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The View From Where I Stand

Ive an anger which cannot be hidden!

A burning passion that comes unbidden!
My Soul desolated with grievous rage,
reacts with furious justified outrage!

Occasioned by the offences of ignorance,

bigotry, discrimination and intolerance!
Though evil are the ravages of vandalism,
they pale to the magnitude of racialism!

Colour, creed, even the shape of the eye

is little enough to make bigots cry:
Hes not of us! Hes a different breed!
Watch him close or hell do us an ill deed!

There is no cause for remarks such as these,

but pestilent views are like a disease!
Some ill chosen words expressed in vague
terms, insinuate like a fatal plague!

Ethnic slurs in the guise of humour, fester!

With but one angry response one protester,
can incite more slander, which raging out of hand,
foments a backlash! Runs rampant! Inflames the land!

But racism is a sword with a two edged blade!

It cleaves not only those on whom its laid
but those who scorn to curb their vicious tongue
from whom such defamatory words have sprung!

Can we not accept those who are not as us?

Must we blame the innocent for the fuss
instigated by such biased perception?
Let us quash ignorance at its inception,

or by default we shall be guilty too!

By using diverse conceits we construe
to make imprudent acts lawful decrees!
While disregarding all impassioned pleas
for tolerance! Unless we denounce this blight,
or take a stand and with fortitude, to fight
and end disharmony, discord and dislike!
Racialism and hatred will flourish alike!

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