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Please choose all that apply and use the Other box to share strategies, techniques, or campus

initiatives that might not be listed.

My campus participates in or I am familiar with the following:

Discipline for the Secondary Classroom
Capturing Kids Hearts
Teach Like a Champion=X
Teach Like a Rock Star
Teach Like a Pirate
Consistency Management-X
The Highly Engaged Classroom
Discipline with Dignity
Wong & Wong Classroom Management
Rigor and Relevance Framework

I-10 Builds a Positive and Respectful Classroom Environment

Check all that apply:

1. How many levels of recognition are in place in your classroom?

Whole Class-X

2. How do you maintain energy and lesson momentum in your classroom?

Use of technology tools for responding-X

Acknowledgments (tickets, post-it notes, etc.)-X
Snaps, claps, cheers, or chants -X
Class created responses of celebration and appreciation-X
Non-Verbal Cues-X
Embed throughout the lesson-X

3. How often do you have class celebrations of success?

After Major Test-X
Not at all

4. What is your preferred system of facilitating flexibility, cultural and linguistic respect in
your classroom?

Only address if there is a disturbance in the force (student making fun of another student)
Regularly scheduled class meetings-X
Social Skills or Social Interaction Lessons (role play, scenarios, etc.)-X
One-on-one situations with individual students-X
Not necessary in my class

5. Student jobs and classroom care responsibilities are a part of my classroom culture (only
choose one).

Strongly Agree (More than 6 regular jobs that rotate)-X

Agree (At least 3-6 regular jobs that rotate)
Neutral (Sometimes I have one or two helpers)
Disagree (Student helpers are not necessary in my classroom)
Strongly Disagree (Students are not allowed to conduct any supporting role)

6. I have a system of peers encouraging one another in my classroom by:

Compliment wall-X
Student Jobs-X
Common courtesy expectations-X
Regularly scheduled class building activities
Regularly using student inventory information embedded in lessons (create small groups-X
Using student inventory information as focus for class meetings-X

I-9 Sets and Implements Discipline Management Procedures

1. How many levels of discipline are in the HISD Student Code of Conduct? Three levels


2. How many consequences are on your classroom discipline continuum before you involve
administration? (Primarily for Level 1 offenses)? More than 6
More than 6

3. How often do you have/send parent communication about the culture and celebrations of
your scholars?

Monthly (student of the month)-X

Monthly Newsletter
Quarterly Report
Annual Report
Not At All

4. What is the ratio of positive acknowledgments for behavioral expectations to corrective


1 to 1
2 to 1
3 to 1
4 to 1
More than 5 to 1-X

5. Consequences are developed by:

Student input-X
Parental input

6. My most subtle tools for redirecting off-task and/inappropriate language are:

Non-verbal signals-X
Teacher Look
Compliment appropriate behavior of other students-X
Strong Voice
Parental Voice

7. Follow through with consequences are:


8. I have developed a discipline tracking system in my classroom

Individual folders-X
Clipboard with tracking sheet
Student discipline response forms-X
Names on the board
Weekly tracking sheet with parent signature
Daily tracking sheet with parent signature-X
I dont need a system for tracking discipline

9. My students hold each other accountable for off-task, inappropriate, or disrespectful

behavior by:

Calling another out on it using the consistently taught set of expectations-X

Silent Cues
Expressing When made me feel
Reporting the behavior to you aloud
Parents call or email you or your campus administration to report
Using a class created note system
Using a campus framework

Please read the following scenario and post your input on the Padlet link.

You have been asked to support Mr. Curtis with his I-10 and I-9. After observing a couple of
times with your observation form, you have noticed a pattern of; a high percentage of teacher talk,
Mr. Curtis using Shhhh consistently during each of your short observations, a high percentage
of students laying down on the desks, and students in the back of the room whispering during his

What would be 2 or 3 action steps or recommendations for Mr. Curtis (Please do not just list
strategy names). List does not need to be prioritized.
Resources List:

Curwin, R. L., & Mendler, A. N. (1999). Discipline with dignity. Alexandria, Va., USA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Fippen, M. B. (2001). Capturing kids hearts. Phi Delta Kappa International

Frieberg, H. J. & Driscoll, A. (2005). Universal Teaching Strategies. Allyn & Bacon; 4 edition

Frieberg, H. J. (2009). Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline

Lemov, D., Wooolway, E. & Yezzi, K (2012). Practice Perfect: 42 rules for getting better at
getting better. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Lemov, D. G. (2015). Teach Like a Champion 2.0. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc. Pub.

Linton, C. W. (2011). Equity 101: The equity framework. Corwin

Marzano, R. J. & Pickering, D. J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Bloomington, IN:
Marzano Research Laboratory

McCook, J. E. (2006). The RTI Guide: Developing and implementing a model in your schools.
Horsham, PA: LRP Publications.

Smith, R. (2004). Conscious Classroom Management: Unlocking the secrets of great teaching.
Fairfax, CA: Conscious Teaching Publications

Smith, R.; Dearborn, G. & Lambert, M. (2011) Picture this! Conscious Teaching

Sprick, R. S. (2009). CHAMPS: A proactive & positive approach to classroom management.

Eugene, OR: Pacific Northwest Publishing.

Sprick, R. S. (2013). Discipline in the secondary classroom : a positive approach to behavior

management. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc Pub.

Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (1998). The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher.
Wong, Harry K. Publications.
Wong, H. K., Wong, R. T., Jondahl, S. F., & Ferguson, O.F. (2014). The classroom management
book. Wong, Harry K. Publications.

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