Identifying Risk Rev - B

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Risk Assessment Brainstorming

Health and safety risk factors

Need to consider foreseeable use and also foreseeable misuse

Use of equipment outdoors/in inclement weather

Incorrect use of/positioning on the seat
Inserting body parts into moving parts
Use without supervision
Use when injured
Incorrect use of the pull down bar
Clothing caught in moving parts
Opening up motor box
Using too much weight which will cause injury
If try to disassemble
If try to fix
Fingers caught in moving cable
Fingers/body parts come into contact with moving parts
Fingers inserted into core box vents may become stuck
Interference with the cable and pulley set up
Interference with the belt
Fingers caught in the seat adjustor pin
Liquids into the system will cause damage
Use of by those who are either above or below the maximum and minimum
percentiles respectively
Deliberate breaking of maximum boundaries and limits
Deliberate destruction
Making unauthorised modifications
Use for inappropriate exercises
Incorrect exercise technique resulting in injury
Prolonged pull down position could burn out the motor
Power surge

Design and Commercial risk

Manufacture takes longer than predicted

Flaws at CDR restricts/holds back progress
Misjudgement concerning spending/budget
Sourcing parts from overseas causes delays
Parts out of stock or delay in delivery
Additional costs incurred if behind time
Technical limitations resulting from lack of expertise
Is our market research correct, have we judged our competitors correctly
Reliability analysis

Component failure during use

Components require renewal
Supply spares?
Repair guarantee
Need to remove the risks

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