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Alhamdulillah, thanks to the Almighty by His grace we can also highly given
assignments. We learn so much about how to make a essay and dialogue. Although
basically looks like fun, but it takes a long time to produce the perfect assignment.
Finally, the perfect assignment was made.

We wish to thank our lecturer, Madam Azizah bt Abdul Kadir for the guidance
very useful and complete. She has worked in helping us to complete this task. All her
kindness we will never forget. We thankful that she is not stingy in giving and sharing of
knowledge that is very beneficial for the disadvantaged trainees. Given knowledge does
not end until the end. All sense and compromise we admire her very much and we pray
for happiness in both worlds.

Not forgetting our parents who contribute ideas and opinions in completing this
task. All our gratitude and pray for their services with happiness in both worlds. In
addition, for our classmates who are patient in our red treats to get accurate and useful
information for completing this task.

Finally, all wrong and this unintentional mistake we apply millions sorry and
mistaken if language in conveying information in this task. The good comes from Allah
Almighty and the bad also comes from God Almighty but it happened on our own
personal fault.

Thank you.

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