Darwinian: Ipso Facto

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Ipso facto
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For other uses, see Ipso facto (disambiguation).
Ipso facto is a Latin phrase, directly translated as "by the fact itself,"[1] which means that a certain
phenomenon is a direct consequence, a resultant effect, of the action in question, instead of being
brought about by a previous action. It is a term of art used in philosophy, law, and science. An
example in law is money laundering: the act is not ipso facto illegal because it is an exchange but is
done as a cover for something else, so the act puts the actions of an individual in question. A
common English idiom with a similar meaning is "in and of itself". Compare also "by itself" and "per
Aside from its technical uses, it occurs frequently in literature, particularly in scholarly addenda: e.g.,
"Faustus had signed his life away, and was, ipso facto, incapable of repentance" (re: Christopher
Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus) or "These prejudices are rooted in the idea that every
tramp ipso facto is a blackguard" (re: George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London).

In religion[edit]
Ipso facto denotes the automatic character of the loss of membership in a religious body by
someone guilty of a specified action.[2] Within the Roman Catholic Church, the phraselatae
sententiae is more commonly used than ipso facto with regard to ecclesiastical penalties such
as excommunication. It indicates that the effect follows even if no verdict (in Latin, sententia) is
pronounced by an ecclesiastical superior or tribunal.

[dahr-win-ee-uh n]

IPA Syllables
Word Origin

(sometimes lowercase) pertaining to Charles Darwin or his doctrines.

Word Power


a follower of Charles Darwin; a person who accepts or advocates Darwinism.

Origin of DarwinianExpand


1855-60; Darwin + -ian

Related formsExpand

anti-Darwinian, noun, adjective

non-Darwinian, adjective, noun

post-Darwinian, adjective

pre-Darwinian, adjective

pro-Darwinian, adjective, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2015.
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Examples from the web for DarwinianExpand

In the Darwinian world of media and politics, hardly any primal force compares to Clinton

How Team Clinton Shut Down the CNN and NBC Hillary Shows Lloyd Grove October 1, 2013

SAC is described as a Darwinian world in which individuals and groups fight for capital and

The Insider-Trading Cloud Hanging Over SAC Capitals Steven A. Cohen Daniel Gross November
26, 2012

People born into malarial regions have a fierce Darwinian pressure placed upon themthe
disease affects everyone in the area.
Word Power

A Malaria Vaccine That Cuts 46% of Infections Is a 100% a Big Deal Kent Sepkowitz October 8,

British Dictionary definitions for DarwinianExpand



of or relating to Charles Darwin or his theory of evolution by natural selection


a person who accepts, supports, or uses this theory

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition

William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Darwinian in MedicineExpand
Darwinian Darwinian (dr-wn'-n)
Relating to, following, or derived from the work or ideas of Charles Darwin.

The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Copyright 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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DEFINITION of 'Cherry Picking'

1. The act of investors choosing investments that have performed well within another
portfolio in anticipation that the trend will continue.
Word Power

2. Relating to bankruptcy proceedings whereby the courts uphold contracts favorable to

bankrupt companies, but annul those that are unfavorable.


1. Used by both fund managers and individual investors, cherry picking is a method that
reduces the amount of time required for researching stocks as the pool of securities in
which investors pick from is significantly narrowed. For example, rather than having to
research all the stocks that deal with semi-conductors within the exchanges, an investor
may instead look at a few mutual funds investing exclusively in these products and research
only those investments picked out to be the best performers.

2. Legislation has been changing in order to stop this practice from continuing.

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cherrypicking.asp#ixzz3f6Xcj7Iv

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What Does It Mean to Be "Financially Solvent"?

Being financially solvent means being able to pay all financial obligations in a timely manner and still
have liquid spending capital left over. Individuals in this state are not burdened by financial debt and
generally have a good credit rating. The state of being solvent applies to businesses and individuals
who are able to meet all debts in a timely fashion without having to deplete cash reserves in the

Sometimes referred to being in the black or in the pink, being financially solvent generally represents
a certain level of financial freedom. Individuals and businesses operating in this state have sound
control over their finances, which translates into greater credibility when doing business with others.
Able to meet all financial obligations while still having money left over is a state that most people
aspire to regardless of career or current economic status.

Individuals who are financially insolvent, on the other hand, are those who have great difficulty
paying debts on time. In addition to feeling a financial strain as the result of being insolvent, people
and businesses in this predicament often experience poor credit reputations with others. Often, this
translates into the inability to obtain future credit or being charged a higher interest rate when credit
is extended, particularly in comparison to the rates offered to those who are financially solvent. It is
Word Power

not unusual for those who are not solvent to have a greater need for government assistance,
file bankruptcy or seek financial bailouts through other methods and sources.

To be solvent generally means an ability to enjoy levels of financial freedom that are not available to
insolvent businesses and individuals. In addition to meeting financial obligations, such as paying bills
and paying employees on time, financially solvent individuals and businesses are able to save or
invest additional monies in ideas and activities at will. Doing so often results in personal growth and
business expansion.

While being financially solvent means the ability to pay debts on time, an important aspect of this
state is the ability to have money left over after doing so. Many people work hard to regularly meet
financial obligations on time, but find it difficult to budget finances in such a way so as to have
discretionary cash left over after all bills are paid. Being able to practice one aspect of solvency
without the other does not qualify one as being completely financially solvent.

Moral Hazard:

The risk that a party to a transaction has not entered into the contract in good faith, has provided
misleading information about its assets, liabilities or credit capacity, or has an incentive to take
unusual risks in a desperate attempt to earn a profit before the contract settles.
Moral hazard can be present any time two parties come into agreement with one another. Each party
in a contract may have the opportunity to gain from acting contrary to the principles laid out by the
Moral hazard can be somewhat reduced by the placing of responsibilities on both parties of a

Definition of IRREDENTISM

: a political principle or policy directed toward the incorporation of irredentas within the boundaries
of their historically or ethnically related political unit

Irredentism (from Italian irredento for "unredeemed") is any political or popular movement intended
to reclaim and reoccupy a lost homeland. As such irredentism tries to justify its territorial claims on
the basis of (real or imagined) historic or ethnic affiliations. It is often advocated
Word Power

by nationalist and pan-nationalist movements and has been a feature of identity

politics, cultural and political geography.

An area that may be subjected to a potential claim is sometimes called an irredenta. Not all
irredentas are necessarily involved in irredentism.[1]


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section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged
and removed. (May 2015)

Main article: Italia irredenta

The word was coined in Italy from the phrase Italia irredenta ("unredeemed Italy"). This originally
referred to Austro-Hungarian rule over territories mostly or partly inhabited byethnic Italians, such
as Trentino, Trieste, Gorizia, Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

A common way to express a claim to adjacent territories on the grounds of historical or ethnic
association is by using the epithet "Greater" before the country name. This conveys the image of
national territory at its maximum conceivable extent with the country "proper" at its core. The use of
"Greater" does not always convey an irredentistic meaning.

During the unification of Germany, the term Grodeutschland (or greater Germany) referred to a
possible German nation consisting of the states that later comprised the Second German
Empire and Austria. The term lesser Germany, or small Germany, or Kleindeutschland, referred to a
possible German state without Austria. The term was also used by Germans referring to Greater
Germany, a state consisting of pre-World War I Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland.

Formal irredentism[edit]

Some states formalize their irredentist claims by including them in their constitutional documents, or
through other means of legal enshrinement.


The Afghan border with Pakistan, known as the Durand Line, was agreed to by Afghanistan and
British India in 1893. The Pashtun tribes inhabiting the border areas were divided between what
have become two nations; Afghanistan never accepted the still-porous border and clashes broke out
in the 1950s and 1960s between Afghanistan and Pakistan over the issue. All Afghan governments
Word Power

of the past century have declared, with varying intensity, a long-term goal of re-uniting all Pashtun-
dominated areas under Afghan rule.[2][3]

See also: Falkland Islands sovereignty dispute

The Argentine government has maintained a claim over the Falkland Islands since 1833, and
renewed it as recently as January 2013.[4] It considers the archipelago part of theTierra del Fuego
Province, along with South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

The Argentine claim is included in the transitional provisions of the Constitution of

Argentina as amended in 1994:[5][6]

The Argentine Nation ratifies its legitimate and non-prescribing sovereignty over the Malvinas,
Georgias del Sur and Sandwich del Sur Islands and over the corresponding maritime and insular
zones, as they are an integral part of the National territory.

The recovery of these territories and the full exercise of sovereignty, respecting the way of life for its
inhabitants and according to the principles of international law, constitute a permanent and
unwavering goal of the Argentine people.


The 2009 constitution of Bolivia states that the country has an unrenounceable right over the territory
that gives it access to the Pacific Ocean and its maritime space.[7] This is understood as territory that
Bolivia and Peru ceded to Chile after the War of the Pacific, which left Bolivia as
a landlocked country.

Main articles: Chinese reunification and Greater China

The preamble to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China states, "Taiwan is part of the
sacred territory of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It is the lofty duty of the entire Chinese
people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, to accomplish the great task of reunifying the
motherland." The PRC claim to sovereignty over Taiwan is generally based on the successor
state theory, with the PRC claiming that it is the successor state to the Republic of China.[8]
Word Power

Official territorial claims according to the Constitution of the Republic of China

The Government of the Republic of China formerly administered both mainland China and Taiwan;
the government has been administering only Taiwan since its defeat in the Chinese Civil War by the
armed forces of the Communist Party of China. While the official name of the state remains
'Republic of China', the country is commonly called 'Taiwan', since Taiwan makes up 99% of the
controlled territory of the ROC.

Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of China originally stated that "[t]he territory of the
Republic of China within its existing national boundaries shall not be altered except by a resolution of
the National Assembly". Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, the Government of the Republic of China
on Taiwan maintained itself to be the legitimate ruler of Mainland China as well. As part of its current
policy continuing of the 'status quo', the ROC has not renounced claims over the territories currently
controlled by the People's Republic of China, Mongolia, Russia, Burma and some Central
Asian states. However, Taiwan does not actively pursue these claims in practice; the remaining
claims that Taiwan is actively seeking are the Senkaku Islands, whose sovereignty is also asserted
by Japan and the PRC; Paracel Islands and the Spratly Islands in South China Sea, with multiple


Article 1 of the Constitution of the Union of the Comoros begins: "The Union of the Comoros is a
republic, composed of the autonomous islands of Mohli, Mayotte, Anjouan, andGrande Comore."
Mayotte, geographically a part of the Comoro Islands, was the only island of the four to vote against
independence from France (independence losing 37%63%) in the referendum held December 22,
1974. The total vote was 94%5% in favor of independence. Mayotte is currently a department of
the French Republic.[9][10]

Main articles: Akhand Bharat, Greater India and Indo-Pak Confederation
Word Power

All of the European colonies on the Indian subcontinent which were not part of the British Raj have
been annexed by the Republic of India since it gained its independence from the British Empire. An
example of such territories was the 1961 Indian annexation of Goa. An example of annexation of a
territory from the British Raj was the Indian integration of Junagadh.

Akhand Bharat, literally Undivided India, is an irredentist call to

reunite Pakistan and Bangladesh with India to form an Undivided India as it existed
before partition in 1947 (and before that, during other periods of political unity in South Asia, such as
during the Mauryan Empire, the Gupta Empire, the Mughal Empire or the Maratha Empire ). The call
forAkhand Bharat has often been raised by mainstream Indian nationalistic cultural and political
organizations such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP).[11][12][13] Other major Indian political parties such as the Indian National Congress, while
maintaining positions against the partition of India on religious grounds, do not necessarily subscribe
to a call to reunite South Asia in the form of Akhand Bharat.

The region of Kashmir in northwestern India has been the issue of a territorial dispute between India
and Pakistan since 1947. Multiple wars have been fought over the issue, the first one immediately
upon independence and partition in 1947 itself. To stave off a Pakistani and tribal
invasion, Maharaja Hari Singh of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmirsigned the instrument of
accession with India. Kashmir has remained divided in three parts, administered by India, Pakistan
and the People's Republic of China, since then. However, on the basis of the instrument of
accession, India continues to claim the entire Kashmir region as its integral part. All modern Indian
political parties support the return of the entirety of Kashmir to India, and all official maps of India
show the entire Jammu and Kashmir state (including parts under Pakistani or Chinese administration
after 1947) as an integral part of India.

Main article: Greater Indonesia

Indonesia claimed all territories of the former Dutch East Indies, and previously viewed British plans
to group the Straits Settlements, the Federated Malay States, theUnfederated Malay
States, Sarawak and British North Borneo into a new independent federation of Malaysia as a threat
to its objective to create a united state called Greater Indonesia. The Indonesian opposition of
Malaysian formation has led to Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation in early 1960s. It had also
held Portuguese Timor from 1975 to 2002, based on irredentist claims.

The idea of uniting former British and Dutch colonial possessions in Southeast Asia actually has its
roots in the early 20th century, as the concept of Greater Malay (Melayu Raya) was coined in British
Malaya espoused by students and graduates of Sultan Idris Training College for Malay Teachers in
Word Power

the late 1920s.[14] Some of political figures in Indonesia including Muhammad

Yamin and Sukarno revived the idea in the 1950s and named the political union concept as Greater

Main article: Greater Israel

The nation state of Israel was established in 1948. The UNGA passed a non-binding
recommendation partitioning the British Mandate, however the UN Security Council declined to
implement it, deciding to adopt a neutral policy "without prejudice to the rights, claims, and positions
of either party". Eventually, Israeli independence was achieved following the liquidation of the former
British-administered Mandate of Palestine, the departure of the British and a war between the Jews
in Mandatory Palestine and five Arab state armies. The Jewish claim for Palestine as the "Jewish
homeland" can be seen as an example of irredentism, as the claim was based on ancient ancestral
inhabitance, as well as theologically rooted in a Mosaic cosmogony. Proponents of the formation,
expansion, or defense of Israel, who subscribe to these historical or theological justifications, are
sometimes called "Zionists". It should also be noted that Mandatory Palestine had
sizable Jewish and Arab populations before the Second World War.

The West Bank (designated the Judea and Samaria Area by the Israeli government) and the Gaza
Strip, previously annexed by Jordan and occupied by Egypt respectively, were conquered by Israel
in the Six-Day War in 1967. Israel withdrew from Gaza in August 2005; the West Bank remains
under military occupation. Israel has never explicitly claimed sovereignty over any part of the West
Bank apart from East Jerusalem, which it unilaterally annexed in 1980. However, hundreds of
thousands of Israeli citizens have migrated to East Jerusalem and the West Bank, incurring criticism
even by some who otherwise support Israel. The United Nations Security Council, the United
Nations General Assembly, and some countries and international organizations continue to regard
Israel as occupying Gaza. (See Israeli-Occupied Territories.)

Article 3 of the Basic Law of the Palestinian Authority, which was ratified in 2002 by the Palestinian
National Authority and serves as an interim constitution, states that "Jerusalemis the capital of
Palestine." The Israeli annexing instrument, the Jerusalem Lawone of the Basic Laws of Israel that
"serve in the place of a constitution"declares Jerusalem, "complete and united", to be the capital of
Israel, creating a conflict with Palestinian claims. De facto, the Palestinian government administers
the parts of the West Bank that Israel has granted it authority over from Ramallah, while the Gaza
Strip is administered by the Hamas movement from Gaza.

The United States does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over East Jerusalem and maintains its
embassy in Tel Aviv. In Jerusalem, the United States maintains two Consulates General as a
Word Power

diplomatic representation to the city of Jerusalem alone, separate from the US's representation to
the state of Israel. One of the Consulates General was established before the 1967 war, and one
building, on what was the Israeli side, was just recently built. However, Congress passed
the Jerusalem Embassy Act in 1995, which says that the US shall move its embassy in Israel from
Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but allows the president to delay the move every year if it is deemed contrary
to national security interests. Since 1995, every president has delayed the move every year to date
based on this clause.

A minority of Israelis and Jews regard the East Bank of the Jordan river (today, Kingdom of Jordan)
as the eastern parts of the Land of Israel (following the revisionist idea) because of the historical
settlement of the Israelite tribes of Menasseh, Gad and Reuben on the east bank of the Jordan and
because of that area being designated for a Jewish national home by the League of Nations in
the Mandate for Palestine.

Main article: Korean reunification

Since their founding, both Korean states have disputed the legitimacy of the other. South Korea's
constitution claims jurisdiction over the entire Korean peninsula. It acknowledges the division of
Korea only indirectly by requiring the president to work for reunification. The Committee for the Five
Northern Korean Provinces, established in 1949, is the South Korean authority charged with the
administration of Korean territory north of the Military Demarcation Line (i.e., North Korea), and
consists of the governors of the five provinces, who are appointed by the President. However the
body is purely symbolic and largely tasked with dealing with Northern defectors; if reunification were
to actually occur the Committee would be dissolved and new administrators appointed by
the Ministry of Unification.[15]

North Korea's constitution also stresses the importance of reunification, but, while it makes no similar
formal provision for administering the South, it effectively claims its territory as it does
not diplomatically recognise the Republic of Korea, deeming it an "entity occupying the Korean

Other territories sometimes disputed to belong to Korea are Manchuria and Gando.

Other irredentism[edit]


Word Power

Main article: Greater Albania

Greater Albania[16] or Ethnic Albania as called by the Albanian nationalists themselves,[17] is

an irredentist concept of lands outside the borders of the Republic of Albania which are considered
part of a greater national homeland by most Albanians,[18] based on claims on the present-day or
historical presence of Albanian populations in those areas. The term incorporates claims to Kosovo,
as well as territories in the neighbouring countries Montenegro, Greece and the Republic of
Macedonia. Albanians themselves mostly use the term ethnic Albania instead.[17] According to
the Gallup Balkan Monitor 2010 report, the idea of a Greater Albania is supported by the majority of
Albanians in Albania (63%), Kosovo (81%) and the Republic of Macedonia (53%). [18][19] In 2012, as
part of the celebrations for Albania's 100th anniversary of independence, Prime Minister Sali Berisha
spoke of "Albanian lands" stretching from Preveza in Greece to Presevo in Serbia, and from the
Macedonian capital of Skopje to the Montenegrin capital of Podgorica, angering Albania's neighbors.
The comments were also inscribed on a parchment that will be displayed at a museum in the city of
Vlore, where the country's independence from the Ottoman Empire was declared in 1912. [20]


Main articles: Western Azerbaijan (political concept) and Whole Azerbaijan

Whole Azerbaijan is a concept that tells the political and historical union of territories currently and
historical inhabited by Azerbaijanis or historically controlled by them.[21]Western Azerbaijan is an
irredentist political concept that is used in the Republic of Azerbaijan mostly to refer to the territory of
the Republic of Armenia. Azerbaijani statements claim that the territory of the modern Armenian
republic were lands that once belonged to Azerbaijanis.[22]


Main article: Natural borders of France

The idea of the natural borders of France is a political theory conceptualized primarily in the late 18th
and early 19th centuries that focused on widening the borders primarily based on either practical
reasons or the territory that was thought to be the maximum extend that the ancient Gauls inhabited.
This theory lays claim to portions of Belgium and Germany.

Former Yugoslavia[edit]

Some of the most violent irredentist conflicts of recent times in Europe flared up as a consequence
of the break-up of the former Yugoslavian federal state in the early 1990s.[dubious discuss][clarification needed] The
Word Power

conflict erupted further south with the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo seeking to switch
allegiance to the adjoining state ofAlbania.[23]


Main articles: Pan-Germanism, Anschluss and Munich Agreement

A main point of Nazi ideology was to reunify all Germans either born or living outside of German to
create an "all-German Reich." These beliefs ultimately resulted in the Munich Agreement, which
ceded to Germany areas of Czechoslovakia that were mainly inhabited by those of German descent
and the Anschluss, which ceded the entire country of Austria to Germany; both events occurred in


Main article: Megali Idea

Following the Greek War of Independence in 1821-1832, Greece gradually annexed areas which
were occupied by the Ottoman Empire. Such was the annexation of Thessaly, a failed war against
Turkey in 1897 and the Balkan Wars. After World War I, Greece launched an
unsuccessful campaign to annex the Aegean coast of Asia Minor from Turkey, basing her claim on
the predominance there of Ionian Greeks since antiquity, and by more recent Greek rule of Asia
Minor by the Byzantine Empire for centuries before the arrival of Ottoman Turks. Another Greek
irredentist claim includes North Epirus (currently a part of Albania), where a sizable Greek minority
lives, predating the formation of independent Albania. Another important open issue for Greeks of
the Mainland and of Cyprus is the annexation of Northern Cyprus, which has been occupied since
the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.


Main article: Greater Hungary (political concept)

This section requires expansion.

(November 2014)

The restoration of the borders of Hungary to their state prior to World War I, in order to unite all
ethnic Hungarians within the same country once again.

Word Power

Main article: United Ireland

From 1937 until 1999, Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution of Ireland provided that "[t]he national
territory consists of the whole island of Ireland". However, "[p]ending the re-integration of the national
territory", the powers of the state were restricted to legislate only for the area that had ceded from
the United Kingdom. Arising from the Northern Ireland peace process, the matter was mutually
resolved in 1998. The Republic of Ireland's constitution was altered by referendum and its territorial
claim to Northern Ireland was suspended. The amended constitution asserts that while it is the
entitlement of "every person born in the island of Ireland ... to be part of the Irish Nation" and to hold
Irish citizenship, "a united Ireland shall be brought about only by peaceful means with the consent of
a majority of the people, democratically expressed, in both jurisdictions in the island." Certain joint
policy and executive bodies were created between Northern Ireland, the part of the island that
remained in the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland, and these were given executive
authority. The advisory and consultative role of the government of Ireland in the government of
Northern Ireland granted by the United Kingdom, that had begun with the 1985 Anglo-Irish
Agreement, was maintained, although that Agreement itself was ended. The two states also settled
the long-running dispute concerning their respective names: Ireland and the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with both governments agreeing to use those names.


Main article: United Macedonia

A map distributed by ethnic Macedonian nationalists circa 1993. Shows the geographical region of
Macedonia split with barbed wirebetween the Republic of Macedonia,Bulgaria and Greece.

The Republic of Macedonia promotes the irredentist concept of a United

Macedonia (Macedonian: , Obedineta Makedonija) among ethnic
Macedonian nationalists which involves territorial claims on the northern province
Word Power

of Macedonia in Greece, but also in Pirin Macedonia in Bulgaria, Albania, and Serbia. The United
Macedonia concept aims to unify the transnational region of Macedonia in the Balkans (which they
claim as their homeland and which they assert was wrongfully divided under the Treaty of
Bucharest in 1913), into a single state under Macedonian domination, with the Greek city
of Thessaloniki (Solun in the Slavic languages) as its capital.[24][25]


See also: Kresy

Kresy ("Borderlands"), is a term that refers to the eastern lands that formerly belonged to Poland.
These territories today lie in westernUkraine, western Belarus, as well as eastern Lithuania, with
such major cities, as Lviv, Vilnius, and Hrodna. Kresy was part of the Second Polish
Republic until World War II. Even though Kresy, or the Eastern Borderlands, are no longer Polish
territories, the area is still inhabited by a significant Polish minority, and the memory of a
Polish Kresy is still cultivated. The attachment to the "myth of Kresy", the vision of the region as a
peaceful, idyllic, rural land, has been criticized in Polish discourse. [26]

In January, February and March 2012, the Centre for Public Opinion Research conducted a survey,
asking Poles about their ties to the Kresy. It turned out that almost 15% of the population of Poland
(4.3 - 4.6 million people) declared that they had either been born in the Kresy, or had a parent or a
grandparent who came from that region. Numerous treasures of Polish culture remain and there are
numerous Kresy-oriented organizations. There are Polish sports clubs (Pogo Lww, FK Polonia
Vilnius), newspapers (Gazeta Lwowska, Kurier Wileski), radio stations (in Lviv and Vilnius),
numerous theatres, schools, choirs and folk ensembles. Poles living in Kresy are helped
by Fundacja Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie, a Polish government-sponsored organization, as well
as other organizations, such as The Association of Help of Poles in the East Kresy (see also Karta
Polaka). Money is frequently collected to help those Poles who live in Kresy, and there are several
annual events, such as a Christmas Package for a Polish Veteran in Kresy, and Summer with
Poland, sponsored by theAssociation "Polish Community", in which Polish children from Kresy are
invited to visit Poland.[27] Polish language handbooks and films, as well as medicines and clothes are
collected and sent to Kresy. Books are most often sent to Polish schools which exist there for
example, in December 2010, The University of Wroclaw organized an event called Become a Polish
Santa Claus and Give a Book to a Polish Child in Kresy.[28] Polish churches and cemeteries (such
as Cemetery of the Defenders of Lww) are renovated with money from Poland.


Main article: Disputed status of Olivenza

Word Power

Portugal does not recognize Spanish sovereignty over the territory of Olivenza, ceded under
coercion to Spain during the Napoleonic Wars.[29] Since the Rexurdimento of the mid-nineteenth
century, there has been an intellectual movement pleading for the
reintegration between Portugal and the region of Galicia, under Spanish sovereignty. Although this
movement has become increasingly popular on both sides of the border, there is no consensus in
regard to the nature of such reintegration: whether political, socio-cultural or merely linguistic.


This section requires expansion.

(September 2014)

Main articles: Greater Romania and Unification of Romania and Moldova

Romania lays claim to Greater Romania, which includes Moldova as Bessarabia, since the latter has
been part of the former and it is inhabited in majority by Romanians (same people as Moldavians).


Main articles: All-Russian nation, Eurasianism and Greater Russia

See also: Republic of Crimea and Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation annexed Crimea in 2014 based on a claim of protecting the ethnically
Russian peoples residing there. Crimea was part of Russian Empire from 1783 to 1917, USSR from
1918 to 1991 and Ukraine from 1991 to February 2014. Russia declared Crimea to be part of the
Russian Federation in March 2014 and effective administration commenced. The Russian regional
status is not currently recognised by the United Nations General Assembly and by many countries.

Also includes South-Eastern and Coastal Ukraine, known as Novorossiya, a term used in Tsarist


Main article: Greater Ukraine

At certain periods, Ukrainians made up a majority of the population in regions of Russia such as the
historical Kuban Oblast.Some Ukrainians believe in the incorporation of lands once controlled by
Ukraine: including:Kuban, Transnistria, and the Presov region of Slovakia as ideal for a stronger
Ukrainian State.
Word Power


Main article: Greater Serbia

Pan-Serbism or Greater Serbia sees the creation of a Serb land which would incorporate all regions
of traditional significance to the Serbian nation, and regions outside of Serbia that are populated
mostly by Serbs. This movement's main ideology is to unite all Serbs (or all historically ruled or Serb
populated lands) into one state, claiming, depending on the version, different areas of many
surrounding countries.


Further information: Disputed status of Gibraltar

Spain maintains a claim on Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory, near the southernmost tip of
the Iberian Peninsula; she has been British since the 17th Century.

Gibraltar was captured in 1704, during the War of the Spanish Succession (17011714).
The Kingdom of Castile formally ceded the territory in perpetuity to the British Crown in 1713,
under Article X of the Treaty of Utrecht. The territorial claim was formally reasserted by the Spanish
dictator Francisco Franco in the 1960s and has been continued by successive Spanish
governments. In 2002 an agreement in principle on joint sovereignty over Gibraltar between the
governments of the United Kingdom and Spain was decisively rejected in a referendum. The British
Government now refuses to discuss sovereignty without the consent of the Gibraltarians. [30]

During World War II, the Spanish Falangist media agitated for irredentism claiming for Spain, the
French Navarre, French Basque Country and Roussillon (French Catalonia) as well. Morocco makes
similar claims against Spain over the North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla.

Western Asia[edit]


Main articles: Armenian nationalism and Azerbaijani nationalism

This section requires expansion.

(January 2015)

Irredentism is acute in the Caucasus region, too. The Nagorno-Karabakh movement's original slogan
of miatsum ('union') was explicitly oriented towards unification with Armenia, feeding an Azerbaijani
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understanding of the conflict as a bilateral one between itself and an irredentist Armenia. [31][32][33][34]
According to Prof. Thomas Ambrosio, "Armenia's successful irredentist project in the Nagorno-
Karabakh region of Azerbaijan" and "From 1992 to the cease-fire in 1994, Armenia encountered a
highly permissive or tolerant international environment that allowed its annexation of some 15
percent of Azerbaijani territory".[36] In the view of Nadia Milanova, Nagorno-Karabakh represents a
combination of separatism and irredentism.[37]


Main article: Kurdish nationalism

This section requires expansion.

(January 2015)

Kurds have often used the ancient entity of Corduene as evidence that they should have a separate
state from the countries they are now ruled by.


Main article: Lebanese nationalism

The Lebanese nationalism goes even further and incorporates irredentist views going beyond the
Lebanese borders, seeking to unify all the lands of ancient Phoenicia around present day Lebanon.
This comes from the fact that present day Lebanon, the Mediterranean coast of Syria, and northern
Israel is the area that roughly corresponds to ancient Phoenicia and as a result the majority of the
Lebanese people identify with the ancient Phoenician population of that region. [38] The proposed
Greater Lebanese country includesLebanon, Mediterranean coast of Syria, and northern Israel.


Main article: Syrian nationalism

This section requires expansion.

(January 2015)

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party, which operates in Lebanon and Syria, works for the unification
of most modern states of the Levant and beyond in a single state referred to asGreater Syria.[citation
The proposed Syrian country includes Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait; and southern Turkey,
northern Egypt, and southwestern Iran.
Word Power


Main article: Greater Yemen

Greater Yemen is a theory giving Yemen claim to former territories that were held by various
predecessor states that existed between the 13th and 18th centuries. The areas claimed include
parts of Saudi Arabia and Oman.

East Asia[edit]


Main articles: Transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong and Transfer of sovereignty of Macau

When Hong Kong and Macao were British and Portuguese territories, respectively, China considered
these two territories to be Chinese territories under British/Portuguese administration.
Therefore, Hong Kongers and Macaoese descended from Chinese immigrants are entitled to
Chinese nationality after the two territories have become Chinese dependent territories (special
administrative regions).


Japan claims the two southernmost islands of the Russian-administered Kuril Islands, the island
chain north of Hokkaido, annexed by the Soviet Union following World War II. Japan also claims the
South Korean-administered Liancourt Rocks, which are known as Takeshima in Japan and have
been claimed since the end of the Second World War.


The 1909 Gando Convention addressed a territory dispute between China and Joseon Korea in
China's favor. Both Korean states now accept the convention border as an administrative boundary.
However, because the convention was made by the occupying Empire of Japan, South Korea has
disputed its legality and some Koreans claim that Korea extends into de facto PRC territory,
viz. Dandong and Liaoning. The most ambitious claims include all parts of Manchuria that
the Goguryeo kingdom controlled.


Main article: Pan-Mongolism

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The irredentist idea that advocates cultural and political solidarity of Mongols. The proposed territory
usually includes the independent state of Mongolia, the Chinese regions ofInner Mongolia (Southern
Mongolia) and Dzungaria (in Xinjiang), and the Russian subjects of Buryatia. Sometimes Tuva and
the Altai Republic are included as well.

South Asia[edit]

South Asia too is another region in which armed irredentist movements have been active for almost
a century, in North-East India, Burma andBangladesh.[dubious discuss][clarification needed] Most prominent amongst
them are the Naga fight for Greater Nagaland, the Chin struggle for a unified Chinland and other
self-determinist movements by the ethnic indigenous peoples of the erstwhile Assam both under the
British and post-British Assam under India.[citation needed]


Main article: Greater Bangladesh

Greater Bangladesh is an assumption of several Indian intellectuals that the neighboring country of
Bangladesh has an aspiration to unite all Bengali dominated regions under their flag. These include
the states of West Bengal, Tripura and Assam as well as the Andaman Islands which are currently
part of India and the Burmese Arakan Province. The theory is principally based on a widespread
belief amongst Indian masses that a large number of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants reside in Indian
territory. It is alleged that illegal immigration is actively encouraged by some political groups in
Bangladesh as well as the state of Bangladesh to convert large parts of India's northeastern states
and West Bengal into Muslim-majority areas that would subsequently seek to separate from India
and join Muslim-majority Bangladesh. Scholars have reflected that under the guise of anti-
Bangladeshi immigrant movement it is actually an anti-Muslim agenda pointed towards Bangladeshi
Muslims by false propaganda and widely exaggerated claims on immigrant population. In a 1998,
Lieutenant General S.K. Sinha, then the Governor of Assam claimed that massive illegal immigration
from Bangladesh was directly linked with "the long-cherished design of Greater Bangladesh.


Irredentism is commonplace in Africa due to the political boundaries of former European colonial
nation-states passing through ethnic boundaries, and recent declarations of independence after civil
war. For example, some Ethiopian nationalist circles still claim the former Ethiopian province
of Eritrea (internationally recognized as the independent State of Eritrea in 1993 after a 30-year civil
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Ogaden in eastern Ethiopia has seen military and civic movements seeking to make it part
of Somalia. Some sources say that Somalia also laid a claim to the Socotraarchipelago, which is
currently governed by Yemen.

North America[edit]


See also: Reconquista (Mexico)

Irredentism is also expressed by some Mexican-American activists in the Reconquista movement.

They call for the return of formerly Mexican-dominated lands in theSouthwestern United
States to Mexico. These lands were annexed by the US in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and
became the present-day states of California, Texas,Nevada and Utah; and parts
of Colorado, Arizona, Wyoming, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.[39][40][41][42][43][44]


There are Russian groups who want Russia to take back Alaska (which was formerly Russian
America). A Russian Orthodox organization, the Pchyolki, called for the return of Alaska in 2013,
arguing first of all that the original sale was not legally valid (since the United States reportedly
agreed to pay Russia in gold, but instead sent a cheque), and second of all that the legalization
of gay marriage in the United States meant that the U. S. was not honouring its pledge to allow
Alaskans to practice their religion.[45][46] UnderAlaska Ballot Measure 2 in 1998, however, same-sex
marriage was illegal in Alaska[47] at that time. Same-sex marriage was, however, authorised by the
courts on 12 October 2014.

Following the start of the Ukraine crisis in 2014, several Russian groups and individuals began
advocating for the reclamation of Alaska. A petition appeared on the official White House website
demanding the return of Alaska to Russia, receiving around 42,000 signatures. Russian
President Vladimir Putin was even asked a question on the subject by a woman during an annual
question and answer television segment; Putin dismissed the idea saying Alaska was "too cold" and
Russia already had enough cold places. However, in October of that year, Putin's Deputy Prime
Minister Dmitry Rogozin wrote a foreword for a book called Alaska Betrayed and Sold: The History
of a Palace Conspiracy. The book alleges that the original sale of Alaska was filled with "outright
lies". Rogozin himself claimed that the sale was a "betrayal of Russian power status". He further
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stated that Russia had a "right to reclaim our lost colonies". Rogozin is the highest-ranking member
of the Russian government to make such a claim.

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