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Going green in the greenhouse

Greenhouse Effect is a pretty well heard term on the

news, but do you know the origination of the term?
The concept of a greenhouse dates back to the Roman
times, with the first Greenhouse built in the 13th
Century, then known as giardini botanici to preserve
exotic plants that the explorers brought back from the

The concept is simple; a structure where the walls and

roof are made of transparent materials. Sunrays pass
through the transparent walls and roof warming up
the air and contents inside the greenhouse which on
getting warmer re-emit the heat but this re-radiated heat from them cannot pass through glass again since they
are of a longer wavelength, hence the temperature inside rises.

The need to protect the crops against unfavorable natural conditions prompted the advancement of protective
cultivation. Greenhouses have got the extravagant of farmers, with their yields being safe from the evil impacts of
climate, for example, untimely rain, hail, temperature fluctuations, etc. Under the National Horticulture Mission,
farmers are being given subsidies to use greenhouses. Greenhouse development has turned into an essential
approach of Indian Agriculture. Progressive farmers have achieved manifold increase in their yield and income by
switching over to unconventional agricultural techniques like organic and poly house farming. A greenhouse set up
on one acre costs about 36 lakhs, out of which 65 per cent is granted as subsidy by Horticulture Department of
Central and State Governments and a farmer has to bear an expenditure of about 12 lakhs.

The total production of vegetables in India is next to China, but per capita availability of vegetables is much lower
than required, therefore, it is utmost necessary to improve the productivity of crops including vegetables.
Steaming is just a fleeting solution; it loses its effectiveness every year. Pests and pathogens recuperate more
rapidly every time. Steaming results in exhaustion, the increasing costs of fossil fuel, and the effects on the
environment make it necessary to find a different approach. Steaming results in exhaustion, the increasing costs of
fossil fuel, and the effects on the environment make it necessary to find a different approach.

With all the other climatic issues secured, the only door left to close is the one belonging to pests and pathogens,
where Silver Hydrogen Peroxide emerges as the most effective gate keeper. Due to intensive soil management
practices, soils in greenhouses are exhausted and very conducive to soil borne pathogens. The most prominent
fungal pathogens are Sclerotinia sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cinerea and Pythium sp. The first three are able to
produce sclerotia, by which they can survive in soil for many years requiring their timely disinfection. Effective
beforehand soil disinfection with Silver Hydrogen Peroxide proves advantageous in many ways. Initial soil
fumigation with silver hydrogen peroxide before plantation, moreover treatment by drip method is more effective
in greenhouses.

Chemtex Speciality Limited globally markets Nano Silver Hydrogen Peroxide made from a combination of Hydrogen
Peroxide IP and Nano Silver particles, under the registered trade name of Alstasan Silvox.

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