred, whichever is greater is $600,000.00 which amount {is equal to or greater than the amount which the property would command at a fair and voluntary sale. “Bowbana TVioru pri, 2015, Tom Leatherwood, Shelby County Register of Deeds: Instr. # 15053055 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Description of the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities property recorded at Instrument No. 02092696 in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee: Beginning atthe intersection of the*iorth line of North Parkway (53' from centerline) and the west line of Dunscomb Street (30'R. 0. W,); thence north 81 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds west with the north line of said North Parkway, 381.12 feet to a point inthe east line of Peyton Street (30” R.O.W,); thence north 08 degrees 21 ‘minutes 46 seconds west with the east line of said Peyton Street, 125.44 feet to a point of curvature: thence in a northeasterly direction along a curve tothe right having @ radius of 28.00 feet, delta angle of 83 degrees 14 minutes 22 seconds, chord = north 33 degrees 15 minutes 25 seconds east - 33.21 feet, an arc length of 36-42 feet to a Point of tangency in the south line of Jackson Avenue (80'R. 0. W.); thence north 74 degrees 52 minutes 36 seconds east with the south line of said Jackson Avenue, 358.97 feet to a point of curvature; thence in a southeasterly direction along a curve to the right having a radius of 25.00 feet, delta angle of 103 degrees 26 ‘minutes 44 seconds, chord south 52 degrees 24 minutes 02 seconds east - 39.79 feet, an are length of 46.01 feet to 8 point of tangency in the west line of the aforesaid Dunsoomb Street; thence south 00 degrees 19 minutes 20 Seconds west with the west line of said Dunscomb Street, 280.77 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 89,088 square feet or 2.045 acres of land,

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