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~ ~ PART 2
1mI"","",,-1 _ 9 E: Link between 'best-selling video game' in the
previous sentence and 'Its success'. Also, link
PAPER 1 Reading
between 'lts success lies in the use of special e=ec:s
~ ~ PART 1 and 'stunning action sequences that rely on fanra
1 A: Incorrect: If he's a three-time world champion, he effects'.
can't have lost frequently. 10 H: Contrastive link between 'film makers have startea tc
1 B: Incorrect: He looks gentle, but he wasn't gentle in the realise that they could set films in similar sei-fi fu ~e
ring. worlds' and 'However, the difficulty for the producers
1 C: Incorrect: He must have fought back to be world of Hollywood appears to be .. .',
champion three times. 11 A: Link between 'People who enjoyed the film will
1 D: Correct: 'he was just a hulk who knew how to take a probably want to buy the videogame' and 'This
hit'. clearly creates a new market opportunity for the
2 A: Incorrect: After two autobiographies, he has written videogame industry'.
a novel. 12 G: Link between the question 'Why do some players
2 B: Incorrect: This is the opposite of what the text says. feel disappointed by films based on their favourite
2 C: Correct: 'a brilliant first novel ... likely to gain a wide games?' and the answer 'One reason is technical'.
readership'. 13 C: Link between "vour favourite thriller', 'You wouldn't
2 D: Incorrect: 'there is far more to it than that'. be interested in watching the film if vou knew the
3 A: Incorrect: The paragraph is about his parents, not identity of the murderer' and 'ln films Vou are not
about his childhood. supposed to have access to ail the information'.
3 B: Correct: 'His father was an athletics director ... his 14 D: Link between 'Suspense and mystery are essential
mother a physical education teacher'. elements of film-making' in the previous paragraph
3 C: Incorrect: There's reference to his parents' and 'This is not true for videogames'.
educational background, not his. 15 B: ink between "films and videogames', 'We go to the
3 D: Incorrect: If it meant background in athletics, the text cinema to let someone else tell us a story' and 'a
would say that he came from this stock. story and agame'.
4 A: Incorrect: They weren't afraid. They thought he
~ ~ PART 3
would get hurt.
4 B: Incorrect: They insisted on a college education, not 16 B: And 1 just don't think ifs a very interesting job.
training. 17 C: my mother has always tried to steer me away from
4 C: Incorrect: They thought he would quit, not that they taking up the profession
wanted him to. 18 D: but then 1 began to think of the disadvantages
4 D: Correct: '1 am pretty sure they thought l'd get hurt 19 A: he always tried to push me into taking up the same
and quit wrestling'. profession
5 A: Incorrect: He could be in good condition because he 20 C: Most of the other actors l've met ... strike me as very
has retired, not although he has. arrogant people; 1 don't really think l'd get on with
5 B: Correct: 'He looks in remarkably good condition for them.
someone who spent 20 years in the ring'. 21 B: my mother wasn't getting paid very weil
'5 C: Incorrect: It doesn't say that that he stopped 22 D: 1 don't really think my dad's job affected my decision
wrestling five years ago. at ail
5 D: Incorrect: He says ifs amazing what retirement can 23 A: My dad is a free-lance builder, like his father and his
do, not that he is amazed. grandfather
6 A: Incorrect: He used to resent it, which means that 24 B: there aren't so many jobs available in pure research
now he doesn't. 25/6 B: My mother did try to motivate me to take an
6 B: Incorrect: He doesn't say that wrestlers are not good interest in science subjects
actors. 25/6 D: trying to get me interested in taking a teaching
6 C: Correct: '1 used to really resent the acting label, but it qualification
is acting'. 27 C: worrying about where the next job's coming from
6 D: Incorrect: He means that the acting aspect of '28 A: 1 do worry that we might have a big fight about this
wrestling sometimes comes close to being real. some time in the future
7 A: Incorrect: This didn't make him quit. 29 C: very few people get to the top of the profession
7 B: Incorrect: He gave up wrestling partly because of his 30 D: He also used to tell me about the satisfaction vou
children's reaction when he got hurt. He didn't give can get from teaching
up because he was getting hurt. Questions 1-15 = 2 marks each
7 C: Correct: 'they stopped enjoying if. Questions 16-30 = 1 mark each
7 D: Incorrect: There's no support for this in the text. The total score is adjusted ta give a mark out of 40.
8 A: Correct: 'Wrestling is ail about characters'.
8 B: Incorrect: There's no support for this in the text.
8 C: Incorrect: There's no support for this in the text.
8 D: Incorrect: There's no reference to this in the text.

FeE Tests Answer key

Question 5 (b)
PAPER 2 Writing Style: Formai or neutral. Do not use informai
~ ~ PART 1 expressions.
Content: Start by saying whether you agree or disagree
Question 1
(or partly agree) with the statement. If you agree,
Style: FormaI. Do not use informai expressions.
think of two examples in the book you have read
Content: 1 Say you have seen the advertisement and want
to show that conflicts make you keep on reading.
more information.
If you disagree, give examples of other things
2 Ask where the school is and where the nearest
that make you keep on reading.
underground station is.
3 Ask how big the classes are and what the The two parts of the Writing Paper have equal marks.
facilities are. The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 40.
4 Ask what dates you can register at the school.
5 Ask what sort of leisure activities can be
arranged and say what you like (going to.the PAPER 3 Use of English
cinema, going to museums, etc.), ~ ~ PART 1
6 Ask what sort of accommodation is available.
1A 2C 3B 4D 5C 6B 7B 8A 9C 10D 11D
7 Ask if the priee includes the cost of
12 A
8 Finish by saying you are looking forward to
~ ~ PART 2
hearing from Mrs Brown.
13 it 14 be 15 no / little 16 up 17 which 18 to
~ ~ PART 2 19 nothing 20 At 21 what 22 at 23 the / such 24 have

Question 2
Style: Neutral or semi-formal. ~ ~ PART 3
Content: 1 Decide who the narrator is and think of one or 25 attractions (verb to noun, plural form)
two other characters. 26 height (adjective to noun)
2 The telephone cali must have been about 27 construction (verb to noun)
something that happened or will happen. 28 exciting (verb to adjective)
Decide what single event can change one's life 29 competition (verb to noun)
forever. Describing this event will be the main 30 imaginative (verb to adjective)
part of your story. 31 drawings (verb to noun, plural form)
3 ln your story you must also explain the 32 ideal (noun to adjective)
situation before the main event and the way it 33 surprisingly (verb to adjective to adverb)
has or will affect Mark's life. 34 recognition (verb to noun)
Question 3
~ ~ PART 4
Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
35 know 1 the cost of
Content: 1 Explain what you are going to write about. Say
36 should not 1 have deleted
what your favourite possession is.
37 due to 1 the bad
2 Now describe the possession: how'Ionq you've
38 had better 1 not be
had it, who gave it to you, what ifs like, etc.
39 take 1 advantage of
3 Explain why it means so much to you. Is it
40 has been 1 translated
associated with some special event in your
41 can't afford 1 to buy
life? What kind of memories are connected
with it? 42 not phone 1 unless she gets

Question 4 Questions 1-34 = 1 mark each

Style: Neutral or semi-formal. Questions 35-42 = 2 marks each
Content: 1 Write a short introduction and describe the film The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 40.
in general terms. Say what the film is called,
what kind of film it is. who directed it and who
acts in it. PAPER4 Listening
2 Describe and comment on the plot, characters
~ ~ PART 1
and special effects.
3 Conclude by saying why you think the film is 1B 2A 3A 4C 5B 6B 7C 8C
worth seeing.
~ ~ PART 2
Question 5(a)
9 two years 14 close links
Style: InformaI.
10 five years 15 shopping mails
Content: Choose the character that is most interesting. He
11 (advertising) agency 16 exhausting
or she does not have to be the main character or
12 active 17 the future
the hero in the book. Explain what makes this
13 education 18 June
character interesting. Describe how he or she
interacts with the rest of the characters. If this
was a film, suggest what sort of actor or actress
could play the part best.

FeE Tests Answer key

~ ~ PART 3 7 A: Incorrect: It also depends on your personality and
19 A 20 E 21 F 22 B 23 C the personality of your neighbours.
7 B: Correct: 'perhaps it was always mainly in their
~ ~ PART 4 minds'.
24 A 25 C 26 C 27 B 28 B 29 A 30 C 7 C: Incorrect: Much depends on the personality of your
Questions 1-30 = 1 mark each 7 D: Incorrect: There are examples in the text where
The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 40. social life in the country is more exciting than social
life in the city ('social life seems dizzying to a

, mlL...::..2---
PAPER 1 Reading
8 A: Incorrect: There's no evidence in the text that she
had problems adjusting to life in London.
8 B: Incorrect: She says '1 do enjoy my life'.
8 C: Incorrect: There's no reference to the personality of
H PART 1 people in her street.
1 A: Incorrect: She isn't surprised by the fact that she's 8 D: Correct: 'This is very unlike living in a London street'.
~ ~ PART 2
B: Incorrect: It doesn't surprise her that she has been
living in London for so long. 9 B: Link between 'CyberGirl has been successfully
C: Correct: 'For a moment the town mouse 1 have promoted as an ordinary sixteen-year-old teenage
become is being seen by the country mouse 1 used singer' and 'idols must have the same strengths and
to be'. weaknesses as their fans'.
1 D: Incorrect: She would choose to live in the city again 10 H: Link between 'When asked if she is real, CyberGirl
'given a new start'. replies ... , adding defiantly that at least she is
2 A: Correct: 'the haunting sound of their wing beats always there for her fans' and 'This gives virtual pop
gave way to silence'. ~tars a competitive edge over mass-marketed artists
2 B: Incorrect: 'Hauntinq' here doesn't suggest or boy bands who have very little contact with their
frightening. fans'.
2 C: Incorrect: The sound of the wings beating is not 11 E: Link between 'her creators deny that she is merely a
loud. cheap alternative to a real singer' and 'ln fact, ...
2 D: Incorrect: The swans interrupt her brother, but they CyberGirl has a great many advantages over flesh-
don't disturb or worry him. and-blood acts'.
3 A: Incorrect: The writer says that ifs not a 'picturesque' 12 A: Link between the question 'Could CyberGirl ever go
part of the coast. on tour?' and the answer 'Sure she cou Id'.
3 B: Incorrect: There's no suggestion about this in the 13 D: Link between 'French male cyberstar' and 'The fans
text. want to know whether he gets hungry'.
3 C: Incorrect: There's no support for this in the text. 14 C: Link between the fact that viewers regard the
3 D: Correct: 'There are probably few days when he does characters of soap operas as real people and send
not pause to recognise its loveliness'. flowers and chocolates to the TV studios when the
4 A: Incorrect: The lake itself is not evidence of change. characters are in hospital and 'The people who do
4 B: Incorrect: Landowners have created lakes in the past that aren't crazy'.
as weil. 15 G: Link between 'this time the teenagers aren't even
4 C: Correct: 'Formerly, landowners would almost idolising a real person' and 'Ifs utterly pathetic, sad
certainly have made such changes for their own and a bit ridiculous'.
benefit, but this time it was done to ...'.
4 D: Incorrect: The need for preservation is not evidence ~ ~ PART 3
of change. 16 A: This gained a lot of publicity for the school.
5 A: Correct: 'second-homers, together with commuters, 17 D: a website that the school had started
have come to be accepted as a vital part of the 18 B: a leading expert on wild birds was invited
country scene'. 19/20 A: and handed over f750 to the World Wildlife Fund
5 B: Incorrect: It doesn't answer the question. ,19/20 D: fl,OOO was donated to the ... Wildlife Rescue
5 C: Incorrect: The text doesn't say where they are from. Service
5 D: Incorrect: There's no support for this in the text. 21 A: the school magazine brought out a special edition ...
6 A: Incorrect: The point is that people from working- where pupils expressed their feelings
class families are going to university. 22 D: took pupils to the coastal marshes of Easton-on-Sea
6 B: Incorrect: Moving from the countryside is not an 23 B: a report monitoring the progress of species
example of social mobility. threatened with extinction
6 C: Incorrect: Social mobility has to do with changes in 24 C: the effects of changes in climatic patterns
occupation, not with whether one's job is in the city 25 C: how pollution can destroy historie buildings in the
or not. region
6 D: Correct: 'the children of today's workers may be 26 A: They cycled through the city ... the benefits of
moving into the same kind of jobs as the second- cycling
homers and the retired'.

FeE Tests Answer key

27 A: a survey ... into air pollution in the local shopping Question 5(a)
centre Style: Formai or neutral.
28 D: to measure the levels of noise in Stanley Road Content: ln your introduction explain if the book or story
29 C: to launch a campaign for the restoration of the could be performed as a play. Briefly describe
medieval square the main scenes that Vou would select and
30 D: The pupils at this inner-city comprehensive school comment on whether the characters are
interesting enough for a play. Summarise your
ideas and list the main problems of turning the
PAPER 2 Writing book or story into a play.
Question 5(b)
~ ~ PART 1
Style: Formai or neutral.
Question 1
Content: ln your introduction express your opinion. Then
Style: FormaI.
use the body of the essay to explain your
Content: 1 Explain vou are writing on behalf of Mr and
reasons, using examples from the book. What
Mrs Stanton.
exactly makes the book or story vou have read
2 Say vou want to reserve a room for the dates
more appealing to men or women? ln your
given. Give details about the type of room vou
conclusion say why some people might disagree
with vou.
3 Check that vegetarian food can be served (both
lunch and dinner).
4 Ask for a list of tours and check that there are PAPER3 Use of English
English-speaking guides.
5 Ask for information on priee and check that ~ ~ PART 1
breakfast is included in the price. 1B 2A 3 C 4 D 5 B 6C 7A 8A 9 B 10 C 11 A,
6 Ask the manager to confirm the arrangement 12 D
in writing.
~ ~ PART 2 13 their 14 were 15 the 16 those 17 the/this 18 what
Question 2 19 To 20 as 21 to 22 It 23 more 24 as
Style: Neutral.
~ ~ PART 3
Content: 1 ln your introduction state your opinion clearly.
Say which of the two vou think is best. 25 threatened (noun to verb, past participle)
2 ln the body of your essay give reasons for your 26 willing (noun to adjective)
choice and support them with examples. 27 apparently (adjective to adverb)
3 Make a list of possible disadvantages of your 28 contents (verb to noun, plural form)
preferred lifestyle and give examples. 29 possibility (adjective to noun)
4 ln your conclusion summarise which lifestyle 30 development (verb to non)
vou prefer and why. 31 unexpected (verb to negative adjective)
32 housing (verb to abstract noun)
Question 3
33 addition (verb to noun)
Style: Formai or neutral.
34 restrictions (verb to noun, plural form)
Content: 1 Think of the typical teenager. What are the
most popular spare time activities?
~ ~ PART 4
2 What are their favourite hobbies? Which are
35 not 1as expensive as
more popular with boys and which with girls?
36 should have told 1 me
3 Are teenagers keen on sports? Which are the
37 came across 1the photographs
most popular sports with boys? With girls?
38 were painted 1 by
4 How often do they go out? What do they do
39 are likely 1to start
when they go out?
40 asked him 1 not to stay
5 Summarise your ideas.
41 do not feel like 1going
Question 4 42 no tea 1 left
Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
Content: 1 Write a short introduction and give an
overview of the trilogy. Describe briefly what
PAPER4 listening
the theme is. You could also mention who
directed the different films and who acts in ~ ~ PART 1
them. 1A 2C 3C 4B 5A 6B 7B 8A
2 Compare the film vou saw with the first two
films. You could compare the plot, acting, ~ ~ PART 2
soundtracks, costumes, special effects, etc. 90ld 10 60,OOO/sixtythousand 11 50,OOO/fiftythousand
3 Conclude by giving your opinion of the film 12 writing 13 exposed 14 cultural 15 imaginative
and say if it is worth seeing. 160ptimistic 17 dying out 18 a second

1180 FeE Tests Answer key

~~ PART 3 20 A: 1 like to keep it clean and uncluttered, with just the
basic kitchen table and chairs
19D 20E 21F 22C 23B
21 D: The custom-made bookshelves cost a fortune, but 1
~~ PART 5 didn't mind at ail.
22 B: the light blue colour of the walls
24 A 25 C 26 A 27 A 28 B 29 C 30 A 23 A: We have bare floorboards
24 C: were still surrounded by miles of open fields
25 B: 1 can see right across the valley to the Welsh

mI...;::;-.3 _ mountains in the far distance.

26 A: Benny, our Irish setter who has his bed in the back
PAPER 1 Reading corner of the room
27 B: 1 have blinds at the windows
H PART 1 28 B: 1 could never wake up in a room that's gloomy ...
1 B: Correct: This occurred while they were out walking Cloudy mornings make me feel miserable.
in the Lake District. 29 C: 1 was worried that our living room might be too big
2 A: Correct: 'lt is a living force that feels joy and to be cosy
sadness'. 30 A: taking the guitar down from the hook above the
3 C: Correct: 'Wordsworth's home ... is now one of the table
most popular destinations in the Lake District'.
4 D: Correct: 'Wordsworth himself was far from keen on
tourists'. PAPER 2 Writing
5 C: Correct: 'because vou are walking in the footprints of ~~ PART 1
William and Dorothy'.
Question 1
6 C: Correct: 'they areri't tall yellow trumpets ... they're
Style: FormaI.
tiny ... They're grouped around individual trees
Content: 1 ln your introduction state clearly that you're
rather thari collecting together'.
writing to complain.
7 B: Correct: 'What you're seeing at last is nature
2 Provide background information about the date
transformed by human sight and imagination:
and destination of your trip.
8 A: Correct: There are several suggestions in the text: 'a
3 Complain about the coach being old and dirty,
poem that expresses a basic spirit of the early
and about it leaving 30 minutes late.
English Romanticism', 'it's the way he chooses to
4 Complain about the driver being rude and
describe scene as if it had human emotions', 'the
unhelpful. Say that he refused to help Vou with
central mystery of English Romanticism', etc.
your luggage.
~~ PART 2 5 Explain that vou were not given a 25%
discount, as stated in the advertisement,
9 F: Link between 'The population profile has changed'
because the online booking had to be made at
'Iife expectancy has increased'.
least a month in advance, which is not stated
10 C: Link between 'Mental activity ... can contribute to
in the advert.
better health' and 'a very effective way of excercising
6 ln your conclusion ask for a full refund or a
the brai n'.
free return ticket.
11 E: Link between how older people used to feel (in
previous sentence) and 'This is how ... ', ~ ~ PART 2
12 G: Link between 'sophisticated strategy and simulation
Question 2
games' and 'are among the most popular of these'.
Style: Formai or neutral.
13 D: Contrastive link between 'grey gamers simply don't
Content: 1 Describe your favourite sport. Say if it is a
have the skills' and 'This couldn't be further from the
team sport or individual sport.
truth' .
2 Say if the sport is popular in your country. Give
14 B: Contrastive link between 'they may have slower
reasons why vou like it. Is it exciting to watch?
reaction times' and 'On the other hand, grey gamers
3 Describe the clothes and equipment required.
have a preference for slower paced, mind
Say if these are expensive and if they affect the
challenging games'.
popularity of the sport.
15 A: Link between 'a vast potential market exists out
4 Describe the kind of people who take up the
there' and 'targeting them would be comparatively
sport. Say what qualities are required and how
more profitable for the business'.
fit vou have to be to take it up.
~ ~ PART 3 Question 3
16 D: It took me hours of hard work and a lot of money to Style: InformaI.
convert the old storage room into a study. Content: 1 Begin your letter by saying how vou are and
17 C: The walls are covered with ail sorts of portraits, asking your aunt and uncle how they are.
posters and landscapes 2 Think of three things that have changed in
18 B: 1 like to retreat to my room and paint. l'rn not really your neighbourhood. Is the traffic the same? Is
an artist, just an amateur the area more densely populated? What about
19 D: 1 remember my grandfather spending endless hours pollution?
in his library 3 How has life changed as a result?

FeE Tests Answer key

181 1
4 Say how vou feel about these changes. Are 38 to have 1 our kitchen redecorated
vou concerned about the future of the area? 39 vou mind 1 speaking
Question 4 40 has been deaf 1 since
Style: Neutral or semi-formal. 41 are advised 1 to buy
Content: 1 Write a short introduction. Give the title of the 42 wish 1 1 had seen
play, which book it was based on, who put it
on, and where.
2 ln one or two paragraphs, comment on the PAPER4 Listening
various aspects. Was the play weil written?
~ ~ PART 1
Was it weil acted? What were the sets and
costumes like? 1A 2B 3C 4B 5A 6C 7B 8A
3 Vou could also compare the play with the book
~ ~ PART 2
and give your opinion on how successful the
adaptation was. 9 senior 10 south 11 science 12 library 13 second floor
4 Conclude by describing how the audience 14 hall 15 press 16 the mayor 177/seven
reacted to the play, why they liked it, and give 18 art centre
your own opinion.
~ ~ PART 3
Question 5(a)
19B 20E 210 22A 23C
Style: Formai or neutral.
Content: Explain what vou feel is the message that the ~ ~ PART 4
writer wants to convey. Think of two or three
24C 25A 26B 27A 28B 29B 30C
sections or scenes that best illustrate the main
theme of the book. Oescribe them in detail and
explain why and how these connect to the
central theme of the book.
Question 5(b)
nII~4 _
Style: Formai or neutral. PAPER 1 Reading
Content: ln your introduction explain how much vou
~ ~ PART 1
agree or disagree with the statement. Choose at
least two main characters to support your 1 C: Correct: 'We love them ... we cannot escape We
opinion, showing either that they are complex or use them ... yet we worry ... We rely on them yet
that they are simple. Give examples of actions many of us dori't believe .. .',
that the characters perform which support your 2 B: Correct: 'the long-term effects ... will be entirely
opinion. ln your conclusion say briefly why positive so long as the public can be convinced to
someone would disagree with the statement and make use of them'.
summarise your opinion. 3 A: Correct: 'backbone of modern social life'.
4 C: Correct: 'mobiles are seen as being beyond the
control of parents'.
PAPER 3 Use of English
5 A: Correct: 'supporting existing friendships and
~ ~ PART 1 networks'.
6 B: Correct: 'public transport and traffic information'.
1C 2C 30 4A 5B 6A 7C 8A 9A 100 11C
7 A: Correct: 'a route is automatically downloaded'.
12 B
8 0: Correct: 'Among the most important benefits',
H PART 2 'There are many other possibilities', 'Mobile phones
can be used in education'.
13 to 14 both 15 in 16 the 17 a 18 for 19 up 20 who
21 Our 22 were 23 on 24 in
~ ~ PART 2
~ ~ PART 3 9 C: Link between 'Oogs often give the impression that
25 happily (adjective to adverb) they know exactly what their owners want, without
26 expensive (noun to adjective) being told' and 'This sensitivity'.
27 wealthy (noun to adjective) 10 F: Link between 'can go wild' and 'Such cases' in the
28 savings (verb to noun, plural form) next sentence.
29 departure (verb ta noun) 11 B: 'These' refers to 'important occupations' in the
30 luxurious (noun to adjective) previous sentence.
31 disappointment (verb ta noun) 12 H: It answers the question in the previous sentence
32 boredom (verb to noun) ('do some people go too far?').
33 freedom (adjective to noun) 13 E: Susan Brown is an example of a pet owner who has
34 disastrous (noun to adjective) become very selective about her pet's diet.
14 0: Link between' 'start counting calories' and
~ ~ PART 4 'Restrictions on how much they eat'.
35 apologised for 1 being late 15 G: 'Examples of these' refer to 'uncharacteristic ways'
36 reminds me 1 of in the previous sentence.
37 can afford 1the fare

1182 FeE Tests Answer key

3 Think of what has happened before they burst
out laughing. Give some background
16 C: 1 didn't pass the test until my fourth attempt
information before Vou describe the main
17 A: 1 thought because 1 knew how a car works it would
event of the story.
make a difference. That was a big mistake!
18 D: she used to tell me how awful it was, which put me 4 Describe Helen and Steve's feelings and
off a lot reactions to the main event of the story and
19 C: My childhood ambition was to be the first woman say how it affected their 1 ives.
Formula One world champion! Question 4
20 B: 1 was shaking and my knees were trembling Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
21 D: my parents said that the driving lessons would be a Content: 1 ln the introduction give the title of the film and
present for my birthday mention briefly the historical event it is based
22 D: l've got a part-time job delivering books ... and on. Vou could give some basic information
1 have to use their delivery van such as who directed it and who acted in it.
23 C: my aunt, who has a farm, let me go into a field and 2 Describe the event as it happened in history
drive around and compare it with the film. Vou could
24 B: 1 almost had an accident! combine this with a description of the real-life
25 C: the other part of the test wasn't nearly as hard people who took part in the event and the way
26 A: \ haven't had the chance ta drive a car ever suvce they were portrayed in the film.
1 got my licence 3 Comment on the costumes and perhaps also
27/8 B: 1 know what my parents are getting me for my on the film sets, soundtrack and any other
birthday features of the film which were important.
27/8 C: l'rn confident l'II have enough to buy a decent 4 Conclude by saying whether Vou think the film
second-hand car was historically accu rate, and whether vou
29 A: l'd been riding a motorbike for six months think people should see it.
30 D: 1 just booked ten lessons at first. but in the end 1 Question 5(a)
needed over three times that many! St?le: Formai or neutral.
Content: Think of a main event that affects the plot and
development of characters. Give some
PAPER 2 Writing background information. Say what happens
before the main event. Then describe the event.
~ ~ PART 1
Explain briefly which characters are involved in it
Question 1 and what their involvement is. Now explain why
Style: FormaI. this event is important for the development of
Content: 1 Say vou have seen the advertisement and want the story and how it affects the characters.
more information.
Question 5(b)
2 Ask when the flat is available and say when Style: Formai or neutral.
vou need it.
Content: Start by saying whether vou agree or disagree
3 Ask whether the flat is furnished.
with the statement. Don't forget that Vou can
4 Ask what the address is and whether the flat is
'half agree' with the statement; for instance, vou
cou Id say the characters need only be slightly
5 Ask how much the rent is.
exaggerated to be interesting. Then find
6 Finish by saying vou are looking forward to
examples from the book that support your
hearing from Mr Hopkins.

~. PART 2
Question 2
PAPER3 Use of English
Style: Neutral or semi-formal. ~. PART 1
Content: 1 State the aim of the report.
1B 2B 3D 4A 5B 6A 7C 8C 9A 10A 11D
2 Describe the young people in your area: what
12 A
are their likes and dislikes.
3 Explain what they normally eat and drink. Say PART 2
what their favourite eating places are.
13 on 14 about 15 they 16 for 17 has 18 not 19 their
4 Say what kind of food would be healthier.
20 to 21 as 22 on 23 how 24 why
5 Suggest how they could be encouraged to try
eating healthier food. ~. PART 3
Question 3 25 popularity (adjective to noun)
Style: Neutral or semi-formal. 26 breath (verb to noun)
Content: 1 Decide who Helen and Steve are. Are they 27 immediately (adjective to adverb)
friends, colleagues or brother and sister? How 28 carefully (noun to adjective to adverb)
old are they? Are they studying or working? 29 fitness (adjective to noun)
2 Decide if your story will begin or end with the 30 pressure (verb to noun)
prompt sentence. 31 emotional (noun to adjective)
32 ability (adjective to noun)

FeE Tests Answer key

33 competitors (verb to noun, plural form) 12 H: Link between 'one of the biggest problems', 'The
34 encourage (noun to verb) challenge is to create a piece of machinery which
will be delicate enough ... but at the same time
~. PART 4 strong enough to ... :.
35 will be made 1to train 13 D: Link between 'every new invention has been
36 provided (that) 1 1 kept regarded with some suspicion at first' and 'The real
37 1 had told 1vou question is whether ... enough people will overcome
38 succeeded in 1getting their doubts'.
39 afford 1such an 14 F: Link between "the small shopkeeper in inner-city
40 hardly ever 1goes out areas' and 'Many shops like these'.
41 in spite of 1feeling 15 G: Link between 'considerable advantages' and
42 is unlikely 1to come 'Machines do not take lunch breaks ... lsn't this the
sort of efficiency people want from a shop these
PAPER4 listening
~ ~ PART 3
PART 1 16 D: unique opportunity to raise some cash for the Red
1B 2B 3A 4C 5C 6C 7A 8B Cross
17 C: One thing that annoyed me ... was the attitude of
~. PART 2 people watching.
9 18/eighteen years 10 afford 11 soccer 18 A: but in the end it seems to be worth it
12 made redundant 13 encouragement 14 (lots of) 19 B: asked me to join her a few mornings a week
money 15 financial help 16 success 17 reasonable 20 B: 1 didn't even get to the end of the course
18 blue 21 A: when 1started to feel a bit of fatigue kicking in and
hit the wall
PART 3 22 D: four of us from the office
19 E 20 C 21 A 22 F 23 B 23 C: physically 1don't think 1have a great deal of talent or
~ ~ PART 4 24 D: so 1joined the [jogging] club
24 C 25 B 26 C 27 A 28 C 29 B 30 A 25 B: l've entered for the Berlin Marathon
26/7 A: Running long distance is a bit like life too.
26/7 C: Long distance running is a good discipline for life

nM~5 _ itself.
28 D: drag myself out of bed on cold winter mornings ... in
the pouring rain
PAPER 1 Reading
29 B: we watched the news ... he could see my face
~ ~ PART 1 30 A: 1can reach the open countryside in just a couple of
1 C: Correct: 'This' refers to the comment he made about minutes on foot from my front door step.
the referee ('Just what Vou would expect from a
PAPER2 Writing
2 A: Correct: 'the manager ... was forced to resign after
criticising the country's first woman referee'. PART 1
3 C: Correct: She says that he can think what he wants, Question 1
and she is confident that he is in the minority. Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
4 A: Correct: It refers to developing 'a thick skin'. Content: 1 Thank her for her letter and say vou like the
5 B: Correct: 'Fans have not updated their vocabulary to idea of a visit.
take account of female officiais'. 2 Ask for sorne information about her group.
6 D: Correct: 'it helps increase women's interest in 3 Ask exactly when they plan to visit and if it
football generally'. would be possible to have a discussion about
7 A: Correct: 'cultural rather than legal barriers'. British folk music after the concert.
8 B: Correct: 'They are scared vou will give them a card 4 Suggest having dinner after the programme.
more readily.' 5 Tell her that vou would be happy to find
accommodation for the members of the group.
H PART 2 You could suggest a hotel or bread and
9 B: Link between 'the two large display windows' and breakfast accommodation. You could even
'The display on the right'. offer to put people up at the homes of your
10 A: Link between the description of the two windows in society members.
the previous paragraph and 'A central console 6 Give information about your own society: how
between the windows'. many members there are, how old they are,
11 E: Link between 'the total vou have to pay', 'For what kind of music they are interested in, etc.
security reasons, Vou have to do this' and 'vou can 7 Finish by saying that vou are looking forward
only collect the goods after you've paid'. to hearing from her soon.

FeE Tests Answer key

~ ~ PART 2 ~ ~ PART 2
Question 2 13 a 14 ta 15 for 16 in 17 her 18 is 19 the 20 has
Style: Neutral or semi-formal. 21 at 22 yourself 23 more/of 24 for
Content: 1 Explain whether there is much difference
between growing up in a small family and ~ ~ PART 3
growing up in a large family.
25 construction (verb ta noun)
2 Sum up the advantages and disadvantages of
26 arrivai (verb ta noun)
a small family. Give examples.
27 beginning (verb ta noun)
3 Sum up the advantages and disadvantages of
28 global (noun ta adjective)
a large family. Give examples.
29 difficulties (adjective ta noun, plural form)
4 Suggest which one might be better and why.
30 sharply (adjective ta adverb)
Question 3 31 hunger (adjective ta noun)
Style: InformaI. 32 buildings (verb ta noun, plural form)
Content: 1 Describe the place where Vou now live. 33 impossible (adjective ta negative adjective)
2 Sum up the differences between life in this 34 observation (verb ta noun)
small village and your previous life in a city.
3 Explain what vou enjoy and don't enjoy about ~ ~ PART 4
the present situation. Illustrate your points with
35 never allows us 1 ta
36 did not get home 1 until
4 Say how Vou feel about the future, and how
37 sa that 1 he would
Vou think vou will adapt to this new situation.
38 isn't any/is no tea 1 left
Have Vou regretted moving? If vou had the
39 advised me/us 1 not ta go
chance, would vou go back to the city?
40 a full description 1 of
Question 4 41 should not have 1 left
Style: Neutral or informaI. 42 only ~uest who 1 didn't
Content: 1 Vou could begin by saying whether the film
Vou are going to write about is the best or
worst film vou have seen this year. PAPER4 Listening
2 Give some basic information about the film,
~ ~ PART 1
such as who directed it and who acted in it.
8riefly say what the film was about. 1A 28 3A 48 58 6C 7C 88
3 Discuss what exactly it was about the film that
made it so good/bad. Perhaps compare it ta ~ ~ PART 2
other good/bad films vou have seen. Comment 9 July 1012/twelve 11 train station
on the film script, the acting, and any other 12 underground car park 13 nurseries 14 fairground
features that were important. 157/seven 16 Classic 17 flowers 18 the ecology
4 Finish by recommending it or warning people
not ta see it. H PART 3

Question 5(a) 19 D 20 E 21 8 22 A 23 C
.Stv!e: InformaI.
Content: Start by recommending this book ta your friend. H PART 4
Say what the book is about and what vou liked 24 A 25 C 26 C 27 8 28 A 29 C 30 C
most about it. Give reasons why vou think your
friend would enjoy reading it during his or her
holiday. Vou may also mention aspects of the
book that vou think your friend may not
particularly like.
PAPER 1 Reading
Question 5(b)
Style: Formai or neutral. ~ ~ PART 1
Content: Give your opinion about the ending in the book 1 8: Correct: 'yes, really, a menu of pillows'.
or short story. Give reasons why Vou like or 2 C: Correct: 'The Wensley hotels are ail about the little
dislike it. Suggest an alternative ending. Explain extras - and clearly there are enough people willing
how this ending compares ta the one in the book ta pay for them'.
or short story. Is it more optimistic? Is it more 3 A: Correct: 'will ensure the chain's continued success'.
dramatic? 4 D: Correct: 'people still want luxury, particularly as they
are now getting it from fewer and fewer places'.
5 C: Correct: 'lt's still about motivating people and
PAPER 3 Use of English encouraging people sa the guests have the best
possible treatment'.
~ ~ PART 1
6 8: Correct: '1 would love ta be in Edinburgh but 1don't
1 D 28 3 A 4 D 5 C 68 7A 8 D 9 C 108 11 8 know that the market is robust enough'.
12 A

FeE Tests Answer key

7 D: Correct: 'The chain is also launching boutique hotels H PART 2
... the first opens later this year in Naples'.
Question 2
8 C: Correct: 'Mr Watson is a busy man - and likes it that
Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
Content: 1 Begin by saying that a pet can change your
~ ~ PART 2 2 Give reasons why vou think sa.
9 E: Link between the question (What is this learning 3 Describe the experience of having a pet.
disability ... 7) and 'dyscalculics cannot recognise ... 3 Give one or more examples of someone whose
count them one by one'. life changed after he or she got a pet.
10 A: Link between 'huge prablems' and 'Another 4 Suggest how having a pet can influence
problem'. different people in different ways.
11 G: Link between 'concept of time' and 'difficulty in
Question 3
reading schedules and remembering the order in
Style: Neutra\.
which things happened'.
Content: 1 Describe the job vou did and the place where
12 8: Link between 'end up miles away from their
Vou worked.
intended destination' and 'On top of getting lost'.
2 Give reasons why this was a positive/negative
13 F: Link between 'how much money they have got left'
experience for vou.
and 'Dealing with cash ... fear'.
3 Explain what vou enjoyed and why. Explain
14 D: Link between 'cannet coordinate the movements of
what vou didn't enjoy and why.
their body' and 'impossible to recall the complicated
4 Suggest why this (or similar summer job)
step sequence of a dance'.
might be a good experience for teenagers.
15 C: Contrastive link between the prablems listed in the
previous paragraphs and 'On the other hand, Question 4
dysca Icu 1 ics are very good at creative arts'. Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
Content: 1 Begin by giving some basic information about
~ ~ PART 3 the play: who directed it, who acted in it,
16 D: the book took me half a year to write where it is on.
17 C: 1 was pretty offended at the time 2 Give a brief outline of the story.
18 D: the artistic work on the coyer, which 1 really hated at 3 Comment on the acting, the sets and
first costumes.
19 A: 1 had no access to a word pracessor 4 Discuss the reviews the play has received
20 B: 1 ... forgot about the book for about ten years focusing on what the negative ones said about
21 A: 1 vowed l'd never write a biography again the play and why.
22 A: My first published work was a biography of the Duke 5 Say why Vou think the negative criticisms were
of Wellington unfair and give your own opinion of the play.
23 D: It was a work of history, a study of the Industrial 6 Conclude by saying whether vou think the play
Revolution is worth seeing.
24 C: Vou might have seen the film that was based on my Question 5(a)
first novel Style: Formai or neutral.
25 B: 1 would write ten pages every morning Content: Start by saying whether vou agree, party agree
26 C: he wasn't interesting enough or disagree with the statement. For example, the
27 D: 1 had to be strict about how long 1 would work for message might help people, but not in everyday
28 C: in the short stories l'd had published before life. Then find examples fram the book of
29 B: running the risk of including inaccuracies themes or messages that support your opinion.
30 A: 1 was awarded the General Haig Memorial Prize for Question 5 (b)
the book Style: Formai or neutral.
Content: State the aim of the report and say whether vou
think the book would be suitable for this
PAPER 2 Writing
particular age group. Explain the reasons why it
~ ~ PART 1 would be appropriate or inappropriate and give
Question 1 specific examples from the book. Think of events
Style: InformaI. that would (or would not) be understandable to
Content: 1 Explain that vou are going to the holiday camp 14-year-old children. Finally, decide if the subject
vou went to last year. of the book cou Id be used for discussion in class.
2 Invite your friend to come with vou.
3 Describe the place and say why it is fun for the
PAPER 3 Use of English
entire family.
4 Describe the sports facilities and give ~ ~ PART 1
examples of the activities available. 1B 2B 3A 4B 5A 6D 7C 88 9A 10B 11D
5 Say when vou would like to go and suggest by 12 C
when vou have to book.
6 Finish by saying vou hope your friend will
agree to come.

FeE Tests Answer key

~ ~ PART 2 8 B: Correct: 'The rock had passed through the hoop 0
my body ... missing me'.
13 between 14 it 15 a 16 as 17 than 18 on 19 front
20 like 21 is 22 ta 23 them 24 ail
~ ~ PART 2
~ ~ PART 3 9 A: Contrastive link between 'the government would not
25 civilisations (verb ta noun, plural form) allow anyone to operate a private radio station' and
26 obsession (verb ta noun) 'However, the government's power only extended ta
27 traditionally (noun ta adjective ta adverb) the country itself .. .',
28 professional (noun ta adjective) 10 C: Link between 'Du ring a period when pop music was
29 widely (adjective ta adverb) extremely popular, the BBC played very little of it'
30 responsibility (adjective ta noun) and 'As a result, there were large numbers of young
31 regulations (verb ta noun, plural form) people who wanted ta listen ... but couldn't'.
32 unable (adjective ta negative adjective) 11 F: Link between 'a radio station operating outside
33 successful (noun ta adjective) Britain' and 'this station'.
34 profitable (noun ta adjective) 12 D: Link between the reasons given for Radio Caroline's
popularity and 'The audiences loved it'.
13 H: Link between 'the British government decided that
~ ~ PART 4
some action had to be taken' and 'a new law was
35 denied 1 having been/denied that 1 he had been passed'.
36 what the width 1 of 14 E: Link between the developments at the BBC and
37 tell them apart 1 because 'increasing number of listeners were switching from
38 has not been abroad 1 since the pirate stations ta the eminent broadcaster'.
39 is still waiting 1for/still hasn't 1 received/had 15 B: Link between 'Radio Caroline found itself in serious
40 whether 1 1 had financial difficulties' and 'lts situation became even
41 gets on 1 my worse'.
42 ta get lover
~ ~ PART 3

PAPER4 Listening 16 D: It was the first time l'd ever played the lottery.
17 A: 1 would write cheques for big amounts of money and
H PART 1 posted them off to friends
1A 2B 3A 4A 5C 6C 7B 8C 18 B: Pat and 1 were part of a syndicate.
19 C: 1 had won ... about a year earlier
~ ~ PART 2 20 B: 1 had always considered myself a pretty unlucky
9 unfashionable 10largest 11 (indoor) alternative persan
12 adults 13 (business) executives 14 natural 15 boys 21 C: 1 would ... play the first numbers that came into my
16 new markets 17 (toy) fairs 18 controlled head
22 A: 1 never change the set of numbers that 1 play
~ ~ PART 3 23 D: giving quite a lot of the money ta the Red Cross and
19 C 20 E 21 F 22 A 23 B other charities
24 C: My two brothers, Pete and Fred, borrowed a
~. PART 4 handsome amount of money
24C 25C 26A 27B 28C 29A 30B 25 B: determined not to let the money affect our lifestyle
26/7 B: 1 decided ta carry on working
26/7 D: 1 never considered giving up my job.

L...:.....7 _
28C: 1 went completely the other way ... much smaller
than the flat 1 had
29 A: 1 bought some shares in a computer software
PAPER 1 Reading
~ ~ PART 1 30 D: 1 just wish they'd treat me the way they always used
1 C: Correct: 'the warmth would loosen rocks that were ta.
gripped by ice'.
2 D: Correct: 'it became obvious that this was going ta be
PAPER 2 Writing
an awkward route'.
3 A: Correct: 'it can easily be pushed off on ta vou by ~ ~ PART 1
people climbing above'. Question 1
4 B: Correct: 'the air above suddenly seemed alive with Style: InformaI.
falling rocks'. Content: 1 Say vou are glad she had a good time.
5 C: Correct: 'a rock in your face is far less pleasant than 2 Thank her for the invitation and say vou would
a rock in your helmet'. like to come.
6 A: Correct: The 'overhanging.canopy of rock' would 3 Explain that Vou can't go on Friday evening
protect him from rocks falling on his head. and give a reason why.
7 B: Correct: This is the sound of falling rocks described
in previous paragraphs ('then crack again').

FeE Tests Answer key

4 Ask if vou can go on Saturday morning. Ask Question 5(b)
what time and how to get there. Can Vou go by Style: Formai or neutral.
bus or by train? Content: Start by saying whether Vou think the book is
5 Ask if vou need to bring anything special for 'gripping and absorbing' or not. Give reasons. Is
the weekend, like your swimming costume. the plot interesting? Are the characters weil
6 Finish by asking her what plans she might portrayed? Is the ending satisfactory? Think of
have for Sunday evening. parts of the book that support your opinion. Sum
up by listing the strengths and weaknesses of
~ ~ PART 2 the book you've read.

Question 2
Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
Content: 1 Decide on the narrator. Who are vou? How old PAPER 3 Use of English
are vou? Are vou working or studying? Where ~ ~ PART 1
do vou live? lB 2A 3D 4C 5B 6B 7C 8A 90 10C llA
2 Decide why a phone cali could cause trouble. 12 B
Why did Vou regret ma king that phone cali?
Why was it a mistake?
~. PART 2
3 Decide whether to begin or end with the
13 for 14 At 15 from 16 was 17 deal 18 some/several/
prompt sentence. If Vou decide to begin the
many 19 that 20 in 21 could 22 had 23 the 24 with
story with it, explain the events that happened
before the phone calI. Explain what happened
~. PART 3
after the phone calI. How did that phone cali
affect the narrator and main characters? 25 discrimination (verb to noun)
4 If vou end the story with the prompt sentence, 26 practical (noun to adjective)
describe the chain of events that led to the 27 inconvenient (adjective to negative adjective)
main event of the story. Keep the story simple 28 commonly (adjective to adverb)
and clear. 29 equipment (verb to noun)
30 frequently (adjective to adverb)
Question 3
31 hatred (verb to noun)
Style: InformaI.
32 development (verb to noun)
Content: 1 State your opinion clearly in the first
33 disabilities (noun to negative noun, plural form)
paragraph. Say whether your friend should go
34 behaviour (verb to noun)
on the exchange programme or not.
2 List the advantages and disadvantages of the
programme. Give reasons for your views and ~. PART 4
provide examples from your own experience. 35 has not changed 1 since
3 Wish your friend good luck whatever he or she 36 apologise for 1 forgetting to
decides to do. 37 spent the whole afternoon 1 sleeping
38 refused to 1 be seen
Question 4
39 would not have fainted 1 if
Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
40 would rather 1 watch football than
Content: 1 ln the introduction, give some basic
41 as soon as 1 vou receive
information about the film: who directed it,
42 has been 1 out of order
who acted in it and what it is about.
2 How good are the special effects? How heavily
does the film rely on them?
PAPER4 Listening
3 Comment on the other aspects of the film: the
story, acting, soundtrack, etc. H PART 1
4 Give your opinion about this particular film. i c 2A 3C 4A 5B 6A 7B 8A
5 Conclude by referring to the comment. Say
whether vou think audiences are becoming Ho PART 2
bored with films that rely heavily on special
9 June 151h 10 on (the) radio 11 mayor 12 footballer
13 experts 14 practical 15 flexible 16 qualifications
Question 5(a) 17 applications 18 website
Style: Formai or neutral.
Content: Start by saying whether vou agree or disagree
~. PART 3
with the statement. Is the setting important?
Does the time and place make any difference to 19 B 20 E 21 A 22 F 23 C
whether Vou like it or not? Think of the book or
short story vou have read. Do vou think it has ~ ~ PART 4
universal appeal? Do vou think that because of 24 A 25 B 26 C 27 C 28 B 29 B 30 A
when and where it is set it will appeal to a
specifie group of readers? Give reasons and
support Vou views with examples from the book.

FeE Tests Answer key

30 D: Taking part in a sports lesson can be a major source

rmI,-=-S _ of embarrassment for less athletic children.

PAPER 1 Reading
PAPER 2 Writing
~ ~ PART 1
1 C: Correct: 'the person inside her body is actually a ~ ~ PART 1
middle-aged woman'. Question 1
2 A: Correct: '1 don't have to do things for the sake of Style: Semi-formal.
them ... l'rn only ever going to do the things that Content: 1 Thank her for her letter.
interest me'. 2 Ask if the tour can start earlier and give a
3 B: Correct: It is suggested that being so ambitious is reason why this would be a good idea.
something she might be embarrassed about. Suggest a time that the tour could start.
4 C: Correct: '1 wanted to study and 1didn't want to stay 3 Say the youth discussion programme sounds
where 1 was. 1 wanted more.' interesting, and ask if vou can join in.
5 D: Correct: She had to 'be on tirne, make sense, be 4 Ask where lunch will be.
logical'. 5 Explain what sort of things vou would like to
6 D: Correct: 'Sinclair prefers ... a small family car'. ask the station manager.
7 D: Correct: 'Monev's never been a big part of my life'. 6 Say vou think the talk by the marketing
8 A: Correct: 'what cou Id possibly make me excited' manager might not be very interesting and ask
if vou can interviewa programme presenter
~ ~ PART 2 instead.
7 Finish by saying vou are looking forward to
9 D: 'Not really' answers the question at the end of the
hearing from her again.
previous paragraph.
10 G: 'them' refers to 'numbers from one to three' in the
~~ PART 2
previous sentence.
11 F: Contrastive link between 'Humans remember things Question 2
... groups or categories' and 'Orangutans, on the Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
other hand, appear to remember things according to Content: 1 ln the introduction, give some basic
where they saw them last'. information about the play: who directed it,
12 A: Link between 'Orangutans can become very who acted in it and where it is showing.
emotional' and 'They feel extremely frustrated' in the 2 Describe briefly what the play is about. Does
next sentence. the play have a theme?
13 C: Link between 'animais in captivity' and 'we cannot 3 Comment on other aspects of the play: the
study ... in their natural environ ment'. acting, sets, costumes, etc.
14 H: Link between 'There are differences ... work' and 4 Explain why vou think it is a good play and
'This becomes apparent ... the same task to do'. why vou enjoyed it.
15 B: Link between 'the ability to recognise themselves in 5 Discuss what advantages the theatre has over
a mirror' and 'This seems to suggest .. .', the cinema and illustrate what vou say using
examples from the play vou saw.
~ ~,PART 3
6 Conclude by saying why vou think the theatre
still has a lot to offer.
16 A: sports can teach children the importance of
Question 3
teamwork .... sports are about working together
Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
towards a common goal
Content: 1 Explain that vou think local traditions are
17 B: sports can teach vou how to be humble and realistic
18 D: Sports can teach vou ... how to remain focused
2 Give reasons and examples why they are
19 A: Almost everything else at school is about individual
important to small communities.
3 Discuss the danger of forgetting local
20 A: national sports ... benefit ... they are part of the
school curriculum
4 Give examples of traditions that are important
21 D: the Olympic spirit ... which nowadays is more
for the cultural identity of people and should.
important than ever before
therefore, be maintained.
22 A: give children who are not high achievers a chance to
Question 4
excel at something
23 C: learn the importance of fair play Style: Neutral or semi-formal.
24 B: Being competitive is part of human nature ... provide Content: Decide who the narrator is. Decide what his or
her personality and lifestyle is. Think of a
an excellent outlet for this aggressiveness.
25 C: from the most popular ones ... to the less popular decision that one can make and then regret for
ones the rest of one's life. Is this a career decision? Is
26 B: the head didn't really think sports mattered this a decision that affects family or friends?
27 C: sports are often regarded as a sort of optional extra Give background information about the events
leading to it. Make sure the decision of the
28 A: girls don't get encouraged to do weil at sports
29 B: obesity ... nutritional value of food, etc. should be narrator has negative results and describe them
included in sports lessons before Vou finish with the sentence vou have
been given.
FeE Tests Answer key
Question 5{a) ~ ~ PART 2
Style: Formai or neutral.
9 Tell me How 1013/thirteen 11 (quite) sophisticated
Content: Choose a 'miner' character from the book or
12 the speed 13 Balances 14 forecast 15 updates
short story Vou have read. Describe the character
16 Road Works 17 navigation 18 (5) five minutes
in detail. Say what makes this character
interesting and provide examples to support
your opinion. Explain why this character could H PART 3
be the main character in a different story. You 19D 20C 21F 22B 23E
may suggest the kind of story that he or she
could be the main character of.
~ ~ PART 4
Question 5{b)
Style: Formai or neutral. 24 C 25 B 26 A 27 A 28 B 29 B 30 C
Content: Decide which of the characters in the book or
short story vou have read made an important
decision. Describe the character and explain in
detail the decision he or she had to make.
Explain how this decision affected the life of the
character and the lives of the rest of the
characters. Say whether vou would have made
the same decision if vou had found yourself in a
similar situation.

PAPER 3 Use of English

~ ~ PART 1
1B 2 D 3 B 4A 5C 6 D 7A 8 D 9A 10 B 11 C
12 D

~ ~ PART 2
13 to 14 the 15 who 16 how 17 by 18 able
19 these/they 20 at 21 on 22 as 23 not 24 what

~ ~ PART 3
25 unknown (verb to negative adjective)
26 professional (noun to adjective)
27 valuable (noun to adjective)
28 directors (verb to noun, plural form)
29 submissions (verb to noun, plural form)
30 Generally (adjective to adverb)
31 rejection (verb to noun)
32 notify (noun to verb)
33 typically (adjective to adverb)
34 creativity (verb to noun)

~ ~ PART 4
35 only student/one who 1did not
36 time 1Vou decided
37 he gets 1 his hair cut
38 borrowed a dictionary 1from me
39 to eut down 1on
40 can't have 1forgotten
41 only 1we had
42 should not have 1insulted

PAPER4 listening
~ ~ PART 1
1C 2A 3A 4B 5C 6A 7C 8B

FeE Tests Answer key

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