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Christina Jud Physics pd.

The purpose of this lab was to test the relationship between diameter

and circumference. Also this lab helped us to practice measuring using

millimeters, centimeters, and meters. In this lab we measured different

round objects and compared their diameter and circumference. We then

graphed the results the results and compared the data as well as found the

slope of the line. We hypothesized that as the diameter of an object

increased, then the circumference of that object would also increase. Our

data supports our hypothesis because when the diameter was 28.5cm, the

circumference of that object was 88cm and there was a direct relationship as

shown on the graph. By looking at the graph of our data, it is evident that

there is a direct relationship between diameter and circumference.

One idea that was reinforced during this lab was measuring using

correct units. For example, when we measured the waster bottle cap, we

needed to use small units like centimeters or millimeters as opposed to using

meters. It helped us to realize what units were appropriate to measure

different objects with. This lab also helped to reinforce graphing skills

because we had to remember how to find the slope of a line as well as

remember all of the rules of graphing such as using units and labeling the

axis. Graphing is an important skill and this lab helped us to practice

graphing data and comparing and contrasting our results and seeing if they

supported our hypothesis.

One source of error in this experiment could have been that we didnt

read the measuring tape correctly and we may not have gotten a number

that was exactly accurate. This could have slightly impacted our data and

made it less reliable. This error is unavoidable because then measuring

small objects especially, it was hard to get the measuring tape in the exact

position to be able to read it completely accurate. Since certain objects were

tiny, it was hard to get accurate measurements using the materials that we

had. This error couldve impacted our results because the numbers couldve

been slightly off from what they were supposed to be. Also, it mightve

affected the graph and the points that were plotted which would change the

line of best fit as well as the slope of the line.

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