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175 Important Banking Awareness Questions GOE.CO.



175 Important Banking Awareness Questions for IBPS and SBI Exams

Lending of scheduled Commercial Banks, on a fortnightly average basis, should not exceed
1 of their capital fund.-25 per cent
2 Specified interest rate on a fixed maturity security fixed at the time of issue is called-coupon rate
3 A faithful and friendly financial partner is the tagline of which bank -Syndicate Bank
4 Aapka Bhala Sabki Bhalai is the tagline of which bank ? -> Bandhan Bank.
5 Pure Banking Nothing Else is the tagline of which bank? -> State Bank of India.
A centralized databases with online connectivity to branches, internet as well as ATM-network
6 which has been adopted by almost all major banks of our country is Known as-core Banking
A cheque which has completed the stipulated validity period of the cheque is called as- stale
7 cheque (The validity period is 3 months as at present)
8 A Country which participate in the International trade is known as? -> Open Economy.
A customer drawing a cheque on a bank has the right to stop payment of the cheque before it is
9 paid
10 Accounts are allowed to be operated by cheques in respect of current and savings accounts
11 ALM is called as Asset Liability Management
12 ARCIL is the asset reconstruction company
13 As declared by RBI recently the New RS 50 banknote will have ?Inset Letter R
At which Rate commercial Bank Borrow fund from RBI or overnight basis -MSF (Marginal
14 Standing Facility)
Bank are required to maintain a percentage of deposit with RBI and this percentage is called ? ->
15 Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR).
16 Bank Holidays are covered under which Act?Negotiable Instrument Act
17 Banks are subject to operational risk, credit risk, market risk,liquidity risk
18 Banks can accept both demand and time deposits from the public
19 BCBS expand this term? -> Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
20 BCSBI Banking Codes and Standards Board of India
21 Bombay stock exchange was made functional as early as 1870
22 Call money borrowings is not the source of finance for any commercial bank
23 CAMEL denotes capital adequacy, asset quality, management,efficiency and liquidity
24 Capital market is a market which deals in long term funds
25 Capital market is a market which deals in- long-term funds
Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity Ratio are terms most closely related to the following
26 industries/markets Banking industry
27 CIBIL Credit Information Bureau of India Limited
Commercial banks do not undertake the following functions: deciding policy rates like CRR, SLR
28 and repo rates


175 Important Banking Awareness Questions GOE.CO.IN

Commercial paper is a short-term security issued by ________ to raise funds.-large and well-
29 known companies
30 Consortium Advances refers to -Joint Financing by more than one bank
31 Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited is called as DICGC
Depreciation of an asset does not occur on account of the following namely; fire in the unit; theft;
32 labour trouble; wear and tear;
Dhoni has been nominated in the savings bank account of Raina and Dhoni requests the bank
authorities to allow him to operate Rainas account as he is found to be unwell. What will the
bank do? As nomination will come into effect only after the death of the depositor, the bank
33 will not permit
34 Exchange rate is the term used in the field of economics
35 Expand the term CARE -Credit Analysis and research limited
36 Expand the term CTS?Cheque Truncation System
37 Expand the term FSLRC -Financial secor legislatine reforms commission
38 Expand the term QIB Qualified Institutional Buyers
39 Expand the term AMFI ? -> Association of Mutual funds of India.
40 Expand the Term ANBC?Adjusted Net Bank Credit
41 Expand the Term BBPS ? -> Bharat Bill Payment System.
42 Expand the Term BBPS ? Bharat Bill Payment System
43 Expand the Term CIBIL -Credit Information Bureau of India Limited.
44 Expand the term CIRL ?Central Insurance Repository Limited
45 Expand the Term CVPS ? Currency verification and Processing System
46 Expand the Term DEAF -Depositors Education and Awareness Fund.
47 Expand the term FIMMDA? -> Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association.
48 Expand the Term GAAR -General Anti Avoidance Tax Rules.
49 Expand the Term IRDAI ?Insurance regulatory development authority of India
50 Expand the Term OECD -organization for Economic Co-operation and development
51 Expand the term SWF ? Sovereign Wealth Fund
52 Expand the Term ULIP ? -> Unit Linked Insurance Plan.
53 Expnd the term IGMS ?Integrated Grievance Management System
54 Financial assets are classified into primary or direct securities and secondary or indirect securities
Financial inclusion means provision of-financial services namely, payments, remittances, savings,
55 loans and insurance at affordable cost to persons not yet given the same
Financial instruments of the capital market are classified into the following two categories
56 namely; government or gilt edged securities and corporate securities
57 Financial markets can be classified into money market and capital market
58 Fixed deposits and recurring deposits are- repayable after an agreed period
59 For purchase of white goods, the following loan is granted by the banks -consumer durables loan


175 Important Banking Awareness Questions GOE.CO.IN

60 Forward Markets commission established in which year?1953

61 ICICI Bank Limited is the first Universal Bank established in the country
If an Insurance Policy holder is not satisfied with the award of the Insurance Ombudsman, he or
62 she can approach to ?Courts of law or consumer forums
If the RBI wants to block foreign Capital outflow and contain the currency depreciation which
63 would be the most possible action? Increase Interest Rates.
64 IFSC code consists of eleven digits
In order to attract more foreign exchange the Government of India decided to allow
foreign investment in LLP firms. What is full form of LLP as used in this reference?-Limited
65 Liability Partnership
In the case of Regional Rural Banks, the contribution structure between Government of India,
66 State Government and Sponsoring banks are in the ratio of 50:15:35
67 Income Generated from Tourism Can be placed in? -> Invisible Export
Indian financial system is composed of three components financial assets, financial markets and
68 financial intermediaries or institutions
69 Insurance cover for bank deposits in the country is provided by DICGC
70 Interest on Saving bank account is now calculated by banks on- daily product basis
71 Interest payable on savings bank is not regulated by RBI
72 IRDA Insurance Regulatory Development Authority
73 IRDA has its headquarters at Hyderabad
IRDA is the regulatory authority for all insurance companies in the country including LIC of
74 India
75 Know your customer (KYC) has which two components? -> Identity and address
76 LAB means local area banks
77 Lack of access of financial Services is technically known as ? -> Financial Exclusion.
78 LAF means liquidity adjustment facility
79 Largest shareholder (in percentage shareholding) of a nationalized bank is-Government of India
80 Monetary policy as an arm of the economic policy is administered by Reserve Bank of India
Money laundering means the process of conversion of money obtained illegally to appear to
81 have originated from legitimate sources
82 Money laundering refers to conversion of money which is legally obtained
83 Money lend for 15 days or more in Inter-bank market is called-term money
84 Money lent for one day is called-call money
85 Money market is the center of dealings mainly of short term character in monetary assets
86 Mortgage is a-security on immovable property for a loan given by a bank
87 Mutual funds fall within the supervisory purview of SEBI
88 NABARD was established in 1982
89 National Income Estimates in India are prepared by Central Statistics Commission
90 National savings certificates, infrastructure bonds, Indira Vikas Patras, Krishi Vikas Patra etc. are
175 Important Banking Awareness Questions GOE.CO.IN

examples of financial assets

91 Normally Economic Growth is coupled with ? -> Inflation.
92 NRI deposits are called as hot money
93 On which Rate at which commercial banks borrow short term funds with RBI -Repo Rate
Public sector bank, foreign bank, private sector bank and regional rural bank are classified as
94 commercial banks
RBI declared that it has withdrawn the instruction of compensation to banks at how much percent
95 of the national value of counterfeit notes detected?25 Percent
Regional Rural Banks fall within supervisory purview of-RBI,Note: RBI is supervisor and
96 NABARD is regulator.
97 Regional Rural Banks were set up in 1975
98 Reserve Bank of India issues all the currency notes except one rupee note
99 Reserve Bank of India undertakes the following rates: CRR; SLR and repo rates
100 Revelling credit is made available by the issuer in the case of -Credit Card
101 Savings bank accounts are opened by individuals for savings purposes
Scheduled commercial banks are banks which have been included in the second schedule of RBI
102 act, 1934; registered under companies act and got licence as per Banking Regulations act 1949
103 SEBI means Securities and Exchange Board of India.
104 Securities and Exchange Board of India was established in 1988
105 Six banks were nationalized during the second stage on 15.4.1980
Small finance Banks must disburse how much percent of their total adjusted net bank credit to
106 priority sector?75%
107 State Bank of India was formulated as per SBI act 1955
108 State Bank of Indore was merged with state Bank of India in which year ? -> 2010
109 T-bills are financial instruments initially sold by ________ to raise funds.-the government
110 The account in which trading of shares in their electronic form is called as DEMAT account
The bank branches which can undertake foreign exchange business directly are known as
111 approved dealers in foreign exchange
The banking ombudsman resolves the complaints of the customers in regard to services provided
112 by the banks
113 The capital market deals in long term funds, both debt and equity
114 The conversion of money which is illegally obtained is called as money laundering
115 The credit risk to the bank is high from which of these cards Credit cards
116 The crossing on a cheque can be cancelled by the drawer of the cheque under his full signature
The Economy in which there is a mixture of Public and Private Sector both is called ? -> Mixed
117 Economy.
118 The excess of the total expenditures over total receipts is known as ? -> Budget Deficit.
The financial literacy includes the following namely; how to invest the funds; how to use the
119 limited funds carefully; how to minimize the risks and how to reinvest the money earned


175 Important Banking Awareness Questions GOE.CO.IN

120 The first bank in India was set up on modern lines in 1770 by an agency house
The first bank note issued by Independent India was the One Rupee note issued in which year? ->
121 1949
122 The first Indian bank to open a branch outside India in London in 1946 is Bank of India
123 The first public sector bank to issue capital to public is Oriental Bank of Commerce
The fixed deposits, reinvestment deposits and recurring deposits are repayable after an agreed
124 period.
The following are the functions of a commercial bank namely; providing project finance;
settlement of payments on behalf of the customers; issuing credit and debit cards to the customers
125 and providing services such as locker facilities and remittances
The following are the functions of banks accepting deposits; granting loans;collecting cheques;
126 issuing drafts; selling gold/silver coins
The following are the sources of finance for any commercial bank capital, borrowings from
127 RBI, deposits and cash reserves with RBI
128 The following constitutes the largest percentage of retail loans in the country Home loans
The following is a measure taken by RBI in order to control inflation in the country -raising of
129 Repo and Reverse Repo rates.
130 The following is not a primary function of a bank Facilitating import of goods
The following represent the correct meaning of Repo rate Rate for borrowing rupees by banks
131 from RBI
The fourteen banks which were nationalized on 19.7.1969 were-Central Bank of India; Bank of
Maharashtra; Dena Bank; Punjab National Bank; Syndicate Bank; Canara Bank; Indian Bank;
Indian Overseas Bank; Bank of Baroda; Union Bank; Allahabad Bank; United Bank of India;
132 United Commercial Bank and Bank of India
133 The headquarters of International Monetary Fund is located at which place ? -> Washington DC.
The letter L available in the term LAF commonly used in financial/economic news is called as-
134 Liquidity
135 The loans of very small amounts given to low income group is called as Micro credit
The non performing assets of any bank are called as sub standard assets, doubtful assets and
136 loss assets
137 The performing assets of any bank are called as standard assets
The primary issuers of capital market securities include- the Central and Local Governments and
138 corporations
The rate at which the domestic currency can be converted into foreign currency and vice versa is
139 known as the exchange rate
The reserves which can act as a liquidity buffer for commercial banks during crisis times are CRR
140 and SLR
The subsidiaries of State Bank of India are; State Bank of Patiala;State Bank of Hyderabad; State
141 Bank of Travancore; State Bank of Bikaneer and Jaipur and State Bank of Mysore.
The usual deposit accounts of banks are-current accounts, savings bank accounts and term deposit
142 accounts


175 Important Banking Awareness Questions GOE.CO.IN

The usual deposit accounts of the banks are current accounts, savings accounts and term deposit
143 accounts
To which country does Mohammad Yunus, who developed the concept of Micro Credit and
144 Micro Finance belong ? -> Bangladesh.
145 Universal banking is the roof under which various banking products are available
146 Up to what extent, FDI in Insurance sector is allowed by the government of India ?49%
147 Upper limit prescribed for RTGS transaction is-No upper limit is prescribed
148 Urban cooperative bank is not a commercial bank
What do you understand by the term called as mortgage ?- Making the security of immovable
149 property available as a cover for a home loan availed by the borrower
What is the best option to park money for a long period of time to earn a high rate of interest -
150 Fixed Deposit A/c
What is the Cap on loan amount given out by a Non-Banking financial company Micro
151 Finance Institution ?Rs 50000
What is the minimum tenure of deposits to be taken by NBFCs (Non Banking Financial
152 Companies) ?12 Months
153 What is the name of Australian Central Bank -Reserve Bank Australia
What reason told by RBI governor recently for not issuing the high denomination currency above
154 Rs 1000 bank note presently?Fear of Counterfeiting
155 When a banker talks about CDR, CDR is meant Corporate Debt Restructuring.
156 When the ATM machine installed in the bank is out of order, it is called as operational risk
157 When the banks are not able to pay the amount to the depositors, it is called as liquidity risk
158 When the banks entertain in dealing with insurance business, it is called as bankassurance
159 When the banks products fail to survive in the market, it is called market risk
160 When the computers are not functioning, it is called as operational risk
161 When the loans are not repaid in time, it is called as credit risk
162 When the rate of inflation increases-purchasing power of money decreases
When the repayment period is between 37 to 84 months, such loans are called as medium term
163 loans
164 When the repayment period is more than 84 months, they are called as long term loans
165 When the repayment period of any loan is upto 36 months, the loan is called as short term loan
166 Where is the Federal Reserve system (The USA Central bank) headquartered -New York
167 Where is the headquarter of Asian Development Bank -Manilla (Philippines)
168 Where is the headquarter of World Bank Located? -> Washington D.C.
169 Where is the headquarters of Allahabad Bank located ? -> Kolkata.
170 Where is the headquarters of Badhan Banks Located -(Kolkata, Chairman -Ashok Lahiri)
171 Where is the headquarters of Central Bank of India located -Mumbai
Which action will be taken by RBI to reduce the excess liquidity in the market -Increase CRR
172 (Cash Reserve Ratio)


175 Important Banking Awareness Questions GOE.CO.IN

Which bank accredited by the green climate fund as an implementing entity for climate change
173 related projects in India ?NABARD
Which card product launched by the banks is working on the principle of Buy Now Pay Later -
174 Credit Card
175 Which private sector bank has the maximum number of ATMs Machine in India ? -> ICICI Bank.


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