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oFFlcE oF THE DEAN I rao tocr,ns sclroel oF MANAGEME^-T

htne l4'h,2016

Marco Baltazar
4 Ravmore Dr
Etobicoke, ON, MgP lWS, C,q,fl
mar c o .b alt azar @ ry e r s on.c a

Dear Marco,

I would like to congratulate you on acltieving Dean's Honowr List standing for the academic year
2015/2016. As a result of your high academit starcding this year in the Ted Rogers Schaol of Business
Management,youl name has been inclutled on the Dean's Honour List. You should be very proud of such
cm achievement!

This honour will. be noted on your" fficial transcript frorn Ryerson and provides recog,nition af those
stadents who are considererJ to be high ucademic achievers.

The Ted Rogers School af Business Mcnagement recognizes owtstanding acaderuic performance such as
yours with a wide rrmge of awnrds ond scknlarships. The selection of award wirurcrs is based on d.efined
criteria across the university , including factors such as academic rnerit andlor extracwrricular activities,
as well as c'ontribution(s) to the School. For more information on the application pro<:erlure for these
awards, please contact Joanne Di Brarto, Sturlent Achievemen.t Affice, Ted Rogers School of Business
Management, Room 1-A04. The application process for Awards & Scholarships **ill begin in Jut.v 2016-
Awards and Criteria can be vietved at:

I wish to personallr* cong,ratulate yau on having attained this hanour and I wish you continued sur:cess in
the program arcd inyour chosen career path-


Steven Murplty, Ph.D.

Ttd Rt;gers School of Management

ADBRESS: 575 BayStreet (entrance at 55 Oundas St. West) ROOM:3-009 TEtr 416-979-5169
MAILING ADDRESST 35o Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada MsB 2 K3

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