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CE00603-3-PSEA-2 Individual Assignment

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1.1 AIM........................................................................................................2

1.2 OBJECTIVE.............................................................................................2

1.3 THEORY.................................................................................................2

1.4 MATLAB PROGRAM................................................................................4

1.4.1 ALGORITHM........................................................................................4

1.4.2 PROCEDURE........................................................................................4

1.4.3 MATLAB CODE.....................................................................................4

1.4.4 Swing curve...........................................................................................7

1.5 Manual Calculation....................................................................................7

1.5.1 Manual result........................................................................................10

1.6 Critical analysis.......................................................................................10

1.7 Discussion..............................................................................................11

1.8 Conclusion.............................................................................................11

2.1 AIM......................................................................................................12

2.2 OBJECTIVE...........................................................................................12

2.3 THEORY...............................................................................................12

2.4 MODELLING IN SIMULINK....................................................................12

2.4.1 ALGORITHM......................................................................................12

2.4.2 SIMULINK MODEL..............................................................................13

2.5 Discussion..............................................................................................15

2.6 Conclusion.............................................................................................15

3 REFRENCES............................................................................................15
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1.1 AIM
The main aim of the assignment is to analyze the transient stability of single machine to infinite
bus system.

To understand the concept of transient stability
To design the flow chart to analyzing the transient stability of single machine to infinite
bus system
To write algorithm that helps in plotting the swing curve comfortably.

To write a program in MATLAB to analyze the transient single machine to infinite bus
system as well as plotting swing curve.

Also analyzing the transient analysis of single machine to infinite bus system manually

Compare the manually obtained result with MATLAB result.

Power stability
Power system stability may be defined as the ability of an electric power system, for a given
initial operating condition, to regain a state of operating equilibrium after being subjected to a
physical disturbance. At present the demand for electricity is rising phenomenally. This present
demand is leading to operation of the power system at its limit. On top of this the need for
reliable, stable and quality power is also on the rise due to electrical disturbances. These
disturbances may be faults, load change, high voltage etc. Power system stability can be
classified into;
1) Rotor angle stability
2) Frequency stability
3) Voltage stability
Rotor angle stability- It may be defined as the ability of the system to remain in
synchronism when subjected to a disturbance. The rotor angle of a generator depends on

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the balance between the electromagnetic torque due to the generator electrical power
output and mechanical power through a prime mover. Remaining in synchronism means
that all the generator torque is exactly balanced by the mechanical torque. If the balance
between electromagnetic and mechanical torque is disturbed, due to disturbances in the
system, this leads to oscillations in rotor angle.
Voltage stability- It may be defined as the ability of the system to maintain steady state
voltages at all the system buses when subjected to disturbance. If the disturbance is larger
than it is called as large disturbance voltage stability. Unlike angle stability, voltage
stability can also be a long term phenomena. In case voltage fluctuates occur due to fast
acting device, the time frame for understanding the stability is in the range of 10-20s and
hence can be treated as short term phenomena. Where as if the voltage variations are due
to slow change in the load, over loading of lines, then the time frame of the voltage
stability can stretch from 1 minute to several minutes.
The main difference between angle stability and voltage stability is that voltage stability
depends on the balance of reactive power demand and generation in the system where as the
angle stability mainly depends on the balance between real power generation and demand.
Frequency stability- It may be defined as the ability of a system to maintain the
steady frequency following a severe disturbance between generation and load, with
minimum loss of load. Frequency instability may lead to sustain frequency swings
leading to tripping of generating units or loads. During frequency excursions, the
characteristic times of the processes and devices that are activated with range from
fraction of seconds like under frequency control to several minutes, corresponding to
the response of devices, such as prime mover and hence frequency stability may be a
short term or long term phenomena.
Swing equation
It may be defined as the equation describing the relative motion of the rotor with respect to stator
field as a function of time. Where Ts may be represented as shaft torque, Te denotes
electromagnetic torque. Hence the net torque causing may be written as;
Ta= Ts-Te

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Under normal operations, the relative position of the rotor axis and the stator magnetic field axis
is fixed. The angle between the two is known as the load angle. It depends on the loading of the
machine. Larger the loading, larger is the value of the torque angle. If some load is removed or
added from the shaft of the synchronous machine, the rotor will decelerate or accelerate
respectively with respect to the synchronously rotating stator filed.


Start the MATLAB Program.
Go to new edit window
Enter the values of various functions.
Moment of inertia is to be calculated.
Pre fault maximum power generated is calculated.
To find during fault maximum power generated.
To find post fault maximum power generated.
Swing curve is generated.

Open the MATLAB program
Open command window of the MATLAB.
Create a new M file by selecting File - New M File
Enter the values.
Save and run the program.
Enter the values in command window and generate the graph.
Compare the result generated with the help of MATLAB with the result of manual


clear all
close all
f = input('Enter the frequency, f: ');
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pb = input('Enter base MVA of generator, pd: ');

pg = input('Enter the power delivered by generator, pg: ');
H = input ('Enter the kinetic energy, KE: ');
G = input('Enter the base value, G: ');
Xd = input('Enter transient reactance of generator, Xd: ');
Xt = input('Enter transmission line reactance, Xt: ');
GE = input('Enter generator voltage, GE(p.u): ');
BV = input('Enter infinite bus voltage, BV(p.u): ');
tinitial = input('Enter initial time, tinitial: ');
tfinal = input('Enter final time, tfinal: ');
tstep = input('Enter time interval, tstep: ');
c = input('Enter no. of cycles, c: ');
fprintf('Time to clear fault in %g cycles is %g \n',c,tc);
M = (G*H)/(180*f);
fprintf('The value of inertia constant H = %g s2/elec.deg \n',M);
X1 = Xd+(Xt/2);
pmax1 = (GE*BV)/X1;
pt = pg/pb;
del_d = (asin(pt/pmax1))*(180/pi);
del_r = (del_d*pi)/180;
fprintf('X1 = %.2g\n',X1);
fprintf('pmax1 = %.2g\n',pmax1);
fprintf('Pre-fault power trasfer, pt = %g\n',pt);
fprintf('Initial power angle, del = %g\n',del_d);
Xt1 = Xt/2;
X2 = ((Xd*Xt1)+(Xt*Xt1)+(Xd*Xt)/Xt1);
fprintf('XII = %.2g\n',X2);
pmax2 = (BV*GE)/X2;
fprintf('pmax2 = %.2g\n',pmax2);
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X3 = Xd+Xt;
pmax3 = (BV*GE)/X3;
fprintf('XIII = %.2g\n',X3);
pn = pt-(pmax1*sin(del_r));
pp = pt-(pmax2*sin(del_r));
p = (pn+pp)/2;
deldel = (tstep*tstep*p)/M;
del_r = del_r+(deldel*pi/180);
time(1) = tinitial;
angle(1) = del_d;
tinitial = tinitial+tstep;
i = 2;
pn = pt-(pmax1*sin(del_r));
pn = pt-(pmax2*sin(del_r));
pp = pt-(pmax3*sin(del_r));
p = (pn+pp)/2;
p = pt-(pmax3*sin(del_r));
deldel = deldel+(tstep*tstep*p)/M;
del_r = del_r+(deldel*pi/180);
del_d = del_r*(180/pi);
time(i) = tinitial;
angle(i) = del_d;
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tinitial = tinitial+tstep;
i = i+1;
grid on;

1.4.4 Swing curve


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Fig -2

1.5 Manual Calculation

Base generating power of generator = 25 MVA
Power delivered to the load by generator = 28MW
Kinetic Energy at rated speed = 2.52 MJ/MVA
Frequency = 50 Hz
Generator transient reactance of generator = 0.4 p.u
Transmission line reactance = 0.5 p.u
Generator voltage = 1.2 p.u
Infinite bus voltage = 1.0 p.u
Base MVA = 25
180 f 180
Inertia constant: M (p.u) =
2.52 1 2.52
180 50 180 50
= = 0.00028 s2/ elect degree

= 2.84 10-4 s2/ elect degree

For prefault calculation:

X1 X d

X 1 0.4 0.65 p.u.

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( E V ) (1.2 1)
Maximum output power p max 1
X1 0.65
Prefault power transfer = 28/25 = 1.12 p.u.
For during fault condition:
To calculate maximum power during fault condition, reactance sequence diagram firstly
converted from start to the delta as shown in the figure below:

Fig- star to delta conversion

( X d X t1 ) ( X t X t1 ) ( X d X t )
X t1
(0.4 0.25) (0.5 0.25) (0.4 0.5)
X2 1.7 p.u.

Maximum power generated:

( E V ) (1.2 1)
Maximum output power p max 2 0.705 0.71
X1 1.7

For post fault condition:

with the faulted line switch off,
X 3 X d X t 0.4 0.5 0.9 p.u.

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( E V ) (1.2 1)
Maximum output power p max 3 1.33
X1 0.9

For swing curve equation
Pa(n-1) = Pm Pmax sinn-1
n = n-1 +
2 P

n = n-1 +n
Because of the discontinuity average value
Pa(0) = Pm Pmax sinn-1
Pa(0) = 1.12 1.8 sin37.350
Pa(0) = 0.03pu
Average power Pa =
Pa =0.015

1.5.1 Manual result

X 1= 0.65 p.u

Pre fault power transfer = 1.12
X 2= 1.7 p.u

X 3= 0.9 p.u


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1.6 Critical analysis

Calculated parameter Manual Result MATLAB Result % Error
X1 0.65 0.65 0%
Pmax1 1.8 1.8 0%
XII 1.7 1 17.64%
Pmax2 0.71 1.2 30%
XIII 0.9 0.9 0%
Pmax3 1.33 1.33 0%

After studying and doing critical analysis of transient stability analysis it is critically analyzed
that there is a slightly error in both type of calculation of parameters by manually as well as
using MATLAB program. The error percentage is negligible.
For this SMIB transient analysis total time taken to clear fault in 2.5 Cycle is 0.5 sec which is

1.7 Discussion
Above assignment discuss about transient stability of power system. Also it deals with the swing
equation and its graph using matlab. Manual calculation has been done and compared with the
matlab calculation.
1.8 Conclusion
In the end it is concluded that swing equation graph has been successfully generated in matlab.
Also the calculations of various power stability functions have been done successfully using
matlab as well as manual calculation.

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2.1 AIM
The main aim of the assignment is to analyze the Load Frequency Dynamics of single
area power system.

To understand the concept of Load frequency Dynamics.
To write algorithm that helps in modelling single area power system.

To create a model in MATLAB Simulink to analyze the Load Frequency Dynamics of

single area power system.

Compare the Simulink model result by using different type of control such as using
integrator control, differentiator control and PID control.

For large scale power systems which consist of inter-connected control areas, load frequency it is
important to keep the frequency and inter area tie power near to the scheduled values. The input
mechanical power is used to control the frequency of the generators and the change in the
frequency and tie-line power are sensed, which is a measure of the change in rotor angle. A well
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designed power system should be able to provide the acceptable levels of power quality by
keeping the frequency and voltage magnitude within tolerable limits.


Enter the command window of the MATLAB.
Create a new Model by selecting File - New Model.
Select the desired blocks from the Simulink library and form a model block diagram.
Save that block diagram.
Click on run and then view the result by double click on scope.
Critically analyzed the result by changing the type of control like integrator, differentiator
and PID control.


Using integrator function


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Using derivative function


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Turbine time constant, T = 0.6 sec
Governor time constant, g = 0.3 sec
Generator inertia constant, H = 50 sec
Governor speed regulation = 0.05
Load varies by 0.7 percent for a 1.5 percent change in frequency, i.e., D = 0.85

To control the load frequency different type of controlling techniques can used such as
proportional control, integral control and as well as Derivative control. Analyzing the result by
using these technique and finally conclude that which control is better for load frequency
dynamic control.

2.5 Discussion
Above assignment discuss about the load frequency of different type, also the wave graph of
following domains using integrator and derivative function in simulink. Hence it was full of
interest and knowledgeable work.

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2.6 Conclusion
In the end it is concluded that the load frequency dynamic graphs has been generated in simulink
using integrator and derivative functions.

C.L Wadwa. (2005). power system. Available:
contents/IIT-KANPUR/power-system/chapter_9/9_3.html. Last accessed 13th April 2015.
P.S Bhimra. Power system. Available:
%2072/Mod4-UR.pdf. Last accessed 14th April 2015.
C.L Wadwa. (2005). swing equation. Available: Last accessed 14th April

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