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Action Point Comments

Look around the location. Plain Photography Studio

X2 Professional Lights
White Background
Talk to people there, organise filming Booked studio for 24/01/17 for 12:45-2:20pm
Identify the equipment you need to For my shoot I will need to bring my Canon
use. Camera. Thus camera will enable me to take
professional images of my models.
Examine and identify any potential Because the studio is quite small I will limit the
health and safety issues number of people in there to only 3 (myself and
(e.g. crowd numbers being controlled, my two models). This is in case of an
being set up in a sensible location that emergency we can evacuate the studio easily
does not block access points or that through the fire exit on the side. I will leave all
damages the environment or frightens unused equipment on one side to keep the
livestock, any road/traffic issues etc) danger to a minimum.
Check the position of the sun and I will be using two professional lights to make
lighting conditions. sure the models are well illuminated and that
the image is clear.
Look for interesting shots and camera I will use a mix of mid shots, close-ups and long
angles. shots, this will help convey the models
emotions and show a variety of images. I will
shoot from a low angle and from a centered
one for dramatic effect.
Check the electricity supply. (For the I have charged my camera to 100%, but I have
majority of exterior locations you will also brought the charging equipment in case it
be using battery power) does run out
Check the nearby car parking/transport The studio is located in the photography class
routes next to the main hall, which is a short walk from
the car park.
Is the location suitable for production? The studio is suitable as it is private and
reliable. Meaning I can focus on the shoot
without becoming distracted.

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