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Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon and natural sources of radiation are features

of the environment. Radiation and radioactive substances have many beneficial
applications, ranging from power generation to uses in medicine, industry and
agriculture. The radiation risks to workers and the public and to the environment
that may arise from these applications have to be assessed and, if necessary,

The applications of ionizing radiation bring many benefits to humankind, ranging

from power generation to uses in medicine, industry and agriculture. One of the
longest established industrial applications of radiation is the use of radiography for
the non-destructive testing of items of equipment. Industrial radiography provides a
means of verifying the physical integrity of equipment and structures such as
vessels, pipes, welded joints, castings and other devices. The structural integrity of
such equipment and structures affects not only the safety and quality of the
products but also the protection of workers, the public and the environment.

Industrial radiography work poses a negligible risk if it is performed in a safe

manner. However, experience shows that incidents involving industrial radiography
sources have sometimes resulted in high doses to workers, causing severe health
consequences such as radiation burns and, in a few cases, death. Members of the
public have also suffered radiation overexposures when radioactive sources used for
industrial radiography were not properly controlled or regulated. Contamination of
people and the environment has also resulted from incidents involving corroded or
damaged sources. Industrial radiography work by its nature is often carried out
under difficult working conditions, such as in confined spaces or extreme cold or
heat. Working under such adverse conditions might result in operational situations
in which the principle of keeping doses as low as reasonably achievable is
challenged. All of these aspects demonstrate the necessity for senior management
to promote a safety culture within their organizations to ensure that safety comes

Radiographers utilize the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)

principle as a baseline philosophy for conducting high-energy tests. ALARA seeks to
keep exposure as low as possible when weighed against potential risks and benefits
of the job. This philosophy promotes fundamental ideas in controlling safety risk
while performing industrial radiography.

Reduce Exposure. Minimizing short-term exposure to radiation sources such as X-

ray devices and gamma-emitting materials is one of the most effective ways to
avoid long-term radiation accumulation. Table 1 indicates the most common
methods of reducing exposure to harmful radiation.
Track Exposure. Monitoring radiation exposure levels for involved persons enables
organizations to control risk by distributing tasks according to historical data.
Creating charts based on employee film badge readings allows decision-makers to
allocate testing jobs based on exposure levels.

Employ Extra Layers of Safety. ALARA promotes the following safety

Maintain direct control of camera or radiation source at all times
A licensed radiographer must be on hand during testing with gamma sources
Operating and safety procedures must be readily available
Implement extra layers of shielding or use the test object as additional shielding.

Common Methods for Reducing Exposure to Harmful Radiation

Shielding : Use appropriate shielding at all test sites and on all persons

Distance : Maintain adequate distance between radioactive sources and persons

Duration : Minimize time spent near or within radiation fields

Quanta : Utilise the smallest amount of radioactive material possible to accomplish

the job at hand.

Safety When Using X-Ray Devices

Industrial radiography applications requiring moderate to high energy radiation
intensities benefit from using X-ray emitting devices. When set up properly with
regard to safety considerations these devices provide controlled testing techniques
for NDT professionals. X-ray devices are commonly used in permanent facility
installations but can also be used on field operations. X-ray protection can be
provided in a number of ways depending on the installation and usage
requirements. Whenever possible, protective measures should be built in as
permanent features of the installation. Preferably, the X-ray generator should be
located in an enclosed room or cabinet with all controls outside of the space.
Protective material, most commonly lead, is used in sufficient thickness to reduce
exposure in
occupied areas to the lowest value possible. If radiography must be accomplished in
the shop or field and not in a permanent facility, special precautions are necessary.

Lead cones (collimators) on the X-ray machine should be used to confine the beam
to a single direction
and angle for maximum effectiveness in usage. As per BARC the Beam Direction of the
machine should be

As in gamma ray situations, distance is also an important factor when operating in

the field. The radiation symbol specified under Rule 17 of the Radiation Protection
Rules, 1971 shall be conspicuously posted at the entrance . A placard indicating
"RADIATION HAZARD: RESTRICTED ENTRY" shall be posted, along with its equivalent
in Hindi as well as in local language, alongside the radiation symbol. An X-ray
hazard symbol as prescribed in Appendix -III, shall be conspicuously posted in case
an X-ray machine is used. A red warning light shall be displayed at night.

Lead is the most common protective material when using X-ray devices. It combines
high protective efficiency with low cost and easy availability. Important
considerations when using lead as protection include eliminating leakage, ensuring
sheet overlap, and properly covering screws and nails. Although lead is the most
common material for X-ray attenuation, other materials may be used such as
structural walls of concrete or brick. When properly controlled, X-rays provide
consistent results to industrial radiographers operating in both controlled and field

In pursuance of Rule 12 of Radiation Protections Rules, 1971 the employer shall designate
with the approval of the competent authority [BARC] a qualified person to function as RSO.
RSO shall submit reports to the competent authority on radiation safety status in the
institution once every six months.

As per BARC Any person who is so designated by the employer and who, in the opinion of
the competent authority, is qualified to discharge the functions outlined in the Radiation
Protection Rules, 1971.RSO shall advise and assist on all aspects of radiation safety.

The responsibilities of RSO shall include:

(a) Instructing workers on safety measures and safe work practices aimed at minimising
exposure to radiation and contamination;
(b) Investigating and initiating suitable remedial measures in situations that could lead to
radiation hazards;
(c) ensuring that reports of all hazardous situations along with details of any immediate
remedial actions taken are made available to the Factory manager for reporting to the
competent authority and a copy endorsed to the competent authority;
(d) Arranging for safe disposal of radioactive wastes by transfer of decayed sources to the
waste management agency approved by the competent authority;
(e) maintaining inventories of radiography sources, calibration of radiation monitoring
instruments, log books, records of (i) unusual occurrences, (ii) personnel monitoring, (iii)
source calibration, (iv) periodic survey of installation or site, (v) periodic contamination
checks on the radiography sources and guide tubes, (vi) disposal of decayed radiography
sources, (vii) checking the performance and safety functions of the device regularly and
after servicing and maintenance, and
(f) Developing suitable emergency schemes to deal with radiation emergencies.


(i) The cumulative effective dose over a block of five years shall not exceed 100 mSv.
(ii) The effective dose in any calendar year during the five year block shall not exceed 30
(iii) (a) The equivalent dose in any calendar year to the lens of the eye shall not exceed 150
mSv; and
(b) The effective dose in any calendar year to the skin, the hands and feet, shall not exceed
500 mSv.
(iv) In the case of a woman worker of reproductive age, once pregnancy has been
established, the conceptus shall be protected by applying a supplementary equivalent dose
limit to the surface of the woman's abdomen (lower trunk) of 2 mSv for the remainder of the

The effective dose in any calendar year shall not exceed 6 mSv.

(i) The effective dose for any calendar year shall not exceed 1 mSv.
(ii) In special circumstances, a higher value of effective dose could be allowed in a single
year, provided that the effective dose averaged over five years does not exceed 1 mSv/y.

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