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1/20 14:55:26.396 (a290) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.

4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2017. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2017. All rights reserved.
Started - Fri Jan 20 14:55:26 2017
1/20 14:55:26.397 (a290) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
1/20 16:15:17.897 (a2ac) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2017. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2017. All rights reserved.
Started - Fri Jan 20 16:15:17 2017
1/20 16:15:17.897 (a2ac) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
1/20 16:15:47.795 (a430) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2017. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2017. All rights reserved.
Started - Fri Jan 20 16:15:47 2017
1/20 16:15:47.796 (a430) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
1/20 17:07:13.421 (a430) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x0000000000000000, 3,
0, 0x0000000000000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
1/20 17:07:13.467 (a430) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\D:' has SCSI address of 0:5:0:0
1/20 17:07:13.468 (a430) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\D:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
1/20 17:07:13.472 (a430) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
1/20 17:07:13.472 (a430) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
1/20 17:07:13.472 (a430) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
1/20 17:07:13.472 (a430) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
1/20 17:07:13.472 (a430) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
1/20 17:07:13.472 (a430) Vendor ID: 'HL-DT-ST', Product ID: 'DVDRAM GH24NSD1 ',
Revision Level: 'LB00'

1/20 17:07:13.472 (a430) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener

ic_SharedConstructor(): 'HL-DT-ST' - 'DVDRAM GH24NSD1 ' - 'LB00' sits at 0:5:0:0
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) RW Supported: Yes, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Y
1/20 17:07:13.475 (a430) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Separate Volume: Yes, Separate Channel Mute: Yes
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Maximum Read Speed: 2117 KBps
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Number Of Volume Level(s): 256, Buffer Size in KBs: 51
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Current Read Speed: 8467 KBps
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Reserved7: 0x00
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
1/20 17:07:13.476 (a430) Reserved8: 0x00
1/20 17:07:13.477 (a430) Maximum Write Speed: 8467 KBps
1/20 17:07:13.477 (a430) Current Write Speed: 8467 KBps
1/20 17:07:13.477 (a430) Reserved9: 0x0001

1/20 17:07:13.477 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb

er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
1/20 17:07:13.480 (a430) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x000000002339C0B0, device name is 'D:'
1/20 17:07:13.480 (a430) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x000000002339C0B0, 0x000000000014E0D0
1/20 17:07:13.481 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 17:07:13.482 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 17:07:13.483 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 17:07:13.483 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 17:07:13.484 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 17:07:13.485 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 17:07:13.486 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 17:07:13.487 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 17:07:13.487 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
1/20 17:07:13.489 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 17:07:13.499 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 17:07:13.499 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
1/20 17:07:13.499 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x000000000014E0C0, 0x000000000014E0C1
1/20 17:07:13.499 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
1/20 17:07:13.499 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
1/20 17:07:13.499 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0xDE
1/20 17:07:13.499 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
1/20 17:07:13.500 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
1/20 17:07:13.500 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
1/20 17:07:13.500 (a430) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
1/20 17:07:13.500 (a430) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x000000002339C0B0

1/20 17:31:53.760 (aa18) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2017. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2017. All rights reserved.
Started - Fri Jan 20 17:31:53 2017
1/20 17:31:53.761 (aa18) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
1/20 17:31:58.973 (aa18) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
1/20 19:05:20.185 (c3d8) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2017. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2017. All rights reserved.
Started - Fri Jan 20 19:05:20 2017
1/20 19:05:20.185 (c3d8) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
1/20 19:44:34.766 (c3d8) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x0000000000000000, 3,
0, 0x0000000000000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
1/20 19:44:34.849 (c3d8) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\D:' has SCSI address of 0:5:0:0
1/20 19:44:34.883 (c3d8) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\D:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
1/20 19:44:34.884 (c3d8) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
1/20 19:44:34.884 (c3d8) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
1/20 19:44:34.884 (c3d8) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
1/20 19:44:34.884 (c3d8) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
1/20 19:44:34.884 (c3d8) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
1/20 19:44:34.884 (c3d8) Vendor ID: 'HL-DT-ST', Product ID: 'DVDRAM GH24NSD1 ',
Revision Level: 'LB00'

1/20 19:44:34.884 (c3d8) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener

ic_SharedConstructor(): 'HL-DT-ST' - 'DVDRAM GH24NSD1 ' - 'LB00' sits at 0:5:0:0
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) RW Supported: Yes, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Y
1/20 19:44:34.887 (c3d8) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Separate Volume: Yes, Separate Channel Mute: Yes
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Maximum Read Speed: 2117 KBps
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Number Of Volume Level(s): 256, Buffer Size in KBs: 51
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Current Read Speed: 8467 KBps
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Reserved7: 0x00
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Reserved8: 0x00
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Maximum Write Speed: 8467 KBps
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Current Write Speed: 8467 KBps
1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) Reserved9: 0x0001

1/20 19:44:34.888 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb

er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
1/20 19:44:34.891 (c3d8) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x00000000248F80A0, device name is 'D:'
1/20 19:44:34.891 (c3d8) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x00000000248F80A0, 0x000000000014DDB0
1/20 19:44:34.892 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 19:44:34.893 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 19:44:34.893 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 19:44:34.894 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 19:44:34.895 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
1/20 19:44:34.895 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 19:44:34.895 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 19:44:34.897 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 19:44:34.897 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
1/20 19:44:34.898 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 19:44:34.899 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
1/20 19:44:34.899 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
1/20 19:44:34.899 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x000000000014DDA0, 0x000000000014DDA1
1/20 19:44:34.900 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
1/20 19:44:34.900 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
1/20 19:44:34.900 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0xDE
1/20 19:44:34.900 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
1/20 19:44:34.900 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
1/20 19:44:34.900 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
1/20 19:44:34.900 (c3d8) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
1/20 19:44:34.900 (c3d8) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x00000000248F80A0

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