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Report of Work Done- Jaydeep Mehta

Academic Year 2015-16 Std 9 GHIJ & 10 GHIL (2nd Term)(February 2017) 1 st
March 2017

As an advisory 10I

Updating attendance on tges 360

Establish communication channels via student emails and Edmodo
PTM for at risk students in prelim 2 exam, contacted rest parents by phone
and updated them

As a Geography Teacher

Std 10, Prelim 2 paper correction, feedback given to students after Prelim 3
Helped Girls of OEP group std 9 in preparing products

As a team member Team 3

Create and update team communication on Edmodo

Assist team representative in scheduling substitution, display information on
team board, handling discipline issues collaboratively.
Invigilated in Prelim 3 examination
Prize Giving function std 9 & 10, backstage handled

As a Geography Team Member

Work out the academic plan as per annual plan decided for std 9 & 10

Jaydeep Mehta

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