Install Update Readme PDF

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I first like to thank you for purchase from us.

Here I try to explane you how to install and update E-tec Evinrude outboards.

First you need to install Evdiag 5.1 Base by double click on EvDiagnostics_Setup5.1.0.0.exe

After this you need to register software (dont worry they dont connect to internet) just fill empty
spaces like this below.

Please close program after this-

After this step you need to install latest update, go to directory with highest number like EvDiag update
5.7.4. and double click on EvDiagnostics_Update.exe

This will install latest update.

After that you can run your software again and plug your cable to USB port, driver will be automaticaly
installed on newer OS like win 7,8, just wait few seconds until message driver installed succesfully or
something like that.

If this not working you can allways install it manually by find in USB drivers directory FTDI folder with
.exe file

Please unplug cable now.

Now you can open your EvDiagnostic program by clicking on Start menu and find it in in All programs.

They should look like this:

Now you are ready to use your cable just plug it in USB port and select USB Serial Port (COMX) X can
be any number doesnt matter, and click continue.

Now you can wake EMM by giving contact with your key or you can run your outboard.

You have very good help for all commands.

If you need something you can just ask me.

Software UPDATE of EMM
For update your E-tec/DI outboard you need after this to install update for your motor in evinrude
update map pack (some date here), you have it for Inline (for all inline E-tec), and 90V (for V E-tec)

And DI for Direct inections engine.

This will install all update files in Evdiagnostic program so you can update your outboard from
Evdiagnostic program by selecting this Software update

Just follow instruction on the screen and find right update for your engine it will be marked with green
check, you can allways check it on label on EMM is that right EMM number.

Please dont forget when you connect/disconnect bootstrap you should shutdown EMM (key off).

This is how installing bootstrap looks on my E_TEC 90PS

After you remove that four screw it looks like this:
Install bootstrap with outboard and EMM OFF-very important!!!. On this bigger black connector and
that should look like this-after discconect:

And after connect bootstrap:

After this just follow on screen instruction for others.

On some older outboards before 2007 years you will first to do EMM recovery because you need all new
EMM software to be able to update easy from Evdiagnostic program like I explane above.

First you must disconect you software and then select this:

You will see this screen read it carefully and go Next:

Second you will see this screen:

You have all steps left just follow and select your EMM (you have this number on sticker on EMM)

After this is easy just follow instruction


If you need anything you can contact me anytime.

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