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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.

2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang

Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia EIA Report



The proposed project is entitled, “Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan

Bagi SMK Julau No. 2, Julau, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang Land
District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia”. In the course of this
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), it will be referred to as “the Proposed

The proposed project is located south of Sg. Jikang and east of Julau Feeder Road
encompassing an area of approximately 28.3 hectares (70 acres). The proposed
project site is located approximately 4 km away (by road) from Julau Town and 55
km from Sarikei Town. The surrounding areas near the project site are either
agricultural lands or rural developments compromising of residential settlements.
The area is currently accessible by car via an existing tar-sealed Julau Feeder Road,
which also serves as a vital link with the town and the surrounding countryside.

Figure 2.1 shows the locality plan of Julau and proposed site; and Figure 2.2 shows
the site plan of the project site. The proposed project is part of Ministry of
Education’s plan to develop the undeveloped prime land into an educational centre
of choice while assisting the government in providing quality education opportunities
to fulfil the their obligation and decentralize the growth at the other existing schools
in Julau and nearby districts. The main objective of the proposed project is to design,
construct and complete a secondary school for local and nearby residents of Julau
area. It is aimed at providing a conducive learning and living environment for its
students, academic and administrative staff.

The development of the proposed project commenced on 15 th August 2008, and will
take 27 months to complete. Earthwork will take a few months to properly fill and
compact the project site to design level. Its scheduled completion is targeted prior to
14th November 2010.

The primary components of this project include –

Academic Blocks
o Administrative Blocks (2 Units)
o Academic Blocks (4 Units)
o Laboratory and Workshops (2 Units)
Multi-purpose Hall

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang
Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia EIA Report

Dining Hall
Male Dormitory
Female Dormitory
Class ‘‘C’ Quarters (1 block)
Class ‘‘D’ Quarters (2 blocks)
Class ‘‘F’
Guard House
Bus Stand
Bicycle Shed
Motorcycle Bay
Flag Pole
Garbage Centre
Children Playground
1 unit of Football Field
1 unit of Running Track
1 units of Basketball Court
1 unit of Volleyball Court
1 unit of Sepak Takraw Court
1 unit of Netball Court
1 unit of Badminton Court
1 unit of Elevated Water Tower
1 unit of Sewerage Treatment Plant
1 unit of Pump House
1 unit of Suction Tank
M&E Buildings
1 unit of Air Blower Room
Car Parking (87 Nos)
Motorcycle Parking (72 Nos)
Internal Road & Footpath & Walkway

Item 3 (i) of The Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance (Prescribed Activity)
Order, 1997 defines “Development of commercial or housing estates of an area
exceeding 10 hectares” as a Prescribed Activity. The commissioning of the
Environment Impact Assessment must be in compliance with the requirements of the
Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance (Prescribed Activity) Order, Laws of
Sarawak, which empowers Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB),
Sarawak to make orders in the interest of the conservation and improvement of
natural resources

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang
Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia EIA Report

The proposed project consists of design, construct and complete the earthworks,
engineering facilities and buildings on the proposed land for future education usage.
It falls under Item 3 (i) definition and therefore requires the submission of an
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report to the Natural Resources and
Environment Board, Sarawak for approval. This assessment and the granting of
approval by the NREB are mandatory prior to the implementation of any component
of the project.


The Project Proponent (Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia) and XYZ Sdn. Bhd.
(project contractor) undertake the construction and completion of “Cadangan
Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau No.2, Julau, (30BD) Di Atas Lot
353, Block 3, Jikang Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia”.
The proposed project site is located on the south of Sungai Jikang and east of Julau
Feeder Road (an area of approx 28.3 ha or 70 acres). It is located slight outside or
greater than 3 km radius from Julau Town, and in the midst of agricultural lands or
rural settlements.


A description of the existing environment is included to establish the assessment of

the potential environment impacts of the project. The description is subdivided into
three main sections; namely the physical environment, biological environment and
human environment.

a) Physical Environment

Based on the geomorphology and its associated, a great portion of the project area
is underlain by Belaga and Julan Formation, which consists of shale, slate, phyllite,
sandstone with marlstone, calcareous sandstone, conglomerates and limestone
lenses with weak regional metamorphism. While for Julan Formation, it consists of
chaotic assemblage of sandstone, mudstone, siltstone, chert, gabbro, basalt, spilite,
limestone blocks in pervasively sheared politic matrix. The land surrounding the
Proposed Project is rural residential, commercial and predominantly agricultural

Rural settlements are mainly within 1 to 4 km from the project area while Julau
Township is 4 km away (road distance) from the project site. The land surrounding

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang
Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia EIA Report

the Proposed Project is rural residential, commercial and predominantly agricultural

lands. The project proponent will build a network of internal and perimeter drains to
provide sufficient drainage for the entire project area. The original landscape (datum)
of project site is relatively high. However, certain locations of the project site will
involve cuts and fills to desired designed levels.

The climate over Julau area is generally similar to all other parts of western
Sarawak. Its annual rainy season is between October to January, with scattered
rainfall pattern or locally known as “Landas” or northeast monsoon. The average
monthly rainfall for Jualu area over the 10 years period (1999-2008) was 303.54 mm.

Water parameters at all sampling points conformed to Class IIB compliance limit with
the exception of BOD (ranging from 6~7 mg/L) and COD levels (ranging from
25~32mg/L). Existing TSP levels at all monitoring locations were well within the
stipulated limits of 260 g/m3 recommended by the DOE. Noise levels (dBA)
recorded all monitoring locations were within the World Health Organization (WHO)
recommended noise exposure limits.

b) Biological Environment

Within the boundary of the Project site, a mixture of secondary forest
especially along the banks of Sg. Jikang, The cocoa (Theobroma cacao)
farms, pepper (Piper nigrum) and rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) gardens and
small farmlands are predominant cultivated crops. These farms and gardens
are under-utilized or are left idled and neglected. As such the farms and
gardens are covered with undergrowth, such as Senduduk (Melastoma
malabathricum), Resam (Gleichenia lineans), Paku Uban (Nephrolepis
biserrata), Paku Midin (Stenochlaena palustris), and grasses of Paoceace
and shrubs of Euphobiaceae and Rubiaceae.

Small scattered lands around the grouped settlements, especially areas

around the villages are planted with a variety of fruit trees or fruiting plants,
like rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), mangga (Mangifera indica), kuini
(Mangifera odorata), rambai (Baccaurea motleyana), embang (Mangifera
pajang), durian (Durio zibethinus), coconut (Cocos nucifera) and others.
Ornamental plants commonly found around the settlements and the housing
scheme included Bamboo (Bambusa sp.) Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea sp.),
Hibiscus (Hibiscus sp.), Azalea (Rhododendron sp.) and Ixora (Ixora sp.) and
many other horticultural plant species of aesthetic values.

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang
Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia EIA Report

Secondary forests, which is a result of land clearing are observed to be

dominated by fast-growing trees, notably several Macaranga spp. (Benuak),
Vitex pubescens (Leban), Alstonia angustiloba (Pelai), Callicarpa sp.,
Glochidion sp.(Mayam), Timonius borneensis (Rentap), Artocarpus nitidus
(Telakong) Eugenia sp., Cratoxylum glaucum (Gerangan), Dellenia
suffruticosa (Buan), Euodia alba (Jampang), Vernonia arborea (Entepong)
and Ficus sp (Tempan). In highly disturbed areas, such as along roadsides,
Dillenia suffruticosa, Nauclea maingayi and Fagraea racemosa are dominant.

In other heavily disturbed areas, a variety of grasses, shrubs, herbs and small
trees (sparsely scattered). Sg. Jikang is only the river that passes through the
proposed project site, and along the banks plants such as Asam Paya
(Eleoidoxa conferta), Beluah (Macaranga triloba), Pandan Rasau (Pandanus
affinis) and Engkabang (Shorea mycrophylla).

More than fourteen types of wild mammal were observed or known to exist in
the or in the vicinity of the proposed Project site, including Callossiurus
notataus (CommonTupai), Ratufa affinis (Tupai Engkerabak), Tupaia glis
(Tree Shrews), Sus barbatus (Babi Hutan), Cervus unicolor (Rusa), Macaca
fascicularis (Monyet), Macaca nemestrina (Berok), Tragulus javanicus
(Pelandok), Arctictis binturong (Binturong) Paradoxurus hermaphroditus
(Musang), Hystrx brachyura (Landak), Manis javanica (Tengiling) and
Varanus salvator (Biawak). Besides mammals, some common insects and
molluscs pests are present at the Project site.

Reptiles and amphibians observed or known to exist are Green Crested

Lizard (Bronchocela chstatellus), Monitor Lizard (Varanus rudicolis), frogs
(Rana sp.) and toads (Bufo sp.). Species of birds encountered during the
survey are: Magpie-Robin (Copyschus saularis), House Sparrow (Passer
montanus), Jambu Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus jambu), Green Pigeon (Treron sp.),
Spectacled Spider Hunter (Arachnothera flavisgaster) and Blue-Tailed Bee
Eater (Merops phillipinus) and all these are not protected under the Wildlife
Protection Ordinance 1990.

c) Human Environment

The relevant 4 longhouses located within 3-km radius of the proposed Project are 1)
Rh. Lanting Ak Bangku, 2) Rh. Edward, 3) Rh. Mabong Ak Sagai, and 4) Rh. Bayang
Ak Maga) comprises of a total of 86 doors and a total population of approximately
416 people. The population is culturally mixed, predominantly Ibans, Chinese and

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang
Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia EIA Report

Malays. Based on the recent surveys, about 61.3% of the sampled population were
young people at the age group of 18 years old and below.

During the socio-econnomy survey, it was found that there was no medical clinic at
the proposed Project Site. In fact, there is a Health Clinic (Klinik Kesihatan Julau)
located in Julau town which is about 4.5 km away from the proposed Project Site.
This clinic serves and caters for the minor medical needs of the local people and
nearby rural residents, mainly from Entabai. For more severe medical conditions,
they would seek medical attention at Sibu General Hospital, which is about 60 km
away from Julau.

Several education facilities are found in Julau area including kindergartens, primary
schools, and secondary schools, which serve the local people to pursue their
knowledge and mentality training. In the region under study, there is a secondary
schools (SMK Julau No. 1, Sarikei) serving the communities, which is within 2 km
from the proposed project site.

About 58% of population who were in the age group of 19-65 years old involved in
small-scaled farming. The remaining, especially the educated and the younger
members of the communities were engaged in daily-paid jobs, served in government
sectors, employed by private firms, operating small businesses, and worked as
manual labourers on contract or daily paid basis.

Julau town and its vicinity areas are served with potable water. Among four of the
surveyed longhouses (Rh. Lanting Ak. Bangku, Rh. Edward, Rh. Mabong Ak. Sagai,
Rh. Bayang Ak. Maga.) located in the vicinity of Project Site, all of them are
connected to the electricity supply by Sesco. Telekom Malaysia Bhd’s fixed lined
telecommunication service is not available at those longhouses except Rh. Banyang
Ak. Maga. In Rh. Bayang, not all of the households were subscribing the in-house
telephone utility, however quite plenty of the households tend to subscribe prepaid
mobile services. There is no public telephone service to the longhouses.


The development of the proposed project is predicted to generate both positive and
negative environmental impacts. The potential adverse environmental associated
with the implementation of the project are the loss of vegetation cover and
associated habitats, soil erosion, additional traffic and changes in ambient air and
water quality. On the other hand, the positive impacts associated with the successful
implementation of the project would include:

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang
Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia EIA Report

Facilitating the decentralisation of urban development;

Educational facilities to cater for the national secondary education capacity and
Additional employment/business opportunities for the construction sector; and
Optimal utilisation of existing resources.

Primary activities associated with the implementation of the project, together with
their potential impacts and mitigation measures are shown in Table 1.


The environmental impacts that may persist after the implementation of the
mitigation measures recommended in the EIA report are classified as residual
impacts. The anticipated residual impacts are predicted to be insignificant, which
include the permanent loss of vegetation cover and associated habitat, general
increase in traffic and noise levels, and changes in ambient air and surface water


The EIA study has established that the project can be implemented and occupied in
an environmentally sound manner. Therefore, it is recommended that the project
proponent, Ministry of Education, to be granted all the necessary environmental
approval to continue with the development of the Project.

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
EIA Report

Table 1: Summary of Project Activities, Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measurement

Project Nature of Impact
Cause of Impact Mitigation Measurement
Activity Adverse Impact Beneficial Impact
Investigation Stage
Felling of trees and None Short-term employment  None, not necessary
clearing of undergrowth
along traverse route.
Development Stage
Site Loss of vegetation cover  Loss of habitats  Phasing the development.
Preparation:  Generation of bio-waste.  Construction of concrete retaining walls
Site Clearing,  Soil erosion along platform’s perimeter and areas
Earthwork  Localised flooding prone to severe erosion.
 Dust generation  Channeling of surface runoffs to network
 Additional traffic nuisance & of internal drains.
hazards to other road users.  Limit construction traffic to off-peak
Construction of Excavation, Piling,  Additional traffic Increase in commercial activities  Transportation of materials during off-
Infrastructures Concreting, Pipe Laying  Soil erosion and job opportunities peak hours only.
and Surfacing of internal  Elevation of noise level  Surface runoffs must be channelled to
roads  Health & safety of workers the internal drain network..
 Immediate re-vegetation on exposed soil
 Good housekeeping and regular
maintenance of machinery and
equipments during construction

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
EIA Report

Nature of Impact
Project Activity Cause of Impact Mitigation Measurement
Adverse Impact Beneficial Impact
Development Stage
Mobilization Mobilization activities  Traffic congestion Short-term employment  Mobilization activities are conducted during
 Smoke and noise daytime only and vehicles used should be
 Safety of the public regularly maintained.
 Station relevant personnel at strategic locations
to guide/control traffic.

Establishment of Soil waste, engine oil, fuel  Breeding ground for pest/disease  Provide rubbish bins and arrange regular
workers camp(s) and lubricants vectors. disposal.
 Water contamination,  Proper handling of used oil and grease.
deterioration in water quality in  Provide pour-flour toilet.
receiving streams.

General Actual development  Same as for the construction of Increase in commercial activities and  Same as for the construction of infrastructure
construction infrastructure above job opportunities. above, plus the following additional measures:
 Workers should be equipped with relevant
personal safety equipment.
 Adequate screening of foreign workers.
 To comply with the Occupational Safety and
Health Act 1994.

Disposal of Construction wastes  Aesthetically unacceptable  Optimal use of construction materials.

construction  Contamination and clogging of  Provision of adequate waste receptacles.
wastes drains and streams  Open burning permit/approval must be obtained
 Safety hazards from NREB (if burning is an option).

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Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
EIA Report

Nature of Impact
Project Activity Cause of Impact Mitigation Measurement
Adverse Impact Beneficial Impact
Development Stage
Landscaping Modification of the  Aesthetically unacceptable A ready market for  Project must be implemented in phases.
landscape due to earthworks  Soil erosion landscape materials  The layout design must take into consideration
and site clearing matters related to aesthetic aspects.
 Landscaping activities must be a continual
activity; integral part of the construction
Occupational Stage
Occupational of Transportation of household  Accidental dislodging of load from  Ensure vehicles are not overloaded.
Commercial units items moving vehicles  Transport household items and personal effects
during peak-hours.
Solid waste Solid waste  Deterioration of surface quality of nearby  Provide adequate units of purpose-built waste
collection and watercourses. receptacles and arrange for regular disposal at
disposal  Breeding ground for disease vectors approved dumpsites.
 The compactors must be regularly serviced.

Sewage Sewage sludge  Odor or smell  The centralize sewage treatment system must be
generation and  Deterioration in surface water quality of in compliance with the requirements of the
discharge nearby watercourses. local authority.
 Regular de-sludging of sewage system, e.g. at
least once every two years.
 Incorporate preventive maintenance.
 Disposal of sewage sludge at approved
municipal sites.

ABC Sdn Bhd xvii

Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Pendidikan Bagi SMK Julau NO.2, (30BD) Di Atas Lot 353, Block 3, Jikang Land District, Sarawak Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
EIA Report

Nature of Impact
Project Activity Cause of Impact Mitigation Measurement
Adverse Impact Beneficial Impact
Occupational Stage
Traffic The residents plying along  Additional traffic Improvement in services  Not necessary since the additional traffic
generation access route to-and-from the generated by project activities will not
project site seriously affect the Level of Service along
Julau Feeder Road.
Maintenance of Maintenance activities  Not anticipated Additional employment  Maintenance personnel must be briefed on the
utilities, opportunities. safety procedures and equipped with
amenities and personal protective equipment.
services  Provision of warning signs along public
 Site supervisors must be well trained,
qualified and experienced.
Project Abandoned buildings and  Potential site for illegal activities  All machinery and physical structures must be
abandonment equipment removed from site.
 Exposed areas must be re-vegetated with
indigenous species.
 Construction wastes must be disposed off at
approved disposal sites.

ABC Sdn Bhd xvii


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