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5E09 Single Member Districts News to Use

Commissioner Dianne Barnes/202-387-2497

Saturday, April 1st, WALK & Ward 5 Health Coalition: Every first Saturday, you are invited to join
WALK & Ward 5 Health Coalition as we continue to partners with Walk with a Doc at the National
Arboretum, 3501 NY Ave, NE at 9am. For more information, please contact the Walk Leader: Phronie
Jackson, PhD, Also, info can be found in the link:{}

Monday, April 3th, Stronghold Civic Association (SCA) meets at the Inspired Teaching Public Charter
School (200 Douglas St NE) from 7PM 9PM. SCA meets every 1st Monday of each month unless it
falls on a holiday, then its on the 2nd Monday. Email:, POC:
Laura Jackson, President,

Thursday, April 6th, Continuation of ZC Case #13-14 Hearing on McMillan Project. The Zoning
Commissions March 23rd, McMillan Public Hearing on the Notice of Limited Purpose (Scope) will
continue on considering the issues remanded by DC Court of Appeals to the Zoning Commission -
Pertaining to the Following Case No. 13-14 (Vision McMillan Partners, LLC and DC First-Stage and
Consolidated PUDs and Related Map Amendment) @ 2501 First Street NW (Square 3128, Lot 800)).
Hearing Location: 441 4th St NW, Suite 220-South @ 6:30pm. ANC hearing submissions may be viewed
at (Library).

The Department of General Services website will update periodically on the McMillan Project
@ POC: Jackie Stanley,
Community Outreach Coordinator for DGS.

Thursday, April 6th, MAG Meeting is held every 2nd Thursday of each month. Minutes and hearing
submission may be viewed @ link: POC: Kirby Vining

Thursday, April 6th, DC Office of Planning engagement session in Ward 5 is held @ Filter Coffee,
716 Monroe St NE (Monroe St Market near Brookland Metro) from 4-7pm. The Open Call period is
launched through May 26, 2017 to give all stakeholders an opportunity to formally propose
Comprehensive Plan amendments.

The DC Office of Planning has lead an array of activities to engage residents in [PLAN]DC, a citywide
initiative to amend the Districts 20-year Comprehensive Plan. Stakeholders interested in making an
amendment proposal can find a host of useful materials on the [PLAN]DC website [],
including: an Amendment Submission Form; a Roadmap of planning references; a set of Frequently
Asked Questions; an Engagement Calendar; and an Evaluation Framework, which OP will use to screen
amendment proposals

The District government uses the Comprehensive Plan to guide future development within Washington
DC. It contains the maps and policies that influence the neighborhoods where people live, work, shop,
and play, as well as the investments the city makes in its services and infrastructure. Most importantly, it
is the primary tool that helps the District to manage change in a way that embraces progress while
protecting the qualities that make DC a special place.

Wednesday, April 12th, join the Public Service Commission of the DC (DCPSC) @ 630pm for a
Community Hearing about PEPCOs request to increase distribution rates (Formal Case 1139) @
1325 G St NW. To testify at the hearing, please submit your name and organization (if any) to the Office
of the Commission Secretary by 5pm, Apr 7th by calling 202-626-5150 or by sending an email to psc- MARCH 1, 2017

5E09 Single Member Districts News to Use
Commissioner Dianne Barnes/202-387-2497 Walk-ins welcome. If an organization or an individual is unable to offer

comments at the community hearing, written statements may be dropped off to the DCPSC at or
submitted through the DCPSC website. Comments can be submitted until April 25th.

Monday, April 17th, Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA) meets at St Georges Episcopal Church, 2nd
and U Streets NW), 7PM 9PM. BCA meets every 3rd Mon of the month but if a holiday falls on the 3rd
Monday, it meets on the 4th Mon. (; POC: Teri Quinn.

The BCA Historic Preservation Committee: The voting process was very confusing. If you were not a
member, you were not able to vote. All Bloomingdale home owners are looking for clarification at the
upcoming meeting. If you have questions or comments, please send an email to the BCA Historic
Preservation Committee @ POC: Serita Sanders.

Tuesday, April 18st, ANC5E Public Meetings - held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Friendship
Armstrong Public Charter School; 7PM 9PM @ 1400 First Street NW (corner of 1st and P St NW).
Web Site: twitter @anc5e.

Saturday, April 22nd, ANC 5E Annual Neighborhood Beautification Day. Please join your neighbors
in the 2017 Earth Day Celebration. Volunteers are needed to help clean up around various areas within
SMD 5E09 and to plant FREE flowers in public space tree boxes. If there are areas near you requiring
special attention, please let me know. For this event, the trash pickup sites are North Capitol and
Channing St NW; North Capitol and Douglas St NE; and North Capitol and Franklin St NE. Note that
bulk trash will not be picked up during this event. You must call 311 for bulk trash. I have requested
mulch, compost, and trash bags for your use. Time: 9am-12pm.

After the cleanup event, you are invited to join SMD 5E05 constituents for an Artist Open Studies Event
located on 52 O St NW from 1pm 6pm. If interest, you may eat and join in the entertainment of the
afternoon with the constituents of this SMD. You may learn about the new public Art Mural Campaign
coming to O St NW. The organizers of this event asked for donations such as a dish from your
city/country of origin to share, if you care to do so. This event will support the O St Artists. You may
showcase your creativity by helping to face paint or even performing in other entertainment from noon
6pm. The entertainment will include drums/dancing on O St with 7 Drum City and BollyX from 1pm
2:30pm. The Neighborhood potluck will be held at the House of Lebanon Senior Apartments at 27 O St
NW. Please come out to meet your neighbors and help clean up around your immediate living areas.

Thursday, April 27th, 5th District Citizens Advisory Council - 5D CAC Meetings are held on the 4th
Thursday of each month at 5th District, 1805 Bladensburg Road NE from 7PM 8:30PM. Frances Penn,
5D CAC Chair @ 202-230-2727/ To join the MPD 5th District Listserv: Email or go to

Saturday, April 29th, 5th District Community Justice Advisory Network (CJAN) Meeting is held @
CSOSAs 5th District Field Site @ 910 Rhode Island Ave, NE, 2nd Floor. Trina Stewart has held a series
of CJANs that have exposed the community to the various supervision units operations and practices
within CSOSA. For more info, please call 202-220-5526 or forward an email to
[] or RSVP to attend meeting at

Monday, June 19th, Historical Preservations McMillan Public Hearing @ 10:00 am on the McMillan
Order & SVC for Historic Preservation (HPA #s 14-393 & 15-133). The Mayors Agent is location @
1100 4th Street SW, Room 650. MARCH 1, 2017

5E09 Single Member Districts News to Use
Commissioner Dianne Barnes/202-387-2497

Voting Items on March 21st:

5E02 - RI Ave Shopping Center Mural - Letter of Support August Hearing Commissioner
presented a request for a letter of support for a mural at the Rhode Island Avenue Shopping Center. The
mural will be done by Words, Beats, & Life. Commissioner Williams made a motion that the ANC
support the mural grant application. The motion passed.

5E08 77 U Street NW/Crispus Attucks Park - Letter of Support for a Mural - Commissioner Sierra
asked Molly Scott to present her request which would work as an artistic way finder for one of the four
entrances to Crispus Attucks Park in Bloomingdale. Motion was made to support the request. The motion

5E05 ZC Case No. 16-21 Request for Zoning Map Amendment from MU-4 to MU-5-A for North
Capitol Hospitality, LLC, which envisions creating a hotel at the corner of North Capitol Ave and
Hanover NW. The group signed a community benefits agreement with the Hanover Area Civic
Association. ANC5E recommends that the Zoning Commission approve the applicants requested map
amendment on the condition that the community benefits agreement, signed by officers of the Hanover
Area Civic Association and North Capitol Hospitality, LLC, be incorporated into the Zoning
Commissions order and that its terms be made enforceable as to the applicant and its successors in
interest. Motion was made to support the request. Motion passed. Hearing is April 20th.

5E05 Commissioner Thomas presented the NY Avenue Playground Budget Request Resolution to
fund staff for and maintenance of the playground. The resolution includes $50,000 for the construction of
a tot lot and $454,918.17 for full staffing. Motion was made to support the resolution. Motion passed.

5E04 Commissioner Pinkney presented the Harry Thomas Recreation Center Budget Request
Resolution for $250,000 in additional funding for instructors and classes. Motion was made to support
the resolution. Motion passed.

5E08 Commissioner Sierra presented a Grant Application of $720 proposal for the construction of
Parker Flats Condos Little Free Library. Following the procedures of the Grant Guidelines,
Commissioner Sierra must present again at next months meeting. No vote at this time.

5E03 Commissioner Powell introduced the presenter of the Eckington Park PUD. Foulger-Pratt made a
presentation for a proposed Eckington Park PUD. No vote at this time.

5E07 Commissioner Holliday presented a Resolution on the Limited Scope Hearing on Remand on
ZC Case No 13-14 regarding issue 4 (Adverse Impacts) of the DC Zoning Commissions Remand
Proceedings on ZC 13-14: McMillan Sand Filtration Site PUD. Commissioner Holliday motion was
made to support her written proposal. Motion was not second and motion did not pass.

5E09 Commissioner Barnes presented a different resolution on the Limited Scope Hearing on
Remand on ZC Case No 13-14 regarding issue 4 (Adverse Impacts) which was stated to have been a
compromise between the two resolutions. Commissioner Barnes motioned ANC5E to support the
resolution which she read for submission to the Zoning Commission. Motion passed. Resolution will be
posted on along with other Resolutions that were passed at this public meeting.

ABRA Applications: No upcoming hearings MARCH 1, 2017

5E09 Single Member Districts News to Use
Commissioner Dianne Barnes/202-387-2497

5E06 - BZA Case No. 19441, Richardson Place Neighborhood Association (RPNA) @ 410-412
Richardson Place NW appeal of DCRA permits. It was reported that RPNA unanimously supports this
protest and asks the ANC to do the same with a recommendation that the developers should move
forward with applying for permits that are acceptable for the intended use along with a community
benefits package based on the variances they are seeking.

A motion was made to support the RPNA appeal of the DCRA permit and that ANC recommends the
building owners apply for correct permits, variances, and include a community benefits package to ensure
that the concerns of the neighbors are addressed.

A friendly amendment was made to remove the community benefits package request. A second friendly
amendment was made to simplify the motion to just support the RPNA appeal of DCRA permits at 410-
412 Richardson Place. Motion passed. Commissioner McClelland presented a more detailed resolution to
support the Richardson Place Associations appeal of DCRA permits at 410-412 Richardson Place NW.
Motion passed.

Community Concerns:
Lt. Cole from DC Fire and EMS Department made a presentation on Fire Safety.

Laurence Daniels, Director of Litigation at the Office of the Peoples Council, made a presentation on
proposed PEPCO rate increases. Mr. Daniels encouraged the community to voice their opinions on the
proposed rate increases. The Office of the People's Counsel - Consumer Alert! If you have
experienced a problem with your Washington Gas heating bill, call OPC.

The Office of the People's Counsel has received an increasing number of complaints from consumers
who say their recent Washington Gas heating bills have been significantly higher compared to their
historical usage. OPC, addressing complaints on a case-by-case basis, has reported the concerns to WGL
and is determining if a formal investigation by the DC Public Service Commission is warranted. There
may be cause for alarm because the uptick is occurring during unseasonably warmer winter weather. If
you have experienced a problem with your Washington Gas heating bill, call OPC at (202) 727-3071 to
speak with a consumer outreach specialist.

Representatives from Howard University provided details about their proposal to extract Carver Hall
and Slowe Hall from its campus master plan so the buildings can transition from being used as student
dormitories to private apartment buildings. They will return next month asking for a vote in support of
their proposal and with more information about the parking impact.
Community Impact Statements: Representatives from the U.S. Attorneys Office made a presentation
Community Impact Statements for Ward 5. The reps are available to assist the community groups in
completing an Impact Statement, if requested. For info, please contact Monica Veney, (USADC)

Visitor Parking Pass: Visitor Parking Passes are not automatically mailed to residents. Call 311 to
request a Visitor Parking Pass for your residence or go to Open the visitor parking pass
site on the left side of the screen and fill out application. You can use the following ID - DC drivers
license, DC ID, or if a homeowner, use the Square and Lot number.

Community Aerobics Class: Every Monday & Wednesday, Commit Yourself to a Healthy Life by
joining a Community Aerobics Class which includes Cardiovascular exercises from 9am-10pm and 6pm-
7pm @ North Michigan Park Recreation Center, 1333 Emerson St, NE. MedStar WHCs and the DC MARCH 1, 2017

5E09 Single Member Districts News to Use
Commissioner Dianne Barnes/202-387-2497

Department of Parks and Recreation, invite you to join a free physical fitness class aimed at helping you
lose weight; reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels; and prevent or manage diabetes. Do
something today that you will thank yourself for in the future. For more information and to register, call

Celebrating 2017 Earth Day by participating in ANC5E Annual Clean Up and Beautification Day
CSOSA (The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency) Strategic Goals
The Northeast Boundary Tunnel Utility Relocation Project


Regular Trash Collection: Place trash and recycle containers out for collection no earlier than 6:30 PM
on the night before - no later than 6 AM the morning of collection day. Residents are required to remove
trash and recycle containers from public space (the alley) by 8 PM on your collection day.

Bulk Trash Collection: Call 311 to set up appointments before placing bulk trash out (7 items) for
collection. Place bulk trash out no earlier than 6:30PM the day before and no later than 6 AM on
collection day. Place them where the trash and recycle are collected.

Without appointment: Take bulk items to the Fort Totten Transfer Station, 4900 John F. McCormack
Drive NE.

City Services include abandoned autos, alley cleaning, illegal dumping, parking enforcement, potholes,
trees, & street lights. The rep will provide a tracking # of your request.

Yard Cleaning and Grass Cutting: Residents are responsible for the up keep of the area abutting the
front and back of their homes. This may include front and back yards, sidewalk and alley abutting your
home. Fines may occur from the city if DPW or other agencies have to come out to accommodate this

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: DPW helps community groups that organize Saturday
neighborhood clean-up projects through the Helping Hand Program. The program will lend tool kits
that include five rakes and brooms, two shovels, and 20 trash bags. A $20 refundable deposit is required
for all tool kits loaned under the Helping Hand Program. Free compost will be delivered as well for use in
neighborhood beautification projects.

DPW will send trucks to collect the bagged trash and a SWEEP (Solid Waste Education and Enforcement
Program) inspector will collect the tool kit. DPW also can provide community groups with graffiti
removal kits and compost for garden projects.

To receive an application for a Helping Hand tool kit for your neighborhood clean-up project, please call
the Mayors Citywide Call Center at 311. When the clean-up date is confirmed by a Helping Hand
Coordinator, a control number will be assigned for tracking purposes, the event will be added to the
Helping Hand calendar, and the tool kit will be delivered.

Residents may pick up free compost between March and October from the Ft. Totten Transfer Station,
4900 John F. McCormack Drive, NE, Saturday, from 8 am to 3 pm. MARCH 1, 2017

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