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Risk Analysis II, C.A.

Brebbia (Editor)
2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9

Factors affecting the reliability of reinforced

concrete beams

A. M. Arafah
Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud
University, Saudi Arabia.


This paper presents the most important factors affecting the flexural and shear
reliability of reinforced concrete beams. These factors are classified to design,
construction, utilization, and reliability aspects. Design aspects include the
design criteria, accuracy of analytical and design equations, and design errors.
Constructional aspects include the natural variation of strength parameters and
construction errors. Utilization aspects include the natural variations of service
loads, utilization errors and the man-made hazards. The reliability aspects
include the statistical and modeling uncertainties. Structural reliability is
measured in terms of the reliability index. The variations of reliability index with
design loads are investigated for the flexural and shear limit states. The
variations of reliability index with the sectional dimensions and reinforcement
ratio are also investigated.

1 Introduction

Structural reliability is the probability of not attaining any of its limit states. It is
usually measured by the Reliability Index (3, which is related to the probability of
failure as follows,

j3 = -$>-'(P,) (1)

where 0 is the inverse of the standard normal distribution [1,2,3]. The First
Order Second Moment, FOSM, Reliability Index is the most common measure
of structural reliability. If the load and resistance have normal distributions,
reliability index can be expressed as follows,
Risk Analysis II, C.A. Brebbia (Editor)
2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9

380 Risk Analysis II


where R and Q are the mean values of resistance and strength variables, and
O^ and GQ are their variances [2].
The simply supported reinforced concrete beam shown in Fig. 1 is covered in
the study. The beam flexural capacity depends on several strength parameters
including the concrete and reinforcement strengths, the beam cross sectional
dimensions, and the tension and compression reinforcements. The beam shear
strength also depends on the concrete compressive strengths, the beam sectional
dimensions, the stirrups area, yield strength, and spacing.

Figure 1: Reinforced concrete beam and its cross section

The main objective of this paper is to present the most important factors
affecting the flexural and shear reliability of reinforced concrete beams. These
factors are classified to design, construction, utilization, and reliability aspects.
Structural reliability is measured in terms of the FOSM reliability index, (3. The
variations (3 with design loads are investigated for the flexural and shear limit
states. The variations of (J with the sectional dimensions and reinforcement ratio
are also investigated.

2 Design aspects

2.1 Design criteria

2.1.1 Safety checking equation

Safety of structural design can be achieved by many methods. Each design code
has its own approach for selecting the safety checking equations and related load
and resistance factors [4,5,6,7]. Some of these equations are complicated but
provide consistent reliability levels for different design conditions. For example,
consider the following two equations
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2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9
Risk Analvsis II 381


The first equation is the basic load combination for design in most of design
codes and it is based on dead and live load factors, YD and YL and a resistance
factor 0. Load factors account for the variations in dead and live loads. The live
load factor is higher than the dead load factor to account for the high variability
and uncertainty in live loads. Load factors in the ACI 318-95 [4] are 1.4 and
1.7, respectively. The resistance factors accounts for the uncertainties in the
beam actions, i.e. flexural and shear behaviors. The shear strength reduction
factor is lower than that for flexure to account for the high uncertainty in the
shear behavior of the beam.
The second equation is based on one factor of safety, y. It is simple equation
but does not give consistent reliability levels for different design conditions. Fig.
2 presents the variation of flexural reliability index with the ratio of live to dead
bending moments. The factor y in Eq. 4 is computed to give equal reliability
level with Eq.3. It is clear that lower reliability levels are obtained when the ratio
ML/MD is higher than one.

- 3.500

=3 3.000

0.5 1.5

Figure 2: Variation of flexural reliability with the ratio of dead to live

load moments

Fig. 3 shows similar results for the shear limit state. Lower shear reliability
levels are obtained when the ratio VL/VD is higher than one. Using <(> = 0.9, the
reliability levels for shear limit state are in general lower that those for the
flexural limit state as shown in Fig. 3. Therefore, ACI 319 [4] reduces the 0
factor to 0.85 to attain reliability levels equal to or more than that for the flexural
limit state. This represents the importance of the strength reduction factor.
Risk Analysis II, C.A. Brebbia (Editor)
2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9

382 Risk Analysis II

2.1.2 Sectional dimensions
Within the design requirements, designers have many possible solutions for a
particular design problem, some of these solutions could be classified as poor
design. For example, designers usually select the beam sectional dimensions.
Fig. 4 shows that wide beams give lower reliability levels than drop beams
having the same strength and weight.


o 3.000

0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 3: Variation of shear reliability with the ratio of dead to live load shear

Fig. 4 shows that reliability index, (3, drops from about 4.8 to 1.85 by hanging
the ratio of b/d from 0.25 to 4. This is mainly attributed to the increasing of the
tension reinforcement ratio by increasing the ratio b/d keeping the same strength
and weight. Higher reinforcement ratio means lower ductility, higher probability
of premature brittle flexural failure, which leads to lower mean value and higher
coefficient of variation of the beam strength.

6 r - - :



0 1 2 3 4

Figure 4: Variation of flexural reliability with the beam sectional dimensions

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2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9

Risk Analvsis II 383

2.1.3 Tension reinforcement ratio
According to ACI 318M-95 [4], the balanced reinforcement ratio pb is defined
as the reinforcement ratio at which balanced failure takes place. The balanced
failure of a beam section is the boundary between tension ductile failure and the
compression brittle failure. According to Section 10.3.2 of ACI 318-95 [4], the
balance reinforcement ratio is calculated as,

0.85 fl/,' 600

A 6004-/,

where fc is the concrete nominal compressive strength, fy is the reinforcement

nominal yield strength and Pi = 0.85 for f c_< 30 MPa. To reduce the probability
of brittle failure, ACI 3138-95 limited the tension reinforcement ratio to 0.75 of
the balanced ratio.
As mentioned earlier, beam flexural reliability decreases by increasing the
tension reinforcement ratio. Fig. 5 shows that reliability index drops from about
4.6 to 1.85 by increasing the reinforcement ratio from 0.2 to 0.75 of the balanced
reinforcement ratio. This is mainly attributed to the high probability of the
premature brittle failure at high reinforcement ratios as explained earlier.

x ,5
.m0 3 -
5 -
2 -
1.5 -
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
p/p b

Figure 5: Variation of flexural reliability with tension reinforcement

2.1.4 Shear reinforcement

Shear strength of reinforced concrete beam is the sum of shear strength assigned
to concrete, Vc, and the shear strength of reinforcement, V^, as follows,

Risk Analysis II, C.A. Brebbia (Editor)
2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9

384 Risk Analysis II

Shear strength assigned to concrete depends on many factors including
concrete compressive strength and sectional dimensions. Shear strength of
reinforcement depends on the cross sectional area and spacing of shear stirrups.
Design codes specify minimum and maximum shear reinforcement to prevent
brittle shear failure due to low shear reinforcement and excessive shear cracking
due to high stress in the stirrups in the case of high shear forces and relatively
small concrete sections. The concrete strength is the main source of uncertainty.
Therefore, reliability of beam sections decreases with increasing the ratio of
as shown in Fig. 6.


I 2


Figure 6: Variation of shear reliability with the ratio of concrete shear strength to
reinforcement shear strength

2.1.5 Bond stress and reinforcement development length

In general reliability of a structural system mainly depends on the reliability of
its connections. In reinforced concrete structures, beam-column connections need
special attention at the design stage. Many details should be checked such as the
reinforcement development length, splices and cutoff points. Natural variations
and/or design errors may adversely affect the strength of connections and reduce
the stability, integrity, and reliability of structural systems.

2.2 Accuracy of analytical and design equations

Analysis assumptions and simplifications of design equations are major sources

of uncertainty in the design process. Examples of these assumptions and
simplifications are as follows:
Constitutive laws of concrete and reinforcing steel,
Linear variation of strain with the distance from the section neutral axis,
Perfect bond between concrete and reinforcing steel,
Distribution and intensity of applied live loads on the beam, and
Risk Analysis II, C.A. Brebbia (Editor)
2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9

Combined effect of flexural, shear and torsion.
Most of design equations are conservative, however, some of these
assumptions are not applicable for specific design conditions, in such cases, it
may adversely effects the beam strength and reliability.

2.3 Design errors

Design errors are a major source of uncertainty and the main cause of buildings
distress and lack of durability [8,9]. Design errors are mainly due to ignorance
or negligence of designers. Design errors can be limited by proper and
independent checking procedures.

3 Constructional aspects

3.1 Natural variation of basic strength parameters

3.1.1 Reinforcing steel related strength parameters

Reliability of reinforced concrete beams is highly sensitive to variation of
strength parameters related to reinforcing steel such as: yield strength, cross area,
modulus of elasticity, and effective depth. These parameters have different
levels of variation. Usually the reinforcement area and its modulus of elasticity
are considered as deterministic parameters whereas the yield strength and
effective depth have considerable variations.

3.1.2 Concrete compressive strength

Reliability of reinforced concrete beam is not sensitive to variation of concrete
compressive strength. However, good concrete is important for concrete
durability. Concrete deterioration, in form of excessive cracking or spalling
accelerates corrosion of the reinforcement and may cause a major reduction in
the beam reliability. Good concrete can be produced by implementing proper
quality control procedures on concrete mixing, transportation, casting,
compaction, and curing.

3.1.3 Sectional dimensions

The external sectional dimensions of beam sections may differ from design
values because of improper construction methods. In general, sectional
dimensions have very small coefficients of variation and thus have low effects on
the beam reliability. The most sensitive parameter is the reinforcement effective

3.2 Construction errors

Construction errors are a major source of uncertainty and the main cause of
building failures during construction [8,9]. Construction errors are mainly due to
ignorance or negligence of contractors and labors. Design errors can be limited
by implementing effective quality control and quality assurance programs.
Risk Analysis II, C.A. Brebbia (Editor)
2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9

4 Utilization aspects

4.1 Natural variation of loads

Service loads usually classified to dead loads (structural and non-structural

loads), live Loads (sustained and extraordinary loads), Wind and earthquake
loads (arbitrary-at-point and 50-year extreme loads). Natural variations of
service loads are the main source of uncertainty in structural reliability theory.
The earthquake load depends on many factors such as the peak ground
acceleration, soil factor and the dynamic characteristics of the structural system.
Wind load depends on many factors such as wind speed, exposure factor, and
gust factor.
Earthquake load is the most uncertain service load, followed by wind load,
live load, and dead load. Therefore, different reliability levels are attained for
different design conditions as shown in Fig. 1 and 2. Load factors are usually
computed so that consistent reliability can be obtained for different design

4.2 Utilization errors

There are two main types of the utilization errors: the change of use and misuse
of structures. These two types may adversely affect the reliability of the
structure. Insufficient and/or improper maintenance of the structural system is a
form of the structure misuse.

4.3 Man-made hazards

There are many forms of man-made hazards such as explosions, fires, raising of
water table and excavation below and/or beside the structure. Man-made hazards
definitely affect the reliability of structural systems and reduce their service

5 Reliability analysis aspects

5.1 Statistical uncertainties

There are many sources of the statistical uncertainties such as incomplete and/or
unreliable data about related variables, and the modeling uncertainties. The
accuracy and correctness of reliability analysis depends on the reliability of
related data and involved statistical models.

5.2 Methods of reliability analysis

Results of reliability analysis depend on the accuracy and correctness of the

involved analytical methods. There are three main methods for the structural
reliability analysis: the First Order Second Moment Reliability (FOSM)
Methods, the Hasofer-Lind method [10] and the simulation techniques [1,2].
Risk Analysis II, C.A. Brebbia (Editor)
2000 WIT Press,, ISBN 1-85312-830-9

The first approach is simple but sometimes inaccurate. The second approach is
based on the concept of the design point and gives invariant results. The
simulation techniques give reliable results when powerful computers are

6 Conclusions

Reliability of reinforced concrete beam is affected by many factors. This study

identified these factors and classified them to design, construction, utilization,
and reliability factors. The study investigated the effects of these factors on the
beam reliability. The investigated parameters are: (1) load and resistance factors,
(2) sectional dimensions, (3) tension reinforcement ratio, and (4) shear
reinforcement. These factors should be considered during the design,
construction and utilization stages in order to attain the required reliability level
for reinforced concrete beams.


[1] Thoft-Christensen, P. and Baker, M.J., "Structural Reliability Theory and

Its Applications", Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1982.
[2] Ellingwood, B., Galambos, T.V., MacGregor, J.G., Cornell, C., A.,
Development of a Probability Based Load Criterion for American National
Standard A58, NBS Special Publication 577, U.S. Department of
Commerce National Bureau of Standards, Washington, 1980.
[3] Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA).
"Rationalization of Safety and Serviceability Factors in Structural Codes",
Report No. 63, Construction Industry Research and Information Assn.,
London, 1977.
[4] ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
Concrete and Commentary, ACI 318M-95, American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hill, USA, 1995.
[5] BS 8110-1985, British Standard: Structural use of concrete, British
Standard Institution, London.
[6] "Uniform Building Code", International Conference of Building Officials,
California, USA, 1994.
[7] " Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures," American
Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE 7-95, New York, New York, 1995.
[8] Matousek, M., "Outcoming at A Survey on 800 Construction Failures",
IABSE Colloquim on Inspection and Quality Control, July, 1977,
Cambridge, England.
[9] Fraczek, John, "ACI Survey of Concrete Structure Errors", ACI Concrete
International, No. 12, Vol. 1, December 1979, pp. 14-20.
[10] Hasofer, A.M., and Lind N.C., "An Exact and Invariant First Order
Reliability Format", Journal of Struct. Mechanics Div., ASCE, Vol. 100,
Feb. 1974, pp.111-121.

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