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Introduction to Sahidic Coptic by Thomas O.

4th ed., 2000, Mercer University Press

Lesson 12
Analytical solutions of Exercises
Dimitrios Leivaditis

The solutions to the exercises were made according to the theory of the corresponding chapters and to
the theory of A Coptic Grammar by Bentley Layton, 2000, Harrassowitz Verlag.

1.aceiw =m pefho m=n nefmaaje. = She washed his face and his ears.

Non-durative verbal sentence

a = prepronominal form of past affirmative conjugation base a
-c- = personal infix, denotes 3d person f. s., subject of the sentence
eiw = (inf.) to wash
aceiw = she washed
=n (=m before p) = (prep.) in, marks the direct object in the sentence
ho = (noun, m. s.) face
pef = (posses. art., denotes 3d person m. s. possessor for m. s. nouns) = his
pefho = his face, direct object
m=n = (prep.) with, together with, in the company of; and
maaje = (noun, m. s./pl.) ear / ears
nef (posses. art., denotes 3d person m. s. possessor for m. pl. nouns) = his
nefmaaje = his ears, direct object

2. afjooc je =mpinau erof. = He said, I haven't seen him.

Non-durative verbal sentence

a = prepronominal form of past affirmative conjugation base a
-f- = personal infix, denotes 3d person m. s., subject of the sentence
joo = prepronominal form of infinitive jw (= to say)
-c = personal suufix, denotes 3d person f. s., serves as a dummy object of the verb jw when
introducing a direct quotation, followed by
je = conjuntion introducing direct quotation
afjooc je = he said: ...

Non-durative verbal sentence

=mp = prepronominal form of past negative conjugation base
-i- = personal infix, denotes 1st person, subject of the sentence
nau = (inf.) to see, to look at (e)
=mpinau = I didn't see
ero = prepronominal form of preposition e> marks the direct object of nau
-f- = personal suffix, denotes 3d person m. s., obhect of the sentence
=mpinau erof = I didn't see him, I haven't seen him.

3. m=nnca nai de acw =n[i techime. = Afterwards the woman became pregnant.

Non-durative verbal sentence

a = prepronominal form of past affirmative conjugation base a
-c- = personal infix, denotes 3d person f. s., subject of the sentence
w = (inf.) to become pregnant, to conceive
acw = she became pregnant, she conceived
=n[i = mark of postponed subject
chime = (noun, f. s.) woman, wife, postponed subject of the sentence
te = (def, art., f. s.) the
techime = the woman, subject of the sentence
acw =n[i techime = the woman became pregnant

Temporal sentence, serves as adverbial specification of time

m=nnca = (prep.) after
nai = (demonstr. pron., pl.) these
de = postpositive conjunction: but, however. Frequently marks the introduction of a new topic and
has no translation value
m=nnca nai de = after these, afterwards

4. afrime etbe nefsbeer entaumou hi tehiy.= He weeped over his friends who died on
the street.

Non-durative verbal sentence

a = prepronominal form of past affirmative conjugation base a
-f- = personal infix, denotes 3d person m. s., subject of the sentence
rime = (inf.) to weep
afrime = he weeped
etbe = (prep.), because of, on account of; concerning, about; for the sake of
sbeer = (noun, pl.) friends
nef = ( (posses. art., denotes 3d person m. s. possessor for m. pl. nouns) = his
nefsbeer = his friends, object of afrime and presumptive subject of etnaumou
afrime etbe nefsbeer = he weeped over his friends

Subordinate reference clause

ent- = relative converter
-auf- = personal infix, denotes 3d person pl., subject of the sentence
mou = (inf.) to die
entaumou = who died (they)

Prepositional phrase, serves as adverbial specification of place

hi = (prep.) on, upon
hiy = (noun, f. s.) road
te = (def. art., f. s.) the
Tehiy = (def. noun, f. s. ) the road
hi tehiy = on the road

5. ph=llo de =mpefcw ebol h=m pyr=p = The old man however didn't drink any wine.

Non-durative sentence
h=llo = (noun, m. s.) old man, monk
p = (def. art., m. s.) the
ph=llo = the old man, the old monk, presumptive subject of the sentence
de = postpositive conjunction: but, however. Frequently marks the introduction of a new topic and
has no translation value
mp = prepronominal form of past negative conjugation base
-ef- = personal infix, denotes 3d person, subject of the sentence
cw = (inf.) to drink
=mpefcw = he didn't drink
ebol h=n (h=m before p) = (compound prep.) out of, out from in, away from; (rarely) out into
cw combines often with ebol h=n in partitive sense (drink some of)
yr=p = (noun, m. s.) wine
p = (def. art., m. s.) the
pyr=p = the wine
ebol h=m pyr=p = some of the wine, direct object of the sentence

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