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Basic OPAMP Configuration and Simple Mathematical


1 Objective 3

2 Apparatus Required 3

3 Theory 3
3.1 Operational Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1.1 Schematic Symbol of Operation Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1.2 Inverting Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1.3 Non Inverting Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1.4 Summing Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1.5 Differential Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1.6 Differentiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1.7 Integrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.8 Low Pass Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.9 High Pass Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4 Observation 12
4.1 Observation Table For Inverting Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Observation Table For Non Inverting Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 Observation Table For Summing Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.4 Observation Table For Differential Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5 Differentiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.6 Integrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.7 Low Pass Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.8 High Pass Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5 Result 15

6 Precautions and error 16


In this experiment we study about an electronic device i.e OP-AMP. We study about
basic OP-AMP configuration and circuits to observe some basic mathematical oper-
ations like sum, difference, integration, differentiation. We also use the OP-AMP as
filter circuit such as low pass and high pass filter.

1 Objective
Study of the inverting amplifier configuration and to find its gain.
Study of the non-inverting amplifier configuration and to find its gain.
Study simple mathematical operation.
Study of OP-AMP as comparator
Study OP-AMP as a differentiator and integrator.
Design filters using OP-AMP

2 Apparatus Required
OP-AMP circuit board, Resistors, Oscilloscope, DC voltage source, Digital multimeter, DSO,
D.C power supply, Function generator

3 Theory
3.1 Operational Amplifier
An operational Amplifier is a electric circuit that can perform mathematical operations as
addition, subtraction, integration, differentiation.
OP-AMP is an multi stage amplifier. Input in a differential amplifier fallowed by a high
gain amplifier fallowed by class B Push-Pull amplifier then give output.

An operational amplifier is a DC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier with a dif-

ferential input and, usually, a single-ended output, which has very high input impedance

and low output impedance(in ideal case input impedance is infinity and output impedance is
zero).Due to very high input impedance op-amp take very small value as input and amplify
as much as possible.Op-amp can amplify d.c as well as a.c signals.
In OP-AMP we get very high Open Loop Gain i.e Without feedback, and Close Loop
Gain i.e With feedback( in ideal casgain is infinite).Mostly OP-AMP operated with negative
feedback to increase the bandwidth as well as gain stability. In case of positive feedback gain
is more high but bandwidth and gain stability will decrease.

3.1.1 Schematic Symbol of Operation Amplifier

The basic op-amp has five terminals,two terminals for voltage +V and V ;two input termi-
nals(inverting input and non inverting input) and output terminal.

Plus and minus are not polarity signs.The minus sign indicates the inverting input and
plus sign indicates the non-inverting input. signal applies to the plus terminal will appear
in the same phase at the output as at the input.A signal applied to the minus terminal will
be shifted in phase 180 degree at the output. Voltage (+V) and (-V) are supply voltage,
normally equal in magnitude. The supply voltage determine the limit of output voltage.
This limit is Saturation voltage.

3.1.2 Inverting Amplifier

Circuit diagram for Inverting Amplifier

An input voltage is applied through a resistor n inverting terminal and non-inverting terminal
is grounded. For ideal OP-AMP, Differential input voltage should be 0. So

V( in) V( nonin) = 0

V( in) = V( nonin)
As Vi n = 0 so Vn onin = 0. So point A have 0 potential, This is Virtual ground.

Ii n = Vi n/R1

If = Vo ut/Rf
Since Ii n = If , Vo ut/Rf = Vi n/Ri
So Voltage Gain, A = Vo ut/Vi n = Rf /R1

3.1.3 Non Inverting Amplifier

Circuit diagram for Non Inverting Amplifier

The above fig is circuit diagram for Non Inverting Amplifier.

For ideal OP-AMP gain A = .Since Vo = A (Vs Vi n). As A = so Vs = Vi n .This is
known as virtual short.
IR i = IR f
Vi nRf = Vo Ri Vi nRi
V o/Vi n = (Rf + Ri )/Ri

A = 1 + Rf /Ri

3.1.4 Summing Amplifier

Circuit for summing amplifier

In this summing amplifier circuit, the output voltage becomes proportional to the sum of
the input voltages V1 ,V2 .

If = I1 + I2 = (V1 /R1 + V2 /R2 )

VO = (Rf /R1 V1 + Rf /R2 V2 )

. In similiar way we can use summing amplifier to add more than two input voltage.

3.1.5 Differential Amplifier

Differential amplifiers amplify the difference between applied voltages. Making this type
of operational amplifier circuit a subtracter unlike a summing amplifier which adds or sums
together the input voltages. This type of OP-AMP is known as a Differential Amplifier

I1 = (V1 Va )/R1 , I2 = (V2 Vb )/R2 , If = (Va Vo ut)/Rf

Vo ut = (V1 + V2 ) = (V1 + V2 ) = V1 V2

3.1.6 Differentiator

Circuit diagram for Differentiator

A configuration of OP-AMP that perform mathematical Differentiation operation in in-

put signal is known as Differentiator.

fig: Input and output waveform for Differentiator

From the above input and output waveforms it can be seen that input sin ,Square and
triangular inputs gives cos (phase change by 90 deg in input), Linear at zero and a constant
value respectively.

3.1.7 Integrator

Circuit diagram for Integrator

A configuration of OP-AMP that perform mathematical Integration operation in input

signal is known as Integrator.

Fig: Input and output waveform for integrator

From the above input and output waveforms it can be seen that input Square, sin inputs
gives Triangular, cos (phase change by 90 deg in input) value respectively.

3.1.8 Low Pass Filter

Circuit diagram for Low pass filter

Low pass filter allows only low frequency signals from 0 Hz to its cut-off frequency Fc
point to pass while blocking those any higher.

Fc = 1/(2RC)Hz
Frequency response

Frequency response for low pass filter

Gain of first order low pass filter Av

Av = VO /Vi = Af /( 1 + (F/Fc )2

Where: Av = the pass band gain of the filter, (1 + R2/R1)

F = the frequency of the input signal in Hertz, (Hz)
Fc = the cut-off frequency in Hertz, (Hz)

The operation of a low pass filter can be verified from the frequency gain equation above
1. At very low frequencies, F < Fc , Vo /Vi Af
2. At the cut-off frequency, F = Fc , Vo /Vi = Af /( 2)= 0.707Af
3. At very high frequencies, F > Fc , Vo /Vi < Af

3.1.9 High Pass Filter

Circuit diagram for High pass filter

High pass filter allows only high frequency signals with a frequency higher than a certain
Fc cut off frequency and attenuate the frequencies lower than Fc . The input signal is am-
plified by the amplifier at the output. The amount of amplification depends on the gain of
the amplifier.

Cut-off Frequency Fc = 1/(2RC)Hz

Frequency Response

Frequency response for High pass filter

Voltage Gain for High Pass filter

Vo /Vi n = Am (F/Fc )/( 1 + (F/Fc )2 ]

The operation of a high pass filter can be verified from the frequency gain equation above
1. At very low frequencies, F < Fc , Vo /Vi < Af
2. At the cut-off frequency, F = Fc , Vo /Vi = Af /( 2)= 0.707Af
3. At very high frequencies, F > Fc , Vo /Vi Af

4 Observation
4.1 Observation Table For Inverting Amplifier
Vi (volt) Vo (volt) Ao
0.0262 -0.264 -10.10
0.3506 -3.534 -10.07
0.458 -4.60 -10.04
0.570 -5.73 -10.05

Theoretical Gain

A = Vo ut/Vi n = Rf /Ri = 10/1 = 10

4.2 Observation Table For Non Inverting Amplifier

Vi (volt) Vo (volt) Ao
0.236 2.6 11.01
0.290 3.196 11.02
0.3289 3.62 11.006
0.413 4.55 11.01

Theoretical Gain
A = 1 + Rf /Ri = 1 + 10/1 = 11

4.3 Observation Table For Summing Amplifier

Summation operation using inverting amplifier. So gain.

A = Vo ut/Vi n = Rf /Ri = 10/1 = 10

V1 (volt) V2 (volt) Vo Vt
0.2 0.26 -4.68 -4.6
0.253 0.303 -5.68 -5.56
0.307 0.191 -5.05 -4.98

4.4 Observation Table For Differential Amplifier
A = Vo ut/Vi n = Rf /Ri = 10/10 = 1

V1 (volt) V2 (volt) Vo Vt
0.419 0.306 -0.142 -0.113
0.714 1.205 0.497 0.491
0.550 1.514 0.960 0.964

4.5 Differentiator

Fig shows input and differentiated waveform

4.6 Integrator

Fig shows input and integrated output

4.7 Low Pass Filter
SN FrequencyHz Vi (volt) Vo (volt) Gain 20 log(Gain)
1 20 1.26 11.5 9.12 19.19
2 40 1.26 11.5 9.12 19.19
3 60 1.26 11.3 8.96 19.04
4 80 1.26 10.8 8.57 18.65
5 100 1.26 9.8 7.78 17.81
6 120 1.26 9 7.14 17.07
7 135 1.26 9.5 6.74 16.573
8 140 1.26 8.5 6.67 16.4825
9 153 1.26 8.4 6.5 16.258
10 162 1.26 8.2 6.19 15.834
11 172 1.26 7.8 6.031 15.608
12 192 1.26 7.6 5.56 14.5
13 215 1.26 7 5.238 14.3833
14 245 1.26 6.6 4.28 12.628
15 270 1.26 5.4 4.126 12.31
16 300 1.26 5.2 3.8 11.5956
17 320 1.26 4.8 3.57 11.053
18 345 1.26 4.5 3.34 10.474
19 370 1.26 4.2 3.095 9.813
20 445 1.26 3.9 2.936 9.355
21 500 1.26 3.7 2.301 7.238
22 700 1.26 2.9 1.5 3.521
23 1000 1.26 1.9 1.031 0.2651

Frequency Response curve

Cut off frequency from graph 147Hz .And corresponding gain is 16.8db
Theoretical cut off frequency Fc = 1/(2RC)Hz
F =
2 100 103 0.01 10 6
F = 159.23Hz

4.8 High Pass Filter
SN FrequencyKHz Vi (volt) Vo (volt) Gain 20 log(Gain)
1 1.2 1.34 1.06 0.791 -2.0364
2 1.48 1.34 1.34 1 0
3 2.5 1.34 2.18 1.6268 4.226
4 3.56 1.34 3.68 2.7462 8.7746
5 4.58 1.34 3.7 2.76 8.818
6 4.69 1.34 4 2.98 9.484
7 6.47 1.34 5 3.7313 11.4372
8 8.63 1.34 5.8 4.3283 12.72634
9 10 1.34 6.5 4.8507 13.726
10 10.9 1.34 7.4 5.5223 14.8423
11 12.5 1.34 7.6 5.6716 15.0741
12 13.1 1.34 7.9 5.8955 15.4104
13 14.8 1.34 8.2 6.1194 15.7341
14 15.4 1.34 8 5.9701 15.5196
15 16.2 1.34 8.4 6.268 15.9425
16 19.9 1.34 8.4 6.268 15.9425
17 22 1.34 8.4 6.268 15.9425

Frequency Response curve

Cut off frequency from graph 8.9KHz .And corresponding gain is 13.23db
Theoretical cut off frequency Fc = 1/(2RC)Hz
F =
2 10 103 0.1 10 6
F = 15.923KHz

5 Result
Gain of inverting and non inverting configurations were successfully verified. Gain obtain
theoretically is 10 and 11 matches with observed gain 10 and 11 respectively.

Summing and Differential circuits were verified by studying their input and output voltage
with gain.
Output waveforms of integrator and differentiator were verified with the theoretical outputs
by comparing our output and theoretical output.
Cut off frequencies for both high pas 8.9KHz and low pass 147Hz were calculated from
graph and compared with the theoretical results i.e 15.923KHz respectively.

6 Precautions and error

The connections should be done with the power supply off.
Input offset voltage should be zero.

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