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Running head: AREAS OF GROWTH 1

Learning Outcome Narrative- Areas of Growth

Eva Long

Seattle University

Learning Outcome Narrative- Areas for Growth

During my last semester as an undergraduate Senior at the University of San Francisco, I

was approached by a mentor who has introduced me to the field of student affairs. The lense in

which I operated and navigated the collegiate system has led me to a greater calling to pursue a

degree that could support students just like me; as a low-income, first-generation college student

who relied on an education to break a constant cycle of just surviving. A transition from

undergraduate to graduate would be difficult and called for immense growth and development to

prepare myself as a professional in the workforce. Near the two years that I have spent in the

program has strengthened my personal and professional identity and allowed me to better

understand the complexities and challenges facing higher education. As I continue through the

program and become more reflective in my practice, I am able to identify the areas in which are

areas of growth.

Integrative Theme: Accountability and Informed Practice (Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 6, & 8)

As a young, emerging professional in the field of student affairs, I am always conscious

and eager to explore the ways in which I could grow and enhance my professional identity.

When approaching coursework, assignments and projects in the classroom, I specifically choose

topics that can expand my knowledge and challenge me to understand the emerging field of

student affairs. When selecting internship possibilities, I am able to identify the gaps in my

resume to gain exposure to different institutional types and approaches to enhance student

success. When approaching my graduate assistantship in the Office of Multicultural Affairs, I

am able to utilize models and theories learned in the classroom to inform practices with how I

engage and advocate for students on the margins.


With that being said, I continue to ask myself these questions: Whats next? How can I

grow? What is challenging? Or, what is unfamiliar? The learning outcomes that I have

identified that are areas of growth are #1, understanding the foundations and emerging nature of

the student affairs profession and higher education, #2, understanding students and student

issues, #6, developing and demonstrating skills in leadership and collaboration, and #8,

communicating effectively in speech and writing. Identifying the learning outcomes that

demonstrate my areas of growth is the first step towards holding myself accountable as my

commitment towards being an intentional and purposeful student affairs practitioner grows

stronger each day. In order to address the challenges, obstacles and gaps in higher education, I

must hold myself accountable as a professional to address the areas of growth to better support

my students and institutions of higher education as a whole. There are consistent changes in

demographics that are enrolling in community colleges and 4-year institutions. These

individuals hold lived experiences and rely on a post-secondary education as a form of social

mobility with great responsibility to advance the greater good. As practitioners, we must be

prepared to support all students with little margins of error because they rely on us to help them

get there.

Emerging Nature of Student Affairs (Learning Outcome 1 & 2, Artifact C & E)

Learning Outcome #1, understanding the foundations and emerging nature of the

Student Affairs profession and higher education has been embedded within the programs

curriculum. Very early on, SDAD 5300: Foundations of the Student Affairs Profession has

inspired an interest in supporting students that are historically marginalized within a higher

education context. That course has provided me the language, research and discourse that

supports a greater need to support students who face racial inequity. While engaging with course

readings, critical conversations and reflecting on my own experience as a first-generation student

of color navigating college, I knew that I wanted to focus my efforts as a student affairs

professional to achieve racial justice.

The two assignments that I chose to reflect Artifact C: Best Academic Work in the

SDA Program, is a research paper done in SDAD 5750: Best Practices in Student Affairs

looking at cultural centers in the Pacific Northwest to understand how institutional history and

mission shape student success to achieve inclusive excellence. The second assignment is a

research paper done in SDAD 5760: Leadership and Governance in Postsecondary

Education titled, Presidential Leadership: Institutional Tension in Racial Campus Climate

Unrest. Both of these academic papers reflect my passion in closing the achievement and

education gap within underrepresented communities and working towards racial justice through

a lens of equity and inclusion.

Although I cant deny that my greater purpose in higher education is to impact change

through a racial lens, I have to continue to hold myself accountable to understand all the

emerging trends in higher education. With a greater understanding of the emerging trends, I am

able to approach and support students through an intersectional lens. An intersectional lens

prevents a prescriptive approach when supporting students. Often, theories and research ignore

the complexity of narratives, and intersectional identities of students where a prescription of

answers can be more harmful than helpful. An intersectional lens considers the ways in which

gender, sexuality, ability, and/ or socioeconomic class affects college attainment. With that being

said, Learning Outcome #2, understanding students and student issues becomes monumental in

supporting students from multiple and intersecting cultures, ideologies and experiences. I must

dismantle the boxes unconsciously place students in. Moving forward, Artifact E: NASPA/

ACPA Competency Self Assessment has helped me map out the ways in which I can strengthen

areas that I am lacking.

Leadership and Collaboration (Learning Outcome 6, Artifact B & F )

Accountability needs to be strengthened through a continued growth in Learning

Outcome #6, developing and demonstrating skills in leadership and collaboration. SDAD 5900:

Student Development Capstone Seminar has got me thinking about my role, values and

mission as a student affairs professional. At the end of the course, I believe that my sense of

responsibility and leadership within any department that I work in has heightened since

November 7, 2016, when the country has declared Donald Trump as Americas 45th President.

My mission statement reflected in Artifact B needs to ring louder to protect our LGBTQ

community, Muslim neighbors, students and colleagues of color, and undocumented students so

that they are able to achieve an education and role in society that is free from hate and


Looking forward, Artifact F: 2 to 5 Year Professional Development, has demonstrated

the ways in which I want to grow in my leadership and collaboration skills. Through my first job

outside of graduate school, I hope to grow in my leadership skills that is guided by how I work

with other professionals and students that I support. Collaboration has been something on my

mind since working in the Office of Multicultural Affairs post-election. It is time to build

networks with non-profits, community organizations, the city and country to impact change. As

reflected in Artifact B, I end my mission statement with a quote by Audrey Lorde, If you have

come here to help me, then you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your

liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.

Effective Communication (Learning Outcome 8, Artifact C )

Another area of growth for me is Learning Outcome #8, communicating effectively in

speech and writing. There are particular situations in which I thrive in speech and writing as a

graduate student but as a paraprofessional, I believe that this an area that needs strengthening. To

demonstrate my comfort and passion for teaching and instruction, I chose to share my ACUHO-I

internship presentation as my Artifact C: Best Powerpoint, Presentation or Research/

Programming Development. I believe that this internship experience demonstrates my comfort

in speech and writing when engaging with a staff that I am familiar with and when educating

students. During my internship seminar, I am able to share my experience at Pacific University

with my peers with confidence and excitement.

The area in which I need to grow more confidence in is engaging in communication with

professionals who have been in the field for a longer period of time. There is a fear of saying

something wrong, to be challenged, or opinions not being validated because age and experience

will always work against me. As I continue to reflect on my experience at Seattle University,

within the Division of Student Development and my graduate assistantship in the Office of

Multicultural Affairs, I believe that there were encounters where there was a lack of trust, fear or

rejection that has been internalized that hinders my engagement with professional staff. In my

job search, I am searching for a team that is open to change and innovation, trusts in one another

towards a common goal and breaks down hierarchal structures where permission isnt always

needed to impact change.

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