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3/29/17 at 19:20:44.

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Bellwether Garden Supply
Customer Ledgers
For the Period From Dec 31, 2010 to Mar 31, 2011
Filter Criteria includes: 1) IDs: ARMSTRONG. Report order is by ID. Report is printed in Detail Format.

Customer ID Date Trans No Type Debit Amt Credit Amt Balance


ARMSTRONG 1/1/11 10122 SJ 10,970.42 10,970.42

Armstrong Landscaping 1/9/11 10124 SJ 2,383.94 13,354.36
1/26/11 10119 SJ 9,645.26 22,999.62
2/22/11 10326 SJ 99.97 23,099.59
2/22/11 10120 SJ 5,554.08 28,653.67
2/27/11 10212 SJ 7,374.69 36,028.36
3/2/11 CCM4002 SJ 99.97 35,928.39
3/5/11 10336 SJ 63.49 35,991.88
3/8/11 CCM4007 SJ 49.99 35,941.89
3/15/11 10314 SJ 49.99 35,991.88
3/15/11 10122 CRJ 10,970.42 25,021.46
3/15/11 10339 SJ 53.00 25,074.46

Report Total 36,194.84 11,120.38 25,074.46

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