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Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA)

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Regular Meeting

10:30 AM, Monday, April 3, 2017

Council Chambers
580 Pacific Street, Monterey
Monterey, California





PUBLIC COMMENTS allows you, the public, to speak for a maximum of three minutes on any
subject which is within the jurisdiction of the MPRWA TAC and which is not on the agenda. Any
person or group desiring to bring an item to the attention of the Committee may do so by
addressing the Committee during Public Comments or by addressing a letter of explanation to:
MPRWA TAC, Attn: Monterey City Clerk, 580 Pacific St, Monterey, CA 93940. The appropriate
staff person will contact the sender concerning the details.

CONSENT AGENDA consists of those items which are routine and for which a staff
recommendation has been prepared. A member of the public or TAC Member may request that an
item be placed on the regular agenda for further discussion

1. Approve Minutes from February 6, 2017 - Romero

***End of Consent Agenda***


2. Receive Report and Discuss the Detailed MPWSP Schedule Including Upcoming Permit
Requirements and the Status of the Test Slant Well and Installation of the Transfer
Pipeline - Cook/Crooks

Created date 03/30/2017 5:10 PM Monday, April 3, 2017

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Agenda related writings or documents provided to the MPRWA are available for public
inspection during the meeting or may be requested from the Monterey City Clerks Office at 580
Pacific St, Room 6, Monterey, CA 93940. This agenda is posted in compliance with California
Government Code Section 54954.2(a) or Section 54956.

TAC Meeting
10:30 AM, Monday, February 6, 2017

Members Present: Member Huss, Alternate Member Medina, Member Narigi, Member
Peake, Member Riley, Member Stoldt, Member Van Der Maaten, Chair
Members Absent: Member Riedl, Member Riley, Member Scuito

Staff Present: Legal Counsel Freeman, Clerk Romero

Chair Cullem called the meeting to order at 10:36am.

Clerk Romero called the roll. Member Riley arrived at 11:02am.



Chair Cullem announced that there will be a conference call at 10:45am regarding the Monterey
Peninsula Regional Water Supply Project (MPWSP) draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
He added that any comments that the TAC would like to make regarding this topic will passed
along at the Directors meeting later this week. He anticipates that the Directors will submit a
comment letter to the draft EIR as they did in the past including comments on greenhouse gas,
land use, brine disposal, and intake structure.




On a motion by Member Huss, seconded by Member Stoldt, and carried by the following vote,
the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Technical Advisory Committee Approved the
Consent Agenda:

AYES: 5 MEMBERS: Huss, Narigi, Stoldt, Van Der Maaten, Cullem

ABSENT: 2 MEMBERS: Scuito, Riley
ABSTAIN: 2 MEMBERS: Medina, Peake
MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, February 6, 2017

1. Approval of Minutes of November 7, 2016 - Romero

Action: Approved

2. Approval of Minutes of December 5, 2016 Romero

Action: Approved

***End of Consent Agenda***


3. Receive Report, Discuss, and Make Recommendations on the Re-circulated DEIR/EIS for the
MPWSP - Cullem
Action: Received report; discussed; recommended that the Authority submit a comment
letter on the draft EIR to the CPUC

Chair Cullem requested to hear item #5 before item #3 (see item #5).

Chair Cullem announced that Russ McGlothlin, Legal Counsel, and Al Preston and Gordon
Thrupp from Geosyntec, will be joining the conversation for this item via conference call to
discuss the findings regarding the draft MPWSP EIR and the next course of action for the

Russ McGlothlin said that the brine, intake, land use, and greenhouse gas are the main issues
in the EIR. He added that the purpose of the independent review by Geosyntec is to find out
what information could be added or changed to make the draft EIR a stronger and more
accurate document. He advised that if the Authority makes a comment to the EIR that it be on
issues that are either missing or need to go into more analysis.

Gordon Thrupp, Geosyntec, briefly described the portions of the revised draft EIR that were
reviewed regarding the subsurface source water intake system:

o Executive Summary
o Section 4.4 Groundwater Resources
o Appendix E1. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories Peer Review
o Appendix E2. Draft North Marina Groundwater Model Review, Revision, and
Implementation for Future Slant Well Pumping Scenarios
o Section 4.3 Surface Water Hydrology and Water Quality

Mr. Thrupp spoke about groundwater flow modeling of slant well intakes providing an
evaluation of potential impact to coastal margin aquifers, including:

o Drawdown of groundwater levels

o Change in groundwater flow
o Change of sea water intrusion rates

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, February 6, 2017

Mr. Thrupp summarized his conclusions regarding project intakes:

o The updated model provides improved simulations of pumping from the subsurface
o The potential impact to inland wells is not significant.
o The project pumping would decrease sea water intrusion to inland aquifers.
o The contribution of inland fresh groundwater to the proposed pumping beneath the
coastal margin will be returned to the Salinas Basin.
o No recommendations for additional model runs or revisions.

Mr. McGlothin asked Mr. Thrupp to draft a short summary on his findings and analysis. Member
Riley asked what Mr. Thrupp thinks of the test well data which suggests 92% salinity, as
opposed to 95% salinity, and does he think its sufficient. Mr. Thrupp says he can take a look at
the recent test well data results. He added that the EIR covers the range of the test well salinity,
but the test well results do not change the results of the EIR analysis. Member Peake asked for
Gordon to confirm that the EIR model does not monitor salinity, it monitors flow. Mr. Thrupp
affirmed that the EIR model monitors flow. Member Peake asked if Mr. Thrupp is satisfied with
the EIR modeling, grid, strategraphy, boundaries, and sensitivities. Mr. Thrupp said the model
is a good one and does a reasonable job for its purpose and has been improved and run for a
range of different conditions and sensitivities. Mr. McGlothlin responded that after Mr. Thrupps
comments about running additional sensitivities and conditions after the first EIR came out, the
recent revised EIR has addressed that and done a better job.


Tom Rowley, MPTA, said that in the media there has been recent coverage on Cemex
stockpiling sand. He questioned how the removal of the sand will affect the model of a
field of slant wells when they are put in.

Mr. Thrupp said that he is not familiar with the Cemex plant stockpiling sand. He said that the
EIR model uses varying sea level profiles to account for rise and fall, rainfall, and erosion so
stockpiling of sand wouldnt necessarily affect the results.

Member Narigi asked Mr. Thrupps opinion about using Electro Resistance Tomography (ERT).
Member Van Der Maaten gave an explanation of ERT, saying that it is an advanced technique
using helicopters with a resistivity monitor to obtain data over a ground water area and is
intended to get a look at where fresh water or salt water may be. Mr. Thrupp and McGlothlin
said that ERT is mentioned in the EIR to see where freshwater may be in regards to seawater
intrusion. Member Narigi questioned if the use of ERT will create a legal challenge. Member
Riley questioned if ERT would give a better picture of salinity factors as opposed to just flow.
Member Narigi noted that about 5 years ago hydrologists as well as Salinas Valley Water
Coalition, Farm Bureau, discussed testing but it did not include ERT. Member Huss confirmed

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, February 6, 2017

that this meeting occurred and ERT testing was not mentioned at the time.

Al Preston, Geosyntec, gave a summary of his analysis on the proposed brine disposal in the
revised draft EIR:

o Near field dilution analysis of brine discharge has been strengthened and improved by
Philip Roberts (Appendix D1)

o Updated results are in agreement with previous results by Flow Science (Appendix D2)

o However, the temperature of the brine discharge was not updated

o Estimate of regions within BMZ where 2.0 ppt salinity difference is exceeded (Appendix

o Mitigation strategies for insufficient dilution have been evaluated (Appendix D1)

o Coanda attachment (that limits dilution) has been adequately analyzed

o Plume merging (that limits dilution) has been adequately analyzed

o Dilution/salinity at edge of BMZ has been estimated by Philip Roberts

o Analysis by Geosyntec (2015) to assess potential hypoxia has been referenced

Mr. Preston gave a summary of his recommendations:

o Update estimates for temperature of the brine discharge

o Revise analysis of potential for hypoxia

Chair Cullem asked if the revised draft EIR addressed using angled diffusers versus horizontal
diffusers. Mr. Preston responded that in 2015 EIR there was no analysis showing that the
angled diffusers would work but the revised draft EIR has addressed the issue and an analysis
was included. Mr. Preston said that the EIR suggests that inclined diffusers would be more

Member Stoldt asked Mr. Preston about ocean temperature variations having an impact. Mr.
Preston responded that the discharge water would still be the same temperature as the intake
water, and the brine portion of the water is the same temperature as the ocean.



Chair Cullem asked Mr. McGlothin for guidance on what the Authority should do with the
independent analysis of the EIR. Mr. McGlothin said he recommends that the Authority respond
to the EIR with a comment letter drafted by Mr. Preston, Mr. Thrupp and himself. He added that

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, February 6, 2017

the intention of the comment letter would be to recommend what needs to be changed in the
draft EIR.

Chair Cullem suggested that the TAC make a recommendation that the Authority authorize a
comment letter in response to the revised draft EIR be prepared by Geosyntec and Russ
McGlothlin be submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Member Peake
said that he has additional comments on the EIR to add to the comment letter, such as the
impact of not having the Water Supply Project would result in severe rationing, a typo in Table
ES-1, and Cemex and greenhouse gas emission issues. Don Freeman said that the Authority is
limited what aspects of the EIR they can comment on and should stick to those issues, and
perhaps other entities can respond the EIR separately.

On a motion by Member Narigi, seconded by Member Huss, and carried by the following vote,
the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Technical Advisory Committee recommends
that the Authority President authorize a comment letter drafted by Geosyntec and Russ
McGlothin be submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission:

AYES: 6 MEMBERS: Huss, Narigi, Peake, Riley, Stoldt, Cullem

ABSTAIN: 2 MEMBERS: Medina, Van Der Maaten

4. Receive Report and Discuss the Detailed MPWSP Schedule Including Upcoming Permit
Requirements and the Status of the Test Slant Well and Installation of the Transfer Pipeline -
Action: Tabled

Chair Cullem recommended this item be tabled.

5. Discuss Future Role, Composition, and Alternate Meeting Times for the Technical Advisory
Committee (TAC) and Provide a Recommendation to the Water Authority Board - Cullem
Action: Disscussed; tabled for future meeting

Chair Cullem asked the board to discuss the role of the TAC and composition of members and
an alternative meeting date. Member Narigi said that the composition of the TAC should be
individuals who are supportive of the MPWSP and the mission of the Authority. Chair Cullem
said that not all TAC are representatives of the settling parties to the Large Settlement
Agreement. He questioned if the TAC members should remain should be diverse in opinion, or
if all must be supportive of the current project. Member Narigi said that a difference of opinion is
fine, but members who are actively working against the current project have a conflict of
interest with the Authoritys mission.


Tom Rowley, MPTA, said that at the last Authority meeting he commented on the TAC's
role as an advisory body with technical expertise. He stated that MPTA suggests not
making major changes to the TAC at this time.

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, February 6, 2017

Chair Cullem suggested that this item be tabled for now. The Board continued on to item #3.


Chair Cullem adjourned the meeting at 12:13pm

Respectfully Submitted, Approved,

Nova Romero, Committee Clerk President MPRWA

Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Date: April 03, 2017
Agenda Report Item No: 2.

FROM: Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive Report and Discuss the Detailed MPWSP Schedule

Including Upcoming Permit Requirements and the Status of
the Test Slant Well and Installation of the Transfer Pipeline


It is recommended that the Water Authority TAC receive a report from Cal
Am on the latest "Detailed" MPWSP schedule including upcoming permit
requirements and receive a report on the test well operation and Installation
of the Transfer Pipeline.


Cal Am will present the most recent "Detailed" MPWSP schedule and the
status of test slant well operations. In addition, Cal Am will provide an
update on the installation of the Transfer Pipeline.




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