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MEAL 1: 1 Protein, 1 Veggie, 1 Fat

MEAL 2: 1 Protein, 1 Carb

MEAL 3: 1 Protein, 1 Veggie, 1 Fat

MEAL 4: 1 Protein, 1 Carb

POST WORKOUT: 40g Whey Protein.

Protein serving size: 6 oz or the size of your flat hand.
Carbohydrate serving size: -1 cup or the size of your clenched fist.
Fat serving size: 1-2 tbsp
Veggie serving size: As much as you want!

SNACK OPTIONS: Greek yogurt, quest bars, beef jerky, mixed nuts and nut
butters (almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts preferred). 1 cup of blueberries. They
are my favorite!

Macronutrient Breakdown: (roughly)
Protein: 40% of total calories
Carbohydrates: 30% of total calories
Fat: 30% of total calories
Calories: up to 175lbs 1800 calories; 175-200 2000 calories; 200-225 2300
calories; 225+ 2800 calories.

*Im budgeting for 250-300 calories coming from snacks off of your list. In addition
to the food listed above. Either add a little to a meal or make sure to get in the
snacks. If you struggle to hit your caloric goal with the 4 meals listed above its ok to
add another meal! The most important thing to do is to fit your macro and caloric
goal per day.

*** Know that the macros are the most important thing to follow. If you want to
switch up the foods this is fine so long as your total macros and calories on the day
fit! You can use My Fitness Pal to track your foods and know how many you have


Chicken breast
Lean steak
Lean hamburger
Ground turkey
Turkey bacon
Chicken sausage

Jasmine rice
Basmati Rice
Brown rice
Yams/sweet potatoes
Rice grits
Ezekiel bread

Coconut oil
Extra virgin olive oil
Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nut oil
Almond butter
Peanut butter
Kerrygold butter
Red palm oil

Bell Peppers


Anything without sugar.


WHEY PROTEIN: Protein is what helps rebuild muscle tissue. In order to get a

lean/toned look we need to maintain muscle tissue while we burn body fat!

MULTIVITAMIN: In order to guarantee that we are meeting our micronutrient goals

a good multi vitamin will fill that void.

BCAA: BCAA are one of the best tools used for recovery. If you find that you are

extra sore BCAA can help fix that!

FISH OIL: Fish oil is made up of essential fatty acids. These are fats that are critical

for body function and health!


This workout plan is a 2 days on 1 day rest, 2 days on 2 days rest split. On your rest

days if you want to go to the gym feel free to go and do cardio but give yourself some

rest with the weights.



AIR SQUATS: Complete 100 reps with bodyweight.
LUNGES: Complete 100 reps with each leg.
BURPEES: 5 sets of 10 with 45 sec rest between sets.
AB WHEEL: 4 sets of 25 reps 1 min rest between sets.

*This is to be done every morning before breakfast. I would wake up, drink a few
glasses of water, take the yohimbeWait 10 mins then start this workout. It
shouldnt take you very long. It shouldnt be too challenging. You will break a sweat.
The yohimbe works best when insulin levels are low. They are lowest upon waking.
This is a great time to get some fat burning in. Since you will have meals shortly
after you will not sacrifice much muscle doing this.


Reverse cable crossover or reverse pec deck: 3 sets 12-15 reps with 30 sec rest

in between sets.

Dumbbell lateral raise: 3 sets 12-15 reps controlled with 45 sec rest.

Dumbbell or barbell overhead press: 4 sets 8-12 reps with 1 minute rest.

Wide grip cable row: 3 sets 8-12 reps with 30 sec rest in between sets.

Dips: 4 sets 8-12 reps. 45 sec rest.

Vgrip pressdown: 3 sets 10-12 reps 30 sec rest.

Ez bar barbell curl: 3 sets 10-12 reps 30 sec rest.

Dbell hammer curl: 3 sets 10-12 reps each arm. 30 sec rest.

Dbell Wrist Curl: 2 sets 25 reps each arm 30 sec rest.


LEG EXTENSION: 3 sets 25 reps 30 sec rest between sets.

LYING LEG CURL: 3 sets 25 reps 30 sec rest.

SQUAT: 5 sets 10 reps 2 min rest between sets. Increase the weights each set.

LEG PRESS: 4 sets 25 reps 1 min rest in between sets.

-This is all about volume. We focused on more strength with squat. Now we want to

pump the muscle full of blood. I keep the weight moderate here. You should

complete all 25 reps per set but it should be challenging. 25 reps should not come

easy! If it does youre going too light. Rest is kept to 1 min to keep the heart rate up

and capitalize on some fat burning.

CALVES: 3 sets of 25 slow and controlled reps. This can be done on any calf machine

of your choosing. Pick the one that gives the best pump. I find that everybody

responds differently to calf training. If the seated machine works better than

standing then go with that.


BENCH: 4 sets 8-12 reps 1 min rest. Increase weight each set.

DBELL INCLINE PRESS: 3 sets of 8-12 reps 45sec-1min rest between sets.

CABLE CROSS OVER OR PEC DECK: 2 sets of 25 reps 30 sec rest.

WIDE GRIP CABLE ROW: 4 sets 10 reps 30 sec rest with a squeeze at the top of the

rep. *weight is not important with this exercise but with the amount of bench/chest

work we just did we want to work the antagonizing muscle to prevent a shoulder


FACEPULL: 4 sets 15 reps 30 sec rest with a squeeze at the top of the rep.

*same theory as the wide grip row. This will target the rear delt and smaller muscles

of the upper back. These muscles are important to support the shoulder for the

bench press.


LAT PULLDOWN: 3 sets of 8-12 reps. 3rd set should be to failure and the heaviest

set. 1 min rest in between sets.

DBELL SINGLE ARM ROW: 3 sets per arm 12-15 reps 30 sec rest in between arms.

1 min rest in between sets. So you will do the right arm set, rest 30 sec then do the

left, then rest 1 min. That is 1 set. The next set I would start with the left arm and

continue to alternate.

*Make sure to pull with a thumbless grip and focus on pulling the elbom past your

back which will bring your hand closer to your hip.

BARBELL ROW: 4 sets 10-12 reps 1 min rest. CONTROL the weight. Dont jerk or

shrug. This will help keep density in the back.

CLOSE GRIP CABLE ROW: 4 sets 8-12 reps 1 min rest in between sets. Hold the

squeeze at the top for a 2 second count.

DBELL PULLOVER: 2 sets of 25 reps slow and controlled 45 sec rest


WARM UP: I like to do some light stretching before hand then a couple light jog

sprints to make sure the muscles are warm.

HIIT SPRINTS: 50 yard sprints is plenty and this can be done in your neighborhood

or in a local park. Sprint down as fast as you can then repeat. Do this for 15 minutes.

If done on a treadmill start at a brisk walking pace then increase speed to a sprint

for 30 seconds. Decrease back down to a walking pace for 1 minute. Repeat.

BOX JUMPS: 4 sets of 25 jumps. Adjust box height based on your performance. Start

low and as your athleticism and agility improves find a higher box. All you need for

this is something sturdy to jump on!

WALKING LUNGES OR STEP UPS ON THE BOX: 5 sets of 15 reps per leg with 1

minute rest. Start without weight and then increase as you progress. These can be

done for distance or stationary in your living room.

JUMP ROPE: Start with 30 seconds of consistent jumping rope with 30 seconds rest.

Do this for 10 minutes. As you progress you can jump rope for longer (45 secs) and

rest for less (15 secs). We want to work up to being able to jump rope consistently

for several minutes at a time without needing a break!

PUSH UPS: The difficulty will vary. I would suggest doing 5 sets of as many reps as

possible with 1-2 minutes rest in between sets. You can do these from your knees

until you are strong enough to do them from your toes. If you want to increase the

difficulty then elevate your feet by placing them on the couch.

PLANK: Get into the push up position and hold it for as long as you can. Not only will

this increase the strength of all the muscles used in the push up but it will also

strengthen your core. I would do 5 sets for as long as you can hold with 30 seconds

rest. If you can hold a plank for longer than 2 minutes then I would suggest adding

the plank in during your rest on the other exercises.

AIR SQUATS: These are simply a bodyweight squat. I would suggest doing 4 sets of

1 minute. Do as many bodyweight squats as you can do in 1 minute. Rest for 1

minute then repeat.

GALLON CURLS: As crazy as this sounds I want you to save a couple milk jugs. Rinse

them well or youll regret the smell! You can fill them up as much as you can lift.

Securely fasten the lid and use them as dumbbells for curls. You can also use these

for weight during the air squats and lunges as well! Remember that weight is weight

regardless of if it is iron or water. The water will create a little instability as well

which will increase the difficulty!

BURPEES: Burpees can be torturous! You can do these anywhere! I would suggest

doing as many as you can for 1 minute and then take a minute rest. Repeat this for

4-5 sets!

Feel free to do all of these exercises or only choose a few. Remember that you can

still get a great workout done at home! We just have to be a little more creative!

Dedication is your only limitation!

*This workout is designed to act as cardio to lean you out as well as improve agility

and athleticism. The amount of balance and core work with this workout will

improve dramatically. You might also find that days such as this will improve

recovery as well.

HAVE FUN WITH IT! If you enjoy exercise you will push yourself that much harder.

If you look at this as a chore then youll resent it and you will not want to push


If you come up with any new creative exercises or modify these to make them work

better please make sure to share them in the forums! Lets get better together!


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