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Questions for next class-

1.can we write biased exponent as long as we want?

y'z (x'+x) + yz (x'+x)
2.Chapter 3,part 1-slide 8
+ xyz'
3.Do we need to remember the name of the laws-distrubutive,inverse
y'z + yz + xyz'
4.In simplification of Boolean Algebra,how long should we go?
z (y' + y) + xyz'
Xyz+xyz+xyz+xyz =xy+yz+zx but how much will I get if can simplify it to
xyz+xy+zx z + xyz'
5.In chapter 3,part 2 question no 14 I have this problem.2 results are coming if I
solve it two different ways.Is is ok?will the circuit be the same?

=y'z (x'+x) + yz (x'+x) + xyz'
=y'z + yz + xyz'
=z (y' + y) + xyz'
=z + xyz'

6.For xywx can we say it 0?

7.slide 33,chap 3 part1 xy(z+z)+xz(y+y)
=xy+xz in the second line,is xyz is considered as X?For x+x=X

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