Alexander N - Edid 6505 Mini Assignment - Individual Assignment

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Student name - Natasha Alexander

Student Number 316103983

Programme MSc Instructional Design and Technology

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit

EDID6505 Systems Approach to Designing Instructional Materials

Lecturer Dr. Leroy Hill

Weebly link -

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 1



Needs Assessment Plan...................................................................................3

Target audience...............................................................................................3

Characteristics of target audience...............................................................3

Topic of Instruction....................................................................................3



Data Collection Methodology....................................................................4

Information gathered..................................................................................5

How will the information be used...................................................................5

Optimals, Actuals, Feelings, Causes and Solutions.......................................6-7

Learner and contextual analysis.......................................................................7

Performance Objectives and Task Analysis....................................................7-8

Task analysis.....................................................................................................8

Procedural analysis......................................................................................................8-9


Instructional Strategies and Lesson.............................................................................9

Reflective writing .......................................................................................................10

References ...................................................................................................................11
Appendices ...............................................................................................................12-28
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 2


Sunway Airlines is based in the Caribbean island of Trinidad & Tobago. The airline flies to

eighteen destinations and employs approximately one thousand five hundred (1500) persons. The

Training department is a division within Sunways Airlines which is responsible for training

employees; there are a total of ten (10) training officers and one training manager. These training

officers conduct mandatory training of the front-line and technical employees in various

disciplines to ensure the airline is compliant with international regulations.

The Civil Aviation Authority evaluates the training officers instructional skills and technical

competencies in training settings every two (2) years.

The trainers are also evaluated by the staff of Sunways Airlines at the conclusion of every

training session. This evaluation is conducted via the distribution of questionnaires.

Recently, the training officers have complained to the training manager of a high staff

dissatisfaction feedback rate with the training provided. Staff members instead of being active

participants, are passive participants in class. Theyre not asking questions during training, and

some have said the training material presented was not applicable to their job function.

This feedback by students indicates a weakness in the training material presented by the training

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 3

Needs Assessment Plan

Purpose To conduct a needs assessment on the Sunways Airlines Trainer and identify any

weaknesses in their knowledge, skills and attitudes that are necessary to provide training

programme effectiveness.

Target audience The audience will comprise of eleven (11) persons. Eight (8) males and three
(3) females.

Sunways Airlines

Training officers

Manager of Training department

Characteristics of target audience

Age group 30-55 years old

Sex male and female

Educational background varies - Airline related courses, degree or masters

Topic of Instruction

Topic of Instruction Creating a needs assessment document Training Workshop

Requirements training room, whiteboard, flipchart, projector and laptops

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 4


A face to face two day workshop. The training methods that will be used in the 2 day

workshop presentation to the trainers will be the following:

Group discussion
Case studies and Brainstorming
Role plays

Incorporating the use of the training methods above will encourage the trainer to learn active

learning which will then be used on the staff. Felder & Brent (2009) define active learning as

"anything course-related that all students in a class session are called upon to do other than

simply watching, listening and taking notes

Data Collection Methodology

The Data Collection Methodologies to be used are:

Review of the training departmental records and documents
Direct observations
Questionnaire (please refer to Appendix A)

This information will be used to determine whether or not training is necessary.

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 5


Information will be gathered through:

Interviews with the Manager of the training department and training officers. This
gives an overview of the existing state of the training department and training offered
Review of the departments training records for a 6 month period : completed
evaluation reports and staff exam scores
Observe the trainers in class over a 1 week period
Questionnaires sent to the staff members who have attended training and their
respective managers.

How will the information be used

The needs assessment or analysis phase is important to understanding the aims and objectives or

any training program (Noe, 2010). The information provided will be evaluated for any

indication if the training officers need training, or if its a case of recommending an intervention.
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 6

Optimals, Actuals, Feelings, Causes and Solutions

Using Rossettss (1987) Training Needs Assessment Model, the information sought for this

needs assessment were:


All Trainers are able to create and develop a project plan for a task analysis

All Trainers can describe and create a needs analysis process

All Trainers are proficient in gathering data for task analysis Identify and describe the requirement

for a task analysis


Trainers do not know how to conduct a task analysis

Trainers do not know the various methods for collecting task analysis data


Trainers believe the courses are outdated,

Trainers believe the courses should be reviewed to ensure the learning outcomes match the

course objectives.


A cause of the performance problems can be lack of knowledge or skills. The Trainers do not

have the knowledge needed to create a task analysis. The PowerPoint slides have not been

changed in the last couple of years. The trainers are therefore unable to analyze and articulate the

kind of learning learners are expected to perform.

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 7

Optimals, Actuals, Feelings, Causes and Solutions (contd)


The solution would be mandatory training sessions for all Trainers and the Manager of the

department in conducting needs assessments.

This will be achieved by creating a 2 day workshop on this topic.

Learner and contextual analysis

After undertaking the contextual analysis (see appendix b) it indicated the participants age,

motivation would impact the learning process and this aided in influencing the teaching strategy.

Performance Objectives and Task Analysis

Terminal Learning Objective: At the conclusion of this workshop, the Trainers and their Manager

will be able to describe what a needs analysis is, conduct a task analysis, and define the essential

tasks that must be incorporated into a training program.

Enabling Learning Objective 1: After attending the workshop, the learner will be able to identify

and describe the requirements needed for a needs analysis and list requirements for a template.

Enabling Learning Objective 2: After attending the workshop the learner will be able to identify

and describe the requirements for conducting a task analysis.

Enabling Learning Objective 3: After attending the workshop the learner will be able to describe

the purpose of the task analysis, including task selection, criteria, and procedures for conducting task

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 8

Performance Objectives (contd)

Enabling Learning Objective 4: After attending the workshop the learner will be able to

demonstrate the ability to complete a task analysis by creating a mock task analysis document

including Performance Objectives and Task Analysis

Task analysis

The tasks to be performed were identified using the task selection worksheet (see

appendix B) and the training needs identified and prioritized accordingly.


Conducting a task analysis

1. Analyze the department which initiated the request
2. Select methodology for obtaining information
3. Determine if problem/issue can be appropriately addressed by training
4. Define goals and objectives that should be addressed by training
5. Identify the profile of the target audience (e.g., education levels, learning styles,
motivation, past experience with subject matter)

Identify Performance discrepancies

1. Determine the required level of performance optimal
2. Determine the present level of performance actual
3. Determine the performance discrepancies -feelings and causes
4. Determine solution

Determine training needs

1. Determine and address non-competency gaps Internal (Institutional) or External
2. Determine the competency gaps knowledge, attitudes, skills
3. Determine what training format (s) will be used (e.g., classroom, on-the-job, multimedia,
computer-based, teleconferencing, conference/seminar, hands-on workshop, simulation)
4. Conduct training
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 9

Assess Performance
1. Assess performance results
2. Suggest recommendations

Procedural Analysis Flowchart

Please refer to appendix see appendix E.


The participants age, learning styles and experience in the airline industry were considered

when creating these assessments. The aim was to engage the participants in each lesson. At the

end of workshop participants knowledge will be assessed by them creating and doing a

presentation of a task analysis document. Assessment items can be seen in table 1 below,

samples of which are at Appendix F.

Assessment Items
Multiple Choice questions Formative
Short Answer questions Formative
Presentation Summative

Instructional Strategies and Lesson

The instructional strategies which will be utilized in this workshop are direct instruction, hands-
on-learning, demonstration and problem based learning. The strategies were selected based on
the work experience level of the students and taking into consideration they were all adult
learners. The course outline and lesson plan will have a mixture of these strategies. Please see
appendix G.
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 10

Reflective Writing

The audience I selected were experienced training officers in an airline who all had over an

average of 5-20 years experience in the Airline industry. Two key attributes were they were

adult learners and were not exposed to task analysis and how to create one. My misconception in

regard to this assignment was misjudging its level of difficulty in regard to creating sound

objectives and using those objectives to create lesson plans. The instructional strategies were all

selected based on the principles of adult learners. Previously I used the use of instructional

material and supporting items to expand on, but based on the mock situation, a task analysis was

the best solution to figure out what issues the training department and students faced. This

change made me revisit the assignment and start from scratch. What I would have done

differently, nothing, while the signment was at time tedious, I learnt a lot.

The peer group gave prompt feedback, and there are 5 teachers in my group. However, because

we were all in the same boat in regard to lack of experience, some of the suggestions given

when compared to suggestions by Mr Hill, were incorrect. I would suggest a stronger teacher

presence in the group forum to lend additional guidance to students. The peer feedback should be

eliminated as in my opinion, its unfair to ask a student who is trying to complete an assignment

to review an assignment that will ultimately be reviewed by the teacher. As the peer feedback

does not have a grading I was at a lost for its true purpose.
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 11


Blooms taxonomy retrieved from

Felder, R.M. & Brent, R. (2009). Active learning: An introduction. ASQ Higher Education Brief, 2(4).

Learning objectives retrieved from -

Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Rosner, R. (1999, May). Training is the answer but what was the question? Workforce, 78,


Rossett, A. (1987). Training Needs Assessment. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational

Sample Evaluation form, retrieved

Stolovitch, H. D., & Keeps, E. J. (2011). Telling ain't training (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 12

Appendix A

Training Evaluation Questionnaire

for participants in Sunways airways courses

Training Title: ___________________________ Date Attended: _______________

Please select the rating for the each section based on the following criteria:
5=excellent 4=good 3=average 2=fair 1=poor

Please rate the trainer(s) on the following:

1. Knowledge of the subject matter. 5 4 3 2 1

2. Ability to explain and illustrate concepts. 5 4 3 2 1

3. Ability to answer questions completely. 5 4 3 2 1

Open-ended comments (use the back if you need more space):
4. What specifically did the trainer do well?

5. What recommendations do you have for the trainer to improve?

Please rate the content and structure of the training:

4. The usefulness of the information
received in training. 5 4 3 2 1

5. The structure of the training session(s). 5 4 3 2 1

6. The pace of the training session(s). 5 4 3 2 1

7. The convenience of the training schedule. 5 4 3 2 1

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 13

8. The usefulness of the training materials. 5 4 3 2 1

9. Was this training appropriate for your

level of experience? Yes No

If you said No to #9, please explain:

Open-ended comments (use the back if you need more space):

10. What did you most like about the training?

11. What can be improved with regard to the structure, format, and/or materials?

Your Name: _________________________________ (Optional)

Your Department: _________________________________ (Optional)
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 14

Appendix B


Criteria for Task Criticality Universality Frequency Standardization Difficulty Total Notes Priority

40 pts 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts 30 pts 100 pts

TASKS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

Conduct a task
analysis, and 40 7 10 9 30 96 5
define the
essential tasks
that must be
incorporated into
a training

Assess and
determine the 25 5 4 4 20 58 2
airlines training
needs of

Contribute to the
development and
of Airline 40 6 10 8 30 94 5
programmes and
materials and
conduct training
on same
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 15

Criteria for Task Criticality Universality Frequency Standardization Difficulty Total Notes Priority

40 pts 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts 30 pts 100 pts

To monitor,
evaluate and 30 5 8 6 20 69 3
review the
effectiveness of

Contribute to the
development and 25 5 2 4 10 46 3
of an Airline
training calendar
to meet the
Airlines learning
and development

Strong written
and verbal
communication 40 6 10 8 30 94 5
skills, including
the ability to
develop training

Identify the need

for and 40 5 10 8 30 93 5
contribute to the
development of
manuals as
mandated by

Ability to
contribute to the 35 5 8 8 25 81 4
development of
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 16

Criteria for Task Criticality Universality Frequency Standardization Difficulty Total Notes Priority

40 pts 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts 30 pts 100 pts

Goods, Policies &
Weight & Balance
etc) and
training needs
analysis and
training to
individuals and
small groups
Exercises a sound
knowledge of the
Airline industry,
processes and
policies, as well
certifications to
training and 40 6 10 8 30 94 5
manual creation

Importance Scale
How important is this task to the job?
0 = Not Performed
1 = Not Important
2 = Somewhat Important
3 = Important
4 = Very Important
5 = Extremely Important
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 17

Appendix C

Contextual Analysis Worksheet

-2 Greatly impedes

-1 Slightly impedes

+1 Slightly facilitates

+2 Greatly facilitates

Orienting Context

Learner Factors

Background of learners in aviation industry prior knowledge____ -2 -1 +1 +2

Age of learners - Adult__________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Educational level_______________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Motivation to learn______________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Immediate Environment Factors

Need for training workshop_______________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

____________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

____________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

____________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 18

Organizational Factors

Budget allocated for training_____________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Time time allocated and staff getting the time off to attend _____ -2 -1 +1 +2

Programme Commitment________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

____________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Instructional Context

Learner Factors

Usability of information presented__________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

____________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

____________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Immediate Environment Factors

Relevancy of the information thats going to be taught________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Quality of the workshop_________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Scheduled days of the workshop__________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Lighting, noise, temperature, seating, accommodations, etc_____ -2 -1 +1 +2

Organizational Factors

Delivery of the workshop_________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Summative or formative evaluation ___________ -2 -1 +1 +2

____________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

____________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 19

Transfer Context

Learner Factors

Training design - Best way to present training____________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Perception of participants to the workshop______________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Previous knowledge on topic ________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Application of training to job__________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Immediate Environment Factors

Equipment provided to participants e.g. tablets __________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Information presented in the workshop to the Trainers_____ -2 -1 +1 +2

Change resistance encountered by the Trainers _________ -2 -1 +1 +2

______________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

Organizational Factors

Reduction in expenses better trained staff______________ -2 -1 +1 +2

_______________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

_______________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2

________________________________________________ -2 -1 +1 +2
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 20

Appendix D


Format Objectives

Select task
to analyze

Topic of
instruction Procedural

Select Needs
methodology Assessment






END Results
from training
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 21

Appendix E

Appendix E -Hierarchical Analysis task analysis methodology


Select task to audiience
timeframe to
analyze characteristics

Select Determine if
Topic of methodology training is
instruction required

Compile Training or Teaching

results intervention strategies
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 22

Appendix F


Scenario questions to be answered with a few sentences

1. A new trainer has been assigned to you for training, youve been tasked to create an

instructional manual, objectives for this manual are the first things students see when they

open the manual. (3 marks)


Describe the meaning of learning objectives and its importance in the classroom to the

new trainer. Provide 3 examples of objectives. (Maximum 250 words)


2. Youve been told by your manager youll be training a class of 20 adults in customer
service in 2 weeks time. She has requested you send her an email on your planning
procedure for this class. (3 marks)


In your email to her, summarize what a training cycle is and explain why a needs
assessment is important to this process.

Short answer question to be answered neither in no more than 2 paragraphs


Name some characteristics of an adult learner?

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 23

Explain why a questionnaire may produce more reliable information than a traditional interview.
(2 points)

Appendix F contd

Multiple choice

1. Needs analysis and task analysis are conducted primarily to address an organizations (3 marks)
a) Task of employees
b) Learning objectives
c) Job descriptions
d) Management style

2. The components of a learning objective are (1 marks)

a. Tasks, criteria and performance
b. Performance, conditions, and criteria
c. Time, performance and tasks

3. Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives consists of

a. Understanding, Creating, Remembering, Applying, Evaluating, Analyzing
b. Analyzing, Understanding, Creating, Remembering, Applying, Evaluating
c. Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

4. For an individual to experience cognitive learning, he or she must demonstrate:

a) Knowledge recall and intellectual skills
b) Intrinsic behavior
c) Social development
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 24

Appendix F contd

The final day of the train the trainer class will consists of all the participants giving a 30 minute

presentation on the creation of a mock task analysis, see rubric below.

Rubric for oral presentation

Competency Excellent Good Fair Needs Total score

Rating 4 Rating 3 Rating 2 Additional
Rating 1

Subject Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

matter expertise in sound factual limited
knowledge subject matter knowledge knowledge of knowledge of
and engages and subject matter the subject
students in understanding and matter and relies
learning of the subject sometimes heavily on
experiences matter engages textbooks or
consistently students in resources and
engages learning does not engage
students in experiences students
Length of Within the Is over by 5 Is over by 10 Incomplete -
presentation assigned time minutes minutes Presentation was
stopped over by
15 minutes
Use of adult Evident training Evident The training The training
learning session was training session used session was not
theory developed from session was some adult based on adult
an expertise developed learning learning theories.
understanding of from a strong theories
adult learning understanding
theories. of adult
Objectives Trainer expertly Trainer Trainer Trainer does not
were defined defines and adequately presents presents
explains course defines and objectives, but objectives or
objectives which explains does not discuss them.
presented a course define or
framework for objectives discuss them.
the session
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 25


Appendix G Instructional Strategies and Lesson plan

Course outline 2 day workshop

Day 1 Item Day 2 Item

8.00 a.m. 8.15 a.m. welcome 8.00 a.m. 8.15 a.m. Recap of day 1
8.15 a,m.- 9.15 a.m. What is a task analysis 8.15 a,m.- 9.15 a.m. Task analysis
worksheet input
9.15 a.m. 10.15 a.m. Group work 9.15 a.m. 10.15 a.m. Create a procedural
10.15 a.m. 10.35 a.m. break 10.15 a.m. 10.35 break
10.35 am 11.35 a.m. Methods for collecting data 10.35 am 11.35 a.m. Work on individual
11.35 a.m. 12.35 a.m. Lunch 11.35 a.m. 12.35 Lunch
12.35 a.m. 4.00 p.m. First day assessments 12.35 a.m. 4.00 p.m. Individual

Instructional Strategies and Lesson analogy

The first day of class students are shown a cake mix and shown the back of the box. Explaining
to them task analysis is comparative to baking a cake, as there are steps on the back of the box
broken down to the smallest detail to follow to get to final goal. If a step is missed the cake will
be ruined.
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 26

Appendix G Instructional Strategies and Lesson plan

Instructional Strategies and Lesson

Students then view the youtube video below What is a task analysis and the lecturer uses the white
board to give examples. The lecturer also ask students to work in groups to come up with what they think
are the steps a task analysis for a case study.

Day 2
Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 27

Task Analysis work sheet please insert and arrange the steps of the task in order of

MainTask making tea

Supporting Task Sequence number with 1 being the most

important, 5 being the least important

Steps not in order

Taking the box of tea out of the cupboard

Putting milk and sugar in the teacup

Pouring hot water in the teacup

Getting a tea cup from the cupboard

Leaving the teabag to steep

Create a prerequisite analysis making tea

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 28

Appendix G Instructional Strategies and Lesson plan

Procedural Analyse symbols to be given as a handout

Mini-Project Face to Face Instructional Design Unit 29

Individual presentations students are given the rubric and advised they have 1 hour to work
on their individual presentations. After class resumes from lunch, the individual presentations

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