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Nama : Annisa Hasnahera

No. : 02
Kelas : 8H

Task 1
1. What is a fertilization ?
Fertilization is the process by which the nucleus of a sperm (a male
reproductive cell) fuses (combines) with the nucleus of an egg (a
female reproductive cell; also called an ovum).
2. Determine the specific characteristic of each stage of embryo (zygote-
- Zygote : The zygote has forty-six chromosomes in its nucleus,
consisting of the union of 23 egg chromosomes and 23
spermatozoid chromosomes.
- Morulla : the group of cell, which is about 16 to 32 cells, forms a
ball-like structure.
- Blastula : The formation of a segmentation cavity or blastocoele
within a mass of cleaving blastomeres and rearrangement of
blastomeres around this cavity in such a way as to form the type of
definitive blastula characteristic of each species. The blastocoele
originates as an intercellular space which sometimes arises as early
as the four- or eight-cell stage. The wall of the blastula is a mosaic
of cellular areas, each of which will normally produce a certain
structure during subsequent development. In other words, each
area of cells in the wall of the blastula has a certain prospective fate
which will be realized in normal development.

- Gastrula : Gastrula, early multicellular embryo, composed of two or more

germinal layers of cells from which the various organs later derive. The gastrula
develops from the hollow, single-layered ball of cells called a blastula which itself is
the product of the repeated cell division, or cleavage, of a fertilized egg. This
cleavage is followed by a period of development in which the most significant events
are movements of cells relative to one another. An adult, multicellular animal
typically possesses a concentric arrangement of tissues of the body. These adult
tissues are derived from three embryonic cell layers called germinal layers; the outer
layer is the ectoderm, the middle layer is the mesoderm, and the innermost layer is the
endoderm. Gastrulation involves the drastic reshuffling of the blastulas cells into
these three germinal layers, which in turn become the various organ systems of the
animals body.
- Fetus : the length of the baby is around 25 mm, and all the main
organs have taken shape, including the fingers and toes.

Task 2
1. After the birth of human development covering : toddler-children-
adolescent-adult-old age
Determine the specific characteristic of each stage !
- Toddler : can walk, without any help, can climb stairs, and
understand at least six word.
- Children : can grab pencil, doodle, imitate simple shape, and speak
in simple sentences.
- Adolescent :
Girls : the development of hips and breasts, the appearance of
pubic hair and the development of reproductive organs.
Boys : the chest looks wider, facial hair and pubic hair appears, and
the voice also changes.
- Adult : the growth of bones and muscles begins to stop so adults
cannot grow taller.
- Old age : weaker bones, generating ability to breathe, generating
elasticity of veins, and also causes skin to wrinkle.

Task 3
Describe the secondary sex characteristics in male and female !

The Male: On the average, taller and heavier than the female.
1. Head hair: may fall out with age. 2. Facial hair: grows throughout
adult life.3, Features: more pronounced, face longer, head (front to
back) longer. 4. Neck: thicker, longer, larynx one-third larger. 5.
Shoulders: broader, squarer. 6. Chest: larger in every dimension. 7.
Body hair: more evident, especially on chest and arms. 8. Breasts:
rudimentary in size. 9. Muscles: bigger, more obvious. 10. Arms:
longer, thicker, "carrying angle" straight. 11. Pubic hair: growing up to
a point, forming triangle. 12. Hips: narrower. 13. Hands and feet:
larger, fingers and toes stronger and blunter. 14. Thighs: more
cylindrical with bulge of muscles. 15. Legs: longer, bulging calves. 16.
Angle of thigh and leg; as with "carrying angle" of arm, forming
straight line, thigh to ankle.
The Female: On the average, shorter and lighter than the male.
1. Head hair: more lasting. 2. Facial hair: very faint, usually noticeable
only in later years, 3. Features: more delicate, face rounder, head
smaller, rounder (from top). 4. Neck: shorter, more rounded, larynx
smaller. 5. Shoulders: more rounded, sloping. 6. Chest: smaller,
narrower. 7. Body Hair: very light and faint. 8. Breasts: prominent, also
well-developed nipples with large surrounding rings, 9. Muscles: largely
hidden under layers of fat. 10. Arms: "carrying angle" bent. 11. Pubic
hair: forming straight line across at top. 12. Hips: wider, more rounded.
13. Hands and feet: smaller and narrower. 14. Thighs: wider at top and
shorter in length, 15. Legs: shorter with smoother contours. 16. Angle
of thigh and leg; as with "carrying angle" of arm, slightly bent, forming
an ang!e at the knee.

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