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Translation of

"The Pathway to Excellence "

A Complementary Requirement for Graduation at Professional

Graduate Diploma in Translation

Translated by:

Reem AbuRezeq

Manar Obaid

Supervised by:

Dr. Alaa al-Ghoul

1- Outline:
1- Project Cover Page

2- Abstract

3-Method of translation

4-Project Justification

5- Methodology

6- Source text (Arabic(

7- Target text (English)

2- Abstract :
The subject of the project is a basic and real material which is entitled The Pathway
to Excellence. The writer and the lecturer Ibrahim Elfiky expresses in his book the
key secrets to the success. Also , he wants to help people by teaching them the top
morals and skills to be distinguished in their life . The subject text is designed into
chapters and the text function as mentors guide for the chapters with standard
structure , tips, and recommendations for people . This project is trial and attempt
to perform professional translation.

3- Method of Translation
Semantic Approach is a good method to translate such an educational and moral
text as it requires maintaining the level of clarity and simplicity of thoughts and
expressions. The source text uses a simple and friendly language by using dialogue in
some situations ; it sounds if the writer were talking to the reader, though
maintaining the level of a academic diction in place, so it is better to apply semantic
approach where the form and the content of the message are equally important .
The translator try to convey the message clear and meaningful as written in the
source language . Moreover, translator try to maintain the simple sense of the

4- Project Justification
Translation of this project has many goals such as:

1- To build up the self-confidence of the people.

2- To enhance and strengthen the side of good manners.

3- To make clear-cut decision to achieve the goal.

4- To be in the safe zone by closing to Allah Almighty.

5- To enhance motivation with the person.

6- To be distinguished in your life.

7- To put your trust in Allah.

5- Methodology:
Translation of the text was done through methodology outlined hereunder:

1- Reading the chapters & review the text to be translated.

2-Decide the method of translation to be applied.

3-Perform Arabic-English draft translation adopting semantic approach".

4-Perform proofreading.

5-Receive supervisors recommendations .

6. Edit the draft translation & perform the final translation.

Supervised by: Dr. Alaa N. El Ghoul

Translated by: Reem Abu Rezeq & Manar Obied


This book is
dedicated to both my
Mother and my
wife, Amal Al-Fiky
may Allah be Glory
to Him, saves their
souls and accept
their in His heavens

My thanks go to
8who have
contributed in
accomplishing this
book, either from
near or far, may
Allah grant them all
the best.

Character develops over time. Many think that much of a person's
character is formed early in life. However, we do not know exactly how
much or how early character develops. But, it is safe to claim that
character does not change quickly. A person's observable behavior is an
indication of his/ her character. This behavior can be strong or weak,
good or bad. A person with strong character shows drive, energy,
determination, self-discipline, willpower, and nerve. He sees what he
wants and goes after it. He attracts followers. On the other hand, a
person with weak character shows none of these traits. He does not
know what he wants. His traits are disorganized, he vacillates and is
inconsistent. He will attract no followers

It's noticed that most previous projects which were translated by the
students focused on four main domains: Jerusalem, refugees, siege and
the last war on Gaza. Therefore, we decided to translate this valuable
book " The Pathway to Excellence" written by Abrahim AL-Fiki since we
know that excellence is acquired not born innately. All along, the book
shows the importance of the role of Islamic religion in building up the
personality of the individual that leads to achieve his goals, hopes and
aspirations through quoting some verses from the Qur'an and showing
some steps to follow that Invalidate the claims of the infidels and the
polytheists who accuse Islam as a retroactive religion that reactionary
impair the rights of individuals. On the whole, most of us have done
things we're not proud of; things we hope don't come back to haunt us
later, this may be because of the feeling of quilt, shame, fear and
embarrassment that may consistently interfere with everything we do
and diminish any sense of satisfaction we would have gained from our

activities, I found that reading this book can create a sense of inner pride
about who we are and what we do. It makes us feel confident, happy,
focused and motivates us higher and higher levels of attainment as well
as provide the determination to attempt bigger projects that we might
have avoided before. In a nutshell, reading the book helps us discover
who we are and learn to be that person as effectively and sincerely as
we can in every moment in our life.

And say

( Muhammad, peace
be upon Him)" Do
deeds! Allah will see
your deeds, and ( so
will) His messenger
and the believers.
And you will be
brought back to the
All-Knower of the
unseen and the seen.
Then he will inform
you of what you used
to do."
At-Taubah, ( The Repentance ), 105


Translated by: Reem Abu Rezeq

I wonder. What is the reason

behind making some people
excellent while others are not?!
Some people are successful while
others are not?! Also, you can
find one who lives their life
better, makes their dreams come
true, and gets their goals
achieved while others are not?!

Do not the people who lives their

life in unpreferable way and don't
realise their dreams or goals
come true wouldn't like to be
happy or excellent?! Of course
not so what is the difference
between them?!

Since Adam, peace be upon him,
was created, human beings all
over the world are united in the
following four things:

1- The materials: the five

2- The time: 1440 minute and
34 hours a day.
3- Intellect: All people are
united in thinking; Allah
granted us the brain, and
the ability of thinking and
4- The energy which comes
out as a result of this
thinking, logic, and
What is the reason that makes
some people distinct while others
are not as long as they all have
these things?! And as long as they
are effected by the time, place,
material and the energy, why are
there some people who are
excellent while others are not?!

The reason for these
questions is very simple; the
excellent person makes good
use of his materials, time,
thinking, and energy to be
excellent. But does it mean
that the other person dosen't
like to be excellent?! Of
course not; he doesn't know
that what he is doing can't
make him/her reaches his/her
goals. S/he does only deeds
which can't cause happiness.

It is possible to find a student

who is careless about study or he
may don't go to school at all. On
the other hand, you may also find
a worker who doesn't achieve his
deeds properly in a way that
satisfies Allah.

You will find him complain,

compare himself to others who
have the bliss, or criticize an
excellent person.

The excellent person is the one
who benefits from materials his
time, thought, abilities and
energy which makes him special.
The excellent person is the one
who thinks immediately when a
problem occurs and always
accepts gifts from Allah" Glory to
Him". But the indistinct person,
on the other hand, is constantly
spiteful, denying everything he
has, and never satisfied with
what Allah has gifted him.

Satisfaction here means that a

person is satisfied with things
gifted to him by Allah "Glory to
Him". Thus, it starts from here till
he makes progress. This reminds
me of a little young man who is
not satisfied about his family, the
quarter where he lives, and life as
a whole.

His life was a series of troubles
and problems but something
inside him always says," you are a
distinct person". But
unfortunately he doesn't know
where excellence is and how it is

Thus, once, he was walking on

the beach where a man stroked
his hand gently on the shoulder
of the young man. The young
man turned himself to The man
who was one of the his family
and said," I'm so upset" the man
replied," we all know that your
life is full of troubles and
worries." The young man said,"
I'm not satisfied with myself and I
don't know what to do. But all I
know is that one day I could be
privileged. Otherwise, why those
people have succeeded in their
social, personal, scientific,
financial and marital life while I

Why are opulent men have all
those wealth while I don't?! I
know I could succeed but what I
need is a person to guide me to

The man looked at the guy and

said," everyone is distinct
because Allah " Glory to Him"
created us as distinct since He
says in the holy Quran," verily,
We created man in the best
stature ( mould)." At-tin ( The
Fig), verse 4.

Because of this Allah has subdued
both the sky and the earth and
what found between them to us.
He says," See you not ( O men )
that Allah has subjected for you
whatsoever is in the heavens and
whatsoever is in the earth, and
has completed and perfected His
Graces upon you, ( both)
apparent ( i.e. Islamic
Monotheism, and the lawful
pleasures of this world, including
health, good looks, etc.) and
hidden { i.e. One's Faith in Allah (
of Islamic Monotheism )
knowledge, wisdom, guidance for
doing righteous deeds, and also
the pleasures}? Yet of mankind is
he who disputes about Allah
without knowledge or guidance
or Book giving light!!" Lugman,
verse 20.

But these are forgotten when it

comes to the life struggle.
Although we need to do things,
most of us do nothing to achieve
their desires.

The man came nearer to the
young man, looking directly in his
eyes and said," Oh, Son, the
pathway to excellence is exist but
we couldn't see it therefore I'll
give you a hand Inshallah. I know
a man who can guide you to the
right way towards excellence and
success called " The Wise Man"
but make sure that you will face
more troubles.

The young man replied at once ,"

I'm ready to do everything that
makes me reach excellence. The
man said," the wise man lives at
the top of a mountain, so you
can't reach there unless you

The young man said," I'll walk,

climb the mountain and challenge
the difficulties till I reach him".
The man said," he is too far so
you have to travel to him". The
young man said," I'm ready to
travel to him". The man said,"
this will cost you much".

The young man said," I'll save no
effort to reach the wise man".

The man described the place

where the wise man lives. It was
miles away, need to afford the
hardship that might face him and
the required money and abilities
in order to travel by plane in
addition to planning. " I know it
is not easy but the mission
deserves this hardship in order
to reach the wise man to achieve
excellence" said the young man.

The man realized that the young

man is honest because he saw his
eyes flaming to meet the wise
man. The young man didn't
believe that finally he would find
his way and meet the wise man
who is going to help him reach
the pathway to excellence.

The young man thanked the man
a lot to give him this precious
opportunity and show him the
way to excellence.

The young man was thinking

nightlong what he should do to
let that happen since he needs a
lot of money.

He decided to meet the wise

man in few months; therefore, he
sent him a letter explaining that
he wanted to meet him, which
was already accepted by the wise
man. The young man spent no
effort to make this come true, so
he worked day and night to get
the money needed for the
journey. He worked as a cleaner
of desks and chairs and as a
guard nightlong too. He didn't
waste time at all. In addition, he
worked hard to get success and
have his certificate.

When he achieved his work and
got success and had his certificate
in his hand, he got a lot of
money. At this time, he didn't
believe that he had the plane
ticket and would travel to meet
the wise man whom he had ever
dreamed of.

When he boarded the plane, he

shut his eyes, dreamed of being
excellent and felt that he is on his
way to excellece whereupon he
opened his eyes, looked out, saw
clouds, and was absorbed by the
outside scenery then speculated
how Allah glory to Him helped
him to get there. The pilot
announced that the plane arrived
safely. The young man didn't
believe that he reached the place
where he would meet the wise
man who would help him. Hastily,
he got off the plane and got a
taxi, but he didn't have enough

When he reached the mountain,
he was shocked because it was
very huge and massive which
would take him a day to climb
and reach the top of the
mountain But he didn't waste his
time. He started to climb the
mountain carrying his bag full of
all his belongings and after a hard
day he could get there where he
saw a small house. He ran to the
door at time He quickly didnt
believe that he reached the wise
man and within few minutes he
would meet him face to face.

Upon knocking the door, he saw
an eighty-years- old woman. She
looked at him and said," who are
you?! He answered," I have a
former meeting with the wise
man, I am the young man who
sent him a message ask him a
meeting for awhile." She said,"
you are too late, son." he
responded immediately," I'm not
late, I came in time." She said,"
the wise man doesn't stay in the
same place for more than a
month and he had already stayed
with us for a month and a half so
you have to go back and return
after a month from now but
make sure not to be late."

The young man looked at her

with painfully for losing the
opportunity he had waited for
along time. He was so sad and
upset but he had no choice;
therefore, he got down from the
mountain and returned home.

Now, what should he do he is a
bit broke and has no money?!

He began to lose hope again. But

a voice came out from inside and
said," don't feel despaired, there
is no life with despair and vice
versa." Thence, he started to
convince himself to do it again
and he already did. He worked
day and night, didn't waste his
time till time had come to meet
the wise man.

Consequently, he gathered
money needed for the journey,
got onto the plane, and repeated
the same hardship he faced at
the first trip. He was spurred by
interest and hope and reached
them in time. He started to climb
the mountain again carrying his
bag on his back. He knocked the
door which was opened by the
same old woman who said, " you
are too late.

The wise man never stay at the
same place more than a month
and he had stayed here for along
time but you are too late."

The young man told her," but I

sent you a message told you
about the exact time of my
arrival." The old woman told
him," but you are too late, and
the wise man never waits. So, you
have to comeback next month."

The young man said," it is

impossible for that man to be
wise; he always breaks the
promise and never sticks to time.
But he neither respects people
nor their time; he goes whenever
he wants while I send him a
message so what shall I do?! And
what am I expected to do?! "

The young man said that while he
was looking to the old woman
and wondering what he should
do now. Calmly, the old woman
told the young man," you may
get angry, sad, and nervous but
that would never work so you
have to come back and think
about it and come in time." Then
she closed the door and left him.
The young man so angrily
returned, had no money, decided
not to come back again; if he
returns next time, the matter will
be repeated again.

He remained in this situation

suffering psychologically for a
week, didn't talk with anyone and
refused to allow anyone to meet
him regardless whoever he was.
He kept weeping nightlong. After
deeply thinking, he decided to try
the attempt again. He worked
day and night again, never
wasted time till he got a lot of
money, traveled, and climbed the
mountain again.

He knocked the door again.
Surprisingly, he saw the same
woman who told him that he was
four hours late the matter that
made him unable to meet the
wise man. He said angrily," it's
impossible, this man couldn't
have a bit of wisdom at all."

She said," there is no reason for

cursing." He said," I have to do
that; he hasn't a bit of sensation
for people." She said," you have
no choice but to return and if you
decided to come back make sure
to come before the exact time in
order to wait and meet him." He
noticed that this time the old
woman ordered him to return
but she showed him the way,
guided him, and gave him a ray of

The young man returned and
started to work harder night and
day since the first day. He
collected the money, traveled by
the train, climbed the mountain
as usual, knocked the door a
week before the limited time. He
stayed outdoor in the lonely
place for a week.

After a week, the wise man

crossed in front of his eyes so the
young man jogged to talk to him.
He was stopped by the old
woman who said," do you think
that you are the only one who
waits the wise man?!! You have
to take your turn." He stayed in
his place on the mountain for
another four hours.

After waiting him for along time,

the young man shut his eyes and
started crying keenly.

Suddenly, a hand stroked his
shoulders gently as if it is a hand
full of wisdom. The young man
opened his eyes and looked
around, it was the wise man
himself. All the troubles,
difficulties and worries the guy
faced had gone away once he
saw the wise man in front of
himself which is considered as a
human nature who always says,"
I've got tired in this way, but now
I deserve this success.
Whereupon, the wise man said to
the young man," tell me man..
what do you want? The young
man answered," I've got tired and
afford the toils." The wise man
said," I know that." The young
man said," I want you to teach
me how the way to excellence is."
The wise man said," look around
you, you are in the excellence
pathway but you don't realize
that you are distinct and already
in the excellence pathway."

Then he told him," at the first
time of your coming her did you
plan?" The young man
answered," yes" then the wise
man said," did you think and
work?" the young man
answered," certainly". The wise
man said," did you collect
money?! He answered," yes" the
wise man asked," do you have a
vision?" he said," yes" the wise
man asked," and you got here by
a plane?" he answered," of
course" the wise man said," and
you came to a country you don't
know about and expecting
something to happen?" the
young man said, "yes" the wise
man said," would you find
another mean if you didn't find a
plane?!" the young man said,"
yes" the wise man said," and if
you didn't find a car to drive you
to here would you come on

the young man said," yes" then
the wise man asked the young
man," don't you know where to
go when climbing the
mountain?!" the young man
said," absolutely" the wise man
completed and asked the young
man," how was your feeling when
you arrived here and returned ?!"
the young man said," I felt such a
total failure". Then the wise man
told him," did you let yourself be
controlled by your failure" the
young man answered, " of course
not" then the wise man asked
him," so what did you do?!"

the young man replied," at first, I

was so angry but I thought and
calmed down then worked again,
collected money and decided to
see you regardless how much it
cost me".

The wise man said," when you
came here again , how was your
feeling?!" the young man said," I
was angrier than before, felt sad
and depressed which lasted for a
while that I did nothing. But I
came back to work harder with a
great decision to meet you by all
means. So, I gathered money,
traveled to you. I had rare
possibility to meet you and didn't
meet you. But this time I found
the door of hope opened again in
my face which is to come earlier
than the exact time. When I came
earlier and stayed outdoor for a
week I said to myself, there is no
doubt; I will see you but I'm a
human. Sometimes, I feel

I was crying bitterly and closing
my eyes when feeling extreme
sadness but I closed my eyes and
went ahead to Allah, Glory to
Him, and said," My God" and
remembered His words when he
says," We shall not make the
reward of anyone who does his (
righteous ) deeds in the most
perfect manner to be lost." Al-
Kahf, The Cave, verse 30.

I've done a good job since I came

here and finally found your palm
stroking my shoulder gently
which made me notice something
very important that Allah is
around us and nearer to us more
than we imagine. He is the
listener and the Answerer tor the

The wise man told the young

man," all what you have
mentioned above is the pathway
to excellence.

You are as others who are really
in their way to excellence but
they don't realize that. They are
as same as those who live in bliss
but on the other hand they waste
their times in searching
happiness or as who lives in
success and still seek it."

He added," Son, as I told you

before what you have actually
said is the pathway to excellence
but I'm just going to arrange it for
you so that you could move from
one side to another tractability
and easily in order to make
excellence. Because of your
commitment and persistence I
will help you reach the excellence
pathway so let's go."

The wise man looked directly to

the young man and said," reasons
is the first thing to start getting in
the excellence pathway, then
asked him, "what do you want?!"
the young man said, "I want to be
special, distinct and excellent"

the wise man said," this is a
general message. People all over
the world need to be special but
what is your vision?!" the young
man asked him," what do you
mean by vision?!" the wise man
said," it is the end of your way so
what is your vision and the end of
the road you are treading?!" the
young man answered," I want to
be special." The wise man told
him," I heard this word before
and if it is repeated I will leave
you alone. Now tell me exactly
about your vision, what do you
want to be?!" the young man
replied," I've made up my mind
to found a special firm." The wise
man asked him," which field will
this firm serves?! He answered,"
electronics field".

The wise man asked, "Why??"
the young man answered,"
because the world is getting
more advanced in the scientific
development, so I want to be a
part of that world, and I want to
be special." The wise man said,"
Ok, Its your vision, but how many
years will it take to come true?"
The young man said," After five
years." The wise man asked,"
What will you do during these 5
years? at the end of these 5
years, your vision should have
been come true."

The wise man started to explain

for the guy the differences
between the vision, goal, and
continuous goal, and said to
him," Listen to me young man to
know what the difference
between the vision and the goal
is; a lot of people think that the
vision and the goal are same, but
the goal is a part of the vision.

i.e. The vision is the end of the
road whereas most people look
at the end as it is the goal
therefore the young man felt
disappointment when compared
between what he is now and
what he wants to be. He felt
disappointment because the road
is too long , "but it is the right
road I want you to reach now."
said the wise man.

The vision is the end of the goal

which is to have the company you
want but the goal is the first
stage which will lead you to the
second stage.

"The first pathway to excellence

is to know the vision and divide it
to goals , every goal leads to the
next one, and every goal leads
you to the vision. so, What is your
vision again?", said the wise man.

The young man said, "To own one

of Dr. Niabs companies."

The wise man said, "What is the
first goal?"

The young man replied, "I'm

going to study everything about

Then the wise man asked him,

"What is the second one?"

The young man answered, "to

learn languages."

The wise man asked," Why


The young man said, "because

language worths a man and
makes people closer."

The wise man said, "In this case

you should learn communication
skills." "Now you learned
electronics and languages, What
will you do after that?", the wise
man asked.

The young man said," I will learn

how to communicate with

The wise man asked," Why?"

The young man replied," To

interact with people and learn
the best ways for selling."

"And after that?", asked the wise


The young man said," I will learn


The wise man asked," Why


The young man said, " because I

dont know how to market these
products to people."

"And what next?", said the wise


The young man said, "I will learn


"And what next?", asked the wise


The young man said, "Customer


The wise man said," What do you

call all that?"

The young man said, "Interest."

The wise man said, "So your first

goal according to your vision is to
know everything about
electronics. Isn't it?! The young
man said," yes"

The wise man asked, "Does that

goal serve your vision?"

The young man said, "yes."

The wise man asked, "where will

this goal take you?"

The young man answered, "to

learn languages"

The wise man asked, " Does it

serve your vision?"

The young man answered, "Yes"

As we see, The first goal serves

both the second one and the
vision too, therefore all goals lead
to the vision which consists of
grades and each grade takes you
to the next one.

This is called the pathway to
excellence but in a developed

It is a developmental process in
which everything leads you to the
next one and serves the basic
vision. This is your pathway to
excellence, so you have to start
from here and when you start
from here send me a message to
reassure me and I will send you a
message telling you what is the
next stage.

Till this moment, the young man

doesnt believe that he started
the pathway to excellence. Then
he immediately returned to his
homeland and got a pen and
paper and started to set a plan
that after five years, the first
vision will have been achieved so
that he could be the owner of the
biggest electronics company.

Consequently, the first goal today
is to learn everything about

The young man started to learn

everything about electronics, do
researches, and look for existing
electronics companies and their
numbers too. He started visiting
and examining them.

Finally he decided to learn in one

of these companies. During this
time he logged in the internet
and got more information. He
started to be efficient to establish
his own company; he acquired
enough knowledge and skill,
therefore he became professional
in electronics domain.

Then, he started to study foreign
languages. Next, he felt that
there is a hope; the process
became more developed which
takes him from a place to
another. He became able to
accomplish his work. It is already
known that when a person
accomplishes his work s/he feels
a powerful energy which drives
him/ her to accomplish more and
more deeds; when s/he
accomplishes it, his/her self-
esteem will increase and improve
his/her self-image so that he
could accomplish more duties.

The young man started with

electronics, languages, and
communication skills in
succession to be good with
himself and with others. He
found that every goal takes him
to the next one, then he started
to learn self control in order to
face any kind of challenges.

He did all that as time passes
quickly. The five years passed, the
young man collected the money,
worked hard, and struggled till his
foundation had been established.

He prepared an inauguration for

it, and invite a lot of people to
attend there. But after two
months, the company failed
which off course, was out of his
expectation at all. He has done
everything and adopted every
reason. He felt exhausted. He
planned, executed, tolerated,
abided and determined, and had
skills to do all of these. He
wondered what the reason is
behind that excessive failure
although he did all of necessary

He hurried to the plane, returned
back to the wise man and the
same circumstances happened to
him; he reached late and didn't
find the man and the same thing
happen four times till he meet
him finally.

The wise man said : what


He replied, "what you have said

went in vain "

The wise man asked ," what have

you done?

He said," I identified the vision,

planned the objectives, executed
it, abided by and determined, and
accomplished all the wanted

I started working on the company
and prepared a huge
inauguration for it and designed a
wonderful marketing plan. Also I
expended a lot of money in
advertisement and appointed
people in public relations stuff
and did everything necessary to

I adopted all reasons but I didnt

reach success so I wonder what's
the reason behind it? "

The wise man looked at him in a

quiet smile and said, "Young man,
you took all reasons, was
fascinated to the causers and
didn't go back to the main
causers therefore you were

The young man looked at him

and said," you didn't told me
about this before".

The wise man said," you said a
sentence before that I liked it
most which is Allah is the
responder to prayers. So, you
prayed and found me helped you.
But when you went back you
made the same mistake that
general people made. They think
that reasons only benefit them a
lot so you have to know very well
that Allah says," when you have
taken a decision put you trust in
Allah" Al-'Imran ( The Family of
Imran 159)

The man looked at the wise man,

crying and said," I dont know
how I can apologize to you". The
wise man replied ," dont do so,
Allah is near and listens to you
and He puts you in this situation
and make sure to remind the
righteous speech of Allah when
he says, " We shall not make the
reward of anyone who does his
(righteous) deeds in the most
perfect manner to be lost". Al-
kahf ( the cave 30)

The young man said," I'm sorry"
I made a mistake"

The wise man said,"

contrariwise, you didn't fail, but
you lost an important thing and
it's a necessary way that leads
you to success.

The young man said," what are

the roots of success?! And what
are the distinction bases?! How
can I get it?!" The wise man said,"
you fell in the same mistakes
most people make. i.e. You
walked in the excellence pathway
without recognition, asked me for
the excellence pathway and I
already told you about. You
wanted to be a distinguished one
so I asked you what do you
want?! And you said," I'd like to
have a company specialized in
electronic and so you have
learned linguistics and
communication skills. After that,
you realized your objectives and
reached the vision.

were you self- controlled when
you opened your own company
and failed? The young man said,"

Then, the wise man asked "were

you connected to yourself very

The young man said," No" .Then

wise man asked him," what about
language you have learned?" He
said" unfavorably"

the wise man said," you used

what you've learned against
yourself. "

Whoever is fascinated to
reasons, perished of the same

Then he got out to the world

envenoming, comparing,
blaming, doubting

And forgetting the speech of
Allah when He says, "Allah will
not change the ( good) condition
of a people as long as they do not
change their state ( of goodness)
themselves( by committing sin
and by being ungrateful and
disobedient to Allah" Ar-Ra'd (
The Thunder) 11

we threw ourselves in peril

although you follow the reasons
but most people make the same
mistake. Therefore, you find most
people follow the same way but
forget the reasons' causer."

" Son, let's start from the

beginning and make sure you are
not going to start from the
beginning. You have already
adopted the reasons and they are
still in your mind.

But unfortunately you forgot an
important thing which is to
obtain success, you have to pass
through obstacles; failure, is the
beginning of success while
troubles are the beginning of
relief simply as the night before
light therefore so you can realize
only the sweetness after bitter
moments and the reverse is
true." Said, the wise man.

"How shall I start? I know how to

execute, plan, be flexible, abide
by and insist on reaching my
object so what shall I do now?"
the young man asked. The wise
man looked at him smiling and
said, "Eventually, you asked the
proper question".

And this is the first step to be a

distinguished one. The first root
among the roots of excellence is
to strengthen yourself in
relevance to Allah.

Part 2: Translated by: Manar

*Connection with Allah::

How great this stability and
tranquillity when connected with
Allah Almighty and feeling free
and no worship but for Allah.
Connection with Allah and
Adherence to His orders and
prohibitions in every movement
makes one a model for the family
and society. Then, he relishes the
true pleasure, that is the relishing
of faith(Iman) as the Messenger
of Allah said, pleased will be the
one who relish the flavour of
faith (Iman), who admits Allah as
Lord, Islam as the code of life
and with Muhammad as the
messenger of Allah .(Muslim)."

Connection with Allah implies

pillars and the first one to connect
with Allah is :

which means to be tolerant with
people, otherwise you carry
malignancy, anger, and suspicion
in your heart. "you will find
yourself having a negative power
without any reason at all. How
do I forgive?! My father used to
hit me without any reason, my
mother always antagonized and
abandoned me, and my brothers
were laughing at me, how can I
forgive them?! The young man
said how do you feel by saying
that?, The wise man said I feel
a negative energy The young
man said . Is this a way to the
excellence ?! the wise man said
.The young man kept silence.

Should I forgive them after all

those things that happened to me
?! The young man said. Listen
my son! forgiveness is a feature
of the powerful, particularly
Almighty Allah and not only
people. You pray to ask Allah to
forgive you, and you make
mistakes and sins.

We all make mistakes and sins. In
spite of that, we pray to Allah to
forgive us.

On the authority of Anas Bin

Malik (may Allah be pleased with
him) said, "I heard the Messenger
of Allah (peace be upon him)
Said," Allah the Almighty said, O
son of Adam,so long as call upon
Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive
you for what you have done, and I
shall not mind. O son of Adam
,were your sins to reach the
clouds in the sky and were you
then to ask forgiveness of Me, I
would forgive you. O son of
Adam, were you to come to Me
with sins nearly as great as the
earth and were you then to face
Me, ascribing no partner to Me ,I
would bring you," forgiveness
nearly as great at it.

Reported by: Tirmidih and


Now, O the Young man, would
you like to forgive or not?

I have decided to forgive them

The young man looked at him and
said .close your eyes and take a
deep breath; let the exhalation
longer than inhalation; to enter
state of relaxation.", The wise
man said and added," Now, take a
deep breath; let it go out slowly
until you feel the relaxation of all
parts of your body. Now, return to
your memory back and think of
your father and mother and
forgive them now.

The young man cried. "why are

you are crying ?", The wise man
said. because I feel of oppression
towards them; and I put them in
troubles, the young man said.

" Go to your brothers and forgive
them the wise man said. I have
forgiven them now, the young
man said. "Do you know why
you forgave them? because you
have begun to forgive and feel
the beauty of forgiveness ;and
while you were crying ,you felt
the negative energy has gone and
the spiritual energy stayed in
stead of it; it was easier to forgive
more and more now.

Now forgive all people, and clean

your energy, then return here ",
the wise man said.

The young man returned smiling

with eyes full of tears . "I have
never felt the beauty of
forgiveness before because in one
time I was very angry and
concentrated on anger the young
man said . "This is one of
Satans ways because he enters
inside you whenever you feel
angry and make the problem
bigger, and reminds you of bad
things that others have done to
you .

By this way, he wants you to stay
away from the connection with
Allah, faith in Him and the love
of Him. This is the devil work; he
found a door to get inside you
while you are in the excellence
way, holding this energy and this
heavy load; so you should connect
with Allah Taala and this is the
first base of excellence (Utterly
Forgiveness) , and you have
already begun this.

" what next ?"the young man said.

the wise man replied, the love of


*Love of Allah:
You have to love Allah and for
Allah ---what should I do? the
young man said .you have to
love people for the sake of Allah
When you say to someone that
you love him for Allah, how
beautiful this sentence is; Allah
promised the lovers of Allah with
his love; Abu Idris al-Khawlani
said, "I entered the mosque of
Damascus and there was a young
man with white teeth, with some
other people. When they
disagreed about something, they
referred it to him and followed his
opinion. I inquired about him and
it was said, 'This is Mu'adh ibn
Jabal.' The following day, I went
early and I found that he had
come earlier than me and I found
him praying. I waited for him
until he finished his prayer and
then I approached him from the

I greeted him and then said, 'By
Allah, I love you for the sake of
Allah.' He said, 'By Allah?' I said,
'By Allah.' He said, 'By Allah?' I
said, 'By Allah.' He hold the upper
part of my cloak and pulled me to
him. He said, 'Rejoice! I heard the
Messenger of Allah, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace,
say, "Allah Almighty says, 'My
love is mandatory for those who
love one another for Me and sit
together for My sake and who
visit one another for My sake and
who give generously to one
another also for My sake."

reported by Malk in mowatek and

Ahmed in his sanad

When someone says to another
that he loves him more than
others or when the wife says to
her husband that she loves him
more than anything else or when
the husband says to his wife, like
this, thereby, they forget
Almighty Allah and the result will
be that; Allah almighty stay away
from them and a gap and
separation take place between
them; their lives become troubles
because love shall be for Allah
and the sake of him; husband
shall say to his wife that," I love
you for the sake of Allah " and the
same to the wife shall say," I love
you for the sake of Allah and
Allah Taala granted me you so I
thank Allah Taala for this great
granted blessing , then the wise
man turned to the young man and
told him," this is the real love
,young man."

The young man looked to the
wise man and said, "by the way, I
didnt say to you that I love you
for the sake of Allah. The wise
man smiled and said to him , I
love you for the sake of Allah too.
At this moment, the young man
felt the real love, wonderful love
of Allah Taala, warm in all parts
of his body ,internal and external
peace, safety and internal
assurance, and the real love of
Allah Taala .

Then, he looked to the wise man

and told him," how much I thank
you, I couldnt fulfil your right
comparing to the quantity of the
information that I learnt today."
He said to him, "you have to save
this energy for Allah Taala as
Allah Taala made me a reson to
let you reach the way of
excellence ,and really this is the
way To Allah Taala, and you
have begun the way to Allah.
"Remember young man, the first
step is the connection with Allah
Taala," the wise man said.

Hastily, the young man said, "the
first thing that I have learnt at this
stage is the entire forgiveness."
"After that?!" The wise man
asked. The young man replied,"
love of Allah and the sake for
him." The wise man asked," What
next?!" the young man asked. "
the giving" The wise man

*The Giveness

The third thing that should be

done is to give without
conditions. So, start giving
without conditions, dont say I
give that one and another and no
one gives me something or say I
give my friends and no one gives
me or I give my neighbour and no
one gives me or I give my parents
and no one gives me. As long as
you give, Allah Taala receives
from you but if you complained,
the reception from Allah would be
cut and Allah will give them by
another way.

Therefore, you will never taste the
pleasure of giving if you
complained that you often give
but never receive. This is the third
thing of connection with Allah
Almighty ,which is to give for
Allah, not for human ; and you
should know that Allah Taala
made you one of the sources of
giveness. i.e. Allah Taala made
you generous and charitable and
remember that Allah Taala gave
you one of the wonderful features,
Allah Taala the loves charitable.
Hence, we knew that there are
three main basis to connect with
Allah Taala which are as follows:
the entire forgiveness, love of
Allah and for the sake of Allah,
and the unconditional giving.
Then ,the young man looked to
the wise man's eyes and said to
him," This speech is very
beautiful and now I feel the
enjoyment of this beautiful
speech, the energy which makes
me more closer to Allah Taala,

and I realized the way of
excellence now, and this is the
way to excellence."

The wise man looked to him with

a nice smile and put his hand on
his shoulder and said," we didnt
finish yet", the young man said to
him, "now I am excellent."
The wise man said, "No !!" The
young man asked," what is left
after the entire forgiveness, love
of Allah and for the sake of him
and unconditional giving?" The
wise man said, "The believe in
Allah Taala is left."

*The faith in Allah: ( Al-
The young man said to the wise
man," I believe in Allah the
Almighty." the wise man said,"
But remember that you are a
believer, and one of the faith
features is to feel its enjoyment,
entrust yourself, health and
people as a whole in addition to
their money, honour; believer
neither steal ,lie, nor betray
people. A believer has wonderful
and good manners; Thereby,
connection with Allah Almighty
make you believe and this faith
brings you close to Allah Taala. A
believer is insured for people,
their properties and secrets. Then,
he looked to the young man eyes
and said to him," tell me now, are
you a believer?" He said," I am a
believer but not the same way
that you are talking about.

So, it is possible to find people
who believe in Allah Taala but
steal though they pray and fast
and you learnt me very important
thing that in appearance there who
treat people in good way, pray
and fast but he steals and lies to
people or betray their trust. This is
the one of marks of hypocrites .
Allah Taala is The Ever-
Providing and The Forgiving, He
forgives everything except
peoples rights. If you want to
reach the way to excellence, you
have to ask who has the right to
forgive you and to reach to Allah
Taala, you shall be closer to
Allah, The Most Merciful, The
Most Generous.
Allah never accepts inequity as it is
recounted by Imam Muslim On the
authority of Abu Tharr Al-Ghafari,
may Allah be pleased with him, of
the prophet is that among the
sayings he relates from the Lord is
that He said, "O My servants, I have
forbidden oppression for Myself and
have made it forbidden amongst
you, so do not oppress one another."

As long as you are on your way to
excellence, you shall give people
their rights and the. The Giving
and love of and for Allah means
to keep the secrets of the people
and to stay away from backbiting
and gossip, and we are going to
speak about this in the next stage
Inshallah. we are still talking
about connection with Allah
Almighty, the entirely
forgiveness, love of and for Allah,
unconditional giving and faith in
Allah Taala which lead you to
something very important about
the connection with Allah. The
young man looked at the wise
man and said ," What is it ?! at
this moment I felt the enjoyment
that I have never felt before .What
is the reason of that?! I have felt
that is the way to excellence "

The wise man said," you
depended on the reason as some
people do without noticing that
the basic roots of success come
from Allah Almighty." Then, he
said," I will repeat it again for you
to be memorized and never forget
them in lifelong , say it with me
:which is the first thing ?" "The
entire forgiveness." The young
man said.

"And after that ?" the wise man

asked. "love of and for Allah." He
said. The wise man asked," What
next?" the young man replied,"
unconditional giving. The wise
man clarified," That means you
shouldnt complain that you
always give but without taking
from people. Then he asked.
"After that?! The young man
said, "Faith in Allah, whoever
with me, he will be in safe ,I will
protect the properties of people,
their secrets and do my business
as our Messenger of Allah, peace
be upon him, taught us that he is
the truthful and honest.

And I will be truthful and honest,
Inshallah." The wise man said,"
Now you're on your way to
excellence; then to connect with
Allah Almighty. As long as you
reach faith, you will find yourself
on your way to obedience without
feeling it or doing your efforts.


At this moment ,the young man

said to the wise man," I obey
Allah Taala " The wise man
asked," what are you doing?", "I
pray, fast and do whatever Allah
orders me to do.", answered the
young man. The wise man said,"
But sometimes you may lie,
suspect, hate or something like
this so you have to learn that
obedience is divided into two

- First, to-do orders mean to do

whatever Allah Almighty
commands us like praying, fasting
,charity deeds and hajj, etc.

Second, Leaving the forbidden
means to stay away from
whatever Allah Taala has
forbidden like stealing, adultery,
and drinking alcohol. Moreover,
Allah warns us against doing
sins, including smoking so young
man, stay away from smoking as
it causes diseases. Smoking is the
worst thing humans have done ; it
causes diseases. The smoker is
oppressive to himself and around
him. So, stay away from smoking;
it includes punishment in this
world, in grave and in Judgment
day. Allah Taala will inquire you
about every thing of your life,
wealth, and your youth . Abo
Barza Ala'slamy said that the
Messenger, p.b.u.h., said, "A -
servants feet will not move on
the Day of Judgment until he is
questioned about four (things):
His youth, how he spent it, his
knowledge, how he acted upon it,
his wealth, how he earned it and
where he spent it and his
bodyhow he used/wsted it."
Reported by (al-Tirmidhi)

If Allah Taala tells you," you eat
because you are hungry and drink
because you are thirsty. So, why
are you smoking?! will you find
an answer for this question."

"By the way, I am a smoker." the

young man said. Then, The wise
man said." Repeat, I was a smoker
and henceforth I got rid of this
bad habit (Al hamdollah )," The
man repeated. "Now you have
stopped smoking since this
moment, you've quitted smoking
to please Allah Taala; you have
quitted it for the sake of Allah and
he who quit something for His
sake, Allah compensate him
something better than it.

Allah compensated you of

wealth, health, good wife
happiness in life and people love
them and love you for the sake of
Allah. Imagine that you gave and
love for the sake of Allah, Allah
will give you something better
and more than you imagine."

"Alhamdollah, praise be to Allah,
that I have quitted smoking." the
young man said. "This is
insufficient but you have to help a
big number of people to get rid of
this bad habit." ,the wise man

The young man said," I am going

to help the majority of people to
quit smoking .And they have to
know the vices of this habit to
satisfy Allah Taala so they could
get profits such as health, which
they can neither work nor take a

"What after that?!" The young

man asked. "pray in time is the
part of the obedience that we
talked about . connection with
Allah Taala shall be existed .
When you say Allah is the
greatest (Allah Akbar), you have
to know that Allah is the biggest
of every thing. Actually, you have
to realize what you shall do
before you pray. You have to pray
truly when you intend to pray.

when you want to spend apart of
your time, it must be spent in the
right way. when you want to pay
the zakat, it must be true and you
have to help the ignorant, the
stray or make use of him." the
wise man clarified."How can I
make use of him?!" the young
man asked. The wise man
answered," try to help him, touch
him or pat on his shoulder. This
is a charity because you feel
sympathy with him, you have
smiled to him and ask Allah to
help him. Abo Thar may Allah
bless him said that the Messenger
of Allah said," your smile for your
brother is charity ,enjoining good,
forbidding evil, removing harm
from the road, listening to the
deaf, leading the blind, guiding
one to the object of his need,
hurrying with the strength of
ones legs to one in sorrow who is
asking for help, and supporting
the feeble with the strength of
ones armsall of these are
charity prescribed for you."
reported by Termithy

If you did that, you will have a
great reward of good deed in one
deed ; you get the benefit from
every thing you have done; it
brings you closer to Allah Taala .
"Young man, Repeat again what
we said." The young man said ,"
Entire forgiveness .The wise man
said," What next?!" the young
man said, "Love of Allah and for
the sake of Him, unconditional
giving, and faith in Allah Taala."
The wise man said," I will stop
you here at the faith in Allah. Do
you know what does faith in
Allah mean?" The young man
said," To be a believer in the
existence of Allah. "This is
insufficient." the wise man said.

"What does it mean?!" The young

man asked. "The complement of
faith in Allah is to believe in
whatever had come from Allah
and His Messenger, peace be
upon him.

Also, to believe in the mentioned
and not mentioned Books and to
believe in all the mentioned and
not mentioned prophets and
messengers. Say with me," I bear
witness there is no God except
Allah, angles who carry Your
throne, Your angels , prophets and
all Your creatures on the Earth
and in the Heavens. You are the
One Who has no partner or
associates. You are The First, The
last, The Manifest, The Hidden,
The Delayer, The Enrich , the
Generous, The Avenger ,The
Compeller and you are The Most
Merciful." The wise man said.

The young man cried because of

the pleasure of this speech. The
wise man continued : I witness
that the Paradise and Hell, the
Day of Judgment, Angles and
whatever came from Allah are
true. By this way, you became a
true believer. "I believe in Allah."
the young man said.

" I Believe that Mohammad is His
Messenger and Prophet." The
wise man asked the young man to
repeat. Then, the young man
said," I bear witness that
Mohammad is the Messenger and
the Prophet of Allah ,the paradise,
the hell, angles, the day of
Judgment, and all the mentioned
and not mentioned messengers
and prophets are true."

The wise man said to him," Now

you are a believer in Allah Taala.
Now, go to the people with these
wonderful protections from Allah
Taala which are: the entire
forgiveness, love of Allah and for
the sake of Him too,
unconditional giving, and faith in
Allah." Then ,the wise man
quieted and smiled. "It seems that
there are more and more." the
young man said . "yes, all these
are beautiful but insufficient."
The wise man said. "What else
?!", the young man said.


It is the sincerity. Oh, young man,

if you noticed that faith in Allah
leads you to the obedience which
leads you to the sincerity, you
wouldnt obey someone without
your assurance that he has the
power to do something that you
need it Such as : when you retain
lawyer who has the ability to
defend you. Thereby, you obey
him. And the same when you go
to the doctor to give you an
appointment for an operation. He
will do it in the same date and you
will obey him in every thing he
says or when he numbs you by
narcotic and open your heart
without saying anything. You
obey him due to your believe in
his abilities. So, the faith in Allah
reaches you to the obedience and
the last reaches you to the
sincerity. You couldnt reach the
faith in Allah unless your entire
obedience destined for Allah.
Sincerity is for Allah and the sake
of Him.

Allah Taala says, Therefore, you
shall devote your worship
absolutely to GOD ALONE, even
if the disbelievers dislike it.
(Ghfer, 14 )

and says, " So whoever would

hope for the meeting with his
Lord - let him do the righteous
work and not associate in the
worship of his Lord anyone." (Al
kahef , 110.) The Cave

And says, And they were

commanded not, but that they
should worship Allah, and
worship none but Him Alone
(abstaining from ascribing
partners to Him), and perform As-
Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and give
Zakat: and that is the right
religion . (Bayyinah, 5) ( The
Clear Evidence )

On the authority of Abu Hafs,
Umar Ibn al-Khattab, who said: I
heard the Messenger of Allah say,
The actions are Innama (only,
certainty) tied to the intentions
and every person will earn that
which he intended. Therefore, he
whose migration was for Allah
and His Messenger (sallallahu
alaihi wa-sallam), then his
migration will be for Allah and
His Messenger; and he whose
migration was to achieve some
worldly gain or to take a woman
in marriage, then his migration
will be for that for which he
migrated. pre-agreed

On the authority of Abu Hurairah

,who said," I heard the Messenger
of Allah says: "Verily, Allah
Does Not Look Towards Your
Bodies Nor Towards Your
Appearances. But, He
looksTowards Your Hearts.
(Reported by Muslim)

That is the sincerity; when you
are sincere to Allah, you will find
yourself gain this as a feature as
well as Allah will help you. Any
deed without sincerity is as
useless; you will never taste the
delight of your work unless it is
connected with sincerity to Allah.
The delight of obedience is the
connection to Allah. So, the
obedience should be to and for
Allah, Glory to Him.


After that?! The young man

said . " Loyalty", said the wise

Allah says in His Holy Quran,

And fulfil (every) covenant.
Verily! the covenant, will be
questioned about. (Al-asra,34) .

And also said : O you who have

believed, fulfill [all] contracts.

(Al-maidah ,1).

And on the authority of Abdu
Allah ben Amro Ibn Ala'as who
heard the Prophet ,peace be upon
him ,says, Four are the qualities
which, when found in a person,
make him a sheer hypocrite, and
one who possesses one of them,
possesses one characteristic of
hypocrisy until he abandons it.
These are: When he is entrusted
with something, he betrays trust;
when he speaks, he lies; when he
promises, he acts treacherously;
and when he argues, he behaves
in a very imprudent, insulting
manner. (Pre-agreed)The wise
man looked to him and said," if a
person makes promise for you
,and breaks it, how would you
feel ?" I will be so angry. Then
the wise man asked him," will
you trust him again? "No, he lied
to me in previous and broke his
promise, how can I trust him?!"
the young man said. Allah is the
best example; you may be
obedient, a believer, and sincere
but you don't keep your
promise with Allah ;

therefore, you will break your
promise with people which make
you loose every thing .

Your Faith in Allah makes you

feel the enjoyment of obedience.
So, your loyalty to Allah makes
you feel it .To be sincere of this
obedience with Allah Almighty,
you have to be loyal to Allah
Almighty and as long as you are
loyal to Allah Almighty ,so, you
have these advantages.

Allah also says," O you who have

believed, why do you say what
you do not do? Great is hatred in
the sight of Allah that you say
what you do not do.(Al-Saf ,2,3)

Therefore, loyalty to Allah Taala

is one of the most essential roots
of obedience which is deemed as
one of the roots of faith with
Allah Almighty. As you see, all
this is part of the main road to

And forget the causer of the reasons
,so, you might be destroyed by these
reasons . Not only the reason are
behind the success and it is easy to
take the reason but without success
as happened to you ; but when you
take all the reasons with the trust in
Allah Taala , you have to succeed
even in the another field that you
havent chosen it such as : marketing
,administration ,customers services
and public relations . As soon as you
have trust in Allah Taala , He will
give you un acceptable other things
Here the man looked to the young
man and said : what did you learn
till this moment ? I have learnt that
the connection with Allah Taala is
one of the most important roots of
success the young man said . how
did you build the connection with
Allah Almighty? The man said . the
entire forgiveness The man said .
why he said . to remove the
heavy burden of my shoulder and
get rid of the negative energy which
make me stay away from Allah
Taala . he said . after that He said
to him. love of Allah and for the
sake of Him ,after that ,un
conditional forgiveness and I dont
complain that I give people without
in return .Then ,the faith in Allah
he said to him . what does the faith
inAllah mean?. He said to him. the
faith in Almighty Allah ,whatever
Almighty Allah has told us ,He is
the first and the last , the manifest
one ,the hidden one,

The Patron , The Supremely
Exalted , The Good, The
Avenger , The Pardoner, The
Kind, The Exceedingly Merciful ,
The most Bountiful , whatever
Allah Almighty informed us ,all
his commands ,all the mentioned
and not mentioned the messengers
,and the prophets . I witness also
the paradise and the hell are true
.The man looked to him calm
smiley and said : you have learnt
so much ,young man . I have
learnt it from you He said to him
. no, but I am one of the reasons
of your way to exellence ,and
Allah Taala has brought me to
help you , you are going to teach a
big number of people . He said
to him. I promise you the
young man said . dont count
before you carry out it ,make your
promise in the right time . The
man said. Is this the last thing?
The young man said . no, you
have done every thing ,the first
the entire forgiveness ,love for the
sake of Allah , un conditional
giving , the complete faith in
Allah ,the entire obedience , and
sincerity . Then ,you will find
your self more connected with
Allah Taalla , but other things
have left such as : trust in Allah
Taala .

Trust in Allah:
what does the faith in Allah
mean? the young man said. you
have to put your trust in Allah the
Almighty. And to give your
reactions, then put you trust in
Allah, as Allah said Taalla said:
Then when you have taken a
decision, put your trust in Allah,
certainly, Allah loves those who
put their trust (in Him). (Al
Amran,195) .
The meaning first is to take the
decision and put your trust in
Allah ;you have to intend
because as soon as you desire ,
the intention generates .When you
take decision to achieve the goal ;
the intend will generate .
So, you have to know the
intention ,young man ; because
the intention is the depth of your
thought ,intention makes your
conscious which makes your
feelings and behaviours .Then you
go outside ; as Allah Taalla look
to your intention in your hearts
and your conscious . So ,you have
to begin your work by saying :
I have intend to give all the
reactions , put my trust in my
Allah , faith in Allah ,entire
obedience , sincerity ,and
loyalty ,give all the reaction ,put
my trust in Allah the Lord of the
World .Then start your way to
excellence .So the intention

comes before anything.
The wise man looked to the
young man and said to him : and
now young man, have you
intention ? yes ,I have .The
young man said. for what your
intention ? he said . I have
intention for the faith in Allah
Almighty . What after that ?
entire obedience and loyalty
.He said . What else ,then?He
said. complete loyalty He said .
now you very good ,but there is
something left .He said . What
is it ? He said . pessimism
He said .
The wise man looked with bright
eyes of pessimism at the young
man and said to him : my son ,
the believer couldnt be believer
unless he has pessimism ,that
Allah Talla will grant him charity
; because Allah Talaa assure you
that He dont waste the good
deeds ;and you work and give all
the reaction and trust in Allah
almighty with entirely obedience
,love Allah and for the sake of
Him ,and to be loyal to Allah
after that ,do you think that
Allah wouldnt give you what you
want ?! no,He definitely will
give me. He said to him .This
emphasis which is recommended
by the Messenger of Allah (peace
be upon him)

Which is the accepting an answer
after the prayer;and this is the next
step ,my son ;the prayer and mention
Allah the Almighty .
The prayer and mention
Allah :
After that ,the wise man said :my
son ,as long as you in this world
,you have to pray to Allah Taala
;prayer to Allah is the best worship
which close you to Allah Taala .
On the authority of Alnoaman ben
Basher said that The prophet (peace
be upon him said :the prayer is the
same as the worship ). Repeated by
Dawood and Termithy.
The mention of Allah is the same
thing and the believers food in his
way to Allah Almighty. The best
way to mention Allah is by saying :
there is no God but Allah.So,
mention this word in your time as
well as saying: thank God(al
hamdollah) in good and bad and
when something happened to you
,by saying this word ,it will save you
from a serious danger and by
saying : thank Allah, you will be
the safe and Allah will run your life
and provide you from unknown
source .As long as you are in this life
,you have to say that no God but

and thank God .If you have
time ,you have to mention of
Allah Almighty ,thank ,pray ,and
praise Him a lot .Thereby , your
connection with Allah Taalla will
go on .

is this the end? .The young man

said . no,this is a small part of
what Allah Taala gave us. There
is a lot of things that we are going
to learn it together on our way to
the excellence. This is the first
root for connection with Allah
Taala . the young man said .
what is the next roots ,after
that?the young man said. it is
the manners .The wise man said .

The morals is the most important
features for believer who
obey,loyal and love Allah Talaa
. You may be good in any job or
in any item but if you have no
good manners ,how you will deal
with yourself and people ?!
You can with manners dominate
and convince people of whatever
you want .So, with the manners
you will look for peoples interest
before yours.
The Rightness Allah Taala said
to his messenger (peae be upon
him) : And verily, you (O
Muhammad) are on an exalted
standard of character.
He didnt mention just the
manners ,but the great manners
.And His generous messenger
(peace be upon him) confirms that
by his saying :

1. I have been sent is to perfect

good manners (Morality, Islamic
Behavior). (Repeated by Albo
khary on the authority of Abo
horyra in the single literature .)

If you look , young man to the
wise words ,you will find that
Allah Taala confirms the
description of His generous
messenger (peace be upon him)
that he has a great manners . This
a generous messenger who told us
that he have been sent to perfect
good manners (Morality, Islamic
Behavior). (Repeated by Albo
khary on the authority of Abo
horyra in the single literature .) .
how a wonderful is it ,young
man !

You have be a ware of your

manners and to your style in
speech with people . And in few
moments ,I will give you a simple
equation each the great manners ;
because without it ,you couldnt
communicate with your life .The
young man comment for this
speech and said to him: once I
have read a book says: one of the
biggest universities in the world
says :the professional skills dont
exceed 7%,the manners 93% . at
this moment I couldnt
understand this speech until I left
the book because I didnt
understand this speech ; I studied
primary school,prep
school,secondary school ,then
high study and obtain the master
degree and doctorate .And after
that , it illustrate only 7%?! Then
I listen to your speech about
morality which considers as
every thing and morality is very
essential to Allah Taala ,and close
you with Almighty Allah

And with morality ,you can deal with
people and make them love and around
you . However ,how the professional
skills dont exceed 7% only?! . He said
to him : because you can learn any
profession whatever it is difficult as
long as one person learnt it so it is
found in sense and in the books .And it
is possible for any person to learn it in
one day or in month or in a year. In the
end he will learn it . But what is the
reason of successful people and other
are not ;and distinguished people and
other are not ?Though all people have
the same fourth things which we
presented ;all people have the five
senses ,energy ,the way of thinking
,logic ,analysis ,24 hour in a day .So
what is the difference between a
distinguished person from another one
?! We will find the reason lies in all
above mentioned,and we will find the
distinguished person has exalted
morality and if he faced any problem
,he will quickly forgive .The reason is
that he has no thime to waste it here or
there due to his knowing that his time is
limited in the life. And this moment
might be the last in his life .Hence he
think in a good way and the distinct
person always ask himself : is this

Moment the last in my life?the
answer : yes ,of course .And ask your
self : is whatever you did equal to
this investment ? you will find that if
you have no good manners ,your
nerve and feeling are burned ,and the
emotional mind is burned . In this
case you dont achieve any thing ;
the morality is the best saving for
these cases.So we talked about the
faith in Allah ,entirely forgiveness
.so you couldnt forgive completely
unless you have faith in Allah Taala ,
obey Allah and to be loyal to Allah
Taala .and when you think a bout it ,
this will reach you to the great
morality .And we see if the person
has a good manners ,the people will
like him and to be always
accompany with him .You find a
successful person but he is a lone
because people dont like him due to
his bad manners .So the morality
reach you to a nice thing and
Almighty Allah make us nations and
tribes as Allah said : O mankind!
We have created you from a male
and a female, and made you into
nations and tribes, that you may
know one another. Verily, the most
honourable of you with Allah is that
(believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e.
one of the Muttaqun (pious - see
V.2:2)]. Verily, Allah is All-
Knowing, All-Aware. (sura Al
hujuraat,13) . And we see the people
stay away from severe person.

as Almighty Allah said: And had
you been severe and harsh-hearted,
they would have broken away from
about you . .(Al Amran,159) .
So, because of your morality , love
of Allah,your sweet tuang which
mention Almighty Allah and love
Allah Taala , due to this ,makes
your companies feel of appositive
energy .
Thereby ,the young man replay to
him : I think this speech is
supported by my reading of Ahmed
Shoqy who said: if there is no
morals , there will be no nations .

He said to him definitely as you said

and what Hafez Abrahim said
supported that :

He said to him : think what is a

beautiful young man! And you
comment of a good way to my
speech ,and now you speaks like
this because you love Almighty
Allah ,so Allah make you mention
nice words and make me recall an
Arabic saying :

Be modest of nobleness, patient

of wisdom, justice of authority ,
forgiver of capacity .
The young man said to him : this is
a beautiful speech and I feel now
that I am ready to meet a lot of
people because I have love to Allah
,connection ,obedience and loyalty ,
completely intention to Allah ,and
wonderful manners can I
communicate with people .

Approval Letter :

we ask students, researchers and translators to complete translation such as valuable
books to get benefit for those Muslims who live all over the world.

1- http://www.encyclopedia.com/

2- Elfiky's , I ,2009: The Pathway to Excellence, Egypt: Al-Raya publishing company.

3- Translation methodology

4- verses translated from Qur'an


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