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Name: Kierstan Mullinax

Grade Level: 8
Content Area: Science
Technology Used (check all that apply):
Blog Wiki Other Website Creation Tool (list):
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:
8/Physical Science/S8P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the structure and properties
of matter. e. Develop models (e.g., atomic-level models, including drawings, and computer representations)
by analyzing patterns within the periodic table that illustrate the structure, composition, and characteristics
of atoms (protons, neutrons, and electrons) and simple molecules. /Periodic Table.
Brief Description of Learning Experience:
For this lesson the students will use online tools such as Weebly in order to post their work. The students
will create an original audio file using tools like Audacity and will set it to a beat they can create using a
site like Incredibox. They will choose an element from the periodic table and write an original poem about
that element. This should include everything from the structure of the atoms in this element to how humans
use the element.
This will be done after the students have had some time learning about elements and atomic structures.
Once the students have completed their original poems they will set it to a beat in the form of a spoken
word poem or a rap. The students will upload their work on the student work page of the classroom
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Student Engagement/Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi):

4. This is because the students will need to engage in higher-order thinking to truly understand the material,
and they will be publishing their work on the class site in order for them to be able to use technology to
reach others.

Importance of technology:
Technology has to be used to complete this so the students will be able to post their work. They will also
use Audacity and Incredibox. Without being able to share their work the students wouldnt put as much
effort into their poems and the quality wouldnt be as high. This is because they wouldnt have the added
pressure of knowing people other than the teacher will be able to hear it.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
The concern is that the student work will be assessable to people outside of the classroom. I will have all of
the parents sign release forms agreeing to let students publish their work online. I will also have it set up so
the students last names will not be visible in the Weebly, and students whose parents do not agree will not
have their work posted.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity.
I am hoping that this will help to get the students more excited about these concepts. The periodic table can
be overwhelming so by introducing the element of song I hope the students will put more effort into
learning the material.
Other comments about your proposed activity:
An example will be found on the Audio page of my Weebly


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