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On March 23, 2017, 17-year old Niecey Fennell was found dead in the Durham County
Deten on Facility. She was awai ng trial and had not been convicted of any crime. She was just
a teenager.

Over the last few days, people who knew and loved Niecey have shared informa on about her
strength, vibrancy, and light. Statements from 16 people are provided below.

As the family of Niecey Fennell moves forward in their push for jus ce in the Durham County
Deten on Facility failure to keep Niecey safe and alive while in their care, her family demands
the following:

An independent inves ga on beyond the SBI

A copy of the SBIs report based on its inves ga on
The Durham County Sheri, who is in charge of the Durham County Deten on Facility,
must be held accountable for the failure to x the long-know problem of the risk of the
bars in certain cells and all other unsafe condi ons
The Durham County Sheri, who is in charge of the Durham County Deten on Facility,
must be held accountable for Neiceys death

People who would like to support the family at this me can make dona ons to this GoFundMe
site to help the family bring Neicey home to rest:
h ps://

The family invites the public and the press to a protest today, Friday, March 31, in front of the
Durham County Deten on Facility at 12 p.m.

From Nieceys Mom, Julia:

My daughter Niecey Fennell was a minor being held in adult facility that could not
provide the basic necessi es for a minor including safety. Niecey will not harm herself
due to her religious beliefs. She was a young lady full of life love and despite her current
situa on op mis c and happy she had plans for her future which included raising her
deceased twin brothers new baby, nishing school, and as usual being a great help to
her mother. Unfortunately her me here on this Earth was cut short. And unlike
everyone is trying to convince our family then she to believe we know she did not die at
her own hands and if she did the state is responsible. Niecey was young being guarded
by individuals who lack skills, I'm assuming, since they work in an adult facility and most
denitely abused their Authority posi on. It alarms me that she died 24 hours a er her
a orney led a complaint in seeking help. I want an independent t inves ga on. I don't
trust the Deten on Center or the police as to date they both have conic ng reports
about my childs death. There have been news reports about this and I feel like everyone
is trying to avoid the truth when it comes out so what happened and they keep trying to
overshadow the situa on by bringing up her charges. You need to know she was
innocent and I want her clear her name. I also want to put a law in place that will not
allow minors to be put in a JAIL. So in closing if there are any persons who may be able
to help us bring jus ce, create laws, and expose the truth contact us at email address: I would also like to inform you there is a go fund me account put
up for Nieceys funeral You can nd it on GoFundMe bring Niecy home. Thank you:

From Mary:

I have known Niecy Fennel since birth. She was born minutes apart from her twin Brother,
absolutely a Blessing. She was such a happy child growing up, Full of life. Her smiling dimples lit
up a room. She has always been respec ul of others especially her elders. She had so Much
Love within her soul, She loved her mother with her en re being. Her family was so important
to her, She lived life showing them that. Niecy's life was taken, The reports say suicide, But if you
could have been honoured of knowing her for just one day,You would know she didn't commit
suicide. Death wasn't in her vocabulary, She was a Survivor, A will For life. All of our hearts are
breaking, we need jus ce for our Niecy.

From Sandra:

To whom it may concern,

I am Unieces aunt, I have been around Uniece and her siblings since birth and throughout their
childhood. I lived with my sister Julia (Unieces mother), my nieces, and nephews up un l I had a
family of my own. I used to watch a er them while Julia a ended college. I spent a lot of me
with Uniece and her siblings. I just want to say her death is truly a tragedy to our family, very
shocking! Uniece without a doubt had an innocent soul with the biggest heart, despite the
oensive allega ons brought against her. She has a lot of friends and family who support her
and really care about her and her wellbeing. She was a good person; very caring, and came
from a family of strong willed woman.

I have not seen Uniece since Easter of 2016. I remember she came in gave everyone hugs,
enjoyed dinner with us, we all took pictures, she made all her li le cousins laugh. She was
always very respec ul and courteous to people. I had just recently had a short brief
conversa on with Uniece, I told her to be strong. I asked how she was doing. She replied with,
Its just some girls messing with me but I am okay. I was crying and she asked me to please
stop crying, that she was ne and will be home soon. Then this happens. This is very devasta ng
to us all. We just dont understand it, I personally never knew Uniece to be suicidal or ever talk
about taking her life, she loved it too much! I just do not see her harming herself, it is farfetched
especially when she had the faith and condence like no other that she would be set free. She
even stated to her mother o en, they cannot keep me forever for something I did not do.
Uniece had a good head on her shoulders and knew what she wanted in life and this really
breaks my spirits and hurts me to my soul. She was a determined young girl who wanted to
nish school and make something of herself. Her life was just beginning. I did not get to a end
any of her compe ons because I live in California but I knew she was involved in
cheerleading/dance she was full of life and always carried a smile on her beau ful face. I just
hope that we can get answers; clarity as to why this amazing young child, my niece, would want
to take her life when we all knew Niecys character be er than that.

From Tulu:

This message is for DCJ EEMPLOYEES:

YALL HAPPY??? You may not have physically killed Neicey but yall mentally did shit. Yall killed
us all mentally. Yall never gave us a chance. Yall used are charges against us like we werent
human. Yall took yall authority to far. YALL ARE CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS THATS IT. Now look
what yall did. Niecey may have had an outstanding charge but she was far from what she was
accused of. Thanks for nothing. Honestly, you guys are suppose to be there to support us and
guide us in a be er direc on but your nothing more but the devils companions. Demons come
in many forms and yall are one of em but its OK. Shes free and I believed where she suppose
to be. As easy as it was for us to get the charges we got, yall can easily be put in that
predicament. REMEMBER THAT. On that note, I sorry baby girl. I love you so much. I miss u
rubbing my belly. I miss your everything, man. You gone too soon. I swear REST UP Neicey
Fennell. You was in too deep. Thats all. But, your legacy will live on. Trust me. They thought
they got rid of you but li le does the devil know: LOVE CONQUERS ALL!!!!!!

From Dollie:

Uniece was a phenomenal young lady. Even though I met her under trouble circumstances,
those circumstances never changed Uniece outlook upon LIFE . She was so strong and brave , I
o en men oned to her how much I admired her for her strength . The circumstances I
men oned before consisted of her current me she was serving in prison and the recent death
of her twin brother (also missing his funeral) . I began to visit Uniece a er returning back to
North Carolina from California (for her brother funeral) to express some exci ng news with her
(me, carrying her twin brother's daughter) . Each visit , Neicey was so energe c and silly even
though I wondered how she could be that way through everything . A couple of mes I shed
tears in her presences and she would say very demanding "GIRL , stop crying when I come home
I'm going to be there for my brother's daughter" , and then follow up behind with something
hilarious, and we'd both crack up laughing . I'm wri ng this because I was one of her last visits
and didn't no ce or get any signs of depression or something as deep to result in her taking her
own life . Her character was absolutely dierent from the person whom takes their own life , she
was strong and made of steel . Also, the most praying teenager I'd ever met.

From Kyraa:

I'm a very good friend of Niecey's I've been knowing Niecey "Uniece Fennell" since the 5th
grade we all a ended the same elementary school in Quartz Hill. Niecey was a beau ful person
inside and out she always had a big smile on her face, she was always happy and goofy. Anybody
that knew Niecey knew that she was one of the realist females you'll ever know, she was a very
loving person, I just feel that deep down inside my heart my friend didn't kill herself, I feel that
all those things they said about "suicide" isn't the truth. I don't believe that she'll do something
like that to herself. She was a very sweet, kind, loving and caring person, She had one of the
brightest smiles ever and I just know she wouldn't harm herself in any way, she loved her family
to much to just leave them especially her mother knowing that she had just lost her twin
brother she s ll stayed strong for her mom and the rest of her family. She loved herself to much
to do anything like that. She was so condent couldn't nobody tell her nothing. Niecey wouldn't
do anything to harm anyone in any way shape or form and for her going to jail for murder I
knew she was innocent, she'll never do anything like that to nobody, she was to sweet of a

From Kayla:

My name is Kayla everything that's been going on has been so crazy I've known niecey since
the 5th grade She was a wonderful girl she stood up for me on mul ple occasion I was ge ng
bullied and she was the only who stood up for me she was so full of life so I honestly can't wrap
my head around her commi ng suicide thats not the type of person she was, also I couldn't see
her murdering someone she wouldn't even hurt a y she was the one who would defuse a
situa on before it got out of hand she was so loving and it breaks my heart to have to wear her
face on my shirt with the cap on "R.i.p" I know in my heart she didn't kill herself she was a
soldier even when her twinn died and everybody was broken she was the only one being strong
telling everyone that they had to be strong I've grown up with her and how the media is
depic ng her is so out niecey was an angel but I have strong faith that whats done in the dark
WILL come to light.... niecey was so happy she was all smiles all the me. Something is not right
and everybody knows it.
From Valerie:

Niecey was an amazing young lady. I watched her grow into a beau ful young lady. The one
thing that never changed was how goofy and full of life she was. Her major aw was how
trus ng she was. She saw the good in everyone and would give the shirt o her back. Before
she went to jail she was so afraid. She was being threatened by the young men in NC. She was
so far away from all her friends and family. She tried hiding from them. She went to jail and I
thought she was safe at last. For her to loose her life is unse ling to me. She was just a li le girl.
She had high hopes of coming home because she knew that this was a terrible mistake and s ll
had faith in the system that they would realize she had nothing to do with the situa on. I can
s ll hear her goofy laugh and see that big smile she always had. Life will never be the same
without her and her twin. Thank you for your me.
From Keyona:

Hi my name is Keyona. I'm wri ng in reference to Uniece Fennel I've known Niecey for about
two years now, I met her through my cousin the rst me we met it was like we've already
known each other she was sweet kindhearted and very funny. Since we met we always kept in
contact from here to there even in bad mes or when situa ons had arose she always stayed
op mis c. In November of 2016 I was incarcerated with Niecey at the Durham County
Deten on Center her twin brother had just passed a week before so as soon as I got transferred
I asked if she was s ll there and was told yes when we nally got to speak she had shown no
signs of hurt but yet she was so strong about everything to the point she could at out say "you
know my twin brother was killed" without a tear falling or sign or emo on shown she was so
strong about it I was in amazement. For the whole three days I was in the DCDC me and Uniece
went into deep conversa on she was innocent in what she was charged with she was at the
wrong place at the wrong me with the wrong people. A day later the young women involved in
Nieceys brothers death had been placed in the facility and openly admi ed to me about her
involvement in Fennels twin brothers murder. Even when Niecey found out about the girl being
there in the same pod not once did she have anything nega ve to say about the situa on nor
did she try and seek vengeance instead she stated she would leave it to God to handle he knows
what's best.

Niecey helped me with using the phone se ng up an account to use in the jail helped me make
noodles and made me feel comfortable my whole me being there given I was pregnant. The
day I was leaving me and Uniece wrote a le er to one another I told her to keep praying
because the Lord will set her free no weapon formed against her will prosper. Not once since
I've known Niecey has she been a person that would break and I know for certain she didn't kill
her self.

All it took was the headline of the sheris department to say "17 year old CHARGED WITH
MURDER commits suicide" they tried to portray what she was charged with as a gateway excuse
to make the public believe she killed herself when in reality they're hiding what really happened
to her which was far from suicide. There a few stories they put out and none of them are the
same statements they have me dierences and stories that compare in no way shape or form.

I've been in that jail and I've been in jail those ocers have to do rounds every so o en when
you're suicidal it will be known and you are placed in a single cell in a turtle suit and are watched
closely. Also Uniece le behind no note which is highly odd for her to be so young and to just
"take" her own life without explaining why when her own mother had spoken to her hours
before and she said that her child was happy to be coming home and in good spirits.

Even myself being a person who has a empted suicide in my past and had thoughts many mes
throughout my life each me of over 5 a empts I wrote a note. I have a ached les of sta s cs
from studies on suicide that also show that suicide is mostly common in those with mental
disorders and how most young people leave behind notes, show behavior, make certain
statements, or express to someone close about their suicidal feelings. I believe the Durham
county jail ocials are harboring the truth and I and many others believe that it is vital that
ac on be taken amongst them to get the truth behind Uniece Fennels death for the sake of
peace and closure for her Family.
From Delexus:

I have been friends with Uniece Fennell for about 3 years. The years ive known her for being
strong, happy everyday and her spirit was lled with life. Uniece fennel excepted her self for
who she was, even if no one else did, i honestly know from the bo om of my heart she was to
brilliant amd she lived her mom&family to mucn to commit suicide . please bring jus ce for one
of my closest friends.

From Brooklyn:

I met nicey in December of 2014 when I moved to trailwood. The rst thing I no ced about her
was that she was so gorgeous and full of life, we instantly clicked. Being around nicey you could
never be in a bad mood no ma er what the situa on was she could make you laugh. Another
thing I no ced about niecey is her strength niecey had so much strength I never seen her back
down or be afraid, I always admired that about her. I do not believe in my heart that niecey took
her own life she loved her family so much I will not believe that she would do that to her
mother knowing that she was s ll mourning over her brother. Niecey was a strong loving person
who had so much going for herself and she knew that I honestly don't believe she killed herself.

From Tasha:

To Whom it may concern:

This nota on is just giving you a brief descrip on of Uniece Fennell. Her and I have been
acquainted for approximately ve years. I met her by way of some younger family members
that were friends with her. A er knowing her for about six months she had become very fond of
my children and vice versa she would frequent my house to come check on my kids and walk
them to the local park they had created such a loveable bond she would refer to them as her
li le sisters and brothers. She then became their regular baby si er while I worked she cared
for three children of various ages at the me. I had a discussion with Niecey about me returning
back to work a er my baby bonding period was over and I was skep cal of leaving my daughter
in the care of someone unfamiliar as she was diagnosed with PKU at birth and not many are
familiar and possibly deviate from her diet which could be cri cal. She had taken me out of
her daily schedule to shadow my daily rou ne and what I do to care for Daijah and volunteered
to assist though I was thinking this is far too much for any teenager to take on she proved me
wrong and she was absolutely amazing. My children refer to her as their sister and they always
speak about how much Niecey loves them and how shes so nice to them. She spent a great deal
of me at our house she would help me around the home and I would in return help her with
school projects we would go on family ou ngs she was very much family. She then relocated to
North Carolina and we were devastated but wanted to see the family ourish as a whole and it
seemed like a great move weve all kept in touch regularly discussing cheerleading and
homework and how she was adjus ng making plans for her visit back to California.
Niecey was always very open and honest she was denitely reliable a lot more mature then the
young girls her age she was able to ar culate her thoughts and feelings. She was a really loving
young lady that always wanted to bring a smile to other peoples faces. When you see her you
cant help but smile because she has this bubbly spirit accompanied by a beau ful smile and
dimples. There hasnt been a conversa on that didnt end I love you guys I miss you guys and I
cant wait to get back to your guys. Even in her situa on she was op mis c and kept an open
mind and believe that she would soon be free because she had not done anything. Her words to
me were God wont allow me to sit her for the rest of my life knowing I didnt do anything and
she said that with certainty. I have not once heard in her voice doubt. I think her and I have a
really close bond as she also calls me her mother and she knows I am open for any conversa on
and if anything is or was troubling her I had a listening ear and an open heart to hear her out
and give her some guidance. Shes recep ve of advice and correc on shes the type of young
lady if she does something wrong she would want you to hear it from her rst not second hand.

To know Niecey is to love Niecey and you cant help but love her kind and genuine personality
she will truly be missed. This situa on is very unfortunate and very hard to believe because
knowing her the end results just doesnt add up.

From Laci:

My name is Laci and I've known Niecey for 10 years! I considered her my li le sister, blood
couldnt make us any closer. I was having problems at home, so her mother Julia took me in and
treated me as her own daughter.

Me and Uniece got close cos i always wanted a li le sister. I would wake up and walk her and her
twin brother to Linda Verde every morning. Since i could remember Niecey was a goo all. She
was always smiling like always laughing. She was care free and was happy or ina good mood
bout 90% of the me. Everybody loved Niecey, even my friends who were older than her. She
just brought this happy vibe wherever she went. Had a laugh that was so funny it would make
you wanna laugh just hearing it even if nothing was funny at the moment.

Even tho she was younger than me i really admired her. She was always there when i needed to
vent, she kept my business to herself and always tried to see the good even in a messed up
situa on. Believe it or not Niecey kept me sane alot of the me. I was basically disowned by my
biological mother due to issues she was having with my dad and guess who was right there for
me ? NIECEY. She told me everything happens for a reason and i was in her family now i was her
big sister and thats all that ma ered. Hearing that made me really feel loved cos their family
really considered me as one of their own.

It always amazed me how somebody who was SEVEN YEARS YOUNGER really made me feel safe
and secure. I really loved Uniece, growing up with this girl was amazing ... she was an amazing
person. Always condent, she gave everybody a fair chance, she got along with everybody like
everybody was solid and good in Niecey's book un l they messed that up. She didnt have too
many people that didnt like her, she was just a happy spirit. Mature for her age cos like i said me
and my friends would even hang out with her and we have a seven year gap between us.

She was so smart and beau ful that was my baby sister and ll this day right now you couldn't
tell me otherwise. This girl was there for me no ma er the situa on good and bad, she was my
shoulder to cry on when life took its toll on me and my mo va on to keep doing be er. Its crazy
how the li le sister could step in and play the big sister role but Niecey did that with no
hesita on.

I feel like I owe her so much and right now im broken that i cant hear her voice nomore, that i
cant see her face or hear her li le goofy laugh. My ve year old Semaj took it hard too.

I was the rst to have a baby ou a Julie's kids so my son was the rst "nephew" that Niecey was
around. When i brought him home Niecey basically took over and was his mama lol. Man she
carried my son with her everywhere she went. He could be sleep in the bed right next to me
and as soon as he moved or even opened his eyes she was right there "I got him sis he's good." I
remember i was nna take a shower and when i opened the door Niecey was peeing while
holding my son in her arms, like I didn't know weather to fall out laughing or be mad it was the
funniest thing I saw like dang girl you could've put him down for two seconds, but she insisted
she didnt want her baby to cry.

Till this day i laugh about how Niecey took over and was ac ng like my sons mom at the age of
13. One thing is fersure tho she knew what she was doing. I would rather leave my son with her
than take him to his dads side of the family its like i trusted her more with my baby even though
she was so young she could handle it there was never a doubt in my mind.

My sister will always be loved and missed and it just sucks how being with the wrong people at
the wrong me could paint this nega ve image of her. How people on social media consider her
a murder when she's NOT that! Anybody that knows Uniece can tell you that's not her getdown
and i can put my life on the line to bet that!

She was a beau ful soul, wise beyond her years. She was an amazing daughter, sister, cousin,
niece, granddaughter, aun e and girlfriend and now our lives wont ever be the same. Its just
gonna be a void space in my heart that cant be replaced cos I'll never nd another Niecey.
Nobody can replace her or even begin to ll her shoes. Even when life threw curveballs at her
she s ll walked with her head held high and a smile on her gorgeous face. She was op mis c
and loved her life, i just dont think she would just end it like that, she had too much to live for,
too much to experience and she knew how much her friends and family loved her smh.
#Jus ceForUniece
Life just wont ever be the same without you babygirl

From Shamaara:

I have known Uniece (Niecey) Fennell for about10 years now. She became my best friend in 3rd
Grade. If I was to describe Niecey, Man she really was an upli ing spirit, we could be crying, in
trouble literally and she'd s ll be cracking jokes she made the best out of any and every
situa on and that's why we clicked so good.

Last year around this me she ew out to California for my 17th birthday (March 23) and we
literally spent the whole spring break together the week nothing but smiles and laughter. When
she le April 8th she told me she was going to try her hardest to come back for the summer. I'm
not going to sit here and lie and say she was a saint but she was far from a bad person all she
cared about was family and standing up for what she believed in FAMILY.

In my opinion for as long as Ive known Niecey gh ng is as far as its ever gone. So when I found
out she was being charger with murder it truly broke my heart because I knew she didn't do it.
Wrong place at the wrong me with the wrong people and everybody that knew Niecey like i
did they'd say the same thing. It really sucks that the people that did commit the crime didn't
come forward but instead they allowed her to sit in jail for a crime they knew she didn't commit.
A young girl working trying to be er herself, what she thought was going to be a night out of
fun turned out to be a complete nightmare.

I gave my last when Niecey told me she needed it, she was in jail suering to make sure she had
was she needed whenever I could. Knowing they'd prolong her trail I even made plans to y out
this summer to visit her.Every me I talked to her even in jail she made the best out of it.

When I found out about her brother I know she was crushed completely knowing she couldn't
a end the funeral was truly heart wrenching but hearing her speak over the phone at the
funeral man even then she remained in high spirits and that what people hated the most about
Niecey you could never keep er down for long.

So for me to nd out that on March 23 2017. My 18th birthday that Niecey 'killed herself' I knew
it wasn't true. I knew she wouldn't do me like that her family like that. She knew her mother
was s ll grieving over her brothers' death. We talked about my birthday she was not at a low
point when this happened that they killed her.

Truth be told if Niecey was to ever even thing about commi ng suicide, don't you think she'd
do it when she found out that her TWIN brother was murdered. That was her low point not now
she had faith in God she just knew he'd shine light on her situa on and prove her innocence.

It's sad to say but the police do not care about us, we can not depend on the government to
help us. When we're in trouble when they're killing our family and friends who do we call on?!

She knew she'd see the light of day without being behind bars. Does that should like somebody
who would commit suicide? I know God is going to shine light on this situa on and she will
always be remembered as that fun, upli ing girl and forever innocent in my eyes.

From Chelle:

As we all know it's very unfortunate that we have to meet each other on these circumstances
but I have to get jus ce for her. WE have to get jus ce for her.
I was locked up with Uniece in January of this year and in just the short amount of me I was in
there I was able to discover how caring, loving and open she was. Me and her literally
connected like the snap of a nger. We shared le ers while we were in there and she was so
freely with sharing events in her life and expressing her feelings with the things she was going
through. Niecey's death wasn't suicide and I honestly and truly believe that it wasn't. Her bond
with her mother was way too strong for her to make a decision like that and not tell her mom or
even give her the least bit of doubt that she was even that emo onally distraught to do
something like that.

Niecey and I shared a cell across from each other. The height of the cell window isn't even of
reach for myself, and being she was shorter than me I absolutely know for a fact she couldn't
reach it. Niecey was able to give me names of inmates that she would describe as "weirdos", but
those same inmates were the same ones who came to my room expressing their dislike for her
calling her out her name and saying disturbing things as such "she was dirty", "she doesn't take
showers", "her face had pimples cause she dirty" and plenty of other things. However, Niecey
s ll remained humble as she told me in one of the le ers she wrote me that she stays in her
bible and she knows God wouldn't punish her for something she didn't do.

I feel honestly and truly she was innocent for that murder as well. For a person to sit 8months
and hold the same consistent story and repeatedly say all over social media via Facebook how
she felt wrongly convicted I must say that, that to me was something most wouldn't do.

This is the second "suicide" following the same scenario. A er the rst one something should
have been done to x it from reoccurring a second me and the simple fact nothing was done
shows how careless the facility and its sta running it are. Apart of they're mission is to remain
the safety of those being held as well as for ones who work there. They have failed themselves
along with their image and trust from those outside looking in.

Uniece was never a concern for suicide the whole me she's shared in there. Why a day before
the jail receives complaints about being mistreated and verbally abused, a whole day of
laughter and good conversa on with other inmates and her mom, a er 8 months of being there
and 4 months her brother just passed, and just 1hr and a half of singing and cleaning..."life is
too much to bare"? It doesn't add up!!!!! Not to include a 5'4" tall girl reaching a 7 window to
e a knot to hang herself???? No! That is absurd.

Uniece didn't even know me for a whole day yet and she was already making my phone calls,
sharing books with me and ven ng about her personal life. Does that sound like a killer to you?

She was too strong for suicide. She stood in front of my cell and was able to vent about her
feelings on her brothers passing without a tear in sight. Does that sound like a depressed
person. My brother was killed in 2014 and I spent weeks in Central Regional Hospital in Butner
for a empted suicide. I have an idea of what it might takes before deciding a decision like that.
30 Minutes is just not enough me to hang herself especially by the way they said she did and
just be gone like that. Then with the fact the mother wanted to perform her own personal
autopsy and the fact they sent her o to the funeral home before she could sounds crazy to me
as well.

To close this out...overall I feel Uniece was a very kind-hearted person, I feel she loved her family
and her life too much to do something like that. I don't think she did it. I feel she was wrongfully
convicted from the rst place. I just feel the media has it all wrong. She's not that girl they say
she it.

If you were to read the le ers, you too can see what type of person she was just by reading it.
I've been on the news and I've shared this story all over. I've never been so engaged and
dedicated about anybody's passing like this before. I know in my heart something isn't right with
this story and I will do whatever it takes to get this story out and help her family nd jus ce.
This is someone's child. People have their own opinions of course but some mes you just have
to see things for what they are and out yourself in other people's shoes. It just isn't right. And I
personally want to thank you just for being that ear and willing to go the extra mile just to help
the family and nd healing and closure for the family in knowing what really happened. It takes
a good heart and it takes leadership! Thank you greatly for your me.

From Shannae:

Uniece Fennell is NOT A MURDER , its sad that #DurhamSheri aint shit , dont be pos ng lies
about someone you killed but tryna ruled it as suicide, what kinda pussy shit is that
#FuccDurhamNC hiding behind a gun badge and desk. .. Yall lie more then the ppl yall
interroga ng I been know uniece fennell since 2013 and that's when my brother and her sister
Lisa became a couple I know my sister didn't do all these things they accused her of she had a
bright future ahead of her she kept smile on her face even when I know she was sad she the o e
out the group who want everybody to have fun with no drama she just wanted to have fun man
I'm just so hurt she ge ng accused of this things it break my heart to hear or even think about it
long live uniece fennel



shewasalulDANCER alwayshappymansoFF

TWODAYSbeforeshegotarrestedwewentSWIMMING :




















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