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Toole ire I> (HK) WBRL (HL) 2) beirr MF2 (HA) (dad (A) Bl sAL eI shwtto (PL) xhAL (HL) altho ime [LAaT> (hd) tnd (re) | s|lteine nto (A) TRL (Pk) i 6 zat (hh) Bstak (PA) _ | NOTE: \ 42414, one and a haif years (see also Appendix J, pp. 249-50) KEY SENTENCES 1 ALARA CGRLIA 2 RiRSAA LAUOLA 3 UIFRE GUI LGR ost. EVELIPE Kol 7IET TALOT TUPAMA oOy ate Mr. Smith will get on the train at Tokyo Station. Mr. Smith will get off the tran at Shinjuku Station, T TALI OV Et. T CALPE BUF. FE TTT 10 3 3 t SolkSle i The plane leaves Tokyo at 9:00 and arrives in Sapporo at 10:30. It takes an hour and a half to go by train from Tokyo to Nikko. EXERCISES & footed Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the verbs below and memorize their ~ T forms _ =i trom =F rom get on, take OVEt aT get off, Byer BYT go out, leave ise tt arive 3aEt Sut | take (time) ovat ppoT walk BSRET HOT ~Lat th weekis) wet months) (counter) ~Bh (4) yeas) beset walk 18 + 182 Il. Make up dialogues following the patterns ofthe examples. Substitute the underlined parts with the alternatives given A, State where someone will get on and offa means of public transportation. ex AIRSAIL EFRLILET TALE O\ste LALMLA eT TAlLet BVYET. 1 (67>) 2 wey 3 (sR) 8. Statea person's departure and arrival time. ex AOULEA TUE 56F TELA. BU Ute 4924) 1 COve RF 4 2, (HE EFELIL UTS F254) li Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined words with the words suggested by the illustrations {LI [2 CIP ST how, inwhat way bese ‘Akasaka (strict in Tokyo) BBTEB —_ Otemachi citric in Tokyo) BES Azabu (dtc in Tokyo) A. Ask and give the route by which one commutes to work. MEL: ALASAlL LIPOT PLE Vesta, RR HREPT BPTI Oot, BBTEBT BVET. BETLEHS POL eET HOAETF. ex. VL RORL Fey Edt try 2 AMIEL TEES tts 8, Askand answer what time one leaves home every day and what time one arrives atthe office. MEL: EMH WALI F6e TET. Rik WUC CEH. AMEE CAULK bole 24Etay ATR TEAK DEFT. ex. 1 mL Fry AmEL Fey 2. ealEl 48 patel ate IV. State how long one’s commute to work is. Make up sentences following the pattem of the exam- ple. Substitute the underlined words with the alternatives given, x bbb DOLEET SHTVT 4 ke Et. 1 (The, 1K) 2. CSR, 45k) 183 \V. Ask and answer how long it takes to get somewhere. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words suggested by the illustrations. 15h ce Ne 4 ho ak lo eS T COKE HO sEtare rhltk POET. GB Askantansver tow longone stayed in certain lace Moke up logue flowing he patra of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the alternatives given. ex AIA: KWMELEAIL COC AMIEL: bd EL 1. RR: AML 2, ER AO 3. AiR ratte nun Nara Ripon oat be, stay Sa-3-7 Newyork 184 YYIDYLRI Senfrancco Il ELAM, (RY) (2L adm) (2 21f4) (Saf) (FY 79 YER) (38d) LESSON 1 9 vi. victe up cictooues folowing the pattems of the examples, Substitute the underined words with the alternatives given, A Talk about a summer vacation plan atte poeta ¢ BODE AY IS 5 tte » gob: ibes HE OUTTA, [2 WsEth, 8 ePDS: ave 3-7) rb (66) ath 244% tebe (2240, BTS) +8 (254) teEb wr) 8 8. Invite someone to an event and tell him or her what the departure time will be. exe SLA 11UHS LFRLGAFNT BHLO 72TH HYVEF. Feveht Vols VWFEtLDY Frvilds CAUI DVL ee TET. 3 3 MET ALPACHY DPV ETHE, TOL Fev bevtlte 1 mes (BMI) Fry wes (BME, 308K. TO LILA) Fay: 2 eG (fol) Fry ees (LSE. 1UPAIEA, 9 UIEA) Fry: mo Pars Ban Tm musial 727 fei 185 D1 rae sont ii tne. compte floing dog ng te oman inthe 1 Fey 2 WLI ED BE BF Hy 4 Yarsauleo wx 5. Fry DOLEDL DEAF N—bET a Coy oOeyete kn Honolulu Wel FB8sL ae travel agency 186 EE SHORT DIALOGUE CD ve Green wants to go to Kamakura BP yr. FAdHh. CO TAL ole HECK VSETH REVAMOR, OF EL. LIFHHLIE Da THEM TYP LIA EK TH I REVAL LITHELTH. BH 1PM TELELTIL TY bY CI LLVEF. Green: Excuse me. Does this train go to Kamakura? station employee: No, it doesn’t. Please take the Yokosuka Line. Green: ‘Yoko— ... what is that? station employee: The Yokosuka Line. i's platform no, 1 an the first underground floor. Green: Thank you. REVAL Station employee Bote Yokosuka tine wth (train ine VELEL platform number one WH LAEL platform number 1 fl... GATTI When you only hear one part of a word and want to ask someone to repeat it, say A TF # after ‘the part of the word that you understood. If you're in Japan, ask a station employee the route and time required to get to 3 place you want to go to. 187 eee yi) QO REE Ms. Chan and Ms, Nakamura are looking at woodblock prints at the Sakura Art Museum, The two of them ask a museum employee some questions “Ebb env JFLATHA. FevilERege snotth. GEHL FAA. FFLAO Ghyoe LelLdt CoTh wwttH UL RMLMD BE! IE. UPC: db, AWID RYT Lb HY Frvi ti Cth THEth. ID NYT YbE EbaTEWWTH DS UE MAD BE LILLY, UI BF eVehli SC bUCHMAT AVIDO NYP Ly bE bbws lh. Nakamura: These are lovely ukiyoe prints, aren't they? Chan: They really are lovely, aren't they? Nakamura: Excuse me. isit all right to take pictures of the ukiyoe prints? museum employee: Yes. Nakamura: Oh, here's an English-language pamphlet. Chan: You're right. Excuse me, is it allright to take this pamphlet? museum employee: Sure, go ahead Ms. Chan received an English-language pamphlet. 53LR Lukiyoe (woodblock pris) LoTh THA mayltake (a photograph)? BUI L yk pamphlet, brochure Lele oTh wottty. ‘Asking permission to do something is done using the following sentence construction: verb — T form +& VOTHH To grant permission, say (21%. 7% Cyes, please [do]*), and to refuse permis- sion, say FHSAA. bao... (*'m sony, but that would be alittle [dificut)...”) 188 WORD POWER CD 1 vers i LomEet 2. (HELE) TOSTROET |, Things available at the information counter of a museum: ® g a a LAOS 2 ATROYAA KE YT Ly bh a enter wae uide 199 190 ID AD Lele EaTH wotta. LO AYE SCHoTE VWOTHD. Is ital right to take a photograph of this picture? Is itall right to use this pen? EXERCISES % & |. Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the verbs below and memorize their ~T forms. = 3 F Fone = T rom use SIEy ahat smoke Tet ToT enter our (dot rest pragt eget | Bs 1. Aakpermision todo something, Change the sentences below asin the example. ex 1 ID APOTE bLbvete D NIBTE BhoTh OWTTh. ave et. ID APRA KE obOET. SO 20 Lelhe evar, ce teat BLA PTA, BI). ad gon persion to d toting the pte ofthe exemple and based on the information in ax FFE IO LYLIO JBE-* LTE Wet, WEFAI CI. Love nes 244% wes 348 wes customer, client (polite form of $<) 191 192 IV. Ask and refuse permission to do something. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example and based on the information in the illustrations. ex OK? ex, AR SoT BOLE ANTE WTI BTN VETAEHAM, Brot... Vea BTL ve 2. Riz BTM ve 3 REx BTM UE V. Get and give assistance ata store. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Sub- stitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. ex REZ! FELL, LD FLED AIOTH HYSTH. AHO Berl CATH. Rik: boob wotta BHO BEM CIR 1. ER (Wabh. 877 Ly by BHO VE Rik BHD VE ESE 2. Rizk (UAbSY AHF) BHD VE. Riz AHO UE 9. sek forpermissionto borrow a pen. Look a the llustations and make up dialogue that refects ‘what is happening | 2, name address CD vi tisten to the C0 and fillin the blanks based on the information you hear RRS wb E oboEt. =F taste 198 ‘SHORT DIALOGUES, the visiting area Fiolt CUej Lae BEAR HUT Ka PHY O-FUT UTE OWTHAS FI: des, receptionist: Please write your address and your name. Green: May! write in Roman letters? receptionist: Yes. q)) |. Mr. Green has gone to the hospital to visit a sick friend. He first goes to the reception desk in e-zt romanized Japanese Il. Mr. Green is visting a friend. PY ATI EbOE BUTE VOTH. ceHkb li, CIF 7) — 7: (after chatting for a while) TEL. BTHHUE OUTTA CeeB Md, CIR Green: May! put my luggage here? friend: Yes, please do. Green: Excuse me. May | use your bathroom? friend: Yes, go right ahead. tboTt BUT (-Tlom of 8324) Bet owt If you're in Japan, go to various stores or public institutions and ask permission to do something—to take a photograph, for example, 184 LESSON y4 (q)) TARGET DIALOGUE Ms. Chan and Ms. Nakamura ae ooking at @ picture of Mt. Fujin the art museum. Fry iLO SUSLO Alt LTH FHOTHAL UPD ITTA. Frvitmbbosh, 09 2D ERT HELO LelLAt Lote, EDEL, DOU ELA. CV EFL. (takes a flash picture) UlwrmLO VELTHEHL, CLT Voy ak Thy UT HE. | GPUS ITAL, HN ELK. BUPUSTAlL SUXLD AD EAT FrvEhO Le LLE LYELL | Chan: This picture of Mt. Fujiis really lovely, isn't it? Nakamura: Yes, itis, Chan: Ms. Nakamura, please take a photograph of me in front of this picture. Nakamura: Okay, right. Are you ready? museum employee: Excuse me, Please don't use a flash here, Nakamura: I'm sorry, | understand. IMs, Nakamura took a photograph of Ms. Chan in front of a picture of Mt. Fuji. USK Mt Fuji yet (said wien you ae about to take someone's photo) Payee flasn Drbeeté please don't use WSlT Poy vat DEUTER, The “please do not... .” construction is formed as follows: verb — tr s+ T+ ¢ F269, This expres: sion is often used by managers or officials when asking someone to refrain from doing something, although it can also be used by restaurant customers when requesting that a specific ingredient not be used. ex SEF E WMG TK ESL, “Please don't put any sugar init.” 195 To make this rather strong expression sound softer, give the reason why you would lke the other person to refrain from doing what they are about to do. KOCK (BEE CHMUT HS, TOBTHOD. “Please do not park your car here. (This) is an ext.” WORD POWER OD |. the - 28 fom i HET AEN TOETetheH Loete lon OPET eobbt enete rng ABET ena DAET OER eyeteraow petted 196 KEY Hl, Restrictions: b¢ Tox, LbeFL PELL VELAL otk 2 TL WYETH HS, beUE 1. This is the entrance, so please don’t park your car here. 2. Please don’t put any wasabi in the sushi KBEE CHBUETCE See eee EXERCISES EB | Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the verbs below and memorize their ~ 4 forms. REGUIAR Rowen TRREGUAR EF Fon Vow | — 24 rom | Wurm | FP rom | eo rom | boet | aban | sear | aden set : eet | pete | oonet | one lat Liew Wlat | eee | ANat | pxee reat | kha | ated | athe onet | osteo | Lost | Lote savas | wane | oat Bi shake no retina, norsmoting whet patina Bed leshl noparking bee wasabi apanese (rer) heseraish 197 ASHI! Practice the ~ 2» form. Change the folowing verbs to their ~ 224 forms: ex HVET + bbe Lanes > 2 leet > Revat 4 DVEt Steet o> 6s38t > Il, Forbid someone to do something. Look at the illustrations and make up sentences as in the example. ex ECE HTET FECE HUET CHS. Lo Lelse eyed 2 Te Lost 3 TARE LET 4 (bt CHAT IV. Forbid someone to do something and give a reason. Make up sentences following the pattern of the example, Substitute the underlined part with the alternatives given. ex Clik WUCETH HH, (SEE CHBUTSC 1 (CB TH) 2 (440 44TH) 3 (be LeFALTH 2s A 198 fae @ V. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined parts) with te alternatives given, A. Ask someone to refrain from smoking, x Fry FHEtK, ID TALels BLALTIOEO A lk Thee es, BEID VEE. DH ELK. THEtK. 1 Fry (SO UAbaUIE SLALTH) BELO BE 2 Fy (BPS PL CET) BELO VE 8. Order something at a restaurant and request that a specific ingredient not be used. eee THEUL, WYNMH-E BAAWVLET. BHD BELLO. Fry: FAEEAM, THe yPE VOMEOT BS. AHN VEL, HOY ELAS 1 te: Gu BHO UE Fer (baw BHO UE 2 FRY CHE FA #) AHO ve: Fay (234-2) SHO UE 3 Fry (TARA) BHO UE Fry (883) AHO UL cy ww bYEte nobek bby FA-t — maenae NZ hamburger TARI—E— eed coffee THeo7 ketchup ae5 sugar 199 SHORT DIALOGUES day, he apologizes at the office. RAR TTITA, AOFL FAEUATLE.W SPE OAL LIF BE LEU TCK EY ‘Smith: Ms. Sasaki, 'm so sorry about yesterday. Sasaki: No, please don’t let it bother you, BIS LATCHES LS dont worry about it don't lett bother you lat worry (about), be bothered iby) Il. Mr. Smith goes to the clinic with a stomachache. eeaglt BIWVE OFBOTSK Allis, bHV ELK. Doctor: Don't drink any alcoho! today. Smith: Ok, ! understand, le (reticad doctor What would you say in these situations? 1. Asstranger is trying to park in front of your house. 2. The person next to you lights up a ciga~ rette in 2 nonsmoking car on the shin- kansen, Quiz 4 (Units 8-9) o fll in the blankt) in each sentence with the appropriate particle. Where a particle is not needed, vate in an X. 1, ASAEAL HOFO EX( yLYLIe LH*LA. 2 SMO HE’ DUTY ( peo TRE 3 S-bO 8 JET CESS 4 AMIEL AIL Le TAL &( YBYT 162( ) OVET. 5. Le HIE DEPTIL 403K POET. 6 AML AAI KRyIy( dT LoIPArA( peel 7 LAmAAtAE BLL DEFELIAS( tT 100 ( DELILAR( poet. 8. EMILE EAL TH( wn SBE )EOLOT D comets each question by filing inthe blank with the appropiate word 1 LaF BOK( ye LELAM ELE 5T. EOE LELAL 2 )BBIHLL EI The LELAD BUFO ERE LELK 3. ( WOUL IS WEED. suas esau ene nase re ease rare eee ee eee ee ET 1034 HS3Et. 4 C7 FLITE BHYMET VIIGIT( dooVeto. TUPACHY poy Et. —#T Form | = T For = 40 FoR ex, DPOwet 2hoTt DPhp [4 meet BOT 2. FLT ete 3. DAET DE 4 cust Lot = 5 Lat 6. Fie 7. Bat 8 [9 Law 201 202 o 1 Complete the sentences by filing in the blankis) with the appropriate form of the word(s) given at the end, RiREML FOF LOED HLT CRKBE AV#HE( b WEASIMLE ANELK. (AEF) RASA FOF [kL EL RD FBI PAV ELA OUET BLY FLPE( Wo BLAET) DED TISTLE AFIC( Bot e( DCB. (E AVYET. VREF) LO AVaTE yb OUTH.(EHVET Cole TOBTH HS, (SEH CRE (CHEF) Walking into a traditional Japa- company, ill notice the prices can efficien Another feature of sits the of of him the div ction chief, and so oF ntly, nese companies have been modify- ing the trad) ft to make their office UNIT 204 GRAMMAR Present Progressive and Habitual Actions : [peson ta verb = E+ KA TUARA WE MOFLOT UH-bE LATOET. Mr. Grey is reading a report in the meeting room now.” JUABA EVL0F LEIVIE FARE LOST. “Mr. Grey plays tennis every Saturday." Averb in the — form followed by \+#-4 expresses a present-progressive action ("is doing”), as in the first example above, or, when accompanied by an adverb like #4*L w 3 (“every week") or #4 = ("every day"), a habitual action, as in the second example. Current States [person tz verb =< EF] ex TVA Blt LIE TA TOET. “Mr. Grey lives in Yokohama.” TASK ELIF DEHTWET. “Mr. Grey is employed at a bank.” BOAT FLEE Fo TVET. “Atthat store, (they) sell Vs.” TVA SAU LLESLO LOFLLE Lotete “Mr. Grey knows Mr. Yoshida's address.” The ~ T1.£F form can also express a current state when the verb is one of those used in the examples above—t4E4,2CHE4, 7) FF, 01 LVEF NOTE: The verb L' £4 ("know"), from which L > Tt ¥ derives, is usually used in the ~~ form followed by \+# +. But the form this verb takes when used in response to the question L > T \s8 +4 ("do you know?”) varies, and in this way itis unlike other verbs. ex Aa dt. Lo Tete "Yes, (l know." AMOUR. LY EHLS "No, (don't know.” () ESS Mr. Smith is looking for Ms. Chan. He enters the sales department office and asks Mr. Suzuki where she is, Rik: GhEth. Fevedli wets, THEA. WE BAO MOFLIC st, RIRLEVTHAY SHS LVEL DEAFAN-—bO AMILLAA LejGOAD #oHve LUE RIRLEFTHH. HHYEL Cit. bkoELY MAASAI AVKEIKIE WSELAM Fev exalt Wet TL. Smith: Excuse me. Is Ms. Chan here? ‘Suzuki: No, she’s in the conference room on the third floor. Smith: Is that so? Suzuki: Yes, she’s explaining new products to Mr. Takahashi of Nozomi Department Store. Smith: Is that so? | see. Thanks. | Mr. Smith went to the sales department office (to look for Ms. Chan), but Ms. Chan was not there. Howe LET ware explaining tome Let plain AVE LTS sales department office) a bout ee Note 1 below) VALABALE AWE AF WRELAM, FeyEAld WEHATLAL This #* isa kind of conjunction that joins two clauses. It can be translated as “but.” 205 206 LGCLE LEP 2ZHmHOE LET 2ZILE LEFT 426 at Il Parts of a building Lee 2QEUSHF— BERNIE Qele Lat tak DES lobby HOHE LEFT explain ELS=9— elevator ACE LE clean EAN — exalator akat make DUEL staes RiAVAlL WE LASAE LATIET. 7 POFO VA-bE HEELAD. RiRSME LPELELO FHC WRELAM AOMELTL ($ Fb WEEATLEW Mr. Smith is reading a newspaper now, Have you already written the report about the meeting? Mr. Smith went to Mr. Takahashi's house, but Mr. Takahashi was not at home. EXERC1SES ie o oe Practice conjugating verbs, Repeat the verbs below and memorize their ~ C4" 4 forms, affir- mative and negative. ~~ tHE F foam aff. neg. -2¢ rom tak Gele lat | ele Utes | @ele LTEee explain, 7H LEFT [Home LET | HoMOe LTEEL clean, EILE Let | 5b! Leer | £90! Lee make ah et 2hotat DhoTusth State what someone is doing now. Change the following sentences as in the example. ex AIATAlL LASAE Lat. A REASAIL LASLE LATOET. 1 RiRSAlE TILE LB. 2. RIAA THAE HFEF. 3 AIRBAG JE-E Let. 4 REARS AMELELE [ELE Late 5. AIRSA YRGVE Dat 8 siready 207 i 208 Il Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples and based on the situations depicted in the illustrations, Ms. Nakamura; Mr. Suzuki AP Mr. Takahashi A, Ask and answer what one is doing now. eA TY v edit oe BTAbE Ltt. B. Answer what one is doing now in response to a question, KZADEISA WE LK-FE HOTOETH, BMA DUOXLIWT Hove LET. 7 ASSESAI OE DOFE LTOETH 8 BATHESSAL UF ThE LETH 8: QD MFEYEAL OE SASALE HELE LtOETH 8: IV. Ask and answer whether one has completed an action. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the alternatives given. Be sure to use the same grammatical form as in the example. ex Ab) BSTELE EXEL Blt, ANSEL ih (H2l4O Lela, aet) 8 (#4) 2. A GOED Lb, Peet) 8 set) BV. Connect 1wo clauses. Link each pair of sentences as in the example. ex beELIL AMLLXLO FHI WSELA. AMELZAIL 956 i OeELTL TS hELIZ AOLLILD FHI WRELADL AOILAAL FBIS WEELTLAL L DALI AUFERO FHYSLIE ThE LELAS FHYEAI VEELT Le 2 ELIE FOF FNS WREL A Fhe PTATLAL 208 Wiere up dialogues folowing the pattems ofthe examples, Substitute the undened parts with the alternatives given. Be sure to use the same grammatical forms as in the examples. A, Explain that one isin the midst of something. ex mej: £7 JE-t LELAD TTETARtL. OE LTETHS, Brot EoTKI. WEF: [dV 1 Peg (Arm, batt) +48 (taet) ea 2 EF (PVEO LVL, NED) THe: (Cosy aty eg 8. Respond to a cell phone call by suggesting it is inconvenient or inappropriate to talk at the moment, ex. Mr. Smith gets a call on his cell phone from his friend Mr. Yamada. Since he is in a meeting, he answers quietly PEE BLEL. AIASATION RAMAN. RE PERTH. RIA PEETA, THEA OE POE LTT. PEE Ce th HET ThbE LET. AIA BRIWVLET. 1, PEE: Riz: PEK Riz (Be e(ehe WELE LET) PE AiR 2h ee mepawsioyain 210 2. PER: Riz eee AiR (KELIO HolFt NLEL7E LET) PEK: Riz Vil. Listen to the CD and choose the correct answer to the question asked, q a SHORT DIALOGUES - eee z Q |. Ms, Sasaki is waiting for Ms. Chan's report on her business trip to Hokkaido. Soe eee eee eure enue Fru“ thEth, EKTH. BITIL E9TS Sasaki: Ms. Chan, have you already written the report? Chan: I'm sorry. Not yet. Please wait a bit more. rot yet alittle more Il. Mr. Suzuki is looking for an empty room, THE: THEtL. 38400 MUVFLVE DHoOTE VTHO. UPL AA. VE NE WoWsth od, CIF Suzuki: Excuse me. Is ital right to use the conference room on the third floor? Nakamura: Yes, since no one is using it now. Go right ahead. 1 DR Blt Although Ut replaces the object marker & F ("report") is the object, Ms. Sasaki is singling it out as a topic for discussion, so It an 2UR-bL £7 PeELAD. It should be noted that the verb ending ~ # L fs, when used with £ 3 (“already” pletion in addition to indicating the past tense. expresses com- oD 5 Imagine that you are ina meeting orinvolved in some activity that you can't break away from, and a call comes in on your cell phone. Explain in Japanese to the person on the other end of the line why it is inconvenient for you to talk at the moment. LESSON 23 (q)) TARGET DIALOGUE a A customer from Nagoya has phoned to inquire about ABC Foods’ new products. Frvill. ABCT-ATIOXVET, Sed thEtL.ABCTI-XAO HEELVW FaIL—blt CIT JoMETH. Fey i[yas7yvarz| tt Beira, t4TH. FrVitgeejIO AVN BVYEHT Gott. Sel bALIL CIP FATOET., BIOETH FoT Eth. FV IOOR, WOKTE FoTEtA. SI LHUITOE the Sel eit. HHVELA, FryYiRUNK BF lLbUOXvsetAr, BABC7T-AD [Ya3Fvatsl lt CIFLID Z-VN- eG AYE=T jot Et. Chan: Yes, this is ABC Foods. customer: Excuse me, about ABC Foods’ new chocolates—where do you sell ther? Chan: Do you mean “Chocolat-Chocolat”? customer: Yes, that’s right Chan: We sell them at supermarkets and convenience stores in Tokyo. customer: live in Nagoya. Do you sell them in Nagoya? | __Chan: No, we do not sell them in Nagoya. I'm sorry to have to tell you this customer: Is that so? I see, Chan: I'm really very sory. As for Chocolat-Chocolat, ABC Foods sels tin supermarkets and convenience stores in Tokyo. poet set suet sel YaIFvs29 Chocolat Chaclt ficttous prot name) wee Nagoya ty in central pan) 213 ThOOET lve Tat lve BI Lb SOSHL im sorry to have to tel youths (polter way of saying Az #4) PUNK very much, extremely (polter way of saying & Cb) Re se ei a 1 ABCI-AN S|KELWY FaIL—blt LOT GatToEtH. Although + 3 2 L— b is the object, here itis being singled out as the topic and therefore takes the particle (t instead of ©. 2brLIL ROOK FATOEF. The particle I= is used to indicate the place where one lives or is employed, ex PERE ELIF DEH TET. "Ms, Yamada is employed at a bank.” BREIKTE GotTreto. WOR CITE JFoToFtL, Note the positions of the particles T and & here. In Ms. Chan’s reply, she uses the topic marker [i after T to show that "Nagoya" is the topic: “As for Nagoya, (Chocolat-Chocolat) is not sold there.” Note that while one particle may normally follow another, as do & and I after T in the sentences above, 4 and [2 never follow the particles 4° or but simply take their place. Similarly, & and Id are ever used together; one or the other is used. ‘WORD POWER @ | Vers aBGTa eo0g 1a le oo - | \TRIEE t 4 IK I VFL TWEET LOTT eee 440TOET eet, Tome 214 Lower know FotEt sal 4. Family 7 ELATED TO THE SPEAKER RELATED To OTHERS child vb Boek __ son bros daughter BELITL/ET HSL | older brother BEUEL older sister BRAEL younger brother Jae je BEGLTL _younger sister wee WETESh KEY SENTENCES ee 1 AAMELSAIL EOLEK FATOET. 2. ALASAIL ABCT-Ak DEHTHET. 3 RIATAlL WLHIALE Lost. 4 FYE=T BDYY-bOD FoF Fotos. 1. Mr. Takahashi lives in Yokohama 2. Mr, Smith is employed by ABC Foods. 3. Mr. Smith knows Ms. to. 4, They sell concert tickets at convenience stores. EXERCISES CD. Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the verbs below and memorize theit ~ T+ forms, affire mative and negative —— STE F fom aff. __ neg. | live TAET FLCOET FLEOEEL be employed net aentoEt DEBTERL know. * Loteet Cyseee sel 3 0et joer jatuEth * L4—the atfirmative present tense—is hardly ever used. ** The negative ~ Ti + formis L> T+# 4A, but this form is not used. ‘£5, to (sumame) 216 216 |, State where someone lives, Make up sentences following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. ex PSEETAI BAGE TATOET. 1 2 (DYR-7 Ek, LKR) (2PBEEL, LAL BS) SAD 1 sskand never sanon tins Make up dogs folowing the pate of he exe ‘Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. HELEAlL CII FATOETAY LEI FA TOETS ex Ae Bt 1A: B 2A 8: (PEKEL) (Lake) (RTA RELY (Bolkh 8) G ste wire someon epee Moke up sree tloving he pote ote ear ‘Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses. ex, RAMEL EAE F7%: RIE 2emetTOST. (PEREA, ¥ ) (REREL, ABCT-2) \V. Ask and answer where someone is employed. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses ax PER ZI SAE CTI ¥AE REZ: 1 PRE: REZ: 2 PEK: AiR: BPI ety 1 Japan (fictitious company name) DEHTUETH. 2EHT WET. (RIA REL) (BP Yay) CFFEELO BESTA) (2 294OLe) Vi. State where someone lives and is employed. Use the information in the table to make up sen- tences asin the example. ro a ex. LEI TL | Ladd [SBP Yar ZN—ZEK Lae ABC7—X BRERA ORIEL Petce FRYELO BAREL ROY ) (uz) (F5P4) (Y2r5) oa) (F9YRZ) (PLU) 205 ASHI] 1. Make up sentences or cialogues following the patterns ofthe examples and based on the infor- mation in the chart below. Sop (} \ English Japanese X French >€ || Chinese whiskey F472 German danguage) dancing Chinese language) Korean (language) A. State the things someone likes is skilled at, and understands. aK PEIIAIL BEM FECH INIA CLGFTH. AVA Peet. 1 2 3 B. State the things someone dislikes, is unskilled at, and does not understand. ex PEI SAL E-d FST SV ELA. F (LbU EA, TIYALIH HH EL. we CLiTt 3 C. Askand answer whether someone likes or understands something. a AOL PEISAlL BAGH FIT. WEF: ld. FETH. IME L: DEEL FHYALA bHVETO. WEF OWA, HU ETA. 1 RMILEARREA Ende FETT AiR ARMELIATATA UATE HOY ETH Riz 2 KIEL FY SALE Job FTI Fey AOL FeV E hl PLIC CH DON ETO Fry 3 AMIEL TE Shit PAREKH FETIO TAIL BOIL IH HOY ETH ar 228 x. x Fru ttaxhls 2 D. Ask and answer whether someone is skilled at something. AOMAL: DEFRA TVIA CLIFT BPS MY. CLIFTH. 1 KIMEL:RERSAI FY AM CALIF TION ODD 2 AMLLIFE YEA FRA CLT TIO toed B AMIEL: SESSA TTH CL att. webb IV. Askfor and provide detailed information about one’s likes, Make up dialogues following the pat- tem of the example. Substitute the underlined words with the words in parentheses, Ya FETCH. THE AML. F3TH. Frvi the 2% Ya FsttH. TE HA FECT. Votre (680) Fs a (KKbO) tHe: Az) 2 Fey CAPITILIY) Ts ae CAPITY LI) tts cen) B Fey (BLANK) 48 ter: (BAS) THe: (FeX) AFIT 234 allan fod, haan cuisine Pax jz all V. Introduce a friend and give information about his oF her likes. Complete the dialogues below following the pattern of the example and based on the information in the illustrations 1 ex AMIEL: Feveh, Choi A-AYI-ALTH. W-AYI NAC MELT. ANY I-TH. LALK BRAWL tt. TOMt ls A-NVI-EAL VEIN ChIittt. 77 RD TAY FETCH. AOL: Fev Eh, CH bE BEBVIATH. BEAWMEUMELT. BEHUTH. L3LK HAMLET. til: MULI FEY SA, Chole CURSATH. LETH. L4L¢ BHAULET, Ud: MELT. RANE 3. ROMELIFE YEA, CHB HALIALTH. HEF MUBSELT. BLUITH. £3LC BHIULET, febltl: ers piano 3% ocean, sea M-S7I— Carpenter (sumame) BbbY (Ochiai uname) 229 @] + Woe soos toning ne ptenset he samples Subst the netnd wad ih the words in parentheses, A. Talk about a mutual interest. x TY CLI ot, TU7E LEFF, WOTHM. TY Alt JLIR FEC RAL FETH. HEI AIL? db & tect. wile CAE Volek UWsEtLM, BEF SYMEFINOET. HU. 1 TYnry (CFELIZIYTL, P¥nF, BED) PEF: (E99) Ty-7: HES: TYR-7, WEF 2 Fy», (ELE, FIVAY RIV, ANE) PEG: (F9YRI 259) TY-7: HES Tyr: HES 8. Describe someone in detail, a tH TTETL, SEHIL CHATION Is 5B t7SYO BEbUALKTH. BEDUAAlL BaF LI FATOELADS. BOIS Htt. FTE TIT WET. PELE LeGPolLElLs iar THE AA BNIWVLET. Love x obit bYL adh BoF CA-NYI-EL, TOYA. F9YRE) FEB 522.2977: teu sain cou tang rane LET OOL ET ewes SP F9YAY IY Fench food bbb | ~< that person over there 230 eboet ‘eam, take lessons in 44% 4 tae oe oe q Ni x x oe (SUEEA, PATE, HAT +¥8 ATE 2) Bee +48 @ VIL Listen to the CD and fill in the blank based on the information you hear. Fe vehls we CLIttt. @ Ms, Nakamura is interested in Mr. Ogawa. UPC: TIV-YEK, SbbIL CUATIM T\-V:b. BIDELTH. CECE Volek UALIO HLLOIE LET. UPC: ITH. TTHU VETHA. TY-ZLeFowlel sit urbb:rza, BAIWLEF. Nakamura: Mr. Green, who is that? Green: Oh, that’s Mr. Ogawa. We sometimes practice kendo together. Nakamura: s that so? He's a fine person, isn’t he? Green: Shall | introduce you to him? Nakamura: Yes, please do. GAES endo (@ martial art in which the contestants fight with bamboo swords) HLLeFe LET — proctce tae fine, wonderful lovely (—% ad) Imagine you are at a party. Introduce your friends or colleagues to one another and ive details about their interests and skills 231 LESSON 25 (q)) TARGET DIALOGUE Japanese food that Mrs. Green made. ALAS BLOT. BID MELEFE BOLUTHA, TY-YSAlL Ye Fae CrjFfttn. TYP HUEFOMOET. ELF FOLGUle XLXO DIFLTAI-NT WMEAY RIVE Hho TWEt tbhkLS TAY LIYE WHOKkWTH. TO DIR YT RI Wit cK SYEtH T\-VIDEAFN-bO CY BV EtT. 1 Mrs. Green fs serving food to Mr. Smith and Mr. Ogawa, Mr. Smith and Mr, Ogawe are eating BPY-YEAL EVLOF TOLIUI FLXO ZyHVT | AI-WT WMEAV LIVE HHorTET. ‘Smith: This is delicious, isn’t it? Ogawa: I really is delicious, isn't it? You are a good cook, Mrs. Green. Green; Thank you. | take lessons in Japanese cuisine at a cooking school in Ginza every Wednesday. Smith: I'd like to learn Japanese cuisine, too. Where is that cooking school? Green: It's next door to Nozomi Department Store. Mrs. Green takes lessons in Japanese cuisine at a cooking school in Ginza every Wednesday. DIRYIRIN-N ooking school KAYE GY Japanese food BHORUTT ‘want to learn £0 (Gee Note t below) Bien a EO PYF YTRAI—-N 0 here is in reference to what came up just before in the conversation 292 ‘WORD POWER @ © rons i IL Parts of the body: Qty ] | @ @ o— | bee 4.0e Tete 10.5 2% Ss. bom gol Bld 6. 97 e525 judo » ee pte shoulder” Leg, foot \UFE% — kebana, flower arranging (x ‘tooth BoM back Bee teaceremony OC throat SL tower back bet head B%ed>— belly, stomach hand, arm KEY SENTENCES wbALIE BATA WaAUTH. 2bELIL SKE OAVTH. 1. Lwant to go to a spa. 2. Ihave a headache. EXERCISES ED | Practice conjugating verbs. Repeat the them. * forms of the following verbs until you memorize PRESENT FORM PAST FORM Ed aff. want to leam|e bute CH |b. UTHER RTH wanttogo |EAUTH [OEACEUTHE [EAHA CT @G «state what you want todo. Change the sentences below as inthe examples. ex bflit BAHAI weet. a hRLIt BLEAK WERTH. bELIL BAHLIC WSFA, sbrLit BAHAI OFAC GOTH. 1 bK Ik FLEE Atte 2 PALL ADELA HEEL, BALE SOW DCE HOST. 4 btLit Ceitie thoeer, weKOTE wentto go 9 = ket be painful hurt ee tate se 3 238 & IIL Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined parts with the alternatives given, being careful to use the correct grammatical form. A, Ask and answer where one wants to live. ex ALES LAGEIAI FALUTH HS BIAD bH< FAKUTH. wa e24) B (Lion £4) 8 (Beeb) B. Ask for information. GATE HHOAOTH. OY H5lGE LatToEtor BTAEtA, LU Eth. LA (AEA WET, E54) 8: 28 (WEEE THOET, 77) & BA: (SB PCE POET. Jt) 8: S IV. State which part of your body hurts, Make up sentences following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined word withthe words in parentheses ex bet BEM OLUTH. 1 (ity 2 (wer) LEG bey the future es BRE warm < . #6 ‘town, 222 das al V. Tella doctor one’s symptoms. Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example and based on the information in the illustration ex Ube valLelan. Fev SEAM bEUTH Lele Fay 2 Ube Fey BOL: Fey ASHE V! state what you do every week, and assuming the role of your listener express envy and your own desire, Make up dialogues following the pattern of the example. Substitute the underlined parts with the alternatives given. Be sure to use the same grammatical forms as in the example. ex AbALIL ENLOF KMEATE th otoet. BUUTTH, HALE BHATT, LA (Ja¥77% LET B: (LET) 2m (Bet tovst) B: (Bouvet) Lian aaa 4 to ae 38K 38 degrees (Celsius) 236 ~e degree eS < VI. Make up dialogues following the patterns of the examples. Substitute the underlined parts with the altematives civen, Be sure to use the same grammatical forms asin the examples. A. Giveinformation. ex AML EELIUI BAHAI O*ELK. RIA UUTHA. HELE VSAUTH APELIV BALE BLAELEIM Riz: RAL BAAULET. 1. ABEL (F2At LET) Ri (Len) AOL: (FAAIF7) RiZ 2. RAMEL: (ECE U5T. READ SS HCE Oe RER: (@Et) AME L: (44t) Riz: 8. Explain why one did not goto a farewel party fora colleague. eax PER FOF RIARELO ZINDMM WEL RAMA WARPATH, hE Ukbot WEETLTLED BOF CITI. FANATLEN. 1 Pes Riz (24 hb ak tT) Hea 2 e5 Rik (aoe BYELAD ea oO Vill Listen to the CD and choose the correct answer based on the information you hear. a What kind of place does Mr. Smith want to live in? alto £6 pnbBAY EH Qhvry £6 z55om ‘arewelpary 237 o a 238 The party has come to an end, Bib: CEUTA, (BET ELAM BOLbuUr TAL ee BELA Bib: BETH, HELO (BET HRV EELD. BPD SHY HL IILOET. Bib: AIRELE Vola Maced Riz HYMEFINVET. BHAULET, Ogawa: Ms. Nakamura, did you come by car? Nakamura: No, came by tain Ogawa: I's late, so wouldn't you like to go home in my car? Nakamura: Thank you. Ogawa: Mr. Smith, how about going home with us? Smith: Thank you. Id like that. BETH — dete 1. Get information about schools and teachers, or about a subject you want to take lessons in. 2. Get information about things you want to buy and places you want to visi. Quiz 5 (unis 10-11) inanx, 1 RERSAIE TVT( pELIFTH. 2 RAMELAAD BEITA FLII( )OLHTET. BR IY bO Fold Lo( I2THETH. 4.09 LEELA bE OAUTH. 5. ALRELO BHHSAIL HYTIVYAI( FACET. Choose the word that is appropriate in the context of the sentence, 1. RASA WE WE LETH. OUELOT AALLAAL [LWLE(LET/L TET). 2 AOLLEAD THIEL IE(LY ETA L2TOEF) Ore WOR (LYEHAS Lr TOEtA)o 3 DELIL FOF A-FAHMWEAUTH AVE RMOKTH AS OF WLIO, WREHATLA oO Look at the illustrations and complete the dialogue by filing in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the three words given in brackets (You may use the sme word moe than once’) 2.es. But I'm not good at it, [Let ULIFTH, FETT) )t. 8 Tht HEV AML: SLA CEKEE F=REG Volek ) RA RAL HV. 238 APPENDIXES DN Particles Examples Unit Lesson tr tt. 1 1 LALRRAIE DLA FLITE VET. 3 6 BUIRTE Fo TREK 1023 4IkL IO CLIVE BHbALL Volale FaRE LET iis ca 5 YeIsvaIF id LGELIO AN-e BYE=T FoTHET. 10 23 ° LOERFND REOTH. tog 2bELD BULTH 12 BbLLOTH 12 QLD CBETH. 2 5 S.SL5LO Lele oes a) GF-7ND FRE GE LALO DUET. ae) DOVL0ID FhEIKIE RELIC FET, BOT BUFO HET SoFALLoke WET. 8 7 ‘ EMOTE, 8B BEL eee Gea) 6 1 AEASMIE TAYACKT HD LNLIUTHM, EYSET UTD. bod 3 1 2 4 A 8 oh 1 1ObmaTT. 2 3 210CHh BLETTT. 2 3 BkYOTHE AELI. 3 6 A CFELIHH KolFHT Tet ILHIRA OU ET. 9 19 S200 LAR HVETHE.VARZYT La le LEtAe 7 15 #0 1. 8taret. 2 3 210Ch BLETTT. 2 3 BOULeET HSEET. 9 19 ALGELIMH olFaT Thee 1h over. 9 19 t LEHE CHE 2 4 2 ant, 5 10 BNKEEIE LET, 5 10 4980 LACIE BEE EAST REUS 8 S.AEABAM LAL@LAST THLE BY ET. 9 19 & 1 bHL 3000KLTH. aa Qyadsys37 It BIVTE Fo THETH, 10 23 BYYINO Lelht BCOTCER 8 1B AFHFUO FR HER KVELL, a8 ct Lvcue sete, al 2ITV~L ELE eo BALREAIL SOF LAPIVE UATULE ANELAS 5 10 AELIU HECET HEDIS HET. 7 48 240 Shit BOF FIO BE. 6 AFOTE FE K-MT BL 9TK ITY-T HAVEL 8 7 aN By aats) e LFeYEhIE FOF ERAGE LabIVID Weel 3 6 LFHTVO FA LAKE [eH HUET. 48 w 1YO Theat weet 3 6 DAMS KATIA BNET, ae) BALARAIE AWE LISI OSELAM FEAL OFHLTLA, 10 22 A OLEL, Fey THA, BULGTSOET, 8 18 ic LALASAIE BLE SLI /N SET. 3 6 ZUIGEE TOLL Solfsi 7SEt. 9 19 3.38 26KKE (FY RHS FEL feed 4 FNCU BLED VEE VET. 4 8 S.ZiRELIE SLA ELEBIC BURT. 5 on 6.AIRELI ELKBE TOE LET, a) DFeYELIE RIZEKE WEE LVELIE 6 3 BAIABAIL ABC7—ZiE eH THEFT, 10 23 BAUHELIE LORE TATOET. 1023 * LELO HHS OER BLO HUET. 4 8 a LOE BUH THA. 3 6 t LEAD ART TL 4 8 thea ees) LAERSAIE AVWMHO Fosthe 280 HET. 7 tel LAGOA CHEOK TECH, mo HoBLER UAUTH. nm 2s Ik PAYER OaRUTH. nm 28 Interrogatives Bxamples Unit Lesson ea Tb LeketH 1 1 RO Shit HHO HETTO, 1 2 eK RIRSLI BRE ORAS OEETH 3 6 rats FIoIS Khe we tH 4 8 Shit HHS THRE ORTON ere eel Boal. soon ZOHO FoSté LbvELIIN 6 3 th chit gLeTO, 12 AUHELO ThbIELTII BAIL. 12 HL250 EAE BETO BEM BAIA WET 48 whe Of RAETHO 203 ehniy B20 “Leiner. Caan *This type of sentence does not appear in the esson’s exercises. 2a BEE BEATIN B07 BEE BAI TH | whe RiATLI BLT BRIS OSETON led) THE BES BUETH, 4 8 Lasgo Bee Leth 5 10 wo RACLIUIL OO TH 3007 APPEAL WD BELLO USEF oa woe BPE LO TH, 5 on ib EM IME THO, eee Ko FOTO FAIS YAH ko BNET, Oo a Sst KET TH, 49 a) CHIE LOO yay TI aes) sete. 3 6 Leto. 409 BETO. 4.93 HAE HET 5 on Theat 0 23 ee EGTA KOT INTE LELADY Ba) eo LO NRE SETH 3 6 ch BO Tore Mbt CHTTON 2 5 cht oldlt Ykw LCATTO, 6 2 Kha ztimye Faeth, no es 8050 mF 4mt KATE 6 4 LGLEl ls eGLT KGLITHO, ao” vorou AePehIt LOCd WE LAO 9 19 LOLEN HOY ETH 9 19 C5PoT REZSLIE EIPOT MOLE OEETHS oe 19) FL Sentence Patterns Examples Unit Lesson eer 1. (ALI) AAT, 1 Ig PLEAD ETH. 1 lt OCHS SLETTH. 2 AAEHELO Flt HLGELOTH. 6 2 6 1 1 S.cHIt BELA BATT. POEM CELOM FETT. kU AEM WATTS 242 HATH LbALIE BLL OEAUTH ns i eUET tie FLESH BUET. 4 8 AEF LGU BARD BLA KET. 4 8 KET 1 I7Z—ONIT RAO BEE BYET. ees POE LRIATAIL HWE ETS ao CHEM 140 YLTE SAD CHI 2 5 knnet LALASAIE HLA ELTA ORET, 30 6 Ti EET LL AEARLIL 405 LARIYT WA TULE alk 5 10 BEF FRY EAI AK BRL THRE OEETS 5 ou YEE RELI WEE EbOEL AL 6 13 PORT LL AEAELIE AHO Fosse DE HNET. 7 16 2ARBAM MLN bOYET. wm T.tRUEF EIU HSCET BEOUS HUET. 7 15 -et LRIARLIE LGELIAET ThL elke OUET. eee a9 eat LREATL LAL@LAST THLE BET. 9 19 ~ EL 1 LeFE7e Oolal RHE EELO, 7 15 DICBLIUIE FBE SELAH 7 15 -Elaie Lee EXELL ees) LETE PEELLI uD -8t VRERRAIE FOF HARE oT. CLE NEL B17 atwoat VAEABA OE LASKE LLTOETS 10 22 DewOeAE LOE TLOOET. 10 23 BAIRSAIE SEGRE Lotuate ty ~ THEE LEG VBE WoT (HE. 8 SEL WOT 150 AYE 2HOTE OTT 9 20 meoT eee LOS ONCE TERS, (AEE EMmUT CHE. 9 2 Included in the following list of adjectives are some (in gray) which do not appear inthe text. =! adjectives bright FFL cool warm Folk sour ew, fresh teu arrow hot ‘expensive, high dangerous lw correct sweet Ls pleasant, enjoyable ‘9004, fine Boas small ERLE busy Bae ear vA painful DESGO boring 203 28a Bele delicious shh ald BEY many, much eB far BEE big ea0 tong BE slow, late roan fast, early Bey heavy ae low BELAY interesting Os wide poe hot, spicy LBs old a light Aine short shee dirty ote le difficult cou dark PEL easy sow cold vie inexpensive LBS say bin young Fhe few, alittle baw bad %e adjectives BAKE safe te important C505 various Rote 10 goed Boe detestable Tee polite shoe lean, pretty Feet ively What wel, healthy vee free Ute quiet SLA OE unkind Lone tude inconvenient Crate skilful unskillful LAtoe kind SLY convenient 430 favorite, ikable Bin famous tthe fine, wonderful, lovely Color Words Below are words for colors. Those in gray are not introduced in this tent. bee blue, green Lae white bos red Bevsy, beoZor brown F030, 8030" yellow BEY areen au black Bbst0* purple "These words are nouns followed by the particle ©. ‘The conjugations of Japanese verbs fal into the following three categories: Regular I: Five-vowel conjugation Regular I: Single-vowel conjugation Inteqular: There are only two irregular verbs: #24 and L2-Te See kregular Verbs, p. 246. Regular! verbs are conjugated according to the Japanese vowel order. ,‘, 7, 2, #3. Regular I verbs are based on the vowels i and -e only. From the ~‘%' form it can be seen whether a verb is Regular | or Regular lf the vowel preceding ~ ‘isa, the verb is Regular I. fits -1or-, the verb is Regular The chart below shows the conjuga- tions ofthe verbs #84 ("write") and f+ ("eat") [ER form oe = TE fom neat dictionary form Ed ___ [conditional form 7 wt ~ ftionaliom Ea : =F form =F form POT por (Of the seven forms above, this book introduces the ~‘'\%, ~ # + and ~T forms; the dictionary, conditional, voi- tional and ~ 7 forms are discussed in Books I and Il ofthis series, [Note that the dictionary form—so called because Its the form listed in dictionaries—can be used at the end of a sentence instead of the ~ # + form, Likewise, the —% form can be used at the end of a sentence instead of ~ 2 EL. However, these forms are less polite than ~ #4 and = 2484. For reference, the following are the ~ $4, ~, —%'1», dictionary and — 7 forms of typical Regular |, Regular and Irregular verbs, Some of the verbs listed (in gray) are not introduced in this book. REGULAR | VERBS =#t dictionary meaning EXrag abe Ba meet are et tobe larhs_ take care of, look after aut ews ae be, exist, have sesEt parte laa C walk oat pepe fos say eat ae fod ‘90 ORES ET accept 308t Jaot 38 sll Beat [Bor Bae |BK put, place Bidet |eCot facet lace send Bat [elt Bee Be push BoYyzt |BboT [BbotO [BbS finish oust lot epee les buy eauat lraot leabae [eae return, go home srvet — firmot to |e (takes eset fot lavastens avg write eUEt lel esis le lend eorEt roe rosin [aoe no carry (on one's shoulders) AEN ET [Akio Taito ee [aceite do one's best. seat [set soa [aC fsten (to), ask auay ace irate ae turn off, saat [rk Line se be crowded (yan tot Loa jta know eet [ror Fb smoke (cigarettes) tart [tar tzu [te lve neat kot ae lho stand up Beat [sot fewee [bad be wrong pavet foot jompan [oo5 use sat four loans [ad ave ocyat [ator fotaue face make eyat ebae es. take (a picture) buat bbe ibs learn beat J|eabee ica3 sult, look good on oaet or [oe drink over obi los tide, get on iter tebe Teg, enter geyat leet [eee lesa, tun gh2t [E57 the |ro weit ‘This form is hardly ever used. Instead, L > Td + (the ~T form) is used. 246, 246 ehit lest jemi have, hold ebort [eboe leapan’ receive fue ree Fea invite, call, surmmon tsat tet baw read best [bre lbwea understand REGUAR V5 =et T =a ‘dictionary meaning arEt Bae ite ere open aret BTT bitten: Te sive eet WT Seiees Os be eat CHT acre ed put ivinio elaat |plart LAG tell Bat BYT Bia get off Lner Lor Cots close ANE Nt eat rsa aint na turn on (Feuer [out itt. be careful Senet foxne sent work for cat ad Te leave rewer — lexie excite. deliver vaat eet rae stop, park ater B8T neon show Bat at ats see IRREGULAR vas =FF =t 0 ‘dictionary ‘meaning vat 8 Tee & a come b2teet estee lea tea este eo ee bring lat tz tee He [te do Conelat ftomere ltomotan |LokOrs |LoROLE be rude Cesolse [Usp oOlT [Uriel a sess [C2 FHOL A |invoduce ‘The verb L #4 ("do”) follows various nouns, sometimes with and sometimes without the particle ©, to express @ variety of meanings. Below is a sampling of “noun & #4" combinations. The words in gray are not introduced in this text. FATLE LET Oure Let peLoe Lat Se-€ Lat SU7t Let AAIE Lat Ucee Lat Lwobeie Lat Pak 7e Lat Lacce Lat Re-e lat e let drive have a meeting shop make a copy play goif 90 for a walk work 90 on a business trip jog have a meal ski play sports domue Lat explain 25e LET clean ZINOME LET gives farewell pany Fane Lat play tennis The Lat telephone FoA7e Lat 0 fora drive HoF4=€ LAT gheapary ele Lat tak RLECGE LET study eee lat make a reservation oacse lat take a trip ALU OSE LET practke % words &—words words eB5 BBG TBE Lelhacal [here this way there, that way over there where | people a z5b BES veh BR | this person that person that person over there [who a , ef--, 2-2 system is explained on p 38 and given in full on p. 39, along with examples of two counters, #4 and (2.4. Below are other counters used in this book, Floors of a house or building: ~% + Wome Ist floor oss 5th floor Faia 9th floor [d» 2nd floor Baws — 6th floor Cotes 10th floor ZLANS 3rd floor wires Tthfloor Em aaees 1th floor ELAN’ ath floor [EBON Bt floor Ea Floss 12th floor BLO ELAS how many floors, which floor Also: 8° 45, (Ist) basement floor (of severad, 4° 124», 2nd basement floor, ete 2a7 246 Liquid measure (cupful, olassful): ~ lt ¥/Ith» \eoltis tf cupful THs cupfuls SwIItY — Scupful elt 2 cupfuls Bold — Gaupfuls Cott. 10 cuptuls EAI 3 cupfuls tetlt. — 7cuptus Cae sroltes 11 cupfuls EAI acupfuls Itoifv. — Bcupfuls Cm stilts 12 cupfuls WALES how many cupsiglasses | People: ~12k, 1 person 6 people Ba5h 8 people 2 peopie 7 people dk ” 3 people ” Catch 10 people 4 people B people UwIVSIck 11 people 5 people Em sk 12 people hhow many people Times: ~#s, ~¥ oP OBE once eam, Gee 7 times Ie twice bo tbe 8 times ELAN, BLE 3 times eI, FHIL 9 times ELD ELE times Cast baie 10 times Loe, oe 5 times Em isoans, CwIVBL 1M times Bot BLE Ctimes Casto, Ca aice 12 times this*———_-howmany times, whe how many times/degrees NOTE: Generally speaking, $% and & may be used interchangeably. BiExtient. frequency Quantity Extent 100% ert very, extremely UL BAe Rote not very HAHA. —tU-8 HL not at all 0% eID DALOIE ETE BLUTH, “This drinks very good.” LO OLDIE BEY BL CAAT, "This drink is not very good. LO MALOIE HAHA BU CET, “This drink is not good at all Frequency 100% Je always aK often + vavs sometimes Rei ‘occasionally bE). 88k not very often 0% HAL BRL never OH HATLO HET UE FLEE fT. “W always watch TV after dinner” HALLO HET LC FLER AFT. “(often watch Walter dinner, BET ERLE FLEE AEF. *W sometimes watch TV after dinner.” WELTLO BET FLEE 424. “W occasionally watch TV after dinner.” HATRLO RET FLEE AFL. “(9 don't often watch TV after dinner.” WAERLO BET FLEE ALLL, “(never watch TV afer dinner.” Quantity 100% —— KhRL 2 lot, many Fr 2 few, alittle | 89. -ee not much/many om | #AHK. BEL one at a 580 Bttde AGEL B12. “There ate alot of stores near my house." 380 Atos FEL HEF. “There area few stores near my house ito Batoo HE bY) 24 A. “There aren't many stores near my house. 380 AHH HLL HY EEL. "There ate no stores near my house. Every: 21~ BOK every morning alas every week Flth every evening, every night B08 ETO every month Pama every day FOBL/EVEL every year Periods Minutes: ~Sk/atk Losth (hk) (oT minute lo Sth (A) (for) 8 minutes aca) (for) 2 minutes [EBSA (OA) a Thsth (OL) (for) 3 minutes Bahk OA) (for) 9 minutes EASA (HL) (for) minutes Cash Od) or) 10 minutes Tk (A) (for) § minutes CF (4) (for) 11 minutes BoFh (A) (for) 6 minutes Ca Fisk (rk) fr) 12 minutes ww 4) (fox) 7 minutes BASAL) how many minutes Hours: ~Uad, wht (for) 1 hour (for) 7 hours toe (for) 2 hours Laced ” ShUIL for) 3 hours BUHL (for) 8 hours tad (for) 4 hours tm (for) 9 hours Tho (for) 5 hours Catan (for) 10 hours BMUPK (for) 6 hours Cainer (for) 11 hours [mee Ce icea (fon) 12 hours BhUBL how many hours Days: ~I 5 (KL) whe for) 1 day wor re) (for) 7 days Sot (6) (for) 2 days La) (for) 8 days Bot ad) fon) 3 days (for) 9 days ford) (for) 4 days: (for) 10 days ot A) (for) 5 days, (A) for) 11 days Board) (for) 6 days BHA) (for) 12 days GLICK (PL) ow many days 248 Weeks: ~ Lin Fre bole Fox (fot 1 week bales (for 7 weeks Lath (fo) 2 weoks tole ime (to @ weeks TL BIL For) 3 weeks Soil ime (tr) 9weeks LLLO5Ok (fo) 4 weeks Eola see Gor) 10 weeks Flot ton) Sweeks Emi Le Fmd dont weeks Bile iPh tor) 6 weeks Ems ln tae Mon) 12 weeks GLU a 76k howmany weeks Months: <1 (hk) S291F9 04) (on) 1 month BEOITD (OL) (fot)7 months [SIF (HK) fot) 2 months Weowtfo (4) (Jot) 8months SAMOA) Fo 3 months Se FHI) (fo) 2 months 2kIT (K) * (Fo) 4 months Emoe¥ (4) (on) 10 months SOIT> A) fn) S months Ue 9 xantF (tk) (fr) 11 months Bow ih (8k) (fot 6 months Em FImtt> Ok) (ox) 12 months EROS (OL) how many months Years: ~#ah (A) CBRL OL) — fot year aeAL Ky 4017 years (ALL) for) 2 years LBL) ” EBL (HA) (or) 3 years Web aad (4) (for) 8 yeas EBL) for 4 years SHIRL) — fon ayears SAL) (fo) 5 years, Lei) (fo) 10years BERL) (for Byears Cm FBLC) (on) 11 years Ee 9ISIk (ok) (on) 12 years TABLA) how many years NOTE: Except for with U#°4. and Lie 44%. the suffix #4, may be considered optional and need be added only when spect is called for. Relative Time = Worth q HLELITD — month before last BE EW dy belore yesterday ELIF last month eo SkIT> this month ieee BU next month BLA tomorow Sbotto or BST dayatter tomorow ee ee Evening Morning : Le BELVO LL/£% everingiight befor ast Botti BF moming before tt EOIO MAE yesterday eveninghight 2D30 bE yesterday morning sete papa fe eee BLED 124/48 tonoow everngight aes enon ea 35 inginight ofthe day at BETO bE momning ofthe dy ater tomorow = 7 EAL everingnight ofthe day after ae Year EKELL 4 week before lat Beet een HkLoF ——lastweck mec ae Thins thisweek eee Bela next week 3 ve BAL — pextyear SBNL8F Wook atternest ace ee seasons 85 spring autumn > summer winter 250 ANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISES AND QUIZZES oom Lesson 1 WADA CMI BATHS BDO BATH, 2A: CHIE DETTI B STE, BA CH (EE CTH, BES LTH BLE OA, PETRA EEL, 2B OVA LUT EEL. BB WOR. HD the MW ASHE BATT BETH 2A CHIL ATH TH. BIROTH. WA CHIE PHESELO METH. 2 CME HEITLO EOTH 3 CHE weet. Ve ALA CHIE 2E2BLO HATTON BID RERELOTH. DA CHIL TEUBELO FTTH. BLO THEEALOTH, RA CHIL FEYELO DOMTH I BD FEY LOTT. BLB Wd, FS SELOTILG F4Le 2.8 OR, FEYRLOTILA Fhe BBR ERELOTILD' £4tLe CUM CHIE ERO ELTHA, B AERALOTH, 2A CHIE EMO HETTO, B HHL BRAOTH. BACHE EMD MOUTHS, BFEYELOTH. MOA EEESLO ThbULII HO ILO Fh EK Fe) RO we we Eh LETH ZAULOLO ThbIELZIIt YO SLO AL TO Ob OB OB BSTHB.ELIIO TABWUATIIE HO SLO TAG Fn} HOD FL Ob PULELO ThbUELTI HO ALO XL LLL F050 ¥ott, TALI Flt PAEATIN BYE BLO Th FOF BO HB TT ZA AULOLO THIELE ThHATIO BHO BL LO WB OB WB ACTH BA ELIIO ThbIEL TIE GLUE FOB HO MLO TSC AaF HOO SL OB UB CBTH. AA LHELE ji VAWATTO BHO SLO SL EL LT FR9O 309 S (thy 2 BENTH, BA CHIE BL Lo Vil, #2 340 3h th FT 3040 809 44 4K ¥O Lesson 3 1 14U 29 RTEISSA 4102054 SOCK Wo AE GLUT BAU TH DA OF CLUTTON BOUTH RA UE HLET FRB TUTSSATH, AA UE GAUTT B TOL ZOSATH. BA UE LLETH . BOUULTH. Me TUIRA, Lesson 4 Lo NBER GRL 2ORLRL BOOK EL MIRL A ALU RK RL Stole 4S nFAk 6 EDERAL TL ELHLAK BELEK tae (ah ABEL HLAL WEEK BOFHLAL MLA EMI METH, DA DAIL CGT TO BA THE OLETT QA EA 0 CTT. SA BHIE OMETTH i 38,000 Lesson 5 No LAO LBs HAIL MKGTHH, B2O,O00RA TH ZA LO ABO AL IIE 251 \MBTHH. 8 13,000AL TH. 3.A HD BEML FLEL OKETHH. B 80,000 ALTHAKED BSW FLEW WCGTHM, 8: 30,0002LTT. Vi AAR AME-“WE BIEL CHB 2 AER ZOBBAY LTE E59 ¢ REA EOSBW Tee VE 280 CEBU AREA OADLE 20 CH VIL 1.b) 2a) Q=u= Ll Lit 20 30 # 40.0 5.5. FT BI LEX BOO Wo EAYER 28K AAMELEL HH AGAR SELEGAL BMG RES Lesson 6 Vil, 1. REATA HLeF STABLE BRAMLLO OEE Rhit ble KE HE RYIVIE WERTH, 3 AIATAI HAT FHC HRYET. 4 ARIAL F 5 ERK 25 RIREAIE BLY FHESLE US wea lia KX EREB Fb Lesson 7 VIL A ASABAIL HET NAT FORE FET. 2 RIASLIE ZOOOMAIS KOE LEE LAMLYLT AZGE URELAL 3 AIZSAIE 769 15H BHTOT AULIL USETASELA 4 ZERELIE BLA bSOT KLEBD FHI UE at. Vil A ASARAIE FOLFVI VEIT YOGET BHEHLL EK OFET. 2 2ERZLIL FALIVUO 12UE Blake Labovic waEt.aLIE FSSSLU LSELLS OEE OU TAUARULOL SET. 3 AREAL EBLIUD TEL OU eee FRAIL OEETLIS TLE THESE LEK‘ FHI SETS X 1b) 2a[05547 Lesson 8 Mi 1 3AM LABIA HUET. 2 LONE BELO BEA ETL GO BYETO A be TOE KE JMO FRI EE LI HUET, XRD Bart BHT BK BU ETHY LDIVASEC BLAIY HOVETH. SOTO FAI HULE HET. 6. FH PAMELEAM OST. BHO Vi Fey PPy—ONIEIE EID HY RTO FEY: FACS BYETIR Fey Mahe ELIS BURT For: CURIE CCID AYETINS. Fer LOO BEANO F4Y: BT DUE BETO, VIL R= ee) Lesson 10 MAA ALARKIL GAE LAST, 2 AIATMIE I-L-E MALT. 3 RIRSLIL FOE POET, A RERTAM F=ZE LET. BLA ARASLE BEE LAST BOLE Ladd. A RASA HE DART MB I-E-E OAT. ZA RIAL WIE POET E FTE MET. AA RiARAI WE LETH FARE LET. Vo ALARA ELIPLT AE LRT. 2 RIATAM HL OT LOLE Let. BALRSKIL DIVLELKT FTE MOET, A RIRSLIE AROYIFTT FARE let 252 BVA RATA LOT ULE LETH B ELEHAT EET. DA RIAA E TOLLE LETH BLOT LET BA RIAA LCT STR OGETOS BDIULSACT BNET, AA RIRSLIE LOT FERRE LET AR-IIFTT lit Vi LDL FEAM EUT PAOTa-AE OART AMELIA FOIL BLALE PaksTE LET BRPLITAL EVL OF RBOYZITE WEET VIL BBR BT 2 (TSO) EbT Lesson 11 MAA DAEARLIL ERB THAL HET. 2) AERTAIE OFAFN-KD Lehr THAE WELT, 3) AIASAlL FAND FUE THAE MEET. 4) AERIALS IT LO MolFle THAR HEAT, 21) RIATAIE LLB TAbE Let. 22! -hO Leba ge Tht LET. 3 AREAL TLIO ATW ThE LET. 4) RIASLUE IKLCO 6 ThE LET. 3.1) A2ASAIt ELEBIS AE BYET. 2) RERALIL DEAFA—bO Lebr ds AWE B CUFT. DALAL FARO HFM AME BET. A ALATAIL KUL TO # A= BUST BLA RiASK KA THE PERTH BEE THEE PERTH, B OLAFN-bO Le bs5e VII THRE PERTH. BAAD RFU HEEFT, A RIRTALL LEI THRE ORETH. B MEET. 2A: RIZSAML KA Thbe LET BLEEBIEL ET. DA RASA EMI TKDE LETH B OLAFEBO Le LET. DA RATA LCI Thbe Late. BATO RFI LET. Shit CI ThE LETH BATO MOTI LET. RIA RIZE AWE BETH, BEL BURT. DA RERALE HHS AIL ERE B OLAFAO Lebr i BET. DA RERALIE LSI ZW E BUST, BEANO RFU BUYET, A RIATAIE ESIC AME BCE FR BEELTO HODGE BLUET. REMI OF BEET, 2A BEATA Bab. 3) A AERTAE Vv. Lid OLGUO TOC ORAFS=RT LOELELIE HUET. 2 AERTAM FOLGUO TU LAbove=2T AD TLBCAK HUET. 3 AEREAML EL EAUO WUE SaESLL OT LL em OLE HURT. ARIAT FLEGE © OLUAIE AFNO CET HEEL bet. Vo LO EERE RSET. 200K HEY (FHL ROOR, HLEL BEELS i; w TAYE MEL BROWLET. ALO VEE ALRITE oko BAN. LET. AHO BEE 3 AER: TARIURHLE fo2 BAMULET, AHO BELL. Kw sne BLUE CBP ALI SEE BI ATE BT OX TE 10K Wo LER 2 tele, We BUST 2HYERA ROSEEL GAET AEHL 5.26 BEI KD SEAL 609 TER BLD ALLL 1.09 Lesson 12 MSM HAGLY (SETH. DOM GSO MTHS CAML howe t- 9-7 Fea HID HR THETH. SCH BOLUS YLOTH, 2 AERIAL HALF BHOe VARIYT Lae LELE vu 4 Ahit #hLOd Lie LARIYT Lakle Lal. 2 FO LAReYT LAKE Lal K LAER AHS BOTTA, OLY TH, 2 AEA BELAY ATH AE Bet SSO LOTTA, 4 22 Shoe LETT, xi, te Shit thle Lesson 13, ML ATA: REARhIE KAI EOE BIEL, BFF ERAS DUEL. 2 A AERSAE FRC LILO BARE HEL AH, BEPESSLIC HIFEL 253 284 LATTES KA LOE bbOEL A SKIS USE Lt 2A EPOH B27LO BARGE LOvELAM BARRA LOEL WIE AURLAM, BEIGE HELA. 2. A KRALL Pe BELTED BATE BIEL VEEL FUALE BITELE eR ATEELIL LYTLE TTESK BE LFeYSLIL 7YRER FRYEAIC FIALE EbUEL. We ORAMFE DUELAL PHYS LY IS bbUELA LA FEEL DATA TFESLIE ATFEIL I SLYIAYFHIE PHYA EEE BIFELAS BEL MATEY SAUL PURPA KR FINKE BW ELAD. BTTERLIC BIEL. LATHER MUU I4Y BHOG RATE BELA 8 FRY ELIC FEEL PURI Fey Shi EH BOE 2-7E SE DUVELAM. B FUALE BITELK. 2 B She 2N-7E WO FTESL FUALE BELA BTYAPAIC HELE. 2A: THETA OD FHYELIS She RA-TE BITELE I BLY IA a aU RAFI AACLIU TVSELIC GEE BBOELAD BREAIE BbOE Ue BA TFEIA RAL LIUIC FHYSLIC WEE GHORLAD BE-I-E tb BVELA BA FREE AKER GUID BAI REAITE LOOELI B TYEE bbUE Ute MA TTERAI AAC LIUI KA L-9—E LBOEL AM, BEVEL b boars BA FHYELIL OD T4ESLE AA TTETAIL OD FEEL itt EB bbVEL AM. BALL EIU bbUEL EOIHE EOVELA BAAL EIU bbOE G Vi KGALO HAE bbUELA Lesson 14 MAA DEED: DID AF] VYAIVL BOLDIATH OY. Fey: I BOLHSAT Te REAR. BOL PHONTH. 2 ONES: FOI HEE KEPHTLE Fey Mte EPH LA AEA OUR EE OHTHL BY EELTLL BDI EOID JvF—bIE KITLAM, Fe UTE Lok TH. Az HEY LG EMORTH 2 PEG: FOID KF VRAME CSTD FEU ETL OTHOAT Ti RER HEY OT HORT v. LIU IER ETL AL Wo MA vu vu. VIE“ OAZHLH. ZINTE LEtLH, VA LaFEO Wolke FLEIS WERELOS BAA OFELLIL DA LOPES Mola Lele Lethe aa. LELLIRA Loddole ols F85E AEELM, BAR BELL GS AA LBTEOE VOLE UBTILE ANRELDY B: RA PNEL EGS VA L@FEO WoL aI FASE WEEK B SAMLTHO OLIN HEUTH. 2. A LmjRO VoLRK La CUE Lehi, BXLEATHR OSIM bELTT. LA Ladd: UZLEE TRIE ARULO. 8 VLBLTTH TIO bEuTt 4k Le FEO Sol al VSTULE ANEEAM. BXABLTHIR OSIM HEUTH, Lents E5uae med oiee BYE. LBL AULHLT OFM HUE Fe BHLIVI EET Hy A-O Ld HUET, VA DUS SoEBT DARA HUET VOLEE OSEEAM BOOTH OSE Lede 2A BLE AVUBLT SOFd—# HUSTLE OSEELN BOTH BUSELEIALADLGUIS ESET HyA-O LOM HYET.GLE OF FHL BOOTH RL USEL ET LFFE ELIE Vola La lR LEHI 2 Fey RA LELLIL TTS BEE ARNEL EID A FEU BTLI LGTIN LTTE OUTTA, 6 TTE CLL KODE LL GM RFE OU BUEELAD ATTEN, FILELIDS The Cb LFE Lesson 16 Ll LATE PSELIIN 250 ULE PLELLGH We REAL ETE DUELS GH MHEG: AR, HAMLET. DAA LELAE CUE LEG TTE WOAH Old TH: a AER ELE LOEL EG EHLE: 2A, BAA lata STAVE WLELZINTVE WOR, a lITH. ML BALIL DH KYET. 2 HALE AHO SoSH HET. 3 HAIL (LTO CaF nit BUST. & DALI STAM HET, S DALE COLA HUET. 6 bt Lit muse HUET, Vi FFE SEE LELEIM 2 REA AA, BAMULET TTS whEU Lele 3m. 4. 3a BREWLET. VIL PPERAN EET. Q== Ll IC 2B BA Ade 5.8 x Wo ek DR RT ae WSR DBOL 2 LFOTLAU EEL GCEPHTLA S.BELSCEHOATH Vo Lae hOdL ATH BUELL HELLIS Lesson 17 MW. 1 TARE OUT, FTE Leet 2 TObUATIE SOT ThbE LET. 32 767 LE EAT. VRE PEEL Vo LALA VEE LETH B KAAT MLOE LT AE BET DA DLA HE E LETHE UARSYT USCUAE ANT. UL obhe SET, Vi A AERIAI ho TOOL FARE LALA ETE AUT, TARE ELE vI. (KE LELAM BS CHAFEE UOT. LAC le LELA2A EOD BELEK HoT volse TIE SALA vil. Lrto HET EE PB VERB HoT ola AE A204 LILO HET WEE LELAD B FERC oT. HOLOE BA EOF [SLO BLT VEE LELAN BHT TAYE OLTI7E— ANE is LGN WoT IN7E LET TIIO KET LEKSO WER4. 2 AEREAIE VEGI FGLKCVTT, PEELALE LAK CE L BF. LECLO HLT FB BY KbE AFT. XL aIF LE] Lesson 18 Wo A brok Bo ThH 4RE HLT Me AAA THEA. AUT ELRE DUOTCRE Bibs 2A Tad, Aaa BET CEE BID RA THERL OO LYLIE Lo TSTC laos Vi 1.280 LASSE DEY EMT 2 LWMO PLE BEE ATE BM BESTE VTE ShO THAT LOTC EY VIL RMNELEA, Try 7% We bd UBL UaTh BN A. Lesson 19) ML AT AOL: (FEYEA) CIP OT POLE OEETH FE ALET AI Oo TLGELIAET BURT LGELIREDS ML EET HESET. DAML: FTE Thi) VIROT MOLE CREF FFE: EOUERET TALE OT. EGE FAST BUETLUISLIAIHS OL OET HSSET. Busey: BU THF... BL 2OKKE DEETATTE TUE TET... BLE ett, 256 Vi AREA LGELIHL KolFET LOCH HUET GHEE: ThLet TURK A POY ET ZEUS BIL GLI MS YIVET KOC HOUETH £4 HVIFET BUHL HET. Vill A Fey USFS BALI BYKE TRIM 2 Y2TIAGL OO BE TILE TE FREE A TUM R/WNET COCK HOY ETH AU ELIAUL ED BL. TPAC PHYET. 5. Fe BYE TOET. K BHT, 30K Lesson 20, Lace HTL Wott. Lede York woetma cor outte. MOA FFE BE ORL NFOTE BETTE OOTHH MEI UO, CFR TTR B BeCEAI PY TNE Blo Te OTTO OLE CIE RITE BYOT FATE OUTTI HETIL. FE Mo LAER BTL LeOlhe Lote OUTIL BTEO UE TAEELH Brod 222i, WoTh WUTHOBTHO BE TAEELH Beok 2 REACT TBEEE DLTE WOTHOBTHO UE TAEHLH baoe O_APRYIA RE ShoTL OUTER CORO ELE FOTL OUTHINS. BLA PFLTE Ve Lato ve. bol BeeAL Clwilre BaHVLET, 2 232 THEE ASH DU Eke BREAD NYE ShoTE OTTO 4 BHO UL: ite CIES AIR: BYHES VL 3UIRA. LO Lesson 21 MALO LAE EBRUT Ha. 2 ETE LOOT CESS THEE EET CES A BEE EMOTE Wo AUSSIE TCE THNG, CBRE EOWUT HE, 2 IL BHO EARTHS, CB BE EMEC BCC BIL ORAL TIMD, (BEE COTTE Mi POEL 2, ee Quiz PECTS L ME EE BT ATE SD, ETT 6 Bit om. E Wo ARE 209 BESET AOC Mo aH AMULET BOLT AUB SLOT BHIET 72AT 8 alat NM LAT RheT BBLAT AST OT 5 tbo 6 EMEUT Lesson 22 MO ALA PHYA OE WEE LOST BLAKE OOTORT. 2A EHLEIL It Od EE LTOETH BEE LOET RA MEISL OE HIE LT METH. BAVELOT Home LOST GATTI OE GE LTT MOBILE VLE LTOET SA THESE OE VEE LTE B RUSE Poot. GAOL OF BEE LTOETH BIhUT ELS P-E Bo TET, B7B wk BEeCTKE MELE LTOET, BBA, TEE LTOET. a8 AURORE HOTOET, Vi, QIREASA HSH CLE ELE LTOet. | Lesson 23, Mio A 7YM2 SAIL LS TA TOET, ELT, ABCI-ZIE DEMTORT. 2UHLS FAO VEFLEAI SlEBIC TATOET, ZUT, ELLIE EMT OET. BEY BLO BRAT HYIVIE TATOST. ELT FAO OEMTOET. Vil 1, REAL VARSYEGSLIO CaF sk Latest egos ly, Lotet, 222 A RHALL YO PryPRULTGIE Lo T OST THE WOR, LUFELY XL 030 39449 6493. Lesson 24 MAA AEABAIL EWU FETT, REMK CLITTHA RLS bHYET. 2 F478 Alb DHE—H FETH, FUR CLIFT. TIYAIM bOI ET. a SESSA DAL FETE, FARM ULIFTH BHI LC H bo ET. BI AiRSLIe BEG FATHAU EEL. FAK Ua FTTHEU EEL, bed CS O OYE. Fev ELIE Emi FETHDYEEL, AEM CLIT TAYE the DLE SH OY EL. 3 EESELIE PARED TETHAV ELL, TTA CAGFTHHYEEL. KAY CH DOU ELL. CN AERO, FETE REA. DOVE. BRE TME, TETHS FY RD PUEEA. BEER UA, FECERU EEL TEE, HOVET. DTU OR. CLIT THAI EEL, 2 EES: EO. C2 FTTH. 3 THEE Oe A ULITTUBYREL, Vio A AMEL: BEAUELIE ETA CLG HTH, Tek TETH. 2 AOL: DUEL Ib TOA CEGTTT. Fad TETH BR AOL: BLLGTAW AH UZ GFT Se GsLae HATH. vi 79YR> Lesson 25 WW bRL FLEE AMWTH. 2 DALI ARULALI HUAC OTH. 3 BALI SBOE OVATE, A ALE UMILIE LOORMUTH. Vi Ue EG LEL II, Fey Bod BBY HUET. ZL LALELAD FEO EH OROTH. BOLE: LG LELAM Fey DLA OAUTH. Mio VAAL dub) Fa#Y 7! LET. BOTTA, BLE LAUTH. Ab AL 20l0F Bhek Boo TET, ROUTH DALE LoUAUTT, vi) ' OC 21 TAN SE WoL UTOET 2Lo TET. LUREL BOSRDOATHE Mo AFRTH 2CLIFTHRUTHL BLED AL ERE 287 258 CD SCRIPT FOR EXERCISES Lesson 1, Exercise V BLEO UE AIATLIE ZYY AeL WOR, SLEUTH Lesson 2, Exercise Vill BLEO VETAEEL, RIATLO THbUATIL VAULT HOS AOL ¥O SLO TL EL FT 4nID 4nd BL BL HOTH BLEO VE HYKEILNORT. Lesson 3, Exercise VI FEEL, ILI VAUDETI ON JOUR TRADE TH. Riz: C58 BUHL G, Lesson 4, Exercise IX Rik BA EFEN LOTTO, AHO WEIL : MbtH OS BHO Ue: 380002 TH. Lesson 5, Exercise Vil z TEL, hOE-—MIL CLOTH BHO VETLIAOTT. Rin BRL OCSTH OS BHO VE-I00ALTH. Rik Ce. BRE 101K CHER Lesson 6, Exercise X POU: ALATA HAT Rik: FRB WETS EDU ERE OFETH, Riz: ELBE WERT. whee: ITH Lesson 7, Exercise X AVE FLSA OO BRADLLO Oat. FRU LIVE set, FVEGAT OREO FrvUrjat wast FTE ASTIN, Questions: LFHYSLIE OO BRILL EK OAETH. LFPYEAI WAT BBIPLL OE ORETH Lesson 8, Exercise Vil MMs. Nakamura is taking about her building Liaw Fh250 BURT. 2QMIS DIVLALH BET. BBA LARIAT BNET. Lesson 9, Exercise Vil Raz: FAL Bailes dle CITI BLED ULAR KYCT. Riz AYLI LIOR. Lesson 10, Exercise Vill FeYEAIE CAIUS LEARY Thlet PAKS USELADRCET BBA BTSE BELA BTHO KbT VSTULE KNELK Lesson 11, Exercise IX POU FEY SLE EC BHEIAI ThbE Late Fey OUR BEY LERLIC LC LE BOY ET. (NOTE: # means “but” See Note 1, p. 205) Lesson 12, Exercise Xil BOL bE bLA ELKBE WAI CSET. Rik: lachit Lhe LATION webb: Shoe ISTHE. Lesson 13, Exercise VI BOVE RIASLO ALULGIUTL A. AERIAL ELEN (BLIO BLE Lb0ELA Question: AEATAI AAU EI we tbuelhm eke Lesson 14, Exercise V THE FEEL BEIM HIE LL AD vs BAG Oe RELS RIA: RABEL ET FVECLT WEELL IOS AiR: TL elt COTTA FFEAR TILELLI. Ce KE LIUI, Lesson 16, Exercise Vil REA AGESL, PIYRAULMALE LCI HUET OS FTEUABTH. BFE HRELLIO AiR AA, BAMULET. Question: HAS BYE HEETH, 259 260 Lesson 17, Exercise XI BPE TE YEA Lage WE Late, Fey, CEU Lams Oot, FLEE Oat. webb £5ttH, Question: Fev She ELGUIE WEE HORT Lesson 18, Exercise Vil BE}: FRY EL, HOA TA FeV be ELAS Lesson 19, Exercise IX FREEL. PUL PH DEAFS-bET LOCH HOUSTON UALS HTIT BOSACHLY HOUET. AGTH, HUME ISLET, BUFO LLG PryPRT HoT Lesson 20, Exercise Vil Riz: ThEEL BURAPH PUSLOE WoTh VOTH BORG. LOE Bye Ete Lesson 21, Exercise VI REF TING PEK HVETHE. OOXLOO ZTIYE USHOT A. FRI be ELI Lesson 22, Exercise Vil EEE RARE LITHO FAVE 34800 HUSLOT BEelALeE HELE LTOEH SER LITIN Question AE AELIE OF BEE Ltd Lesson 23, Exercise X1 Rik: FAEHL,VAIZYO—VO TABIATIE La Toe ton IVb: lds. 03-3944-6493 TT. RIA: HYMLITLORT. Question: LAAFYE—O ThbULI IIE LAAT IOS Lesson 24, Exercise VII HEF DVL FIYRO LL ok ORE RA VENT SETH PED UAFSYELE USED FEYIAIL TYAN LIT TID. Lesson 25, Exercise Vil Th. Ledbt Ch Cla Te AITIR. BUS ERIC FHAUTH, webb: tit, LCT He Japanese-English Glossary Bons TA RIN —bosice eam, 104 TA AI — be ce colts, 198 BLE Te meet, 98,100, 16,162,168, BBO (TH): be, 37 38 BA (CH) 106,37,36 BAS AY Akasaka (iste), 12 BAG ke baby, 199 19 EF open, 81, 160, 16,196,197 BITE A: oie, 10, 23,126 B® moming, 26 HE CS: Asakusa (trie, 18 BEC SKE: Asakusa Station, 165 HEIL: breakfast 26,50 4 > T:theday ater tomorow, 52 BES: Azabu tre), 182 5 Leg, foot 233 BU Fes tomorow, 4, 50,5) BT THERA please take care of, 76; BHA!) H+: take care of be in charge o, 178 ET overtheve, 77 6 by that person over there, 230 BOO CTH): hot ot temperature), 13,114,188 Bh you.3.7 your, 10 ‘I>: older brother, 215 1: oder sister 215 BO: that over there (used before a nour, 20,37 HEC H sweet 113,194 BEY. FEL not muh,s9, TAY A: the Unies States, « TAY AC ke: Ametican (person, 4 BYE F thank you, 63 & 1) EF: be, exist 66,72, 7; have, ‘own 81 there are acing to be, SCT by foot, by waking 0,63 HSI wok 8 {A that one over there, 20,31 LE 3 : Ando (surname), 217 1969 (OA good, ie, 113, 11413 Woh m0,2, 648,206 OUR. 3) > 25 TF: mo hank yout fine, 112,140 SMU CF Aastha’ ice, 6; tat sounds ‘900d, 147 W908 509,170,172 OATH A isi eght, 151 WCF" how about... 2.111, W980 TH: want to go, 222,234; 8 Lx 54° shall we go? 11,18 V8 EF 90,48 08,50, 51,52. 105, 160,162,169, 178,222) 09 # EAE won't you go (with me? 10, 43, 143 44) the United Kingdom, 4 AEYRAU As Briton 4 $9 how many (smal objects), 80 WS Be mew much, 28 \ SUF ikebara, ower arranging, 233 19 Le (medica doctor, 200 STs ehar 71 WEALU (OH busy 115,114 N96 (TF: be painful hurt, 222 236 ‘ouch, 157 f24!& £4: (sid before eating), APYT haya ABV TY £5 Y staan food, 226 WB: one, 10 1955 (one hundred millon, 25 \ 95 6 Jonusry,6t (5 Zone ime, 17 (8 £ Aten thousand, 28,20 (shen, st (athe fith ofthe month) 51 {89 #0 fist floor, ground flor, 70 485 La [together 141 v8.98 4 Fone tilion, 25 1999 fHe 35 Wyo TH L et goodktye, havea ice wip, $7 \9E 9 Mo sumame).215, a: dog, 95 SE now, 21 WEF beens c6, 72,178; be, stay 104 EF Eb FES Le younger sister, 215 AHA recorded quide, 47 7 seoing, 8 Who Lond Tbe 36 (55 Loved may help your welcome 28 6) C8 ertanes 868 (A3 F:putin ad 197 © alr, 122 DAR whiskey, 26 4 stop, above, 71 3 5%: ukioe (woodblock prin), 18 31217 reception des, ceptions, 70 4 U4: back being, 7 3 Shouse, so Fa Tid Fe sel. 205,215, 204,215 59 EF: el 204,293,215 4 4 ocean, sea, 228 FATA Lo: diver 57 2: painting, pcre, 119 ET3Y air conditioner, 158 A008 movi,22 RAVE 2 5 Si sales department, 205 ANST English danguage), 35 AAs y0,9, 140,48 4B station 50 AVL: station empioye, 187 ERA L—F —: escalator, 206 AILAS: posto, 189 EUN= 9 =: elevator, 208 wh he yon 31 EY I=T: engneet,s KAU: perc 76 BULA (CF) dlcious, tasty. 97, BRANCH) lage big, 38, 10, BBY: Osta, BBEHL (Co: Osaka foanch of- fie, 52 AAKEIY Ts Rasraia, HARV UA: Aastalan (person) ¢ BB TE 6: Otemachi (alse 142 BHD YL: onother person's) mater, Bb Leaweets 11 #4 money, 184 Bh: Ogawa uname, BOL t 3 i, chece, 105 BE: Okinawa (sland, 6 BEET put 136 BE eC EL:customer cient, 191 {BC one hundeed milion, 29 BC SL: nother person's) wile, 95,59 BC > CLES»: please send, 165; BOY EF send, 56, 100 BIS Li chid.z8 BLAET: teach show, tl 170,172 BE eR LET: may come in?, 121 BE 293 As daughter, 215 BE (TH) belate, 20 BHC IE: Odaiba isin 76 Tanother person's) house, 131 BAB: Otwu (iy, 167 BH HU: Ochiai (urmame), 229 BE green te, 9; tea ceremony, 233 Bo Es (mp) usband, 96 BUH 5: tesv00M, nator, 70 BT 5: Buchs temple, «9 BEF EA lanother person's father BEF BE FE SA: younger brother, 215 BEC male, man,72 BESO Tbe. 00 261 262 BECO VE: mann td bely, stomach, 233 BOE A: (onother peson's) name, 96 BILE Ls olcer browne 215 BRE A older sster215, BAL ET: pease (et me...) 8.96 BOA t O- beverage, 105 BILLY (FEV please come in 59 BILE FTE OEF good morn ing a9 BEY tesa, 02,122 B42 Ls portabe shine, 150 BAIT: alt souvenir, 14 BELA CCHY interest, 19, BY) £4: get off vehi), 00,181 BLA: mase.a2 BAA Le hot spring (eso, 68 BA: female, woman, 21 BLLO = :ait,00 BLYO BL: woman,21 4° (question marking pari 2 A (A Ay: day), 180 96 (as subject marker 6; but (onjune tive usage) 169,179, 205: stead af 18),97,58;(used with F38-CF, Et FETE OAUTH ete) 222 = beara 7 F- (ousness) caro, 193; (ted) ard, 36 DRY 9 Y: camation, 23 A—A AF =: Conpenter (are), 229 SAM YA: Hoon story, 70 6 F meeting, conference, 22 4°. °¥ Ls conference room, <2 DFE LET: holda meeting, 167 BSD CB ticket gate, 41 Le: company, theofce. 9 BPE Ae stairs, 206 994 : guide, 108 BEF: buy. 98 91,92, 160,168,178 BEDE LET shop.st OA) EF: return, go home 51,52, 160, 162, 165,178,197 B81) EF take (time, 175,100,181 BF key BE EF: write, 9,100, 160,16, 163, 173,197 6° furniture, 234 8° EC student, 5 ~ANF2: months 181 ‘#3: umbrela, 1 @UE Ls 30% snaslend your, 50 OU EF tend, 150,151,172 BEC family. 08 ‘A Fe: shoulder, 233 2987 catalog, 18,168 ~8°: month 61 BOF EF: cany (on one's shoulders 150 48,222 885 59 shoo 101 Ne Tews BC comer, 8 °C 3 Kato (surname. xi BYEO ly) wie 98 AEA: briefcase, tte bag, 71 BU A vase, 122 #50 Kai a9 AE Cb: Kamakura town) 75 BE 5 U Tuesday, 60 >: becouse 9,14, 142 from, 28, PE CCT chat spicy 19,1 2c, 15 {South Korea at #LS € Korean language) 226 °K Chan Chinese character), 225 BEET ak, 98, 102,13; ten 0), 9, FR: whiting 56 FACE: non ent 13 Bo Tinamp,2¢ Sh tket rt ET CPE R please come, 131; 8 “come, a, 49, 80,5152 16,182, 163 178,198,197 BIE LATE EE dont ory about it, 200; $12 LF worry {about be bother (by), 200 B4AL0% aniversary, 129 3.004: yesterday. KAM BUA TH: | don't fee wel 157 $09 rine, 10 $05 Uo Frniney.22 325 today, 51 FF E:kyot0,s2 BAL tastyen, st BAU TH or 84064: prety clean, 119,114,113, 16,12 42 klogiam, «2 SE DUET take cae, 161 8 42K: no-smoking, nonsmoking, 197 FAS 5 hank, 7,22 FA ¥: Ginna ostie,s2 ELL Urey 55,60 Sth shitty minutes, 21 4EL: am, inthe moming, 22 Bb this one 3| SE Lethisyear 51 EE bend 215 ©: this (used before a nour, 2,38 £4? L: Kobayashi (surname) 219 TIRA: meal 26 2=E #4: make a photocony, INE LET: play got 5 SAR this one, 9,26; C AUUE ? : what about tis? 5,10 SB sabout.as ELF: ths month, s1 D7 be concert 132 A Low 3 this week, 1 SA Eth coming, 05 AEA this evening, 35 3Y C=: convenience store, ¥ b:letme see, 20; 2, boy 4:1 don't knw, 220 USS wallet, 73 Sa fh, 98 24% iquor store, 78 2 $s ahead.171 EK GUC a ak: Sakura At Museum, 179 2 UF: sake, 90 2 5 3 Sasaki (sumame) oi hy A= soccer, 142208 Yo Lsmagazine 33 % 9(E4: Sapporo (cry), 03 S914 LL: Sapporo toeanch) ‘office, 102 FE F Sato surname, 161 BE 5 csugar, 18 EM, Mes, Ms, Mis, 97 SEO (CF): eld. 113,114,183 79 Fal, 90 As thee, 10 LM Mes, M5, M2 SAA: March, 61 SLC mF: thiry. 23 YD EA y Fs sande, 9 SAIC L: three people ELBLTTA, 29H DB TH: omy, butt wouldn't be convenient (or me), 140, 198 FLIP YORI: Sanfiancico, 1 YT Nssample, 10 SAIEE LET: gotorawok9s Lsfour, 10 ~Uro'dock 21,22 CU: game, match, 2 C4: april Cade time, 152 ~ CAA: hours, 80 LS: work, jb, 22 USE E UE Twos LL: branch office, so UL: dictionary. 35 LOCH or LF OE: quer 12, bottom, below, under, 72 LB: seven, 10 LBA Wy, 61 Lo THEFT know, 204,216,215 Lome 2 +: goodbye, <8. 50 Ltr¢b: Shinagawa sti), 217 US Shibuya (ite), 57 LAP: Shiv Station, 75 U2 Fo, 09,92, 149, 60, 16,162,178, 196,197 7 Le gym. 26 Lap EF: cose, shut Ee: wel then, 26,28 PIS Y Ie mechanical perch 35 196,197 Ce mY EL: Ware not2 Coed EEL TL fowaswere rot LeU: photograph, 151 Fae Ks jaz, 208 Le B27 president (fa company), Ce 5:10, 28 Ce 9.8189: November 61 Ce 548 Ce elevenotdock, 23 Up 4 $5 Cone ilion (1.000.002,000), E Up 44°: october 61 ~ Ln 9 A weeks) 181 222) 2: cream pulle¢ Ce 5 Lt: aderess, 10 92-2: juce.90 C95 5 sudo, Ue 4 154: December, 61 Lin 9 £7: weckend, 02 C9 4 A: one hundeed thousand, 29 C9 £28 the fourteenth ofthe month, 61 Cw Ft Fes, 52 Le CA: my musband, 96 Le 3B 2 9 business tip. 57 La F980 2 Fierce, 290 Cr FF CH be skied, 22,223,226 La 9 Whe product. merchandise, 168 U2 5 Ges the future, 235 3 show, 132 B¥YTE LET: oo,s1 La 6 C& LE thavea meal 2B 3FY 397: Chocolatchocolat (fictitious product name), 213, F 37° 7: johnson (surname) 61 LY) 2 3: data, information, materal, documents, itratue, 173 LANCET) white, 175 ~ UK: ese ian (person from) LLL A the Shinkansen, 61 CL 2 9 static sgnal 17 CAL Shinto shine «9 CAE oC: Sinjku (strc 47 UX Uo C25: Shin Station, a7 CLOTH or LAOH kind, helpful, 13,116 Ale L: Shimbashi (std) 147 LAIEL 2 3: Shimbash tation, 47 UK SA: newspaper, 31 FAR swimming, 224 BA A: Switzetond, 29 (IES €) F008 F: smoke (a cigs rete), 189,190,196 TOE 5 Ue wednesday. 50 A=? 5: supermarket 22 27: soup. 90 RAF sca, 126 Am thing, 224 FECT ike, 22,226,225 FE avr, 122 FER siya 115 4 €:s00n ight away, 168 FU sushi 03 FUE: Sushimase (fettous sushi ba, 220 FL: sushi restaurant, 103 FF 8: sunt sumame) ov RFA: steak 98 FTA 8 fine, wonderful lovely. 231 Besa, 08 7; spon 3¢ ID FT oy fnessspons club, 8 2: Smith Gurmame), x FH E Flv, 206, 24,215, TL TO Ene, 208,214,215 FAH Litmsony. 17,18; excuse me, Mm TBEEL TL tet somy, 197 87: 5ume wrestng, 126 2-9 — sweater 72 Hone LTE Twa explaining, 205,207, HOME LE explain, 205,205,207 AEA back, 23 40: by al means, certainly, 140,140 £0: 220,10 OF —7 Scotch tape, 78 4£.£: one thousand, 28,50, ~ 4 Astron tne, 187 LB (ove hundred bilion, 29 4ELIFO: ost month, $1 EAL 7 last week, HAHA. = £4 Lever atall.03, HELE Aten milion, 29 EGUE LET: dean, 205,207 AGTH thars right 9,10, £5. TH see, 27 £UTand,207 FBG: there, 49 £0: that (used before a noun), 20,57, 2 ELE: buckwheat noel shop, 76 Y 2 7508871 EM: that one), 2,28 EMI 5: also, in addition, 170 ASA: injusta short while, 29 EAB LOMOL ET itstime tobe going, better get going, 129 FA Traland, 4 fet sswant to, 222,234 PLU 4° large gathering, 142 8°: university college, 7” Fe LAAs embassy, 15 U2 FETE A are you all right 157 FAC As Thai person), Pv Ki very much, extremely, 214 263 264 FA stone 42 Ir. (T A) expensie, 12,14 (dL: Takahashi surname) xv AB :wateral 76 © Aca many, much 0 97S —1aH.61 92 ON tai stand, 78 ¢ 1d UA courier sec, 171 BF stand up, 196,197 EO LACH): un, enjoyable 12, 12,138; 2 Lda A (THI: was fun, 131, 33 fsX EF eat, 80,91, 52 160,162, 16, 178, 197,222 SH: wi 8, 6 HE = Eth: noone,n RAL 2 95K pithday, 2 FA: dancing, 26 BU SU (OH small ile 38,12, 18 FR VIA ING I = checkin counter, 85 1 4° basement 70 BO CCH): near 12,114 Bay v.95 fist basement oor 7 8° (vii, nearby, 79 BT: subway 59,61 BH: map, 152 % B:(my) father, 92 BAD Ve Fathers Day, 128 F : Chan (urame) Bm 5 SC: china« Bw 5 =< T: chinese danguage) 226 BaF SK UA: Chinese person Bad Le kL nopaking,:97 Bm jes 7: parking tot, 70 Fan Vy Ftp, we Ba Fetnlion, 28 FB IL=b: chocolate, 126 Ba E-altteot, a Brot # 25 CHE pease wat a minute, we Brot #5TK please waita minute, 121; 5 £ > & ESL THA: do youravea me: Imen?, 16,162 >the fst (of the menth, 61 DON ET: se, 169,109, 150,196; 2 BBOT CHA please dont 2 Fi nex, 2 EEE: arrive, 10,181 21) EF make, 206,207 SUF EF turn on, 181,168 No TEA THA whats alan, 2.68 PEDBTOET be employed 208, 214,215, DEW E+: be employed, 204,215 PE: typo, 99 2 HOV (TF) boing tedious, Tihand, arm 233 T: by means of, 6,60; (indicating lca tion), 9,50, 2; inating means of telecommunication or post, 170 FT iui tabie, 71 TH: eter, 98 THE OS EF we a eter 08 TCH: ent, 18 TIE EF: hurble form of T F968 FFA A digital camera, 0 TL te wasiwere,2 CHibe,23,77 TH 4 4: datebook, small notebook, planner, 17 F = Artem 223 FERIA be renns court, 95 FEAT UBT play tennis, 91 Tl: wel then, in ary case, 2,42 Fb: department store, 3,22 Tit Y EEL: Ware not 2,11 THY ERLTL tes wasere ot TH A just before, 17» TH La 5 He shal we leave, 179; T 3-Feave, 75,190,181 Tei but 10 RTE OUTH IN allright 26 F VE lesion, 30 Te: decimal point, 9 TAS: weather, 120 TAS: (elect hgh, 162 THE: electronics soe, 218 TALE L 2 electronic cetonary, 126 TAL estane TA stb: tempura, 89 TASB: tempura restaurant, 9 ThE &: Tenmasa fictitious restaurant are), 96 Toto: telephone, 10 TA AIELS 5 telephone number, 10 ThE LET: telephone, 6,98, 100 ©: and, 70,72; with together wit, 4,50 ~L: degtee, 236 ET door, 153 4: Germany, F472: German Varguage), 226 K-47 UA: German (person, ¢ EF show. 135: 05°C L feb how was. 7,135; £9 THY how is. 21a LPUALE LT youre weleome,22 £584 5:Tey07 £5 ELF RE Tobe station s2 EFRLGRIZT A ToC Staium, 230 CF ELF TEAK “Tokyo Unive sity £9825 79—: Tokyo Tower, 5 £5 BEG: Tokyo Hal 1a? £5 EE FFI Tobye Hotel 6s 9 tool equipment, 58 CFT why, 158 C9 LE UPd wha’ the matter ith you?, 236 LFF: please, you plete 9,115,112; €5-E 5B G~: come ngnt this way, 8 9 bothanks, 15; 056 HY HE Fs thankyou, 3.26 9 & & YA EF LEU L festhankyouvey much, 129; 9 & NHL FLT WE thank you very much, 9 £4 % > T how, in what way, ston, 38,38 EBT H far, 18 450° the tenth (f the mont, 61 ELA: sometimes, 57 EL swatch, cock, 11 were, which place, LA: place, 18 EL a thea, ge ET bsvey. 111 LEE T deliver, 70,12 Cpt who,s EY: nem to,71 EO: wich used before a noun), 6 LOC show long, 79 EET stop pack, 170, 172,196 EE FU Saturday, 60 (Le lh) Eo Th OTH Hy ‘ay take (a photograph? 18; & |) EF tke a photograph, 151,172, 195; EEF Lio when you are about to take someone's photo, 195 At: which one 37,58 EA ts wha kind of. 18 18 4°insie, idle, 71 4: Nakamura (surname), 2: Nagoya (ty), 212 48: summer, 62 OETA: summer vacation, 62 BEC oF seventy, 25 Bice what eo BIER. = BAEL: nothing, 72 OA the seventh (of the month, 61 PEA: names, 10 WHE —M: date eer, 105 EHOLOTH: want to learn, 232, 234) 8 OE Team, whelesors in,230 WIA C4 SF: Narta tirport, 108 BA what 12 LA: what month, 62 WEA Ce what time, 21; AE D4: abouveporenimatey wit time, #5 4A. Thom, by wha means 2, WATE 27 A how may help you?, WAIT B: what day (ofthe month) «2 421K: how many people, 79 A IEA: what number, 8 ALEK: how many (ong, thin objects), 20 424.81 how many (fat objects) £0 AEF Ewart day (ofthe week, 52 |: (as object marker), 8; at, n,n, $8, £6, 6; (incicating direction of mave- ment 8, 45, 180; ndcating giver! receive), 10; (inating pace), 216 Finécating receiver ofan action, 8 Is two, 10 [Edu FF: suit, look good on, 129 18°: February, 61 EERE CT of ERR AG ey, 19,115,02 ILC 6: west on 148 IEE Fenty, 23 15 Cw 3 ak 2 othe rwentyfourh fot the month) 61 ~I fe day (ofthe month), 61 MAS A): days 20 IEG UE Suncay, co 159 5 9: Nikko (scenic area. 69 [2A = Japanese language) 74 12 Ae Japanese (person), ¢ ISIZAY) 2 9 Ys Japanese food, 232 (5 & > lugpage, baggage, 153 EOE BCV EF: sendluggage, aS — 7: New York, 198 (db: garden, 2 ~AS Ae person, 78 right, ti, 49,50 ATI A necktie, 26 12 fever, 236 Ry TVA: necklace, 14 tak year 50 ~1AL (A) years, 2: (apposiive usage), 122’ of indicat ing belonging or aflation), 3, 4,8 ~O HET atte, 161 DEAF /S— b: Nozom Deparment Store,2 DE throat, 233 ~O ERIE before, 62 DA EF: dink, 85,91,52, 16, 152,13, 196,197 D1) EF: get on (avec 120,181 (4: dicatng question) 1: stead of “), 201,21 (instead of #9, 58,6; Conic marker) 2,3 (th other particles), 214 (tooth, 233 7S bar. 83 PS IPY = IL: cearance le, 132 OF «=i pany.22 OF EE UE haves pay 8 Eyes, 26,48, 1, 19,206, 1285, 9 ©: please go ahead please fee! free, 8, 18 EN £0 AES: cup last 112 (£00) 2 eoter, 163, 190 IEE: postcard, 36 (EE FET Hakodate (ey) 161 (£5 42: Hakone (national par, 75 (ES Ae scisers, 78 (EU LT how do you do,2 SR: bus, 57 SBC bus stop, 64 PSO ML: bus terminal, 76 28 3: (personal computer, 30 (£5: eh, 10 (£6.46: August er (E U- eightorcock, 23 (£6 Cw 5 egmny. 25 (£22 the twentieth ofthe month) 61 (£5 UE happicoat, 150 (£4 flower, 71 (ELE UF tak, 1,206,207 (EFI: bouquet, 29 (LU tremors, 12 (24 U Ae. reworks dpa, 12 (12: (myp metre s0 {2120 U: Moshe’ Day 128 (£5 rose 12 789): rs 85 HUY PAY (21s hat past ttre. 23 (EL: evecing, 26 MU As ranber 3 287 ed 72 WLS 7 rumber 0 WEL 218A: roe, 76,90 ULLAL: plan number, 17 P71 fname 198 12.L1E6 saes,makeing, 6 1877 Le bs pamphiet brochure, vee 188 2872 bakey, 78 Valentine's Day, ET 7: piano,229 =I beer 38 WAL CH east ent 1 BALL: crower, 7 BE 5 Ss arplane, st 4% pizza, UE 24K: ar museum, 166 WL x secretary. 5 BEV wt EFA video, 30 FAN 4 9 video camera, 30 UE: person, 21 DE: one 39 WE Hone person, 72 DEY Tatone a5 DE TH o DEY: free, not busy, 113,116 De {one hunted 23,30 We (BC tenbilion 1000000000, De 6 # A: onemilion, 29 Ua FL hospital clini, 78 DB: noon, 22 B Tt A tunch 90 B04 de unch break. 22 7A Nfie,7 Dry DAs taxn FW: pooh. 26 727 tas SCDYE2= 9 Fu Comput: ‘Ae MM Fl 195 10,38 2: second, 173 Sf: two people, 78 5.3%: the second (ofthe month), 6 UA satace mal 171 FF YR blouse, 124 7997: row (surname), Do 7 ya Ash, 85 29 YR trance. 38 FF YR: French Ganguage) 35 PHYA 27: French food, 30 SB CCH old, 2,16 TVAEZ be present. 128 DOY b:the tnt desk, 26 Se ANStk (8A: inte) 21,23, Se pan, 7 Fs bed, 71 LY YE—I ZX: erin Motors, 7 AY; pense SLEDGE LET: study 31 SAT Le attomey. lawyer, 3.5 <7F anch, 157 SAM TH of SLI) 1 convenient, 13,16 (25 Lat cap, 124 AR Le pation, 43 AUS: blpoint pen, 35 AUT oy bs pocket, 16 1 #9 5 Hokkaido fsland), 161 Hey FA: stapler 78 AF Ws ote 65 AR JUL: Mero, 186 17-2 7 Hoffman Gumame), 5 ART White Gurame), 116 (EA: book, 1 HRY D7: Mong Kong, $1 ADL L 6: Hong Kong branch) office, 219 (EL Le maincenranead office, 170 ELE Fe, 199, ELE FEE realy. 20 (EA bookstore, 78 265 266 ~ £00: (counter for fat objets), 2738, 20. &: every morning. 1 E84 9: every week, 91 FCB: every doy, EME: every evening, A: font betor, 71,171 269) £4 tum, 175,12 ZP—Y: machine, 195 Bh BET see yoo BEET wat 10,170,172, 8 bist £8: Matsui sumame), ai E2I—Z- “pine” meal 10s #54 © straight ahead, 171 2 Tito,as far as, 175;untl22 3 TIC: by the ume), 174 2 C-window, 153 ED 2: Mayumi female st name), 136 PERK: mayonnaise, 199 Leo thousand, 26 V7 3 7: apartment, condominivm, Bb A tangerine, «2 4 right. a7t 24 cold) water, 14 245 Bs lake, 72 att shop, store, restaurant, 28 AAET CHEE: lease show me, 28, 25, AA BF show, 172,178,197 4.98% the thd (of the month, 61 BF thee, 39 Bd Cb: south ext 19 AEF: 50,8, 30, 91,52, 4, 160,12 169,178,197 22M I: muscal, 12 i, 80 TH the sith (Of the month 61 DFO LCF atcut 3,14 BES, WTS hison.ass DF, DFO SA: soughter,215 DoF. 36 :ee.22 ~PGstn, 173 20 LC busines card 9,10 ARTE Oy F maple snp, 219 A iemai,s01 AST EVR: ermal access. 10 AS aa menus +4: abo 100, ether 28,2; (ith other paris, 214 4% 5 reso, 207,212; more, 17 BNL one more te, 17; 6 3 WBE BAL ET one more time, please, 17 BF LDU LEE RA: Imsomy to have to tl you tis, 21¢ BFC Lalit mare,211 49 Secblanke, 176 84 £5 UE Thursday. 0 4 LE Lh (on the telephone), E68 Team, hols bo TS ET: beng 170,172 & b: peach 130 BUHL fe acived, 122,124) & 5 WEF receve, 10,122,223, 124 and, and so 0n, 65,70 ~ shop, 76: 28 9 basebal 24 eee cvegetable, 5 PEOT a Z: vegetable juice, 95 PEL THY easy 13,14 RT CCHY inexpensive, 112,114 OF Be break, rest, 22 OF HET rest lan, 187,190 2D: eght 36 20 L te Yamashita surname), 218 2 FE: Yarade (surname), OF €E: Yaramoto (surname, xv 15K: mal post 173 DIULE 2K post office. 22 DIDUTH od FOL B-snow, 42 DEEN snow festival ve. BU bing, 28 (panic 63,70 £5 tthe eighth ofthe month) 61 ~ £3 F day (ofthe weet, 60 tho fe (TF: that’s good, 136 £4 soften, 97; wel, 29 ECB aL OOS Lei weleome, ESTA A: Yokosuka Line, 187 ELIE E: Yokohama (iy), sé ESIEE LL: Yokohama branch) oie, 5 £9 4 the fourth (of the month, 61 457: fous, 35 £UET al, nite, 06 LAE Tread, 91,52, 160,162,189, 178 ES resenation, 6 EBL (C4: good, aright, 161 TALC BASLE: pleases tomeet you, 3,¢ tA: four. 30 ELC 85: fony.2 0.142: next month 1 BOL jonext week, 51 ivtad next year, 51 Dir Brack, 186 29%: 60,30 Yard la Le recep, 06 39 cooking, cuisine, 05 4 294: tradtiona Japanese inn 76 22 Ftp, travel ox £5588 Le travel agency, 126 97 in uname), 5 YA Zapple, 36 124 ER: om serve, 176 HL 2010,10 HEF Corefrgerater, 72 #4 L:histoy, 26 UA N2Y:tesaurant22 URE FYE SRS £7: Resturant Tokyo, 218 LARS YF 9TY; Restaurant Dragon 105 LX * 9 7O—2: Restaurant Rome, LiR— bs report 162 HLL GFE LET: procte, 2 =: Rome, 103 1 —7 U: romanized Japanese, 19¢ Bk ssn to B69: sane, Bi Co jsiay.23 B olEA ¥: Roppongi (strc), 117 BolEh 829 8 T he Roppongi Crossing, 175 lobby, 103, 206 BY FY London,7 9 FY EL 4: Bank of London, 7 D4 winega 11) 2 L Pe understood, 96,225; ®Y £4 understand 6, 222,26, 225 bE wasab,97 O: mine, 80; my,9 AO CH bad. 2,155 77: Wang surname), 2718 +E (ndicating object), 0; (indicating ivereceve), 10,12; indicating point of departure), 19,19; (nating point of passage, 171; eplaced by 49), 222; (replaced by (2), 211,214 English-Japanese Glossary "Not: liomatic expressions have been omitted, 3s have counters, patices that do not tanslate Into Engith certain proper nouns, and some ofthe words Inte inthe Appendixes of this book ‘The following brevitions are used in this lossy: ag), adjective ve ‘about: (of period, price, amount, etc.) < 412; (of ie) 4,5 above: 74.71 add: OME. 87 address: [UDF L 2, v9 Coa tao ake ~O BET 16 aternoon: 0,72 again: £72,121 ahead: 23,17 aicconditionet: 7 77, 153 aia 54 FL, aiplane: UI 8,6 airports (523,50 allight (Po29 TH 35, LB LOC Hite alone: OL) T 49 akeady: £ 9,207,212 abo: & (particle), 26,28; 24%, 179 am: SHK,23 and: £UT, 217, (arto) 69,70 anniversary: $18.L0% 123 apartments 27297, 18 ‘approximately. C4 120 Agri: L461 am: C235 ‘arrive: 28 £10, 161 ‘art museum: UU w 24%, 166 ask: 382,96, 10,155 at IS (partic), 58 60,68 attomey: SAS L,35 August: £54, 6 baby BAB oh, 198 back: indicating postion) 914,75: (of body) ds, 233 bad: DBT), 132,281 baggage: (£153 bakery 7 €7 79 ballpoint pen: AILS, 35 bank: €45,7,22 bar S93 baseball: 319 3,26 basement: 45 70 be: BY #-¥,66,65,72,77, 10, 19F F.65,72, 178; OL POET 16 CHa because: 4% (partic) 96,14, 142 bed: 1), 100; (ofthe month) ~1= 4,6; (of the week) ~29 U6 60 day ater tomorow the: 22°C, 52 267 268 December: Um 5128, 61 ‘decimal point: TA,29 degree: ~¥.,236 decious: BULA (CF), 97,183, 14 deliver: CLUE, 10, 172 department stoe: #78 h 3,22 dictionary: ULL. 38 iffieut: BTML (TH), 13, He digital camera: F779 2,20 inner: A= t8 k26, 80 do: L EF, 2,52, 13, 160,162, 163,178, doctor: L200, 609: 143,95 oor: FT, 158 raft beer: drawer: SHEL, 74 rink: D443 4, aa, 91,9210, 162, 163, diver: FATAL, 57 drugstore: <4 1%, 76 Dyo: DVD (4-74 earphones: 44F46—, 109 eating: AP 77.106 easton: OL CB, 18 easy, PEL (TH), 13,14 eat: ANSEF, 95,9192, 160, 152,163, 176,197,222 eight 125,10; P29.38 eighth, the: (ofthe month) £345.61 eighty: 28 U9 5,23 either: & (patil) 26,29 electronic dictionary: TLL UL &, 26 electronics store: TL 8 #218 elevator: EUN—3—, 206 email: AML, 01 e-mail address: 4—ILT FUR, 10 embassy: AULA, 16 employed, be: ET 8-4, 204,214, 215; DEDET, 204,215, entrance: \ 9) 8,24, 163 equipment: £5.C 135 eraser: (UL, 78 escalator 24 L—F—, 206 every day: 214,91 every evening: BULA, 91 ‘every morning: #13. 91 every week: 205L 4,91 exist: 92 F, 68,73, 18 exit TOE, 198 expensive: OS (CH) sa, 14 explain: #305 LET 205,206, 207 extremely: UNL, 24 eye: 0,233 factory: 25024 fait: 727, 1s famiy: 4°, 69 Famous: 5 000CF oF Fup 45 13,316 for EBU (TH), 12, na father BGT, BB, 99 favorte: $874, 22 fax Fr 97% February 126°, 61 female: BA%, 26 festival: B22), 62,132 fever: 27,236 fifth, the: (f the month) > 6 fity: SU 5 21.28 file: 77-404, tine: > 25°C 4,36; $C 48,231 fireworks: (200% 12 fireworks cspay: [22 UP firs, he: (ofthe month) 4 F245, 61 fist basement floor: 84°24 70 fist floor: 834°, 70 fitness cub: 2A" 97, 98 five: 169,38; S10 flash: 79 23, 198 flower: 142,71 flower aranging: SHE: 255, foot: L203 forty: LC 5,23, four L.Ed, 10; 27,35 fourteenth, he: (ofthe month) 29 tone fourth, the: (ofthe month) £61 free: VET of U2 te, n3,n6 fresh: BAHL CH). 1, 118 Friday: 850, 59,60 fiend: EEK, 50 ‘tom: 9° (partic, 21,72,61 front: 2,71,171 front desk: 707 b,26 fruit: «12600, 204 fun: ZOU (24), 132, 138 furiture: #*¢, 236 future: La 358238 game: 72,195; Libs 142 garden: 12,22 get ofa vehicl) #55) 8-4, 10, ‘get on: (8 vehicle) 1) 34, a0, 13 it $5491, 126 git: BLO S90 give: BUF EF, 10,123,128 90: EEF, a4 05,5051, 52, 149,160, 12,163, 78,722 gohome: #21) £-F, 40, 51,52, 169,62 ‘golf club: 797% ass Good: O48 ( TH), a, 123; LBL (CH 6 ‘900d maming: #12.£5 2° green tea: 5 6,50 ‘ground flor: 4 $-3%4 5 70 guide: 274 K, yee gym: P26; ARI 9794 halt pas: oftime) |a.K,23 hamburger: 79277 5—27, 199 hand: 232 hat: 129 Ls ne have: 5) £7,151 head: 23 233 headphones: 4 Pak; 168 helo: (onthe telephone) & L & L550 hebptut LL OTH or LL here: <=, 42 history: #03 Le hale: £5 24,151 hospital 162 500,78 hot: of temperature) BO (TA), 13: Gpieg) PHL CH, hotest FNLe5 hot spring esor): B34 A, 67,68 hours: ~ 4%, 199 house: 3,50; #72 ¢, 11 how: 25,185; LF PT, 1 L- T6068 brow long: F< 79 howmany: 6, BIEL, Be Ve how many people: A124. 78 how much 85,28 hundred: Ue <, 23,30 unde blion: #443, 28 hundred milion: (523 <, #3<,29 hundred thousand: U0 9 # A, 29 hurt: PACH), 22,234 husband: #358, “La Cd, Lol 98 bts -ian person from) ~ UL, & eecatfee: F423 E—, 199 icecream: T4227") L308 in: (© (partic) 6, 60,66 Inexpensive: PF. (TF), 12,14 information: Li). 3,173 inn, traditional Japanese: 4) 24°46 inside: 4% 71 interesting: BELSL (TH), 13, 1408 Inersection: 25.8 TK, introduce: L234. U8F, 290 invite: LUE, 158 isarenot: TYEE LICH YS than isnt itr: #8 (pete) 45,50 January: 5 4°, 61 fare FX m8 job: LEK 09: F2FYTE LET juice: 72-2, 90 July LBA, 61 une: 3 °2,61 justbeore: TH A,171 Kabuki 4 ketchup: 74-77; 88 key. OE 0 kelogram: #2, 42 king: LL OTH or LAOH know: Lo C08, 206,214,215 lake: B49 4.72 language: ~= 35 large: BH EN) (C4), 38, 10,12, na last month: LY, 51 lestweek: #48 3,81 last year: $140, 51 bate: BE (TT, 208 layer: X42L,3.5 learn: 08 4,230 leave: TE, 173, 1,1 lett: O29, 17 leg: L255 len: UE, 50,181,172 letter: TH, 99 Norary: EL 2 5°, 96 light: TA, 183 tke: $8 TF, 222,224,205 liquor store: 344% 78 listen tok: 8 24,9192, 160,162,153 leit, 5.23, 11 litle more, a: £5-F= L201 lives FEA, 206, 24,215; FLEE lobby: =, 103,206 fot, a: 624,90 lovely: FCS 4,231 lower back: L232 luggage: IF £9, 153, lunch: UA C181, 90 lunch breaks OSPF, 22 machine: 72, 108 magazine: > L,23 mail DIL, 03 main office: (ZA Le, 170 make: 241) £4, 205,207 make a photocopy: 2E-€ LET, 156 male: BED 72 man: BE, BECO WL,7 mane 2&8, 80 map: 8,152 maple sup: AFL Oy Fa March: 3 £889, 61 marketing: 12 KAS 161 mariage: (f= k, 9 match LAW May. 549,61 mayonnaise: 734-2, meat 18,26 mechanical penclt 24-72 Hh, 35 medicine: <1) 78 meet: 54 F, 50,2 meeting: 40%, 27 menu: 4 a—.173 merchandise: L130%4,169 mide: 24% 79 mike $22, 90 millon: Oe <8 A.,29 mine: bf:L, 50 minutes): ~sK0~3K (440.25, mobile phone: 1. Monday: (FE 30% 50 money: #5448, 154 month: (perind of) ~ #79, 184; ~B° D1 more: &3,17 morning: 4%, 26 mother: 230% 4, (212,99 movie: 21.8522 MMS. Ms. Miss: ~ 8,3 Me Fue CS A, 95 much: #262 4,30 music: #844, 92 musical, § 27751, 18s ny DELO, 3, 16,163,187 name: #4 E 2,96, VHA. 10 near BOTH) 10,14 eardy: 84°71 nechlace: 4 7 VR, 124 secktie: 27 74, 124 new: BAHL TH, 12,118 newspaper: LAA, 31 next: 2,172 next month: bt, 51 nextto: £%1),71 next week: tL 7,59 next year BY MaA, 51 ine: $83, 10; 520,39 inery: $099 Uw 9,23 rth, the: (of the month) © S04 61 ot 92,25 6,48, 208 noone: HHL. ~24L, 72 ro patking: 68 3LESLL, 17 roth ext: $28, 43 no smoking: $4.4, 197 not at al TAHA. #AA, 1s, notebook: TH. 9,17 ne thank you: 1h 29°C. nz nothing: #126... 848A, 72 nat much: BEY. — F496, 2 not yet: £45,201 November: Lin 50849, 61 ow: + °,21 number: LZ, 10 ocean: 34,229 October: Uw 9459, 6 (of: 2 (patie), 3,4,9, offce,he: Le, 9 old: BU (TH) 14 ‘on: I (pate) 55, 6,68 one: (4, 10; BE, 39, fone more time: 85°, 17 cone person: OE 4,79, onetime: S217 ‘open: lt 2 4, 15,160, 163, 196, 197 ‘over there, HES, 77 own: BNET 15) paints WWesh <(TF), 22,234 painting: 2, 19 pamphlet: ¢ 7 Ly b, 188,189 patk:(n) C3 RA, 80:0) EEF, 170,172,186 patkinglot: SRF LeU x 3,70 pat pany: F4—,23 peach: £8,130 enc: L170 petson: UN, 21 an person over there, tat: 4,230 photegraoh: LPL A, 151 piano: ET/,209 piaza: EF 2 place: £23,118 planner: T2317 Platform: a2. 143 play gol T7E LET, 95 please: (get me...) BAL ET 8, 96; €4-€,9,10, 12 pm: 2<.2 pocket: 97 74 police bor SHEA. 78 pool: 7M, 26 portable shine: BAT L, 50 post: FUL 3 postcard: 2124S, 95; (246%, 30 post office: DIL E 2 ¢, 22 practice: ALLA 5& LEG231 present: 7LE7 8,16 president: (ofa company) Leb 2 3 prety: SHOTS of SHO, 10, 11 13,116,183 product: Li 30M, 159 pur BEST putin: OE 4 97 aulet: “FETT oF LAS, 13, 16,08 racket: 949 b, 156 radio: 974,30 read: EAS 4, a8, 01,92, 160, 162,15, realy: EA E915, 20 receipt: H2F LF Le, 06 269 270 receive: LUE, 10,123,123, 04 reception desk: 314-214, 70 recorded guide: 4 48—7 174 F, 09 red. BAN (TH) 37,28 refrigerator: A252, Fela: 4462-4, 157,00 report: Lath, 163 reservation: 23° <, 96 rest (0) 44,22; (u) PFET, restaurant: eit, 28; LAE Y, 22 sestroom: BT i570 return; O21 EF, 08, 5,52, 160,12, 169,178,157 fight: 68,179 ‘ight: 4 (particle) 45,50 right away: 6168 ring: U4, 26 romanized Japanese: 2" L, 14 room service: Lt — EX. 176 rose: 11,3 sake: 14,20 salad: #9990 sales: (2 LIE 169 sales department: 24.823. sample: #2 Zi, 10 sandwich: 2 F4 9 #,90 Saturday: ¥29 0,60 say, EF, 170,18 scart: RAMI, 126 school: 8°25, 01 scissors: (224,76 Scotch tape: OF —7, 76 sex 54,209 second: oA: 175 second, the: (ofthe month) 94, 61 secretary: OL r,s see: 4 EF, 28,0591, 92, 0,160,162, 169,178,197 sel 92 T09E F,204 203,219,295) 34 £4, 206,213,218 send: BAY #F, 96,100 September: (5°, 1 seven: LB, 4%, 10; 143,30 seventh the: (ofthe month) 120) 61 seventy: tte Un 9,23 Shinto shrine: CAC, 68 shopitu) LOE LET an (9) a 26 (0) ~ R76 shoulder: 4,232 show:(¥) BLAST, m0, 172510) Da, 12; u) Sab SF 2, 178,197 sister DA, EFL, OLIETLB HAxL ns six 099,33; 3410 sixth the: (of the month) £3699. 6 sity: 3¢ C8 3,29 skiing: R4—, 226 stile, be: Ca FFT, 222,223,204, smal BUS. (TF), 36,1218 smoke (a cigarete) (AILS &) T09 F,149, 190,96 snow: 8,182 snow festival PS£24), a2 soccer: #177, wn, 224 sola 7771 sometimes: C4 Y'3, 96 son BFE, EPIL, 25 soon: + C168 soup: 2-720 South ext: BBB, ran souvenir BAYT, 126 spa: 275,69 sporty AA—Y, stais: #424, 206 stand up: #253 4, 196,97 stapler hy #42, 70 station: 24, 50 station employee: 284.4, 187 steak: RF —4, 93, stomach: #54245 203 stop: £624, 19, 172,196 store: Zt, 28 straight ahead: £24 C171 student: #448045 subway: BOT 55,61 sugar: 2E3,08 sur UES, we summer vacation: 4° 24° &, 62 sumo wresting: 63,144 Sunday: S525 0, 60 supermarket: 27,22 surface mai: Sete, 199 sushi restaurant: FLY 103 sweater: 4-9 —, 76 sweet: bE (CH), 119,04 sweets: BAL, 1 swimming: $024 226 table: F—7ih, 71 take: (ime) 4-41) 8-4, 175, 10,185 (@ photograph (Le La #) EHH, take core: & UT, 1 take areot: HT OY ET, 15 talk: ELE LE, 145,206,207 tangerine: 4%, 42 tasty: BUSLOS (TF), 07 113,14, 128 tai 77263 taxi stand: 772 OLE, ma tea: 2380.90 teaceremony. 85 #, 232 teach: BLA ET, 10,17 tedious: 28 41 (CF), a, 182 telephone: fn) C447, 10;(¥) ThE U4, 0,50, 100 telephone umber: TA ILA 9, 10 television: FLE, 20 tek BLAST 0,2 temple: BTS ten: Ue 9,23; £8, 26,28 ten ition: Ue <43<, 29 ten milion: ELE A, 28 tennis: F=2, 23 tennis cour: F=RI— bos tenth, the: (ofthe month) & 254%, ten thousand: VBL, £4, 28,30 thank you thanks) £3 &, 15; thank you) £98 HUA 5, 9,26: thank youvery much) £34 HU AEZ (CRE PTEOE LH) 9,129 that: £0, 20,37, 232; £44, 20,28 that over there: HO, 20,37; #1, 20,31 thiscoming: = LE, 105 this evening, = ALA, 155 this month: = Lt, 51 this one: =85,3 thiswoek AU 9,51 thisyear: SEL, s1 thousand: #4, 2,20 three: $4.10; 37,39 three peopie: S124, 79 ‘throat: OK, 232 Thursday: L506 50 ticket: #255 18 ticket gate: 8OS9 C8, sat time: Ua, 152 10: I= (partie), «445,88, 180; ~ (par tile), a8; 2T (parte, 5 today: 323,51 together: tL 2S, 1a1 together with: © (partic), 49,50 tomorrow: dL fs, 9,$0,5 too: & (particle, 26,29 tol: 25 C155 tooth: [4,233 top: 32.7 tote bag: #14, 71 towel: 7411.43 town: £5,235 ttaficsina: LAZ5, 6 train: TLL 61 vinline: ~#4, 187 wavel Y225,62 travel agency: 225 49L 6,06 tilion: 3849, 5,28 tip: 224,02 ue: LL E3, 150 Tesi: T27,37,38 Tuesday: 45 K€ ‘wip: F2— 973 turn: 24° 84,170,172 tum off (FUE F, 15,160,169, 178, 167 tumon: 21924, 151168 ‘twentieth, the: (f the month) > tet twenty: (209,22 twenty fourth, the: (f the manth) {= Unitotier ukiyos: 73 Z, 18 umbrella: 3,19 under: L 75,71 understand: #04°1) 84,96, 222,224,228 university: 2200, 7 unt: € 7 (particle), 22 use: DA 2-F, 1,19, 00,196 vase: FU, 2 vegetable: 20,95 vegetable juice: PSV a— 2,05 ven: ETE, very much: 22. NK, 218 vicinity: BAY, 7 video: EA, 30 + video camera: EFA £3, 30 wait: £4, wo, 10,172,178 walk: BEET, 1a wallet: 2955, 73 want: BPP (TH), 295 wasabi 30% 197 wastwere: TU. wastwere not: THY AELTL eb EEL? watch: E1909 weather: TLS, 10 wedding anniversary: (to 28484, Kus Wednesday: TE 30% 60 weetend: Ln 322,08 week: “Ln 0°, 11 welt £4, 29 well then: 28,28, Cl 29,49 west ext: ELC, 3 what 1,69; 4h, ‘at yf he mori 2A, {of the wook) 424.44 Ue2 what kind of 42,18 what month: 24°, 62 what number: IEA. 18 what time: which: 20, se: CH, 37,58 whiskey: 94 24 —, 26 white: LAL TH) 5 who: 124,214; CAE wing, 25 UT, 18 wile BEL, vinden: 158 wine: 74243 with: & (patie) 43,50 woman: BAA, BLO WN wondertul C8 4,232 work (ny LSE, 22, 0) LEE at wory: $12 LE, 200 wate: #°8:4-F, 0,100, 10, 162,168, 78,197 bt of oe year: ~#84, 60; (period of) ~AI A. (4° A381 yen: ~AA, 26,31 yer: 29,140, 4 0 9,2,6,48, 149,208 yesterday: $03, 51 ero: #0, L010 an Index adjectives, no conjunction, #6 178,205 counter: “#46070; ~ HIF, wy, ~ E21, MIB 61; MICA, Aad e0; WI VlLOL0 WILK, 8, UE LAT KIEL, 26,39 ~ 030,39 «counter, word order, 28 counting, 28,26 {ay ofthe month, 61 day of the weet, 60 decimals, 23 THTLA THEE REEL 2 fractions, 23 here, there, oer thee, 20 honorific: 1-3 Le. EF, 6 interectons: 57, $4,220; Tl2/U 28 intertogatives: by what means, 6%; how, 0,185, 12; how about, 1; how long, 78; how mary 80; haw much 28; hat, 13,6; what dayimonth, 62; what kindof, ns; what number; 15, what time, 2; wine, 54; whee, hich, 37,58; who, 8, 14 why, 66 ‘monation: fling, 27 ing, 2, 0,50 iar, 2,1, 61 months 61 name (instead of Wyou), 2 numbers, to, 23,28, 30; BE, 2.575, 38; intermediate numbers, 30 ‘object marker, 8,222 ‘omission: (of tpi), 2,22; (of vere), 78 particle: 2,648,222; 9° 5,58, 68, 169,170, 208,222, 921,226, 98, tas, 22; 58, 26; T 5,60, 89,50, 142,170; ©,4, 50,7072; [2 48, 49,59, 0,68, 88, 10,18; #2, 49,50; 0,34, 1a; 1,2, 3,10, 58 68,201,214 48; #T.22,05; 4,28,28,214; Pes. 70: 68,70; €,, 10,112,171, 175,180, am.2a.222 particle, positon of, 32,5254 Particles Gn combinations) 213 permission, aking, 68 polite: ~,52; BS n 68K, 1; 8 43h BAER, 96 SS Ear fe hare bast BEBCERY, 16 BI LDULEOE EL ae: t Bute ‘question marker, 32,648,222 Gio) 35 a => —y ayOnwO EE Hrd vulizsan JAPANESE FOR BUSY PEOPLE I: need’ karovernon 2006 6 1 BIRT 2008 6B a BRS wut y9—7 yas waten Ties REREET me 02 334e-505)ma8) 05-3344. o192(e8 xR) ‘aero kodanshasn Com omen XOSORRRAI weenie tee amesmenes 205 ‘su 978-2-770-2009-2 subject marker, 4 68 suc 4,05; ab, 73; 76 telephone numbers, 1 thi, that, that oer there, 20 ‘ime 23; point in time, approximate, 5; relative, 5, specific, 60 topic marker, 2,3, 58, 68,211,218 ver: clasifcations of, 0, 78; present/ past form, 2,48; pesent-progressve, 208; Regular, Regula I, regula, 178 tenses of 48; 42 form, 178; FL a, ~ £29, -BL2 5H wy 24 fom, 6,160,223; EK (CL) e8; EEA 0; WTF, 223) —T form, 60; COE F form 204 verb, giing and receiving, 10 verb replaced by TF, 77 word order with € ane number, 38 yers.60 K AT AK ANA V+) 28 = Fer ahrs Yr Yaya Er BeEsamits Cre tabetse THE REVISED 3RD EDITION OF JAPANESE FOR BUSY PEOPLE In the 22 years since its publication, Japanese for Busy People has won acclaim world- wide as an effective, easy-to-understand textbook, either for classroom use or for inde~ pendent study. Now, in its first revision in more than a decade, the series has been redesigned, updated and consolidated to meet the needs of today’s students and businesspeople who want to learn natural, spoken Japanese as effectively as possible in a limited amount of time This frst volume of Japanese for Busy People: Revised 3rd Edition includes the follow- ing new features: + A unit structure whereby thematically linked lessons are grouped together to make learning Japanese easier than ever * Exoanded exercises that go beyond substitution drils and get students speaking Japanese right away * A free 70-minute CD that contains recordings of dialogues and exercises from the text + Over 340 illustrations to make the learning process both fun and effective * Notes about Japanese culture + Asleek, user-friendly desion "Survival Japanese for Adults," as the book might be called, gets to the heart of the language without recourse to childish or classroom-only Japanese. Ideal for those whose aim is a working knowledge of the spoken language, it presents only the mini- mum amount of Japanese needed to get by on a daily basis in Japan. To reduce the ‘burden on busy learners, vocabulary and grammar have been limited to about a third of that typically introduced in beginner courses, and emphasis is given to words and patterns that the leamer will find immediately useful The Japanese for Busy People series has been prepared under the guidance of a work- ing group of experienced language instructors who reviewed and tested the material in their classrooms. About the Authors The Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (AJALT) was established to meet the practical needs of people who wish to communicate effectively in lapanese. in 1977 it was recognized 2s 8 nonprofit organization by Japan's Ministry of Education. In 1992 it was awarded the Japan Foundation Special Prize.

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