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________ is a temporary pass through account held by a third party during the pr

ocess of a transaction between two parties--- Escrow Account

Ways and Means advances refers to ----- The temporary advance made to the governme
nt by its Bankers to bridge the interval between expenditure and the flow of rec
eipt of revenues.
Micro Credit means ------ Loan of very small amount
6 more private banks were nationalized on ----1980(deposits over 200 crores).
A account is mainted by an indian bank in the foreign countries----Nostro accoun
A cheque becomes stale after ---- 3 months
A customer can link how many account to the same mobile number----more than one.
A loan offered to an individual who does not qualify for a loan at the prime rat
e due to their credit history---- Sub prime lending
A NBFC is a company registerd under ---- Companies act,1956
A NBFC prohibited---- accepted demand deposits
A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the----Comp
anies Act, 1956
A rise in the reserve ratio of banks ---- Will lead to a decrease in the money s
An instrument in the form of Depository Receipt created by an Indian Depository
against underlying equity shares of the issuing company----- IDR
ASBA(Applications Supported by Blocked Amount) is associated with---IPO
ATMs set up, owned and operated by non-banks are called----White Label ATMs
Banking Ombudsman Scheme is applicable to the business of--- All scheduled comme
rcial banks including RRBs.
Banking Ombudsmen is appointed by RBI under---Banking Regulation act
Banks are required to maintain SLR under ----- Section 24 of the Banking Regulat
ion Act.
Call money is related to ------ Money market.
Can NBFC accept demand deposits ---- no
Certificate of Deposits can be issued for a maximum period of---365 days(minimum
7 days)
Certificates of Deposits have a minimum value of _---- 1 lakh.
CIBIL score range ----- 300-900.
Commercial Paper (CP) introduce in------ 1990
Concept of tobin tax is associated with---Foreign exchange transctions
CRAR----- Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio
Currency which is hyper sensitive and fluctuates frequently.----Soft currency(we
ak currency).
Current account becomes dormant when there are no withdrawals for the last--- 2
Customers using the UPI system only share ----vIRTUAL ADDRESS.
Educational for All Development Index is released by ---- UNO
Expand FSDC----- Financial Stability and Development Council
FCNR accounts can be opened and maintained as------ Term Deposit Accounts
Foreign Currency which has a tendency of quick migration is called-Hot Currency.
Foreign exchange Reserves of India are kept in the custody of ------RBI.
Fully KYC complaint account holders may be allowed to withdraw of PMJDY For mont
How many codes are there in SWIFT code----8 or 11(4 bank code,2-country code,2-loc
ation code,3 branch code)
How many digits are there in Mobile Money Identifier(MMID)----7
How much percentage of the net credits of Commercial Banks should be in priority
sector lending--------40%
How much percentage of the net credits of Small Finance Banks should be in prior
ity sector lending ------ 75%
How User will know whether his/her AADHAAR number is seeded/linked to any bank a
ccount number or not-----dial *99*99# on mobile
In India, National income is estimated by ---- Central Statistical Organization(
In NUUP, a customer can access banking services by just pressing -----*99#.
In what denominations a CP that can be issued-----5 lakh or multiples thereof.
Interest on the savings bank accounts is compounded ------ Daily
Is Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation available to depositors of
Is introduction necessary while opening a bank account----NO
KYC guidelines followed by the banks have been framed on the recommendations of
Last date declarant make the deposit into the scheme PMGKDS---- March 2017
LLP--- Limited Liability Partnership.
Maximum amount for mental agony and harassment in case of creditcard----1 lakh
Maximum amount of compensation as specified under Banking Ombudsman-----10 lakh
Minimum and maximum period of maturity prescribed for CP----7days---1 year
National Savings Certificate matures at the end of---- 5 years.
Nationalize 14 major commercial bank on ----19 july,1969(deposit over 50 cr).
Non KYC compliant account holders may be allowed to withdraw of PMJDY For month-
On a cheque instead of two parallel lines only bank s name is written. It is a----
-- Special crossing
On the basis of recommendations of which of the following committees NABARD was
established------sivaramana committee.
One rupee notes bear the signature of.......... Secretary, Ministry of Finance.
PMGKDS stands--- Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme,2016-- Taxation and
Investment Regime
PSLC ----Priority Sector Lending Certificates
Rates of Interest on deposits are determined by--------- The Bank itself.
RBI was nationalized on - ----- 1 January 1949.
Regulator of Capital Market........SEBI
Report on Currency and Finance ------RBI.
RRBs is established in ------ 2 Oct 1975.
SBI establishment day is celebrated on ------ 1st July.
SDR, the currency of the IMF, is in the form of ------ Book keeping entry only.
Security on immovable property for a loan given by a bank ----- Mortagage.
Systematic investment plan is related to ----- mutual funds
The Banking Ombudsman Scheme is introduced under-----Section 35 A of the Banking
Regulation Act, 1949
The Banking Regulation Act was implemented on----- March 10, 1949.
The Chairman of SEBI is nominated by ------ GoI.
The Definition of Banking is given in---- The Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
The Export-Import Bank of India was set up in ------ January 1982.
The following acts helps a bank in its day-to-day activities ---- Negotiable Ins
truments Act..
The full form LAF ----- Liquidity Adjustment Facility(repo,reverese repo).
The full form of CORE ---- Centralized Online Realtime Exchange.
The interest rate charged by banks to their largest, most secure, and most credi
tworthy customers on short-term loans---- Prime lending rate:
The minimum capital requirement Payment Banks is Rs ----100 cr
The minimum capital requirement Small Banks is Rs -----100 cr
The RBI Act was implemented on ----------------------- 6 March 1934.
Those Automated Teller Machines where hardware and the lease of the ATM machine
is owned by a service provider, but cash management and connectivity to banking
networks is provided by a sponsor bank whose brand is used on the ATM---Brown la
bel ATM
Transfer of any instrument to another person by signing on its back or face or o
n a slip of paper attached to it is known as........ endorsement.
Transferring local financial assets into foreign financial asset freely and at m
arket determined exchange rates-------- Capital Accounts Convertibility.
Under which method of note-issue the RBI issues notes---- Minimum Reserve System
Unsecured bonds that cannot be converted to company equity or stock ---- Non Con
vertible Debentures.
What is Stagflation ----- inflation after deflations.
What is meant by a scheduled bank---- A bank included in 2nd schedule of RBI Act
, 1934.
What is the full form of IIP------- Index of Industrial Production.
What is the upper transaction limit of UPI system----1 lakh.
What would be the New Price Index that would measure inflation------- CPI (2012)
When a bank returns a cheque unpaid, it is called-----Dishonor cheque
When did Payment and Settlement Systems Act----20 th dec 2007.
Which date Withdrawal of Legal Tender Character of the old Bank Notes in the den
ominations of ? 500/- and ? 1000/---November 8
Which day is celebrated as the Banks Nationalization Day ------ 19 july
Which of the following is the parent organisation of UPI----NPCI.
Who defines a person resident in India--- Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
World Development Report published by------ World bank
World Economic Outlook Report ------ IMF.
World Investment Report has been published by---UNCTAD.
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