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A rocket-propelled car starts at x = 0 and moves in the + direction of X with constant acceleration
a = 5 m/s2 for 8 s until the fuel is exhausted. It then continues with constant velocity. What distance
does the car cover in 12 s?

Step 1:
x = vot + at2
= (0)(8s) + (5 m/s)(8s)2
= 160 m

Step 2:
vf2 = vo2 + 2ax
vf = [(2)(5 m/s)(160 m)]
= 40 m/s

Step 3:
xf = x + vf * t
= (160 m) + (40 m/s)(12s 8s)
= 320 m

2. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 20 m/s from the top of a tower having a height
of 50m. On its return it misses the tower and finally strikes the ground. (a) What time t1 elapses from
the instant the ball was thrown until it passes the edge of the tower? (b) What total time t2 is required
for the ball to reach the ground? (c) With what velocity v2 does the ball reach the ground?

Part (a):
vf = vo + at
tup = (vf vo)/a
= (0 m/s 20 m/s)/(-9.8 m/s2)
= 2.04s
tup = tdn
T = 2tup
= (2)(2.04s)
= 4.08s

Part (b):
ymax = vot + at2
= (20 m/s)(2.04s) + (-9.8 m/s2)(2.04s)2
= 20.408 m
y = vot + at2
(50 m + 20.408 m) = (0 m/s) + (9.8 m/s2)t2
t2 = (70.408 m)/(1/2)(9.8 m/s2)
t = (70.408 m)/(4.9)
= 3.79s
T = tup + tgrnd = (3.79s) + (2.04s) = 5.83s

Part (c):
vf2 = vo2 + 2ay
vf = [0 +(2)(9.8 m/s2)(70.408 m)]
= -37.1483 m/s
3. A ball, after having fallen from rest under the influence of gravity for 6 s, crashes through a
horizontal glass plate, thereby losing 2/3 of its velocity. If it then reaches the ground in 2 s, find the
height of the plate above the ground.

Step 1:
v = vo + at
= (0 m/s) + (-9.8 m/s2)(6s)
= -58.8 m/s

Step 2:
y = vot + at2
= (1/3)(-58.8 m/s)(2s) + (-9.8 m/s2)(2s)2
y = 58.8 m

4. A projectile is fired upward with an intial velocity v0 = 200 m/s at an angle of = 60. (a) Find the
position and velocity of the projectile 10 s after firing. (b) Find the maximum height h and the time to
reach this position. (c) Find the total time of flight and the range R and derive a general expression
for R. (d) Write an equation for the path. (e) When the projectile is at a height y = 1000 m, what is its

Part (a) Step 1:

xf = vo cos t
= (200 m/s) * cos(60) (10s)
= 1000 m

Part (a) Step 2:

yf = vo sin t gt2
= (200 m/s) * sin(60)(10s) (1/2)(9.8 m/s2)(10s)2
= 1242.05m

Part (a) Step 3:

vf = vo + at
vx = (200 m/s) * cos(60) (9.8 m/s2)(10s) = 2 m/s
vy = (200 m/s) * sin(60) (9.8 m/s2)(10s) = 75.2051 m/s
vf = [(2 m/s)2 + (75.2051 m/s)2]
= 75.2317 m/s

Part (b) Step 1:

hmax = (vo sin2()) / (2g)
= [(200 m/s)2 * sin(60)] / [(2)(9.8 m/s2)]
= 1530.61 m

Part (b) Step 2:

vyf = vyo + ayt
0 = [(200 m/s) * sin(60)] + [(-9.8 m/s2)(t)]
t = [(200 m/s) * sin(60)] / (9.8 m/s2)
= 17.674 s

Part (c) Step 1:

Ttotal = tup + tdn (tup = tdn)
= 17.674s + 17.674s
= 35.348 s

Part (c) Step 2:

R = [vo2 * sin 2()] / g
= [(200 m/s)2 * sin (2 * 60)] / (9.8 m/s2)
= 3534.8 m

Part (c) Step 3:

x = (vo * cos())t]

Part (d):
Y = -0.0005x2 + 1.732x + 0.0003

Part (e) Step 1:

y = vot + at2
1000m = (200 m/s)(sin(60)t + (-9.8 m/s2)t2
4.9t2 173.205t 1000 = 0
quadratic eq: -b(b2 4ac)

t = 173.205((173.2052) 4(4.9 m/s2)(1000 m))

2a 2(4.9 m/s2)
t = 7.26783 s

Part (e) Step 2:

vf = vo + at
= (200 m/s) * sin(60) (9.8 m/s2)(7.26783 s)
= 101.98 m/s

5. A particle moving in the XY plane has X and Y components of velocity given by, dx/dt = b1 + c1t,
dy/dt = b2 + c2t;
where x and y are measured in meters and t in seconds. (a) What are the units and dimensions of
the constants b1 and b2? (b) Integrate the above relations to obtain x and y as functions of time. (c)
Denoting total acceleration as a and total velocity as v, find expressions for the magnitude and
direction of a and of v. (d) Write v in terms of the unit vectors.

6. A constant force acts on a particle of mass 20 kg for 5 s, causing it to reach a velocity of 50 m/s
from rest. Find (a) the force, (b) the acceleration this force would give a particle of mass 2000 kg, (c)
the distance through which the particle of mass 2000 kg would move while being accelerated from
rest to 44 m/s.

Part (a) Step 1:

vf = vo + at
50 m/s = 0 m/s + a(5s)
a = (50 m/s) / (5s)
a = 10 m/s2
Part (a) Step 2:
F = ma
F = (20 kg)(10 m/s2)
F = 200 N

Part (b):
F = ma
200 N = (2000 kg)a
a = (200 N) / (2000 kg)
a = 0.1 m/s2

Part (c):
vf2 = vo2 + 2ax
(44 m/s)2 = 0 + 2(0.1 m/s2)x
x = (44 m/s)2 / (0.2 m/s2)
x = 9680 m

7. A coconut of mass 0.5 kg falls from a tree 10 m high and comes to rest after penetration 0.1 m of
sand. Find the force of resistance, fr of the sand, assuming it is constant.

Step 1:
vf2 = vo2 + 2gy
vf = [2(-9.8 m/s2)(10 m)]
vf = -14 m/s

Step 2:
vf2 = vo2 + 2ay
2ay = -(vo)2
a = -(vo)2 / (2y)
a = -(-14 m/s)2 / (2 * -0.1 m)
a = 980 m/s2

Step 3:
Fy = ma
s mg = ma
s = m(a + g)
s = (0.5 kg)(980 m/s2 9.8 m/s2)
s = 485.1 N

8. A body of mass m moves along X such that at time t its position is x(t) = t4 t3 + t, where , ,
and are constants. (a) Calculate the acceleration of the body. (b) What is the force acting on it?

Part (a) Step 1:

v = Dx/dt = 4t3 - 3t2 +

Part (b):
F = ma
F = m(12t2 - 6t)
Part (a) Step 2:
a = D2x/dt2 = 12t2 - 6t

9. A missile launcher, of mass 4400 kg, fires horizontally a rocket of mass 110 kg and recoils up a
smooth inclined plane, rising to a height of 4 m. Find the initial speed of the rocket.

Step 1:
vf2 = vo2 + 2gy
vf2 = 0 + 2(9.8 m/s2)(4 m)
v = [2(9.8 m/s2)(4 m)]
v = 8.854 m/s

Step 2:
o = f
m1v1 = m2v2
v2 = (m1v1) / m2
v2 = (4400 kg * 8.854 m/s) / (110 kg)
v2 = 354.16 m/s

10. Suppose that two putty balls move along a frictionless floor. They stick together after collision. If
ball A is moving to the left at 15 m/s and ball B to the right at 25 m/s, and if their masses are equal,
find their common velocity after collision.

Step 1:
o = f
-mAvA + mBvB = (mA + mB)v or vB vA = 2v

Step 2:
vf = (vB vA)/2
vf = (25 m/s 15 m/s)/2
vf = 5 m/s

11. A watch has a second hand which is 2.0 cm long. (a) What is the frequency of revolution of the
hand? (b) What is the speed of the tip of the second hand relative to the watch?

Part (a):
= period
= 1/ = 1/60
= 0.01666 rev/s

Part (b):
v = r; where, = 2
v = r(2)
v = (0.02 m)(2)()(0.01666 rev/s)
v = 0.002094 m/s

12. A spinning wheel initially has an angular velocity of 50 rad/s east; 20 s later its angular velocity is
50 rad/s west. If the angular acceleration is constant, what are (a) the magnitude and direction of the
angular acceleration, (b) the angular displacement over 20 s, and (c) the angular speed at 30 s?
Part (a):
= (f o) / t
= (50 rad/s (-50 rad/s)) / (20 s)
= 5 rad/s2 west

Part (b):
f2 = o2 + 2
= (f2 o2) / 2
= [(50 rad/s)2 (-50 rad/s)2] / (2(5 rad/s2))
= 0 rad

Part (c):
f = o + t
f = (50 rad/s) + (5 rad/s2)(30s 20s)
f = 100 rad/s

13. A box is dragged across a floor by a rope which makes an angle of 60 with the horizontal. The
tension in the rope is 100 N while the box is dragged 15 m. How much work is done?

Step 1:
W = Fd
F = Tx = (100 N)(cos 60)

Step 2:
W = Tx * x
W = (100 N)(cos 60)(15 m)
W = 750 J

14. A bullet having a speed of 153 m/s crashes through a plank of wood. After passing through the
plank, its speed is 130 m/s. Another bullet, of the same mass and size but travelling at 92 m/s, is
fired at the plank. What willbe the second bullets speed after tunneling through? Assume that the
resistance of the plank is independent of the speed of the bullet.

Step 1:
m1v12 m1v22 = m2va2 m2vb2
m1v12 m1v22 = m2va2 m2vb2
v12 v22 = va2 vb2
vb2 = -2( v12 v22 va2)
vb2 = -2[(.5(153 m/s)2) (.5(130 m/s)2) (.5(92 m/s)2)]
vb = (1955 m/s)
vb = 44.2154 m/s

15. A 4000 kg hammer of a pile driver is lifted 1.0 m in 2.0 s. What power doe sthe engine furnish to
the hammer?

Step 1:
F = ma
F = (4000 kg)(9.8 m/s2)
F = 39200 N
Step 2:
W = Fd
W = (39200 N)(1.0 m)
W = 39200 J

Step 3:
P = W / t
P = (39200 J) / (2.0 s)
P = 19600 W(watts)

16. While a boat is being towed at a speed of 20 m/s, the tension in the towline is 6 kN. What is the
power supplied to the boat by the towline?

P = Fv
P = (6000 N)(20 m/s)
P = 120000 W(watts)

17. An artillery piece of mass m1 fires a shell of mass m2. Find the ratio of the kinetic energies of the
artillery piece and of the shell.

Step 1:
Ka / Ks =
mava2 / msvs2 = (ma / ms)(va / vs)2

Step 2:
o = f
0 = msvs + mava
(va / vs) = -(ms / ma)

Step 3: (substitute)
Ka / Ks = (ma / ms)(-ms / ma)2
Ratio: = ms / ma

18. A 20 g bullet is fired horizontally with a speed of 600 m/s into a 7 kg block sitting on a tabletop;
the bullet (b) lodges in the block (B). If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the
tabletop is 0.4, find the distance the block will slide.

Step 1:
vf = (m1v1 + m2v2) / (m1 + m2)
vf = [(0.020 kg x 600 m/s) + (7 kg x 0 m/s)] / (0.020 kg + 7 kg)
vf = 1.7094 m/s

xf = vf2 / 2gk
xf = (1.7094 m/s)2 / (2)(9.8 m/s2)(0.4)
xf = 0.372 m

Step 2:
k = vf2 / 2gxf

19. Four particles of masses 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, and 4 kg, are at the vertices of a rectangle of side a
and b. If a = 1m and b = 2m, find the location of the center of mass. **(Answer determined by
location of axis; example below sets axis at upper left corner).

1m 1m

Step 1:
xcm = (md) / (m)
xcm = (4kg*0m) + (1kg*2m) + (2kg*2m) + (3kg*0m)
(4kg + 1kg +2kg +3kg)
xcm = 0.6 m

Center of Mass: (example)

(0.6 m, -0.5 m)

Step 2:
ycm = (md) / (m)
ycm = (4kg*0m) + (1kg*0m) + (2kg*-1m) + (3kg*-1m)
(4kg + 1kg +2kg +3kg)
Ycm = -0.5 m

20. A uniform beam, which weighs 400 N and is 5.0 m long, is hinged to a wall at its lower end by a
frictionless hinge. A horizontal rope 3.0 m long is fastened between the upper end of the beam and
the wall. Find the force T exerted on the beam by the rope, and also find the horizontal and vertical
components of the force exerted on the beam by the hinge.

Step 1:
Moment arms @ hinge:
Fx & Fy = arm L = 0; which give 0 torque
F = 400N wt = arm L = 1.5 m
T moment arm = arm L = 4.0 m (wall)

Step 2:
r = (T)(arm L) (F)(arm L)
r = (T)(4.0 m) (400 N)(1.5 m)
T = (400 N)(1.5 m) / (4.0 m)
T = 150 N

Step 3:
Fx = Fx T = 0 (equilibrium)
Fx = Fx 150 N
Fx = 150 N

Step 3:
Fy = Fy Fbeam = 0 (equilibrium)
Fx = Fx (400 N)
Fy = 400 N

21. The velocity of a particle of mass m is v = 5i + 4j +6k when at r = -2i + 4j +6k. Find the angular
momentum of the particle about the origin.

22. A man sits on a stool that rotates about a vertical axis. The moment of inertia of the man and the
stool about the axis is 8 kg m2. The man holds a 22 N weight in each hand. With his arms first
outstretched, putting the weights a distance of 0.9 m from the axis of the stool, the man is set in
rotation at 4 rad/s. The man then pulls the weights inward so that they are at the axis of rotation.
What is the final angular speed of the man on the stool?

Io = 8.0 kg?m2 (man + stool)
Wt(s) = 22 N (convert to kg)
Wt(s) = 22 N / 9.8 m/s2
Wt(s) = 2.245 kg
ro = 0.9 m
o = 4.0 rad/s
rf = 0.0 m (assumed final radius)

Step 1:
Itotal = 2mr2 + 8.0 kg?m2 = [(2)(2.245 kg)(0.9 m2)] + 8.0 kg?m2
Itotal = 11.6369 kg?m2

Step 2: (assumed 0.0 m radii)

Ifinal = 2mr2 + 8 kg?m2 = [(2)(2.245 kg)(0.0 m2)] + 8.0 kg?m2
Itotal = 8 kg?m2

Step 3:
Ioo = Iff
f = (Ioo) / (If)
f = (11.6369 kg?m2)(4.0 rad/s)
(8.0 kg?m2)
f = 5.82 rad/s

Extra Processes based on (Chap 11:Prob 32)

Determine Kinetic Energies

Step 1:
Ko = Ioo2
Ko = (1/2)(11.6369 kg?m2)(4.0 rad/s)
Ko = 23.2738 J

Step 2:
Kf = Iff2
Kf = (1/2)(8.0 kg?m2)(5.82 rad/s)
Kf = 23.2800 J

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