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Name of Technology in Teaching and Learning

Course (Teknologi Dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran)

Course Code EDU 3105
Credit 3 (2 + 1)
Contact Hours 60 hours
Medium of Bahasa Melayu/English Language
Prerequisite Nil
Semester First/Second
Learning 1. Explain the concept, theory, practice and development of
Outcomes educational technology
2. Select and use teaching media effectively
3. Produce a variety of teaching media that is appropriate for
subject contents
4. Apply technical skills by using a variety of media in teaching-
learning process
5. Integrate information and communication technology (ICT) in
teaching and learning
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the usage of teaching media
7. Manage media and education resources with competently and
with full of responsibility

This course discusses concepts, theories, practices and development

of educational technology; selection, production, utilization and
evaluation of educational media; application of technical skills in
using various instructional media; integration of information and
communication technology in teaching and learning; management of
educational media and resources

Kursus ini membincangkan konsep, teori, amalan dan perkembangan

teknologi pendidikan; pemilihan, penghasilan, penggunaan
dan penilaian media pengajaran; aplikasi kemahiran teknikal
menggunakan pelbagai media pengajaran; pengintegrasian teknologi
maklumat dan komunikasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran;
pengurusan media dan sumber pendidikan.

Topic Content Hours

1. Theory 2
Technology Of Education
Role and Significance of Educational
Technology in teaching and learning
2. Teaching Design 2
Role and significance
Models of teaching design ( ADDIE and
Message design
3. Teaching Media 2
Functions of media in teaching and learning
Type and classification of media
4. Planning, Selecting, Production And Evaluation Of 2
Teaching Media
ASSURE model
5. Basic Graphics 2
Visual design
Graphics production equipment
6. Application Of 2 Dimension And 3 Dimension Media 2
Definitions of 2D and 3D
Types of media e.g charts, graphs, realia, puppet,
7. Basic Photography 2
Historical Development of photography
Basic components and functions of camera
Accessories of Camera
Types of film
Techniques of camera shot
Digital photography
8. OHP And Transparency 2
Components and functions of OHP
Handling of OHP
Strengths and weaknesses of OHP
Types of transparency
Techniques of preparing transparency
9. Audio Media 2
Usage of audio media
Planning and preparation of recording
10. Educational Video Production 2
Types of video camera
Components and functions of video camera
Types of shot
Panning of video camera
Video production process
Digital video
11. Integration Of Information And Communication 6
Technology (ICT) In Teaching And Learning
Word processing
Electronic presentation
Electronic sheet
Application of authoring tools software
Production of multimedia learning package
Application of interactive media in teaching and
12. Issues And Current Trends In Technology Of 3
Self control

Total 30 hours

Topic Content Hours

1 Basic graphics 2
2 Application of 2 Dimension and 3 Dimension Media 4
3 Basic Photography 4
4 OHP and Transparency 2
5 Audio Media 4
6 Educational Video Production 4
7 Integration of Information and Communication 10
Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning
Total 30 hours
Assessment Course work (60%)

Examination (40%)
Main Dick,N. ,Carey,L.& Carey,J.O.(2005).The systematic design of
References instruction (6th ed.)New York:Pearson, Allyn and Bacon.

Heinich,R.,Molenda,M.,Russel,J.D.,& Smaldino,S.E.(2005).
Instructional Media and Technologies for learning.(8thed.). New
Jersey:Prentice Hall.

Newby, T.J, 1996. Instructional technology for teaching and

learning. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Additional Joyce, B.R. (2000). Models of teaching. (6th ed).Boston:Allyn and
References Bacon.

Priscilla, N. & Karin, M.W. (2003). Teaching with technology:

Designing opportunities to learn. (2nd ed.).Canada:Thomson

Poh Swee Hiang, Mokhtar Affandi Amran & Tajuddin Hassan.

(1996). Pengurusan sumber pengajaran pembelajaran.Kuala
Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman Sdn. Bhd.

Safian bin Abd. Rashid (2002). Pengurusan sumber : Komponen

teknologi pendidikan.

Timothy, J. Newby, Donald, A. Stepich, James, D. Lehman &

James, D. R.(2006).Educational technology for teaching
and learning (3th ed.). Ohio:Merill Prentice Hall.

Yusuf Hashim (1998).Teknologi pengajaran.Shah Alam:Penerbit

Fajar Bakti.

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