Assignment: Introduction To Computer

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Assignment: Introduction to

Class: B.S (ENGLISH) Semester 3
Topics: Uploading, Downloading, Web browsers and
their features
Uploading and Downloading:
"Uploading" and "downloading" are terms used to refer to types of electronic data
transfers. The difference between them is the direction in which the files are being
transferred. Files are considered to be uploaded when they are transferred from a
computer or other electronic device to a central server, and downloading is when
the files are transferred from a server to a smaller peripheral unit, such as a
computer, smartphone or other device. These two different types of transfers are
often done via the Internet, such as when a file is downloaded from a website. The
transfer of data from one system or device to a similar system or device, such as
from a desktop computer to a laptop, usually is not considered uploading or

The most common type of uploading is when a user uploads a digital file to an
Internet site. For example, a user might upload vacation photos to a social
networking website or a home video to a video sharing site. The uploaded files are
then stored on the website's servers and can be seen by anyone who has Internet
access and, if necessary, the right software for viewing it.
Other websites allow users to upload digital files for storage. This can allow users to
store more files or larger files than would be possible to store on their own
computer or device because of its limited storage capacity. Uploading files to
storage websites also allows other users or other devices to have access to them.
Permission to access the files can be granted to only certain people, or the files
could be made public for anyone to access.
Another type of uploading takes place within a closed computer system, such as
one within a single office building or one that connects a group of businesses. These
types of systems typically have servers to store information that needs to be shared
among multiple computers or devices. Digital files can be uploaded from any
computer or device that is connected to the system, then can be downloaded or
accessed by any other user in the system.

Whenever electronic files or information are transferred from a central system to a
computer or device that is connected to that system, it is considered downloading.
Files can be downloaded temporarily and then deleted after they have been used
once, or they can be downloaded on a more permanent basis and used for a long
period of time. For example, a funny video file might be downloaded from the
Internet and soon deleted after it has been watched, but a helpful application might
be downloaded and used for months or years.

Downloaded files are sometimes automatically stored in a particular location on the

computer or device, and they are automatically accessed from that location when
needed. An example of this is an application that is downloaded to a smartphone
the user typically cannot control where the app is stored on the phone, it is simply
stored where the phone stores all of its apps. In other cases, the user can choose
where the downloaded files will be stored. For example, a laptop user might
download a music file to a specific folder for music or another type of file to the
computer's desktop, where it can be found quickly.

The time that it takes to upload or download a file depends on several factors. The
main factor is the digital size of the file, which is measured in bytes. The larger the
file, the longer it takes to transfer the information in it. The quality of the connection
from the Internet or central server to the smaller computer or device also makes a
difference in the transfer speed. A computer that has high-speed Internet
connection will be able to download or upload a file much more quickly than a
computer that has a low-speed connection would. In addition, the speed of the
server on which the file is stored can affect upload times or download times.

Background Operations:
Uploading and downloading occur frequently, often without the user being aware
that he or she is doing it. For example, incoming email is downloaded from a server,
and outgoing emails are uploaded to be sent out. The source code of a web page is
downloaded to the users computer so that he or she can view the content.
Whenever a computer or device is connected to the Internet or another larger
system, files are frequently transferred back and forth uploaded and downloaded
throughout the normal course of use.

2. Web Browsers and their features:

A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for
retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.
An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI/URL) and
may be a web page, image, video or other piece of content.
The most common browser software titles on the market are: Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Google's Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple's Safari, and Opera. Browser
availability depends on the operating system your computer is using (for example:
Microsoft Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, Mac OS, among others).
1. The Web browser should be able to look at the Web pages throughout Internet or
to connect to various sites to access information, explore resources and have fun.
2. The Web browser must enable you to follow the hyperlinks on a Web and type in
a URL for it to follow.
3. Another feature of browser is to have a number of other commands readily
available through menus, icons, and buttons.
4. Your browser ought to include an easy way to get on-line help as well as built in
links to other resources on the Web that can give you helps or answer your
5. You will definitely want a way to save links to the sites you have visited on the
WWW so that you can get back to them during other sessions. Web browsers take
care of those in two ways, through a come across in the current in the session, and
a bookmark list, which you use to keep a list of WWW pages you want to access any
time you use your browser. The name of the site and its URL are kept in these lists.
The bookmark list is particularly important and the browser contain tools to manage
and arrange it.
6. One of the main feature of a browser is to search the information on the current
page as well as search the WWW itself.
7. Browser give you the facility to save a Web page in a file on your com pull print a
Web page on your computer, and send the contents of a Web page e-Mail to others
on the Internet.
8. Few Web browser are complete Internet package, means they come with
components like e-Mail client, newsgroup client an HTML composer, telnet client, ftp
client, etc.
9. Web browser should be able to handle text, images of the World Wide Web, as
well as the hyperlinks to digital video, or other types of information.
10. To take advantage of some of the most exciting things on the World Wide Web,
your browser needs to properly display and handle Web pages that contain
animated or interactive items. Netscape Navigator can incorporate these features
through its ability to interpret programs written in Java and Java Script.
11. Web browsers interact not just with the Web, but also with your computers
operating system and with other programs, called plug-ins, that gives the browser
enhanced features.
12. Another important feature to insist on in your browser is caching. A browser that
caches keeps of the pages you visit so that it does not have to download them
again if you want to return to them. Reloading a page from the cache is much
quicker that downloading it again from the original source.
13. The most important feature of any browser is ease of use. While all Web
browsers are fundamentally simple to use, the one you settle on should be very
easy to work with; it should function as a transparent windows onto the Web.
14. If you will be browser the Web from within a secured network, you may have to
configure your browser to work through a special computer on your network called a
proxy server.

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