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1. Question No.1 is compulsory and score of minimum 50% marks is essential in the same.
2. Answer any SIX questions.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage
5. Illustration of an answer with clear sketches ? diagrams carries weightage
6. All unused pages of answer script must be cancelled out by two lines (X) across the page.

Q1. A. Describe the procedure to be adopted for the inspection of a safety valve fitted to an exhaust gas boiler stating, with reasons, which parts
should receive particularly close attention.
B. Describe the procedure for the setting of safety valves of exhaust gas operated auxiliary boilers;
C. Explain the action a Chief Engineer should take after the setting of safety valves as in (B)
2010/SR12 2011/SR10 2010/SR10 2010/SR12 2009/SR6 2008/SR9 2007/SR9 2010/SR11 2007/SR5
2010/SR6 2012/SR1 2012/SR10 2012/SR12 2013/SR8 2013/SR09 2014/SR01 2014/SR07 2014/SR08
2014/SR11 2015/SR02 2015/SR06 2015/SR09 2015/SR12 2017/SR1

Q2. With reference to the carriage and pumping of liquefied gas cargo: A. Sketch a suitable pumping system labeling the component parts; State; B.
Why submerged hydraulically driven pumps are not used; C. How overheating of pump drive shaft bearings is avoided; D. How tank is rendered safe
both in loaded & unloaded condition. E Why at the end of discharge about 2% of liquid cargo is left in the tank. F. State, how the risk of fire and
explosion in cargo tanks is obviated both in the loaded and discharged condition.
2009/SR2 2008/SR6 2006/SR4 2011/SR3 2010/SR7 2010/SR3 2011/SR2 2010/SR11 2011/SR3 2010/SR10
2010/SR4 2011/SR10 2012/SR10 2013/SR10 2014/SR03 2015/SR02 2015/SR09 2016/SR4 2016/SR09 2017/SR01

Q3. With reference to electro-hydraulic steering gears: A. Explain in terms of control parlance, the function of the Hunting gear; B. Explain the
consequences if the standby pumping unit is motored; C. State TWO methods employed to prevent the standby hydraulic pump being motored by
the operating unit.
2009/SR2 2007/SR5 2006/SR9 2010/SR11 2010/SR7 2011/SR7 2011SR/10 2012/SR1
2012/SR10 2012/SR12 2013/SR09 2013/SR10 2014/SR01 2014/SR07 2014/SR11 2015/SR02
2015/SR09 2016/SR09 2017/SR01

Q4. A. Explain the necessity of intercoolers on a multi-stage compressor. What attention is required to keep them safe and in good working order?
B. Sketch and describe an intercooler suitable for a 2400kpa compressor and state materials used.
C. What attention is needed before opening up for inspection? What faults are likely to develop in an air compressor and how are they remedied.
2012/SR7 2012/SR10 2013/SR4 2015/SR02 2015/SR03 2015/SR09

Q8. With reference to electro-hydraulic steering gears: A. Explain in terms of control parlance, the function of the Hunting gear; B. Explain the
consequences if the standby pumping unit is motored; C. State TWO methods employed to prevent the standby hydraulic pump being motored by
the operating unit
2009/SR2 2007/SR5 2006/SR9 2010/SR11 2010/SR7 2011/SR7 2011SR/10 2012/SR1
2012/SR10 2012/SR12 2013/SR09 2013/SR10 2014/SR01 2014/SR07 2014/SR11 2015/SR02
2015/SR09 2016/SR09 2017/SR01

Q6. With reference to multi-tubular heat exchangers explain:

(A) How and where impingement attack is likely to occur in the tubes
(B) Why it desirable is that coolant flow rate should not exceed that required to maintain correct fluid temperature
I . Ample well-shaped water boxes and smooth tube inlets are desirable
(D) Partial obstruction of tube bore is a common cause of tube failure
2012/SR7 2012/SR10 2015/SR02 2015/SR09

Q1. With respect to refrigeration gases used on-board vessels, answer the following
A. Explain ozone depleting potential of conventional refrigerant gases

B. Name the alternate refrigerant gases available and being used onboard.
C. Explain the steps you will take to ensure that release of refrigerant gases from the plant is minimized during normal operation and during
maintenance activities.
2013/SR1 2013/SR8 2015/SR01 2015/SR02 2015/SR09 2016/SR02 2016/SR08 2016/SR10 2017/SR1

Q8. Compare and contrast the destructive testing done on engineering materials with non-destructive testing done on engineering components.
Briefly describe one destructive test to illustrate the answer
2015/SR02 2015/SR06 2015/SR09 2016/SR16 2017/SR1

Q9. With regard to care of lubricating oils on board answer the following
A. What is microbial degradation of lubricating oil and how is it prevented?
B. What methods are employed to ensure correct sampling for shore based testing?
C) If shore based testing results show abnormal value of water content and TBN for crank case lube oil of a slow speed main engine, what will be
interpretation and subsequent action?
2012/SR12 2013/SR1 2013/SR7 2014/SR08 2014/SR11 2015/SR01 2015/SR02 2015/SR06
2015/SR09 2016/SR02 2016/SR08 2016/SR10 2016/SR16 2017/SR1

Note : If you are looking for answers prepared in organized manner with clear drawings please visit our website by CLICKING HERE


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