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(Department of Molecular Biology) (Bold, Times New Roman, 12)

Synopsis for Master of Science in Genetics (Bold, Times New Roman, 12)

Name of Student:

Title of Synopsis:
Thesis Research

Starting Date:


Supervisory Committee:

1. Supervisor:

(a) Name:
(b) Designation:
(c) Official Address:

2. Co-supervisor
(a) Name:
(b) Designation:
(c) Official Address:

3. Member
(a) Name:
(b) Designation:
(c) Official Address:
Introduction (Bold, Times New Roman, font size 14)

About 2-pages covering background, importance and available data related to your
selected research area. Also write aims and objectives of your study

Text in Times New Roman format, font size 12 and line-space 1.5

Literature Review (Bold, Times New Roman, font size 14)

It should contain about 20-25 references of articles related to your research topic. It
should be written in the form of paragraphs and minimum of 4-6 pages.

Reference should be as When more than two authors e.g In the text It contains 3% proteins
and casein is the main constituent (Sawaya et al. 1984).
When two authors of a reference article e.g It is rich source of vitamins, minerals,
proteins and possesses antimicrobial as well as anti-tumor properties (Al-Ayadhi and
Elamin 2013)

Text in Times New Roman format, font size 12 and line-space 1.5

Materials and Methods (Bold, Times New Roman, font size 14)
Describe your detailed proposed plan. It should be written clearly and sequence wise.

Times New Roman format, font size 12 and line-space 1.5

Summary (Bold, Times New Roman, font size 14)

Summarize your proposed plan (about page) under the following headings:
Expected outcomes/Benefits:
(Times New Roman format, font size 12 and line-space 1.5)

References (Bold, Times New Roman, font size 14)

(Times New Roman format, font size 12 and line-space 1.5)

Benn M, Nordestgaard BG, Grande P, Schnohr P, Tybjaerg-Hansen A. 2010. PCSK9 R46L, low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and risk of ischemic heart disease: 3 independent
studies and meta-analyses. J Am Coll Cardiol 55(25): 2833-2842.
Berry JD, Dyer A, Cai X, Garside DB, Ning H, Thomas A, Greenland P, Van Horn L, Tracy RP,
Lloyd-Jones DM. 2012. Lifetime Risks of Cardiovascular Disease. New England Journal
of Medicine 366(4): 321-329.
Cartegni L, Wang J, Zhu Z, Zhang MQ, Krainer AR. 2003. ESEfinder: a web resource to identify
exonic splicing enhancers. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3568-3571.
FAO. 2016. Food and Agriculture Organization. FAOSTAT. FAO Statistics Division
[] accessed on 27-11-2016.
Sambrook J, Russell D. 2001. Molecular Cloning: a Laboratory Manual. In Cold Spring Harbor,
NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Al-Ayadhi LY, Elamin NE. 2013. Camel Milk as a Potential Therapy as an Antioxidant in
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Evidence-based Complementary and
Alternative Medicine : eCAM 2013: 602834.
Sawaya WN, Khalil JK, Al-Shalhat A, Al-Mohammad H. 1984. Chemical Composition
and Nutritional Quality of Camel Milk. Journal of Food Science 49(3): 744-747.

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