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22 a TAL @ DIALOGURILE DE LOVE STORY DIN PRIMELE ZECE CAPITOLE SINT UN PRETEXT PENTRU A VA OFERI EX: PRESIILE CELE MAI UZUALE $1 DE PRIMA NECESITATE DIN VORBIREA COTIDIANA @ VETI FACE CUNOSTINTA TREPTAT CU SUNETELE LIMBII ENGLEZE IN ORDINEA DIFICULTATII LOR, PRECUM SI CU NOTIUNI DE ACCENT SI INTONATIE @ IN URMATOARELE ZECE CAPITOLE PO- VESTEA CONTINUA @ PROBLEMELE DE GRAMATICA $1 LEXIC CUPRINSE IN TEXTUL LECTILOR SINT CONSOLI. DATE PRIN EXERCITII DE CELE MAI VARIATE TIPURI © DUPA FIECARE CAPITOL, SUPLIMENTE CONSTIND DIN PROVERBE, CITATE, ANECDOTE, MICI POEZI| UMO- RISTICE SI CUVINTE INCRUCISATE VA VOR DESCRET! FRUNTILE DUPA EFORTUL DEPUS IN REZOLVAREA EXER- CITIILOR @ TOTODATA, PRIN ACESTE SUPLIMENTE VET! INVATA MEREU LUCRURI NO! @ A ATRL EDITURA STIINTIFICA $1 ENCICLOPEDICA Vol. i-IV Lei 35, Dan Dutescu Engleza fara profesor Teach Yourself English Seria I Vol. 1 Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica Bucuresti, 1976 Coperta $1 ilustratille de Val Munteanu ‘egacior ; QEORGETA NICHIFOR ‘Colt tipar: 18, Tirajul : 710.000 ex. “Bao pur? arian Comanda ar. 0 Combintapalirai -Cata Stn Bucuresti — Plate Scinteli nr. ‘Republica Soctalita, Romania PREFATA Existi mai multe e&i de a invaga o limba straind, iar tn cunoasterea uunei limbi se pot atinge diferite trepte. Galea ideala este accea de a invaja o limbi de mic copil, Ulterior, prin studierea fi cultivarea acelei limbi, se pot realiza cole mai inalte performante, si anume: pronuntie perfecta, intonasie eufonicé, nuanjaté, corectitudine gramaticalt, precizie si oleganti in exprimare gi, in sfingit, creativitate artistics. 0 limba straind se poate invaga in orice etapa a vietii; de mic copil, fn gcoald, ca adult sau ca virstnic. Desigur, performanjele depind de aptitudinile individuale, Panait Istrati in francezd, Joseph Conrad in englezi, ca si dim numai dows exemple, au atins ‘treapta suprema in minuirea unei limbi strdine, aceea a creativitafii artistice Se pune deseori intrebarea daca o limba straint se poate invaja find Profesor gi in orice otap& a vietii. Raspunsul este categori da. Triind 0 MFeme intr-un mediu de alti limba, orice individ va ajunge, din necesitate, mai curind sau mai tirziu, mai bine sau mai defectuos, si receptors i s& comunice in acea limbé. Dar traind si tn efara mediului limbii respective, sint nenumérate eazurile oamenilor de stiin}a, cercetatorilor, tohnicienilor care, din nevola dea se documenta inte-o' limba string, au ajuns, cu ajutorul unui Simplu dictionar, si-si tnsupeasch macar limba de apecialitate, Exist fe ctemenea cazurile celor care, din pura plicere de a cunoaste, sicau tusit, tot eu ajutorul unui simplu dicfionar, © limba stekind pind la Stadiul de a putea citi literatura acelei limbi Gu atit mai mult se poate invita o limba strding folosind un manual Soneeput anume pentru studiul individual. Larga rispindire in. lume a PUanualelor fri profesor“ si rezultatele atestate dovedese din. plin ch Intr-adevar o limba stréini se poate invita si singur Jucrarea de fata se adreseazd tuturor eategoriilor de oameni $i tuturor Mrstelor, incepind cu adolescenta, adie incepind eu virstu la care ®riee persoand cunoaste cel putin terminologia gramaticall de bast « ambit rotsttig!” Int" aséev’suaifbeth Palfélocoso tarmen!) gramaticali Hine cunoseuji tuturor: substantiv, adjectiv, verb; singular, plural; prezent, trecut, vitor ete., si un mic humir de termeni noi, legati de specificul limbii engleze, ca de exemplu: aspectul nedefinit, aspectul cantinun, pre- zentul perfect, participiul perfect Textele lectiilor se compun dintr-o suita de scene, cu personaje puse 88 vorbeased limba englez’ contemporana, in situagille cole mai variate ale vietii de fiecare zi. Materialul este repartizat in patru volume, astfel YVolumul 1 Partea I (Lectiile 1—10) — Dialoguri bilingve, eu transerierea fonetica a textului englezeso. Se oferd expresiile cele mai uzuale si de prim’ necesitate din vorbirea cotidiand. Se introdue treptat sunetele limbii engleze in ondinea dificul- tafii lor, precum si notiuni de accent gi intonafie. —Exercitii (completari de spatii goale, retroversiuni, citire dupa transerierea fonetic’ a unor nume proprii, descifrarea proverbelor etc.). Partea a Il-a (Lectiile 11—20) ‘ —Texte in cea mai mare parte dialogate, dar cuprinzind si nara- jiuni si descrieri. Textul englezese si traducerea sa in limba romani stau fai in fat pe cele dou pagini ale cirtii deschise. Lectiile sint structurate pe probleme de gramatics si Jexic. — Exorcifii de cele mai variate tipuri, inclusiv dietiri date in tran- seriere fonetick si practicarea folosirii alfabetului (spelling). — Suplimente constind din proverbe, citate din Shakespeare, citate sau bucafi din alfi autori, anecdote, limerick-uri — toate acestea bazate 1m cea mai mare parte pe notiunile nou dobindite. Cuvintele eare apar pentru prima data se dau dupa fiecare bucatd. Cuvintele incrucigate de la sfirsitul fiecdrei lectii au drept scop fixarea si/ sau. tmbogtires voeabularului Volumul 2 Partea a I11-a (lectiile 21—25) Lechiile au aceeasi structura ea si cele din Partea a Ia. Cn aceasta parte se incheie tratarea problemelor de baz ale gramaticit engleze. Partea a 1V-a: Un numér de lecturi din autori englezi si americani. Inaintea fiecdreia dintre cele patru parti se fac recomandari metodice. Yolumul 3 Se dau, pentru fiecare din lectile primelor trei parti, explicatii fone- tice, gramaticale i lexicale, iar pentru lectiile din partile a Il-a $i a Tila, si vocabulare (eu transerierea fonetica). ‘Yolumul 4 — Liste speciale (verbe neregulate, s&ri, popoare si limbi, corpul fomenesc, profesiuni_etc, etc). Termeni din ‘acest: lite. sint”agesott fn ordinea alfabetici a cuvintelor romancsti pentru a ‘usura_gasirea @uvintului doit, Cele mai multe dintre ele folerere la detloguren, ox vintelor incrucigate, acestea insele reprezentind liste de termeni leguji do 0 anumita temé. a eee heia exercitilor = Vocabular englez-roman, =Vocabular roman-englez. = Indice al problemelor de fonetici, gramaticd gi lexic. Aceasta repartizare a materialului usureazi cu mult folosirea manua- Tului. Pentru consultarea vocabularelor, pentru urmirirea explicatiilor fonetice, gramaticale si lexicale in vederea rezolvarii exercitiilor, pentra Verificarea cu ajutorul ,cheii" a corectitudinii exercitiilor rezolvate, Pentru dezlegarea cuvintelor incrucigate, cel ce foloseste manualul nu ‘este obligat si caute in acelasi volum cind intro parte, cind intr-alta = Operatic greoaie si deseori demobilizatoare: pentru lecfia tn curs de a fi studiats, volumele 3 si 4 vor sta deschise pe masa la capitolul res- peetiv. . Problemele limbii engleze nu au fost epuizate aici. Ele vor fi relua i adincite intr-o. noua serie de patru volume e Ga recomandari generale: Valorificati permanent. cunostinjele dobtndite. ott He ite ori aveyi ocazia si vede$i un film in limbe englez’, urmi: Ti cu atentie si dialogul vorbit. Ciutagi si surprindei diferengele fono- Togice dintre engleza britaniea (cea folosita in acest manual) i engleza @Mericans. Particularitazile goncrale ale englezei americane vor fi Watate in volumele din seria a doua. Odati angajasi in studierea limbii engleze, este recomandabil si vB Pengurasi luerari de referinya ca: dictionare de cele mai variate tipar lea-englez, Dilingve, de sinonime, tehnice), gramatici, culogont de Peg ee 8" », tehnice), gramatici, culegeri de Bun este studiul individual. Dar pentru invaijarea unei limbi_ stra- ino fini profesor, si mai bun este studiul in doi. Traducerea simultant, intrebiile si rispunsurile, dictarile, exercitiile de spelling vor fi $i mai cficiente in colaborare. Mai mult decit atit, Two heads are better than ‘one (Doud capete sint mai bune decit unul) spune un proverb englez. Ca si nu mai vorhim de prilejul de a conversa in limba englez’. Nadajduim c& vefi folosi cu succes acest manual. Iar dac& ne yor ‘Ini cindva, ar fi nespus de plicut s4 purtim o discusie in. limba englezi 5i si-mi spuneti, printre altele, c& a-l citi chiar si pe Shakespeare fn original nu mai constituie o problema pentru dumneavoastra. AUTORUL TRANSCRIEREA FONETICA Engleza are o ortografie etimologicé. In marea majoritate a cazurilor euvintul scris nu reproduce intocmai cuyintul rostit, literele nu cores: pund in mod conseevent sunotelor din care este aledtuit cuvintul, Gei care thvayit singuri limba englezi au nevoie de o transcriere exact a cuvintului rostit pentru a-l putea rosti Ja rindul lor. Vom face deci o distinetie neta intre liter si sunet, Un cuvint ca head — cap — se compune din literele h, ¢,a si d. Se Pronunji hed, sunetele din care este format fiind h, o sid; head este euvintul scris— hed este imaginea lui sonora. Cuvintul lend — @ conduce — pronuntat, isd (ew i lung), se compune din iterele 1, ¢, a si d, imsi din sunetele |, i: sid Acelasi cuvint Tead ‘se pronunya Jed cind inseamna plumb. Cuyintul text se compune din literele t, ¢, x si f, ins din sunetele 4 ek, s sit, Imaginea lui sonora este ickst Guvintul light —lumind — se pronunfa lait Cum tn limba englez’ nu exista decit foarte putine reguli conseevente de pronuntie a cuvintelor, singura recomandare practic’ pe care ¥- Putem face este accea de a invafa fiecare cuvint cu. pronungia lui. $i 8% nu vi mirasi de nimic, ei sa luafi lucrurile aga cum sint. Foarte curind Yeti constata c& pronuntia nu reprezint’ cea mai mare dificultate a ii_engleze. Caracterizatd prin precizie i consecventi stiintificd, tanserierea foneticd va oferd un instrument ideal de lucru in invajarca limbii engleze {ari profesor (si fara mijloace auditive).. Sunetele sint reprezentate printr-un sistem conventional de semne Mumite simboluri fonetice. Pentru acest manual am adoptat, ew unele Simplificari, semnele alfabetului fonetic international elaborat de IPA {International Phonetic Association). Pentra majoritatea simbolurilor fonetice au fost preluate literele alfabetului latin b, m, f, 5, ¢ ete Dar literele alfabetului latin mu au fost suficionte gi nici, unele dintre ‘ele, adeevate pentru a reprezenta toate sunetele limbii engleze. Acestea, simple sau combinate, depagesc cifra de 40, fas de cele 26 de litere ale alfabetului latin. De aceea s-a recurs la unele semne ale alfabetului grecese ca O pentru d rostit cu limba intre dinti si 0 pentru ¢ rostit eu limba intre dinfi, sau Ia semne speciale ca f pentru g, o pentru d, si alte citeva. Aici se cuvine si facem o precizare importanta: Nu totdeauna aspectul nefamiliar al simbolului fonetie prezinta difi- ji pentru roménii care Invaté pronuntia englezd cu ajutorul tran- seriorii fonetice. Sunete cum sint cele dou& de mai sus tsi au echiva- Iente in limba noastré. Se cere numai sk finem minte ch { este 5 ca in git, oeste dca in oféré"—si alte probleme nu avem. Pe de alta parte, multe din semnele familiare, cum ar fi_printre altele 0, i, r reprezint& sunete specifice limbii engleze fari echivalente fn limba noastr’, dupa cum vom vedea. VOWELS wvauolz Vocale THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH Be ‘saundz av ‘ing! Sunetele limbii engleze DIPHTHONGS ‘difdouz Diftongi ei uo ‘TRIPHTHONGS tifdou Triftongi aio aua u CONSONANTS, ‘konsonants Consoane VOICED UNVOICED voist an voist Sonore Surde P t k f 8 ANnadea¢c s 5 tf h SEMIVOWELS semi 'vauolz Semivocale J w a a aes DS Fay de alfabetul fonetic international s-au ficut pentru acest manual urmatoarele modifieiri in vederea simplificinii: a: fn loc de a. Sunetele limbii engleze sint descrise fn comentariile la lecfiile parti { (1-10) din Vol. 3. 12 ABREVIERI $I SEMNE CONVENTIONALE cuz. acuzativ adj. adjectiv ady. adverb afirm. afirmativ ‘amer. tn engleza american part. participiu aprox. aproximativ ers. personal ‘art, hot.-articol hot&rit pl. plural art. neh. articol nehotartt prep. prepoziti ‘astron. astronoraie presc. prescurtare comp. comparativ pron. pronume conj. conjunetie reflex. veflexiv de ez. de exemplu rel. relativ echiv. tn echivalenta s. substantiy fem, feminin sing. singular gram. gramatic& sl. (slang) argo inf. infinitiv smb, somebody | someone interj. interjectic smth. something interog. interogativ superl, superlativ neg. negativ nereg. neregulat nun. numeral pag. pagina, paginile fino. invechit tree. trecut ‘mase. masculin teat. textual nedef. nedetinit, ». verb Abrevieri foarte uzuale in textele de specialitate (au gi in textele literare): eg. (din lating: exempli gratia) for example farig'za:inpl sau for instance for instns de exempln @te. (din latind: etcetera) it setra isd. (din lating: id est) that is ‘Dwt iz adic& viz, (din lating: videlicet) namely ‘neimli anume 13 Asteriscul are dows semnificasii: (a) Agezat inaintea unei propozitii sau expresii arati c& formularea Tespectiv este gresiti sau improprie. (b) Folosit in Vocabularul roman-englez dupi un cuvint atrage atenfia asupra faptului e& acel euvint are forme neregulate sau suferk modi- fictri ortografice si | sau fonetice faja de regulile generale in formarea pluralului, a persoanei a treia singular a prezentului, a gradelor de comparatie, a trecutului gi participiului trecut ete. Bara oferi posibilitatea alegerii intre doi termeni. De exemplu I shall / will come se va citi sau I shall come sau I will come, Parantezele drepte au aceeasi functie ca si bara si sint folosite pentru exprimirile formate din mai mulji termeni. De exemplu: I like (I am fond of] Beethoven's music se va citi sau I like Beethoven's music sau I am fond of Becthoven’s music. Parantezele rotunde arata ci exprimarea poate fi citita eu sau fard cele cuprinse intre paranteze. De exemplu: I know (that) it is late se va citi sau I know that it is Inte sau I know it is late. Tilda este folosité in voeabularele englez-roman si roman-englez de Ja sfirgitul Vol. 4 in locul cuvintului-titlu, De. exempla Took luk ». a privi; to ~ for a efuta... Se va citi to look fo PART ONE RECOMANDARI Cu Vol. 4 deschis Ia leeyin in curs de a fi studiata, rostiti mai ti cu voco tare sunetele englozosti aga cum sint doscrise in Vol. 3 la lectia respectiva. Tineti seama de explicagiile ce vi se dau in legi- tuni_cu accentul euvintelor, accentul in propozitie si intonatia. Citigi eu voce tare textul englezese al lectici din Vol. 1, ghidin- du-vi dup transcrierea fonetick tipfritd cu caractere rosii sub Tiecare ind. fi operatia pind ce sintefi convingi o& afi realizat mu numai corectitudine in pronunfie ei si fluenta. ‘ Aflayi sensul fiecirei proporifii cu ajutorul traducerii_romanesti. Acoperiti coloana din dreapta (textul romanesc) gi citifi cu voce tare propozitiile englezesti, traducindu-le in gind. Facefi operafia inverss, acoperind coloana din stinga (textul engle- zese) gi traducind eu voce tare propozitiile romanegti in limba engleza. Numai dupa ce afi facut aceasté ultima operatie fird gres, treceti a rezolvarea exercifiilor in scris. Cititi cu voce tare fiecare punct rezolvat. Nu folositi ,cheia* in timpul rezolvairii exereitiilor, ci mmmai ex- plicatiile date in Vol. 3. Controlati dupa aceea, cu ajutorul heii din Vol. 4, coree- titudinea rezolvarii exercitiilor. Dafi permanent atenfie ortografici CHAPTER ONE CAPITOLUL 1 Btfepts wan MAY (Luna) MAT MR. LEE: DOMNUL LEE: Sisto Hello. Salut. hails My namo is Mike. Tim Mike Lec. Bim ‘mak ‘i Pm « pil Sint pilot. Bim 9 ‘pail T pilot a big plane i pallat 9 ‘big” plein Tike to fy. Bi tak t2 fai Ma numese Mike Sint Mike Lee. Pilotez un avion mare Imi place s zbor. Ww B—eneters tat protesor, vol. Lim at home now. ‘Acum sint acasi. aim at shoum, ‘nan. Pm at home today. aim at ‘houm t0 I live in a big ai ‘liv in 9 big ‘siti 1 live in London. ai ‘liv ia, Landon London is a big city. Tandon, iz 9 ‘dig. ‘siti Astizi sint acast. Locuiese fntr-un ora mare. ‘Traiese in Londra. Londra este un orag mare, L live in a nice house. Tocuiese intr-o casi draigua. ai ‘liv in 2 ‘nais haus. Ws @ good house. its 9 ‘gud ‘haus. Look at my house. fuk 2t mai ‘haus. It isn't a big house. it ‘iznt 2 ‘big ‘haus It's nice and cory. E 0 casi bund. Uitayi-va le casa mea. Nu este 0 casi mare. E driguys gi intima. 1 like my house Imi place casa_mea. ai laik mai "haus Exercitiul Ll. (a) Cititi cu voce tare textul seris in ortografia curentd (coloana din stinga), controlindu-vd pronunfia cu ajttorul transorieréi fonetice. (b) Acoperifi coloana din dreapta gi traducefi tn gind textul englezese fin limba roméné. (c) Acoperiti coloana din stinga yi traducefi cu voce tare textul romdnese in limba englesd. Exercifiul 1.2. Completasi spasitle goat 1. My name ... Mike, 2. I'm ... home today. 8. I'm ... pilot. 4.1... to fly. 5.1... in London. 6. London is a ... city. 7 My house --. big; it’s... and.... 8. 1... a big plane. 9%... at my house. 18 Exercitial 1.3. Traducefi tn limba englezt: 1, Salut. 2. Sint domnul Mike Lee, 3: Loouiese intr-un orag mare. 4 Sint acasi acum. 5. Casa mea nu e mare. 6. Eo casi plicuta. 7, Uitati-va la casa mea. 8. E 0 casi bund. 9. Sint pilot. 10, Imi place si zbor. U1, Locuiesc in Londra. 12. Londra este un oray mare Exercijiul 1.4. Acoperiti teztul scris in ortogrofia curenti yi citifi numai dupeé transerie- rea fonetice urmatoarele nume proprii, citutind sa lo identifica. Personalititi gi personaje: Eve (Eva) iy Keats ist Cu accentul pe prima silaba: Aeschylus isskilos Caesar 20 Gulliver igaliva Homer hhoumo Oedipus isdipas Venus visnon ‘Cu accentul pe a doua silabi: Delilah (Dalila) dilailo Penelope pimnelopi Name pers , estes lide Cu accentul pe prima silaba Finland z finlond Iceland (Islanda) aislond Poland (Polonia) poulond Sydney dni Cu accentul pe a dous silabi pir kin ycltaecontal pe a teia silat ississippi mnisi sip ‘Tennessee ena si 19 Exereifiul 1.5. Dindu-vi-se sensul cuvintelor, aflasi injelesul proverbelor de mai jos 1. Love is blind. ‘lay iz. ‘blaind. love — dragoste blind — orb 2, Time is money. ‘time — timp money — bani 3, Live and let live. liv and let ‘iv live — traieste let live — Iasi si traiasca CHAPTER TWO ifepta tu AUGUST ‘orgpst MIKE: Hello. hou Who are yo hus 3 ju?) SUE; I am Sue. My name is Sue Stevens. Mia tneim iz. ‘sus stievne Tam Miss Sue Stevens. MIKE: Your name is Sue! o> ‘nei iz sus! A nice name. I like your name, ai ‘eik jo" ‘neim My name is Mike. mai ‘nei iz ‘maik CAPITOLUL 2 AUGUST Buna. Cine opti? Sint Sue. ‘M&A numese Sue Stevens. Sint domnigosra Sue Stovens. Te cheama Sue! Frumos_nume Ini place numele tu, Pe mine mi cheama Mike. e Lee. Iam Mike Lee. Sint Mil ai am ‘maik i Do you like my name? si place mumele meu? du: ju ‘laik mai ‘nei? 5 4 SUE: Of course. Desigur. ay. ‘kos. Mike is @ nice name to Si Mike este un nume frumos, 'maik iz 9 nais ‘neim I like your name, Mike. ai Jaik ‘jor ‘neim, ‘maik MIKE: Sue. Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. Da, Mike. jes, ‘maik. MIKE: I like your name, ai ‘laik jor “neim, Imi place numele tau, Mike. mi place numele iu, and I like you. simi placi gi tu. ond ai ‘laik ju an SUE: Good-bye, Mike. ‘Adio, Mike. igud bai, “‘maik. f MIKE: Ohi Bye-bye) Sve 1 Pa, Sue. Soyo Pe ourind. Exereifinl 2.1. (a) Citisi ow voce tare testul seris tn ortagrafia curenté (coloana din stinga), controlindu-vi pronunjia cu ajutorul transerierit fonetice. (i) Acoperiti coloana din dreapta gi tradueepi in gtnd textul englezese fn limba roman {e) Acoperifi ¢ in limba englesd. ‘loana din sttnga gi traducefi cu voce tare textul romdnese Exercifinl 2.2. Completati spatiile goale: ‘you like my name? 1. Your Sue. 2. I am... Sue Stevens. 3... 4. .utike your name, .. 1 like you. 5... course. 6. Who ... you? 7. Good- Mike. 8. Bye-..., Sue. 9 See... 10, Mike... a nice name, 11. Sue is’a nice name Exercifiul 2.3. Traducefi tn limba engleri: (a) 1. Iti place numele meu? 2. La revedere, domnigoari Stevens, 8. Frumos mume. 4. $i Miko esto un nume frumos, Be Pe, See. hen placi. 7. Cine esti tu? 8. fmi place numele ti. 9. Binefngeles. Ny in pa Pen La Hiyodan ome Lee. 3. Frumoasi BSA. Eo coat snc: Se Mice plow bi Ip place Laniin? ve Bae, un avion mare. 8. Astizi sint ant % Stat aralt acum. * ou Exercitiu] 2.4. Acoperiti teatul scris in ortografia curenta gi citipi dupa i i citipi: numai dupa tran- serizrea fonetice urmatoarele nume proprii, céutind si le identifica Personalitaji i personaje: Bacon ‘beikon entices ae reac a Lucifer lussifo Sees haghem Seen Ulysses ju'lisi:zz saw ‘ju:lisi:z Una yju:n Denumiri geografice : Budapest ‘bju:da pest Cuba kju:bo eaten ‘hju:stn ruinea ‘gini (citigi ghini) fly oo New Delhi ‘nju: deli a Zealand nyu: ‘zizlond Yale ja Ee Exercitinl 2.5. Dindu-vi-se sensul cuvintelor, aflati tngelesul proverbelor de mai jos: 1. A penny saved is a penny gained. > ‘peni ‘seivd iz > ‘peni ‘goind (citigi gheind). 23 penny — ban, bancuya saved — economisit gained — clytigat Business is business. iznis. iz_“bizhis, business — afacere, afaceri 8. Out of sight, ont of mind. aut av ‘sait, ‘aut av. 'maind out of — afara din sight — vaz, vedere mind —minte, gind io Litt Avi ‘a i: ee CHAPTER THREE Tefepto Or SEPTEMBER ep temba MIKE: Hello, Sue. ho'lbu, su SUE: Hello, Mike. alow, ‘maik MIKE: Good afternoon. gud a:fto'nuzn. SUE: How nice to see you again. ‘haw ‘mais t9 ‘si: jur 9'gen MIKE: How nice to’ see you again, ‘haw ‘nis ta si: sus 9'gen Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. Hjes, ‘mail. SEPTEMBRIE Buna, Sue, Bun’, Mike. Buna ziua, Ce placere si te revid. Ce plicere pentru mine revid, Sue. Da, Mike, sa CAPITOLUL 3 te MIKE: How old are you? hau ‘ould a ju?) SUE: I beg your pardon? ai ‘beg jo* ‘pa:dn?} MIKE: How old are you, Sue? thaw ‘ould 2 ju, 'su:?) SUE: Well, I am eighteen, ‘wel, ai am ei'ti:n, And how old are you, Mike? and ‘hau ‘guld 2 ‘juz, 'maik?-) MIKE: I am twenty-one. fai am ‘twenti wan. SUE: Mike, ‘wot 9 ju, ‘mail? What do you do? ‘wot du j 2 MIKE: T am a pilot. ai am a. ‘pailat SUE: A pilot? 2 ‘pailat?_5 MIKE: Yes, @ pilot ‘jes, 2 pailet I pilot a big plane. ai 'pailat 9 ‘big ‘plein SUE: Oh! oul MIKE: I see a lot of places. 2 ‘lot av ‘pleisiz SUE: How nice! ‘hau ‘nais! MIKE: I like to fly, you know. ai ‘laik ta fai, ju ‘nan. SUE: I see. MIKE: And what are you, Sue? and ‘wot 9 jus, '90:27) What do you do? wot du iu: ‘dus? 26 Ciyi ani ai? Poftim? Cixi ani ai, Sue? Ei bine, am optsprezece. Si co virsti ai tu, Mike? Am doutzeci si um. Mike. Da, Sue. Ce esti tu, Mike? Cu ce te ocupi? Sint pilot. Pilot? Da, pilot. Pilotez un avion mare. ol Vid 0 multime de locuri Ce frumos! Imi place s& zbor, stii. Ingeleg. $i tu ce esti, Sue? Tu cu ce te ocupi? E SUE: I am not a pilot. ai am ‘ot 9. ‘pailot. MIKE: Of course not. av ‘ko:s ‘not, SUE: I am a violinist, ai am 2 ‘vaiclinist. MIKE: Oh, how nice. ou, hau ‘nals. SUE: I like to play my violin. ai laik ta ‘plei mai vaio lin. [like music. ai ‘Jaik omju:zik. Do you like music? du Yu: ‘laik ‘mjuzzik? 5 MIKE: Yes, I do. Ses, al du: T like music also, ai ‘loik ‘mju:zik ‘o:lsou, SUE: Do you like modern music? ju’ ‘laik ‘modon 'mju:zik? 5 MIKE: No, I don’t. nau, ai dount. ‘Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. jes, 'maik. MIKE: Play for me, Sue, please. vplei f> mit, ‘sus, plin, SUE: Not today, Mike. ‘not ta'dei, ‘maik, MIKE: But when? betwen?) SUE: Some day. sam dei Soon. Bye-bye, Mike. ‘bai bai, ‘maik MIKE: Ob, bye-bye, Sue See you soon. é ‘sis Jur ‘sus, 21 Eu nu sint pilot. Bine injeles c& nu. Sint violonists. Vai, ce frumios. Imi place si cint la vicars. Imi place muzica. Tie Da, imi place. place muzica? $i mie imi place muzica, Igi place muzica moderna? Nu, nu-smi_ place. Sue, Da, Mike. Cinti-mi la vioari, Sue, te rog. Nu astizi, Mike. Dar eind? Intro zi. Curind, Pa, Mike ©, pa, Sue. Po curind. Exereiinl 3.1. (a) Citigi cw voce tare textul soris in ortografia curenta (coloana din singe), controltndu-vie pronuntia cu ajuiorul transcrierit fonetice (b) ‘Acoperiti coloana din dreapta gi traduceti in gind teztul englezese fn limba roménd. (c) Acoperiti coloana din stinga gi traducefi cu voce tare textul romd- nese tn limba englesd. Exercigiul 3.2. Completati spatiile goale 1. see you again. 2 What places. 4 Do you... modern music? — Yes, T....— 4 soon. 6 How old. you? 7 I am... pilot, 8 I am... violinist, 9 I. your pardon? 10... afternoon. 1. Play for me, Sue,.... 12 What... ‘your name? Exorcitiul 3.3. Traduceti tn limba engleri (a) 1. Cigi ani ai? 2. Poftim? 8 Ce frumos! 4. Ce esti? 5. Cu ce te coupi? 6. Vid o mulfime de locuri. 7. Injeleg. 8. Am doudizeci de ani. 9, iyi place muzica? — Da, (imi place). — Nu, (nu-tni place). 10. Cinti-mi, te rog. LU. Astizi nu, 12. Bineinjeles ci nu. 18. La revedere, pe curtnd. 14, Sint violonist, stii? 15. Cum te cheama? (b) 1. Iji place casa mea? — Da, (imi placo), 2 Pilotez un avion mare. 8. mi place domnul Lee. 4. Cinti-mi acum, 5. Cine esti? 6 Stat domnigoara Stevens. Exercitiul 3.4, Acoperiti textul scris in ortografia curenta si citiyi_numai dupa tran- serierea foncticit urmitoarele nume proprii, cdutind #& le identificasi. Personalititi gi personaje: Archimedes acki'mi-dizz Bach bark Falstaff Mforlsta:t William Faulkner wiljam forkno Iago iva:gou Mars (Marte) waz Mozart "mautsa:t 28, Spartacus spa:tok Mark Twain ‘mack “twein Tennessee Williams ‘tomasi: ‘wiljom, Denumirigeografice: Arkansas ‘arkonso: Derby ‘dacbi Holland ‘holond lorway (Norvegia, ‘no:wei tod wok ‘oksfad Sweden (Suedia) Wales (fara Galilor Warsaw ¢ Worcester Yugoslavia Exercijiul 3.5. Dindu-vi-se sensul cusintelor, aflai infelesul proverbelor de mai joe: 1. He laughs best who laughs ast. hi: ‘lasts ‘best hu: ‘la:fs. ast. Iaughs — ride best — cel mai bit he... who —cel care ast — ultimul; la urmi 2. Still waters are deep. ‘stil wo:taz 9. di:p. sjuzgom'sla:vja still — linistit waters — ape deep — adine 3. Lost ti 1¢ is never found again. Most ‘taima iz. novo “found gen lost — pierdut never — niciodata found — gisit found again — regisit CHAPTER FOUR y iene f OCTOBER ok'tauba MIKE: Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. rmaik MIKE: Let’s go to a show. ets igau tu 2, ‘fou SUE: With pleasure. wid plese. How nice of you. ie tuna OY Je What a MIKE: Well, let's go to a cinema. Magy etines Oeaaal SUE: Splendid, CAPITOLUL 4 OCTOMBRIE Sue. Da, Mike. Hai si mergem la um spectacol. Gu_plicere. Ce driguy din partea ta. Go spectacol? Ai, s& mergem la un cinema. Splendid 30 Let's. ‘lets. MIKE: Let's go and see a western, Hlets ‘geu ond ‘si: 9 ‘westa I like westerns, fai lak ‘westanz. Do you like westerns? du ju: ‘laik ‘westanz?_5 8, I do, ai du T like westerns too. ai ‘laik ‘westonz. ‘tu I like films with cowboys. fi nik ‘filmz wid ‘kauboiz MIKE: Look. ‘luk This is the cinema. iis iz 09 ‘sinima, The Savoy. B. s9'v0i Two tickets, please, for the Wu: ‘tikits, “pli:z, £2 83 western, Swvestan, (t0 Sue) The film is Buffalo (Gu ‘su:) f9 film “iz “baflou Bill Takes Measures. Wil. ‘toils SUE: Is it « film with a happy Mig it 9 film wid 2 hepi ending? fendin?_5 MIKE: I hope so. lai choup sou SUE: Who are the actors? thu: 9 i ‘ektaz?) Make: Sheila Lloyd and Sean Elo oid Wetherby. ‘wedobi, SUE: Excellent. ‘eksolont, ond ‘form k ' Haidem. S& mergem si vedem un western Mie imi plac filmele western. Fie thi plac filmele western? Da, tmi plae. $i mic tmi plac filmele western. Imi plac filmole cu cowboy. Uite, Acesta este cinematograful, Savoy. Doui bilete, va rog, pentru western, (citre Sue) Filmul este Buffalo Bill ia masuri E un film cu happy end? Sper 0& da. Cine stnt actorii? Sheila Lloyd si Sean Wether! Exeolent. MIKE: Sheila Lloyd is beautiful. ficlo ‘oid iz ‘bjustafal, She is a beautiful woman. fir iz 9 ‘bju:tofol wuman. SUE: And Sean Wetherby is and ‘fo:n ‘wedobi iz handsome. ‘heensom, He is a handsome man hit iz 9 hensom ‘man After the show. asfto d0_ fou. SUE: Mike. ‘mail MIKE: Yes, Sue. jes, isu SUE: It’s late. its leit, I must go home. ai mast ‘geu ‘haum. MIKE: But— bat— SUE: But what? bat ‘wot? MIKE: It isn’t s0 late, Sue. ft lizmt ‘sou ‘leit, ‘su SUE: Oh yes, Mike, 1t is. ‘au ‘jes, 'maik, it 1 must go home ai ‘mast ‘gou, ‘houm. MIKE: Sue, don't go home alone ssu:, dount ‘go *houm 9'loun, Let me see you home. let mi ‘siz jue shoum, Do you mind? du: jur_‘maind?. SUE: No, I don't md. ‘ai daunt ‘maind, lets ‘work. MIKE: Yes, let's walk. es, ‘ets work. Sheila Lloyd ¢ framoasa, Este o femeie frumoast, $i Sean Wetherby e bine ca tip. E un barbat bine, Dupa spectacol. Mike. Da, Sue. E tiraiu. Trebuie si ma duc acast Dar... Dar ce? Nu este aga de tirziu, Sue. Ba da, Mike, este. Trebuie si mé due acasi. Sue, mn merge singuré casi. Dé-mi voie si te conduc pind acasi Te deranjeazi? Nn, nu ma deranjeazi. Hai si mengem pe jos. Da, si mergem pe jos. eveitiul 4.1, a) Citigi cu voce tare textul serie tn ortografia eurenta (coloana din nga), controlinds-od pronuntia cu ajitorul transorierii fonetice. (by Acoperifi coloana din dreapta yi traducefi in gind textul englezcse Tin limbo romans. (0) Acoperii coloano din sttnga si traduceti cw voce tare tertul roménese Tin Himba englezd. “Brercitiul 4.2. Complrayi spatiile goa 1. I like films ... cowhoys. 2 Let’s go... a show. & Let's... home A. 1... co home, 5. How nice ... you. 6. ... pleasure. 7. Let me ... you Home. 8... you mind? 9.1... mind. 10. Buffalo Bill ... Measures. Th. She is b... . 12. He is h... . 13. She is a beautiful ... 14. He is a handsome ... . 13. I hope ... . 16. ... are the actors? Exercitinl 4.3. Traduceti in limba englesi: (a) 1. Imi plac filmele western, 2 $i mie tmi plac filmele western. 3. S& ‘mergem la un spectacol. — Haidem. 4. Cu plicere. 5. E tirziu. 6. Nu e aja de thziu. 7. Acesta este cinematograful. & Dow’ bilete, va rog, 9. Co dragut din partea tal 10. Te deranjeaza? 11. Nu ma deranjeaza. 22, Dé-mi voie si te conduc pin’ acasa. 13. Nu te duce acasé singur. HA, Hai sa mergem pe jos. 15. Trebuie si vad filmul acesta, 16. Sper eh da. (b) 1. Cine este acest pilot? 2 Iyi place Sheila Lloyd? — Da, (imi ace). E frumoasi. 8. Iti place Sean Wetherby? — Da, (imi place). un barbat bine. 4. Pe curind. 5. Buna ziua (dupd-amiaza). 6. Fi, fe plicere si vi revad. 7. Vad o multime de filme. 8 Cind? 9. Intr-o zi MMDccigur. 1. Poltim? 12. Ymi place filmul, stil Exercitiul 4.4. Acoperiti teztul scris in ortografia curenti gi cititi numai dupit transerie- Pea foneticd urmitoarele nume proprii, eltuttnd sit le identifica Personalitaji gi personaje: Adonis a'dounis iggins higine (ett highine) Lien — Bneleza tar4 profesor, vol. 1 Phoebus Pygmalion Shelley Shylock Shiva Sean O'Casey Denumiri geografice: The Alps The Atlantic Ocean Asia The Caucasus Chicago The Indian Ocean The Soviet Union The USSR The United States The USA Exercitil 4 asta bas pig'meiljon ‘fel ‘Fisvo 9am ‘fiva form au’keisi 2i lps i at'Tentik veifo Bo ‘ko:kases i ka:gou i ‘indjon 8 ‘souvjet |juinjon > jju: ‘es ee a: Be jusmnaitid steits CHAPTER FIVE Hjepio faiv Dindu-vi-se sensul cuvintelor, aflaji tnjelesul proverbelor de mai jos: 1. Better Inte than never, but better never Iate. beta better — mai than — decit, never — niciodata leit don ‘neva, bot bine 2, None so blind ax those who won't see. ‘man ‘sou ‘blaind az ‘Sauz_hu mone — nici unul; (aici) nimeni Hagges saa who — care wow't— aici) nu vor 3. The sun shines upon all alike. to ‘san ‘fainz a'pon ‘0:1 2 a sun — Soare shines — stréluceste upon — asupra all — toti alike — la fel, deopotriva eta ‘neva ‘eit NOVEMBER noWwembe BIKE: Good morning, Suc. SUR: Good morning, Mike. food nig, ci MIKE: Sue SUE: Yes, Mike Bie, alk du: ju theatre? ik ‘Gista? 5 SUE: 1 do and I don't. fl ‘du: ond ai ‘dount aik ‘gouly t9 3 Jt depends on the play Bt divpendz on 59 let MIKE: Do you like going to the CAPITOLUL 5 Buna dimineata, Sue, Bund dimineata, Mike. Sue Da, Mike. Isi place si mergi la teatru? Da gi au. Depinde de piesa. ‘ve got two tickets for iv 'got ‘tu: ‘tikits fo the theatre. 39 Biota Can you come with me? eaen ju kam wid mis? 5 SUE: When? MIKE: This evening. is. ‘isvmo. It’s at the Old Vie Theatre. its ot Bi ould vik Gioto, Can you come? Hen fa eka SUE: I think so. ai ‘6ipk ‘sou, MIKE: I'm so happy. aim ‘sau ‘hep SUE: Thank you, Mike. Owok ju, ‘maik MIKE: Thank you, Sue. jk jus, su SUE: What play is on? ‘wot ‘plei iz ‘on? MIKE: North and South by ‘no:8 an ‘sau8 bai Kenneth Kin pany It’s a first night. its 2 fast. mait SUE: Is it a good play? ‘iz ito gud 'plei? MIKE: I hope so. ai ‘houp sou It cannot be bad, it kwnot bir ‘bed. It’s by Kenneth King. its bai ‘Keni® kip Am doua bilete la teatru, Poti sa vii cu mine? Cind? Asti sear’. E la Old Vie Theatre. Poti s& vii? Cred ci da, Sint atit de fericit. Multumese, Mike. Eu ‘ji muljumese, Sue. Ce pies se da? Nord gi sud de Kenneth King. E premiera E o pies buna? Sper ci da. Nu poate fi proasta. E de Kenneth King. Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. ties, ‘maik. IKE: I've gota plan. E) aiv ‘got 9 ‘plan. ‘SUE: plan have you got, wot. ‘plan ‘hev ju: ‘got, Mike? ‘maik?> HIKE: Let's meet before the lets ‘mi:t bi'fo: 69 show. fou. 1's have a shack in a bar lets they 9 ‘sn@k in 9 ba first. asst jw? frtainly. 'sa:tnli With pleasure, Wid plese. But on a fifty-fifty basis. Hot on a fifti-ifti -beisis. IKE: Oh no, Sue. yeu ‘nau, ‘su : Oh yes, sir. ‘au jes, 9: | What timo this evening, Mike? Swot, ‘taim ‘dis ‘i:vniy, 'maik?~) Thast past sks ie “tu iene’ Mike. : Bini mail x HIKE: Seven o'clock then? Heys lok ‘ten? SUE: Seven o'clock. O.K. Iaevn o'klok. ‘ou “kei HIKE: I'll be seeing you, Dir 'sisiy ju Da, Mike. ‘Am un plan. Ce plan ai, Mike? Hai si ne intilnim inainte de spectacol. ‘Sa Iuaim tntti o gustare Intr-un bar. Vrei? Desigur. Cu pltcere Dar juma-juma. A mu, Sue. Ba da, domnule. La ce ort asti scart, Mike? Si ricem gase si jumétate. $ase si jumatate e prea devreme pentru mine, Mike, Ora sapte atunci? Ora gapte. O.K. Pe curind, Exercigiul 5.1. (a) Citipi cu voce tare textul seris in ortografia curenté (coloana din stinga.), controlindu-a pronuntia cu ajutorul transcrierit fonetice, (b) ‘Acoperifi coloana din dreapta gi traduceti in gind tezul englezese fn limba roménd. (c) Acoperigi coloana din stinga gi traducefi cu voce tare teatul romdnese fin limba engless. Exereitial 5.2. Completati. sposiile goate: 1. It’s a play ... Sean O’Casey. 2 I've ... two tickets ... the theatre. 3. What plan ... you got? 4. It depends... you. 5. Let's ... a snack in a bar first. 6. On a filty-fifty ... . 7 Ill .. seeing you. 8 Half ... six is too early ... me. 9. Do you like going. the theatre? 10. The play is on... The Old Vic Theatro. 11. Is it a g... play? 12, No, it’s ab... play. 13, ... morning. 14. Gan you come? — Ithink ... . 15. Thank .... Exercitial 5.3, Traduce{i in limba englezd. (a) 1. Nu poate fi o pies rea. 2. Sint atit de fericita. 3. Poti veni cu mine? — Cred ck da, — Sper ca da, 4, Muljumesc. 5. Am un plan, 6. Ce plan ai? 7. Hai si ne intilnim inainte de spectacol. 8. S& mergem Ia teatru mai tutti, 9% E premieré. 10, Co piesit se di? 11. Hai si ludm 6 gustare fntr-un bar. 12. Tyi place s& mergi Ia cinema? 18. La ce ora? — SA zicem ora doua. 14. Depinde de pilot. 15. Iti place planul meu? — Da si nu. 16, Si ne fntilnim la doud si jumatate. 17, Bund dimineata, 18. Bund sara. (b) 1. Gine sinteyi dv.? 2 Hai si ne inttinim astizi. 3 Sint ecast acum. 4, Hai si mergem acasi. 5. Ce faci? [Cu ce te ocupi?] 6. E tirziu, stil. 7. Cu plicere, 8 Trebuie si vad piesa aceasta. 9. Ce draguy din partea ta, 10, Cum va numifi? —M& numese Dalila, 1. $i mie mi place piesa. 12. Desigur. 13. Pe curind Exercitiul 5.4. Acoperiti textut seris in ortografia curenti yi citisi numai dupa transerie- rea foneticl urmitoarele nume proprii, edutind sd le identficasi Personalititi si personajes ‘Adam wdar Atlas etl Diana daiwa Eznest Hemingway ‘o2nist hemigwei Hercules ha ckjuli:z Sherlock Holmes forlok thoume Macbeth red Minerva mina:va Othello au elou Sir Walter Soot 9: ‘worlta ‘skot Denumiri geografice: Albania wh beinjo Athens (Atena) ing Bagdad begided Borin olin Birmingham, ‘The Black Sea (Marea Neagré) Canada ree The Carpathians % ka:'peidjonz ‘The Danube to ‘denju:h England ‘ipglond bo:minom & tblek ‘si Exercigial 5.5. Dindu-vi-se sensul cuvintelor, aflati infelosul proverbelor de mai jos: 1. Never too old to learn. neva ‘tu: ‘ould to Jom too — prea old — batrin to Iearn — a invaja; (aici) pentru a invaja 2 Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. dount ‘luk 2 'gift (citii ghift) cho:s in 80 'maud. gift — dar, eadou; (aici) de dar mouth — guré 3, You cannot eat your cake and have it. ju ‘kenot ‘i:t jo: ‘keik and ‘hi eat — (a) minca cake — prajitura; tort; turta and have it — si s-o (mai) ai (si dupa accea) CHAPTER SIX Jiepta 'siks DECEMBER di-'sembo On the telephone. on 89 ‘telifaun MIKE: Can I speak to Sue, ‘keen ai ‘Spick tu ‘su, please? ‘plied 5 SUE: Pardon? ‘pardn? 5 Who is it? hu: iz it?) MIKE: Is it you, my. dear? iz it ‘jus, mai dia? 5 SUE: 1 beg your pardon? ai ‘beg Jo" pa:dn? 5 MIKE: Is it you, Sue? it ju sul 5 SUE: Speaking CAPITOLUL 6 DECEMBRIE La telefon. Pot vorbi cu Sue, vi rog? Poftim? Cine e? Tu egti, seumpa mea? Poftim? Tu egti, Sue? La telefon. IKE: This is Mike. ‘bis iz ‘maik. SUE: Pardon? pardn?.5 Tean't hear you ai kant ‘hia ju Speak louder, please. k ‘laudo, plizz. This is Mike speaking ia iz ‘maik. ‘spickip. UE: Hello, Mike Hio'lou, ‘maik. How are you? than a ju?) MIKE: Fine, thanks, Ozoks And how are you, Sue? fnd ‘hau 2 jus, ‘su: SUE: So so. fsou 390, IKE: What's the matter, Sue? Hwots Jo meta, ‘su:?) aim il ul IE: I've caught a cold Diaiv ‘ko:t 2 ‘kould. Tean’t go out. Wi kart 'gou ‘out T must stay indoors. aE mas tei in'do:z. MIKE: Oh dear! H 20 dio. When and where? Gen end wea? "Poor you! ‘pu ju at a shame! Swot 9 eim! IB: Oh, it’s not so bad. Bou, its ‘not ‘sou ‘bed © Mike. Poftim? Nu va aud. Vorbiti mai tare, vi rog. La telefon © Mike. Bunt, Mike. Ce mai faci? Bine, muljumeso. $i tu ce mai faci, Suc? Asa gi aga. Ce s-a intimplat, Sue? Sint bolnava. Vai de mine! Am ricit Nu pot si ies din casa Trebuie sk stau tn casi © Doamne! Cind si unde? Saraca de tine! Co peat! A, nu e aga de gray A slight head cold. 2 'slait shed ‘kauld. MIKE: A head cold! > thed ‘kould! ‘And what a lovely head! and_'wot a avli ‘hed! SUE: Thank you, Mike. “Oegk jw, maik, MIKE: Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. jes, maik. MIKE: Do you feel cold, Sue? ‘dus jur Micl kould, su? 5 SUE: Yes, Mike. "jes, maik. A little. 2 ith MIKE: Take care, Sue, please. "tell ‘Kea, ‘sus, 'pliiz, Sit by the fire if you feel ‘sit bai 69 faio if jur fil cold. "kould SUE: Yes, Mike, | will. sjes,maik, al ‘wil MIKE: Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. jes, ’maik, MIRE: ['d like to see you, Sue. aU laik ta isi: jury ‘su SUE: Not today, Mike. inot ta dei, maik. MIKE: Get well soon, Sue. "got (eititi ghet) ‘well ‘sun, ‘su SUE: Thank you, Mike. jenk ju, 'maik, I will. ai wil Bye-bye, Mike. Mba bas, imate Un usor guturai. Guturai! Gu un cap aga frumos sit ai guturai! Mulpomese, Mike. Sue. Da, Mike. Te ia ou frig, Sue? Da, Miko. Potin. Ai grija, Sue, te rog. Stai lingé foc dack te ia ou frig. Da, Mike, am si stau. Sue. Da, Mike. Ag vrea si te vad, Sue. Astizi nu, Mike. Insinitosire grabnica, Sue. Muljumese. Mike. ‘Am si m& fac bine curind. Pa, Mike. See you soon. isi: jur sun MIKE: 'I hope so. lai ‘haup ‘sau. The same day. #9 'scim ‘dei Two hours later. Hu: ‘'auoz ‘leit. On the telephone, Don 9 telifoun SUE: Can I speak to Mike, ken ai spisk to ‘maik please? iz? 5 IKE: This is Mike speaking. Bei iz 'moik ‘spickip Is it you, Su? BEE. icy nut? 5 UE: Yes, its me. ies, its ‘mi: Bel How: are you, feeling. Sue? Shaw 9,ju- ‘flip, 3u:?) SUE: A little tirec ® ‘itl ‘taiod. But I feel better, Mike, Hot ai ‘fi:l ‘beta, ‘maik, thank you. erok ju IKE: Are you sure? fus?_5 juite sure. shyait fu. I feel definitely better. i 'fi:! ‘definitli ‘beta. 'm so glad to hear that, Wiaim ‘sou igled ta ‘hia ‘diet E: Mike. ‘mail MIKE? Yes, Sue. Thank you for the flowers, Dmok ju- f do flauoz, 43 Pe curind. Sper. In acecagi zi. Douit ore mai tirsiu, La telefon. Pot vorbi en Mike, va rog? La telefon Mike. Tu esti, Sue? Da, eu sint. Cum te mai simi, Sue?, Pugin obosita. Dar ma simt mai bine, Mike, sulfumese. Esti sigura? Cit se poate de sigura. Ma simt categorie mai bine. ‘Ma bucur mult si aud asta, Mike. Da, Sue. Multumese pentru flori, Mike. Mike. mak. They are lovely. Sint splendide. Bei 9 avi Exereitial 6.1. (a) Citigi cu voce tare textul seris in ortografia curentit (coloana din stinga), controtindu-vdt pronungia cu ajutorul transcrierii fonetice. (b) ‘Acoperifi coloan din dreapta i traducefi in gind textul englesese in limba romana. (c) Acoperiti coloana din stinga si traducefi cu voce tare textul romanese in limba englezi. Exercifiul 6.2. Completati spatiile goale: Can I speak ... Mike, please? 2. How ... you? 8 I've. a cold. 4. Sit... the fire if you feel’... 5 Tean’t.. aut. 6. I must ... indoors 7. Who .. it? 8... care. 9 I'd... to see you. 10. 1... better, thank .... 1. Do you ... cold? 12. How ... you feeling? 13. Thank you ... the flowers. 14 They ... lovely. 15... well soon. Exereitiul 6.3. Tradueesi tr limba engle (a) 1. Vorbiti mai tare, vit rog. 2 La telefon ¢ Sue. 8. Ce mai faci? = Bine, muljumese. — Aga si aga. 4. Sint bolnay. 5. Trebuie si sta oad GAD Donen i As ys 3A. a Gas ME mai bine. 10. Ai grijé. 11, Sint putin obosit. 12 Insin&tosire geabnicd. 13. Nu (pot sa) te aud. 14 Da, dragul meu. 15. Siracul de tine. 16. Ce picat! 17. Ce s-a intimplat? 18 Am ricit. 19, Am guturai. {b) 1. Poftim? 2 Pot sa te vad astazi? 8. Nu e asa de grav. 4 Ii place Bach? — Da, (imi place). — Nu, (nucmi place). 5. SA mergem acum. 6 Ce drigut din partea ta. 7. Nu e atit de tirziu. 8 Uitdte Ja (at) flori. 9 Sint frumoase. 10. Cine sint actorii? 11. Nu ma deran- jeozi. 12. Am un plan splendid. 13. Nu-mi place planul tau. Exercifiul 6.4. Acoperifi textul scris in ortografia curenta gi cititi numai dupa transcrie- rea foneticé urmétoarele nue proprii, cautind sd Le identificayi “4 Personalitati si personaje: Aesop ixop Beowulf Deiawulf ‘Noel Coward maual ‘kauad Leslie Howard ‘lezli hauod King Lear kip lia Don. Quixote don ‘kwiksot William. Shakespeare ‘wiljom ‘feikspia Sophocles sofakli:z Virgil va:dsil Edgar Wallace edga ‘woles “Denumiri geosrafice: Ethiopia i:6ioupjo Ireland aiolond The Iron Gates di ‘aion geits (citfé gheits) (Porfile de Fier) Leicestershire “lestafio Michigan mifigon Ohio awhaian The North Pole % 'no:0 ‘pout The South Pole % ‘sau0 pol The Thames (Tamisa) 63 ‘temz Vietnam viet inem, -'na:m citiul 6.5. Dinduevi-se sensul cwintelor, aflagi tngelesul proverbelor de mai jos: 1. A light purse is a heavy purse. 2 ‘lan. ‘pass iz 2 ‘hevi ‘pass. ight — usor purse — pungi heavy — grew 2. A man is known by the company he keeps. 9 sien iz ‘naun bai 9, ‘kampani hi ‘kizps known — cunoseut by — dupa company — companie, tovarasie to keep — a fino; a introfine 8. You cannot be young and old at the same time. j= ‘Kemnot ‘di: Yjag and ‘ould ot 80 ‘scim “taim young — tinar ‘at the same time —in acelasi timp CHAPTER SEVEN tpi 'sevn JANUARY “dseenjuori MIKE: A Happy New Year to you, 2 hepi 'nju: jo: tu jw ahepi imu: jp: ta j SUE: A Happy Now Year to you, 2 thepi inju: so: tu ju Mike Ca a Witniplat ‘alk MIKE: Bonne année in French ‘bon aine in ‘fren Pais ‘cho nue Spanish, feliz ‘anjo nulevo in spel Ein gutes neues Jahr in German, dso:man inojes jar in CAPITOLUL 7 TANUARIE La mulsi ani, Sue. La mulji ani, Mike. Bonne année po franjuzeste, Feliz ano nuevo pe spanioleste, Ein gutes nouss Jahr in nemfegte. SUE: Mike, what's the matter Maik, "wots 09 ‘meta "with you? Dmio jer) MIKE: Ha! Ha! By the way, Sue, has! tha:! bat towels su what Ianguages. do you speak? Mot larggwdsiz du ju 'spick? What foreign languages do you Wot forn Tepgwidsiz du ju 2 Do you speak French? Biida: ju pick sfrent(? 5 SUE: Yes, I do. Sai du Bijou: Bee 5 MIKE: Yes, I do. ies, ai ‘du SUE: 1 con read and write and Bes don rai os speak French. pick rent} MIKE: Do you know Ge Nd: jut "nou "dsaimon 5 UE: No, I don't know German. ti dount "now dyacmon SUE: I can speak a little Italian i kon ‘spick 9 ‘itl i teljon and a little Spanish. Ond 9 lit! ‘spenif. Mike, ce-1 eu tine? Ha! Ha! Apropo, Sue, tu ce limbi vorbesti? Vorbese englezeste. Ei, Sue. Ce limbi straine vorbesti? Vorbesti frantuzeste? Stiu si citese, sA soriu gi si vorbese franfuzeste. Cunosti_ germana? Nu, nu cunose germana, Tu da? Putin. $tiu s& vorbese pusin italiana si putin spaniola. Tu da? MIKE: No, 1 can't. nau, ai kant But T can speak Russian, bot ai kon ‘spi:k ‘najn, just a little, ‘dsast 9 ith Can you? ikon jr? SUE: I can only read a little ai kan ‘ounli isd 9 ith Russian. rafn. MIKE: Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. jes, ‘maik: MIKE: What sports do you like? wot ‘spo:ts du ju ‘laik?-) Do you like football? du: ju daik futbo:l? SUE: No, I don't. nau, ai dount Do you? du! jw MIKE: Well, yes, T do. wel, ‘jes ai du Do you like tennis? du: ju Maik ‘tenis SUE: Very much indeed ‘eri math in'divd MIKE: Do you play tennis? "du: jus iplei tenis? 5 SUE: No, I don't. ‘nou, ‘ai ‘daunt 1 can't play. ai ‘karat "ple MIKE: Why not? SUE: Because of the violin, you know. Nu Dar jtiu s& vorbese doar un pic ruseste. Tu stil? $tin numai si citese pusin ruseste. Sue. Da, Mike. Ce sporturi thi plac? yi place fotbalul? Nu, nu-mi place, Tie iti place? Mm, da, imi place. Ii place tenisul? Chiar foarte mult. Joci tenis? Nu, nu joc. Nu pot s& joc. De ce nu? Din cauza viori Do you play tennis? splet ‘tenis? 5 T don't sou, ai’ ‘daunt I play football fai iplei ‘futbo:i Sue. IE: Yes, Mike. ijes, "mak IKE: Who is your favourite Shu: iz jo: feivrit tennis player? Stenis ‘pleia? > UE: Why! Tho Romanian wai! 39 ru ‘meinjon ‘Nastase, naturally. sita:zi, ‘nectforali IKE: Nastase is my favourite, Tiais'ta:zi iz mai feivrit, fen ju *kuk?_5 = What a question! Biviot 2 kwest{nl fo, Mike, I can't cook. Siow, “maik, ai ka:nt ‘kuk Lam a vory bad cook. = It’s all right, Sue. Hits o:rait, so What’s all right, Mike? Riots ‘o:lrait, ‘maik Englera tara profesor, vol. 4 ingoteg. Natural. Tu joci tenis? Nu, nu joc. Joc fotbal. Sue. Da, Mike. Cine este jucitorul tau de tenis preferat? Vai de mine, romanul Nastase, fireste. Nastase este si preferatul Sue. Da, Mike. Stil si gatesti? Co tntrebare! Nu, Mike, mu stiu si gatese. Sint 0 foarte proasté bucktireast. Nu face nimic, Sue. Ce nu face nimic, Mike? MIKE: | mean— SUE: What do you mean, Mike? ar items Pease MIKE: [ mean it’s all right, you ai tmisn its lo:ait, jw know. SUE: Mike. maik, MIKE: Yes, Sue. ic, SUE: Can you wash up? Vreau si spun. Go vrei si spui, Mike? ‘Vreau sk spun c& nu face nimio, stil, Mike. Da, Sue. Tu stil 8 speli vasele? ‘ken hus wo] ap? Exercitinl 7.1. (a) Citigi cu voce tare teatul scris in ortografia curenta (coloana din ‘stinga), controlindu-vi pronungia cu ajutorul transerierii fonetice. (b) ‘Acoperiti coloana din dreapta gi traduceji tn gind textul englezese in limba romand, (c) Acoperiti coloana din stinga gi traducefi cu voce tare textul roménese in limba engleai. Exercifinl 7.2. Completati spatiile goale: 1. A. Now Year -» you. 2 What languages -- you speak? 3 you know Ttalian? 4 Can you cook? — No, T ball? — Yes, I... . —No, I... . 6 No, I ae Spanish. 7. I can speak French, —... you? — Yes, I... —No, I... . 8 T'can r. and w.. and s... English. 9. I don't know French, but T know @ ... Russian. 10. Do you like tennis? — Vary ... indeed. 11. ... is your favourite tem player? —... @ question! 12, ... nice of you! 18. ... do you mean? 14. Can you wash ... ? 15. I can't play tennis ... of the violin. 16. She can cand he can Wa. Un « you like foot- zeste? — Da. — Nu. 4 Stiu si gitese. 5. $tiu si vorbese pujin ruseste. 6. Ce limbi straine vorbiti? 7. Vorbese getmana. 8. [yi plac sporturile? Chiar foarte mult. 9% Co intrebare! 10. Ce vrei si spui? UL, Cine actorul tiu preferat? 12. Nu pot juea tenis din cauza viorii, 13. Nu ce nimic. 14, Nastase este un foarte bun jucitor de tenis intr-adevér. Firoste. 16, El stie s& gateasc& si ea stie s& spele vasele. 17. Numai in. 18. Stiu sa citesc, s& soriu gi sk vorbesc roméneste (Romanian — tmeinjon) (b) 1. E tirzin, 2 Poftim? 3. De ce nu? 4 Bineinteles. 5. Priveste! Muljumese. 7. E 0 piesi foarte buna. 8 Sint obosit. 9 Bund dimi- fa. 10. Bun& ziua, Tl. La revedere. 12 Noapte bund. 13. Esti gur? — Cit. se poate de sigur. 14, Cum te simji?— Mult mai bine. Gred ci da. 16. Sper ci de. 17, E devreme, cijiul 7.4. Acoperifi textul scris in ortografia curenta gi ctifi numai dupa transorie- ga fonctica urmatoarele nume proprii, céutind st le identificati. Personalitiji si personaje: ‘Alexander the Great selig'zamda 9 Geoffrey Chaucer cdsefri ‘tforso Charles Dickens tfaclz ‘diking James Joyce dseimz ‘dsois Jerome K. Jerome dso roum ‘kei dsa'roum Jupiter ‘dgu:pito Baron Munchausen Engene O'Neil sju:dsi:n ow'nil Romeo and Juliet roumisu on ‘dsusliot Jonathan Swift zonation swift ‘deren man tfo:zn 44% mun tfauzn veefriko Bucharest bju:ko rest Bulgaria bal gearia Cairo kaioran China tains Crechoslovakia tfekouslou'veckia Edinburgh cedinbr. Egypt i:dsipt Germany Japan Exercijinl 7.5. Dindu-vi-se sensul cuvintelor, aflasi inyelesul proverbelor de mai jos: 1. Speech is silver, silence is gold. ‘spict) iz ‘silva, ‘sailons iz ‘gould speech — vorbi, vorbire silver — (de) argint silence — ticere gold — (de) aur 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2 ‘frend in ‘nisd iz 2 frend in'dicd friend — prieten in need — la _nevoie 3. No man is born wise, now ‘men 1 ‘boi 'waiz. is born — se naste wise — intelept | Fred, let me introduce ER EIGHT és) CAPITOLUL 8 fieprar cit ie} Se {UARY FEBRUARIE the street. Pe. stradé. “8 stri Mike! Mike! Pimaik! 'maik! Tsay, Miko. Alo, Mike, i ‘sei, ‘maik. IKE: Oh, Sue. A, Sue. ‘ou, ‘su Er— how nice to see you. Ka... ce plicore si te vad. Be thaw ‘nais to ‘si: ju Bike, vise is Feed. Uinaik, ‘bis iz fred. Mike! Mike! Mike, acesta este Fred. Fred, da-mi voie si te prezint Heed, let mir intra'djus you to Mike. lui Mike, Gus to maik. : Hello, Salut. Glad to meet you, Mike. gled t0 ‘mist ju, ‘maik MIKE: Er— glad to meet you. at eee SUE: Mike, today is my birthday, imaik, ta'dei iz mai ‘bo:0dei, you know. ae, MIKE: Many happy retums of ‘meni ‘hiepi ri'tomnz ov daieycue! ¥ Bo dei, su: FRED: Well, let’s celebrate. el ‘schibreit, Lev’s go toa pub. Jets gou tu 3 MIKE: Sorry. Pm afraid I can't, aim o'freid ai “kant SUE: Why not? ‘wai ‘not? OF course you can. ov, ‘ko:s ju ‘ken MIKE: I'm awfully sory. faim ‘ofl ‘sor. I'm afraid I'm busy. aim avfreid aim “big SUE! Oh, Mike, it can't be true. ‘9u, ‘maiky it ‘ka:nt bi ‘teu Pm sure you can. aim ‘fuo ju ‘ken ae Let’s go and have a drink. ‘lets gau and ‘hev 2 ‘drigk MIKE: Well, if you insist— if ju in'sist— In the pub. in 3 ‘pab FRED: What will you have, Sue? wot wil ju ‘hey, ‘su:?>) Incintat de cunostinta, Mike. KE thatttnt, deheenbgtings. Mike, azie ziua mea de nagtere, sti, La multi ani, Sue. Ei, hai s& sarbatorim evenimentul. S& mergem la un bar. Imi pare rau. Ma tem c& nu pot. De ce nu poti? Bine tngeles c& poti. Imi pare grozav de réu. Ma tem c& sint ocupat. Vai, Mike, nu poate fi adevirat. Sint sigur e& posi. Heide. Hai s8 mergem si bem ceva. In sfirgit, dack insigti... In local, Ce ici, Sue? Sai dount ‘nou. A gin and tonic, perhaps @ sin on tonik pores ED: What about you, Mike? yor avbant jus, ‘mak? E: I beg your pardon? lai ‘beg jo. "pa:dn?. RED: What will you have? Swot wil ju ay 1 r— I'll have a double il hav 9 ‘dabl IE: And what about you, Fred? fond ‘wot a'baut ‘ju:, ‘fred? D: PUL have a glass of beer. fail hey > 'gla:s ov ‘bio. Oh, no. fou, 'ndu, “A think 1’ try a dry Martini, fai Gipk ail trai a drat ma:!tisni 2 Well, cheers! iol, ‘tfiaz! ED: Cheers! *tfioe! ‘And happy birthday to you, Bond hap 3:0do! tu jut, : Thank you, Fred. ak ju, ‘h RED: Will you have a cigarette, Dwi jur ‘hey 9 sigo'ret, Sue? 2 SUE: Yes, please. ies, i RED: Cigarette, Mike? “Bigoiret, ‘maik? 5 Stin gi eu? Un gin and tonic poate, Dar tu, Mike? Poftim? Tu ce ici? Aa... cu am si iau un whisky dublu. Simpl. Dar tu, Fred? Eu am si jau un pahar de bere. Ba nu. Cred cit am sincere un Mau Ei, noroe! Norae! $i le multi ani, Sue. Mulyumese, Fred. Vrei o sigars, Sue? Da, muljumese. © figars, Mike? MIKE: No, thank you mou, ‘Gap ju’. I don’t smoke cigarettes. ai ‘dount ‘emouk sigo rete FRED: What do you smoke? wot du ju 'smouk?~) MIKE: I smoke a pipe. ai ‘smauk 9 ‘paip. FRED: Have you got a match, hey ju got 2 ‘mat, Mike? ‘maik? MIKE: Pardon? ‘pazdn?_5 FRED: Have you got a light? ‘hey ju ‘got 9 ait? _5 MIKE: No, I haven't ‘nou, ai ‘hevnt Sorry. T only smoke at home. ai ‘ounli ‘smauk at shoum. PRED: What are you, Mike? ‘wot a ju, ‘maik?“) What is your profession? ‘wot iz jor pro fefn?-) MIKE: I am a pilot. ai am 9 pailat FRED: T am a teacher. ai am 9 ti:tf I teach mathematics. ai ‘tit mabiimetike And my sister plays the violin. and mai ‘sista ‘pleie 89 vaia lin MIKE: Like Sue. laik ‘su Suo is also a violinist. su: iz ‘o:lsou 3 ‘vaiolinist FRED: But Sue is my sister. bat ‘su: iz mai ‘sista, Nu, mulgumese. Nu fumes tigari. Co fumezi? Fumer. pip’. Ai un chibrit, Mike? Poftim? Ai un foc? Nu, nu am. Imi pare rau. Fumez numaiacasi. Ce epti tu, Mike? Ce profesic ai? Sint pilot. Eu sint profesor. Predau matematica. Tar sora mea etnta Ia vioard. Ca Sue. $i Sue © violonista. Dar Sue ¢ sora mea, HB: Yes, Mike Dies mak. “Fred is my brother. Mined iz mai *brabo, IKE: Good heavens! What will you have, Sue? wot wil ju chev, ‘su:?) IE: The same. % ‘sein. E: And you, Fred? fend ‘ju:, fred?) RED: The same. 9 ‘sei. IKE: Berman, the same, please. barman, ¥0 ‘scim, ‘plivz ‘Oh, nothing. fou, ‘nabi Da, Mike. Fred ¢ fraiele meu. Cerale! or Hide si sirbatorim eveaimentul! Ce iei, Sue? La fel $i tu, Fred? Asomenca. Dom’ barman, inci un rind Ja guitl 18 Da, Mike. A, nimic, (a) Citisi cu voce tare teatul scris in ortografia curentit (coloana din a), controlindupt pronunfia cu ajutorul transcrierii fonetice. ‘Acoperiji coloana din dreapta gi traducei in gind textul englezese ba roma (0) Acoperigi coloana din stinga yi traduceti cu voce tare terxtul romdnese Himba englesd Mr. Lee to you. 2. Many a. of the day. 3. ... birth- Y to you. 4. Let’s go and... a drink. 5 What ... you have? 6 I -» pipe. 7. Have you ... a match? 8 Sue is mys... . 9. Fred is 37 my b... . 10. ... to meet you. 11. Let's go ... a pub. 12, Well, ... you insist, 18. [il ... a glass of beer. 14. ... you smoke? — No, 1... 15. Today is my Exercitiul 8.3. Traducefi tn limba englexd: {a) 1. Alb (la telefon). 2 Alo (Atenjic! Hei!). 8 La multi ani! 4, Incintat de cunostinga. 5. Imi pare grozav de réu. 6 Nu stiu. % Cred c& yoi ineerea. 8. M& tem ck nu pot. 9. Sint ocupat. 10. Ai un foc? LL, Fumez numai acasé. 12. Hai sa sarbaitorim (evenimentul), 18. Nimic. 14, Cerule! 15. Predau limbi straine. 16. Ce luaji? — Un pahar de bere, va rog. — Dar dv.? 17. Vrei o figara? — Da, va rog. — Nu, muljumese. 18. Sint sigur. 19. Sint sigur c& poli. 20. E adevarat. (b) 1. Ce plicere sk va revad. 2 Coe cu tine? 8. Stii sh gitesti? 4, Trebuie si spil vasele. 5. Ce vrei si spui? 6. Co mai faceti? — Asa siaga, 7. Nu sint obosit. 8 Am guturai. 9. Siraca de tine, 10. Ce pacat! HL. Maljumese pentru flori. 12 Un an nou fericit, 18. Mi-e frig. 14. Di-mi voie si te conduc pink acasé. Exerciginl 8.4. Acoperiti textul seris in ortografia curenti gi citisi numai dupe: transcrie~ rea fonstice urmétoarele nume proprii, cutind si le identificap. Personalitaji gi_persdnaje: Agatha Christie ego ‘kristi ‘Androcles ‘eendroldi:z George Gordon Byron dso:d3.‘go:dn ‘baioron Daniel Defoe denjal_ di fou John Dryden ‘don ‘draidn Hadrian heidrion Hamlet hemlit Rabindranath Tagore re'bindrona:t 19 go Trajan (Traian) treidson, Truman Capote strusmon ko pouti Denumiri geografice: The Adriatic Bi oid tile Australia os'treilja Austria costria Cambridge iksimbrids Madras mo dra's Paris ‘paris Transylvania treensil Veinjo a a Tripoli sripali Troy (Troia) toi ful 8.5. ddu-visse sensul cuvintelor, aflati tnfelesul proverbelor de mai. jos: 1. Try before you trust. trai biffo: Ju. 'trast. to try — a Ineerca to trust — a se increde 2 Truth is stranger than fiction. viru:0 iz ‘streinds9/ Son °fikjn truth — adevir strange — ciudat, stranger — mai ciudat 3. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. ‘drai “bred at "houm iz ‘beto San 'roust ‘mi:t 'bro:d, i ce CHAPTER NINE ‘fepta ‘nain MARCH ‘maztf MIKE: Hello. ha‘lou. VOICE: Hello. vois: ha‘lou MIKE: Can I speak to Sue, "keen ai 'spi:k t2 su please? Can I speak to Miss Sue ‘ken ai 'spi:k ta ‘mis. ‘su. itevens? CAPITOLUL 9 Alo. © VOCE: Ale. Pot vorbi cu Sue, va rog? VOCEA: Sue si mai cum? Sue Stevens. Pot vorbi cu dra Sue Stevens? DICE: What number do you Bvot ‘namba du ju want? wont?) want 325 6074 (three, Ai ‘wont Griz, two, five — six, 0, seven, Hu: ‘faiv — ‘siks, ‘ou, ‘sevn, four) fo OICE: Wrong number. roy ‘nambo. Mey, sesin This is 399 6148 (three, double Wis iz “Ori: ‘dabl ‘main — siks, fine — six, one, four, eight) wan, fo:r, "cit. E: Wrong number indeed. froy ‘nambor in'di:d T'm so sory. fOICK: It's all right. ts “o:l rait IKE: Hello hia lo . STEVENS: This is 325 6074 Diniz ‘stizvnz: ‘dis ix Gris, ‘tu Maly — siks, ‘ou, ‘sevn, ‘fo MIKE: Can I speak’ to Sue, Mean ai ‘spi:k to ‘su:, 3. STEVENS: Hold on, please. Mould ‘on, “plz Ce numér doriti? Dorese 325 6074. Grogeala, Mai incereaji o data. Aici © 399 6148. Intr-adevir greseali. Seuzati, va rog Nu face nimie. Allo. DNA STEVENS: Aici 325 6074. Pot vorbi cu Sue, vi rog? Rimineti la aparat, va rog. Alo. Sue? SUB: Speaking. spickip. MIKE: Sue, this is Mike speaking. su, “bie iz meik Spekin, Listen, Sue. ‘isn, su Can I see you tonight? een afisk ju torent? SUE: No, Mike. Tm afraid you can't, actual aim 9 freid yu "kent, “ektjuol So sorry. MIKE: But, Sue— hot, ‘su: SUE: I have an exam tomorrow. al hey on igzem to'morou, And I must practice, and ai mos precktis. MIKE: I see. Good luck, Sue. gud Ink,” su. T'll keep my fingers erossed ail Masp mai Agger row SUE: Thank you, Mike. Mike. mak MIKE: Yes, Sue. es, SUE: Can. se you tomorrow after Lewin tomers lates my exam? MIKE: I'm so sorry, Sue. I'm terribly sorry. aim ‘terobl ‘sor? can't see you tomorrow. ai tkaznt isi? ju" ta moran. La telefon. Sue, aici e Mike. ‘Asculti, Sue, Pot si te vad diseari? Nu, Mike. Ma tem c& nu, de fapt. Imi pare foarte rau. Dar, Sue. Am tine un examen, Si trebuie si exersez. Inteleg. Succes, Sue. Am sii tin pumnii Muljumese, Mike. Mike. Da, Sue. Pot si te vid mtine dup’ examen? mi pare nespus de ru, Sue. Tia pale fugedattbe de 'vane Nu pot sa te vad mine, I'm on duty tomorrow all day. fim on ‘dju ti t>'morou ‘0:1 deh T fly to Tripoli tomorrow Bi lai to tripoli to'morau morning, via Rome. 2 Good Ick, Mike. Sod lak, ‘maik fave a good trij they 9 ‘gud ‘ti Take care of yourself. Bieik ‘ear av jo: sell (IKE: Thankyou so much, Sue. ppl ju ‘sou tat, ‘su E: Mike. on IKE: Yes, Suc. Where is Tripoli? Bear iz. tripoli? MIKE Tn Libya. fin ibis And where io Libya? Bina 'weor iz ‘libio?) IKE: In North Africa. Hil 'n0:0. afrika, BE: Thank you, Mike. Beeolc ju, ‘mail IKE: Not at all, Sue. Biot ot 0:1, isu Sue Yes, Mike IKE! Can I see you on Tuesday? Bie oi ‘si: ju on When is Tuesday? Swen iz ‘tjurzdi? afta to'morou. All right, Mike. Todrait, 'maik Sint de serviciu mine toata ziua. Mtine dimineaja zbor la Tripoli, via Roma. Succes, Mike. Drum bun. Ai grija de tine. Mulyumese mult, Sue. Mike. Da, Sue Unde e Tripoli? In Libia. $i unde © Libia? in Africa de Nord. Muljumese, Mike. Pentru nimic, Sue. Sue. Da, Mike. Pot si te vid marti? Cind e marti? Poimiine Foarte bine, Mike, See you on Tuesday. ‘siz ju on ‘tjuszdi MIKE: And on Thursday and end on ‘@a:2di an Saturday thie week? ‘stadt “dis ‘wil SUB: Yes, Mike sjes, mai MIKE! And on Sundsy, Mond ‘end on ‘sandi, ‘mandi, Wednesday and Friday next ‘wenzdi and ‘fraidi ‘nekst week? ‘witk?_5 SUE: Yes, Mike. ijes, mak, By the way, Mike, bai 80 wei, 'maik. Come to my place for tea on ‘icam ta mai ‘pleis fo ‘ti: on Tuesday afternoon, will you? stjuczdi a:ftarmu:n, ‘wil ju? 5 MIKE: Thank you, Sue, I will. "Baepk jur, ‘sus, ai ‘wil With the greatest pleasure, wid 9 ‘greitist. ‘plese, What time on Tuesday? ‘wot ‘taim on ‘tju:zdi7)? SUE: About five o'clock. avbaut ‘faiv o’klok. D’you remember my address? idju: ri'memba mai a'dres?_5 MIKE: Of course I do. av 'ko:s ai ‘du It’s {4 (eleven), Trevor Avenue, its Hlevm, ‘trevar ‘evinju London, S. E. 12 (twelve). landan, ‘es, ‘i:, ‘bwelv SUE: That's correct. Deots koirekt. Good night, Mike. igud nait, 'maik Pe marti $i joi si duminick skptimina asta? Da, Mike. $i duminic’, luni, microori si pimina Da. Apropo, Mike. Vino la mine la ceai marti dupi-masi, vrei? Mulfumese, Sue, am s& vin, Cu cea mai mare plicere. Marti la ce ora? Pe la cinci Ti minte adresa mea? Bine ingeles ci da. Este Trevor Avenue Nr. 11, Londra, S. E. 12. Exact Noapte bun’, Mike. E: Good night, Sue. id Mnait, 'su. ‘Sleep well. lisp. ‘wel ‘Thank you, Mike. Beek ju, 'maik, ‘The same to you ts Noapte bund, Sue. Somn usor. Muljumese, Mike. ‘Asemenea. Sue. Da, Mike. [KE: Pleasant dreams, Sue. spleznt ‘dvi:mz, su: Visuri placute, Sue. igul 9.1. a) Citisi cu voce tare textul scris in ortografia curenté (coloana din , controlindu-vit pronuntia cw ajutorul transcrierii fonetice. ) Acoperiti coloana din dreapia gi traduceti in gind textul englezesc (6) Acoperifi coloana din sttnga yi traducesi cu voce tare textul roma- in limba englesa. ijiul 9.2. “Completati spafiile goale: 2....number do you want? 2. Iv essed. 4... luck! 5. I'm on... tomorrow « Not ...all. 7... eare of yourself. 8. I fly . Rome. 9. Come the day ... tomorrow. 10. on Tuesday ... week. 12. Come to my ...for tea, 13, ... time on fidey? 14, With the ... pleasure, 15. Sleep... 16. ... dreams. 17. The to you. right. 3. Pll... my fingers 6. Thank you 50...» Traducefi in limba englezd. (a) 1. 0,1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12. 2. luni, marti rg, stmabavi, 'duminica:’&: Apropo, (pot shvtoeald anting? 4. Tft mintesti ziua? 5. Miine e marxji. 6. Poimfine e simbata. 7. Vino la mine ceai_mierom 4 amin’, ine sint de serviciu toata ziua. = Engteza tira profesor, vol. 9% Drum bun. 10, Di-mi voie si til prezint pe Mike. — Mike si mai ‘cum? I1. Greseali (la telefon). 12. Ce numir doriti? — 63 07 44. 18. Rémi- neti la aparat. 14. Ascultd. 15. Ma tem ck nu pot. 16. Ai griji de tine AT. Vino pe la ora 12. 18 Am un examen poimtine. — Succes. Am siti jin pumnii, (b) 1. Nu te pot vedea inainte de spectacol, dar te pot vedea dupi spectacol. 2. Imi pare grozav de réu.—Nu face nimic. 8. Pot sa vorbese cu doamna Stevens? — La telefon. 4. E foarte tirziu intr-adevar, 5. Unde este Madras? —Ce intrebare! 6. Vorbiji franquzeste? — Da (vorbesc). 7. $tifi nemfeste? — Nu, (nu gtiu). 8 tit sa gatesti? — Da. —Nu, 9. Nu te pot vedea din cauza examenului. 10. La multi ani (Un An Nou fericit). Exereiginl 9.4. Acoperifi textul scris tn ortografia curenta gi citifi numai dupa tran- serierea foneticd urmatoarele nurme proprii, cdtutind sd le identificati. Personalitayi gi personajes Aristophanes Duke Ellington John Galsworthy dson go lewasdi Mary Stuart ‘meari ‘stjuae Tutankhamen ‘tu:tan kasmen Xerxes zaiks Castor and Pollux ika:stor and. \polaks Caesar and Cleopatra Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ‘sizzgr ond Klio/pa:tro so:r ya‘ ‘koundn’ “dil Edgar Allan Poe edgar ‘elon ipau Denumiri geografice: ‘Ankara wegkato The Antaretie Bi ent'a:ktik The Arctic i sacktik Buenos Aires ‘bends. ‘aiariz France fra:ns Jamaica dsa'meika Portugal po:tjugol Rio de. Janeiro intods nirou Tunis ajunis Turin (Torino) ju rin indu-vi-se sensul cuvintelor, aflati ingelesul proverbelor de mai jos. 1, Where there is life there is hope. fyyea Soriz, aif Sariz,shoup. there is — este, exist Tife — viaya hope — speranti 2 Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. ihetae aH eg ta'del 24m 5 \henoto'mordu egg — ou hen — gain’ ce ee erate oe hing ia -mai “Kaul, bat nfarar iz ma “fost tae coat — hain nearer — mai_aproape shirt — cimasa CHAPTER TEN tfwpto. ‘ten APRIL ‘eipral SUE: Oh, come in, Mike. ‘ou, ‘kam ‘in, 'maik ‘This way. dis wei Mum and Dad, let me introduce ‘mam an ‘died, ‘let mi intra'dju:s ike to you. 'maik ta ju MR. STEVENS: How do you do? au du ju 'du:? MIKE: How do you do? MRS. STEVENS: How do you do? MRS. STEVENS: Glad to meet you. ded ta 'mict ju MR. STEVENS: Glad to meet you. iglnd ta'mi:t ‘ju 4 68. CAPITOLUL 10 A, intra, Mike. Pe aici. Mami, tata, dajiemi voie si vi-l prezint pe Mike. (Simpl formuld de salut care gi-a plerdut sensul inigial de Ce mai faceyi? Se raspunde tot prin How do you do?) Incintatd de cunostings. Incintat de cunostinga. : Sit down, Mike. ‘sit ‘daun, ‘maik S. STEVENS: Take a seat, Belk 9 'sict, Mr. Lee. bmista i UE: Mike to you, Mum, please. am, ‘plive ! Sit down in ‘sit daun in this chair, Mike. Wis ‘t{ea, "maik IKE: Thank you, Mrs. Stevens. Weok ju, ‘misiz 'sti-vnz. IR. STEVENS: Well, well ‘wel, “wal Nice weather, isn't it? ‘nals ‘webor, ‘iznt it?_5 MIKE: Yes, indeed. B ijes, indica MR. STEVENS: It isn’t cold it ‘znt ‘kould for April. for ‘ciprl IKE? No, it isn't. ‘nou, it ‘iznt. IRS. STEVENS: Now suppose we ‘nau so'pouz wi | have some tea. Pohey som ti Mike? Smaik? 5 HIKE: Lemon tea, Mrs. Stevens, , ‘misiz 'sti-vnz, if T may. if aime. 3. STEVENS: Of course you Stai jos, Mike. Luafi loc, domnule Lee. Spune-i Mike, mam&, te rog. $ezi in fotoliul acesta, Mike. Mulyumesc, doamna Stevens. Agal Frumoasi vreme, nu? Da, intradevar. Nu e frig pentru Aprilie. Nu, nue. ‘Acum co-ar fi si bem nigte ceai, Mike? Geai cu lamiie, doamna Stevens, Vi rog, dacé se poate. Desigur cd se poate, Here you are. hie. ju MIKE: Thank you, Mrs. Stevens. Gaok ju. misiz. 'stievnz, MRS. STEVENS: Help yourself help jo self tw Tenion, Mike tu leman, _‘maik Sugar, Mike? ugo, mai? } MIKE: Yes, please. MRS. STEVENS ‘Juge, ‘ben? MR. STEVENS: The idea of it! ai ai'dior av it! Sugar, Ben? INDUS: hag shan you nou Jogo fo ‘mii, ‘Oak ju MRS, STEVENS: Help yourself ataepear to bread and butter, Bp Mike. ae MR. STEVENS: Will you have, wil jar haw some more tea, Mike? ATER pVeerleate! x: nb joo, ‘pli Just a Tittle more ddjast 9 lit! mo MR. STEVENS: Wel, well. vel oval So you are a pilot, Mike, ‘sou ju: ar 9 pailot, ‘maik MIKE: Yes, Tim a pias. Poftim. Muljumese, doamna Stevens. Serveste-te cu limtie, Mike. Zahir, Mike? Da, muljumese. Zahir, Ben? Auzi idee! Eu si maud de zahir, muljumese. Serveste-te cu pfine cu unt, Mike. Mai vrei pusin cesi, Mike? Da, muljumese. Numai ined pusin, Agal ‘Va sii zict esti pilot, Mike. Da, sint pilot. 1 pilot a big plane. lat ‘pailot > ‘big ‘plein. STEVENS: How interesting! thau ‘intristiy EH: I see a lot of places. sis a lot av -pleisiz RS STEVENS: How exciting! shaw ik saitin! IKE: I like to fly, you know. fi oik to flat, Jur nou [RS. STEVENS: How romantic! thaw ro'meentik! STEVENS: Youfly to Asia and Gu lai tu ‘eifor ond Arioa, to India and Pakistan, Neefriko, tu indjor ond ‘pack to the Bahama Islands— Wsta:n, tu fo bocha mar ‘ailand: MIKE: Yes, practically Hjes, precktikoli everywhere, actually. evrives, ‘ektjuall IE: Here is Fred. dion ie ‘ined D: Yes, here 1 am, jes, “hiow ai Hello everybody. ho‘lou ‘evribodi ial. RED: How are you, Mike? wu o7ju, make?) IKE: I'm very well, thank you. Bim ‘veri ‘wel, “Oegk jw And how are you, Fred? Gnd chao ju:, “feed? RED: Fine, thanks. Main, ‘O2epks. RS. STEVENS: Now, Fred, Pilotez un avion mare. Co interesant! ‘Vad o mulfime de locuri. Ce pasionant! Imi place s& zbor, stiti. Co romantie! Zhori in Asia si Africa, tn India si Pakistan, in insulele Bahama.. Da, aproape peste tot, de fapt. Uites si pe Fred. Day inti-ma. Bun& la toats lumea. TOTI: Buna. Ce mai faci, Mike? Stnt foarte bine, muljumese. $i tu ce mai faci, Fred? Bine, muljumese. Ei, Fred, co-ai zieo de 0 ceaget how about a cup of tea? hhau o'baut 9 ‘Rap ov. 'ti:? FRED: I'd rather have some aid ‘ra:09 heey som coffee, Mum, if T may Kofiy "mam, if ai "mer MRS, STEVENS: Of course you Sv Ross ju may. Black or white? ‘black 0: Ww FRED: Black, please. lek, “ple MRS. STEVENS: Here you are, vhio ju FRED: Thank you, Mum. ok ju, mam, MR. STEVENS: It’s rather warm iis 'rai09 swo:m in here. in thio, FRED: Yes, it’s too warm. jes, its "tu: worm Suppose we go out into the soipauz wi igou laut intu 09 garden. adn, MR. STEVENS: A good idea. 2 'gud aivdio. MRS. STEVENS: Let's ‘lets SUE: Er— Mike and I would rather 3:— tmaik ond ‘ai wud ‘ra:d0 «stay indoors. tel in'doce MRS, STEVENS: Please yourselves. pliz jos'selva, MR. STEVENS: See you later. ‘is jus leita, MIKE: Sue, de ceai? Ag prefera o cafea, mami, dack se poate. Sigur ci da. Fira lapte sau ew lapte? Fari Iapte, te rog. Poftim, Muljumese, mama. E cam cald aici iniuntru, Da, © prea cald Ce-ar fi si iesim in grading. Bunk idee. Haidem. Ka... Mike gi cu mine am prefera si stim tn casa. Cum dori. Pe curind, Sue E: Yes, Mike. es, 'maik, ? Play for me, Sue, please. lei fo mi, ‘su, pice fit you? nik ‘bask? fas Tea Coo jes, ai di JE: Now this is a Sonata for the is iz_a so'narta fo ba violin by Bach. yaieiin bai bask its bju:toful f Thank you, Mike. ABorok ju, ‘maik. pe you are beautiful. a: ‘bju:taful Et Oh, I don't know. You, ai ‘dount ‘nou. Sue. : Yes, Mike. jes, 'maik. : Come and sit down by me. Skam and ‘sit ‘daun hai ‘mi : All right, fo: rait. Da, Mike. Cinti-mi ceva, Sue, te rog. ‘rei? Da, Mike, am s&-fi ont. Ii place Bach? Da, tmi place. Ei, asta este o sonat pentru vioara de Bach. Sue. Da, Mike. E frumos. Mulyumesc, Mike. $i tu esti frumoas’, Stiu gi ou? Sue. Da, Mike, Vino si ayezi-te lingd mine. Bins, Jati-ma, gi SUE: Yes, Mike. Da, Mike. MIKE: May 1 kiss you? Pot si te sarut? SUE! Well—'T don't know. Mm... Oh, ys ie ou ‘may. MIKE: Sue, Sue. stiu gi eu? Ba da, Mike, poi : Yes, Mike Da, Mike. Mipetn te c&satoresti cu mine, SUE: Yes, Mike, I will. Mike, vreau. sjes, imaik, ai ‘wil. f : MIKE: Sue— SUE: Yes, Mike— ‘jes, ‘mai Exereiginl 10.1. (a) Citisi cu voce tare teatul seris in ortografia curenté (coloana din in DiyAeoperiti eoloana din dreapta gi tadueai tn gind testulenglesese (c) Acoperifi coloana din stinga gi traduceti cu voce tare textul romanese in limba englezi. ie a saa ie Da, Mike... Exereitiul 10.2. Completati spatiile goale: 1. How... you f...? 2. to mect you, 3. Sit.... 4. Help... brea aand "butter!1E: Nios weet): 8? “6c Will you have semse'tic. teat 7. It isn’t cold... April. 8... interesting! 9 The idea ... it! 10. Now s... we have some tea, 1. How... a glass... beer? 12, Here». Sue. 13. Here «am. Hs Pd... have some coffee, 15. Here... are. (Poftin.) 16. It's rather warm ... here. 17, Let’s go out ...the garden. Exercitiul 10.3. Traducesi in limba englesi: _ (8) 1. Stati jos. 2 Luafi loc. 8. Serveste-te cu unt. 4. Ce ar fi sa iegim tn griding. 5. E frig pentru aprilie. 6. Intra, Pe aici. 7% lati] pe 4 mnul Ben Stevens. 8 Iati-mi. 9% Taticte. 10. Poftim (Cind oferim a). 11, Vrei si te mariji cu mine? 12, Auzi idee! 13. Mai vrei puyin #? — Doar ine’ un pic, te rog. 14 Zbor aproape pretutindeni. 15. As efera ceai cu limiie, 16. Cum doriti. 17. E cam frig aici (Induntru). | E prea cald, 19. Di-mi voie si to sirut, dragul meu. 20, Asazi-te fotoliul acela (b) 1. Ianuarie, februarie, martie, aprilie, mai, iunie, iulie, august, sptembrie, octombrie, noiembrie, decembrie. 2 La multi ani! [Un an u fericit]. 3. La mulji ani! (De siua de nagtere). 4. Co mai faceti? Mormuld de salut). 5. Ce mai faoc}i? (Intrebare despre sindtate).— Bine, uuljumese. — Foarte bine, mulfumese. — Aga si aga, 6 Ce faci? (Cu io ocupi?). 7. Cine ¢ acolo? 8. Ciji ani ani? 9. Insanktosire grabnicd. Gu plicere. IL. Jume-juma. 12 Depinde de vreme. 13. Cred ci da. Sper ca da. 15. Ai ceva contra? — N-am nimic contra. 16. E prea vreme. 17. E cam tirziu, stii. 18. Poftigi. (Cind oferim ceva). 19. Poftim? ai spus?]. 20. Vorbiji mai tare, ya rog. 21, Nu (pot si) va | 22. La telefon Mike Lee. 28. Locuiese tntr-un oras mare. 24 Ce gut din partea ta! 25. Ce plicere si va revad. 26. Ai un chil I Ce © cu tine? (Ce sa intimplat?). 28. Ma bucur sk aud aceasta. Ma tem cd nu gtiv, 90. Desigur. 81. Fireste. (Natural). 32. Ce? Cine? 34. Cind? 35. Unde? 36. Do cc? 37. Bun’ dimineaja ‘a. 39. Bunk seara. 40. Noapte bund. 41. La revedere. Pal 43. Pe curind. 44. [hi aduci aminte de mine? — Da. 45. Pot ‘viel prezint pe Mike? 46. Somn ugor. 47. Visuri plicute. cercitiul 104. “Avoperisi textul scris in ortografia curenta gi cititi numai dupa tr priarea foneticd urmétoarele nuume proprii, edutind si le identifi Personalitati gi personajo: Achilles avkilizz ‘Andromache ‘en ‘dromaki Antigone en tigoni ‘Aphrodite jefrou'daiti Lacrtes leivasticz Thomas More ‘tomas ‘mo Ophelia offilja H. G. Wells ‘eit idsi: welz Oscar Wilde cosko ‘waild Martha and Mary ‘ma:Bar an ‘meari Denumiri geografice: eee el'dsiorio 5 Argentina sau The Argentine a:dson Belgrade bel reid Brussels ‘brasle Madrid madrid Moscow moskou ‘Asia and Africa teifor ond ‘efriko The Bahame Islands Botha :mor silands India and Pakistan Seylla and Charybdis ‘ndjar on ‘paris tan silor nko ribdis Exercitiul 10.5, Dindu-vi-se sensul cuvintelor, aflagi tnfelesul proverbelor de mai jos: 1. Barking dogs seldom bite. Bb:kiy’ ‘doge Weldorh vbait to back — a latra barking — care Tatra seldom — rar, rareori to bite — 4 musea 2. There is no smoke without fire. ®ariz ‘now ‘smouk wid/aut ‘faio, there is no — nu exist smoke — fum fire — foc 3, There is no rule without exception. dariz now ‘rust wi Baut ik sepfa. rule — regula Exereitiul 10.6, Dasi echivalentul englezese al urmétoarelor proverbe gi mazime: 1, Prictenul la nevoie se cunoaste. 2. Gine ride Ia urmi ride mai bine. 8. Mai bine mai tirziu decit niciodati. 4. Ochii care nu se vad se uit 5. Calul de dar nu se cauta la dinfi. 6. Apele linigtite sint adinci. 7. Spune-mi cu cine te insofesti ca si-fi spun cine esti. 8. Timpul ¢ bani. 9. Clinele care latré nu mused. 10. Omul cit’ trhieste invaya. IL, Frate, frate, dar brinza-i pe bani. 12. Vorba © de argint, tacerea de aur. 13. Timpul pierdut nu se mai intoarce. 14. Nu iese fum fard foc. 15. Dragostea e oarbi. 16. Mai aproape-i pielea dectt ciimasa. 17. Ce-i fn mind nui minciun’, 76 THE ALPHABET Bi ‘elfabit NMwK gd aor er rOovdSs TE ea edi al aa inpereniit cae acne i el cuvint literk eu liter se cheami to spell 10 spel — iar pli al te steoses to mute cca, dar tm specialty Teg Bara neat pects rpreccnt excl nual dona ounce: Ti: se poate serie Lee, Ley, Leigh ete. a wiklif se poate serie Wyalif, Wycliffe, Wickli 5 si atunei reoabi tigen ‘yelif, Wycliffe, Wickliffe etc.; si atunci se name is 'wiklif — dablju:, wai, si:, ¢ Wyeli Este eu atit mai necesar si n unos anglfon fy name is Andrei Voiou—ei, en, di:, as i, ai (pausd) vi Be ab ts Fede Io ea ‘entru literele roménesti cu semne diacritice vom spune: tai. sorkomfleke (ctpamafles) “Aone? Yorn spu 4 ‘ci wid seilaz keep (with msailor’s cap — ou ber i Eventual deen cela ser rn? — CH DoH marnbounct) # 10s sidilo (eedilla) fi sie mervati ett de deoscbit so citesc literele alfabetului englez, m ales voealelo, fati de cele romanegti: asi — ei en ee woi. Si ce usor se pot confunda: esi: — s es j wii e© for se pot confunda: © gdsi: —j dsei; qkju |, ai, ‘dablief, i:.” Adick recurgem Ja spelling eind ne reeomandim Va recomandaim si inviijaji bine alfabotul . ati bine alfabetul englezese, pentru a putea nu nu cae ype alae engl pene a ps ‘afi automat in minte imaginea grafic a unui cuvint redat prin spelling. De aici inainte, pint Ia ultima lectio, vom oferi exercitit de spelling THE SIGNS OF PUNCTUATION 89 sain av panktjueifn Semnele de punctuatie fall stop ‘ful stop (amer.) period piariod punct comma koma virguls colon ‘koulon dows puncte semicolon ‘ein 'kovlon punt si vingula apostrophe 9/po:trofi_apostrof hyphen ‘haifn liniugé de unire si de despartire, cratima dash die) linie de pauzd (somn folosit pe scard lar roel aceetee seep onigfien gaping boa dots dots puncte de suspensie (semn folosit mai rar) 18 point of exclamation ‘point ov cksklo 'meijn semnul exela- mii question mark lovesijon ‘mack semnul intrebarit paragraph ‘p:crograf paragraf (folosit oral oa indicajic de tncepere a unui parograf nou) marks soe! hovou tein musks. sernele citarii, simple (folosite pentru redarea vorbirii directe; ambele se agazi sus; cel de deschidere seamind cu 6; cel de inchidere cu 9). double quotation marks sh! kyon "tein ‘masks semnele citar, duble, Se folosese facultativ semnele simple sau duble. Semnul de inchidere se agazé dupa alt semn de punctuatie (punct, virguld etc.) Semnelo de-mai sus se numese inverted commas inti kkomoz ghilimele tnd servese la subliniere. Ca indicafie, se folosesc termenii quote ‘kw 2ui pentru deschi- derea semnelor citdrii gi mnquote sn koout pentru theki- dere. x parentheses 0 ren‘isi:v, sing. paranthesis 2 ren(lisis paran- teze (rotunde), Termen folosit mai rar. In mod obignuit, se spune brackets hrc'ts brackets, sau mai precis square brackets skye riekits paranteze drepte. asterisk, jsostorisk asterise. stroke stroukt bard. . italics i ticliks (earactere) cursive bold face Hoult fvis (earactere) aldine small Ietter ‘sino'l eto litera micé capital letter icopitl leta litera mare, majuscull, verzala Block letters lok ‘lets litere mari PART TWO ~\ Citigi cu voce tare, cu ajutorul transcrierii fonetice, cuvintele gi expre- siile englezegti date tn vocabularul lectiei respective din Vol. 3. Faceji aceasth operatic Inti numai pentru primul punet. (Textul leoflei este tmparfit in mai multe puncte, numerotate pe marginea din stinga. Aceasta diviziune ujureazi totodat& folosirea vocabularalui din Vol. 3.) ‘Acoperigi cu un carton de dimensiunea paginii textul romanese din areapta. Dupi ce va insugiti pronunjia exact& a ficetrui cuvint, cititi primul punct eu voce tare Tinefi seama de accentele din propozifie. Nu accen- tuafi si nu va oprifi la cuvintele neaccentuate. Namai cu sjutorul voeabularuui din Vol. 2, incroati ak taflegei Tndepartati cartonul i controlafi cu traducerea in roman& corectitu- dinca interpretarii. Repetaji de cite ori este nevoie, pink la realizarea exactitéjii perfecte a traducerii. Facei accleasi operatii succesiv cu celelalte puncte. Cind ati ajuns Ja sfirgitul ultimului punct, reluagi intreaga lectie de Ja un capit la celilalt, controlindu-va, daci mai este necesar, eu tradu- cerea roméneasc’. Faceti acum operatia inversa. Acoperiti cu cartonul textul englezesc. Traduceti propozifio ou propozitio gi frazh eu frazi textul roménese in limba englez’. Dup& rezolvarea fiecdrui punct, controlaji corectitudines ‘eu ajutorul textului_ englezesc. Studiati explicatiile fonctice, gramaticale gi lexicale pentru lecfia respectiva date in Vol. 3 ‘Abia acum trecefi la rezolvarea exercifillor. Dact tntimpinayi difieul- 184i, reluafi din Vol. 3 tema respecti diafi-o cu atentie. Indicele de la sfrgitul Vol. 4 va va ajuta si gisifi mai ugor cea ce cButai. Exercifile fiecirei lec, pink la Dietation inclusiv, vor fi scrise. Citisi ‘cu yoce tare fiecare punct rezolvat. Exeriful th patru puncte — (a) (b, (@) (2) ~ de dupk distare va fi rezolvat oral. 82 Exercitiul de spelling va fi seris. Fie dupa rezolvarea fiectrai exercitiu, fie dupa rezolvarea tuturor gercijilor unei lecfii, consultati ,cheia”. Din nou, atenfie 1a ortografic, Urmeazt lectura suplimentelor ce tnsoyesc fiecare lecsie (proverbe, te, anecdote, limerick-uri). Citifi mai inti eu voce tare vocabularele dupa fiecare bucata. Citifi textele tot cu voce tare. Invatati pe fara c{t mai mult din ee vi place. Rezolvafi cuvintele incrucigate (Assleasirecomandlsi sit valabile gi pentru leoile din Partes a IIl-, CHAPTER, ELEVEN, any ‘feptar ilevn ; Wy AFTER TEN YEARS Who are these lovely creatures? You recognize Sue, I think. She is now Mrs. Michael Lee. And the little girl is Sue's daughter, Iris. She is fise years old. ‘Swe and Iris are in town now. IRIS: Where are we now, Mummy? SUE: We're near Piccadilly Circus, darling. IRIS: What street is this, Mummy? SUE: It's Jermyn Street, darling. IRIS: What's that, Mummy? SUE: Inis, don’t point with your finger, please. IRIS: I'm sorry, Mummy. i Well, what's that shop with the beautiful window? SUE: It isn't a shop, it's an agency. A travel agenoy. IRIS: What travel agency? SUE: The Romanian Travel Agency. IRIS: Let’s go and have a look, Mummy, will you? SUE: All right, darling. 84 CAPITOLUL 11 Gt y DUPA ZECE ANI Cine stnt aceste fiipturi dragdlage? O recunoasteti pe Sue, cred. Ea ‘este acum doamna Michael Lee iar fetifa este Iris, fiica lui Swe, Are inci ani. ‘Sue si Iris sint acum in orag. IRIS: Mamioo, unde sintem leis SUE: Sintem tn apropiere de Piccadilly Circus, seumpo. IRIS: Ce cece seper epee SUE: Jermyn Street, scumpo. IRIS: Mamico, oe © sia? ay ris, nu anita cu degetul te rog. URIS: Tartiems, mimico. Dar cee magazinul acela cu vitrina frumoas’? SUE: Nu ¢ magazin, c 0 agentic. © agentie de. voi ARIS: Ce agentie de voiaj? SUE: Agontia romani de voiaj, ARIS: Hai si ne ducem si s4 ne uitam, mimico, vrei? SUE: Bine, scumpo. 85 We're in a hurry, but let’s go and have a quick look, all the same. Let's oross the street here. IRIS: Oh, look at those birds. How beautiful they are! Aren't they beautiful, Mummy? SUE: Yes, darling, they're magnificent. IRIS: Where are those birds, Mummy? SUE: In the Danube Delta. That's an advertisement for the Danube Delta. IRIS: The Danube Delta. Where's the Danube Delta, Mummy? SUE: In Romania IRIS: I see. Look at that plane, Mummy. Is it a British plane? SUE: No, it’s a Romanian plane. TRIS: Is it not a BEA? SUE: No, it’s a TAROM. IRIS: Is it a real plane? SUE: No, darling, it’s only a model IRIS: Ob, look at the picture of that lovely young woman in uniform. Is she’a pilot, Mummy? SUE: No, darling, she's not a pilot. She is a stewardess IRIS: What's a stewardess, Mummy? SUE: An air hostess, darling. IRIS: How pretty she is! SUE: Yes, she’s very pretty indeed. IRIS: But that handsome man in uniform is a pilot, like Daddy, isn’t he? SUE: Yes, darling, he is a pilot just like Daddy. IRIS: Are those aeroplanes, Mummy? SUE: No, darling, those are not aeroplanes, ‘They're helicopters. IRIS: And what is that on your head, Mummy? Is ita helicopter? SUE: No, Iris What question! This is not a helicopter, Itis my new hat. Ne grabim, dar hai oricum s& mergem si sk ne uitim repede. S4 traverstim strada pe aici IRIS: 0, uitd-to la pisirile acclea, Ce frumoase sint! Nuci age cd sint frumoase, mimico? SUE: Da, draga, sint superbe. IRIS: Unde se gisesc pistrile acestea, mimico? SUE: In Delta Dunarii. Aceea este o reclama pentru Delta Dundri IRIS: Delta Dundrii. Unde e Delta Duntrii, mimico? SUE: In Romania. IRIS: Aha! Uita-te la avionul acela, mamico. E un avion britanic? SUE: Nu, ¢ un avion romanese. IRIS: Nu e un BEA? SUE: Nu, ¢ un TAROM, IRIS: E un avion edevarat? SUE: Nu, scumpo, ¢ doar o machets. IRIS; 0, uit&-te la poza domniyoarei aceleia driguye in uniforma. E pilot, mimico? SUE: Nu, scumpo, nu ¢ pilot. E stewardess. IRIS: Ce-nseamna stewardesi, mimico? SUE: Insojitoare de avion, scumpo. IRIS: Ce frumusic& e! SUE: Da, ¢ chiar foarte frumusick intr-adevar. IRIS: Dar birbatul acela frumos in uniforms e pilot, ea tata, nu-i aga? SUE: Da, seumpo, ¢ pilot la fel ca tata, l. IRIS: Aceles sint aeroplane? SUE: Nu, scumpo, acelea nu stnt aeroplane, Sint_elicoptere. IRIS: $i ce este aceea din capul tiu, mimico? E clicopter? SUE: Nu, Ini Ce tntrebare! Acosta nu-i_elicopter. E palaria mea cea nous, EXERCISES ‘eksosaiziz ALL. ilevn ‘wan (a) Punefi articolul nehotdrit a sau am inaintea urmiitoarelor cwvinte: 1... western 2... telephone 3. 5. ... English book 6. ... pilot 7. uniform 10. ... year. (b) Aritai dact articolul hotarit the aseznt inaintea cwointelor de mai sus se pronunté > sau ti armchair 4 ... French book cup of tea 8. ... old man 9% ... 12. ievn ‘tu Traduceti in limba englexd, indictnd dacé pluralul se termind fonetic tmz, § aque iz 1. un film 2. orayul 3, biletele 4. un. examen 5. fetele 6 0 limba striind 7. exercitiile 8. agentia 9. pilariile 10. un aeroplan 11. piloyi 12, fereastra 13. limfi 14 adresele. ULB. islevn Ori Trecefi la plural urmitoarele, indictnd dacit pluralul se termind fonetic 1. this street 2 this girl 8. that play 4. this measure 5. that glass 6. that day 7. that cinema & this magnificent bird 9. that lovely crea- ture 10, that British plane 11. this travel agency 12. this exercise, TA Hen fo Dati formele prescurtate ale urmatoarelor : 1. he is 2% we are 8 she is not (dowd posibilitaji) 4. 1 am not 5. that is 6 where is 7% they are not. (dowd posibilizi) 8. it is not (doud posibilitaji) 9 you are 10. what is 11. are we not? 12. is he not? 43, am I not? 14. we are not (dowd posibiliviti). 88 5. i'levn ‘aiv Completati spatiile goale: 1, The little girl is Sue's ... . 2 Where ... we now? 8. Don’t ... with it finger. 4. Let's go and ~. a look, ... you? 5. Let's ... the street. Look ... that plane. 7. That's ... advertisement ... the Danube Delta, That handsome man ... uniform is ... pilot, ... Daddy. 9. What is it... your head? 10. ... a question! 11. ... beautiful they are! 12. Let's a quick look, ... the same. U6. i'levn ‘siks Traduceti in limba englesa: | (a) Sintem dupa zece ani. Sue este acum doamna Michael Lee. Fetipa eea driguiai este fiiea lui Sue. Ele sint acum in oras, in Londra, aproape Piccadilly Circus. Agentia roman de voiaj este in Jermyn Street. Acele plisiri superbe (in) vitrina sint 0 reclama-pentru Delta Duntrii. Avioanele acelea {nt machete. Nu sint avioane britanice, sint avioane romanesti. Tinira a draguya in uniforma nu este pilot, este stewardes’. Ce frumugica Dar barbatul acela in uniforma este pilot, ca Michael Lec. Gi ce este accla? Este un elicopter? Nu. Ce fntrebare! E, noua piltirie Tui Sue. (b) 1. Hai sé mergem la cinema, vrei? 2+ Acela nu este un avion rat, este doar o macheta. 3. Hai si mergem si aruncim repede o ivire. 4. M&_gribesc. 5. Uiti-te la stewardesele acelea. Co driguse nt! 6. Nu ardta cu degetul. 7. Nu sint. pravalii, sint agenfii de voia, Witoy-vi la Iris, Nuri aga cl este [Nu este] o fotifa drégtlagt? % lfria lui Sue seaman cu (is Tike) un elicopter. 7. islevn ‘sevn DICTATION dik elf Sso:min ‘strict ie nio -pikodili'9:ko full stop 89 ru meinjon‘trevi sensi iz in ‘dsa:min ‘stri:t Tull stop ‘aioris i sux do-t0 fall stop iz ‘faiv jor ‘ould full stop "tu: ond ‘alors ar in ‘teun nat H stop ‘moikol li: iz 2 ‘poilot full stop 8 /daenjush delta’ ix. in Bueinjs full stop “diet iz ‘sux. ‘njus thet full stop. ‘art. ‘oraplein Younli 2 ‘mod! full stop. 89 LB. i tovn eit (8) Dafi raspunsuri lungi gi seurte la urmatoarele tnerebiri, dupa urmé- toarele modele: Ts Jermyn Street near Piccadilly Circus? ‘Yes, Jormyn Strost is near Piccadilly Circus. Yea, it ia Is Jormyn Streot near Hyjle Park ‘hsid 'ps:k? No, Jermyn Street is not near Hyde Park, No, it ian't Is the Romanian Travel Agency in Jermyn Street? Is Iris Sue’s daughter? Is Iris ten years old? Are Sue and Iris at home now? Is Michael Leo @ pilot? Is the Danube Delta in Romania? Is that acroplane only a model? Ts that Sue’s old hat? (b) Dofi raspunsuri scurte la tntrebarile de mai jos, dupa urmitorul mm Street near Piccadilly Circus or near Hyde Park? Piccadilly Circus 1. Is the Romanian Travel Agency in Jermyn Street or in Piccadilly Circus? 2 Is Iris Sue's daughter or Fred's daughter? 3. Is Iris five or is she ten years old? 4. Are Sue and Iris in town or at home now? 5. Is Michael Lee a pilot or a violinist? 6. Is that Sue's old hat or new hat? (c) Réspundepi la urmétoarele tntrebiri: 1. Where is Jermyn Street? 2 Where is the Romanian Travel Agency? 3. Who is nis? 4, How old is Iris? 5. Where are Sue and Iris now? 6. Whet is Michael Lee? 7. What hat is that? (a) Intrebapi in limba englesd 1. a. dack Jermyn Street este lingt Piccadilly Cireus. B. unde este Jermyn Street. 2 a. dack Agentia romani de voiaj este in Jermyn Street, 4, unde este Agentia roman’ de voiaj. a. daci Tris este fiiea Iui Sue. . cino este Iris a. dac& Iris are einci ani D. co virsta are Iris. a. dack Sue si Iris sint acum tn oras, %. unde sint. Sue si Tris acum. i. dacd Michael Lee este pilot. ». ce este Michael Lee. 7. a. dack aceea este pilliria cea nous a lui Sue. b. ce pilirie este acces, a 5 6. ® itevn ‘main SPELLING speliy efi cuvintele de mai jos tn ortografia eurentit: Bis fa: i: el ti: ju: ta: i: es — ‘keepitl pis ‘ai tdabl'si: ei di Haabliel wai — ‘kju: ju: lai isi: ‘kei — vei ‘dsi: ‘i: len si: ai BS tkepitl dsei i: va: ‘em ‘wai ‘en — es ti: ci: “dablju: ‘ei ta Bie dables i: es — 1a si: ‘en ‘ai ‘zed i: — * Gu pi: ‘el ‘ci ‘en dabl'ti: ‘wai — ‘el ‘ou el wai ith aiytsiz,"ouipitiitig it vas tes Hj 12, i Jus a ef eu ‘dablju: — ‘eit ju: dabl'a: wai — ju: ven Pe ee cd ue A Mea Seale fai ‘es ‘itl PROVERBS ‘provabz wverbe Man is the measure of all things. Knowledge is power. First think and then say. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Knowledge ‘nolid cunoastere, to say sci a spuno stint is worth wo: valoreaza power ‘pous putere bush buf tufis QUOTATIONS FROM SHAKESPEARE kau teifnz from feikspio Gitate din Shakespeare To be or not to be: that is the question Hamlet ‘hemlit Act TI, scene i, line 56 ek ‘Oris, ‘sim wan, ain fiti ‘sihs A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse! horse ho:s cal Kingdom {iodo regat King Richard IIT aig nifod foo Vow 4 ‘The lunatic, the lover and the poet Are of imagination all compact. 92, e Iunatic u:notik nebunul all 0:1. tofi over “lav indrigostitul kom'peckt alestuigi poet ‘pouit poetul (oration nermald)Are.all compact nation im:edsi-neifn of imagination. " imaginatie A. midsummer night’s dream 2 ‘midsama ‘naits ‘drism V.i.7. ‘The rest is silence. est rest restul silence ‘sailons Hamlet Y. i He who laughs last laughs best; but he who laughs first sees the int. ‘Cine ride Ia urma ride mai bine... siz (aici) pricepe, prinde the point 69 point poanta No two people are alike, and both are glad of it. pizpl oameni oth hou amindoi alike 2 laik se aseaman& of it —de_ aceasta two people are alike — Nu existi doi oameni care s8 se asemene Question: What is the maximum penalty under British law for bigamy? Answer: Two mothers-in-law. gam meksimom maxim law lo: dropt, justitic, legislatie jpenalti, pedeapsi bigamy ‘higomi bigamie ‘ands (aici) potrivit mother-in-law. ‘mtorinlo: soacra 93 “O.K,, sir, you're a taxi.” commissionaire \>in'f2 ne2 taxi ols! taxi comisionar OK. ou kei eal me ol i> cheam&-mi sau cheami-mi CROSSWORD PUZZLE ‘kroswa:d ‘paz A-B: TOATE TARILE EUROPENE, MARI $I MICT Inlande Andora Portugalia Finland dasa Gipea Ba Maree Britenie Tuoslavin rerolvare, consultati lista de In pag. 49, 95, Vol. 4. CROSSWORD PUZZLE A-B: CONTINENTE, Avot Atlantida Africa ‘Avia Mict rezolvare, consultati tabelul de Ia pag. 26, Vol. 4. CHAPTER TWELVE EX ere (42) eee JEFF AND JERRY — |. This is Geoffrey Lee. Jeff for short. And this is Gerrard Lee. Jerry for short. Jeff and Jerry are brothers. eff is seven years ofd. Jerry ts also seven. Jeff and Jerry are twins, of course. They are English boys. They both have brown hair and blue eyes. Whose sons are they? They are Mike and Sue's sons. —and Iris — You know Iris Lee. She is a pretty little girl. She is five years old. She has yellow hair and green eyes. She is Jeff's sister. And she is Jerry's sister too, of course. Jeff and Jerry are Iris's brothers Jeff and Jerry and tris are Mike and Sue's children. —and Andrei and Moniea Voieu — And this is Andrei Voieu. He is a young man. He is tall and ‘good-looking. He has dark hair and dark eyes. He is thirty years old And who is this? This is Monica Voieu. She is Andrei Voicu's wife. They are husband and wife, Monica is not tall, but she is not short, She is young and pretty. She is a woman of twenty-five. She has light brown eyes and light brown hair. 96 CAPITOLUL 12 JEFF $I JERRY... Avesta este Geoffrey Lee. Jeff pe scurt. Si acesta este Gerrard Lee. Jerry pe seurt. Jeff si Jerry stnt frati. Jeff are sapte ani. Sorry aro tot sapte. Jeff gi Jerry sint gemeni, bir eastanix: giochi albagtri. Ai cui fii ogi Iris © cunoostesi_ pe Iris Leo. Eo fatitd dragusd. Are cinci ani. Are pir blond gb ocht versi, E sora lui Jeff. Si e si sora lui Jerry, bine ingles. Jeff si Jerry stnt frapii lui Sue. Jeff i Jerry yi Tris sint copiié lui Mike gi ai lui Sue. sui Andrei si Monica Voicu... ‘Si acesta este Andrei Voicu. Este un barbat tindr. E inalt gi frumos. Are par intunecat gi ochi negri. E in vtrstt de treizeci de ani. ‘St cine este aceasta? Aceasta este Monica Voicu. Este sofia tui Andrei Voicu. Stnt sof si sotie. Monica nu este tnalté, dar nici scunda, E ‘indra si draguia. Eo femeie de doudieci si cinci de ani. Are ochi cdiprui deschis si par castaniu deschis. eles. Sint englesi. Amindot au pair ? Sint fiii lui Mike $i ai lui Sue. 97 7 — Englesa f8rk profesor, vol. 1 Monica and Andrei are Romanian. They are in England for two years. Glad to meet you— 4. JEFF & JERRY: Hell. ANDREI VOICU: Hello. Who are you? JEFF: We are Geoffrey and Gerrard Lee, ANDREI: Glad to meet you, Geoffrey and Gerrard. JERRY: Jeff and Jerry for’ short. ANDREI: Glad to meet you, Jeff and Jerry. JEFF: Glad to meet you, Mr— er— ANDREI: Oh, sorry. I am Andrei Voicu. JEFF & JERRY: Glad to meet you, Mr. Voieu. ANDREI: And this is Mrs. Voicu. JEFF: Is she your wife? ANDREI: Yes, she is my wife. We are husband and wife. JEFF: T see. IRIS: And I am Iris Lee, Jeff and Jerry are my brothers. MONICA: Good! How old are you, Iris? IRIS: I'm five. MONICA: And how old are Jeff and Jerry? IRIS: They're both seven. They're twins. MONICA: Oh, how nice! IRIS: How old is your husband, Mrs. Voieu? MONICA: He's thirty years old. IRIS: And how old are you, Mrs. Voicu? MONICA: Er— P'm— ANDREI: She's twenty-five. IRIS: Thank you, Mr. Voicu. JERRY: What are you, Mr. Voicu? What's your profession? ANDREL: I am a physicist. I'm a research worker. IRIS: And what are you, Mrs. Voieu? MONICA: I am a doctor, Iris. IRIS: A physician? MONICA: Yes, a physic ‘What are your parents, Iris? 5. IRIS: Father is a pilot and mother is a violinist. MONICA: How nice! JERRY: Have you got a car? ANDREL: Yes, we've got a car, haven't we, Monica? MONICA: Yes, we've got a car. JERF: What make is it? ANDREI: It’s @ Dacia 1300 (thirteen hundred). 98 Monica si Andrei stnt romani. Sint in Anglia pentru o perioadé de oi ani. Incintat de cunogtinji. JEFF si JERRY: Bund zina NDREI VOICU: Buna! Cine sinteti voi? JEFF: Stntem Geoffrey si Gerrard Lee. ANDREI: incintat de cunostinja, Geoffrey si Gerrard. JERRY: Jeff si Jerry pe scurt ANDREI: Incintat de cunostinga, Jeff si Jerry. BeRE: fnctntat de cunostin}l, domnule.. mm. ANDREI: 0, seuzati. Eu sint Andrei Voicu. JEFF si JERY: incintat de cunostinya, domnule Voieu. ANDREI: Si dinsa este doamna Voicu, JEFF: E sotia dv.? : ANDREI: Da, ¢ sofia mea. Sintem sot si sotie. JEFF: Inteleg. ae TRIS: $i eu sint Iris Lee. Jeff si Jerry sint frapii mei. MONICA: Frumos! Citi ani ai tu, Iria? TRIS: Aim cinci ani. MONICA: $i co virsti au Jeff si Jerry? TRIS: Amindoi au gapto ani. Sint gemeni. MONICA: 0, ce drigus! TRIS: Ce virsta are soful dv., doamna Voicu? MONICA: Are treizeci do ani. i ARIS: Si citi ani avesi dv., doamns Voieu? IONICA: Mm... ‘ : ANDREI: Are douazeci si cinci de ani. IRIS: Multumese, domnule Voieu. JERRY: Co sintoti dv., dommule Voicu? Care esto profesiunen dv.? ANDREI: Sint fizician, Sint cercetitor. IRIS: $i dv. ce sinteji, doamna Voicu? MONICA: Eu sint doctorits, Iris. TRIS: Medic? MONICA: Da, medic. Ce sint plrintii wi, Tris? RIS: Tata-e pilot si mama e violonista. ONICA: Co frumos! Avesii magina? , i ANDREI: Da, avem maging, nu-i aga, Monica? MONICA: Da, avem masini. EFF: Ce marci e? ANDRET: E 0 Dacia 1300. JEFF: Dacia? Is it a good car? ANDREI: Oh yes, it’s a very good car. JERRY: It is not a British ear, is it? ANDREI: No, it's a Romanian’ car. IRIS: Oh, you are Romanian, aren't you? MONICA: Yes, Iris, we are Romanian. JEFF & JERRY: How interestin IRIS: Yes, how interesting! BFR: Dacia? Eo masini. bund? INDREI: A, da, e 0 magia foarte bund. IRRY: Nu-i masind englezcascd, nu-i aga? RIS: A, sintefi roméni, nu? DRE: Da, Iris, sintem romani, JEFF si JERRY: Ce interesant! RIS: Da, ce interesant! EXERCISES ‘ekkasaiziz UBL ‘twely ‘wan Completati spatiite goale: 1. Iris is five ... old, 2. Andrei Voicu ... dark hair and dark eyes. 3. Jeff and Jerry ... a little sister. 4. Have you ... a cigarette? 5. Monica i .» two years. 6 Andrei and Monica. husband .. is your car? 9 Andrei physicist. 122. ‘twely tu (2) Traducefi in limba englest, tintnd seama de situapia date: 1. pirinfii lui Mike si ai Ini Sue (Mike i Sue stnt sof si sofie). 2, pirintii lui Jeff si Jerry (Jeff'si Terry sint fraji). 3. profesorii Monicti lui Andrei, (Monica yi Andrei au urmat facultati diferite). 4 masina Tui Sue 5i a lui Mike. 5. profesorii copiilor mei gi coi ai copiilor tai. (b) Indicati dact 's sau s' se pronunfé 2, 8 sau iz: 1. Mike’s profession 2. Mrs. Steven's husband 8. Fred's birthday 4. these women’s children 5. those children’s parents 6. Hamlet's father 7, Jeff's twin brother 8 George's violin 9, my sisters’ names. 12.8, wwely Ont: Daji formele preseurtate ale urmétoarelor: {a) 1. we have 2. Ihave 8. he has 4 he has not. (doud posibilitati) 5 you have not (dod posibilitii) 6. they have 7. she has 8. we have not (dows posibilitafi) (b) 1. Tam not 2 she has not (doui posibilitaji) 3. she is not (doud posibilititi) 4. that is 5+ where is 6 what is. 102 Myvely fo: Completagi spasile goale ow corespondentul romdnese al lui ,rm-i aga? 1, It's a BEA, 2. Sue is your 2.3, Mr. and Mrs. Lee ‘your parents, isn’t late, brother, Jeff and Jerry are twins wou? vas n? 9. She's got a new hat, Tam pretty, ....4? 210. You aren't-very busy, «. « stwely Traducesi tn limba englezi: {a) Jeff si Jerry sint copiii lui Mike si Sue, Amindoi_au gapte ani. iemeni Jeff yi Jory au o sort, pe {rin, Ew are inci anh SJelf $i Jerry au pir castaniu giochi albastri. ‘Sue are pir blond si ochi verzi. ‘Andrei si Monica Voicu sint in Anglia pentru doi ani, Andrei este eetitor, fizician. Monica este doctorita, medic. Andrei este tnalt si frumos. Monica nu esto inalté, dar nu este (nici) . E tinara gi frumusica. “Andvei are pirul intunecat si ochii negri. Monica are ochi c&prui is si parul gaten deschis. ‘Andrei gi Monica au magin§, 0 Dacia 1300, (b) 1. Ble sint acum pe stradi. 2 Cine sint femelle acelea? 8. Poftim? afi spus?) 4. Poftim (cnd oferim ceva). 5. Ei bine, nu stiu. 6. E tirziu si pentru mine. 7. Depinde de dv. 8 Mi-e frig. 9. Am (un) i, 10, Astizi este ziua mea: 11. Heide s4 sirbatorim evenimental. Mulyumesc. — Pentru pufin. Atwelv ‘siks DICTATION dik teifn “dsef on ‘dseri 0 ‘su:z “tfildron full stop ei or ‘ipglif ‘boiz full stop iz an‘drei question mark andrei ‘hez 'daik ‘hea full stop mo'ni:ka ‘da‘k ‘blu; ‘aiz question mark nau comma fi hez ‘a ‘aiz full stop mo'ni:ka iz @ fi'zijn full stop mo 'nika ond anh igot 9 ‘ka: full stop its 2 ru'meinjan ‘ka: comma 9 ‘deifo ‘Va:tizn id full stop. 12.7, twely sevn (a) Daji réspunsuri tungi si scurte la intrebirile de mai jos, du urmitoarele modele: nn nh ‘Are Jeff and Jerry Sue's children? ‘Yes, Jeff and Jerry are Sue's children, ‘Yer, they are. ‘Arg Soll a donry Fredy cilzend, waa 1. Aro Jeff and Jorry English boys? 2. Is Tris Fred’s daughter? 3. Is Andrei twenty-five years old? 4 Has Andrei dark hair? 5. Has Monica dark blue eyes? 6 Is Monica a doctor? 7. Have Andrei and Monica got a car? 8 Is it a Romanian car? {b) Det rBspuneuct scart ln nero, de mat jor, dsp urmatorl model: ‘Ato, Joft and Jorry Suo's children or Fred's children? "They're Sass ebildren, 1. Has Andrei a young wife or an old wife? 2 Is Tris an,English gitl or a French girl? 3. Has Monica dark brown hair or light brown hair? 4. Have they got a car or a helicopter? 3. Is Dacia 1300 @ British ear or a Romanian car? 6. Are Sue and Mike in England or in Romania now? (6) Rétspundefi la urmittoarele tntrebiri: 1, Who is Jeff's twin brother? 2 Whose husband is Andrei? 3. In what country are Monica and Andrei now? 4, How old are Jeff and Jerry? 5. Whose brother is Fred? 6. Where is Hyde Park? 7. What make is Monica and Andrei’s car? (a) Intrebagi ire timba: engles 1. a, dack Jeff si Jerry sint fili lui Mike Lee. 6. ai cui fii sint Jeff gi Jerry. 2 a, dack Jeff si Jerry sint baiefi englezi. 6. ce sint Jeff si Jerry. 3. a. dact Iris este sora baictilor. b. a cui sord este Iris. 104 | 4. a. dack Monica si Andrei stnt acum in Anglia, b. unde sint Monica i Andrei acum. 5. a. dack Monica are doutzeci gi cinci de ani. 5. citi ani are Monica. 6 a. dack Dacia 1300 este o masini romAneasch. b. co marci e Dacia 1300. 7. a, daci Dacia aceea este masina Jui Andrei si a Monicai. b. a cui masini este Dacia aceea. ttwely ‘eit Scrieti tn litere urmétoarele numerale gi citii-le ew poce tare: 10 4 (9, 100 101 135, 2 20 2 (k) 217 396 452 8 33 0 503 784 819 4 % (m) 926 4,000 4,001 5 55 (x) 2,018, 3419 7,676 16 66 (o) 41,701. 15,005 97/123 47 1 140,471 573,816 701,003 CONoamene ) 18 83 (®) 1,000,000, 4,000,004 () 3127,415 13,472,698 19 99 twely ‘nain SPELLING ‘spelin erieti cuvintele do mai jos in ortografia curentd: : eitf — ‘wai i: ‘dabl’el ou ‘dablju: — ‘es ‘ou ‘en — ‘keepitl fis ‘dablief — ‘kaepitl ‘ds ‘wai — ‘kepitl fis a: i: ‘ai — 'eit{ ju: et idabl'el — ‘ou ‘ef i: sdablies piel la: i: ten ‘ti: ai ‘en ti: i i ton ‘dit — is itf lai ‘el ‘di: ‘a Yen — ‘keopitl ‘dsi: oi: dabl'a: ‘ci ‘a: dabl'is ‘en — feit{ ‘ou ‘a: ‘ti: — tel ‘ai ‘doi: ‘eith PROVERBS When you are in Rome, do as Rome Pe cthatias vee, a Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing. coe itis extame cat kit pisiot mist (aicé) se ating fatrag life Toil pl. Hives Iaive via Rome sous Roma fiend fiend proteng) a enemy ‘enim! dugman as Rome does daz asa cum face nothing ‘nadip nix Tee i iothing ‘745i nimic QUOTATIONS FROM SHAKESPEARE Fair is foul, and foul is fair. fair fe2 frumos(ul) foul faul urft(ul) Macbeth mak: be Li A man can die but ones. to die dai @ muxi wans 0 (singu But bat doar, numai a oars King Henry IV, Part I kig”‘henri 0! f0:0, ‘pa:t tu IIL. fi, 253. 0 my prophetic soul! i soul soul suflet pro‘fetik profetic Hamlet Lv. 40. 1 it is excellent To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous To use it like a giant. Eeellent ‘cksolont, minunat tyranmous ‘tironos tiranic sdsaiont uriag fo use it to ‘juz it s-0 folosesti streg® putere, foryi like nik ca Measure for Measure meso fo ‘meso IL. ii, 107. JOKES “Love is the wine of life.” Yes, And marriage is the morning after.” in vin marriage ‘mécrids cisitorie . At a wedding party: Guest (to lady): “Are you a friend of the bride?” Laily: “Certainly not. I'm the bridegroom's mother.” edding party -wediy ‘pa:ti nunté bride braid mireast gest oaspete, musafir bridegroom ‘braidgrum mire After the examination: Physician: “I have some good news for you, Mrs, Brown—” Young lady: “Miss Brown, Doctor!” Physician: “In that case, Miss Brown, I have some bad news for you." some good news sam ‘gud 'njusz o veste bund im that case {cis fn cazul acesta tion igasmi'neifn ‘examen, consultasie 107 * ate “Waiter! You've got your thumb in my soup.” “Don’t worry, sin, it isn't very hot.” waiter ‘cil? chelner, ospatar don't worry ‘dount ‘wari nu va thumb Qa degetul mare faceti_griji Soup S:) supa hot hot fierbinte CROSSWORD PUZZLE A-B: MULTE DINTRE LIMBILE VORBITE IN LUME latina engleza i engleza londonezi din East End poloneza lingua fronca olandeza chinezo coreeana, bulgera albaneza Himbile hinduse cngleza stricata ‘turca spaniola norvegiana greaca persana esperanto japoneza islandeza finlandeza swabili daneza coo ortughezs eh eran suedeza sitho-croata arabe, italiana coe plsireascd, galimatie CHAPTER THIRTEEN a fepta 80:"ti:n (13) MR. AND MRS. LEE AT HOME 1. MIKE: Hello, darling. SUE: Hello, ‘darling. MIKE: Er— Sue. SUE: Yes, Mike. MIKE: Where is my dressing-gown, darling? SUE: I’s in the bathroom in its place, Mike. MIKE: Well, well. And where are my skippers? SUE: They're in our bedroom under the bed, Mike. As usual. MIKE: Good. And where is my newspaper, Suc? SUE: It’s on the small table over there, e TV se MIKE: As usual, ere a SUE: Yes, Mike, as usual. MIKE: Er— and where’s my pipe and tobacco, Sue? SUE: It’s on your desk, darling. i MIKE: Thank you, darling By the way, what time is dinner? SUE: Half past seven sharp, Mike, as usual. m0 CAPITOLUL 13 DOAMNA SI DOMNUL LEE LA DOMICILIU MIKE: Bund, scumpo. SUE: Buna, scumpule. MIKE: Mm. Sue. SUE: Da, Mike. MIKE: Unde mi-e halatul, scumpo? SUE: E in baie la locul lui, Mike, MIKE: Bun, bun. $i unde tmi sint papucii? "SUE: Sint fn dormitorul nostru sub pat, Mike. Ca de obicei. MIKE: Bun, $i unde mice ziarul, Sue? SUE: E pe misuja do colo, lings televizor. MIKE: Ca de obicei SUE: Da, Mike, ca de obicei. "MIKE: Mm... si unde-mi stnt pipa si tutunul, Sue? SUE: Sint pe biroul tiu, scumpule, MIKE: Muljumesc, seumpe., ‘Apropo, la ce ord ¢ cina? Ca SUE! La japte gi jumitate fix, Mike, ca de obicei. un MIKE: And what's the time now? SUE: It’s a quarter to seven exactly, Jes twenty to seven by my watch. ‘our watch is slow. MIKE: Oh, is it? T must set it sight, By the way, where are the children? Are they upstairs in their rooms? SUE: No. Jeff and Jerry are still at school. MIKE: Are they? It's almost. seven, SUE: Today is Wednesday and— MIKE: Is it not Tuesday? SOF a ike itt Wednesday tho 21st of June, and on Wednesdays they have an extra class of physics, 3% MIKE: And where's Iris? Is ‘sho at home? she's next door with her new friend, Who is her new friend? SUE: Madame Voicu. MIKE: How do you spell the name? SUE:V-0-10U; She it Romanises Ma and Mrs. Voieu are our new neighbours. MIKE: Are they? SUE: They are here for two years. MIKE: What is he? SUE: He is Romanian too, of course. MIKE: No, Sue, what is his profession? SUE: Oh, he's a physicist, a research worker. And she is a doctor MIKE: Are they young or old? SUE: She's very young and very pretty, Mike, and he's also. young and good-looking. MIKE: Well, well, And what have we got for dinner, darling? 4 SUE: First soup. MIKE: What soup? SUE: Lobster soup. MIKE: Fine. SUE: Then roast beef and gravy and mashed potatocs and vege- tables. MIKE: Great. SUE: And then apple-pie and custard, MIKE: Excellent, SUE: And after that cheese and biscuits. With coffee to follow, of course. MIKE: Superb. A very special dinner, I must. say. SUE: Yes, darling, a very special dinner on a yery. special day. uz BRE Si cts nium? SUE: Esgapte fir un sfert fix. fe Bs eA cael cay Cras eats ‘SUE: Ceasul tau rimine in urma. i MIKES A, da? Trebut a potrivese. Apropo, unde sint copiti? Sint sus in eamerele lor? SUE: Nu. Jeff si Jerry sint inci la scoala, MIKE: Da? E aproape sapte. ‘SUE: Azi e "SUE: Nu, Mike, © miereuri 21 iunie, si miercurea au o ord supli- _mentari de fied. i MIKE: $i unde o Iris? B acast Bove: Neo slits eu noua ef prieten’. MIKE: Cine ¢ noua ei prictens? “SUE: Doamna Yoieu. = $i el ¢ tot roman, bine ingeles Px Sue, care-i este profesia? i fiiciatyceretitor. Gi ea © doctortt Sint tineri’ sau virstnici aly A ae foante tnisa gi foarte dtiguié, Miko, gi el este tot tinke si frumos. MIKE: Bun, bun, $i ce avem la cin’, scumpo? oi fripturdi de vac8 cu sos de carne, puré de cartofi si legume. srozav. SUE: Pe urmi plicinta cu mere cu erem& de ou. IKE: Excelent. hm SUE: Si dupa aceea brinzeturi gi biscuifi, Dup& care urmeazé ppp tafeaua, bine infeles. : ae IKE: Superb. O eink deosebits, trebuio #8 necumose. 4 E: Da, dragul meu, o cin cu totul deosebita intr-o zi cu totul deosebits. 113 5. MIKE: What special day? SUE: Mike, today, on the 218 of June, is our wedding am MIKE: Is it? How sweet of you to remember! SUE: Yos, isn't it? Mike, what's in those parcels on the table over there? MIKE: Oh, a bottle of champagne. And some flowers. They're for ‘you, on a very special day. Today, on the 24* of June, is our {enth wedding anniversary, remember? SUE: Oh, Mike, you're a darling. HIKE: Ce zi deosebita? zi, 21 junio, este aniversarea edsitoriei noastre. Series? Ce deigus din parten ta of ai amintit! SUE: Da, nu glsesti Mike, ce este in pachetele acelea de pe masa de colo? IKE: A, 0 sticli de gampanie. $i nisto flori. Sint pentra tine, intr-o zi cu totul deos ‘i. Azi, 21 iunie, este a zecea aniversare a clsttoriei noastre, i}i amintesti? SUE: Vai, Mike, esti o scumpete. 181. Go:tin ‘wan Seria in ltere i cifre numeralele ordinale corespunsitoare color car. dinale de mai jos: 7, 12, 19, 20, 24 32, 59, 63, 75, 101, 500. 13.2. ‘Ga:ti:n ‘tu Bzprimaji orele de mai jos dind fa) ora familiaré (colloquial time) 8 fora oficialé (standard time) 5.00 12.45 7.20 9.05 14.30 65 0035 10.50 1.10 8.35 11.00 133. Go:ti:n “Gri Traducefi urmatoarele: ae {a) pind la ora 44; pini-n 11; de la 3 la 5; tntre 7 gi 8; inainte de ora 6; dupl ora, 9; La dows gi jumate a atmbath Gy joke, marti; luni; vineriy duminich; microuri; simbith a icon treouta; joia, joile; marti de dimineay&; Tunea vitoars ‘0 sear de micrcuri Le A Ora Npetstabrio: ‘mai; aprilie; sae julie; februarie; noiembriej januarie; septembrie; martie; decembric, i ; ae septembrie ote la, 7 august 1918; la 24 octombrie 4048; | 3 iulie 1943; la 15 ianuarie 1975; in anul 46 fe.n.; in anul 106 e.n. 134. fo:tin fo A a Traduce}i in englozé, folosind numeralul ordinal gi numeralul 4 actul ILJ; capitolul TX; pagina a douas primul rizboi_ mondiel paragraful 42 (paragraph progra:f)s lectie 8. 6 @a:tin faiy lompletati spatiile goale cu adjectivul posesiv (my, your, ete.) cerut Iris lives in London with... parents. 2 Don’t point with... finger. ur pipe is in... place. 4+ Jeff and Jerry are at the cinema with er. 5. We have a new TY set in... bedroom. 6. Mike and ... wife Wortiin ‘siks Is he at...home? 2 Your dressing-gown is in... bathroom. 3. I (inc) in ...bed. 4, Let me see you... home. 5. The newspaper small table. by... TV set. 6. What. time is .. dinner? 7 The ‘are at... school. 8. Mr. Stevens is in... town, 9. You must bed now. 10... lunch is at one o'clock, 11. Let's go to .. park. ‘The newspaper is on the small table... there. 2+ A very special very special day. 3. It’s five minutes to three ... my watch. i past seven, as... 5. How sweet ... you to remember. wedding anniversary. 7 Iris is..door with her eit echivalentul englezese al replicilor Da? Nu? Series? et It’s almost eleven o'clock. Bea? Tmust go home now. > My slippers are not under the bed, 4. The film isn’t very interesting. He's got a new car. a T don't like lobster soup. og 18.9. Go:ti:n ‘nain Traducefi tn limba englexa: (a) Dna si dl Lee sint acast. Esto sopte firs un sfert seara (in the evening). B&iofii nu sint acasi; sint ined la gcoali. Astizi au o ort suplimentard de fizic’. Iris este alaturi la (cu) noua sa_pricten’, Monica Yoiou, Astizi este o zi deosebitd. Este a 10-a aniversare a cAsAtoriei lui Mike gi Sue. Masa de seara este la ora sapte si jumitate, ea de obicci, $i este o mas& cu totul (very) deosebita: supa de homar, fripturk de vack la tavi cu puré de cartofi. si legume, apoi pliicinti! cu mere cu erem de ou, dup& aoven brinzeturi eu bisnii, urmate de cafea. $i sam- panie. $i flori, bine tngeles. (b) 1. Unde-mi stnt_papucii? — Sub pat. 2. Unde mi-e tutunul? — Pe biroul thu. 3. Unde sint copiii? — Sint inc& la scoala. 4. Cit © ceasul? — E opt fix. 5. Dineul este Ia ora 830 fix. 6, Cum se scrie [desparte in litere] “flowers”? 7, Sticla de gampanie este pe masa de acolo. 8 Ce draguy din partea ta cai venit! (c) 1 Ce tinir e! 2 Ce mash (de seard) excelent! 3. Ce pasire superba! 4. Ce frumoasi opti! 5. Ce copii drigufi! 6. Co drigufi sint copiii acestial 7. Ce idei interesante! 8 Ce interesante sint ideile lui! 1810. ‘Ga:ti:n ‘ten DICTATION dik'teifn ‘mistor ond ‘misiz, Ji: ar of shoum full stop it iz ‘o:Imoust.‘sevn: in Gi ‘i:vnip full stop ‘wot ‘taim iz. ding question mark ‘dinar ix, at ‘ha:é pa:st ‘sev 'fa:p-full stop ‘maik-apostrophe s 'wotf iz: ‘slow full stop 9 ‘boiz 0 ‘not at ‘houm full stop ‘sioris iz inckst ‘do: wid he ‘nju: rend full stop ta'dei iz a ‘spefel dei full stop maik and ‘su apostrophe. 2 'wediy eni'va:sori iz on do ‘twenti, fost ov ‘down full stop chau ‘swi:t ev ‘maik tu ri'membo point of exclamation hit ‘got sam ‘flanoz f> ‘su: full stop. 18.11. ‘Go:tin i'levn (@) Dati réspunsuri lungi gi scurte la tntrebdrile de mai jos: 1 Are Mr. and Mrs. Lec in town? 2. Ts it almost seven in the evening? 3 Is dinner at half past seven sharp? 118 4, Is Mike's watch fast? 5. Are the boys at home? 6. Is Iris next door with her now friend? 4. Is today a special day? 8. Is Mike and Sue's wedding anniversary on the 2280 of July? 9% Has Mike got some vegetables for Suc? (b) Dapi raspunsuri scurte la intrebirile de mai jos: J. Are Mr. and Mrs. Lee at home or in town? 2. Is it almost seven in the morning or in the evening? %. Is dinner at half past seven or at eight o'clock? 4, Is Mike’s watch slow or fast? 5. Are the children at school or at home? 6. Is Mike and Sue's wedding anniversary on the 21% or on the 2204 of June? 7. Has Mike got some flowers or some vegetables for Sue? (¢) Ruspundefi 1a urmatoarele intrebiri: I. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Lee now? 2 What's the time? What time is dinner? Where are the boys? Where is Tris? What special day is it today? 7. On what day is Mike and Sue's wedding anniversary? What has Mike got for Sue? (a) Lncrebaji in limba énglecd 1 daci dna si dl Lee sint acasi. . unde sint dna si dl Lee. . daci este aproape sapte scara. co ord este, dact masa de seard este la gapte si jumitate fix. . Ja ce ork este masa de seard. 1. dact baiefii sint acast. unde sint baieyi. dack Iris este acas’. unde este Iris. dact astizi este 0 zi deosebita, 4, ce zi deosebiti este astizi fa. dack Mike a adus [are] niste flori pentru Sue. 6. ce a adus [are] Mike a fice 119 1312 Oo:tin twelv SPELLING spelig Serieti cuvintele de mai jos tn ortografia curenta: lju: tes tus ‘ei fel — oi: leks ‘ei ‘ai fen ‘siz ‘haifn ‘d3i: ‘ou ‘dablju Akpitl ‘ti: ‘eitf ju: ‘a: 'es di vei viz ‘wai — pis ‘ou ‘tis ei itis ‘eitf ‘ei ‘em ‘pi: ‘ei ‘dai: ten cis — ‘dablju: ‘iz sdabl'diz ‘ai ten -dsi ‘ef tou ‘dabl’el ‘ou ‘dablju:— 'es ‘el, sai dablipis 4 tei va: ‘pis — jus tpi: tos iti: ei vai ‘a: ‘es — ‘keepitl ‘dsei ju: el 'wai— rdgbl't is Yon sen i lait tf Me us is tem ‘it ‘em “bi: i: i M ‘a: 'es — Yea ‘eit Life is made up of litile things. A snow year, a rich year. Every country has its customs, Hell is paved with good intentions, made up meid ‘ap aledtuita country kantri Sard thing iy lucra customs Y kkastome obiceiuri hell hel iad paved peivd pavat intention in ten{n intenfie snow sou zipadi rich inf bogat ‘every ‘cri fiecare QUOTATIONS FROM SHAKESPEARE Frailty, thy name is woman! frailty. freili ugurdtate, iy rei thy fai thu | ta/tai/ tale (formd veche) Hamlet 1 ii, 146. “That is the true beginning of our end. tru: adevirat end end sfirgit bing bi'ginia,tnceput . ‘A. Midsummer Night's Dream Vii 1, ‘There's place and means for every man alive. ici too fallve, 2Tniv in viop, viu ee et All's Well That Ends Well ‘ols wel Bet ‘endz ‘well 1V. iii, 379. All the world’s a stage | And all the men and women merely players: ‘They have their exits and their entrances; ‘And one man in his time plays many parts, His aots being seven ages. Ul the world’s 82 ‘wa:ldz (the “world is) toata Iumea este stoids soon’ fy ‘miali doar yer 'pleid actor sit. iesire ‘entrance ‘entrou intrare in hie time — in timpul vietii sale plays pleiz joack part pact rol being ‘isin find age ids virsta ‘As You Like sez ju ‘nik it Cum va place TL. vii, 139. JOKES First doctor to second doctor: “You're all right. How am 1?” ate Nick: “Let's play Adam and Eve.” Lily: “How do you play that?” : Nick: “You ask me to eat your apple and I cat it.” 121 Let's play ‘lets ‘plei Hai sk me You ask me ju ‘ask mi: Tu imi jucim cori [mi Fog Adam and Eve ‘dom ond ‘i:y apple. ‘wpl_mar ‘How do you play that? — Cum se joaca ‘asta? Memo to bachelors: You don’t know what hap; married, And then it’s too late. memo ‘mizmou sau 'memou ‘happiness she»pinis fericire Eee until on til (aici) pind nu to im (aici) pentru to get t0 ‘get marid a se bachelor ‘hietfala burlac cisitori you don’t know ju- ‘dount ‘nou then en atunei au stil - i piness is until you get Profescor: “What can you tell me about the great chemists of the 17th century?” Student: “They are all dead, sir.” professor pro‘feso profesor univ. chemist kemist (aici) chimist; tell me tel mi: si-mi spui farmacist about o'beut_ despre century ‘sent{uri secol great greit mare dead ded mort CROSSWORD PUZZLE, The Days of the Week Bo ‘deiz av Ba wisk A-B: DUMINICK 4 sar jot rmiercuri simbata Tani The Months of the Year % ‘mands ov 9 ja: A-B: LUNILE UNUI AN A es Coo ianuarie inlie eerie ‘pri Palen august hoiembrie Sctombrie ‘martic septembrie 3 CROSSWORD PUZZLE A-B: FLORI, FLORI, FLORI narcist galbend violet trandafir hiooel bujor paroata margaret mixandré eladiols afar crizantema -mugeat mimozi floarea soarelui lac Vaerémioard elioint auemi-uite Pentru rezolvare, consultati lista de la pag. 46,47, Vol. 4 123 CHAPTER FOURTEEN ‘tfeepra fo: tin ABOUT ROMANIA 1. Im front of Mr. and Mrs. Lee's house. IRIS: Good afternoon, Mrs. Voicu. MONICA: Good afternoon, "Iris. How are you? IRIS: I'm fine, thanks. ‘And how are you? MONICA: I'm very well, thank you. IRIS: And how is Mr. Voicu? MONICA: He’s very well, too, thank you. IRIS: You are Romanian, aren't you? MONICA: Yes, we are Romanian. IRIS: The name of your country is Romania, MONICA: So it is, IRIS: Where's Romania? MONICA: It's in South-East Europe. IRIS: In, South-East Europe. ‘Where's South-East Europe? Is it a long way from here? MONICA: Yes, Iris, it’s a long way from here. ta CAPITOLUL 14 DESPRE ROMANIA Hire foto casei doamnes qi; dommulul Lae, Bs: Seok shun, dounnd’Vorce MONICA: Buna ‘ziua, Iris. Go mai faci? TRIS: Bine, mulyumese. 4 Dy. co mai faceti? MONICA: Foarte bine, mulfumese. TRIS: $i ce mai face domnul Voicu? MONICA: $i cl e foarte bine, mulgumoso. TRIS: Sinvoqi romani, mu? MONICA: Da, sintem romani. ARIS: Tara_dv. se cheami, Romania. IONICA: Exact. RIS: Undo © Rominia? MONICA: E in Europa de sud-est. TRIS: fn Europa de sud-ost. Unde este Europa de sud-est? E departe de aici? i JONICA: Da, Iris, departe de-aici. 125 IRIS: Is Romania a big country? MONICA: It isn’t very big, but it isn’t small. ~ IRIS: Are there any forests in Romania? like forests, you know. MONICA: Yes, Iris, there are a lot of forests in my country. 2. IRIS: Are there many mountains in Romania? I love the mountains. MONICA: There are a lot of mountains there. IRIS: “Are they high mountains? MONICA: Some are high and some are low. TRIS: What colour are the mountains? MONICA: Well, in spring they are light green, and in summer they are green or dark green, and in autumn they are red and yellow and brown. IRIS: How lovely! ‘And in winter? They are white with snow. IRIS" Oh how see! 3. How many rivers are there in Romania? MONICA: Oh, there are lots of rivers there. IRIS: Are they long rivers? MONICA: Some are long and some are short. TRIS: T see. ‘And there is a sea there, too, isn’t there? MONICA: Yes, there's the Black Sea. IRIS: The Black Sea? Is it black? MONICA: No, Iris, it isn’t black, actually. It is blue or green oF grey. IRIS: Are there any aurochs in Romania? MONICA: How do you know about aurochs, Iris? IRIS: Thereis a picture of « stamp with the aurochs’ head in a magazine. Jeff and Jerry are stamp collectors, you know. MONICA: There are few aurochs left in Romania, 4, IRIS: Are there any elephants in Rom: MONICA: No, Iris, there are no elephants in Romania. Oh yes, there are a few, at the Zoo and at the Circus. We live near the Circus. IRIS: How exciting! Have you a nice house in Romania? 126 IRIS: Roménia este o fark mare? MONICA: Nu este foarte mare, dar nici mica nu e. TRIS: fn Romania stat piduri? Mie imi plac pidurile, titi. MONICA: Da, Iris, sint multe paduri tn fara mea. IRIS: Sint mulsi munti in Romania? Eu ador muni _ MONICA: Sint multi munji acolo. TRIS: Sint munjifnalji? BG Usa taal oa a TRIS: Ce culoare au muntii s i MONICA’ Pi Primavara sint de culoare verde deschis, vara sint vverai sau verde Inchis, gi toamna sint rosii sau galbeni sau eafenii. Ce trumost MONICA: Iara sint albi. IRIS: Albi? MONICA: Da, Iris. Sint albi de zapada. IRIS: Vai, ce frumos! Cite sfuri sint in Romania? MONICA: A, sint o muljime de rfuri acolo, IRIS: Sint riuri lungi? MONICA: Unele sint lungi si altele scurte, TRIS: fajoleg. $i este gio mare acolo, nu? [ONICA: Da, este Marea Neagra. IRIS: Marea Neagra? E_ neagr? MONICA: Nu, Iris, de fapt nu e neagra. E albastra’ sau verde sau cemusie, TRIS: In Romania sint 2 pe MONICA: De unde jtii tu de zimbri, Tris? : IRIS: E 0 poz cu un timbra cu capul de bour intr-o revista. Jeff si Jerry sint colectionari de timbre, stigi- (ONICA: Au mai rémas prea pufini zimbri in Roménia. IRIS: In Roménia sint elefani? MONICA: Nu Tris, nu exist elefanji in Roménia, A, ba da, sint citiva, la gridina zoologici i la circ. Noi locuim lingé circ. Grozav! Avefio casi frumoasi in Romania? 127 MONICA: Yes, Iris, we have a very nice house in Bucharest. IRIS: Hes it a garden? MONICA: Yes, it has a nice little garden. IRIS: The Danube Delta is like « garden, MONICA: So it is. Especially in spring How do you know? IRIS: And there are beautiful birds there, aren't there? MONICA: So there are. But how do you know, Iris? TRIS: There is an advertisement forthe Danube Delta at the Roman. ian Travel Agency in Jermyn Street. MONICA: T sce IRIS: Are there any sharks in the Danube Delta? MONICA: No, Iris, there aren’t any sharks there IRIS: I'm glad to hear that. ‘And what is the capital of Romania? MONICA: Bucharest. IRIS: And London is the capital of Great Britain. Is Bucharest a big town? What is it like? MONICA: It is a big town. And it is a very nice place. IRIS: And what colour is the sky in Romania? MONICA: Well, sometimes it’s light blue, sometimes it's dark blue, sometimes it’s white or grey with clouds, IRIS: I see. ‘Are there many children in Romania? MONICA: Yes, Iris, lots of children. IRIS: Are they good children? MONICA: Well, some are good and some are naughty. IRIS: 1 am naughty. Oh, there are Jeff and Jerry. I must go home now. Bye-bye, Mrs. V MONICA: Bye-bye, Iris, JONICA: Da, Iris, avom o casi foarte frumoash in Bucuresti. TRIS: Are gréidini? MONICA: Da, are o gridiniga driguya. TRIS: Delta Dunirii este ca o gridini. Exact, Dar de unde stii tu, Iris? Y TRIS: Exist o reclam& pentru Delta Dundrii 1a Agentia roman’ de voiaj din Jermyn Street. ¢ ‘Aha, Rss Sia veckini to Delta. Dandi? ie (ONICA: Nu, Iris, nu exist acolo nici un fel de rechini. PRIS: Ma bucur si aud asta. i eare este capitala Roméniei? “MONICA: Bucuresti. ail RIS: ia: Londre este capitla Merit Britani. Bucuresti este un orag mare? ‘Cum arati? MONICA: Este un oray mare. i este un orag foarte frumos. IRIS: Soe coloero are cerul in Roménia? ety MONICA: Pai, uncori este albastru deschis, unoori este albastru tnchis fi uncori este alb sau cenusiu de nori. IRIS: Injeleg. fe __ Sint eat copii tn Romania? be MONICA; Da, Ins, 0, mulime de copi. TRIS: Sint copii cumingi? MONICA: Mde, unii stnt cumini si unii stut neascultitori. IS: Eu sint’ neascultitoare. A, uitesi pe Jeff si pe Jerry. ‘Roum trebuie si m& due acast. La revedere, doamni Voieu. MONICA: La revedere, Iris. 2a tirk protecor, vol. 1 EXERCISES ‘eksasaiziz spayiile goale cu: there isy is there?, there are, are there?, she is, is she?, it is, is it?, they are, are they? dupd cas’ late. 2. ... ... a few épples left in the refrigerator "i fridsareits, 8. The boys are not at home, ... ... at the Zoo. 4. I hear that Buffalo Bill is on at the Savoy. ... .. a good film? 5. 1... many travel agen, cies in Bucharest? 6. I like Mr. Lee. ... ... a very nice man. 7. Td like to speak to Mrs. Lee, ... .. at home? ® ...... a Zoo in your town? 9% There is Iris Lee, ..... a pretty little git 10, “I'm afraid Jeff can't go to school today.” “Why? ... .. ill?” 11. Why are the Boys in bed so carly? ... .. tired? 12... ... a picture on page 3. 42, ‘fo:tin tu: Completati spasiile goale cu some, any, no, dup caz: 1. There aren't... good films in town. 2. There is ... beer in the refrigerator (dowd posibilitayi: nu si nigte).8. We have ...very nice flowers in our garden. 4. Can you give me... of your French books? (doud posibil. tefis clteva si vreuna). 5. Is there -.. sugarleft? (doud postbilitdjes nu si ceva, niste). 6. Will... of you help me? (dou posibilitiji:cttiva gi vreuntl). 7. Come... day you like (orice). 8, We have ... gin, but we haven't ~. whisky. 9. Can you remember... of their names? (dowd posibilitifi: cteva si ereunul). 10. ... man will say the same (orice). 143, “fo:tizn ‘Ori: Adduugofi tntrebdri disjunctive (nui aga? ju? agai?) la urmitoarcle Propozifit: 1. There's no tea loft, ... ..? 2 It’s.late, ... ..? 8. Fred has got Rew car, «.. w? 4+ There are some good plays on, ... ...? 5. Jeff and Jerry can’t drive a car, .....? 6. There aren't any big forests in your country, ... ..? % We're not at home for that man, ... ..? 8 Thero is a TV set in my room, ... ..? 130 Mfo:tin fo! Dati echivalentul englezesc al lui Chiar| Intocmai/ Aga e ete. la urma- propozifié: “1. He's very handsome. 2 Dinner is at seven o'clock. 4. There are thirty-one days in October. 5. Thoy have a nice little garden. 6. There is a good public library in this town. |. Here is our friond (doud posibilititi). 2. Here are your cigarettes. loud posibilitdji), 5. There is the bus, 6. Here are some examples ga:mplz. Mfo:tin ‘siks Completati: spatiile goale cu much sau many’ i 1, ... time, 2%... money. 3 .. mistakes. 4. ... women. 5... drink, i children. 7"... men. 8. ... too early. fo:tin ‘sevn ve i a ‘ompletagi spatiile goale eu preposifitle cerute de sens, acolo unde est i i n he is... duty 't point ... your finger, 2 Look ... mae. 3. ‘When he is Bote cctionn. What beta that; your bead? 5 He is « man 's three o'clock ... my watch. 7 Her birthday e ASE Zs 4 Fhe Thome, 9- What have we got ... breakfast? 10. i ce some aeroplauee tho sky. ie T am on daty .. three ond Yen pam. 12 Tam on duty .. three .. seven, 18. There is a nice garden ... front ... their house. 14, We trembled’ wi strombld 1) vo cold. WB. fortim vei Dagi antonimele urmattoarelor adjective: 1, long 2. low 8. big 4. dark 5. many 6. short (scurt gi scund — mie de staturd) 7. small 8. good (bun si cuminte) 9. white 10. cold 11. high 12, carly 18. last (trecut gi ultimul) V4. sorey 15. light (usor gi deschi: 16. new 17. next (viitor) 18. much 19. right (drept — opusul lui sting gi corect) 20, thick 21. tall: 22 naughty 28. black 24. warm 25. bed 26, late 21. first. 28. glad 29. old (bitrin si vechi) 30. fast 81. wrong 82 left 83. thin 34 young 35. few 36, little (pujin) 37. slow. 49. ‘fo:tizn ‘nein Traduceti in limba englesi: {a) Monica 9i Iris stnt tn fata casei Ini Suc si Mike. Iris vrea si afle (wants to know -wonts ta noujetteva lueruri (things Oipz )despre Romania De exemplu, ea vrea s& stie daei sint mulfi munti in Romania si dact sint fnalji sau scunzi. Vrea sit stie ce culoare au [de ce culoare sint] muntii, Primivara sint verde deschis, vara sint verde inchis, toamna sint rosi, iar [si] iarna sint albi de zipadi. Vrea si gtic dact Marea Neagra este neagré. Nu, nu este neagri. Este alhastrd sau verde sau cemugie. Tris fntreabi (asks a:sks )de [despre] zimbri. Nu, nu sint multi zimbri_in Romania. Au ramas prea pufini. Sint (ceva) clefanti in Romania? Da, sint cltiva, la gridina zoologicd si la cire. Sint (ceva) rechini in Delta Dunirii? Nu, nu exist’ rechini acolo. Iati-i pe Jeff gi Jerry. Iris trebuie Si se duc& acasi acum. (b) 1. Stnt multe piduri in fara dv.? 2 Uiti-te la cer. Co albastru e! 3. E si pentru mine o (ceajcé de) cafea? 4. Uitayi-va Ia exponatcle acelea. Nu(-i aga cf) sint interesante? 5. Exist un muzeu in oragul dv.? 6. Nu sint multe greseli tn exercitiile mele, sper. 7. N-a rimas mult lapte tn sticla, 8 Tat citeva adrese interesante. 9. Sint cltiva actori excelenji la Old Vic Theatre. 10, Nu-mi place si fiu singur. 11. Toamna munjii sint galbeni si rogii gi cafenii. 12. Trebuie si iau misuri, 13. Ce ‘mare’ este magina dv.? 14, Nu ma pot clsitori cu tine. Ai prea multe surori. 15. Co e cu tine? 16. Co vrei si spui? 17. Mai doriti putin (some more) cai? —Da, va rog. 18. Muljumese. — Pentru putin, 19. Mi-e gura uscati. [Gura mea este uscatd]. 20. Ce mai face fiul dv.? 21. Cum e filmul? E interesant? 22. Iris are o carte eu poza unei mirci ou capul de bour. 132 fo:tizn ‘ten DICTATION dik’teifn 9 stop in ‘spriy 8 “forists 9 ‘lait ‘gri:n full stop in ‘winta 69 ‘ektjuali it ‘iznt full stop it iz ‘blu: o: ‘grim o: 'gret full stop carest full stop. Se nas Pete Mawel iga:dn full stop 2 ‘denju:b iz nik 9 ‘ga:dn full stop. Mosti:n i Tevn {a) Doji raspunsuri lungi i scurte la tntrebdrile de mai jos: Are there any forests in Romania? ‘Are there any mountains there? re the forests yollow in spring? ATS the sscontles white eh aaow in winter? Ts the Black Soa Black? IG Are there many elephants in Romania‘ j 7 Are there any elephants at the Zoo and at the Circus? Have Monica and Andrei a niee house in Bucharest? Has the house a big garden? Is tho Danube Delta like a garden? ‘ () Daji réspunsuri scurte la tntrebarile de mai jos: ‘Ave the forests light groen or dark green in spring? ‘Are the mountains white or red in winter? the Black Sea black or is it green or grey. or blue? Ass there many. elophents or few elephants in Romania? Ts Monica and Andrei’s house in Bucharest or at Sinaia‘ G Hias their house a big garden or a little garden? 7. Is tho Danube Delta like a garden or like a mountain forest? Js London the capital of Great Britain or of France? Rispundefi la ‘urmétoarsle tnirebitri: AL. What colour are the mountains in spring? 2 What colour are the forests in autumn? ‘What colour is the Black Sea? How meny clephants are there in Romania? What is the Danube Delta like? 133 6. What is the capital of Romania? 7. What is the capital of Great Britain? 8 Must Iris go home now? (a) Intrebagi in limba englezdt 1. a. dack muntii stot albi vara, 4, (de) ce euloare sint muntii vara, 2 a, dack Marea Neagré este neagri. &. (de) ce euloare este Marea Neagrl. 8. a. dack exist (cova) clefanti ta Romania. 4, cifi clefanji stot in Romfnia. 4. a. dick Delta Duntvii este fn Roménia, 8, unde este Delta Duniri. 5. a. dack muntii sint albi iama. b. de ce sint munfii albi iarna, 6. a. dact Paris este capitala Frantei. b. care este capitala Frangei. 7. a, dack Delta Duntirii este ca o grading. 5, ew ce seamiink Delta Duntri, 8 a. dack Bucuregtiul este un oras mare. %, eum araté Bucurestiul. 14.12, “fo: SPELLING 'speliy ‘as fou tpi: is — ‘ei tem pis — ‘en ‘ti: — ‘kepitl ‘ds vei fai ten sis ai ta: si ‘sit ‘ai ‘ei ‘dabl'el wai — ‘ea ju: sdabl'e veitf ‘ei va: ois es 'tis — ‘en ‘ei ju: ‘asi ta: — ‘dablju: ‘ai ton ti ‘el ‘ou ‘dablju: — ‘em ‘ou fen ‘ti: ‘ei ‘ai ‘en ‘os — ‘ef ‘ou ta: cis fee iti: — tel jus tat ou ‘si ‘eit ‘es — es 4 ‘ai ten 'dsi:— ‘sis ou tel tow tju: tas — zed ‘dabliou — es ‘eitf ‘ei ‘az ‘kei, Bere there is a will there i a way. Promise little and do much. All cats are grey in the dark, Byerything has an end (and a pudding has two). dll wil. voinga dark da:kc intuneric wei cale everything ‘eyriGig totul \promi i end end capat fe \promis promite a at pick pudding ‘pudi (aici) ctrnat QUOTATIONS FROM SHAKESPEARE | Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. ‘k ‘onma:k Danemarea ‘otn putred Denmarl fe stcit stat Hamlet, Men of few words are the best men, Test Lost coi mai buni tency Yi ‘hens to tif ILL ii, 40. I must he cruel, only to be kind. at crs vi Kind koind bua yentru a fi Bi ore Hamlet IL iv. 478. above all: to thine own self be true, ‘And it must follow, as the night the day, ‘Thou canst not then be false to any man. obaviocl mai presus as the night the day — precuni Bree noaptea. (urmeaza) zilet fown self tu dain ‘oun ‘self thow canst not dau ‘kenst ‘not (tu) mu posi (forma veche) bis str: fi sin then Sen atunci ae eis) be temo: teflon fers to — fujarns du taf do pon sell Ibid, 1 iii. 78, follow ‘folou a urma JOKES Mathematics teacher: “Now we find that X is equal to zero.” Student: “Gee! All that work for nothing!” mathematics mae6i'metiks mate- is equal i:kwal to—e egal cu matic’ gee! dai: til we find faind aflam for not ‘nadip. degeaba, in X eks zadar ate Teacher: “What is the meaning of the word matrimony?” Willie: “Father says it isn’t a word, it’s a sentence”. meaning ‘mi:niy infeles, sens word yo:d cuvint matrimony \mietrimoni eisitorie Willie wilt says scx zice sentence senins propozitie; sentinja, condamnare ate Boxing inetructor (after first lesson): “Now have you any questions to ask?” Beginner (dazed): “Yes: how much is your correspondence course?” boxing instructor ‘boksiy in’strakt dazed deizd amefit, niucit ‘profesor de box how much is ‘hau matf iz eft cost to asks question tu ‘aici 0 ‘kwest{n correspondence course koris pondns '@ pune o tntrebare ‘kos curs prin coresponden{’ immer bi'gino incepitor Shet “I work and work and cook and bake for you and what do I get? Nothing.” He: “You're lucky. I get indigestion.” 136 Deik a eoace ‘nablo nimie do I get?—ce capit? cu lucky Iaki norocos ease alg? indigestion indi'dsest{n indigestie i CROSSWORD PUZZLE A-B: DIVERSI COPACI $I PLANTE VESNIC VERZI arjar argintiv i leer dain : mide 1 php a eaae oo ‘sicomor q —- J mesteacin: , fag Pip tremarttor 1 castan stejar pin i } ede =D ind argintin ‘nol, molite fale plinghtoare za, Ince tim tt Sc D tei q fain ju rerolvare, consultaji lista de la pag. 47, 48, Vol. 4. q 137 CHAPTER FIFTEEN tfepte fifvtizn AT BREAKFAST ON A SUNDAY It is nine o'clock on a Sunday morning. All the Lee family are at home, Mike is in the dining-room, reading his newspaper. Sue is in the kitchen, cooking the breakfast. Jeff and Jerry are in their bedroom, fighting. Iris is in her bedroom, singing. MIKE: Can we begin breakfast, Sue? SUE: Yes, Mike, in a minute, ‘The children are still upstairs in their bedrooms, MIKE: Oh, there is Tri. IRIS (coming down): Yes, here 1 am. Tra-le-lo-la, May I come in? Good morning, Mummy. Good morning, Daddy. MIKE & SUE: Good morning, darling. IRIS (calling): Jerry! Jeff! ‘Why aren’t you ready yet? We are all downstairs except you. We must begin breakfast. 138 CAPITOLUL 15 LA MICUL DEJUN {NTR-O DUMINICA E ora nouk tntr-o duminict dimineajs. Toatt familia Lee este east. Mike este in. sufragerie, citindwyi ziarul. Sue este tn. bucitdrie, ind micul. dejun. Jeff gi Jerry sint in dormitorul lor, gi se bat. Iris este in camera ei si cintd. MIKE: Putem incepe micul dejun, Sue? s Ja, Mike, intro clip’. Copii sint inca sus in camerele lor. IKE: A, uite-o pe Iris. RIS (coborind): Da, iatd-mi. | Trala-le-la. Pot sa intru? ’ “Bunk dimineata, mimico. | Bund dimineaja, taticule. IKE si SUE: Bunk dimineafa, scumpo. RIS (sirigind): Jerry! Jeff! De ce nu sintesi inca gata? Toi sintem jos afari de voi. Trebuie si incepem micul dejun. 139 T'm_ hungry. JEFF & JERRY (from upstairs): We are hungry too. (Coming down) Good morning, everybody. LL: Good morning, 2 JERRY: Is there anything to eat for breakfast? JEFF: What is there for breakfast, Mummy? SUE: There's always something to eat for breakfast. Today there's orange juice— IRIS: No grape-fruit juice? SUE: No, only orange juice. JERRY: No tomato juice? SUE: Nothing but orange juice. ‘Then there's bacon and eggs, cornflakes and milk, bread or toast and butter and marmalade, and, of course, tea or coffee. JEFF: No cocoa? SUE: Not today. There's no cocoa left. I must buy some tomorrow. MIKE: Anyway, it sounds very good. Nobody should complain. SUE: Will you have some orange juice, Inis? IRIS: Yes, ‘please. ‘Oh, Mummy, the orange juice is too sour. Mi-e foame. i BFF si JERRY (de la otaj): $i novi ne e foame. (Coborind) Bun’ dimineaja la toata Tumea. OFI: Buni dimineasa. ne ot ERRY: E ceva de mincare la mioul dejun? GEFF: Co avem la micul dojun, mimico? SUE: Totdeauna este cova de’ mincare la micul dejun. ‘Azi avem suc de portocale... TRIS: Suc de grepfrut nu? SUE: Nu, numai suc de portocale Sue de rosii_ nu? SUE: Nimic alteova doctt suc de portocale. 4 . iApoi costifa cu out, fulgi de porumb cu lapte, ptine sau ptine prajitk ou’ unt gi marmelada de portocale si, Dine injeles, ceai sau cafea. IEF: Cacao nu? UE: Azi nu. Nu mai ¢ cacao. " ‘Trebuie s& cumpir mtine. . IKE: Oricum, se anunfi foarte bine. Nimeni nu ar trebui si se plings. IE: Vrei pujin suc de portocale, Iris? RIS: Da, muljumese. T can't drink it. ‘Vai, mimico, sucul de portocale e prea acru, ‘And I’m so thirsty. Nu pot si-l beau. SUE: Sorry, darling. Si mi-o o sete! E: arti-mi, seumpo. ‘Are ceva costifa cu oul, Mike? IKE: Ouale n-au nimio, dar costija nu merge de loc. prea sia, @ rece E: Iasti-mi, Mike. IRRY: Vee! ‘simi dai sarea, Soff? Oul nu este dostul de sirat. EFF: Poftim. L Pot si au puin unt, mimico, te rog? oftim, scumpo. RIS: Mulgumese, mimico. Vai, untul e tinced. | Nimenj n-ar putea si-l minince. _Orice ¢ mai bun dectt untul rinced. E: Mm — mai vrea cineva pujin ceai? IKE: Eu unul nu, muljumeso, Sue. GCeajul nu este destul de cald. 3 Is anything wrong with the bacon and eggs, Mike? MIKE: There’s nothing wrong with the eggs, but everything is wrong with the bacor It’s too salted, and ’m sorry, Mike. JERRY: Will you pass the salt, Jeff? ‘The egg is not salted enough. JEFF: Here you are. | IRIS: May I have some butter, Mummy, please? } SUE: Here you are, darling. IRIS: Thank you, Mummy. Oh, the butter is rancid. | Nobody could possibly eat it | ‘Anything is better than rancid butter. SUE: Er— will anybody have some more tea? MIKE: Not me, thank you, Sue. The tea is not warm enough. 140 11 And it’s too weak. 1 like strong tea. SUE: ’'m so sory, Mike. IRIS: Will you pass the sugar, Jerry? My coffee is not sweet enough. JERRY: Here you are. 4. JEFF: Mummy, my coffee is too hot. MIKE: And the toast is hard. I can’t eat it. SUE: Somebody will always find fault with something, JEFF: And this bread is hard too, I like soft. bread. JERRY: And my coffee is too sweet. IRIS: And tho marmalade, is so bitter. iow listen, everybody. Tee gly cerry It appears that anybody can cook a good breakfast except me. If this breakfast is so bad, you needn't eat it! And I may sound harsh, but you all ought to be more polite, anyway. Sie prea slab. Mic imi place ceaiul tare, SUE: Imi pare foarte riu, Mike. IS: Vreisiemi dai zabirul, Jerry? Gafeaua mea nu este destul de dulee. RY: Poftim. JEFF: Mamico, cafeaua mea e prea fierbinte. MIKE: $i ptinca prajitd © tare. ‘Nu pot so minine. SUE: Cito cinova gisoste totdeauna cusur la cite cevi IEFI': $i plinea asta e tare. Mic fmi. place plinea moale JERRY: $i cafeaua mea este prea dulec. TRIS: $i marmelada e asa de amaré. Ascultafi, oameni buni. "Imi pare nespus de réu. Se pare e& oricine poate pregiti un mic dejun bun tn afard de mine. Dac acest mic dejun este attt de prost, nu ¢ cazul s& mincati! "$i poate cA sint cam aspré, dar sar cuveni s8 fifi cu tofii mai politicosi, oricum EXERCISES ‘eksosaiziz 13. fiftion ow Completa spatile goale cu somebody | someone, something, somewhere anybody / anyone, anything, anywhere, ne 18 Gear te 1. There the door. (dowd posibiltdi: cir 2 : osibiltfi:cineva gi nimeni.) 2 I thers... ean do for you? 3 Let's go. tonight, dcsean help yon (tre postbilxii: cineva, nimeni si oricine.) 3. He will do for youve’ post Bilis ceva, nimic si orice.) 6 1 hope there is .. wrong with our TV sot. (dou ponbilitiji, ambele optimiste: nimie si cova.) 7. must. tell me Govt pri einen mimeni.) Bf won't 0 tonight, Pm to tired lon’t know ... about Newton. tier than rancid. butter UL Where is Utopia? Pesan 15.2. fiti:n tu Completati spajile goale: 1, What is there... breakfast? 2. Mike is reading ... newspaper. 3. Iris is in... bedroom, 4. Will anybody have..more vea? 2 You ‘ought... be more polite. 6. All the family ... at home, 7. Today there is nothing. orange, juice. 8 Help yourself .. bread. butter. 8. Is it o'clock... ? 10. Somebody... always find fault . something. 15.3. fiftin “Ori: concitzonsttuisi propositile do mai jos, apctnd ewintele tn ordinea lr 1, downstairs, we, except, you, all, are. % breakfast, there, eat anything, is, to, for? 3. eggs, nothing, the, there's, with, wrong. 4 rancid, etter, anything, than, is, butter. 5. warm, not,’ the,’ enough, tea, is 6. could, eat, possibly, it, nobody. “a 154. fiftin ‘fo: Dati antonimele urmatoarelor et 1, upstairs 2. here 3. everybody 4. always. with 6. sweet (doud posibi- amar si acru)7. everything 8 warm 9. strong 10. soft LL. nowhere ‘posibilitii: undeva, pretutindeni si oriunde) 12. nobody (bret posiblita jneva, toata lumea si oricine) 18. there 14. never (doud posibilitaf:totdeauna giuneori) 15. cold (dowd posibilitti:cald si fierbinte)16. without 17. downs- irs 18. bitter 19. everywhere 20. weak 21. hard 22, sour 28. nothing i posibiltati: ceva, totul, orice). Mfiftizn faiv Completasi spasiile goale cu unul din verbele modale cunoscute, fintnd ama de context: 1. ['m very sorry but I... come. 2... you have some more tea? sou... be more polite. 4..Tsmoke in this room? 5S. You. come tomor- row. Come any day you like. 6. I can't open this door. It .. open. 7- Why you go so soon? 8 Speak more loudly, please. I... hear you. 9 I don't to borrow money, but... you possibly lend me some? I'm broke uke (efter). fifticn ‘siks Traduceti tn limba englest: i dimineaja Ia ora 9. Sue si Mike sint jos [la parter]. s. Jeff si Jerry sint in dormitorul lor gi se bat [bitin- j. Iris este in dormitorul ei si cinta [cintind]. Acum toaté lumea ¢ ta pentru micul dejun, $i tuturor le ¢ foame [sint toti fléminzi). Lui is {i este si sete, ns’ nu poate bea sucul de portocale. E prea acru. ici costifa cu. oud nue cum trebuie [e ceva in neregula cu costifa cu ua). Costita e prea strata si ¢ rece, Untul e rinced. Nimeni n-ar putea ‘minince. Ceaiul nu este destul de cald. $i ¢ prea slab. Cafeaua nu destul de dulce sau e prea fierbinte. Iar [Si] piinea prajiti e tare. {bine, dacd acest mie dejun este atit de rau, n-au dectt s& nu-l minince, | (b) 1. Putem incepe? 2. Vrei si pasezi plinea, te rog? 3. Nu gtiu nimic posibiliudfi). 4. Nimeni nu poate sti tot_(o posibilitate), 5. Nu-mi jul tare. 6, Avem destuli cafea? 7. Supa mea nu e destul de . 8. Vresi si luafi (have) putin’ cacao? — Da, va rog.— Nu, mul- 9. Pot sa iau (have) putin gem de portocale? — Desigur. Poftim, I. Trebuic sf mininei totul acum? 11. Nu a mai rimas sue de grepfrut. E cineva acasi? —Toata lumea ¢ acasé. 18. Nimic nu este destul Bun pentru tine (o posibilitate). 14. S-ar cuveni si-mi muljumesti I Vite sete? Vi e foame? 16. Poti si-mi dai ceva de mincare? (doud luigi) — Ce, de exemplu? — Orice. 17. Oricine poate vedea aceasta 145, Bhgleza t6r8 protesor, volt (that). 18. Nu sint inca sigur. 19. Sintem ined tineri. 20. Ma tem ci sinteti deja obositi 157. fiftisn ‘sevn DICTATION dik'teijn ‘o:l 89 ‘li: ‘femili or ot thoum full stop ‘maik iz im 30 ‘dainip ‘ru:m » Dei bi'gin vbrekfost sjet qtes- tion mark’ not ec full stop in 9 ‘mnt full stop. “tlildron a "sta ap tear full stop ‘iz dear ‘em to'ma:tou ‘dgu:s fo ‘brekfost question mark now comma feor ‘iznt full stop \iz dear ‘eni ‘koukau ‘left question mark ‘nou comma gear ‘ignt fall stop ‘mast ‘su; ‘bai ‘sam to'morou question 1 full stop ‘evridig iz ‘roy wid 09 ‘brekfost colon mnsid semi-colon wom i'nat dash ond its tu: ak, semicolon 69 ‘toust iz ‘ha:d semi-colon and 20 'ma:moleid iz ‘bito full stop it iz o gud ‘brok fast comma_eniwei full stop noubodi Jud kom'plein full stop if dei ‘dount full stop vsu: iz in 9 ‘kitfin fall stop oc mark jes comma {j mn, {9 ‘beikan iz 's0: Itid ond > ti: i kkoula semi-eolon 63 batar iz nik it comma gei 'nisdnt ist xt point of exclamation. 15.8. ‘fifticn eit (a) Dagi raspunsuri lungi gi scurte la intrebarile de mai jos: 1, Are all the Lee family at home? ’ 2 Is Mike in the kitchen? 3 Is Sue in the kitchen? 4. Can they begin breakfast. yet? 5. Are the children still upstairs? 6. Is there any tomato juice for breakfast? 7. Is there any cocoa left? 8 Must Sue buy some cocoa tomorrow? 9, Will Iris have some orange juice? 10. Is the butter rancid? 21, Will Mike have some more tea? 12 Is the bread soft? 3B. If the breakfast is so bad, must they eat it? 14. Ought they to be more polite? (b) Daji réspunsuri scurte la intrebirile de mai jos: 1, Are the children upstairs or downstairs? 2 Must Sue buy some coffee or some cocoa tomorrow? 3. Is the bacon warm or cold? 146 oe 8 Is the marmalade sweet or bitter? Is the tea strong or weak? ‘i i Must they cat the breakfast if they don't like it, or needn't they iv? e) Réspundeti la urmitoarele intrebatri What time is it on that Sunday morning? How many of the family are at home? When can they begin breakfast? What is there to drink for breakfast? What must Sue buy tomorrow? Who can’t drink the orange juice? Why can’t Iris drink the orange juice? Who could possibly eat that butter? 9, What is better than rancid butter? Why can’t Mike eat the toast? Who will always find fault with something? Who ought to be more polite? ) Intrebati in limba englesit daca este ora 9 dimineaja sau seara, ce ord este. daca Sue, Mike gi copiti pot incepe micul dejun. ‘eind pot (ei) incepe micul dejun. . dack sint tofi in sufragerie. ci sint in sufrageric. . daci este ceva de mitncare. . ee este de mincare. daci Sue trebuie si cumpere nigte cacao miine. . ce trebuie st cumpere Sue mine. ware J. dack costija cu oud are ceva. ce are costita cu oud. daci Iris poate si mintnce untul. de ce nu poate Iris sé mintnce untul. . dact cineva ar putea pregati un mic dejun mai bun, ine ar putea pregiti un mic dejun mai bun. dact Mike si copii ar trebui s& fie mai politico cine ar trebui si fie mai politicos. 147 15.9, ‘fifti:n noin SPELLING ‘spelin Scrieti cuvintele de mai jos tn ortografia curentét: veitf sju: ‘en ‘doi: ‘a: ‘wai ‘ef ‘ai ‘dgi: ‘eitf ‘ti: ‘ai ten dsiz — ‘a Sis tei tdi: wai — ‘Kei ‘ai ‘tis sis, leitf i; ton — tdsis az ‘ei opi ‘haifn ‘ef ‘a: jjus tai ‘ti: — tem tei n ‘ei sel ‘ei di: 1iz — ‘dablju Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. sis et kei — ablju: ‘dablois ‘kei — ‘dablju: fa: ‘ow ten ‘dsis— ‘en “robe alee ‘ou ‘tis ‘eitf ‘ai tem 'dgi: — pi: ‘ou ‘el lai ti: i: — ‘ei dablipi: ize Biz to ridicA, se tnalt Virtute ‘yo:tiu. virtute fa: ‘es — ‘gu jju: ‘doi: ‘eitf ‘ti: — tpi: tei ‘dabl'es — “ti: ‘ou ‘ei tes i BE: prin, ca sjuiorul, fall fo) cad = tis ‘eitf ‘ai ta: tes itis ‘wai — ‘dsei tj: ‘ai ‘st ‘diz ‘ou ‘dablju datoriti (ordinea normal) some fall by von ‘es ‘tis ‘ei ‘ai ‘a: fe — ‘i: teks ii: i: ‘ou ‘a: ‘en virtue ef tel ‘ei ‘kei ‘i: ‘es. Measure for Measure IL. i. 38, Thad rather have a fool to make me merry than experience to make ne sad. had rather ‘ra: prefer than dan, don dectt fu:l nebun; bufon experience iks'pianions experiens& make meik a face sad sed trist ery ‘mori vesel ae cet IV. i. 28. PROVERBS All is well that ends well. ‘There is no rose without thorns. Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper. A hungry man is an angry man. ‘A great city, a great solitude. She is a woman, therefore may be woo'ds that — care, ce thorn 90: ghimpe is dart is a woman, therefore may be won; nea (Boule raat DEC 1 Lovin inetore mat be ved no 190 nici un supper ‘9p? cin ‘ y rose 1our trandafir amy, ‘©0er nuphrat, fain erefore je2{0: deci; prin urmare Lavinia lo'vinio without wi Gaul firs solitjud singurétate o0'd (forma vecke pentru wooed) loved |v iubita wuld curtat’ Titus Andronicus m wcan efgtigatd, cucerita taitgs en dronikos I i. 82. QUOTATIONS FROM SHAKESPEARE Adversity’s sweet milk, philosoph: adversity 2d vo:siti restrigte, philosophy fi'losofi filozofie nenoroeire JOKES Mother: “Get up, you lazy boy! See, the sun is up and you are still bed.” Romeo and Juliet “Yes, but the sun goes to bed at six o'clock, and I go to bed ‘roumion and ‘dsu jet IIL. iii, 54, 148, 149 up ‘get ‘ap seoali-te to go to bed to ‘zou tu ‘hed a se Toizi leneg ‘eulea, a se duce la culcare the sun is up 02 ‘san iz'ap soarele fe sus (pe cer) Boarder: “My shaving water was dirty this morning, Mi Landlady: “Shaving water? That was your early cup of te boarder ‘bo:d> locatar dirty ‘do:t. murdar shaving water ‘eiviy ‘wo:ta api Mrs. Jones dsounz pentru birhient landlady endleidi proprictireast ism is something you can avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothin, citicism ‘kvitisizom critica by saying nothing — nespuntnd nimio to avoid 2\void a evita ate Pationt (ouddenly coming out of coma): “Where am I— in Heaven?” Wife: “No, darling, I am still with you.” patient ‘peifnt. pacient coming out of coma ‘kum iesind faddenly’ ‘sadnit deodata din coma CROSSWORD PUZZLE A-B: LA MICUL DEJUN 4 nO afea oatf8, becon 0 ine ‘unt ‘marmelada de portoeale Fi pi anise — or CROSSWORD PUZZLE ‘TASTES "telsts A-B: DE GUSTIBUS Fined dulce pigttr,picant fortes, spetitant Seat (ep ie (ons Cash antes et) sc penttu cuyintele mefntiinite in cursul lecfilor, consultati ,Dezlegarea” de le g. 14, 115, Vol. CHAPTER SIXTEEN feopto siks ti:n MISS CORA McGARTH Miss Cora McGarth (Miss Cora for short) is an elderly lady. She is about sizty years old. She has a small flat on the ground floor of a house behind the Lees’ house. She also has seven cats. Their names are Mink, Bruin, Sable, Pearl, Tiger, Ginger and Cherry-blostom. She has @ parrot, too. His name is Mr. Goodge. He is very old, but he is not too old for a parrot. He is about a hundred. Mr. Goodge can talk. Miss Cora also has two gold fish in a bowl. Their names are Nini and Fifi. What colour is Mink's fur? It is the colour of minks, that ix beige. Bruin is reddish-brown sith yellowish spots. He has a white mouth, white ears, white feet, and the end of his tail is also white. Sable’s fur is the colour of sable, that is’ black. Pearl is like a pearl, that is light grey. She has green eyes. Tiger is grey with dark grey stripes. Ginger is also a striped cat, but the colour of her fur is that of ginger, that is reddish-yellose. Cherry-blossom is completely white, with a pink nose. She has blue eyes. Miss Cora is Iris's piano mistress. And she is a litle deaf. Just now Miss Cora is speaking on the telephone with her friend, Miss Posilethivait. Miss Cora and Miss Postlethwait often invite each other to tea. 152 CAPITOLUL 16 MISS CORA McGARTH Miss Cora MoGarth (Miss Cora pe scurt,) este 0 doamnd tn vtrsti. Este in virsta de vreo gaizeci de ani. Are un mic apartament la parterul unui imobil tn spatele casei familici Lee, Are gi onte psii, Le cheat Mink, Bruin, Sable, Pearl, Tiger, Ginger si Cherry-blossom. Mai are $i un papagal. Se rumeste Mr. Goodge. E foarte bitrin, insd nu este prea ‘atrin pentru un papagal. Are aprozimativ o suté de ani. Mr. Goodge #tie sd vorbeased, Miss Cora are de asemenea doi pesti tntr-un vas. li cheam Nini si Fifi. De co culoare este blana lui Mink? E de culoarea vizonului, adici be}. Bruin este cafenin roycat cu pete gilbui. Are gura alhi, urechile albe, Vabele picioarelor albe si virful coziie tot alb. Blana lui Sable este de euloarea samurului, adicd neagrd. Pearl eate ca o perld, adicd gri deschis Are ochi versi. Tiger este cenusiu cu dungi de un cenusin tnchis. Si Ginger este o piviet virgatt, inva culoarea blanii ei ete aceea a ghimberului, dio galben-rogeat. Cherry-blossom este complet albi, cu nasul roz. Aré Ochi albastri. Miss Cora este profesoara de pian a lui Iris, $i este pufin surdd. Chiar tn momentul acesta Miss Cora vorbeste la telefon cu. prietena 4a, Miss Postleshwait. Miss Cora gi Miss Postlethwait se invitd adesea una pe cealalta la ccai. 153 MISS CORA: Oh, dear Miss Postlethwait, it is very kind of you to invite me to tea, but J’'m afraid I can’t come, — Pardon? — Yes T have a lesson this afternoon. Dear Iris Lee is coming for her piano lesson. Oh, there she is. I can hear the bell. — Pardon? — Oh yes. I'm awfully sorry, dear Miss Postlethwait. — Yes. — I'll be seeing you. Bye-bye. MISS CORA (opening the front door for Iris): Hello, dear. IRIS: Good afternoon, Miss Cora, MISS CORA (shutting the door): How is dear Mrs. Lee? IRIS: Fine, thonks. She is in the kitchen, making tea. MISS CORA: I beg your pardon, dear? IRIS (shouting): She is making tea in the kitchen. MISS CORA: T see. ‘And how is dear Mr. Lee? IRIS: He’s very well. He is in the garage, washing the car. MISS CORA: Pardon? Speak louder, please can hardly hear you. IRIS (shouting): He's washing the car in the garage. ‘And where are Jeff and Jerry? IRIS: They are in the garden, fighting MISS CORA: Pardon, dear? Will you repeat that, dear. MRIS (shouting): They'e fighting with one another in the garden ean see them. MISS CORA: Oh dear. MR. GOODGE: Well I never! MISS CORA: Now, Iris, Iet’s begin our lesson. Sit down at the piano and play. IRIS (sitting down on the stool): This is Cora MISS CORA (smiling): But. you must try, dear. Life is hard and one has to work hard. Everything is difficult before it is easy. IRIS: Td rather play another piece, Miss Cora, please. MISS CORA: No, Iris dear, the other pieces are too dificult for you yet TRIS (sighing): All right. (She plays.) a very difficult. piece, Miss 154 MISS CORA: Vai, scumpa Miss Postlethwait, e foarte drigus din partea dumitale ci ma inviti Ia ceai, dar mi tem ei nu pot veni... Poftim? ... Da. Am_o lecfie acum dupa-amiazi. Micuta Iris Lee vine Ia Tectia de pian. A, a venit. Aud soneria ... Poftim? =. 0, da, Imi pare nespus de réu, scumpi Miss Postlethwait ... Da... Pe curind. Pa MISS CORA (deschisind lui Iris uga din fog): Bund, draguya. TRIS: Bunk ziua, Miss Cora. MISS CORA (inchizind usa): Co mai face scumpa de Mrs. Lee? IRIS: Bine, muljumese. E in bucatirie, face ceai. MISS CORA: Poftim scumpo? IRIS (strigind): Paco ceai in bucdtirie. MISS CORA: Injeleg. $i ce mai face dragul de Mr. Lee? IRIS: E foarte bin E in garaj, spali_magina. MISS CORA: Poftim? Vorboste mai tare, te rog. De-abia to aud. TRIS (srigind): Spalb mayina tm gare) aud. MISS CORA: inteleg. Si unde sint Jeff si Jerry? IRIS: Sint in gridina, se bat. MISS CORA: Cum, driguya? Vrei sk repeti co-ai spus, draguya? BRIS (argtnd): Se bat tn getdink i vad. MISS CORA: 0 Doamne! MR. GOODGE: Asta-i culmea! MISS CORA $i acum, Iris, si incepem lectia. Asazi-te Ja’ pian si cinta. IRIS (ayezindu-se pe taburet): Asta ¢ 0 bucatd foarte grea, Miss Cora, MISS CORA (zimbind): Dar trebuie sa incerci, drigutz. Viata e grea pi trebuie sk muncim din greu. Orice lucru’¢ greu inainte de a fi gor. IRIS: As prefera sk cint alt& bucatd, Miss Cora, va rog. MISS CORA: Nu, Iris dragi, colelalte bucaji sint inci prea grele pentru tine. " IRIS (oftind): Bine. (Incepe si cinte). 155 MISS CORA: You are playing too fast, dear. Play more slowly, there's a good girl. TRIG; Veo; Mis Gorm, ae MISS CORA (shouting): Mink, leave those flowers alone. MR. GOODGE: Don't be an old fool! IRIS (turning round): What is he doing? MISS CORA: He is playing with the flowers in that vase. Now do go on, Ins, don’t stop. MR. GOODGE: Shut up! MISS CORA: You shut up, Mr. Goodge. Mink, leave Tiger alone. IRIS (turning round): What's he doing? MISS CORA: He's fighting with Tiger, and Tiger is fighting back. MR. GOODGE: Well I never! MISS CORA: Mink, Tiger, why can't you play with each other instead of fighting? IRIS: Why are these cats fighting? MISS CORA: Oh, I don't know. ‘Anybody would say that they hate one another. MR. GOODGE: You're an old fool! MISS CORA: Cherry-blossom, don’t play with that piece of coal. ‘Oh dear, now look how dirty you are And you are always so clean. Go on, Iris, don’t stop. IRIS (playing on): Yes, Miss Cora. Mis6 COLA: Pocr) leave ras alone/(ploaao,'thire'safgbod punkj-ot. IRIS (turning round): What's she doing? MISS CORA: She's trying to sit on my head. ‘Oh, look at my hair. Go away, Pearl. MR. GOODGE: You're an old fool! MISS CORA: Sable, leave those leaves alone, IRIS: What is Sable doing? MISS CORA: She's biting the geranium leaves. Don't stop, Iris dear, go on and play. IRIS: Yes, Miss Cora. MISS CORA (shouting): Stop that nonsense. IRIS (turning round): What's he doing? MISS CORA: He is drinking water from Nini and Fifi's bowl. ‘Tiger, leave them alone! MR. GOODGE: Don't be an old fool! MISS CORA (shouting): Bruin! IRIS (turning round): What's he doing? 156 MISS CORA: Cinsi prea repede, drigusa, Cinti mai rar, fii fata cuminte. IRIS: Da, Miss Cora MISS CORA (strigind): Mink, lasa florile acelea in pace MR. GOODGE: Nu fio baba smintita! UIRIS (intorcindu-se in loc): Ce face? “MISS CORA: Se joaci ou florile din glastra accea, Ei hai, continua, Tris, nu te opri. MR. GOODGE: Taci-fi gurat MISS CORA: Tacé-ti gura dumitale, Mr. Goodge. |. Mink, lasi-l pe Tiger in pace. IRIS (inlorcindu-se in loc): Co face? MISS CORA: Se lupta cu Tiger, si Tiger riposteaz’. MR. GOODGE: Asta-i culmea! "MISS CORA: Mink, Tiger, de ce nu puteti si va jucati unul eu altul fin loc si va hatesi? IRIS: De co se bat pisicile astea? MISS CORA: Deb, stiu gi eu? Oricine ar spune e& se_urise MR. GOODGE: Eeti o babi smintitat MISS CORA: Cherry-blossom, nu te juca cu bucata aceea de cirbune, © doamne, acum uite ce’ murdar’ esti Si tu esti totdeauna asa de curata. Continua, Tris, nu te opri IRIS (cintind mai departe): Da, Miss Cora. “MISS CORA: Pearl, lasi-ma in pace, te rog, fii pisicuyé cuminte. IRIS (intorcinda-se in loc): Co face? MISS CORA: Incearcé s mi se urce in cap. Vai, ia priveste la parul meu. Pleaci de aici, Pearl. MR. GOODGE: Esti o babi smintitit MISS CORA: Sable, lasi frunzele acelea in pace. IRIS: Ce face Sable? + MISS CORA: Musoi frunzele de mugeati. Nu te opri, Iris dragd, cinté mai departe IRIS: De, ‘Miss Cora. MISS CORA (strigind): Termini cu prostiile astea IRIS (intorcindu-se in loc): Ce face? MISS CORA: Bea apa din vasul lui Nini gi al lui Fifi Tiger, lasi-i in pace! MR, GOODGE: Nu fi o babi smintitat MISS CORA (strigind): Bruin! TRIS (intorcindu-se, in loc): Ce face? eating your handkerchief. i fll I never! IRIS (jumping down from her stoot): Now Bruin, you leave my hand- ‘kerchief alone. Come, give me my handkerchief, on, give it to me. Here's a piece of chocolate for you. Come on. MISS CORA: Don't give any chocolate to Bruin, He's too fat. Give some to Cherry-blossom. She's so thin. MR. GOODGE: It’s a mad world! MISS CORA: fyi manincd hatista. MR. GOODGE: Asta-i culmea! IRIS (sdrind jos de pe taburet): Ei, Bruin, lasicmi batista ta pace. Hai, dicmi batista. etary Uite © buckticd de ciocolata. Haide. MISS CORA: Nu-i da ciocolata lui Bruin. E prea gras. Disi pufin’ lui Cherry-blossom. E asa de slaba. MR. GOODGE: Lumea asta e nebunii! EXERCISES 16.1. sikstizn wan Completosi spafiile goale cu prezentul continu al yerbului din parantesd: 1. Miss Cora... ...on the telephone (to speak). 2 Mike...... the car in the garage (to wash). Jeff and Jerry , the garden (1 fight) 4 What ... you... this afternoon (to do)? 5. A car... in front of our house (to stop). 6... Iris... (to practice)? 7 Bruin . erchief (to eat). ‘your hand- 162, ‘siksti:n ‘tu Completati spofiile goale cu echivalentul englezese al curtntului din parantezis: (ceilalji)) 2. 1 want ... book (alta). 8. ... will say the same thing (Aljii). 4. .. cups are in the kitehen (Celelalte). 5. Give me ... examples (alte). 6. Try ... door (cealalti). 7%» This orange is sour. Try = (pe cealalid). 8, I don’t think I can coms ... day (alid). 16.3, ‘siksti:n Ori Reconstituifi propositiile de mai jos, apezind euvintele tn ordinea lor corectd.: 1 speaking, other, to, are, they, each. 2 another, hate, one, they. B60, is, can't, we, each, see, other, dark, it, that. 4 do, for, each, will, ‘anything, they, other. 5. two, fighting, the, with, other, men, are, each. 16.4. ‘siksti:n ‘fo Completagi spagiile goale, alegind din parantezd cuvtntul potrivit 1. It isn't... (normal, normally). 2. The exercise is .. wrong (com plete, complet). 8. Speak.» please (polite, politely). 4 We evs Ginner at 8 o'clock (usual, usually). 9. It will... be possible p 160 hardly). 6. aaa aie . rest_ (complete, completely). 7%» He ‘ery ... young man (polite, politely). 8. It isn’t ... to eat in bed (usual, fly). 9. His... name is Michael (actual, actually). 10. They work ly, (hard, hardly). W. It isn't so late... (actual, actually). . ‘sikstisn faiv Folosisi do sau you in fafa urmatoarelor imperative, dupa indicafiile Parantezd sau dupé cum cere contezt sit down. (insistentd binevoitoare) 2....let me see your stamps. inte) 8.... come at six o'clock sharp. (ordin sever) 4+. invite er too. (rugdminte) 5... ake this taxi ksi, and I'll take the next ‘wsleave those cats alone. (ordin sever) a little. (sfat) ny first. (precizare). BG, ‘sikstim ‘siks Dati pluraleie urmétoarelor substantive, indicind schimbérile fonetice de singular acolo unde este cazul: “1. pet 2 leaf 3. garage 4. handkerchief 5. tomato 6. lady 7. life Gherry 9, radio 10. wife LI. man 12, fish 18, roof 14. potato 15. knife 6. sheep 17. woman 18. chief 19. hero 20. piano 21. vase 22. photo B. mistress 24. foot. BZ. sikstin ‘sovn Completati spatiile goale cu preporitiile cerute de sens: 1. Mr. Goodge is not too old... a parrot, 2. Miss Cora has a small at... the ground floor. 8. The end... Bruin’s tail is white. 4. Pearl is ‘a pearl. 5. Tiger is grey ... dark grey stripes. 6, Miss Cora is speaking the telephone. 7. It is very kind... you. 8. Jeff and Jerry are fighting fone another. 9. Tiger is drinking water ...Nini and Fifi's bowl. 0. Here's a piece of chocolate... you. wiksti:n ‘eit Traducesi_in limba englest: (a) Miss Cora MoGarth, o doamna in virst®, este vecina lui Mike i e Lee. Dumneaei are o muljime de animale. Mai tntti sint cele (the) pte pisici, Apoi este papagalul, Mx. Goodge, Mr. Goodge are 0 sutl de gi stie sf vorbeasod. Miss MoGarth mai (also) are doi pesti auri. mumeso Nini si Fifi. Miss Cora este profesoara de pian a lui Iris, Dumneaei este pusin 161 eam surda. Chiar tn momentul de faji Iris vine la (for) lectia (ei) de pian. $i chiar tn momontul ‘de fet Miss Cora vorleyis le Seeley oo Drietona ei, Miss Postlothwait. Cele dout doamne se invitt adesen una Pe cealalta Ja ccai. Dar astizi Miss Cora nu poate mongo s& (and) ia (hare) cesiul (nearticulat) eu Mies Postlethwart, E, veupata, Co eat __ Iris einti Ja pian, Tiger gi Mink se bat intre ei. Cherry-blossom se joacé cu o bucati de cirbune. O Doamne, ee murdaré e! Peat] incearcs Si sedi pe capul lui Miss Cora. Acum ‘Tiger incearca si hea api din vasul Iui Nini i al lui Fifi. Sable mused frunzele de mugeata. Bruin mininci batista lui, Iris Ce lume nebund! (b) 1. Mi tem ci nu pot veni. 2 Aud sonetia. 3 Pleack de aici! 4. Nu fi prost. 5. Ce mai fac pisicile dv.? 6. De-abia te aud. 7 Nemsi- pomenit! [Ei dricic!] 8. Nu citi asa de repede. Nu te pot. urmiri, 9. Continua. 10. Terminati eu prostiile. IL. Du-to gi te joaca. 12. Vino 84 (and) iei ceaiul cu mine. 18. Lasi-l fm pace. 14, Last florile acclea in pace. 15. Ochii lui Cherry-blossom sint de culoarea cerului, ndica albastri. 16. E surd. Nu aude. 17. (El) nu poate vorbi. E mut’ (dum) dam). 18, Vorbiti mai tare, va rog. 19. E prea mult sare in supa asta, 20. Sint prea multe gregeli (mistakes mis'teiks) in lucrarea ta (paper ‘peipo). 2M. Citeste-mi, te rog. 16.9. ‘sikstin ‘nain DICTATION dik eeifn ‘mis ‘kotrd mak-ga:0 iz an ‘eldoli eidi full stop fi: haz ‘sevn ‘karts fall stop Ji- ‘o:lsou nez 9 \pwrat comma ‘mista ‘guids comma ont fif in 9 ‘boul comma ‘nini ond ‘fifi full stop; a new paragraph ‘mis ko:ro iz. o:fli sori bat taldei fi ‘kamt ‘hav ‘ti: wid ‘mis ‘poslOweit full stop dior ‘aioris liz iz -kamig fo ha ‘pjensu ‘lesn full stop ‘Geo fir ‘iz full stop; @ new paragraph ‘aioris ix ‘pleiiy So \pjanou full stop it iz 9 veri difikolt: piss full stop bot ‘aionis thez to. ‘trai sha:d full stop and fi: most ‘not ‘plei sou fast full stop ond ‘wot 2 to ‘kets idusig question mark wan iz ‘traiig 12 ‘sit on ‘mis ‘ko:rez ‘hed semi colon ‘tu: ay dam mini ond ‘fific ‘boul semi-colon a:nadar iz isthy aiarisiz ‘hwenkot]if full stop; a new paragraph. quote its 0 ‘mid ‘world point of exclame- } unquote iz ‘mista ‘guidsiz ‘koment full stop. faitip semicolon wan iz. ‘drigkiy “worta frou 162 (6.10. ‘sikstizn ten (a) Dafi rispunsuri lungi si scurte la tntrebirile de mai jos: 1. Is Miss Cora an elderly lady? 2. Has she got ten eats? 3. Is the parrot’s name Mr. Goodge? , B 4, Can Miss Cora have tea with Miss Postlethwait today? 5. Is Iris coming for her piano lesson? Is it an easy piece? Must Iris try hard? Must. she play more slowly? ‘Are Cherry-blossom and Pearl fighting? 10. Are Jeff and Jerry fighting? s IL. May Sue give any chocolate to Bruin: 12. Is Chery-blossom_ thin? 1B. Is it a mad world? (b) Dati réspunsuri sourte la intrebirile de mai jos: 1. Is Miss Cora @ young Indy or an elderly Indy? 2. Are there seven cats or two eats in Miss Cora’s flat? B. Is Me. Goodge ten years ol or a hundred year ol? n Mr. Goodge talk or is he dumb? i ‘ Bees el ne ae ar Reuse | 6. Is Iris coming for her violin lesson or for her piano lesson? 7. Is the piece easy or difficult? 8 Must Iris play fast or slowly? 9, Are Mink and Tiger playing or fighti Res 10, 1s Tiger drinking water from Miss Coe’ glass or from Nini an Bi ac 2 smo hha Chey em ot Bn? “12. Is Cherry-blossom thin or fat? 13. Is Bruin thin or fat? (0) Rispundeji la urmadtoarele intrebari: 1. How old is Miss Cora? 2. How many cats has Miss Cora? 3. How many parrots has she? 4, What is the parrot’s name? 5. What colour is Mink’s fur? 6. Who is coming for her piano lesson? 7. Why can't Miss Cora hear very well? 8. What is Mike doing in the garage? 9 Who are fighting in the garden’ 163 10. Who mustn't give too much chocolate to Bruin? UL. Why mustn't she give too much chocolate to Bruin? (@) Tntrebaji tm limba englest 1. a. dact Mr. Goodge e papagal sau pisict. 4b. ce © Mr. Goodge. 2a, daci Mr. Goodge are o suti de ani. b, ce virsté are Mr. Goodge. 3. a.daci Sue este in bucti b. unde este Sue. 4, a. daci Miss Cora poate lua astiai ceaiul eu Miss Postlethwait, '. de ce nu poate Miss Cora lua astazi ceaiul cu Miss Postlethwait, 5. a. daci Miss Cora aude [poate auzi] bine. , de ce nu aude [nu poate) Miss Cora [auzi] bine, 6 a. dack exist’ o museata in camerd. 4, ce floare e in camers. 7. a dack Brain mintned batista lui Iris. 6. a eui batista minines Brain, 8 a.daci Bruin este gras sau slab? 6, cum ¢ Bruin? IG. ‘sikstisn i dev SPELLING spelig Sorigfi cuvintele de mai jos in ortografia curentt: Keepitl 'dsi: ‘dablou di is dst: a: ou ju: ten od thaifn ‘ef ‘el dablion 'a:— lem ‘ou Hu: ‘tis ‘eit — ‘es itl ‘dabliti: ‘ai ten 'dsiz — tes. ‘tis ‘on cdabb pis ‘ai ‘en ‘dsis — opi joi wai ‘ai ten ‘dsi: — ti: ‘a: ‘wai ‘ai ‘en ‘di: — ‘dsei ju: ‘em ‘ai ten es ‘i: di: ‘ai dablief ai ‘eis tju: 'e = ‘eith i it{ ou si: Jou ‘el vei ti ‘ei ‘en ‘di: kei ai i: ‘ef — ‘dablju: ‘ai vi = kei ‘en a ou ten (ot i: Jen ‘bi dablju: ‘el w keopitl 1 el ‘au , fool {1 prost nebun ‘Aman is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks. The devil is not so blac as he is painted. than enough is too much. % Kiel acy amore questions in on howe than a we man can answer in seven years. Guests are thieves of time. Took luk a arita, a parca to answer “a: a rispunde fl devi drac vee air, Injlept intid eugeavit yest musafir ose Shiet 6:-f pl thieves i-w hog ask a question tu ‘ask © Tovest{n a pune o intrebare QUOTATIONS FROM SHAKESPEARE “He is well paid that is well satisfied pei plait well— (aici) deplin Bie ct core satisfied stisfoid mulgumit ‘The Merchant of Venice ta ‘mo:t{nt av ‘venis, IV. i, M16. The miserable have no other medicine But only hope. 165 the miserable ‘mizorobl medicine ‘medsin doctorie, leae nefericitii, cei nefericiti but bat dectt i ‘Measure for Measure TIL. i. 2 is ey pitt a thing itis to look into happiness through nother how bitter a thing how ‘bitar 2 ‘Gin ce lucra amar to look into — a privi happiness ‘hepinis fericire through Oru: prin ‘As You Like It V. ii. 48, To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, Bu bea paeenetasatlog fe ysiolet in To smooth the ice, or add another hue ete abe eseha. os ih cent a °o seek the heauteous eye of heaven to garnish, india otancdethad es to gild gild a auri, 2 polei retlned rind eicd rifainid afi sas teipa ‘lait luminare te paint print & vopsi a elute iy ili erin eauteous 'bju:tjos —heautif fe teow Grou a armen rene ean err ray perfume 'p2:iju:m. parfum to gamish za:nif 2 tmpodobi, « violet vailit violet, vorea Infrumuscta smooth sinu:d a netezi, a fijui (ordinea non seck 10 ice ais ghiata iiens hae to add 2d a adauga Ine hju: euloare unto the rainbow ntu Ja reinbau wastefal ‘weistful risipitor Plealous ci uls past ‘King John ‘kip ‘son IV. ii, 14, JOKES napa goa ta sen = peyehlntlat Jong to ave Ka bee anybody who — oricine to see — (aici) @ consulta poychiatrist sai kaiatrist psihiatra to have his head examined ig 7 mind sisi supun& capul unui control medical One vampire to the other: “Let's go and have a drink. know a cosy ittle mortuary just round the corner.” ire ycempaio varnpir mortuary ‘mo:tjuori mong "Traveller: “Good morning, sir, can you let me haye a room?” Hotel manager: “Yes, siz, you can have a room for four pounds oF or three pounds.” Traveller: “What is the difference?” Manager: “To tell you the truth, there is hardly any difference tween them, but in the rooms at four pounds there are mouse-traps.” difference \difrons deosebire between bj: twin intre ‘to tell you the truth tru:0 ca si vi spun adevaral mouse-traps maus-treps curse de soarect trevla ealiter dl ger hau 'tel ‘menidse directorul hotelului ynd pound lird e# Guest: “What can you recommend me, waiter? I've got a tremendous but I've got only one shilling on me.” “{ would recommend you to go to another restaurant.” Tecomimend reko'mend a reco- appetite ‘wpitait poft® de mineare manda I would recommend you — v-a5 et eita chelner, ospitar recomanda gmendous tri'mendos grozav, restaurant ‘restro:0 vuriag “The police are looking for a man with one eye called Murph “What's his other eye called?” called ko:ld numit Murphy ‘mo:fi 167 jlice po li:s politia Took for Luk fo: « ebuta

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