Dominion Construction Part 3 Blue Sept. 29, 2011

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Request #080

Dominion Construction


Updated Severed Copy

September 29, 2011


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Integrated Systems and Infrastructure Solutions

Education Ken Curry, P.Eng.

B.Sc. Civil Engineering, Vice President, Division Manager, Systems
University of Saskatchewan,
P r o fi l e
Professional Associations Ken Curry has over 20 years experience in the. planning, design and
Association of Professional construction of transportation projects. Though Ken has been
Engineers and Geoscientists working for Delcan since 1987, he was seconded to the BC Ministry, of
ofBC .
Transportation for several major projects between 1992 and 1995.,
and again in 1997.
Ken has a wide breadth of experience in. several multi-disciplinary-
transportation projects throughout Western Canada. His specific
experience includes transportation planning studies, traffic system
analysis, reversible-lane systems, HOV lanes and transit priority, and
traffic safety. He also possesses a great deal of expertise in highway,
planning and design. Ken frequently ads as an expert advisor and
key player in meeting the needs of the BC Ministry of Transportation
and other government agencies.


Planning Study: Gateway Program, (Ministry of

Transportation): The Gateway Program is a major provincial
initiative which, includes the upgrading of two major highway
corridors and the construction of one new highway corridor with an
overall program- cost of approximately $3 Billion. As part of the
Gateway Program, Ken directs the planning and traffic engineering
activities in"the development of the project scope for each corridor.
In addition to the activities being undertaken to develop the project
scope, he also provides support to the Ministry of Transportation in
on-going communications and public consultation. . He continues to
be involved in the various municipal liaison meetings where eight
municipalities are directly affected by the scope of the proposed
highway improvements. __ __
New Westminster Railway Bridge Business Case (Railway
Association of Canada / Greater Vancouver Gateway Council)
. Project Manager for a study to examine the options of the rail bridge,
both current and future, and its impacts on the rail transportation
network .within the region. The study report documents the
supporting rationale for the replacement of the New Westminster Rail
Bridge with a tunnel.

Corridor Study: North South Read/Rail Corridor Study (City of

Surrey): Project Manager for a study to identify a new, high class
road corridor in South Surrey which would provide a better
. cp5nertton^e^ee the Trans_.Canada Highway and the US^Border.
?flTe "study also "considered the potential, relocation of the BRSF rail
line that circumscribes the Semiahmoo Peninsula. The overall goal of
the study was to efficiently locate both corridors (potential for a joint
corridor) while minimizing impact to the Agricultural Reserve as well
as the various neighborhoods and planned developments in the area.

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Ken Curry
Vice President, Division Manager, Systems

Planning Study: Cape Horn Area Network Planning Study,

(Ministry of Transportation): Project Manager for the study which-
involved the development of alternative interchange and river
crossing -scenarios for the Trans Canada Highway and the associated
major road network in the Cape Horn area of Coquitlam. Extensive
data collection was undertaken including an origin-destination license
plate survey involving manual and video data collection. Traffic
forecast analysis was conducted using the EMME/2 regional
transportation model which led to significant findings regarding the
impacts and benefits of the future river crossings options upstream of
the existing Port Mann Bridge (Trans Canada Highway) and the need
to add capacity at the existing river crossing. Detailed operational
analysis is being undertaken, on the short listed interchange
configurations using . micro-simulation modelling techniques.
Evaluation of the short listed alternatives involved a comprehensive
Multiple Account Evaluation process including extensive
environmental and geotechnical investigations.

Planning Study: OVTP Phase "B" Performance Assessment and

Option Development, (Ministry of Transportation, BCTFA):
Project Manager for a large transportation planning study for the
Kelowna area including Lake Country, Westbank, and Peachland.. The
initial stages of the study involved the examination of the current and
future deficiencies of the Highway 97 and Highway 33 corridors in the
Central Okanagan Region and City of Kelowna.. Further stages
involved, first, the examination of improvements to the existing road
network to mitigate congestion caused by future traffic growth, and
second, the examination of. new regional route corridors where-
combinations of network improvements failed to mitigate the mobility
deficiencies. .' The analysis was conducted using the regional
transportation model with the evaluation of the final improvement
packages undertaken using a modified Multiple Accounts Evaluation
technique encompassing the entire region.
Corridor Study: Highway 1 Corridor Study Phase 1 and
Phase 2: Port Mann Bridge to Hope (Ministry "of -
Transportation): Project Manager for Phase 1 and 2 of this corridor
study which involved identifying current problems along a segment of
the Trans Canada Highway and the development of improvement
options to mitigate these. This section comprises a 125 km, four
lane highway with 27 interchanges. The study was commissioned to
identify problems with the existing conditions and develop long-term
objectives for the highway. Phase l.of this study provided the scope .
and approach for Phase 2, which consists of developing long term
strategies to improve the corridor coupled with a high level
evaluation for a long term solution.

Network Studyw^Sb.way^Xfe^^bbotsford, Area N^Wgrk

P l a n n i n g S t u d y ' ^ ( M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d C i t y o f
Abbotsford). Project Manager for a complex transportation study to
examine several congested areas, present and future, along a major
portion of the Highway 11 corridor through the City of Abbotsford.
Improvement options were developed both along this provincial
corridor and within the municipal network to seek benefits along the

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Ken Curry
Vice President, Division Manager, Systems

major highway corridors in the area as well as providing benefits to

the municipal network.- Evaluation of the improvement options was
based on micro-simulation modelling, techniques using the PARAMICS
software and a modified-MultiplerAccount Evaluation framework.

Planning Study: Port Moody Transportation Master Plan {City

of Port Moody): Project Manager for a comprehensive study to
develop a long range multi-modal transportation plan for the City of
Port Moody. The study involved the upgrade of the transportation
planning model (Northeast Sector Sub-Area Model) and travel
demand forecasts for three potential land use scenarios. Extensive
traffic operational analysis was conducted throughout the city to
identify deficiencies in the road network and to ascertain the level of
improvements required to meet future growth. The study also
included two rounds of public consultation to first solicit the public on
the' key transportation issues' and then to obtain feedback from the
public with respect . to the various recommendations.
Recommendations over the short, medium, and long term time
frames included road network modifications, pedestrian and cycling
facility upgrades and extensions, truck, route designations, and
direction with respect to intelligent transportation systems.

P l a n n i n g S t u d y : Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n P l a n n i n g S t u d y ( R e s o r t ,
Municipality of Whistler and Ministry of Transportation):
Project Manager for an overall transportation study to examine the
existing and future road network within and approaching trie
municipality while considering the key objective of reducing auto
based travel to Whistler. Travel demand forecasts were conducted
for two potential land use scenarios for a twenty year horizon using a
spread sheet model and then assigned to the network using a micro-
simulation model! This process allowed for the identification of
deficiencies in the network as well as the graphical illustration of
these problems to municipal staff. Recommendations stemming from
the study included several safety related improvement, intersection
operational improvements, transit priority measures, pedestrian and
.cycling improvements,-and' numerous travel demand management-,
measures including the parking information systems and the
possibility of establishing a new base parking area. This study was
conducted in unison with the Inter-Modal Transportation Study as
many of the objectives were similar. .

Planning Study: Scott Road Corridor Transportation Planning

Review (City of Surrey and the Corporation of Delta): Project
Manager for a two client joint transportation plan for the Scott Road
corridor that forms the boundary between the City of Surrey and the
Corporation of Delta. The plan was a comprehensive multi-modal
review of the corridor examining such modes as transit, trucking,
pedestrians, cycling, a.nd,...'general..^y|aa^ vel^ijde^^Jhe study
involvediifie "identification6of existing ^"'futiire deficiencies along
the corridor from the multi-modal perspective and the development
of a series of improvements that could-be implemented through
defined projects or redevelopment initiatives. Significant community
planning was incorporated into the study to provide direction to both
municipalities In terms of a defined character for the corridor. Besides

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Ken Curry
Vice President, Division Manager, Systems

a comprehensive report, a quick reference Summary Guide was

prepared to define the policies and intended improvements for the
corridor,'thus giving direction to both municipalities when dealing
with development Issues. - - -^,rv^-.-

False Creek Pedestrian / Cyclist Crossing Study (City of

Vancouver): Project Director overseeing a study to examine tne
need and potential means for improved pedestrian and cyclist
crossings across False Creek. This includes examining the cost and
benefits of potential crossings and assessing the impacts of existing
and potential crossing improvement options on current transportation
facilities, land use and communities.

Transit Study: North Shore Area Transit Plan (TransLink):

Project Director for the study which examined the future transit
needs for the north, shore area over the next three to five years
Study activities included the examination of the efficiency of tne
existing bus routes through comprehensive ride check data analysis
and the need for enhanced busl.seryices such as new !routes,
increased frequencies on existing routes, and the use of other bus
services including community bus. The study involved a signflcant
amount of interaction with the representatives of each municipality
and two rounds of public consultation in the key affected
municipalities, namely West Vancouver, the City of North Vanauver,
and the District of North Vancouver. A Public Advisory Committee
was also assembled for the study to provide input, into the issues ana
recommendations at key intervals throughout the study process.

Transit Study: Richmond Rapid Bus Preliminary Design, (BC

Transit):'Managed completidn of the final report for the preliminary
design of the Rapid Bus system from Richmond to Vancouver The
facility included dedicated median bus lanes in Richmond and shared
use lanes in Vancouver utilizing transit.priority measures at several,
signalized intersections. Produced related studies including an
extensive analysis of a number of travel time surveys to estimate the
-amount-of transit priorities, (parking removal, transit Pre-emptions at,
signals, dedicated lanes) required to maintain a competitive schedule
to the downtown centre.

Tr a n s i t S t u d y : K i n g G e o r g e H i g h w a y R a p i d B u s ^ f ^ ^
Study (City of Surrey, BC): Prepared a study examining the
feasibility of providing a Rapid Bus Service on the King George
Hiqhway, a major north-south arterial roadway. The study examined
route options, station locations,. traffic operations, and property
impacts.' Further study was recommended as interactions with tne?
ALRT SkyTrain, future rapid bus routes, and local bus service could
not be determined within the study's scope.

Traffic , Operations: Lion* Gate Bi^ge, RehaSlKa^Ton,

Vancouver and North Vancouver, (Ministry of Transportation,
BCTFA): Developed concept plans and provided advice during the
design phase of the approach channelization for the proposed
upgrade of the automated lane control system for the'three lane
bridge. N '

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Ken Curry
Vice President, Division Manager, Systems

EMME/2 Model Update & Transportation Study (District of

Chilliwack): Managed development of a revised EMME/2 model to
consider specific growth scenarios and road network configurations.
Reviewed the development of the model, forecasted traffic volumes,-.-,
and the assignment of the traffic to the base road network.. Analyzed
forecasted traffic volumes to determine required modifications to the
road network'and the timing of their construction.

Traffic Operations: Pitt River Bridges Counterflow Project

(Ministry of Transportation, BC): Advised the Ministry's project
team and provided, input on traffic engineering operations to be
incorporated into the development of the reversible lane control
system central software. Managed the development of the traffic
plans for the various lane states of the reversible lane control
system. The traffic plans incorporated the commands for the
different traffic control devices used within the system such as the
lane control signals, gates, and tri-state message boards. Reviewed
and provided input into the operational policy and procedures and the
incident-management manuals.

'Traffic Operations: George Massey Tunnel Reversible Lane

System Upgrade (Ministry of Transportation): Project Manager
for the System Functionality review that was conducted to seek out
what improvements-should-be made to the reversible lane system
from a traffic operations and traffic safety perspective. Provided
traffic engineering input and direction into the refurbishment of the
reversible lane system including the addition of new lane control
devices such as automated gates and lane control signals as
recommended through the functionality review, . The new control
system required the redevelopment of all of the pre-determined
traffic management plans that control the various lane functions. As
part of the system upgrade, was the project manager for the traffic
engineering input into a state-of-the-art queue warning system at
each of the two tunnel approaches.

Upgrading: Lougheed Highway, -.Maple. Ridge to Mission

(Ministry of Transportation): Prepared the detailed design for
upgrading Lougheed Highway to a four-lane facility. Incorporated
the use of the EMXS computer program to aid in the design process.
Prepared a brief transportation study with recommendations for an
improved road network. '
D e s i g n / B u i l d : We s t v i e w I n t e r c h a n g e P r o j e c t ( M i n i s t r y o f
Transportation: internal position): Conducted a traffic/design
review of a proposed preliminary interchange design. Concluded that
the substandard design features would cause safety concerns and
that the proposed preliminary design should be abandoned.
Reviewed and ranked the traffic management plans submitted by the
-Sag'V *^oniWmfns :when~"%tT project -Tjetame" a" deSffn/build pTojeltr
Performed compliance reviews during the actual design/construction
period. .

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Ken Curry
Vice President, Division Manager, Systems

Functional Design Reports: South Coast Region's Transit

P r i o r i t y I n i t i a t i v e s ( M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n : i n t e r n a l
position): Produced reports for four bus-only lanes in the Greater
Vancouver Region.* ~-Examined traffic operations with respect, to
bus/car interaction, median or shoulder lane locations, and economic
viability Participated in the review of detailed drawings (prepared by
in-house staff or by outside consulting firms) of each bus lane
project. Projects include the Route 17. - NB Bus Lane (Delta), Route
99 - NB Bus Lane (Delta), Route 7 r WB Bus Lane (Pitt Meadows),
and the Route 91 - NB Bus Lane (Delta)...

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Integrated Systems and Infrastructure Solutions

Education J a s o n J a r d i n e , P. E n g . ^ , . r . : ^ . -
B.A.Sc. Civil Engineering, Traasportation Engineer, Systems Business
University of Ottawa, 1999
Profile ,-.'
Professional Associations
Association of Profession Jason Jardine is a Transportation Engineer in the Burnaby, British
Engineers and Geoscientists Columbia office of Delcan with 7 years of practical transportation
of British Columbia experience including several years in the Ottawa, Ontario office. He
has extensive micro-simulation experience with the PARAMICS model
and has managed numerous traffic impact and area transportation
planning studies for a variety of public and private sector clients.
Jason's technical skills include the use of the Synchro, SimTraffic and-
SIDRA traffic analysis packages.


Gateway Program (B.C. Ministry of Transportation): Prepared

traffic micro-simulation models using PARAMICS for major
transportation corridors throughout the lower mainland. Calibrated
models will be used to identify current constraints- and operational
issues as well as^ to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed design
solutions under projected (20 to 30 year horizon) peak traffic loading
using detailed performance criteria. Conducting detailed land use and
trip generation forecasts at locations adjacent to critical intersections
/ interchanges. Currently serving multiple project roles including the
Ministry's traffic engineering representative for the Pitt River Bridge
component of the project.
Pattullo Bridge Counterflow Feasibility Study (Transtlnk):
Completed a micro-simulation assessment of the impacts of reducing'
the existing four-lane undivided bridge cross-section to a three-lane
reversible counterflow system. The 70 year old existing bridge carries
significaft^-c-ommuter-traffic flows in substandard lane widths: Using a
calibrated model, the impacts on peak and counterpeak travel, time,
queuing and throughput were assessed. Network travel time
increases were compared against the safety benefits of providing a
moveable median barrier. Additional micro-simulation analysis
confirmed the.negative operational impacts of implementing a narrow
fixed median barrier and permitting heavy truck traffic to straddle
both directional lanes.

Sarcee Yard Operations Center (City of Calgary): Completed a

Traffic Impact Study to review the City's proposed redevelopment of
an existing underutilized maintenance yard. The site .will
accommodate the staffing and jpgerational needs.^o^^u!tlRlga::0ty:..
T/ieSi- '&:?*'C&^%k*Zz>> .
'bustrlss units thmSgh' to the^yitr -2021. frar@6rtati6n Issues""
addressed included the impacts of heavy vehicle traffic on a nearby
retail /commercial corridor, on-site circulation and parking, and the
road modifications required to accommodate a new full-movement
access .to the Glenmore Trail.

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Jason jardine
Transportation Engineer
Central Saanich Truck Routes Bylaw (District of Central
Saanlch): Conducted public" consultation and technical review of
alternative truck and tour bus routes within this agricultural and
tourism-based municipality. A regulatory bylaw is being drafted to
restrict heavy vehicle movement, on the District's road network. ,
Several public open houses and Council presentations have been
completed "along with "focused meetings with good movement
associations and tourist-dependant businesses such as the historic
Butchart Gardens. N . . .

City Road 174 Operational Assessment (City of Ottawa):

Conducted an operational review of major east-west freeway
connecting the City of Ottawa to its eastern suburbs. Using the
PARAMICS micro-simulation model, various mitigation measures
were tested with . regards to their effectiveness in dealing with
queues, weaving / merging issues and poor mainline performance.

Abbotsford Transportation Master Plan (City of Abbotsford):

Managing the City's Transportation Master Plan including analysis of
existing and projected multi-modal travel demands, identification of
deficiencies in the road network, micro-simulation analysis of
downtown lane reduction plans and a. traffic calming policy review.
The goal of the Plan is to engage the public in developing, an
implementation strategy to address transportation safety, * efficiency
and sustainability Sssues.over.the next 25 years.

Roundabout Operational Review (City of Duncan): Conducted

detail capacity analysis and operational review of three tightly spaced
intersections located in downtown Duncan. In order to improve
efficiency and provide opportunities for gateway functions, several
combinations of traffic signal control, one-way street pairings along
with single and multi-lane roundabout configurations.were evaluated.
The SIDRA roundabout analysis program was conjunction
with the Synchro signal analysis to develop a solution incorporating
both types of intersection control. Traffic animation (SimTraffic) was
j j s e d t o p r e s e n t ^ t h e . fi ^ d i n ^ a n d t h e a d j a c e n t
"'^owrcifTan Tribes. ~" ""*" """ "

A l t a Vi s t a Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n C o r r i d o r E A ( C i t y o f O t t a w a ) :
Prepared detailed traffic analysis for this high profile Environmental
Assessment of a new multi-modal transportation corridor linking
suburban growth areas of Ottawa with the downtown core, rapid
transit system, provincial freeway system and the General Hospital
Campus. The study involved the detailed analysis of existing,
transportation issues (such as growing commuter.traffic impact on
community streets, future travel demand and potential roadway /
transit system modifications. A PARAMICS micro-simulation model of
the corridor's critical northern terminus with the existing freeway
'.system^onfirm the preferred fua@pjl|aj - plan and.-; sa*
for presentation to the project team and interested members of the

Layritz Park Expansion (District of Saanich): Completed a traffic

Impact Study to review the District's proposed expansion of activities
and amenities within the existing Layritz Park. The recently
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Jason Jardine
Transportation Engineer
consolidated 70 acre park will include six neW. sports fields (for
soccer, baseball'and softball), enhanced walking / recreational trails,
and an upgraded playground. Transportation issues addressed
included the location and configuration of new vehicular and
pedestrian access points, parking capacity and weekday evening /
weekend afternoon traffic impacts on the adjacent road network.

Richmond Olympic Speed Skating Oval (City of Richmond /

Cannon Design): Currently involved In the transportation planning
for this Olympic legacy facility. Tasks include review of travel
demands for Olympic and post-Olympic land uses, road network
capacity analysis, event travel demand management, and all on-site
parking and loading requirements.

Whistler Athletes Village (Whistler 2020 Development Corp.):

Conducted a Traffic Impact Study to review the impacts of the Post
Olympics land uses on the proposed 30 hectare development site.
Analysis included' a review of the. capacity of the single entry / exit
point at function Junction / Sea-to-Sky Highway, assessment .of trip
reduction factors achieved through mixed uses and demographic,
profile as well as recommendations for bicycle,-pedestrian and transit

L e B r e t o n F l a t s Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i e s ( N a t i o n a l C a p i t a l
Commission): These studies built upon Defcan's. analysis of road
network requirements for the mixed-use LeBreton Flats
redevelopment plan. Several concepts were evaluated for replacing a
grade-separated parkway with an at-.grade urban arterial boulevard
through, the development site. Consideration was given to providing
capacity for existing and future interprbvincial travel demands,
safety, accessibility for ail modes of travel and the impact of roadway
alignment and intersection configuration on the desired community

Fraser-Richmond Lands - Phase III Expansion (Fraser River

Port Authority): Completed a Traffic^ Impact SJtudy for the ..most
recent phase of P6rt:"reia'ted industriaTTand expanfion in southeast
Richmond totaling 4.0 million square feet arid 70 acres on Fraser
River Port and" adjacent; properties.. Reviewed road capacity and
access requirements for three horizon years (2006, 2008 and 2015)
arid conducted a detailed traffic operational review for the individual
site plans of each potential tenant.

Rideau Canal Pedestrian Bridge (City of Ottawa): Reviewed

pedestrian and cyclist demands across the Rideau Canal as part of
this high-profile Environmental Assessment. The new bridge'would
provide a critical link between high density residential areas, a retail /
entertainment district, the University of Ottawa and-a "rapid transit
Sty-. -^sp^fcsn.;1-*raffl'e?^alYSis included^.review ojktiae .proposed^ejpssing
interface with the existing Federal parkway system and the
downtown street grid,

L e s t e r R o a d L a n d s ( C a n a d a L a n d s C o m p a n y, O t t a w a ) :
Conducted transportation planning for this" new community of up to
600 dwelling units in south;Ottawa. Participated in extensive public
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Jason Jardine
Transportation Engineer
consultation and focus group sessions held with the adjacent
community. A traffic impart study was prepared to support the
proposed rezoning and Official-Plan Amendment. Roadway capacity,
traffic generation and safety issues on the adjacent community
streets* wereaddressed.

Campus Planning, Traffic arid Parking Operations (University

of Ottawa): Retained as the traffic and parking consultant for the
University's main downtown and health sciences campus. Provided
professional input on proposed traffic circulation changes, new
building site plans, parking management plans and pedestrian
priority / traffic calming initiatives. Recently involved in the
transportation and planning aspects of the University Master Plan
Update, as well as, review of proposed loading dock changes to
enhance pedestrian safety.

Hospital Lands Study {City of Ottawa): Assisted in the

development of alternative land use/transportation scenarios for the
Citv's General Hospital Campus.. This study, building on previous
work conducted by Delcan on behalf of the City includes a
reassessment, of existing transportation constraints and the impact or .
planned road/transit infrastructure (Alta. Vista Transportation.

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Expansion (Public

Works and Government Services Canada): A traffic impact study
was prepared in support of this public sector campus expansion,
which addressed roadway capacity utilization and opportunities for
further site vehicle trip reductions to meet plan of development
guidelines. A subsequent update, of the study assessed alternative
roadway interchange configurations in order to increase developable
site area and improve overall site accessibility.

Strandherd Campus (Nortel Networks): Analyzed the potential

for a fast track multi-phase development of up to 1.2 million square
f e e t o f h i g h - t e c h o f fi c e s p a c e i n s u b u r b a n O t t a w a , ? u 5
development staging alternatives were .assessed and the related,,
roadway requirements identified. Transportation-related -input was
provided for the related Campus Master Plan and Environmental
Assessment Report.

Monfort Hospital Expansion (Monfort Hospital, Ottawa):

Prepared Traffic Impact Study, roadway functional design and
Environmental Screening Report for the Phase 1 expansion of this
340 000 ft2 Institutional site serving the Francophone population or
eastern Ontario. Several new access configurations were proposed
and evaluated with regards to their traffic impact, effects on parking
and visitor access, and the circulation for service vehicles. The
internal roadway system was redesigned to separate emergency,
v1i^ as, to^uce pedes*Berv
/ vehicle conflicts on site.
Central Canada Exhibition Relocation (CCE Association,
Ottawa): Using attendance projections and programming
requirements, prepared a Traffic Impact SJtudy to address issues
iiiiii nun iii
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Jason Jardine
Transportation Engineer
related to moving this 150,000 attendee agricultural fair from Central
Ottawa to a new, rural location. Traffic generation examined daily
and weekend strips, the effects, of enhanced transit service for both,
the annual fair and year-round site events such as concerts, trade
shows/'conventions, barrquets-and potential ice arenas. Roadway
modifications were identified to service both permanent and
temporary facilities and internal site plan analysis was conducted on
the capacity of parking control gates and approaches, transit shuttle
^ lay-by areas, pedestrian circulation and delivery access.

Minto Place Tower 4 (Minto Developments): Managed this traffic

study for a 16 storey expansion of an office / hotel / retail complex in
downtown Ottawa. Performed analysis of parking garage entry and
exit capacity and provided input on site plan issues such as lay-by
areas and internal circulation requirements for light and heavy
vehicles. Prepared an impact study to determine the implications of
additional traffic on the adjacent road network.

IKEA Ottawa Expansion (IKEA Canada): Prepared the traffic

impact study for the proposed expansion of Ottawa's only IKEA store
from 100,000 ft2 to 225,000 ft2. The study addressed the relocation
of the building footprint and. its related parking area and
recommended measures to deal with existing on-site pedestrian /
vehicle conflicts as well as. general congestion and circulation.issues.

Eastern Ontario Loblaws / No Frills / Real Canadian

Superstores (National Grocers): Managed all of this national,
grocer's recent traffic impact studies for its new format (150,000 ft2)
stores in the region. In addition to providing input and guidance on
each store's on-site geometric functionality and vehicle circulation,
addressed community concerns regarding. traffic generation and
traffic infiltration into adjacent local streets. The need for, and timing
of traffic control and auxiliary lane modifications were identified with-
consideration to adjacent planned intersection and roadway

-Albion Road Corridor Review (City of Ottawa): This study

assessed the need for traffic management, measures such as
directional closures and turning movement restrictions to mitigate
the effects of non-local traffic on the Blossom Park community.
Recommendations included permanently restricting through traffic by
physical modifications to the Albion / Lester intersection as well as
new signals and auxiliary lanes at adjacent intersections tb
accommodate displaced commuter traffic. The study involved public
consultation with area residents as well as the collection of origin-
destination and speed survey data. The public consultation, included
a community meeting and an Open House. Prepared meeting
material including project brief, advertisement, presentation boards
and comment .questioners.. ...Made^^^^tiqp^^^o^ressed
qUe-stions^Open HoUseT

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Jason Jardine
Transportation Engineer
Core Area Parking Garage Assessment (National Capital
Commission): This, study examined the traffic Impacts .of-a -
proposed multi-level underground parking/tour bus'garage in Central
Ottawa. A number of access/egress alternatives were evaluated with
regards to safety, convenience and geometric functionality. '

Transportation Master Plan Assignment #2: Strategic Analysis

of Travel Demand (City of Ottawa): Provided technical support
and analysis for this key document in the City of Ottawa's 2020
Transportation Master Plan. Existing,' historical and projected trip
data from the City's EMME/2 model was analyzed to help set
strategic targets for travel by auto, transit and other modes.
Capacities. of area transportation facilities were- reviewed and
adjusted to reflect technological and behavioural changes since the
last Master Plan. The Assignment determined the measures required
to achieve a doubling of City-wide transit" share by the 2020 horizon
year. .

King Edward Avenue Renewal EA (City of Ottawa): Evaluated

roadway modifications and interchange alignment options to improve
the transportation conditions for all users of this heavily travelled
interprovincial gateway to Ottawa. At-grade and tunnel solutions
were considered -for the pverall corridor and the preferred roadway
functional plan was developed with regard to maintaining existing
heavy traffic demand, while mitigating its adverse effects on the
community. With regard to Public Consultation, prepared traffic-
related information boards for Open Houses and attended the study's
3 Open Houses to assist in addressing questions from the public.

Riverside Gate Condominiums and Shopping Centre

( U r b a n d a t e C o r p o r a t i o n ) : T h i s s t u d y, f o r t w i n 1 5 0 u n i t
condominium towers and a 21,000 ft2 retail plaza, assessed the need
for intersection signal controls and 'roadway modifications to
accommodate site-generated traffic volumes. :

Alta Vista-Canterbury Traffic:. Monitoring Program (Region of

Ottawar-Carleton): Assisted--in the -analysis .oLorigin-destination
(license plate survey) data to determine the composition, of
commuter traffic on local streets in the Aita Vista-Canterbury area.
Evaluated the impacts of potential turn restrictions and other
mitigation measures on adjacent intersections.
Booth Street. Corridor (City of Ottawa): Undertook public
consultation and technical analysis to address speed, traffic volume
and safety issues in this central Ottawa neighbourhood. The public
consultation included 3 Open Houses and the related preparation of
advertisement, project briefs, comment / questionnaires and
presentation boards, all in bilingual format.
. :-;5=SS&K. ^Sife^^SnprovemehF Programs*38^ Intersection Modifidattem
Programs (City of Ottawa): Provided capacity analysis and
functional design input for preparing cost estimates of intersection
m o d i fi c a t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t t h e C i t y . . l -

HiaWfimn Illlllllllll 111 Ml laTAWUTl JV * Ml I

Page 6 of 7

Jason Jardine
Transportation Engineer
Navan / Renaud and Navan / Page Intersections (City of
Ottawa): Analyzed the operation of these rural intersections from
the. perspective of level of service, safety and accessibility to select a
preferred functional alternative from a list of candidate intersection

Champlain Street Functional Design (Minto Developments):

Managed the preparation of alternative roadway modifications to
accommodate a potential 850,000, ft2 office park development in
suburban Ottawa.

Comparison of Light Rail vs. Busway Technology (Carleton

University): Prepared a term paper comparing the two systems in
use in various cities across North America.

Urban Transit Implementation Strategy (Transport Canada):

Provided research and. technical assistance for the evaluation of
technologies to promote transit use and greenhouse gas reduction.

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y-.nii.i.,...,. .11. ....y Bv J a u ia aj a a .. mia 1 UUII Lf II, y, nmnjnanagroE Page 7 of 7

Integrated Systems and Infrastructure Solutions

Education Krista Falkner, M.A.Sc.

M.A.Sc. Civil Engineering,
Traffic Engineer,. Systems
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON, 2006
P r o fi l e
B.A.Sc. Civil Engineering, krista Falkner has nearly two years of international transportation
University of Waterloo engineering" experience from her time at Flow Transportation
Waterloo, ON, 2003 Auckland, New Zealand. Prior to-her international
experience, Krista worked for various companies across Canada
Employment History
2007 - Present gaining experience in . the transportation and non transportation
Delcan Corporation ' disciplines of Civil Engineering. In her most recent position at Delcan
she has been involved with the Gateway Program competing
2006-2007 intersection analysis and network analysis using the simulation
Flow Transportation software Paramics. In addition, Krista has been involved In many
Specialists Transportation Impact Assessment projects requiring considerable
Auckland, New Zealand clienfinteraction and coordination with Ministry Representatives.
1999-2004 Projects
Junior Engineer for Various
Companies in Canada 2007 Transportation Engineer - Delcan

Highway 403 and Queen Elizabeth Way Interchange Analysis

(Toronto, Ontario): -Krista has worked with the Ministry of
Transportation in. Ontario to analyze interchange conf.guradon
options at Highway 403 and the QEW in Toronto. More specifically,
her contributions to the project are:
Development of microsimulation model using Paramics;
. Analysis of multiple interchange configuration options;
. collaboration with the Ministry to develop a final design option
for consideration; and
Report and presentation preparation.

Pemberton Summer Music Festival Traffic Impact Study: A

Traffic impact Study, was-required for a .special ^tfanned fcf.
northern British Columbia. Krista worked closely with the client .to
determine maximum attendance values based on tra-nsportation
mode splits and road capacities. An analysis was completed based
on the estimated attendance and modal splits to determine the
effects of the event on the existing road network. In addition, Knsta
was responsible for developing the final report to be submitted in the
final submission to the Ministry.

Gateway Program (Ministry of Transportation): krista has been

involved with several components of the Gateway Project. She has
worked on SFPR, NFPR and Highway .1 projects ranging from
intersection analysis to network analysis_and micro-simulation
7?fc>=. mwtmg.- ^m^^caUf^^^^^^^^^^'^ J****8
are: '
. Interchange and corridor analysis and recommendations using
. SYNCHRO and Paramics for SFPR;
. In depth lane allocation review for NFPR using Paramics; and
Network modeling and analysis, of Highway! using Paramics..

,,- m ', ^^iLMHiiLRMtaaimmuuiitiiMa **"""" . Page' 1 of 5

Krista Falkner
Traffic Engineer, Systems

2006 - 2007 Transportation Engineer - Flow Transportation


Sylvia Park Shopping and Business .Centre (Manukau, New

Zealand): Sylvia Park is the largest Shopping and Business Centre in
Australasia. As such, there were many components to this project
which.Krista' worked on. Krista had a contributing role in both the
design and management stages of the project such as;
. The design of traffic calming facilities in and around' the
' - The design of parking facilities and circulation roads for the

centre, for all' modes of transport (personal vehicles, buses,

pedestrians, and cyclists);
The design of all parking area and internal road paint markings
for the development;
Preliminary design of access points to the centre including the
preliminary concept design using AutoCAD;
The completion of all -modeling for the development using
SATURN along with all the relative modeling reports for the
client; "' -'
' Carry out separate intersection analysis using Sidra Intersection;
For modeling purposes, Krista was responsible for traffic
monitoring, which included, data collection, analysis and
reporting; and
Traffic Management of the centre for Opening days including
liaising with city officials regarding. road closures and traffic
rerouting tactics.

Long Bay Housing Development (Auckland, New Zealand):

Long Bay is an area on Auckland's North Shore that is currently
undergoing significant development. This project was comprised of
the development of an entire community including retail, education,
and housing facilities. Krista was responsible for developing a
SATURN-'--model of-the current road - network, and preparing a
validation report of the model. This included determining trip
generation, traffic patterns, and routes. Krista also developed a
SATURN model of the proposed development and was responsible for
assessing the effects of the development on the existing road
network. As part of this process, Krista was responsible for all data
collection and analysis. She also liaised with the client and with the
City Council to identify problem areas in the model. Further, Krista
worked with the City to redesign the identified problem areas
Including signalized, stop controlled,. roundabout, and give way

Selwyn Heights Retirement ,V|ljaae (AucklandjrM^.Zealang):

=53S: nSer#.; Heights fcetftement VitTaWI's run by orit^of- the largesl
retirement village operators in Auckland. = Selwyn Heights has
multiple facilities scattered across the'Auckland region and Krista was
involved in the complete redevelopment of one of the facilities.

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erauvaxttwujuHg Page-Tof'S*

Krista Falkner
Traffic Engineer, Systems

Her responsibilities included:

. . Liaising with the architects and-client during the design stage of
the project regarding access roads, parking, maneuverability,
and"safety; "*" *
" o Predicting overall use of the" facility and assessed the overall
' operation of the developments accesses;
. Carrying out some modeling of the surrounding road network
' and
futureaccesses using Sidra Intersection and SATURN to predict
. Managing alj data collection for the site including all modes of
transport for analysis purposes;

Wellesley Street - Grafton Road Feasibility Study (Auckland,

New Zealand): Krista was involved in a feasibility study of the
future operation of the Wellesley Street/Grafton Road corridor in
Auckland. The corridor is a heavily trafficked'route that, provides
access into the downtown core in Auckland and will be upgraded as
part of the Central Transit Corridor project. As a result, there was a
need to ensure the corridor was capable, of accommodating tne
expected increase in traffic as a result of the project.
Krista was part of a two person team in the assessment and her roles
< Investigating existing configurations along the corridor and
identifying any design constraints in terms of capacity for all
modes of transport;
. Working as a team to develop carriageway and intersection
improvements along the corridor to deal with the design
constraints identified (including signalized intersection designs,
bike lanes, and lane reconfigurations);
Assessing the proposed improvements using Sidra Intersection;
. Managing.all data collection for the project;
. Developing conceptual plans of the carriageway using AutoCAD
i m pjhow the,proposed_
m e n t s . . ' lape
~ configurations and. intersection
rove " .- :

Albany Senior High School Intersection Design and Analysis

(Auckland, New Zealand): A new High School is proposed in
Albany on Auckland's North Shore, which is to be accessible from an
arterial road. To facilitate accessibility to the school, intersection
design options were required that both met the safety requirements
and minimized delays to the already heavily congested arterial road.
Krista was involved in the design portion of the project to develop
conceptual intersection configuration options along the arterial road.
The options included both signalized and roundabout intersections as
well as separate pedestrian crossing facilities. Krista. was then
&gm/. 3's.".~>j-i55:'-F*S5i
Tesponsible-^fer assessing the; optiqns^o;'present^4ji^the. clients-
Assessments were done using both SATURN and Sidra Intersection.

Princes Street Intersection improvements (Auckland, New

Zealand): The main highway in New Zealand is State Highway 1,
which traverses north/south through the Country and is accessible
from many Districts in the Auckland Region.. One road that provides

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Krista Falkner
Traffic Engineer, Systems

arress to the Motorway is Princes Street, located just south of

Aucktand0 The'southbound.pff ramp meetsat an =t,on less
200 mqueues spilled back
downstream. onto
Due. to the-Hlghway. Thus, a redesign
the short distance to tne

oTWnteiSectlon was necessary. Krista was responsible for

deslgnlninew intersection options to increase overall capacty and
safe?y to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic A requirement of the
design was that it also include cyclist facilities for all aPPr^hes
The desTgn process included concept geometric designs, and signa
Aligns Of all the options developed, three were selected for furthe
analysis using Sidra Intersection. Krista was also responsible for
presenting the results to the client. -
2004 - 2006 Graduate Student - University of Toronto
Master's Thesis: Multiple Q-Learning Agents for *c**
Headway Control of a High Frequency Streetcar Line: During
the course of Krista's. Masters degree she utilized- software that s
very pertinent to Transportation Engineering projects The main
^pose behind her thesis was to increase the reliab. ty'"of pubhc
transit and thus make it more attractive as an alternative mode of
transport. For her research, Krista used the methodological approach
orSrcement Learning to control the headways between
streetcars. The research she.did applied.two agen s to
control streetcar headways in both directions at major signed
intersections along the King Street streetcar route i\*"^ "
Toronto. The agents Were written using C++ and the remits were
tested using the microscopic traffic simulation software PA^CS
The simulation model, was previously created as part of pother
student's thesis, but the algorithm was entirely written by Krista

2000 Transportation Designer - Marshall Macklin Monaghan

Ltd. (Thornhill, ON) '

Highway 407 - Toll Road (Toronto, ON): Krista was part of the
Highway 407 Team at Marshall Macklin Mon^gl^a-Ud, during both
the design and. construction stages of the project. Krista was
responsible for:
Designing the toll systems at on and off ramps;
Designing all lane markings of the minor roads along the route;
. Designing and drafting storm and sewer systems at the
interchanges along the Highway;
. Drafting all lane markings, and toll designs in AutoCAD.

2000 - 2001 Stantec Consulting Lt;d.

Site Inspector: (Calgary, Alberta): Krista was the site inspector
=>&&- ^ W a r i fl ^ t e ^ SheJw.oj:ked on
thefollowing residential developments:
Cougar Ridge (Phase 1 and 2); .
i Valley Ridge;
Garrison Woods;
. Coventry Hills

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Krista Falkner
Traffic Engineer, Systems

Prestwick; and
New Brighton.
Krista was responsible for monitoring the construction of the
mKS liaise^ith- City staff throughout the construction
orocess to ensure guidelines were met. Krista also relayed -site
Updates to office sta'ff such as progress and any ffg*^
nthPr exoeriences gained from Krista's time at Stantec were
S^rSeLt tasks such as^onstruct^ strategy and
staging, and experience with the design -. build phase of projects.

tryry-^tStSSSiB^* --

Page 5 of S

Integrated Systems and Infrastructure Solutions

Education Steve Russell, P.Eng.

B.A.Sc. Civil Engineering,
Vice president, Division Manager, Transportation .
University of Waterloo 1973

Professional Associations P r o fi l e ' ' >u

Association of Professional Mr. Stephen Russell is a noted engineer and project manager with
Engineers &. Geoscientists of more than 30 years of experience working with Delcan in the design
BC and construction of transportation and as well as in municipal land
development. Though his expertise includes planning, design, quality
BC Road Builders & Heavy
control, and estimating, he. is recognized for his skill in project
Construction Association
management, negotiations and contract administration.
B.C. Construction Mr Rusself is appreciated by our clients for his attention to detail, his
Roundtable communication skills, and his aptitude for project management.
These skills, together with his commitment to meeting our clients
needs, help him expedite the successful completion of any project.


Capilano Road, (District of North Vancouver): Preliminary and

detail design to improve the alignment and add bicycle capabilities to
an existing arterial roadway including retaining walls and an off road
parking lot design. .
David Avenue, (City of (Coquitlam): Preliminary, and detail design
for 2 km of four lane arterial roadway. This.project included two
bridges of 72 m and 126 m length, two arch culverts, four sets of
traffic signals,1 water and sewer services and optic fibre ducting.

Highway 15 Four-Laning.from 68A Avenue to 88th Avenue,

( C i t y o f S u r r e y f o r M i n i s t r y o f . Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n , B o r d e r
Infrastructure Project): including 4 lane widening, Centre median
barriers, as'well as Fraser Highway Intersection upgrading and
channelization upgrades; The project -included widening of two
Serpentine River bridge crossings.
8th Avenue Widening to Four Lanes, (City of Surrey for MoT):
Road widening from Highway 99. to * Highway 15. including
construction of two roundabouts to eliminate signals and a new
bridge to accommodate the free flow movement of trucks. Project
also included Nexus Lane extension works to the border crossings
and a 500mm diameter watermain replacement on Highway 99.

Nelson Road Widening, (City of Richmond): Preliminary and

detailed design for .1.5 km of rural road upgrading to an.urban
standard including reinforced pavement- design, watermain
replacement and drainage ditch improvements. ...
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Page 1 of 6

Steve Russell
Vice President, Division Manager, Transportation

TransLink Richmond-Vancouver Bus Rapid Transit Project (No.

98BLine): Design and Project Management for improvements to wo.
3 Road from Sea Island Way to Granville Avenue in preparation for
No 98B Line Bus service including curbside and median stations.and ,
shelter canopy' development. Work also included preliminary
development of Lansdowne Mall Bus Loop details.
South Fraser Perimeter Road and River Road from Alex Fraser
Bridge to 96th Avenue (Corporation of Delta): Completed a
comparative design assessment for widening River Road and
constructing a hew riverside road along the BNSF railway, corridor
adjacent to the Fraser River .
Simon Fraser University (City of Burnaby): Detailed Design and
Contract Administration of staged pavement rehabilitations and
drainage improve projects on University roads and parking lots.

Highway #10 Improvement Project from 140 Street to 144

Street (Ministry of Transportation): Highway 10/King George.
Highway intersection ' alignment and laning improvements were
designed to increase capacity and decrease accidents. ;
Annual Arterial Road and Drainage Improvements (City of
Surrey): Since* 1976 Managed the conceptual planning, detailed
design, contract documentation and contract administration of:
. Bridgeview.Lands, (City of Surrey): Preliminary and detail
design plus preload design and monitoring for 20 ha industrial
subdivision including roadways, water mains, storm sewers,
low pressure sanitary sewer, Hydro,' Telus and gas services in
an area with up to seven metres of highly compressible
Nordel Way Completion Project- Detailed design for 1km
of four to six lane divided arterial roadway including curb and
gutter, sidewalk, storm sewers and street lighting'. Special
"consideration was required for preloading of peat, relocation
of a 914mm diameter gas* main; "re-bedding of a 914 mm
diameter GVRD watermain, relocation of 69 KV and 230 KV BC
Hydro lines and a new signalized Southern Railway of BC
32 Avenue, (City of Surrey): Preliminary and detail design
for 3.2 km of rural roadway, upgraded to an urban standard,
including three box culverts and associate retaining wails.
Sound -mitigation measures became a feature of the project.
152nd Street Arterial Road Widening from 32nd Avenue
''to 36th Avenue including utility relocation, trunk storm
sewer, traffic signals and double left turn lanes.
^$Z?i}& ,*.**Interim Widening of 32nd upgradlhg>ihcfuding-;
Avenue from.152nd Street to
-:r: -^fgiith streeiT^v2km''roaWay Morgan
Creek culvert extensions, retaining walls, and noise mitigation.

awnmioiiauunua BvaumaawrawanMBj
Page 2 of 6

Steve Russell
Vice President, Division Manager, Transportation

Bridgeview Bypass Arterial Road Construction from

K i n g G e o r g e H i g h w a y t o 11 6 t h A v e n u e i n c l u d i n g
preloading over seven metres of compressible peat, vacusan
sewer accommodation and development of adjacent industrial
subdivision between 130th Street and 132nd Street. Project,
included coordination, of cost effective structural fills, and
New Alignment of Fraser Highway from King George
Highway to 13900.Block to accommodate the King George
SkyTrain Station construction. Constructed three signalized
intersections and a major box culverted fisheries creek
crossing (Quibble Creek). -
Arterial Road Widening 64th Avenue from 128th to
152nd Street including undergrounds the overhead utility '
wires, .installation of box culverts, two rail crossings, traffic
control signals and lighting.
11 5 A v e n u e a n d B o l i v a r P a r k , ( C i t y o f S u r r e y ) :
Preliminary and detail design for a 500m collector road, twin
box culverts, grading and servicing of a four diamond baseball
park and parking facilities. Light weight fills arid pre-loading
were used to control future settlements' due to highly
compressible organic soils.
Arterial Road Widening 152nd Street from 64th Avenue
to 72th Avenue including coordination with the GVRD's trunk
sanitary sewer construction.
Collector Widening 140th Street from 78A Avenue to
88th Avenue:'" Installed Bear Creek culvert crossing and an
urban forest pedestrian/bike pathway adjacent Bear Creek
Arterial Widening 96th Avenue, through Green Timbers
'to a five lane, including widened bridge, retaining walls,
upgrading services and traffic signals.
New Road Construction 76th Avenue (Newton Ring
.-* ?',x-.rv* Road): To a 19 m arterial standard including a-traffte-signal
tie-in to the King George Highway.
Arterial Road Upgrading of 88th Avenue from 128th
Street to 1.37th Street: Installed, two signalized
intersections, road widening and widened the Quibble Creek
Bridge from 2 to 4 lanes.
Road Upgrading 144fc!v Street (56th Avenue to 64th
Avenue), arterial road widening, including traffic signals and
major profile improvements.
Upgrading 122nd Street and 68th Avenue to 4-lane
arterial road standards. Provided roadworks and drainage,
SSfs-l . - . | @ e t J g h t i n g ^ 4 Q 4 t f * ? f fl c s i g n a l s . ^ ^ ; _ _ .
So^^fteconstruction and Bank Stabilization - 8th
Avenuei Stabilized the slope using polymer grid.structures
and installed lock-block retaining walls at toe of slope. ;

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Page 3 of 6

Steve Russell
Vice President, Division Manager, Transportation

. Reconstruction and Realignment - 88th Avenue at the

signalized intersection of the Fraser Highway to improve angle
of intersection and sight lines.
New Road Construction: 100th Avenue (140th Street to
148th Street): Constructed 2 km of road to a four-lane
arterial standard through a forest preserve area. Provided
lighting and drainage works and future expansion ability.
' .Avenue):
U p g r a dUpgraded
i n g 1 2 8 tah ^2 Skm
t r e esection
t ( 9 6 t to
h Aav efour
n u elane
t o arterial
road standard'. Incorporated drainage, street lighting and
. traffic signals.
Upgrading Timberland Road using, asphalt overlay methods
and lightweight ditch fill materials for a 1 km section of
industrial roadway.
Widening and Upgrading 72nd Avenue Adjacent to King
George Highway: Included asphalt overlay, a railway
crossing, fire hallaccess improvements and ditch filling for a 1
km section.
'. Arterial Roadto Widening
(156th Street and toUpgrading
160th Street) - 16th standard
a. 4-lane arterial Avenue

including lighting and sidewalks.

Widening and Reconstruction of 104th Avenue to a four-
lane arterial standard, including a precast box culverted
stream crossing for fish passage of the Upper Serpentine

Reconstruction: Kingsway Avenue from Westwood Street to

Coquitlam River (City of Port Coquitlam): Managed the design
and construction for the widening of Kingsway. Avenue to a four lane
urban standard including retaining wail work'and an at grade, rail
crossing at Westwood Street. . ,
CP Rail. Pitt Meadows Intermodal Facility (CP Rail): Concept
plan development and preliminary design of the Jnteirnojdal^faclli^
including grading plan, access roads,""servicing, high mast lighting
and environmental protection works. ,

Recycling Receiving Yard, (City of Vancouver): Construction of a

new recycling receiving yard/transfer station, receiving1 recyclable
materials from City and Contractor vehicles, and transferring the
material to "roll-off" containers for shipment by truck. Work included
site .layout, pavement structure-, perimeter fencing,
receiving/sorting/processing bays and site services. .

Alignment Study: South Fraser Perimeter Road (City of

Surrey, Corporation of Delta, BC Ministry of Transportation,
-Fraser- Rfe<&&Jtfarbdur*^^ stuc-Ly to
determine the economic, engineering arid/environmental feasibility of
the project. Also established preliminary corridor requirements.

lwmHff""T"-T """""'' lllllialllliriHTIaTI Page 4 of 6

Steve Russell
Vice President, Division Manager,. Transportation

Upgrading: Commissioner Street (Port of Vancouver): Managed

the design and construction for upgrading Commissioner Street and
12 at-grade rail crossings to a safe urban standard to accommodate
truck route and train movements to-adjacent terminals. . .

Land Development: Gateway High Rise Development

(Intrawest Development Corporation, Surrey): Managed the.
servicing for a 12 hectare, high density, residential and commercial
development, adjacent to the ALRT including Gateway Station access

Design & Construction: Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Expansion

(BC Ferry Corporation): Managed the "fast track" design and
construction for expanding the existing terminal by 18-ha.- The
project included preloading; pumped storm, sanitary, water, road
access, and pavement construction work, while maintaining terminal
operations. Project also included coordination of architectural,
landscaping and structural components of service buildings and
control towers.

Contract Administration: Manson Pump Station and Canal

Improvements to the Fraser River (City of Surrey):
Administered the development of a new. 13 cms pump station which
drains the Bridgeview Area. This project, in eluded installing upstream
box culverts and modifying the canal outfalling to the Fraser River.

Design of Coquihalla Highway from Helmer Lake to Sussex

L a k e ( B C M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n ) : C o o r d i n a t e d t h e
preliminary and detailed design of a .10 km section of rural freeway.
Provided a technical overview and final quantity take off. Prepared
the contract documents,

Design & Construction of Queensborough Rail Relocation (City

Of New Westminster): Relocated approximately a 2.5 km section of.
the BC Hydro Rail branch track. Due to the underlying peat strata,
.utilized jspecial. design and construction techniques to accelerate
'seWemenfe. aridl'rnTriimize long-term affects on the railways and
utilities (i.e. wick drains, utility casing pipes). Developed a pile-
supported rail bridge structure over a drainage canal.
Contract Administration: Old Yale Pump. Station (City of
Surrey): Design and Contract Administered the development of a 2
cms pump station, which included an outlet structure to the Fraser

Design: Britannia Beach Pulp and Paper Plant (Makin Pulp and
Paper): Managed the civil/site engineering design work of this site,
including servicing, site grading and flood proofing. Managed the .
? ! * ' ' - . " cS^S^SSSSxm*. j^rans^o,ntation. planning and projeGfeftgheduHng. -sssgg^ -.' tppzsz&s^iss*
Study: Mount Klappan Access Road (Gulf Canada Corp. &
Ministry,, of. Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources, BC):
Managed the Alignment, and'Costing.Study for the 106 km Mount

.-innnmuMuiMlMB mnqnrMJ Page 5 of 6

Steve Russell
Vice President,,Division Manager, Transportation

Klappan Mine Access Road. Conducted field surveys and a hydrologic

assessment, determined horizontal and vertical alignments,
investigated environmental impacts, noted geotechriical
considerations, determined construction.and maintenance costs, and
defined avalanche potentials;

Design & Contract Administration: Centerm Container Storage

Facility (Port of Vancouver): Managed the detailed' design and
contract administration for a paved container shipping storage facility
on a fill site adjacent to Burrard Inlet. Subsoil densification using
dynamic compaction methods. Provided watermain, storm sewer and
high-mast lighting towers, .accommodated rail spur and developed a
pavement structure capable of supporting 100,000 lbs container
wheel loads.

Upgrading: Scott Road (BC Ministry of Transportation, City of

Surrey): Coordinated the design for upgrading major intersections
on Scott Road with major connectors to the newly constructed
Annacis Highway (Highway #91). . ''

Site Grading: Expo '86 (City of Vancouver): Performed site

grading and municipal servicing works on the Expo 86 site in advance
of building construction. ' .

Design & Contract Administration: Columbia Avenue and

Blackwood Street Improvements (City of White Rock):
Completed the detailed design and contract administration for White
Rock's local road improvements. The project included an asphalt
overlay, widening, curb and gutter, sidewalks and retaining walls.

Design & Contract Administration: False Creek 700-Unit

Residential Development (The Imperial Group, Vancouver):
Completed the'detailed design and specifications as well as contract
administration for roadworks and servicing. The project included the
dynamic compaction of soft subgrade fill material and reinforced,
concrete retaining walls adjacent to rail Jrackage..___..
New Bridge Construction: 272nd Street 8t Bridge Widening
and 16th Avenue Bridge Upgrade (City of Langley)'. Managed
the contract administration and inspection of the new * four-lane
precast. concrete bridge at 272nd Street and the upgrading of the
16th Avenue bridge in coordination with environmental agencies.

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I W W I t n i l l a n i Ta V l H ' M l " u i y i a T r . ' i i a i a j m m n n m a i m m m l g n B a ^ n a a Wa S a a a a n a B a S K B H B S a n m

r-.,,,1-.jT, Page 6 of 6

Integrated Systems and Infrastructure Solutions

Education Larry S. David, A.Sc.T.

B.Sc. Civil Engineering For
Eastern University, : Civil.&Transportation Engineering Designer
Philippines, 1984
Professional Associations Larry David has 15 years experienced in the design of Civil and
Applied Science Transportation Projects. His designs include conceptual, preliminary
Technologists & Technicians and detailed phases of projects. His experiences ;primarily are in
of British Columbia
highway engineering and drainage design of rural and urban
highways and rehabilitation design of urban arterials roadways
Registered Civil Engineer
(1985), Professional including water, storm and sanitary sewers. His experience also
Regulation Commission, includes, project coordination with clients and the design team,
Philippines preparation of engineering cost estimates, schedule of quantities,
design reports, contract drawings and specifications.
In his design work he utilized CAiCE and GEOPAK in the development
of highway design geometries, laning, cross-section elements, and
quantities. He prepares his design drawings in Autocad and

64th Avenue- 17800 Block to 184 Street, '(City of Surrey):
Preliminary and Detailed Design to widen the arterial road from two
lanes to four lanes. Design and Construction includes improvement to
the road profile and safety evaluation of intersection movements.
Split grade profile was introduced to minimized construction cost.
Construction includes road widening, partial storm sewer
replacement, replacement of the water distribution main and pre-
ducting for traffic signals.
Modern Roundabout, 224th Street and 124 Avenue, (District of
Maple Ridge): Preliminary and Detailed Design of a Single Lane
Roundabout to replace" the intersection. The intersection was initially
controlled by stop signs on 124 Avenue. The four leg Roundabout
design included" a skewed east leg and a tightROW. Pedestrians and-
Cyclist ramps were designed in more detail. WB-15 was the design
14th Avenue Roundabout, 14th and King George Highway, (City
of Surrey): Detailed Design of a Single Lane Roundabout just north
of 8th Avenue. This roundabout is. to. replace two adjacent and
offsetting T-intersections. The final configuration is a three leg Single
Lane Roundabout with WB-19 as the design vehicle. The Roundabout
avoided conflict with PRV station on both sides of King George
Charlotte Area^T^ajctgt Sp^m^Jndependence, Blvd (1-74)
h 6 1 ^ R T t ' r ^ ^ ( f o h c e p t u a i D e s i g n '' ' t o T ^ T- S - M i l e R d u t &
from 7th Street (City Center) to Sardis Interchange. Charlotte, North
Carolina. The design was coordinated to the Highway Widening of I-
74 and several interchanges. The HOV/BRT route design includes
station location, on and off ramp and slip ramps. Reference Manuals
rratmmtmuvrMf nirrrlvr",Mr'"u,"*,"''l'"'mimm"'""'mv"'*
Edj^aoaxEssa Page Tof 4'

Larry David, AScT
Civil & Transportation Engineer Designer

and standards used are North Carolina DOT R6ad^ay,Des'9^n^1'

AASHTO A Policy of Geometric of Highways and Streets and 1Kb

Design Build Finance and Operate Proposal for Sea to Sky

(Highway 99): Sound Highway Design Consortium Overall Highway
Design Coordinator for all Sections. Team Highway Design Leader for
Section 5, 12 & 13. Reference Materials used for the Dfsia"iln5!ue5
RFP Volume 3 (Design and Construction), TAC Manual, BCMoT TAC
Supplement and the Context Sensitive Guide prepared for this Design
Build Project.
Highway Design features Three Lane.RAU for Section 12 & 13 with
Milling and Overlay, profile design, cross-section parameters analysis,
protected T-intersection treatments and environmental constraints.
This section is proposed to be*three lane best fit with alternating
passing and climbing lanes. v
Highway Design Features for Section 5 include analysis of Three Lane
RAU to utilized the rail corridor for temporary lane during Olympics,
bridge profile design and four lane sections.
8th Avenue Widening, Interchange and Roundabouts Project
(City of Surrey): Preliminary and detailed design of 8th Avenue
widening from two lanes to four lanes from King.George Highway to
Highway 15. The project inclOdes two roundabouts with on and off
ramps for King George Hwy and Highway 99. Highway 15
intersection .improvements are also included.

Sea-to-Sky Highway: Preliminary Design of Porteau Cove to Minaty

Bay (6 km). Sea-to-Sky Highway (Hwy 99). preliminary design of the
portion of the highway for pre-Olympic and Olympic routes.
Preliminary route design alignments considered with two alignment
schemes, one utilizing combination of the existing route and the
railway corridor and the other utilizing the existing highway.

Sea-to-Sky Cheakmous Canyon: Preliminary and detailed design

^of-Highway 99 widening in a section of tight curve.- The section is 1-3-
km and involves significant road cuts.
Cache Creek to the Rockies Program, (Ministry of
Transportation): Trans Canada Highway widening improvements
from Victor. Lake to Mount Revelstoke National Park. Functional
planning and preliminary design to upgrade the Trans Canada
Highway; improvements include passing and climbing lanes.
Nordef Way Extension, (City of Surrey): Alignment analysis of
connecting realigned 88th Avenue. from Scott Road to'123rd St.
Roadworks, Utilities and Services design.
Airport "^^nli'ector~-'lSf^"ct,--''.(YVR)mmfo$0^rt6mGntal' and
Vertical Alignments for the Airport Connector Design/Build Project.

III || | luminal IllimilllllllllalllHI ||ipi,iHH|HiiaMMagminilMIUIf IBU

aaat*ftBBHi'ii iiiiimjaan
Page 2 of 4
www. delca n .com

Larry David, AScT
Civil & Transportation Engineer Designer

Va n c o u v e r I s l a n d H i g h w a y P r o j e c t ( M i n i s t r y o f
Transportation):Headquarters Creek to Millar Creek (10 km)-
Participated in developing the functional and detailed design of this,
h i g h w a y. """ '.*'
Work included alignments, laning details, cross sections, estimates
and drainage design. . .

Va n c o u v e r I s l a n d H i g h w a y P r o j e c t ; ( M i n i s t r y o f
Transportation): Dove Creek to Headquarters Creek (6 km)-
Participated in. developing the functional and detailed design of this
highway. Work included alignments, cross sections, laning details,
estimates and drainage .design.

Translink No. 98 B-Line Project, (City of Richmond): Richmond

to Vancouver. Larry was responsible for the Rapid Bus Shelters
Structural Design Drawings and conflict coordination of the utilities
and services.

C u l l i t o n C r e e k B r i d g e , ( M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n ) -
Responsible for Structural Bridge Design Drawings.
Fraser River Harbour Commission: : Wharf Extension and
Dredging, Berth # 9 - Responsible for Structural Design Drawings.
MOTH Hamilton Bridge and Flyover Bridge, (Ministry of
Transportation): - Team.Structural technician responsible for the.
Bridge Drawings of , Hamilton Interchange, Queensborough
Connector and West/South Ramp Bridge at Westminster Interchange.

Vancouver School Board, (City of Vancouver) - Structural

Technician responsible for the Design Drawings of Tupper School
Seismic Retrofitting.

Island Paper Mills - Structural Technician responsible for the

Design Drawings of the effluent Vessel Tank.

City bfHSurrey anftJ Other "Lower Mainland Road arid Utilities

Projects (1993-1997) - Assisted the Project Engineer in the
Detailed Design involving Road Design, Utilities Relocation Design,
Watermain Detailing and Services capacity and design . Work also
includes estimates, design reporting and assisted in the preparation
of tender documents.

City of Surrey, 1993/94 Road Projects:

152 Street from 6.6A 72 Avenue
140 Street from 78A Avenue to 88 Avenue
88 Avenue from 152 Street to 156 Street
-r .=-.-.-Jat^a3^-*^iffi''.-r.,^=^'-^^^^'^;i;t^-?v ^K$..... 156. Stree.tta.160 Streefa^.^ L1;.:..- -fs2^?iL:j*
Fraser Highway/156 Street Intersection

llll I IIIMIIIH'll'allUlinr""Tilr*"" l '.'!"- Page 3 of 4

Larry David, AScT
Civil & Transportation Engineer Designer

City of Surrey (1996-1997)

. Bridgeview Bypass
King George Highway to 11 6 Av e n u e ..
128th'Street to 130th Street*

City of Coquitlam (1995)

Austin Service Center Access road and Yard development

City of Surrey: (1995) .

. 64th Avenue,~128th^Street and 130th Street ^
Four (4) km total-widening and upgrading

City of Surrey: 1994 Drainage Study covering six (6) locations.

City of Surrey: 152 -Street Waterworks from 66A Avenue to 72*


City of Surrey / Ministry of Transportation: City of Surrey

Realignment of Fraser Highway and Utilities Irnprovement for BC
Transit.Skytrain Stations at Whalley and Fraser Highway. -

City of Surrey: 168th Street/Fraser Highway Intersection

Improvement. .

City of Surrey: 88th Avenue Widening and Improvement from 128th

Street to 139th Street.

City of Surrey: 144th -Street Lowering and Utilities Improvement

56th Avenue to 60th Avenue.

City of Coquitlam: Dewdney Trunk Road, Pier Drive to Irvine Street.

*retSgaB&*SW~r* -r--:r^j=;&m^:. ..**&&*..*.- .'?15?4hrffc':.'t...AvJ

Page l ol I

Chris Beaton

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Thursday, March 27^2008 8:50 PM
To : ' Arif Rahemtulla;'Chris Beaton _ . ' ^ '. .^...
CcP""" To m d e ^ P ' f ^ ^ " 1 ' ^-'- '' ^ " " " "
Subject: BC Place Phase I Improvements Cash fl o w ^


Here is the cash flow spreadsheet based on revised budget of $61,000,000 + GST. I have not cash flowed GST.


Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director -,
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.474.6 . .

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 virtual Way, Vancouver;B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

5/28/2008 - . . . , . -' .


B U D G E T: - $ 6 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

Project Duration Cash Flow

(A) (B)
Monthly Year to
Month MONTH Estimated Billing Data Complete
Monthly Cost Year-to-Date

Mar-08 500,000 500,000 0.82%

2 Apr-08 700,000 1,200,000 1.97%
3 May-08 800,000 2,000,000 3.28%
4 Jun-08 1,000,000 3,000,000 . 4.92%
5 Jui-08 ,1,500,000 4y500,000 7.38%
6 Aug-08 2,000,000 6,500,000 10.66%
7 2,500,000 v 9,000,000 14,75%
8 Oct-08 . 3,000,000 12,000,000 19.67%
9 Nov-08 3,500,000 15,500,000 25.41%
10 Dec-08 3,800,000 19,300,000 31.64%
11 Jan-09 4,500,000 23,800,000 39.02%
12 Feb-09 5,000,000 28,800,000 .47.21%
13. Mar-09 4,500,000 33,300,000 54.59%
14 4,300,000 37,600,000 61.64%
15 May-09 3,800,000 41,400,000 67.87%
16 Jun-09 3,500,000 44,900,000 73.61%
Jul-09 "2,900,000 47,800,000 78.36%
2,500,000 50,300,000 82.46%
18 Aug-09
"1,900,000 52,200,000 85.57%
19 Sep-09
Oct-09 ,1,500,000 53,700,000 88.03%
Nov-09 1,300,000 55,000,000 :90.16%
1,000,000 56,000,000 91.80%
22 Dec-09
5,000,000 6.1,000,000 100.00%
23 Jan-10

61,000,000 61,000,000 100.00%

Total Costs

1. Cash flow based on $61,000,000
2. Assumes Substantial Performance at November 15,2009
3. Assumes Holdback released at January 2010

4. Excludes Cash Fiow for Retractable Roof, Phase II and ODP

08 0327 Phase BC Place Cash Flow $61 Mil

MARCH 27, 2008




D Monthly Cost
H Year-to-Date




5? & J* & v > & 5 i* '

^ ^ */ ^ ^ ^ c$* ^ $?

08 0327 Phase BC Place Cash Flow $61 Mil

rage 1 01 j
f c

Chris Beaton
From:. Gavin Yee []
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:09 PM
To: Arif Rahemtulla; Chris Beaton .^
: Cc: Tom de Wolf; Way^r^Maerson ***

Subject: Retractable Roof Cash Flow


Here is the updated cash flow spreadsheet based on revised budget of $220,000,000 + GST. I have not cash
flowed GST.
/ '' ' " ' ' "
Phase 1 Cash Flow will follow .

Regards "

Gavin Yee, A:Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main:604:631.1000 Fax:604.631.1100

From: Chris Beaton []

Sent: March 19, 2008 11:44 AM
To: Gavin Yee
Subject: RE: BC Place Cash Flow

we have at this time an.d date the cash flow



From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:55 AM ,Tt->r --.t-

TOrehrifr Beaton--
Subject: BC Place Cash Flow '.

rage zuu

i ,

Regards . .

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director .
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080 .
*^.5P*&j*V&"". '' >
Ce\\:60^mz47Ae,"T ^*2SS2i.- *-*

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

From: Chris Beaton [] |

Sent: March 19, 2008 10:35 AM ...
To: Gavin Yee
Subject: RE: BC Place Cash Flow j

Gavin, i

The approval is for the retractable roof at 207,000,000. The Phase 1 work currently sits at $54,000,000.

It would be nice if you could run two separate lines, one for eachfso Brent could have the option of presenting
each separately or combined.


Cfiris "Beaton
Ph: 604-307-0123.
Fx: 604-688-6882

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:31 AM
To: Chris Beaton
Subject: BC Place Cash Flow

Hi Chris,

What value should I use on the cash flow??.

Gavin Yee; A.Sc.J. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
TJirect'tMilf-604v63Ti1080 -^^-^^^^v*^
Cell: 604.341.4746

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver; B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

I age j 01 ->

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B U D G E T: $ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

J .-
kSi^: - ^H-. " I *- l . . (fashFlow- <l***+~~ -^^ASST ^safc=;
Project Duration
(A) (B)
Monthly Year to .%
Month MONTH Estimated Billing Date Complete

Monthly Cost Year-to-Date

1 Mar-08 500,000 500,000 . 0.23%

2 3,500,000 4,000,000 . 1.82%
3 May-08 * 7 , 0 05,000,000
0,000 9,000,000 4.09%
4 Jun-08 16,000,000 7,27%
5 Jul-08. - . ' * .8,000,000 24,000,000 10.91%
6 Aug-08 9,000,000 33,000,000 15.00%
7 Sep-08 13,000,000 46,000,000 20.91%
8 Oct-08 15,000,000 61,000,000 27.73%
9 Nov-08 17.000,000 78,000,000 35.45%
10 Dec-08 .18,000,000 96,000,000 43.64%
11 Jan-09 17,000,000 113,000,000 .51.36%
12 . Feb-09 16,000,000 129,000,000 58.64%
13 Mar-09 15,000,000 , .:^44,000,000 65.45%
* . 71.36%
14 Apr-09 13,000,000 157,000,000
15 May-09 10,000,000 167,000,000 75.91%
' 79.55%
16 Jun-09 8,000,000 175,000,000
17 Jul-09 7,000,000 182,000,000 82.73%
18 , 6,000,000 188,000,000 85.45%
5,000,000 193,000,000 87.73%
19 Sep-09
Oct-09 . 4,000,000 197,000,000 89.55%
21 ' Nov-09 3,000,000 200,000,000 90.91%
Dec-09 2,000,000 202,000,000 91.82%
Jan-10 18,000,000 220,000,000 100.00%

Total Costs 220,000,000 220,000,000 ;1.00.00%

1. Cash flow based on $220,000,000
2. Assumes Substantial Performance at November 15,2009
3. Assumes holdback released at January 2010

Xlxcludes Cash Flow for Phase J and Phase il and ODP

08 0327 BC Place Cash Flow

TflARCff27, 200f """^



150,000,000-? Monthly Cost

I El Year-to-Date

100^000,000 |


^ #* r & $? / # >$ & if if &


08 0327 BC Place Cash Flow

rage i oi t

Chris Beaton

.From: Gavin Yee [] .

Sent: Thursday,
March 27, 2008 10:05
. PM ^ . .
To : ' Arif Rahemtulla; Chris Beaton *
r,r^U"bjec^^^te Monthly rW$m '" " " ' " - v. ^ t r. - ^.^..-


Arif and Chris,

Attached is a sample report format we can follow for the project. One example is more commentary and the other
is pn a spreadsheet basis.

Let me know what you think .

Regards - . ... . ; - - -

Gavin Ye e , A . S c . T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional . .

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746" .

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130-2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

3/28/2008 . ' . . - . "

New Richmond City Hall
~" " Monthly
for the Report

September 1 - September 30,1998

The Dominion Company

Developers, Designers. Builders

cWocuments and settingstabcatontocal sMdngttemponcy internet f.lestolk76\fBport11-sept.doc / mlm

New Richmond City Hall

Table of Contents

m n; .i' "vtygaea


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New Richmond City Hall
March 28, 2008 Page 1


cAdocuments and setling'sVcbealoMloeal sctlingsMemporary inlernot files\olk76Vreport11 -sepl.doc / mlm

New Richmond City Hall .
March 28, 2008 Page 2


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New Richmond City Hall
March 28, 2008 Page 3

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New Richmond City Hall da
March 28,2008 . . ,L^ll





New Richmond City Hal! ' c
March 28, 2008 ; . Pa9e 5




c:\docoments and setling$\cbeatofi\Iocal MttingsMwnporary internet fites\olk76Veport1 Meptdoc / mlm

New Richmond City Hall
March 28,2008 ; Page 6


"iTty-'i..'., i '#*-


c:\documents and seittings\cbeatonocal setlingiWemporary internet fi!es\oik76\.ept 11 -sept-doc / mlm

i I
Out of Scope



! '

' i! i Mi | i XJJ-
tlHi't 1. iTTT
H ft ! *! ! I
i! Ii ii
! !! I

Out of Scope


rage i yx a

f e

Chris Beaton '

From: Gavin Yee (]

Sent: T h u r s d a y, March 27, 2008 10:13 PM '.-.'
To : A r i f R a h e m t u l l a ; C h r i s B e a t o n ^ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . ^ .
Cc:' ^ C. Rowan; BffReihier; To-Wg-Wolf; EHiaffl*B*ffln Tef^ffH^f^obert G*S0T
GTS/KWH Procurement
-. Dates ' (


Sing to do with stilus of compression ring fabrication schedule w,th Hightex' des,gn.

I will request for comments and feedback.

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEBD Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080 ' j
Cell: 604.341.4746 " .. . '

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. __

#130--"2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

....-Original Message .".-.- )' " '

From: Jeff Muilins (maiJtoJm^^ ;
. Sent: March 27,2008.7:03 PM... ,,. : . ^ .
To: Gavin Yee; Rob Third; Michael Bingham; Alex Blackwood
CcC Rowan; Bob Reimer; Tom de Wolf.
Subject: RE: GTS/KWH Procurement Dates ^

Here is our best guess for the dates you require.

Weatso-io** -<h HigMex sched .e ^ous^




From: Gavin Yee [,dominionco^com3

Sent* Wed 26/03/2008 7:05 PM
To: Rob Third; Michael Bingham; Alex Blackwood; Jeff Muilins
Cc: C. Rowan; Bob Reimer; Tom de Wolf
Subject: GTS/KWH Procurement Dates

... ~ inAnr

rage z. 01 l

Please provide a list of all procurement dates related to your work, as we discussed GTS/KWH must provide competitive
pricing received, related back up and total recommendation for applicable items to seek authorization from Pavco:

Example list, please complete as required:'

I. Order To w e r Cranes ;-:--.. c v. 7 - . . . . - ^ w-"

2 . t > n f e r M o b i l e C l i n g s ' < ~ * 3 & * * * ^ . . . * r * u u - a ^ * -
3, Portal frame column upgrades
3. Embeds and anchor bolts slide bearings?
4. Ring Beam Steel .
5. Mast steel '
6. Strut Steel
7; Temp Bracing
8. Inriggers . .
9.i Backstays -
10. Strand Jack's/ travel dolley
II. Special fabrication equipment
12..Fabrication subtrades
13. Painting subtrade . ... - .-' -*>-.
"T4" Catw'alkr - .

Please send me asap.

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional Project Director Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100


Chris Beaton

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:20 PM .

" T o : Robert
A r i Gagnon;
f R a hinward
e m t uHinko;
l l a ; Ti'nYW
Chris Beaton ^ _ .j. ^ .

Subject: BC Place - sample Subtrade List


i u aoruDH a camniP subtrade list for vour reference and review. It will need to be modified to include some of
^XM^Sto the phase' ;Tovemen,,s primarily-"wi"suffice for now
youi comments but I will get our guys to add and taylor it to surt this project.

Let me know if you have any specific trades you feel would be suited to work on this project.


Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T: GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director.
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746 '

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 ; 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main-604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

Dominion Fell-mile Construction Ltd. Surrey Sports and Leisure Complex - Arena Addition 3/28/20085:46 PM.
Sample Subtrade Selection List for Prequalification

Out of Scope

-V "Y

Dominion Fairmile ConstrucUon Ltd. Surrey Sports and Leisure Complex -Arena Addition 3/28/20085:46 PM
Sample Subtrade Selection List for Prequalification

Out of Scope

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. Surrey Sports and Leisure Complex - Arena Addition ..3/28/20085:46 PM"
. . Sample Subtrade.Selection List for Prequalification

Out of Scope

Pane 3


Chris Beaton \ ' ;

' From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:47 PM

To:; Rob Third; Jeff Muilins; Michael Bingham ::-... ~-lIJ5.l .-T-

Cc:"^5m~deWolf^bWHinko; Tim^rirpenning; BobWeimer; RpbeitGagnon; ChrisBeaton

Subject: BC Place - Roof Schedule

Doug, .

ptt^rhPd te nur scheduler's comments on your schedule submitted to me. last Thursday. There are some
^<tt2 Phasing diagrams that we all worked collaboratively to reflect the agreed upon
schedule. "Steel erection should start by October 1 st.

The'roof is scheduled to be deflated approximately on February 11, 2009. Ideally steel erection should be
Jompteted by MSdate and cab.e layoutstarts shortly afterwards, we PJ-^^^
demolished to allow your cabling to. proceed, however this will, need to.bfLcqnfirmed byjdightex as..we nave not
received your cablibg procedures yet.

The roof will take one month to dismantle and demo.

Have a look through the comments and if you have any questions, *^%^. SChedU'er
Nevertheless, GTS/ KWH Hightex will need towork within the pre-established schedule. ^^^


Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED? Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746

.... Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

From: Carol Rowan*

Sent: March 24, 2008 9:27 AM
To: Gavin Yee
Cc: Tom de Wolf; Bob"Reimer; Erhard Hinko
Subject: BC Place - Roof Schedule


Please review attached in response to submitted Hightex schedule.

-AlS& h^&s'tbllo^h'r^tnaiit(T6^rW refardrnfe rmg:b*lkm:eifeiiieeiiiig deUilk

Tx '' ' .
y . -.

j no/inns . .

Page 1 of 2

Carol Rowan

Sec 22
From: Carol ROwar
Sent: March 24, 2008 9:22 AM --* .-35i
^ i a i r S * * ^ * ^ * * ' S 3 S a ^ r ^ " ' . ' ? ! j - i a -
* * -* & & & & - . ' G a v i n ^ l e 1 - " ~ "
Cc: ' Tom de Wolf; 'Bob Reimer'; 'Erhard Hinko'
Subject: RE: Hightex Schedule 20080310.pdf

Gavin: ,

Comments per review of.attached Hightex schedule:

1 schedule not dated...received 22 March 08 in my office.

2 overall schedule requires more detaiL.a level of detail by key .tern that provides ai levelof unde landingfor
the engineering deliverables: procurement stages; shop drawing development and submittals for staged reviews,
breakdown of fabricated elements and a detail schedule for layout of cables, by grids and including ancillary
attachmert:stages of tensioning; rOofTabrirrn^fby s^tronsdelinedby grids; and other stages such as the
nhase 1 clean-uo and commissioning. ,
3 ifems such as roof drainage; catwalk erection; removaland reinstall of lighting and audio systems are

4eqgcfote and detailed coordination for engineering, procurement, detailing, fabrication and erection with, Gap.
Third and Genivar is required...!* all our area of responsibility, or do they have a responsibility, to coordinate
enaineerinq and detailing submittals/review? . . +i
T Hightex no 22 - Geo Third schedule shSwsfinish of procurement of steel as 19 January 09. not 31

hightex no. 8 to 19 .- Hightex shows engineering, complete 30 May 08. 1 week earlier than DC schedule

finiSHS^Jnoe2038'" - Procurement of Cables from 02 June 08 to 28 November 08 requires a breakdown within

the sVages-ofengineering, tenderand award, and shop drawings submitta.s/review. .All and support
r^ . for. cables
. . . . _ should
. r , .beincluded
.k.ttu:. a into
h n n this
H rprocess
o i a i i n n c with
r o their,
f o r Q own
t n timelines.
and f*
Hightex no. .26 - clarification of what this shop drawings refers to and detail required.
Hightex no. 28 - detail fabrication of steel lo be coordinated with Geo. you want me to address
this breakdown?
. Hightex no. 29 - detail detailing and fabrication; including shipping Yequired.'AIISncitlary products to be "

,nC,UHfo1iiexhnSo d3eitail- note that Hightex 'should be advised retro-fit to existing structure will start May 08 and is
scheduledno continue to 31 October 09. Seating re and re by Others is scheduled for-08 work (not confirmed as
mp\\ tn nrevent anv interference with cable layout and erection. .
HiohTeno 32 - Geo. Third will start steel erection 01 October 08 not 3 November 08 as showm
H oh ex no 36 -' Installation of cables activity showing 90days (02 March to 03 July) should breakout
layout ovLriap with steel erection andby sequence defined by gridlines. Note that is showing a 45 day
effort within this overall duration. Coordination with KWH is required. j .
Hightex no 38 v- New Roof Fabric, from 06 July to 30 October detail of sequence defined is

^Retractable roof mechanical and fabric installation to commissioning stage 1 is scheduled 07 May to 30

?CtRoofd;ainage. catwalk erection, lighting, audio, clean-up activities are not shown on this schedule. Can _
Hightex con^rrn'all this work can be completed during the latter stages of the fabric installation and retractable
roof installation to stage 1 commissioning by 31 October 09? .

" ' e x f e n a ' e " c n ^ Ts ) To s U i t ' e - a c ^ W o r R t y p e r - ''.'.' ': '.'

lease contact me with questions or the okay toproceedto work with Hightex and Geo Third subject to noted


rac lun

Arif Rahemtulla ^

From: Gavin Yee [GYee^]

Sent: Thursday, Marpjri7, 2008 10:05 PM
To: Arif Rahep^tuila; Chris Beaton ^. aCTT^t-uhV-g-i 'bin***-

Subject: Sarnp^Monthly Report


"and Chris,

Attached is a samp.e reporiformat we can foilow for the project One exampieis more commentary and the other
is on.a spreadsheet basis.

Let me know what you think


Gavin Yee, ASc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746 ' '

Dominion Fairmile Construction "d/

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M.4X/
M a i n - 6 0 4 . 6 3 1 . 1 0 0 0 F a x : 6 0 4 . 6 3 1 . 11 0 0 . * . * .

New Richmond City Hall
Monthly Report #11
for the period
September 1 - September 30,1998

The Dominion Company

Developer*. Designers. BuMws

New Richmond City Hall
Table of Contents
-* -*

-the'dominion company-
c^bow*-.' ^ 8elnatAoJ wti*x>*\unxry **** *,IWN",**''I,

New Richmond City Hall
March 28, 2008 __ Pagel


c V d o ^ n d M t * o Wr ^


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rage, i oi /*.

Arif Rahemtulla y^ , i_ '"

__ 1 : : - r-7*- : r-
From: Gavin Yee []

Sent:' Thursday, March 27;2008 10:13 PM

To : Arif RahemtuIJa;Chris Beaton . _ ^_ . .^^
- Cc:'~*r^. Ro^

Subject: GTS/KWH Procurement Dates


Attached is GTS/ KWH's procurement dates for their steel, just recieved this evening and have not had an *
ot^^^l^detail-steel erection does not a!ign with-uLsta^ da^of ctber 2'2m-May
something to do with status of compression ring fabrication schedule with Hightex design.

We still need to further analyze the temporary bracing of the masts and tieing the struts together with a tension
beam before erecting the haevy.ring beam sequence of erection and it's imoactjo the ererton schedule. .

I will request for comments and feedback.

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080.
Ceil: 604.341,4746 . . ^

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main:.604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

Original.Message-r--- ' ' .

Fpym- ipff Muilins [mailto:imullins@kwhconstructors.coml
Sent: March 27,2008 7:03 PM
To: Gavin Yee; Rob Third; Michael Bingham; Alex Blackwood
Cc: C. Rowan; Bob Reimer; Tom de Wolf
Subject: RE: GTS/KWH Procurement Dates


Here is our best guess for the dates you require; '

We* also looked over the Hightex schedule that you sent today and generally concur their dates for steel fab and erect. You
should combine this schedule with their's. The erection duration shown of 6 months may get longer depending on the ,
sequence that we sent out last Friday that shows the temporary tension ties. Until Geiger respond, we'cannot comment
further. v

R e g a r d s, % , . - .' . . . . " .


Frnm- flavin Yee fmailto^Yeefl-fldommionco.coml

Sent: Wed 26/03/2008 7:05 PM
To: Rob Third; Michael Bingham; Alex Blackwood; Jeff Muilins
Cc: C. Rowan; Bob Reimer; Tom de Wolf
Subject: GTS/KWH Procurement Dates

rage i. ua *i

Example list, please complete as required: . .

Mgj^gsMair T&gSdiaSXbK
. ^ j O r d e r To w e r C j ^ ^ ^ - ^ - . - - i s S & s . . - ' * * * ' ^ ' ^ ' = * * -
2: tJ^rMobile C^^^
3. Portal frame column upgrades
3. Embeds and anchor bolts slide bearings?
K4. Ring Beam Steel
5. Mast steel
6. Strut Steel
7. Temp Bracing. .-
9. Backstays
10. Strand Jacks/travel dolley
U. Special fabrication equipment
12. Fabrication subtrades .
13. Painting subtrade '' '~ . "~~'"~~ w'-'
14. Catwaiks

Please send me asap. .

Gavin Yee] A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional Project Director Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604,341.4746 . '".('

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

rage i uii

Arif Rahemtulla

From: GavkTYee []

Sent: ^nursday. March27, 2008 10:20PM
To : ,- Arif Rahemtullaj^hris Beaton ^ ^ ______ _
^:r^^a^j~^ag^^=^d Hiriko; T1m^rpennlng-"B6fa"'Reimer '"'
Subject: BC Place - sample Subtrade List


. howo aarhPH a ^mole subtrade list for your reference and review. It will need to be modified to include.some of
IheS for the phase' imremefprimari,y-!t wi"sufficefor now
your comments but I will get our guys to add and taylor it to suit this project

Let me know if you have any specific trades you feel would be suited to work on this project.

' Regards

Gavin Yee, ASc.T. GSC LEED:Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 6 0 4 . 6 3 1 . 11 0 0 ' '' .


uoneouHenbaid jojpn uo|M|s ^BAqnSJHdiiaS^

w-ac-wooz/es/s uorippv busjv - xajduioo tumpi pue tyodsAauns "PTl uoponnsuoo WUfd uoiuituoa

uoOfiuil*nbdio*l^uoBaBlaS8PBWnS'*ldureS . -.-_
WVee:WO(KIZrX |f5^.-#^il&li^l^ ^uon3Iu,Suo0^uu,eduo,Puod

uoijBoiKiBnbftid joi wi uopaaias epeiiqns err*"8S

MOTM-ftm* Uo!i|ppvuwv-xMwopwn8iiipuBSV.o<lsAwjns 'Ml uoipw^suoo flimm uo.upuoa

Chris Beaton

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: , Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:47 PM
To: Arif Rahemtulla; Chris Beaton
Cc: Norbert Bonkowski; Tom de Wolf

Subject: BC Place Scheme "B" - Retractable Roof Summary Budget (Revised)

Retractable Roof Budget (Revised)

Arif and Chris,

Further to our meeting last week, we identified George Third's revised budget number of $45 Million (Based on
6,000 Tons). We have updated the budget to reflect this. In addition, the Hightex (Schlaich Bergermann) report
issued March 20th reflect a significant increase in steel weights to 7,655 Tons. While the steel design is still
fluctuating and Hightex has advised they are unable to give us more accurate information at this time until the
show and wind.model study is completed, the final steel weights-will berevised; butwe don't know by how much:
We understand this information is not available until the latter part of April, therefore we. have carried an additional
1,500 tons contingency of steel budget to cover the.uncertainty in final weights.

1) Weather Protection measures

2) Concrete structural work
3 ) C a t w a l k s ( u p p e r, l o w e r a n d r a m p s ) . . .
4)lncreased budget for soft costs .
5) Ring beam revisions


1 Hightex Retractable Roof System 41,722,750

2 GTS/ KWH Structural Steel 52,500,000
3 CM/ General Requirements: 15,117,384
4 Division 2 to 16 Trade Work 83,583,070 '
' 8,460,012
5 Design and Soft Costs
6 Project Contingency 18,577,102

, Scheme "A" - Retractable Roof Budget.) 219,960,319 + GST

Notes: Hightex Budget Includes $5,127,000 Contingency

Budget Includes $9,0d0,0D0 of Sustainable Measures
~ - - r ^ i ^ ;t^-lr:.r-.f;=jrr~. _ -, - .-^: .. ' "' " "
Exclusions: Phase I Interior Alterations
/ Phase II Interior Renovations

(III . Onsite & offsite roadworks

BC Place Maintenance Works



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jauMp Aq gj jj IIV
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Page 1 of2

Chris Beaton . * . ' -

From: Gavin Yee []
Sent: Thursday, March 27,2008 7:34 PM
To : ^ ^ L P ^ F ) t u ! f e * i 5 6 l i S . S e a t o n - v ^ , . ' ' - * = * - * - - * * = r " ^ - *
Cc: Norbert Bonkowski; Tom de Wolf
Subject: Phase I-BC PLace Improvements Prior to Olympics

Phase I - Improvements to Be Completed Prior to Olympics (Revised)

Arif. and Chris, (

We have updated the budget to reflect a $3 Million acoustical budget allowance. In addition we have
added additional budgets to reflect recent confirmation of handicap seating requirements at levels 2 and 4, and
ferXoom^and hahdlcap stall retrofits to levels 2, 3 & 4. Gas piping runs have increased to service warming
Sen aTevIl three and existing main kitchen on level one HowardCrosley. ,..._..


O LY M P I C S ' '. :

1. Level One Improvements: $0

2. Level Two Improvements: $13,314,000
3. Level* Three Improvements
- $8,816,750
4. Level Three Edgewater Lounge Renovation $1,605,000
Level 4 Four Improvements $7,839,750
Div 02: Smithe & West Airlock parking/ $1,000,000
staging ' __L_
8. Div 06:Rough carpentry $100,000
9. Div 08: Perimeter Entrances (Revolvers) $1,765,000
10. Div 09: Floor Finish to Gate Entries $3,487,500
10. Div. 10: Interior/exterior Wayfinding $900,000
11. Div 12: Premium Seats and Seat.Repairs $1,600,000
Div 14: New Elevators $0
13. Div 15: Gas Service $680,000
Div 16: Electrical Systems $500,000
Phase I Construction Subtotal: $41,608,000

General Requirements and CM $4,782,424 - ~

5(jft*i|5.5s^ $5i529j454^

Contingency : $8,904,112
Subtotal: $19,215,990;



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juaiuooeidoy poy
(padotOAaa aq o) laBpng III y II asegd
Bumueid ueqjn neJOAQ p siuamaJinba^
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1. Level One Improvements: ""*" $0 -""-""

2. Level Two Improvements: $13,314,000
3. Level Three Improvements $8,816,750
4. Level Three Edgewater Lounge Renovation $1,605,000
6. Level 4 Four Improvements . $7,839,750 .
7. Div 02: Smithe & West Airlock parking/ stagil $1,000,000
8. D'rv 06: Rough carpentry $100,000
9. Div 08: Perimeter Entrances (Revolvers) $1,765,000
10. Div 09: Floor Finish to Gate Entries $3,487,500
10. DiV 10: Interior/exterior Wayfinding $900,000
11. Div 12: Premium Seats and Seat Repairs $1,600,000
12. Div 14: New Elevators . $.Q .
13. Div 15: Gas Service $680,000
14. Div 16: Electrical Systems $500,000
Phase I Construction Subtotal: $41,608,000

General Requirements and CM $4,782,424

Soft Costs $5,529,454
Contingency $8,904,112
Subtotal: $19,215,990


Excludes: Offsite roadworks

BC Place'Maintenance Works
Seismic upgrade
FF&E by Owner
Requirements of overall urban planning ODP
Phase II & Iii Budget (To be Developed)
Roof Replacement ,




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. Page 2
,_ awKaai.- < Estimate Company... "Spreadsheet_Report
'BCPLAQEBmSEf- ' ...-=ar_V. .

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Pago 3
_Estj_mate_Company_ Spreadsheet Report --- 27/03/2008 -4:50;PM-

Page 4
^Estimate Company ^ Spreadsheet Report 27/03/2008-4:50 PM.-.


Estimate Company Spreadsheet Report Page 6

:^B15Tlace'Tha'se1t :: y27/03/200B-4:5Q-PM~

Estimate Totals

description*'. 'Anibjjnt- .' Totals Hours ;-Wa'te- .' Cost

Ci Basis Cosftjer'tlnlt RewbTttofTotal
Labor 3.00b hrs
Material ..
Subcontract 41.608.000
' Other V
41.608,000 41,608,000 88.41 - 68.41**

GCS 2.912.560 7.000 % T 4.79%

Conttnaencv 8.904.112 20.000 % 7 14.64%
- CM Fes 1.869.6M- a*-*-~ w- . 3.500 ** "- T . 3.07*
Soft Costs si9q4S4 10.000 % T
19.215.9S0 60,823,880 31.59 100.00%

To t a l p 60,823,990


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888888888888888888888888 ;8g8888S88

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.:EhaseJ:.Proposed<Att8rationsPr|or.To*Or/^^ ; yrSTw=z&S7** "-" ??S?S>5^3SK7j5s
'PhsssHI-cVSI: Proposed InjprpvomtmtsAfler Otyti&cszQ* bo Developa'^y**^---

(B) (C) (A) + (B) + (C)

(Complete Prior to Olympics) ' (Complete After Olympics) (Ultimate End-Game)

(Schedule & Logostlcs to Be Developed) (Scope & Budget to Be Developed) (Scope & Budget to Be Developed)

Unit Rale Budget Quantity- Unit 'Unit Rati Budget Quantity Budget Budget
M2 $0 570 M2 $0 0 M2 $0 so-
PubBc View (Cart Concession)-
M2 $0 1.010 M2 so 1.470 M2 SO so
New Construction Padfic North (Concasslon Zone)
M2 $0 570 M2. $0 2.830 M2 $0 so
New Coiatmctton Padllc South (Pacific Atrium)
$0 SO $13.314.000
W Level Two Total: $13.314,000

Lovel 3 tevel'Three: " .

. 0 M2 $1,620 $0 1.060 .M2 $0 $0 0 LSum $0 SO- . SO
emo Hafl of Fame Exhibit Phase II 2
' 0'
3 M2 SO $0 .0 M2 $0 $0 320 LSum $0 SO $0.
0 M2 SO so 0 LSum $0 SO $3,000,000
Washroom Upgrades (Unify overall design concept) 1 1.500 M2 12,000 $3,000,000
1 825 M2 *S250 S2C6.2S0 0 M2 $0 $0 0 LSum $0 so $206,250
Media Room Upgrades "Buff and Shine" $
1 1.235 M2 $1,500 $1,852,500 0 M2 $0 so 0 LSum SO, $0 $1,852,500
Upgrade Exslflng Suites (Minor) . 0 M2 $0 so 0 M2 SO so $245,000
4 New Handicap Family washrooms 1 98 M2 $2,500 $245,000 ' M2
12 Stalls $5,000 $60,000 0 M2 $0 $0 0. $0 $0 $60,000
Retrofit 12 Handicap stalls 1
2 0 M2 $1,620 $0 0 M2 $0 $0 0 LSum so so $0
New Warming Kitchen Reno Phaso II
1 175 M2 $1,000 $175,000 175 M2 $0 $0 0 LSum $0 so. $175,000
Existing Warming Kitchen Reno - Phase I 0 M2 $0 so 0 M3 $0 so $1,271,250
1 1.6SS M2 $750 $1,271,250
Concourse + 120m of Screens 3 Locations SSS 0
1 3.505 M2 $350 $1,226,750 0 M2 $0 $0 Each $0 $0 $1,228,750
Ramps M2 $0 $0 0 Each $0 $0 $1,605,000
1 535 M2' $3,000 $1,605,000 0
Edgew8ter Lounge Renovation M2 $0 $0 0 LSum so $0 $0
2 0 M2 $4,000 $0 620
Convert Hall of Fame to Suites- Phase tl .
1 260 M2 $3,000 $780,000 0 each $0 $0 0 each $0 sb $780,000
Add New 5 Suites $$S (Major)
M2 $0 SO 0 each ,$0 $0 0 each $0 $0 $0
.3 320
Rete*ate6es8ng-Hall-<>f Fomo Arohive 775 M2 <$0 $0 0 Each $0 so $0
2 0 M2 . $315 $0
Disabled Sealing Area converted to Suites 0 Each so $0
3 0 M2 $0 $0 0 M2 $0 $0 $0
Seatty^lroot Entry end Gates-Upgrades
Now-Sxtorior CawatoSoatty-Entrt66 . 3 1.800 M2 $0 $0 0 M2 $0 $0 b Each SO $0 so
$0 '- 0 each $0 $0 0 each $0 so $0
3 1 Lsum 10
j-JWtot Booths Tony Fox Plaza each $0 $0
3 40 M2 $0 $0. 0 each so
' $0 $6 0 $0
AoUaB Amenity Room ' $0 0 each so so $0
2 0 M2 $0 $0 450 M2
interior/ Exterior Food Food & Beverage
P a c i fi c S o u l h A t r i u m . 3 0 M2 $315 so 0 M2 $0 so 0 Each so $0 $0
$10.421,750 so $10,421,750
Level Three Total:

LoveM Level Four,

1 1.290 M2 $2,000 $2,580,000. 0 M2 $0 $0 LSum SO so $2,580,000
Washrooms. 0 M2 $0 so- M3 ' SO so $2,647,500
1 ^ $.295 M2 $500 $2,647,500
1 3.505 M2 $350 $1,226,750 0 Each $0 $0 Each $0 50. $1,226,750
Ramps M2 $0 M2 SO SO $203,000
1 290 M2 $700 $203,000 0 $0
Wheelchair seating areas x 14 (100 spaces required
1 $8 M2 $2,500 $245,000 0 M2 $0 $0 M2 so so $245,000
4 New Handicap Famly washrooms
1 12 M2 $5,000 $60,000 0 M2 SO $0 M2 so so $60,000
Retrofit 12 Handicap Cubicles LSum
2 415 M2 $0 $0 0 LSUm $0 $0 so $0 SO

2 40 M2 $0 $0 0 each $0 $0 each so $0 SO

1 740 M2 $375 $277,500 570 Each $0 so Each so so $277,500

Concession Renovated (16 non griUe stands) M2 so $600,000
1 300 M2 $2,000 $600,000 0 M2 $0 $0 $0
Revise Concess. To Gnll Standards (3 exist + 3 New LSum $0 $0 SO
2 0 M2 $4,000 $0 B75 LSUm $0 $0
Premium Suites ' $0 LSum
2 0 M2 $4,000 875 LSUm $0 so So $0 SO
Concession Zone ' $4,000
3 . 0 M2 $0 875 LSUm $0 $0 LSum so : SO SO
New ConsUuetJon Padfic South (Atrium)

..:' v.riPhase:f:ProposedAiteratlonsPrlor;To Olympics ':..- *r..\v?\"- .""' '..-" ~Ta<ai<nagj*CT zig^SSSftZtci.
^gjg^Phase tl 4 III: Hjnppaed tmprovemenf*After Olympics (To'ibt> Developed) 5=-
(C) (A) + (B) + (C)
(A) (B)
CODES (Complete Prior to Olympics) (Complete After Olympics) (Ultimate End Game)

(Schedule & Logostlcs to Be Developed) (Scope & Budget to Be Developed) (Scope & Budget to Be Developed)

Unit Unit Rate Budget Quantity Unit Unit Rate Budget Quantity Unit UnilRate Budgel Budget
Level Four Total: S7.839.750 so $0 $7,839,750

LSum $500,000 $500,000 Lsum LSum $0 $500,000
Smithe Extension Interface
LSum $500,000 $500,000 Lsum LSum $0 $500,000
West Airlock Alterations, parking and staging

Division 6 Total: $1.000.000 so- ..$0 $1,000.000

Div 06 Carpentry:
06120 LSum $100.000 S100.000 Lsum $0 so LSum SO $0 $100.000
Rough Carpentry
Division 6 Total: $100,000 $0 so $100.000

ON 07 Roofing:
Exterior Canopies' $0 $0 $0 $0 $40 $0 $0.
Division 7 Total: so $0

Div 08: Perimeter Entrances:

SF $30 $135,000 $P $0 SF $0 50 $135,000
08410 Demo Existing Glass and Doors 4,500
08410 Temporary Air Barriers 6 Each $15,000 $120,000 SO $0 SF SO- so $120,000
8 Each $125,000 $1,000,000 $0 $0 SF SO $0 $1,000,000
08410 Revolving Entrances for H/C
SF . $200 $400,000 $0 $0 SF SO. $0 $400,000
08410 New Glazing tnftO 2,000
08410 New Automatic SBcflng Doors 0 Each sio.000 $0 $0 so. SF SO $0 $0
08410 New Swing Doors (Exctuded) 0. Each $3,000 $0 $0 $0 SF so $0 $0
08410 Automatic Door Openers 0 Each $2,500 ' so . $0 so SF so $0 SO

Miscellaneous Electrical 1 Lsum $110.000 5110.000 $0 so SF $0 $0 $ 11 0 . 0 0 0

Division 8 Total: $1,765,000 $0 so- $1;765.O00

DW09: Finishes:
09900 Finishes (Special Floor at entries Eke GM Place non* 4.875 M2 $100 5487,500 SF $0 $0 so ,$487,500
1. Lsum 53.000.000 $3.000.000 SF $0 $0 $0 $3.000.000
09800 Acoustics (allowance) ;
Division 9 Total: $3,487,500 so $0 $3,487,500

Div 10 Accessories:
Levels $150,000 $600,000 Each Each $0 $600,000
109S0 Interior Way Finding Signage $300,000
Allow $300.000 $300,000 Each Eech $0
10990 Exterior Way Finding Signage
Division 10 Total $900,000 so $0 $900.000

Div 12 Furnishings Fixtures and Equipment (By Owner)

Each $300 $1,200,000 0 Each $0 $0 Each $0 $0 $1,200,000
12990 Replace Existing Stadium Seating to Premium 4.000
Each $100 $400,000 0 Each $0 $0 Each $0 $0 $400,000
12990 Repair existing damaged seats (reuse seats replace< 4,000
12990 Video Cube Excluded 0 Each $0 $0 * 0> Each $0 so- Esch $0 $b $0
12990 Unear LED Reader. Board - Video Ring Excluded 0 LM $0 SO- 0 Eech $0 so Each $0 $0 SO
0. Each $0. so Each $0 $0 SO
12990 Score Boards Excluded 0 Each SO SO
12990 Audio'Video Equipment Excluded 0 Lsum $0 $0 0 Esch $0 SO Each $0 so $0
Excluded 0 Lsum $0 $0 - 0 Each $b sb Each so so SO
12990 Public Address Systems
Excluded 0 Each $0 $0 .. 0.-.^ Each .50 $0 Each $0 so $0
12S90. Curtain for Scalability
bo Screen Excluded 0 Ead SO $6 0 Each $0 $0 $0 so SO

.._ phase h.Proposed Alterations Prior-To.Otymplcs. ~,
.:._. IfKEfe"-. r. . S*w.- ' . _ . - - t e s t a . - i **_ **f*S5teJr**-..)
j .<.-.-.*"awEte^ -
W5!J?ac "i*lll: Pr'^'?^.'l,mProv*monJMP'^Q^P:!c? (T<i.^S?ysl?.n?'fl lfg^?2/7-' -^JaWapgft

(A) (B) . (C) (A) + (B)+.(C)

COOES (Complete Prior to Olympics)' . (Complete After Olympics) (Ultimate End Game)
' (Scope & Budget to Be Oevelopad)
(Schedule & Logosties to Be Developed) (Scope & Budget to Be Developed)

Quantity Unit Unit Rate Budget Quantity Unit Unit Rate Budget Quantify Unit Unit Rate Budget Budget
12990 Owner's FF & E (Exctuded) Excluded 0 Each so SO 0 Esch $0 . $o 0 Each $0 $0 so-
Division 12 Total $1,600,000 $0 so $1.600.000

Div 14 Elevators
3 0 Each O
O $0 5 LSum $0 $0 0 LSum SO ' $0 $0
3 0 Each $0 4 LSum $0 $0 0 LSum $0 $0 $0
3 0 Each LSum . , 5 0 _ . $0 . o.,_. . To n s . $0 so.
~*:\.. - tSevatorWao^ofrdornc 3" o " Each SO 4 "" M2 $0 $0 . 0 M2 SO $0 $0
Mehanlca4-tte6tJfteal 3 0 Each $0 4
' 4
M2 $0 $0 0 M2 so so $0
2 0 Stops so Stops $0 . $0 0 LSum SO so so
4-Ffolght-Elevater ' <
2 0 LSum so 0 LSum $0 so 0 Tons SO '. $0 $0

Division 14 Total: so $0 so so
15010 Re & Re Concrete Floor Slab In Bowl 2 0 LSum SO so 0 Lsum SO SO 0 LSum SO $0 so
Lsum 0 LSum
' so $0 $660,000
15010 Gas Service to Building 1 4.000 LM S170 . $680,000 . 0 $0 $0
15410 Mechanical radiant Keating 2 0 LF $0 SO 0 LF $0 . so 0 LF $0 so $0
' 0
13410 Improved Stadium Area Drain 2 0 LSum so . so LSum $0 so 0 LSum $0 $0 $0
15500 Sorinlders (Exctuded) 2 0 SF . SO $0 0 SF so $0 0 SF $0 $0 $0
Division 15 Total: $680,000 so $0 $680,000

Div 16 s Eloctrlcal: '

16010 ' Electrical Sports Lighting 1 0 LSum SO SO- 0 LSum $0 so 0 LSum ' $$0
0 . . $0 $0 .
16010 2 1 . LSum so SO 0 LSum so so 0 LSum $0 SO
1 1 ' LSum $500,000 $500,000 0 Lsum so so 0 LSum $0 $0 $500.000
16010 Audio Improvements
Division 18 Total: $500,000 .'. so SO ::.- $800.000

CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL .... $41,608,000 SO * SO . $41,608,000

General Requirements CM" $41,608,000 7% 7% . $2,912,560 o :- 7% 7% so $0 7% 7% SO- $2,912,560

CM $44,520,580 10% 20% S8.904.112 ' $0 20% 20% $0 $0 20% 20% SO $8,904,112
CM Fee CM $53,424,672 3.5% 3.5% $1,689,884 $0 3.5% 3.5% so $0 3.5% 3.5% so $1,869,884
- $5,529,454
Soft Costs . Consultants $55,294,536 10% 10% so 10% 10% $0. so 10% 10% $0 $5,529,454

PROJECT SUBTOTAL: $19,215,989 $0 " so- '$19,215,990

TOTAL BUDGET . $e0.823.9B9 SO ! so $80,823,990

Notes: Excludes cnslte 8. offslte roadworks

2) Excludes BC Place Maintenance Works
3) Excludes Seismic upgrade
4) Excludes FF & E by Owner
5) -Excludes requirements of overall urban planning ODP
6) Excludes Phase II ft ill Budget (To be Developed)

, . ' : i

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2Si^pr!',_.yr S9F
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1- .. . I

- /
move externa roof
Te n d e r Shop
/ : Package
Ta n d a r
Closing Owner's Award Drawings to
( Drawing
Order Fabricate t Deliver and Complete on
DESCRIPTION Package to Dates Contracts Materials Materials: Start on Site Site'
Approval Consultants . Approvals
Consultants Subtrades

to DFCL for Approval i

t 20-Mey-O8
iniordng Steel
orinq Steel
3ffoidira and hoarding 18-Apr-2B
^exs Roads 18-Apr-2B
xeDanoous Demo

IB-Apr-28 -
' 'i
2S-Apr-2B a 20-May-08
25-Apr-28 .' t
1 '}
ti Kits 25-Apr-28 .
' %
uctural Steel Columns and Hates 25-Apr-28
t a

sel Embeds - Supply by GTS 28-Apr-2B
jel Slide Bearings to Ring Beam 28-Apr-2B a 28-OO-OB

23-Apr-28 'i
rnporary WaterDrooflong ' 23-Apr-2B
imping Drains/ RWL Rework
led Demolition 23-Apr-26
! r ~ r
lOrder Steel 15-Apr-OB l 7- vjui-ob
la Tower Mobile Cranes
X MoMo'Canas
i 1-Aug-09
beddod Anchors on SHa 15-Apr-08
Is Bearings-GTS ' IS-Apr-OS
dial Beams - GTS I I
ist Sleei GTS
ul Steel-GTS
_ 5-Aug-OB;
iggers - GTS
mpression Ring S/i GTS
ms Backstays (Pistes) - GTS - 2-Sep-08
mporary Bracing - GTS :
ckslayt GTS - Cables by WoWex
-and Jacks - GTS
cdal Fabrication Eouipmert to Follow
brication Subtrades - GTS - 3-Jun-08'
inllnq Subtrades GTS
A '
rtwalks - by GTS 7 Bv Hwhtex 7
Htnq Machine .*<
i ~


Ink Wrap and Terps \ V.
tmoTrada = 1 in
aBoH Wastwavs
adium Root Dralnsoe
anponvy Water Control Measures

anting Trade


!1 / i*

Tender Shop
Package Te n d e r Drawings to .Order Fabricate, Deliver and Complete on
Closing Owner's Award
from Package to DFCL. ; Drawing Materials Materials Start on Site Site
DESCRIPTION Oates Approval Contracts

Consultants Subtrades J Approvals
to DFCL for Approval

able Way Platforms and shonno t

ravtrJe ""Embedded Transler Beam**,

esign Drawfnps
able Supports / Installation Hightex
1 ,
sper Backstays - Suppled bv Hightax .%
jslinos i
idting Eouiprr*ntfHydniu'Jo Systems I . t
tmo Existing Roof Stnicturo
oof Membrane / New Fabric - Hightex

atwaBcs - by GTS ? Bv Hkthtex 7

rows Nests
vent Riqqing-
iachanical -
l&ctrical - New LioW Fixtures

peakers/PA System- i
Irviia "nuinmnnl- j


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oiaavj jooa matfiovHiaa



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Page 1 ot -2

* .

Chris Beaton
From: Gavin Yee []
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:34 PM
To : A r i f R a h e m t u l l a ; C h r i s B e a t o n " < ^~_' ^ . '__ ^
C c f * ~ N o r b e r t B o n k o w s k i ; t o r n d e " $ / b l f , - r - ~ r -
Subject: Phase I - BC PLace Improvements Prior to Olympics

Phase I - Improvements to Be Completed Prior to Olympics (Revised) >

Arif and Chris,

We have uDdated the budget to reflect a $3 Million acoustical budget allowance. In addition we have
^KddSK^ recent confirmation of handicap seating requirements at levels 2 anc Land
Sy rooTand handicap stall retrofits to levels 2, 3 & 4. Gas piping runs have increased to service warming
kitchen at level three and existing main kitchen on level one all as requested by.Howard Crosley.


O LY M P I C S . -

Level One Improvements: $0

2. Level Two Improvements: $13,314,000
3. Level Three Improvements $8,816,750
Level Three Edgewater Lounge Renovation $1,605,000
6. Level 4 Four Improvements $7,839,750
Div 02: Smithe & West Airlock parking/ ^ $1,000,000
staging ": .
Div 06: Rough carpentry $100,000
9. Div 08: Perimeter Entrances (Revolvers) $1,765,000
10: Div 09: Floor Finish to Gate Entries $3,487,500
10. Div 10: Interior/exterior Wayfinding $900,000
11. Div 12: Premium Seats and Seat Repairs $1,600,000
12. Div 14: New Elevators $0
13. Div 15:" Gas Service $6.80,000
14. Div 16: Electrical Systems $500,000 .
Phase I Construction Subtotal: $41,608,000

General Requirements and CM $4,782,424

Soft Costs $5,529,454
Contingency $8,904,112
Subtotal: $19,215,990




OOU'WWG^ed 000W9"W9 :^w

Xt> W9A'0*8 'iSAnooueA 'Abm WiA Q863 - 0l#
pil uoipmisuoD auiuJiej uoiuiiuofj

080l'V9'W9 :|8K3 P9Jia

jojoaj'a joafojd
|BU0jss9j0Jd pai!P9JpoV ^0331 OSO T3SV '38A uiabq


juauj93B|day jooy

(padojaAaa eq oi) ia6png m y II aseqd

6ujuue|d ueqjn ||bj6ao p siuamajmbaa
joumo A*q 3 - - . -

apejBdn ojiusjas
smjoaa aoueuajuiei/y aoeid pg
s^joMpeoi a*4$sjiOpsaPnlx3

Page 1 of 2

Chris Beaton / , ..-

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:47 PM
To:' Arif Rahemtulla; Chris Beaton
Cc: NorbM'B&nkowsklfTomdeWolf
Subject: BC Place Scheme "B" - Retractable Roof Summary Budget (Revised)

Retractable Roof Budget (Revised) ,

Arif and Chris, "

JEESS *S%$^^ the lattlr part of Apore we have carried an additional

1,500 tons contingency of steel budget to cover the uncertainty in final weights,

1) Weather Protection measures

2) Concrete structural work
3) Catwalks (upper, lower and ramps) . .
4) Increased budget for soft costs
5) Ring beam revisions



1 Hightex Retractable Roof System
GTS/ KWH Structural Steel 52,500,000
CM/ General Requirements: 15,117,384
4 Division 2 to 16 Trade Work 83,583,070
5 Design and Soft Costs 8,460,012
6 Project Contingency '
, ' .
SrnprnaA" -Rptractable Roof Budaet 219,960,3191+ U&l

LNotes- iHightex Budget Includes $5,127,000 Contingency

Budaet Includes $9,000,000 of Sustainable Measures

Exclusions: Phase 1 Interior Alterations
Phase II Interior Renovations
Onsite & offsite roadworks
BC Place Maintenance Works

6\J\JU lUi>


ZXfr WSA 0'8 'JaAnoouBA 'Abm lenuiA 9862 ** 0l#

pn uoipnJisuoo aiiiuiiBd uoiuiujoq
. 9tzntO09 ^O
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6uiy oapiA
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sapejBdn apedej jouatxg
sjeas uosAbm pue Bujjeas mnipeis
jauwvQ Aq 3 ? Jd IIV
" " s a p e j 6 d n o i u i s i a s l


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iso + ei.c'oge'ew PBPna Wa e|qPJl*ni - ,.V., aujaups

ZQl'LLS'21 AouaBujiuoo ioa[oJd 9

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QSL'ZZL'IV uiajsAs Ph iqepBJjaa .xajqBiH ......... I

laoana jooa anaviovaiay - a 3W3H0S
- loaroy d NouvznviiA3H aovid oa


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lio i.aS-ed
Page.l of 2

Arif Rahemtulla

From: Chris Beaton [CBeaton@concertproperties.com3

Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 11:52 AM
To - 'Gavin Ye e ' .
Cc: . ' Arif Rahemtulla .
Subject: FW: FW: BC Place - Purchasing Requirements >v-

Gavin, ^J-Vt^hPrtA

Just in case you do not have enough to read, the attached link provides guidelines for Pavco's purchasing
processes. I've read it and have an overview of what is required. | thought it ma;j> be beneficial for you to know
as well. . . . r ,
. -Wj ^ 115o&^ yw*te 4/*A
l&fl&r\fa tyvuf& im-*<tf*utfi
Chris Beaton '. {.



From: Howard Crosley []

Sent: March 25,2008 3:13 PM . ,
To : C h r i s B e a t o n ^ t V t l j f c t o < J & V 1 ((' ~*H*
Cc: John Harding ^ " I
Subject: Re: FW: BC Place - Misc Items
Chris, .

The Bioard has approved the expenditures for the project, and so weare able to proceed as necessary with the
commitments for the project. The main things that we should try to preserve are the normal purchasing
processes of getting 3 bids whenever pnssihtp and respecting the conditions of the Capital Asset Management
Framework ( as well as the British Columbia- Alberta Trade, Investment
and Mobility Agreement (TILMA)
( room/be ab trade investment mobility aqreement.htm)..

John, if this is incorrect or if you can fores'ee any difficulties, please get back to me right away.

Thanks Chris.


Howard Crosley'
General Manager """ - .
BC Place
777 Pacific Blvd. ' ; . . .
Vancouver, BC

Phone: (604)661.-3445


STlfl. Q&pp

pUE japuas ^ Xjuou A^mpauran ataqd .uaidpaj a s* paurau ,ou . jo <iOJxa ux I^-"TO^J*
aABu noitJT P qnioid Xnoifls st SutAdoo io uonmmuassip 'asn pazuoqitmm /fay lauiajur. aqi

a^at ddBj^M^'tVloij,* IB!luapyuoo 'paSan^d sj *q>"opaa^i!

urSuoo Xeuj pire (s),uatd.aai paureu * *>i *roo papuajm a^ s,uaaioBnB si. P aS*ssauj ..Bui-a siqj.

- Cuooaoeidoq'MMM :aijsqa/y\
luoo*ooABdoqis)Aa|soj'JM :\\e\u3
31*6-1-99 (W9) :xed

Stantec Page 1 of3

Chris Beaton

From: Chris Beaton

Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 5:41 PM
To: 'Wreglesworth, PeteiJ; David Galpin
Cc: Fassler, Rainer; Hamming, Doug
Subject: RE: Accounting to date.

Peter/Doug, .'"" '

I would be available to meet Monday afternoon, but I have a conference call at 2:30 PM. Would 1:00 PM
work. Our meeting should bei. much shorter that Dave's.


Chris"Beaton "" . * .
Ph: 604,30*7-0123
Fx: 604-688-6882

From: Wreglesworth, Peter []

Sent: F r i d a y, March 28, 2008 3:53 PM ...
To: David Galpin
Cc: Chris Beaton; Fassler, Rainer; Hamming, Doug
Subject: RE: Accounting to date. ' . . * ,
Thanks'Dave appreciate your assistance w this - .
What about 1:30 PM Monday.- Rainer and Doug and I can make it - also we would like to meet w Chns as
well at that time to go over the Building portion as well.
I will cc him on this as well
Please confirm that this works for you.
Peter '.:.'

From: David Galpin []

Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 3:35 PM
To: Wreglesworth, Peter; .
Subject: RE: Accounting to date. ,

We have been waiting for your work plan so that we can issue you a proper contract authorizing the work.

It is of coarse our intention to pay for the work completed to date and have been issue a blanket
approval for work, not knowing where \\ is going to end. We understand your reluctance' to provide a fixed fee
proposal, and agree that It has to be substantiated cost based. .

My previous email was intended to be an interim approval with the-understanding that you would, after the
firstCity meeting, be able to publish a first cut at the work plan. That was 2 weeks ago.

I trust this commentary will give you the comfort you need for the ODP work, but will not extend it beyond mid''


'. .; " ' . - e3IO-ZO-t'09 -Md


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Page 1 of2

Arif Rahemtulla /

From: Gavin Yee []
Sent: M o n d a y, MajiJh 31, 2008 1:49 PM ^
To : Chris Beaton ' . _.**,_ ----
Cc "; JeffMuilins; Arif RahefMiiTBbb Refer; Glenn Hubick; Hamming, Doug;
Bob'Reimer; Tim Terpenning; Erhard Hinko; C. Rowan
Subject:/BC Place - Status of Mast Structure if Project delayed

Alternative Schedule: (Complete Masts and Structural Steel Prior to November 1, 2009 and Defer Cable
andWactable Roof Installation until after Feb 28,2010)

C h r i s i n r e s p o n s e t o y o u r e - m a i l b e l o w, '
-, * *-,nn tho ctppi Qtmrture is stable once the pylons, strut, backstays and compression ring structure is
SS n'te^Kg ^ ^S^dSng the Olympics. If we do not proceed with the
>tf^J^a^n XLfiinSlWr Fabwaiy 28,2010 and defer cable and retractable roof installation
uritifafter the Olympics, the existing liner will either be removed and replaced or painted.

Tower cranes and plaza shoring will be removed after steel erection .is completed, remedial.repairs to exterior will
be completed. Lane closures.and traffic barriers will need to be removed also.

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130-2985 Virtual Wa y, Va n c o u v e r, B.C. V5M 4X7 . ' .
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

From: Chris Beaton []

Sent: March 28, 2008 5:20 PM
To: Gavin Yee
Cc:; Jeff Muilins; Arif Rahemtulla
Subject: BC Place - Status of Mast Structure if Project delayed

Gavin; '

This afternoon we discussed the possibility of a delay in the work if on Feb. 11 /09 we are not in a position to
complete the Roof installation prior to November 1/09. This is our "Alternative Schedule" where if we have an
erection of material'delivery problem we complete the steel masts and ring beam etc. but do not deflate the.
existing roof. We then complete the new roof after the Olympics.

Our ouestions is "what will the facility look like" especially during the Olympics? We need to have an idea of what
tvoes of temporary bracing may be in place for the year between Feb. 11/09 and Feb. 28, 2010. We understand
that the temporary bracing structures are temporary but with no cables or fabric for over a year we need to know
that this possibility, has been reviewed by the designers are they confident there will be no problems.

We would like to discuss this in more detail at our Hightex meetings next week.


"- / -
' *-

/ * - *. .
toimoaiuiH. iiBUrt sim io SQidoo p &W P^ Japuas oqi /frou asa^d 'luaidpai

pSS^SSTiSS^^ p- * w> . * *" -

3889-889-t709 :*d
831-0-Z08-{709 :Md



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Page 2 of2

#4>> As discussed in our last meeting you confirmed that arches were out as the span between the cables was too large. We .
^S^aTnSiZ that we were proceeding with the pillow design as per Hightex* original presentation. If this
discussion is not closed you need to provide Pavco with the details ^o continue the debate.

#5) no comment
rf.tH tho AiKcuwcm: the Erection sequence and details are specific to the scheme. Without a confirmed .

to determine which alternatives can tie made to work"?

Doug' these are our thoughts and we definitely want to keep the discussion open, but we seem to be moving off track and
need to get back in line with the original Hightex proposal and corresponding budget.

T h a n k Yo u , . , . ,
' "" " ' . (
Chris Beaton /
BCS Consulting Ltd

. . . . . . O r i g i n a l M e s s a g e ' . - . . . : ~ ~ ~ r u ' * " * - " - ' " " * * " " .

. From: Doug Radcliffe <>

^S^S^^Lu ARahemmlla@concertpropertie,com,Tom de Wolf <>,

'Gavin Yee'<>,'DavidCampbell .
S g ^ e r e n g ^ k m k o c h @ m o b i l e e m a i l . v o d a f o n e . d e ; F l o n a n W e l l e r ' < f w e l l e r @ fl o n a n -
w e l l e r . d e > , " , P. W a g n e r ' " < H i g h t e x @ c a n a d a . c o m > ^
Subject: Regarding next phase of requests

Chris - Arif, the following are some follow up issues for your consideration, to assist in the progress of the. roof system
design. Please note as follows:
1 We need further clarification to the general comments of Scheme 2 that it was found to be not as architecturally pleasing:
as Scheme 1 - Is it possible for Pavco to address more specifics of just what this means, so we can understand what it is we
will need to revise or look at from and engineering standpoint for Scheme 2?
2 If Scheme 1 isthe more preferred, we have some further modifications we can review that will possibly reduce steel
weiehb and cables. The question is of the two different schemes - Scheme 1 (original presentation presently more djd) and
Scheme 2 (modified with decreased roof area, larger facade presented at 3/20/08 weekly meeting less steel) which effort do
you want us to pursue? . ,. . . .. .",
3. Dependent on Scheme 1 or 2, enough information to get rough idea of features for the physical model in the wind and
* snow study by RWDI? . t ,,'.-, ' ; i_ *i_ ,-u
4. Fixed membrane support utilizing Cushions or Arches? More internal, but. if ther&are any comments by the owner, the
time for such would be soon.
5 Preliminary BoM for first batch of steel remains out until late April, after we have further identified proper loads,
scheme, and of course efficiencies. . , . . . * , . , ,
6 We offer and actually encourage Dominion/GTS/ KWH to become involved with a "workshop" - real working session
involving calculating, drawings, intercourse, for the steel components. We suggest this be in New York and included should
be GTS/KWH/Dominion, Florian Weller, SBP - Geiger, Hightex. This we feel is critical to understanding installation
parameters for the structure. We propose either next week or the .following week.
* ) .
Please give me your thoughts on these items. Thank you. DCR '/ . .

This e-mail is intended only for the named recipient and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any
unauthorized copying, dissemination or other use by a person other than the named recipient ofthis communication is
prohibited. If you received this in error or are not named as a recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copiesof this
e-mail immediately. _

Please consider the environment before printing this email. '

Page 1 of2

Chris Beaton *.... i "' .' , . '.__.'

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 3:46 PM
To : D o u g R a d c l i f f e ; S e e t h a l e r M a r k u s ; K l a u s - M i c h a e l K o c h . ^ _ . " . - . . . T . ^ ^
C c - ^ - ^ ^ C h r i s B e a t o n " / " ' . " " " ' . .
Subject: Hightex Estimate '

Gentlemen, .

In light of the recent design information, we need confirmation from you that the attached Hightex budget is still on
target, if not we need an update as quickly as possible.


Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSCLEEO'* Accredited Professional ^ .'.. _^.'...

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746 ** '

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. *-

# 1 3 0 - 2 9 8 5 V i r t u a l W a y, Va n c o u v e r, B . C V 5 M 4 X 7 . ' . ' .
Main: 604:631.1000 Fax:.604.631.1100

From: Tom de Wolf

Sent: March 3, 2008 1:45 PM
To: Gavin Yee
Subject: FW: Hightex Estimate

From: To m de Wolf . t
Sent: February 25, 2008 8:52 AM
To : ' M a r k u s Seethaler' . .
Cc:'; 'Klaus - Michael Koch (
Subject: Hightex Estimate

Gentlemen, .

Please find attached a copy of your previously submitted estimate which has been modified to show items that we
do not propose to be part of your scope of work. These items are consistent with our teleconference of Feb 23
with the exception of the addition of item A.2 - Scheduling management. I have added this item in light of the
decision that DFCL will provide / maintain a master project schedule.

Please review and resubmit as modified if you have no additional comments. Wolf, P.Eng

Operations Manager


-. oou-i-eotoJ^d oooVi^toluKW
ZXfr W9A. 08 'JQAnooueA 'teAA OTIA 9863 0l
pn uojionjisupo ajiuuiej uoiuiiuoq
" 8006-ZW(W9)l|8O 99U-^9(W9)P9J!Q

BC Place - Cost Estimate

no PST

Fid PST $4,775,120:00 -.

Full PST on Higrttex S2.692.000.00 -v

no PST .

no PST

Items in red not by Hightex 59.148.7S0.00

Balance 65.B4B.7S0.00



v H.euuBonbAAweasoiuieiflp^^


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Page 1 of 1

Chris Beaton

From: Chris Beaton

Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 3:25 PM ,
To : ' G a v i n Ye e ' ; To m d e W o l f _ . _
Cc: Arif Rahemtulla; Howard Crosley
Subject: BCP*- Construction Management Commitment


Would vou please prepare a Construction Management proposal for the Phase 1 Improvements and Retractable.
^%Pc^|S^8fh 19,2008. This does not include the ODP scope of work. The time frame will extend
from March 21,' 2008 until the completion of this project.


Cfiris Beaton
Ph: 604-307-0123
Fx: 604-688^6882

From: Chris Beaton

%X^ (;- 'Hamming, **Jj^ W"

(; 'Markus.Seethaler'; Emmanuel Domingo (; Tom de Wolf,
Gavin Yee'; Glenn Hubick (; Michael Stein (; Tom de Wolf
Cc: Arif Rahemtulla; David Podmore; ''
Subject: BCP - Extension of Commitments / Confidentiality

To all, . .

We would like to update all design team members that the current commitment end date of March 12, 2008 will
^eTended by approximately 1 week to Thursday March 20,2008. All design work is to conbnue dunng this
review process. Costs for the extension are to be forwarded to my attention. . -

Given the story in the Vancouver Sun this morning we ask all team members to remind staff that confidentiality is
to be maintained and all requests by the media are to be directed to David Podmore.

T h a n k Yo u , ? . *

Ph: 604-307-0123 .
Fx: 604-688-6882

Page 1 of 1

Arif Rahemtulla

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:06 PM
To: Ajif Rahemtulla; Chris" Beaton __
Subject: BC Place Roof Removal - Df mo" Budget i

With reference to back up and scope for the Demo of the existing Roof, Pacific Blasting attended a walkthrough
back in February and provided us with this budget of $1,250,000.

Removal of existing lighting systems,a^PXS^was t^^^^ *

mech/ elect 1 V"" <f Cortinoepcy o/we can add an amount now.

Gavin Yee, ASc.T. GSC LEED Accredited

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604:631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746 .

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. *

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

From: Wayne Rawluk []

Sent: February 11, 2008 8:22 AM .
To:. Gavin Yee
Subject: BC Place Roof Removal

Hi Gavin,
We haTe gone over what it would take for us to remove the roof structure (cables and fabric) at BC Place Stajum
once thl is our opinion that the removal could be'done in as little as 3 weeks; this would require
Sf^Sinsper day and 6 days per week for a total of 36 shifts, However this w^udr^incj^e
Loval and salvage of the existing lighting systems as was mentioned at the site meeting .on Thursday.
T h p h u r i n e t c o s t f o r t fi i s w o r k w o u l d b e $ 1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . .
HmsUhisYs teformation you were looking for. but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact
me at your convenience.


Wayne Rawluk,
Demolition Manager
Pacific Blasting & Demolition Ltd.
Ph: 604-291-1255
Fax:604-291-2813 *
E-mail: '

Page 1 of 1

Chris Beaton

From: Robert Gagnon []-

Sent: Friday, April 04; 2008 10:55 AM'
To : Chris Beaton _ ..^ .^j.v^.- ...
Subject: RE: BC Place"procurement TEMP'LATE for review . *' -..-...-,.,---.

Hi Chris - re* BC Place: see attached a'^copy of a "Procurement Schedule for all Proposed Tender Package As
discussed I will a) Group in "Roof Package , GTS Steel & All Other Items" b) work on schedule with
o^ lo^g lead items (confirm once we receive drawings and specifications,) and c) add delivery dates to
the schedule.

Please review for comments and any revisions you would like to see. tks.

Robert Gagnon CEC, C.Tech.

Estimator/ Project Manager __....- _^, "...=-
Direct Dial: 604.631.1014

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.63*1.1100
. Chris Beaton


Dominion ile Construction Ltd.

Te n d e r Shop
Te n d e r Drawings to Shop Order Fabricate Deliver and Completeon
Package Closing Owner's Award
from Package to Contracts
DFCL Drawing Materials Materials Start on Site Site.
Dates Approval Consultants
Consultants Subtrades Approvals
for Approval


Ceiling Grillage . * 21-Apr-08


Eyebrow Feature
Doors, Frames & Hardware
Ceramic Tile
Specialty Coatings - Floors
Specialty Coatings - Walls
Specialty Coatings - Ceilings
Ceiling Grillage / False.Ceilings
Toilet Partitions, Screens, etc
Wayfinding and Signage
Washroom Accessories
Division 10 Specialties'
Division 10 Specialties
Mechanical - Plumbing Fixtures
Electrical - New Lighting Fixtures
Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE

' Tender Shop

* Shop
Te n d e r Drawings to Order Fabricate Deliver and Complete on
Package Closing Owner's Aw a r d
DFCL. Drawing Materials Materials Start on Site Site
from Package to Dates Contracts
Approval Consultants Approvals
Consultants Subtrades
for Approval
Ramp Rails 2-May-08
Doors. Frames & Hardware-.
Revolving Doors -12' Diameter
Specialty Coatings
Ceiling Grillage / False Ceilings
Wayfinding and Signage
Specialty Coatings -Floors
Specialty Coatings - Walls
Specialty Coatings - Ceilings
Division 10 Speciaties -
Elevator Upgrades / New ?
o Mechanical
o Electrical--

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

Drawings to Shop Order Fabricate Deliver and Complete on
Package Tender Owner's Award
Closing DFCL {Drawing Materials Start on Site Site
from Package to Contracts Materials
Dates Approval Consultants Approvals
Consultants Subtrades
for Approval
Doors. Frames & Hardware 12-May-08
Specialty Coatings - Floors
Specialty Coatings-.Walls
Specialty Coatings-Ceilings
Ceiling Grillage / False Ceilings
Wayfinding and Signage
Division 10 Speciaties
Mechanical -
Electrical - New Lighting
Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

Toilet Partitons; Screens, etc.

Wayfinding and Signage
Specialty Coatings - Floors
Specialty Coatings - Walls
Specialty Coatings
Ceiling Grillage-/ False Ceilings
Division 10 Speciaties
New Equipment - Centre Point
Mechanical - Gas Piping
Mechanical - Fxtures
Electrical - Lighting Fixtures
Electrical -


o Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.
Tender Shop
Drawings to Shop
Package . Tender Owner's Award Order Fabricated- Deliver and Complete on
Closing DFCL Drawing Mate rials'}; Start on Site Site
from Contracts Materials
Dates Approval Consultants Approvals
Consultants Subtrades
for Approval
Milly/ork - Vanities 12-May-08
Dodrs, Frames & Hardware *
Ceramic Tile
Specialty Coatings
Toilet Partitons, Screens, etc;
Wayfinding and Signage
Washroom Accessories
Ceiling Grillage / False Ceilings
Division 10 Speciaties - Soap Dispenser
Division 10 Speciaties
Mechanical - Sinks
Electrical - Lighting Fixtures
Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.


o Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.
o TENDER PACKAGE Np. 9 ^ . J L O U N G E U p U . n - * U . 3 , U - l ^ J - n d C e n t r e P I L 1 n F ^ H H . I H a r W ^
Cat Walks -j&
Mechanical^ Jp
Electrical - Lighting j
i . '
1 - - #15 .
Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. -. #-
Shop. ;i:.
Tender i;

Package Tender Drawings to ; Shop Order Fabricate'" Deliver and Complete on

Closing Owner's Award
from Package to DFCL Drawing Materials Start on Site Site
Dates Approval Contracts Materials.
Consultants Subtrades Consultants Approvals
to DFCL for Approval
Fabric Paiot - ' 21-Apr-28 ^ V
Mechanical - ...
. ly t
Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.
J ..;
Tender Shop
Tender Drawings to Shop Fabricate Deliver and Complete on
Package Owner's Award Order
Closing Drawing Site
from Package to Contracts DFCL. Materials Materials Start on Site
Dates Approval Consultants
Consultants Subtrades Approvals
to DFCL for Approval
Power Wash & Associated Work 21-Apr-28
Mechanical -
Electrical -
Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. i

Tender Shop
Tender Drawings to i) Shop Order Fabricate Deliver and Complete on
Package Owner's Award
Closing DFCL Drawing - Materials Start on Site '. Site
from Package to Contracts Materials
. Dates Approval Consultants Approvals
Consultants Subtrades
to DFCL for Approva l
Site-Furnishings ? 21-Apr-28
Lamp Standards ?
Handrail Upgrades ?
Mechanical -'
Electrical - >
J :
! #18
Dominion Fairmile Construction .Ltd.

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. p[no/A auop aq iqSuu siqi isaqiBa aqi -ainpaiis jooi Suiisixa aqj jb doi laA.o 8utuuni.
sdoi iSBiu 01 paqoBUB sa[qBO XiBioduiaj asn oj si uoipaia jo poqjatu paiiajaid aqx .

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anssi .
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saiqBO asaqi jo uoiiBUBisui aqi joj ajqisuodsai
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. aqi noddns oi aiqBD Ans*8 iadda luauBiuiad aqj asn oi lajaid PP* HA*
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:uoijjB|jaai00H 'Zl
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sKeq paosjq oj >(OBq

sAq juanbasqns a,, oi uiBaa SSRI JoH *P ^f '" 3<1 ^jH .
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aq, IB paoB[d s,q3.aM KjBJOdwai oi >pBq pau aq "aqi PI* su0!3aS >SBUI I3dd" 3qI "
The inriggers will be installed in a vertical position during the Structural Steel
installation phase.' Once the existing roof has been deflated the inriggers will be
lowered into position using tuggers. .
Prior to lowering the inriggers, the lower bunch of tension cables should be laid out
on top of the temporary platforms installed around the upper seating bowl. Casting
vtfllbe placed over low& bunclKJf cables and then the upper bunch of tension cables
will be placed into top of casting. The. completed tension ring cabling could, then be
lifted into position with the castings bolted to the ends of the inriggers.
Inrigger cables for tension ring are pulled with crawler crane (10 cables - 10 rounds
with crawler). . .

14 Additional Items:


.*>-,,.. . . . - The-Wind Tunnel Test results areexpected at the end of April- < *~- - ,
Structural Design will take the month of May to confirm Steel sizes.
Steel Sections will be resolved and released by end of May for. ordering,.
There will be one typical radial beam used in all 36 locations.
Masts-there will be only one type of mast.
- There will be 9 types of Outriggers, Inriggers, and Compression Ring Beams.
We need to release the information of Masts and Radial Beams as soon as
possible as they will all be similar.
- Procurement of Bearings may be the most critical issue, SBP to issue
drawings of similar project to KWH so they can go to their supplier to get
some idea on delivery time's for similar bearings.
36 typical embed plates for slide bearings as well as facade steel required
asap. DFC would has scheduled ring beam upgrades to start in early May.'
C a tcatwalks
w a l k swill: be the first ones
' The outer and
, ' "
" - The radial installed. inner
circumferential catwalks will be installed after the radial catwalks have been
completes. The inner circumferential catwalk will take the longest to install, as
it is the most complicated.
Installation of lighting fixtures can begin after the first circumferential catwalk
has been installed. '
- Hightex has allowed for the design of these catwalks in their budget. Either
Hightex or Geo will do the fabrication and installation. Third / KWH.

15. Phasing Diagrams:

Diagrams will be updated to reflect scheduling workshop discussions.

16. Castings: : '

Large castings for cables will be by Hightex. * .

Meeting Minuies -April 4/08

BC Place Rev(1)
08/04/2008' Checklist

Notes i Complete Date

Item Action' Action By

Presentation Materials
April 7th.
GY i ! Revised diagrams Issued April 7th
1i Phasing diagrams j Complete March 27th
Complete GY/NB I i Include percentage tendered
2: Updated Budgets
I Complete j Review write up with Brent
31 Sole sourcing 11 inriati. rftnuirad for GTS S46 mllA^a'fo^rotection.^ ;-.. 'T. March 27th
iComplete ! -j GY/N3,
4|.Cash-Flpw.- Retractable i March 27th
jComplete j ! GY/NB* ; I Pending Phase I Budget update
STGal^floW-Fhase 1
OCR : j Complete masts only-defer roof post Olympics
6 i Look of Project if Cables/ Fabric deferred ! Hightex

iBy March 20.2008

B ICM Services
,l i
J Completed March 25th March 25th
I Complete WH
1 j Proposal* Phase 1 March 25th
jComplete WH ICompteted March 25th
2-Proposal - Retractable roof t March 25th
! Complete WH ! I Completed March 25th
3'Staffing and controls March 25th
DFC WH Completed March 25th
4iOwnwork i GY/TdW/ BR! I use Own Forces
SiConcrete Ring Beam DFC
IDFC GY/RG/ BR ! I Multiple crews OF &. Tender to formwork trades
61 Concrete Footings i.Can be Shotcrete subtrades SW. Bel, Matcon Screed finish
!Subtrade GY/ RG/ BR
71 Concrete Columns One overall CM contract?

" ! luamijuiuiooil.
I ' ' daiyaAQJ i

aiaidujopj XSoiopomsui pue /uojIJaJa uo doqs>|JOMin

m* n^v tffly o) pug ipdy soyjo s,jeAjua9 ie p|3H I j A9/MQ
(spaquja) uBjsap meag *JU!M{E
tfl/ [pdyXq pajjnbg-d - ijeiap o) jeAjuaQj SW 79q79o xam6!HJ
xsiMBlHi "s'peoi U0!p3i3 joj Bupejg Aigjodmaj
" : :yasuiSua
m z i joj
q opxizz
j e -VP&Vi
A ] uaouanbas
o d a j papiAOJd
s t a s i aS19j
s ; ! SW
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X3IU.61HJ ue[d i|joM uojpaja aiqep 01
SQ xai|B!Hl
aa xaiqBiHi saiprus doixsaq lOM'd
90J8fl-ag \ggz ipjew paAjaoaJ pU!M dl >ls3Ql aoueuaiuiem pue ueqs ejn 8
j,3uop Bujaq sim si moh j j tjq /wr /"MB OdQi ucneuipjcoouojpaJg
T T ua XBWBiH Aiyiqiisnqujco-ouqed 9

ua xaiMBiHI snetap suoisjAOJd agsnooyiS

Ijjdy pujM /|.Z tfJjew mo"S| ya "xaiqBiHl
OdQ a|np3ipsiU3m3JnooJd|g

iU3MMl aa coAed atie>pedjjouBiSiZ~

80-^VN-3Z ifl92 MOjewpaAjaoayi bQf OOAEd


- i.iubaj XaAins jo isg spjAOJd oi oaiueisjS

oaiueis as qaM did dn &S\L
sniB>s BuiMejpjeAiuaoli"
sinoAei ppea oeiueis js"
OOABd SlU3Ull|UJUJ00|fr.
OOAEd| S|esodOJdiC
8002 '61 f"eW *9
OOABd suojSjoap J3UM0 jo ajnpatpSiZ
8002'6lM3jeW^a s3iqejaAj|3p jo s-npaips! i
sooz'sm^ewAg OQAed

i e j 3 ' u a " 9 Ts i u B ) | n s u o o / u b | S 3 ( j r


u5|sap aseq suejQiQt

uSjsap oi JBAiuao HO/aa OdQi
UB OdQi sajnsop 3ubi pue [OJiuop 3UjeU'6
uojieujpjooo lung /ueo|ag
HAAM/OdQl 6ujJQiis joj s|uaq pais ajnooJdjS
uBjsap oi jeAjuap wr/ya
aouajajuooaigi - M1QZ ajBl*M paisanbaa aa "1 xamBiHj ouqej pue aiqeo - ue|d yew xamBjHjZ
HMM./OdQ! 6ui6e|s/ssaooe ai;s nejaApjg
jeA[U89 uiojj ue|d aijs uojiepjiqsuoo nejaAO pasN wr/ya
OdQi Bzeid-ueyBupotlSig
tnoAei yeis |]w ppep Aq paddeiu seze|d seq jeAjuap H9/ya
aB/LL/H3 I i OdQi
ag/ii/H3 i i QdQI uoipatoJd J-3Ulg9M - "Bid ^QMIC
ya/ii/H3 1 I . .3-jat sapejoan aiajouop - ue;d *ilJOM!S
OdQ djeag Bum - uejd *>|JOM; I-
i yg/ii/H3
! I
uonorutsuoo; |
I i
liujjad Aip JQ) pajinbaj ue|d j j HO/59 JBAJU9Q ueid auejo ja/woi joj ue|d sajijinn Ae|jgAQ:/:i.
AeAruapufi Buijsai aiejouopoi.
; ; sumn-oo Bupspra jo Bu|jqo aiajauQQ!
OdQ asn laaJis pue ajnsop aue-|?gt,"
sajnsop suei 'sajnseaui BujieBjijUJ uBjsap oi /iun8 pue ueoiagT yg "~' : uoiieb!is9AU| |e3iuqo3|b89;|.
ajnsop auei joj oyjBJi'Xa||BA NW H^dy 9suo iaqjnujLj | H9 /aa OdQ I
Ae*AJ3pun~ siuauiaajoe ssaooe pue smBftj jjyiet.
ooABd p9|!em-3 A9 93 OQAed|
H3 OdQi pajinbaj ion - |Biu3muoj!AU*31
~ sioooiQJd aseu,dTiZl
80-JeifM-8Z M18Z ipjem sidmes lywzVH oi leiuamuaijAug sapy
A9/80 3}9|dUJ0Qi
90-je-Aj-QZ tieo souajajuooaiai pue 5uaau] s,J3UM0 oz qoiew suojijpuoo |eiuauiuojjAU3 BujiieAajdlOt
OdQ; '~L'- . uo!iBU!pjoo3gQ/xamB!Hl6
^3icq auo jooq mnipeis qft |udy ||up oi Jaqjnigi j aa
80-JBW-OZ (moz MQJe^ auop) "ssaoojd
" o s A uojieoiurnuuuoo
ed mo-ij pS qsjiqeisg
A j a o a- -leomjQ
d j ' j ! A9 S1U8A3 jo .ainpaqos OOABd 18
flnnz 'Bl ipiBW Aq Ajeu|UJi|gJd! ! U/H3/M8 '< : OdOj siuamaJinbaJ >jom AJBJQduiaxI^
~ (sSasn 3>!S uoilHABtfsagTOBiffgt M-3JBK)rAiiiiAjgU!aan6icH" d*jg|d tuamaBeuBUj eijS-ffi
;ooABd/oai suojieiinsuoo AiiojgT
sajnpaoojd ss30oyjt>~
uijjijq ueug Ajnou - Aiunoas soeid 08 Bujispta 32i|!in s j 11 /H3 sAa/uns oindejBoioqdiE
eiSjAflinw qiw dn M0||0jj ao OOABd j
HO OdQi sAaAinsuompooQiZ

80--"3W-*72 panssi paiaidmooAauuetii-jQW; m OdQi sAaAjns ;euo!suaujiQj f

Ag uoipy uo|-py uiail

9tBQ 3t3|dUIOQ j sajoN

(l)Aay aoB|d oa
BC Place Rev(1)
08/04/2008 Checklist

Notes . Complete Date

3!Arup Phase 1a review

M ! Code/Permitting

1j Permit packages
21 Fire protection/venting - model
3! Codec report by?
41 Permit process
SiPackage A- Temporary Works
6 j Package 1 - Rino Beam Upgrades
7iPackage2 - structure/ concrete upgrades
8! Package 3 - Roof Structure.(Steel Pylons)
9i Package 4 * Roof Structure (cables, fabric)
-IQjPackage 5- Phase I interiors
111 Who Isi coordinating professional?
12!Meet wittitMDG to discuss flow

N_JArchltecture.- Roof related

1 (Options/details Fascia"

BC Place Rev{1)

Action By ; Notes ; Complete Date

item ! Action
5sPhase I Budget required- 'Complete GY 'Scope?? S3 Mil allowance included in phase I
6'Acoustic scope of work required Stantec DH

T jSustainabilltV

1 'Overall sustalnability plan [All

j Hightex coordination
2!PMoypltaics .-j^|^yji S & ^ j hi9i

U iPhase 1 j L

1 -Preliminary design.and program IStantec j i j Owner's approval

IStantec DH/LK
2jTypical washroom color/ design scheme
I !

I i

V iPavco Signoffs

1j Budget- Phase 1 j Pavco

; 21 Budget - Retractable roof i Pavco
3! Reporting format/req. Pavco
{Pavco ! I
41 Approval protocol
51 Invoicing/draws IPavco I
6 i Functional review -o/afacil it jpavco
7 i Hightex Roof jPavco j ! i
IPavco i !
8 j Permit process
rPavco (Review DFC suggested formats


1! Pavco list of purchases j Pavco-

! ! T T
: i I

.!. I

X IVanoc Interface
Coordination meeting - Vanoc Plan Pavco {Decision milestone?
i Genivar
Hydro switching for Olympics,

Y j Quality Control
11 Concrete-testing and inspections
21 Steel Inspections and welding
3-Painting inspections :
4j Envelope inspections
.si ;
I !


" i itti -a
# 1
Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. DATE: 4-Apr-08
1 5CHeOULt

"Tender!-^ """-Shop
Package Tender Drawings to Shop Order Fabricate Deliver and Complete on
Closing Owner's Award DFCL
from Package to Contracts Drawing Materials Materials Start on Site Site
. Dates .Approval Consultants
Consultants Subtrades Approvals
to DFCL for Approval
21-Apr-28 25-Apr-28 g-May-28 16-May-28 17-May-28
Ceiling GifDage -
""" "
- .-
Doors, Frames & Hardware -
Mirrors *
Ceramic Tile
Specialty Coatings - Floors .'
Specialty Coatings - Walls ~*
Specialty Coatings - Ceilings

Celling Grillage / False Ceilings

Toilet Partitions, Screens, etc.
Wayfinding and Signage
. "
Lockers '
Washroom Accessories :

Division 10 Specialties -
Division 10 Specialties -

^ Fixtures
Mechanical - Plumbing :
Mechanical- I
Electrical - New Lighting Rxtures
Electrical -
ninion Fairmile Construction Ltd.



IMIHO KITCHEN UPGRADES - LEVEL 3 . ( CQnlT Plata Spaclftod Ewlpmant)
.eWATER LOUNGE UPGRADES - LEVEL 3 -1 Cretan with Llan and Cntr Ptl 1 - DESIGN




Te n d e r Shop ' Shop
To n d e r Drawings to Order Fabricate Deliver and Complete on
Package Closing Owner's Award
from DFCL Drawing Materials Start on Site Site
DESCRIPTION Package to Oates Contracts Materials
Approval Consultants Approvals
C o n s u l t a n t s Subtrades'
to OFCL for Approval

throom Colour Boards H-Apr-28

Inq Grillage 23-May-2B

irs. Frames & Hardware 23-May-2B

oMng Doora -12* Diameter 23-May-28

16-Apr-08 25-Sep-08
arriic Tile - Pre Order Materials 28-Apr-28

oalry Coatings 23-May-28

Eno Grj-foga / False Ceffings 23-May-26

el Partitions. Screens, elc 23-May-28

yfinding and Signage 23-May28

shroom Accessories 23-May-28

islon 10 Specialties 23-May-28

mtum Sealing 23-Mav-28

-iKnq Menu Boards (Centre Plato) 23-May-28

vfwdino and Stanaae- Interior 23-May-2S

yfinding and Signage - Exterior 23-May-28

lipment - Kitchen. Grilles.otc. 23-Miiy-28
Jianlcal - New Plumbing Fixtures 2-^May-28

shanical - Gas Piping 2rMay-2a

tirical-New Uahtitw Fixtures 28-Apr-28

minion Fairmtlo Construction Ltd. DATE: 8-Apr-OB
. -i-a.



Te n d e r Shop
Package Te n d e r Award Drawings to Shop Order Fabricate Deliver and Complete on
Closing Owner's Drawing
DESCRIPTION from Package to DFCL Site
Oates . Approval Contracts Materials Materials Start on Site
Consultants Subtrades
Consultants Approvals
for Approval

nforcing Sleei 25-Apr-2B 2*>May-08
. 3-Jun-08 2Sop-C8


3-Jun-08 >JI 28-Ocl-D8
el Slide Bearings to Ring Beam -
3-Jun-08 2B-Oct-08
>pty& Install by GTS 28-Apr-28-
nforcing Steel lo Ring Beam 23-Apr-28


' #
. *** 1-Aug-09
it Sleei -GTS i 3-Jurv08 5-Aug-OB
3%>urv08 ' 5-AUO/08
it Steel-GTS
I 3-Jun-08 5-Aug-08
tpresskn Ring - SuppEed and Installed
;ts ;!
. r 2-Sep-08
kstsyj - GTS * Cables by Highlex
lo Follow 1
ideation Subtrades GTS 3-Jun-08

walks - by GTS ? By Highlex ? 2-Sep-08


' J '



Te n d e r
Package Te n d e r Award
Drawings to Shop Ordor
Fabricate Deliver and Complete on
Closing Owner's DFCL
DESCRIPTION from. Package to * Approval Drawing Materials Matenbls Start en Site Site
Dates Contracts
Concuttants Subtrades Consultanls . Approvals
to OFCL for Approval

rvJo "Embedded Transfer Beam*,

sign Drawings 23-Feb-09 l-Jul-09
ale Supports / Installation -. Hightex
yes Backstays - Supplied by Hiflhlex
1-Jut-09 31-Ju1-09
mo Eiastinc) Roof Structure ..
l-Jul-09 31-Oet-09
ol Membrsne / New Fabric - Hightex 1-Aug-09 3&Nov49
(walks by GTS ? By Hightex ? , -, vl
ant Rigging -. '
dried - New UeM Fixtures
esters/ PA System-
alia Eouipment
- ;

Fw: , Page.of2 ^

Chris Beaton . . ,- __..

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 9:41 PM
To: Rob Third; Jeff Muilins; Michael Bingham; Dennis Dupasquier ^
v C c : " ' f c h r a ' B e a t o h ; B o b F f e 1 * m e n " C . R o ^ ^ v, . . , _ , , . . .

Subject: Steel Mill Order and Schedule for Steel Deliveries

Rob, . ; . ..

Jeff and Dennis were in attendance of the workshop with the engineers and Hightex on Wed, Thursday and
Friday Steel design cannot be finalized until the snow and wind modelling is completed by the. end of April once
this modellinq report is completed the snow and wind loads can be determined for the project.-The prescribed
loads for snoW and wind straight from the code is extremely high and they hope to get reduced loads once the
modellinq is completed end April The engineers will then recalculate design loads and issue to GTS sometime in
Mav We are waiting for when in May this will be and will let you know as soon as possible, current) the schedule
showsJune 2ndJo mrin ord^r. JHabM!^ Geiger wW confirm when mill order of steel can be. placed,
This is critical.

While Jeff attended the scheduling workshop, how long will it realistically take for steel to arrive in your shop or
your fabricator's shop once mill order is completed? Jeff will need to confirm asap.

The workshop schedule showed fabrication of steel starting August 4th. Mill order of steel was identified as June
2nd (Approximately 8 to 9 weeks) is this possible??? Can some steel start arriving in your shops within 8 to 9
weeks'? I suspect you will initially need steel for mast steel, radial beams, outriggers, inriggers onsite firstly.
Compression ring steel will take longer, however the current sequencing require the mast erection to be installed
and cable guyed before compression ring can be erected. Please review with Jeff and advise asap.

Hope you're enjoying your vacation".


Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341-.4746

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 -2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C, V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax:604.631-.1100

From: Rob Third, []

Sent: April 7, 2008 2:48 PM
To: Jeff Muilins; Gavin Yee
Subject: Fw:

Rob Third! 604-290-5669 From my Blackberry

..... Original Message ----
From: Bob Thornton <>
To: Rob Third


' ZZ\'l'6SL-W9'WW
S66-S-frQ9 -i
0008-^5-^09 "PI
satijojfi to ajBjd uioisno
uoiiuoqx qog

XBpnoq jnoX jo jsai aqj /Cofua pus 3JBo 9>ibx

^aouBjsissB ^uBiayo no/C ubo -ji ajmbaj Xbui

n'oX autu am' joj qwubab sq Wm |uu. WW * *l*>mb * oj paau aM <pKtp 0*3 ox 3u.oS si -11 Ji -*mW *M
JOi uomit-iulSoaSBUum 1(ubioj paptAOudao paoB[d ,ouaAeqaM AVnoqiou j| %? /CUe3,,etu^p9uj3uGqo s X ddn
[Zxs jo PliOM aU ibafoid joo a 38 aqi UQ ^ddns pw ovspnSu W* uonoaJ.p papaau XpjBiadsap auios aoj noX oi *um I

j?.pun u/vvop;:puB| aqjjjxXBjsjno/Su^pfua pu*tfjjs>M he no* spiitj stqi adoH


8003 62-0^:60 L0 ^V uofc\{ :juas

Page 1 of 1

Chris Beaton
' From: Robert Gagnon [RGagnori@dominionco.coml

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 8:41 AM

To : Chris Beaton ^ _v:
;Cc~::"'"'' ':=Gavin fee; Bob Reimer; Errflrd Hinko; C. Rowan
Subject: BC Place Procurement Schedule by Component template for review

Hi Chris - re* BC Place: see attached a copy of a "Procurement Schedule by Component" template as we
discussed on Friday. Please note thatdates are taken from the schedules to date and subject to change.

Please review for comments and. any revisions you would like to see. tks.

Robert Gagnon CEC, C.Tech.

Estimator / Project Manager
D i r e c t D i a l : 6 0 4 : 6 3 1 . 1 0 1 4 " - - - " * * " - - * - - -

Dominion Fairmile.Construction Ltd.

#130-2985 virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7 . ; '
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100.
Chris Beaton ...


dominion Fatrmila Construction Ltd ' DATE: r-Apr.ea


u..i.MaiiHu.nm.lCvn'!l >a J.etNltMFS. W4Hrnea.EOUIPMeHT.HC STAU8 \


irnia a a n ibvsh Anrft. - TPCH WPD'MATBN. ?'"!=* (' Coinflaata wtth Ueela and Hula EJectrfcJ

... - .'.:... .. : .^!a..'. - ,. Vr**v3 - ..._.

Tender Shop
Tendor Award Drawings to Shop Order Fabricate Deliver and. Complete on .
Package .Closing Ownar'a
froni Packaga to DFCL Drawing Materials Start on Site Site .
DESCRIPTION Datea Approval Contracts Materials
^onsuKanls Sublradts Consultanls Approvals
to OFCL for Approval


CeSnaGrOa^a 23-Mav2B
Doors. Frame* & Maidware 234Aay-2a
RevoMno Ooors -12" Diameter 23-Mav-2a
16-Aor-Od 25-Sct>09
Ceramic Tito - Pra Order Mslerlsis
Soadtlty CoaUnoi-Floors
SooeWly Costlnos 2J-MSV-28

2J-Mav28 1
CcOno GrEaoe / Fteo Ceilings
FebriePeint 2J-May28
ToaslParGSons. Screens, etc.
WavRndlno and StaneflO
2J-MSV-28 -,.
' -

Washroom Accetsonet
OMshnlOSoedaitjcs- 23-Mav-2S

IWavflnoTnQ god Sayssc 27-Auo<

Eouipmenl - Klchsn. <5rBes.dc. 234tav-2B
Mechanical - New Plunbteo Fixture* 23lav-2B
MochanteaJ-GaaP'Dlno 23*Uv28
2B-Acr.28 IS-Apr-OS
. ElecetcsJ - Now Uantmi Nxttires




Tender Shop
Package Tender Dnwlnssto .-Shop Order Fabricate Deliver end Complete on
Closing Owner's Award OFCL
DESCRIPTION Packaget Contracts Drawing Materials Mateaiala . SUrtonSlie Site
Dates Approval Consultants
Consultants Subtrades Approvals
to OFCL lor Approval


Reinforrinq Sted 2S44X-28


SsluivCS 2-Sef>-0S
Structural Sled 25-At-28


Steel Embeds S Slide Botla to RJnD
Beam -Suaolvbv GTS 28-AOT-28
' 3-Jun-OS 28-Od-OB

RdnfardnaSiodloRtaQBeam 23-Apr-28

Order WerMeMa Ccenee BVAug-Ca
OrtoMtal* Cranes l-Aua-09
Cnmes Removed - GTS 2-Sep8
Ejnbesaad Anchors on Slat 3-Jun-oa S-Auq-OB.
Mast Sled- GTS 3-JunOB SAiig4ia
Strut Steel. GTS sjuMsa o^Aiaa-08
Tamoorarv Bcactno GTS
SaoUatn - GTS Cabin tw Others 3^hm-08
BrttvJ Jack*-GTS 2-Set*08
Transporter GTS
SosdalFahrlcatonEauanicnl . lo Follow
CaMufen Subkades* orS 3>hnvOa
PalnWa Subtrades-GTS
Catwalks - by <STS ? By rOohtsx 7 4-Nov4)8




Tender Shop
' Tender.
Package Drawings t > . Shop Order Fabricate Deliver art 1 Complete on
Closing ' Owner's Award
from Package to OFCL Drawing Materials Materials Start on SH* She
DESCRIPTION Dates Approval Contract*
Consultant!i Subtrades Consultanti Approvals
for Approve 1
to. OFCL

Provide "Embedded Transfer Beam-, tn .

2-VFeb-CS 1-Jul-09
' 3t-JutOB
Cable Supports i trntaSalon Hiontex LJuKM
Demo EsJstina Rooi oTrueSire. - r .* "' ' '
,.lJo!-09 3-|-OcM19 ;
bmI Unmhrana 1 FeMC Hiflhtex 1-AufrOB 30-Nov-Og
Moehsntcal- - -
Flecftical i New Uant Fixtures -.
Media Eouioment* -



Budget Breakdown: ,^P^ (g^-TcP**-*"*>

./'1. GTS Project Management (3&P0C)J1P^ $90.00$1,440,000
V 2.. GTS Shop Drawings and Engineering" rWJ.Og^rs /$90.QD $1,080,000
3. Steel Supply 1^00 per ton $8,400,000 U<!Xc TJ-11i
i/ 4. Fabrication by GTS : C60,000. $85.00 $5,100,000
5. Machining Inc. Item 6
Fabrication Subcontract $5,000,000
Painting i- JeSUO\ $1,000,000
Erection Labour .^6070001^1) $85:Q0 $5,100,000
Special Equipment <Vu>4' jyvc*g.<; $2,000,000
Cranes ^gAc^p (jf> $6,600,000
Freight Cbs^ au-cxa^ia^os. P t $1,500,000

PST. 7%| $1,008,000 [>&c?

12. Contingency 3 % l $ 1 , 11 6 , 6 0 0
13. QTS Mark Up (Fee) 15% $5,583,000

total Structural Steel $44,927,600

P r o v i d e a s e p a r a t e p r i c e f o r t h e c a t w a l k s I n f o r m a t i o n R e q u i r e d
Provide a separate price for portal frame the column upgrades Information Required |;

O C:\Docurnerrts and Setlings*tf>reU\My Documents\BC Plaee\Prlce Summary March 7.2008jds

Page 1 of 1

.Arif Rah-sfotulla ' , " . ... ..

From: Gavin Yee []- -
Sent:. Monday, April 07, 2008 7:19 PM
To : Arif Rahemtulla; Chris Beaton _ __ ^ T. .
W' F^anWeller; dSBffifc^ Dennis Dupasquier, Tim
Terpenning; C. Rowan; Bob Reimer; Rob Third
Subject: BC Place Stadium - Scheduling Workshop Notes.

o t e s- April
Scheduling Workshop Notes - A p r4th
il 4th _^ "^ /Mcj^Tt^ns^ ?
FYI ic*<r*> i^r^ ^
Florian, can you issue the method statement to reflecfthe Thursday, April 2nd & 3rd workshop discussions?


Gavin Yee, ASc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080 /
Ceil: 604.341.4746 ' '

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

From: Bob Reimer

Sent: April 7/2008 6:13 PM
To : Gavin Ye e . r
Subject: BC Place Stadium ,"V /.
CtfltM. . : ; /-'
Gavin: >

Attached are my notes from Friday's meeting at Geni;

' {...

Regards, CeuO.fc
Bob Reimer
Manager-Construction Services
Direct Dial-604.631.1106
Cell 604.329.3072

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual. Way, Vancouver, BC V5M 4X7
Main 604.631.1000 Fax 604.631.1100

i W*j


Workshop Notes an Scheduling, Friday, April 4,2008

Attendees: Michael Stein, Florian Weller, Doug Radcliffe,^ jGlenn HubicJ^Tim 1*^+^~2?ruSsM&a*'-

^effeirning^SiRcimef, GaM Yee, Jeff Muffins, Dennis t>upasquier, Carol


Held at Geniyar's Office

1. Transfer Beam + Embedments /As-Built Survey (System Points & Radial

We need to have the Embeds for main Pylons and intermediate, embeds for
7 curtain wall attachments to the new-transfer Beam by end of April to allow
for shop drawings and fabrication. We may have to consider designing the
embed for worst-case loading in order to have them on site in time. Michael
Stein reported that embed location has basically been established..
' If we cannot complete the new roof before the Olympics, the siide bearings
will be locked and highlines from pylon to pylon will be remain in place
during the games.
The siide bearings will not be designed until the Wind Tunnel loads have been
produced. SBP can't take the risk to design bearings on an assumed loading
anri thftn find nut our assumptions were wrong. Slide bearings can take up to 5
months to procure once design is available. Slide bearings willbe critical to
schedule. GTS to source out but will need more design info.
. Slide bearings are welded ontop of embed plate. Typical detail on embed
required to begin fabrication. Will be.larger than slide bearing plate:

2. Radial Beams:

These will be fabricated steel beams sitting on top of the bearings attached to tne new.
concrete transfer beam.

3. Temporary Props-and Lower Mast (H= +/- 13m) + Final Bracing:

Geiger Engineering is to complete the stability analysis of.the existing ring beam
structure. Genivar has discussed with David Campbell and confirmed it is not
intended that the existing raker beam require upgrades to handle moment loads.
Upgrading raker beam is not included in current methodology and sequence and will
have a significant impact to schedule.
The temporary Prop and bracing loads will be analyzed by Geiger and provided to
Geo; Third / KWH, they will then design.the- temporary steel members, fabricate,
install and remove. .

- Schlaich Bergermann and Partners (SBP) will provide weights of lower mast to Geo.
Third / KWH. If the mast needs to he spliced for erection purposes, SBP and Geo.
Third / KWH will work together to determine the location of splices. Michael Stein
will be responsible for the design of any splices required.
3;- UpplrlVIast Sections:

The issue that needs to be addressed is whether or not the Upper Mast Sections will
be supplied with or without internal stiffeners. This could have an impact on the _
number of pieces required to construct the upper mast. SDP and Geo.Third / KWH
will again work together to determine splice locations. .
- Although the masts with stiffened plates would result in lighter members they may be
more costly due to additional welding labour.
SBP to provide Geo. Third / KWH with some, idea of the weight differences for the
two structural systems to allow for planning and budgeting purposes.
.-Confirm if marker lights for NAV-anadaare required. --

5. Lower Backstay (Guide to Mast):

Michael Stein to check lower Backstay for compression when hoisting Compression
Ring Beam.
The lower Backstay will act as a prop for the outrigger beams.
Lower backstay will not be cable. Will be a^steel member

6. Outrigger (Supported by. Lower Backstay):

The. outrigger beam will be erected using the lower Backstay as a temporary prop.
KWH would prefer to use the permanent Upper Backstay Cable to support the /
outrigger beam during the installation of the compression ring beam. If the permanent
Backstay Cables are not ready in time for erection temporary cables will be used.

7. Upper Backstay:

Both Hightex and Geo. Third / KWL have agreed that Hightex will be responsible to
design, fabricate and ship backstay cables to site, Geo. Third / KWL will be .
responsible for the installation of these cables. \ ..
Upper backstay cable will be the largest cable size on the project. Could be a delivery

8. Connect Mast Tops (Check Overturning Moment) & remove Temp. Props:
The preferred method of erection is to use temporary cables attached to mast fops
running overtop of the existing roof structure. The earliest this might be. done would
be when the masts have been erected at opposite sides of the stadium. If they are hot
installed after masts have been erected they would be* installed after upper masts,
lower and upper Backstay struts and cables, and Outrigger beams havebeen erected.


:sj'aS3uni 1

paimbai aq him. pouad jno>pB[q laqiBa iiy *pop9d 9UIU SW 3uPnP m3W 3l*TOBAB
'oq joy him pptj SutX^jd. puB SBaiB Sutjsas aqj JBqj paijiiou aq oj spaau juaip aqi
"' .'-aAoqB'pQisiisiuauodraoostnjouopBipnsuipireXraAipp

joj ppg Sui/Csid UrmpBjs aqi oj ssaooB aABq oj aABq uim juauidinba pus spmx -
' . ' * ; * . p g T j B j s u i a q o j a A B q f l i AV b q j b
SuijBas jo SugooidiaqjBa/A puB 'SuijBas jo uonoajoid 'jnotol a^qBO iBipBi ptre a[qBO
uoisuaj ioj suiiojjB[d /CiBioduiaj 'jooi Sunspca aqj jo uoyjB[jap aqj aiojaq sqjuoui omjl
- :ao|)Bij3ajf00H 'H

gjqissod sb uoos sBSiauajjns

TBUiajui jnoqjiAY puB qjiA\ sjq3iaA\ ureaq qjiM H/-YOI / PW '099 *lddnS 0l ^ . ".
. * ' -sjoBduiiampaqos aABq niMSiia'aoatd auo uipajjqaq ubo Aaqj
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April 7, 2008

George Third and Sons Ltd.

6010 Trapp Avenue, .
B u r n a b y, B.-C.
V3N 2V4

DearSin^- ^ f ~^_. ^r,...-.--^-i

Attention: Mr. Rob Third, Vice President and COO

Re: Memorandum of Understanding - Structural Steel Contract

BC Place Roof Replacement Project,
777 Va n c o u v e r, BC, Canada . DESIGN / BUILD

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd., (Dominion or DFC), is Construction Manager, Agent for BC
Pavilion Corporation (Owner or Pavco). Subject to approval by the Province of Bntish Columbia,
Dominion confirms that it is the intention of Owner to enter into a formal Contract agreement with
George Third and Sons Ltd. (Trade Contractor or GTS) for the Structural Steel (Work) for the
above referenced project. All Work shall be in accordance with the contract documents, conditions
and c l a r i fi c a t i o n s mutually agreed. . .
This project will be "Fast'tracked" and design information will be issued sequentially by the Design -
Build Roof Contractor (Hightex). Dominion has been working closely with GTS over the past few
weeks for the BC Place Roof Retrofit feasibility study and utilizing their expertise and resources for SPECIAL PROJECTS
budgeting, scheduling and constructabiiity reviews for the structural steel. On behalf of the Owner,
DFC as their Agent is committed in working together with GTS in good faith for the purpose of
finalizing an acceptable contract process.

General Scooe of Work - (Shall include but not necessarily limited to the following):

01- Supply and install all labour, materials, equipment necessary for the complete installation of
Structural Steel work listed below for the project. Include all project management, executive
support, engineering, administrative staff, contract administrators, QA7QC personnel, project
I accounting, shop drawings, detailing, travel costs (possible overseas), disbursements, all as
required to support all disciplines related to GTS operations.
i b2. Mast detail refer to Hightex's S-001, S-003, S-004, S-005
^ 3. Steel pylons, related connections, splices, bolts, plates welding etc. (36 each)
t 4.- Steel horizontal struts and roof edge beam, related connections, bolts, .plates, welding etc.
5. Compression ring box girder sections, related connections, bolts, plates, welding etc.
') 6. Supply and install Lower steel backstays members (below horizontal strut)
\ 7. Install only, upper cable backstays (supplied by Hightex)
8. Steel for 36 in-rigger for 10 cable tension ring
Steel for radial beams '
10. Temporary lateral bracing at alternate bays, possible use of roof edge beam to tie subsequent
bays back to braced bays.
11. Steel supply weights will include those items as per the CISC Code of Standard Practice
guidelines. Plates, rolled sections, tube and pipe, bolts, weld rod, scrap, cropping (based on
optimized "nesting" of steel).
12. Special equipment shall include lifting equipment^JfarrgQacks, falsework, ring support beams,
access staging, guys, temporary columns, temporary struts, temporary bracing, temporary DOMINION FAIRMILE
props, shipping angles. CONSTRUCTION LTD.
13. Supply and erect 5 tower cranes, 2 crawler cranes, 1 hydraulic crane, tuggers, tirfors, hoisting
equipment etc. .
14. Upper and lower catwalks, related ramps, access ladders BROADWAY TECH CENTRE
15! Additional new columns to upgrade existing "Portal Frames" below existing ring beam* and 1 30 - 2985 VIRTUAL WAY
plates required for strengthening existing portal frame columns.
16. Supply and install temporary axial cable guys tied to top of masts for support of erection loads VANCOUVER, EC
' include removal of cable guys afterwards. Include vertical tie downs of masts and water ballast
anchors for balanced weights on opposite sides of the masts.
.17. Include 50% performance and labour/material bonding
18. Supply, and install slide bearings and supply related CIP embed steel for the pylons. TEL 604 631-1000
19. Supply embed steel for steel framing to support facade. .' FAX 604 631-1100

Contract documents between the Owner and Trade Contractor will be issued by Dominion in due
course. Please provide acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms and conditions ofthis letter by
signing and returning a copy of this letter, to us by fax within 5 days. We are in the process of
preparing your Trade Contract Agreement, and upon acceptance of this letter you are authorized to.. -

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
StructurafSteel and Miscelleneous Metals
April 7, 2008

proceed -with the Work and begin procurement of necessary materials, manpower and equipment
necessary for the full-execution of your work. " -

Budget Breakdown:
^oji.tract#05-12J^ . .^aSr?t^sri#,.
Div 05 - Structural Steel Budget Breakdown

George Third and Son's budget.breakdown dated March 14, 2007, and
subsequent pricing and clarifications as per the following breakdown:

1. GTS Project Management (16,000 Hours @ $90 per Hour) $1,440,000

2. GTS Shop drawings and engineering (12,000 hours @ $90 per Hour) 1,080,000
3. Steel Supply (based on 6.000 Imperial Tons @ $1.400 per Ton) $8,400,000
4. Fabrication bv GTS (60,000 Hours @ $85 per hour) $5.100,000
5. Machining Included in Item #6
6.. Fabrication Subcontract $5.000,000
7. Painting $1,000,000
ti 8. Erection Labour 160,000 Hours @ $85 per Hour) $5.100,000
9. Special equipment '" $2.000.000
10. Cranes ' $6,600,000
11. Freight $1,500,000
Subtotal: $37,220,000

12. PST (7%) $1.008,000

13. Contingency (3%) $1.116.600
14. GTS Mark Up (15% Fee) $5,583.000

Total Structural Steel: $44.927,600

Contract Price In Canadian Dollars (Including PST, Excluding GST) $44,927,600 + GST

We request that you expedite procurernent of all long delivery items, and commence with the shop
drawing process (in accordance with the project specifications) to meet our schedule commitments'
tojthe Owner. Please.*prepare your, complete, list of submittals for this project and send this list
outlining target dates for submission topuroffice.for approval.

Please subrhit your detailed schedule of shop drawing submissions, anticipated equipment/ material
deliveries and your detailed schedule to coordinate with same. All work shall be in accordance with
the contract documents, addenda and post tender addenda.

ll Schedule:
1. Mill .order steel by June 2,2009 (Subject to Design sizes, thickness: and quantities)
\\0 2. Order embed steel by May 1st and deliver to site by May 22nd
a. 3. Order slide bearings by May 1, 2008 and deliver to site by November 2, 2008
4. Commence steel erection by November 2,2008
5. Complete steel erection by May 29, 2009.

List of Project Documents:

Conditions and Clarifications (but not necessarily limited to):

1. All Work* shall be carried out in accordance with the Contract Documents. The contract
agreement shall be a Stipulated Price Contract for Trade Contracts on Construction
Management Projects, CCA 17, 1996 complete with Supplemental Conditions. Refer to the-
project manual/ specifications for Prime Contract Documents/and Division 0 & 1 General

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscelleneous Metals
April 7,2008

2. The trade Contractor shall complete a site inspection to familiarize and satisfy themselves.with
site conditions and the scope of the Work necessary to complete the Work. Failure to visit the
site and review all project documents in no way relieves the Trade Contractor from performing
the work intended at no additional cost to the Owner.
3. One set of contract documents will be supplied to the Trade Contractor and electronic files in a
CD foi-OTat<willrbeprovideo<^FH'e:-Trade Co-ntractSrwill be responsible for their own pnnnrig costs
or purchasing of any additional sets of documents and specifications required for distribution to
their project personnel, sub-trades and suppliers as necessary for managing their work and
completion of required as-built drawings.
4. The Trade. Contractor shall assume and understand, for the purpose, of determining the
commencement date of the Warranty period, that the Warranty period of individual Contracts
shall coincide with the Substantial Performance of the. overall Project and riot to the Substantial
Performance of the individual Trade Contracts. All Work shall be carried out in accordance with
the Contract Documents.
5. The Trade Contractor shall be responsible for their own layout necessary to carry out the Work
and shall provide qualified personnel and required equipment to fulfill this requirement The
Owner will provide basic gridlines within the project property lines only.
6^ The Trade Contractor shall include.the supply and'installation of all.traffic,control devices,
barriers, and the employment of qualified flag persons to control vehicular and pedestrian traffic
at entrance driveways and within and around the site for the duration of this contract as
necessary for the performance of the work.
7. . The Trade Contractor must complete the Work in accordance with the Noise Control By-law.
8. The Trade Contractor must use caution when working in the vicinity of existing services and
structures on this property and on adjacent property. Any damage caused to existing public
and/or private property as a result of this Subcontract shall be made good at no additional cost
to the ..Owner. The Trade Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with all utility
companies to stake and locate underground services.
9. The Trade Contractor understands that he is familiar with the project requirements and will
provide the necessary manpower and equipment to start and complete the work as tendered in
accordance with the project schedule. . *
10. The trade Contractor will be responsible-for all-necessary labour, materials and equipment for
materials handling of Trade Contractor's scope of work. '
11. The Trade "Contractor shall provide all submittals as required by "the Contract Documents
Including closeout documents. ^
12. The Trade Contractor must comply with Dominion's Loss Control Requirements. :
13. The Trade Contractor must attend a pre-job coordination meeting prior to commencing work on
site to review safety procedures, quality control, scheduling, scope of work, etc.
14. The site is open for work from 7:30am to 4:30pm on Monday to Friday. The Trade Contractor
must obtain prior approval from Dominion's superintendent to work outside these hours. Work
on Saturday, if approved, cannot start any earlier than 10:00am. Work cannot commence earlier
than stated due to proximity to neighbors. Work is prohibited.on site on Sundays except as.
defined in the contract for emergencies. Refer to Section 01 11 00 Summary of Work.
15. The Trade Contractor will be responsible for their own garbage and construction waste remqval
and provide all necessary labour, materials and equipment necessary to comply with this
16. The quality of finishes on this site demands the site be .kept clean and tidy. Each Trade
Contractor will be required to maintain their area of work in a clean and uricluttered condition.
Clean up must happen daily before leaving the work site. All refuse is to be placed in the proper
. containers as marked, or removed from site on a daily basis.
17. Food and beverages garbage must be contained to the Trade Contractor's lunchrooms only.
They must clean up refuse and dispose such in the appropriate bins.
18. The-Trade Contractor must ensure a foreman attends the weekiy Coordination meetings.
19. The Trade Contractor must submit a weekly planner before the Coordination meetings every
week. (Weekly planners to include objectives, crew size, areas of work, major material
deliveries, hazard assessment, etc.)
20. Safety is of utmost importance. All standards of WCB and OH&S must be adhered to.including

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscelleneous Metals
April 7, 2008

but not limited to the following:

20.1. The Trade Contractor will be required comply, with Dominion's Safety Program and must
submit to Dominion's' CSO their company safety manual,, project specific safe work
procedures and hazard assessment plans within 2 weeks of award of contract and before
commencing any work on site. * tHtiz??~*
^0:frTh%-.Trade ComracT6r"s MSDS Binders must be provided to Dominion's CSO before
commencing any work on site.
20.3. The Trade Contractor must submit Safe Work Procedures before commencing any tasks.
20.4. The Trade Contractor must complete Pre-Job Safety Instruction forms at each significant
change in task.
20.5. The trade Contractor must ensure their employees on site are provided with and wear
safety, vests at all times.
20.6. The Trade Contractor must assume full responsibility and liability for the safety of their
employees, shall ensure at least one employee on site has current level 1 first aid, and
provide equipment and supplies in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 1 as
outlined in the "Occupational First Aid Regulations" published by The Workers'
Compensation Board of British Columbia... <*.._. .-'.*-
20.7. The Trade Contractor's employees must complete a site safety orientation before
commencing any work on site. Schedule orientations with Dominion's superintendent for
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30am to 10:00am.
21. The Trade Contractor must ensure their foreman on site has a mobile phone.
.22. The Trade Contractor must complete a "Hot Works Permit" prior to commencing any cutting,
grinding, welding, and any spark-generating task. Tasks under Hot Works permits require fire-
23; The Trade Contractor is responsible to ensure protection of surrounding areas prior to starting
24. Change Order-mark up. will be limited to 10% Overhead (including Home Office, project
management, site supervision and site general conditions) and 5% Profit on the cost of the
change, Mark up will not be applicable on Charge Out rates and equipment rates when provided
by the Trade Contractor.

Application for Payment:.

The following information shall be included in your invoice: (Submit breakdown and invoicing format
for the Project Manager's review prior to your first billing).

1. Schedule of Values aggregating total contract price. .

2. Schedule of Values for all pending or potential costs anticipated including unexecuted changes,
.claims.etc. to formulate project contract value. -

3. Revised contract price and approved change orders (when applicable)..

4. A value of work completed applicable to each item indicated on the billing schedule of values
including % complete.

5. 10% holdback,

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscelleneous Metals
April 7, 2008 ,

6. Dominion's main office must receive the original invoice by no later than the 25th of each month
for work up to and including the 25th of the month. Invoices will be processed by the end of the
following month. Any invoices received after the 25th shall be included in the following month's
draw. Submit invoices by courier. Faxed copies wilj be accepted for pre-approval only but
not processed for payment. Invoices should be addressed as follows:
. ' .. i
**S"::- ' BC Pavilion''Corporation C76~
Construction Manager '. . ' " ' '
Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.
Suite #130, 2985 Virtual Way
Va n c o u v e r, B.C. v
V5M 4X7
Attn: Project Accountant
7. Statutory Declaration BC-2 and BC-4 (Statement of Claims) shall be provided with each invoice^
excluding the first application invoice.
8. Contract breakdown (if deemed necessary by Dominion shall be used in conjunction with.the
monthly Applicatiori and Certificate for Payment and WCB Clearance letter.
9. *Note: approved or processed for payment until all- documentation v
such as the.signed .subcontract, WCB Clearance Letter, insurance certificate, bonds (if
requested) and monthly statutory declarations have been received by Dominion.
10. AH holdback monies due upon.the expiration of the lien period after Substantial Completion
must be invoiced accordingly and accompanied by an original Statutory Declaration 9A and a
current WCB Clearance letter. No funds will be released until the correct documentation is
11. All queries with regard to your account billing (invoicing, contract value) must be directed to the
Project Accountant at 604-631 -1000 or 604-631-1054 (fax).
12. When your monthly progress cheques have been prepared, a courtesy call will be made to
advise you. At this timej you may send a courier to pick'the cheque up at reception (office
hours 7:30am to 5pm) or we will send it to you by mail. Please wait for our call before sending a
courier to pick up the cheque.
. . \
Certificate of Insurance:
Within seven days of the issuance of this Letter of Intent and before any personnel or materials are
moved onto the jpbsite, the Trade Contractor shall provide Dominion with a Certificate of Insurance
evidencing coverage as required by the Contract for the following: '.
1. Comprehensive General Liability insurance with a minimum limit of $2,000,000.00.
2. Automotive Liability Insurance on all licensed vehicles owned by or leased to the Trade
Contractor, protecting the Trade Contractor, against damages arising from bodily injury
(including death) and from claims for property damage arising out of their use in the operations
of the Trade Contractor, its servants, agents or employees under the Contract Documents.
Such Insurance shall be for an adequate amount acceptable to the Owner and shall in any
event be not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) inclusive of any one occurrence.
3. Trade Contractor's Equipment Insurance covering ail tools and equipment owned or rented by
the Trade Contractor, its sen/ants, agents or employees against All-Risks of loss or damage
with coverage sufficient to-allow for the immediate replacement of such equipment as is
damaged or destroyed. This insurance shall contain a waiver of subrogation against the Owner.
4. Please note the Certificate must be an original signed by the insurance company and include a
30-day Written Notice clause notifying us of any changes or cancellations.
Submittals: ' .
Provide the following submittals to Dominion within 10 working days unless otherwise noted:
1. List of office and field personnel, including your company's Site Safety.Representative to be
used in the construction and administration of this project.
2. Submittal of Operations/Maintenance* Manual information and all other required
submissions/Shop Drawings in accordance with consultant's specifications must be received
upon completion of the shop drawing approval process.

3. Manufacturer's scheduled delivery dates for special equipment, fixtures, etc.

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel arid Miscelleneous Metals
April 7,2008

4. If applicable, furnish Performance Bond and Labour and Material Payment Bonds within seven
(7) working, days of award and prior to commencement of Work. Confirm with the Project*
Manager if Bonds are required for the Work.
5. A Performance Bond and a Labour arid Material Payment Bond each in the amount of FIFTY
PERCENT (50%) of the CONTRACT PRICE (Only for contracts in excess of $1,000,000
including GST) provided with sever-rfT) workingdays^ihe*date of this lettf^aHd-must
be maintained in good standing until the fulfillment of the Contract including the requirements of
the Warranty provided for in GC 12.2 - Warranty and the payment of all obligations arising
under the Contract
6. All such bonds shall be issued on a form approved by the Surety Association of Canada and
issued by a Surety acceptable to the Owner. The obligee on the bonds must be the Trade
Contractor; Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.
7.. Furnish the waste management plan within seven (7) working days of award, arid prior to any
waste removal, to Dominion.

8. Shop drawing submittals, list outlining complete list of requirements and target dates for
s u b m i s s i o n t o D o m i n i o n ' s o f fi c e . .
*,.assigned to this project includes!:
C o n s t r u c t i o n M a n a g e r G a v i n Ye e -
Project Manager
Project Coordinator:
QC Coordinator
Project Accountant:

We are pleased to be working with you on this project and look forward to a successful completion.
If you should have any questions concerning the above, please contact the undersigned.

Yours truly,

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1073
Cell: 604.812.5023
Acknowledgment & Acceptance:

Authorized Signatory: Date:


~ - .Pagel of 2

Arif Rahemtulla

From: Chris Beaton

Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 7:52 AM
To : Arif Rahenrrtulla __^ ^ ^^
S^bJectT^rste#ivftif5rder and Schedule for Steel Deliveries



Chris "Beaton
Ph: 604-307-0123
Fx: 604-688-6882

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Monday, April 07,2008 9:41 PM
To: Rob Third; Jeff Muilins; Michael Bingham; Dennis Dupasqufer
Cc: Chris Beaton; Bofc> Reimer; C. Rowan; Tim Terpenning
Subject: Steel Mill Order and Schedule for Steel Deliveries


Jeff and Dennis were in attendance of the workshop with the engineers and Hightex on Wed Thursday and *
Fridav gtfei H*sion cannot be finalized until the snow and wind modellinq is completed by the end Qf Apnl Once
this modellinq report is completed the snow and wind loads can be determined for the project. The prescribed
loads for snow and wind straight from the code is extremely high and they hope to get reduced loads once the
modelling-Is completed end April. The engineers will then recalculate design loads and issue to GTS sometime in
Mav We are waiting for when in May this will be andwill let you knoyv as soon as possible, current! the schedule
shows. June 2nd to mill order. Hightex/SBP/ Geiger will need to confirm when mill order of steel can be placed..
This is critical. /"'.*'

While Jeff attended the scheduling workshop, how long will it realistically take for steel to arrive, in your shop or
your fabricator's shop once mill order is completed? Jeff will need to confirm asap.

The workshop schedule showed fabrication of steel starting August 4th. Mill order of steel was identified as June
2nd (ADoroximately 8 to 9 weeks) is this possible??? Can some steel start amving in your shops within 8 to 9
weeks? I suspect you will initially need steel for mast steel,, radial beams,.outriggers, innggers ons.te firstly
Compression ring steel willtake longer, however the current sequencing require the .mast erection to be installed
and cable guyed before compression ring can be erected; Please review with Jeff and advise asap..

Hope you're enjoying your vacation.


Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional'

Project Director
Direct dial: 604.631.1080 . ' . - . z
Cell: 604.341.4746

Dominion Fairmije Construction Ltd. . * . n


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Page 1 of 1

Chris Beaton

From: Chris Beaton

Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 2:53 PM
To : ' D a n Q u a n '
SubjectrBC Place - George Third Accrual


The signed George Third agreennent sent to you today is valued at $36,420 up to March .4/08.

The attached email of Mar.20 indicates the weekly costs incurred from Feb. 18/08 to Mar. 15/08 at $73,840. If we
add two more weeks at the rate of $13,000 per we.ek we have $99,840 for costs to March 31/08.

I trust this helps. v '


Cfiris Beaton
Ph: 604-307-0123
FX: 604-688:6882 *


a Hinnno




Stadium Redevelopment
Contracts Analysis. For Accrual* to March 31,2008 Fees & Dlsb s>
DateContr. Per Contract: Billed to Date Period Accrue *
Contract ' Signed End. Fees B!jb. I o t a ] B i l l e d To : Paid Dlsb Tot Paid Accrued (SeeBIUpIt Notaa Per Contract:

Amp Consulting - phase 1 C-010.1A Mar 21200a C 65.000 65.000 . nS Lump sum and this Includes disbursements,
. B f l J ^ S t u f e - ; ^ ( ' . i r V - Jan 152008 June 152008 C 50.000 SO.000 Feb 29/08 600.50 .22.12S.S0 j'i'jis.bqtf.bfj.$100 hr plus expanses: total contract S50K In.
D c fl i W c n F B i r r r a o - R o o f . C - 2 0 0 8 - 0 0 5 C B3.912 83,912 120,-iiasO Estimated valuo of services
'(fclgerEf-aaineeis-Dome Roof Cations June.302007 US 27.000 27,000 Oct 7/07 23.312.57 3,687.43 27,000.00 . nil ' Fees and Expenses
MQatofcEoginee&tcorriiilete).- -. C-003- *m?.D8c152007 &**- ' USrMh-SO.OOO a^.^.^ftoooaBc^a'ftapa 44.083vJ2v 3.263.43. -47.346.65 -. ~nfl..: Not
' 214.708.00 to eagd^sSri^vaIue^-t)'-^a!:3t
Est fees spec
of $119955 plus 520)cdisb.;v8r hourh.
genivar', C-2008-004 Feb 23 2008' Mar 12 2008 C 11 9 . 9 5 5 20.000 139.955 " Mar 1/08 20.325.00 1.626.00 21.851.00 Feb24rMar31
^MW'^*s'^:(wM'^-'C02C8<B Feb 182008 Mar 4 2008 36,420 36.420 .-g3'|'420.pb- Per email, bul email not in my file'
LMDO Building Code Consultant! C-2CC8-003.CMar 13 2008 Mar 20 2008 - 20.000 Feb 29/08 Mar'Vi:31 '' 8,696!o6 Contract Extension; pet email -workcompteti
20.000 11.305.00
LMDG Building Code Consultants March 29 2008 169.000 Mar J,-31-
169.000 i',72t.OO Fees est at $169000; plus expenses at cost
Levetton Consultants Ltd C-2008-002 Feb 22 2008 8.000 8.000 .8.000.00 Estimated value of services
PBKArchltacta C-2008-003 Mar 2 2008 " fl8.632.00i Est (o be $33000 plus disbursements
33.000 33.000 Feb 23/08 11.727.50 11.738.93 FebV2Mflr31
Stantec Architecture C-200B-007 Feb 25 2008 Mar 12 2008
FaVftiat?}'. . 33p;i09:00
168.095 13.450 181,545 .Estimated value of services
Thurber Engineering Ltd C009-2008 Feb 12 2008 '195.500 195.500 ."25.200.00 Est costs cf'ees.
UnderhiH and UnderhiB C-2008-001 Feb 22 2008 3.000 3.000 Feb 29/08 2.875.00 2.875.00 : i-.hU '. ' Max.
Dominion FnirmBo - Phase 1 ' Fe-bi-Mar'ai - 27.747.00
1.028.682 33.450 1.062.332 144.342 : ,807.355

FeagtylBtv Study Pha; ' VMata In th SecOon balmr are what we "ahouM havs* and ifld pay
S B G - ' ' -" US 28.750 Fob 28,750
28.750 -'2B.750.00
Tensys US 7.200 7.200 Feb. 7,200 7.200.00 F Moltor to provide backup
Trancotsr US 4,500 4.500 Feb 2,316 2.316.00 for oddl daims that I said
Solar Next US 4,500 4.500 Feb 3,307 3.307.25 was overbited and oxpecta it
Higtttm US 36,000 36.000 Feb 36,000 36.000.00 to be approved -SBG. Do
Tr a v e l - P a i d US 7.331 7.331 Feb 7.331.35 not adjust 'overpayment- for
Travel - Balance to Maxim. US ' 10.669 10.669 Feb accrual purposes- not
Hotel and Exp Paid US 2.071 Feb 2.071 2.070.65 material.
Hotel and Exp- BaL to Max us 4.054 4.054 Feb
Mueller BBM US 5.000 5.000 Feb
Mlsoetshaous US 5.000 5.000 Feb
US." 90.950 24.125 115.075 77.573 9.402 86,975
Overhead @ 14% us 12,733 3,377 16.110 10.860 1,316 12,177
us ~ 103.683 27.502 131.185

Foaslbaty Study Phase 2:

SBP/Gelger/RWDI 180,000 180.000 .To mid Mar 180.000 180.000 :Ma'ri3-'31- 420.000
Tenayi" . 18.000 18.000 To mid Mar Mar. 13-31
Hightex (alternations!)' 17.500 . 17.500 To mid Mar' 16.500 . 16.500 Mar'j34l,
Hlghtax (rton res tax- Canada) 37.800 37.800 To mid Mar 36.800 36.800 Mef'13^31
Travel - 13,456
49.975 49.975 To mid Mar 13.456 Ma"r13r31
'Legal 15.000 15.000 To mid Mar . 14.151 14.151 Mar 13-31
268,300 49.975 318.275 247.451 13.456 > 260.906 420,000
Overhead 14% 37.562 6.997 44.559 34.643 1.884 . 38.527
305,862 66.972 362.834 282.094 15.340 297.433 420.000

David Gelpln Architect C-XXX Jan 17 2008 Mar 12 2008 C 15.000 Feb 28/08 8,875.00 Not to exceed contract value, based on $125
Bunt Assoc ' Letter C Proposal In file. Rates el $185 hr or $190 hr
MacGragor. Brent C4J01 - Mar 31/08 35,212.50 35.212.50 nil $225 /hour
Paul Manning (John H.) C-C02-07 Oct 12007 25.000 12.500.00 12.500.00 Completed, 12.500.00 $12.500 on inception; I12.S00 on delivery of i
- PM - we have report in hand
56.586 12.500

Total 1 . 4 7 8 . 4 2 7 11 7 . 9 2 4 1 . 5 9 6 . 3 5 1 562.268 35.247

' Note that some of the consultant contracts do not contain prescribed values
Page 1 of2

# From: Gavin]
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 1:54 PM
To: Arif Rahemtulla; Chris Beaton
..aCcs--. ^oiTi-deWolf ' * " * ::"

Subject: BC Place Stadium - Phasing Drawings (REVISED)


Further to my telecon message Friday afternoon......

Arif and Chris, please find attached revised diagrams for Stages .1 to 7 to reflect the Friday workshop discussions
with Hightex, GTS/KWH, SBP and Dominion. It is evident that the final design loads cannot be determined until
the RWDI wind and snow modelling is completed. .Erection loads of various components cannot be finalized until
the engineers provide GTS/KWH with steel design, and will have an impact to erection procedures and
methodology. For example, if the compression ring-section-becomes heavier it may have to be spliced in two
pieces and impact sequence, erection, time, transporation time etc. this jssue is unresolved as we do not have the
updated loads. GTS/KWH have advised the compression ring may be too heavy to be installed in one section, we
understand the current design info have the compression rings designed to be 90 to 100 metric tonnes.

We have better information from Hightex on. their methodology and sequencing of work with GTS/KWH and
solved the temporary bracing for erection of the masts. The steps to put the roof together has been worked out
and will be summarized under separate cover. Hightex will be issuing this summary. New information discovered
during the workshop," unfortunately impact the current start of "Black Out" period presented thus far.

The following items highlight major points that affect the changes to our phasing diagrams:

Steel cannot be ordered until final loads are"available from the engineers by June 2nd, originally
anticipated by early- April. Desktop snow and wind study report has not reduced loads.
The resolution of temporary.bracing of the.significant oyehungjpads will tying the tops of the pylons
together radially as'welj as tie.dpwns. This has added time to the steel erection.
The inrigger and tension ring sequence has added erection time to the cable installation. It appears
the radial cables installation cannot proceed until .the tension cables are out of the way.
. Temporary works to prepare the stadium seating area with work platforms and cable runways will need to
take place prior to deflation/demo of roof (two months prior to demo).
Access to all the seating areas for weather and temporary works (weather protection, platforms and cable *
runways) will need to start in December 2008 to prepare for demo by January 19th..
Steel erection is.starting one month later(Nov 3rd) than originally anticipated.
: Tension ring installation cannot proceed until roof is removed.
Roof deflation will need to commence January 19, 2009 (start of Black Out period will need to be
May need more install the exterior envelope as this is a.significant scope of work that cannot
commence until the cables are tensioned. Currently, we do not have any design info.' '
We anticipate some work (such as the exterior envelope and exterior plaza repairs) continuing beyond
November 15th .

When compared to the summary schedule, with the exception of the start of the Black Out period of Jan, .
everything looks to be in line. '
' I am available this afternoon to discuss and review the current schedule.


Page 2 of2

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director.
# D i r e c t D i a l : 6 0 4 . 6 3 1 . 1 0 8 0 . '
Cell: 604.341.4746 -

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 29.85 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5.M 4X7.
Main: 604:63 V. 1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

Original Messager
From: Glenn Hubick [mailto:Glenn.Hubick@genivar.corn,1
Sent: April 7,2008 10:15 AM; ...
To: Gavin Yee
Subject: Fwd: BC Place Stadium - Phasing Drawings


Please see attached.

Regards, _^. u-'-r.-*"y\y*^-# '^r


G lenn D. Hubick, P. Eng.

Director of gildings
Suite 200 - 1985 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3 .
T: 604 736 5421
F: 604 736 1519 .



STAGE I -Temporary Works & Ring Beam Preparation

May to September - 2008

Activities: 1) Structural shoring under north plaza
2) Traffic barriers and lane closure set up"
3) Concrete ring beam upgrades
4) Portal frame columns and temporary bracing
5). Concrete footing upgrades PavCo
777 Pocific Blvd.
6) Concrete column upgrades Voncouver, B.C. Conado
7) Concrete shear wall upgrades

t j




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STAGE 2 Luffing Tower Cranes & Mobile Cranes Installed @*

July to October - 2008 li
Activities: 1) Erect 5 Luffing Tower cranes (August 2008)
2) MobiHze 2 mobile crawler craries & set up PavCo
777 Pacific Blvd.'
3) Traffic barriers and lane closure set up completed Vancouver, B.C. Canada
4) Portal frame columns and temporary bracing upgrades continue
-- 5) Concrete ring, beam upgrades continue

6) Concrete footing upgrades continue

7) Concrete column upgrades continue
8) Concrete shear wall upgrades continue 11 GENIVAR




I fii p 113 11

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STAGE 7 - Retractable Roof Completed

November to December - 2009 . '[-,..

Activities: 1) Retractable roof system bompleted &\
. 2) Testing and commissioning continue
3) Cranes demobilized
4) Site repairs & make good
5) Install perimeter Envelope System 777 Pocinc Blvd.
6) Complete removal of temporary protection measures Vancouver. B.C: Canada

7) Final clean-up

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PAGE 02/05
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PAGE 05/05
04/03/2008 14;24 6049856293

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dloA^aseoiia ^*g owqj ;u3uiuiao agBfljj AVOttatf JOd

u oa :3H IFiaauraoitAiKj ogia-aj lAnedaiOQ

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sduijuuj ^ (UB|d 6uusixa s.aoeid 09 pajedsid oqM AueduiOD


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ssaooe uoipnflsuoo pue uormn [aa.s jo ipouddB wow oi Buiujouj W H/VWSiO pue M Ml!* auj aM
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pn uouonJisuoo aijuuiej uoiuuuoa

. zLozwm u8o
saoiAias uojprujsuoo - ja6eue|fl


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ue|d dVS - UJnipe*iS eid D9 WfqnS

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jopaiia pafoJd
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i*v. ' tiHI-a^1KSta ^E&TTn-rXrr

Pagel of 2

Chris Beaton

From: Gavin Yee [] .

Sent: Wednesday, April 09,2008 8:01 PM
To : Chris Beaton ^.,r. .' .^, ,1..
" Cc: Glenn Hubick; HamSng, Doug; WTf$eHnlhg; Effiaif o; C. Rowan; Bob Reimer .

Subject: BC Place Stadium - Existing Services Along Expo Boulevard and Test Hole Locations


Chris attached for your information is the Test Hole locations TH 1 to 7-and plans showing existing cityservices
and oth^utifcLs requested by thaCity in order to obtain a permit for drilling test ho les or the^crane foot.ngs
and shear wa is. Genivar prepared these drawingsand with these, our Bob Reamer met with ^C^*tf"s
anemoon to rev ew the information. They will get back to us tomorrow with feedback and we *ope to be able to
aoo fo "aperm* todrill by Friday. If allgoes well, drilling is scheduled, for-the week of Apnl 21st. Valley Traffic
S WrSSS by ub toV prepare a traffic plan and well provide traffic control during drilling operations..._ .... .^Bi_j;aj.K

We will need to sort outlnsurance requirements for this bit of work.. Will Pavco be providing the insurance
SI Ind SS$j toVthis preconstruction activity? They issued the PO. An insurance certificate will need to be
produced. ' ~.

Bob, we will need to see if Thurber's driller has insurance for.general liability and equipment insurance. What
about WCB notice provisions etc? ' . .

thanks' .

Gavin Yee,- A.SpJ. GSC LEED Accredited Professional.

Project Director '
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746 '

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 -2985 Virtual Way. Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7 ,
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100 .

From; Bob Reimer

Cc: Gavin Yee; Tim Terpenning; Erhard Hinko

Subject: BC Place Stadium


Attached are some drawings that (received from Genivar this afternoon. The show all of theexisting services
*nf^TS^n to the*Stadium Grids. We have prepared these drawings for for
GeotecS the Expo Boulevard Plaza. You may. be able to use one. of them for your crane
layouts.' ' : .

I have also attached our site plan drawing that we presented to Pavco the other week. -

What we would like to produce is an overall plan showing the BC Pavilion' Site to the south of the Stadium so we
tanlwa^l^TOal area for structural steel storage, heavy hauler routes, construct.,,




I ,

O0tHe9'W9 XBJ 0001* 169'W9 "lew

ZXfrWQA 08 'JaAnoouEA'A^AA WiAS862 -06W-
pn uoiiomisuoo ajjiujiej uoiuiuioa

2Z0E6ZO09 11*30'
rzrjs&. ;-^^j^*r^- 901 r 169'W9w\Q
'""' saoiAjas.uo!Joruisuoo-ja6euBW ioaj!ci
' " . jauiiayqog

. . 'spje6ay

sue|d asaqj doiaAap ot anunuoo oj pajmbaj

se iaauJ I pue noA pinoo aouasqe sjjap u| Adoo e noA pjewoj him | 6u!Mejp e ;a6 | se uoos sV -aja ^an

Page 1 of2

Chris Beaton _ __: :

. - - . '
From: Gavin Yee []
Sent: We d n e s d a y, April 09, 2008 2:20 PM -
To - Chris Beaton; Arif Rahemtulla ^ .._'_. .'. -.^~-r..
^:- To m d e V v ^ '
Michael Bingham - ' '

Subject: Drawings "Issued for Mill Order"-URGENT

structural Steernrawings "ISSUED FOR MILL ORDER:

.y i * AmrOnrn0 Third rcvrqi a couDle of davs ago. It contained an e-mail from one of their steel

requirements for mill order.

The current global demand for steel on the mills is causing escalation of steel prices ?1n^"9erF^^lme to

Hightex's sign offdrawings S001 to SO P yesterday wnue iney w p . y of the essence

* t P a P r f fi ^ ^

6 months tcdeliver to the site and is the first be installed before the mast erection.

structural Ptoel Flements Applicable: '

1. Embeds
2. Slide bearings Qjcf.*'
3. Masts/'Pylons
4. Horizontal Strut
5. Radial Beams #6' ' / "^* ' #*
6. In-rigger
Horizontal Steel Beams
Roof Edge .
9. Facade Structure Horizontal Steel (can these be rectangular shaped versus traingular?)
The following information must he "Issued for Mill Order" bv April 16th to start process.:

1. Dimensions for each steel member

2. Lengths of each member
3. Thickness of each member
4. Major stiffenersoneachmember
5. Material specifications




OOH.-'t69t09 :xej 000l'l.e9>09 :uiew

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9MnW'W9 fl*5*).
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ZXt? W9A '09 'iaAnoouBA 'AeAA I^PIA S862 - OGU#.
pn uo.pnj}suoo auuJJiBd uojiiiujoa
9ttH tO09 :il*30
jojoajja pafojd
IBuoissapJd paiipajoov 03310S9 i'PS'V ' *A VW>

lAi'unjJoddo passjw e aq

s,ua!Paoaid 09mKWd pue W^-^^JSy^^^.SA^eajesmi unseamo,sOu^p
?,BUJB|n aM, jo |apo| aoa!d ^^J^^^^A^Z^ *"*"*d E SE "t*"*** Aq aw ^

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:>,jomp aseqde a)ejjsn||! oi pajedajd si laaqspeajds aqi


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7.1JVHQa iabP"g AjeuimiiaJd soidiuA|Q 04. Joud -1 eBMd

,JJVaa.-196pna AjeuiuuiiaJd I sseMd Uoafqns

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Pheaa J

|A) - (C)
PHASE I (A)*(B)*(C)
(Complete Prior lo Olympics) (Complete After Olympics) (Ultimata End Game)
BesadonOegmio(Upgndaa $

Quanllly- Unit. Unit Rate Budnot Quantity Unit

Upgrade exalting Suite* (Minor) Budge! Quantity Budgsl Budget
Kitchen Phase!) 1,235 M2 S4.000 $4,940,000 0 M2 $0 0

Rsmps """
' *vki,.<*es:Jw? " a SESE-i.t
51.620 $0
M2 $
' o**s3F '-~ 0
.$0 '
.af^TU - e> tavkiiiivnam -efijggB'sfc)--
3.505 M2 $315 $0 $455,956
Convert Hal of Feme b SuBes - Pttaso II $1,104,075 0 M2 $0 $0 o-
0 M2 Each $0 $1,104,076
Actt New Sir-tea (Major) $4,000 SO 620 M2 $0 so-
0 0 LSum $0 $0-
R-a-tocttoE-dsUigKaB of Feme Archive - 320
M2. $0 $0 0 each $0 so '0 each $0 . $0
DUsUed Sotting Area convertod'lo Stint M2 $1,000 $320,000 0 each $0 $0 0. each JO $320,000
0 M2 $315 $0 775* M2
BoaOy Street Entry and Gates Upgrade* $0 $0 0 Each $0
2.325 M2 $315 $732,375 0 $0
Add Staff Amentty Room . .
M2 $0 so ,0 Esch $0 $732,375
PacyieSouOiAtraJn $2,000 $60,000 0 each $0 $0
0 . 0 each .so-. $80,000
Ijvtl Three Total: M2 $315 J2_ 0 M2 $0 $0 0 Each j o $0
Level Few
S10.074.4C5 so To $60,000
1.290 M2 $1,620
Conoouna $2,069,800 0 M2 so $0 LSum SO $2;C89.800
5.295 M2 $269 $f.424.355 0
Junior Club Suite* '- ' "3,605 "M2 "tt'i'sr 0
415 M2 $4,000. $1,680,000 0 LSUm $1,104,075
Intarior Slgnege WsyOmflng $0 $0' LSum SO
1 LSum $1,660,000
Add Staff Amenity Room
$50,000. $50,000 0 each SO so eech SO $60,000
M2 $2,000 0
Concstslon (Skis Una) $60,000 each so $0* each SO $60,000
Premium Suites.
0 M2 $315 SO 570 Each so $0 Eech SO
0 US' $4,030 $0
Concession Zone
$0 675 LSUm so so LSum $0 $0
M2. $4,000 $0
Now Conatnieaon Pacific South (Atrium)
875 LSUm $0 so- LSum SO .SO
M2 $4,000- $0 876 LSUm so $0 LSum so. $0
Level Four Total;
SKeworfce: $6J6S330
Soma Extension tntsrfacs
LSun $350,000 $350,000
WW AWoek AJtsfsScns, pitting and staging Lsum LSum
LSum $350,000 $350,000
$350,000 Lsum LSum $350,000
QMtlon c Total:
WOS Carpentry:
6120 Rough Carpentry
Division 8 Total: $100.000 $100.000 Lsum
$0 $100.000
IvOT $0 $100.000
Exterior Canopb,
SF $40 $0
DMlon7 ToUl: SF -i. jg
Iv 08: PerimeUr Entrances: so
M10 Revolving, EntrsncM far WC
1410 Naw Glazing 10 Esch $200,000 $2,000,000
mio; 0 Each . $0' . $0 . $2:000.000
Nw Automatic SBdirig Doors
10 Eech $10,000 $0'
M10 NswSn*>o.Oobr $100,000
too .Esch $3,000 $100,000
M10 Automatic Deer Openers $300,000
100 Eech $2.500 $850.000 $300,000
Division 8 Total:
$2.660.000 $250.000.
vos: Finishes: $2.000.000
soo Rrdshw(Exctudod)
900 AcoutScii'Exctudodl SF
OMaton 9 TottF

Intarlor Way Finding Signage
Exterior Way Finding Storage Levels $150,000 $600,000 Each Eech
AHow $300.000 $300.000 Each $800,000
OMston 10 Total Each
$600.000 $300,000
/12 $600:000
Fumtettlngs Fixtures and equipment
390 Replace Existing Stadium Seating
390 Replace Existing Kaynn" Seating Eech Each Eoch
Each Each Fa**-



(A) <B) (C) <A) + (B)*(C)

(Complete Prior to Olympics) (Complete After Olympics). . (Ultimate End Game)
Based on DegVee of Upgrade $ .

Quantity- Unit Quantity Quantity Budget Budget

12990 Video Cubo Budget 0 UnL
.1 - Each $10,000,000 $0 Each $0 $0 $10,000,000
12990 Unesr LED Reader Beard - Video Ring 700 LM $10,000- u, so- Each, t$7.t
Score Board!-.- ,P-.." tv- Each
jpwr-, so 0 Each $0
Audj*oVJd*oEejjfrtient '* (\tj
PubSe Address System* . I\y
1 Lsum $350,000 Eech $0 ' 00 Eech. so $350,000
1 Lsum $0. , Each $0 Eech so $0
12990* Jumbo-Screen _ 0 Eech 0
12990 Owner's FF 8 E (Exdudein
Each so Each so SO
0 Eech $0 / Each. $6. . .0 Each $0 $0
Division 12 Total $18.350.000 $o- $0 $0.
5 Passenger Elevators (4 stops Eech) $0
Slops $60,000 $1,200,000 LSum $0 LSum S1.200.000
SNawHobtways Lsum
1 Freight Elevator '$300,000
io* $1,500,000 LSum $0 $0 LSum si.sbo.oo6
Stops $0 Stops $150,000 $600,000 LSum $600,000
1.Now Hoistway LSum $0 $0 LSum $0 SO Tons $0 '
DemoOuon . LSum * $0
$50,000 $250,000 M2 $0 $0 M2 $250,000
Structural Upgrade* LSum $100,000 M2 - $0..,
$500,000 ~-M2 $500,000
Dlvlaten 13 Total: $3,450,000 $600,000. $4,050,000
15010 Ra.S Re -Concrete Floor Stab In Bowl LSum so . $0 Lsum LSum
15010 Ges Service to Buicflng "* . $0
LSum $100,000 $100,000 Lsum LSum $100,000
Mechanical radiant Heating
Improved Stadium Area Drain
LF so* ' LF LF $0
LSum $0 $0 LSum LSum $0
16500 SprWderalExduded) ' *
8F $0 is.
16010 Electrical Sports Lighting 1 LSum $1,000,000 $1,000,006 LSum LSum $1/100.000
'16010 Improved Service Grid in Floor & OsWbutidn 2 LSum'
16010 so - so LSum LSum .$0
AucTolmprovameni* 1 . LSum $500.000 $500.000 Lsum LSum $500.000
PWaton It Total: $1.500,000 $0 $1.500.000
COK8TWCTl6k SUBTOTAL* $66,880.-^6' $600,000 $3B.4l5.946
CM Fee - *y> frl
CM. $66,880,350 10% 20% 7
$13^98,070 $800,000 10% 10% $80,000 10% 10% $13,458,070
CM* S6BJ3S0.350 3.5% 3.5% / $2444,312 $800,000 3.6% 3.5% $21,000 3.5% 3.5% $2,383,312
Soft Costs Consultants S68.S80.350 LSum 10% / $8198,035 10% 10%
$800,000 $60,000 10% 10% $8.758j335
PROJECT sU6-/0Vxb $22,438,417 il41.0QO t22.S>6.417
TOTAL BUDGET $69,418,767 $741,000 $0 $80,785,382
Notes: 1| Exctuoto onto Sot&lte roadworks
2) Exclude* BC Race Maintenance Worfce
3) Excludes completeisefsmfc upgrade
4) Excludes FF & E by Owner
7) Excludes tectjearnenls of overall urbanjxannlng
Page 1 of 1

Arif Rahemtulla

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 200810:11 PM
Tp: Chris Beaton.'Arif RahemtuUa. ^ ^-,._. ^._-.. Je^--r-->.* &-
Subject: Like Roof Replacement Spreadsheet -.
* . ... <


I have attached the Excel File with the-summary of analysis

Xhe review includes normalizing the areas for all proponents so we are comparing common surface area to utilize
/an "Apples to Apples" comparison.

Let me know if this is satisfactory.

Regards '^ . . '

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial* 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. .-.'..

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
M a i n : 6 0 4 . 6 3 1 . 1 0 0 0 F a x : 6 0 4 . 6 3 1 . 11 0 0 . . . .

Aiinnr\f\Q :

Page 1 of 1

Chris Beaton

From: Gavin Yee [GYee@dominionco.cbm]

Sent: Wednesday, April 09,2008 10:1 iPM
To : - ' * C h r i s B e a t o n ; A r i f R a h e m t u l l a _ /
"~ Subje'ci:^Like"Roof Replacement Spreadsheet '"-.- .... - - .


I have attached the Excei File with the summary of analysis

The review includes.normalizing the areas for all proponents so we are comparing common surface area to utilize
an "Apples to Apples" comparison.

Let me know if this is satisfactory.

Regards * "

Gavin Yee. A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director . , - . .
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080' ' ' .
Cell: 604.341.4746 ;

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.6311000 Fax: 604.631.1100



_ _ J B . C . PAV j Ly p N C O R P O R AT I O N . . . _ - _ _ ^ . . _ i . _ . . . . . ! ' . J : - s . - . ^ ? . _ . . : ' . . . . : . , . . . . . . _ * . ' . . 1 , . | ^ #

iBC PLACE "LIKE" ROOF REPLACEMENT ' ' . j. _ . _ ; _ - X . 1 _ . - . - . - - 4 - L _ _ _ l . . . . _ ; ,' - H fl B k
IProDosal Comparison
1 Design, Supply and Installation .i !
j ' ; j Dominion
i P T F E A i r - I n f l a t e d s y s l e m : M Tc l a n q l e s . 4 0 R e d a n q l e s a n d 1 0 0 O i a m o n d p a n e l s ) : .
; ! "Data: |7-Mar-oa
. caas-o
. it! : : - i
USA Shade Fabric Structures
Allowances Added By Construction Manager . . Hightex nternationat AG Blrdalrlnc. Total. *
Inc.. Recommendation
(FflBVitoc Structures}
: David Capezzuto John Saunders William Barden .
- Contact:
604.301-2417 604.523-1170 . 1-716433.8500
Unit Unit Rate Quantity Budget Quantity - Quotation' Quantity . Quotation Quantity Quotation
*" __ -...__
aTZ pesion/Build Proposal Rertufrjjrt-te.ns; - -, : ~- ; -
Attachment "A" Proposal Response Form
A t t a c h m e n t * B " F o r m o f C o n t r a c t C O A D o c 1 4 - ' - >
TBC ~-.-.-. : ' " ' * - r' '
TBC -.
" " TBC
3.0 Attachment "C Owner's Statement of Reoulromonts TBC > TBC
Not Submitted Included
Attachment "D" Detailed Price Breakdown .
AtUchment "*" Supplementary General Conditions
6.0 Addendum No. 1 Yes Yes , Yes
7.0. Canadian Dollars
Not Submitted
' 8 . 0 "'~ Bid Bond - Certified Cheque or Bank Draft ($10,000) Yes
Professional Liability Insurance ,... ."'_. -"""" "''fpcTBC TBC TBC
To:o"." Commercial General Liability -""-- _/_ .3 Ye s _. , TBC '------
n.o" Protection to existing Infrastructure
' 1 "*_."6."to.'S!,J?Sd
8 Months Excluded
3.5 monlhs
12.0 Schedule - 3.5 Months _.._.._:._ ' Not Submitted .6 Months
_^ - * . J C p M
"Window" Of Work (April 8/09 to July 22709) April 8/09 to JulyJ2/M April 16/09 to Oct 14/09
14.0 Remove 8, raotace Llqhtnlno, Rods -(Costto refurbish by Owner). T__ _ __ - --- . By_CM
B. "L|ke* poof Reolacement Deslon/ Build Proposa): ~~ Te766d.'ooo
1.0 ... ".". 1^1*65.750 $11,030,290
Supply and Install Outer Membrane
_, w.mra.poo - S5.515.145
' Supply and Install Inner liner
. "'"$1,560,000
S1.415.0O0 81.838.583
Supply and Install Fabric Connection Hardware
4.0 Performance Bonds S14SJD0O Not Included 1263.072
?JL-.. Provincial Sales Tax (7%} Included
* -- .__ Not Included
rfL *. T * ~ j -
C fTrade'au*llfleatlons):
T ~
1.0 " Plan Area Not submitted
441.000 SF
"379.920SF 43&70O0SF
' 516J13
.. ... ..: :
2.0 " " Surface Area 412.8B5 SF
3.0 Specifications Refer to Hightex Section 13000 Not Included
4.0 Paymentsand Hotdbaeks Refer to Highlex Refer to Fabritec Refer to Birdair
5.0 30 days 80 days 60 days
Expiration of Proposal
B.0 UttSUes and Consumables (Temp Power, lighting security elc) Excluded Excluded Excluded
7.0 TBC TBC 10 Years
Warranty .

$13,038,800 $19,163,003
0 Trade Proposal Subtotal Before Taxes:
' S13.64S,000

Unit Rata based on Area ktentMed by Proponents: 130.94 S31.57 S37.13

- S13.645.000
e. Trade Subtotal (Based on Common Surface Area of 441.000 SF): S13.92I.156
$16,374,097 $13,645,000

{Add to Trade Proposal Priclnq):

1 Beinst^atofiW.EatiJlightingsvstem-arwJjsccassones.- t^-, ....... , . . - i . . ._:,. :.';?/.-
-. ..-. .;':.~:'. ScS^'ifA - iC3s=^istii-J97 ***** SS0.397 saai. -.. ... - ----ii $30,397 T. T- v y a u l \ . :;;';-"*^^.. :-'?*
S* Service Contract for 5 Years S70.356 Included $70f8S8
Add PTFE Closures - Included . $581,850 Included
4.0 Add Sporadic Hardware replacement . Indudec S68.50C Included
s.o ~ Add Allowance for 7% PST (On 60% estimate materials only) . 7% J477.575 Includec Includec

; .1 ;. ' i ! I ' . '


"Ti* > r o p o s a l Comparison j
1 : 1
.' I ! i
H-w Maaaaat aaaasaa
: ' !
j Desian. Supply and Installation " . ' ' ' Hflfftf^
; ' .i i
If>TFE Air-Inflated svstem:(4 Trianoles. 40 Redanqles and 100 Diamond panels) Dale: ;7-Mar-08 QQDQGHnDQ
' . . : s i .- : : . . i
USA Shade Fabric Structures Total
A l l o w i nces Added By Construction Manager " Hightex 1nternatlonal AG - Blrdalrlnc
Inc. Recommendation
' (Fabritec Structures')'
:onUct: ', ' Oavtd Capezzuto John Saunders William Barden
Phone: 504-301-2417 604-523-1170 1-716-633.9500
. Description: .Unit Unit Rate Quantity Budget .Quantity Quotation Quantity Quotation Quantity Quotation
7.0 Performance Bonds
$12 {156.442
- : Included

Added to Trade Proposal Pricing: $598,828 . 1857.188 ... . . $121,253 . . . . . . . $ 5 9 8 , 8 2 8

G. Trade Proposal Total: ' $14,243,828 $14,778,345 $16,495,350 $14,243,828

R- Allowances Added by Construction Manaaer: """ " To

1:0 Construction Management 8 Site Personnel/ Supervision Monthly 10 $90,000 4S0O.0OO - so fo
2.0 RE & Ra Temporary Protection SF .200,00p_. S1.50 $300,000 so _ so SO
3.0 Garbage bins and disposal AHow Allow "ABow S650.00'6"' so $6 $0
4.0 Existing Concrete Columns & ShearwaD Upgrades (Not Required) Allow
Allow "
.$0 SO
: _ ^_
5.0 Re & Re of existing mechanical & electrical ' '$750,000 __..$0
6.0 FRP Cover over existing ting beam SF 30,000 " $40
J200 " $1,200,000 . SO $0 so
7.0 Ra& Re Prirtmetef Railings LF -"2297*" sVssImo " -' - "so* - v ' * * . * " ij o ' so
. 8.0 Project Specific Professional Liability insurance S/S1000 SU.244 $5.00 $71,219 SO JO
9.0 Add Cable replacement Allowance (due to maintenance only, not by code) Jfigftfex 5% . S712.191. . ~ "IS
SO so JO
10.0 Anchors/ accessories replacement AKowence (due lo maintenance only) H g M e x " ' 2.5%* J356.6sa" ' J0 so
11.0 Add 8% Allowance for Duties and Excise Taxes - % $0
$427,315''" . - JO JO so
12.0 Replace cable intersecting clamps allowance "*" % Hightex 1.50% $213,657 $0 so so
13.0 Re & Re Roof Drains Allow Allow Allow $350,000 . so s"d $0
14.0 Lighting and eecessenes attached to roof structure and related fixbtqs Allow Allow Allow . $7,600,000 $0 $'o $0
lis.o Survey existing conditions, special beartnp. setting, outpoints Hours 700 $100 $70,000 $0 ~" "V ssoo so
16.0 Road closures, traffic management Allow . A l l o w Allow . S150J100 $0 so
17.0 Pressure wash Stadium Concrete Final Clean!ng_-
iS'tr*' TeaJJ/yj-antrinsbections'
Hours -6680
Atow __ Allow
" " - 8 5 " ~ """$434,200"" '
* $75,000 ^J:z: "Io
so " " ". ' Ysoc . - ..:.,..-_ _-.-ig _: _.. ....
.__; $0
19.0 Lighting Rods
Alow Ailow' Alow S150.0OO so
- so -~.- $0 $0
20.0 Miscellaneous Equipment ABow * .A llow
Allow AHow $250,600 _.'- '.-.1 759 so
21.0 .__ . .
Miscellaneous Preparation 8 Repairs AHOW AHow $300,000" so $0 so
I. Sub-Total Allowance Items Added Bv Construction Manaaer S15.419.019 $0 S15.419.019
:_ -
J. *
' 1.0
Excludes tots) cable replacement (may be required due to new codes)'. Excluded
. Excluded
--~- Excluded
Excluded .
2.0 i Roof replaced to meet current codes
3.0 Ring beam and related connections (Significant costs and schedufa impact) Excluded Excluded Excluded

- 4 . 0 - Proposal quJtttScations above (To be priced'-) Exctuded Excluded Exctuded

5.0 Supply and Instal Photovoltaic panel system J40 Watis/M2) $8,800,000 No Bid $1,209,528
6.0 Excluded Excluded Excluded
Design & install of.rainwater diversion or collection systems
7:o_. Pertmeter-steel outer fabric hardware at dr beam *?+*?jg&'eS&?, . s?sii&*-. wsnj . - -H=!C, -fBa?- * Reuse
l =H1?!*RSt'fl es :&: * J a * 4 Z s * K i 2 R e u s e -**i=22l *
8.0 All vents in diamond and llnhtnirio rods on cable lines are reused Excluded Excluded Exctuded
Included for Trianoles
9.0 Add Sneerfill 1 (or All Outer membrane (Onlv Required for Larae Triangles) Included forTrlanqles Included for Trianoles
1100 Excluded Excluded Excluded
111.0 Owner's FF4E. Video Screens. Audio Video Eoulomert Excluded Excluded Excluded



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[ujooobuop!UJopaaA0faaA u!Ai39 -wojj

eiinjuiaiiey jjuv

Z.?o I &M
Page 2.of2

The options currently are: _

1 Wait until modelling report is completed and optimize design. Delay in schedule and start of steel erection
Z Rx dimen^pns and thicknfess for drawings "Issued Mill Order Risk-changes to after modelling report .s

.'I suqqest
_ _ _ a ..
PB conference call to_
^_ discuss
. our
^ ^.next course
punt- . _of
_ action:
. . --mm: ..._ ,.--... irs!SS.5Sr?T-

Gavin Yee,' A.Sc.T. GSC LEED1? Accredited Professional

Project Director '
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd.

#130 - 2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

4/9/2008 ' ^


' ; 8003/01/17

' ' . . ' ' > ' ' ' ' :

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uoieag sumo

cp i.aS-Bti
Page 2 of 5

Please give me a call to discuss prior to setting up the call.


Cfiris Beaton
PavCO -^^1
* P h : ^ 4 - " 3 0 - 0 1 2 3 ' * t s - . . - - * * - *
Fx: 664^6B8-JB882 .

From: Doug Radcliffe []

S e n t : F r i d a y, A p r i l 11 , 2 0 0 8 2 : 4 9 P M -
To : A r i f R a h e m t u l l a ; C h r i s B e a t o n ,
C c : ' M i c h a e l S t e i n ' ; ' N o l a n M a r k ' ; ' P. Wa g n e r ' ; ' D a v i d C a m p b e l l , . .
Subject: Steel Mill Order Schedule
* ' * . .
A r i f & C h r i s , ' ' . * . _ * _ . . / , . i J . . _ ^ . _ . v . , _ ' . _ . - ^ . . : . _ . - -

We have determined that we can provide the steel in a schedule for purchase and the engineering effort
mnfidS that this can happen by April 15,2008. Again this is a mill order - Bill of Material which is to procure
m i ^ t h e a c t u a l w i n d a n d s n o w s t u d y a n a l y s i s a n d h a s r i s k f o r q u a n t i t y. A n y
TeaS weightThen design is furthered, will be forgone with the design, however this should al eviate any-
additional cost increases beyond the 15\ Please call with any questions; appreciate your understanding. DCR

From: David Campbell []

Sent: Thursday, April 10. 2008 3:07 PM
To : ..
Cc: Michael Stein; Nolan-Mark; P. Wagner; SBP; Paul Gpssen; Knut Goeppert [SBP] (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Drawings "Issued -for Mill Order" - URGENT


1 spoke with Michael and we have the following thoughts: . ^

1 We can produce a summary of all primary steel members for an initial mill order on 15 April. We
issue on 15 April for receipt on 16 April. This will be the steel for the primary structural members as
they are understood in this stage of the design process. All must anticipate that the information will
change, as we will not be "freezing" (indeed, even cooling) the steel design on 15 Apnl. As we
understand it, this will be employed to get into the queue for material. ,

2 Once in the queue, we anticipate that the timer will be started on design for when the steel material
order must be finalized. We anticipate that this will be the end of May, as in 31 May. If this is
inconsistent with the schedule demands of the initial mill order, we need to know before the initial mill
order is placed. We cannot commit to a date earlier than the end of May at this time.

3 Thisvviil not includethe facade horizontal steel. The facade is not fully developed and has not been
vetted with Hightex, PavCo or Stantec as of yet. It will have to follow, but we do not see it being on
the critical path.'

4. Bearings are not mill order items. We assume that the they will be procured by GTS or Dominion to
a specification and requirements provided by us. We don't see this as a get-in-the-queue"


l^age '3 of .0

arrangement. These will have to be the final requirements/ specificaitohs. We don't have a hard date
for this yet. We will shoot for next week or soon there after. . .. ' "

5. Embeds work with the bearings. Same schedule.

6 Steel specification section is issued for comment. We will likely have some edits 6n the Hightex
tea^sidefbut would suggest thafcal-i commenWfeedback fro^Ea^cUBDmi^^.GTS^hatthey
Wish to have addressed in the initial mill order specification be provided by 11 April end ot day.

Call or email should you have any questions,

David M. Ganipbell P.Eng.

Geiger Engineers "'*... . . .
2 Executive Blvd. Suite 410
Suffern. NY 10901
t 845. 368.3330X 11 ' .
f 845. 368.3366
m 845.' 729.1063 .
fl m r ^ a q e i q e r e n Q i n e e r s . c o m ' .

On Apr 9,2008, at 7:29 PM, Doug Radcliffe wrote:

Michael and David is it possible to -give plate sizes for bulk quantity with associated ^^f^^-
specifications, so that George Third & Sons may (on their own risk) place a mill order? ChrisBeaon
has requested I assist this effort in producing whatwould be a BOM (again not final) that would allow
GTS to proceed with a; placement.

I folly recognize the degree of difficulty and of course the uncertainty - with the design where it is,
where we are in the progress of the study for snow and wind. But the owner has requested we a
portion for the large mill order to get some codification on pricing -1 think* is important to produce :
todocument. Please let me know what y6ur thoughts are. I also know any sort of effort today W.11 still-
have two weeks before any pricing could be returned. Please advise. DCR

' From: Gavin Yee rmailto:GYep<a<fominionco-corrr|

Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 5:20 PM

2 ToT S 'SSSSSS?SSSSSaa\ m^ * Huliins; Rob Third; Michael

Bingham -
Subject: Drawings "Issued for Mill Order" - URGENT

structural Ste^l Drawings "ISSUED FOR MILL ORDER" '

I received an e-mail from George Third (GTS).a couple of days ago, It contained an e-mail from one of^hejr steel
L^n?Mn^TOTteel supply demand "changing daily if not hourly". This demand for steel. wilthave J-
iSSn^impact on the schedule for the project The engineers will need to find^a way to getdraw.ngs "Issued
ITmOoef ^o^am for final design loads from RWDI (expected end of April). Once the engineer> have
h s info^ hey w^ need time to analyze and recalculate the design in May: It is our understanding, hey do not
expecrdesfgn information to be issJed until June. Given the current lead time required for steel ^ders
demons rrTust be made dow to fix dimensions, lengths and thickness of vanous steel members, See |.st below
on requirements for mill order. .

4/10/2008 ' . ' " " . . ' '


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I'age l oi o

Arif Rahemtulla

From: X Chris Beaton

Sent: fhiirsdayrApiii i 0, 2008 6:52 PM
To: Arif Rahemtulla
Subject: FW: Steel Mill Order Schedule


PavCO . ' - . au^rii- ^*>Oh?U
Ph: 604-307-0123 %j TXAXX^I tf W^r
Fx: 604-688-6882. . ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ o i fi trf

From: Gavin Yee []

S e n t : T h u r s d a y, A p r i l 1 0 , 2 0 0 8 4 : 5 9 P M . ,
To: Rob Tnird; Michael Bingham;. Jeff Muilins;* Dennis Dupasquier; Alex ^ckwood
Cc: C Rowan;^ob Reimer; Tim; Terpenning; Erhard Hinko; Tom de Wolf; Chris Beaton
Subject: Steel Mill Order Schedule . /:

Here is a thread of emails concerning mill order of steel. Sizes and quantitjes will be available by April 15th and
S A ^ l e S S e n o t fi n a l i z e d u n t i l M a y 3 1 s t . S p e c i fi c a t i o n i s ^ 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
end of day April 11th so it can be addressed in the initial mill order. U|ndeNtend GTS^wfego^obtam ,3jLeeL
supp^ prices and forwardjesu.ltsand recommendation for award of steel su]PyyPa^ .
Please refer to Geiger's April 10th comments, particularity the following... , S \-
"2. Once in the queue, we anticipate that the timer will be started on design for when the steel material
^ x
order must be finalized. We anticipate that this will be the end of May, as in SI May If this i^
Zc"eniwith the schedule demands of the initial mill order, we need to Uow before.the initial mill
order, is placed. We cannot commit to a date earlier than the end of May at this time.

With this information, when will steel be delivered to your fabrication shop? and when will^teeT
erection start? Please confirm. r~~~~~~' . f

G a w Ye e . A S o . T. G S C L E E D ^ r e d W P r o f e s s W i t W * * < 6 W p ^ ^ . M ^ : ^
ProjeclDirectpr .^/^ ^m ao\ k//h i>Ur^0> &> ^W '^^
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080 'M? ?UW< "* ("*?*t '
Cell: 604.341.4746 .... . ^iUS^J^l ^UT f *>^^ ^ ^

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. ^Irc^irj?

#130-2985 virtual Way, Vancouver, B;G.V5M 4X7 p^f . W'T'N*^
Main: 604.631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

From: Chris Beaton]

Sent: April 10; 2008 3:11 PM
To: Gavin Yee


l>age I oi :>

Subject: FW: Steel Mill Order Schedule



a contract without any issues?

Please give me a call to discuss prior to setting up the call.


Chris Beaton
Ph: 604-307-0123
Fx: 604-688:6882

From: Doug Radcliffe []

Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 2:49 PM '
To : A r i f R a h e m t u l l a ; C h r i s B e a t o n . ,' " u . . .
Cc: 'Michael Stein'; 'Nolan Mark'; 'P. Wagner'; 'David Campbell
Subject: Steel Mill Order Schedule ...

Arif & Chris,

Wp have determined that We can provide the steel In a schedule for purchase and the engineering effort
isJJ that thkSrhaDoe^nbv April 15 2008. and
this isstudy
a mill analysis
order - Bill of Material
has riskwhich
for is to procure
confiden thattl^s can h^.n.^^^^-^nd and quantity. Any

additiona! cost increases beyond the 15*. Please call with any questions, appreciate your understanding. DCR

From: David Campbell []

Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:07 PM '
To : d c r @ d c r a d d i f f e . c o m ' ' ' . , ' * . * - . * r o o m t c ^ , \ \
Cc: Michael Stein; Nolan Mark; P. Wagner; SBP; Paul Gossen; Knut Goeppert [SBP] (E-mail)
Subject: Re:. Drawings "Issued for Mill Order" -URGENT

Doug: *

I spoke withMichael and we have the following thoughts: . '

1 We can produce a summary of all primary steel members for an initial mill order on 15 April. We
issue on 15 April for receipt on 16 April. This will be the steel for the primary structural members as
they are understood in this stage of the design process. All must anticipate that the information will
change as we will not be "freezing" (indeed, even cooling) the steel design on 15 Apnl. Aswe

4 / 11 / 2 0 0 8 ' . ' '. '

." , 8UUC/LI/P

mo3-saiiJadojd-4Ja3uo3(g)enn4Uidq^dV .uoieag suqo :oj.

Wd 02:S 800Z '60 ply AepsaupaM *U3S
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yr)G -3SIAPB ^li-patfmjai aq-ppioo Supud Aire aiojaq s^aa* QMJ aABq
nns ni/vv Xepoi yona lajios- to mou* osre t -ub s^Snoq; jnoA;^ MOiq auuar wU ^umoop^.

si ]i bjaqM uSisap aqi *t* - Aure^outi ain asjnoo jo pire A^noijjip jo aajSap H-iii8oom Annj I
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:3joJM ojgippBH 3na 'Wd 6 W.*80QZ '6 **V uO

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goeew sw J
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sjaauiBua jaBjao
6u3*d liaqdiuBQ *t/\| p|Aea

'suopsanb Aire aABq noA pjnoqs [rema jo nK)

rpn to nua rudv T T Aq papiAOJd aq uoireogioads japjo \\xui piijui aqj ui passaipp* aABq o; qsiM

xaj^ ^auiinooioj panssi si uoipasuoi^iJP^staais 9

ainpaqos amBS .s3u^aq am m*iM ^OM spaqwH g

ja^B aiai^ uoos jo >iaaM pcau joj poqs uim aAV !^ sWI0J

qiBd iboiiuo aqj

[ETMjraijoj*ananbaq!oju. m* siqiIipuBjsjapun

C IO f 38BfI
Page 4 ot 3

t e To m c t e W W ; ^ David Campbell; mj*eir^^ Mchael

Subject: Drawings "Issued for Mill Order" - URGENT ' . .

Structural Ste*l Drawings "ISSUED FOR MILL ORDER"

.. r r> ,^Th;^/rT<5\arniinieof dav^^ao It contained an e-mail from one of their steel ,.
I received a.ue-maj.1.from Qe.orge Third (gTSJyyougg ^W^^j: y^ d2mand for steel will have a
suppliers concerning steel supply demand ^a"9^ "Issued
significant impact on the schedule for the project T^ ei^^^^^J^ ^ ^eers nave
for Mill Order" without waiting for final design 'o^8/? *^ theydo not '

on requirements for mill order.

suppliers and approval/ pure^r^-*Jg**^^^g& unaWe to develop their steel schedule

fabrication and start of steel erection date of Novemb,2,2008 *tT^"*nS shorter erecBbn duration until

Structural Stfi^l '='"n'ft*nfr Applicable:

1. Embeds .
2. Slide bearings
3. Masts/ Pylons
4. Horizontal Strut
5. Radial Beams
6. In-rigger - . .
7. Compression Ring

tk. fn^nir infarct >*** "Issued fnr Mill Order" by April 1fh to start process;

1. Dimensions for each steel member

2. Lengths of each member
3. Thickness of each member
4. Majorstiffeners on each.member
5. Material s p e c i fi c a t i o n s .

The options currently are: ......

issued. "'

) suggest a conference call to discuss our next course of action.

4 / 11 / 2 0 0 8 * '


. . - . '' MWtmiV

TiBiua stift SunuiJd ajojaq luauiuojiAiia aip Japisuoo asBan

* B S B p a i AiareiDauiun
x r e u S T j ^rreui-a sup jo saidoo jpi Xwp pro japuas aip Ajpou assaid ^uaidpaj
' oaiireu am irem jaino uosjad Aq asn jaq;o jo uopBUiuiassnp 'SmAdoo P3ZP0^nBU^f^^
vSS^S J*W*' uib^oo ** P<* ^** paureu aip joj Apio popnpn ^ FIL

rags 00^9^89^ 0001' trawanew

ZX* W9A 09 'JSAnoouBA 'Xbm |BfiW!A Q96Z - 0St#
pn uojpnnsuoo aiJUJJjej uoiuiujoq

.;". joioaJiaiosfoJd
|euoiss9jQJd p9p8J0OV ,5,0331 OSO "r'aSV 'aaA^D

Re: Snow Loads and Earthquake Loads .a8e.

Chris Beaton

From: Gavin Yee (]

Sent:. Friday, April 11, 2008 6:30 PM
To : Chris Beaton ~ .
"^Stibject: Re: "Snow Loads and Srthquaki3;:LQdd^TJ

I think you mean emergency gathering place. Not post disaster. See the difference? Designing to Normal will not stop it from
being used as an emergency gathering place.

Like it currently is now without any upgrades.

Original Message ' *

' ccfotf H5fek<Glenn.Hubick@genivar:com>;Hamming,DougnS*f^^^^^^ .

. <>;j?Jri& TomdeWolf-Flonan - r
Sent: Fri Apr 11 17:08:412008
. Subject: RE: Snow Loads and Earthquake Loads

Gavin, '

In orderto avoid a long drawn out discussion On loading carried out by email we will add this issue to the agenda for the .
Owner's meeting on Thursday April 17,2008.
" To be clear the directions from Pavco have been to design BC Place Improvements to the current code and to design it td be
available for post disaster gathering. . ' . -

Have a great weekend.

Chris Beaton .
PavCO '. -- - -
Ph: 604-307-0123 .
Fx: 604-688-6882 .

Frpm- r.avin Yee [mailto:GVee@dominionco.coml

Sent: Friday, April 11,2008 3:45 PM
To- Doue Radcliffe: David Campbell; ^ , ,*, ',*- 0iw
Cc; Glenn Hubick; Chris Beaton; Hamming, Doug; David .Galpin; Arif Rahemtulla; Tom de Wolf; Flonan Weller
Subject: Snow Loads and Earthquake Loads ".".,

I hear that the snow loads and earthquake project are extremely high ......46 PSF +.30% + 15% has been the
S n ^
SffeVence b teel from 4700 tons to 7655 Tonnes +. As y6u raise this as a weekly issue and every PPPO^nty you get
^en we talk we are beginning to think youVe crazy, no offense... but how can these loads be addressed?

Here are my thoughts:

1 understand
u n d e r sthat
t a nstadiums
d t h aand
t sarenas
t a d i uini general
. . - ware
~ - r oas~buildings
^ , to^meet
- , . NBC
. and
. Vancouver
. . , n x Building
i icodes
* with
"Normal" Importance.category. In other words, in my opinion, BC Place technically can be designed to a Normal

4/14/2008 . T . ' " ' ' ' - '

Re: Snow Loads and Earthquake Loads . - Page 2 of 2

Importance Category to meet the prescribed codes. Now having said that...

I also understand that it is desired by the client to increase the importance factor from "Normal" to "High". This "High"
designation goes beyond the code requirement forstadiums and arenas at the client's request. I believe, It should be made
clear that this is not a code requirement but a client request. If my opinion is correct.

The normal loads are factored upwards as follows: Importance Category for Snow Load if designated for "High" is from 1.0
t o 1 . 1 5 . a n d f o r e a r t h q u a k e l o a d ^ f r o m 1 . 0 t o L 3 . _ _ ; ^ . , , . ^ . n F ^ . i * - - -- . - * - ~ *

Would it be a straight forward analysis to determine what would be the loads if the engineers utilized the prescribed loads for
, a."Nornial" building to have as a comparison to "High".

1 think it would be prudent for our group, to identify an estimated cost value between a "Normal" category versus "High"
category. This should be clearly expalined to the client that they are paying a cost premium and it's associated risks in dealing
with heavier loads. Increased loads have a direct correlation to increase in costs, schedule and risk. To bring more certainty to
these factors, please advise what would the "Normal" loads look like and impact to cost.

Back in February when we all were trying to sort.out and identify potential "clangers" that would impact the success of the
project I think this importance factor classification of "High" should have been identified as one. Certainly, in my opinion, if
we had known that "High" importance factor would cause increased costs, schedule and risks, we would have identified an
item to add to our list of factors that would promote successof the project. Success factor: Designate th.^^^.^._
^NoTtnaT^^lalng/"'^' -"- ...-.-.- - -- . v

If "High" importance factor is not negotiable with the client then we all should ignore this e-mail.

Let me know what you think. Maybe I'm c r a z y. . . ' _.

Gavin Yee, A.Sc.T. GSC LEED Accredited Professional

Project Director
Direct Dial: 604.631.1080
Cell: 604.341.4746 '

Dominion-Fairmile Construction Ltd.

ti]30 - 2985 Virtual' Way, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4X7
Main: 604:631.1000 Fax: 604.631.1100

This e-mail is intended only for the named recipient and may contain confidential, and/or privileged material. Any
unauthorized copying, dissemination or other, use by a person other than the named recipient ofthis communication is
prohibited. If you received this in error or are not named as a recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copies of -this
e-mail immediately.

Please consider the environment before printing this email.


' . '.''" 800t/tt)/U

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, s o o o . p e d c u , p u e a , , , . 0 0 , s p e o , j e u u o u . - = J f ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ i ^ K
. ajour Buuq oi m pue e,npeMos '^*f W s^' ^^

M6iH 01 uos-uedujoo e seaAeq oi 6u!P|inq jeujJON,, e joi

spec, peqtojd eM> pa^n sjaauiBua eq, spec,.eq, eq wnp^qM^U^ap ?, s.sA.bub pjbmjo, WBW e aq p,no|
- * 'e-1 oi 0"l- 'wojj :peo| a^nbqjJBa joj pub g V l o\

0- I U104 s, ,.M6,H., iJ pa1eu6,sap peon mouS jo, to6a,e0 eouepodu,, aw se spjeMdn paiope, a.e speo, .euu.ou am

peiJOO .1 uoMdo Km .sanbei ,U9!P e,nquauJOi.nbai ap>oo e;oii*******

.viewDIBS-6UIABUmow *sapoopaquosaid aqiiaaui ovAJo6a)eo aouBUodiui

- :siqBnoq; Alu aJB 3J9H

.passajppB aq spec, .uboi^s eseM> ubo Moq ,nq U^^ aTul^X

,96 noA ftiunuoddo AjaAa Pub anss, feet* e sb s.q, as.ej noAsy+^.^^Sww?5w - ai PN 'BflUBUi


- " "' - - ' v. /'.'" ..." speoi a>lBnbqjViB3 puB spsoi mous

j9,,aM ueuoy *|0M ep u.0! *,,niuiaqey ;uV :u!d|B9 P!Aea :6noQ "Buiwiubh Um sjTO :WnHJ^
apdqs@U!'a,s-LU :**aqduJEO piabo lajjipppfi 6na
. i/Md.9t>:>m>l'-l!jdV
[LUO0O0U0!UIUJOp^99A9] saA UJAB9
Page 1. of2
& >

Chris Beaton

From: Chris Beaton . .

Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008'5:09 PM
To:. 'Gavin Yee'; Doug Radcliffe; David Campbell; i ^__^
s^Cfcr5-'"- ^en'n^ Davi^G'alpih;' Arif Ralmmtulla; Tom de Wolf, Florian Wei
Subject: RE: Sriow Loads and Earthquake Loads

Gavin, ' ' . ' ..->".

in order to avoid a long drawn out discussion on loading carried out by email we. will add this issue to the agenda
for the: Owner's meeting on Thursday April 17, 2.008.

To be clear the directions from Pavco have been'to design BC Place improvements to the current code and to
design it to be available for post disaster gathering.
Have a "great weekend,

Chris "Beaton
Ph: 604-307-0123
Fx: 604-688-6882

From: Gavin Yee []

Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 3:45 PM
To: Doug Radcliffe; David Campbell; ._.-,- A v.( lf cl .a u/otlor
Cc: Glenn Hubick; Chris Beaton; Hamming, Doug; David Galpin; Arif Rahemtulla; Tom de Wolf; Flonan Weller
Subject: Snow Loads and Earthquake Loads


I hear that the snow loads and earthquake loads on this project are extremely high ... .46 PSF + 30% + 15% has
been the mantra Not sure if these loads were originally anticipated from Hightex earlier in the feasab.lrty process
but "t hetp explains the difference in steel from 4700 tons to 7655 Tonnes +. As you raise this as a weekly >ss|ie -
and every opportunity you get when we talk, we are beginning to think you're crazy, no offense... but how can
these significant loads be addressed?

Here are my thoughts: . v

I understand that stadiums and arenas in general are designed as buildings to meet NBC and Vancouver Building
' acodes with Importance
"Normal" "Normal" Importance
Category category. In prescribed
to meet the other words, in myNow
codes. opinion, BCsaid
having Place, technically can be designed to

.' IThis
desiqnation goes'beyondbv.the clientrequirement
the code to increase the importance
for stadiums andfactor from
arenas "Normal"
at the client sto.-tfigh^/
request. I

believe, It should be made clear that this is not a code requirement but a client request. If my opinion is correct.

The normal loads are factored upwards as follows: Importance Category for Snow Load if designated for "High" is
from t.O to 1.15. arid for earthquake load; from 1.0 to 1.3.

Would it be a.straight forward analysis to determine what would be the loads if'the engineers utilized the



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jiBUJ-a siqi ijouty pinoqs \\e a/w uaqi luaip aqi ifflM eiqeftofleu jou s| jopq aouepodui! jjjBjHu 11

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aqi jo ssaoons ajoujojd P!noM ieqi uom jo mi Jno o ppe oi wan ue P*^WW^ . W?
amnauns 'sisoo oaseajoui ssneo pinoM jopej aouepoduit ..q&H,, jeqi umoum peq aM ji uomido Aw u| A|uieyao
T^^SSX^f^ JMBIHJ Jo uoi^issep Jopej aoueyodui, s.qi ^ "SS^TS&^SS
aqi peduui pinoMieqi ..sjaBuep,, |B..iuapd A^uap. pue ino uos o\ 6u|/tn 3J3M lie aM uaqM Ajenjq^ uS >peg
'"':**--r* '"" " "" jsoo oi pedui! pue

mil aooi speoi leiujoN aqi PinoM ;bMm asiApe aseajd 'sjopej asaqi cn Ajuiepao ajoiu 6uuq ox W l^inw*
Ssoo u Soui'oi uo. eiajjoopajip e aAeq speoi paseajoui spBO, ja.Aeaq qM 6U!|Bap u. sw paieposse
^^SS^^B^ aiifcift A "ua o aqi * psunedxa Aueap aq p,noqs ^J^" ;M6|H.
snsj9A Aio^eo ^wjor/b ua9M,aq an,BApoo %uap, oi 'dnojBjno JOjiuaprud eq pmoMj, mm I.
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iiM6!H,. oi uosueduioo e se aAeq oi 6u!p|mq .jbujjOn,. ejoj speoi paquosajd

7Tf>7 a*3*Rj

. -eouossa aqjp si aiiiji 6002 JaqwaAON Uj

Bu.ouawujoo *om Ab,J8ao OONVA A "* H *HlW* 'S,d^!Pfil^fa^L^rtontoo

ari'isnuj raaroL gu I "siuiejisuoo auiq paiiwii am oi anp Ajessaoau si u6isap aqi Buunp Auuajjnouoo
00-.V-I-C9 t>09 XVd.

OOOl-f.C9 t09 131 BiAim suonnps uoipnjpuoo pue uo.punj 'uBisap pap aziuiudo oj sf^^ffWQ^'^
Si aq sio||B ABoppoqiaiu-jS!ssv - uBisaa.. siM1 *mjoM am apuiPB P ** ^!^
LaeionJisuoo pue Bunnpauos 'Bu.pBpnq '6u.uue|dajd joj saojnosaj pue asipadxajaap PJnprup
l*b MSA V0VNV3 gSSSSlDSm^W iSl Ud *tt ft sqiuoui om,, jmo SJL9 JJ^JJ
-- .:Oa'3AnOONVA

avaa nvniaiA 9962 - OEl- siuauiaBuBJJB Pupa aApjoqe,|oo /aAipjadodo mum Buimjom ^Bpnq ijo gtujj
3aiN33 HD31 AVAAQVOaa uo BujWW '^Offlpuqo a.npaqos p6>l u, BuppoM u, ^. ^^
uniieouaei uBlU 'saniiiqedea ISISSB - u6isap Jiaqi u asiyadxa pajejpuoiuap seq SIO JZW

an NoiionaisNOo
wmmrhn israads Jiaui joi qio papaias seq ooABd pue OdO *ooAed q !<v\ .8003 82 AJeruqaj p*w
giiWHiyj NOiNiwoa
SSS&!^iKS?0?iJowoid -apun sao.AJas OutfWto Bu.piAOJd s, S19 Anuaunp
-.luauiaajbv aqi Jo jua"i

sBuiMejp asaqi uo Bttppd paxij dopAap o\ pajinbaj aq II1AA

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SoS UOnSuqm pue sBuiMejp doqs qM paaoojd o, Aiessaoau aq |(!m ,. ajaqM WJWP"

- . ' :paloJd aqi

paajBe Anenpuj
se sW^BW pue suifflpudo -quaunxp PBW.oo oq. ! aouepioooe ui aq ,Ws W v
-ainpaqos pue jaBpnq

Wun, uo 88.P8[q6 s,ooSd jaau. pue lu-Khu-n ^--^5Z

sio3road ivioaas

in3W30vnvw NoiionaisNOo _'S19 PUE. O0A?d.u8a^ .

pafojd paouajajaJ aAoqe
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joBjpo'o-pais snoaueuaosiiAj pue pais pjnprujs
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'OOO Pue papisaJd a!A 'PJ!M1 TO 'Jl^ '-uo!lua^
uoiinuioa v^'fAZNCA
' /6a 'Aqeujna
'aqu^AN/ddeJi 01-09
p;i supspue pjiqiaBjoao

8002 '21- IPdV

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals
April 12,2008

This integrated process will transition into a construction contract and wiH supersede the
Professional Consulting Services Agreement. This MOU will confirm that GTS is committed in
working cooperatively with Pavco and DFC in good faith to finalize a construction contract.
Parties to The Agreement:
All-Work shall be carried out in accordance with jhe Contract Dements. The 9^^^SS!j
; shall be a Stipated Price Cfintnlet for Trade Contracts on ConstrSbon ManagemrPro>cfs, CCA
?7 1996 complete with Supplemental Conditions between GTS and Pavca.Refer to the project
specifications for Prime Contract Documents and Division 0 & 1 General Requirements.

Owner: Pavco .
Architect: Stantec (Prime Consultant)
Structural (Existing Building) Genivar v
Mechanical Genivar
Electrical Genivar
Construction Manager: Dominion
Design - Build Roof Contractor. Hightex
Structural (above transfer beam) SBP * , . .
Structural (Transfer structure) Geiger'(Engineer of Record/ Coordinating Engineer)
Fabric __ .- Te n s y s . /.
~ . Clean Energy concept" Tf&nsolar "~ . - -
Photovoltaic System Solar Next .
: Acoustics Mulier BBM

Third Party Reviews: Arup

Proposed GTS Team:

Dedicated Team and resumes

Refer to GTS's March 14, 2008 tetter

General Scone of Work - (Shall include but not necessarily limited to the following):
Supply and install all labour, materials, equipment necessary for the complete installation of
Structural Steel work listed herein for the project. Include all project management, executive
support engineering, administrative staff, contract administrators, QA/QC personnel, project
accounting, shop, drawings, detailing, travel costs (possible overseas), disbursements, all as
required to support all disciplines related tp.GTS operations.
2. Supply and install Work in accordance with Scfilaich Berermann and Partner's specifications. .
3. Mast detail refer to Hightex's drawings.
4. Steel pylons, related connections, splices, bolts, plates welding etc. (36 each)
5. Steel horizontal struts and roof edge beam, related connections, bolts, plates, welding etc.
6. Compression ring box girder sections, related connections, bolts, plates, welding etc.
7. Supply and install Lower steel backstays members (below horizontal strut)
8. Install only, upper cable backstays* (supplied by Hightex)
9. Steel for 36 in-rigger for 10 cable tension ring -
10. S t e e l for radial beams . . .
11. Temporary lateral bracing at alternate bays, possible use of roof edge beam to tie subsequent
bays back to braced bays. .
12. Steel supply weights (if supplied by the engineers in Metric Tonnes) will include those items as.
per the CISC Code of Standard Practice guidelines. Connections, gussets, stiffeners, plates,
rolled sections, tube and pipe, bolts, weld rod, scrap, cropping (based on optimized "nesting" of
steel), embeds, anchor bolts, permanent to the structure. GTS understands that they have
included all other steel requirements for temporary bracing, erection steel, props, falsework,
shipping angles, miscellaneous steel required for their erection procedures.
13. Special equipment shall include lifting equipment, starnd jacks; falsework, ring support beams;
access ""staging, guys, temporary: columns, temporary struts, temporary bracing, temporary
props, shipping angles. ..-....'
/14j Supply and erect 5 tower cranes, 2 crawler cranes, 1 hydraulic crane, tuggers, tirfors, hoisting
s*s. equipment etc.
(35? Upper and lower catwalks, related ramps, access ladders
16i Additional new columns to'upgrade existing "Portal Frames" below existing ring beam and#
plates required for strengthening existing portal frame columns.
17. Supply and install temporary axial, cable guys tied to top of masts for support of erection loads
include removal of cable guys afterwards. Include vertical tie downs of masts and water ballast
anchors for balanced weights,on opposite sides of the masts. .

BC Place Roof Replacement r Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals
April 12, 2008

18 include 50% performance and labour/material bonding .

19. Supply and install slide bearings and supply related CIP embed steel for the pylons
20. Supply embed steel for steel framing to support fa$ade.#
21. Warranty will be 24 months
22 Provide as-builts and maintenance manuals '.
2Z. PrSo^ .^a-
Contrad documents between the Owner and Trade Contractor will be issued by Dominion in due
course Please provide.acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this letter by
signing burning a copy of this letter to us by fax within 5 days. .Subject to Pavco's approval we
wHrepar'your Trade Contract Agreement. Upon acceptance of this memorandum of
^defstandlng you are authorized to proceed with the Work and begin procurement of necessary
materials, manpower and equipment necessary for the full execution of your work.
List of Project Documents:, "jyrpft/

Description Drawings Description

Drawing Tension Ring
S001 Plan View S006
Section 1 S007 Retractable Roof
Section 2 S008 Membrane
S-004, Steel Details ..S 009 Bearings Location
S005 Central Node S010 Bearings

Specifications: Retractable Roof

Part'l , Roof Structure Part II
Structural Steel 09961 High Performance Coatings


r * Rreakdown -Guaranteed
* Maximum Price:
~. \ m
It is intended for the following budget to be conveys! tn a fiXfid price after *^<^ <*
competitive pricing, tendering of major suppliersTiqljIpment vendors, and subtrades based upon
See of drawings and.Specifications. These desfcn drawings will be based on final snow
and wind io&ds from the modeling report as prepared by RWDI by end of April 2008.

Contract #05-i20. <J^iyk? V^:r-,-.-

Div 05 - Structural Steel Budget Breakdown
T&tornXrJlATe -djW
George Third and Son's budget breakdown dated March 14, 2007, and
subsequent pricing and clarifications as per the following breakdown: _
1 GTS Project Management (16,000 Hours @ $90 per Hour) ; $1.080.000
2. GTS Shop drawings and engineering (12.000 hours @ $90 per Hour)
3. Steel Supply (based on 6.000 Imperial Tons @t $1.400 per Ton)
4. Fabrication dV GTS (60.000 Hours @ $85 per hour) $5.100,000
Included in Item #6
5. Machining '
6. Fabrication Subcontract
7.- Painting
8. Erection Labour (60.000 Hours @ $85 per Hour) $5.100.000
9. Special equipment
10; Cranes
11. Freight $1,500,000

Subtotal: $37,220,000

12. PST (7%)
13. Contingency (3%) $1,116,600
14. GTS Mark Up (15% Fee) $5.583,000

Total Structural Steel: $44,927,600

Contract Price In Canadian Dollars'(Including PST, Excluding GST) $44,527,600 +GST

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals

Tpnderina and Competitive Pricing:

It Is GTS' responsibility to identify any long lead delivery items and provide N"i pricing
U*torn tnree vendors and applicable J^'^^'^S^^^JS^yS'g.
results are tabulated for a complete pnce including duties, freight. PS,1tax. u i o wi H

Pavco. This PrtJ^E? nS^eS for the following list of major equipment vendors,

SpSn* uSSSS^^P!^ fixed prices are established for the listed items, it ,s
intended for GTS to provide a Guaranteed Maximum Price:
1. Steel Supply
2. Slide Bearings Supply
3. Shop Fabrication Subcontracts
4. Painting Subcontracts
5. Milling Machine *
6. Shop Fabrication subcontract of Compression ring
7. Cable supplier '
8. Strand Jacks ".'."
.9. Transporters ' ,,,.,
.10- Cranes rental agreements and proposals.
. 11. Subcontracted Erection
12 Special equipment purchase

items that have not been priced or included in the requisition.

Other items will be considered to be work self performed directly by GTS' in-hous^e ^sourcs such
2 nrJLcT management shop drawings and construction engineenng, erection labour temporary
brad^S at r'teS mUtUa,,y a9reed (GTS t0 SUbmU ^
rates). " .
PflUrb and DFC reserve the right to competitively tender parts of the work at their own discretion.
. TW^W fcS^ not hecessaril? limited to cat walks platforms and railings, portal frame
steel upgrades, temporary shoring steel.

We reauest that you expedite procurement of all long delivery items and commence with fejj*9fr -,-:
:^o oroceR as
- LPInfXpn to soon
meet as
schedule is made available
commitments (in Owner.
to the accordance withprepare
Please the project
SH! osffifothif prolect and send this list outlining target dates for tendering, RFQ *
toTup^ and trades, target closing dates, requisitions, Owner's approval etc. for submission to
our office for approval (a copy of this spreadsheet is available for your use).

Please submit your detailed schedule of shop drawing submissions, anticipated equipment/ material
Sries and your detailed schedule to coordinate with same. All work shall be ,n accordance with
the contract documents. - . '

. Overhead and Fee: ' / / /

GTS' overhead and fee for the Work will be 15%. This mark up will cover home office expenses, M 1
office and shop overheads, executive support and profit.

Change Orders:
Change Order mark up will be limited to 10% Overhead (including Home Office overheads shop
-bverTSads project management, site supervisidn and site general conditions) and 5% Profit orr the.; -
cost of the change. Mark up will-not be applicable on Charge Out rates and equipment rates when
provided by the Trade Contractor.

roSS-i^'is intended to cover price escalation and the variances between tendered and
budgeted items. The contingency is a fixed value and not intended to be a Cash Allowance, Once
' permitted
fully expended,
only upon
be responsible
from Pavco
for any
DFC. overruns. Contingency expenditures will be


spauinooa PBJiuoo aqi Aq pajinbaj se spii.iuqns \\b aP!AOJd ueqs jopenuoo apeii aqi U
.-*"- i,jOM 10 adoos s^opeJiuooapBJiioeuiipueqsiBuaieiu
jo; juauudmba pue sieuapiu 'jnoqei AjesseoaU-||e.'joi apisuodsaj aq ||*m jopbjiuooapeJi.eiqr 01.
ainpaqos pafojd aqi qijM aouepjoooe
ui pajapua; se *jom aqj aftdiuoo pue pep pi pue jaModuew fossaoau mj>Wf [
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saoiwas punoj6japun apooi piie ai|ep oi sajuedujoo
Awn lie qii/A 6uSpu.pjooo jo| eiq.suodsaj aq ipqs ppejpoo -epa. aqi .^O^^
oo leuomppe ou p roc* .epeui aq ipqs pu^ns^jo nei * se Apado d W^"VP
o1|qnd-6unS.xaorpasnep aBeiuep AuV -Apadojd lueoeipe uo pue **^W*"W^ : ..
pue saowuas Buippca jo Aip. aqi u| Bu^jom uaq/w uouneo asn pnu. Jopejpoo apeji am 9
Mei-AaioJiuooasioN aqi MH* aouepjoooe u^jom aqi ap|dujoo pniu jopejpoo apaJiaqi 'Z .
*^|JOM aqip aoueujjopad aqi JO) Ajessaoau
se loejiuoo siui io uoipjnp aqi-joj aus aqi punwe. pua wqiiM pue sAe/waAup aouejpa p
S^^'.^^ PJiuoo oi subsjad 6eU ppi** p ^Ao,duia ^ .fl.
saoiAapjoJiuoo oypJl ||e p uo..pipisu. pue A|ddns aqi apnpui ||eqs Jopejpoo apeji aqi 9
Aiuo saun Apadojd pafojd aqi uiqiiM saui|pu6 oiseq epjAOid jm jsumq
aui luaujajmbaj siqi ||.jm) oi paj.nbaj pue puuosjad paij.pnb epiAOJd ipqs pue
Vm aqi moAjjeo oi Lassioau poAe, umo j.aqi jo apisuodsaj aq ipqs jopejpoo apeJi aMi S
spaujnooa peJiuoo aqi
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oue mjoaa Jiaqi 6ui6eueuj joj Ajessaoau Se"sja.|ddns pue'sapeji-qns 'IW^P^WJ
Si uorg^jpmoi pajinbaj suo.poii.oads pue spaumodp p sps (euonippe AuB.p.Bu.seqojndIjo
sooKS umJ^j^aqi
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aqi ol pa.,ddns aq im apeii aqi *pap!,ojd
spaujnoop pupo*aqjoIII*ps^ au0

jauwo aqi ousoo puoiiippe ou p papuapj jijom aqi

Bu.uuopad uioji jopejpoo apeJi aqi s6AaUaj A ou u, spauinoop^pafcud 11^^ JJ-
aui iisia oi ajniiB-i hjom aqi ajaiduioo oi Ajessaoau 5po/\A aqi p adoos aqi pue suofflpiwo as
^^^^S^ aziWIW oi uoipadsu. ai,s e aia,duioo,eqs* jopaiiuoo apl U. 2
. -siuaujaJinbay
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Lm o^aiaJLompuoo B|U8u|ddnS qi'M apiduioo 966'k *Ll VOO 'spafoJd JuauiaBeuew
u^pmpuoo rspejpoo ape'i &*>M aoud PWN BJVTus^jomhv t
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(sajlliuenb pue ssau^oiqi 'sazp uBpaa oi PBfqPS) 6002'SllpdV Aq jeais jap ||!W ' I

,: ,ijdy papp jaaqspeaids QdP o* Japu :a|npaqoS luauiajn6ojd

' AjaAjpa P aouejriissv

poiep siuejBeip BujsBqd.Oda <>i jajaa ^uiejBeia Buiseqd

900ZIlMdVP9PP PW8P*"d OJadl Japa :a|npaqoSuojiomisuoQ
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sppw snoaueiposjiAj pue pais JBJnpruis
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(Buiijiq pJiiJnoA oi Joud MajAaJ s,ja6euBW pafoJd aqi JO)

leujJO) eupiOAM! pue UMOpvpajq ipjqns). :ao,OAui jnoA u. papnpu, aq eqs uo-piujojui Bu!MOo) aqi
fiuauiABd JO) uoipojiddv


Buipep o, joud seaje Buipunojjns p uoi.papjd ajnsua 01 a,q.suodsaj s. jopenuoo apeJi aqi "2
) . qopM

- m a j - n b a j' Bsui ^i on uo a d s W P H - AWd es > , s e i y m 6 ^6 2U^pSd ^a p S f a q ! z z -

' ' -auoqd aiiqoiue seq aipuouBUJaJOiJiaqi ajnsua pniu jopbjiuoo apBJi aqi 12

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sppiAj snoauBiposiw pus [331S pjnioniis
Bujpuepjspun P lunpuejoujsw - ju3Ui30B|day poy aoBid 08
April 12, 2008

George Third and Sons Ltd.

601 OTrapp Avenue, .
Burnaby, B.C.
V3N 2V4

Dear Sir:
Attention: Mr. Rob Third, Vice President and COQ

Re: Memorandum of Understanding - BC Place Roof Replacement Project

Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Steel Contract
7 7 7 Va n c o u v e r, B C , C a n a d a ' DESIGN / BUILD

Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd., (Dominion or DFC) is Construction Manager, Agent for BC
Pavilion Corporation a crown corporation for the Province of British Columbia Owner or Pa^oo)
Subject to approval by the. Province of British Columbia, pomin.on confirms that .t^^e intention of
the Owner to enter into a formal Contract agreement with George Third and Sons Ltd (Trade PROJECT MANAGHMENT
Contractor or GTS) for the Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals Package (Work) for the
above referenced Project.

" U n t i l s u c h t i m e w h e n t h e To r r n a l X o h t r a c t a g r e e m e n t c a n b e f u l l y l ^ ^ m a n a g e m e n t
Ms Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) serves as an outline of the contract retirements and
nenloMhe agreement. This MOU establishes the understanding that GTS is committed inwortig spEC|AL pR0JECTS
cooperatively-with Pavco and DFC in good faith for the purpose of an acceptable
cbnstrudioncontract process that is transparent, fair and meets Pavco's objectives on function.
budget and schedule. *- -

All Work shall be in accordance with the contract documents, conditions and clarifications as
mutually agreed.

The Project:

Ahe BC Place Roof Replacement Project (Project) will cover the /eP'fcePe^^
supported roof with a retractable roof system; a non-air-supPorted fabric covered cabled structure.
The retractable roof system is suspended by a steel structure of 36 pylons masts, beams
outriggers inriggers, compression ring and tension ring elements. The Project will include upgrades
Srfa^&^Snc^ structure below the new roof-as well as associated mechanical and electrical
systems for the roof. It is understood by GTS that construction will be "Fast Tracked, as design -
fnformation will be issued sequentially by the Design - Build Roof Contractor (Roof Contractor or
Hightex) to allow critical materials to be ordered and construction to proceed before the design is
fcfrcomptotad GTS understands the Design -Build nature of the project and they will be
under conditions where it will be necessary to proceed with shop drawings and fabncat.on based on
design information that may not be fully developed into "working drawings.. They also understand it -
w i l l b e r e q u i r e d t o d e v e l o p fi x e d p r i c i n g o n t h e s e d r a w i n g s . ^ . . . *

Intent of The Agreement:

Currently GTS is providing consulting services under a Professional Consulting Services Agreement DOMINION FAIRMILE.
dated February 23 2008 with Pavco. DFC and Pavco has selected GTS for their special expertise
with challenging steel structures, cable erection experience and successful track record working on
integrated design and construction projects (Refer to GTS' Statement of Qualifications dated March
'14 2008) GTS has demonstrated expertise in their -design - assist", high fabrication BROADWAY TECH CENTRE
capacity manpower capabilities, track record in working in tight schedule conditions, delivering on 130 - 2985 VIRTUAL WAY
time/.on budget, working .with cooperative/ collaborative contract arrangements.

Theinteqrated team (Team), comprised of Pavco/ Stantec/Hightex/ Genivar/.DFC;has

clo'selv with GTS over the past two months for tficTProject. The Team has been utilizing GTS unique . Canada vsm <xr
structural steel expertise and resources for preplanning, budgeting, scheduling and constructabiiity .
reviews to prepare and facilitate the Work. This "Design - Assist;' methodology allows the Team to TEL 604 631-1000
work in a collaborative basis to optimize steel design, function and construction solutions with the RAX-604 631-1100
objectives of completing the Project on time and on budget. Pre-planning for construction
concurrently during the design is necessary due to the limited time constraints. The Project must be
completed before the 2010 Olympics, specifically in time for the VANOC overlay work commencing
in November 2009. Time is of the essence.

BC- Place Roof Replacement -Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals
Apr.ii 12, 2008 ..."

This integrated process will transition, into a construction contract and wHI supersede the
Professional Consulting Services Agreement. This. MOU will confirm that GTS is committed in
working cooperatively with Pavco and DFC in good faith to finalize a construction contract..
Parties to The Agreement:
All Work shall be carried out in accordance with the Contract Documents. The contract agreement/
shM:b"p-a Stipulated Prlce^ontract forTrati Contracts.on Construction Management Proje^^CA- -
17 1996 complete with Supplemental Conditions between GTS and Pavco. Refer to the project
specifications for Prime Contract Documents and Division 0 & 1 General Requirements.

Owner: Pavco .
Architect: Stantec (Prime Consultant)
Structural (Existing Building) Genivar
Mechanical. Genivar
Electrical Genivar
Construction Manager: Dominion , . *
Design - Build Roof Contractor: Hightex .
Structural (above transfer beam) SBP .,,..
Structural (Transfer structure) Geiger (Engineer of Record/ Coordinating Engineer)
Fabric Tensys
- .Clean Energy concept ~ Tr a n s o l a r ! " ~ " - - - < -- - T * *
Photovoltaic System, Solar Next "'
Acoustics Muller BBM

Third Party Reviews: Arup

Proposed GTS Team:

Dedicated Team and resumes

Refer to GTS's March 14, 2008 letter

J General Scone of Work - (Shall include but not necessarily limited to the following):'
1 Supply and install all labour, materials, equipment necessary for the complete installation of
sfflraI Steel work listed herein for the project. Include all project management, execu ive
support engineering, administrative staff, contract administrators, QA/QC personne, proect
accounting, shop drawings, detailing, travel costs (possible overseas), disbursements, all as.
reauired to support all disciplines GTS operations. . . . _
2. Supply and install Work in accordance with Schlaich Berermann and Partner s specifications.
3. Mast detail refer to Hightex's drawings. ,Rmw\
4 Steel pylons, related connections, splices, bolts, plates welding etc. (36 each)
5' Steel horizontal struts and roof edge beam, related connections, bolts, plates welding etc.
6 Compression ring box girder sections, related connections, bolts, plates, welding etc.
7 Supply and install Lower steel backstays members (below horizontal strut)
8. Install only, upper cable backstays (supplied by Hightex)
9. Steel for 36 in-rigger for 10 cable tension ring

I?! f e^^teteraTSIcing at alternate bays, possible use of roof edge beam to tie subsequent

12* S?eel^Ply
oer the CISC
of Standard
the engineers
in Metric
Tonnes) will
those items

Tolled sections, tube and pipe, bolts, weld rod, scrap, cropping (based on optimized nesting of
steel) embeds, anchor bolts, permanent to the structure. GTS understands that they have
included all other steel requirements for temporary bracing, erection steel, props, falsework,
shipping anqles, miscellaneous steel required for their erection procedures. '
13' Special
access equipment
staging, guys,
shalltemporary columns,
include lifting "temporary
equipment, starnd struts, temporary,ring
jacks, falsework, bracing, temporary.
support beams,
' props, shipping angles. -. '
14.* Supply and erect 5 tower cranes, 2 crawler cranes, 1 hydraulic crane, tuggers, tirfors, hoisting
equipment etc.
15 upper and lower catwalks, related ramps, access ladders .
IS. Additional new columns to upgrade existing "Portal Frames" below existing, ring beam and
plates required for strengthening existing portal frame columns.
17 Supply and install temporary axial cable guys tied to top of masts for support of erection loads
' include removal of cable guys afterwards. Include vertical tie downs of masts and water ballast
anchors for balanced.weights on opposite sides of the masts.

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals * - .
April 12,2008

18 Include 50% performance and labour/material bonding

19. Supply and install slide bearings and supply related CIP embed, steel for the pylons
20^ Supply embed steel for steel framing to support facade. *
21. Warranty will be 24 months .
22 Provide as-builts and maintenance manuals .
23. Professional consulting services costs expended to date will be included in GTS fixed^pnce._ f

1-lontract documents'between the Owner and Trade" Contractor will be issued by Dominion in due
course. Please provide acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this letter by
signing and returning a copy of this letter to us by fax within 5 days. Subject to Pavco s approval we
will prepare your Trade Contract Agreement. Upon acceptance of this memorandum of
undenstanding you are authorized to proceed with the Work and begin procurement of necessary
materials, manpower and equipment necessary for the full execution of your work.
/List of Project Documents: . .

Des c r ipt ion Drawings Description

Plan View S006 Tension Ring
Section 1 S007 Retractable Roof
Section 2 S008 Membrane
Steel Details S009 Bearinqs Location
S005 r Ce'ritral Node"

y Specifications:
Parti . Roof Structure Part II. Retractable Roof
Structural Steel 09961 High Performance Coatings

Budget Breakdown -Guaranteed Maximum Price:

It is intended for the following budget to be converted to a fixed price after demonstration of
competitive pricing, tendering of major suppliers, equipment, vendors and subtrades based upon
issuance of design drawings and specifications. These design drawings will be based on final snow
and wind loads from the modeling report as prepared by RWDI by end of April 2008.

Contract #05-120
Div 05 - Structural Steel Budget Breakdown
George Third and Son's budget breakdown dated March 14, 2007, and
^sequent pricing and clarifications as per the following breakdown:
1 GTS Project Management (16,000 Hours (5) $90 per Hour)
2. GTS Shop drawings and engineering (12,000 hours (a? $90 per Hour) $1,080,000
3. Steel Supply (based on 6,000 Imperial Tons @ $1,400 per Ton) . f * * 1 " '
A. Fabrication bv GTS (60.000 Hours (5) $85 per hour)
Included in Item #6 10*
5. Machining ; . _
6. Fabrication Subcontract
7.. Painting rA
Erection Labour (60,000 Hours (5) $85 per Hour) $5,100,000
$2,000,000 trt /^qfC
10. Cranes
equipment : ;
$6,600,000 ^ 7
11.- Freight $1,500,000

Subtotal: $37,220,000

.12. PST (7%) $1.008,000

13. Contingency (3%) $1,116,600
$5,583,000 5<
14. GTS Mark Up (15% Fee) 0/{j*6 A/ #* &C*

Total Structural Steel: $44 .'927.600

Contract Price in.Canadian Dollars (Including PST, Excluding GST) $44,927,600 + GST


,* * -Q-jQ pue ooABd ujojj |eAOjdde joud uodn A|uo pajj.ujjad

aq |M sajnupuadxa Aoua6u.iuo3 sunjjeAO pBpnq Aue JOJ a,qisuodsaj aq ^afp.W'SStoS
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pue pajapua, uaaMjaq saouaueA aqi pue uo.jeposa aoud joaoo oj papuap. S|^^U^OQ

jopejpoo apeJi aqi Aq papiAOJd

uaqM sa^uauidmba pue sajej ,n0 aBjaqb uo aiqeoijdde aq iou ||.m dn ipeifl ^^S^SSr^
ij #
: am uol.ioJd o/og.pue (suo.,.puoo pjauaB ai.s pue uo.s.AJadns.ajis uauia6eueui pafojd- ****
doqs'speaqJOAO aoWOaO,oH,ou,).peaqjaA0 %oi- o, paj.uj., aq |||M dn maui japjo aBueqp
. :sjapJ0 aoueqo
-jyojd pue yoddns aA.inoaxa 'speaqjaAO doqs pue^
sasuadxa aoiyo. aujoq j9aoo ||.m dn MJeiu siqi *%g l aq HJM HMM eifl J aaipua peaqjaAo-,siO
.- . :aaj pue peaqjaAO

siuaujnoop pbjiuoo aqi

itfm aouepjoooe U| aq eqs'>|J0M |,v awes q,.M apu.pjooo o> ainpaqos papjep inoX PWP
puajeui / papdioipe 'suoisspiqns Bu.Mejp doqs jo ajnpaqos paj.epp JnoA i.iuqns asea|d
" (asn jnoA jo) a|qe|ieAe si jaaqspeajds siqi jo Adoo e) pAOJdde joj ao.jjo jno

01 joi -om pAOjdde s,jauM0 "suo-j.s.nbaj "sapp Bupop jaBjej 'sapeJi pue U|MM CJ
O^SSw 0, sapp pQie, 6u,u,,jno is,, s.qi puas pue pafojd s.qi gMW p apdwoo
jnoA ajedaJd aseaW-'JaUMO aqfoi siuaiunuiujoo ainpaqos pafojj aqi jaaiu o\ (paqs paiuajnoojd
Safoi^ 1 -OB""** ^*2ZV5Z n b Ta T
doqs aqj qiiMaouaujujoo pue 'siuai. AjaAipp 6uo| ue }0 juawajnoojd aipadxa noA pqi jsanbai aM
laajs Buuoqs Ajejodujai'sapej6dn.|aais
aiueji leuod <s6ui|iBJ pue siujojpid s^Mpo oj pa,..uJ.| Apessaoaujou pq apnpui foul 0MSW1
SS UMO Jiaqjie mjo-w ail jd sped japuei A,aA|iaduiOO o, ,q6u aqj aAiasaj odQ P"e 0Aed
. (sapj

jno a6jeqo io ajnpaqos j.ujqns oj S10) P^Be &wm sajeJ je UW|^^

Ajejodoiai 'jnoqe. uoipaja '6u.jaau.6ua uo.pnjjsuoo pue sBuiMejp doqs juaiuaBeueu. pao d se
qons saojnosaj^Lnoq-u. ,si9 Aq A,pa,p paujjopad jjas hum aq oj pajeppuoo aq ,M siuaj. jaqjo
* -uoqismbaj aqi u. papnpuuo paoud uaaq pu aAeq leqi stuai!

oaimuap. A.po.i.oads j9aoo pu saop uo.ip.nbaj aqi j| Jeap aq pjnoi|s;si9 'aoud pax.j iWNjMCj11|[
SaqrP^jdde pue uia, aqj ,o aseqojnd aq, uo Sj_9 ujojj apeuj uaaq seq uo.j.s.nbej aqj aou0
aseqojnd luaujdinba |epads Zl
" " s i e s o d o j d p u e s i u a i u a a j B uoipaja
e p i u papejjuppgns.
a j s a u e j o :.i
" Ol.-.t
sjayQdsueji *6
SMoep puejis '8
jailddns aiqeo
, * Buu uoissajdiuoQ p joejjuooqns upiieouqej doqs
aujqoei/j 6ui||!|Aj
sjoejjuooqns Buijuisd
sjoejiuooqns uoipouqej doqs
1^9 UMi,) Ajddns sBuueaa apilS
A|ddns pais

aoud ujnuj.xeiAj paapejeno e ap|AOjd oi siO J0l papuapi

s. ,i 'siuai. paisil aqi joj paqsipejsa aje sapudpaxij aou0 "sujaj. pBpnq papejjuooqns PueRSJ^s
jopuaA1 iSaLdinba jofeu! o js!t. MW .eqi m pajmbai s. Bujopd hj^i J^gg ' -
ssaoojd-iWedsuejV pue ^Soq^^clo,, a&^oVW&W s! ssaopjd-juaujajnoojd-siqi. ooAed
AqKddf?ue ojq Aq papuatuujooajse ..aseqojnd o, uoijisinbaj,, joj uo.puijoju! s.qj jpuqm
m oaTnbaj aq u.m siO 'xe iSd 'wBiajf 'sanp Bu.pnjou. aoud aja|dujoo e joj pajejnqei aje sWn?a
dupud aouo -OdGfit uoissiSqns!io iapaq pa,piap a,qeDHdde pue sjoouoa aaj^qj ujoji sMnsa
Buioud LnVadujoo apiAOJd pue siuai. AiaAipp pea, 6uo, Aue Ajijuap. o, Aj.nqpuodsaj lS10 ! U .
_ A
:BuioiJd aAiiqaoujoo pue ouuapuai /

sjepiAi snoaueuaosii/j pue |aa,s pjnpnjis
6uipueisj9pun jo lunpuejoujaiA] - }uaujaoe|d'aa jooy aoe|d 09
BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals
April .12, 2008

Project Schedule:
Owner's Milestones l-^
Design Schedule
ConstructionSchedule: Refer to DFC Project Schedule dated April 7, 2006 ?*
piiasitTg DiagraiW'fftTifterffifljflc'PftSliSrSS^ranis 35fcw_I
Assurance of Delivery
Procurement Schedule: Refer to DFC Spreadsheet dated April

1. Mill order steel by April 15, 2009 (Subject to Design sizes, thickness and quantities)
2. Order embed steel by May 1st and deliver to site by May 22nd
3. Order slide bearings by May T, 2008 and deliver to site by November 2, 2008
4. Commence steel erection by November. 2, 2008 QfA \\\rt '
5. Complete steel erection by May 29, 2009.

Conditions and Clarifications (but not necessarily limited to):

1 All Work shall be carried out in accordance with the Contract Documents. The contract
'. agreement shall be a Stipulated Price Contract for Trade Contracts on Construction
Management Projects, CCA 17, 1996 complete with Supplemental Conditions. Refer to the
project manual/ specifications for Prime Contract Documents and Div.sion 0 & 1 General
Requirements. . ^ ' - . '
2' The
> site
and the
of theaWork
site inspection
complete the
to visitwith

site and review all project documents in no way relieves the Trade Contractor from performing
the work intended at no additional cost to the Owner.
3 One set of contract documents will be supplied to the Trade Contractor and electronic files in a
CD format will be provided. The Trade Contractor will be responsible.for their own printing costs
" their
or purchasing
project personnel,
of any additional
of documents.and
suppliers as necessary
for managing fortheir
work and to

completion of.required as-built drawings. _ , ..._...,..,....,-..;.--

4 The Trade Contractor shall assume and understand, for the purpose of .determining the
commencement date of the Warranty period, that the Warranty period of individual Contracts
shall coincide with the Substantial Performance of the overall Project and not to the Substantial
Performance of the individual Trade Contracts. All Work shall be carried out in accordance with
the Contract Documents.. .
5 The Trade Contractor shall be responsible for their own layoutnecessary to carry out the Work
and shall provide qualified personnel and required equipment to.fulfill this requirement. The
Owner will provide basic gridlines within the project property lines only.
6 The Trade Contractor shall include the supply and.inslallation of all traffic control devices,
barriers and the employment of qualified flag persons to control vehicular and pedestrian traffic
at entrance driveways and within and around the site for the duration of this contract as
necessary for the performance of the work.
7. The Trade Contractor must complete the Work* in accordance with the Noise Control By-law.
8 The Trade Contractor must use caution when working in the vicinity of existing services and
'and/or onproperty
private this property and on
as a; result of adjacent property. Anybe
this Su^cpntm.cLsha!i damage caused
made good to existing public
arhQ.additional cost
to the Owner. The Trade Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with all utility
companies to stake and locate underground services.
9 The Trade Contractor understands that he is familiar with the project requirements and will
provide the necessary manpower and equipment to start and complete the work as tendered in
accordance with the project schedule.
10. The Trade Contractor will be responsible for all-necessary labour; materials and equipment for
materials handling of Trade Contractor's scope of work.
11. The Trade Contractor shall provide all submittals as required by the Contract Documents

BC Place Roof Replacement - Memorandum of Understanding
Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals
April 12, 2008

including closeout documents. ..

12. The Trade Contractor must comply with Dominion's Loss Control Requirements.
13 The Trade Contractor must attend a pre-job'coordination meeting prior to commencing work on
site to review safety procedures, quality control, scheduling, scope of work, etc.-
-*--^bi^=ra>^i"~^ * -gfa^tftaiagJ
14 -The sitej^pen-for work .from#.30am to 4:30pm,on Monday, to- Friaay. The Trade^ojltractor
***SK ob ^prioTapproval from Dominion's superintendent to work these, hours. Work
- on Saturday, if approved, cannot start any earlier than 10:00am. Work cannot commence earlier
than stated due to proximity to neighbors. Work is prohibited on site on Sundays except as
defined in the contract for emergencies. Refer to Section 01 11 00 Summary of Work.
15 The Trade Contractor will be responsible for their own garbage and construction waste removal
and provide all necessary labour, materials and equipment necessary to comply with this
16 The quality of finishes', on this site demands the site be kept clean and tidy. Each Trade
Contractor will be required to maintain their area of work in a clean an d unci uttered condfion
Clean up must happen daily before leaving the work site. All refuse is to be placed in the proper
containers as marked, or removed fromsite on a daily basis.
17 Food and beverages garbage must be. contained to the Trade Contractor's -lunchrooms only.
They must clean up refuse and dispose such in the appropriate bins.
18. The Trade Contractor must ensure a foreman attends the weekly Coordination meetings.
19 The Trade Contractor must submit a weekly planner before the Coordination meetings every
week. (Weekly planners to include objectives, crew, size, areas of work, major material
deliveries, hazard assessment, etc.)
20. Safety is of utmost importance. All standards of WCB and OH&S must be adhered-to including
but not limited to the following:
20 1 The Trade Contractor will be required comply with Dominion's Safety Program and must' j
submit to Dominion's CSO their company safety manual, project specific safe wo k
procedures and hazard assessment plans within 2 weeks of award of contract and before
commencing any work on site.
20.2. The Trade Contractor's MSDS Binders must be provided to Dominion's. CSO before
commencing any work on site. . v".
20.3.The Trade Contractor must submit Safe Work Procedures before commencing.any. tasks.
. 20.4.The Trade Contractor must complete Pre-Job Safety Instruction forms at each significant
change in task. .
20,5.The Trade Contractor must ensure their employees on site are provided with and wear
s a f e t y v e s t s a t a l l t i m e s . . . * *
20 6 The-Trade Contractor must assume full responsibility and liability for the safety of their
employees, shall ensure at least-one employee on site has current eve 1 firstad and
provide equipment and suppliesin accordance with the requirements of N^tolM
outlined in the "Occupational First Aid Regulations" published by The Workers
Compensation Board of British Columbia.
The Trade Contractor's
any work on employees
a site
safety orientation before
x Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30am to 10:00am.

21. The Trade Contractor must ensure their foreman on site has a mobile phone.
22 The Trade Contractor must complete a "Hot Works Permit" prior to commencing any cutting,
* grinding.welding. and anppark^enerating task. Tasks under Hot Works permits require fire-
23. The Trade Contractor is responsible to ensure protection of surrounding areas prior to starting

Application for Payment:

The following information shall be included in your invoice: (Submit breakdown and invoicing format
for the Project Manager's review prior to your first billing). - .


suoipipoueo jo sa6ueqo Aue jo sn BujAjipu asnep aojPN. uaiPM Aep-rje * t*

e apnpui pue Auediuoo aouejnsui aqi Aq pau6!S jeuiBuo.ue aq pnui apoijipao aqi aPM aseaid

jauMO am pu.eBe uo.pBojqns p jaA.eM e u.epoo ipqs aouejnsu. s.qi paAojpap jo P0WP
s. se luauidinba qons p paiuaoeidaj apipauiiu. aq, joj MO*p oi papijjns aBejaAOa MJIM
aBeiuep jo sso| jo s*fy-l|V pu.eBe saaAo|diua jo sjuaBe 'sjue/uas si. Jopejpop JPWIJB e
Aq papaj jo pauMO juauidinba pue sjooj ||e Buijoaoo aouejnsui papdmbg s.jojoejpoo apeJi
aouajjnooo auo Aue jo aA.snpu!.(00000*000'3$) sjejpp uo.j|.ui omj ueqj ssa| pu aq juaAa
Aue ui ipqs pue jauMO aq, oj aiqejdaooe pnoiue apnbape ue joi aq ipqs aouejnsuhqons
siuaujnoon pejpoo aqi japun saaAopiua jo spa6e 'spe/uas s,i 'jopbjiuoo apeji-aq, jo. -
suo.pjado aqi U| asn, p ,no Buispe aBeuiep Aqadojd.joj siu.ep ujojj pue (qpap Bu!pnPu0
Ainfu. Apoq ujojj Bu.sue saBeiuep jsuieBe 'jopejpoo apeji aqi Bu.papjd jopejpoo
apeji aqi o, pasea| jo Aq pauMO sap.qaA pasuao.j ||B uo aouejnsui Ainpen aA.piuopv Z
WOOOOOO'ct P liUJ'l Lunuipiiu e qjiM aouejnsui A,i|iqen jejauao aApuaqaJdwoo -I
:6uimo||0} aqi joj pejpoo aqi Aq pajinbaj se aBejaAoo BupuapiAa aouejnsui p apa.j'Viao
e qiiM uoiuiujoq apiAOjd |,eqs jopejpoo apeJi aqi 'aipqof aq, ^.^",2^
puuosjad Aue ajojaq pue Bu.puepjapuf, jo tunpuejoiua^ s.q, p aouenssi. aqijo sAep uaAas u.qijM
4 :aouejnsu| Jo ajeoypjao

anbaqo aqi dn jjojd o, jaunoo

e Buipuas'ajoiaq neo jno joj ,igm aseaid IPW Aq noA o, ji puas ||.M aM jo (iudg o, lueoe-Z sjnoq
ao.jjo) uoqdaoaj p dn anbaqo aqj >p.d o, jaunoo e puas Abuj noA 'aiui, siq, IV *noA asW>8
oj'apeiu aq m IPO Asapnoo e 'pajedajd uaaq aAeq sanbaqo ssajBojd Appoiu JnoA uaqM 31
(xej) t7goi.-l.e9-f'09 JO 000l--|.e9-t'09 P pepnooov PafoJd
aqjo, papajip aq pniu (anpA pejpoo;6up.0Au.) Buijip pnooqe jnoA o, pje6aj.q,*M sauanb.nv U
. . paAiaoaj

si uoippaiunoop pajjoo aqi |ipn paseapj aq ||w spunj on .jaiPI aouejeaio 9DAA luaJJno
e pue V6 uoipjepaQ AJO,np,S puiBup ue Aq papedujoooe pue A|6u*pjoooe paojOAUi aq pnuj
uoippiuoo Pipepqns Ja,P pouad ua|| aq, jo uo.pjKlxa aq, uodn anp sapom peqppq IIV 01-
uo.uiujoa Aq pOAiaoaj uaaq aAeq suoipjepap Ajoppjs
Aiqpoiu pue spuoq 'apoijipao aouejnsui 'ja,PT aouejeaio aOM 'pejpoo pauBp aq, se qons
uoipiuaiunoop ||G |jjun paiuAed joj passaooJd jo paAOjdde aq ||im uoipo'pde on :aPN* 6
-jajpi aouejeaio goM pue pauiAed

joj ajeoijijjao pue uoiponddy Appoiu aq, q,|M uoipunfuoo u| pasn aq.ipqs u/v\op>pajq pejpoo 8
aoiOAU! uoipo.idde jsjij aq, Bu.pnpxa
aopAu* qoea qiiM papiAOJd aq ipqs (siuiep P paiuapis) t>Oa pue Z-09 uoipjepaa Aiopjeis Z
,uepnooo\/ pafojd :uv
" Z . X t ' ^ S A
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p,T uoipmpuoo aiiLUJlej uoiu.iuoa
jaBeue|Aj uoipnjpuoo

' i 0/0 uoqejodjoo uojijAed 09

:smo(|o; se passajppe aq ppoqs sao.OAU| luaujAed joj passaooJd pu

}hq A|uo jeAOJdde-aJd joj pajdaooe aq hjm saidoo paxej jaunoo Aq saopAU. nujqns Mejp
s qpouj Buimoipj aq, u. papnpu. aq ||eqs q,92 aqi Jae paA.aoaj sao.OAU. Auy -qpoiu Bu^oip)
aqj p pua aqi Aq passaoojd aq||iM saoiOAUj qpouj aqj p qigz aqi 6uipnpu! pue oj dn MJOM joj '9
qpoiu qoea jo q,gs aq', ueq, jap| ou Aq ooioaui puiBuo aqj.aApoaJ pnui aoijjo uieu s.uopiiuoa
*>peqp|oq%oi. '9

-iSS;?a#*.. . o^v^^i^;^-. -*&,,' '. -aispLuoo % Buipnpui.'.- -

*SeA jo appauos B'uilliq
* . a^l u papoipui
*(a|qeoi|dde iua,!sjapjo
uaqM) qoeaa6ueqo
o, apeondde pappujoo
paAOjdde MJOM
pue aoud jo anpA
pejpoo v >
pasiAay e

" -anpA pejjuoo pafojd ajepiujoj o, op sujpp

'sa6ueqo "papoaxaun 6uipnpui pajediotpe spoo jeijuajod jo Bupuad ||e joj san|eA jo ainpaqos Z
aoudjoejjuooiejo, 6u!p6aj66e sanieAJoappaqos V

8002 'Zi l|JdV

: sppi/j snoaueiposjiAj pue pa,s pjnpmjs
6uipue,sjapun jo lunpuejoiuay, - paiuaoeiday jooy aoeid 09

--.- * = "eZ09'Zl-8"K)9'-lPO
. jopaji.a pafoJd
lEuoissajoJd p3,!p9Joov 03310S9 T3S'V 'aaA "1^0

pn uononJisuoa aniuJi.e j uoiujiuog

MoBeuew uopooqsuoo Ag papuaiuuiooay

'Apj, SJnoA

oauBisJapun aq, pepoo asea|d 'aAoqe aqi Buiujaouoo suo.panb Aue aAeq ppoqs noA j,
uo,ja,dujoo^sSS e o'pUoj W pue pafoid s,q, uo noA q,.M BuppoM aq o, pasea.d aje aM
- . * >pi>jAaoeis " oqaui e- pJ .noopouoi pv J o o o pp a
a ff ooJJdd.

Buiuuadjaiiuil/OMUiHPJaqja :juapuaiuuadnS
.. uouBeo paqoy .:ja6eueiAj papJd
; . . .' aaxuiAeo : JopaJ-Q pafoJd
sapnpuj pafojd s.qj oi pau6isse ujeaj s.uoiui.ujoa
aoijjo s.uo.u.ujoa oj uoiss.ujqns

joj sapp pBjej pue spaujaj-nbai jo .js| ajaiduioo ,si| spu.uiqns BuiMBJp doqs "Ot
uoiuiiuoq oj 'pAOiuaj ajseM

Aue o, joud pue 'pjeMe ,o sAep BuppoM (z) uaAas u.qM ue|d juaojaBeueiu apeM aqi qs.ujnj. *6
pj-j uoipnjpuoo aiiuj-iiaj uoiujiuoa 'jopejpoo
mbi'i aui aa isniu spuoq aq,uo aaB.po aqi *JauM0 aqi o, apepaooe Apjns e Aq panssj
. pSe ipe^jo u^pposs'v HUs aqi Aq paAOjdde ujjoj b uo panssi aq ,pqs spuoq qons ,1V 8
pejpoo aqi Japun
fim<me suoiieBtiao ue p paiuAed aqi pue A,uejjeM - ZZl 09 u| Joj.PBPjAOJd ApeJje/waqi .
-r-'^fuSiSSSS, 6u pn ou. ,oej,uo% aq, jo pm aq, ,.,un ^^^^^^
snui oue jauai s.q, jo app aq, jo sAep Bu.mjom z) uaAas q,.M papiAOJd aq pnuj (J.S9 bu'Wu
000 000 ifo 2ica u.'spelpoo joj A,u0) 33ldd 10VH1NOO aqi o %qc !N30a3d
Sj,d ?0 junoiue aqi u. qoea puoa juauitej puapiAJ pue jnoqei e pue puog aoueiujopad V L
**>|jo/v\ jo pauiaouaiuiuoo oi joud pue pje/v\e jo sAep
BuppoM (Z) uaAas uiqjtM spuog pauiAed puajeW pue.jnoqen pue puoa aoueiujojjad ,.uiqnS 9

op 'sajnixij 'paiudmbappads joj sapp AjaAi|ap pappaqos s^iajnpejnuew g

ssaoojd pAOjdde BuiMejp doqs aqj jo uoip|diuoo uodn
oaA.aoaj ao tsniu suoipomoads s,pej|nsuoo qji/w aouepjoooe u. sBu.MejQ doqs/suoissauqns
palbaJ Uio IP put uo,puuop. pnueM . aoueuapp^/suo.pjado P Plliuiqns fr
, s u e [ d d n p s a , i s ' s u i e j B e p p o A e j a u e i o ' s a j n p a o o j d u o i p a j g Ve
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pafojd s.qi jo uoipjpiuiwpe pue uoipnjpuooaq, ui pasn

aq oi aAippasajdaa Ajaps ai!S s.Auediupo jnoA Bupnpui 'puuosjad pp.j pue ao.jjo jo jsiT 'I

:pajou asiMiaqp ssapn sAep 6uiJOM 0l uiqj.M uoiuiujoq oj spjijuiqns 6u!MO|pj aqi apiAQJd
... :sjejjiujqns

> 8003 'ZV l!JdV

spjaiAJ snoaueiposiw pue pais pjnpnjjs
6u!pue,sjapun jo ujnpuejoui.aiAJ - paiuaoe|day jooy aoejd 03


:apO :Ajojeu6is pazuoqiny'

:(jauMQ) uoueJodjOQ uojiiAed 09 Aq aouejdaooy 9 juam6pa|Mou>py


...*, :AJ0jeu6i.s pazuoqpy


:(jojobjjuoo aoej I) pn suoS pue pjigi a6joa9 Aq aouejdaooy 3 juam6pa|MQUMoy

* " sjejaiM snoaue||aosi|Aj pue pais pjnjomjs
Buipuepjapun jo wnpuejouiai/j - paiuaoeiday jooy aoejd 09

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