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Title Investment Manager

Employer Mid-Size University Endowment Fund based in Saudi Arabia

Date Posted Oct 31st, 2016

Expires Nov 10th, 2016

Key Responsibilities Applicants should have a broad knowledge of the investment landscape,
covering major asset classes including public equity, real estate and private
equity. They should have a good grasp of investment theory macro-
economics, risk and return, portfolio construction and diversification
strategies. Ideally they will also have gained prior insights into different
structures in family offices/endowments as well as having knowledge of
investment strategies that have performed well.

This position requires leadership, supervisory, communication, and team

working skills. The essential duties of this position include, but are not
limited to, the following:

Source, evaluate, and monitor investment opportunities.

Provide the executive team and the investment committee with
concrete house opinion on investment opportunities through solid
qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Lead reference calls and visits with fund managers, portfolio
managers and other industry participants.
Serve as a central resource for current information on investment
opportunities, including data and analysis, comparisons across fund
managers, and the opinion of the investments team.
Supervise all the reporting activities of the fund including custodial,
accounting, and investment performance reporting.

Preferred CFA, MBA or Similar

Qualifications 5+ Years experience in a Family Office and or Sovereign Wealth Fund

Contact imrole@outlook.com

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