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Review for The Help Final:

The test will be written so be prepared!

From chapter 6:
1. What two things does Skeeter find out about Constantine from Aibileen in this chapter?
Skeeter find out about Constantine from Aibileen in this chapter she hears that while she was in
college constantine disappeared and she had a daughter.
2. What do Skeeters parents answer when she questions them about Constantine?
They just say that Constantine decided to leave.
3. What idea does Aibileen put into Skeeters head?
Aibileen puts the idea on writing a story in Skeeters head.
4. Who does Hilly try to set Skeeter up with for a date?
Hilly sets Skeeter up on a blind date with Stuart Whitworth who is a Senator's son.
From chapter 7:
5. How does Aibileen react to the new toilet Miss Leefolt installed?
Aibileen thinks that the toilet is cold and it is a really small space but she tells Mrs. Leefolt she likes
6. Why is Aibileen so depressed on November 8th?
Aibileen is depressed on November 8th because that is the day Treelore died.
7. Miss Skeeter wants to interview Aibileen about what it is like to work as a maid for white
people. Why is Aibileen so skeptical?
Aibileen is skeptical because it is very dangerous to do something like that. They kill people for being
colored if she opened her mouth it could be dangerous.
From chapter 8:
8. What did Skeeter tell Miss Stein about how she got the idea for the interviews?
Skeeter told Miss Stein that she got the idea from asking Aibileen questions when she wrote the
Miss Merna column. Plus from being raised by a colored maid.
9. Why do you think that Miss Stein is actually skeptical that any Negro maid would think of
talking to Skeeter?
Miss Stein is skeptical because talking to Skeeter can be dangerous and especially in Jackson
From chapter 9:
10. Why cant Skeeter drive the Cadillac to her blind date?
Skeeter cannot drive the Cadillac to her blind date because it was their only good church car.
11. Describe Skeeters blind date with Stuart Whitworth.
The date did not go well because Stuart Whitworth was being very obnoxious by commenting on
other women's looks and putting Skeeters job down.
12. What made Aibileen change her mind about being interviewed?
Hilly was one on the main reasons because Miss Hilly affected a lot of things in her life.

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