Tucson Police Department Isabel Celis Report 5

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TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT eecer 2388 4/24/7022 | 09:00 | oon a TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT neponr no, 1? 120c02es ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE conmmecrae PAGE I relieved Offiver Jost #50464 ofthe post at 12" street and Van Buren reference blocking the set from anyone who doesnot reside on the block, While I was at this poston: Newspaper delivery diver Kelly Thomas II phone nub 520-240-602 ates BE Adan tet entered into the 12 set off of Van Buren (deer paper at O48 and was back ot ofthe Blocked of re t ous. Robert Laver 0/1071 left his residences IIE 12 phone number 52014-8507 a approximately 0517 hours Michael Dimov MIMD iving MB: 12" sect Ticense plate AVK0980 left his residence and the immediate area at O53 hours, Devin Praha I MB 12 eis residence at 615 hous with AZ plate 933PLM ‘ia Gregory IMM he residence of I: 12" st 0620 hours with AZ pit 842PMV Nathan MeDona II his residence of MM 128 a 0681 hours with AZ plate ARDT2ES ‘was then relieved by Officer Noshbish #26901. This concludes my involvement nthe assignment "APPROVED - 04/26/2012, TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT | af S2a8y TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT eponr no, 170 12016285 ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE commorae PAGE 2 OF 2 Tonrnau get amt & Center Reference the listed case I eonducted scene security at 12/van buren, My duties at tha time were to Ie residents have access only on 12° Steet During that ime I made contact with several residents. Residents contacted were Linda Pike MIMI und Gerry A. Pike Ho live a MMM E12; Cynthia Selle RR css MME 12; United Postal worker Randall 3 Loper MMM Aci Stevan MM cess Hic 12 license pltePATNOA36; and Adolfo Robles MMM and Manse Robles eres TE: 12. 1 remained atthe std intersection until Office Badillaeleved me at around 1400 hours. “This concludes my involvement for this investigation. NPL "APPROVED - 04/29/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ReponTno. stu “SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT conmecr.up we) 24/29/2012 | ss TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ePonTno, TPO 120120288 ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE ee PAGE oF eccorer Otome IM orcas MM ucso. Az Her (0 042912 followed up on information of possible sighting of MIM fom MIE Speedway. 1 spoke withthe manages, Brian, who stated he saw alte girl in the store who loked tke ME. He stated the ge was an adult female and they had etn a 90's white Toyota Corolla. He gave mea plate of AGG2333.47. Hocated the epstred address a MME Broadway AMM Iresponded there snd conaced miu Movsumova. She sted RRR se ws thrce yeas od IMD look at her daughter and verified it wat not IMI Set Trusko was advised. NB ‘he litle gil washer daughtee re APPROVED - 04/29/2012, TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT peponT wo, 25100165 “SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT epon no, 10 1204210258 ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE comer PAGE OF 16 exacnpomu tyne mm 2. 7 (on 0472/12, responded oI in fren toa kidoppng eal Upon my arial vas asked D5 BeTure! 26895) o be see forth incident 1 began acing in the capacity sound 08 es td concided atng in that capacity aproxmsly 2348 hes Twas advised at th tine of my ssignment that Ofe Orozco #2617 was completing « Ming Peso Package with che fama be etn, Twas do acised that Of Jones@5461 wan stansing by wth SORT offer tha ved lB 12" ti was then ake o hep tack of aces that ad oe searched. The elo tral of te paces Twas aised ha been sexched Motor ffir checked Par at Bight Park located southwest of Park Mall Park at Rogers Schoo! (6000 E 15" St) Interior of Rogers School (6000 E.15* St), (per TUSD Security) St Joseph's Parish art ehnson Prk Tale Verde Pa Keeling Sco! IB os Atos) ‘Vail Middle Sc i= E16" 1) Koger sce! lf 12" 0 Fiphand Visa Park E78 st) ‘Hoffman Park (MD E Cecelia) Hadlow Schoo LN Carib Borillas Magnet Middle Schoo! J E Winsee) © Park at Adelaide/25® (fe, Atskog (51569 and Of. Meador (52896 heck: The northwest und of Broodwap/Cayerof incung the Toys R'Us sore {Par Mal and advised scary thee 5 On oot the area between Broadway and St, om Crayroft to Rosemont fe, Kamer (9934), Of Ramitr (29539, and Oe, Bustamante 4947) helped with block eres ‘of the I block of E, 12" St. Ofe. Bustamante advised me of the following information regarding his checks on the fesdeneen . 2 St No answer atthe door 12 Se— Resident, Cynthia Sela (250-6470), didn't see anything JE 12" Sc Resident, Mila Desn (206-718-8584), urived home around 0330 hrs and did't ses or hea anything BBE 12° se Reside, Kevin Pahar (750-9349), saw nothing, Resident, Danielle Patton, larved home around 2300 brs last ight and saw nothin, 12" St~ Advised chat esident, Penny Gail, was at work. No answer at door E 1251 Resident, Robert Laver (514-8507), saw noting FE TET STOTT a "APPROVED - 04/29/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT nepontwo, Ye0 j0se\czes ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE gonmecr ue PAGE 2 OF 16 a Mi. = + [fe 28 sino answer the door + BBB 12" s\—Resiens, Linda ike Davi it 6 Cory i Tapered that the neighborhood had just had Brush and Bulky piek up and tht trafic had seemed tw increase in he alleyway’ since then. They noticed a minivan anda clean ed Ford Focustype cx i‘ ‘up and down the alle slot. They saw nothing specifi tothe vietim though Je 12" St Resident, Harry Warior (571-0636), saw nothing JE 12° St— Residents, Alicia Gregory, came home around midnight, but saw noting. Resins, Nathan MeDonad saw nothing + MBB 12° s—Resident, Michael Dimitoy, sa sted sex offender who advised he was Convicted ofa sexual assultn 1997. He saw nehig ¢ MMe 12° st — Resident, Graciela Reece, saw nothing. She said she keeps to herself, and advised that che victims house, as well as[IIIMEIIIE are rental properties. Addionaliy, Of. Bustamante advised me that while cheeking wih he rexdences, he made contact withthe vicin's ‘grandfather, Miguel Celis (INN (747-3297), who lives at IE: 12 St and had walked down to speak to the Victim's uncle, Robert Rodepuer (248.2959), ofl E Blackiidge, Ofe, Bustamante also later advised me that he ts assigned to ake fed photographs of the outside fle victim's house and eas thee. Of. Rane and Oe Karner advised dha they assisted withthe neighborhood canvass. They didnt find syon home =: 12° St They slay did ot find anyone ot ME 12" St, but the neighbor, David Pike, at 12" St, had a key for the ‘home fe 12" St) and allowed them to check that residence. Nothing was found. Ofe, Ramirez advised that he {ook Held photographs ofthe houses and vehicles on the north side ofthe lock of est 12" St (fe. Ablshog aod Ofe, Meador ater sisted with te Deparment of Conetions (DOC) K-9 Offes wth thee sout “The following personnel sponded oasist with this inckdent on 0/21/12: Department of Corections (DOC), K-9 Unit: Sat Foser (1067) * COMPace (1334) + COMTLopez (5750) * COMMason (6216) + SD Tiainer Vance (8562) United States Marshals: + Bland (308) Gutierrez (4379) Lite (4244) Bahen (4258) Manspeaker (4284) Batista (3003), ie mane [we low [oe ‘APPROVED - 04/28/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE PAGE 16 Sensuous kaayore Tilman (4745) Pintor 6373) Engle (661) Dominguez (2210) Briones (4715) Henman (5452) Twohey (291) wine (4622) Conover (0807) (Crossman (4495) Villegas (3891) Morcaks (4915) Rodrigues (3628) Elmquist 4358) Najera (4507) Bia Qs16) Alexander (4976) Leyva (4504) ‘Schioge! (0606) Barajas (4889) ‘Magno (3708) Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBD: ‘Jeff Cannon (16279) ‘© Michelle Terwilliger (18887) ma County Sherif's Depatent (PCSD) +L. Pratt 784) © Chuk (5424) + Boll (1284) + West (1337) + Ramirez 1262) Pima Country Search and Rescue Jason Bowman + Jody Blaylock + Mykle Raymond ao ‘APPROVED - 04/25/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT Reponr wo, 190 20420265 ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE cower ue PAGE 5 OF 16 Vorntupcns Rayon mazes Michael DeYoung Dale Mann Mona Jobson John Perehorowice ‘Wade Oliver ‘Scott Clemans Kay Cagle Colleen Leon Sean Faweett [Brooke Pawoet. Mark Paguete Gordon Chapel Tracy Kranz Frank Leon ViBrown Kari Simpson Deh Mitchell Lana Griffith Lee Jacobs ‘Tucson Fire Department, Station #9: Capt Casturo ($1436), + Figueroa (31786) + Laper (49759) + Montel 37925) ‘Tucson Fire Department, Battalion #3 ‘© Justen (40171) Tucson Police Department, Command Staff + Turner (26895) FCS Rizvi (33675) aC + Hopffer 2541) 4C3 + Gillooly 22928) 9C © MeNi 31054) 9C3 © Mammana (39618) 14C2 "APPROVED - 04/29/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘RePonT no, PO woeavonss ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE comecrur PAGE Sontag Acer [I soy Azer Tueson Poliee Department, Field Services ~ ‘© Gradillas (50457) ITI Tapia (52806) TIT Ramirez (49538) 1432 Noriega (52898) ITSS Sancher (47248) 1T3S Gareels (48138) 1451 Carmona (S181) 1453, Cantu (5277) LASS Pitensidge (50749) 1A85 ‘Amado (47463) ILI Morales ($0469) 2414 Leonard (52376) 2035 Lodemeiee ($2377) 2A37 Miller 42408) 2063, La Vequ (51778) 2065 Lewis (5468) 278 Martinez (52895) 27% Landau (52789) 2A96 Robinson (36816) 304 Mitchell 48374) 314 Kamer(49934) 343, Bradley (44170) 3848 Ropieiko (51775) 316 Oninger (5466) 306 Mills (52897) 306 Carson,39278) 31.9 Baca (S178) 392 Pancost ($2794) 393, Trusko @36#17) 3010 Carson (35641) 3010 Stevenson (44180) 4A113, Davis ( aals Oroeeo (42617) 4AI6 Kranz (44359) 401 Dana Q49ss) 403 Jones (45461) 413 ‘APPROVED - 08/29/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE somecr ue PAGE 16. Tenner Mentone! iesou nz Nes 62800) aan + Ahlskog (51369) 4733 Meador (52896) 4733 Lyons (3235) a3 4 Eetele (51919) aA3s + Lobaido 29826) 4A37 + Ware 49926) 4A6s * Weypan 1911) 4x71 + Hatori 27234) 4475 + Hawke 6589) 4U9 + mente si999) Lo S Rerube s9177)— 4A97 Goney (52374) 4493 + Mccarthy (52792) 4A94 + Jones 51058) 4498 + Edwards (52286) 4408 * Rosamanie 43570) SAIS ¢ zag c9903) 503 Dutin ae3st) 589 + Keammes (60165) 5833 + Wine (9929) Szt + Martner (49568) 522 # Comsia(S1S71) AL + Kadows (0755) C6 + Vines (43889) M36 * rotherion 40738) M70 + Bejarano 39765) M76 ‘Tueson Police Departmen, Investigations: * Brotherton (41826) 9D32 Deakin giti72) 9022 + Hoser (23055) 9034 © sibori@7i0n) 900 © sissenas301) 9052 *Rogdenowich 42215)9DS4 Gonzales 16988) 9056 Buckley 39275) 9060 ‘APPROVED - 04/29/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ePonr wo, TPO i2cere2ss ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE onmecr-uP PAGE 16 Sao = Husi(43126) 961 Mechtel (62316) 962 Wilson (39791) 963, Rivera 41245) 966 ‘Avalos (35639) 987 Jennings (33081) 9D80 Hill (47530) 9p8i Hickey (41247) 982 Dobell (42989) 983, Byurla (37970) 9D84 Loroya (45465) 9D86 Widmer (41837) 990 Contreras (45486) 9091 Winsky (47248) 998, Harn 36813) 9N23. Cravatzo (31556) SRT? Foe (507%) ser Seheopner (34273) SRT4 Wright 19980) SRTS Holowinski (44175) SRT Tucson Poi Deparment, Raid Response Team (RR) Lehrer (48791) BR32 Jensen (43893) GTC24 Set. Boyen (42216) 205 Miranda (45652) LALIS Hanes (41824) DAE Pope (34963) 2426, Rizzi 46578) 2A Bumes (4723) 3L1 Zinn (49534) SA31 ‘Arnold (25660) PATIL McGuire (41941) 4010 Sumorano (51078) 3A116 Williams (48779) BRIT Pevesen (51073) 4A85 ‘APPROVED - 04/28/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE econ Aeyonae ‘Tucson Police Department, Support Units + Hawke (43583) | PIOZ + Voss (436) 360, + Nygren $0792) C382 Shields (34021) Analyst + Janis (P1938) PAG. * Housner (P1907) PAG. + Burg (P1865) 26 # Agellon (P1483) V1 + Howe (32007) PATTI eroar no, TPO 120ser028s connec. PAGE 9 OF 16 = Please see rexpective supplements for more specifi information on particular individual's involvement in his incident. Teoncluded my involvement and documentation for 04/21/12 a approximately 2348 hrs. onosa2n I responded back to the Command Post at CrayerofuBroadway to deliver water the Command Post, Llater responded there again to selieve Ofe. De La Ossa (48030) as seribe. Tacied a sribe from ‘approximately 1508 hrs un6l epproximately 1854 hrs. When Tre ved Ofe. De La Osea, I checked the records, and the following is a ist of people noted ts having responded lathe incident, & Wels those people who responded during the time Tas there United States Marshals: * Bideguin Baptist (3003) Lite 248) Buen (4258) Igou Sukis Pacheco Pinta (3373) Engle (5661) Teltt wine 622) Hyali 20381) ‘Crossman (1495) Villegas (3891) Derose (4315) Snyder 30400) Elmguist (4358) ‘APPROVED - 04/29/2012, TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT fnePonr no, TED 204210285 ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE someecrur PAGE _10_ OF _16 Najera (2507) Bia 3516) Slawiak (30398) Schlage! (0806) Bennet ($937) Federal Bureau of Investigations (FED: ‘+ Michelle Terwilliger (18887) Misty Han Jay Henze Brian Nowak (Omar Haddod Laura Stokes David Loos Ametie Balet Craig Roos Scott Holtz Brian Filbert Jason VanGoor Shannon Gonzalez Penney Smith Brian Hooton Samantha Koval Brians Grant Pima County Seurch and Rescue ‘© Sat. George Beonomidis (777) Vincent Lopez (1310) ‘Ban Boll (1284) Steve West (1337) Robert Raterink (5752) Stevan Chak (5424) Jet Binds (1433) “Antonio Lopez (4573) Sat. Bric Jomnson (836) Dr. David Lovelock (Civilian) Jeremy Ramizez (1262) "APPROVED - 04/29/2012 eponr no, TED 120%028s TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE soamecr. ue PAGE 11 OF 16 ‘Bostuepous yore fcson.azssris + Tim Robertson (5531) + Le Jim Murphy + Jorge Rodriguez (5818) Border Parol Search and Reseae *Feiedrch (BRI22) + MeKeana (BR24) Carey (BRIS1) 4 Compton (BR1S2) + Celaya (BRIO7) + Valentin (BR149) ‘Tucson Police Department, Command Staff ‘+ Hammarstrom (38794) 3C3 + Meni a10s4) 9c * Allen 18302) CMD2 + Klein 27635) CMDS + Villasenor cMDI + Wilson (23489) 12C1 # Sehneden 7154) 14UL + Ronstadt (35808) 1C3 # AniloQ4117)—18C1 * Gilloly (22928) 9C * Mammana (39615) 14C2 Farley 8153) 16C2 ‘Tucson Poise Deparment Feld Servees- Santa Maria (49996) AL + Gradills 6057) 1Al4 + Jones (51085) 1A * Catalfame ($2371) 152 + Wilfet ($2282) 1AS6 + Bravo (49951) 1A73 + Gamer (49543) IAT? Anderson (52772) 1A82 + Cartillo ($0741) 1X82 + Moreno (51098) 1483 ‘APPROVED - 04/29/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ePoRT no, TPO 12esr02es ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE cowecr ur PAGE _12_ OF _16 eure AtuyOre a eee Doyle (51787) 1x83 Pittensdge (50749) 185 Leonard (49925) 1A05 Martinez ($1071) A114 Miranda (45652) 1ALIS Epling (51783) BRIT Lodemeier (52377) 2A37 Martinez (47468) 2ASS Miller(42405) 2A61 Dennison (6588) 206 Dorman (48380) 2A64 Roberts 41944) 2L7 Lewis 45464) 278 Martinez ($2895) 278 Landau (52789) 2496 Kadous (50755) 2A06 Egurola (47233) TIL Wilson (52908) TIL Munoc (1189) 2AL15 Davis 31478) BRIO Allen (32099) BR2I Droban (49663) BR23 Chandler (#8788) BR24 Gilbert (43856) BR26 Valenzuela (47222) 3A24 De La Ossa (48030) 326 Callan 23302) 341 Bradley 44170) 3A44 Carson (39278) 3L9 Pancost (52794) 393, Robles (48353) 39 Peak (50873) 397 Trusko (36817) 3U10 Carlson (35644) 3U10 Altman (0451) 3A02 Frank (50737) 308 Petersen (47242) 3A05 fam Z Tiare tennoe [vee [oar [oe 5 SE RTS OR ET ni Siccnaaa a ‘APPROVED - 04/29/2012 TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘SUPPLEMENTARY NARRATIVE omecr ur PAGE _19_ OF _16 + Nguyen (5178) 3121 + Wakefield 2231) BRAT + Zig S101) BRIS + Wiliams 42233)