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Tabl e of Contents
1 "Is Your Neighbor A Communist?" By Daisy
2-3 "Going Out in a Spark" By Daisy Sjolseth
4-5 "Blacks Stealing America's Diamonds" By Benny
6 Baseball Political Cartoon By Benny Romero
7 Urban Advertisement By Sydney McAfee
8-9 "No More Monkeying Around" By Sydney McAfee
10-11 "Where Have All The Ladies Gone?" By
Bethanee Tovar
12 Works Cited

2 1 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16

Going Out in a Spark

By: Daisy Sjolseth

After many long years, besides the car, it was obvious

Sacco and Vanzetti were finally that they did it because they?re
executed today. If you don't Italian. Also, the two were
know the story, let me give you known to have been anarchists,
some background information against the government of our
before I tell you the good news great country of America. I don't
of today. understand how anyone could
The terrible couple, be, since America always does
Sacco and Vanzetti right, and has/ will never done
Sacco and Vanzetti, murdered
two innocent people and anything wrong except for not
before leaving the scene, they could be served. While they executing the pair earlier).
fled with around $15,000. claim that they are innocent Some ignorant people
Thankfully, the two were not and just being framed, the have tried to protest their
smart enough to leave their car Court, thankfully, won?t have sentence. They believe that the
that they used in the crime it. Even though the police courts are being unfair to Sacco
alone, and the police were able never found any of the money and Vanzetti because of their
to pick them up so that justice or had much other evidence

"Long liveanarchy!"
- Nicola Sacco

anarchist backgrounds and the

fact that they are Italian, but I
believe that the courts would
have made this same decision
if they were native born, white,
patriotic Americans. Even
though the courts are taking an
extremely unbiased opinion, I
really think that they should
consider the two things
because since they are fortunately, shut them down
anarchists, they would do quickly. Sacco went first, going
anything to hurt the peace of to the electric chair at 12:11
America, and this would and pronounced dead at 12:19,
definitely be a way to do that. and Vanzetti followed, being
Also all Italians are part of sent to the chair at 12:20 and
gangs, and therefore would do being pronounced dead at
something like this, because of 12:26 (NY Times). And just
how violent they are. And beofre them, Madeiros, the
speaking of gangs, at one same one who falsely
point, Celestino Madeiros, who confessed to the South
was already in jail for murder, Braintree case (of Sacco and
confessed to the crime by lying Vanzetti), was sent to the
and saying that he did it with electric chair for the death of a
the Joe Morelli gang bank cashier.
( This was They both tried to
obviously an ?Italian appeal to the courts and the
brotherhood? sort of thing governor with their last words.
because Madeiros had already Sacco said goodbye to his wife
received the death sentence. and his kids, that surprisingly
Going back to the news turned out to be very
today, Sacco and Vanzetti were emotional, but quickly showed
brought to justice with the his true colors when he yelled,
electric chair. As a last minute ?long live anarchy!? And
plea, the two appealed to Vanzetti, who never broke
Governor Fuller, who, character of being a
uncontrollable Italian when he
said that dying was fine with
him as long as he could get his
idea across that anarchy was a
better option than our current
government situation, which I
believe is the dumbest quote in
history (NY Times). But, in the
end, I?m just glad that they are Protesters in the street.
finally gone.
3 | Pu ck M agazi n e

Benny Romero

Every young boy grows up in this

nation to one day make it big. I see it on
every street corner, kids replicating the
game of baseball, using cul de sacs as the
diamond, and make-shift bats, and
household objects as bases. This is
understandable, though. Who wouldn?t
want to be a sports star, captivating
American?s hearts, making the big bucks,
and enjoying the invigorating feeling of
playing baseball. Who wouldn't want to be
Babe Ruth, the greatest player in the game, Baseball batter
smashing dingers out the park, or Ty
Cobbs, the notorious base stealer from
Detroit. Who wouldn?t want to be a part of
the unifying force of America right now,
something that everyone can enjoy as a
spectator, as a player, as a coach. Call me
biased if you will, but I believe that the
game of baseball is something that will
continue to grow and be loved by the
public. No other sport compares- not the
nascent game of football, nor the
unprofessional sport of basketball. What
" I s i t w orth
could possibly tarnish the image of
serv i ng th e
Unfortunately with the raging
'eq ual i ty'
popularity of baseball, comes outsiders
wanting to toil the game. Blacks. At the
b andw agon,
beginning of the decade, the National
Negro League was born, inviting colored
people to take a swing at the sports. But is
this really what we want for the game of
al l ow i ng Ji m
baseball? Is it worth serving the ?equality?
bandwagon, and allowing Jim Crows to
Crow s to
play baseball?
pl ay
b asebal l ? "

Not to mention the

questionable umpiring, slapdash
scheduling, and small target audience.
And then there?s the league president,
Rube Foster, who disproportionally
favors his own team, which only adds to
the unappealing idea of a negro league.
Americans love sports, but do
Americans love sports so much, that
we?d be generous enough to gift the
negroes with a league of their own to
enjoy? I mean, equality is something far
from being achieved for today. In the
future? Perhaps. But the gradual
degradation of America?s greatness
mustn't start now, not with sports.
Since the beginning of
baseball, the intent was to to
provide a healthy, wholesome, fun
way of enjoying the outdoors and
exercising, however, now with this
attempted intrusion, the greatness
of the game is at stake. Apparently,
there are some Americans that do
not care for the preservation of
muscular christianity. ?Muscular Yankee stadium Negro League team
Christianity can be defined as a
Christian commitment to health and
manliness. Its origins can be traced
to the New Testament, which
sanctions manly exertion (Mark
11:15) and physical health (1 Cor.
6:19-20) ( Furthermore,
it is extremely disappointing that
the black race, and the supporters of
them, want to defy the word of god.
If the desegregation of baseball
does take place, I will have no
choice but to lose all respect for the
game, and believe that it would
" But th e gradual
mark the gradual degradation of
American pride. I want my children
degradati on of
to be able to enjoy the many
positives of sports, but if blacks
continue to make places for
A meri ca?s greatness
themselves in each sport, the
credibility and patriotism will be
mustn't start now ,
lost. Is this the America that you
want? Is the inclusion of the negro
really worth all of this?
not w i th sports."

The Image above represents the vices in

American sports. Sports neglect the freedom of
women, because there weren't very many options
for them to enjoy. In addition, in the introduction
of muscular Christianity ,8 protestants were very
much against it. Furthermore, with baseball and
all sports, the exclusion of blacks was very
common, because they were seen as inferior and
5 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16 7
8 7 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16

No M ore
M onk eyi ng
It is difficult for most of us
to comprehend that intelligent
people, like myself and other
A round
notable Homo sapiens like Henry
Ford and Herbert Hoover, were
once wandering the Earth as
By: Sydney McAf ee
primates not too long ago. This
theory of evolution, based on
?science?, is being put to the test
against Christian teachings in the
small all-American town of Dayton,
Tennessee, in a trial that will go
down in history as the bloody
battle between religion and
Due to the controversy and
notability of this debate, it has
attracted big names in the legal
business. The famous Clarence
Darrow is defending John Scopes,
a teacher accused of going against
Tennessee law and teaching
evolution to students. The defense
believes that the evidence for
Charles Darwin?s theory of
evolution is inexcusable. For
example, in the New York Times
article, ?Answer to Bryan on
Evolution?, the anonymous author
arrogantly supports Darrow?s
stance and states that the
Man hanging up sign in Dayton, TN.
prosecution, William Jennings
Bryan, is misleading and
misinforming the public with false
religious information ( p.3). This
article represents the threat that
good American Christians face
because many of these
self-proclaimed men of science
are attempting to remove religion
from the education of our children.
Do you really want the purity of
our school systems to be spoiled
by these dangerous theories of
life? I know I don?t.

" Sci ence i s a

magni f i cent f orce,
but i t i s not a teach er
In Bryan?s closing statement
of moral s."
he reminded the jury that
the teaching of evolution in
-Wi l l i am Jenni ngs Bryan
public schools is an attack on
the Christian religion itself
(Bryan?s Last Speech). Bryan
used his faith and
knowledge of the great
gospel to defend the state of
Tennessee and its laws of
the land.And with this
potency and courage against
the swelling scientific
community, Bryan
succeeded in finding the
defendant, John Scopes,
guilty of his crime against
religion. However, this trial
represents a lot more than
our alleged monkey past, it
has highlighted a new shift
in beliefs away from
religion. Without the
integrity and greatness of
Christianity, are we doomed
to an immoral future? If
that?s the direction we?re
headed, then we might be
the descendents of monkeys
after all.

William Jennings Bryan argues for the prosecution.


WhereHaveAll The
Ladies Gone? By BethaneeTovar

Just yesterday, I There is a recent trend

was sitting with my best in America where our women
friend Johnny when he think their job as
told me the most housekeeper is unfulfilling. A
horrifying story. He disease has infected our
arrived home after work ladies causing them to think
one day and his wife that it's appropriate
gone leaving behind her a disregard their duties and What the normal family
cold stove, empty table, delude themselves in the should look like
unmade beds, crazed fantasy that is woman
children, and a yappy employment.. As a result of
dog. The next day poor the Great War many women
Johnny found his wife at have infiltrated the
a woman?s education workplace with jobs like
rights rally, ankles beard factory work, secretaries, What a family should look
and cigarette in her hand. salesclerks, and telephone like.
Just like johnny, America operators. The amount of
has blinked its eye and working women has
returned to a vision to a increased over 25% in recent
modern woman. It has times. Women have a role in
come to my attention, this life and it is not in the
and the attention of other workplace; they are far too
traditional men, that this frail and incapable for the
era of economic jobs of men. Their dainy
prosperity and overall figure is most radiant at the
good-feeling has birthed sides of their husband and in
an intrepid ?new the eyes of their children
woman.? rather than tainted by
machinery oil.
Women play a very
important role in
politics. They are the
backbone of all the
Young women
morals of America's partying
politicians. Even then, instead of
women are not content cooking for
with this incredible husbands
opportunity and they
now have the right,
under the 19th
Amendment, to vote
directly in politics. Now,
instead of worrying
about the innocent
theatrics of Aunt Betty,
they concern educated Women, 70)?
themselves with pesky ?As going to college
political debates of [becomes] an acceptable
Republican v.s way to spend four late
Democrat. They have adolescent years for the
formed many groups in middle-class girl, so the
order to obtain greater notion of continuing in that because of the
influence in the professional training sound their dress makes
country's political and [becomes] the when they dance. These
social realms. If groups nonconforming act of young girls, far from the
like the Suffer-gist and woman. (In the Company ladies in my age, dance
the National Woman?s of Educated Women, new dances, smoke in
Party continue, soon 138)? public, and are sexually
we're going to have the While the new attire liberated. These
socialist, the children, taken up by some ?spirited? woman wear
and even the house dog audacious woman has short skirts, chop all their
having a say in the become a normal sight pretty hair off, and show
poles. Along with for some, I find it to be absolutely no respect for
increases in political floozy. With the acceptable behavior.
opportunities, women increased amount of Decency is good for the
are seeking to be leisure time and young woman and for the
successful, not through mobility, graciously focus of the aspiring
their husbands, but provided for by a man's young men.
through themselves. deeds, womens skirts
?There is an increase of have started to rise. Bare
professional woman, skin starting to show.
and paid employment These Jezebels are
for the unmarried referred to as Flappers-
collegian becoming a meaning prostitute
conventional option. (In overseas- may be named
the Company of

Work Cit ed
"Answer to Bryan on Evolution." New York Herald 19 Mar. 1922: 1-24. Print.
"Baseball?s Golden Age: Part One ? The 1920s." The History Rat. 2009. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.
Bryan, William Jennings. Bryan's Last Speech: Undelivered Speech to the Jury in the Scopes Trial. Oklahoma
City: Sunlight Publishing Society, 1925.
"Muscular Christianity." Clifford Putney. Web. 25 Feb. 2016
NY Times, Staff Corespondent. "Sacco and Vanzetti Put to Death Early This Morning." New York Times 23 Aug.
1927: 1-2. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
"Sacco and Vanzetti Executed." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
Solomon, Barbara Miller. In the Company of Educated Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in
America. New Haven: Yale UP, 1985. Print.
6 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16

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7 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16

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