2011 October

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1. AME license lapsed for a period of 1 year

1) Renewed with oral cum practical test 2) Renewed with written test 3)
Renewed with warning

2. According to CAR 145, parts without CA form can be released for

1) 50 Hrs 2) 30 Hrs 3) 25 Hrs 4) 35 Hrs

3. CA form 1
1) Application for issue/variation of approval 2) Authorized release certificate

4. Airworthiness approval tag equal to

1) CA Form 7 2) CA Form 2 3) CA Form 1 4) none

5. Which findings seriously hazards flight safety?

1) Level 1 2) Level 2 3) Level 3 4) Level 4

6. As per CAR 21 level 1 & 2 finding corrective action within

1) 7 days 2) 72 Hrs 3) As per DGCA

7. Responsibility to amending MEL is with

1) RAO 2) QCM 3) DGCA 4) Both 1 & 2

8. Accountable manager shall ensure

1) Demonstrate a basic understanding of CAR
2) As in 1 all resources are available to accomplish maintenance according with
CAR 145.65(b)
3) Both 1 & 2
9. Maintenance program me reflected in (once approved)
1) Operators maintenance planning manual 2) Operators operation
3) Operators quality control manual

10. Shell model stands for

1) Software, hardware, Environment, Livewire 2) Society, hardware,
Environment, Livewire
3) Software, hardware, Environment, Life

11. CAR 145 applies to

1) Operation of large a/c 2) Maintenance of
large a/c
3) Maintenance of light a/c engaged in commercial operation 4) Both 2 &

12. Mandatory modification issued by

1) DGCA 2) Regulatory authority of country of manufacturer 3)
13. Extending period of weight schedule maximum of
1) 3 months 2) 6 months 3) 9 months

14. A/c AUW more than 2000 kg periodicity of weight schedule

1) Every 5 years 2) After major repair 3) Whenever DGCA required
4) All

15. For piston engine parameters recorded/plotted after every

1) 50 Hrs 2) 100 Hrs 3) 75 Hrs

16. Following which one require DGCA approval

1) Upward revision of TBO 2) Unscheduled removals

17. UP WARD REVISION OF reducing Lives require

1) DGCA approval 2) Intimation to RAO 3) Intimation to DGCA

18. Software-Liveware interface

1) Improper training 2) Misinterpretation of checklist 3)None

19. Determination of unusable fuel

1) Test flight carried 2) During type certification 3) Both 1 & 2

20. Human factor training principle

1) ICAO 9682 2) ICAO 8123 3)ICAO 9683 4) ICAO

21. CAR 21 applies to

1) Certification procedure of a/c & parts & appliances 2) Maintenance of
a/c & parts
3) Maintenance of parts & appliance only

22. Reliability means

1) Basic design 2) Operation 3) Maintenance 4) all

23. Which of the following notified to DGCA & promptly?

1) Changes in accountable manager 2) Changes in sub-base
3) Any person

24. Unsalvageable component means

1)Reached their certified lifetime or contain a non repairable defect
2)Not be permitted to reenter the component supply system unless certified life
limit been extended or repair
solution been approved according to CAR 21
3) Both 1 & 2 4) None

25. Responsibility of continued airworthiness

1) Owner 2) DGCA 3) RAO 4) Pilot

26. Locating & resolving problematic areas through analytical study of malfunction
which does t affect the safety of a/c
1) Hard time 2) On condition 3) Condition monitoring

27. As per CAR 145 occurrence reporting at AMO

1) Organization report DGCA 2) Org. more such report in form &
manner established by DGCA
3) Org. procedure & submit report within 72 Hrs 4) ALL

28. Minimum age for certifying staff

1) 21 yrs 2) 20 yrs 3) 18 yrs

29. Load & trim sheet applies to

1) Nonscheduled, scheduled a/c 2) Aerial work, private,
training a/c
3) Nonscheduled, scheduled, aerial, training a/c & private a/c & flying clubs

30. Wide variation between approved and average life, the approved life will
1) Downgrade 2) Upgrade 3) Upgrade to acceptable level
4) reviewed

31. Major modification not carried out

1) C of A suspended 2) DGCA may extend approval

32. A/c goods includes the

1) Paints 2) fabric materials 3) special tools 4) none

33. Issuance of CRS for the parts of instruments, autopilot, electrical equipment
1) CAT. A light a/c 2) CAT. A heavy a/c 3) CAT. B

34. Type certificate is a

1) Prerequisite For issuance of C of A 2) Type certificate is valid only till C
of A
3) Type certificate is not related to C of A

35. According to CAR 145, A2 means

1) Base & line maintenance of airplane of 5700 & below (piston engine)
2) Base & line maintenance of helicopter of less than 3175 kg 3)
Non destructive test

36. A defect without cathostropic defect acceptance of error

1) Error capturing 2) Error tolerance 3) Error reduction

37. Airship means

1) Light a/c 2) Lighter air a/c, power driven 3) Lighter air a/c, non power
driven 4) None
38. When a new defect is detected during maintenance it intimated to
1) Certifying staff 2) Operator3) DGCA 4) All

39. When a new defect is detected during maintenance it intimated to

1) A/c operator 2) DGCA 3) Certifying staff

40. One cabin crew for aeroplane

1) Not less than 20 but not more than 50 2) Not less than 10 but not more than
3) Not less than 30 but not more than 50
41. Helicopter paper IV AUW < 3000 kg
1) Combined paper for A & C 2) Separate paper for A & C 3) None

42. A/c registered outside India, defect observed inside India action taken by
1) DGCA prohibit flight 2) Country registered 3) Regulatory authority of
registered country

43. According to CAR M sub part G keeping of record

1) 2 years 2) 4 years 3) 5 years 4) 10 years

44. According to CAR M > 3175 Kg

1) 10 years experience 2) AME aeronautical degree 3) Both a & b

45. Person actually will do and can do

1) Motivation 2) Crew co ordination 3) Documentation 4)

46. for a proven service life of a/c

1) Area of operation 2) Engine power 3) Short haul, long haul 4) All

47. Fuelling of a/c

1) Can be done during fuelling vapor entering in fuelling zone 2) Cant be
carried out during radar operation
3) As in (b) can be done not less than 15 mts.away from any building

48. Certification authorization is to personnel is given by

1) QCM 2) RAO 3) DGCA 4) organization

49. To taxy an a/c person should be

1) Authorized by DGCA 2) Authorized by OPERATOR 3) He
should be full competent of taxy

50. Sufficient time to shift handover

1) 10-20 min. 2) 20-30 min. 3) 1-2 hrs.

51. CAR M applies to

1) Maintenance of a/c 2) Continuous a/w requirement of a/c

52. Operator require by DGCA to hold a certificate for commercial operation other than
commercial air transport it shall
1) Appropriately approved according to sub part G of CAR M
2) Appropriately approved according to CAR M sub part F & CAR 145
3) Both a & b

53. To qualify as a pilot-owner person hold

1) Valid pilot license by DGCA 2) Own a/c solely 3) Own by joint owner
4) all

54. Condition monitoring item is

1) Fixed period maintenance 2) Has no overall control 3)
Scheduled removals

55. Most repetitive human error occurred due to

1) Not fitted properly 2) Not inspected properly (as in (1) 3) Casual attitude of
technician 4) Both a & b

56. Most of error occurs due to human error and it investigated from
1) Human point of view 2) Taking individual
point of view 3) Taking the entire system and finally judged as system error
4) both (2) & (3)

57. Equipment tools material

1) Only use manufactured recommended tools only 2) Alternative tooling &
equipment is agreed by QCM
3) as in 1 & Alternative tooling & equipment is agreed by DGCA via procedure
specified in exposition

58. In large hanger

1) Lighting is difficult because of vast unobstructed space 2) Temp., control cant
be maintained properly
3) Due to unobstructed noise hearing is difficult 4) All

59. Maintenance data means

1) Maintenance instruction of particular task 2) As in (1) include design of repair
AMO obligation 3) None

60. Dirty dozen includes

1) Lack of confidence 2) Lack of courage 3) Norms 4)
61. for issuance of cat. A for LA license person hold
1) Total exp. 4 years (1 year on type of a/c) 3 month recent
2) Total exp. 3 years (12 months concurrent) 6 month recent 3) None

62. Certifying staff should not use his privilege when

1) Blood alcohol level consumption 2) Medication 3) Improper
vision4) All

63. While designing workshop what are things to consider

1) Physical, size & shape 2) Physical need 3) Input characteristics
4) Information processing

64. Average fuel & oil consumption recorded in

1) Engine logbook 2) A/c logbook 3) Propeller logbook 4) In
separate register

65. For schedule operator delay more than 15 report to RAO, from main lease as per
1) As per CAR manner 2) As in (1) & type & registered no. of a/c 3) Reason for
delay detail4) All

66. Reliability of engine fitted to a/c measured in terms of no. & nature
1) No. of engine flight hours relation to IFSD 2) Critical shut down 3)
Engine overhaul life

67. Organization & personnel involved in the continuing a/w of a/c & component
including maintenance shall comply
with provision of
1) CAR M 2) CAR 145 3) Requirement for licensing of a/c maintenance
personnel 4) All
1) High level concentration should not be followed by Physical stress
2) Physical stress should not be followed by high level concentration
3) Boroscopic inspection requires more concentration 4)
Both (b) & (c)

69. MTCS
1) Human factor is the study of human capabilities & limitation

70. Error capturing

1) Functional check 2) Preflight inspection 3) Duplicate inspection
4) All

71. CAR M requirements for

1) For the oversight of continuing a/w management of organization
2) For oversight of maintenance organization 3) For oversight of
design organization

72. NDT-III should have

1) Skill & knowledge to interrupt codes standards and other contractual
documents that control NDT methods
2) Preparation of parts before/after inspection and performs equipment
3) Capable of selecting, preparing, verifying certification of personnel in the
method in which he is certified

73. Pressurized a/c flying at which altitude should have oxygen mask for flight crew
1) 10000 ft (700 hpa) 2) 13000 ft (620 hpa) 3) 25000 ft (376 hpa)
4) None

74. RVSM
1) A/C should be qualified for RVSM operation by DGCA
2) crew should be trained & the data should be given in manual 3) maintenance
action 4) Both b & c

75. Continued satisfactory performance of a/c

1) Two consecutive major maintenance schedule
2) Premature removal rate within 0.3/1000 hrs. continuously for six months
3) Both

76. for non scheduled Airworthiness performance monitoring done through

1) Emergency responding 2) Day to day monitoring 3) Long term
monitoring 4) All the above.

77. Periodic inspection of ELT is done

1) As per manufacturers instruction 2) Once in a 18 months in absence of
manufacturers recommendation
3) Once in 24 months 4) None

78. Defect which reoccurs in spite of maintenance action

1) Repetitive defect 2) Minor defect 3) Major defect

79. which of following notify DGCA promptly

1)Changes in sub base 2) Changes in name of
3) Certifying staff which affects the approval of organization

80. Repair assessment programme (RAP) is given to

1) Manufacturer issue which type of document to ageing a/c
81. MTCS
1)While embarking & disembarking passenger fuelling cant be done
2)While embarking & disembarking passenger fuelling can be done

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