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Psychiatric History and Mental Status Examination Provides a comprehensive and chronological picture of the events

leading up to the current moment in the patient's life. This part of the
Psychiatric History psychiatric history is probably the most helpful in making a diagnosis:
History is the patient's life story told to the psychiatrist in the patient's When was the onset of the current episode, and what were the immediate
own words from his or her own point of view precipitating events or triggers?
History also includes information about the patient obtained from other Helps answer the question, why now? Why did the patient come to the
sources, such as a parent or spouse. doctor at this time? What were the patient's life circumstances at the
Gathering the concrete and factual data related to the chronology of onset of the symptoms or behavioral changes, and how did they affect
symptom formation and to the psychiatric and medical history, a the patient so that the presenting disorder became manifest?
psychiatrist strives to derive from the history the elusive picture of a Knowing the previously well patient's personality also helps give
patient's individual personality characteristics, including both strengths perspective on the currently ill patient.
and weaknesses Evolution of the patient's symptoms should be determined and
Provides insight into the nature of relationships with those closest to the summarized in an organized and systematic way.
patient and includes all the important persons in his or her life. Symptoms not present should also be delineated.
The most important technique for obtaining a psychiatric history is to The more detailed the history of the present illness, the more likely the
allow patients to tell their stories in their own words in the order that clinician is to make an accurate diagnosis.
they consider most important What past precipitating events were part of the chain leading up to the
immediate events? In what ways has the patient's illness affected his or
her life activities (e.g., work, important relationships)?
What is the nature of the dysfunction (e.g., details about changes in such
factors as personality, memory, speech)?
Are there psychophysiological symptoms? If so, they should be
described in terms of location, intensity, and fluctuation. Any relation
between physical and psychological symptoms should be noted
Description of the patient's current anxieties, whether they are
generalized and nonspecific (free floating) or are specifically related to
particular situations, is helpful.
How does the patient handle these anxieties?
Frequently, a relatively open-ended questions such as How did this all
begin? Leads to an adequate unfolding of the history of the present
Well-organized patient is generally able to present a chronological
account of the history, but a disorganized patient is difficult to interview,
as the chronology of events is confused. In such cases, contacting other
informants, such as family members and friends, can be a valuable aid in
clarifying the patient's story.

Past Illnesses
Transition between the story of the present illness and the patient's
personal history (also called the Anamnesis).
Past episodes of both psychiatric and medical illnesses are described.
A detailed account of the patient's preexisting and underlying
psychological and biological substrates is given at this point, and
Identifying Data important clues to, and evidence of, vulnerable areas in the patient's
Provide a succinct demographic summary of the patient by name, age, functioning are provided
marital status, sex, occupation, language (if other than English), ethnic Patient's symptoms, extent of incapacity, type of treatment received,
background, and religion, and the patient's current living circumstances names of hospitals, length of each illness, effects of previous treatments,
Include the place or situation in which the current interview took place, and degree of compliance should all be explored and recorded
the source(s) of the information, the reliability of the source(s), and chronologically.
whether the current disorder is the first episode for the patient Particular attention should be paid to the first episodes that signaled the
Should indicate whether the patient came in on his or her own, was onset of illness, because first episodes can often provide crucial data
referred by someone else, or was brought in by someone else. about precipitating events, diagnostic possibilities, and coping
Meant to provide a thumbnail sketch of potentially important patient capabilities.
characteristics that may affect diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and Psychiatrist should obtain a medical review of symptoms and note any
compliance. major medical or surgical illnesses and major traumas, particularly those
Mr. John Jones is a 25-year-old single, white, Protestant male who requiring hospitalization.
works as a department store clerk. He is a college graduate living with Episodes of craniocerebral trauma, neurological illness, tumors, and
his parents. He was referred by his internist for psychiatric evaluation. seizure disorders are especially relevant to psychiatric histories, as is a
history of testing positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Chief Complaint or having acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
In the patient's own words, states why he or she has come or been Specific questions need to be asked about the presence of a seizure
brought in for help disorder, episodes of loss of consciousness, changes in usual headache
Should be recorded even if the patient is unable to speak, and the patterns, changes in vision, and episodes of confusion and disorientation.
patient's explanation, regardless of how bizarre or irrelevant it is, should A history of infection with syphilis is critical and relevant.
be recorded verbatim in the section on the chief complaint. Causes, complications, and treatment of any illness and the effects of the
If the patient is comatose or mute that should be noted in the chief illness on the patient should be noted. Specific questions about
complaint as such psychosomatic disorders should be asked and the answers noted.
I am having thoughts of wanting to harm myself. Included in this category are hay fever, rheumatoid arthritis,
People are trying to drive me insane. ulcerative colitis, asthma, hyperthyroidism, gastrointestinal upsets,
I feel I am going mad. recurrent colds, and skin conditions.
I am angry all the time. All patients must be asked about alcohol and other substances used,
including details about the quantity and frequency of use
History of Present Illness Endocrinopathies such as hypothyroidism or Addison's disease may
manifest with depression.
Treatment with corticosteroids can precipitate manic and psychotic exhibit problems at an early period such as severe stranger anxiety
symptoms. or separation anxiety?
Coexistence of physical disease may result in secondary psychiatric Explore the patient's siblings and the details of his or her
symptoms relationship with them
Patient's medical status will also guide psychiatric treatment decisions. Emerging personality of the child is a topic of crucial importance.
Names and dosing schedules for all currently prescribed non-psychiatric Was the child shy, restless, overactive, withdrawn, studious,
drugs should be obtained to avoid adverse interactions with prescribed outgoing, timid, athletic, friendly?
psychiatric medication. Seek data about the child's ability to concentrate, to tolerate
frustration, and to postpone gratification
Family History Note the child's preference for active or passive roles in physical
A brief statement about any psychiatric illness, hospitalization, and play.
treatment of the patient's immediate family members What were the child's favorite games or toys? Did the child prefer
Does the family have a history of alcohol and other substance abuse or to play alone, with others, or not at all?
of antisocial behavior? What is the patient's earliest memory? Were there any recurrent
Should provide a description of the personalities and intelligence of the dreams or fantasies during this period?
various persons living in the patient's home from childhood to the
present as well as a description of the various households in which the
patient lived.
Define the role each person played in the patient's upbringing and this
person's current relationship with the patient.
What were and are the family ethnic, national, and religious traditions?
Determine the family's attitude toward, and insight into, the patient's
Does the patient feel that the family members are supportive, indifferent,
or destructive?
What is the role of illness in the family?
Other questions that provide useful information in this section include
the following:
What is the patient's attitude toward his or her parents and
Ask the patient to describe each family member.
Who is mentioned first? Who is left out? What does each parent do
for a living? What do the siblings do? How do the siblings'
occupations compare with the patient's work, and how does the
patient feel about it? Who does the patient feel most similar to in
the family and why?

Personal History (Anamnesis)

In addition to studying the patient's present illness and current life
situation, the psychiatrist needs a thorough understanding of the patient's
past and its relation to the present emotional problem.
Usually divided into
A. Perinatal
B. Early Childhood
C. Late Childhood
D. Adulthood
Predominant emotions associated with the different life periods (e.g.,
painful, stressful, conflictual) should be noted.
Depending on time and situation, the psychiatrist may go into detail with
regard to each of the following. Feeding Habits: Breast-fed or bottle-fed, eating problems
Early Development:
A. Perinatal History Walking, talking, teething, language development, motor
Considers the home situation into which the patient was born and development, signs of unmet needs, sleep pattern, object
whether the patient was planned and wanted constancy, stranger anxiety, maternal deprivation, separation
Were there any problems with the mother's pregnancy and anxiety, other caretakers in the home
delivery? Toilet Training: Age, attitude of parents, feelings about it
What was the mother's emotional and physical state at the time of Symptoms of Behavior Problems
the patient's birth? Thumb-sucking, temper tantrums, tics, head-bumping,
Were there any maternal health problems during pregnancy? Was rocking, night terrors, fears, bed-wetting or bed-soiling, nail-
the mother abusing alcohol or other substances during her biting, excessive masturbation
pregnancy? Personality as a Child
Shy, restless, overactive, withdrawn, persistent, outgoing,
B. Early Childhood (Birth through Age 3 Years)
timid, athletic, friendly, patterns of play
Consists of the first 3 years of the patient's life
Quality of the mother and child interaction during feeding and
C. Middle Childhood (Ages 3 to 11 Years)
toilet training is important. Focuses on such important subjects as gender identification,
Early disturbances in sleep patterns, including episodes of head
punishments used in the home, and the persons who provided the
banging and body rocking, provide clues about possible maternal discipline and influenced early conscience formation
deprivation or developmental disability Must inquire about the patient's early school experiences,
Obtain a history of human constancy and attachments during the
especially how the patient first tolerated being separated from his
first 3 years. or her mother.
Were any psychiatric or medical illnesses present in the parents Data about the patient's earliest friendships and personal
that may have interfered with parent and child interactions? Did relationships are valuable
persons other than the mother care for the patient? Did the patient Determine the number and the closeness of the patient's friends,
describe whether the patient took the role of a leader or a follower,
and describe the patient's social popularity and participation in Describe the patient's choice of occupation, the requisite
group or gang activities. training and preparation, any work-related conflicts, and the
Was the child able to cooperate with peers, to be fair, to understand long-term ambitions and goals
and comply with rules, and to develop an early conscience? Explore the patient's feelings about his or her current job and
Early patterns of assertion, impulsiveness, aggression, passivity, relationships at work (with authorities, peers, and, if
anxiety, or antisocial behavior emerge in the context of school applicable, subordinates) and describe the job history (e.g.,
relationships number and duration of jobs, reasons for job changes, and
History of the patient's learning to read and developing other changes in job status).
intellectual and motor skills is important What would the patient do for work if he or she could choose
History of learning disabilities, their management, and their effects freely?
on the child is of particular significance
Presence of nightmares, phobias, bed-wetting, fire-setting, cruelty Marital and Relationship History
to animals, and excessive masturbation should also be explored. History of each marriage, legal or common law.
Significant relationships with persons with whom the patient
D. Late Childhood (Puberty through Adolescence) has lived for a protracted period are also included
During late childhood, persons begin to develop independence Story of the marriage or long-term relationship should
from their parents through relationships with peers and group describe the evolution of the relationship, including the age
activities of the patient at the beginning of the relationship
Should attempt to ascertain the values of the patient's social groups
Areas of agreement and disagreement including money
and to determine who the patients idealized figures were. This management, housing difficulties, the roles of in-laws, and
information provides useful clues about the patient's emerging self- attitudes toward raising children
Is the patient currently in a long-term relationship?
It is helpful to explore the patient's school history, relationships
How long is the longest relationship that the patient has had?
with teachers, and favorite studies and interests, both in school and
in extracurricular areas. What is the quality of the patient's sexual relationship?
Ask about the patient's participation in sports and hobbies and What does the patient look for in a partner?
inquire about any emotional or physical problems that may have Can the patient initiate a relationship or approach someone
first appeared during this phase. with whom he or she feels attracted?
Examples of the types of questions that are commonly asked How does the patient describe the current relationship in
include the following: terms of its positive and negative qualities?
What was the patient's sense of personal identity? How does the patient perceive failures of past relationships in
How extensive was the use of alcohol and other substances? terms of understanding what went wrong and who was or
Was the patient sexually active, and what was the quality of was not to blame?
the sexual relationships? Military History
Was the patient interactive and involved with school and Inquire about the patient's general adjustment to the military,
peers, or was he or she isolated, withdrawn, and perceived as whether he or she saw combat or sustained an injury, and the
odd by others? nature of the discharge.
Did the patient have a generally intact self-esteem, or was Was the patient ever referred for psychiatric consultation, and
there evidence of an inferiority complex? did he or she incur any disciplinary action during the period
What was the patient's body image? Were there suicidal of service?
episodes? Education History
Were there problems in school, including excessive truancy? Have a clear picture of the patient's educational background.
How did the patient use private time? What was the Can provide clues about the patient's social and cultural
relationship with the parents? background, intelligence, motivation, and any obstacles to
What were the feelings about the development of secondary achievement.
sex characteristics? What was the response to menarche? Patient from an economically deprived background who
What were the attitudes about dating, petting, crushes, never had the opportunity to attend the best schools and
parties, and sex games? whose parents never graduated from high school shows
One way to organize the diverse and large amount of information strength of character, intelligence, and tremendous
motivation by graduating from college
is to break late childhood into subsets of behavior (e.g., social
relationships, school history, cognitive and motor development, How far did the patient go in school?
emotional and physical problems, and sexuality), as described What was the highest grade or graduate level attained?
next. What did the patient like to study, and what was the level of
Social Relationships academic performance?
Attitudes toward sibling(s) and playmates, number and How far did the other members of the patient's family go in
closeness of friends, leader or follower, social popularity, school, and how do they compare with the patient's progress?
participation in group or gang activities, idealized figures, What is the patient's attitude toward academic achievement?
patterns of aggression, passivity, anxiety, antisocial behavior Religion
School History Determines the religious background of both parents and the
How far the patient progressed, adjustment to school, details of the patient's religious instruction.
relationships with teachers, teacher's pet versus rebel, Was the family's attitude toward religion strict or permissive,
favorite studies or interests, particular abilities or assets, and were there any conflicts between the parents over the
extracurricular activities, sports, hobbies, relations of child's religious education?
problems or symptoms to any social period Trace the evolution of the patient's adolescent religious
Cognitive and Motor Development practices to present beliefs and activities.
Learning to read and other intellectual and motor skills, Does the patient have a strong religious affiliation, and, if so,
minimal cerebral dysfunction, learning disabilities and their how does this affiliation affect the patient's life?
management and effects on the child What does the patient's religion say about the treatment of
Emotional and Physical Problems psychiatric or medical illness?
Nightmares, phobias, bed-wetting, running away, What is the religious attitude toward suicide?
delinquency, smoking, alcohol or other substance use, Social Activity
anorexia, bulimia, weight problems, feelings of inferiority, Elicits information about the patient's social life and the
depression, suicidal ideas and acts nature of friendships, with an emphasis on the depth,
E. Adulthood duration, and quality of human relationships. What social,
Occupational History
intellectual, and physical interests does the patient share with
What relationships does the patient have with persons of the
same sex and the opposite sex?
Is the patient essentially isolated and asocial?
Does the patient prefer isolation, or is the patient isolated
because of anxieties and fears about other people?
Who visits the patient in the hospital and how frequently?

Current Living Situation

Ask the patient to describe where he or she lives in terms of the neighborhood
and the residence as well as the number of rooms, the number of family
members living in the home, and the sleeping arrangements. Inquire how
issues of privacy are handled, with particular emphasis on parental and sibling
nudity and bathroom arrangements. Also ask about the sources of family
income and any financial hardships. If applicable, inquire about public
assistance and the patient's feelings about it. If the patient has been The psychiatrist should ask whether the patient wants to mention other areas
hospitalized, have provisions been made so that he or she will not lose a job or of sexual functioning and sexuality. Is the patient aware of the issues involved
an apartment? Ask who is caring for the children at home, who visits the in safe sex? Does the patient have a sexually transmitted disease, such as
patient in the hospital, and how frequently. herpes or AIDS? Does the patient worry about being HIV positive?
Legal History
Has the patient ever been arrested and, if so, for what? How many times? Was Fantasies and Dreams
the patient ever in jail? For how long? Is the patient on probation, or are Freud stated that dreams are the royal road to the unconscious. Repetitive
charges pending? Is the patient mandated to be in treatment as part of a dreams have particular value. If the patient has nightmares, what are their
stipulation of probation? Does the patient have a history of assault or repetitive themes? Some of the most common dream themes are food,
violence? Against whom? Were weapons used? What is the patient's attitude examinations, sex, helplessness, and feelings of impotence. Can the patient
toward the arrests or prison terms? An extensive legal history, as well as the describe a recent dream and discuss its possible meanings? Fantasies and
patient's attitude toward it, may indicate antisocial trends or a litigious daydreams are another valuable source of unconscious material. As with
personality. An extensive history of violence may alert the psychiatrist to the dreams, the psychiatrist can explore and record details of the fantasy and
potential for violence in the future. attendant feelings.
Sexual History What are the patient's fantasies about the future? If the patient could make any
Much of the history of infantile sexuality is not recoverable, although many change in his or her life, what would it be? What are the patient's most
patients can recall curiosities and sexual games played from the ages of 3 to 6 common or favorite current fantasies? Does the patient experience
years. The psychiatrist should ask how the patient learned about sex and what daydreams? Are the patient's fantasies grounded in reality, or is the patient
he or she felt were parents' attitudes about sexual development. Also inquire unable to tell the difference between fantasy and reality?
whether the patient was sexually abused in childhood. Some material Values
discussed in this section may also be covered in the section on adolescent The psychiatrist may inquire about the patient's system of valuesboth
sexuality. It is not important where in the history it is covered, as long as it is social and moralincluding values about work, money, play, children,
included. parents, friends, sex, community concerns, and cultural issues. For instance,
The onset of puberty and the patient's feelings about this milestone are are children a burden or a joy? Is work a necessary evil, an unavoidable chore,
important. Adolescent masturbatory history, including the nature of the or an opportunity? What is the patient's concept of right and wrong?
patient's fantasies and feelings about them, is of significance. Attitudes toward Mental Status Examination
sex should be described in detail. Is the patient shy, timid, aggressive? Does The mental status examination is the part of the clinical assessment that
the patient need to impress others and boast of sexual conquests? Did the describes the sum total of the examiner's observations and impressions of the
patient experience anxiety in the sexual setting? Was there promiscuity? What psychiatric patient at the time of the interview. Whereas the patient's history
is the patient's sexual orientation? remains stable, the patient's mental status can change from day to day or hour
The sexual history (Table 7.1-3) should include any sexual symptoms, such as to hour. The mental status examination is the description of the patient's
anorgasmia, vaginismus, erectile disorder (impotence), premature or retarded appearance, speech, actions, and thoughts during the interview. Even when a
ejaculation, lack of sexual desire, and paraphillias (e.g., sexual sadism, patient is mute, is incoherent, or refuses to answer questions, the clinician can
fetishism, voyeurism). Attitudes toward fellatio, cunnilingus, and coital obtain a wealth of information through careful observation. A mental status
techniques may be discussed. The topic of sexual adjustment should include format is outlined in Table 7.1-4.
adescription of how sexual activity is usually initiated, the frequency of sexual
relations, and sexual preferences, variations, and techniques. It is usually General Description
appropriate to inquire whether the patient has engaged in extramarital Appearance
relationships and, if so, under what circumstances and whether the spouse In this category, the psychiatrist describes the patient's appearance and overall
knew of the affair. If the spouse did learn of the affair, the psychiatrist should physical impression, as reflected by posture, poise, clothing, and grooming. If
ask the patient to describe what happened. The reasons underlying an the patient appears particularly bizarre, the clinician may ask, Has anyone
extramarital affair are just as important as understanding its effect on the ever commented on how you look? How would you describe how you
marriage. Attitudes toward contraception and family planning are important. look? Can you help me understand some of the choices you make in
What form of contraception does the patient use? The psychiatrist, however, how you look?
should not assume that the patient uses birth control. If an interviewer asks a Examples of items in the appearance category include body type, posture,
lesbian patient to describe what type of birth control she uses (on the poise, clothes, grooming, hair, and nails. Common terms used to describe
assumption that she is heterosexual), the patient may surmise that the appearance are healthy, sickly, ill at ease, poised, old looking, young looking,
interviewer will not understand or accept her sexual orientation. A more disheveled, childlike, and bizarre. Signs of anxiety are noted: moist hands,
helpful question is, Do you need to use birth control? or Is perspiring forehead, tense posture, wide eyes.
contraception something that is part of your sexuality?
the illusion or the hallucinatory experience should be described. The
circumstances of the occurrence of any hallucinatory experience are
important; hypnagogic hallucinations (occurring as a person falls asleep) and
hypnopompic hallucinations (occurring as a person awakens) have much less
serious significance than other types of hallucinations. Hallucinations can also
occur in particular times of stress for individual patients. Feelings of
depersonalization and derealization (extreme feelings of detachment from the
self or the environment) are other examples of perceptual disturbance.
Formication, the feeling of bugs crawling on or under the skin, is seen in
Examples of questions used to elicit the experience of hallucinations include
the following: Have you ever heard voices or other sounds that no one else
could hear or when no one else was around? Have you experienced any
strange sensations in your body that others do not seem to see?

Thought Content and Mental Trends

Thought can be divided into process (or form) and content. Process refers to
Attitude Toward Examiner the way in which a person puts together ideas and associations, the form in
The patient's attitude toward the examiner can be described as cooperative, which a person thinks. Process or form of thought can be logical and coherent
friendly, attentive, interested, frank, seductive, defensive, contemptuous, or completely illogical and even incomprehensible. Content refers to what a
perplexed, apathetic, hostile, playful, ingratiating, evasive, or guarded; any person is actually thinking about: ideas, beliefs, preoccupations, obsessions.
number of other adjectives can be used. Record the level of rapport Table 7.1-5 lists common thought disorders.
established. Thought Process (Form of Thinking)
Speech Characteristics The patient may have either an overabundance or a poverty of ideas. There
This part of the report describes the physical characteristics of speech. Speech may be rapid thinking, which, if carried to the extreme, is called a flight of
can be described in terms of its quantity, rate of production, and quality. The ideas. A patient may exhibit slow or hesitant thinking.
patient may be described as talkative, garrulous, voluble, taciturn, Thought can be vague or empty. Do the patient's replies really answer the
unspontaneous, or normally responsive to cues from the interviewer. Speech questions asked, and does the patient have the capacity for goal-directed
can be rapid or slow, pressured, hesitant, emotional, dramatic, monotonous, thinking? Are the responses relevant or irrelevant? Is there a clear cause-and-
loud, whispered, slurred, staccato, or mumbled. Speech impairments, such as effect relation in the patient's explanations? Does the patient have loose
stuttering, are included in this section. Any unusual rhythms (termed associations (e.g., do the ideas expressed seem unrelated and idiosyncratically
dysprosody) or accent should be noted. The patient's speech may be connected)? Disturbances of thought continuity include statements that are
spontaneous. tangential, circumstantial, rambling, evasive, or perseverative.
Overt Behavior and Psychomotor Activity
Here is described both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the patient's
motor behavior. Included are mannerisms, tics, gestures, twitches, stereotyped
behavior, echopraxia, hyperactivity, agitation, combativeness, flexibility,
rigidity, gait, and agility. Describe restlessness, wringing of hands, pacing, and
other physical manifestations. Note psychomotor retardation or generalized
slowing of body movements. Describe any aimless, purposeless activity.
Mood and Affect
Mood is defined as a pervasive and sustained emotion that colors the person's
perception of the world. The psychiatrist is interested in whether the patient
remarks voluntarily about feelings or whether it is necessary to ask the patient Blocking is interruption of the train of thought before an idea has been
how he or she feels. Statements about the patient's mood should include depth, completed; the patient may indicate an inability to recall what was being said
intensity, duration, and fluctuations. Common adjectives used to describe or intended to be said. Circumstantiality indicates the loss of capacity for
mood include depressed, despairing, irritable, anxious, angry, expansive, goal-directed thinking; in the process of explaining an idea, the patient brings
euphoric, empty, guilty, hopeless, futile, self-contemptuous, frightened, and in many irrelevant details and parenthetical comments but eventually does get
perplexed. Mood can be labile, fluctuating or alternating rapidly between back to the original point. Tangentiality is a disturbance in which the patient
extremes (e.g., laughing loudly and expansively one moment, tearful and loses the thread of the conversation, pursues divergent thoughts stimulated by
despairing the next). various external or internal irrelevant stimuli, and never returns to the original
point. Thought process impairments may be reflected by incoherent or
Affect incomprehensible connections of thoughts (word salad), clang associations
Affect can be defined as the patient's present emotional responsiveness, (association by rhyming), punning (association by double meaning), and
inferred from the patient's facial expression, including the amount and the neologisms (new words created by the patient by combining or condensing
range of expressive behavior. Affect may or may not be congruent with mood. other words).
Affect can be described as within normal range, constricted, blunted, or flat. Thought Content
In the normal range of affect can be variation in facial expression, tone of Disturbances in content of thought include delusions, preoccupations (which
voice, use of hands, and body movements. When affect is constricted, the may involve the patient's illness), obsessions (Do you have ideas that are
range and intensity of expression are reduced. In blunted affect, emotional intrusive and repetitive?), compulsions ( Are there things you do over
expression is further reduced. To diagnose flat affect, virtually no signs of and over, in a repetitive manner? Are there things you must do in a
affective expression should be present; the patient's voice should be particular way or order? If you do not do them that way, must you
monotonous and the face should be immobile. Note the patient's difficulty in repeat them? Do you know why you do things that way?), phobias,
initiating, sustaining, or terminating an emotional response. plans, intentions, recurrent ideas about suicide or homicide, hypochondriacal
Appropriateness of Affect symptoms, and specific antisocial urges.
The psychiatrist can consider the appropriateness of the patient's emotional
responses in the context of the subject the patient is discussing. Delusional Does the patient have thoughts of doing self-harm? Is there a plan? A major
patients who are describing a delusion of persecution should be angry or category of disturbances of thought content involves delusions.
frightened about the experiences they believe are happening to them. Anger or Delusionsfixed, false beliefs out of keeping with the patient's cultural
fear in this context is an appropriate expression. Psychiatrists use the term backgroundmay be mood congruent (thoughts that are in keeping with a
inappropriate affect for a quality of response found in some schizophrenia depressed or elated mood, e.g., a depressed patient thinks he is dying or an
patients, in which the patient's affect is incongruent with what the patient is elated patient thinks she is the Virgin Mary) or mood incongruent (e.g., an
saying (e.g., flattened affect when speaking about murderous impulses). elated patient thinks he has a brain tumor). The psychiatrist should describe
Perception the content of any delusional system and attempt to evaluate its organization
Perceptual disturbances, such as hallucinations and illusions, can be and the patient's conviction about its validity. The manner in which it affects
experienced in reference to the self or the environment. The sensory system the patient's life is appropriately described in the history of the present illness.
involved (e.g., auditory, visual, taste, olfactory, or tactile) and the content of Delusions can be bizarre and may involve beliefs about external control.
Delusions can have themes that are persecutory or paranoid, grandiose,
jealous, somatic, guilty, nihilistic, or erotic. The clinician should describe
ideas of reference and of influence. Examples of ideas of reference include a
person's belief that the television or radio is speaking to or about him or her.
Examples of ideas of influence are beliefs about another person or force
controlling some aspect of one's behavior.

Sensorium and Cognition

The sensorium and cognition portion of the mental status examination seeks to
assess brain function, including intelligence, capacity for abstract thought, and
level of insight and judgment. Questions that test cognitive function are listed
in Table 7.1-6.
Disturbances of consciousness usually indicate organic brain impairment.
Clouding of consciousness is an overall reduced awareness of the
environment. A patient may be unable to sustain attention to environmental
stimuli or to maintain goal-directed thinking or behavior. Clouding or
obtunding of consciousness is frequently not a fixed mental state. A patient
typically exhibits fluctuations in the level of awareness of the surrounding
environment. The patient who has an altered state of consciousness often
shows some impairment of orientation as well, although the reverse is not
necessarily true. Some terms used to describe the patient's level of
consciousness are clouding, somnolence, stupor, coma, lethargy, or alert.

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